Jeff Bezos, Voter Suppression Law, Martell Holt LIVE Strawberry Letter and more.

Published Apr 7, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is doing roll call from the porch. Our family is back on Woman Crush Wednesday and she talks about throwback Womack! Kim K has joined the billionaires club. The reality of voter suppression is being discussed by the crew. The Chief Love Officer gets a letter from a single father with a daughter dating a "ladies man" and the advise given is the real truth. Martell Holt, reality TV star of Love and Marriage Huntsville, is here to get advice inside The Strawberry Letter and he also takes us to the close of the show.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu things and it's not true. Good Steve Hasten to mother, I don't joy. You gotta use that turn hur You got turns to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby, huh. I show will a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Well, nothing changes about that. Nothing changes about that. Man. I was just so getting ready to come on to air this morning. I was just thinking, man, I was just having a reflective moment of just how really good God has been to me. I just it's it's it's man. Let me just say that again, how really good God has been to me. And here's a cold part. In spite of myself, you understand, in spite of all my shortcomings, in spite of all of my flaws and and and and in spite of all of what anybody has said about me, God, through his grace and mercy, just keeps me anyway. So many of us are exceptional people, but we refuse to just go ahead and be exceptional. We settle for the ordinary, We follow the pack, We try to fit in. Man, oh man, oh man, You know, I've heard my wife say this to my children all the time, when she's scolding them, talking to him, she'd be talking to him about leadership. You know, why are you following everybody when God clearly made you to lead? So many of us are born, and so many of you are born to be exceptional people, but we always trying to follow the pack. Why would you try to fit in? Why would you try to be like everybody else, be ordinary? Why would you follow the pack when God has created you be exceptional? The key word in exceptional is accept you. Ever you ever done this? Right here? You know everybody did that, accept me. Everybody felt that way except me. Everybody said that except me. Everybody won't wanted that. Accept me. Everybody went over that except me. Everybody jumped in except me, accept me. See why have you saying that in your life? If you were not to be exceptional? See, you got to say everybody accept me at one point in You're to I don't know who ain't done it? You know everybody wanted. Everybody voted no except me? See it? So you're not You're not created to follow the pack. You ain't created to fit in. You ain't created to h you know, to be ordinary. You will create it to be exceptional, as exceptional as your fingerprint on your finger is. You were created to be exceptional. Why not make this the year that you go ahead on and be exceptional? Why won't this be the year that you decide in your mind? But just has to be a decision that we make. Now we're not following the pack no more. We're not trying to fit in no more. We ain't settling for ordinary no more. We're gonna be exceptional. But you know, you got you got to go ahead and follow that. You got to get on the exceptional path because that's what you were created for. Why be ordinary? You know? But all of this this comes to it has to start with a thought. You got to first think something thought to become things. A man is as he thinketh that's all you will ever be. So what are your thoughts today? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of ordinary thoughts? Why not have exceptional thoughts instead of fitting me in thoughts? So why you want to be like everybody else. Why you want to be ordinary when you could possibly be extraordinary with a change of your mind, a change of your venue, And you don't have to be any other kind of way just because my mama was this way, my daddy was this way, This the school I went to? This, what race I belong to? This is my sexual preference, this is my this, this is my daddy? How many? How many? How many excuses you need? I'm an excuse? What? What? What? What? You? What's it gonna be this year that we let another three hundred and sixty five days slip by without improving our condition, our place, our spot, our life, the quality of life we have. We cannot afford to keep letting all these years go by without changing. You're an exceptional person. How many times have you set up and said, everybody did that accept me? You know I was only everybody jumped in accept me. I told him I knew it. Everybody voted for that, accept me, And now look at him, man, it seemed like everybody went that way, accept me. Okay, do you get it? Do you understand what's being said to you that don't accept me is because couldn't it be? Because You're an exceptional person, and it's time for you to take control of that. It's time for you to start thinking different. It's time for you to start acting on what you think. It's time for you to start doing something about it. It's time for you to stop taking each and every day that God gives us for granted and letting them go by the wayside. Like you got plenty more. Well, you may have plenty more, but guess what what you're wasting the ones you got for I got you young, and you and you feel like you're gonna live forever. Da Okay, cool, But let me ask you something. See here here, here go the part about pose you do live? See see everybody willing about dying. But I got news for you. Suppose you keep on living. You want to keep living in the condition you in now. You want to keep living with the money you got now. You want to keep living with the relationship you got now. You want to keep living by yourself like you are now. You want to keep wanting the right relationship, the right man, the the right woman, but you keep getting the wrong one. You want to keep doing that for the rest of your life. Problem ain't dying. It's problem is if you keep on living. Who wants to keep on living just the way they are right now? And if you could say I'm cool, what I am just the way I am right now? In cool, this conversation ain't for you. I ain't got no problem with that. You know, you want to say, greatness ain't for everybody. Being exceptional ain't fun. Everybody Becoming extraordinary ain't fun. Everybody. Heck, becoming successful ain't fun everybody. I got it. And you can come up with a way to justify your non existence in your ordinary life all you want, and that's fine and dandy. I ain't got no problem with it. Because some people just gonna be regular. Some people just gonna follow the pack, follow the crowd. Some people just wants to fit in. But if you're not that person, if you want to be extraordinary, if you want to be exceptional, if you want to be if you want to dare to be great at something, and you got to change your mind set. You got to get with your creating, find out what he created you fault. You gotta quit thinking of things just in your own thought process, you know, lean not to your own understanding. I don't know what that is. But it's in there somewhere seeing. Once you lean, if you lean to your own understanding, you know what it's gonna do. It's gonna limit you. Man, it's gonna limit you. Why not see what God got for you. I would rather know what God got for me than to think of all the things I could because I can't out think him out and tried it before. All right, it's just the beginning. We're gonna have a good one. Man. Let's go. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Let me have you undivided the chinchin. Please. This is the beginning of a new day. This is the start of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Let us begin three two one. What's up? Shelly? Hey? What's up? Steve? Holo? What's going on? Steve Hey? Crew, Hey, Julio. They do well? Then the porch if you back doge dove, I see what it sounds like. You're on the porch and we're passing by drive that third drive at third point, you act like you do a normal body. Ah way, lottle cute the girl walk a bobby walk you tonight? Yeah? I love it. If you think, you know, you know, I think when we go down and still give me a watermelon. Le memel. When you thump a watermelon, what you're listening for? No, I don't thump watermelons. I know how to pick watermelons. I thought you're supposed to thump them. No, dog, what you're gonna tell about the thumb? This is how you pick a sweet watermelon. Where the steem comes out the bottom, where it has the stem on it, or where it steem used to be. If you see a lot of you know, those veins. Yeah, yet on the outside that sugar content, so that means it's a sweet that's termelon. That's right. Now, you can pick a sweet one that don't have it because like them, dog, green was don't oftentimes show a lot of vantage. But when you pick them light green with them loans, huh yeah, got that right down. When it got a lot of brown veins coming around off that stock, that steam, that sugar content. Oh, that's how you're petty boy. Now they thump them down south. I didn't. Yeah, well you know you don't. You don't know how to do that because you don't buy enough of them. You don't grow them. If you grow watermelons, you could thump them, But you don't know what you're even looking. Okay, when they thought what you're looking for, I don't know. I don't know what I'm listening. So now you're just thumping. You take this ragged ass watermelon right onto the house. And are we doing? Are we doing seeds or seedless? Because I like seeds. No seed there's no watermelon that don't have seeds at all. Watermelons got seeds. But but yeah, but you know they have seedless watermelons. That's dramatic, you modified, surely I can read, well, yeah, a store like that, Yeah, no, but that but that ain't the real Real watermelons have seeds. And that's what I let me tell you. Some go to Africa and you'll be trying to find seedlers watermelon the whole time you over there. Okay, seeds, I want the seeds. Yeah yeah, okay, just a little country lesson on how to pick a watermelon because we because we were approaching watermelon season. What is it exactly? Because ju June? Oh is June? All right? July to September? You add death watermelon? Come on, all right? Coming up in thirty two minutes after the hours, Sister odell is in the building right after this. You're listening to show. All right, guys, it is women crushed Wednesday, our girl sister Odell. You hear her. She is here in the building, sounds happy to night, your lording nwaneral Bobby woman who I know get his greatest hits out boy his daddy know daddy? Throw back, throw back, wack throw back woman? How did you eat him? Since yer Odell? Well, before I got saved, I was a bartender and a blue clue. Oh okay, and throwback used to coming in order full shots of gin in a glass and just take them all and just throw them back, go back, throw back woman, you know what's going on? Every was what y'all talking about? Well? How was your East? How was your especially you know, saving souls going around reminding them or what the holiday was about? What is you? What did you think? We're in the council EASi because a lot of people ain't here. Let me ask you this, sister, deal. I know you you normally wear white every summer, so what did you wear this Easter? I mean, you know, because the Eastern trip of white, beautiful white on white stock. Because I had some laser some ones that was white on white that had a pattern. Man, my whar my pattern panted holes for eastern Oh really these don't have support in them? Oh and you need support right wear for my ankles and stuff. But I let it. I let him have a disaster though we're switching around drop off and then almost knock the whole table over. And speaking of easter, sister, O deal, were you able to catch the versus battle with Steve? Was right? Daddy Steven him brother winning fire? Yes? Lord, have mercy? What you think? Sit that? That was good? That was good, sweetie? That was you enjoyed it? Yeah? We who? I knew all of them? You know I knew Ronald's daddy. Oh did you really? What was his name? Cestri? Tell who who's daddy? Oh? Big roun, big run, big ron. We should call him bow run boll run. You know that's what there used to be a gas called that bow run gas. What did you think about ron Eysley's outfit? Girl, wasn't something had all you young snappers? Won't sugar daddy? Sugar Daddy? Yes, turn them out, turn them out, come on run gener Rona was something. Man boy seventy nine years old, still smooth, black crack moving. But then when the fire was sitting there, I knew all that I knew. They know the group that made them who they were. Their daddy has had a group too all the earth. When to find that the more recent no more recent Verdin his brothers, you know, and their daddy had the first group. Oh what was what was the name of that crew? That was thunder Lightning and Sleep? You got all the thunder lightning and Sleep Sleep. That was a group right there. What they had some hits? Where did Verdin get his hair from? From his from Verdein got his half from his granddaddy, Oh, granddaddy gild There was some confusion in the family just leaving at Jack who Vernein White's granddaddy's name was Gerald's White and that's where he got the hair from. But thunder Lightning the Sleep had some hits. Boy, wow, what like what I mean? I'm not run tonight? No to the twigger light for the starlight and the moon is bright a systems run tonight. It was an escape song. And then when the fire came out with get away, huh you know everything thunder Lightning, the Sleep. Then they came back with another high man. Well, not to be ignored or overlooked. Miss you running off and you can't deny I had to run even though you wanted to run. Yeah I cannot. I'm leaving you run from hounds like a really bad you better run down on your hands under lightning is set. Well, I was gonna ask you, and we talked about ron Eisley and Verdine's hair of course, and the earth winning fire and stuff. But you know, Steve was there and he was pretty sharp too. Now that boy head on the easter purple, Yeah, you think, girl, he was sharp. I said, go ahead, that's that's slicking, I little boy. You know what heady? See the heady head on with the purple stones in it? Girl, I said, you better bit shop boy. And he knowed all of them. I know he felt good sitting up there with his friends and stuff, just talking and reminiscing. You know what's gage, You know what's happy? Nice? Oh? I love d nice? I know man d nice. Granddaddy. You should play all the hits down after after hour. Joint Smith what was his name? Huh? What was his name? See nice? Then he d nice and then his son will be eat nice. Keep up you want us to keep up. Would he have a boy to be eating nice? Right? O, man, it's a battern. Yeah, it's gonna be f nice. He's gonna get in a lot of fights at the school. Yeah, all right, sister, deal, we gotta get Coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this. Thank you, sister, down lash by down, yes round tonight. You're listening show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna's standing by with today's national news. Now in Trending entertain amid news, Forbes has revealed the richest man in the world. We'll talk about that and all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now the nephew is here. We'll run that Frank back. What you got for us, nef f p C careful okay, sorry, I'm supposed to be going FPC. Let's go get up. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Darwin Darwin. This is he Hey Darwin, how are you doing? This is Frank with FPC. We're trying to come down and um see about making an appointment with you within the next week as that's possible. Fund this for what. Yeah, we're supposed to come by I'm with FPC. We wanted to uh we have what what what is that? What is FPC? Uh? Sir? Your name was left with us and your your your UM on our file to actually come out and make an appointment with you so we can um so we can get your picture taken. You must have their own number. I'm not I'm not signed up to take no picture anything. So okay, well you are you're darling correct? Yeah, yes, I am doing so you call it darlin and that's what you call it. But anything about a picture? What what's up with a picture? We've got you on our schedule here, FPC. We have you on our schedule to UM to actually for us to come out to your home and take your picture. Okay, FPC? What's company is that? What's what's your what type of picture? And would I be taking I'm not taking no picture? But what what is FPC? Okay you don't know anything about a photo being taken of you? No? Okay, Uh sir, FPC is uh we are this is a Funeral Picture Company, Funeral Picture Company, and what we do is we come out and take your picture and we actually keep it on file that way when you do pass away we have your picture for your programming. We have a nice picture for you. Look, I'm not dead right now. You're not taking no picture me. Who is this again? My name is Frank? Frank? Oh okay, Frank. You mean to tell me y'all taking pictures of people before they d just so you could have them picture. Oh foul. So we're keeping on filing. Then you have a good picture on your program. And that's what that's what, that's what we feel. They ain't signed up for nothing like that. Who the hell signed me up for something like that? I'm quite sure. But we're trying to schedule where we can come out beginning of next week so we can get your picture taken next week week after you get picture when I'm dead, you're not taking no picture of me before that? That? That don't sound right, sir. Don't you want to have a good picture on your program? So you're not taking the picture of me for no junal arrangements that I'm not dead yet? I don't understand that. What the hell is this about? Nobody who'll signed me up for it? Then? Tell me that much? So I don't have the actual person listened here on who signs you up? But I do have the number, and you are Darwin, mister Darwin, so I didn't sign up for that. I'm not taking the pictures. You guys running around taking pictures of people before they that just to have a good picture on fail that man, I ain't never heard of no like that, sir. Okay, sir are you? I mean we have your address? Here? Are are you? Are you available? No? I'm not available. I'm not available at all to take no picture for a funeral that I'm not even dead yet. I don't. I don't get that. That that sounds like a munch of more and I who the hell gave you my number? That's what I want to know, sir. I'm not quite sure. But one thing we have to do is we have to follow through with our job. So what we're gonna have to do is we I have to come out there and take a picture now. So I don't want to, you know, create a problem, but I have to get a picture of you by next week. Oh it's gonna be problem because you're not getting no picture me for no funeral arrangement. Mister Darwin. I have to come by your house at least by Friday, at around twelve noon, I'll come by and get a picture. You ain't come by my gout house no Friday. You gonna lie gotta me come over here to try to get my mother pitching. I got plenty of got pitching in my house to put on the mother funeral program. I'm not taking the kitchen that noon. I'm claim to be digging. I'm not dead. That's some more bad look got dead. I don't know who you worked for, Frank, but you you got the word. I worked for l PFC, Sir, I worked for FPC, FCC. Mike, you ain't not taking no picture me. Don't come over here Friday. Come about no guy piston before you got pistol and you and I hope they got Joe got pitt you on file. That's a stupid got company you worked for. I ain't never heard of nobody taking a picture before they died. I got millions of pictures in here for that program. And when I'm throwing with god, care about what a picture look like? Or who wasn't my gout funeral? That's a nickna. You tell whoever you work for, they need to go find another occupation. I don't make no guy, just you not coming over here Friday, buddy, you come over here if you want to Okay? Uh missus Darwin? Yes, are you familiar with with Glinda? That's my wife? What you're about to say now? I want All I want to do is say this man. I just want to say, Glinda, the one that got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy baby from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Huh, I bit up boy yet, I ain't never heard no bitness like there's some FTC funeral. Well man, I said my New year resolution. I was gonna cut back on drinking. But you got me over here about the tip a bottle? Right now? Are you crazy? Man? And come over here to day before get a picture? Y'all got me? Baby? You got me. I ain't never heard of no comp me like that. You white putting me up to it bad. You're gonna I'll tell you what you tune in tomorrow morning. Man, You're gonna catch yourself on national radio. Dad. I'm gonna tell everybody, boy, they had me hot over here. I'm gonna don't tell plea, but I'm gonna have me to drink anywhere. I was looking for an excuse to Rai'll put on foul boy, y'all. Y'all have lost half a min y'all head with that an buddy, man, I gotta ask you something, man, darm and tell me this here. Man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Wickham Show? Buddy, I do y'all know the picture y'all won't for y'all funeral? No, but why not? Why not pick it? Though? Why never? Like you said, when I'm dead, I don't give it? Damn what he anyone you want? My favorite line is when he said this some ignorance. That's a compliment, boy. But you know, I mean, think about it. There's a lot of h what is it? The programs? You know? The picture ain't really that good? Don't you want your program to be like really the bomb? You know, don't you want it to be that's your last No, no, no, no, that's not your last program. Your last program was the last one you had when he was alive. You're very unaway at this program. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, Jeff Bezos is once again the world's real person. According to Forbes, Bassos is worth one hundred and seventy seven billion, with a b dollars up sixty four billion in just one year. What's he doing? But the list is bigger gainer is a high highest gainer. A biggest gainer is Elon Musk, who's fortune rose from one hundred twenty six billion to a total of one hundred and fifty one billion, landing him at number two. French tycoon Bernard Arnault is number three, Bill Gates is number four. Mark Zuckerberg rounds out the top five. Also, did you guys know this? Kim Kardashian has joined the billionaires club. That's right, she's up there. Forbes has estimated that she is now worth one billion dollars now. Back in October, she had seven hundred and eighty million. Now she has one billion dollars all right, thanks to two lucrative businesses. Oh after the divorce. Yeah, you're gonna own some of them muses. Boy, Yeah, she got two kids. Yeah, you can't get away from that. Not in California park Yeah, property, No, sir, she's gonna have way more than that in a minute. Damn yay. Yeah, I had to go and try to work this album. Skip. I don't try to work at all. It's too late. That when he ran for president, that was it. I think that was it. That was pretty much it. I think that was it. When he said and he went in there, put that red hat on, that was it. You know, it's really sat in front of him. It's really Jim Brown sitting there. I don't know what Jim with that. That was just crazy. And I don't know what Jim was supposed to talk him out of it. I didn't figure out how that was closed to go. And he got the hand cock to the side and Trump over there him looking god. Well. Another entertainment news in about an hour, I'll say we're gonna have a live strawberry letter. Now, we haven't done a live strawberry letter in a long time. Our special guest is going to be from the own networks Love and Marriage Huntsville reality show. You may have heard of him. His name is Martell Holt. Martell. We got Martelle on a day. Martell Holt will be our very special guest. My wife, she got to hit it. Yeah, we got him on to day. We couldn't get nobody from Ready for Love, so we had to go with the number two show. Well, you know, I just gave you some little head to go with the number two show. Couldn't get a big dog from the Big Show on, so we had to go get get a Martel. We'll see what Martell has to say. He's calling in Steve. He wants some advice during the Strawberry Letters. I strongly suggest he don't do that. Yeah, well, well I chicken out, my WiFi went out. I'm not getting in front of these women. I'm going to come up here with sir dog. We just try to hold him to get Melody melot D's from also Tomorrow. That's Thursday, um, fresh off the Versus Battle, mister Ronald Isisley the sexiest man alive right now, that's what everybody was thinking during the Versus Battle. Will be our special guests. He's going to tell us about his brand new single, Friends and Family featuring Snoop Dogg. Nice. I like that song. I like it. I like it a lot. Yeah, gonna be here all right, Steve. Headline closet for ron Time from yeah, try boy, but you ain't. Don't worry about just put a hoodie on. Act he was coming. Ladies and gentlemen, miss trip Okay, thank you and good morning everyone. This is answered with the news. Yesterday's court action and the Derek Chauvin George Floyd murder case involved still other Minneapolis cops talking about training and how mister Floyd's detention was handled. Prosecutors called police lieutenant and trainer Johnny Murcille, who said that Derek Chauvin's grinding his knee into Floyd's neck was not something that Minneapolis cops are trained to do. Video shows Chauvin pressing his knee into George Floyd's neck for over nine minutes until the paramedics arrived. Also on the stand yesterday, Officer Nicole McKenzie, who trains Minneapolis cops in medical support now. She was asked by Chauvin's attorney about something called agonal breathing, which can occur when people are in medical distress. Apparently, Officer McKenzie explained that agonal breathing consists of irregular gasps for air. Chauvin's lawyer asked if it could be confused with effective or normal breathing, breathing, and McKenzie said yes. Then the prosecutor asked whether officers police officers are taught that if a person can talk, they can breathe, and he answered no, sir, ending that just because someone is speaking does not mean that they're breathing adequately. The House has voted to reintroduce the Violence Against Women Act, the nineteen ninety four measure that would provide resources for victims of sexual and domestic violence. There was a bipartisan support for the basic bill the first time around, but a split occurred over added gun control and transgender provisions. The Georgian House of Representatives has voted unanimously to repeal a citizens arrest law that actually predates the Civil War. Since eighteen sixty three, a private citizen could make an arrest if a crime was committed in that person's presence or within their immediate knowledge, but see critics say was really used as a justification to round up escape slaves, and later on as a justification for lynching black people. The vote took place a little over a year after the murder of an innocent black dagger named Ahmed Aubury. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent Leader Charles Schumer say that the body of USA Capitol Police Officer William Billy Evans will lie and stayed in the Capital Rotunda April thirteenth. Evans killed your last Friday when a man rammed his car into the barry and was shot and killed by the police after getting out of the vehicle lunging at the offices with a knife. Is never ever clear really how William Billy Evans was killed anyway. Evans the second Capitol Police officers to dine in the line of duty this week. This year, officer Brian Sicknick, you may remember, was killed during the January or six insurrection. His body also was allowed to lie in honor in the Capitol Hill rotunda. A sad news, Florida Congressman Elsie Hastings has died. Hastings a civil rights lawyer who became a federal judge after a nearly long decade career in Congress. Also, and don't call her Tandy Newton anyway, she's taken her new name, which your old name is Tande Way, which means in her Shona language beloved. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Morning show all right, when we all vote, wants us to know that voter suppression isn't a relic of a past. It is still happening in state houses across the country, with over three hundred and sixty one voter suppression bills being introduced in over forty seven states. It is clear that we need federal voting protection. We need it now, Steve Harvey Nation, we need it now. Please stay woke and take action. Join the fight for the Senate to pass for the People Act. For the People Act incorporates key measures that are urgently needed, including automatic voter registration and other steps to modernize our elections, and a national guarantee of free and fair elections without voter suppression. So what we need you to do, Steve Harvey Nation, is go to When we All Vote dot org to contact your senator today. All right, this is serious, all right? They want to keep us from the polls. That was amazing how they're blatantly do it. And the major lead Baseball has moved the All Star Game out of joy because of that law that Governor Kempt passed behind closed doors, signed over one hundred pieces of paper behind closed doors to make it a law. That's amazing, man, that this dude and his cronies could get together and pass a law for an entire state and it is directed directly at people of color for out last election. So now it's illegal to give a person some water when they're in line. It's a little about man, because they are going to call close polling places in black neighborhoods reduced. Take make it one to four, and now you got to stand in longer lines, and to discourage you. You don't want to stand in line, and you're thirsty, so you're gonna turn around and go home. And now I can't nobody even give you water. That's a bunch of crap. Man's horrible. But if we stood in those long lines last election, even during a pandemic, I don't think there's no turning back now, Steve, it doesn't matter what we're going to do. Republican Party get ready. We're gonna educate our people like we are going to be well prepared for this move you make, y'all gonna lose again. And the promise that I'm giving you is y'all gonna be down there in my logo with Trump Star. Since you got your head push that far off the crack of his behind, gone down there with him. They know, good hair, well, this election wasn't stolen. They know good in hall well, biggest lie ever. But but to stay okay with the Trump supporters, they jumped on board and act like, what's up if if the election was stolen, where are the votes that were stolen? And why did all the other Republicans win except Trump? You know, just don't make no d Yeah, right, get out of here. Go to When We All Vote dot org to contact your senator today. Okay, coming up with thirty four minutes after the hour, we'll do a quick round of ask the CLO. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up, guys at the top of the hour, you do not want to miss it. It is a live strawberry letter with Martel Hote from the own networks, Love and Marriage, Huntsville. Okay, you don't want to miss that, all right, but right now it is time for a quick round of Asked the CLO. Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building, Steve, this one is from Sean and Cincinnati. Sean says, I'm a forty three year old single father, and I'm a store manager. One of my younger employees is a ladies man, and he comes to me often for advice undating. The other day, my twenty two year old daughter told me that she likes him, and they've been out a few times. I want to mind my own business, but I've heard him talk about how he treats these girls and how he's only in it for sex. He doesn't know that I'm that. I know that he's pushing up on my daughter. Do I mind in my business or have a man to man talk with him? Man? Yeah, just he's a phone. Hey, my man can't talk to you for me. Now you here, supervisor, So you gotta be careful. You gotta make sure this outside. Just stough, casey, get out of hand. Okay, you throws asking that Dumpston going home? Yeah? Well wait, I thought on what I'm saying. Yeah about the damn daughters. Man, I haven't done everything. So I'm just telling you, just gonna step to him and say, look at man, just find something else to do. He's got to say something something to find yourself something else to do. All right, Here we go. Marissa and Charleston, South Carolina says, I have a twin sister that got married two months ago. We used to live together, so her wedding gifts are still coming to my house. I plan to drop the off while I was on her side of town last Saturday. When I got there, she wasn't home, but her husband said she'd be right back. My twin walked in a few minutes later and went off on me for being in her house while she was not home. I was so hurt and embarrassed, And all she said is, I'll understand when I get married. Did I violate a marriage code? No? Not really, your sister trippet obviously. Wow, First of all, let me say something. Probably ain't your fault at all. She probably had some type of suspicion about her husband. And now you over there and it played out with you right right, her twin. Yeah, don't even You didn't violate nothing. You went over your sister's house, Yeah, to do something nice for her. Yeah. Yeah, I'd have took all them gifts outside and put them in the driveway and rolled back out over, rolled over the gift Yeah, busting all of them damn blenders and all the plates and six ran all that mess over man that goes your damn gifts. All right, So Nora from Gaithersburg, Maryland says, I've been married for eighteen years and my husband is retired. I'm still working full time because I don't want to be home with my husband after all these years. I'm sick of his boring conversation and how he never wants to do anything but watch TV. Even the way he coughs gets on my nerves. I don't want to divorce him, but I need a break from him. So I plan to go on vacation by myself for a week. How do I tell him this? Probably just had to go on board that play called him from. Now call him from the yeah, taxi, because if you don't, he gonna have his coffin as down there resort room. Yeah. You nobody want to look at the water trying to get away. Yeah, you're tired of him. You need a break? Everybody need a break? Yeah, okay, all right, Well, coming up next, it is a nephew with Today's prank phone call. Right after this, and don't forget, we got a live Strawberry letter coming up too. You're listening to Sting show coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, but it's gonna be live with a special guest, Martell Hoped from own networks, Love and Marriage, Huntsville. He's gonna be here right now. We'll get to that in a minute. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nef the ring? Bairly and calling you guys, have you got the ring? And of course before the ring, you have the engagement ring, but you have the ring, right remember the ring when you first got the ring? Yeah, yeah, this is the ring. This is scary. Let's go cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Denise. Yes, this is she, Hi Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm actually the head jeweler here, diamond. No, how you doing? I'm good? You brought your ring in what was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my salespersons. And yes, you wanted to get it resized as well as get it a praise. Correct, yes, yes, yes, and you don't have to tell him to be that on my own. Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the person say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you? I'm getting married and stuff coming there. Well, congratulations too, thank you. Listen, I don't know how to tell you this now. As far as the appraiserless concern. I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybe fifty dollars. Excuse me, I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just said. And I understand that. What I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for nineteen ninety nine. This is a Cubic Zaconian stone and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, wait, wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my hand make and as much money as my father is putting down on his winding or has put down. And you're gonna understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly, do is hold on wait. I need you to hold on because we need to convict us. Wait. Wait, man, First of all, I can't else, so wait wait wait, wait, wait wait hold on because okay, can you wait wait wait? What are you trying to what you're trying to do, sir? I need I need you to repeat what you just said to me. Okay, I need personal stuff. Man, you oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she called her man. Okay, thank thank hello, victim. I need to listen to this juela that's on the front. I want you to hit it. But he just told me, hold what's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, don't hit on? Hello, Yeah, who's this all right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiance. Rather, she brought her ring in to actually be resized, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her. And actually the ring is estimated to be only in the words of around fifty dollars fifty dollars dollars fifty that's what the man said dollars in these homes. The sir, obviously there's some sort of mistakes, sir, Now what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. And what'd you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it. So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury, I've seen it. I can't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Now, absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's a jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty he's the highest impossible. I don't understand that all the money that my dad is putting down on this wedding and you don't pay fifty You bought a cheap ring. Sir, No, no, no, I did not. I this is this is this is obviously some kind of mistake. You didn't got it right. You show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself? Don't you can't I believe that that's right. This is this is obviously some kind of mistac Oh, it is a mistake. I'm mistake and thinking I'm gonna get marriage to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. I was thinking, I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is worth fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought in his wife. Yet hold on, hold on. The man is trying to explain. I'm trying to get to the body. Thank you, So you have I don't think he has the right ring. I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial. In the dude, you know, I ain't bot damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt. I have the certificate. So obviously the mistakes on your end where you're the mistakers now here s you bought a piece of junk. He's been doing it all these years. How hell he's gonna make a mistake whe you come off telling me I bought a piece of junk. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end, world, where it's not on my end. Yeah, Hold don't we all don't way? You want things that my dad has had too much money for this wedding, So your dollars gonna pay fifty dollars dollars dolls all wing you wait till I tell him this? Chill hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to put it off for us because you bought a piece of stuff for fifty bucks. The money did two dollars on? I get fifty dollars worth of a ring, Denise, hold on, let me talk to this where you talk and get dollars? I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where issues the one that brought the ring, and I'll tell you what. I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you want to jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, you want to put it on me? You you don't tell me what the I don't know what the I spin on the ring and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this one. I know the ring better be real. If I were you, mister niece, I would not marry somebody that I'm coming there. I'm looking for your pocket and you know what, you don't get the ring in a right man, you're gonna go in it. Can I say one more thing to both of you? Are better? I tell you what if they did, I don't want to hear me, and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew telling me from the Steve Arvin Morning Show. Y'all just got pranked by the niece's sister. That that why she ain't got no man to be Wow. That's I man, Wow, that's how cool? Time are you about to start me? Wow? I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will ring. I gotta ask y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the wow? But Steve Harvey, isn't it wrong to go get to ring a praise? Though? Isn't that like wrong? Kind of tacky? Yeah? That's tack. Yeah, okay, so let me ask both of y'all. Y'all, when y'all got y'all's ring, did you did you like? Wonder how much your man spent on you? Really? I just liked. I was trying to laugh my body language. Yeah I didn't really, Yeah, I didn't really did y'all know? Did y'all pick out you as rings? Food? Thank you very much? I was wondering if you were gonna ask that question. Yes, picked mine out, you already knew, well, not for me. We went shopping and I told him the style that I didn't know which exact ring I was gonna get, but he did good. It's the ring, yeah, and then y'all buy us me and just the raggediest ring ever. It just is not true. It looked like it looked like a washer from home deposting. All right, well, coming up the Live Strawberry Letter with Love and hunts Love and Marriage Huntsville Martel hote right after this. Whoa, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, so here we go. Uh, this is the Strawberry Letter. It is live today. We haven't done a live Strawberry Letter in quite sometimes years. It's been a long time. Right, Well, today we have a special guest. I'm sure you guys have seen the own series Love and Marriage Huntsville. Love and Marriage Huntsville from that show is one of the stars, mister Martell Holt will be joining us today. Now, Steve, let's clear something up. Okay, Martell reached out to us. We did not go to find Martelle. Martell reached out to us. Uh. He said, he's sincerely seeking advice now. He is attempting to move forward with his life. Um, and he knows that we encourage him to tell his truth. Let me give you a little background about Love and Marriage Huntsville. It is a reality show. Like I said, let me, I've never seen this show. I know I love yea, you know it's the number one show. One gonna say that Martell is the number one show on own everybody watching. Wait wait wait, hold Ontel, it's the number one show. Brother, It's okay, okay, oh yeah, I think I think Ready to Love is the number one. So much thanks. There's two different things go ahead, Sharon Love and Marriage. Huntsville is uh this show that seemed to come out of nowhere, out of Huntsville, Alabama. It's about these three very prosperous uh black couples entrepreneurial estate. Hey yeah, their real estate, their development. Um. Anyway, they're in Huntsville, Alabama, and they have a group company name called the Comeback Group. That's how it started, and that's what you thought you were going to see, you know, how they navigate through their businesses and their marriages. But what what came out of that was the marriage between Martel and Melody Holt and the dynamic of their marriage and what they were going through. Comes to find come to find out, there was a lot going on that we didn't even know about. First. See this beautiful couple, I mean beautiful Melody Holte is stunning a stunningly gorgeous woman. They were married, four children, three children. At first step, they had some problems, she heard he was cheating. They worked through it, and then she got pregnant. They got pregnant again with a fourth child. So that's kind of how it was. Then after that there were more rumors of cheating, more rumors of cheating, and uh, well it didn't end so well so far, mart They ended up in divorce court. It's just a mess. Okay. It is just really, really really at this point a mess. And you know, people like mess. So that's why we watched the show. That's why everybody is so into love and marriage Huntsville on the own network. So again, Martel reached out to us because you know, he is getting bashed and you know, some people say deservedly so because he cheated. He had a beautiful family and he cheated and lost his family. So now he wants advice. I'm assuming Martel, you're you're you want to move forward and try to you know, uh, go on with your life. Basically, is that why you're here? Um? Definitely, so, Um, I would definitely say that being a husband, I'm sorry being a husband, and you know I'm not gonna say, not having a father figure or I'm not having a black role model, um, not having that as an excuse. But you know, I was really like learning like trial and error as I was going. You know, uncle, he's married for like twelve thirteen years, and you know we had a lot of up the downs and great times and not so great times, and but you know I failed. Um, And you know that's why I'm here because for my future I want to be better here at point playing. You know, I don't want to continue to do the things that I've done in the path. Okay, Can I ask a question because I don't know the answer to. So, are you divorced? Are you married? Is it over? Are you trying to reconcile? Yeah? Um, well no, um we um, the divorce is final. I mean it was final as about a month ago. Okay. But it's life after marriage or life after a divorce, you know. Yeah, well yeah I do know. So why I know as well? You call the right man trying to figure out how to do it again. I think marriage is a beautiful thing. It really is. I enjoyed being married, um, and just some things that happen up and I guess I just really I dropped the ball, I really Okay, okay, so let me ask you, so, when you say you dropped the ball, tell me where you where you think you would run thinking that I deserve more. Well, I'm not gonna say that. I think I was being greedy. I think I was being greedy, you know, and at times, you know, I would definitely that I was saying that my wife wasn't doing certain things within the relationship. Um, but I guess I should have communicated that in a different way. I'm opposed to stepping out, you know. Okay, yeah, okay, Well, we're not gonna do is. We're just gonna tell your truth. We're gonna leave your ex wife. We're not gonna We're not gonna bash or blame. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, that's not at all, not at all. I was just saying how I messed up, how I should have handled it in a different way. Yeah. So no, no, no, no bashing, no negative to anything of that nature. I'm looking kind I kind of felt that from me. But there was a lot of that though, Steve, which is why I said it on the show. A lot there was a lot of that. What he did, he didn't do it just now. I ain't seen the show, so let me let me, let me keep saying, that's how the women, that's how the women come at me, just like she just did. That's how that's how they come at me. And that's father dog. Yeah, Hey, that's you. Is living this one down, gonna be But Martell, you're here. You wanted to come, We allowed you to come. We welcome you to the show, and we do want you to tell your side of it. We welcome Melody to do the same thing if she would like to. Well, well we come back. Yeah. I have a couple of questions that you can answer for me, and then we'll go from there. Our special guest today is Martell Holte from uh Love and Marriage Huntsville on the own channel, Straight Up A last sixty five. We'll be back right after that. You're listening to Steven Show. All right, Steve, we are back with our live Strawberry Letter. Like we said earlier, the first one we've done in many, many years. Our special guest today is Martell Holt from the own networks, Love and Marriage Huntsville. We can recap, So, do you have an idea of kind of what's going on? Now, Steve, I know you said you haven't watched the show. I haven't watched your show, but just brothers on here. He had a family, He lost his family because he uh cheating? Well yeah he didn't. He didn't know how to, how to, how to, how to how to do it and he said in his own words, he was just greedy and uh so it caused it the minds of his family. What I just pulled a picture and looked up beautiful family. And so the divorce is final now, so let me ask you this mantel, If you could do anything differently, what would you have done? The fuck could have done anything differently? What would have done? Um? I think the communication with my wife, Um, I think just like like what she mentioned to me, what I should have done it. I should have literally grabbed her and set her down and had that adult conversation. Opposed to the things that I was complaining about. I would just complain lea, you know, opposed to really saying, hey, listen, we have an issue. Let's sit down, let's talk about it. Because it's making me feel a certain way that's not wasn't be pleasant for our our marriage. So like what she mentioned, I should better communication. Okay, Now let me ask you something. Were you while you were asked having these verbal complaints? Was there anything you was doing that deserved a complaint? Well? She she wasn't complaining about about too much. You know, we we had children, um where we have children, and you know a lot of the times I was like the more dumb at parent. You know it. Well, well, no, it wasn't anything that she was complaining about. It wasn't well dog was it was? No? No? No, was it? She wasn't complaining because she didn't know everything? Right? Um, I'm not sure. I mean she we didn't have to have her on the phone for that because well, let me did you did? Was you hiding the cheating part? Pretty good? And for how long? It? Yeah? I was when I was complaining. When I started to complain, that's around the same time that I stepped out. When I started to complain certain things then wasn't a justice so ain't I wanted it? Which was selfish? Um, this when I stepped out, and you know, it went on for about a year before she found out. Went on for a year. Now, let me ask yourself, do you think in your mind that the stepping out also brought about the demise of the relationship. I would definitely say so, because that probably took something out of me that could have been going towards my wife and I was situating over here to someone else. So I totally agree with that. And there was a baby involved. Steve, What you mean he has a baby with this other woman? Huh yes, yeah, yeah about you know, five years on down the line. Yeah, women, dog, what what I mean? You don't watch the show the whole baby with this other woman? Yeah? You the other woman got pregnant, she did. I mean this is when we um said that we was going to get divorced and all that type stuff. So, um, it's not like it happened early on, but it happened. Um. Well, hold on, now, hold on, now, hold on, because after she found out she was cheating. How long were you all married after she found out? Um, five years. It took her five years to find out. No, no, no, no, she found out five years ago. Oh okay, so she's stay with you after she found out she was cheating. Yeah, okay, but okay, how old how old is the baby? The new baby? I'm newborn. It was born around Christmas right this Christmas now it's a newborn. We we can't undo none of it is. So I'm just trying to get the facts. Okay, Okay, so I just leave it long. You got a new born, but you have how many children with your wife? The woman you were married? You got four kids? How close in age is the last two? See? Um? Well, Malia Melanne she is once they wanted to have and my third m five, So it's like a four year difference. She found out five years ago. So he hasn't well before we I want us to say this to Steve before we do run out of time. Martell did come on here to get some advice from No, that's what we're gonna do. That's why we go. This is longer than two Strawberry Letters. It is. We find to carry this over to break number three because I do what I do. I don't want to. I do want to hear the soldier out, Yeah, because look I've been there, and then you know, men can quit tripping. Every man, every man, not this story. Stop acting, stop acting brand new every man, not this story. All right, Hold up, hold up, Steve, We'll have part three of the Strawberry Letter with our special guest this live Strawberry Letter with Martell Hope of Martell Holt from a Love and Marriage Huntsville. We'll be back at forty six minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, here we are Steve Live with Martell Holt from Owen's Love and Marriage Huntsville. Now he's come on the show for advice. Now I had to get some background. Took me two breaks to get the background. Martel was married to a woman. They have a family together. Uh, he admittedly stepped out and now found out there's another child involved, and the divorces final, and so now here he is and and uh, he's admitted that he did some things wrong. What I learned myself was you can't fix in your house. You can't fix what's wrong in your house outside your house. Man. A lot of men go that route to be honest with you. You know, there's something wrong, and they and they started telling it to somebody and somebody to give a listening. In next thing, you know, they're listening real good, and they seem to be understanding. The next thing, you know, you know, some some things jump off. So Martel, where we're at right now? Man, what would you like to accomplish with this phone call, you know. UM, So right now, I guess I'm going through a tough time because we do have our four children. Um. I divorced this. Um, it's been over what about a month ago now, and I guess I do want to move forward, um, But I guess I need to know how do I move on? Um in terms of like do I start to you know, I'm not gonna say start dating someone now, but like, like, what does the future look like? You've been doing that? Don't say I don't worry about that, but let me but see, let me say this, because I don't care how a marriage go. At the end of the day, the children had nothing to do with it. And every man that has been found guilty of this, every last one of us who have been guilty of this, have had to grapple with the facts that we blew a family. Yeah, we we messed up a family. Yeah. I'm balance with right now soon yeah, man, because it's and it's and it's hard man, because you know, in the words of Tyrese in that song shame, what am I supposed to tell these kids? See? That's that's the gripper and that's where a lot of us, as men, we don't have groups to help us through these moments like this. Okay, he is seeing a therapist, Steve, by the way, a therapist. Yeah, he's seeing a therapist. I have it's the therapist. Is he divorced? No, No, We've been thinking about thirty time years and and my thing is the reason I wanted to speak with you, honestly, is because I feel that you've been through some things, That's what I'm saying. And you are like the best person to seek advice from someone that has actually been through something I don't. And I'm gonna talk to you. Don't go learn how to swim. Somebody can't swim. All right, all right, we're gonna come back more breaking number eight. All right, from Loving Marriage Huntsville. After this, This is a Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Our special guest. This is a special live edition of the Strawberry Letter for today. Our guest is Martell Holt. That's right, I said, Martell Holt from Love and Marriage, Huntsville. On own. Martell reached out to us. He is seeking advice from Steve he wanted. He wants to move on. Now he wants to move on, and it's nothing wrong with that, because that is life. You have to move on, you know, that's how we learn, We make mistakes, we move on. Steve, now martell As informed me of what happened. He had a marriage, had some things going wrong in it, he didn't know how to handle it. He admittedly handled it the wrong way. He lost his family, divorced his final He has children and another child outside the marriage. And today he's sitting here with face with what I know, a lot of me and a face with you know, I've had to look at it myself. And so what I'm saying to you now, Martel, is if I were you to move forward, because you are now your your divorces is public. It's crazy. So now you know you're getting ate up alive by by women. They're not trying to hear you. But the one thing you could do, See, the one thing men don't do is we don't do closure right and sometimes man, closure is a very significant thing for women, especially public because since your wife was embarrassed publicly see see it's it's like it's like when the newspaper make a mistake, and the rebuttal it'd be front page mistake. But then the rebuttal being the classified section in small print, we made a mistake. They don't do that. So probably the beginning of helping your girl and yourself and your kids is to publicly apologize to her and admit you're wrong in it, so that she can get some type of relief from what she's been filling with publicly. You feel what I'm saying, I don't understand. She's not gonna forgive him. That's not going to happen. Now, don't worry about that. That ain't what you after. He has to make her whole, not himself hole, and so what he trying to do is find a way so he can kind of put something together for this woman. I think that would be an interesting way to go about it, to publicly address this situation and put her at ease, so she's not at fault for some of the things you may have said publicly about her. It was just probably you lashing out trying to cover and all this here because I know man. Look man, when when you know man, when we as men do wrong, we just a fy wrong with telling the woman what she did wrong that caused us to do wrong. And that's what I've been doing for quite something. What'll listening um see I seem schirltce. He's making in certain things in terms of like I publicly said this and that. So we started filming the show. I didn't want to put our our business on TV. I didn't I didn't want to publicly talk about but the show did. But they did it. No, no one would have known anything. And it was a surprise to me when she hit me with it. It was on TV show. That was the first letting right there. I tell people all the time, if you want your marriage to not survive, put it on TV. I think the beginning, No, Montel is the public statement to make her whole again and not yourself. That's the beginning because it provides an element of closure. And then after that that is a little bit of h friend that you have to endure. I did it, man, I know, and and mine wasn't entirely my fault either. I can tell you flat out. But in the court of public opinion, it don't matter wrong doggy. In the court of public opinion, it doesn't matter a victim Martell, No, no, no, no, I'm just saying it just doesn't matter. I'm not saying to be a victim. It just don't matter. A dude, I don't give it, Dann what you say? You know. So it's gonna be a level of suffering that you have to endure because of the pain that was inflicted. Hang on, Martell, Okay, we gotta take a quick break here. We'll be back with more of this Live Strawberry Letter reality show right after this. You're listening to show. All right, we're back with part five. It is part five of our life str of our Live Strawberry Letter reality show today with our special guests Martell Holt, who reached out to us. He wanted some advice during the Strawberry Letter segment, and that is what we do. We give advice, and Martell is here seeking that and we're trying to do that. And Carla during the break, he said, hold on one second. But just he came on the show, he told me a situation. His wife is divorced, yet outside relationships, there's another baby involved. The divorce is finalized. He loves his wife, he's not in love with her, and his whole thing was what can I do to move forward. My first suggestion is to provide this woman with some type of closure what you publicly did to her and said to her. The apology has to be at that same level. See it kills me when people talk about me on the internet. Then when I catch him somewhere, they want to say I'm sorry in the dressing room. No, Joe, I ask it on that same internet you was on when you was talking to all that yak nil, when I got up in your face, man to man, Now you now you're down to something else. I'll break this too, Damn sure, I think Martell. What's missing is you just did not show any remorse. It didn't you broke her heart. But the one thing that I never got from you was that you were sorry, old down. We're gonna give you a chance, Martell, to respond and to make it right, try to make it right and apologizing all that. But we got to take another break and we'll be back with more of this Live Strawberry Letter reality show right after this. You're listening to show. Hey, listen, y'all were back. I'm taking this kind of fast. Martel Holt is on the on the on the phone with us today on the radio. His family's broken up. His wife is divorced too. H he was unhappy he stepped out. There's another child involved, carl It brought up an interesting point while we've been talking about all of this is that the reason so many women our Team Melody is because they kind of watched you break up on television with some of the things you said, and Carlin said, you've never seen quite remorseful about it innocence a way. How do you respond to that motel? I am very I'm very sorry, and you know, I didn't want to bring to some against my family. You know, as many times that I prayed on my knees and asked the Lord to really, for real, like remove this same from me, you know, but it's like I kind of fell for this person and it just got out of hand, and now that we on a reality show, it's like my backers against the wall. And then I guess if you guys know about reality shows, they get to run the narrative the way they want to run it. You know, it's a lot of things that y'all women are saying on this TV show that I really would not do in real life. You know that editing is very serious. I tell you that that editing is very serious. And um, you know, I've been very apologetic to my wife. But but but you can't control you can't control who you are on that show because they're there, there's there's there has to be a way that you can control who you are. They can't make the Martell be be the Martell they want it to be just because they want ratings. You have to be able to control the Martell that you want, the Martell that's portrayed out there. That sounds really good, that sounds really good. But when they put you in, when you want to meet five different people that you really would not meet in real life, that makes you feel some type of way. I'm up here meeting people telling them about my relationship that I normally wouldn't do. What I'm chare the producers that I'm not gonna meet today. Oh that's my job. And but but I think what Tommy is saying this this Martel, I think you said some things that they didn't have to really embellish just play it. Yeah. And you know, sometimes man, when we in front of people, we flex a little bit, right, And I think to my understanding is it was a lot of flexing on the show because you know, when the camera's on, you know, everybody want to appear in their best light, and you appearing in your best light put her in her worst light. Yeah, and that's and and and and that has cost you a family. When we come back, man, we're gonna talk about that, the importance of the family. And after you apologize to her publicly not privately, what I think, as Steve Harvey, you should do to move forward. And I think we'll be able to put some type of closure to the situation when we come down like that. We'll be back with our last break of the day with Martel Holte from Loving Marriage Phil right after this. You're listening to this morning show, all right, Steve, Here we are our last break of the day. Our very special guest today from Owen's Love and Marriage Huntsville has been Martel Holt, who reached out to us. He wanted some advice during the Strawberry Letter. And that's what we were, you know, here trying to do because I you know, believe in redemption. I mean, we would tell the same person who wrote in with these same issues, you know, about redemption and forgiveness and things like that. And public apologies, like you said, So that's what we're here for. You know, ahead, listen, you know, just to recap it. His brother called in. He made some mistakes in his marriage. He knows that he stepped outside. He's lost his family. He wants to move forward as another child involved. And we've been talking. And one of the things that I know that men are not good at is we're not good at closure. Now, the thing about this brother is it's a lot of me and out here that are him. A lot of me and out here can know exactly where he coming from. Let's stop all this we righteous. Damn oh man, I can't believe you did that. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah Okay. And this is a story that's played out in a lot of places. This has played out all over the country, all over the world, all of the time. And it ain't just this. The days have changed. Its women doing the exact same thing. Now, you know, it's just I will be truthful with you. Women are way better at better. So now, Martell, as I talk to you about apologizing, you thought that would be a good move to do publicly, for her, to give her some closure, because you know what was done publicly can only be undone publicly. You know you're not gonna get your family back, and not in love anymore, but you do love her. I saw a picture of your family and beautiful family. So now moving forward, Man, here's what we have to do as men. Even though we make a mistake and we cost ourselves the family struction, we cannot crumble the fiber of the family because them kids ain't got nothing to do with this, and and and and and kids are affected by divorce. They are affected. And so what they have to know at the end of this Martel, from my standpoint, is they have to know that they daddy loved them more than he loves anything else. Your children have to know that you love them more soul than you love anything else you've ever done. And soul it becomes a part of if you and the wife can be cool enough to sit in front of the children and show a unified front. I don't know where y'all at with that. I don't know if that's doable. I don't know if the hurt is too much right now, because sometimes take time. And like Bishop Jakes told me, he said, man, you can't just say I'm sorry and expect to walk back in at a mall and it's all good, right, he said, That's not how this works. That's how it used to be, right, yeah, right, because somebody got injured. Yeah, you know, and even though they put a bandage on it, deeply, the pain is still there. So I'm assuming mar tell you call because you I mean, look, man, obviously you love your family, your kids most definitely, definitely, and so we gotta we gotta get in that man and produce. Do you what you're saying Step one, Steve is to publicly apologize on his road to redemption and getting you know, moving forward with his life. You're saying step one is to publicly apologize. See, the large press is forgive us our trust passes as we forgive those who trust pass against us. You can't expect God to show you Grayson mercy if you don't exhibit Grayson mercy. Yeah, because you know what I mean. That was one of the things that upset the women so much, is that the arrogance that you had. It seemed like you were just so arrogant about it and you know just what, yeah, I did. It is what it is. You kept lying about it and and all of that and that's what infuriated us. You were so arrogant. So now, yeah, because at the beginning, I didn't want everybody. I didn't want the whole country in my business first off, you know, because it wasn't no no, no, I mean, it wasn't a plan of Marteille to put my because I knew what was gonna happen if it got out, so I didn't want it to be out. So yeah, I'm gonna lie at first. I'm like, no, I wasn't cheating. I don't want everybody to know it. She knew and I knew, And to me, that should have been it. It should have been brought to you guy, It should have been brought to the world, you know, because I knew it was gonna happen, So I was, Yeah, I was lying about it before. Well, at least you're honest about that. Listen to every man on this show and yeah, down a couple of minutes left. So let's let's let's let Martelle have the floor so he can publicly apologize. Go ahead, Martell, Okay, Um, so to Melody, Um, the person I've been with over fourteen years, Um, I grew up with you. Um, we've accomplished a lot in life. We have four beautiful children, and UM, you know, I wouldn't be the person that I am, and I'm not talking about the negative things, but I wouldn't be the person man without you. UM. I do love you. I love what we stood for, and it's my my deepest hope that we can you know, UM co parent together. Accomplished that and make sure that we raise our children, UM in the same way that we wanted to raise them when we're together. So I just want to know that I am sorry to have put you through this, my children, through this, our families through this. I mean it hurts me, but I know it hurts you just as much as it hurts me. And I'm sorry, Melody for everything that I've done, everything, But I thank you for the opportunities that you gave me. He gave me plenty of chances to get it right. God gave me plenty of chances to get it right. I remember us talking about things UM in terms of manly God blessing us and showing us favor, and then every time I step out, we lose that favor. And to you, I wish you the best in life, your career and um talking about in my heart. I am sorry, I am well, brother, I think I think it's sincere, you know, um And one day man, one day man, just all get better. So we thank you for joining this Martell Home. Thank you, thank you. I appreciate you guys so much. Thank you guys. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.