Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today, Steve is very hopeful for the future of black folks because of the many non-African American supporters. Let's go! The Chief Love Officer has advise that addresses the bowel system, lack of experience in bedroom and an idiotic man. Tyler Perry went to IG and mentions the need for allies. Joe Biden had some words for Trump. Roxie Washington, the mother of George Floyd's daughter speaks out about her child's father's death. The 17 year old who filmed George Floyd's killing is receiving unfair backlash on social media. Police officers in Atlanta and Louisville are facing accountability. Big Dog has hilarious self-care tips that he shares with us. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve repeats his message from yesterday. It is imperative that you get it and spread the word.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all sit looking back to back down, giving them like theming bus things, and it's not good. Steve ha to mother, don't join me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn the water the water. Come come on your back, I sure will. I get minded. Everybody you're listening to the voice, Come on, dave me now, one and only, Steve Harvey, I got a radio show. Somebody sent me an email one day that, you know, kind of a nasty little email, you know, I think I said it wants to before Steve Harvey trying to be a preacher. Man, I'm so far from being a preacher. Man, I can't even tell you. But what I am trying to do is share information. Now. I understand how haters work, and I understand how the devil works. Believe me, I do you know? Sometimes even heat, the devil surprises me at the level and the angles of attack they use, you know, which, I go, wow, man, I didn't I didn't see that one. Oh that was pretty slick. I gotta get credit on that. We try to get me but every time you try to get me, I get saved. I get saved every time time, man, because because God got me, God got some angels camped around me. That's what my mom used to always say as Sunday school teacher. Never really understood it, but you know when I was growing up as a kid, but I got it. Now. He got some angels around me. And angels come into form sometimes of people, people who pull your coat to this, or introduce you to that, or reveal some information to you like this. He got them all around me. So see, having a relationship with God has been beneficial to me, y'all. It's not just that what he gives to me, but what he protects me from. And you know, some some people wonder, what if you were God, why he letting people do that to you? Now, that's not how it works. See. There's two forces in this world, as good and as evil. And if you succumb to good, that's what you become, that's what you do. But everybody don't succumb to good. Some people succumb to evil. Some people's mission is to hate, to destroy, to tear down, and so that forces at work in this world too. And when that force comes up against me. What God never promised me that I wouldn't see none of that, that I wouldn't see the attacks, that I would not come under fire, that I would not be falsely accused. He didn't say that. A matter of fact, he for warned me that it would happen. Or what he does give me in those moments are moments of comfort in peace, knowing that He's with me, and no, no matter what my enemy does to bring me down, it ain't gonna work, it ain't gonna work. So come if you want to fight, if you will, I have a man that has been attacking me since I owned the comedy club in Dallas. He has been on a mission and that if I don't give him five million dollars, he gonna do it. He didn't done everything, man, he has done everything. Now he've messed around and got itself now claiming in his letters physically ill and his illnesses and what's befalling his family. He's blaming that on me too. As Steve Harvey not stressed me out and paid me this money he owed me, we were you coming with this, he just has kept on it on, it on, and you know what, he a messed around, got itself sick. He'n messed around, man, got himself in some situation. And can I tell you something. It's been going on since nine teen, maybe ninety seven. He started the attack when I first went on, No before that, probably ninety five. He started the attacks in ninety five, every nine in he didn't got six lawyers. All the lawyers didn't drop the case. After they come in and they discover the fact. But he steady trying. But it's too angels that's around. And I forewarned him several times. Man, and man, if I was you, I go head on because what I'm not gonna do is being because see, you cannot break me because I happened to be a soldier for Christ. I happened to be an imperfect soldier or Christ as nothing, Man as nothing. And oh it ain't like a bunch of people and tried. Now, Oh y'all been on YouTube, y'all been on the internet. Oh they didn't try. Oh they didn't put some dirt on me. Man, that ain't true. But if you keep looking at me though, and I'm not the prize, but if you put your eyes on God, it's where you go. But if you look at me. He's covered me through it all. And that's been the importance of the relationship I formed with God, is that I know that I'm under his wings, that I'm ever under his ever loving protection, that he got me. And I just want to share that with you that if you got If you're looking for some protection, if you're looking for a way to have the strength to get through what you're going through, get some god man. If if you want to weigh out, get some god man. If you've been gangbanging and you're sick of gangbanging, get you some god man. If you're tired of being on drugs and you're tied to drinking, get you some god man. If you're tied to being if you're sick and tired of being sick and tired, get you some god man. I'm just telling you now. If you're trying to make your dreams come true and it looks like you ain't gonna make it, and you still believe that that's for you, get you some god man. If you're setting a new gold dream of aspiration and you're trying to get that and you're gonna start out today, get you some god man. I'm just telling you. I'm just telling you. See it's real what I'm saying, Man, I ain't on faith. Dude, with it. You understand. I'm just telling you real. Get you some God, man, and be patient, have faith, believe, don't doubt, but Lord have mercy. Get ready to work your tail off. Did you hear me? Get you some faith, Believe, don't doubt, and get ready to work your tail off. God can't blessing you. See a lot of times we go to God asking for prayers and stuff. But we go to him and we don't give nothing. God nothing to bless We won't blessings, but we don't give him nothing to bless. You make one step, he'll make two. You start, he'll finish you come, He'll go You dream it, He'll build you started, He'll finish. See you see you trying everything your way. I'm gonna go to court. Had a conversation with a man yesterday, just sitting and just call me man, and was just talking about but Steve. You know, man, I've just dude, been on me twenty three hundred dollars for four years. I just asked him, have you survived the folk without the twenty three hundred Yeah, man, how much you think you have spent trying to get to twenty three hundred? Just a few hundred? Now, let me ask you something. Do you have a few hundred mold to try to get this twenty three hundred that you've been trying to get for four years? Yeah? I could do that, But do you want to? Man? Do you have the time to dedicate faux more or your years to try to get twenty three hundred? But Steve am out of work right now. I'm fell on some hard times. I could use that money, and I've been praying to God to help me. Yeah, you've been praying to God to help you. God probably got something way greater for you. But you gotta let go of your own thinking and let God have his way. You understand, you feel me. You're st morning show ladies and gentlemen, man, have your undivided attention please. This is the Steve Rvey Morning Show. Normally, our normal routine is to uplift, inspire and entertain. Due to the current events in our country, we mostly providing old uplift and motivation. Uh. It's some trying times, man, but I want us to get smart about this and make the best of this time, because this could be a turn in our country if we play it the right way. This could be the pivotal moment. This is the first time I have seen as many non African Americans involved in a cause that is directly related to African Americans. I've never seen this type of help, should I say, And I think we gotta get to take advantage of this while we can. This is Steve Harvey Morning Show, Good morning, shut trying times. Indeed, Steve, good morning, Good morning right there, calla frel good morning. What's up, Steve haycrew, what's up, Junior? I think myself Happy morning, Uncle, morning, good good, good nephew, Tommy, Yay. I'm here, baby black and proud right here. Yeah, Mississippi Monica's somewhere, y'all. That's how Sister Old Dale used to SIGND when she was young. Hey, y'all, and then it just started Sister Old Dale deteriorated after that. Yeah. Um, you know, listen, we're gonna get through this thing. We really really are. We are going to get through it. I know it sounds cliche, but the Bible is real, man, This too shall pass. Um. I do the upside for this for me is for the first time I've seen a large number of non African Americans join in to fight for a cause that's been against African Americans. And I've seen it, you know, I saw a little bit in the march on Washington at the Mall. I saw whites join in then, but not to this magnitude. But you know what, I'm curious though, what is this or the Southern Evangelicals. I'm still trying to find out where they at? Where right? Where are these Southern white evangelicals Because it can't just be black ministers every time something happened in the black community. Where is the Southern the Christian Evangelicals, that organization that backs Donald Trump? Quiet, if you are Christians, do you not see the very Unchristian thing that is continuing to happen in our country? And I am not seeing the masses of Southern white evangelicals come to the aid of black people. And that's a glaring omission to me. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna switch gears a little bit here, So get ready for ask the CLO the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building right after this you're listening to today, We're gonna start the show off on a lighter note. You know, people still need relationship advice. Life still goes on. They they're in love, the quarantine together and you know, uh, laughter is good for the Yeah, watching Junior, right you in that tree. Watch it's COVID nineteen still going. It's in half timison, pause on it. The band it's still here. I mean somebody, uh, somebody sending me a text that said Americans killed me. Just have They've just decided that COVID nineteen is over. They just through with it. Yeah, all right, Steve, can you bring the Chief Love Officer in? Please the CLO. We have another question from Max. He's an online listener. Max says, I'm fifty six, I'm divorced. I'm a man, and after nineteen years of marriage, I'm having trouble adjusting to new women. I've been dating a woman for eight months and when she stays at my house, she's way too comfortable. This woman has been blowing up my bathroom most nights. Oh god, okay, I didn't. Oh and uh what she okay? She passes gas before she sleeps or while she sleeps. I can't get in the mood for sex because I'm so grossed out by her. My wife never did this is this thing to go? I'm sorry, See listen to me. He fifty six. Yeah, he's probably dating somebody that's old too. Old people died is different and they got something fun at though. No, they ain't got nothing for that. They have nothing. See what when you in that bathroom and nothing peel you can take? You can't swallow like no tagged bold tablets or nothing. What where it come out already blue and fresh? You in now as an old person. You got it. You gotta know what's coming out? You got with you? You got you didn't had pump chops more eating breakfast at this time. Okay, you eating pump chops and you had hennessy tonight before this this blend, this blood ain't on top of that your ass is taken some form of penicilla or anybody. Oh listens, just down now, and that's what your problem is. Dog and your wife was different. You probably lost your soul mate, and you know, God rest your soul and we send out condolencesvorce. Oh oh well, hey man, you got some problems too. You ain't the only one so what you're she blowing up the bathroom? Break up with her? What if you buy that stuff you squirt in thew and uh? What's that newper do? That work? Probably for her? I got an uncle. They ain't got nothing for it. I got an awn. We're gonna move on. My daddy used to start a fire at the bottom of the dope is down? Oh my start fire five? You know, open when you trash can at the bottom of the dope to try to burn him mouth sulfur. All right, listen, this is we're moving on. I cannot Anonymous in Texas says, my fiance and I are getting married in October. She's a virgin, but she wanted to learn how to do a little four play, so I agreed to teach her how to do my favorite pre show activity. Boy, how how would you say she was? He didn't say. She was very excited and it started out okay, but then she did the thinkable. I have scratches and a few scabs because I couldn't get her to stop. I'm traumatized, and I told her to watch a foreign video as a tutorial. She got offended. What should I do? Now? Well, see, you have to explain something. No, well, what we can't well no, I'm talking about you know, and I'm gonna do this for radio. Okay, thank you. Listen to me. All I'm saying is this right here. Listen to me. Whatever we do this ain't food. Wait what my time? What? Whatever we do with each other, it is not food. No chewing. Oh, it is not food. Okay, I get you. Okay, See that's what this rule with this hill. This is your death can be no chewing. Yeah, there you go. You can't just you know, just knowing. Okay, Tommy, okay, because even if you try to stop, it takes your breath away, all right, and it can be confused with a sound of pleasure. That's not pleasure. We got it. Why you read him to him if you don't want him? Moving on, all right? Marquis see us and Tuscaloosa, Alabama. I'm thirty four years old and I'm pregnant by my co worker. He's single. Yeah, she's thirty four. She's pregnant by her co worker. He's single. Her boyfriend lives out of town. So they agreed to help each other out sexually, since neither of them we're having sex during the pandemic she got pregnant. She got pregned the first time they had sex. A condom malfunctioned. My coworker wants me to have the baby and also have a DNA test after the baby's born. He also wants to talk to my boyfriend to let him know how it all went down and to assure him it won't happen again. He said, it's a man thing, and my boyfriend will respect his honesty. Is this truth? Let me tell yourself up, this got to be the dumbest damn dude, lady, it ain't gonna go nothing like he just described. He wants to talk to your boyfriend and explain to him what happened and reassure him it'll never happen again. And how do you think this conversation you're gonna go? You m be out of your You have out your rabbit ass man. Matter fact, man, when you call him, can you FaceTime and and put it on Facebook live for us? All right? See, we got to run. Thank you Ciello coming up next. Never you tell me running that breakback right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by you guys were asking about COVID nineteen. Well, miss Anne will have that. In the National News and Entertainment News, Tyler Perry shares his talk with the Floyd family and we'll talk about it at the top of the hour. But right now it is time for the nephew step up and run that prank back. What you got for us today? We go all do it together, Shirley right here on zoom. Alright, I want everybody on the count of three, we're gonna do it together. All right, gone, two three, Naked yoga, let's go, everybody and nobody moving. Come on, what's up? Let's do it. Come on, naked yoga. Find your favorite position. Stee, you ain't well well, Steve could be playing. We're paying we play. Take your shirt off like a helicopter. Turn right ahead, helicopter raise, take your shirt off, turn it around your head like a helicopter. That was my jam Petty Poplo one of my all time favorite rappers. Diary over Center, What are the great rap albums of all time? To me? Man? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach uh. Is it Gordon? Right? It's Gordon. How are you doing? Mister Gordon? Listen my name is, let me let me turn down the TVD you call them about the apartment. Yes, yes, I was trying to see about maybe coming over to take a look at it or seeing if it's still available. Man, I got a newspaper, but I didn't know if this still available or what. No, no, no still for rent. Um let me be straight with you. Um uh you know, no pets and uh no no smoking of any kind. No, no, I understand. Okay, if I'm understanding the listing here, it's like eight hundred fifty dollars a MinC right fifty and you got a parking spot, um, your private bathroom with a shower and uh a fifty I'm gonna need first last month and uh really, um, what's your name? My name is Darnielle on the okay first um so yeah, um, first last month and uh so security number. I can do a background chat. Okay, okay, Now let me ask you this. You guys got out like a back backyard area I teach classes in the mornings that I want to know if you have that, that that's pretty much what will kind of locked me in if you gotta. If you guys got a backyard that I can use. We got a backyard. What do you teach? I teach yoga. I teach yoga in the mornings from from six to eight. Hopefully I won't be a problem. You're making make money doing yoga, yes, sir, I definitely do. I make enough, definitely to cover the red that's for sure. Dad shouldn't be a problem. I know, I know a little bit about yoga. That's that. I mean, really, if it's y'all, you know, you're not making no noise as yoga, that's that's not a problem. A good deal. Well, how quick can I actually get moved in? Man? I'm trying to get something. I just moved in from the from the East Coast. I jumped on my yoga pretty quick and it got a quite a bit of clientele built up, and you know, I'm just just ready to get started, get moved in man, something that I can actually call home, you know. Uh yeah, well you know we're looking at rent rent it out pretty quick, you know, because we want to try and get it filled as soon as possible. Because if you said we are you are you you got a roommate, you're you're it would be me and my wife, and uh, it's a three bedroom home. You would have the room in the back with the bathroom and uh yeah, like a fifty to do a credit check, you know, we meet, Um, I can do the background check and uh no, no, what what what? What? What? What? What? What do you necessarily need to do that for? Well, you gotta know who you're into, and then you want to know what the credit they got, so if they can afford the rent or not. You know, I got I got real good credit, man, My credit is fine. I'm I'm actually eight hundreds on my credit scores. Oh damn. All right when you get here is how you feel out of application. But you know, if you if you're ready to get it cracking, I can do. I can do a background check, and you right not to give me a SOB security number. Okay, but let me let me go ahead and just do this. Man on that background check, because you know that what I want to say about that is this, it might be something on there about like when I was on the East Coast. You know, I was actually teaching uh, naked yoga, you know what I mean, naked yoga. Uh you know, you may see something on there about me being a nip naked yoga. Yo. See that's what that's the kind of yoga I was teaching on the East Coast was naked yoga. You know what I'm saying. And everybody with my tea naga yoga here. What see, it's in the backyard. It's closed in you know, in my backyard. And you what what what other glitz you got? You said, there's some glitches, Michael, What is the glitz you got? Well you might see that I'm a nimpfo mania. But see but see I took some I took commend for what I took counseling for that. Though, what do you need to take some counseling over somewhere else? You ain't taking no counseling and doing no naked yoga in my backyard. No, man, All that's behind me. Now, that's on the East coast. Man, that that's that's all behind me. Now I didn't put that thing down. Man, I don't care if it's behind you in front of you on the side. You're doing some naked yoga in my backyard. That isn't happening, man a matter of fact. Man, hey man, listen, got all your lichens that qualified and move in there and now you're gonna sit here and tell me. I can't tell about doing some naked yoga in my backyard with no twenty thirty people. Then my wife's being on man, you look well your wife good man, Just scratch that one off your list and just move on to the next one, because they ain't. No neked yoga is going down back here with no niff a maniac. I don't know what else y'all might be doing. I don't know what. I don't know who does next, we all it's just it's just it's just a serene moment, man, where you find yourself. That's all this really is about. Were you better find yourself somewhere else. That's what I know. You ain't doing no naked yoga in my backyard. I'm surprised you even calls somebody with that. Man, I'm gonna come over that to this address and start looking at this place because I want to set up shop right here in my backyard. I don't even know you talking about you got some lynches in your past, You're gonna have a foot in your How do you know that this isn't something that your wife might really want to get into with? My wife I don't even missing my wife's name. Man, he don't know me, don't know even know my wife. Take my off your listen. You come out there, you're gonna have another glitch. I'm coming to know where you stamp room, and you're gonna show it to me. Thanks showing you. You come come out of here. I'm gonna show you something else, my fact that I am. I damn a recover them for maniac. I'm recovered, have a covered nim for many. You're about to get your blind maniac. I'm the maniac. Please believe darnw We're gonna come over that right now over here, when that come over that now, man, so we can say the fence, I ain't having that. Do not man, Can you come over that? Please? Can just matter? Like man, look this. You can do whatever you want somewhere else, but this right here, this ain't the place for you. I'm gonna take you that right now, darn now to your wife. Man, your wife, whatever fire you don't want to talk about, this ain't the place for you. Go SOMEWHEREL take that to your wife. Please let me talk to your wife. Do not even trim me, darn noewt me talk to your man. I'm not name that kind of dude. Remember, you're about to bring this out of me. Do not bring this over here, darnel. So so as far as your wife, man, let me your wife, This right here is over for real. You're gonna come out here and catch your case. Okay. Can I can I say one more thing to you? Man? You can't say darknew because this this conversation is over. Man, Okay, how about that? Hey? Man? Can I say one more thing? Man? What you got to say, man, is what this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning to show you just got pranked by your brother. Oh, keep the out of here, man, This is nephew Tommy. Who who told you to do this to me? Man? Your brother, my brother? Oh I'm a goodness, Oh my god, man, my heart is all beating off fast man. Oh, get out of here. Man to man, Oh all right, man, Man, I was gonna whoop your butt naked if you came around here. Man, you just don't know. Man, I'm so glad it's a joke. You have no idea. I'm so glad it's a joke. Man. All right, thank you King of pranks, Sir all right. Coming up at the top of the hour is some entertainment news and some national news from miss Inn. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harby Morning Show. George Floyd's family has one request in the wake of his death. According to Tyler Perry, who reached out to offer words of comfort to the family, they are adamant and all they're asking their calling for a peaceful protest. Meanwhile, Tyler also outlined what he's been doing during the protests. He said, I've spent the past few days having very high level conversations with people who don't look like me, people who may not believe what I believe, people who don't know what it's like to be black in America. But we're willing to listen, Tyler shared in an IG post. Tyler went on to say that Oprah Winfrey, Jay Z have been doing the same thing. It takes all of us black people to do our part. He added, think about this, please, We're only twelve to fourteen percent of the US population. With a number like that, we need allies that don't look like us. Hello. Hello, It's a true statement. Man. We cannot turn this around without without help, we cannot I would love to be able to do it, because if we could have done it ourselves, we would have been accomplished this. We're very smart, we're very powerful, we're very unified in wanting this to be over. But we need some allies on this one right here. And people who have been around for a little bit while they understand that. And that's not a knock on people who haven't, because young people, I am telling you, Uncle Steve is proud of the ones that's out there protested because protesting is valid. It's valid man, and when and sometimes man, when they're not listen, you gotta get their attention, and protest is the way to do it. But we cannot allow it to turn into criminal acts because you don't come out of darkness with more dark. You can only come out of darkness with light, even if it's a little bit of light. If you're the pitch black room, and and you're the pitch black tunnel and one person strike a match, he the baddest boy in the room, because you any thicker of light end's total darkness. And so we gotta be smart and so we don't hustle backwards, like Stephen Jackson said the other day, So I'm very proud of the people out there protesting very much so, Steve, very much so. And it's good that Tyler and Oprah and jay Z jay Z called the mayor of Minnesota. Uh. It's good that they're speaking to people and hopefully power. Yeah, yeah, can do some change, can make. And you know, listen, listen man uh for for African for Black celebrities who have status and we know who they are. It's great that they have, like Tyler said, these behind the scene meetings, because that's how you can help bring about change. We got the foot soldiers on the ground doing it. We drop our bombs from the air. We have a section of air waves and we drop out information from the air. All of us. We take our celebrity, our fame, our platform, and we drop our bombs from the air. We got foot soldiers that's on the ground protesting. Yeah. Right, then we got some generals that's having the high level meetings, the ambassadors with the ambassadors of the of the other team who can bring about change. And that's how we get this thing accomplished. So I appreciate all the be up. You gotta we gotta do it. I plead all the all the back room discussions that's going on, and they also have to vote and do our civic duty at the pole. All of that for all a part of it. Um All right, Steve, time now to go to miss ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Trip, thank you very much, everybody. Here's the news. Six Atlanta police officers have been arrested after being seen on video dragging two college students out of a car, breaking the window of the car by the way first of all, throwing them down to the ground, tasing the young man during protests over the weekend. We are prayerful, hopeful that this will go to his full conclusion and these officers will not only be arrested, indicted and convicted because what they did to our children, they have to be held accountable for. That's a spokesmen for the DA's office. The County DA's office has charged them with aggravated assault, one cup charger with aggravated battery. The young man attends Morehouse College. The girls spellman. They say they weren't even protesting. They were just trying to get on the other side of the demonstrations in like of the curfew with groceries. They just brought to try to get back to campus. Authorities say they've been cracking down on anybody violating Atlanta's curfew. Folks hit the streets of Houston again yes day to protest the police killing of George Floyd. You know he grew up there. Meanwhile, George Floyd's family says that while it fully supports the civil protests against the systematic use of excessive force by police against black men and women, that it does reject the violence inflicted on communities. Over the past several nights, crews in Birmingham, Alabama, have begun taking down a Confederate monument in the city park there. This particular structure has been the subject of a legal dispute between the city and state for several years. It's a fifty foot tall obelisk that workers picked apart starting yesterday with a crane and some other things. Nevertheless, its removal apparently violates a state law, and Alabama State Attorney generalist promising to sue. We'll see what happens there get this. The top diplomat of the European Union says he is appalled at the killing of George Floyd at the hands of white police officers in this country calling an abusive power. We support good right to peaceful protest and also we condemn violence and racism of any kind. Howfu shoe up. We call for a discrination of tensions. In fact, several European cities have held anti racist protests in support of those of us. In the United States, a number of the nation's top law professors are speaking out against a series of actions taken by President Trump. Dozens of Harvard Law Schools faculty have signed an open letter condemning Trump's actions, labeling them as lawless. The professors say that the president's words, tweets, and actions quote endorsed violence and fails to meet even the minimum standards of responsible behavior. And Joe Biden was a runaway winner of all the Democratic primaries yesterday, making him the choice of Democrats in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Indiana, Rhode Island, in Mexico, Montana, South Dakota. He needs a nine nine delegates to win the Party of the nomination on the first vote, but primary contests in Georgia and West Virginia should put him over the top. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Harvey Show. Former Vice President Joe Biden made his first public address in weeks yesterday in Philadelphia, and he had some harsh words for President Trump. Mister Biden has expressed solidarity with peaceful protesters in the wake of the death of George Floyd. Joe Biden criticized Trump's handling of civil unrest following the death of George Floyd. Take a listen. Country is crying out for leadership. Leadership that can unite us, Leadership that brings us together, Leadership that can recognize pain and deep grief of communities that have had a knee on their neck for a long time. M right, yeah, right, incidential listen. Yeah. I just think if we can get to some debates, I think this is the guy that can go toe to toe because Trump is not intelligent. No, he just fights. Yeah. He's petty, Yeah, he's real petty. He's he's he's tricky, and he's he's got some moves, but they're the same. You know. He gives you a nickname, yeah, and then and then he comes up with a catchy title for what he's doing. But that's really it. He don't know policy, he don't really he really brushed up on for one of fans. None of that. You you bring up a couple of countries and he might not even know where to act. He's just gonna know about China. And you know what, man, the way he's seeing China, you know, And that's why I go with China. You know. He always try to be funny. We don't need him are funny ass president? Now this is serious, Yeah, mister. Biden also noticed that Trump held up a Bible during his controversial photo op visit to Saint John's Episcopal Church in Washington, d C. Biden said, I just wished he'd opened it once in a while. If he opened it, he could have learned something. Come on, yeh, I need this dude from up in the Northeast and know how to fight back. Got a little bit of that Boston thing working Delaware at all that all them dudes up there, man, Yeah, yeah, yeah, So that's the kind of thing we think it's gonna be, right, Steve, Yeah, it's got to be a I'm telling you, listen to me. It's when these debates open up, You're going to see some gunslinging going on. Because Joe Biden ain't know old punk ass dude and now and all this bullying that Trump was allowed to do during the Republican campaign when he got rid of all fifteen of them candidates by just dogging them. And this ain't high school. See you see you a little sleepy Joe thing fit to wear out, you know, because he gonna he gonna lace you with what you ain't done. Yeah. Yeah, And he gets a former vice president, so he has experience, So yeah in politics. All right, coming up next at thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yesterday in Houston, more than sixty thousand people marched in downtown Houston with the Floyd family in memory of George Floyd. City leaders, local rappers, and pastor Joel Oldstein were all in attendant. Meanwhile, during an emotional press conference, the mother of George Floyd's daughter remembered him. Her name is Roxy Washington. She remembered him as a good man, and she also pointed out the fact that their daughter will not grow up will now grow up without a father. Take a listen, this is what those ups. At the end of the day, they get to go home and be with their families. Anna does not have a faul. He would ever see grow up graduate. He will never walk down the eye. If it's a problem she's having and she needs her dad, she does not have that anymore. I'm here for my baby, and I'm here for George because I want justice for him. I want justice for him because he was good, no matter what anybody thinks, he was good. And this is the proof that he was a good man. Wow o, lord proof. She pointed to the baby, little Gianna, six years old. Beautiful baby, Beau, beautiful baby, just a beautiful little girl. Seat man, you know this this one. Um, It's been so many of these since I've been alive. It's been so many George Floyd's. It's been I can't count them that never made the news that I that I knew of, right, that I knew of heard of. My father told me about him, My brothers told me about him. It happened to some cousins, it happens in all of my relative city. Finally, in twenty twenty, I can say, for the first time, I think something is going to happen because of this one. This is the first time I can say, I've never felt like day was gonna do nothing before, even though I thought once social media came out and you could see some of these things that we knew was existing, or we saw and there was no way to film it, we saw it. We just I knew after social media once you could see this, oh god, here it comes. And then to my surprise, nothing happened anyway. And so I became hardened by it and sickened by it. And this time it's like how long it took for them to release the Aubrey tape. This kid got shot in February, right, we didn't see the tape tool when WHOA So they were concealing this to work their little story out. Hold up, that started backfired, That started getting a little ire, and then the nine minutes on his brother's neck when because finally they just said, and man, this dude was so comfortable he put his hands in his pocket, so right there, you can't say you felt threatened or he was resisting anybody resisting you need your hands out, so any and even after he lost consciousness and stopped pleading for his life, he stayed there again. So now the struggle to breathe, which was keeping him alive for five minutes to seven minutes. When the struggle to breathe stopped. Now your knee on his neck is just you didn't kill this man. You kill him in front of everybody, and we saw, we watched you kill him. Not your bullet this what No, you can say he had a gun. No, you kill this man and heard him pleading for his life, and you killed him anyway, even pissed a lot of people off. See this, white dude, You pissed a lot of people off. This is gonna be the turn right here. And if it's not the turn that I think it should be, as it's gonna be another kind of problem. All right, Steve, thank you. Next Citi is enough few switching gears with a prank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, subject I've fallen in love with her boyfriend. I've fallen in love with her boyfriend. Uh. Right now, the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call make us laugh. Nephew, what do you have for us? Let me go on, put on my stupid head right quick. Let me go on, get stupid for you make a wish ministry. Let me hear that sounds nice? It sounds good, don't Yeah, it always does. Yeah, sounds simple. So you best got you better not playing you watch? Come on, kat, let's go baptist. This is Terrence. May I help you? Please? Ter Yeah? How you doing? I got your your number? You went over the church, You went to make a witch ministry? Yes, I am, I'm gonna help him. Well, listen, I'm I'm I'm actually uh, I'm I'm terminally ill. Brother's brother Terence. And I don't you know as far as what the doctors tell me, it could be six months, another year, but I know my time here is definitely limited. You know. Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but we're definitely here to help you out with whatever you need or whatever we can help you with. So what can we do for you? Well? You know, I truly believe that sometimes people have and you know, I've seen one of the old movies they got with it, got a bucket list or whatever they called it. You know, people trying to do things before they leave here. I guess I'm just sitting around trying to figure out what I could do and what I wanted to do before I left this world and went on to what he has for me. Nixt. You know, I don't believe in doing anything unless it's prayed on first. Oh yeah, if you don't mind, maybe you can. You know, before I can tell you my wish, we prayed that the wish would come true. You you you're not doing anything like that. Oh no, I don't mind praying. That's what we're here for. Now your head with him, yes, yr, sir, is your head by you, sir, your sir. Here the God we come to you in the armless way. We know how Lord, we ask you to touch this young man and every which way he heard, and then we ask you to deliver him for whatever is going on with him and let him know that we the church is here to help him with whatever his needs is in his last days. And Jesus's name, I pray say Amen with him. It's gonna do it here. Now you a member of the church. Here, I'm new, well, I was a number. I still consider myself. Remember, it's just been quite time, probably over the year and a half two years. As I've been able to come, you know, through to my my illness, but definitely I will remember that. Well, that's all right. We're not worried about all that. We just here to take care of your last and final wish. That's what our minister is for. You know. We helps people with with with anything they need, you know, like that. What what all I mean when when people call them won't say what all of you you are? What all of y'all helped them with? Well, we've helped them with their rent, uh, take them to the store, help them with a utility bill, come out and cut the grass, anything like that they just can't do. Take them to the doctor's appointment. Anything we'd like to help them with, we do exactly. Then okay, well I pretty much got those things taken care of. I think what I'd like to do between you and myself body. And I've never told anyone what I'm about to tell you. I've never been with a with with a woman too. I'm you know, I'm thirty eight, but I've never been with a woman. Well, I guess that might be a blessing. You might you might be here. That's a good thing. Well, you know, but sometimes you know I give before I leave. I guess that's a desire that I have. And and and uh, what I wanted to ask you was there is a lady there at the church and before I leave, I think that's the woman that I would actually like to be with. Well, I don't know if make a wish ministry can support that kind of stuff, but uh, go ahead, let me hear. Okay, that the lady that I'm actually interested in. Actually, uh, she works at the church too. When I see she's donim a tall when she's about five nine, and she's probably about a size eight, beautiful long leagues man and and and sandy type of half sandy color for Sandy brown man. And I mean she looked like Caraman. Hold on a minute, what's her name? I think her name Linda? Now hold on, that's my wife. What you mean? Go ahead and see wait wait wait wait wait wait wait Linda your wife? Yeah, that's my wife. You Sorrence, what do you mean? Listen? Y'all are a ministry now now, if y'all supposed to be taking care of people, don't make a wish and and taking care of what they want before they leave this world. If that's my wish? What is the problem listening here? You didn't cross every line there was about this man, so I don't give a damn about it. I'm you're talking about sleeping with my like if I see y'all gonna do something to you, they ain't gonna even be able to recognize you. So what the you talking about? Missing with my wife? Son of am? Called miss Linda myself and seeing you don't have a problem. Wasn't helping me make my wish come true? God Head? And calling you won't call no somebody else? That would be the last called you make. I thought y'all were here to relieve people so they can enjoy themselves before they leave this world. You talk about sleeping with my wife? Are you crazy? But but if I'm going to leave here, ain't nobody gonna know? But you want hunt? I don't care if you die. I don't care. You ain't sleeping with my wife and your food with her. You probably gonna go ahead and die quicker than you need to. I thought this was a ministry. I don't tell you now you won't. They're telling me about daring. Y'all supposed to be a ministry to help people before they leave a word what it is. But you talk about sleeping with my wife? You got an illness, But something must be wrong with your ain't talking about missing with man wife? Ain't nobody don't even know? I think what your wife wants? Something gonna there ain't gonna be but the tool y'all. At least you would have helped me before I left. No, I can't help you with nothing. And let me tell you something. I'm not the preacher. I'm not the pastor, I'm not the deacon, I'm not none of them. But if you mentioned my wife, You're gonna know who I am. I'm gonna be the undertake because did you understand? I don't hear what you saying? But I got one more thing I need to tell you about who I ain't who asked you? Isn't it to go ahead? Let me in? This is Nephew tugh me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife lima got me the phrase, no, y'all tell me you roll. I ain't even recording. This is man's recorded every last bit of hammer last ain't gonna hear this is Oh god, I got one more thing. What is the baddest? And I mean the Boo radio show in the land, Steve Harving Morning Show. I ain't now wanted them blanking it. I'm you must have what wo wait? Manute? Just talk about my tap ta man standing? You gonna die? What's her name? Was? Play so much? My wife? You gonna die quicker than you leave? To die? Care if you die? If you might leave here sooner than you post man? Oh man? Stupid son of a Do you think you're gonna call it sleeping? My wife? Stupid? But but his but his proud, his proud was tom. I was laughing through the plot. Yes he will, won't he do it? Yes he will. He gonna do it for you, Yes he is. He gonna do it for you. Bless him in these last days. He gonna do it. Yes, Jesus name all right, thank you, neph Lord. What's her name? Coming up? Strawberry Letter, Linda, you're stupid subject. I've fallen in love with her boyfriend. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you. Nephew's subject, I've fallen in love with her boyfriend. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a single female and I moved to a new city three years ago or a new job. I did not have any family or friends in the city, but I instantly bonded with a male coworker and we've become really close. He was really great at helping me get settled and showing me around town and everything. He has a girlfriend, though of eight years, with a child, and I've always respected that. We would get to flirty here and there, but it was always harmless. At first, he'd complain about his girlfriend and their constant arguments in their boring sex life. I tried to ignore my feelings for him, but the more he opened up to me, the more attractive he became. The harmless flirting turned into a one night stand, and that one night stand turned into two years of great sex sometimes four times a week, and it's the best sex we both had. We see each other at work, after work, and on weekend getaways. I tried to end things with them because I'm falling in love with him, but I can't seem to stay away from him, and he feels the same way. He said his family has guilted him into staying with his girlfriend. But it's been eight years, so it should be clear to her that he does not want to marry her. I've never pressured him to leave her because I'm the homewrecker at this home wrecker at this point, but I'm growing more and more jealous of their relationship. This is something that eats at me and I'm finding it hard to let go of him. How can I move on without this great man and that I'm in love with? Should I give him him an ultimatum and see if his heart is really with me or with her? Could it be that he's just bored at home? My heart is so confused? Well, what are you confused about? I mean, what do you want? This whole letter is about him and not enough about you and what you want. I mean, this man is not going anywhere. He's not going to leave you, and why would he at this point, because he's got the best both worlds. He's got her, he's had her for eight years, and he's got you. He can do you whenever he wants. You know, you guys are together at work after work on we can getaways, he can get it in. He's not gonna stop or he's not gonna make a move until you do something. Okay, I don't care what it is you ask about an ultimatum. I don't care if you give him an ultimatum, look her or me. I don't care if you make a speech about it. Do that tweeted, put it on Instagram. Do everything you have to do. I mean, who cares what you do. You just gotta do something. You want change, You gotta change it. You gotta be the one to do it. Don't be so caught up with him and the becks. What did you say the best sect you've ever had? That you just continue to let him use you because that's what he's doing. I mean, you look up one day and it'll be you in it for eight years. You've already put in two and nothing, so all you have is six more to go, and you'll be just like her, and please, please do not get pregnant by this man. Please don't do that. So I just gotta tell you, you got to decide what you want. You gotta let him know, and if you don't get what you want out of him, it's time to move on, plain and simple, It's time to move on. Steve Well, the key to this letter is I've fallen in love with her boyfriend. Tell you're already, you're already behind the eight ball. All right, here we go. You met this guy who's out of town. All this, he's really great. Help you settle in. Got a girlfriend eight years and a child. I love when people say this. I've always respected that. Right, really well, let me show you how what happens to respect. Y'all. Will get flirted here and there, but it's harmless. That ain't ever harmless little bit of flirting, trust me, somebody trying to get something started, and according to me, it looked like both y'all. Then he complained about his girlfriend always arguing in their boring sex. Last this sex so bored they'd have made a baby. What is boring sex? Let's make a baby. Tried to ignore my feelings for him, But the more he opened up to me, the more attractive he became. Then she said that the harmless flirting turned into a one night stand that turned into two years of grace. Say okay, see holder hook. See when people say a one night stand turned into two good years of sex? At what point was she even considering this just for one night? Right? Right? No, the man had become more and more attractive to you. That's why you had what you wanna call a one night stand. But it was simply use starting what you've been wanting to start for quite some time. Now, there's one night stand that turned into two damn years. He been having the same boring sex with this other woman for eight years. It must not be that damn boring, right because the eight years of born sex somebody that you're not married to. What that makes no sense? Little girl? You're the had turned into two sometimes full times a week. It's the best sex we've both had. We see each other work after work on the weekend. Shirley's absolutely right. You are so convenient to him. You're full times a week after work and a weekend getaways. All this hell, where is this eight year relationship at if y'all having sex full times a week. It ain't but seven days in a week. You all ready and took up four. He got the babe one of them days. Hold on save, we'll get part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Subject of today's Strawberry Letter, I've fallen in love with her boyfriend. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show. All right, Steve, come on part two of your response to the Strawberry Letter. Let's recap please, all right. We got this lady, moved to this city, met this man co worker. He was real helpful, helped to get settled in. But he got this girl friend in eight years and they got a child. She just threw that in. He has a girlfriend of eight years and a child. Yeah, it's pretty big deal. Eight years and a baby. But I've I've always respected that. That's what I like. I love that line. I've always respected that because I would want someone to respect my relationship, so I respected his. Then one day she got sick and tired all this damn respect, get all this respect. Let's have sex for one night. But I'm gonna give it to you so good. You're gonna moan it, You're gonna want it for a long time, and then you'll be mine. Two years later, here she comes to write this letter, having some great sex, best they've ever had. Four times a week. Oh very well, that worked afterward, only job after the job on the weekend, getaways too much? Full days a week. It's seven days in the week. Where is this hell for that? He'd been with for eight years with this baby. If you have sex with him four times a week, how many days do the other girl getting? Because he still got to go down that, Well, that's seven days a week. You can't do that. Got to get some damn rest. Who you are? You got some, so go somewhere and get your ass some rest. I've tried to end things with him because I'm falling in love with him, but I can't seem to stay away from him, and he feels the same way. Well, that's cause you're sprung, you're whipped, got your nose open. You've been hammered. Ha. Yeah, that's old school, you've been hammered y. So now he said his family has guilted him into staying with his girlfriend. What this his family fault? Now, they didn't guilted him into staying with his girlfriend. That's what he came up with. That's what he's telling you. Why has been eight years, That's why he's been with you for two years. So let me ask you something. If his family has guilted him to stay with the girlfriend, why has he told you that he been with you for two years? Have you ever thought about that? Is it guilt? Is it love? I haven't heard you say he's in love with you. You said you will try to end it because you've fallen in love with him. I didn't hear you say he said that. I've never pressured him to leave her because I'm the home wrecker at this point. Yeah, you've been that, not at this point. You was the home wrecker two years ago. Don't think you just got the title today because you wrote the letter. But I'm growing more and more jealous of a relationship. This is something that eats at me, and I'm finding it hard to let him go. Well, let me ask you question. If you're finding it hard to let him go, what do you have. None of this belongs to you. You don't have relationship with the title. He can't take you over to the family's house. You ain't never been over there because they know that he got this baby, so you ain't welcome over there, and they didn't guilt at you in the stand with her, so now, which makes you not even want to ask to go over there. You ain't had a Christmas with the man in two damn years. You ain't had no New Year's Eve with him in two damn years. I can promise you you ain't. He ain't been at your house for Thanksgiving in two damn years, because he can't. You ain't had none of that. So when you say it's hard let him go, what you letting go of? How can I move on without this great man that I'm in love with? This great man has two chicks, one got a baby, and don't neither one of y'all know about each other? Just who the great man is? Should I give him an ultimatum and see if his heart is really with me or with her? You're not gonna do that because you're scared because you already know he had eight years to leave and ain't left her yet. He been with you just two. Family ain't guilting him in this staying with you. The family is guilted him into staying with her. Could it be that he's just born at home. Hell yeah, and you all the excitement he can y'all everywhere four times a week. If I'm coming by your house four times a week, do you know what's happening when I get over there? To make me gass up and come over there four times a week? You know many lies? I got to tell this woman with this baby, my girlfriend to not to show up four times a week. I'm I come in the dolt with Ben Gay on my back, stretching ice are hot? I got them bands and stuff. I'm doing beat from yoga. I'm all this. I got a politic machine in yoga garage. I'm doing everything. Girl, listen to me. You're in a sexual relationship with a man for two years and has been great sex. That's all it is. Ask him who would he prefer to be with? Just ask him, and then when he gives you the answer, just say, well, why aren't you? Because he gonna say I would prefer to be with you, And then just say why are you? And then watch this hill whoa. That's all you got to do, all right, Steve? Thank you. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. And please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. All right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. People across the country were shocked by the video of George Floyd losing his life while in police custody, but the team who shot the video has been especially traumatized. Seventeen year old Darnella Frasier is in therapy to deal with the trauma of witnessing Floyd's death firsthand, but also because she's had to deal with an unfair backlash of criticism from people on social media suggesting she could have done something to stop it. She could have done nothing, really, Yeah, whatsoever? End up on the ground. Yeah, if you make any attempt to stop a police officer. Number one, destruction of justice. Yeah, number two, felonious interfering with a police officer in the line of duty. Not to mention that you can be perceived as a threat. And she could have lost her life. And how this girl gonna get killed? She a young girl. Social media, it's got so many damn idiots on it. She's been dealing with a ton of media attention, which has forced her and her family to move out of their home in Minneapolis. Minneapolis, The damn police officers didn't do nothing. What you want hut to do? Right? Exactly exactly. But shouldn't we be glad that she got this on tape? Of course? Hello, yes, of course. If it wasn't for her bravery of shooting this video again, this would have gone unnoticed. Yeah, exactly. Oh man, Yeah, so congratulations to heartbreak. Yeah, but I mean a seventeen year old young lady like that, she's traumatized. I'm sure she is. She this is hard, and her family had to move from their home. This is crazy. Minneapolis police say Frasier has cooperated with them and has turned over her phone so they could extract the original video. So, I mean, she's doing the right thing. But you know, I mean heavily, heavily keep my phone. Shut up about your phone, specific time. Everybody's phone. Ain't feel with you know, Yeah, incriminating ever did Yeah, she's some people just have telephone. Yeah, you know what the real numbers on it? Swipe left. I'm just trying to swipe left on my phone. Swipe left, if you want to. I'm just thinking you're gonna run into something. But her bravery to tell me, yeah, we really should. I like to reach out to her. Okay, you know that's what I like to It is a way we could. Yeah, I want to reach out to him. Yeah, we have to preface because that hate is so much louder than love. And y'all got to understand that, because when hate coming your way, it's a lot louder than love. That's it. That's true. That's it. Steve Marvela's Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Those Atlanta police officers involved with a violent arrest and tazing of two black young college students who were in their vehicle during the protests after the curfew this weekend are now facing some serious charges. The Fulton County DA has charged six cops for using excessive force during the incident with Messiah Young and Tenayah Pilgrim. Atlanta's Mayor Kesha Lance Bottoms fired two of the officers immediately and four were placed on desk duty. Now onto Louisville. The police chief, Steve Conrad has been fired and two officers are on administrative lead after a barbecue business owner named David McAfee was shot dead by law enforcement trying to enforce curfew amid protests. The officers body cans weren't activated when authorities fatally shot mister McAfee. And as you know, the Louisville Police Department is already under investigation following the death of Brianna Taylor during that no knock warrant botched raid back in March. We all remember that We're eight where the officers in playing clothes fatally shot her eight times. Things like we getting all these mad caps, but we show ain't getting the ones with the three. We waiting on everybody else, then we're gonna get the three. They're working on that case right now. It's under investigation right now. I don't see what they need to invest the video. Look at the tape, just look at the tape. Yeah, but but at least this action is you know, this mayor of Louisville fired the police chief. So they are taking action and makesha Lance Bottoms in Atlanta took immediate action. She was on our show yesterday. So yeah, you know, because they want to stop it. This is how you stop it. You fired them immediately if they're you know, acting inappropriate. Well, I mean, but we're seeing actions that's being taken quickly that we hardly ever see before. Agreed. Yeah, so it is changed it, Yeah, it is. And that's the only way to change it. There has to be consequences, right, Yeah, it cannot go unchecked, right right. And and and they it was a hard time. I mean they said they had a hard time doing it when they were interviewed on TV. They had to watch the tape over and over, and they said that's the only conclusion they could have come to was to fire them because it was excessive force in Atlanta. In Atlanta, Yeah, that's Mayor Keisha was saying. And their chief of police very obvious. It was a successive force. Yeah, this has been a lotive force. And lawyer up quick yep. Yeah. And the young man said that he was glad you know that they got those monsters off the street? Um did they? Did they tage the young lady too? I know they know they Yes, yeah, him, I saw that, but I couldn't see what was going on on the other side of the car. Yeah, he was trying to protect her, but it looks like the taste was all in the car and that and that they did taste her. You know, you know, we've got they've got to do that. It's a combination of two things, racism and training. You've got to find a way to train racist people. And because guess what, they don't do enough in the process. The selection process is not thorough enough. Right. There is no way to detect racism on the questionnaire right, right, And anybody can apply for a job as a police officer. I mean you have to go through a series of tests and all of that. But like you say, you don't know if they're racist by looking on a piece of paper. Well, now, the officers in Atlanta, though they were African American, the two that got fired immediately, correct, they were they were okay, okay, they were Yeah. So there's some like you said, Steve, it's both and there's some training that they need to look at in these police departments. There's something, there's something that's missing that. But yeah, I mean, but racism, I mean you got to teach that in the home. I mean, just like you guys talk about how you teach your sons what to do when you encounter police officers and all that. I mean, what are what are other fans, What are white families teaching their sons, their kids? What are they teaching that? All right, let's talk about self care to relieve stress and to relieve some of this anxiety a lot of us have been feeling during all of this that's going on. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening to all right, So Steve, there's you know, no doubt that these are highly stressful times. So I got to ask you, are you practicing any sort of self care right now? I know you're working out eating self care how to handle stress. I've been brushing up on my cousin, working on new combinations, you know, how to put them together, working on the inflection. So when I get back out there in the work world, I'm gonna come out with new combinations. Okay, okay, you know, so a cusin has been really the thing that I'm trying to brush up on because it's helped me deal with the stress. You know, And like a lot of you, I've been practicing with my wife and she don't know it. Oh you've been saying it to yourself. Oh yeah, under my breath. You ain't crazy. Yeah, why were on quarantine? Right, I'll be under my breath. Oh okay, yeah, I tried every chance I get. I use different opportunities. Uh, Junior, what you got? How many do you relieve your stress? You? I've been in here by myself since March. What I like to do with just cutn't my light? Sat? And? Uh, you know, going into the kitchen and I opened that freezer, Dowa stands right in it. Ud freeze is myself because I'm too hot. I need somebody over here now. So I stands into freezing, take ice cream and just put it on. Yeah, I got cool off. That's what I grew for self CARER. All right, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Yesterday, in Houston, more than sixty thousand people marched in downtown Houston with the Floyd family in memory of George Floyd. City leaders, local rappers, and pastor Joel Oldstein were all in attendance. Meanwhile, during an emotional press conference, the mother of George Floyd's daughter remembered him. Her name is Roxe Washington Or, she remembered him as a good man, and she also pointed out the fact that their daughter will not grow up, will now grow up without a father. Take a listen, this is what those obstice at the end the other day. They get to go home and be with a family. Shanna does not have a father. He will never see grow up graduate. He will never walk down the eye. If it's a problem she's having and she needs a dad, she does not have that anymore. I'm home for my baby, and I'm here for George because I want justice for him. I want justice for him because he was good. No matter what anybody thinks, he was good. And this is the proof that he was a good man. Wow, lord proof. She pointed to the baby, a little Gianna six years old. Beautiful baby, beautiful baby, just beautiful little girl. Seat man, you know this this one. Um. It's been so many of these since I've been alive. It's been so many George Floyd's. It's been I can't count them. That never made the news that I that I knew of, right, that I knew of heard of. My father told me about him, My brothers told me about him. It happened to some cousins. It happens in all of my relative city. Finally, Yeah, in twenty twenty, I can say, for the first time, I think something is going to happen because of this is the first time I can say I've never felt like day was gonna do nothing before, even though I thought once social media came out and you could see some of these things that we knew was existing or we saw and there was no way to film it. We just I knew after social media, once you could see this, oh god, here it comes. And then to my surprise, nothing happened anyway, and so I became hardened by it coming up. It's our last break of the day. It's the last streak of the day. Ain't no more, not ain't no more. And we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only. He's a singer. You heard him, Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this you're listening show. All right, here we are, last break of the day. You know what I want to do is the closing remark that I did yesterday, because I'm really trying to get a certain point home so that we get a clear understanding of where we are with the protest which I again support protests. I understand the anger and how to protest turns because you are so angry, But I want you to understand what they are now going to do if we don't stay focused on the point, because we have some a lot of outside help right now. This is what I did, Yester. I just want to reiterate this, so I want to repeat my closing remark from yesterday. I have something I want to say. I've thought about this today and I'll try to find the best way to say it. But I want to say to all the protesters, I want to come to you as Steve Harvey. I want to come to you as a sixty three year old black man. I want to come to you as uncle Steve. I want to come to you as whatever affection you have for me. I want you to understand that I'm coming at you with this from a place of nothing but love, because I am first and foremost African American. When I wake up in the morning, I can never escape that it is a badge that I have worn with honor for sixty three years. I've never tried to run for the fact that I am black. I'm proud of it. I'm proud of my people. I'm proud of what we've overcome and how we've come this far in spite of all the obstacles. So what I'm saying to you is coming from nothing but a place of love. The subject that I want to talk to you about today is go home. Don't give him the satisfaction. And I want you to understand what I'm saying to you. See, listen to me, people, I'm sixty three years old. Infiltraders have been hired to incite riots for years. Infiltraders have been hired to incite riots for years. See the system has learned over the years how to deflate protest. See. The last protests that was successful in this country, to my knowledge, was doing the civil rights movement. See Martin Luther King had the cleanest way to get results through peaceful protest. Now, whether you agree with it or not, it worked, So listen to me because it produced changed in the voting rights at It produced things like affirmative action, schools became integrated, and a spotlight got put on Bull Connors down there with the things that he was doing to protesters in Alabama, amongst other things, the rows of parks incident. All it has came about through peaceful protests. Now, since then, the system has learned how to change the narrative of all protests starting in peace and gaining momentum. Once they see that a peaceful protest is gaining momentum, they simply wait on the proper time to incite the masses with either words or deeds. I'm telling you, I know what I'm talking about him, which then allows them to change the narrative or simply flip the script. Listen to me, folks, go home, don't give them the satisfaction. And I want to show you what's happening now. Our leadership has waited on this exact moment in time twice already. See, instead of addressing the problem, he finds a way of making a different narrative. Let me give you an example. He found a way to make Calin Callin Kaepernick's kneeling, which it was about this very topic and outrage that we're feeling right now over the recent murders of innocent black men. See, Colin Kaepernick was right, he had it right. But the flip, the changing of the narrative was made. See, his kneeling became against the military and the flag. Oh man, don't you know what happened then? See that end at all the kneeling. It cost him his career. But even more hurtful was we were no longer talking about racial injustice and police brutality, and our leadership came in and made himself to be a patriot. And now it's happening again. Listen to me, y'all, go home. Don't give him the satisfaction. See, once peaceful protests turns into burning and looting, which is being incited by people strategically placed to stir up their anger and to start the burning that start the looting. It now now allows them to cause a thing to happen. It allows them knowing this will happen, knowing that they've been waiting on this to happen. It now makes it all about destruction of property and lawless criminal behavior called looting, and it is set up to kill the original cause for protests. So now they can send in the National Guard, squash this civil unrest and do it all under the law of breaking laws and curfews. And the leadership in this country who stopped talking about the invisible enemy called Corona because he couldn't defeat that, so he found the visible enemy again, and it's us again. We are the visible enemy. So he's now calling himself the law and order president. So here he comes in to save the date. Ain't open his mouth one time about healing our nation or trying to show support against racism, none of that. Now he gonna just shut all these lawbreakers down. Young people go home. Don't give him the satisfaction because this all he weighed. For the first time since the Civil rights we have non white joining leader. They are listening. Don't let him change the manager. No purchases prohibited must be legal unless otherwise state. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to stew