Jay-Z, JAB Hurricane Names, Floyd Mayweather, No More Karen and more.

Published Jun 4, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! We waking you up on ready set. The CLO gets a concerned mother writing in about her 8 year old, the birds and the bees. Tiffany Haddish will play Flo-Jo in an upcoming movie. Fool #2 has made a stunning discovery about hurricanes. Sean Carter talks on LBJ's podcast about how DMX inspired him to step his stage game up. Who you got on Sunday between Money May and Logan Paul? The comedians give us the embarrassing things kids day in Comedy Roulette. What is happening to Karen? Today Steve wraps up the week with telling us how Tyler Perry has inspired him.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all s all looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not good. Steve to mother start joy. You gotta use that turn very You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, I show well a good monding. Everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on, dig me now one it only Steve Harvey got a radio show. You know this week, I've just been on it, so today it's no different. I'm telling you, I've just reinvigorated myself. I'm more determined to share the principles of success. I'm more determined to help and guide and teach as many people as I can the things that I've learned. And I mean, man, I've been through it. I have really been through it. I kid you not. You know. I used to say, Okay, God, you know, why is all this happening to me? But as I've gotten older, I understand that was the ingredients. I needed the ingredients to beat this cake. I needed all those ingredients stirred up. I need all of that different flavors, the stuff that I didn't think tastes so good. All that stuff had to come into the bowl in order for me to get to where I am today. As much as I did not like the taste of the ingredients, little did I know God was making this cake, not me. But what he did was and you've heard you the old saying God could turn lemons into lemonade, Well that's what he was doing now. At the time, it all had a little funky lemonade lemony flavor to it, with some other stuff in it too. I didn't care for it. But little did I know that I needed everything that happened to me to happen to me in the exact order that had happened, in the exact array of things that happened, for me to have a knowledge I have today, the experience, the attitude, so I could turn around and share that information. Okay, got that out the way. This is what I want to give to you today. I want you to understand something that discipline determines your destiny, not your desire. Discipline determines your destiny, not your desire. You've heard me say this how many times on the show Okay, here we go against it. I got it. Faith without works, it's dead. But let me tell you something. To be a hard worker, you got to be disciplined. That's one of the hardest lessons I'm trying to get through to my sons. You've gonna throw yourself down a cliff if you're not a young man or a man that possesses discipline. Because they got something for undisciplined people. They got some street laws for undisciplined people, and they got some federal laws and state laws for undisciplined people. That's why them signs is outside on the freeway, we're gonna let you go fast. But seventy is the limit. Seventy fast enough. Really, if you're disciplined enough of a person to leave your house at the time you're supposed to leave your house, seventy miles per is absolutely enough. But if you're an undisciplined person, if you don't have the wherewithal to leave your house on time, to get ready to go where you want to go, see the desires where you want to go, the discipline is how you get there. You understand, you can want to go to see your family in California, all you want, But the flight leaves at one eighteen. You leave your house at twelve or thirty. They told you you must check in one hour before your flight. Now, if you ain't got the discipline to get to the airport to check in one hour before your flight, leaving your house forty five minutes before the flight departs, what you think gonna happen? Your desire to go see your family in la is going to be thwarted because you lack the discipline to prepare yourself and get yourself ready to do the things that you have to do to make your desires come true. I'm telling and you discipline determines your destiny, not your desire. You can write down a list of stuff you want to do all day, but if you don't produce and show the discipline necessary to get there, what you think gonna happen? Huh? Okay? I want to be rich, Okay, I want to make four hundred thousand a year. Okay, I want to be the best player that there is. Okay, but you don't want to practice. See the cat that's disciplined enough to show up at practice the shooting jumpers when everybody going home, that's the guy that's gonna be the best. The guy that's never late for practice, the guy to study the playbook. That's the guy that's gonna make it, not the guy that's talking crack I stalking that smack. I'm gonna make the Pro Bowl, I'm gonna make the All Star Team, I'm gonna be All American. That's just what you're saying. But discipline determines your destiny, not your desire. So now let's talk about this discipline. What is that, really, Steve. That's your work ethic, that's your hunger, that's your will. Discipline is how hard you're willing to demonstrate the attributes and the traits to be what you want to be. Did you hear me? It is your willingness to conduct yourself in a manner that is above and beyond what they say is necessary. Now, this is a good example right here. Now. You can want to be in the NFL all you want, but they got this thing called the NFL Combines where they bring in some of the top players at every position to come in and they're gonna run a forty yard dash, they're gonna do a standing broad jump, they're gonna do a standing vertical leap. They're gonna do drills, running drills, cutting drills. They can determine if a linebacker got stiff hips by making him back pedal, point him in one direction and throw the football in another direction. How does he turn his body? Now you can say you can tell everybody at your college you want to play pro football. You tell everybody at your high school. You tell them in Peewee you want to play pro football. But they got tests for you though. It's called the combines. Now you get out here and you have a bad combine day, Ain't nobody trying to hear that. Let me tell you how excuses don't work with people when they just trying to get when they're trying to win in the NFL. The fact that you had a bad day at the combine and you don't run your best forties and you keep telling them you could do better, they don't want to hear that. Because see, what ain't nobody gonna pay you for is to play on Sunday. And that's one of your bad days. We're paying you to play on Sundays. But because you keep having these bad days, because you ain't discipline enough to put in the work to make sure that your maximum can be called upon at any time. Now you at to combine with some slow times that go on your record. You have to comebine. You don't jump as high as you did when you was at the gym class. Well, hold up, man, this is show day now in the NFL, Sunday is show day. What they can't run the risk of is paying you your money. And your bad day happened to be on Sundays after we didn't cut your check. No, no, no no. We're looking for people who limit them bad days, who got the discipline to work hard, to make an effort for it. You understand what I'm saying to your folks. Please understand this. Discipline determines your destiny, not your desire. If you can want it all you want, but if you ain't working, if you ain't grinding, if you ain't hurting, if you ain't sweating real bad, if you always somewhere, got to chill, you got to have a cold one, you got to smoke one, You gotta do all them things. Can't tell you something you ain't gonna make it. Discipline determines your destiny, not your desires. You're listening, ladies, and gentlemen, let me have your attention please. What I'm about to do is start something. And it's called the Morning Show. We invite you to get with it, be about it and come on. Yeah because we because I'm gonna tell you right now, we're good as gone. Yeah, so you know I'm just telling come on, I wake up on ready set. Here we are, ladies and gentlemen. Steve Hardy morning shot, struggling happy Friday, Ready set Steve Harvey, good morning. Damn must be calling for real. Thank you, Steve. Never mad on a Friday. Never could have made it. Okay, Junior gone like I be timing, I'll be day. I thought she's gonna bring it up the other day we're talking about racing. I got scared. Well well well, Jay Anthony Brown, after a full week of worth, It's great to see a Friday. Thank you Jesus. All right? Who start any man? Oh well it's Friday, Steve and Matthew Tommy, you gotta let him speak to him? Sure, Jesus, your lady. Hey tom han Hey, Hey hey Tommy, sick man, sick what happen? You'll caught you out? Doctor? Who you'll be out? The doctor? He was he was a wonderful person working with them. Man had his ways. Sorry, nephew, what's going on? You killed ed Jay, Shirley has killed four people on the show. Here we go. He ain't lying, so I'm a murderer. What are you saying? Well? You you, you are on the microphone. You're in accessory, Shirley. If you was a rapper doing a rap battle, you're the one, because I'd be killing people. Oh god, slaying them. Okay, it was an oversight. Sit up Tommy? Um what oh wow, it was an oversight. Wow, I see where were many sit up Tommy? So anyway, as I was saying, Steve, it's Friday, what's up? I'll do radio show after this. I'm gonna go hit some golf balls and I'm still taking lessons. Well, everybody, I'm still taking Tiger had a coach and he was a great what you just get it one day it clicks and you don't need Okay, you got another, all right, Jeff? Like it clicked? It unclick coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for Ask the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. This one is from Marrakesh, who's an iHeart Radio app listener. Marrakesh writes, I'm a single mother with an eight year old son that's an aftercare program because I've worked two jobs. Last week I picked him up from the program and he started telling me about the birds and the bees. He knew most of the correct terms for everything. But I was shocked and irritated that they would tell my child all of this mess without my consent. I call the director and she said it's part of their life skills program. My father said to let it go, but I'm still upset. Is this a violation of my parental rights? Well, I mean, I don't know if it is or not. I can't really help you too much with this. I mean, he ate he probably wasn't ready to have that conversation, right, But you know the way these kids is going now with the Internet and all this stuff, It ain't you know, to be the internet regular TV man? Yeah, she I mean he knew the proper terms. Yeah, but you're eight, you're in the third grade. If you're adee, She didn't know. Yeah, she didn't know. Well, yeah, I don't. I don't know what to tell you. I used the wrong terms till I was fifteen. What probably would have helped you. I use all street language till I was I didn't even know what the real terms was. I would have appreciated it knowing it earlier, educated, earlier. Yeah, uterus, what you don't talking about that that thing now? No, it's a hardy uterus. All you're talking about old, old, old when you milking a cow, sir. No, I needed to class when I was eight. Now, I think you. I think your dad was right over the right. He knows now. So you can't unteach six. And once you have it, you can't just stop having it. So he's not having it. You can't unteach six. Yeah, and her father said to let it go. Yeah, but they're exposed to so much, so much. Yeah, you want them to be innocent for as long as possible. Girl, you want them too. I'm saying ideally you want them to yea geographic But we also had that J. C. Penny. You had that, Okay, Patrick were on because nasty with it all right? Patrick? And Alabama says, I've been with my girlfriend for two years and I found out she's been cheating on me. She lives with her best friend, and her best friend's boyfriend is always at their apartment. The guy recently told a mutual friend that he's had threesomes with his girl and mine. He even showed him a video. I asked my girl about it, and she admitted that has happened a few times. Do I break up with her? Do I ask her and her best friend for threesome two? Still what you think? So? Yello? Well, I would for I broke up with him? Yeah, because I mean clearly, clearly they say you're not going down to out with her. So you know, I take gonna make the best of the situation. Since that he is in your head right now, you know he's said her head in your heart, I would go on and act on that. I tried at at least see where it went. We did it a few times. Well, well I want to do it now, she said, Yeah, I didn't you know we're going to break up with after while? Yeah? All right, Well Druan's Virgin Islands, right, So I'm a thirty two year old female dating a forty two year old man and we just moved in together. He has a great job doing real estate, and he's out in the heat daily showing property. At the end of the day, he gets in our bed with the sweat from the day still on his body. There's one area in particular that gets the mustiest, and he wants to use it on me every night. I've asked him to take showers with me, but the only he only showers in the morning. The must is affecting our sex life. What should I do about this? Yeah? Well, see, I don't know how you didn't notice for your mood in but you know I'm not. I'm not living with you in New Stay. That's just not what we're gonna do. You're not you know I'm gonna do that. And you need to switch your backs to evenings if you just don't do one a day. I'm alright, yeah, but you're gonna have to switch your wand to after you come in say the one for you go, but here you ain't need to take one because he's been sweating all day. In better with you, he got to get that offer them before we go in there and sell that house. I mean, standing in the hot ass kitchen and everybody started to us. What is this sour crap? This is such a deal break up somebody in his cooking mutton. What I gotta switch that one a day to the evening. Okay, he needs to know this information. Well that's what she got to propose to it. Look, I know you only like babe wants a day. I'm saying, wait till you come home, babe, so we can have a love life, because if you don't, the love life is old. Yeah with your client, you stink you weigh too damn right? All right, a money and Burbank says. I'm twenty seven and married to a great man that works overseas a lot. I get bored and lonely, so I've had sex with a guy across the hall a few times. I never thought my husband suspected anything, but this weekend he came home and said he put cameras in our place, so I need to watch myself. I am scared straight now. I told the other guy it's over. Do you think that he has seen anything or is he just trying to see how I react? Well, a little bit of both. But he got cameras in the house. I'm just trying to figure out how to man been in your house and you've been going across the hall or as he got you on camera going across the hall late. But he just said you need to watch it. Yep. Most men that no you cheating on him, don't issue one it. So I can just tell you that right now. Okay, maybe he suspects all right, thank you, Clo. Coming up next, the nephew would run that prank back right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne is standing by with our national news and in entertainment news, Tiffany Hattish will play an Olympic track icon wait till you hear who it is? And in other trending news, Amazon says it will stop testing most employees for marijuana use. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. Right now, the nephew is here, we'll run that prank back. What you got for us? Now? Insurance in sharing, let's go KT down't let's call it charances is. Joseph. How can I help you? Yeah, Joseph, how are you doing? Man? I got you um bloom cut your number? Well, so I give me your card? Told me you have an insurance comping, you might be there help me. Absolutely, We'll love to help you. We'll love to help me. Okay, listen, I'm I'm seeking some insurance. I'm what all insurance are you guys had? What what all of you all cover? Oh? We have automobile in charance to have a home insurance, we have life insurance, fire flood. We're pretty much we have everything exactly what happened insurance you we're looking for? Okay, we'll see. I need. I have my own business, my own company. I like that. Okay, what I what I want? What I'm trying to do, man, is I'm trying to make sure I have insurance for the people underneath me. Oh, okay, your employees, Yeah, exactly exactly. I want to I want my employees to be insured. Okay, you know, like if something that happens to them, they can get they can get workman's comp you know what I mean. I want to be able to accommodate them that way. Is that? And are you able to help me while I with something like that? Yeah? I am able to help you. I just need to ask you a few questions. How many how many employees do you ask? Right now? I have I got six. Well, I got four that's working full time. I got two that that worked predominantly on the weekends. Okay, so I got let me think real quickly. I got sentlement, I got ice jasmine, I got thunder. I'm sorry for um Timmy nan again? What was h smitty? Okay? Okay, um um? What type of fantasy at, sir? Uh? Well, I'm I'm I'm more of a UM, I'm a I'm a PC. And um I'm sorry DC. Uh personal consultant. No, no, no, no, I'm I'm pretty close up pretty close. That's that's that's pretty close. I'm I'm I'm a pleasure consultant. And and what it is me? I got um, you know, I got sir, I'm sorry. Did you say pleasure consultant? Right? Right? What what that is? Man? Is you know? I pleasurized people that want to be pleasurized, Like I have girls that may dance for you, something may come out and and uh do other things for you. A party, private parties, that kind of thing. Are you trying to Are you trying to ensure stripper or a call girl? Well, I mean, I mean I'm trying to ensure what I'm trying to ensure. I mean, I give all my girl ten ninety nine at the end of the year. I don't I don't know what this is. An insurance company is a repertable company. We don't ensure call girls strippers, Sir. I'm trying to ensure my product. I mean the way it kind of mean is right now, everybody got to look out for themselves. But I got to ensure what I need to ensure, so in case things go bad, Man, I can bounce back on that. I understand that, sir, And how I do an. I mean, I'm a businessman just like you are, sir. But we don't ensure call girls strippers. So so hold on, I got your car. Man, you're trying to tell me that now you can't give me no insuance. We can't ensure call girls are strippers. Okay, okay, okay, tell me what type of duties do they perform? Well, I mean, what do you mean? What kind of do I mean they think? On the application I have to put down what type of duties? We're gonna put down down exotic dance? You know? Uh? And see since they are there for people that like uh need to have some personal attention. Man, you know, we just put something else down, like you know, counseling, you know, the tostatus. You want to ensure prostitute. I'm not saying that, man, I'm not stop saying that. Don't say that normal, That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that's that's what they are. Well, why don't you put out PC, man? Why why don't you put down pleasure consultant for man consultant? So we don't do that here. Um, I don't know how to help you. Sure we don't do that here. You can't ensure a prostitute. Then I tell you, don't say that normal. I told you this right here is a PC. It's a pleasure consultant. That's somebody that gave me this business card and told me that you'll be able to take care of me. And now here you he is coming back seeing you can't see this one is starting to be some smitty name. Uh, sir, you don't have to refrain from using that language. No, no, no, no. They're telling me that you are able to ensure me. Man, you don't want coming back with some vogus, right, we don't ensure any type of ghetto mass prostitute call girls. Um, that's some street jo that we don't do here. Hey man, listen, I was told you can ensure me and get that's what you go enshore me. I'm gonna go back and forth. What you dog. I'm gonna come down that to your office and I want to I want these papers filled out so I can sign them. So I got my office. Look, man, we don't ensure no prostitutes or no on the strippers. Okay, so we don't do that. And and you're not gonna come down to my office with this ghetto mess. We don't do that. Who do you think you're holling that? Man? You you don't know who you're with now. I don't left this corporate over the phone corporate vote fool you because I can get gangster. Hey man, I don't know who you thank you. Look now, we don't do that here. Hey man, look let me tell you so, I'm on my way down there. Okay, do not come to this office. If you come to this office, I'm coming to the office. You're gonna enshore my girls for me. If somebody that gave me my your card and told me you can take care of me, on the low, and that's what you're gonna do. Now. I need my damn insure for my girls. Dog. That's all I'm trying to get it. Don't you bring you though to many stipps because we don't do it and I will not any you bring something, you're gonna get your men. I got one who you been talking to. I'm talking to you now, trying to be nice and I try to be professional. Christional. Don't you bring them up to my office or kick you? You ain't sent them in Ferland? Man, I got one more things I need to say to you. You listening? Yes? What you got to selling me? Jo? I do not in short perssitute? Okay, what do you have to tell me? I got to tell you this bess his nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning shown you just got pranked by your boy. Oh god, I'm kill that boy. Job I I came. I believe you put me into this. Who hell y'all got me? What I am? Oh? Morning? Asking this here? Man? Let me ask you this here? What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Little Insurance Man for Glitter Thunder. All my strippers need insurance. You know they way up on these poles. You know how far up they're going on. Man, we gotta get some insurance on me. Girl, your athletes for real? Yes, sir. July sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth, Virginia Beach, Funny Bone. That's Virginia Beach, Funny Bone. Nephew, come to time. Tickets on sale, brand new, Timy Man. Come check me out. It's real in person after COVID I needed it back on stage and I swat to you. I am good. I'm really, really really gonna deliver. I promise you'll come to see me. It's gonna be stupid at it's bess. No, that's a true statement. All right, thank you, nephew. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the String Show. Tiffany Hattish will play Olympic Icon Florence Griffith Joiner. That's right, you heard me correctly. Tiffany Hattish will play flow Joe in a new movie based on flow Joe's inspiring life. Tiffany is working with Flojoe's husband, Al Joiner. He'll train her. Tiffany is also the producer of the movie. What do you guys think? Okayjo, Yeah, okay. I'm just so glad someone's bringing her her life to the screen, because absolutely, she was so inspirational. You know, everybody loved her, her fashions, her her sportsmanship. She was yes, gold every trend setter, she was beautiful everything. Yeah, yes, yeah, my favorite that was uh huh yeah. But do you know what she's been to go through getting in shape for this right here? Yeah, Well she's got a great trainer. He trained his wife and so he knows what to do. He's got a great wife. Yeah, Tiffany's an actress and sounds like she's dedicated because she's going for They say she's already started training. Remember she's been getting in shape. She she has good looking in shape, look good looking. I want to see the movie. Let me put it that way. That'll be like me. That'd be like me playing you same boat. You know it at sixty four? Come on, man, what you're doing? Get this stick? Steve, stop foulding mine. Cut that's in up my picture mind? Cut man, your makeup is running again. Cut all right. Another trending news Amazon says it will stop testing most employees for marijuana use. Amazon will no longer Oh yeah, they scared a day gonna hand nobody. They're gonna have to close down that is that's quick testing. Need. Damn people gonna you do know you do? No delivery gonna be slow, don't you. It's gonna be real. You're gonna be la. I didn't order six umbrellas, right, jay, that's why they got that half smile on the side of that truck. Everybody in that high ye. So no longer marijuana marijuana test for any employee who wasn't regulated by the Department of Transportation. So basically now the delivery drivers, uh you know, they can just go on and do their thing, as we all know. But yeah, they're tested. But the driver, yeah, I didn't love the employee parents what what we all know? As we all know, of course, weed is legalized for recreational and medicinal use by different states across the country. You got to test them drivers, don't you. You know what I mean? Amazon vans just be pulled over the side of the up man. What you're doing? Oh I'm sorry man. Not only that, if there's anything you eat in the back of that truck is gone that you've ordered. They'll eat your orders or packages. They know the packages. They all the girls scout cookies. Man. Well all right Amazon, luck with that? All right, all right, see here we go. Time for our headlines. If she is, Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together from miss Anne trip. Thank you very much, Steve. Good morning everyone out there. This is a trip with the news the Biden administration donating tens of millions of surplus COVID vaccine doses to the world. Of the first twenty five million donated, seventy five percent of that group going to a group called KOVACS that's an international vehicle for getting vaccines to poor countries, while the other twenty five percent is to be sent directly to areas of the globe that the US is prioritizing, like Mexico, Canada, Career, Iraq, the Gaza Strip, and parts of Africa. Jake Sullivan is National Security Advisor. United States is not doing this as some kind of back and forth deal where we're getting something for what we're giving. We are giving these for a single purpose. It is the purpose of ending this pandemic, and that's what they want to do when they say that it's just the right thing to do for the world. Actually, in Minneapolis yesterday, construction crews reopened the intersection where George Floyd was murdered last May. That was thirty nine Street in Chicago. It's apparently the first time more than a year that that street's opened. Community activist Steve Floyd part of a group called Change Incorporated, which he says, approached city fathers about reopening it. They're going to block out the George Floyd memorial area where he was murdered. They also going to do the other side to protect the mural on the wall. They're not removing anything, and exactly they're going to put bump outs for the restaurants so they can have people out there dining during the summer. However, word is another group has stopped the total reopening of that little area, demanding that their list of demands be addressed first. So stay tuned. I'll keep your press of what's going on there. Looks like after many years, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin nat Yaho's enemies have finally banded together to get him out. That is Nitt and Yah, who still fights corruption charges in the Israeli courts. The FBI investigating Postmaster General Lewis did Joy in his political fundraising activities when he owned his own business. The Joy criticized last year accused of getting rid of sorting machines and post offices in an effort to slow the mail in presidential votes to help Donald Trump. In fact, the Joy reportedly donated one the million of dollars of his own money directly to the Trump campaign. Okay, this is the contin news I like to report. A Tulsa, Oklahoma nonprofit is gifting one hundred thousand dollars to each of the three known century old survivors of the Black Wall Street massacre in nineteen twenty one. They each get one hundred thousand dollars. The racist, jealous whites looted black middle class homes and businesses before burning down some forty square mop blocks of that neighborhood. That's wonderful. Sometimes you just don't know what's going on with people. In casing point, a woman in Texas filmed at the El Paso Zoo climbing into the monkey cage and feeding them flaming hot cheetos. I don't know that woman's identified as Lucy Ray, the Zoo's director, says she's both stupid and lucky. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve introduced him, you hired him. He is here, he's at work today, Jay Anthony Brown, Yes, all right. Lately, lately they have run out of names for hurricanes, so I've come up with some names. Not these good names will just will add to the seriousness of what a hurricane really is. When you hear these names, hurricane, you better get your ass a generator that will name hurricane. How about the hurricane save up for a water pump. That's a good name for a hurricane. How about this one hurricane? Your cow might be in another state. I like that nothing cattle hurricane. If I was you, I load up the car right now. CEM saying, just say the seriousness hurricane storm. One of those might not be a bad idea. Okay, I'm about this one hurricane play If you won't to right favorite hurricane, you can sit here and write it out if you won't to. But we's leaving hurricane Hurricane. I'm not going back for no damn chat. How about that one Hurricane. All right, grandmama, I'm gonna ask you one last damn time are you going with us? And the last one is Hurricane the hell with this house? Let's go see that has importance. Let me add two for you add go ahead, lady and gentleman, Hurricane ass ripple. That's gonna make you leave. Here's another, My last one, Hurricane, Ah funny Hurricane you thought the weather man was playing? Okay? How about that Jay Jay, Hurricane be down when I get them? We played too much a hurricane, best time to get out your marriage right now? Got deep with too much. I got one more for you, Hurricane floating away. That's a good one. How about Hurricane I told you to buy a boat, but nay, Hurricane. All the kids came go pick one serious? Thank you? Yeah on your roof coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. Who inspired you to step your game up? We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, So Steve, earlier this week you mentioned that you saw this video the other day when jay Z, you know, when he was asked about DMX and he said that DMX inspired him to step up his stage game. If you recall, the two toured together back in nineteen ninety nine on the Heart Knock Life tour, and Jay said watching DMX made him improve his performances. He discussed on Lebron James's show The Shop. Take a Listen, X is about gone and I'm like, you know, I want to see I got to go for you. This is gone before and then he goes and the arena ghost the first bood deafening, and I'm like, oh, he has a thing like an Alexa and Hennessey mix. It looks like blood, like he's drinking blood, right, and he's running back and forth. I'm halfway through the show. Then he takes his shirt off and the dog chain and he's going nuts, right, And I'm like, first the guys are going crazy, Now the girls are going crazy. And then he gets to the end and he starts a prayer and now I'm there crying. The whole arena is crying, and I'm like, They're like, hey, now you go. So then it begs the question, guys, who inspired you to step your game up? Steve Well, honestly speaking, yeah, he said it because he's on the show. But j Anthony Brown, Wow, Jonathony Brown was the first major influence I had in comedy. Man. This dude he was such an animal up there, man, And I didn't know how to do it like he was doing it. He was in front of white people doing black jokes and just this it y'all, y'all, don't laugh, go somewhere. But and it came from a came from a real black perspective. And I was standing up. I was standing in the back. Man, I don't going down, dude like he's saying what he wanted to say. He was just doing jokes. And I mean, it was my first week out on the road, and that ten days with him was an eye opener for me, man, because that's when I started saying, hold up, man, I got to get to be in mo me because this dude was just black and on stage and making money and headlining. So for me in the very beginning, I kid you, it was just dude right here, Jay Anthony Brown. And it started a friendship that has been around for over thirty some years, man. And and and that's that's that's real talk, man, that's the honest. If everybody tell my story, if they don't put Jay in a day dan't told my story because he was there at the beginning. That's so Maju. What about Jay? What what about you? J? I would say when I would see Steve, you know, when he like he said, got his groove when you know he was just fearless. I would go to like audition when I saw him audition for the Apollo, like we were together. You know, he was auditioned for the Apolo. I saw my auditions for Starship, seeing that I was seeing my audition for everything. I don't know why I ended up there, but he was just fearless at what he did. But you know, it made me step up my game when he gave us, when he gave me in Reshun that shot to write on the show, because he said, if I can't write, if I'm not gonna if y'all gonna give me the show and you're not gonna take these two dudes right here. And I'm sitting there going, man, I don't know how to write on them damn show. He's talking about. We're not writers, we're comedians. So it made me step up my game as a writer. It really did, you know, and learned what it was. And we were sitting in the room. We were the only two black guys in there, and to have them talk across us and talk as if we weren't sitting in the room. But we made some good decision that we made some good points on telling Steve what this ain't, what this show was about. This, this is not real the way they were trying to make it go. And for me that that was it. But see, that was me trying to pay him back for what he had done for me in eighty six. So in ninety one it was my chance to give him back. So because he gave me everything, I wouldn't even be this type of comedian man if I hadn't seen Jay Anthony Brown talking about Willy the Gorilla down in Atlanta, and he didn't give a damn if you ever saw Willie the Gorilla when he told Joe ass was looking at Willie that night. I love that. I love that amongst friends. Coming up next to the nephew is here with the pryank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's my Strawberry letter for today. The subject is his ex wife won't let me visit him. Okay, his ex wife won't let me visit him. We'll get into that in just a few but right now, the nephews here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his neff? Well, we got a bit of a problem to day folks parasites parasites. Oh yeah, yeah, it happens sometime. We got a bit of a problem. Let's check in with cat dog cat dog parasites. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Brian. Brian, Hey, Brian, this is doctor Jacob. How you doing anything. Yeah, yeah, I'm doing I'm okay. Listen. You actually came in, uh maybe like two and a half weeks to go here to my office and got a physical for for life insurance. Yeah yeah, yeah, right right yeah, everything okay, well yeah, yeah, everything's gonna be pretty good. I'd like to see if I can get you to come in and I you know, everything's gonna be fine, but I got a small procedure we'd like to do to actually, uh you know, right now, you're not a proof for your life insurance to do until this procedure has done, So if you don't mind coming in, we we'd like to get you jaking care of. When can I schedule you to come in like maybe tomorrow or the following day? Yeah? What what kind of procedure is? Well? Actually, I don't know if you've heard of it. This is an okayosh for me? No, I got something. What's that's? I'm doing my eyes? What's that? So it's something? Dude? You wasn't that I'm doing my eyes? I ain't heard What's what's that? No? No, okayost for me has nothing to do with the eyes, No, nothing at all. We found a little bit of parasites a particular area, and what we want to do is make sure we just remove it completely and you'll be fine. You'll get your life insurance, you and your family will be great. So can I get you to come in tomorrow? Maybe Thursday afternoon? And what what area? I found a parasite? The actually one of your testicles has some parasites. So what we're gonna do is what's called a okayoshtrumy and okayoshtrim me is actually removing that testicle completely and then everything gonna be fine. It's all confined and we'll be able to remove it. You'll be on your way you'll get your life insurance and everything will be fine. Okay, Like I said, can I get can I? Can I get you to come in tomorrow? What my testicle? Well, only one, only one, and it's not going to take long. It's a thirty minute procedure. But we want to get you to come in tomorrow or the next day and we get you to what they are you available. I will remove this, sir. You know what, oftentimes when people come in for life insurance, these type of things happen. So we want to get you in and get it out as quickly as possible. Man. Nah, Man, I wasn't for a routine physical. Maybe I weren't supposed to be checking all this extra stuff. Man, I get a parasite, man and my testical. I don't remove a testicle. Man, I'm twenty five. Man, my wife, Man, I know kids. They were trying to be like I got to move a testicle. Let me say this to you, Brian, You're gonna be completely fine. You'll be able to create children, You'll be able live a normal life. You know, you'll just be um. You won't have all of them, but you'll have enough to create children. You understand that. Nah, man, I can't. Nah, I ain't gonna. I can't come in for that. Nah, Sir, Is there any way I can get you in the morrow or tomorrow afternoon or the Thursday afternoon so we can kind of get this thing taken care of and we can get you moving on your way, and that people can get the life insurance papers together and so forth. Nah. Man, Man, we ain't rescheduling now. I need a second or third opinion on that. And he's talking about taking away one of my We ain't rescheduling nothing, man, I'm gonna need to see another doctor. Man. It's sir, Sir, you can go around the entire city and see several doctors. I'm here to tell you you're just gonna be wasting time. I'm gonna try to knock this thing out for you knocking up. I ain't agree. I ain't agree to nothing. Listen, man, I'm doing it to get money, manicinecauding nothing, Man, I need to taking a third opiny this bloom Brian. I'll tell you if you come in and let me get this thing taken care of. You know, I have you back, you know, big balling, shot calling. Before it's all over, you know what a big balling shot calling man. I told you, Man, I ain't ain't going in for none of that. Man, I'm supposing to tell my wife. Man this this ain't cool. Man, I ain't going in for that. Man. I'm rescheduling it. Man, you're what do you mean you're rescheduling? Sir? What we're getting. I'm getting another opinion. I ain't going in for that. Okay, but I'm trying to make you a big baller shot caller. You know, man, what what is your name are? You're supposed to be a doctor. You're making a little jokes. Man, you're doing a little play on words. But it ain't even funny. Man. I'm calling it insurance funny telling they get me doctor. But you think it's funny. Hey, it ain't funny, man. You know you're making a little joke. Man, ain't funny. Man. I'm taking a thin man. I'm forgetting all of the work that we got, the blood work, the year and word, the complete physical that's from we didn't realize that you had parasites in a particular area. So what we're trying I'm not I don't mean I turned to make the light of make humor in it, just to make you feel a little bit more comfortable. I apologize, all right. That ain't funny, man, you want losing. No, man, ain't funny. Man. If I had a situation, the nurses would have told me. Then. He ain't tell me nothing. Man had me thinking, I'm a going. Now you're telling me I gotta come in to remove the tests. The man. We have to run tests on you, sir. We got tests back when you do have the parasites, and what we want to do is make sure we get them completely cleared out. The only way I can clear that out is to remove that testicle. He's man, it's the man. I got no hairsites. Man, May y'all here running out these tests on me. Man, I'm going to another doctor. Man, because this man, I ain't got no parasites. Man, all these tests out saw me, y'all round me. I gotta remove them. That's some you over here, and I know you doctor Man. I ain't gonna hairsite man. I'm following my Inshut. I'm telling him I ain't dealing with your man because you man, I ain't got no parasites. Man. Run. Let me make you understand something here it's my job as a physician that if the patient doesn't come to me, it's my job to come to you and extract the problem. You're leaning towards me having to come to your home and extract the problem. Man, when you want to come them home, how may you? I wish you want to stiff with how nats out of test this? Man? You are you talking? I'm going from another doctor. I'm getting another test. I ain't gonna let it, sir. You've got the parasite, and you only have twenty four hours for me to get sir. I have to move on this quickly, Brian, Okay, I'm not hangar. I ain't gotta goring Sangar. I got not something that's transmitted. It doesn't come from another another human being. It just develops in one out of every three or four million people. You actually have it, Brian, I gotta extract it from you. You try to tell me, I'm WHI man, you know what I'm coming. There's something else that you have and I haven't told you about. There's something else I need to tell you. I got it. Some got passed out, bron You just got planked. You just got planked by nephew Tommy from the Steve Harley Warning show. Your wife A Nika got me the plank phone call you, I man, that's all that's one big ballish shot collar. You know. He doesn't want to deal with the problem at all. He don't want to deal with the problem. He was just kicking him up and he just want to fight. Pick one, okay, the one of them got to go. Pick one. Pick pick the one you want to keep, all right, Pick another doctor. How about that doctor Tommy, Baby, doctor nephew Tommy. That was crazy stupid, that is best baby July sixteenth through the eighteenth, and nephew would be at the Funny Bone. That's right, the Funny Bone in Virginia Beach. Tickets to on sale right now, Temple, you laying in the cut. I'll let you know if I add some shows. Okay, I got to talk to my uncle, see if I can get off. You know, it takes a man. I gotta go to some you know, little red tapes, a whole tight temper. I let y'all know. Okay, hold type what you need time off to add the show for just add the show in the night. Y'a already got it. She always trying to have your little career be convenient. You wanna do two shows? K your ass to bed. We ain't got no more damn time off. I do it, man, I minda hustle. I got that hustle. Show ass out there and do four nights. Sinbad would do five and six shows at night. Though, oh my god, nobody did Sinbad? Did Matt Knee's man Wow legend? Man? I tried that one time. I did a show for kids that I was supposed to a forty five minutes set. That set lasted fifteen minutes, pass getting no wof what did he just say? Hey, I was on stage. I didn't hand no show for no kids. I don't know why they were doing here all right, thinking of you coming up. I think I think what made him walk out was when I said, shut your little punk ass, wandering little shut your little punkass. His ex wife won't let me visit him. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Well, it's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit strawberry letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Who knows it could be yours. Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry lettuce subject his ex wife won't let me visit him. Dear Stephen Shirley, My boyfriend and I have been dating for about five months and he's the best man I've ever been with, and he treats me really good. There's a situation that I'm dealing with and my man doesn't understand why it's bothering me. When we first met, he had just gotten a divorce. I mean it was literally finalized the day before I met him. Because it was a quick divorce, he was still living in the house he shared with his wife. He said they didn't put the house in the divorce settlement because it was his wife's house in her name. I thought within months of getting a divorce he'd move out. We even went to look at apartments and rental houses together. Then he informed me that he decided to stay in the house with his ex wife because she agreed to let him rent his man cave area of the house. He said. The room is on the second floor and it's got a bathroom attached to it and a wet bar section with a tiny fridge in it. He said he's got access to a bedroom upstairs too, because his wife doesn't go upstairs at all. I asked him about the common areas they have to share, and he assured me that he had it all worked out. This has put a strain on our relationship because he has to stay at my house all of the time since I'm not allowed to visit him or even step foot on this woman's property. I popped over there last week to see what would happen, and his ex wife met me at the door and said, if I don't like her rules, then I should let him move in with me. I left and called and cursed him out. He doesn't understand how crazy this is. I'm getting the vibe that he's a sorry but man, right, that's what she said. What is really going on here? Please help you know what. I don't like this situation at all for you, because this arrangement is just really stupid. I mean, what are you getting out of this? You're getting nothing but stress and misery and unhappiness. This so called best guy that you've ever had is living with his ex wife and paying her rent to live there. As much time as you say he spends at your place. Why don't you charge him rent? You should be charging him rent. Maybe that will help him to understand that it's time to get out of his wife's house and move on with you in his life. That means getting his own place. You said, you guys have looked at places. What happened. That means getting his own place where you're invited, where you can go over there and hang out and spend the night, things like that that couples do. It makes absolutely no sense for him to still be staying there unless unless he's, you know, having trouble letting go. He might be. Remember you said, he treats you really well, so he should have moved out when his wife spoke to you so rudely when you popped up over there history behind did nothing. Okay, he's not right for you. I mean, he can barely take care of himself at this point, so you need to do for yourself when he can't do for himself, and let's move on. It's only been five months. You'll be all right. You'll be all right, Steve. Wow, this letter got I don't believe it written all over it. Yeah, I do not understand why this woman is writing this letter because it don't make no sense. How much time I got to deal with this before we go to break? All right? Say here it does. Now you first met this man, best man you ever had, being never treat you really good. We first met he had just gotten divorced. I literally finalized the day before I met him. Danger danger, We don't rob it. Some danger Jess got out. Now, I know marriages are over long before the data is finalized, so they'd probably been going through this. But you did say it was a quick divorce. So he was still living in the house that he shared with his wife, and they didn't put the house in the divorce settlement because it was his wife's house in her name, where you can't put it in the divorce settlement because of what he did, DA bought about the quick divorce. You never mentioned that, and now you ain't getting this house. You got to get out this my damn house. So now that's why that didn't get put in the divorce settlement. I thought after months, I thought within months of getting a divorce, he'd moved out. Y'all went to look at apartments and rental houses together. He wasn't serious, He was just you know, you know, appeasing you. Then he informed me that he decided to stay in the house with his ex wife because she agreed to let him rent his man cave area of the house. He said, the room is on the second floor, and this got a bathroom attached to it, a wet bar section with a tiny fridge in it. Listen to me, You mean to tell me that a man gets divorced and his option is to stay in the house with the wife that you've divorced because you got a man cave in it with a access to a bathroom and a tiny fridge. Now later on and say, and the bedroom is he's accessible is on another floor? What girl? A man cave can't mean nothing much to you if you ain't the king no more. See a man cave is only good is if you're the king and you got a man cave. But if you ain't the king no more. You ain't got a man cave. You're a renter. Matter of fact, you just airbnb. I don't even see how you. He ain't got nothing. When we come back, I'm gonna break your heart. I'mnna break y'all. All right, Steve, hang on, we'll have part two of your response. Man Cave got a little boy, got a tiny fridge, A little bitty fridge coming up. Steve's response, Part two at twenty three minutes after the hour Strawberry Letters. Subject for today his ex wife won't let me visit him. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject his ex wife won't let me visit him. This man got a divorce. You met him right after he got the divorce, y'all, the best man you ever met, you save. It was a quick divorce, so they didn't put the house into the divorce settlement because it was his wife's house and in her name, So you thought. Within months of getting a divorce, he moved out, y'all, went apartment looking and everything that was just to appease you. Then he informed you that he decided to stay in the house with his ex wife cause she agreed. She agreed to let him. Written his man Cave area of the house. Now, he said, the room is on the second floor. It's got a bathroom attached to it, which anything that's got a bathroom attached to it on the second floor is not a full band. It's a half bad sink tarlet. I want you to understand this now. They don't put showers and stuff on little areas that don't have beds, not in regular houses. They don't. I'm just telling you. He said, the rooms on the second floor, it's got bathroom attached to it and a wet bar section, so that means as a sink, a sink over there with a tiny refrigerator in it. He got access to a bedroom, but the bedroom is upstairs because his wife doesn't go upstairs at all. What in her house she don't go upstairs at all? So you asked him about the common areas that they have to share, and he assumed me, assured me that he has had it all worked out, so now he don't even have an area of his own. He got common areas with his ex wife. This has put a strain on your relationship because he's had to stay at my house all of the time since I'm not allowed to visit him or step foot on this woman's property. Now guess what this crazy woman does. I popped up over that last week to see what would happen, and his ex wife met me at the door and saying, if I don't like her rules, then you should then I should let him move in with me. First of all, you should have never done that. And what you think the woman was gonna say, oh, hey, nice to meet you, come on in her house that's in her name. That he hadn't already He hadn't told him, she hadn't told him. He ain't the king no more. This ain't a man cave. This a room. I'm gonna give you access to a bad room that's upstairs, and you're gonna pay me money. And then told you if you don't like the rules, in order to let him move with me, I left called and cuts him out. What you cuts him out for? He told you ass couldn't come over there, He said, don't come over here. This half for crazy. This her house, she making all the rules. He doesn't understand how crazy this is. I'm getting the vibe that he's a sorry ass man, you think, because I'm gonna tell you what's really going on, she say what's really going on? Please help? All right? First of all, I'm gonna tell you what's really going on. Number one, he ain't got no money because any man that gets a divorce is not gonna live in a subservient position like this with all these rules. He can't have a company, right, you can't date, and you don't bought your ass over there to just see what would happen, and you don't. You don't. Damn it, got cussed out. So now let's go over what This man has. One a tiny fridge, okay, access to a bedroom which is not his. He just got access to it. He has a bath that's probably a half bath. They have to share common areas. And if she and now she could tell him it ain't common. Right now, your ass back in your man cave, just your space is the man cave. Next one, it's her house, it's in her name. Here's the next one. She makes all the rules. Here's the next one. She told you. If he don't like it, he can move in with you. Listen to me, A man cave can't mean that much when you ain't king no more. And he didn't gave up all rights as king. See what makes you have a man cave is when you king of the castle and your wife gives you a space that she don't allow the kids come in. Nothing that's yours. You can do it like you want to because you're the husband. That's your area. Baby, do it like you want to. Y'all want to watch the game video or whatever you wanta do, if that's your rule. He don't have that nomber. You know why because now he written that, so you see he has nothing and he ain't got no money because why would I rent this space that I can't even have company in when I could take my money get me an apartment. But he can't go get the apartment with you because he ain't got his money, right because he lost it in the divorce. She ain't just take the house. She got the savings because whatever he did to get put out, he got to pay for. You get the feeling here, sorry, ass man, She do too. That's why he got the damn man came and he paid rent in it and he got access to a commentary and he can't have no company like he's sixteen, all right. Steve Poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and a teenager check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. Under Man coming up at forty six minutes after Sports to ask him if y'all still go together. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, Junior is here with sports. Let's talk what you got Junior? Okay, surely, But first I gotta remind everybody that tomorrow tomorrow the Cares Hope, Fun Run and five K is happening in Dallas at the Market Hunt Hill Bridge tomorrow. But Sickle Sale, I'm doing this. I'm ready to see everybody tomorrow. It's gonna be great. Man coming out, have fun, get vaccinated, and they don't forget that. The afternoon we have in the day party at Sandago eight one three staring at three pm. Go to I Love Music dot event right dot com get your tickets. Now. With that being said, don't forget now that June six is coming. Everybody, and y'all don't forget that it is I don't we got NBA Playoff? Well, we gotta remember this is happening. Jake Floyd Mayweather versus Logan Paul hard Rock Stadium in Miami, Florida, eight round about happening Sunday. Who we going with over this the greatest powerful pound Floyd Mayweather against the Internet sensation logan Paul, Oh my goodness, it's the same man that took Floyd's had said I got your had, Remember you said that I got your hat. I think Floyd gonna mock the floor with this boy. Man. I really do you know? He is a little taller than Floyd, you know, if he got to height advantage, but Floyd got the experience and experience and logan Paul, really don't be fighting nobody. I don't really see why he would think that this would work. I don't even know. Well, you know, like you know, like he fight people, they stage fights and stuff like that. Floyd fights. Why would you go in It's a difference between fighting and boxing. It's a big difference. Well, how much is he gonna get? Oh, he getting a couple of million, know, he's getting a few men. That might be his reason. That would be that wouldn't that be your Yeah? Yeah, I mean it'd be it would be naturally mine. I know I ain't gonna win, but I dance with him as long as I can. If you see me climb in the ring with Mike Tyson. It's two things, you know. For shure, I'm Steve getting a whole lot of money and Steve fitting a faint first round. Yeah, I swear to god, I'm not coming out for the veil. Do they still have to your check up and you still gotta get you gotta get my money. Yeah, I'm with the one hard ass punch. It ain't gonna do a damn thing. Nine No, no, man, I could probably, Yeah, if you could, probably, if you could make a hunt of million and you had to take two solid punches from Mike hunting two solid punches from Mike Tyson. Not in the head, Yeah, in the head? No, No, I want you you might not even be able to spare hunted. Well, I'm watching the fight set the man I got. Is this gonna be something I did? One? Why? All right, Junior? Thank you? Now? Coming up at the top of the hour, we got some comedy roulette for you right after this you're listening to all right, guys, time now for a comedy roulette. Jay Anthony Brown, please explain. It's very simple, very very simple. It takes three subjects, put them on a wheel spin it which stop because we're comedians, professional comedians. We can make it funny. Watch us do it, watch us do it? All right? Okay, here have the categories. Uh. Embarrassing things kids say, Embarrassing things. Kids say, excuses people say to eat stuff they're not supposed to. I like that one. The doctor said it was okay, all right, and made up conspiracy theories. Made up conspiracy theories. All right, here we go, spend the wheel. See where it stops. It stopped an Embarrassing things. Kids say, Embarrassing things, Embarrassing things. Kids say, here we go comedy roulette. Hey mama, how could my little brother look like Uncle Kenny? All right? Embarrassing things. Kids say, hey, look everybody, he got some on his lip. It looked like it burned. Embarrassing things. Kids say, Daddy, why is our neighbor over here? I thought you didn't like him boy? Embarrassing things. Kids say, my mama gonna be a minister because she called Jesus a lot of night. Embarrassing things. Kids see, Daddy, I thought you said, Grandmama breast my life blue boo. You said that, Okay? This embarrassing things. Kid saying this was actually was a true statement. My nephew actually made. Hey, Kire, how come you know the steed or had the same money. Y'all do the same thing. Take your ass in the room, right on your back? So much worry about that? Shut up you eat, don't you? All right? I saw this one before. Embarrassing things. Kids say, Mama, my thing won't go down. Yeah, that's embarrassing ourself. A little boy grocery stuff time laughed my ass off. Oh my, here we go. Embarrassing things. Kids say, you're talking a whole lot of chat for that white man came over here. Why are you chaking man now? Embarrassing things kids say, hey, hey, Michelle, how you doing? Lisa just left? Well, y'all see each other. Quay pas. Embarrassing things. Kids say, Mama, your wig is crooked again? All right, come on, Steve. Embarrassing things kids say, last one, Mama, when I opened the door last night, why was daddy on his knees in the bed. That's embarrassing. Yeah, embarrassing here all right, ladies and gentlemen, that's comedy roulette from the guy. We'll be back with more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. At twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this story's interesting, guys. Fewer BA babies, in case you didn't know, fewer babies are named Karen these days, because you know, no one wants to name their baby girls Karen anymore. And this is according to the Social Security Administration. All Right, the name Karen has plummeted in popularity. We all know that the name Karen is linked to viral videos of white women acting in sensitive, uh, you know, being racist, you know, acting privileged, all of the above. So you know, no one, no one wants to name their babies Karen anymore. A lot of names fell off. We're damn showing a lot of lucinders no more. Yeah, a lot of stiff fell off after slavery. Ain't no freedoms, ain't no more freedoms. Very rarely here, I mean, baby gladis as it did, lads Clovis. I only know one Harpore, Maurice. I like Maurice. Yeah. Hey, you know, I've only I've only heard one person in my life name Arsenio. I've never met another Arsenal. Very unique name. Yeah, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after right after this, you're listening to show, all right, So, Steven, earlier this week you mentioned that you saw this video the other day when Jay Z, you know, when he was asked about DMX and he said that DMX inspired him to step up his stage game. If you recall, the two toured together back in nineteen ninety nine on the Heart Life Tour and Jay said watching DMX made him improve his performances. He disgusted on Lebron James to show the shop take a listen. X is about to go on, and I'm like, you know, I want to see I got like this is going before and then he goes and no arena ghost first bood deafening and I'm like, oh, he has a thing like an Alixe and Hennessey mix. It looks like blood, like he's drinking blood, right, and he's running back and forth. Halfway through the show. Then he takes his shirt off and the dog chain and he's going nuts, right, And I'm like, first the guys who are going crazy now and the girls are going crazy. And then he gets to the end and he starts a prayer and now they're crying. The whole arena is crying, and I'm like, they're like, hey, maw, you go. So then it begs the question, guys, who inspired you to step your game up? Steve Well? Honestly speaking, and I ain't saying it because he's on the show, but jan Anthony Brown. Wow, Jonathony Brown was the first major influence I had in comedy. Man. This dude he was such an animal up there, man, And I didn't know how to do it like he was doing it. He was in front of white people doing black jokes just and just this it y'all, y'all, don't laugh, go somewhere. But and it came from a came from a real black perspective. And I was standing up. I was standing in the back man with I don't going damn, dude, he's saying what he want to say. He was just doing jokes. And I mean, it was my first week out on the road, and that ten days with him was an eye open up for me, man, because that's when I started saying, hold up, man, I got to get to be and mold me because this dude was just black and on stage and making money and headlining. So for me in the very beginning, I kid you not, it was this dude right here, Jay Anthony Brown, and it started a friendship that has been around for over thirty some years. Man. And and and that's and that's that's real talk. Man, that's honest, really cool. If everybody tell my story, if they don't put Jay in a day, Dane told my story because he was at the beginning. Coming up, it is our last break of the day. It is the last break of the day, damn it. Get rid of the filibuster. And forty nine minutes after, of course, we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey are Fearless Leader coming up right after this. You're listening, all right, guys, last break of the day and of the week. It's been a good day, a good Friday. Look again, Yeah you tired a week of work? Wow, you must be exhausted. Oh sing, let me tell you. Oh my god. You know earlier we were talking about people have had a major influence on you. Yeah, yes, oh, and I've talked about Jay in the beginning, um of late what excuse me? Yeah, because I didn't think you heard that. I heard it what sho I think it shot the world, I tell myself, and you're never thrown off. I think you know, I'm gonna tell you something real man, A person that had and I don't think they know it, and I never really I talked to him about it every now and then about some of the moves he's made. But a guy that has really mostly by example, but I've talked to him often about so many different things. It's sort of crazy. Man. I never said this out loud, but Tyler perry Man has had a major influence on me and decisions I've made over the last I would say eight years, maybe the last eight years. That's probably been the person that I've talked to the most who has more than me, who you know, just talks about insight and just you know, I'm kind of open with him where he can, you know, you know, share things with me that he can't share with anybody else because I'm pretty sure they would be hating on him, you know. But I've tried to be that type of person where you can say, man, you do it? What tell me that again? Okay, how'd you do that? You know? But he's he's been a major influence in terms of me starting to think in terms of ownership. And I've just watched this guy man do some really really incredible things and it's kind of inspired me to go in another direction, in different directions outside of entertainment. That has really really helped me too. So I think that's been for me him. Who has it been for you, Tommy over the years in the beginning, well, in the beginning, of course, it's my father that that's what I'm saying, I think, but you've been a very inspirational person. Your hustle is what I mind. I'll be honest with you. It comes my eyes talking because your your hustle is just incredible. So that's I try to pattent off of that and just keep grinding and keep grinding, and I don't want to even look up. I just keep grinding hopefully and when I look up about being a different place. So just keep moving forward. So it's a I admire the hustle, and it's it's it's non stop twenty four seven. It don't quit. I don't know when you sleep, I don't know how you sleep, but all I know as I see you getting up getting it and getting it, So I just say, hey, I'm gonna get up and get it. If I keep getting up and getting it, maybe I'm gonna get some lawyer turned around, gave me a TV show. I just keep up getting up and getting I'm trying to get another one. And you do it it too, because I watch you do that game show. I watch you steal tour, then you got this other TV show. You know, it's the way it's done. I don't really, Um, I don't know another way to tell it to a person. And everybody that I've talked to that's successful, it's the same way. You know, if that was another way I would tell it to you. Man, if I say, look, man, you can you can cut some corners by doing this, or you can shave it off by doing you knock some years off, but doing this not. Look, I could tell you some things you bet not to do that that can show enough stunt your growth, because I've done them too. But I'm just telling you how not to just add years to it. But I can't tell you how to shade now at all. I cannot tell you that. You know, Steve, so many people though have been inspired by you seriously, because you know, going from you know multiple jobs. First of all, a lot of people weren't doing that before you. And then when you got into radio, you were a comedian, you got into radio. Look how many comedians followed you into radio you started that, you know, So you've been very influential. I mean from comedy people, all kinds of people now are doing game shows. I think because of you, you've influenced so many many people. I mean seriously, And he shares the information people. Surely. I wanted to add that he's a blessing too, right, that I got mine, get yours, how to go get it? But yeah, he's been a shining example. As a shining example, even though when you look at the mouth, you'll be trying to figure out that's how you got that, that's the that's the role. You get tired of looking at that. You look at the mouth, and that's what yeh do it? That's right. Yeah, That's why so many people call you Uncle Steve or og or whatever pet name they have for you, because they look up to you. They look at your career and they look up to you. If he can do it, yeah, yeah, you know. I've two things about faith. I've always asked God in my life, not for fame and riches. But what I really have been focused on asking God for is to make me relevant. I want to be relevant, man. I want when my life is over man to have placed in some people some things that helped him along the way. Like I said, I read something somebody. I want somebody man to look at me and go because of you. I didn't quit because of you. I never gave up because of you. I jumped because of you. Man, I tried harder. And that's a big thing that I ask God for. And then secondly, my life has been feeled with God's unmerited faithful I have to say that about it, man, that God, Almighty of mind boy, has given me so much grace and mercy. And that's been the biggest part of it at all, because a lot of it I can't even explain because it ain't me. Thank you Jesus, it works to me. 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