JB Smooth on Steve (Talk Show) Have a Great Weekend - 11.10.17

Published Nov 13, 2017, 5:27 PM

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When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. T LC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens for all children of teen mothers themselves, parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC go download the free app. Now. Yeah, I'm to hand to listen money. I want to join. Yeah, yeah, well joining may have the same I gotta turn in the love. Yeah you're going to long very run yall you gotta turn you won't got to turn out? Come come on? Uh huh, I show will a good morning everybody. Y're listening to the voice. Come on dig me NW one. It only Steve Harvey got a radio show this one today. I want to share with you. It's for all of us. It's for all of us. Uh and here it is. There is a solution to all of your problems and situations. There is a solution to all of your problems and situations. If you are feeling this, are you feeling desperate about something and anxious about it. Are you feeling uncertain about anything? Are you at a loss for words? Are you? Is your direction unclear? How about that? If you can't find your purpose, that's a good one. That stops a lot of people. If you don't know what your next move is, that's to go. I don't. I don't care what it is. If if if the relationship you're in it's all wrong and you don't know how to get out of it, it doesn't matter. There's a solution to all your problems in situations, and that solution without trying to sound like I've been knowing this my whole life, because I haven't. That solution to all your problems. That way to make all your dreams come true? The way around a lot of this and to the weakness that you feel at times, it's praying, prayer, a connection with your creator. Could that be the thing that's missing in your life? I'm just asking because whenever I get a little bit off track, all I gotta do is think just a moment, Steve, have you been have you been praying? Man? Have you been connecting with your creative? I know you're busy, man, I know you're busy. And I know at the end of the day you're done. You're done, and sometimes crawling into bed is all you can manage to do. I've said this, it happened to me last night. Again. I did all of this. But when I look and when I see things not moving, or I don't feel like things are going in the right direction, or I have a sense of being stagnant, all I got to do is retrace it. Because I'm working. There's no doubt about that. I'm working. But am I staying connected? Am I using that weapon that's available to all of us? And I pray and the answer is usually no. That's so I know. Okay, okay, man, I'm getting off track hill because see, let me tell you something. Man. The reason the reason I constantly talk to God is because life constantly changes. People who said they was going to do something for you one day have changed their mind the next. Somebody you thought was gonna show up that day called in late, had an accident it and couldn't make it. That changes the parameters of everything. The meeting you had set up that had to be canceled because somebody was ill. That changes the parameters the time frame of everything. Because It's all connected. So if I don't stay in constant prayer and stay connected to the Creator when these things happen, I'm not put in my bid I've not talked to him about how to handle it. Oh, I'm just not aware of it and what to do next. And the next thing you know, it becomes a little stagnant. That has happened to me. I gotta get back because prayer is the solution to all of my problems and situations. I have found that to be the case now. The only reason I'm telling it to you is because I know if you anything like me slash human being, then there are times that you feel anxious. There's moments of desperation. You have moments of uncertainty. There are times when you feel like you've lost your way, or your direction is unclear, or you or your purpose is a little blurred. You're not shoeing anymore, or you don't know what your next movie is, or the relationship you in or the relationships you're dabbling in. They're just all wrong for you. Man, there is a solution to all your problems and situations, and it's prayer. If you're suffering from any of the things I just listed or any of the thing you could think of. Just check your prayer. What has your prayer been lately about it? And this is for everybody. I often find when I get that disconnection, man, my my prayer and slipped off. I started feeling a little bit less, So I gotta jump back on it. I'm just offering you a solution to it, man, and and and and and and I'm giving you a solution that works one a thousand percent for show. See, I ain't guessing at this one. I'm telling you what has happened in my life, how I did it, and it'll do for you. God is filled with mercy and grace. He knows we all messed up. He knows all of us have done some jacked up things that don't nobody know about. He know all about our past. Man, he know all of that. But He is so full of grace and mercy, so full of fifty five chances. But you know the thing about your life though, and the thing I had to come to terms with, and the reason I don't let my my of the reason I don't let my past bury me, the reason I don't let my past define me is because my past I found out or just the ingredients needed for me to make this cake I'm eating now. My past is just mind ingredients. See you, you don't get rid of your past. Thet they ain't going no where. They are the ingredients, but when you put them with something else, they look better, they taste better, it is better. All of our past are just the ingredients that have become the cake we eating now. Now, if you don't like the way your cake taste, then you gotta start putting some other ingredients in there. Just because you started off and your cake was messed up, don't mean you can't straighten out the flavor of your cake. You gotta put some different ingredients in there. So let's say your cake is trifling tasted, it's better. Your cake is better. Well, you got to dilute the bitterness. You gotta put some more goodness in there. So you gotta put some goodness ingredients to to take away the taste of the bitterness. So you gotta put some different ingredients in there. You gotta start living your life a little more kindly, a little more thoughtful, a little more ship ring, a little more caring. And then after a while, man those new ingredients combined with that bitter it starts overshadowing the bitter taste because the bitter taste is further behind you. Now see something that happened to you twelve, fifteen, thirty, sixteen years ago. Ain't got to be the flavor that's in your mouth now, nless you let it be. It's the ingredients, man. If you're sicking away your cake taste and change your ingredients. Put something else in your cake mix so you can get a better taste. If you don't like the way your life taste. Pray. Prayer changes things. I'm telling you, I've been here, my mama said for years. Boy, prayer changes things. Do you hear me? Prayer changes things, don't my mama, you said to me all the time. I said to my TV artist, is when they come see me on the talk show, before I walk on stage, I'll tell him these words my mother said. I said, my mother used to always tell me this, and it's bailed me out, and it might do the same thing for you. I said, whatever I get in trouble, I hear her words. She says, son, don't forget to pray, don't be ashamed to pray, and don't be too proud to pray because prayer, prayer changes things, and you better believe something. It one hundred percent showed. Do you're listening to show ladies and gentlemen, boards and girls, people from all around the world. Man, have your attention? Please? You know why I need it because you're listening right now to the baddest morning showing the land and ocean. Ain't nothing been underwater? Out of thing Championship, Good morning Art, Happy Friday, call it yes, good morning Happy Junior only, he excited A j Anthon and Brown. Why we gotta be here today? What can't we be off sometime? I want to fride? What are you doing? You? I don't wear every fride? What you do? What? Jay? What are you doing? Let me have it all Jays? What are you doing? Every ride? I'm working? What are you doing? I'm crying that one? I'm Jake? Why are you crying? Last? Shit? Be be? Where did you get this crying from? I've seen somebody doing on the video. Back off the mic a little bit, Jake. You saw somebody on the ground, on the ground doing and you want to ride out? And I thought, I tried. What the show is ignorant? We just got here snorting it? Help him stay, won't my ride and will and that don't you don't shut up, let him go up, let us go. He come from a place that he didn't get to do that. Let him go. Just don't care Jay Anthony Brown pulling up if you don't stop? But really, and what at first of all, good morning? But what what dollar? Month? Mon? Can you call jata? Then? Was there a certain dollar that you can actually reach out to? You? You can't ask rich people for no money. That's the first rule of all my rich fings, I tell you, don't ask them for money. That's not true. No Instagram, you can't do that's not true. None. Can we have some money? You cannot do it on Instagram or on you don't. You can't do it on Instagram. You can't do it on You can't put us on front Street. Plus the hard thing about asking people for money who have money is everybody doing. Yeah you do. You think you're the only one. Come on, and we're gonna damn dog you too. Now on, man, come on, man, we were boys. So you have to make that phone call in private and must remain And that's what they do. What they can't do is publicly say they gave you anything, because now it opens up the flog everyone everyone, al right, coming up next, something funny, guys, And this is about what Americans will spend on Thanksgiving this year. You'll be surprised. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is according to a new survey. Guys, the average American will spend about a hundred and sixty five dollars and some change on Thanksgiving dinner this year overall. Yeah that sounds person, Yeah, that sounds per person. Yeah, just that's yeah, that's average. Yeah, they average it out. Yeah, the high and the low and the average. Overall, two point ninety eight billion, that's almost three billion will be spent in the US on Thanksgiving dinner, with fifty two million turkeys expected to be consumed. Fifty two fifty two million turkeys expected to be turkeys right now, so nervous up against that case coming down. I got nobody, you know, when he get you have got ten years, I'll be out. You know what Halloween turn't uh you think what's a turkey? Does have an explate? Yeah, so they get it, so they get it right. Yeah, he already know going in man, what's the average? What's the lifespan? Up and tecking? Right? Yeah, you don't know. I don't think that long. But don't you feel badly talking about it right now? But you don't at Thanksgiving? Like I got a friend that's a turkey. I don't have a friend, pretty cal I'm a friends with turkeys. I have said that the average lifespan of a turkey is ten years really, but that's probably a wild turkey ten years old. But they that's a wild turkey. Okay, so like a turkey, got to know, he's like a ball. What's what's the age of how do you know? I think about a year and a half and half? You know, they reject him pretty good. Yeah, they fatten them. Yeah, they'd be swollen, they'd be just big as baby. Yeah, with y'all slowed up. So I do have some ways that that people can save money on their Thanksgiving meal. And you know, of course guys jump in here. So like if you're hosting the dinner, if you're if the dinners at your house, you want to save money, make it a pot luck. They're saying, so all the expenses fall on it covered that last year. That is not a good idea. We disagree with potluck. Somebody always got something in the pot that ain't lucky to nobody. But you look, what the hell, it's always full, and that's my ham hock limea bean castle. It's always it's always full at the end of the night. Why doesn't they see that. Nobody ate that up the street, my my boys on fan every year center our house. Now imagine the casserole dish, the ones you like corning castle ground. Yea picture, it's full of limea beans. Picture in potatoes, whole ball potatoes split right in half. Hold potato, whole ball potatoes split in half. Now line them up around the outside of the castro old dish looked like a fist made out of teeth. And then took a ham hock in the middle of the lima beans. She sent that down every limea being castle roll and who eat lima beans with potatoes? And the potatoes fit in half, and she lines the flat side up on the middle, you know the flat side, and where you cut the potatoes that's facing the middle, so the outside looked like teeth. And then a ham hock in the middle. She sent that down to the house every year my daddy. He wanted to go up there because my mama kept stopping. But who the hell she think we are? Why she think we we can cook down here? Dog? He was so mad at her given Castle roll days. That's when everybody think they're supposed to bring people that's we will let caston don't do it. Why let me ask a cute person on the show, Tommy, what is that dish not calling? I don't know he find that about your ladies, y'all know I didn't say that. He hold up, y'all, don't hear him. I'm arguing about he follow that just blushing me. Thank your recognizing What is the dish that you're famous for making? On things? Yea with it was definitely and mcaroni, what's your mine is? Jesse? Yeah, I don't make nothing else said Thanksgiving? And my mother in Lawton took over that I don't even do that. What's your swallowing? You know you show up for tell you something? You in l A. You can't be saying that a lot. Okay, that was sad when you was in Chicago, but you don't go around tell people for Thanksgiving? I do. She didn't say that, you didn't see that what you did your favorite swallowing you don't. Don't put that out there like that. I'm just telling you that the question jokes is gonna have to be reaching. That was I don't cook nothing, call it what's your favorite? Thank you mac and cheese to make? But I love my mother in laws oyster dressing. She can make some dressing my mother last. Yeah, I don't. I can't eat it anymore. But you can't eat what anymore? See what I'm saying. You can't say nothing. You gotta watch what you say. Fried chicken. Put it in a paper bag and shake it up with the flower in it. That's how you fried chicken. Put it in that bag and shake it. You can't can't. You can't do it chicken? Okay, because you gave me no. Because I'm a diabetic, I shouldn't be eaten eat chicken. I didn't know do like boomerang do boomerang for his birthday with the Luby's and got a big hunk of pink cake. He ate it in the parking lot of the emergencies. So you're just not gonna ask me. Huh no, No, we already know not to ask. A matter of fact, we'll be back talk to you. You get your own break, and the Nephews run that prank back to You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss and will be here with our national news and our headlines. And it's also time for the Nephews run that prank back. But Mr Wiggins, Mr, when I sing it said, yeah, I heard I saw that. Wow, start singing the hit it. Just say it, Quiggs, just run the prank. Okay, run the prank. Hello, Hello, Hi, my name is George. I'm with Green Lawn Services. We came out and cut your yard yesterday, and uh, we're trying to make sure that you liked everything thoroughly. That we cut the front the back. We also did your hedges, put some mulch in the fly beds, the weed eating in the whole nine yards, and we also left an invoice on your doorstep. Want to make sure you got that as well. My man, I'm going around man, Look, dude, we're all trying to forget cut it, sir. Yeah, we cut it as of yesterday. You were actually on our schedule and we did everything thoroughly. Well, I'm actually just calling as a follow up. All right, sir, are you Mr Malone at fifty Timmerman? Hell no, man, I'm wigging man. You cut the wrong house? That n dope. Man. I guess you need to put you in boards on there though, so so you you're not Mr Malone at fifty Zimmerman. Say, man, I'll just tell you. I'm sick to three and I'm Mr Wiggers. You don't cut the wrong y'all need to go mist alone? How to get you? You ain't cut you got the wrong? No, sir, No y'all coming over here trying to collect no money? What's hold on? Just a second? Head? You're saying we didn't You don't cut the wrong y'all, So I don't know schedule. I ain't tell you come over here and cook and you go over there and talking Malone get your money? You can't ain't So there's no way we can charge Mr Malone if we haven't cut his yard. Now, let's let's just what you need to take. They're cutting with Maloney's and you know you ain't cut this, sir. Nothing want to cut the room? Y're you go cut the right? Yeah, and get right that you ain't got you ain't getting okay, So I say that now I didn't call no out of the cut. You go there, I haven't cut right and get him you get I understand that, sir. Listen, what I want to say is, uh, well, we'll go over and we'll take care of Mr Malone's yard. I understand that we've made a mistake. But I understand. I understood you say that you did like the services. So wouldn't it be even right for you to actually go ahead and send the invoice in along with the check since you did like the services? Well? Ever did listening like yo retarded? Because then I'll just tell you you cut the wrong You want to cut the right yard and get you money. You ain't got none but practice here. I understand that we cut the wrong yard, sir. I understand that, but you got the services, and you like the services. I don't want to have to come out there and get the money from you. We'll come on. I got something on what you said you like. I wouldn't give if I said the moon was green. You cut the wrong yard, You go get you money from the right. You ain't getting you got something place. You come over here, you see what you get. So I cut the wrong trying to get money money you ain't getting now you can you can go get you from the right. You either right there though, go cut that can leave that paper over there. I'm coming over there. You want me to start him, I'm start some ain't some come around and do and be charging me no money? Now? Yeah, I got more heathen helm get if you want to come get it. You got your yard cut and we deserve to get our money back. Now to get to what you come around here, tell to get some bluney Now, I tell you don't cut yard like. And I'm gonna tell you. Don't make me whoop yall behind this yard. You come, you'll come on, I will whoop you'all. Be hand in the front y'all that just got caught you and hap and you come try to get the money. I'm don't you check. I got one more thing to tell you. What you're listing? Are you come standing now? You cut the wrong? I've got one more thing to tell you. Is you listening? Mr Wickens? Look, this is Nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked. Hello, what you morning? Look at him? Your boy Gary just pranked you man, we have Now I'm let me ask you something though, Man, what is the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Harvard? That is Baby Home Run Ahead? I'm Mr wuign is Mr hook cut the wrong yard? What about? Who is it? Yd? Hey? Let me say this and then Stephen get on shirtloot Jacksonville. Do all like Mama Baby Mama's board right here in Jacksonville. I'm already in Jacksonville. So the nephew was here, y'all getting ready for an incredible show, Mama's Boy and me Robin giving Johnny Gil. The list goes on and on, get your tickets and on seeing right now you don't want to miss it. They talking about it all over the country. How that nephew was clowning out there? Yes they are. I've never seen anybody promote the play, Tommy. Can I ask your question? Sure, sir, this is serious because I haven't seen the play. Ladies. Have you all seen the place? Not yet supposed to be that to night? Oh that's right? Show was well, they're not coming time and so let me go. And I told you they was not coming. I did not did not, dude, They ain't hit not y'all at all, Tommy, let me ask you a question. In the play. Who has the largest role in the play. A young man named freest Tie. He's the guy that actually wrote the play. He's the lead in the play. Okay, So why is when you promote it don't sound like nobody any damn play. But you you're the first time you get to mention this dude. I an't know his name, Priest Ties. We've never heard of him, We never heard, right, I've been I kept thinking it's Tim and Mama end boy. And I said that. I said that, I said priest tired. Blah blah blah. You know what you came back and said, don't nobody know him? Hell is you're saying his name for Say your name somebody, no Ryan here, say Robbing Gibbers, say Johnny Gil, say your own damn name. What the hell is you saying another name? We don't know nothing about. Hello. That probably what you're saying, probably true. Yeah, but what you said that you're selling the player as yours. And I'm not discovered that there as a priss Tyreek involved. What what do you say? You just say it again? I wasn't name Chris Tyrek, what say prison is a chic? What did he say? What? What is ther man name? Priest Ti Yere, Priest Ti tires? What happened? Alright, we gotta go. Coming up, we'll have two day's national news with miss Anne. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. Veteran's Day is tomorrow, guys, and yeah, we are observing this holiday all this weekend. Carla. Of course, your husband Tosh is a veteran. Yes, he is. My husband served in the army. So yes, Happy Veteran's Day, baby love, Thank you, guys. I went to Vietnam twice, two tours of duty. He damn lie he with me? What Vietnam? What? Twice? I didn't know that Jay of he was it was doing comedy. I don't talk about all was over. But you think and not really have done it. You think he would just lie like lie. He's our very own Donald Trump fake news, fake news, freak news. And hey f well, anyway, this is the holiday that we recognize an honor all past and present military that deserves. James House, my buddy, my best friend, smoke. He So today we're gonna honor all of those men and women for their patriotism and their willingness to serve, put their lives on the line, sacrifice for the common good of our country. And Lord Wallace's Mama world, she wasn't take. They're over million veterans, uh living in the United States, and this holiday for them. Thank you so much for your service, Mama, really really okay? Tell me you have your your foundation, miles of giving, miles are given. That's right, we get back to wounded veterans. This decent the fourteen Thursday night in Houston House of Blues, it's going down is miles and given presents. A Christmas holiday celebration for the heroes. I give back to a wounded veteran every month. And I got a lot of beds coming out, and the one and only Johnny gill is gonna be my entertainment that night at the House of How much, Yes, I will send you all straight? Are you? Are you guys? I said, fifty dollars, Jake, I want to buy two tickets and you give them somebody there? Yeah, how do you get my title sponsor? Don't know he my title sponsor yet? Come quiet, But I'm a telling later he my title Who could you have to calls God, who know how do we get the tickets? And just woke up. Wait a minute, I wasn't paying attention. Title sponsor for what Christmas? He's gonna hear any of that is giving foundation? Tell him again? Tell me, okay, how you throw some of money out? It's no, that's no coming today. The point is you're the title do your part, you know as a title sponsor. That's my first question. Who's gonna be there? You know I'm the title sponsor. I take pictures for you can see your name would be don't worry about you always take pictures. Then stop sending me selfish man. That's another thing I wanted to talk to you. What it I just coming just now we've been had this discussion. No, I think we should thirty seconds Tommy, stop thinking you attractive, Listen to me, take a selfie and stare at it, and you will stop sending this stuff out. Man like you cute, but I don't like when you give me selfish man. You don't know how to do it. You got the right, ain't gonna take it from you need to buy that thing to go around your camera with the lights on it, because you gotta bag your camera man, your face be too close in your set like we get all of them. Your here look huge, man, Your here looks like both Steve, we gotta go. We'll come back to the miles of giving foundation. Steven take us to miss Anne. Please, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, very own voice of reason, understanding and facts, the very talented miss and trip. Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody out there. This is a trip of the news in Baltimore. Simplinary panel has found unanimously that the police officer who was driving that van transporting Eddie Freddy Gray is not guilty of any administrative charges relayed to Gray's death. The three member panel found that officers of Caesar Goodson, who by the way, is also black, did not violate any departmental policies the day Freddy Gray was fatally injured, so he gets to keep his job, offers a goodwiness was acute was accused by the Baltimore Police Department of charges for not buckling Gray into a seat belt. They charged him with failing to get him medical attention and for lying about the chain of events. Nevertheless, the discipline disciplinary panel, by the way, unanimously said he didn't do anything. Long In Washington, five Capital policemen were given Mels Barny yesterday for their quick actions, actions that saved the lives of lawmakers. When a gunman opened fire during a bipartisan baseball practice back in June, House Republican Whipsky police was seriously injured along with four other people. Congresman Scalise says the officers prevented a deadly attack like the recent ones in Las Vegas and in Southerland Springs of Texas, but during Long Island has convicted the brother of Nicki Minaje of child sex assault. Thirty eight year old Gelanni Miurage faces life in prison for repeatedly raping an eleven year old girl in his home on Long Island a few years back. The victim is now fourteen that she testified against him. Four n C Double A Division one basketball coaches have been dieted and one of the biggest corruption scandals ever to hit college sports, and charges pretty much mirror the ones broad in October, alleging top division n C Double eight coaches were receiving kickbacks from agents and financial advisors and stuff like that for steering their plays to them for lucrative deals. A T and T wants to merge with Time Warner in an eighty five billion dollar deal, but according to CNBC, the Trump administration's Justice Department is demanded A T and T sell off turner broadcasting that includes CNN if they want to get needed government approval, and the CEO chairman of A T. T says he has not going to be selling off CNN. He has no intention of doing so. You know. President Trump has repeatedly criticized CNN via Twitter anytime he didn't like its reporting about him, calling its reports fake news. Well, today finally is National Vanilla Cupcake Day National I don't know, Jay, and National Total Denial Day. Okay, yeah, I want I can't. The butterfly plent him miss after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Uh, Steve, please introduced Jay then? Jay? Of course you and Jonathan Brown, you know, thank you, very good, thank you, thank you. Let's do it again. Here you go, Jathan morning. Every want to see we can do it quicker? Okay, good morning, every We can make that face you guys, I think we can increase that speed. Here we go, ready, I missed it. Just a look, I need to be right there. Just going. We work on it later. That was tight, very good, Thank you all, goodning everyone, Stephen, Tommy, Charlotte Brown, morning, harl Hey, Charley, Hey, ting me, Hey, Jay, Anthony? Hey, what's up? Hurry butterfly. Okay, I just want to say, do tonight is going down? Mama's boy? Um, what's that trying to say? I'm starring starring Eugene Antonine Fergusson. Um, No robbing, robbing gibbons, no clothes okay, Jack Harry, no close, Charley Murdoch, So Gene from clothes? Who you Timmy? Nah? No? Okay? So who are we missing? Ladies and gentlemen. The star of little Boys. It's Mama's That was an accident. I just heard you were sure that Johnny in my head and I just saw a little boy. I'm sorry, Mama's board. I'm sorry. It is mama. Give me saying I Lloyd a little anyway, It's it's tonight, little chatty, little to read. It's not the Prince, it's which you all let him. It's Mama's boy in Jacksonville, fly to Duball ticket Ticketmaster, Little Johnny Applesea, it's not no Little Johnny, Little red Rod, three little piggies. Well, apologize for the plane. All right, we gotta go. Coming up next, Jay Anthony Brown will murder another hit thirty four after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Come on, Steve. J Anthony Brown is here to murder another hit. It is in gentlemen, here to murder, to hit some kill friendships. J Anthony Brown. I don't I'm not hurting anybody. Next week I will have the Tyree song I had it to see, but I'll put some space in between it. I just want to say thanks everybody who came out to talk called Tuesday last week. It was a great success. Jason by Comedy Club any Westman, Chest Avenue, Los Angeles, California. This week Top Black Acts in the Country Junior. This week it is this pools ain't wait a minute, l A. I'll go to be at the Jay Spark Junior Junior back cops of Mike just a little bit. I got excited, excited. Yeah, you're gonna switch mic. Your boys already high. You's gonna be I'm sorry a little boys at the jark somebody, yeah, can tell you about the little I see you five a little shot over here, I see you a little shot. I think it was a couple of days ago we were talking about Fannie packs and if you're in l A, they still exist. So why not write a song about it for the Steve Harper moment. Show here it is. Check it up the fan. It fat is bag. Yeah. You may not think it's cool, couse it looks wag yeah and holds your cockis right next to your smad. Yeah. Some put too much and net it over back. Yeah, the packs back again. Back in the day the man it pack with hot it went away. U. I'm wearing mine. I don't care what you say. Go ahead and laughing. Knee is here to stay. Now let me hit the chorus chory. Wear in the front from where, turn it to the back of you. Wear on the side from switch to the other sack you round, put it, run your neck ahead from put it on your head with head and your hand over. Switch to the other hand, run put it on your back door together. If you real fat on, he might he thresh stacks you would wear linn sat in the front, turned into the back you win on the side. Wow, Jay, and you can go and yes, huh everybody, Tommy, Yeah, fanny packs they're back there. They are bad, but they're back here a little. They're a fashion statement right now. They are. I think, yeah, yeah, that's better at him. They never went out with good Chi. I didn't know in l A. You see him my hometown because there's a lot of tourist tourists. Yeah, so they have a man huge. When I worked for the side of the show, I can't talk about television show. I could say it was a guy that won the stage hand. His name was Bubba. Bubba wait one hundred pounds. Really he wanted to with a fanny pack. What he did was he put two together, so we had one in the front and one in the back. Because they didn't have a belt. It wasn't the belt to fit him. So he put two of them together and put it around his waist and it was snacks and both up. I gotta keep your energy, you gotta keep you gotta keep walking around the park like that. It's back. Yeah, I guess you said, never left. So uh yeah, that woman. When I work out, when I walk, I not cover. Have you all seen Jays losing weight. Yeah, I told you he was losing because he was a vegan. I noticed, But is he back eating chicken? No, no, I did. I came back to the came back and I'm just I'm telling you, I'm caught up from the chicken I missed. Dude, I've been eating chicken and meet the whole time, the whole time. My body responds extremely well to grass fit or get it certified, responds, well, you do it? Do I feel better when I'm eating good chicken fish? All right, dan Quity coming up next, nephew, tell me he's prank phone call. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But right now it's the nephew on deck again with his prank phone call. What you got Your wife is having a black baby? Oh lord man, what she's been at having in Jacksonville? It is hello, Hello, I'm looking for a William. How you doing. Listen? My name is Simmons. I was I don't know how to uh oh man. My wife and I evidently go to the same um fertility specialist that you and your wife go to Dr. Doctor. You are you familiar with doctor. I'm familiar with doctor. But that's supposed to be confidential. Yeah, I'm aware of that as well, Sir. My wife is out on business right now. She's she's gone for I won't be back until Tuesday. But I got a call today, very disturbing phone call, and wanted to you know, I looked your number up. They did tell me what was going on, and kind of want to look somebody told you my number? You got You got my number from somebody? No, I looked up your number here here it is that show my wife and I evidently you you and you and your wife have been going through the same type of problems of trying to get pregnant and so forth and so on. And uh, for my understanding, your wife is what four or five months pregnant. I'm not sure. Wait a minute, my wife is exactly five months pregnant. But I'm still confused on how you're getting in touch with me and what this has to do with me. Well, I mean, all that stuff that we've gone through is totally confidential, and I'm kind of offended that you're calling me. I understand that, well, what's what's happening is, um, I got a phone call from the doctor's office to day. It seems like there's been a huge mistake by the doctor's office. Evidently your wife has been artificially inseminated with my seed. And I was, I mean, I'm just as disturbed as you are. You know what I mean, because I mean, me and my wife are you know, my wife is two months pregnant, and finally, how can they do something like that? I mean that that doesn't make any sense. So I have no idea. All I know is is that, you know, I hate to use the expression, but I'm I'm I'm your wife's baby's daddy, and and no, okay, wait a minute, no, no, no make up. That didn't that doesn't happen, no way. So I'm trying to make sure I bring the news to you and see if there's anything that we can do to I mean, I mean, after being five months pregnant's kind of hard to rectify the problem. So I don't want this to sound rude, and I don't want to sound wrong. You said, baby daddy, are you black? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah black? And my wife is gonna have a black baby. Well, yeah, your wife is gonna have a black baby. But what I want you to know is I'm not paying no that i'll support. That's what about y'all support? And my wife is having some of the black dude's kid. Are you crazy? No, I'm not. No, I'm not out of my mind. I'm just saying I didn't lay down and conceive a child with your with your wife, So I'm making sure I'm not going to be paying enough child support. But I'm not even worried about the child support. I'll pay the talk support. I'm worried about some doctor making a huge mistake. And and and oh my god, your wife is happy gonna have a black baby. I can't believe that. This is unbelievable, unbelievable, and I can't believe you to call my house, give me the doctor, should give me this. What don't you want it? It doesn't matter who gives you the news, as long as you get the news. Now, what I want you to do with this? Please don't be giving the baby no white names and stuff white. Just I can't believe that you're so this is incredible, incredible, Oh my gosh, call me. I'm trying to give me that. I'm ready to go crazy. This is crazy, okay, this, this is this is no reason to be violent, sir. You see what I'm saying. That's already to be violent. You're you're worried about me about paying child support and talking about your seed and your baby's daddy. You know, Oh man, this is this is bringing the best out of me. I can promise you. Unbelievable, man. Let me let me ask you something. So do you think you may need anger management? I mean, you're not gonna are you gonna? You're not gonna. You're not gonna beat my child? Are you? Oh man? Do you know how to push man's buttons? I can promise you, man, that's crazy. No, I ain't gonna beat nobody's baby. I don't want you being violent to me and your wife's baby. Spend this thing around? Huh man, what do you live? Man? This okay? Is this? Because? Oh man? Well, here's what I'm gonna ask you. Do you think you might want to be the godfather to the child to my own kid? No? If I guess, it wouldn't be my kids because it's me and your white's child. Say that you crazy, don't you say? That say that. That drives me even thinking about something like that. It's me talk about something like that, but it's me and your wife's child. So don't you even talk like that, you crazy. Tear a hole in your head. Don't you talk like that. Okay, okay, you're gonna tell a hole and who hey in your head? You're crazy? See that. This is this is the kind of thing. I don't want my child around. This child, this type of talk, this type of violence to your wife. Folks getting mad and want to kill everybody in the room. Once you kill who you're mad at. Why do y'all do that? This? Man? Can I can? I? Can I say one more thing to you? Can I do that? I don't know if I can take any more news to me? Man jumped to the phone. I got one more thing to say to you. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Kill that. Oh it took so long and play game like this that's wrong. Got me? Man's breaking got me? Man, Yeah, we listened to the Steve Harvey radio show all the time. Man, that's awesome, because are great. Oh man, I'm gonna go find her and give her a big kid. I'm gonna do that for God. Man, I got one. I got one more question for you, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvey Radio Show in the morning. He got scared, didn't he? Did you feel that pressure? That was a bit much? Really, a baby, you have to go right to what they care about the most. Thank you. Yeah, you're the kid, but you know what to say to push their buttons, to give people emotions. Yeah, that's all in the research. You gotta find out what they passed. Black baby. What we're gonna call him Taylor? I'm hanging up. His name is gonna be Taylor. I don't do ball Tonight, Jacksonville, Florida. We are here, Mama's boy to hit stage. Play. Get your tickets they're on say come check me in the cast out. I promise you you are in for an outstanding performance tomorrow and Sunday when you're in Yami. Now, your uncle just told you, but it's not just your play names some of the other people in it. I just told you that. When I say press time year and he's gonna say something and then we're gonna go back and forth, and then Junior Jay gonna jumping and it didn't gonna little boys play and just changes Shirley. Okay, guys, y'all stay out of it. Ahead, come on, Tommy, let's just do your thing. Ignoring that, ladies and gentlemen. He hit stage play Mama's Boy. It's gonna be in Jacksonville, Florida, to night. You do not want to miss it. This is myself, nephew, Tommy. Also the one only Eugene and Wine Ferguson, Yes, Jack Harry, Shirley Murdoch, Oh, the beautiful Robin Givons, Yes, and Johnny l singing the lights out. Lord, have mercy, Little g from Silk. You don't want to miss this boy. He is the truth, I promise you. This is about Mama's boy. This is about a man who was steal a mama's boy and he don't realize Mama's boy talking. Did you mention? Okay, hate after he does it? Nacho to whatever he is I'm saying, I'm about Nacho. Het is what I do, all right? Coming up in about an hour, Thank you, nephew. Another episode of bad acting theater that Chapman's but up next it's the Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. T LC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens who are all children of teen mothers themselves. Parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t l C. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC go download the free app now listen before we get to today's crazy strawberry letter. And yes, this letter is really crazy. Uh, we want to say Happy Veterans Day to all of the veterans out there, and thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. Yes, Sherl Underwood Underwood, Yeah, so Happy Veterans Day and thank you again, and and uh, listen to this. Though I'm sure you guys have heard about this. Being a former leader of the free world isn't enough to get Barack Obama out of jury duty. Did you guys see President Obama showing up? So yeah, how y'all do on how you'll do don't get, don't get anyway, He showed up at a Cook County court in Chicago to report for jury duty. He arrived with his Secret Service detail and joined the rest of the prospective jury pool. He's not the first president called for jury duty after leaving the White House. Remember George W. Bush was called back in two thousand and fifteen, and Bill Clinton was also called to serve after he left office. Mr. They won't call Trump. You can't serve on your own trap. He's gonna be a wha anyway. I can't be in a jury by the defendant. I find me guilty. Mr Obama was, as you would expect, was dismissed by the judge without being called on to serve. Nothing says I'm a civilian again, like getting a summons for jury service. This is true. You know what, I'd like to see him so cool? While Trump is speaking, just Obama just stick his head and note what Oh am I in the wrong room. But I'm sad, just the wrong room. All right, Come on, nephew, let's get to the letter. Boggle up, hold on tight, we got it here. It is the Strawberry Letter. All right? Do I follow my fear or my heart is the subject. Dear Steve, I met a gentleman about three months ago, and we have been enjoying a platonic friendship. Lately, it's become a parent that we are feeling each other on a deeper level and have a strong physical attraction to each other. The other day, during a discussion about herbal supplements versus prescription drugs, he revealed that he has no choice but to take prescription drugs because he is HIV positive. My heart felt crushed. Do I put the brakes on this growing relationship and try to remain platonic friend or do I follow my heart and take all of the necessary precautions if we become intimate. By the way, I have herpies, but failed to tell him about that because val Treks has ended my outbreaks. Thank you, miss Coward. By the way, By the way, I'm really stunned. I'm just stunned by those words, miss Coward. And you know, the sentiment behind him just a little too casual to me. I mean, you know here it is you found a gentleman, your words, now, a gentleman who was open and honest enough to share with you his HIV status. I mean that was clearly the time for you to tell him you had to her piece of virus. He opened the door for you. You called him a gentleman, He opened the door, and it was at that point that you know, you should have come clean. You both could have decided right then and there whether you wanted to move forward. Um, you missed a real opportunity, uh, a real chance for for a moment here, for an honest moment with a man that you know, you say you're feeling on a different, different, deeper level. Um. You know, So your question, should you put the brakes on the relationship that's really on new you know at this point and him when he finds out your situation too, you know, why don't you just talk to him honestly and make a decision based on everything laid on the table, you know, based on all the information out there. Then if you both decide to go forward, uh, you know, then go educate yourselves on HIV and herpies and you know how to deal with that in relationships. But not until you're totally completely honest with him like he was with you. Steve God, Oh, I need to have a moment to prayer for my job as a stand up comedian immediately sees other sides to this letter. It's not a laughing matter though. Then to get focused here, it's a serious letter, very serious. But at the end through this curveball, it was written, I'm out a gentleman three months ago, which confirms what I say with the ninety day rule. See it, you met a gentleman three months ago. That's ninety days. Folks then comes up to conversations about herbal supplements and she finds out that he has no choice to bend to take prescription jobs. And thank god he was honest as a man. And because he's HIV positive, had she rushed into this thing and gone forward, she might not have known this information. Do you follow what I'm saying? It always leads back to slowing down and taking your time. It works out much better. Uh. First of all, I really honored his brother for being honest, being a man about it. That is the way it should be dealt with. From all my understanding, that's the best way. Ah. But let's talk about you thought coward. Yeah, Shirley hit it dead on the head. That was a great opportunity right here for you to be honest, but you didn't do it. You took the little road you just said over there and let your heart feel crushed. I'm pretty sure he had to work up the nerve to tell you, because, like you say, the feeling is mutual. Y'all starting to feel each other a little bit deeper. So bron No, he got to put this on the line and run the risk of you running off. Now you want to know you you put the brakes on this growing relationship and try to remain plutonic. Or do I follow your heart and take all the necessary precautions if we become intimate. I don't. I don't know. It's it's on you. Um, you know it's It's not a death sentence anymore. You know they have medications that people are living long, healthy lives. I mean, you know, long, I guess that's the word for it. I'm not trying to be funny at all. Long lives with this. I have friends who have it and are doing really, really great and you don't know it unless they tell you. But the line, by the way, I have herpes, but I failed to tell him about it because vow tracks has ended my outbreaks. You still have herpes though, you You you do know that right. I'm trying so hard. I'm tipating around this letter. Y'all have to excuse me. I can't say what I really want to say. I'm gonna go to commercial breaking and talk to God and see if I can say what I really want to say. If it'll be cool, we'll know what the answer to that prayer was when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. You don't want to miss bad acting theater with the Chapman's. But right now, come on, Steve, Part two of your response to two Days Strawberry a letter. All right, I've tried to find a way to deal with this the way that I am as a person. It's a very very serious subject. We all understand that nothing funny about herpes or HI, nothing funny at all. But this is a unique situation. This woman's falling for this guy. If to three months, they've been talking about a strong and physical attraction of each other. Doing a discussion about herbal supplements and prescription drudge, he revealed that he's had no choice to take proscription jug because he's HIV possible. My heart felt crushed, so I put the brakes on this growing relationship, but try to remain plutonic friends, or or do I follow my heart and take all the necessary precautions if we become into it. By the way, I have herpes but failed to tell him about that caused vow tracks has ended my outgrades. Well, thank you, miss Cowards. Well, miss Coward, you're right, but you seem like a person the road in. You got a problem, you know, both of you. This could be a blessing for both of you in all honest you know, God works in mysterious ways. You have to pray about it and find out. This could be the man for you and you could be the woman for him. Both of you all have a situation that you have to deal with. It's not life ending. It's a problem, though, and it can be dealt with, and you might gonna have a great relationship with this a great man. It's because these HIV doesn't make him not be a great man. You've known this man for some time now, he's turned out to be a great guy. You obviously have turned out to be a great woman. You're just scared to tell him because you don't know when to say it. Now, I create a couple of ways you could have said it to him. You know you you can love on with some common ground. Both of you could probably use a little love right now. So go on in and see what it's about. But you've got to be honest with him. You know you had a moment right now. All you had to do and let it go. Alright, Steve, we gotta go, you know that. Email us or Instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girl Shirley. Thank you to everyone who joined me at the Strawberry Letter live after show on Facebook yesterday. Always appreciate your participation. Thank you, Thank you. Switching gears. Now, what was supposed to be a good will visit by U s U c. L A's basketball team to China. All this story, this story, Lord, yes it is, has instead become an international incident as three players have been arrested by authorities after being accused of shoplifting sunglasses at Louis Vitton. No no, no, no, no no no. The story is right next door to their hotel. Yeah. The three involved are freshman and Cody Riley, Jalen Hill and lo Angelo Ball. Of course he's the brother of Los Angeles Lakers rookie and former u c l A star himself a Lonzo Ball Now. According to reports, police came to the hotel in the city of hang Zoo where um han Zu, where the team was staying, to apprehend the players. The father of lo Angelo is the outspoken basketball dad of LaVar Ball. You know, he said his son will be fine. I certainly hope that is the truth. The three players will not play in the game on Saturday against Georgia Tech in Shanghai. They remain at their luxury hotel in hang Zoo while the legal process plays out. Some say this legal process could stretch out for months, and also convictions are a near certainty in Chinese courts. It's not Chinese. If these kids did this, this will be one of the dumbest things you've ever done. Yeah. First of all, meeting any crime outside of the United States and you're visiting as a foreigner, you've got to be kidding me. You can ask anybody who's ever have you ever seen locked up a brawl? Don't ask man dog. Once you get in that system, do it ain't nothing for you. You're sitting up in a prison somewhere. I hope that that this is not true for these countities. I hope they have a severance surveillance count camera that you know, set some free. But right now it's just not good at all. And the presidents in China, you know, you didn't go over there, but but but what is Trump gonna do that? Really he can't go over there. No, the Ebascy knows. The United States embassy, they are aware of what you got. Like two years. They just they just got him out. You don't go over there with stuff like that. They don't play. They're not America. They don't play. Their laws are very different. It's very friends. Yeah, I think that what would you say? It can go up to ten years if they And let me tell you something, and they're gonna give you some time to make an example of you in case anybody else thinking about coming over here taking from us. They don't play over there, man, very little. I really hope they didn't do this, because that is you said, that is the stupidest thing. Now what lavard ball daddy needed to do. Shut up, But he needs to get his ass on the plane go see about his boy. That's serious business. Yeah, he's over there here, and it's like yeah, his son, Well, it ain't nothing be talking about you gotta get your ball. Much though his lawyers have talked to him, I don't think he's as vocal as you know he because it's his reputation pissed them people off wrong the wrong line. I hope it works out for these kids, and then I hope it becomes a very valuable teaching lesson. Yes, if they did, or if they even looked suspicious, it's a certain way you have to behave abroad. Man. This is not the United States with all these broad sweeping freedoms. And a man is innocent to a proven guilty over there is different. We caught you, your ass is guilty. Ain't know if you're proven that. No one has this. A man is innocent to proven guilty. Accept here. If we see you on tape, tag you it. There was a movie on this know that loped up abroad. It don't work out for nobody. Vince Bonden was just playing around and rode off on somebody's bicycle, just playing around. The dude was over there ten years after that. That was a crime. It was a wrap. You cannot play over there. This is a reality. Is really really is you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it's time as promised. It's Friday, so it must be time for the Chapman's all right, what's up everybody? Yep, I'm just as shocked as you are. But be that as it may. We made it to episode four of season two. But he's counting surely not me. Let me have it, Let me have it, let me have it, all right? Okay, look, seriously, one mode, damn surely, Joe, just one mode, damn surely joke, and I can surely tell you that I will surely not be part of this moving forward. Okay, okay, but you you did three Shirley jokes, and that means you get three rim shots. Really, something just stops get wrong with you now. I'm gonna tell you something. I've got sick of this. You get a rim shot. Okay, Okay, okay, let's welcome everyone to this week's episode of Steve Harvey's Bad Acting Theater, starring me Shirley. They make me read this vomit Strawberry, Carla, I don't care if you ain't up. I'm calling you anyway. Ferrell, Amen Junior. They never let me talk so shut up, Junior, and nephew. I'm the only person on this show that's in a hit stage play Mama's Boy Tommy. But the writer he'd be hating, j Anthony Brown, didn't give him one line, not one, not one line. And last, but never, ever, ever, least, Steve, I have a lot of show was on TV right now, Harvey, you got another rim shot? Alright, alright, alright, let's get into this week's episode of The Chapman's Tommy who plays Chester, which was supposed to be George Wallace who also plays Officer touch it didn't what I can tell you what he didn't touch last week the script because the writer he'd be hating, j Anthony Brown, didn't get touch it who's played by Tommy any lines? Not one. So let's look at Let's look in on this week's episode and find out what really happened to k K because if you remember, this was the last thing we heard, but the big news he is your nephew has gone vegan. Hey K, take a hey K, well, I guess a signal drunk? All right, let's pick it up and find out what really happened to k K while she was on the phone talking to Earl because it sounds like sounds like she's dead to me. Okay, now you can go, but make sure you keep these bandages on your head because you could have some reaction from this accident. All right, I'm okay, I'm okay. It's just the news of my nephew being a vegan was such a shock. I lost control of my nineties seventy one pinto and I ran into the telephone pole. Earl, did you say vegan vegan? Well, he didn't get that from my side of the family, and and and the show didn't get it from mine either. Now, for the life from me, I don't know what would make that boy hanging out around all this meat go vegan. It's just a lifestyle. I don't understand that. Oh well, I hope you put him out, are you damn right? You can't. You can't stand for that. Now, can you help me with this officer touch it problem? Because he's on my back like some cheap hair extensions. Wow, she survived all those sound effects. That's radio. Let's cut to the Chapman's home where Junior is talking to his brother Chester, who was put out by his father Earl. Look, man, I don't think it's a bold statement to come out and say you don't eat meat. No, no, that look, man, I think it's it's a bad bad actor, not bad read a look man, I don't think it's a boat boy. What do you see? Don't Oh sorry, okay, I'm sorry. Look man, I think it's a bold statement to come out and see you don't eat meat. No, no, it's cool. If dad doesn't except my vegan lifestyle, then you know what, I don't have to accept. You know, I don't have to have him meat eating father. I ain't gotta except here. As far as I'm quit sered, I don't have a dad. I shoot his here. I wouldn't want one that don't except my lifestyle or my friend Ramon. Well, you know what, I didn't choose this lifestyle. I was born this way. I was just hind who I was trying to make other people happy by eating meat. You know what, damn it I feels to see it. I'm a vegan. That's right out, my vegan. Oh that feels so good to say. Come on, Ramon, let's go. Well, look at the brightside. What's that when you leave you don't have to pack me too? Soon too. How about this Army's we got the meat. I want my brother back. I want my brother bag brother bag, brother bag, brother back, brother back, brother back. Still too soon soon? You don't know the tune of a damn song. Hey, hey, hey, time, don't we need Okay, okay, work, okay. I listened. Coming up at the top of the hour, people, are you a normous boy? You did authority? Now coming up at the top of the hour, people are still talking about the woman who found out in mid fight that her husband has been cheating on her mid flight. I should say, well, turning, I'll tell you that you're listening to Steve Harvey show a woman. You guys hear about this story. This was crazy right here a woman. Before you do that, have a special announcement to make you do. Let's go ahead and everybody go to the brand new, exciting Steve Harvey dot com. Go there right now. It's all new site, Steve Harvey dot com, brand new, everything own. It is new in it's totally changed. It's like you've never seen it before. Everybody go to Steve Harvey dot com. You ain't been in a while. I have to show going because you thought of that old dry ass site. It didn't change now and an't know about Steve. Steve dot com. Boy, you know about a whole lot of everything. It's new and exciting. It's nothing like it was launch little you go get it. I want everybody out there, as a matter of fact, shut it down. Go to Steve Harvey dot com. Everything that is lifestyle, everything you want to know about his own name. You got a section called lifestyle. Boy, did not just say that, everybody? Go to Steve Harvey dot com. All right, thank you, I was on the website, all right. Um, you guys heard about this story. Um. A woman caused a Qatar Airways flight to be diverted after she found out midflight that her husband had been cheating on her. Now, while on the flight from Qatar, they were going to bally Uh, the woman the wife decided to scroll through her husband's cell phone while he slept. He found evidence, oh, that he had been cheating on her. The woman, who had had a couple of drings, immediately woke her husband up. She went crazy. Now, how we heard it was that he he was asleep. She took his thumb print because he had a new phone, put it on the phone opened up the phone. That's how she found out. The woman went crazy. She was screaming at him, She was screaming at the flight attendants. They tried to calm her down. When the situation got out of control, the pilot was forced to divert the flight to India so that the couple and their young son could get off the flight. She raised, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, And she had had a couple of drinks to what. Yeah, it's defect when she saw something. Yeah, they may have sobered her up. Yeah, that's not the way. That's not the way you want to find out. What did she see? A big gigantic that wasn't hers, which was not her, which was not heard all his memory. Yeah, it's the only picture in the phone. What about over and over and you're taking a nap, you're going to sleep. Tape them thumbs up, Tape these fingers up off, trying that it's exposed like that. Come on, made yourself open like that. Tape your fingers up. Do you want these thumbs or do you want your marriage? You just put them in first class. You sit back and coach. That's a simple way. Ain't that a fair way to do it? Right? Like especially the wife. It's her next you should get we can't be on the same row. Yeah, Jay, yes, have you ever been caught cheating? Oh my god, cheating? Okay, Steve, you answer, we like it right here, and we like it right here, as you say, Jay, right here, right here. I had a girlfriends But okay about I had a girlfriend called another girlfriend house while I was sitting at this is the foul cell phone. This girl could all this other girl I was seeing her house. She got about the couch and went around the corner and talked for about thirty minutes, then came back and said she wanted to talk to you. Oh, and I went, you know, don't through me because she wants to talk to me. First of all, you can't know nothing about she said. She said, she wants to talk to you. And she got the phone in her hand. She can pull it around the corner and she hands it to me. She said, she want to talk to you, said, she said, you know who she lives. She wants to talk to you, sir. Got what I said? What? Yeah, this is when you're ten. Yeah, you don't have no dep My only thing I had was and I'm sure she heard me because she wasn't covering the fire. I said, tell her I ain't him, And just to make sure I ain't, I got up and walked out. Bet you, I ain't here. Now. I would love to hear one of Jay's stories to Steve, but I want you to tell it Steve, not Jay, because he's not gonna tell the truth. We gotta gro We'll have more foolishness. We're gonna stop down right now for a minute to talk to our good friends at sugarbash dot com, the lifestyle website for women. Hey, ladies, I got a treat for you. Me and Shirley been involved with this. I want you to check this out. So Sureley got something for you. Sureley. Look, we know you're the curator for Sugarbash, spokesperson, you know, So tell us what's been happening with Sugarbash and the subscription box service. Well, Steve, sugar Bash is a women's lifestyle brand. Okay. We launched our Faiths and Raves subscription service two years ago and we have been growing very quickly ever since. All Right, can you tell us a little bit more about the service what they provide? Of course I can. Our boxes are theme based, so we plan ahead, we figure out what themes are members are craving. Then I picked the products and brands and that we know that our our members love, and finally surprise them with the new shipment every month. Okay, so what you got for us today? Well, I have something very special. It's like a trial offer for our listeners. You can try sugar Bash for one time, single purchase. New members will get ten products. That's right, ten products in each lifestyle category. You'll get jewelry, skincare, makeup, and home products all in the Fall Edition box. Use the promo code radio and get ten dollars off your one time box. Simply go to sugar bash dot com that is b a s h dot com and don't forget to use the promo code radio for ten dollars off your Fall Edition box. So ladies, listen up. Go to sugarbash dot com and audio box today. It is so flat you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Tyres claimed that Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith have given him a whopping. This is a lot of money, people, five million dollars to help pay his mounting legal bills and his child custody case. But Sources close to the Hollywood power couple say that it's just not true. Reports from TMZ say that even though Will and Jada have been friends with Tyrese for years and years, they have not given him any money and are extremely worried he's having a breakdown. And first of all, let me say this right here, let me stop everybody, from a man who has been in child custody, from a man who knows what divorce costs. You don't have five million dollar wars bills. You just ain't. I'm sorry, though, dog, five million dollars, you can't get that far behind and walking around not free. No, the laws have changed for dead the laws have changed for dead beat dad. And Tyrese is not a dead beat dad, not by a long shot. So you stopped. You can stop saying that about the man. He's not a dead beat dad. So what's really going on? I have no idea, But you ain't five million back leg and walking and legal fees. First of all, no, no lawyer keeps lawyering and you five million back. No lawyer keeps lawyering in the hole. I can't. Now you get about three hundred thousand back, and then and then we need you. You're gonna get some on call. I know the number about three hundred thighs and then the law you start going, Hey, I think something's wrong with him. Man, have you have you tried to talk to him? Steve? He's my boy, we're good friends. I've only reached out once. Teres is a good brother. I don't I don't know what happened. I'm gonna talk with my young He's gonna be all right, though. You know the thing about the Rock, I didn't understand that. You don't you think the cause is too firt of moving with the money? Yeah? What stupid? What do you think the cause is too fair? You know sometimes you draw a cartoon to do something you makes a noxious Yeah, I can't believe you said I think the cause is too Tim said, do you think he can't do fast? Because the cause is too fast? Is this show? How you not being a movie with the Rock? Just do the movie? There's some other issues going on. Yeah, just thank god you aren't in Baywatch with the Rock. That's what you should be thankful. Yeah, he's pretty to look at. I don't know, man, Typis is such a good brother. Man, he is just such a good get some help. If you need help, go get help, you know, man, we just gotta be still for a minute. And I don't think nothing wrong with Tom at all. Man. I just think that he's a young guy. I think he's in love with social media. We gotta fall out a little with that. Everybody ain't got to know everything. Some of this stuff we got to handle on our own. All of our life don't need to be public. We just got to stop thinking. First of all, Dr Phield taught me something very im portant. You wouldn't worry about how much people thought about you if you knew how seldom they did. Stop thinking everybody care because they don't. They really don't, did you hear Wheel and Jay to know? I'm not telling you coming up back to back jams. You're listening to show alright. Veteran's Day is tomorrow, guys, and yeah, we are observing this holiday all this weekend. Carla. Of course, your husband Tosh is a veteran. Yes he is. My husband served in the army, so yes, Happy Veteran's Day, baby, Thank you, guys. I want to Vietnam twice, two tours of duty. He damn lie with me. What Vietnam. What twice. I couldn't know that. J he it was doing comedy about the wall was over. But he what you think and not really have done it. You think he would just lie like live. He's our very own Donald Trump fake news, fake news, fake news, and hey go fin well. Anyway, this is the holiday that we recognize and honor all past in president military that deserves. James House, my buddy, my best friend, Smoke, they went to nom So today we're gonna honor all of those men and women for their patriotism and their willingness to serve, put their lives on the line, sacrifice for the common good of our country. And Lord Wallace's mama, she was a tank. They're over veteran, uh living in the United States, and this holiday for them, Thank you so much for your service. Mama was really really okay, tell me you have your your foundation. Miles of giving, miles are given. That's right. We give back to wounded veterans this December fourteen, Thursday night in Houston House of Blues, it's going down. His miles are given presents a Christmas holiday celebration for the heroes. I give back to a wounded veteran every month, and I got a lot of beds coming out, and the one and only Johnny gil is gonna be my entertainment that night at the house that's putting on. How much I want to buy two tickets? And you give them? Somebody there my title sponsor. Don't know he my title sponsor yet? Come on quiet like, but I'm gonna tell him later. Here my titles. Who could you are the cost? God, wait a minute, I wasn't paying attention title sponsor for what Christmas? Tell him again? Tell me, okay, how you throw some of moneth out? The point is you're the title do your part, you know as a title sponsor. That's my first question. Who's gonna be there to know I'm the title sponsor. I take pictures for you. See your name would be everywhere. Don't worry about you always take pictures. Then stop sending me selfish man, That's another thing I wanted to talk to you. What did I just comming? I just wanted Now we've been ahead of discussion. No, I think we should thirty seconds, Tommy, stop thinking you attractive. Listen to me, take a selfie and stare at it, and you will stop sending this stuff out. Man, like you cute, but I don't like when you give me selfish. Man, you don't know how to got the right ang going to take it from You need to buy the thing to go around your camera with the lights on because you gotta back your camera. Man, your face be too close in your self, like we get all of them. Your here looks huge, man, Your here looks like a boy. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Steve. The stars and celebrities in Hollywood, of course, make it a point to stop by your daytime show. Comedian JB. Smooth was on your talk show yesterday to promote his new book, It's Funny, Stevie, It's funny just standing around him with a stun gun to bring him down. I wasn't like it like that funny. Yeah, he's really funny. And that man, yeah he was. He was a fool, He really was. His new book is called The Book of Leon Good Good Bad. Advice from Leon of Curb Your Enthusiasm, the show he's on anyway, I can listen, all right. These are my rapid fire questions that I asked people when they come on the show. So I'm gonna just ask you a series of questions. First thing, come to your mind. Describe yourself in three words. I am confident. Are you a morning or a night person? Oh? Man, I am a night owl. I love the nighttime, man, I love the darkness. I love dark darkness. Man, and walking around and smoking clubs and hanging out at nighttime. My skinner is good night time. My skin is good and radiant at nighttime. What's the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Kiss my wife? I roll over, give up? Kiss. I ain't finish. I ain't finished any finished. Kiss my finger. It's specking the booty. I'm good. No, no, no, I'm here, and no I still care. You know what I mean, because I'm letting need to know. You always find her sexy all the time. So you're gonna kiss, get up, you move about your day. Then you get me. Damn serial? What kind of stiri? You love? Serial? So serial? Second? Sup? JB Smooth? Yeah, We've been in the game long time, all right? JB Smooth so crazy. Make sure you sent your DVR and watch Steve's talk show to day all right and every day for that matter, every day? Who got you were off? Yesterday, do you know who you're sitting next to? Sorbes magazine came out with their highest paid TV talk shows hosts. It was Dr Phil Ellen, Ryan Seacrest, Judge Judy. That's four, number five, take a wild guess my dog? Yeah, your dog, baby, but hold on white, No way that number five to the number dad? What's the number forty? Mullion alright, I haven't seen my browns. Can mynn do this down? You're not gonna do big television show, that's what you thought. We ain't got to the big shad money. We got the radio show money in there. Like just I'm not gonna ever ask him for a damn thing. But he needs to know if he see me really doing bad, you need to step in there. That's what I'm saying. I want you to sit down. Let it just go all the way down. Jack, I left from that. I'll never ask him to see if he see it. I think he will, Jay, I really do have asked him for You can say that, dude, You can say that right. We've never asked you for anything. Oh, Tommy hair, but tommy's your nephew. That's you don't want to play money card money, Oh my apartment at my house, went out there and bought a Hummed took my credit down. Now, he said, I old sign about two weeks. I was smart. I had I had the people come pick the hum up at the radio station. It's a true story. Oh they have stole my truck now, dang stuff. Ain't nobody stole nothing. They picked it up. Your name just only had your name on it all over everything. I wouldn't eam on the issue he was on everything. Tommy has changed. Tommy used to be real track. He's changed. It's the plane since he's been in the place he just started. That was not a show show like nailed it. That was not okay? What was it? Then? I'm too new to be shooting people. Over shot shot it. If you was a glow trying, you shot that of course. So we're not We're not trying to borrow no money at all. I'm not asking you for no money. See your Christmas bonus in the field. I ain't man. But you know, man, if you go to Steve Harvey dot com, you can see a whole lot of money. Forget that, because I don't know the hell. I don't know what the hell you see Christmas bonus in that phone. I really don't see it. This is how you ain't on the talk show off Family Feud, which is clearly what they listed. Now, how you ask a Christmas bonus in that Let me from I see Steve Harvey dot com the new website to go to and find out everything that is. And you can go straight from Steve Harvey dot com to Steve Harvey f M dot com, which now connects you back to what Timmy your radio world. Yeah, okay, I know what you said. A matter of fact, let's get on out of here. Here's time going to the house. Have yourself a great weekend, everybody. God bless you. Talk to God. He loved I have to hear from It's a magnificent thing for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.