Jared Kushner, Tom Brady, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update and more.

Published Oct 29, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! This show is for the frontliners. We are dedicated to the removal of the incumbent in The White House! The Chief Love Officer addresses yodeling between a couple during relations. The crew answer an interesting question from social media. 45's son-in-law made some controversial racial comments about Black folks and 44 fired back swiftly. Tom Brady has been called out for his IG post about suicide and COVID-19. Our girl from The Talk has a warning and some directions for us about voting. 45's former Apprentice protege was on a U.K. talk show talking about her time with Trump. Someone from Keeping Up With The Kardashians contracted COVID-19 and Miss Carla also reminds us about "Sexy Tommy" and Ready To Love in Reality Update. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us of the rude awakening 45 will face on November 3rd along with the one job that WE have.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all all suit back down, giving them like the Milian bus bus things and its y'all good Steve listening together for ste don't joy you gotta turn you gotta turn the turnout, got to turn out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby now, huh. I show well a good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice. Come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. You know, I think I'll explain something to y'all. You know when I when I wake up in the morning and I say, dig me now, what I'm asking you to do is it's old school, you know, man, And you know you say old people say I dig you know, never stop saying it. Sorry, but dig me now. It's just I want you to I don't you really feel me. I don't you to understand what I'm saying, because really, this morning inspiration is all given in the spirit of sharing and love. It ain't about to expose me in any way. That's not the purpose of it. But I found that in my morning inspiration that it's best that I use some things about myself, because I mean, what better example can I use? Because I know me, I know what's happened to me. I knew exactly how I felt all along the way concerning almost everything, every aspect of my life. I now fully do really understand why God had my life spend the way it spun. And here's the part that I want to give to you this morning, that first of all, whatever position you find yourself in today, we kind of come to one realization that we got ourselves there. We put ourselves there by a series of thoughts and actions. Thoughts turn into things. That's very important to know. So let's look at both sides of it. For people who think negative thoughts, it turns into negative things, and the direct opposite is true. For those who think positive thoughts, it turns into positive things. That's the deal. It's as simple as that, folks. I cannot break it down any clean, I cannot make it any clearer. Thoughts become things. So the one glaring question for all of us always is on a daily basis, what are you thinking? What are your thoughts? What are you thinking? What are your thoughts? Because I can assure you and it's not by or promise of mind. This is not a theory that Steve Harveyden came up with. This is a fact of life. This is biblical, this is spiritual, this is written, this is philosophical. This is the law of the universe. However, you need to drink this medicine to take to get it down and feel what I'm saying to you. This is just the way it is now and here the cold part, folks. It don't matter if you believe me or not. It does not matter if you have never been explained this or not. And it does not matter if you think it works in your life or not. It don't matter. Listen to me. It is the way it is. It is as scriptural, it is as spiritual, it is philosophical, it's just whatever. It's the law of the universe. You call whatever you want call. However, you got to dress this thing up to put it in the phase that you can feel me. I want you to feel me now, because this all it is. So when I say that you are where we are today because we thought ourselves here, or your best to believe that's true. You thought yourself here, no one else see. Let me explain something I got people around me who so badly want to take credit for it. But I don't allow it. But because I keep pointing to the heavens, I keep pointing and trying to say it out loud as many times as I can without being so offensive, that my life is by design, by grace and mercy, by blessings from God. My life is because God has seen it to be so. Oh, but I got plenty of people around me want credit for it and want you to not give credit to God and give it to them. I got that. I got that, But I understand that. See, I understand what that is. That's a person whose design is to get the credit. But it's okay. It's so clear to me what my father was saying to me. Man, I get it. As I get older and older, he always said to me, son, everybody come with you, can't go with you. See, you know, I don't know how people say that in church. You know, sometimes they go people come into your life for seasons, and I guess the same thing. You know, they season up, they're gone, well, you know, and then but then hither way they try to hold you though, or you're gonna forget where you come from. Oh, you ain't gonna keep it real no more. I don't want to go back where I come from. I don't want to keep it that real no more. It was real enough for me living in a car. I had enough of that real. I don't gonna keep it real now. I don't keep it real. I want to go keep it dreamy. I want to go keep it fantasize it. I want. I want to. I want to keep it out of this world. I want to keep it off the chain. I want to keep it moving. I want to keep it ball, and I want to see what that's like. So naw, I ain't gonna forget why I come from. But you ain't gonna hold me to that though See, thoughts become things all day long? Where's your vision board? Where are the things that you wan't written down? What do you think about the most? How grateful are you for what all God has done for you? Where are you at with that? See here another law? If thoughts become things, let me ask you this. If all you thinking about is your debt, if all you're thinking about is what you ain't got, If all you thinking about or is all woe is me? If all you're thinking about is every time I turn around, I'm sick. If all you're thinking about it's the things in life that you're lacking, If that's all you're thinking about, And if thoughts become things, how much debt you think you're gonna stay in? How much? How much how much lacking you think you finn to feel your life with? How much most stuff you finn to not have because you keep thinking about it all the time. When you're gonna be grateful, when you're gonna say thank you, when it's gonna come out your mouth, man, that I may not be where I want to be, but I show am grateful for what you've given me so far, for the things I have today, because I don't have to have these things? You know that does? That then opens up room for more stuff to come your way? To be grateful fall. But if you're gonna be ungrateful, man, let me ask you something. I ain't God, I don't claim to be, But let me ask you something man. If you're ungrateful for the things we've got, if we can't show no gratitude for what we have, why would God give us some most stuff to be ungrateful for? Why would he do that for tada. Anybody feel me right now? So when I say, come on, y'all, dig me, now, do you understand why I say dig me? Because I want you to feel me. I want you to understand and come to the understanding, not saying you ain't. Because so many people got a deeper understanding than me about this whole thing. I promise you they do, but they listen to me. I'm just trying to get you to walk up in this light, man, so you can go on with your life and quit tripping yourself out with your thoughts, because thoughts become things, all right. All day you're listening tow ladies and gymy boys and girls, animal trainers, park rangers, sanitation workers, potty removal people, people who work at the park, nurses, first responders, mail men, firemen, emergency medical people, everybody on the front line. This election is dedicated to you. We are dedicated to removing the person who has single handedly refused to handle the crisis in the manner that it should be handled and has led to the loss of so many lives. Voting day is coming. I would hope a week from now this show will be in slight celebration. Now he ain't gonna act right. He ain't gonna leave, and I hope he don't go out smooth. I want them to go in there and drag doctor White. I hope to get it on camera. I hope the whole Secret Service turn on his answer. You know, the two dudes is gonna be the maddest. It's the two dudes at here when he came out to the hospital and rolled around the block that day. I'll get him. I'll get him. I'll do it. Yeah, Lasion and Jim Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning, Steve, Good morning landslide. Landslide calling for real. That's right, let's go. Let's about good morning crew. Hey, Junior, can we call this election about m landslide? The morning after that, I will be here, all of us, and uh, we're gonna be celebrating. We're gonna be naked. Yeah. Yeah, you can't get the memo. I might do that. I don't know him to do nothing ignorant, he said, but I might if if Trump lowes, I might come on in here naked on zoom. That's the best way caller for us to tell. Tell me, if you come in neck it, you're gonna be on zoom. Yeah, okay, if I come in here, neket I can't be on zoom that'd be too much or something. Yeah, you can't zoom this. You can't zoom me. Boy. No, the gallery view, the speak and the words of the late great burning Man, This whole rule will get dark Man. We almost Trump can't put Fox, can't put not a single Democrat that is switching over to vote for Trump this year. But on CNN you can see all the Republicans you want to vote for. Bye, They're just line it up. I have a feeling this is going to be a major election. I think it's going to speak volumes to the Black Lives Matter movement, which is what I want to accomplish more than anything in this election. I hope you're right. I really think I've never seen these many young people engaged, college students engaged. Now there's that solid group out there as Trump voters. But I really think the Biden's campaign has done a good job of this and they focus on the right thing. All right, Steve, we're here all mornings, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO. The CLO Chief Love Officer will be in the building and we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show, Well, it's time now to ask the CLO. All you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to submit your questions for the Chief Love Officer. Here's you all right? This one? It's from Alicia and Memphis. Delicia says, I'm a twenty seven year old female and my boyfriend is twenty nine. He's a police officer. We've been together for a year and we moved in together because we plan to get married. We have a great relationship and the sexiest bomb. But there's one problem. He likes to role play in the bedroom by having me put handcuffs on him and taking the lead, even using his nightstick to gently tap him on his butt. This is creepy to me, and I don't always want to be the aggressor. He's asked me to go along with it because he says it heightens the experience for him. Is this normal or weird to you? Well, you know, if you don't like it, here's my suggestion. You know he wants to heighten the experience. Didn't just go on and overhighten it? What do you mean by that? Instead of that little bitty tap with that Billy Claire busting upside his damn here with that stickstand as hip, just a LOUI been too hard women, the whole baby. That's too hard. No, no, heighten your experience. I mean, put one on him like that and see how I feel about it. That's all I got to say to you. I don't care what y'all doing. Y'all, biby, you say the sexist bomb, you know whatever? No black, Yeah, yeah, this ain't no problem. You know I'm not gonna get hand cuffed out. That's new happened. Yeah, you should never remember one time, long time ago, you know, just go ahead, wait what called yourself? You forget where you are? All right? This writer is funny at so many levels. Gentry in Queens. How do you think Gentry might be Steve or Gentry old as hell? Yeah, seventy body named Gentry. I love Gentry Wallace. I'll be seventy in December, Gentry says. And I live in a building for seniors on a fixed income, my children and my girlfriend is sixty eight and we've been together seven months. My building does not allow overnight company, so we have to sneak around when she stays over. My neighbors always report us, though, because my girlfriend is very loud in the bedroom. I try to keep her quiet, but she likes to swear and down dart near yodel. But it gets good to her. I love everything about this. I've gotten six warnings from my landlord already. She lives with her daughters, so we can't stay there, and I can't always afford a hotel room. So what should we do? Help Gentry out hey man, hey, hey, y'all two damn old for somebody to be telling y'all y'all can't have company now, damn it. I don't know what kind of building this he is, but you seventy and she yodels. I think I ought to be inspired for all them. Jealous player, hate nass people in the building ain't got nobody to visit them. See, Gentry, You're a product. I hate. That's all this is. Brother, Keep on bringing out there, yodling, keep on just you know, just having there, Yola, you know, just you know, you know. I don't know how you can do it, because you definitely can't put a pillow on nobody's mouth, because that ain't gonna go good at this age, So just going and handle your business your might. Y'all might have to move to another building that allows overnight company. But I can't understand how you can't have overnight company. And then them haters is always telling on y'all or gentry. You could go down there and and and put Bartholomus and mules asked because he didn't want calling in because he ain't had no company since seventy nine, and yeah, you're here, you're here, Yeah, he hate You might have gone to knock on some doors, talked to Bartholo music or talked to Bob Miss Gwendolin uh and as Bob and them that how she feel about it? You know? And uh and then and and then talk to Otis and ask them if it's all right for him to be making loud Lord than hen and Lonny and then talked to Miss Carrolly and then see if you can't get something up all right, all right? Gin Kirk and South Philly says, I've been dating a forty two year old woman and I'm only thirty. I show her that I'm all man and I can take care of her, but she likes to take the lead and talk down to me at times. We've been together two years and she wants to get married, and so do I, but things haven't been good lately. They haven't been going good lately. My parents don't really like her because of her strong personality, and my mom says I can do better. I don't want to waste any more time with her. If she's not willing to change her ways, how can I get her to fall back a little? She not, though, And when you get married, she's gonna step up even more. Nothing changes after you get married. You step except the appearance of your left hand, her finger. That's all the changes. If she troubled now, dog, it's gonna be trouble laid on. She ain't feeling back down. She's not a bag down type person. You fit to marry an alpha dog, and you gotta get ready when you can't. Roll up newspaper and whoop my alpha dog ass. I'm not. And I'm speaking just like as an analogy, not in a physical sense action. I'm just using it that your analogy, and so nobody step I'm telling an roll up the newspaper, whoop my ass. No I didn't. That's not what I'm said, I'm just talking to him. You're gonna have trouble if you marry her because she is that way. I don't like using word sounds chauvinistic. She bossy, she molded, bossy, she s y. Yeah, yeah, And if you don't like the way she is, you're gonna have to move on because that's who. Shit. Can't change her. You can't change her. Yeah, and your mama might be right, and she knows she twelve years old and you that's why she talking. You have crazy sometimes too. Look boy, what what? Why? Where's your pajamas? Well? Sit down back there while I'm driving, kidding your car seat? What are you saying, Steve, see hello, kiss me while I'm driving, play on your phone? But would you say that if it were reversed, if the man was twelve years older than the woman, Because because women mature fast, exactly exactly, So what do you think they need to bust it up? Oh? Come on, man, this ain't gonna get better for you. She wants to get married and you do too. You want to marry you, You want to marry that boy? You've lost your rabbit ass mind? All right? Coming up next, nephew, tell me is here would run that prank back? Right after this. You're listening Harty Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news with the latest and Hurricane Zeta's impact on our neighbors in New Orleans. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Call Toma, alright, you call times. I got you baby, Here we go, Come on, can't That's where I got a problem. Hello. Who am I'm speaking with? Is? Are you are? Do you work with Carl Thomas? Okay, that's who I'm looking for. I'm Silk from Big Time Promotions. I need to speak to call if it's at any way possible. Yeah, hold on, I want to say so, is this call? Yeah? Listen man, my name is Silk. I'm from Big Time Promotions and I'm not wait wait wait wait wait wait, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Name again. My name is Silk. Silk Big Time Promotions out of mississipp Nah. I've been dealing I don't know. I'm trying to get this right. I've been dealing with your managers. Who's supposed to be a big mac am? I right, yeah. Now, I didn't sent deposits down up a hundred thousand dollars worth so that you can do Jackson and Biloxi for me. Jackson was supposed to be last week. I've been calling all week long. Wait wait wait wait wait mate, Holy Wayne, you said you sent a department, said one hundred thousand. Now I've sent one hundred thousand to a Big Mac your manager. Nah man, Nah, well, listen, brother, who are look? Listen to me. If you were just send a hundred thousand dollars, if you're just sending a hundred thousand dollars, nah, nah, I don't think so. I sent one hundred thousand dollars to Big Mac, and he also, in return, brother sent me a contract signed with him and your name on him. Na, I ain't signed. No, I ain't signed a contract. We'll signed. I see no contract. I seen a thousand olog either you. I understand what you're saying, but I'm letting you know what has already happened to me. Now I'm not trying to go well, all, well, you got a contract sign with my signature. My signature? How I know your signature? All I know is it? Said Carl Thomas it had your name and your manager's name on. I'm trying to tell you that I didn't sign no contract. Let me say this all Silk trying to say. Though. What Silk trying to say is this right here, is that Silk is gonna get his money back. That's for one thing. Now what I don't want to do. We can handle this like men all. We can handle this like gangsters. It don't make me no debt. Hold a partner. Hold up now, you Joe gangster? Now you now, who are you threatening me? All I know is I need Joe in Mississippi tomorrow. Hold on, First of all, I don't know, I don't know what you think this ship. But you ain't gonna call me up the blue or I'm no talking about you saying me her thomb. I don't know if what you're talking I don't know who you are. I don't know what you're talking about. But we can get into a problem. If you want to get down like that, we can get down like that. I'm gonna telling you right now. You know exactly where I'm coming from. I'm tired of trying to get all these army singing, trying to get playing. You know, what I mean, because let me tell you. Play like that cud, This is silk from Miss say you think it's all? Let me tell you something. Man. Don't make me leave y'all in two pieces? How you think? Don't make me leave you in two pieces? I want my money back. You and your manager got my money? All right? I see it right now? All right, okay, all right, Okay, Silk or whatever your name, I'm telling you doc, I'm telling silk from Miss that secment stepping in mud? Cud, you're stepping in mud. Cuse I'm telling you right now. Don you think it? You think it's all I mean? Don't you Let me tell you something. Let me tell you something, Thomas, Let me tell you in bluesman blues. All right? All you pretty boards is the same. You're gonna make me whoop y'all a boy my money? Okay, all right, all right, I see exactly. I see exactly. When you call up party, see me see me? You're not checked? Who I am? You don't I live in New Jersey. Everybody knows call that's you know? Check you what it is? It? Don't take my it. Don't take nothing for me to file my truck and road to New Jersey. Hugs, it don't take nothing for me to road to New Jersey if that's what you're looking for now, I want you and this a second tomorrow. Hello, who is this? Noble? Ain't you to get you? The little right hand man? You're the one I've been calling all damn week and you ain't gave him the phone to let me speak toy busy? What the hell you mean? Busy? Y'all got my money? I got a hundred thousand dollars tied up in this. I don't know what you're talking about. H Let me. I don't know who do you think you're talking through? I don't know who do you think you're calling up? How do you even get this number? Let me say this to you, called this number? I'm to man, I'm telling you got all the much? You got all the much. It's holes in your staff, pay holes in your staff. And I say something right now, let me got holes in your staff. Listen to me telling you I'm telling you only suck only stuck anonymously car you stop play what you saw. Let me say this to you, man. Are you listening? Are you listening? I'm listening to you, man, I'm listening to you. But you saw I'm telling you right now, I'm telling suck. Let me say this, Car, Thomas, This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got branked by your boy might be Car. Tell man, I got me on radio. Man, Man, you thugging baby, You thugging boy. You come an supposed to be sweet to the lady. I know you are a man, you man, Man, they got me there. Hey look you got a whole nother side car to Oh man, Amen, Hey man, your boy Mike be putting me up to it and a man looking at all right? All right, Mike, Hey, Mike, Mike, I owe you in the worst way. Hey man, I look on the reel they tell me you gotta man come you wrong? Man? Hey, what look what's the name of old man? Now you just jump into the album? Man, boy, you gotta gangster side? Right? I know it? Man, I'm sorry, man, Sorry, We're gonna gonna straighten it out in church now listen, tell me this. What's the baddest radio show in the world called Thomas. Man? You know it's Steve Harry Warning Show featuring the nephew Tommy, who really in the bag right now. You got me many See how I did that, Jim, Yeah, see how I did it? Yeah? Yeah, okay, So what what do you want for that? Man? Praise? What? What? See what I want? Because this is every day so saying Carl Thomas yesterday on the ground, Yeah, bonehead came on radio. I just yeah, I didn't do it. That's that's what you call apropope. Yeah, apropople What what I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm broadening my my vocabinier. That will need to broaden it the other way, bring it back in a little bit, because I don't think that's where that fit. No, that's apropo. Ain't okay, Um, you work on that, Timmy so Alfred's Poe, No Afra, I didn't say apropos. That's opera. Ain't got nothing to do with this time. And then let's just go, you know, thank you to break that down. Opera is not for pole people. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment and national news right after this you're listening show. In today's entertainment news, Tamar Brixton is speaking out following your attempted suicide. Back in July, Tamar revealed on The Tamarin Hall Show that she has contemplated suicide more than once. Take a listen. You've been summoned back to work. You were not planning on going back. Were you at home at the time? Did you take pills? It's so hard to say, Tamarin, because I feel like there's a responsibility for stand you know, I call them family, my fans who watch. I don't want to give any examples, I understand, but what I will say is that was my lowest point of life. Had you ever tried to take your life before? I'm just going to be one hundred percent. There's been a time where I wanted to, but this was the first time acted on it. Yeah. Have you since tried to take your own life? No? Um, it's been a lit them dark hard times. Have you been diagnosed with depression? Um? Yes, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to a circumstance. Are you medicating? I medicated, but I am in counseling every single day. Wow. Wow, we pray for you, Tamar. Yeah, I mean seriously, Yeah, it's better mental health and what's going on with COVID, the pandemic. It's self care. It's just yeah, you know, we're talking about it a little bit more now, and yeah, Taraji p Hunsen talks about it quite a bit as well. Yeah, yeah, but yeah, I mean it's good to get it out there and it's good to talk about it, you know. And I'm glad she's saying she's going to counseling because that's not something that black people normally do. We're starting to do it more now, you know, get therapy and counseling. So I'm glad that she's she's doing that. Um wow's heavy though, Yeah, it really really is, because you know we see the um, the upbeat life of the party, Tamar. You know, yeah, most of the time, all right. In other trending news, Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Tom Brady got called out for a post on his Instagram story stating that there have been more suicide death than coronavirus deaths in the past two months. Tom also posted, so wash your hands and wear your masks. Yeah, but don't forget to be nice to people and look after yourself, and then he added the word truth to the post. According to fact checking website um uh, PolitiFact dot com PolitiFact dot com, there are about four thousand people who died from suicide every month, and nearly twenty two thousand people have died from coronavirus in the past thirty days. So wrong, wrong, wrong, Yeah, just be quiet. Why why speak about it at all? Don't even shut up, Tom, You just you just a quarterback for the Tampa Just throw the damn ball and I'm over here rooting for you with Tampa. But just shut up. Gotta shut up and drip the ball, right right right? Tom Brady got to be careful, especially when the people on this show here about it, because you know they five and two and you know, see, how did you bring that? How did you bring another time game? So I don't know why he thought he gonna get away with talking on this damn show. But you could get out of here, mister Brady. You're talking to the Texans teams over here. Ain't one of damn game. They hate anybody that winning. We've won one game. Okay, my bad, bad, I'm sorry. You do agree his statement was stupid though, right, it was stupid and it was dumb up to let us here. Yea, all right, we need to move on and get to the headline. Steve Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Trip, thank you very much everybody. This is answered with the news. Okay, Hurricane Zeta as Zeta actually slammed into Louisiana this morning, killing at least two people already and leaving about a million households and businesses in the dark. And Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi is roaring now into Georgia. At nine pm. Curfew went to effect in the City and Brotherly Love overnight, and Philadelphia's mayor Jim Kenny ordered it in hopes of reducing the unrest resulting from the police killing of a twenty seven year old black man named Walter Wallace, who was fatally shot on Monday. Things were pretty quiet last night Wallace. His family says he was bipolar, that he was having an episode that they called for an ambulance. However, the cops showed up instead, and they say that when Wallace wouldn't drop a nice few was holding, he was shot dead. As usual. Most of the reporting is now senter on the destruction of property instead of the case and Donald Trump's making it about politics, while Joe Biden condemns the violence but is focused on the root cause. You can't let that go on again. A Democrat run state, a Democrat run city Philadelphia. There is no excuse whatsoever for the looting and the violence, none whatsoever. But Biden makes note that overall the protests have been totally legitimate, and Biden as it if elected, he'd set up a commission to study ways to lessen a lethal shootings via police. Philly Police Chief Daniel Outlaw. Danielle Outlaw says her department's going to be releasing those nine one one tapes and bodycam video related to the incident. The former chairman of Republican National Committee, Michael Steele says he's voting for Joe Biden, not Donald Trump. Steele, who was African American, to urges black people not to be fooled by this thing. Trump says he supposedly did for black folks. We knew where you were on a housing a discrimination, We know what you tried to do with your own properties, We know where you were on the Central Park five. We heard you give license to those who were violent and pushing hot, ugly rhetoric in Charlottesville. So Donald Trump is a transactional individual, and so he's looking to commit a transaction with black folks to get by former chairman Republican National Committee Michael Steele, there's now a November twelfth deadline for mail in ballots to be counted in North Carolina. Republicans try to stop that and extended ballot deadline by the ways. In Pennsylvania. By the way, some seventy six million pre election day votes have been cast, including my own. Meanwhile, the cases of coronavirus continue to spike, with infections on the rise in the West, where hospitals reportedly full in Utah, filling up in Montana, Idaho, and Colorado. Finally, the Houston's version of I Will Always Love You has just been streamed a whopping one billion times. As one billion times. You know, the song was written by Dolly Park in nineteen seventy seventy three, but Whitney's version became number one in nineteen ninety two, one billion times. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. According to the Black Information that Trump advisor and his son in law Jerry Kushner said a very racist thing by implying that racial equality in the US is due in part to a lack of motivation among Black Americans. Kushner said black folks have to want to be successful while in a campaign Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah. While on a campaign staff in Florida, President Obama fired back at Kushner, take a listen. He loves to talk about black unemployment. Look out low black unployment. Well, you know what, unemployment was really high when I came in, and we brought that unplowm and loan and kept on going low. And he wants to take credit for it. Says he's the best president for black folks since Abe Lincoln. Man now is his advisors rather saying including his son in law. His son in law says, blafe folks have to want to be successful. That's the problem. Who are these folks? What history books do they read? Who do they talk to? Don't read? Is that what's going on? Black unemployment hit almost seventeen percent during the Great Recession ten years ago, and through a lot of hard work, Joe Biden and I helped get it down and it kept on going down, not because Trump did anything. And then this year, because they've screwed up the pandemic response, it's soared back up to above seventeen percent here in Florida. But it doesn't have to be that way Florida. If you go out and vote. That's what I'm talking about. But that's how you speak, But you just do. Kirshner makes a statement like that, I don't gonna damn what his name is, raggedy ass racist? You think that if you say Black Americans have to want to be successful, I personally do not know a single Black person and I know a bunch that don't want to be successful or happy, that ain't all in trying to accomplish those two things in life. As a matter of fact, in my entire life of sixty three years of living, I can count the people on one hand that I know who wasn't trying to become successful. How dare you say motivation? So let me ask you a question, Kushner, Kushner, whatever your name is, why all the white folks ain't successful? Tell me why you have unsuccessful or unemployed or on drugs? White folks? So whatever reason you won't apply to them for their missteps in life or Black people, we don't. We don't get that, we got to want to, We don't have. Well, let me tell you something. I wanted a lot of things in my life, but because of the color of my skin, I was prohibited from that happening the exact way. Oh but I got funky with you though. Oh I came through somehow, but by the grace of God, and so have so many African Americans. So how dare you talk about? We got won't too? Who would ever say they don't want to be successful though? I mean, come on, dear, Yeah, all right, let's vote people. Five days left? You get yeah? Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're going to switch gears and talk about dating right after this. You're listening to the show, All right, guys, listen up. Here's a good one for you with social media question we found on our Facebook page. What if before dating someone new? And I know you guys are married, but Junior, listen up. You needed two different references from X's even if you're before you got married. How about that you needed two different references from your exes. Here's the question, which of your exes would be your two references? And why? And what would they say? What do you think they'd say? Come on here, Junior, spake, let's go. We're not doing none of my axes. But we can't go his back to vacation Bible school and get somebody out of there. Don't get about in as a reference. You need somebody who was in church to talk about to tell you both of my references was from the fifth grade, and what they would say about he showed so much promise, and he was trying to overcome a stubber and he was determined, just glowing steven and and and just the way he wore his older brother's clothes, it was just fascinating. The way he would double wrap his belt around his thin, frilled, underdeveloped body, and his ability to cut out cardboard the shape of his shoe and stick it in there so you never even knew that the bottom of his shoes had holes in it. He was just a yeah, he was. He was really. I always if girl, if you ever get a chair. His slide boy skills he this boy could. He would go up to the top of the step and jump halfway down the sliding boy for his but even hit it and then beep, fly up in the air and laying on his feet. You should always knew it be something You've been on enough this earth for sixty three years and the reference for we're going back to when you were ten. Greg, you think that's something Okay, tell me what about you? You think that was something from from uncle? What about you? Tell me your exes? What would they say? Come on, I'm so scared right now, I'm married. I'm just scared. Do things ever on this show? No? But I found out earlier this week. You've been listening all week. I'm just I'm scared. Oh my damn mouth. Right now, Jackie, we love you, Jackie. I'll tell you what they said because I knew all of them. Yeah, you know, yes, girls, I would. I would recommend him. You know, he he he kept all his promises. You know, he said he would never leave me. He didn't. I got rid of him. Uh, he said that. You know thing. The thing about it, I mean, he's very much the same today as he was then. He hasn't let money affect him. He ain't let money affect him. He was stupid then, he's still stupid, you know. And then you know the most obvious one is I mean, look, he was the same size shoe, he the same hight that this is a person who's never changed. Yes, I should Yeah, honey. God, let me tell you. I don't know who big Honey is. She was Tommy, one of Tommy's ex girlfriend, right, yeah, honey. On her back her tattoo was a slab of ribs and used to call her big. Do you remember Kiwi Baby? I remember Kiwi's tattoo on her back was ice cream Sunday, not the fruit, not no, the whole Sunday. Oh big honey. Man, God, well, I had some cold boy, I had some remember Kiwi? She had shut him? Oh man, big honey. Sons jumped on me. Don't say that you're not gonna bring up your ex My answer in front of the house. Man, yep. And you have the eight nine you on who Steve you tell it all about you? Coming up next the nephew with the prank phone call right after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject you can call me Patty if you want to, But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Nev in w A? What in w A right stand for this stands for this stands for inward abolisher abolisher. Ye run that thing, cat dog. Here we go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister fears. My name is Andrews. Is here. Okay, how are you doing, sir? Everything going good tonight man, I'm doing fine? Word um wow, Uh sir, listen, my name is once again, uh Andrews, and I'm with n WA, which is in word abolishers. And as you know, the N word just got buried and we're trying to keep that successful and trying to do as much as we can for people to not use the word. It's been brought to our attention that you have been consistently um using the word even after we've buried it. And what we're wanting to do is, first of all, ask you to stop, and we don't want to take any other actions which could mean not only burying the word, but also burying the people who use it, such as yourself. And I told you I'm late for work, man, you please, I say, I want to say, I ain't got time to be listening n w A. Y'all need to go listen to a rap record or something. I'm calling my su I got to do. I'm bid man, I understand that, sir. We're just asking you, sir, can we could you possibly not use the N word? Go ask somebody else, call somebody else, bother I say, I say, I say, call me with this thro with you crazy n I ain't never heard of y'all, sir? Do you were just? I know it's a I know it's a process, sir, but we're asking you that if you could just possibly just quit using the word man you, I'll use whatever the hell I want. I don't know you, you don't know me. What the hell you? How do you know? I use the word anyway? Sir? Could you please not call me that? You? How about that? I said, don't call me that that. Don't get me bent out of shape about it? All right? You signed like a stupid I got you what I've said? Huh. I tell you. I got to do, man, I ain't got time to play on the folts. I'm trying to make sure that here in this country from now the word is not used anymore. And for you to do this, for you to continue to go against the grain, we gotta put a stop to it. I don't have a problem the grain type of that's who I am. I'm a good gristling grain type of I don't have a problem burying you along with the word. Oh look, dare you talking? Crazy boy? Bury me? I'm gonna bury you, bury hatchet in your back? How about that? You don't like that dude? In wa with attitudes that's what your ship calls. It's not it's in wa, it's in word abolishers with attitude. Stupid. I know who made up with my apologist's spell. Apologist apologists for you stupid? Don't calling my phone. It's in Look, you gotta talk to me with some respect. Talk to me with some respects, sir, you don't get no respect for me because you call my phone stupid. You call me. I don't know how you got my mother. I was spending this much time talking to your stupid You sound like a dumb calling somebody's phone. Co cost nine wanted one to get you from help, So don't get your swamp him. Oh well, I'm right here, I ain't moving. I live right here. Thirteen O one, come and see me. Look it up. If you can't find it, get your GPN right here. Can I tell you another thing? You can tell me whatever you want to tell me. This is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Martino. You just got pray by your brother Marcus Spence. Man, you are crazy. Dog, You're crazy phone y'all. Oh cupid, y'all crazy, ain't a man? Man? What's true? Hey? Look at your brother Marcus told he told us he said, I bet him five hundred dollars he was gonna use the N word before the month was up. Dog Man, y'all can't just you know like this, you know, but you can't just told you something on me made it take time. It's like stopped smoking cigarettes. It take me six months just to get it out. My sister. Time about your brother, said, he said, I promise you my brother Calvin is the craziest person I know. He said, he gonna go off as soon as you call it. I might be the criz said he know, but y'all some of the craziest on the radio. That's damn this one. And Calvin Doom my favorite man. What's up? Work my man? Dog? Ye hold up? Work on the word, all right, work on time. I'm gonna try. I promise you do a fast. Try to fast for about two weeks without you all right, okay, that's a good. Let me ask you what is this? Boy? What is the baddest radio show in the land. You got to be kids don't like that. It's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Mane I'm listening stot folks every morning. How about that? All right? Say for now, you say folks and people and y'all try to right here. This is this is that's my new favorite. Oh my god, oh my god, that boy right there wasn't man, excuse me, oh man, y'all don't understand how many n words got beeped out right down? Man? We know, Oh my god, no dog, dog, I know, I know all of put Oh man, but Tommy, he scared you with his suddenness. Yeah, he was on ten, off the off the top. Man. I ain't got time for this, oh man, that man. Man, even at the end, what's the best? What? What? In words? Where you already enough? I told you stupid how many times? Like a stupid? But you can't hear? He said, oh you man already? Hum man, you ain't got yeah, And they started laughing at me. Though, Man, that's why you had to stop. Don't you do this to me? Man, I'm gonna go against the grain type of n words. But then I don't know if y'all can tell you ran them back to back, ain't where they didn't where didn't where the didn't where it what I mind me? At the end he tried to get see the cold thing is I know two of him? Oh man, I know two of him and friends with both folk the man that right there, that right you need you need everybody got one of them in their family. Though everybody just go up to the bar shop. Oh man, Oh they stay at the barbshop, don't don't and in there, but they ain't getting a hair cut though, nothing and never getting one. You're sitting in there, then what ask me? What? Oh you're talking to me? Yeah? Yeah. He's sitting dinners today and he had to shout, mann't you see any dinners? They had dinners last week? That because all right, thank you, nephew. Day coming up. My Strawberry letters subject. You can call me Petty if you want to. You can call me Patty if you want to. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to morning show, Well, guys, only five days left countdown? Is real? Okay, it is real? Only five days left until November three. Go to vote dot org to get your early voting locations. Vote early. Please don't wait till the last minute. Uh, please don't vote dot org all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter and if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, on parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawber Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up, hold on tight here it is a strawberry letter. Thank you, nephew a subject. You can call me Petty if you want to. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a fifty six year old woman with a lot of past trauma and family issues, so I've been single a long time. I got out of my comfort zone, though, and I opened my heart to a man that had just gotten out of prison and he had a history of drug abuse. We dated for four months and things were great. He was living with his brother, but he'd come over and cooked for me and do yardwork. We did a spiritual fast together. The sex was amazing and we had the best conversations. He took weekly drug tests and they all came back negative. He didn't have a car, so I was his taxi. I went to pick him up two weeks ago so he could spend the weekend with me, and there were two garbage bags and two bots is in the driveway. He told me to pop the trunk because his brother was tripping, so he needed to stay with me for a while. I told him that was not going to happen, and I drove off a week past and I didn't hear from him, so I called his brother to check on him. His brother said that after I left, some other stupid woman came to get him, so he's living with her now. His brother said he's using drugs and he's stealing from people again. He gave me the woman's name and phone number, so I called her to let her know that she took on a liar and a druggie. She had no idea he'd been to prison or that he was on drugs. She thanked me and said she was going to put him out. He called me later and said I'm petty and because of me, he's homeless for a while until he can find someone to take him in. I don't feel bad. His brother called me too and said I shouldn't I should have stayed out of it. I don't feel bad about it at all. Did I take it too far by calling her? WHOA? Talk about MESSI And you're right petty too, but more messy, i'd say than petty. I think you did the right thing by putting him out of your house if he's back using and stealing stealing things. At first, I was gonna say you should not have called a woman, but why not? His brother gave you her name and her phone number for a reason, and I think the woman should know what she's dealing with. When you really look at the situation, you were only being petty with your guy, not with her. And the fact that this guy is a user and stuff, user and stuff, that's something that she should know. I think would she have told you? Probably not, because she sure came over to take him away fast, didn't she. She was feeling him at the time. So really and truly, I don't think you're petty at all. I think you're a good person. I just say, just don't ever lower your standards again. Just don't do that, because you you get in some major trouble again, Steve. You can call me Petty if you want to. This whole damn letter from top to battlem ain't nothing but a series of bad decisions and mistakes, all of them. Damn Neil on your part, let me begin with everything. I'm a fifty six year old woman, a lot of past trauma and family issues still got them. So I've been single for a long time. You think I got out of my comfort zone, though, when was you comfortable? Because right now, family issues, drama, Single for a long time opened up your heart to a man that had just got a prison. He had a history of drug abuse. A lot of people go to prison for drugs. Okay, David Folmont's things was great. He was living with his brother, but he come over. He cooked from me, do yard work. He earned in his keep. We did a spiritual fast together the pop right there, let's stop. This surely helped me out. When people do spiritual fast, what is that? Well? Spiritual fast is you know, like when you don't eat and um, you you you're supposed to like look look to God and look to hear from God. You know your vessel is cleaned out. Okay? Cool? Well after they after they looked and heard from God and got their vessel cleaned out. They had amazing sex. No sex was amazing right after this spiritual fact. Nah, I don't know why you surprised that the sex was amazing. Haley been in prison. Everybody been in prison. Gonna have some amazing sex. They've been thinking about it the whole damn time. So here we go. We had the best conversations. He took weekly drug testing. They all came back negative. Okay, he didn't have a car. He would go again. All these decisions are getting bad, so I was his taxi. Then you went to go pick him up a couple of weeks ago to spend the weekend with you. Two garbage bags and two boxes in the driveway. That's about all you're gonna have after you've been in prison. You ain't got no bed, you ain't got no furniture, ain't no nice stand, You ain't gotta move no home wall. You ain't gonna drag a stove down those steps. You ain't gotta get nobody to help you move when you moving fresh out of prison. So you got to two garbage bags in two boxes, and then he told you to pop the trunk because his brother was tripping, so he needed to stay with me for a while. You should have found out why his brother was tripping. Hit just his brother. Just gotta his brother, his bro the trip and pop the trunk, baby, Steve. He was tripping because he was on drugs and stealing. He passed no drug test. All right, Steve, We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Hang on, everybody my Strawberry Letter for today's subject. You can call me Patty if you want to. We'll be right back after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, Steve. Let's recap today's Strawberry Letters. Subject. You can call me Patty if you want to. Fifty six year old woman a lot of drama, passed family issues, been single for a long time, trying to work to get us up together. So she opened up a heart. She met a guy just got out of prison at David Folk Monstews, having wonderful time. He was living with his brother, but he'd come over cooked for you do yard work, you know, earning his keep. No, we did a period of spiritual fast together. Right after they had the spiritual fact they had amazing six because that's what you do when you come out of prison, you have amazing sex. Even if it ain't amazing to you, it's gonna be amazing to him. So anyway, you had the best conversation. No matter what you do. Yeah, I don't give damn what you do. Looked at me. She looked at me again. Oh my god, heard this. He took weekly drug tests and they all came back negative. That's what he told you. He didn't have a car, so you was his taxi. He went to pick him up a couple of weeks ago, so he explain a weekend with you, and when you pulled up, it was two garbage banks and two boxes in the driveway. He told me, Pop the trunk called my brother tripping, so he needed to stay with me for his brother tripping. Why. I told him that's not gonna happen. I drove off. Okay, cool, that was a good decision you made. But then here you go again. You made one good decision. You drove off a week past. You didn't hear from him, so you called his brother to check on him. His brother said that after he after you drove off, some other stupid woman he's referring to you too. Now, he said, another stupid woman, meaning you was fitting drive off with him, but another stupid woman right came to get him. So he's living with her now. Then brother told you he was using drugs and he was stealing from people. Again from him, So he gave you the woman's name and phone number. What now, I'm assuming all of this happens because his brother ain't got to sell phone. That's what I don't think, because he gotta give numbers to where he had all the damn time. That's what I'm This is just a guess a mind. So he gave you the woman's name in the phone. I mean you call her to let her know that she took in a liar and a druggie. Now, let me tell you how truthful you was. She didn't even know he had been the prison or he was on drugs, because see she's stupid. And then you you took him in and he told you he passing drug tests every two weeks and then coming back negative. He had told him. Since since that ain't working and people know he's stilling again, he had told his new chick he ain't even been to prison, ain't told her nothing about no drug problem. So then you called her to let her know that she took in a liar and a druggie. She had no idea he had been to prison or he was on drugs. Then she thanked me and said she was gonna put him out. Now, all y'all old, Now, all y'all old, because you fifty six. I don't know how old she was, but y'all y'all, I just think all y'all over, all right, So here we go. He called me and told you you petty because of you, he homeless for a while. Women hold of dog. Wait, oh wait, the reason you homeless is called she petty? Oh, it ain't got nothing to do what you ain't working. It ain't got nothing to do with that record, won't let you get a guy. Ain't got nothing to do with that. It ain't got nothing to do with you. Back to stealing and using drugs. You homeless. Called she petty because she called another woman that told on you. And now he said he homeless until he can find somebody to take him. Man, as soon as I get my game back together, because he gonna to tell another lie now or why he needs somebody to take him in right then she said, I don't feel bad. Then here we go. The ignance gets a little bit deeper. His brother called you and said I should have stayed out of Why did he give you the latest phone number to get you in it? To get you in Italy? What did she think you was gonna do? Call and talk to him, make sure he was okay. He called you and told you you should have stayed out of it. I don't feel bad about it all? Did I take it too far by calling up? No? Look, you've been making crazy decisions your whole life. Well, you need to take some time to get yourself together. Stop taking people in. His problem is not your problem. Now. What you need to do is get out of it now for shore. Apologize to the brother, apologize to the lady, and going about your life. Ask God to help you get your life together, and then he need to do the same thing. That's all I got to say about this letter. You know, look, drug, you ain't funny. Brothers not being able to get on their feet coming out of prison, that ain't funny. It's hard, But damn dog, he'd one should have wrote the letter, not you. Yep, thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. I am gonna try that spiritual fast because what Steve. Right after that, you're gonna be some amazing Our girl from the Talk is coming up, Cheryl Underwood. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, please introduce that girl from the Talk. You know who it is. It isn't Jentimer. Come on now, start messing round here should go? Chell on the Wood? Thank you, Steve Harvey. That's right, that's right. We are down to the final lap, the final hour, the final in it, the final quarter. We can finish this on November the third. Listen everybody talking about, oh it's gonna be contested. We're not going to the Supreme Court. This is what Trump and his people want to do. They want to go to the Supreme Court where they think they got it set up. But the People United would never be defeated. So what we're gonna do. We're gonna continue to vote. Am I right, brothers and sisters, Now we all everybody on this show. Either you're gonna vote November the third, or you're gonna be like a lot of us. We've already voted. We dropped it off. You know it's too late to put the mail boy. We're not saying up against the postman because we love our postman. You know what, I love my post personally. I love my postman. I mean not as much as I love Junior, But I love my postman because he bring me things out of it. Oh bring me my government money every fifteenth. So I love the post office. I'm not against the post off what I'm saying right now because of what Trump people have done. You can't put it in the mailbox right now. You gotta take it to the Poland place. You gotta drop it in the drop box. Then if you're stand in the line. I love what did y'all see, Tommy them all over the country people without y'all sliding cupa shuffling, They were dropping it like a hot They were backing that thing up like juvenile. Up. Enough, let people are ready to vote. They already got over half the vote is counting. Now we gotta keep going. I believe we can get all the votes in before the election. So this is a good spade hand. So don't y'all think we do it. Tommy, you think we can do it, we can do it. Trust me, Yes, I think we could do it. And we're gonna have to do it. Why we're not going to the Supreme Court. We're not gonna let no judge nothing that they got set up to it. We've got to continue to vote. We've got to continue to do this. Why we gotta vote up and down ballot. We gotta flip the Senate. Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, all of them got to go. We gotta hold onto the Congress. Then we gotta elect Biden Harris to the White House. I'm gonna say it. This is only my personal opinion. I'm only one vote. But one vote on top of one vote, on top of one vote, we can change this country. That's right, we can change this country. They don't care about the COVID situation that's still killing people. What they want to continue to do. It's making up lies, making up stories. We need new leadership in the White House from top to bottom all the way. Rory Cheryl, thank god Carlin Forrells. You got to do it. Vote Vote Vote Vote Votes coming up at the top of the hour, speaking of Carla, Carla's reality update right after this. You're listening. Come on, Tommy, you know what to do. Get ready to get ready, get ready to get ready, to get ready. She is here. It's Carlor Farrell with what reality update? All right, thank you, nephew. Here we go. So tonight I'm keeping up with the Kardashian Chloe. She will reveal that she had COVID nineteen and she says that her symptoms were bad. I mean, she's junior, vomiting, shaking, hot, cold flashes. And then Kim also revealed that Kanye had COVID as well. Hu and he had it yeah, early back in the spring though, you know, around the same time that actor Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson had COVID in the early spring in the March. She's saying Kim and saying Kanye had it too. So that is tonight, that's the new night, Keeping up with the Kardashians. Kardashians comes on Thursday Nights Now. Anyway, moving on around, knew that when I was sitting up there having their chicken sandwich. I'm sitting next to him in the con stuff your head up and put yours. Yeah, let's move on. Rerehousewives up. Potomac. Monique hosted an event for her podcast. None of the Ladies Shirley showed up to this event excep for Ashley. Ashley did come and even Karen. Yeah like Ashley too. Even Karen didn't come. She said that she couldn't make it. She was ill. Wendy hosted a great event talking to women in the community about voting. It was a great, great, great event and why voting is so important. I really like Wendy and Wendy and Karen, though they started beefing at the event because Wendy is not forgiving your girl Monique for jumping on kandas like that. She's just not cool with that. Also, Robin showed up to Wendy's event rocking this burgundy hair colored wig. She looked a mess, Sarry, she looked a vest, and Gizelle was like, dude, not rock that wig again ever? Okay at speaking of Gizelle, she met met up with Robin's ex husband one at a jewelry store to help him pick out an engagement ring. Gizelle, she's up there picking out these big, old, huge diamond rings with major price tags, and one girl stop, want to look at the jewelers, say, I got by ags. Make it happen right right? I love? He kept on yeah yeah, And then also Gazelle and she talked to her her man pastor Jamal. I think the long distance relationship is getting hard for Jaizelle. So they kind of talked about that, and uh, I'll keep you posted. We'll keep watching Real Housewives of Potomac and quickly before before we run out of time, He's back, Ladies and gentlemen. Ready to Love is back. That's right, building, that's right, Taming boy, Sexy Tommy, go ahead, card to want to do my thing? Go ahead? All right about Ready to Love his back, as hosted by our very own nephew, Tommy. We're so proud of him. Ready to Love the Last Resort. Now the show is about sexy singles looking for lasting love, and this time the singles are from Houston, Texas. Tommy, so tell us what we can't expect this season. So we're on a resort. You gotta understand that. So we're on a resort, nobody has to go anywhere, nobody has to go to work, all right. All of your attention is solely on looking for love. That's the best thing about it, because in the past, you know, people have to go to work, you gotta take care of your kids, you gotta do this, you got to do that. This time you are focusing on love, so everybody's on the resort and looking for the same thing. Process of elimination. Ten men, ten women, it dwindles down to six people, three couples who have hopefully found love. And of course your host, me Cupid the love Doctor, gonna guide you all the way through. And yeah, yeah, ten week. Come on, junior belie, you know the little thing with your dipp own it with Ready to Love, Last Resort on the Own Network, Friday night, nine Eastern eighth Central only on Own. Don't miss it all right, I love it. Get it in, Nephew. Coming up more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Long time former Trump insider Amar Rosa appeared on the British chat show Lorraine and suggested there may be some trouble in Trump's marriage. She said, quote, it's a very strange marriage, and I'm very cautious to comment on the dynamics of people's marriages. You never know the inner workings. But I've known this couple since they were dating. Unqu I'm a Rosa's hot take what I've observed over the past, over the last seventeen years. She says, sometimes they like each other and other times she's repulsed by him. Wow, no, sugar, honey, I see right. Uh guys, Uh, As we just saw on the debate last Thursday, remember that Trump went to go and touch Melania's hand and she kind of smacked it away or pulled it away, and then he kind of shoved her in the back a little bit. That's what he tried to embarrassing. She' been smacking his hand away for four years. Yeah, Dave, getting off Marine one, getting off Air Force one. She stopped and had a lot of countries. I know that Junia. She don't even play at all. I think after this election, we already had like a month off where we don't talk about it. It's just over. Just everybody need a vacation. Depends on how he leaves all right, we've got more of the Steve Harvey Morning Did they send in the National Guard and then get him? I'm gonna come back. You can see more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show on some trending news coming up with thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Morning Show. All right, guys, listen up. Here's a good one for you. A social media question we found on our Facebook page. What if before dating someone new? And I know you guys are married, but junior listening up, you needed two different references from xs even if you're before you got married. How about that you needed two different references from your exes. Here's the question, which of your exes would be your two references and why? And what would they say? What do you think they'd say? Come on here, junior space, let's go. He's not doing none of my axes. But we can't go his back to vacation Bible school and get somebody out of there. Don't get hope about it. Indulta as a reference, you need somebody who was in church to talk about. Tell you both of my references was from the fifth grade, and what they would say about he showed so much promise, and he was trying to overcome a stubber and he was determined, just glowing Steven, and and and just the way he wore his older brother's clothes. It was just fascinating. The way he would double wrap his belt around his thin, frilled, underdeveloped body. And his ability to cut out cardboard the shape of his shoe and stick it in there so you never even knew that that bottom of his shoes had holes in it. He was just amazing. Yeah, he was. He was really. I always a girl. If you ever get a chair his sliding board skills, he this boy could. He would go up to the top of the step and jump halfway down the sliding board for his but even hid it and then beat fly up in the air and laying on his feet. You should always knew gona be something. You've been enough this earth for sixty three years and the reference we're going back to when you were ten, Greg, you think that's something? Okay? Tell me what about you? You think that was something from uncle? What about you? Tell me? Come on, I'm so scared right now. Sure, I'm married, I'm just scaring ever on this show, I know, but I found out earlier this week. You've been listening all week. I'm just I'm scared. Oh my damn mouth. Right now, we love you, Jackie. I'll tell you what they say because I knew all of them. Okay, oh please, yeah, come on, Steve, you know oh yes, girls, I would I would recommend him. You know. He he he kept all his promises. You know, he said he would never leave me. He didn't. I got rid of him. Uh, he said that all. You know the thing about it, I mean, he's very much the same today as he was then. Coming up, it's our last break of the day day, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to show. All right, guys, five days, five days left until the November third election. All right, go to vote dot org get your information on early voting. They're still doing it in some states. Vote dot org. We also want to remind you, as we've been doing every day this week, about these important Senate races if you live in the following states Kentucky, for instance, Kentucky going up against Mitch McConnell is Amy McGrath, Democrat, Amy McGrath. Okay, you want to remember that name. Uh, Democratic senatorial candidate Jamie Harrison out of South Carolina. He's going up against Lindsay Graham, Democratic senatorial candidate. Yes, yes, yes, Mike Epsy in Mississippi. Uh, he's a Democrat there. Vote for him, please, yes, sir? Yes, sc yeah, black, come on, Mississippi, Come on, Mississippi. Democratic senatorial candidate Rafael Warnock. In Georgia, Rafael Warnock. If you're if you're looking at the ballot, he's all the way down there, he says in the commercials. Okay, you gotta go down far to get Raphael Warnock out of Georgia. Steve Um Democratic senatorial candidate Marquita Bradshaw in Tennessee, marquad Mary. Yes, Democratic senatorial candidate Mayor Adrian Perkins in Louisiana. In Louisiana. Yeah. Also, and this is very important too, to our Michigan voters in Detroit and elsewhere. Vote to keep Democratic Senator Gary Peters in office. Gary Peters is who you want to vote for, because they put a Republican candidate up against him who is black. John James, do not vote for John James. John James is two thousand his own words, I'm two thousand percent behind Trump. Do not vote in Michigan for John James. Do not vote for John James in Michigan. Your vote in Michigan for Senator it's Gary Peters. Gary Peters. If we flipped those states and turned those senators democratic, we will own the Senate. Let's go. Yeah, the Senate's right, Yeah, we do them flip. Come on now, yeah, we're gonna hit thegether moving forward. Yeah, that vote for Amy Coney Barrett the other night in secret. Uh the vote was what forty eight to fifty two? So there's your four right there. You know. Want nobody to see it? Yeah, nobody to see it was in secret only. Clarence Thomas was said in ten years recording it on an iPhone twelve. They want nobody vot, vote, vote, vote, vote. If you wait till election day, get in that line and vote. Don't turn around, don't be denied, don't stop, don't give up, don't think twice. Go in there and vote. Remember who the senators are that we are begging you to vote for, and you already know who to vote for for president. We cannot allow this man, his son in law, his age, to say the things that they've said about black people. Black people have to want to be successful. Who does Jared Cushion to think he is with his privileged ass that grew up with money all his life, ain't had a struggling day in his life and has the audacity to say, as the son in law of Donald Trump, black people have to want to be successful. Excuse me, excuse me, man, you have any idea who you talking to? We won't. We've been wanting for over four hundred years of this mess that we've been over here contending with. Nah, man, it ain't aboudy no. Do we have to want to be successful. We need to get rid of people like you who have these racist views of us, who make policies with racial views of us, who are participating in systemic racism. You you have to go. One of our major problems is people walking around saying it ain't no racism. See. The reason we can't ever solve the racism problem is because there are too many people at thinking that that ain't a problem. So if you don't think it's a problem, what are you working on to solve? See? You can't sit up here and solve something unless you admit that it's a problem. Systemic racism is real because of people like you, and you sitting up here voting for the economy. Do you know what COVID is doing to this country? What about the two hundred and forty thousand people who have died in the United States? What about the seven million cases of COVID in the United States? Do you understand if we fix the economy and you ain't here to partake of it, what difference do it make? Tell all the people who have lost somebody to this horrible disease, who had no choice in it, who wanted to be successful. You know how many Black people have died with COVID who wanted to be successful? You know how many White people that have died from COVID who wanted to be successful? How many Latinos who have died from COVID who wanted to be successful? How many Asians who have died from COVID who wanted to be successful? And then you're gonna turn around with your stupid ass and make another statement. Trump has taken over the COVID thing. He's taken it from the doctors yea, took it from the doctors. I'm glad you said that. He took it from the doctors to the point where now we are over two hundred and forty thousand deaths in this country. He has no plan for it. Opened up the economy because that's all he cared about his money. But if you're not here, if you sick in the economy, if you're left with the debilitating after results of having COVID, what good is the economy if your ass can't go to work. No way, man, miss me, you got to go November three. You out, we're gonna show up in big numbers. You don't think black lives matter, but they're gonna matter to you after this election, because when they count them vote, you're gonna go damn. They really do matter for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.