Joe Biden, Attention Georgia, Halle Berry, Dallas Restaurant and more.

Published Dec 1, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We get the remix of the throwback that Uncle Steve gave us yesterday. The Chief Love Officer calls out "Sugar" because she is full of Sugar Honey Iced Tea! Halle Berry is the news because her sex life has been called into question. A Dallas restaurant owner goes off on the ladies for twerking in his restaurant. Steve's message to Georgia is get in line and vote! There might be another fight for Mike Tyson. 46 announced that he has an all female communications team. What are the words that define the year 2020? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve expresses his gratitude to God for keeping him alive.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all all looking back to back down, giving them just like theming buck things. And it's not me through good Steve Haring to mother star, don't joy. You gotta use that turn You got to turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water. Y'all, come, come on your bad Uh huh, I sure will. Good marded everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one it all. It's Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well all right, I've learned something and it sharing time. And I am ever appreciated. I do appreciate God for all that he allows me to learn in my life. One of the best lessons I've learned is that hardship teaches you some great lessons. Challenges brings about some of my best results. I think what I'm trying to say is in every challenge and hardship, every setback, I've learned something so so valuable. So here's what I've You know, I've known this, but I've just learned it at a different angle. Appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Now. I don't know how that sound to you, but I can't tell you how true it is. God being fair and just as he really is. He really is. He's a fair and a just God. What's most beneficial to us is he happens to be full of mercy and grace. And I'm telling you something, man, I've probably benefited from his grace and mercy more than anything else. I mean, really, man, if it wasn't for him just forgiving me and then for him just touch in my life the way he has, I mean, I'm I'm not hearing this position today. I'm just not. But a funny thing has happened along the way, even to you. If you look at it, is it your genuine appreciation and gratitude has been the key to you having more for your continued blessings and for making room for having to open up and pour out blessings that you don't have room enough to receive. If you look at it, see God being a fair and just God, which he is, why would he put more on you than you can bad? If you've noticed everything that's happened in your life, if you're still here, you've made it, you know, forget how rough. It was got that, but you made it. Forget what it sent you through when it hid made you feel you made it. Now, what makes people give up and you hear about people committing suicide, is they leave the God out of their life and they start allowing that other voice to control. And if it's really true that God never puts more on you than you can bear, as long as you stay connected to God, you can get through anything. But you lose that connection, you lose that communication, you lose that relationship with him. If you're not having a relationship with God, then who you're having a relationship with now? And it ain't but two forces at work at all time. It's good and evil, it's positive and negative. It's God's satan. Now, this is at work all the time. So if you're not being positive about everything, you leave room for negativity to stay up in. If you're not trying to be righteous in your way, then you allow evil to step in. If you don't work on your relationship with God, come on, now, look who you're letting step in. So now I'm asking you to understand that God never puts more on you than you can bear. Okay, now that we got that clear. That's a fact. Okay, Now with that fact in mind, let's go over this right here. Why would God, being as just and merciful as he is, put more on you than you can bear? Example, if God has given you blessings and all you're doing is complaining about him, you're never showing any appreciation of gratitude about it. Why would he give you some more stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he give you some more stuff to complain about? Why would he give you some more stuff that you would not show any more appreciation for? I mean, this thing is real simple, man, ain't it if you think about it? So? A lot of times, man, when I was going through my positions of not having it and wondering at all, like here, I ended up checking myself and going, man, I'm not even showing any gratitude or appreciation for the things He has done for me. Start showing some appreciation and gratitude, because it's the key to having more. It's the key to continued blessings. It's the key to the wonders of heaven opening up and pouring out a blessing that you won't have room enough to receive. It's the appreciation and gratitude of what you already have, as minimal as it may appear to be right now for you, it is still what you have. But if you've shown no gratual, no gratitude for the minimal, why would he give you the maximum? I mean, I'm just really just trying to put it real, real, simple, so I can keep understanding this thing right here. So let me give you an example. In my life, I had gotten so busy at one point that I had began to complain about how busy I was. This is true because I am busy, but it ain't the busy part because I asked to be busy. You know, I asked God to give me opportunities and to make a way for me. Well, in that you got to do something, and you got to get busy. But I began to complain about the business and how busy I was, and I noticed that a couple of things slowed up for me. So I had got to the point where I wasn't showing real gratitude for it. Well, I looked up and a couple of things started slowing down, and then I had to catch myself and I went, wow, man, you have got to start embracing the fact that you are this busy, embrace the act what all comes along with it. Because to whom much is given, much is required. You got to start embracing the requirement part if you want to continue with the giving part. So I changed my attitude. I caught myself and I started thinking him and showing real gratitude for how busy I was, instead of complaining about how busy I was. And then guess what. It opened up the windows of heaven and some more blessings got poured out. It just works that way all the time, for everybody, for me, for you, for everybody. So listen, y'all again. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to having more. Your appreciation and gratitude is the key to continued blessings. And your appreciation and gratitude it's the only way that you can get those windows of heaven to open up and pour out to these blessings that you won't have room enough to receive. You gotta act like you're glad for what you got in order to get more. You feel me, let's go. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, let me have you undivided attention please yesterday open up the show with a throwback, and it felt so good to me. I'm gonna do it again. I'm on. When you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. You, when you think of love, gotta get it on your mind. You, when you think of love God, and get it on all over your mind. He he, you know that real bad Loune slinger and threw that extra on that for no reason. Shirley Strong Barrier, Hey, good morning singer. You are yes Colin for real? All right, I'm looked up at the ending. Oh gay lord, up lord, everybody singing fool nephew, Tommy top top top, Let's get it. Hey, Well Tuesday day, same president. I mean, man, you know what, man, seriously, this has been for full years of foolishness, complete and other b s. Man, I ain't never seen nothing like it. I've never seen another country do this that's supposed to be a powerhouse, a great nation. It's the most embarrassing dude. And these ignorant and I'm gonna say it, man, ignorant Republicans who are actually believed even that this election was rigged just because this so asked loser said so Now you didn't believe that too. You got to be as gullible as his ass. He is stupid. Well, if they believe that, then they didn't win either. The Yeah, some of them, some of them seats, so to speak. But why is he bad? Yeah? And he's only mad where he lost? Where I mean? Man, he said nothing by the Alabama, Mississippi Louise Hannah did nothing. Yeah, he mad now because more black people voted for Biden than Obama. Here's what this man don't understand what. We voted for Obama because we loved him and wanted to see history made. We can't stand you, Moden. We loved him, though we can't stand you loved him. See he don't see. So who we loved is gone. All we had to do was turn our fury against somebody who has shown us nothing but but hatred and in disregard. So now we got a chance to slap somebody back. We slapped your ass right after White House asked the CLO coming up right after this, you're listening to show, all right, it is time now for Steve's favorite segment. It's called asked the CLO, the Chief Love Officer, the clue as the nephew calls him. So I have to ask you, clo. Are you ready? Yeah, all right, let's get it. This is from Sugar like her name Sugar in Austin, Texas. Sugar says, I'm a thirty year old engaged woman and my fiance used to be my boss. When we first started dating, he said we should keep things between us. We got more serious, I got a new job, and then he proposed. My old co workers found out we are engaged, and they had a fit. One of my former co workers told me that she used to sleep with my man. My fiance admitted it and said it was a mistake. He said, I'm the real deal and the woman of his dreams. So why didn't he tell me this before we got engaged? Tom? Why would he volunteering? Wait a minute, do you understand the rule is when you're sleeping with a worker or the boss, you keep it undercover. He kept it undercover because it was nothing to it. Now, they didn't found out that you got an engagement ring. Now here she come. We want to notify you, and now you're mad at him? What you mad at him? Fault? Everybody got a pack You slept with somebody before you met him, Sugar. All right, we ain't told Hill. You ain't told him everybody you slept with, Sugar. Come on now, Sugar, see that ain't the name that's on the birth certificate. You earned that name. Come on, and how did you earn that name? Oh? Oh, because you heard it more than once. All right, we're moving on. I think Carrie and Dthan Alabama says. My husband is a firefighter, so he sleeps at the station when he's on duty. Sometimes when he's away, we do a little freaky dicky stuff on FaceTime. And the other night we were on FaceTime and I had just gotten out of the shower, so I rubbed lotion all over my breast for him. I noticed that my husband's battalion chief was watching too, and I quickly hung up. My stupid husband told me it was no big deal because they share pictures and videos of their wives and girlfriends all the time. Who all the time? Right, I've been withholding sex to punish him, he says, I'm overreacting. What do you think? What? Dog? I don't. I don't see how the wife is up for sharing photos? An I don't not the wife? Dog, No, No, I'm not even somebody, your your fiance, somebody you seriously dating. I don't understand this. What y'all doing down at the five stations? How much free tank? Maybe you need to go home. Stops leaving down that. They need to wash the trucks, They need to do something. What are y'all down that going on around him? I've been watching. Got a dog? Y'all can train down there? Ain't y'all got something? Y'all greaves the pole? Can't your hand sliding contest the roads? You're doing? Take all the grease off that pole? He who can climb up the pole? The fast man? Oh, y'all showing your wife robbing lotion on her breath, that's that's it really is. And it's not a picture or video. It's actually your wife doing this in real time. That's crazy. That's crazy. You overreacted. No, I'm not you sharing pictures of me, your wife with another man throng with you. That's why she got off the phone. That's why she hung up in your face. That's why you ain't had none in a womnute. Yeah, that's why she's been holding sec withholding it from you. Yeah, I don't know, no, right, I got I don't know no black people do it. I don't know white people do it. I don't know no white man to do it with. They wive. I don't know what this came from. Yeah, but at your job you're taking You're letting all your co workers see your wife. That's craziness. It's craziness. It is water. Hold out and roll it back up. Find something to do for re y'all. Ain't that friendly? All right? So we're moving on Sonia and New York says. I'm a fifty three year old female and I'm dating a great guy that's seventeen years younger than I am. He's a millionaire and he spoils me with the best of the best. He's never been married because he's been focused on his career. Recently, he told me he wants to spend the rest of his life with me and wants to have a child before he's forty. He doesn't know my real age. When we met, I told him I was only four years older. I'm afraid of losing him over this, but I can't keep the lie going any longer. How do I break the news to him? Lord? Not that old? First of all, your voice and quit sounding like you for sweer, sweeter. Listen, listen. I can't keep this up in and longer. This is just too much. Now. I know I told you I was four years Yes, listen, this is my real voice. I know I told you I was four years older. That you can tell very well tell the voice. I am much older than you. Now. I didn't want to say this to you. Uh huh, but I was classmates with your mama. Yeah. Now listen to me. Me and Jerdine, I've been knowing Jerdy let Mark quick crying. Listen to me. Just just a bigger punk as your daddy is. That's what your daddy said, because your daddy was sleeping with Jerdine, ain't me? You ain't know that evil? Oh listen to me? What is your tripping for? Has been good? Not the only thing we needed? Listen. We can't hand no cheeris? I said cheeries? Well what you want me to say? Children? And what didn't you know? I was foughty hands no cheeris? This gig is up? I still take penicilla, all right? Thank you? CeeLo. Coming up next, have you temmy and run that prank back right after this? You're listening? Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here with today's national news and an entertainment news. Halle Berry is responding to Lisa Ray about the suggestion that Hallie is bad and bed Tommy, I love you, but what you not fishing? Let's start talking about handy now, that's what you're not gonna do. All right, we'll talk about at the top of the hour, but right now, the nephew is number. I got her number. We're not to run that, frank back, I apologize, had it for anything? Lisa Ray said that she got you. Don't. You don't talk negative of halle Berry. You don't do that her. You couldn't even say hello when you were this okay, I was shot, Okay, Okay, I choked when I see I choked. I got that. Okay. But there ain't nobody gonna sit here and be disrespectful to her. Now that's not gonna happen too. Band hunt all right, Marsha Larnson, what you got? What you got? Now? I've been taken up back by Harley. I'm media ministry, Media ministry. Let's go hello, lost, I'm trying to reach Dre Andre. Yeah, Dre, you're the person that runs the media at the church. You over the sound system and everything and all the um, the screens and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, I work with the church. Okay, how long have you been at the church, man, I've probably been at the church for like five years now, about five years. Okay, okay, listen. My name Doug Man, Doug Newsom, and uh I haven't I haven't joined the church yet, but I've been coming because my cousin, you know, my um, uh, my cousin them go there, and they've been going there for quite a bit. My cousin, Uh I got I got one cousin that's in the choir. Uh Latrise you know who Latrice is? Right? Yeah, yeah, I know you ain't a member of the church yet. No, No, I'm not a member of the church yet. But you know, I've been in there. You know, I'm liking the service and everything. So you know, it's just a matter of time, you know, uh uh, when I feel like I'm ready to actually join. But I ain't gonna lie. Man. I'm calling you because I got a bit of an issue about, uh about something I've been noticing for the last three weeks that's been going on in the church, and I wanted to uh, you know, I had to ask around who was over the media? Yeah, that's that's okay. So, uh, man, I don't know what's happening, and I ain't gonna lie. I gotta be real with you. It pissed me off. But for the last three weeks, you know, when my cousin get ready to sing, you know, I don't know why when she get up the sing that the mic just go out, you know what I mean, the mic just go completely out? Was she getting ready to sing? And I'm like, wait, what this don't make no sense? You know. So, man, I ain't been It's not like I'm timing it. I don't know. I mean, we don't have the best equipment at the church, you know. We we just got to work for what we got. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting there trying to sing about your cousin. Sometimes the MIC's get a glitch. Man, But see but see that. But see that's my problem though. The problem I'm having is the glitch happening every single time my cousin get the mic. You know, That's that's the problem of hem. I'm like, okay, so every time latrees get up there the same then you know they might go out. I came three weeks straight. I ain't hearing my cud saying nothing yet. So I'm calling you bro on you know, on some real man the man stuff. Just letting you know, bro, I'm coming to church again this Sunday. I'm coming. Na if Latrise might go out again, hey dog, somebody gonna get the You're gonna bring that energy the church. I told you, man, it's just a glitch. Ain't nothing I could do about it, Okay, what I'm saying, No, bro, what I'm saying is just right here though, And I'm being as real as I can. Which if if Latrese might go out on Sunday, immediately after that service is out with somebody getting the ass wood. I don't know why you calling threatening a member of the church. Man. Like I said, I ain't got nothing to do with it. I try to keep everything running cool, you know, I try to keep it running smooth. I can't tell you when a glitch is gonna happen. It's electronics, man, it's old equimen. Now. I'd love for you to be a member of the church with us, but I can't. I mean, why are you calling up here threatening me, hey, bro, because because I came up there three times, three times. I he came there and see my cousin saying. You know, my cousin been saying since we was kids, we all love to hear hussying. We love a voice, you know, we you know, we grew up listening to Latrise st So what I'm saying, I'm gonna say this here though, and I said it, I didn't said it twice already. I'm coming up there Sunday, if if Latrese might go out, Bro, let me just cut you off real quick. Ain't no way that you're gonna come up here and whoop nobody's ass. Man. That just ain't gonna happen. Like I told you, it's a glitch. But you ain't coming up to the church talking all this and then' gonna whip somebody's ass. Okay. So I see where we are now, So so let me just going on direct it this way. So let me say this, from Doug to Andre, from me to you, I'm letting you know right now, come Sunday, if Latrise might go out, not know somebody, I'm whipping your eyes, Drake, I'm whooping yo, as if the damn might go out. Okay, first off, ain't nobody whipping my especially no punk dude named Doug. He ain't gonna come to the church. What my that's gonna happen? Okay, what what what makes you think you can't get your ass drake? What makes me you over here threatened somebody over here with the media. You want to come test these hands and come test the hands? Man? You know what may the fact when y'all next rehearsal, I ain't just come on over that end. Come on over there, man, Why don't you come over right now? I'm over at the church right now. Oh so you're at the church right now. I'm at the church right now. Okay, okay, Now, if you want to catch school, you're gonna need the church after you don't get this as okay, Hey, Bob tell DJ then we're gonna go to the church out No, no, tell him. We've been to roll up there to this damn church. Okay, come on, call all up, call all up. Now you're fenna get your whipped out. So you didn't push it up on the wrong one. Now you're pushed up on the wrong one. So all this little you're talking cool, You're funn have eight dudes right now talking. So Douggie, you can bring Johnny, you can bring Billy, you can bring whoever you want, but it ain't gonna happen. Okay, okay, cool in real talk, Doug, you don't call me talking to all this book. How you about to come up here and whoop? And now you need like seven eight other guys back in the day, we should just handle this one on one. And now you want to come up here talking all that. You're gonna bring every cousin you've got in your house. If you want to do this, man, come up here, Let's do it one on one. Oh oh oh oh oh. You you're scared of something. Ain't nobody scared, but you're talking that. You whooping mine? And now you want to bring up every disciple you know? Man, you know what, Bring whoever you want. Just don't bring nobody you want bad because I'll put you all down. Okay, Well, I'm gonna tell you this here. I'm gonna bring Timmy with me, and Tommy gonna be the one. It's gonna act a damn fool with you. I'm telling you that right now, Tommy. So you don't know Tommy. No, I don't know Tommy. Okay, dude, you know nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey more on the show? Are you number? Hey? Man? Latrese got me to prank phone call. You might of fact the whole choir is in on this and they know that I am pranking you, Drake. Man. Now you got me on turning up on the radio. Now, I gotta go ask for forgiveness. All that smack. I don't talk now, come Sunday. I'm turning everybody's mic off. Okay, man, I gotta ask you this, Drake, what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the lay? You know, it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And Yo, Tommy, if I could turn your mic off, I turn that all right, nephew, thank you? Coming up at the top entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show and entertainment news. All right, Tommy, listen up. Halle Berry is responding and laughing off negative comments made by Lisa Ray regarding her sex life. Lisa Ray made a comment about Hallie sex life while on Fox Souls Cocktails with Queens with her co host Claudia Jordan, Vivica A. Fox, and Selena Johnson. The comments made centered around the reputation of Hallie not being great in bed. When Lisa Ray was asked to clarify whether she was insinuating that Hallie was a bad lover, Lisa Ray said, that's what they say, that's what I read, that's what I heard. Hallie then retweeted an article that covered the Cocktails with Queen's segment and wrote, miss at the real Lisa Ray. One asked, my man Van Hunt, He'll tell you all you need to know, and then she you know, ended it with a crying, laughing emoji. Uh. Hallie sex life has been a hot topic recently after earlier this month, she revealed that she had her first orgasm at age eleven. Well, o't what the hell was going on? Okay, tell you right now. I was trying to figure out. I was trying to figure out what was wrong. Why am I sitting here watching this Elvis Presley movie feeling this way? That's what I was trying to absorb and work through and orgasm. Matt Levin, that's what Hallie said. But anyway, how Lisa Ray know that Hallie ain't good in bed. What E's coming from? What Hallie Ray said. That's what she heard and that's what she read, and that's what they say. That's what Lisa Ray said. Who you know streets? Yeah, I ain't never heard that. Well, I ain't in the streets, so I ain't never the street just because anything. Yeah, and Hallie took it well, Hallie Dally joked about it herself. Yeah, she's asked, tell you all you need to know. Go ahead, Van Hunt, Dan Hale, you hate he got him help. But look, who's very quiet though? You hurt? I just don't like it what's talking about her? Cry? I just don't like it when people start talking about her and being disrespectful. It's her what Hallie bet, what Lisa Ray was doing, it's very disc slander. Who slander? It's slander. It's just you're just wrong. You're just not a good person. You're not do that. What oh man tell me Hallie is listening. I apologize for somebody speaking about you like that. It's just wrong for yourself. Together, quiet Carla, because she's a good person. All right. Can we move on now because there we have something else to cover as well a tissue. I know, Cartie b Okay, we're moving on. Nephew. Cardie b Is apologized to dry up. Cartie b Is apologized after making some tone deaf brags about a big Thanksgiving celebration. Cartie was criticized for getting twelve kids and twenty five adults together to celebrate Thanksgiving, even though it seemed she appreciated the quality time with family. She understood the criticism and tried to address people's concerns by speaking to the safety precautions she took. She said, sorry, my bad. I wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad. I just had my family in my home for the first time, and it felt so good and it uplifted me. I spent so much money getting everyone tested, but it felt worth it. I wasn't trying to offend anyone. All right, We're moving on. There you go. Time for today. Thank you man. Let's go to miss An ladies and gentlemen. Miss Ann trip. But the news, well, hippie, the first doses of fives coronavirus vaccine have arrived in the United States. That it's here. The vaccine produced in Belgium flown over here. It's in the storage facility in Michigan. Health officials say the minute the government says it's okay for use, the shots can be rushed to wherever they're needed. The Sentence for Disease Control meets today a panel from that anyway from the CDC to discuss who should be first in getting it, most likely hospital and other healthcare workers. Also at the top of the list adults with underlying conditions, people over sixty five years old, also folks who work in grocery stores. By the way, the federal government has also launched something called get This Operation Stolen Promise. It's aimed at identifying preventing the production of bogus vaccines. That's the world we live in. They have now been two other confirmed election losses for Donald Trump. Yesterday, Wisconsin officially certified Joe Biden as the winner of the presidential election there, and Arizona's Secretary of State Katie Hobbs announced that he recount shows Joe Biden won more votes than Trump in her state, and contrary to what Trump claims, she says there was no evidence of any nanigans. Of those three point four two million ballots cast, over eighty eight percent of them were cast early, which provides more proof that Arizona's ballot by mail system works. It's been another case of a white man shooting and killing an unarmed black teenager, supposedly for loud music, this time in Oregon. Authorities say that forty seven year old Robert Paul Keegan is under arrest. Police say Keegan's totally responsible for the murder of Aiden Ellison because he had a gun and he just wanted to use it. There was no reason to murder the young man. Eight years ago, another white man shot and killed an unarmed black teenager. At that time, it was in Jacksonville, Flaherty you may remember this case was supposedly playing loud music outside of a convenience store in the parking lot. That white man is now serving a life prison sentence. By the way, the American Medical Association is now declared racism to be a public health threat and for its victims. The AIMA says it causes mental health issues like depression and anxiety, poor physical health like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and kidney disease. The American Medical Association has now pledged to confront systemic racism and also police brutality. According to MZ, doctors say that the original James Bond Sean Connery died of respiratory failure brought on by pneumonia, and they also say because of his age also that also factored into how he responded. The ninety year old Oscar winner died on October thirty first. And finally, today is National Courage Day and also appropriately enough rose apart. Today we honor all of those who had enough courage to stand up and put their lives on the line. Many lost their lives. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, Steve, here, we are a lot of things going on. You know, it's still very political in the state of Georgia because of the Senate runoff races. And did you have a special message to the voters? And try what I got a message for y'all, And I won't you all to understand something that we've got a little bit of unfinished business because we want to send a clearer message to presidents that this nothing was fraudulent about this election. That is real. Now for those of you to still doubting that your vote works or not. I don't know what more proof than you need than to watch in real lifetime as the votes came in from Detroit, Milwaukee, Atlanta, and Philly, and we all know who stayed out. Get your ass down there and get in line and vote. Sick of this is one of the most important elections that we're gonna have. We can win two Senate seats and send a clear message to Trump with a parting guilt. Go get in line if you look. If you can stand in line to get in the club, and you can spend your damn rint money, you can stand in line to vote again. Yeah, just get on down there. If you can stand in line at the Best Buy to get that big ass team that don't fit in your little last car. If you can't get in that line again, okay, if you can get in line at that damn DNV to get your driver's licensed in your baby's names, so you can stand in line again. Sick of this here, man, If you hadn't been in that damn line at the Red Lobster, eat them damn biscuits that you know you don't need, yea, get your ass in the voting line. The chatter biscuits was happening. Yes, standing in line at the damn Center Bun Place. Get your ass in the voting line. The ball just backed up round the corner. They're good though you standing in line outside the beauty supply Place. I'm gonna be honest with you after you get out of line, and it don't help some of y'all. Get your ass in the voting line, even if you've been in last, because if you don't stand in line and again, all the stuff you like to stay in the fall will be gone. You got you got deep with this standing standing in the line, standing countdown? Is owner standing in the Live days standing standing in the line? WHOA get your ashen line? Thirty four minutes after, we'll talk about this story involving a black restaurant owner in Texas. Right after this, you're listening to the Morning Show, a black restaurant owner in Dallas, Texas went off, I mean really went off on a section of mostly black women after one of them got up in their booth and tworked. And now the black restaurant owner is getting dragged and some people are plotting him while also defending his actions. The incident went down at a joint called True kitchen and cocktails. It opened just about five months ago. When there is it? Is it nice? Yeah? Okay, well it's owned by a black guy. His name is Kevin Kelly Um. Multiple women got up and danced on their chairs against a glass wall. Take a listen. I invested a lot of money in the buying this building. Get to developing this concept so black people can have somewhere nice to go to. Okay, nowhere where we can feel good about ourselves, and they somewhere where our people can feel good about ourselves that they culture. Okay, yeah, now, no real talk, and so all that's working. Taking the peak. Don't bring it here because we're a restaurant. And so beyond that, seventy five percent of our customers, the ladies, and I'm gonna be in the show, respect for themselves for how they carry themselves here. So how can I other being to respect himselves? And you guys are talking on last year? Do you want to do it? You have my restaurant because I need it for our people and I need it for our culture. So don't do it. I'll don't do it again. I don't want to hear it. You don't like that, get out because I don't need your money. I need to provide something for my people. They don't do it again, thank you. I'm not mad at him. That was a black restaurantstail. Look, it's supposed to run, man. It's not a place to twerk, you know, man. And like he said, he wanted to have somewhere nice for black people to go, and then there's always somebody gonna mess that up. Go to the club, Magic City, go to strip club. You want to twork, Go anywhere, man, Why are you in this man's establishment talks? Kids come in here to eat. There's people come in here to eat, have dinner, everybody. Everybody. Don't think your ass is fine. I might want to see all that. Okay enough. A lot of people did not like Kevin's tone. They felt like, if it's a restaurant, it's bumping music, it's serving boots, it's promoting itself like a club, that's right for dancing. So that's what the ladies did. They got up and danced. He eventually apologized for using profanity during his speech, but he says he's standing his ground on the twerking. So you know, I mean what you said, Junior. You know there's a lot of things going on, you know, running the restaurant. Man. You know it's hot in that kitchen, you know, so get it as stressed and everything. You know, he had just had a grease fire. It could have been a lot of reasons why he went off like that. Ain't saying his tones. You know, I didn't like his tone. What I mean, I didn't have a problem with his tone. It's his place, you know, it's I don't But look, man, hey listen, do you know what people have to go through the open up businesses, what they have to go through to get the loan, the all the permits that were licensing. Man, do you know what you got to go through to have this? Man? And then you you have a vision for what a place you try? So what you playing music and that It don't mean you got to stand up, put your ass up in the window and start twerking. This ain't I think it's disrespectful of the other customers that don't pay. People come in there and eat, They don't come in there and see you twerk. If he hired dancers for twerking on the tables, that would be different. That was New York boy boy boy be out of here so fast. I ain't got no problem with his tone. I support the brother, And look, man, you know what we gotta stop with all this. This is our freedom mess. We we are a people who are steady trying to climb. Were steady trying to climb. We can't have nobody stopping the climb. You don't know what this young man went through to get his place, and and maybe he don't want to see it. He said, I don't need your money. He tried to have a right to refuse service. Yet we didn't call to I found out that was his third time over there. Now I understanding that was his asking him to stop. Tone. Yeah, all right, I know that it was offensive to some of the others. I can promise you with the tworking or the tone, the working to some of the other women. You don't know in Dallas. No, I don't a going to behavior. It was just just man might have a wife tone. We got to go. Uh coming up next, nephew, prank phone call right after this you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject why do good guys always finish last. Uh wow, we'll get into that, but first the nephew is here with today's prank. Call what you got for us? Enough? Get a drama? Sung, Okay, give the drama. So let's go, Catt, all right, this is musical. You're the drum Hello, I'm telling to me reach uh Richie, Hey, Richie, how you doing? You the drummer for the for the band? It's saying, it's Sam all right, and you also the guy that does you manage? You're the manager of the band? T right? Correct? Correct? Correct? What's upplication? All right? All right? We want to book you guys for I think it's gonna be in February. All right, all right, February sixteen. That's yeah. I mean my name is Carter. They told y'all's gonna be calling I think so yeah. Okay, let's tell you what we're gonna go through a little check minus Liz here, make sure we on the same page, and we got everything's gonna be good that night. But I hear you guys. You got I'll tell you something. You guys come highly recommended. You know that, don't you. I appreciate that. We know that we're the best thing out there. Yeah, it's all good. Sounds all good, sounds perfect. All right, Now let's talk about money, because that's always the most crucial thing to talk about. Now, you guys, sounds good. You guys are supposed to be What about thirty five hundred for what I understand? Correct? All right? How many? How many hours do I get you to thirty five hundred? So what time he's starting at? We're gonna start that. We're gonna start seven product seven thirty, you know, get get that thing jumping off about seven thirty. I think that's gonna be good. Yeah, we could play till like I guess, put out ten o'clock, seven thirty teen. I'm correct, Yet I'm gonna pay something. They're not gonna get going good till about ten. So I'm gonna say I'm gonna say this to you right now. You think you guys could probably go to midnight maybe twelve thirty if I if I make that thing nine five thousand dollars sounds good to me, you could definitely work with that. You can work with that. Yeah, Yeah, well we'll a commodate. It's gonna be an awesome party. We're gonna we're gonna bring this. Okay, all right, we got that out of the the way. I'll tell you what I think. The main thing that we haven't gone over is we haven't gone over to songs. And that's what that's what's gonna be an important for this show down. Now you you can. I you got a pin and a pad. You can write this down. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I write it down? All right, down? Give me a second, go ahead, all right, yeah, yeah, I got all right, I'm ready. I just want to be clear you guys, when you go, when you gotta go do gigs, you do have people that won't certain uh songs? Am I right? A wrong? Yeah? Usually? Yeah. Just if you got a request, definitely, let us know we could commodate. All right, all right, well here we go. Huh, here we go. I want you to write this down. I got I got something that we gotta make sure this is gonna be doing the high out of the party. Here we go. Okay, Friends in Low Places by Garth Brooks. Okay, right, Kenni sen whiskey. That's Chris Faithful, you know that. Okay, I'm not telling fun that's Jason all things. Hold off for a second. Is that country music? That country music well, that's that's that's that's that's everything. We're gonna do everything. We're gonna do that said country bro. I gotta tell you right now, man, R and B. That's our specialty. Did you gotta know that? You know what I'm saying? We played R and B. You did not know that? Oh? All I know is you guys come hand men. They tell me you guys and saying any thing in the world. All I know is I want to say that gun country. I want you to that gun country music going on round that. But you know, our specialty is R and B. That's our specialty. You know what I'm saying. It's not like we're training monkeys where we could just learn something new. I spent like that. You know what I'm saying. That's man, Man, let's let's get let's get one. Let's get one thing understood. You're the person that said monkey, I ain't sick. But no yo yo, I'm just I'm no. And you know that we're an R and D band. That's our big thing. That's what we promote ourselves as. Let me ask you something, richie, but he ain't something. Now you not do you not want to make the five hound no of that you and I have already in nootiating. I don't like being disrespected though. You know what I'm saying, No disrespecting you. You're just We're an R and B band. We are a country you know what I'm saying here, Richie, you got something his country music. I have no problem with country music. It's just that we have a full horn section, which doesn't really work with country music. You know what I'm saying. We play R and B. It's not our genre. Well what you should thing, But if I don't hear uh let me see Your Girl by Cole Swindale. Didn't didn't that, it ain't gonna work for me. I gotta get that. I gotta get slow burned by Tim Hitts. I gotta get all my roddy friends were coming over by I ain't William. I mean that, y'all. You know what Wait wait, wait wait wait. Kevin over at the bank is telling men that you guys can sang anything in the world, and I know you ain't telling me that. Kevin's line, I mean, he's maybe he should have told you explicitly what we do and what we play. You know what I'm saying, I've never met anybody in my life. I'm playing problem playing Guard Brooks, Chris Stapleton, Jason Aldan Brooks and Duns Blake Shelton, Cole Swindale. Lady, ain't you don't sit here and tell me you can't play none of these songs. I want you to get on the stage and sing the songs that we won't. We ain't got time to find another group. Everybody, what I don't know. I don't feel about your stupid party. You know what I'm saying. You came to us to play music, and then we told you what we do right right now? You know, right now, I feel like I feel like we had a stand off and the oka al all right, all right, let me let me talk to my band, all right, because this is going this is going unnecessary too far, you know what I'm saying. Maybe we can make it work, all right? Let me ask you something? Is Dre the bass player? Yeah? Correct? Okay? Can I tell you something about Dre? What about him? Tree? Got me to play phone call you. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Baby, you just got pranked by your boy in the band, Dreda damn. Oh, okay, I gotta ask you something, man, what is the man? I mean, the badest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're the drama son. I love him. Yeah, like him. I'll tell you what I don't hear. Tom Hicks Man, Garth Brooks get Chris Sapleton, Buddy, we got to stand off at the old k kreng brother. He had to laugh. Kid. He went, Okay, I didn't want to be clear. You don't want to say monkey? Yeah, man, I said, yeah, I don't like too much. Yeah, where is this going? Let's just be clear now you're the one brought it up? It up? Yeah, crazy, Catch the Nephew. Every Friday night you can catch me Ready to Love on the old network that is nine that is nine p m. East and eighth Central. On the own network, Ready to Love Last Resort, We're Own Resort, twenty singles Looking for Love and I Am I'm the coach. I'm cupid me out everything. Thank you, I try show. I know it really is. We love that show. I can't wait for the reunion. Oh dun, dunn, Hey, Hey, is it a way that I can like Oh binge, watch it? Yeah, just huh um uh talking to your remote. Yeah, all right, thank you enough. Your Strawberry letter coming up? Subject, why do good guys always finish last? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the string show. Attention Georgia. Attention, Georgia. The countdown is on for the Georgia Senate runoff dates. Please request your absentee ballot right now. If you haven't already registered to vote. December seventh is voter registrations deadline. After that you can't register anymore. December fourteenth through the thirty first is early voting, and we always early vote, now, don't we? And then January fifth, twenty twenty one is election day. Now we want to vote for a reverend doctor Raphael Warnock and John Ausoff. Okay, come on, Georgia, we gotta do this, finish the job. Come on, George. We've got to get it cranked up. Man. Yeah, we do, We absolutely do, all right, And now we got to crank up on the Strawberry letter. It is time listen. If you need advice, okay, on relationships, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry LETTA thank you Nephew, subject why the good Guys Always Finished? Last. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty nine year old black man and I met a thirty nine year old black female and we hit it off. She told me she'd just gotten out of any emotion emotionally abusive relationships, so I wanted to treat her extra special. She told me that she wasn't used to men being honest and reporting in to her throughout the day. I thought that it may be too much for her to handle because she has major trust issues, but I stayed with her. I was happy to help with her bills. I even paid her rent for two months when she got in a financial bind. Then the drama started and she started comparing me to her old boyfriend. She expects me to dress a certain way, and she always criticizes how I get my hair cut. It's clear she's accustomed to bad boys and that's not my style. The more I did to help make her life easier. The more disrespectful she got. When school started back, I told her I could pick up her son daily and keep him until she got off work. He's twelve and she doesn't want him staying in the after school program because of COVID nineteen. I work from home, so I was trying to help. She had a fit about it, and Darner accused me of indecency and wanting to spend time with her son. I didn't like it one bit, but after a day or two passed, I could see where she was coming from. I've been with her for ten months, so I thought it was cool, but my bad. I talked to my pastor about my relationship, and he said, some woman. Some women don't know a good man when they see one, and she's one of them. I wanted to show her a different way of life because she's a beautiful woman. My pastor advised me to walk away until she gets help. What do you think should I let her go? Yeah? I think you should. I appreciate what you're trying to do with her, but why continue to put yourself through this? Really? I think your pastor's right. She doesn't understand that she does have a good man. Your intentions are good but unappreciated here. And do you know how many women would love to have a man, a good man like you, who helps him out financially, helps him with the kids, and the big one one who's honest and who checks in and does all the things that you say you do. You're not over there lying and cheating if you can't get her to reset and reevaluate you and this relationship. I just think, you know, she needs to realize that this is what she should want, although she doesn't want it. You say she wants a bad boy, then yes, I think you should let her go and stop wasting your time. Steve, hey man, look I got she may be beautiful, but some wrong. You know, some people can't let go of the past and which prevents them from having any type of future. How many times have I said on this radio show that you can't drive your car looking in the rear view mirror. How many times have I said that? And this woman right here, now she got a problem. Now she told you she wasn't used to me and being honest and reporting it in to her throughout the day. Now you you you thought that might be a problem because she wanted you to be honest and reported and you ain't hand no problem. You give it a try, and you know she got some major trust issue, and so you stayed with her. Now you're helping out with her bills. You paid the rent for two months when she got in financial trouble. And now the drama started, and she started comparing me to her old boyfriend. And here here where we got to start thinking about getting out dog if she was in an abusive relationship, emotionally abusive, and wasn't getting cheat it right. She expects you to dress a certain way, and she always criticizes how cutting my heir. If you like the way he dressed better than me, and you liked his hair cut better than me, why don't you just go back to his abusive ass? WHOA See? Now you know this is what non abuse looks like. This is what non abuse dresses like. Now, if you want the same old, same old, they're just going back into it. But this is what non abusive looks like. And this is what it dresses like. Now it's clear she's accustomed to bad boys and that's not my style. Well let her go get another bad boy. See, some people ain't happy, man. Some people don't know how to move on. Some people are so accustomed getting treated bad that they think it's the norm. It's what President has been doing to this country. He'd delied so many times to these Republicans that they accepted as the norm. Now he says it's a fraudy election. Guess what, Now everybody believe it. Let her go and feel how she want to feel. She liked bad boys, Go get another bad boy. I'm not to do. Just high cut my hair. It's a hair cut. I like a part in my hell. I got to go to work. All right. We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject why the good Guys Always finished Last? We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Morning show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject why the good Guys Always finished last? Why? I don't know, man, I can consider myself a good guy. Bro. I'm doing all right, So I don't think that's true. I think some good guys end up with bad women. That's what I think, and that's what I think happened in this letter. To this for the year old man. Then a thirty nine year old female hit it off. She was in an emotionally abusive relationship, so he went out his way to treat the extra special. She said, she wasn't used to me and being honest and reporting it into her throughout the day. You know, I thought it might be a little bit too much for me. But then she went on try to give it a shot, because you know, he went on trying to give it because she got some trust issues. But I stayed with her. Then you're helping with her bills and everything for two months. She got in fund. But then she started comparing me to her old boy Fred. She expects me to dress a certain way, and she always criticized how I get my hair cut. Like I said, your abusive boyfriend dressed a certain way and got his hair cut a certain way. Well, this non abusive man dresses like this and gets his haircutting like this. That's what makes me different from him. Now, if you want the same thing, then going back over there, it's clear that she's accustomed to bad boys and that's not my style. The more I did to help make her life easier, the more disrespectful she got sea dog. Listen to me. She wanted them women where she ain't. She ain't happy less there's some drama going on. But I know people like that day. They just ain't happy lest some messages going on. They don't know how to leave well enough alone. They don't do none of that. They just they just got to have some junk going on. So when school started back, I told I could pick up her son daily and keep him until she got off work. He's twelve. She don't want him stand in after school program called of COVID nineteen. So the brod tried to help out. I work from home, so I was trying to help. Now get a load of this. He tried to help. She had a fit about it, and damn near accused me of indecency and wanting to spend time with her son. Wow, I hold up. I didn't like it one bit. But after a day or two passed, I could see where she was coming from. One holder, man, Hold, at what point do you see where a woman coming from that is accusing you of being indecent with her twelve year old son? What? What what did I do that? Oh? I see where you're coming from. We was hugging what No, don't this is again? Now, I don't know if her abusive relationship before included something with her son, and then you might have a problem because maybe something abusive happened to her son. And if that's what you're talking about, then you can see where she's coming from. Oh Kate, But once again, bro, we ain't talking about you. Though, we ain't talking about you. So now I've been with her ten months, I don't know how to hear you hadn't done this for ten months. Dog, ain't no way in him? So I thought it was cool. But my bad. I talked to him a past about the relationship. He says, some women don't know a good man when they see one. That's true. I want to show her a different way of life because she's a beautiful woman. My past advised me to walk away until she gets help. Do you think I should let her go? Run? Dog? Yeah, dog, get out of air. Listen to me. Everything you do. She got a problem with you, try to help with her son. She got problem with that you're dressed a certain way. She got a problem with that. You get a hair cut, get the little pot put in your head because you square you know she got a problem with that. She don't like nothing you do. You help her with her bills she made. You're sitting up here. She wants some drama in a lot. You know, y'all just walking the house, start cussing. One day she'd go, oh my god, I love you. I love you. No see Broun, listen to me. Your pastor is right until she gets help. Walk away, because bro, you find to blow another ten months. I got she fine, But remember what somebody's grandmama told me a long time ago. I don't care how fine a woman is. There's a man somewhere sick and tired of her ass. I don't care how fine she is. You can believe that. I don't care how rich you dude is. That's a woman somewhere. Don't give a damn about that money a minute. But there are some women somewhere and don't care about that. Some woman to sit up in there and whatever. But you know, man, I would get on out, man, and go on and find you somebody that appreciates getting treated well. I wish I would often take care of you little punk as. And he accuse me of someone let it bragged as staying I didn't get the cold. Yeah, but there's no Steve. But there are plenty of women who would have gate him, plenty. You got frustrated, sta we got mad man went down here to so she don't want to catch a cold? Well, I let him stay. You want to see my seven point m want to see this little hardhead boy. I'm trying to help you out. Yeah, let's skip that. I'm not I'm not gonna continue to see nobody that accused me of being decent with a little kid. Man. Let me you better get out of that though. Yeah, all right. Post your comments on today's Strubberry Letters Steve HARVEYFM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Struwberry Letter podcast on to Man's coming up with forty six minutes after the hour, Sports Talk with Junior right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Junior, let us have it here. It is Sports Talk with Junior. Okay him no boom because yesterday in sports he didn't mention. Yeah, yeah, Cleland, that's a Cleveland Browns one again. Woman? Is that record? Three? Three? Yeah? Y'all the reverse? Yeah? Oh we ain't three y'all? Three and eight? Yeah, you know what it is, that's why. But this is this is crazy though, because look, Mike Tyson fought Roy John's on Saturday. Okay, now over the weekend, this already talks of another possible fight of Mike Tyson. And y'all ain't gonna bleed this. You said, it's not saying Mike Tyson. Okay, Okay, Mike Tyson. But he fights because I'm fighting. But he did, like Turner, No, I thought it was but possible to fight against Evan the holy Field. Tyson fought twice back in the day, back in early Yeah. He holy Field say he gonna get back in the ring with the same person who bit the ear. I'm holding my ears right now. Is he gonna be high again like he said he was Saturday? Yeah? Yeah, So you know the first fight man here, he was a great champ man let Brown. He beat Tyson left Brown the first time t KO. Then he won the second fight against Tyson where he was disquite Tyson was disqualified for biting the ear. But holy Field said, come with a price though this third fight, he gonna fight Tyson. He's not getting the ring unless it's twenty five million at least, come on, you're trying to pay off some debts that I love it. I love twenty five million. Yes, but it's your money. It used to be persons that big secure the bag. Yeah, yeah, five million. I whoop, holy feel twenty five million, I tell you, I get it in whoop holy field. Huh. Yeah, you're trying, you as just like right, I don't know why, no, no, no. I like boxing, but twenty five million now seems like a lot. Surely the big fights Mayweather girl, Yeah, well Mayweather all right, thank you, Junior. Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and trending political news. Presidentally like Joe Biden announced his communication staff and guess what, guys, girls rule the world. Baby, it's an all female team up. You love it? Yes, yes, yes, yes yes. Communicating directly and truthfully to the American people is one of the most important duties of a president. The statement was taken as a rebuke of the Trump administration, which, of course has been criticized for attempting to spread untruth. Just call it what it is, spread lies in the White House briefing room while slamming the media for fake news. So there you have it. The girl, the lates, the women will be on the communications team. I love it. Shout out to small queen Queen. Yes, that is our girl. We love her, love her, love her. Take your victory last. Yes she helped him get in there. Yes she did. Yes, um yeah. And other news. I'm sure you guys have heard about this president. He, like Joe Biden, twisted his ankle on Saturday. He was just playing with his dogs on Saturday. Twisted his ankle. A day later, doctors determined that he suffered a hairline fracture or hairline fractures in his right foot. He's going to have to wear one of those orthopedic walking boots for a while several weeks. Actually, yeah, okay here out to January. Nothing can't happen to him. We never would, but I've never seen but check this out, man. Have you seen a picture of Trump playing with the dog, Trump playing with his grandchildren, the grandkids up at the White House talking to Donald Trump? Anything? Have you seen any sign of affection with Donald Trump and his wife? The only person he kissing the mouth is if uncle. You know. Milani slam that hand away every time, every time that away away from me. That relationship gotta be over. Yeah. Meanwhile, the lame duck president is still in denial about the election results. He also through the Justice Department and the FBI under the bust, yet again claiming that they haven't done their job by investigating his unfounded claims of voter fraud. Ain't his board to hear to the d o J. Bar oh attorney, he's ahead of d J. I don't know what it is, but it's over. You're denial. We're not counting on. Get them boxes in there. Let's get to the left. Everything you own in a box to the lab. The stuff off this night stand. Let's get the bath room out of there. Let's just get get all these toiletries. We don't need nothing. What is all this? That is all this saff in here? Get out? Yeah? What does he do with these golf balls in this bed? Man? Just do y'all think he's gonna refuse to leave? Though? I hope you do. If yeah, yeah, it'd be great TV. I hope. I hope they put him on a forklift and bring his as No. I want him to go in with mace twist ties. All of it coming in. Mister President, step outside, put your hands up, get on the ground, Get on the ground. That's what I want, the whole thing, flash bangs and everything. And then he says, after the Electoral College confirms everything, then he'll leave. That's what he said. But he's told like a hundred million lines. I'll think he's gonna and Biden doesn't want him there. I'm sure. Yeah, just give me my Bible so I could take my old Yes, let's go and get it cracking. Yes, all right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show on some trending stories coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show any guesses on the word of the year, You know how Miriam Webster, the Dictionary reveals a word of the year. Any guesses on what that word might be this year? We've said it a lot, every lot. That's a good one, would you say, Steve, that's very close. That's close. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes yes. Pandemic. The word pandemic is not just technical, but it's become general now. It's probably the word by which will refer to this period in the future. Other buzzwords like quarantine, asymptomatic were runner up, runners up, So there you go, pandemic corns. I thought sugar honey iced tea was real big. You got more words? What else you got? If you could describe this year in one word? What would it be that you can say sugar honey, sugar honey, ice issue like blackish, like sugar honey, sugar honey iced t t. Yes. Okay, hey man, it's been like I've really had a blessed you. Be honest with all jokes aside I had a blessed you. I have some struggles in it. Yeah, but steal standing man, and I'm grateful. So the key, gratefully the key. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and Entertainment News. All right, Tommy, listen up. Halle Berry is responding and laughing off negative comments made by Lisa Ray regarding her sex life. Lisa Ray made a comment about Hallie sex life while on Fox Souls Cocktails with Queens with her co host Claudia Jordan, Vivica A. Fox, and Selena Johnson. The comments made centered around the reputation of Hallie not being great in bed. When Lisa Ray was asked to clarify whether she was insinuating that Hallie was a bad lover, Lisa Ray said, that's what they say, that's what I read, that's what I heard. Hallie then retweeted an article that covered the Cocktails with Queen's segment and wrote, miss at the real Lisa Ray. One asked, my man Van Hunt, He'll tell you all you need to know, and then she you know, ended it with the crying laughing emoji. Uh. Hallie's sex life has been a hot topic recently after earlier this month, she revealed that she had her first orgasm at age eleven. Eleven. Well, I didn't know what the hills going on that, Okay, I'm gonna tell you right now, trying to figure out. I was trying to figure out what wrong I Why am I sitting here watching this Elvis Presley movie feeling this way? That's what I was trying to absorb and work through and orgasm and even that's what Hallie said. But anyway, that Hallie ain't good in bed? What else coming from what Hallie said? That's what she heard, and that's what she read, and that's what they say. That's Lisa Ray said, you know streets. Yeah, I ain't never heard that. Well, I ain't in the streets, so I ain't never the streets just because she mean anything. Yeah, and Hallie took it well, Hallie Dally joked about it herself. Yeah, she's asked her an, I'll tell you all you need to know. Yeah, go ahead until you hate, you hate. He got a hail. But but look, who's very quiet though you hurt? I just don't like it what's talking about her crying? I just don't like it when people start talking about her and being disrespectful. It's her, what Hallie be, what Lisa Ray was doing, it's very disst slander, it's slander. It's just just just you're just wrong. You're just not a good person. You're not do that. What oh man, tell me I apologize for somebody speaking about you like that? Is this wrong? All yourself together? So quiet, Carla, because she's a good person. All right, coming up, it's our last break of the day, it is. And if you don't believe it, stick around, And of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening String Show, All right, Steve. Right before we get to your closing remarks, we have to remind Georgia that this is a very important election coming up. Here's the information for the Georgia Senate runoff date. You can request your absentee ballot right now, because December seventh is the voter registration deadline in Georgia. Now December fourteen through the thirty first early voting, that's when you can early vote. And then January fifth of next year, twenty twenty one is the actual election day. That is when we will go to the polls yet again and vote for Reverend Rafael Warnock and John Ossoff. We are sending them to the Senate, We're sending them to DC. Okay, so here he is an even number of Republicans and Democrats and Vice President elect Kamala Harris will be the tiebreaker and it would be a nice partying kill for absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, let me clarify something that I said in an earlier break that I had a blessed year. I'm not a person who's callous and I do understand that's people who struggle this year. I'm very aware of that. All I was saying was I feel so blessed this year that I'm still alive, that my loved ones are here. And at the same time I realize that everybody's loved ones ain't here. But the blessing in that is that you are. You know, nobody wants to lose a love one. All of us on this show have suffered that loss, and I mean deeply close to us. Nobody wants that. But at the end of the day, I'm still grateful that I'm here, that God has spared me, that God has strengthened me and gave me the wherewithal and the fiber and the strength to get through the difficult times. I've had a lot of bad news in twenty twenty, but I ain't had no more bad news than nobody else. It's some people that had some horrific news in twenty twenty. Somebody asked me one time, in the middle of the pandemic, man, it's got to be the worst shiar of your life, wouldn't you say, I said, now, not twenty Actually wasn't my worship? He said, Mary how could you say that we ain't working right now? It's a pandemic. Brother. If I could describe to you some years of my life, you would sit over here and feel the same gratitude I feel. But ain't that true about all of us? Though? If you really take inventory of your life as rough as twenty twenty has been, there are millions of us listening to this radio show that has that's had rougher years than twenty twenty. I know we didn't lost some key people out there. I know some people have lost some key people, but I hadn't lost some too, and I've had some rougher years. But through all of it, the part that I maintained is the fact that God has blessed me in spite of the things that life has happened to have thrown at us. Of all the things life has tossed you, don't you feel some sense of gratitude for the fact that He strengthened you and gave you favor, and he gave you mercy and grace and allowed you to survive at all. Don't you get it? Man? Don't let the devil rob you of that moment of realizing that there is a blessing behind some of these moments of adversity. The devil's job is to make you think you ain't blessed. His job is to rob you of your destiny. His job is to make you not be able to see the good things that God has done by causing you to focus on only the things that's happening in your life that's negative. But I have news for you. Everybody has something negative going on in their life. Every last one of us has something negative going on in our life. You're not the only one. But the devil will get up in your head and have you thinking yours is worse than anybody else's. And you going through something that you can't believe because that you ain't nobody else you know going through it, but just somebody going through it. And it's somebody going through it way in you. So, in spite of all of it, find the gratitude in twenty twenty. I know it just seems like one big piece of bad news after the next, But there's some good in this. Man, You just got to open your eyes and become keenly aware of all the things God has done. God has been good to so many of you, man, so many of you in spite of how it went, But how about how it could have went? Do you ever think about that? Sometimes? Because when it's going bad for me, you know, and I have a tendency to do, I think, Man, this could have been worse if it wasn't for His grace and mercy. This could have actually been worse than it was. As bad as it is, as bad as it was, do you realize it could have been worse? Have you ever thought about as bad as it was and as bad as it is, do you know that it could have been you? Have you ever thought about it? Man? I do, and I get grateful when I'm having down moments. I had one the other day. I caught myself and I started going over everything I was grateful for. Gratitude erases a lot of misery, man. But if you never take the time to become grateful, to show gratitude, you're gonna miss out on a lot of blessings. Man, Because as the devil parks itself around you and tries to get in your vision, your hopes, your dreams, your memory and all of this, he will set it up to where you can't see actually what God is doing for you. Sometimes man, you have to realize that in your moments of downness, in your moments of despair, that do you really realize that God is processing you, that He's actually preparing you for something you ask for. He it has got to get you ready, gotta get you season some problems you face so he can teach you how to deal with them, so when they come the next wave, you'll know how to cope with them. God is good, man, don't ever lose sight of that. Please, don't be grateful. God is good. He always has been, he always will be. Now let's get to the polls in Georgian vote, because he gots to go and take them two seats with him. Amen. For all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void ware prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening