Joe Biden Stutter, Erykah Badu Incense, Gayle King Backlash and more.

Published Feb 7, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! This show is jumpin' off, poppin' off and we about to get off. It's an off day, but we workin'! Joe Biden overcomes stuttering. Snoop Dogg goes in on Gayle King. Erykah Badu is releasing incense that smells like her lady parts. Whoopi Goldberg's California cannabis business shuts down. Are Valentine's cockroaches and rats named after an ex-lover right or wrong? Steve has a major key for Sand and Soul 2020. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about letting Gayle King grow from this experience and more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all all suit looking back to back down, giving them mo like the milking buck things in the cubs. Stop me true good it string to the movie to other studley, I don't join join me to be doing me. You gotta turn hurt you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your fad uh huh. I'll show widow good morning. Everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay. I want to share something with you that I had to come to the realization one time, and even in the reinvention of myself right now, I've had to come to that and I want to share it with you today. Give it to you. I want to tell you about something that a lot of people do in their life and I want you to be aware of it. Here it is, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know I said, don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong. You know. The reason I'm saying this is because people have a tendency to once they make a decision about something, or once they decide to go a certain path, they go against all everything, anything anybody says, anything anybody might do, any other ruling they may come across. They shun advice, they don't listen to counsel. They just I made the decision. I'm gonna do it anyway. Don't get stuck on yourself. You could be wrong, you know. Now here's a sure fire way to tell if you're wrong. If you don't see any movement in the direction you've chosen, if you don't see anything going right in that decision, if you feel as though you're interrupt if the wall you're climbing seems so insurmountable that you ain't even moving an inch, and every time you turn around you keep getting knocked by down, knocked back down. Don't get stuck on yourself. You know you could be wrong. You know. See, that's why it's important for people to always be open to the reinvention of yourself. You know, you cannot be afraid to reinvent yourself. In other words, you can't be afraid to change. Change is necessary when it comes to growth. There is no growth without change. The more you know, the older you look. That is no growth without change. If you're heading in a direction, it ain't nothing going right in your life. Could it be the wrong direction. If you're climbing and you're making no headway, could it be the wrong direction? Could you have possibly made the wrong choice. Don't get stuck on yourself because you didn't made the wrong self. It's okay to forgive yourself. It's okay to let yourself off the hook. It's even smarter sometimes to admit that you were wrong. You ever met somebody ain't ever wrong. Have you ever met somebody you talk to? They ain't ever wrong about nothing? Man, They just it's their way or the highway. It's this is my way, this is the I know people like that, stuck on them power trips and all like that. You know what I had to learn how to do. I had to learn how to let them go on them powered trips. But listen to this. Though you're not taking me on that trip. Though you're going on that trip by yourself, I'm going in the right direction. I've decided to stop the way. Okay, listen to this, this person, this person, I decided to stop doing business. The way I was doing business. I decided to stop to allow business being done around me the way business was being done around me. You know what, you know, the best decision I made was to allow for God to have some say so and to offer me his direction. I have found him to be a better driver than anyone else I know. I have found him to know more about the man he made than anybody else who's merely associating with me. I have found it to be a fact that my maker knows more about the vehicle he created than does anybody else. If you if your Chevy break don't you take it to Chevy. You don't take your Forward when it break down to a Toyota dealership. They not gonna know everything that the Forward dealership would know about the vehicle. You know why, because they're not the maker of it. So now, why are you litting you letting your life being led, controlled and guided by somebody other than your maker. I'm just asking you to let's all take a common sense look at this. So, if going to your maker's the best way, the best decision I made in my business was take over my brand myself, and to allow the maker of this brand see without God I'm none of this. I'm none of this. I want you to clearly understand I ain't none of this without him. I wish I could have the guts to reach back there and pat myself on the back for what I've accomplished in my life. I wish I had the guts. I wish the nerve of me because I know for or fact that there is no way that I could have manufactured the life that I have. I could not even have thought of it. It's no way I could have told you that this was the route I was gonna take and this outcome because of it. I had no idea, no clue. The one thing I had, though, was an unshakable faith in God. I had an I just kept believing in him. I kept believing that he had something more for me. And then when I touched base with him and asked him to show me what it is what he had for me, Tada, the magic show began. Because you know what he did. He took all my natural abilities that he had given to me, This gift that he gave me, that he poured into me at birth, that same gift that he poured into you at birth. The moment you go to him and let him show you that gift. And then guess what. Once he takes what he naturally put in you and put his super his superpowers on top of that, then you have some supernatural things going on in your life and you may not be feeling me. I'm cool with that, but I didn't have some supernatural things happen to me. Every day I wake up some supernatural the man, the rewards of my life, the awards of my life, the accomplishments, the how I'm working, the how I manage it all, all that ain't none but God. That ain't nothing but God. You can't even explain this schedule to people. Sometimes when people ask me, Steve, how do you do it? I go, well, it's what I manage my time. Then at the end of when I get through, I say, hey, man, you know what I need to tell y'all for real? It's God. I don't really know, but I'm letting him manage me. So he handling it. He ain't gonna put no more of it than I can bear. Listen to me, y'all, don't be afraid to reinvent yourself and remember this. Don't get stuck on yourself because you could be wrong. You know, you absolutely could be wrong. If you don't tie this to your gift, you will be struggling the rest of your life. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, animal trainers, pants, everybody, mechanics need John Divided attention, Steve Harper Martin Show, jumping off, popping off, and it's about to come off. We're about to get off because we are off, but we're working, so we ain't off. It's an off day today, Shirley Strawberry, is this thing on? Good Morning Crazy? Happy Friday? Colin for Rell, what's up? Crew? Happy Friday? King Junior, Morning Up, Morning everybody, Friday, Jay, Gail Brown, Gail Brown, damn everybody be tagged with that enough for life. And Timmy, you got to stay out of this because you on Oakla's network. So Hi, hello everyone, Hello, right out of the way that huh, Yeah, I just thought I thought on out there. Ah, it's Friday. Hey man, President, what a week? Trump speech yesterday after the acquittal. Yeah, man, it's victory speech. This dude right here. He praised Mitch McConnell the amazing job he did. Then he thanked the other he had the other senator or congressman or whatever it was from Utah stand up because he was the better half of Utah instead of Mitt Romney. Man, this dude was he was then talked about because he's the most bitter person, because he's still angry because he ran the worst presidential race in the history of Oh man, this dudes, Donald Trump, He's just the worst one album. Baby. Yeah, he was just mean, he was he was just mean. His speech today, man was so laced with hatred. There was no no hope in it. Oh justus. He was mcconnor upstaged and he got out in front of his victory speech and he hated that more than anything. Mitch mcconnor got out in front of him. And it's just evil. It's an evil person. He called the whole thing bs. But actually, but you know what he was, Oh yeah, he cuts all he can do whatever he wants to do, and the students the most president up doing thinks. And that's what is really troubling about this whole thing, man, because and the Democrats don't know how to play that type of politics. And I'm really afraid for what's going on with the Democratic Party right now. All Right, well, Steve Geez coming up at thirty two after the hour inside of Trending Political News, We're going to talk about Joe Biden. You know, he opened up about how he overcame stuttering. We'll talk about it because Steve, you've mentioned on the show several times that you used to stutter as well when you were young. But Joe Biden talks about it as well. When we come back, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening. Former Vice President Joe Biden discussed how he overcame stuttering at a CNN town hall meeting. Biden told Anderson Cooper that he was embarrassed by his speech impediment while growing up, but eventually came to accept that it wasn't his fault that he couldn't control it. Take a listen. I didn't have professional help, but I had three things going for me. I had a mother who had a backbone like a ramrod. And she looks you go, Joey, look at me, Look at me. Joey. You're handsome, you're smart, you're a good athlete. Joey. Don't let this define you. Joey. Remember who you are. Joey. You can do it. And so every time i'd walk out, she'd reinforce me. I know, I know that sounds silly, but it really matters. The worst thing a parent can do is finish the kids sentence, Mom, want you want what? Don't finish their sentences? Number one. Number two. What I found was I practiced. You know, my colleagues Kidney as you heard about always quoting Irish poets. Well, I had a book of Yates poultry beak, and uncle ed Finnegan loved Yates. And we had a small bedroom with four bunks in it. I mean two bunks, it's four beds. And occasionally he was a traveling salesman. He'd be down in Delaware. He'd sleep with us, and he'd have and I'd get up up in the night, in the middle of the night with a flashlight, and I'd look in the mirror and I would try to memorize what I could in another small book on Emerson quotes. I remember the first one looking in the mirror with a flashlight of my face, because you get embarrassed because you can, you can tort your face, and it's embarrassing. And so I'd stand there and say, meek, young men grow up in libraries believe it in the duties to accept the words of Cistero Bacon the Lock forgetful that Cistero Bacon the Lock are only young men in libraries with themselves themselves, or you know, history teaches is not the hope on this side of the grave. But then once in a lifetime, that long for tidal wave of justice rises up and hope and history rhyme. I would practice and practice and practice because I was determined, determined overcoming. I was led to believe I could, and I basically did, right, and you know that's true, then you do. You can practice yourself out of it. Uh. It's threw me a little bit when he was first talking about it, because he said stuttering as a handicap, and I've never viewed it that way. I thought the handicap was something you were born with, like a disability. I didn't. I've never referred to stuttering as a handicap. I thought that was reserved for people who had disabilities, so to speak up, which is the new term. But you can practice yourself out of it, and stuttering is not because you have a physical defect. Stuttering is all mental. It's all mental and doesn't mean, you're not smart. It has nothing to do with it. The problem, the major problem with stutterers is if they don't talk to a fellow person who has stuttered and overcoming and end up going to physical therapists who have never stuttered, and they give us a to go to these speech therapists who've never stuttered, and they give you these these drills to do, and then they tell you, like, avoid words with P, avoid words that start in ST. Well, my name Steve, Yeah, so what the hell say? So now I'm trying to avoid all words with a P, any word that has ST in it. And man, so now every time I started talking, I'm trying to think of the words I'm posted to stay away from. I said, holder, man, this ain't working because I'm trying to get a positive revolt, positive result with a negative connotation. Don't say this, don't do this, think about this, take their breath now. And so I said, wait a man, Hold, this is not working. And I've taught several boys who have come to my mentoring camp how to stop stuttering. And I told you, man, a few years ago from Chick fil A Ranch, this boy stuttered so bad he came up to me. He said, mister Harvey, my mom told me you used to stutter. I said, stop right there. I said, yes I did. I said, do you want to stop stuttering? He said yes, sir. I said, right after y'all meeting, meet me at the barbershop. We sat in the barbershop. I gave him drills to do. He came back later on that night he told me the drills he was working on. I sent him to his tent, told him to work on these drills. This was Tuesday. On Sunday morning, he gave the class speech to the entire camp of boys. Two hundred and fifty did not stutter one time. His mother stood up in the back and cried the whole time. I've never heard my son, wow, that is And I've helped several boys do that. I helped a couple on my show show who were adult stutterers. And they met at a therapist and they were a black couple, attractive, about twenty seven years old, and both of them studied and I talked to him on my show and they wrote me a letter said, man, thank you so much. Because of you, we don't stutter because you got to talk to somebody who stuttered before, and it's it's it's a hard thing to have. Man. Every now and then, you know, I catch myself doing it, you know, when you got tired or something. Yeah, when I'm tired and I feel a little anxious about something and I just you know, I snap out of it. But it's not. But I wish I had studded when I said will you marry me? Three times? I wish I had studied drinking. That's j Jay. That second time I did stutter when he said do you take I said, I because everything gave me was saying, I don't as out of here somebody, because you ain't got no place to stay. Well, yeah, all right, coming that ain't gonna get him elected. Real good story, but it ain't gonna get him elected. He damn some stuttering in the pose. That's the damn. Oh my god, what did say something? I think we can all agree to that, but a debater, yes, coming up next, the nephew Tommy. We've run that prank back. That's right after this. You're listening. We're only about a week away from Valentine's and listen, if you still haven't taken advantage of the unbeatable Rose bouquet deals at one eight hundred flowers dot com. I have to ask what are you waiting for? Take care of all your rose needs today with the official floors of Valentine's one eight hundred flowers right now. When you order early, you'll get eighteen red roses for twenty nine ninety nine, or upgrade to twenty four red roses for ten dollars more. To order eighteen red roses for twenty nine ninety nine or upgrade to twenty four red roses for only ten dollars more, go to one eight hundred flowers dot com, click the radio icon and enter code Strawberry. That's one eight hundred flowers dot Com code Strawberry. All right, guys, get ready for this one coming up at the top of the hour. Ericabadiu, Ericabadou. We all know her and love her Steve anyway, Well, she's been working on a new perfume. We'll talk about it, yes, think of you know, let it marinate. Are gonna have some questions about it, but right now, no, that's doing it. Right now. It's time for the nephew to run that frank back right now. Well, here's something that stink gingervitus wait a minute, gervirus. You have it gingervitus. That's the Frank, Let's go cad down. Were running it back. Hello, I'm trying to reach Kelvin Kelvin Davis. Yeah, this is Calvin. Who am I speaking with? How you doing to Calvin? Uh? Let me make sure I got the right Kelvin Kelvin? You you um at the job? You work on the fourth floor? Right, Yeah, I work on the fourth floor. Are you in the cubicle next to Randy? Yeah? A matter of fact, I am. But who am I? Who am I speaking with? Well, I'm not at liberty to give my name right now, but I'm bringing some news from the job that I think you might want to Uh. You know, this is some news I think that you would probably want to know. And I'm just let's just say, I'm I'm an employee from another floor and I got I got wind of what was going on on the fourth floor, and I wanted to, you know, I wanted to. I wanted to bring it to your attention because I think on your floor, nobody's bringing this to your attention. Okay, so let me get this straight. You can't tell me your name, but you work on the floor below me. Do you know me? I've seen you before, I've seen you before. Okay, no, no, no, no no no, do you know me? I mean I don't know you know? So no, let me let me Okay, So how did you How did you get to so called being the spokesperson for people who work with me? Hey? Man, Like I say, I just wanted to give you the news because the whole fourth floor is gossiping about you and nobody's telling you what's going on. Okay, So obviously the gossip rees about me has gotten to you on the third floor, and now you are coming to be my deliverer, so to speak. I'm just a guy. I'm just a guy bringing you some news. Man, I'm just here. Let me let me ask you this bro. Are you? Are you plousing at night? And what business is that of yours? But I'm just I'm just asking are you flossing that name? Do you floss on a regular basis? Yeah? I floss on a regular basis. What's that got to do with the price of t and channing? Okay, when's the last time you've been to the dentist? Man? Who the hell are you? Let me tell you, to be honest, what you make. My problem is not really what you I'm really upset with the people on the floor that's not telling you. But you know why, why can't you talking to them? But the problem is, man, is that is that they're talking about you and they're not telling you what your issue is. So let's get to the issue at hand. So you are flossing, You are flowsing, that's what you're saying, Damn straight out flaws. Okay, are you brushing your tongue? Come on now, you don't have to You don't have to question me about my hygienic makeup. You don't know me, you have never talked to me. But you're gonna side with a bunch of folks that think I'm not I'm not siding with him, brother, I'm not siding with him, but he man on their behalf. You're siding with them. Okay, ke Man kill Keen. Really, you don't even know me and you're gonna approach me like this. So Kevin, they think you have ginger vider. Oh, I mean you when you go to your dinners, are y'all cleaning below your gums? Dude to Dennists, do what you do. And I'm laying there with my mouth wide open, and I go more than in every six months. So what the hell are you talking about? Well, okay, something is wrong, okay, And everybody's saying that it is you, is your breath, that's that's just you know, they're saying they love in the fourth floor to go down to the lobby just to get some fresh air. Because well, if this is what I want you to do, since you speaking on their behalf, tell every one of them sorry soul and souls that if they got a problem with me, they need to come approach me, and then if it's that bad, I'll blow my stink as breath in their face. Bring it off, because this conversation with you is really way off face because you have no business calling me telling me because they say, can I give you some some some items to mix together for you to gargle with later tonight? So you work, you work in the building. But now you're dentist man. You know what this is bull And we're gonna settle this tomorrow first thing in the morning, when I matter of fact, I'm gonna go to the full flow and wait for all these sorry soul and souls they come up there who's been talking about me behind my back? And guess what you invited to the party? Two player, since you're gonna be their representative, each one of them lying back is when they get in there. As far as I'm concerned, when tomorrow get here, it's gonna be as warping and if you walk some of it show up. Sent you the representative, but you will get you do you do you? Do you think it could be some cavities or something? Do you think you may give the cavity my foot in your having as this is what it's gonna be. And whoever else you want to try to take it out, they gonna get it in the ass. So guess what it's on tomorrow? I know I ain't got ginger. Are you only brushing in the morning when you leave for work or you only bring you? Have you not understood me? Don't keep questioning me. You can question me tomorrow after I will and yours? Can you bring? Can you bring? Why did you try to do? Why'd you do me this way? Then I tell you? Then I tell you? Can you bring? Can you bring your toothbrush? Tomorrow? Can you bring your tooth brush? It's five fingers on my toothbrush. I bring them. They be balled up and you will get to mister cleaning that you ain't never thought you would get from a didist. Okay, they just don't. Got man. Hey, hey, bro, Bro, calm calm down. Man, just calm down. We're trying to get to We're trying to fix the problem. Just gonna fix the problem. Kevin, you kicking ask is not gonna change your breath. I ain't gonna worry about it. Well that's what no line jokers. I'm down there and sit in your cubicle. All right. So do you you you? I mean, do you want to know who? Who? Who? Put this out there? I want you to know me when you see me tomorrow. Go ahead and lay it out from me. Tell me. So, this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Randy got me the prank phone call you man, you know what you almost tanted me to say something. You are linded to me like that? Yeah, got you wait twice Randy in the morning. You wait classing him? All right, man, give it. Tell me this twenty twenty baby, tell me what it is the badest, and I mean the badest radio show in the land without a doubt. Man, the gotta be next you Tommy and the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Give it tell me danger virus. Yes, yes, you just want to put that out there. Let me put this out there. I gotta put something out there. BCQ Black Colleagues Quiz is I got my my brand new season is starting tomorrow seven am on Bounce. You gotta catch it. You see all these incredible students out of college. They are competing for prizes and money BCQ Black College Quiz Show, and you can learn yourself some Black history right here in the middle of Black History Month. That's how we jumping in off tomorrow morning. BCQ on't bounce seven eight m Central. Catch you. Boy Lord Ambert's I got two TV show. Won't he do it? Won't he do it? Yes? He will? All right, thinking nephew. Erica Badu's new perfume. We'll talk about it right after this. Yeah, you're listening to morning show. Well, guys, Erica Badu is going to release a perfume or incest incense products that smell like her lady parts. Okay, it's been rumored that Erica's lady parts have superpower and they have it has changed men's lives. So Jamesony Brown is here? Whatever you hold? Wait, I just pulled the story up. Are you serious? Wait a minute. Yeah, she has a perfume that's gonna smell like her vagina. Yes, So who's gonna put that on them? Who gonna all up on your neck? Who are in that? Whoever minds it? And what are you gonna playing that at the house? That on your neck? Yeah? Anybody coming home like that? Who cookie is this here? What is the name of it? It's Erica? Excuse me? So you no, I'm not messing with her. This this she on me? What do you mean she's on you? Her? Who've been sitting on your shoulder? Steve? She wasn't sitting on it. It was just her sent It's only okay, So she ain't been nowhere, n you but her sin all over you? That what you're saying? See it come in a bottom? What you look like? What the bottle looked like? Well, it's it's a fat bottom. They have been to putting this story in there. But that's news. I mean, it's actually coming out. Oh, let me ask you a question, though, never is it gonna be seven days out the month? That you shouldn't wear. Okay, enough, Oh my god, let me ask you another question. Is it any man that's working at the factory that's making it? Because you ain't gonna be you can't go home smelling like work? What is that on you? Baby? That's work. I've been putting in work. That's all that's is on me is work? What what somebody say to you? Girl? Girl? What is that perfume you wearing? That ain't perfume? That's me. You need to do something with that. Then we got to come up with a name for it too. We're gonna call it. We're gonna call it a name. Well, I'm gonna give it a new name. It's gonna be called not tonight. What's the name of it? Ain't what I think it is? The yea? Yeah, you kidding me. It's the name of it. So other women supposed to buy this? Yeah, okay, Shirley, call what y'all we is? No when you when let's splash a pe or you wouldn't linking? No, no, No, I'm good. I have my own I have I do have a question. I have a question. If you mix that that perfume with white diamond, I mean Damn, what is that? What what you smell that? Okay, you guys are assuming it sounds like to me that this won't won't be a pleasant smell. Well, I have a wait. What's your question? Jay? My question is is this is this? Okay? How I know how you're gonna put it? Is this old or young? Exactly? Difference? Difference? And before I didn't say that, sh I'm gonna bout y'all so not to put it on put it on cztans it might be a big seller, because I'm gonna tell you something, every man in here has said, girl, if you could put that in a jaw what man answering with? Girl? If you could put that in a jaw so I could take it to work with me man. And you know what, Shirley and Carlin, I don't like the fact that y'all, y'all, y'all report, y'all report the story and then offend it. And they don't want it, don't want us to talk about I can't believe y'all said that you know what we do? Your whole heart very immature? You know that? Still? Are y'all gonna accept the bottle a p by y'all Sully, I don't have to be mature. Is there used by date on the bottom? I mean, I need to know that this despising DC you go, this thing's gonna get the smelling bad after that. It's coming out to them. Take your bottle up of Erica, Erica by dude, p to death your life. I know I'm gonna grab it, though. I bet the president of a commercial ter b Donald Trump, grabs the bob. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we're gonna talk more about Gail King, Snoop Dogg backlash and all the drama surrounding this. Right after this, you're listening to show, all right, So we talked about this yesterday and the backlash continues for Gail King. Now. We previously reported during an interview with w NBA player Lisa Leslie about the legacy of her friend Kobe Bryant, Gail brought up a sensitive subject, Kobe's two thousand and three rape charge. People, celebrities, everybody, people like Snoop Dogg, like fifty cents said the question wasn't sensitive and inappropriate. We said it here on the show. Well, Snoop went in on Gail on social media. Take a listen to just sump of Snoop's response, we can't play at all. Here we go, Gail king out of pocket for that way out of pocket? What do you gain from that? I swear to God, we're the worst, We're the worst. We expect more from you, Gail. Don't you hang out with Oprah? Why y'all attacking us? We your people. You ain't coming after Harvey Weinstein asking them dumb ask questions. I get sick of y'all. I want to call you one. Is it okay if I call him one funky dog hidden? How dare you trying to tornch my hall voice, reputation, Pope, respect the family and back off. He went into, yeah, you know you gotta have that. There's a way to say. I'll say this though. Here is the here's the truth of the matter. We are when it comes to Twitter, social media, we are so harsh to one another. We jump on each other man like like we have no no bearing on each other. It's it's like it's almost like, man, we never cared about anybody for any reason. And it goes both ways. You know, Look, Kobe did a lot of great things in his life. The majority of it was good stuff. He turned into a great husband. He was a fabulous father. Everybody make mistakes. There ain't a living soul that ain't made a mistake. That's not a living soul that does not require forgiveness. And if you live another day, you'll probably need it tomorrow. Yeah, So that part of it is we get so self right and just and just indignant with one another soon as somebody make us stumble. And then here's a deal. You So a person can't recover from any mistakes, you're hailed two with the rest of your life. That's the unfanness all day. Yeah, well, very good, and we move on. Um. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more on this Gail King's story right after this. You're listening too well. As we mentioned earlier and yesterday as well, Gail King is still facing backlash for her interview with Lisa Leslie. She asked, Lisa, you know just about her relationship with Kobe. She also brought up Kobe's charge back in two thousand and three. The backlash from Snoop Dogg, from fifty cent and Little Boosey was swift and heavy, and it was strong too. I mean, you know, just like you you mentioned earlier, Steve, it was it was harsh. I mean we all felt, um, you know, the pain and the shock of his of his death. But wow, uh, you know, Gail went on social media today or yesterday it was, and she's still on there talking about she was how angry she was at CBS for putting that out there and just taking that snippet of the entire interview. Well, CBS has responded, saying an excerpt from the interview that was posted did not reflect the nature and tone of the interview. We are addressed, We have addressed this and the internal process and changes have been made. That's what CBS said. Because Gail was livid about them releasing just that part of it. Well, and you know, in the backlash, they knew what they were doing. Yeah. They that social media reads and thrives on sensationalism. Yeah, and they picked the most sense, nationalized, hot, bad topic that they could to get eyeballs on their site. Mission to concorrect. That's what they did. They don't give a damn about us. They care about money. Let me tell y'all something about Hollywood. Hollywood got two gods in it, laughter and money. Nothing supersedes that. They don't care about telling your cultural stories, none of that. They first if they can make money laughing comedy, that's first. But nothing supersedes making money in Hollywood. Not your faith, not your religion, not your culture or kenn about telling your stories. They don't care, and they will do whatever they can, including social media, to draw eyeballs and get because let me tell you something, they got so many views on that thing right there, and that was the intent of it, and they didn't give a damn what it costs Gail King. They don't give a damn. Yeah, yeah, she was a pawn in that. Now they trying to apologize, but you know why they trying to apologize because they listen to me, Gail King is not making up this interview as she goes along. She's got a series of quesgment producers and all of that questions. Yes, it's prepared, yeah, yeah, trust she's not winging him right right now? Now? Should she have rethought that question? Oh? I promise you she what she does. Oh yeah, especially with the back so uncomfortable just even answering those questions. You know, man, But you know what, don't see you got to as we have got to look, I've been caught saying things over the years that I wish to God I could get back, but in the moment and you just can't get it back. But some stuff, some stuff, man, is so crazy that you got to go, wait a minute, man, what am I saying here? And I think the part that got Gail backed up the most on it was after Lisa Leslie made the comment that she made. I think what got Gail when she said I didn't know that about She said, well, you wouldn't know, and that right there was denial about who he was. That's what I think tick tick scale. And because it's social media, they put it on. Now you got to deal with these cats that live on social media. And they're different, man, They're different. They're not damn. They ain't got no rules, social boy, social media has no rules. And once it's on social media, this one, she's taken a real one on this one. I just wish she had thought about it, you know, the insensitivity of it all, you know, Yeah, I know. Yeah, all right, we're gonna switch gears here, Nephew, Tommy is gonna be in with his prank phone call. I'm talking again. Yeah, Okay, come on, you're listening to coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today subject my man has one tiny flaw. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nef. I love your wife more than you do. Man, needs to know. You need to know that this show is it. Man, I'm gonna get a polocy Okay, okay, so you know it's time. You're gonna let you know how I feel. I decided to call you today and tell you how it's going. There. Let's go catch off. I love your wife morning mute. Hello, Hey, I'm trying to I'm trying to reach trade this track. Who is this? Hey? Trade? How you're doing? Man? This is Milton. I work with your wife, Teresa. Milton. Yeah. Yeah, you probably heard of me before. I've been I've been at the job probably about five years now. Chere she ever mentioned me? No, No, I didn't even know, Milton. What's going on? Everything cool? They Yeah, Yeah, everything's good. Everything's good. Hey, listen, um, I wanted to have a conversation with you. Man. I don't really know how to spring this on you or whatever. But um, like I said, I've been working at the spot for five years and I've been on Teresa probably like around three. And I guess what I really want to say is that I didn't I didn't gain some feelings for Teresa and wolo. Hold on, man, hold on, hold on. You're calling me and you're telling me right now you have feelings from my wife who you work with, and you Teresa, because that isn't my wife. You have feelings for my wife? Is that correct? Yeah? You know it took me a while to come forward and say this, but I you know I'm man enough now that I feel like men, you need to talk about it. Bro, Have you lost your mind? No? No, I haven't. No, listen, I'm just letting you know. Today is the day and I decided I'm not carrying this way on my shoulders no more. I'm getting it off for me, all right. And at the end of the day, I love your wife more than you do. What you say, I love your wife more than you do. Bro. So you how long you've been loving my wife? You tell me how long you've been loving how long? How long you feel that you have been in love? With my wife. I mean, I'm looking at I know, I know, I know at least too because my wife even know this. I mean, I'm I'm sure she's or wherever to a certain extent, to a certain extent, what was what? How certain of the extent are we talking? I mean, you know, when we go to long together, she you know, I mean, I'm sure she know, y'all, y'all we're going to lunch together. How long y'all been going to lunch together? Bro, We've been going to lunch together at least at least two and am years. I mean, we go to lunch together almost every day. And we might miss the day if she go with the girls and I go with the fellas, so be it. But for the most part, me and up, me and up pretty much at lunch together. Yeah, I need that sweet eyes. Bro stayed hell away from my wife. Bro. I needed to back up. Ain't no more, no no, no no, Bro, because you you talked enough that if you'ren't talked enough, ain't no more in love, ain't no more steak. You need to stay this back, period, stay the back, man. I don't want to hear none of that, nothing, nothing, nothing at all. Because come home. We don't listen, listen, I know all about you, tray everything about it, all right, I already know how can treat her. All right. I'm hot, ro I'm feeling like a strong sensation right now because I really want to reach the phone and just break your neck right now. That's what I really want to do. They do, That's what I really want to do. And what was my wife talking about business? Outside about ro phole? That's what I'm trying to figure out. Hey, all I'm saying is when we go to lunch, she let me know how she's feeling. She let me know what she's going through. She let me know all that. I stop stop with that lunch. Bro. I don't want to hear another damn thing about lunch. Bro. Ain't no more lunches from here on. That Bro, I'm calling me talking about people in love with my wife, people taking what is I'm minted. I'm milted you man, man, listen, calm down with all that energy you got going on like you're gonna do something you I'm trying to You're not down what you got. You're not gonna do nothing you right now. But I'm my keys right now somewhere you have right right now, bro, right now? So so how about how about when you got laid off, when you was off for six months and she was caring all the all the way and paying all the fields. You ain't you? All right? Bet? Since you know, since you know everything, I bet you know I gotta go too. So all you need to know is all you need to know is bro, get dumb. Bro, you're dumb? Brook down, Bro. You know what we talk about that he went the wife say that he loves talking about lunch. So the hell up. While we are, you can thank me for the for the suit that you got for Christmas. You can thank me for that I picked it out and I paid for it. Okay, word, okay, cool, cool, cool, all right cool? Let me go in this closet right now, right now? All right. You're talking about the great suits, the three peaks, that's what you talk about it. He's got the great bulls right here with this bull Jesus, anyway, I don't like this. Nine. You don't like to shoot. You don't want to suit three times nine. You don't like we don't told me at lunch when you don't want to shoop? Who dude, I swear to God, bro, I swear to God. I need to talk to my wife. Man, I need to talk to my wife. I need to talk to my wife because I hey, man, listen, you know what I just couldn't hold. It's back. No more me living behind in the shadows. But I'm over here kicking money out to Teresa when she needed. Why you was laid off, I'm helping her out. I'm going. You know I'm doing I'm doing too much on money. So you was getting the money. You're kicking the money when I was laid off. You're kicking the money, dude. Somebody had to step up man to me, and Teresa's tight, so you know, I just try to step in and help an out. So you're giving my wife money? What are you saying? Do you want to make you feel better about the whole thing? You want to make you feel better? You ain't need to make me feel better about, man. All want you was talking to my wife. All I gotta do is talk to my wife. Bro. That's that's fine. But can I say something to make you feel better? What I'm gonna say this till you trade. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey more on this show. Your wife Teresa gotten me to prank phone call you wait what hey, this is Tommy Man. This Nephew Times Steve Harvey Morning Show. You want to Steve Harvey Show. Bro, Bro, you got the same getting it, bro, Bro, don't do that. Bro. You gotta stop that. Tommy, Come on now, come on, you gotta stop. My heart is braking. I'm sweating. Oh now, hey, I gotta ask you this. It's twenty twenty. You gotta tell me this. You gotta tell me what it is. The fanest and I mean the fanest radio show in the land. It's a Steve Harvey Morty show. Gotta I think I think that man, I went too far with you. You went snoop though, which I'm not sounded like he's like he was. He was on the brink of crime. And let me pull up, Let me pull up, Let me up. But one more time, though, I love your wife, MOI at want to When a man is about to cry, you get the joke in to stop the joke. If you're telling the man something about his wife. Yeah, and he started crying, let me explain some teeth. You need to clear the room cost through them. Tears. He fit to be something else for hey dog, Hey dog, but crying and people watching. You haven't seen Bruce Brandon turning to the hall. Oh that's right there. Comedy Live Fast February fourteen, fifteenth and sixteenth. That's me. Deln Cole said you to entertain the deal Hugi and Earthquake February fourteen. We will be in Cleveland, Ohio. The fifteenth Cincinnati, Ohio, and the sixteenth Memphis Tenner See Marge fourteenth and Nephew is coming to Montgomery, Alabama, to Montgomery Performing out Center. The tickets on sale right now and tomorrow morning. BACQ Black College Quiz is back all new season on Bounce Slarge tomorrow at seven o'clock in the morning on Saturday. Make sure your kids give me black history on Come hang out with the nephew. All right, thank you, Nephew. Coming up next Strawberry Letters subject my man has one tiny flaw. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter. Okay, we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here. That's for you, right, No, buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here it is draw up every letter all right. First, let's do a disclaimer on this one. If you do have a small children and you think they might be asking questions about what's going on exactly, and shut it down. All right. That was my disclaimer. Thank you, guys. Uh subjects. My man has one tiny flaw. Dear Stephen Shirley. I met a very handsome man a year ago. In the beginning, things seemed perfect. He has a great job in his own house in a very nice neighborhood. He's a great father to his children, and he and his ex wife are good friends. He says he would love to have more children, so that was big for me because I want kids someday. I wanted us to take things slowly and get to know each other before we had sex, so our connection would be stronger. We had sex after we've been dating for four months, and it was horrible. He proudly got undressed and I was excited to see all of him for the first time. Well, let's just say that I wasn't excited for long. I could barely see it, but I kept an up but I kept an optimistic attitude and hoped that it would magically inflate and get the job done. I could tell he was trying to overcompensate for it being so tiny, but it did not work. I faked it the first time because it was so awkward. I'm still faking it to this day, and I'm tired of playing these games in the bedroom. I'm not satisfied, but he doesn't know it. He has a great guy. He's a great guy, but this sort of this is sort of a deal breaker for me. I'm not sure how his wife put up with it, and I'm not sure how he was able to make kids with that little thing. He says he doesn't want anyone but me, so I need to let know that I've been thinking it and ask him if there's any way he can make sex better for me. Some of my friends say that no man is perfect and I have to take the good with the bad. I have other friends that tell me to leave tiny man alone and find a man that is perfect for me, he's almost perfect. What should I do? Well, you know, there's no one perfect. He's not perfect, and certainly you're not perfect, and almost perfect is sometimes really pretty good. But you have to decide what you can deal with and what you can't deal with. And it sounds like you've decided that you've decided that his size or his lack thereof, we should say that it really matters. You said that it's sort of a deal breaker. But I got to ask you, is it really? Is it really? I mean I think you need to come clean with him, like you said, and you know, tell him your situation and see if there's anything he can do to make sex better for you. I mean, if he's a good man and he says he wants only you, and if he wants only you and wants to please you and keep you, maybe you guys can work it out. Maybe there's something you guys can do to work the situation out. Um, Remember, everybody has everybody harder here sell maybe you can maybe there's something he can do. Uh, you know, I mean everybody has something. Everybody has something. Everybody has some kind of flaws, some kind of issues, some kind of shortcome well, I don't want to say I don't want to say that that makes yeah, I don't want to say that, uh you know, something that makes them in perfect. So I say, if he's good to you in other ways, I mean, let that compensate, you know, for his small uh penis Um, I agree with your friends. I just do you know, No, no one's perfect. Sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. Steve, this is gonna be a hard one for me to do because I am no nothing reference, no, never heard this not be a problem. I took my clothes off pretty proud I'm talking about. I don't have some people crawling back up against the head. Boy. Who where you going? Yea, So here we go. My man has one tiny flow. Now she met this man by the year ago. Now he seemed perfect, got a great job, got his own house in a nice neighborhood. He's a great father to his children, and his ex wife are good friends. Okay, right, here's where the letters starts to give away tale tale sign. I'm not good friends with none of my exes because breaking up with me may have been the best thing for us relationship. Yeah, but you're gonna suffer because my nickname on my TV show with Big Daddy. Once Big Daddy leaves, there's an anger that comes with that, and so therefore I am not gonna be able to relate to this man with this tiny flaw. The reason him and his ex wife is good friends called She'll miss nothing. Oh hey, I had to have you know the name? You know, hey, because you can be that way when you see somebody that was bringing it, when you see somebody that would frying to break it. Yeah, somebody that was in that making potato chips. Yeah, somebody that was poured in the water on the rice Christians snap cracker. When you see him and you know he was somebody else, DA's an angle. But if he ain't did nothing, you don't miss him. Hey, how are you doing? I bring the kids over, They miss you. Go see your daddy. All that thought, Steve's all it is is your daddy. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up to twenty three minutes after the hour, subject my man has one tiny flow. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. We gotta go with a disclaimer on this one, though. Go ahead, Jay and Tommy with your disclaimer. You do me, do it, Okay, get your ass out of here. I'm gonna talk some brown folks out. Close the damn door room all the way. I ain't there's a man in the car. This lady had been dating this man for about a year, and he says he's loved to have more children his ex wife. They're good friends because he and she don't miss him. Oh then he said I want kids one day. Uh you know, she said she wanted us take things slow, get to each other. So they well, you know, they have sex after they've been dating for foremost and it was horrible. He probably got undressed. I was excited to see all of him for the first time. Well, let's just say I wasn't excited for long because I could badly see it. Now right there, we have a problem. You could badly see it. Unlike the late great Bernie Mack, who had a joke that said he pulled himself out one time and the whole rule got dark. So obviously this ain't the problem. But I kept an optimistic attitude and hope that it would magically inflate and get the job done. I could tell he was trying to overcompensate for being so tiny. Now, let's talk about this line right here. I could tell he was trying to overcompensate. What does a man have to do when you don't have enough tool to get the job done? I'm assuming let me see, did he try to hypnotize you? Did he pull a pocket watch out and go, you're getting sleep? He's getting big? Was he doing extra hollery? Oh? Yes, I know ablem bringing girl. What you talking about? Whoa? This is all you ever wanted? Extra holiday? Yeah? Did you? Did you want to why he was working with his little self that at any point? Did he hang you a magnifying glass? Go? Did you notice on the side of the bed a little hour glass that's an egg timer? I'm just trying to figure out what he did to overcompensate, And so now it leads me to wonder, what should you do now? Your girlfriend say, now you taught you've been faking it to this day, and you tire of playing these games in bed room. I'm not satisfied. But he don't know it. Now. He's a great guy, but this is a deal breaker for me. Then she said, I'm not sure Highs White put up with it. She didn't. They got a divorce. Yeah, yeah, see you you they divorced. She didn't put up with it. She gonne. And the reason she happy for him because he was a nice guy. That's why they get along. And you probably meet him. She don't care. You got him good. Now it's a couple of things. Oh what, No, Oh, you can't say that. Let me ask something. When he was overcompensating when y'all was making love? Did did he keep saying? Hold out something about to happen. Race yourself, girl, look at him, and maybe the anticipation can hold you. I don't know. I don't know. So I just think that you are in a dilemma. It does seem like a deal breaker. I'm not sure how he was able to make kids with that little thing that ain't got nothing to do with it. The little thing ain't work. It just don't work a lot. And so it's just I don't know what to tell you, lady. I'm kind of but I think what you ought to do is I think you're probably gonna have to break Yeah, probably gonna have to break up because I don't know what you do because you're gonna you're gonna always want that, and then you're gonna mess. I go somewhere and get it, and then you're gonna be having an affair. And he not. And he got wonderfuls he had. But let me tell you something, just gonna leave him. He used to women leaving him. Everyone he'd had and left him. He knows it's coming. He know you're gonna leave. He know post your comments. Every woman he had ever had and walked out of his life. And he knows why. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram. And course you gotta squirt gun and we down here we're in afghanistand and please don't forget to check out on demand coming up at forty six after the hour. WHOOPI Goldberg is out of the weed business. We'll talk about that. I tell you one other thing he did too to over conversate. Can I tell you this one last thing? Yeah? What Steve? He put on ten condom. You're listening, well, guys, in case you're wondering, Whoopy Goldberg is out of the cannabis business. Four years after she and her business partner Maya Elizabeth started Whoopy and Maya that you were pulling the plug on their medical marijuana brand. While no one knows exactly what happened between them, sources say it was a rift between the ladies that causes the minds of the country of the company. According to a board member The High Times Vet brick cusick Uh, they were working hard to save the company, but when Whoopee pulled out, everything went up in smoke. Whoopee released a statements saying, it is with deep regret and sadness I am announcing that I've withdrawn as a board member, manager and member of Whoopee and Maya. I am very proud of what we have accomplished together and look forward to moving ahead with other projects in the market. Well you want to tell you what, man, Yeah, I can tell exactly what happened. Happen. It was Maya and Whoopie, right, Whoopee and Maya. Maya stole so and and Whoopee cuckle punched hand, haul off and stole on our hands. Quo Whoopie did? Was she with wide legged hand and crocs on and blasting her dead and her dawn forward and knock my ass out. Buya was stagging back because she came up to the set at all at all, you know, and the view and that was all the view whipping needed. Just yeah, view this helfer Let's sucker punch to ass knocked my out? Well, thank you for clearing that up. Stick. Yeah, I'm here to fight, you know, I'm But my question is I have a question question how two people working at a weed place don't get a loan? Because how you getting mad when you work at the weed factor? That's what the hell I need to figure out. I've been around weed, and you just you ain't angry at no damn bout it. We're just not. And if you is, you're gonna forget that. What the argument is? Well, now I disagree. I've been around a lot of dude smoke weeds. If you smoke it all up, oh he get there? You mad? You might be mad? Yeah, it's gonna be a damn pole. Well I just like to say that, Hey, I'm overweighted. It's not gonna do it anymore. Forget it? Okay? Like who I know? And she seems so non violent and sweet and Goldberg is a really cool person. Now I think you love her. She's one of my my shiros for sure. Yes, um, all right. Well, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some details on Steve Harvey's Sand and Soul Festival that's coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, you have a major announcement. I want to talk to y'all about something that I've been doing. I've been selling out experiences for over thirty years now. Stand up to show Time and the Apollo Hoodies all that ain't nothing like getting together a bunch of people or with one common goal to just sit somewhere and have a good time. And for the past three years I've been doing this thing that's called the Saying and Soul Festival. And by and year after year, I mean, I've gotten four thousand people to get the passports, playing tickets and fly down to different places. We've been to Mexico, We've been to pun Connor, We've been to the Moon Palace. But every year the events get even better and better. Now y'all can travel with us. A lot of years, some of y'all, and you've listened. I've listened to everybody's feedbacks. Whose performances you like, the parties you like to go to when you get too tired, oh, we can't do no more. Well, We're kicking the weekend off with all white candle light dinner under the stars with a live band. We're going to Poota Khanna. Everybody. We put all the information on the website. You can't miss it. It is going to be in exact We are already halfway sold out. I have a special letter on that explaining all the circumstances of Poota Kanna, which cleared it up, which made us feel perfectly comfortable with it. Sandy gonna be one of my favorite events. We're doing our own tournament with cash prizes. We're doing a Domino and Spade tournament and bid whist because we found out that's what y'all want to do. We're doing that. We're still doing the pool parties. We're doing Margie's Fool Party, the Ball, we got the comedy show Earthquakers headlined. We got everything. It's gonna be hot. Sandy Soul is popping this year, and this year it will be simply on fire, simply put. I wouldn't want to miss it. Y'all. Just go to Sand and Soul, go to Steve Harvey saying and Soul and get all your information. It's all inclusive, all your food, all your drinks. Sand and Soul. You can go to Steve Harvey Sand and Soul dot com or you can call us at one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. One eight hundred and six eight four twenty eight twenty five. It will be Labor Day weekend. Sand and Soul is hot on fire and put the condor all inclusive. See you there, Yep, that's it. I'm I'll be there, Jay Jay. No nobody called me, I'm gonna do it. Nobody called me right here. And when he called me here, but you know, hello, the way, he'd be hurt. Nobody called me when well, you know, Ja Jay, I didn't know if we could call. You know, it's yeah, I'm here. I'm you need me to go on, I'm here. Nobody call me the Jay. I'm going down. Yeah, I'm let's go ahead. I'm just gonna believe. I'm going. I'm gonna just get my white, my white um hospital out feeling and just show up case something happened. I'll be I'll be straight with my ass out and just walking. I'll bet that with the hospital gown, just in case something happened. You know, I'm straight. Did you see that meme for that dude, that old black dude had walked out the hospital with his house gown on with some white song and I know what. And the caption said, when you find out you left your phone at home, hospital, you gotta walking coming up more music and trending topics and some headlines and twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening to all right, So, just in time for Valentine's Day, all You'd love is out there. A Texas zoo is allowing jilted Valentine's Day revelers to name a cockroach or a rat after their ex and then see it fed to a larger animal. Oh give me, give me an infestation. This is happening at the San Antonio Zoo. It's called Crime a Cockroach. Uh. This is an event that allows visitors UH to go to the zoo website to faith to pay five dollars to name a cockroach after their X, or twenty five dollars to four a rat. Okay. The roaches will be fed to various animals, while the rats will be fed to snakes. The feeding will be live streamed online so purchasers can witness the demise of their named animals. Guess Peter ain't got nothing to do with that, huh. Okay, now Jo draws about some dog gone feathers on the damn thing. But you're buying rats naming them after people feeding them to snakes. I'm pretty sure, Peter, then poor rats, Well that's where snakes. He Yeah, name them after your ex. Wow, give me infestation of Lisa? Did you say name? But would you pay five dollars for the for the road a whole paycheck? Why Steve roaches died? Rat? Look at me, Natalisa. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up and some trending news at thirty three minutes after be our right after this you're listening show. Well, guys, Erica Bad is going to release a perfume or incests incense products that smell like her lady parts. Okay, it's been rumored that Erica's lady parts have superpower, and they have it has changed men's lives. So James Andy Brown is here. Wait a minute, Hold up, wait, I just pulled the story up. Are you serious? Wait a minute, Yeah, she has a perfume. That's gonna smell like her vagina? Yes, who's gonna put that on? Nil? Who's gonna call up? On your neck? Who were in that? Whoever minds it? And what are you gonna playing that at the house? Any on your neck? Yeah? Anybody coming home like that? Who cookie is this here? What is your name of? It's Erica's excuse me? So you mess No, I'm not messing with her. This, huck this she on me? What do you mean she's on you? Her? Who've been sitting on your shoulder? Steve, She wasn't sitting on it. It was just her sin. It's only okay, So she ain't been nowhere near you, but her sin all over you, that's what you're saying. And see it come in a bottom? What you looked like? What the bottle looked like? Well, it's it's a fat bottom. They have not been to putting this story in there, but it's news. I mean, it's actually coming out. Let me ask you a question. No, never, is it gonna be seven days out the month that you shouldn't wear? Okay? Enough? Oh my god, Well let me ask you another question. Is it any man that's working at the factory. That's making it because you ain't gonna be You can't go home smelling like work? What is that on you? Baby? That's work. I've been putting in work. That's all that's is on me is work. What somebody say to you, girl? Girl? What is that perfume you wear? That ain't perfume? That's me. You need to do something with that. All right? Coming up our last break of the day and some closing remarks from the break up the day. At least Harvey, I just do it when he here or not here at forty nine minutes after the hour. Thank you, sir, you're listening to show. All right, it's been a good friday. Wow, we talked about a lot today. It was a busy morning. Y Yeah, yeah, I need a nap too much or the bad dude was a lot right down. New perfume coming out smells like her. Hello, I don't even want no cologne to smell like me. I mean you know what I'm saying. Yeah, I'm a pretty clean dude, you know I do. I do really take the measures to keep myself groomed. You know, I'm not. I don't like letting, you know. I guess I have mistakes here and there. Everybody do. But I don't nothing about me until I put on my favorite cologne, know or my damn deodorant. I don't really want to just smell like me. Yeah, hey, listen, I want to I want to talk about something in my clothes remarks today. Uh. You know, the Girl King interview is everywhere. It's on the on our lips of everybody, and um, when I first heard it, I was a bit surprised because I know Gail King personally. We're not friends or anything. It's just I know her. You know, we've talked many times. You know, we've done shows together. We've talked at events, and we've talked at parties, and we've had a couple of phone conversations. And I've always known Gail King to be a very very kind person, very very warm person. And when I first heard it, I was I was surprised, to say the least. And after hearing her explanation of how she was upset at CBS for putting that particular clip out because she was starting to get calls from friends and going, what are you saying? Why did you say that? What are you talking about? What did you do? And it kind of overshadowed the rest of her interview. It's what she's saying, and she says it was taken out of context. I guess it was taken out of context if you look at the totality of the interview, which could have been a very, very positive thing, that was just one negative moment, but it was It was a moment that that was hard to listen to, even in admissions by her, And I think that she knows that it was done in the way it came out, came out really horrible for her. And I know the popular thing to do right now is to get on the bank and wagon talk about how wrong she was. And I'm definitely not trying to open up a can of worms on myself by making this statement. In any way, I don't want you to misunderstand. But I have made so many mistakes. I've said so many things that I felt was taken out of context or taking the wrong way, or people didn't get to hear the whole side of it. And I've had my share of getting bashed and beat up. But I think what's happening to her is a lot. It's an awful lot, and just her being a woman. I just kind of feel some kind of way about it because I don't like to see anybody getting beat up so bad. But I really don't like to see women get beat up like this because it's almost like, you know, we were kind of taking advantage of the situation. I'm not defending what she said at all, because I have my own problems with what was said and the timing of it, and I felt the insensitive insensitivity of it, and I'm sure she does in hindsight, but the fact remains that it's out there, but I don't. I wanted to make sure that I wasn't doing the same thing that everybody's claiming that she's doing, because one thing Snoop said that I did agree with we the worst. We are the worst towards one another, and we take social media as an opportunity to berate and bring down each other so fast. It is amazing how we cheer for somebody to get to the top. Deal they get there, there's a firing squad waiting on them, and it's the same people that was cheering. Are the same people that had no comment or just wait until you get that to destroy you. And I do not understand that about us. But then again, I do understand that about us, because the sad thing about us is not all of us. But we never got over the hatred that was perpetrated to us, and we never got over the way they separated us. They separated They've been separating us from the beginning of time. They were separating us in the slave quarters. They sleparated us on the slave ships. When we got here, they separated soul. You couldn't speak the same language, they sent you to a different plantation. They've been separating us as families, like we had no feelings and everything. The system has been separating us, and we picked up those same habits, and so now we've been hated so much and separated so much that we are experts at hating and separating ourselves at time. So I agree with Snoop and I agree with all those that say we're the worst, and we got to stop taking each other out. But we also got to make sure that we don't take her out the same way that we claim she was taking Kobe out. You got to be conscious of that, because y'all, at the end of the day, I'm old enough to realize this. Two wrongs don't make it right. It just don't. And at one point in time, we got to let her go from this, and we got to let her grow from this. There is definitely a lesson in this for her, but there's also a lesson in it for us. All those are my closing remarks. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.