Jeezy Interview, 85 South, Walter Wallace, Jr., KFC and more.

Published Oct 28, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve is spittin' bars and he is callin' Busta Rhymes out! Big Dog does sing "Wait For Love" - Luther Vandross for us as well. The Chief Love Officer has to deal with K-Dub and starts with his name. LMBAO!!! Huge shout out to 85 South as they made their slow motion entrance and hosted the BET Hip Hop Awards. The man formerly known as Young Jeezy stopped by to discuss his involvement in the voting movement and new show on Fox Soul that premieres tonight. Congratulations to The Los Angeles Dodgers. 2020 World Series Champions! There is civil unrest in Philadelphia due to another shooting death of a Black man at the hands of police. KFC is bringing back their Fried Chicken Scented Firelogs. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve tells us about a call he had with fellow members of his fraternity Omega Psi Phi and has a specific message.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things and its not true. Good to mother, Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn you're going to do? You are you gotta turn to turn them out? Turn? You haven't got to turn them out? Then turn the water the water got Come? Come on your baby now? Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you'll listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got this radio show. Man, Hi got here. I really can't explain it. Only by the grace of God, that's all I can really tell you. I was talking with a buddy the other day and he was telling me. He said, Man, he had an interesting philosophy about it. He said. You know, you can have dreams and visions, he say, but God, God will never show you what all he has for you. He won't show you all of it because he knows you will mess it up. And you know what, man, I thought about that, And how true is that? Okay? I know that I got a radio show. I didn't see it. It's just become this major blessing. For me. I didn't see it. But if I would have seen it and known when he had planned on giving it to me, I would have messed it up because Number one, my first question would have been to him, why I got to wait so long? Why don't I go down hill and start on the radio now? And then I be in radio and then tidy see that God? But see the thing about God is God don't need your help a matter of fact, that he don't really want it. All he want is you to love him and obey him. If you can do them two things I think. I think I could be wrong. I think he'd be really cool with us. So had I known about these blessings that he had for me, I would have messed him up because I would have put my thinking in the figuring process, and that would have jacked it all up. That's the first thing I asked him, Why I gotta wait so long? And then if he has shown me what I was gonna have to do to get it, I would have showed messed that up. Man, I ain't gonna do that. I ain't gonna do all of that. Wait a minute, I got to go through all of these mishaps in my life. So when I get the radio show, I have something to share. Man, why don't I just read a couple of books and share that experience with them? Now, See, I want you to know what you're talking about. I want you to be transparent. I want people to be able to identify with your struggle and apply they struggle to it and see that they can get over. See. God never shows you all of it because he know will mess it up. I wouldn't have any books. I certainly please know, I would not be the host of Family Field. Can't tell you that. It is amazing man, how God works. And my invitation to everybody today is allow God to work. You know, you can ask him why all you want to. And from time to time I still do no good for me, But that old why me, old woe is me? Lord? Thing that don't really get it for me, because when I start asking him why, I'm asking somebody who has a thought process so high above mine that there's no way if he told it to me, I wouldn't even get it. You wouldn't need I don't how bright you think you are, man, you just ain't gonna get how and why he does it his way. You're not going to understand it. But he has a plan for each and every one of us. And if we adhere to the plan, if we submit ourselves to his will and just say, Okay, God, what you want me to do? I am telling you it is the best way to live. Now. You can also do it the way I did it early on. You can just do what you want to do and see how I go from now. And I will tell you from personal experience, it's not going to go good. You know, my wife and I were talking the other day and she said something women. I had to write it down. She says, Steve, you know the funny thing about sin? She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. I ask my wife where she got di from. She says, some old person told it to it. She says, sin casts you more than you want to pay and causes you to stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem, man, about doing what you want to do. Because we are all sinners. Man, all of us, all of us, every last one of us are sinners. You will be a sinner until you die. Now you could be saved by grace. But you're going to be a sinner man. You are going to make mistakes. You are going to in your life knowingly do wrong. I bet you will. I don't know who you think you are. I don't know who you've been listening to. But get this, we are sinners. We were born into a world that is sinful. Now it's okay, it's okay, it's our world. But we can make the best of it because we can form a relationship with God and we can go to war with this thing, you know, and we can win. You can actually get over. Being born into this world is not an end all. That doesn't mean you're doomed, nah man, because God is available to give you life, and not only give you life, but give it to you more abundantly. I have more of an abundant life than I've ever had. If you took away the finances, trust and believe, I have so many things I could tell you that I'm grateful for. For my wife, for my children, man, for my family, for the few friends that I have, for the work that I do, man for the respect that some people that I feel around some people from the reputation I've earned. Now I ain't cool with everybody. I got that. I'm cool. I ain't cool with everybody. Everybody ain't cool with me. Everybody don't like me. Man, get past that right there. I don't care what you do. Everybody ain't gonna like you. Some people didn't like Jesus. What did he do? What did he do wrong to anybody? Show it to me where he was just out there, just messing over folks, and you could justify all that happened to him. Just show it to me. But he knew everybody ain't gonna like me. I just come to save y'all. You understand, I got you. Ain't feeling me. You're gonna spit on me. You're gonna hang me up there, You're gonna pierce my side. You're gonna do all that to me. When you get through, I still love you. That's a powerful statement. Man, God will take care of you if you form this relationship with him. He has something for you. He has a plan for you that is beyond your magic, your nation. He will give you the desires of your heart. But he also has some stuff in store for you that you're not even asking for. That he is willing to ship to an address that belongs to you. As long as you stay on the right path and are trying your best, God to ship you to blessing anywhere. Because please know He's done it to me. I'm a living witness to this that God will ship you blessings and you ain't gonna be perfect. But if he know your heart, man, if he know you trying to do better, if he see you trying to change, if he see you trying to get it right, he understands that you're gonna stumble all the way through this thing. But if he know your heart and he know you trying to get it right, and you're doing the best you can, boy, here ships some stuff your way. Man, you really be tripping, man, you would really be tripping. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. It's crazy, ain't it. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Without further ado, here is my my toast, my hats off to the b ET Hip Hop Awards from last night. I put your thought I wasn't gonna make it. Everybody said it wasn't nothing. Brother, here I am, but here. I hell yeah, that was it. That was it. That's all I got. No no fire, baby, fives you heal me versus Bantle call call me swift. Who wants some of them? I'm calling them out t I outcast mister cook. What you want? I go against bust of rhymes? Everybody scared a buster? Give me bust up. I'm what I'm talking about. What did you hit that? He loved you all that way? Baby? Did you six back? Buster? Buster? Got tired him? Talk about hill dust Buster got tired on bus out of him cold so busted? Who couldn't got that? I saw a bust, I said, get to a bust. Ladies and gentlemen. Sherley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve. I do have a request later, okay, Colin for real? All right? Buster Ryan's pass Yay? What's up? Steve Junior? Morn up, morn everybody, Nephew, Tommy cop on the moaning, Yeah, okay you ready? You gonna hurt my request? Yea? What is you? Know? How you started the show sometimes with music? I know you just did it with the hip hop. Now I want you to slow it down a little bit. We haven't heard from him in a long time. This is one of your all time favorites. Who you Luther Van Dress? We're right, Yeah, the way do I can't say for so that is true. It's a chancefall me han you so hold on time if you think you're right. Yeah, nothing hurts his bad ass when you see you gave up to ease a Lee. I love all his facial expressions. I remember not too long ago, come on on a dream that kept me wash it h that you would be mine who Yeah, and I was hoping there could one day be be your chance fae for me to get love sometimes love. Just wait full love, and you gon now get your chance to love. Wait full love, Wait full love. All right, there you have it, ladies and gentlemen, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the cello. Right after this, you're listening show coming up next hour, Young Jeezy will be our special guest. He will tell us all about his new show on Fox Soul and his upcoming versus battle Jay jay Z Jenkins. That's his real name. Just found that out. Next hour. But right now it is time for I asked the clo. Are you ready, clo, Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. All right, here we go. This one's from K dub and Tallahassee K dub says. I'm a forty four year old single dad and my eleven year old caught my girlfriend and I having sex in the back seat of my tahoe. We snuck out to the car, trying to be spontaneous and kinky, and my daughter came to get her iPad that was on the front seat. My girlfriend went to talk to my daughter, and my daughter told her that she is a ho, just like her mama says she is. I wanted to beat her behind, but I couldn't after what she had just said. My girlfriend had been putting up with my evil ex wife for a while, and she told me I need to handle her. I'm only concerned with making sure my daughter is good. Am I wrong for only focusing on her cello? Well, you can't do nothing with your ex you you can stop that. You don't tell her that she a hoe. She doesn't told her and she repeated it because that's what your mother did put into eleven year old head. You have to talk to your eleven year old about respecting other people with the name calling. Now, let's look at a couple of things. First of all, you forty some years old, does your name still have to be K dubbed that we get something a little more a dubb so we can get into full time parody. Goss, K dub it's kind of hard ask K dub to be into full time parody, and K dubbed you was outside in the car screwing. You do understand that the eleven year old having a computer and can go right in the house and look all this up on a computer has a very, very young mind. But these young minds were exposed to a lot more than we were when we were eleven. So, brother, your only focus is your daughter. I don't know what you say to your daughter though, if she catches you having sex with the girl that your wife ex wife told h was a hole. Now she was outside in the car whole in should have locked the doors, locked the dough What I got to do with the damn wonder you can see I've seen in a whole lot of cars when the door was locked. Oh yeah, all right, Well, dad, girl, you have to talk to your baby hang dog, Yeah kay do Sammy and Raleigh says, I'm a sixty seven year old widow and I've started dating again, but my children don't think I should because it's too dangerous. I have an estate and a few nice cars, and they seem to think I can't handle myself around men. Men. I was on a date the other night and my date happened to be driving my car. My pastor saw it and told my son. My son said that no other man should be in his father's car. Well, everything my husband left me here on earth is all mine now, and I need my children to settle down. The pastor too, How can I get my children to ease up and trust my judgment? Your son ain'ten to go for the dude driving the cars, daddy head. He just not going to accept that, you know. And you need a data man that has a car of his own. If y'all have been picking him up with the church bus, that's probably why the pastor mentioned mission. We normally brother Perkins in the church vane. Now he didn't pull it up in Sister row Sidney, Sister Sammie call. Now she gave he all up and Sis Sami's car and it just ain't a good look. Yeah, you have to be conscious, be aware. You have an estate. Now, people could be using you for the wrong reasons, that's all. Yeah, just be careful. But she wants. She thinks she's got it together. She wants in the trust her judgment. That's what she's doing. Yeah, you don't bad judgment. Her husband passed. I don't know how long she says she how long she says she's been a widow. She just says she's a widow. She started dating again. She didn't say it's a bad look. The son is not going to accept the other man driving the daddy's car. Buy his own, damn car. Data man with a car. Yeah, I like that advice. All right, my daddy truck. But she said it's hers now because their daddy left it to her. All right. Tab in Michigan, and his name is Tab. Her name is Tab. I'm a thirty year old, full figured cutie with my own business and I just met a great guy. But we've never been out on a public date. The first six dates, he bought food, I cooked, and he stayed overnight. We've been dating three months and I've only been to his house once and he ordered takeout. All we do is eat and have sex. I invited him to a drive in movie last weekend and he said no because of COVID nineteen. He goes out with his friends and he's not concerned about COVID. Then I think he loves having sex with big girls but wants to keep it a secret. What do you think? Come on, thank you? Absolutely right? Yeah, thank you, absolutely right. But let's look how your date started. You invited him over, you cooked, he spent a night y'all has six. He invites you over to his house. He get takeout, y'all, eat and have some most sex. That's what he liked, and that's what you liked. Some foods all, y'all, din was set it. Yeah, you gotta reset this because this is not going the way you want. No six days, nothing but eating is six. Yeah, they've never been anywhere. That bring up a movie. That's crazy. Sound like a great relationship, you know, get out of that kitchen girl, full figure cutie, all right, so what do you tell her, Steve? I don't doubt that you a full figure cute is nothing wrong with that. But you can be a slim goodie and whatever you want to call yourself. Once you start with the we eating and having sex, that's it. Yeah, yeah, all right, thank you? Yeah, great advice as usual. Coming up next, Nephew Tommy's run that prank back right after this. Ye you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour, miss, and we'll have today's national news plus next hour, a very special guest is Jeez. That's right, Jeez will tell us all about his new show on Fox Soul, his upcoming Versus battle, and his work with First Lady Michelle Obama. When we all vote Jay Jeez Jenkins coming up at twenty minutes after the hour. But right now the nephew is here with run that prank back? What you got for us, Nap, It's time to get to these nappy roots right now. A lot of people out there would have It's different. I know you are not your hair. You know you think you INDI re whatever. But this right here is nappy hair. Nappy hair. Let's go, cat Doll. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to get frances Is. Hey, friends, how you doing. My name is Darryl darl our kids they go to our together. Oh yeah, yeah, your daughters Kylin? Right, Yes, okay, my son is DJ Daryl Jr. I think i'll may a knit you at the beginning of the school. Yeah you remember meeting me, Daryl. Oh, I met a lot of people, but I'm sorry, I can't place you right now. Okay, no problem. Hey listen, um, I was getting your call. You know, there's only a handful of black kids at the school, you know, being a private school and all, and we the black parents, we all got together and had a meeting a couple of nights ago. Okay, you said, all the black parents. Okay, I wasn't there. Why wasn't our call? Uh, well, we actually had a meeting about your daughter, Kaylen. Oh well what about Kaylin? She is there a problem at school and she's claiming there's something I don't even know about. What's what's going on with? Well, actually, we're you know, we feel privileged to be you know, you know, like I said, there's only a handful of blacks, and we try to carry ourselves in a dignified way, our presence, our attitude, the way we handle ourselves. And uh, you know, Kaylin's doing very good in school, but want I understand, and very nice with all the rest of the kids. She's getting along. That's not the problem. What we're what we're trying to get is the groom of Kaylin. You know, Kaylin has these braids, and what we were trying to do is give You know, we had a meeting about it. I'm hold of Did you just say her grooming something wrong with her grooming? Well, it's not necessarily her clothing, of course, you know the kids were the uniforms, but the braids. You know, we want to represent ourselves with a lot of dignity the way we carry ourselves. We want to be um, you know, pretty much nice and clean, spitting polished. We would really prefer her hair was straight and opposed to being braided up, you know, I mean it kind of gives off a ghetto type of look to it, and that's what we're trying to avoid. Are you crazy? It's something wrong with you. You know, First of all, how the hell you get my num? If you couldn't call me for the meeting, why you calling me now? Like I said, man, the meeting was to get the general consensus on where all the parents feeling the same way about your daughter and her braids. You know, we're just trying to keep everything classy. When it comes to the blacks that attend of school, it's only ten of us, you know, ten children attending. I'll tell you what you can attend. You could what you can attend to. Is this phone hanging up in your face? You tell up the parents, all of them for me. Y'all can go straight and hit rock bottom out of hell. Talk about my child with her braids. Her braids are ethnic, they are nice. She is wearing grooms and I don't know how in the hell you got my telephone number. But tell all the parents for me to kiss the crack am out. You know what. Listen, First of all, I don't like the way that you're talking to me. Okay, I carry myself with class, with dignity. I'm spitting polish man subject. You call me a ghetto as her hairstyle, and let me say something real ghetto to your Okay, you and all parents can hit rock Some'm out of hell. Don't call me no more with no like this. This is ignorant. I'm far beyond this. My child is well groomed. She is going to go to as a matter of fact, as much money that costs, because go there too. Y'all should have been meeting on how we can get together and pay the tuition. How about fact? Are you trying to sit here and tell me that you got a problem taking her brains down and wearing her hair straight so she can look a lot more classy than what she looks right now. At your pathetic look that she's having right now, you know what I don't. What's your hair looked like? Take a picture of your self and send it to me texted to me since you get folks phoned numbs and give it to you. Take a picture of your stelth and texted to me. I bet you you look like who would have parted. My daughter's braids are gonna stay up for the rest of the years. As a matter of fact, we ain't gonna rebraided. It's gonna stay that way so it can be madd at and represent that's what we're gonna do. Francis listening. I don't I don't want to argue. I just wanted to call and see if we can actually, you know, come to a medium on this. Do you think that there's a possibility that I mean, when I'm I'm picking up DJ tomorrow after school, it would it be all right if I picked up little Kaylin and brought her home and let my wife do our hair. Please. I whish that he would pick my start up and see what the hell I do I'm gonna call my husband's him to come over your house and whoop your after he braids yo, as I wish you would pick up my thought, I call the police on. As a matter of fact, you're gonna have to call the police on me and my husband Steward and see what happens. Ma'am. I'm just trying to get some class here. That's all we're wanting. We're not wanting to fight with you. It's just the blacks here. We think that we want a little bit more classy look of the way we are. Groom. That's the only thing we're looking for. The only person who's gonna be taking the classes. And when we get to whoop, you're gonna be taking the class? How about bad? Yeah, I can't stand up like you. Y'all get five dollars and one penny in your box and think you better than everybody as your to get where you came from it. As a matter of fact, what's your suggest? What's your name? Because I'm calling the princess on your day, give me your name and mister hoole, what's your name? Uh, that's that's that's that's that's not that's not really what my name is. But that's what told me when you first camm me. What is your real name? My name is my name. My real name is Tommy Thomas. No, no, my last name either. What what the hell is your name? Do you know? My name is Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Horby Morning Show. Your husband, Keith got me the plank phone call you. I be Oh my god, you got me ready to kick your the pts, the girls cool and everything. I tell you what kep eat out for the rest of the week. He told me, he said, Man, he said, it don't take but about two and a half minutes for my wife to go off. He said, it don't take for two and a half, he said, I promise you like a right calm down, baby, Let me ask you something. What what I got one more thing to ask you? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. You know it's a Steve Harvard Morning Show. If your baby had napper, then your baby had napping. You know what I'm saying. She was not having it. If your baby napping. Yeah, and as soon as my husband come on, he gonna come with that beat your ass and braid yo'll have. But what about what you said, y'all get some money, you up in it? You up in it in words right right, We would like for you to change your daughter's have when they come with just I mean with trying to look the part a little bit different with you. But you're sending to school. Let's just sup. It's just super lock is what it is. It's sock wow. No ups, baby up in negros. All right, I'll be back in another hour with the most stupid though Hotel. I got some coming up at the top of the hour Entertainment in National News. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes. Geez will be our very special guests. We're gonna talk to Jez about voting, his upcoming versus battle and also his involvement in the voting movement. But first in today's entertainment news. Last night was the BEET Hip Hop Awards, which you got Carla. While we were watching it, Shirley, we were on the phone. We kind of all talk to each other with texting each other while we were watching the bt Hip Hop Awards. We have to give a shout out to eighty five South and big up the boys. Yes, we love them so much, proud of them, man, and we got to shout out our very own cat Dog. He's our production director, but you know he was behind the scene. Yeah, that's the first of any award show I've ever seen where pretty much an improv troupe hosted the show, a group of comedians. I thought it was outstanding because what I've seen a lot of their shows on eighty five South. Yeah, my son Broderick introduced me to him and everything. I knew nothing about it. And then of course, you know, I don't really know how much a choice it was, but you know, you ain't telling me damn jokes. You know, he we appreciate it, but let us do this right here, and that's how it started. But but I've known what they've been trying to do for a long time. It was just the first I've ever seen a comedy trio host a show. You know, the Kings didn't do it, so to watch that was really amazing me And said, did the first beat a wall? The first good? And said the first two very funny. Yeah, yeah, but you know, I've never seen a comedy trio it's really the Hip Hop Awards. That's cool. Yeah, really good. Tell him, you guys. Shout out to DC, Young Flod, Carlos, Chico Bean. Did y'all see DC skating? So I love him? I love him heart, Yes, yes, yes. Shout out to O TI and Monica. They came through you know the tramp House. You know with the crew they had virtual cipher. Tommy, we were talking about the ciphers. They had one with Skip Marley. That ladies cipher was good. Yeah, you saw one with Jack Harlow. You know that's the guy was popped. I didn't know ye ignorant when you saw Snoop Dogg. He presented master Pe with me. I am Hip Hop Awards. So you knew the legends in the game. And then of course your boy Toby knew wigw he formed your jam a little bit of a trigy. I knew it. I wouldn't gonna get the title lot come on, come on, because I find it's my jam man. Yeah, Toby was rocking. Uh, I like to set. It was this mint green look they had on and he had black lives. It's always dramatic. It's a sweet dramatic. He got this it's like, yeah, it's like a scene. Yeah, yep. So shout out to Big Sean. He performed Detroit Going On. It was cool though it was virtual, but it was all good. It was very entertaining. So shout out again an eighty five softcat Dog, the whole crew. All right, let's go Steve. Time for today's headlines. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne Tripp, thank you, thank you for everybody. Here we go. President Trump campaigned in Lansing, Michigan, yesterday, focusing of course, on Joe Biden, on COVID nineteen curfews and lockdowns, and on Democratic Governor Gretchen Whitner. It's a choice between a Trump boom or a Biden lockdown. But you're already lockdown. I mean this state, we gotta get her going. I don't know. Governor Whitman reportedly feels that Donald Trump's constant criticisms of her efforts to contain and reduce the coronavirus in her state may be partly responsible or maybe mostly responsible for the recently foiled kidnap plot against her. Meanwhile, new coronavirus cases have begun to really climb all over the country. Joe Biden, who was in Georgia yesterday, told support is that that is why Trump wants to talk about put down, shuts downs, and closing rather than actually talking about the virus itself. Its chief of staff just last week made a stunning admission, an admission I believe but never thought he'd say, saying, quote, We're not going to control the pandemic end of quote. Biden says that's basically throwing in the towel or waving a white flag. According to the Miami Herald, a local minister, pastor Rohnda Thomas, a director of Faith in Florida, says that Miami cops have been trying to intendidate black and Latin X voters into either leaving pole sits or voting for Donald Trump. Pastor Thomas accuses one officer, whom she identifies as Daniel Ubeta, of showing up at a polling site wearing a face mask reading Trump twenty twenty No more bullcrap. Of course, crap was not the word exactly used. Two of the grand jurors who decided charges in the police killing of Brianna Taylors say they sink the three white Louisville cops involved were both negligent and criminal, and they tell CBS that Attorney General Daniel Cameron misled the public when he claimed that the grand jurors all agreed that murder charges against the cops were not warranted. They say that was not true. They didn't all agree and never was true. A Phoenix caught me while under both a criminal and departmental investigation, accused of making a quote credible thread of violence against the Mayor of Phoenix, Kate Galgo, because Gallego has been pushing for police reform, offers to Steve Poulis, is denying the allegation. Sad news America has lost another hero. Muskegee airman Reginald Brewster has died at age one hundred three. He served in World War Two. His family says he died peacefully on Monday. Brewster was stationed in England and France. He assisted the base commanders. He said he was treated better in Europe than here in his home country. After coming back, he went to law school and was a practicing lawyer until he was ninety years old. Dodgers won the World Series for the first time since nineteen eighty eight, and his National Chocolate Day a cho out back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening show Everybody, Our special guest, without a doubt, is one of the front runners of Rap in the South. He's a songwriter too, He's an actor, philanthropist. He's been by my side a lot lately as one of the mentors from my foundation's annual mentoring program. And I really, really really appreciate how this brother shows up man for these young men and their lives at critical points and always gilds back. I've never called on him, and he didn't answer the call. Man. He's got a strong story. Uh, he's he's compelling, and boy, he has them young cat's undivided attention. Well, he's got a new show, Everybody on Fox Soul, and it premieres tonight. And he's also got an upcoming versus battle. We're gonna find out more about that. But ladies and gentlemen, Okay, mister Jay Jessy Jakins, j j J. Hey, I'm the best at it. I feel like right now, Mom and Ali, you know, bring him out, bring him out. Hey, Man, nice talking to you again. Man. We've been talking a lot lately, man, because here's what we're calling about. It. You got a new show. The title of the show Everybody's called Worth a Conversation, and the debuts on Fox Soul tonight tonight, everybody at tim pm. And you know Fox Soul, Apple Apple TV. Uh, you know, kind you Jesus, you know I got I learned from the best baby. You know. It's premiere tonight seven pm Eastern Time, tim PM, Pacifity. And my first guest is amazing. By the way, so you know who is your first guest on that? Oh? Man, it was no other than seven emmies back to back. She's a comedy, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, philanthropist all around the world, world class fisherman from what I'm hearing too, dog, you know how you get down missus Steve Harvey later to gentleman all the time, somebody you know, somebody one day. Yeah, that was good. I'm trying to share. But man, I shall appreciate you having me. Man, it took him a face to put it together. Man, But I'm I'm coming on the show tonight. Man. Tell everybody what the show is about. What you hope to accomplish with the show? Entitle worth of conversation? Right, I want the conversation. I feel like, you know, if you're sitting on your untie poils, you're sitting in the barber shop, you know you're most likely talking to like minded people and people to see situations the same. For me, I've prided myself and I accomplished a lot of things being able to get in the right homes and get information that you just don't get, you know, just around the way. Uh, we'll be back with more with the One and Only. But his name is Jeezy, but he's really mister Jay Jess Jenkins. You're listening all right, y'all, we're back. Welcome back to the ride. Steve Harvy more than show Special guests today is a friend of mine, a young soldier that's really, really, really into giving back. Recording artist Philanthroper's song writer, actor everything. Uh, jeez Jesus with us today and he's got a new show that adds tonight at seven pm Eastern ten pm Pacific time. Work a conversation. Uh, your boy is on that tonight with him. But we're talking about it, and hey man, let's let's talk about this battle that it's starting to get a bus going on. It's a versus battle on November nineteen, right here in at l you and t i ye Ba name is Big Snow. Yeah, Big Snow. It's to call me snow Man. And then they call me Big Snow Snow Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh the Mountain and gave way. Oh hell, Big Snow. I mean, I feel like, you know, like you know, that's my brother. I'm always gonna be that. You know, we do what we do, and I'd be like, you know, I feel like we both have something different to bring to the game. And he might bring his catalogs to the verses, but I'm bringing real life. You know, everything that I talked about. You know, somebody can relate to it because it's real. And for me, I just feel like it's gonna be a celebration for Atlanta. It's gonna be a celebration for music. And you know, I ain't come to play, you know, I'm just you know, you know, hey, I'm gonna stand. I'mna standing with and for me at all times. You know, I know, I know what it's about. I got blood, sweening tears my bars. Baby, you know what I'm saying. It ain't never been just music to me. You know, it might catalog it's some mother, but you know that, right's my testimony. I wouldn't. I wouldn't be here when I went through so everything I ever said, I still don't. I'm looking forward to it though, you know I'm looking forward. I'm ready, you know. So we mans got mine on my dog, Big snow. All I got all my chips is up at the window. Big snow avalanche to be exactly like that blizzard of seventy seven. I was in Cleveland when it happened. Thirty six inches of snow. That's big ass snow. Hey man, look one more thing. Uh, You've done a lot of work with the first Lady Michelle Obama and and and the putting the content and the program. When we all vote, what message do you have for our listeners tonight to make sure that you that they get the message. I just feel like, you know. And I went and voted with some some guys from the Georgia Chapel, the NAACP, the president from there um. And when I actually when I voted, we had some discussions about the numbers I think last year and the voters it was, I mean last term election, it was six hundred thousand. This year is almost one point five. So that means our words getting out there. I think I think it goes like this. I think you you make small strides at a big goal. And I think the more we learn to mobilize together and be all on the same page, you know, we get a little bit farther to the point where you know, when we do go, when we all get it right and we do go vote, there's not gonna be able to stop us from voting to anything else because we all gonna be on the same page. So we got to mobilize and this is a small part of that. So no matter how this goes, as long as we show up a numbers and we continue to self a numbers and our movement gets bigger and our message gets greater, I think we're working towards a goal and that's and that's to get right the right people in because it's not just um next, it's about your city assistance, it's about who who, who's the mayor, who's the government, or who's right, who's the judge right? You know, it's just it's all those things that matter until you get people in like us to understand what we go through, and it's gonna do their best to make sure we're not being mistreated. You can't complain, so you gotta get out and let your voice be heard. Hey, look y'all. The new show it's called Worth a Conversation. It debuts on foxhoul tonight at ten pm Pacific time, seven thirty Eastern time. And ladies, Jeffrey put your hands together for Jeez Jenkins. Everybody. YEA love to you boy, big snorty, Thank you, Jeezy. Now you tell me it's up next with today's praying phone call. Right after this, you're listening Stave Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today. The subject he ruined his chances for intimacy. What till you hear this letter. We'll get into it in a little while, but right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us, Neff, it's time to prank a musical artist. You haven't done that in a while. Yeah, trying to prank on me. We have, you know, BT with last night. You know they're doing their thing, you know, trying to match a little bit. You know, how about Carl Thomas. Yea, when he ain't singing, he's getting pranked out. That's what I got a problem. Hello. Who am i'm speaking with? This is? Are you are? Do you work with Carl Thomas? Okay, that's who I'm looking for. I'm Silk from Big Time Promotions. I need to speak to call if it's at any way possible. Yeah, hold on, I want to say, so is this car? Yeah? Yeah, listen man, my name is Silk. I'm from Big Time Promotions and I'm not wait wait wait wait wait wait, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Push your name again. My name is Silk. Silk, Big Time Promotions out of Mississippi. Nah, I've been dealing. I don't know. I'm trying to get this right. I've been dealing with your managers. Who's supposed to be a big mac am I right, yeah, Now, I didn't sent deposits down up one hundred thousand dollars worth so that you can do Jackson and Biloxi for me. Jackson was supposed to be last week. I've been calling all week long. Wait wait wait wait wait wait you said you sent you said one hundred thousand. Now I've sent one hundred thousand to a Big Mac your manager. Nah man, Nah, well listen, brother, who are listen to me? If you were just sending a hundred thousand nollar, if you're just sending a hundred thousand dollars, nah nah, I don't think so. I sent one hundred thousand dollars to Big Mac, and he also, in return, brother sent me a contract signed with him and your name on him. No, I ain't signed no on it. I ain't signed a contract. What I ain't seen no contract. I ain't aint seen one hundred thousand dollars either. Year. I understand what you're saying, but I'm letting you know what has already happened to me. Now, I'm not trying to well, all right, well, you got a contract signed with my signature, my signature, I know your signature. All I know is it said Carl Thomas. It had your name and your manager's name on I'm trying to tell you that I didn't sign no contract. Let me say this all Silk trying to say. Though. What Silk trying to say is this right here, is that Silk is gonna get his money back. That's for one thing. Now, what I don't want to do is we can handle this like men all, we can handle this like gangsters. It don't make me no deft hold apartment. Hold up now you Joe gangster? Now you now? Who are you threatening me? All I know is I need Joe in Mississippi tomorrow, Hold on bar. I don't First of all, I don't know. I don't know what you think this is. But you ain't gonna call me about the blue or I don't know talking about you sit me her tho. I don't know if that's what you're talking about. Don't know who you are. I don't know what you're talking about. But we can get into a partly if you want to get down like that, we can get down like that. I'm gonna tell you right now. You know exactly where I'm coming from. I'm try to try to get all these army singers trying to get played. You know what I mean, because let me tell you play like that, because this is Silk from mississin't playing. I need talk me. Do you think it's all? Let me tell you something, man, don't make me leave y'all in two pieces that you don't make me leave you in two pieces. I want my money back. You and your manager got my money, all right, I see it right now? All right, okay, all right, okay, Silk or whatever your name, I'm telling you dark, I'm turning help from miss that second stepping in mud club. You're stepping in mud club. You're telling you right now. Don you think it? You think it's read. Don't you Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something called Thomas. Let me tell you blues all you pretty boys is the same. You're gonna make me whoop y'all by my money. Okay, all right, all right, I see exactly. I see exactly when you call up partner, see me, see me. You're not checked who I am? You don't. I live in New Jersey. Everybody knows that. You know. Check me what it is. Pay it, don't take my it. Don't take nothing for me to file my truck and road new job, hugs. It don't take nothing for me to roll the New Jersey. If that's what you're looking for now, I want you, said missing Separd tomorrow. Hello, who is this? No? Ain't you you the the right hand man? You're the one I've been calling, Oh damn week and you ain't gave him the phone to let me speak to its busy. What the hell you mean busy? Y'all got my money? I got a hundred thousand dollars hied up in this. I don't know what you're talking about. Oh let me. I don't know who do you think you're talking through? I don't know who do you think you're calling? A? How do you even get this number? Let me say this to you, Carven, get this number, play boy. I'm telling you, man, I'm telling you got all the muks. You got all the MUCKs. It's holes in your staff, playboy, holes in your staff, and I say something. Let me got holes in your staff. Listen to me telling you. I'm telling you only suck. Only suft anonymously call you stuff playboy? You saw Let me say this to you, man, yore you listening to Are you listening? I'm listening to you. Man, I'm I don't listening to you, but you suf. I'm telling you right now, I'm telling suck. Let me say this called Thomas. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, Mike be call tell man, I got me on the radio. Man man, you thugging baby, You tugging boy supposed to be set to the lady. I know you? Amen, man, man, you think got me down? He look you got a whole nother side car tour. Oh man? Amen? Hey man, your boy Mike be putting me up to it and a man looking at all right? All right, Mike, Hey, Mike, Mike, I owe you in the worst play boy. You gott a gangster side wrong? Right, I know it, man, I'm sorry, Man, Sorry, We're gonna gonna straighten it out in church. Now listen, tell me this. What's the baddest radio show in the world called Thomas? Man? You know it's Steve Harry Morning Show featuring the nephew Tommy. Who really in the bag? Right now? You got me? Man? And tell me how wrong I am? Go ahead and go ahead. You're wrong, You're just wrong. You already done. You can get pranked. Question no term of finial for sious question? Where is your What is the love you have of being wrong? What is the love you have of being wrong? How wrong? Was I? Was I wrong? Get it? Was I wrong? For that? Yeah? I've never understood your love of being wrong? The desire of it? Right? I'm that assionate about it. I am assionate about it. Now that's call okay. But now let's go down the line us. You that would be great. Don't you think John Legend not be nice to prank John light Skin? They can be pranked too, Can I ask? Why would you prank them? Because it's just something to do? You're looking? Yeah, what are you looking for this something? How about I prank by the fact they hosted last night? How about I rank all the eighty five South? Oh yeah, that will be fun. Yeah, yeah, I think you should do that. You know, Carlos is the intellect, the brain young flag on custom. Yeah, being gonna get some of it too. Yeah all right, thank you nephew. Coming up next to as a Strawberry letters subject, he ruined his chances for intimacy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show. Well, six days, I mean this countdown is real? Okay, six days left until the November third election. You can still go right now, they're still taking your early vote. You can go to vote dot org and find out where and when you can vote early in your state. That is vote dot org. Okay, please vote early, Please vote early all right, six days left. Don't wait till the last minute like we do. Don't do that, all right, changing gears. Today's Strawberry Letter. It is time. If you need advice and relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Let's get bugle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter subject he ruined his chances for intimacy. Dear Stephen Shirley, I need your input please. I live in the UK, right outside of London, and I love your show. I've known this gentleman friend of mine for two years. We have a great friendship. So a few weeks ago I invited him over for the weekend. It started out as a great meetup and I was glad to finally get to spend some time with him. I asked him if he wanted to share my bed or sleep in my guest room. I had high hopes that we could share some physical intimacy, which is something we'd never done. So this is how the evening went. I announced I was going to have a shower, and I thought he would take one after me, but he didn't. The clothes he was wearing had a musky smell, and since he'd been traveling all day, I thought he might you don't want to freshen up, but he didn't. We got in bed and he started touching me in an intimate way. We kissed and it was a good kiss, but I still could smell his musky smell on his shirt and his bodies. As things got more heated, I reached for his instrument and it was dead. He made up an excuse that he'd had too much to drink and that's why his instrument wasn't rising to the occasion. I was grateful it didn't work, because he smelled bad. Anyway. I turned away from him and went to sleep. The next morn morning, I got out of bed early so he wouldn't try again. He woke up and came into the kitchen and tried to kiss me, but he hadn't brushed his teeth or taken a shower yet. His smell was all over my house. He left that afternoon because he could sense that I was not pleased with him. He keeps on asking me to see me again to prove to me that his instrument works. But he's ruined any chance at intimacy. Am I being too harsh? Should I tell him that he stinks? Well, first we'll go here. Okay, thank you for loving our show in the UK, just outside of London. We appreciate it so very much. We really do tell all your friends about it. Girl. Okay, let's get to it. Bad hygiene meaning stanky breath, funky body odor like under armed, but anywhere else down there, all of that just overall cleanliness anything anything you know, just overall uncleanliness and nastiness. It is an absolute deal breaker, absolute deal breaker from me, point bank blank, period. So to the question, are you being too harsh? No? No, no, no, you should have made him get out of the bed. You should have made him get out. I don't know anyone who would put up with that. Should you tell him? Uh, you know that he stinks? You ask only if you plan on continuing to see him. And I don't think that's a good idea because he doesn't bathe, he doesn't brush his teeth. No, move on, no, no, Steve, you well you know you and all this hit down. You know nothing. Nothing about this letter makes me sick. Oh I don't give it so o oh about them? Oh yeah, yeah yeah, this letter is about a man that stink. I could care less. But if you want some advice, here it is. She see you know this gentleman friend of yours for two years. Now, let me ask you something. In two years you ain't smelled his ass. Two years two you ain't noticed nothing. Well, maybe it's because y'all were just friends and y'all wouldn't really close excuse me, and so you decided you want to spend some time with him. You had him come somewhere with you for the weekend, and then you decided you said you wanted high hopes that y'all can have some physical intimacy because y'all had never done it before, right, right, So you told him I'm going to have a shower, and I thought he would take one after me, but he didn't. Let me tell you something about funking people. Come see when you say I'm going to take a shower, he figured well that cool. Wait, Steve six, since she's from London, say in a British accent, I daresay, I'm going to take a shower. Rather you're not joined me, but maybe pol take afterwards down huh, Okay, we got it, he said. I dare say, why waste the water? That's the water he does? Only good for water, Absolutely, you taking a shower water is better than none. Why should I go out then and waste the water and do it myself? Tackically with the fact that I can't smell my damns out, that's the problem. That's the key to stinking people. Stinking people don't know they stink. They've been living with it. They used to it. Yes, they think it's something else. They think it's a garbage can somewhere is dead. It's you. But he was traveling all day just based on that, he should have gotten in the shower. They was in the car together, was shut up in now Yeah, all right, coming up, Steve, We're at twenty three minutes after the hour. We're gonna have part two of your response. The subject of today's strawberry letter, he ruined his chances of intimacy. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter he ruined his chances for intimacy Shuley, I want you to read the letter. I'm going to be the man from London hearing this letter about me, and I'll comment throughout the letter. All right, Dear Stephen Shirley, I need your input. Please wonder what this is about? My cloud of Steve, Wonder what this is about. I live in the UK, right outside of London, and I love your show. I have known this gentleman friend of mine for two years. We have a nice Yeah, we have a great friendship. So a few weeks ago I invited him over for the weekend. And what were I to do? It's I definitely was coming alone. Yes, it started out, thank you. It started out as a great meetup and I was glad to finally get to spend some time with him, and so that I asked him if he wanted to share my bed or sleep in my guest room. Oh dude, tell I'm here far At I had sharing off the bed. Oh my goodness, what a wonderful weekend. I had high hopes that we can share some physical intimacy, which is something we'd never done. That so This is how the evening went here. I go, I announced I was going to have a shower, and I thought he would take one after me, but he didn't. And why should I. You've taken a shower, one of us has got to take the shower. It was you. The clothes he was wearing had a musky smell, and since he'd been traveling all day, Oh Dad, you say, smell musca. I thought he might want to freshen up, but he didn't. We got in bed and he started touching me in an intimate way. That what you wanted. We sad. You had high hope that it would get fast. Let's got it started. We kissed and it was a good kiss, but I still could smell his muskie smell on his shirt and his body. Once again. Never, I was absolutely fine. Good used to it? I have where's lighting? Music? Dad? Back? Now, let's finish the ladder the right way. You didn't tell me you were going to reach for the instrument. I wasn't ready all right? Well, yeah, he made up in the music had demanding. He made up an excuse that he had had too much to drink, and that's why his instrument wasn't rising. I've been drinking ale all after no ale. You try drinking als one entire dance, see if you'll instrument works. I was probably wasn't working either. I was great full it didn't work because he smelled bad anyway, Um. I turned away from him and went to sleep the next morning. The next morning, I got out of bed early so he wouldn't try again. I knew you got up early. I was already up. I saw you. He woke up and came into the kitchen and tried to kiss me. But he hadn't brushed his teeth or taken a shower yet. If I hadn't taken a shower last night, pray tail, why would I get up and take one in the morning, God, I don't brush my teeth into one thirty in the afternoon, his smell got up, tarling this is not yall segment. His smell was all over my house. And that's something I am. And that has an aura that wasn't smelled half while. That was aura. He left that afternoon because he could sense I was not pleased with him. I love because you are nagging me to shower. That's why, my God, did you want the company or did you want to bathe. He keeps on asking me to see me again, to prove to me that his instrument works. My instrument sometimes doesn't participate because it's just sometimes it can't stand the smell. Sometimes my instrument says, O me, damn if I stand up, only to me knocked back down. Am I being too harsh? She asked, damn it, Yes, you're being harsh. Should I tell him he stinks? I know I stink? O you know what? Do you know? Those hairs? You came me a Mike Husky ass man? And no, no, I don't smell my stay where's my damn music? Laura, God, I smell himself. He can't hear. I use the music to drownd out the smell. Plang a music. Damm it frost, she smells all right. I think when we got out of this is please telling me stinks? Post your comments on Today what you got out of it? It's a strawberry at post your comments on Today Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and damn it, Tommy shut up. Check out The Strawberry Letter on podcast on demand, coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Junior Sports Talk. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Junior, Junior is here with sports talk. Let's go. Oh oh, we have to say it. What you have to say it. Congratulations to the Los Angeles Dodgers due oh serious champions. They beat Devia Bay Raising last night in to This is great because now the World Series trophy and the NBA Trophy all live in La. Oh my god, they got both. Let me ask you a question, man, how did the Dodgers get to the Series? Oh? They beat It don't matter. We was watching basketball. We didn't. Did they beat Atlanta? They did? They did, That's right, My bad. The only me and I asked because I thought it was in Houston. No, no, we lost to the Rais. I know your rocks when you when you Atlanta. Hey man, you're talking about you ain't got to talk about us man like that. We know we didn't make it to the World Series. We know we're not going to the Super Bowl. We are well aware we didn't make it in where in the NBA Cleveland ain't going either. Wait, we ain't never been see see see you don't know how to lose. We don't I do see I'm here seeing how we don't want five games. I'm here to help y'all through a losing that season. That's what I'm here for. It is no, you don't know because you keep taking it wrong. See y'all having a bad day in all this head woman had to go from me drink history of Houston? Do you know how hard it is? Do you know what the allers took us through? Do you know what we've been through in life that time? Forget that? Do you know how many jerseys out in bout, how many hatsting bout how many tickets out about? Do y'all thank you talking to We ain't want a championship in football since nineteen sixty four. I was seven. I wasn't here. I was seven. I damn you tell me about how jo y'all won doing segregation. That's when y'all won. We won. We ast time we won. We weren't even ride and yet well we we lost for the first ride is sixty eight. Wow, civil rights? Now, Carlos, go ahead, Dave Roberts, way to go, man, congratulations, man, all right, well, thank you junior. Sorry about that. Coming up at the top of the hour. Another night of civil unrest in Philly. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to r Morning Show. Here is trending news from our homestation in Philly one oh five point three wdas. The Philadelphia Police Department has increased its presence around the city and the Pennsylvania National Guard has been deployed in Philly last night due to more civil unrest and respond to the shooting death of Walter Wallace Junior. Walter Wallace Junior was a black man who refused to drop his knife when police asked him to. According to the family's lawyer, they reportedly called for an ambulance to get mister Wallace some help for a mental health crisis issue. On the video, you can hear the officers repeatedly tell Wallace to put the knife down. After he would not drop the weapon, two officers fired off at least seven rounds. Both officers were wearing body cans and were taken off street duty pending the investigation. Philadelphia's new police commissioner is a sister. Her name is Danielle Outlaw. Take a listen as Chief Outlaw is going to the community where the shooting happened, and she's talking to the people. What was the fact day they first use The first thing the officers did was before the weapon on that man, not a taser. They didn't use the taser. They didn't use the taser. And why gonna offers in the community, not a community and the community so when that come with thee at least this community, they're scared. They're so scared. The first thing they did was shot that man. I'm here to listen. I don't have answers for what happened today. It just happened. Obviously, you gotta put everything together. Like knew they was gonna shoot. Yeah, I knew that was gonna shoot. I'm tasing that wan. Wow. Yeah now yeah, here we community. Yeah, they're upset. They were rounds. He is a lot though well and you know it is. But and here's the deal. The people called to because he has mental issues. The annulance, so they called for mental help. The officers in Philly don't have tasers. Who don't have that I don't understand. So here's the problem. They're presenting their only line of defense and he had a weapon and he kept coming. What the public is saying is they didn't even try to chase him. Now we found out later they don't have taser. But like I've always said, these police officers aren't trained enough, so they only have a twenty two week training period. You got to learn how to do domestic violence reports, you gotta do how to settle arguments, failf arm robbery, bank robbery. You gotta go through all that training. All of the shooting they do is on the target, and they're all killed shots, chest in head, chesting head. If a man has a knife and two officers have a good shooting him in the leg or bring him down. Yeah, but we don't do that in the United States to black people. We don't bring them down. We take them down, and that's with the deadly force. And it's always the use of deadly force. The fear in that. This whole thing is he had a knife. Yes, they're gonna overlook that it was a psychiatric call that they said they needed help an ambulance for some psychiatric problem he had demand I heard, I could be wrong, had a history of mental issues, which which Steve brings up. If they knew that, if the police knew that he had a history of that, it's more outrageous to why you knew but even when they get there, the fear factor in police officer, yes, the embedded Yeah, that's in some police officers. It's going to overrule the fact that you're telling him he had mental issues because all they see it's this black man with this knife. Yeah, an animal. And then and then that amnesty clause goes into fact. It's hard to charge police performing in the line of duty. Oh yeah, and that's what they use. That's the sad thing. We got to get to the poles, y'all. Yeah, I'm telling you, yeah, all right, coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to Steven show. KFC's bringing back their popular chicken scentate firelogs for the holidays. So now you can I say that without a sat I don't want my whole house like a chicken log. Okay, FC, They're okay, they're really popular though, they're chicken scented fire logs. Come on, you know, you know you know this ain't So they logs and you throw them on the fire and your house smell like fried chicken. You can enjoy a relaxing night by the logs. Wings. I should get that. Oh that's good. No, no, no, Sureley, don't do that. Sureley, don't do that to that man thinking it's something when he come in the house and your burning logs. So that wouldn't be a good idea. No, no, no, no, good honey, ain't good idea. I thought it would be a great anytime that's far keeps being remodeled. She has no idea when it would be finished, because it don't matter when. Yeah, yeah, I just want them to hurry up so you know, I can get the dust out and everything. But other than that, yeah, take your time. These firelogs are so popular that they quickly sold out for the past two years straight. If you can have your house smell like a cent, what would it be any kind of food for me? All right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Last night was a b ET Hip Hop Awards, which you got, Carla. Well, we were watching it shirtly. We were on the phone. We kind of all talked to each other with texting each other while we were watching the BT Hip Hop Awards. We have to give a shout out to eighty five South, and yes, we love them so much, and we gotta shout out our very own cat Dog. He's our production director, but you know he was behind the scene. Yeah, that's the first of any awards show I've ever seen where pretty much an improv troop host of the show, a group of comedians. I thought it was outstanding because what I've seen a lot of their shows on eighty five. So yeah, my son Broderick introduced me to him and everything. I knew nothing about it. And then of course, you know, I don't really know how much a choice it was, but you know, he gon, we appreciate it, but let us do this right here, and that's how it started. But but I've known what they've been trying to do for a long time. It was just the first I've ever seen a comedy trio host a show. You know, the Kings didn't do it, so I mean to watch that was really amazing me and said, did the first beating awards? The first was good and said that the first two very funny. Yeah, yeah, but you know, I've never seen a comedy trio. Was the Hip Hop Awards. That's cool. Yeah, yeah, we really good. Tell him you guys. Shout out to DC, Young Flower, Carlos, Chico Bean. Did y'all see DC skating you so him? I love him? Yes, yes, yes, shout out to our TI and Monica. They came through you know the Tramp House, you know with the crew they had virtual Cipher Tommy, we were talking about the ciphers. They had one with Skip Marley, that Lady Piper featuring it was good. Yeah, you saw one with Jack Harlow. You know that's the guy was pop. I didn't know, Yeah, ignorant when you saw Snoop Dogg. He presented Master p with the I Am Hip Hop Awards, So you knew the legends in the game. And then of course your boy Toby knew Wigwi. He performed your jam a little bit of a r I knew it. I wouldn't go and get the title lot come on, come on, because I find it's my jail man. Yeah. Toby was rocking. Uh, I like to set. It was this mint green look they had on and then he had on Black Lives. It's always dramatic. It's a sweet dramatic. He got that. It's like a scene. Yeah, it's like a scene. Yep. Coming up, it's our last break of the day. Us break up the day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to show. Well, guys, we've said it all morning. Six days left until the November third election. If you haven't voted yet, what are you waiting for? What are you waiting for? Go right now and get your dates so your state earlier. You skip all around that suppression tactics they be using. Go early. That's right, that's right now. I'm gonna tell you something. If you can go and vote between one and four, the lines were the shortest where I went, okay, And the lady said at the post, she said, you know that that transfers into a lot of Poland places. My friends are working at saying right after lunch, by one and for it slows down tremendously. There's some key senate races if you live in these following states. Democratic senatorial candidate Jamie Harrison is running in South Carolina. That's right. Mike esp is running for a Democratic senator in Mississippi. That's right. In Georgia, there's Reverend Raphael Warnock. He's a candidate for senator. Democrat Democratic senatorial candidate Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee. Also Mayor Adrian Perkins in Louisiana running for a Democratic senator. And attention Michigan voters vote to keep Democratic Senator Gary Peters in office. Okay, Gary Peters, not his opponent, Republican John James. Okay, we're trying to keep Gary Peters in office in Michigan, not John James. It's deceptive, y'all. Yeah, he is very much John James as African American. He's very much a Trump supporter, very much. Teas two thousand percent behind Trump. You got a lot of red hats in his John James is not. No, we want the name again, Shirley, Oh, all of them. No. In Michigan, Gary Peters, Gary Peter. We want Gary Peters, everybody in Michigan. We want Gary Peter in Michigan, not James Jones. Do not John James, John James, do not vote for JJ. Do look like us, but he ain't with us. Pay attention to Detroit, Yes, Detroit, let's show up now we can change the Senate, we can change the presidency. We got work to do, people, We got work. I wouldn't I wouldn't want to look back at this moment in time and not have participated. I would not want to look really, man, right, knowing that this one right here you can do something about. Right. You know what I've been hearing to see a lot of people said they stayed home in twenty sixteen. That's why these early voting numbers are up, because they said, I'm not gonna stay home this time. I blew it last time. So you're right, let's go make a difference it man. Yeah. And I think that mail and voting situation where the President was talking about, you know, it's rigged and all of that, I think it's backfiring because people, you know, so many people are getting out to vote. Even in COVID nineteen. They are standing in lines, they are actually coming out of the House to vote. So that's what people doing. The electric slide. Yeah, people like what, We're gonna be here with it, way towards two billion people already to vote early voting. Huh. I love it. I love it. We got to vote. We have to vote. No choice. Yep, let's get it, baby. If we go to the polls, we will make the difference. We are it. We are the deciding factor. Young people are the deciding factor. People of color are the decide factor. If everybody who is eligible to vote that didn't vote in two thy sixteen where the gold cast they vote on next Tuesday, It'll be a landslide. It'll be real ugly, man, It'll be real ugly for this guy, because I want to send a message to him. The Proud Boys, all those militia groups, the clan, the skinheads, that damn tea party, they had all of it. I want everybody to get a message. I want this new que thing they're talking about, whatever that is they got going Q and nine all that. Man, We look, we ain't got time for that, that luminaitic mass. We ain't got time for none of that fools up in hell? When did we become so curious about everything that we gonna try and check that out. I was on a phone call yesterday with the grand bosses of a Maka sip Fire fraternity and we that work on the airways that are frat brothers, me Ricky Smiley and Del Hughley were talking and they were talking about how twenty five percent of black men in Michigan or something voted for Donald Trump last time. And why is that because because because they got tricked. You thought if you voted like them that they would consider you one of them. You ain't never fit to be that. Look, I'm I'm exhausted from it. We have to vote. It's nothing else to say. It's Tuesday, we're voting. Go early vote, We're voting. Go down that Tuesday and vote. We're voting. I don't care how long the line is, how much water we need, where we need to stay and go to bathroom, Hold your place, We're gonna go down and vote. He got to go. Black lives do matter. And you find to find out just how much sir, voting we vote. Vote out of here. Kind of move all this stuff for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to show