Jaime Harrison Interview, MTH, Cardi B., Angela Bofill and more.

Published Oct 26, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The entire crew is present and accounted for and Steve introduces himself to start the show. The Chief Love Officer has a reality check for a 37 year old man that was given 3 aluminum trays full of food from the pastor's sister. Will Praise Strippers be allowed in the Jackpot Joint of Jerusalem or nah? R&B singer Angela Bofill has confirmed that she is not dead because she was the victim of a death hoax. US Senatorial candidate Jaime Harrison stops by to talk about Medicaid expansion and has a specific message for voters in South Carolina. In Sports Talk with Junior there is poetry for someone in Tampa Bay along with pure elation from His Flyness. Fool #2 murders another one in the spirit of Bill Withers. Cardi B. has her own line of pork grinds to be sold at Walmart that has a political initiative attached to it. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve played for us a message from Kevin Murriel, who is Senior Pastor at Cascade Methodist Church in Atlanta.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back on, looking back to back down, giving them like theming bu bu things and it's not good. Steve to mother, don't join. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your thing, h I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, DIGNI now wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show today. It's real simple for everybody that's trying to become successful on any level, in any arena, any genre. I don't care what it is. If you're trying to be successful, this message is for you. Let me help you understand something real clear. You ain't gonna make it the way you want to, and you're not going to make it to the heights that's fully out there and available for you without God. And I'm just keep it real, simpling clean for you today. You're not going to make it the way you want to, and you're not going to get to the heights that's available to you without God. You have to get this through your head. You can try if you want to, because I did. I'm here to tell you I am talking purely from experience. Here you can try it without God, and you can see how far you can get when you have some measures of success. Of course you will. Will it feel like days like you might make it? Of course you will. But let me ask you a question, though. What you're gonna do about them days when you feel like you ain't gonna make it. When you're gonna do about them days where it feel like there are no answers to your questions. What you're gonna do about them days? What you're gonna do about them days when everybody laughing that you can turn against you. What you're gonna do about them, days when you just don't see no way through it? What you're gonna do about them days? I got the sunshine, you know, sunshine cool? Everybody got friends. When it's Sunday outside, You want some friends, hit the lotto, you want to get rid of them friends, go ask for some help. Man. I'm talking about man. They scattered like roaches when lights come on. I'm trying to tell you. So, now here we go again, and you can do this without God now, because I've done it and you can have yourself some measure success. Let me even hip you to a little bit closer, though, Let me tell you why you are doing it without God and having some measure of success. Can I tell you why? Because of God's grace and mercy to us, because of his grace and mercy trying to keep us in spite of ourself, for the real mission that He really got for us. See that's the truth of the matter now, now what we're talking about nasty See. So yeah, yeah, you can do it without God, and you can have some measure success without God. And yeah, you know, you know, yeah you got your little degree and everything. Yeah you completed the program, got all that, YadA, YadA YadA. But don't you know something. It's because of God's grace and mercy that he helps us anyway when even when we ain't asking for help, when he bails us out anyway, when we don't even ask him to be bailed out. You know why, because He loves us that much that he would allow us to exist until we get our mind together where he could take us away, really trying to take us. Let's get this real straight and clear to day. You can do this without God if you want to, But I am telling you to get to where you really want to be and to be all that God has for you. You got to have God. There's no ifs ands buts about it. And let me tell you this here. I don't really care what nobody then told you. Are you listening to me? I don't care what they say. Don't get this thing twisted. They got these people out here talking about their luminatis and all this here. Man, don't listen to me. Don't get caught in this mess. Don't get caught in no foolishness. You were created by God. God created you, ain't your soul. We were all created in His image, all of us. Don't get to talk about you. Find to cut a deal with it with the devil in all you ain't cutting no deal with nobody. Man. The devil don't do deals. He one sided. I'm taking you to hell. You going to hell. You're burning here, that's his deal. I want your soul. I want you to lose hole. I want you to take your life. I want you to take some other people's lives. I want you to feel hopeless. I want you to realize that there ain't no God. That's his whole deal. His whole deal is negative. Oh he can talk you into dealing drugs if you want to. But let me tell you something about this. I watch these shows all the time, drug inking. All this here, cocaine mafia, everybody own. Now go to jail or get killed. Our prisoners has filled the day with our young boys because they thought they could outslick the system. They thought they had a way. They thought. They said to them, been here and they failed. For the old cliche, man, I gotta do what I gotta do, I gotta get this money. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because, like I say all the time, you didn't do what you were supposed to do. It is but because of His grace and mercy that we exist. And God has just taken care of you, looking out for you. Got some angels encamped around you until you get your mind right so he can get you where you're going. But now I want you to understand something. There's a cause and a consequence and a penalty for everything we do. This outside the will of God. That's for all of us. All of us have consequences, penalties and everything that we got to deal with. Outside of the will of God. Understand that clearly, don't get this thing twisted sideways. You understand me. You know. I heard a young man tell me one day. He said, uh, Steve, you know, man, I just don't see how God looking out for me, if he would allow all these things to happen to me. I'm having such a hard time in my life. I really don't see how there's a God looking out for me. I lived the young man. I said, the man, it's just something. Man, you're still breathing. He said, yeah, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, you're still free. He said, what you mean. I said, you ain't locked up on you said no, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, where you get them clothes from? I bought him? I said where you bought him with what I bought him with? Money? So where you get the money from? You? So I got a job, mister, huh, I got a job. I said, well, well where you live though, he's O got apartment? I said, well where you get to it's to Harve. I'm working. I got an apartment. I got a job. I was okay, okay, So now this this God ain't looking out for you? Thinkin finish telling me what you're telling me. Well, see, man, I'm having it real hard right now. I said, hey, hey, man, you are you hungry? You have you had lunch yet? He said yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all already had lunch yet. I said, okay, okay, so gone finish. Tell me about this how God ain't looking out for you? He said, Oh? And you know, man, every every time I try to do something, it seemed like it go wrong for me. I said, but let me the man something. Man, I say, every time I go wrong for y'all say, somehow you survive it? He said, yeah, yeah, I survive it some kind of way, but it's still be all messed up for me. I say, but but you still got through it though, he said yeah. I said, okay, man, gone finish telling me how how God ain't looking out for you? And he stopped. He said him it is Harve. He said, how come every time I tell you something that's going wrong, you keep telling me God looking out for me? I said, because you're still here, man, I said, See, you don't understand it. I said. You seem to think that you're supposed to just supposed to skate through life. That it's all supposed to go how you want it, any kind of way. I said, Man, Jesus the test of your faith, I say, God looking out for you the whole time. I say, every time you tell me something going wrong, you seem to turn around and tell me how you survived it. You keep telling me what ain't going right, but you keep telling me all these things you have. I said, man, so what you gotta do is you gotta stop looking at what you ain't got, column and start focusing on what you do have. Column. But if you ain't happy with nothing heating done for you, you wanted to keep piling stuff on. I said, you fail in the test, young man. The test is are you grateful for where you are right now? So I could give you more so we could move forward. He said, oh, man, I never even looked at like that. I said, well, why don't you take your blessed cell phone somewhere and sit down? He said, I think I'm going over here and let you finish talking. I said, thank you. So sometimes you just got to look at what you do got, folks, that's all it is. Okay, you can't make it without God, y'all. You got me today all right. Let's be clear, let's go. You're listening tow Ladies and gentlemen. Let me have your undivided attention. We are about to begin a process called the Morning Show. I am Steve Harvey. I am nothing without the following members. I'm about to announce Ladies and Gentlemen, best voice in all of radio. Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve, Thank you, Happy Monday. Producer extraordinaire. Went to college HBCU studied Broadcast Communications Engineering and production facilitation. Ladies and Gentlemen producer Carla Farrell, thank you Steve Harvey in its program director. But who's worried about titles? God, obviously you are all right? Ray ry my bad. Ladies and Gentlemen, a young rising star in the comedy field was discovered at an amateur night. Found out he had shops. His name is killed spatsweg factionately around here called him Juniors and Gentleman. Rising star, Ladies and Gentlemen, A friend of mine since nineteen eighty six. First comedy road gig I ever had. I pulled up at a red roof end. They told me we were roommates. I knocked on his door. He told me, he don't share rooms. I had fifteen dollars. He didn't know it, but I was staying somewhere. He then gave me the money for the room. Twenty nine ninety five, I got my own room, took my eleven dollars and bought a nine with it from Target. Ladies and Gentlemen. We became friends. He taught me the business that I am currently residing in now. Ladies and gentlemen. The most bitter man in all of the comedy, but a comedic genius and owner of the Jay Spot, Taylor extraordinary. Used to make his own clothes right before we went out, pants with no pockets. Ladies in general. Jane the Taylor Brown last, but certainly not least, a member of my family since birth of quite an amazing story. Was the first black graduate with the theater arts major at the racist Texas A and M University. He the first black ever in the eighties. What they here? Are you? The first black in the eighties? What was they holding us out of? But he got a degree from him anyway. Texas Aggies, famously known as the King of Pranks and a television style nephew Tommy your ya top of the Monday morning, UNA, Steve, and now to introduce everyone except me, So let me end this. Bring yourself out, ladies and gentlemen, one and only Steve right coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we'll find out what the CLO thinks about your love question. We'll have him right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next hour, South Carolina Democratic Senator candidate Jamie Harrison will be our special guest. We're gonna discuss harrison Senate race against the incumbent Republican Senator Lendzy Graham. We'll talk to Jamie Harrison next stour, but right now it is time for Steve to help some people, help our listeners out there. Let me let me introduce me one more introduction, ladies and gentlemen. Steve Harvey has also produced more people who have taken full credit for his being. More people have claimed to have made me than God. Ladies and gentlemen. They know who they are, all both of them, Ladies and gentlemen. We can't say their names for field lawsuits, but they know who they are. They're listening. They have nothing else to do. Now now to you, Oh, let's go get back to him, all right. If you have some questions for the CLO, make sure you go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and submit your questions. Okay, here we go, CELLO Chief Love Officer. Tito online listener says, I am a thirty seven year old single man and I have an admirer at church. She's my pastor's older sister, so she has to be over sixty five. She started flirting, squeezing my arms and commenting on my physique, and now every Sunday she wants a hug. Last week she asked me to walk her to her car. She had cooked for me and gave me three big aluminum trays full of food. As I loaded the food in my car, she stopped me and said she's also a great cook in the bedroom. Surely she doesn't think i'd have sex with her. Oh and her food was terrible. How can I get her to leave me alone? Well, first of all, let me clear you up with someone. Surely she do think you're gonna get in bed with her? Right, because ain't no old as woman made you three aluminum trays full of food and I want something in return. She won't reilluminum pans of food. Boy, boy, that's the big pans that's about four inches deep, the ones you usually have just dressing in. Yeah, she won't you, boy, And she cooked good in bed too. So now what you want us to tell you? Though? How did he say? It was thirty telling you ain't interested? You ever tried that? Just try that? Come here, give me a hug. And she can't cook? What do we hug you non cooking ass off for meat? They're a church, Steve, she's a pastor's sister. Don't forget get your non cooking ass off meat. Still, they was out at the cart, Shelly. They wasn't in the church, all right. Still I consider that holy ground too, be okay about the cocking lot, No, I was in the parking lot ministry, so then it was holy ground because we usually have cars getting stolen doing service, And so they put me in the parking lot ministry because I cussed. I was stopping people with profanity from God. I see you climbing the fresh hey man, get the blank off the fish. I see your blankety blake, I see you blankety blake. And you know, so caught there, we're down. We had only lost one car in a whole year after I took over, and after that I had warned the young Christian of the year war Oh really, all right? Sing you're proud Nicole in Dallas, She says, I'm a thirty five year old married woman pregnant by my twenty five year old boyfriend. I've been married for six years and we've been trying to get pregnant, but cutn't because of my husband's health issues. Now I'm pregnant. He thinks it's a miracle and he wants to stop taking his blood pressure medication. I have to tell him this is not his child, so he will need his blood pressure pills plus some more pists. There's no easy way to tell him, but I'm very happy about the baby. How should I break the news to him? What? Oh? This stupid? Well, let me tell you something, lady. We're not gonna do it. Get in the middle of this, because there is no best way to break this news to him. You got a twenty five year old boyfriend and impregnated you, and you're real happy about the baby, and your husband can't have kids because of his medical condition. So now we don't know how you're gonna break it to it right, so we don't know. We don't know. I promise you I don't know, and don't even ask me. I'm not ain't no good way to do this right here. No, no, I canna tell you what's gonna happen, but we ain't gonna tell you what you should do. What's gonna happen, It's gonna start with an ass and it's gonna snowballed into somebody gonna be doing some serious as time. Wow, all right. Her t mac in Ohio says, I'm in my mid forties and my wife is a constant nag and buzz kill. I can say that I'm going to the store, She'll tell me to be more careful, to be careful because I'm a black man and there's a target on me. I can be gone for ten minutes and she's calling me to check on me. If she doesn't agree with something I want to do, like go to watch a high school football game. She nags me about COVID nineteen and I usually end up not going, just to keep the pace a piece. She got on my nerves all day every day. How can I handle this? Be careful? How you handle this and answer this sir, well, me and jay Is on the show. You know we got a show file where you ain't got to hit this noball three ways yeah, five total tweet us. You know you ain't got to hit one. Six we got six, we got six ways. Yeah, on this show, you can handle it. Ain't got to hear it, no, damn no, man, you know you want to hear that, you know. But I want you to understand now, this is this is very final, very final. This ain't yeah, it's gonna cause you yeah, just not involved counseling. Yeah right, this is real, permanent dog. So we got to go. Thank you. But at least next fall you'll be at the football game. Coming up that church complains with Reverend Motown and Deacon def Jam. Right after this, you're listening to show. Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will continue her series Why We Vote Today segment. Miss and will talk about last minute mail in voting. Also, yes, Queen is sports. It's coming up in the nine o'clock. When you win, when your team win, why is it you want to know when sports eels? When that somebody? Yeah, it's a forty six Eastern all right. Also, get ready for next hour. South Carolina Democrat UH Senator senatorial candidate Jamie Harrison will be our special guest. He is running against the incumbent Lindsay Graham. You know him, the senator from South Carolina. Yeah, well he probably gonna win. Let's go right now, right now, it's time to have some fun. It's Monday day after Sunday. Time now for Reverend Motel and Deacon's death. Jam with today's church complaints. O Lord galvel ye one at all galvel. We is here for Monday to consummerate the dispensation of chronatus of violation of rules and regulations. Yeah, dz is church complaints, go ahead. Deacon I passed the wald uh w A l D Wild. The Wild ministry is upset with what they're seeing on zoom and they they want you to speak with these people. That's the wall W a l D Ministry. And that's the UH white after Labor Day. They want you to handle what's going on with what they're seeing on zoom E. But then there's a lot of people wearing white uh after uh Labor Day they want you to handle that. Ain't no problem. Here's my response. There's another ministry called Bald ball b A A L D. Is that what you're saying? Now, take yourself explanatory if you asked me black black after Labor Day, black after which is also is also another one called back b A C D B A C D What is that? What is that black after Chris must Day? And then these are I didn't nothing about these ministries right here and Bade there's another organization bade b A D E B A D B A Babe, babe, what is bade black after the day after Easter? Which means that I asked us black most every day? And we don't have that rule anymore because or hip hop has erased that rule. Hip Hop and Lisa Ray have eradicated the rules of Noah white. So don't worry about that no more. That's gone. Alright, alright, let me tell you what else we got. That are some members who need the media to help. Last sunning, you kept saying, do y'all hear me, do y'all hit me, but the Hearing Aide Ministry up saying, huh, we never got the slammon. What wasn't called? So the Hearing Aid Minister is not hearing your path. That's why do y'all hearman, I said, do you hear me? Knowing full where hell, they ain't heard the damn thing I said. But the rhythm of said, do y'all hear me? It just sounds good. That's why I said. It is not directed at the at the people who can't hear good. I know they don't hear me right right right, And all that is just checking in with them, that's all, because if they do him and then they even get on out the hearing the ministry the moment they answer back, healing has come. Amen, use you let him muse you, all right. Pastor breaks yourself. Now, some of the members would like to go over your expense account. We see gas when you're not really driving anywhere. We see money for suits when you're wearing the same thing, and we see communion. Wine. How can you get communion when you serving us on zoom? And they want to understand what's going on with you and these expenses, Pastor, Well, y'all may not be doing communion, but but you're about a case of communion, wine, bat and you're the only one doing your communion. We don't understand what no, no, no, no no I do Viral communion. See, I do communion for everybody own zoom, I'll take it for you. So you drinking communion for all of the last member? Who else do that? She that's what makes my ministry stronger than these other so called fake pastors. I know my flock is not here fuck communion, so I take communion for them. The man many man again. Man, I'm gonna help you. Get to help even if you don't want to go. All right, all of the members are tired of seeing the praise dancers. We saw it last this past Sunday and the Sunday for that, uh that they are really tired of seeing it. Would you be interested in praise strippers? Yea praise sp I'm very open to that because we're not getting anywhere with this praise ministry. I lowered my head most of the super calls. They just just just there's no weak restrictions over any coming. They're up in here, and when you know, sister herline puts her praise or gown on it, just the whole zoom call is just white and she's standing back off her computer and she's still in the whole frame. Ah. So yes, yeah, we is open to us or you know, going down and reached the souls that needed the most. On the way, I passed the eye. Sister Days at Latimer has made panting mask, but members want to know whose pants they were before they put him on. She doesn't want to tell nobody, but Brother our Car said he knows that. Sister Brenda on his face, he knows it, but he's asking, can you at least let us know where these pantis came from? Bomb from Sister Gertrude, or she's made eighteen mask out a one pail. We gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, entertainment and national news. Right after this, Jesus, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes, South Carolina Democratic Senatorial Canada Jamie Harrison will be our special guest. Harrison is running against the incumbent Republican Senator Lendsey Graham. We've all heard of him. Jamie Harrison in twenty minutes on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't want to miss it. Ulto. Miss Anne is standing by to talk about last minute mail in voting in her series called Why We Vote. But first, in today's entertainment news R and B singer and musical legend Angela Bophil is not dead. You hear that, Steve, She is not dead. On Saturday, October twenty fourth, Angela Bophil became the victim of a death hoax and it was circulating all over social media. Angela Beaufield corrected the rumor in a Facebook post. She said, my manager Rich Ingle just informed me that I died. Thank you everyone for everyone reaching out. But I am very much on the right side of the grass makes these type of hoax. We are so glass and she you better save knocked. Let him muse, you know, I can't. You know, he gonna probably need this whole for young people listening. What you Yeah, If y'all ain't got it, please go Apple Music and by I try, and I promise you you gonna love it. For those of you it's not familiar with I tried, by Angela Bowfield, pull it up by ninety nine cent. You're making a favor and your class. I like to delegate that to caller for real. Tried to do the best I can for you, but it seems it's not enough. Loser. Oh that's so bad. I saw her live at the front row theater. Lord I wanted her. Hell know, me and Jay Anthony Brown had been the every damn concert on a Dog and it was the only thing to do back then. That was the date Phyllis him and Angela Bowfield. I saw, I saw shot Phillis Hammond was cold. May opened from Mays was my first opening gig and a friend of mine, James Wolford, gave me two hundred dollars and bought me a linen suit to open for maids Man Man two hundred and fifty dollars. Yeah, he stole thirty three thousand dollars from me. Who James Wolf how much though thirty three thousand? All I had thirty three thousand, nineteen ninety five stough thirty three thousand dollars All I had, All I had, all I had. He was the manager of my comedy clubs. Oh, I look for him for years. What that's why I didn't get paid when I came up. There no money. Get it from James. You ain't got no money. It was on the strength of your friendship. So he used the book J two oh. J came all the time on Dog. Ja came to my club Dog dog, you who Who's who? Ain't the only person that was somebody right now that ain't been to my com club with your pale rock and martin laws. It was not all the rest of them been there. Everybody else been out was there and I was that the lights went out one night completely. He didn't have money to play all weekend. All right, Steve, it's time now from a series Why We Vote? He has a gentleman, miss Andre. Okay, thank you very much. I learned something every time he talks the morning. This is and two with the news. Okay, Well, President Trump has been claiming that we quote turned the corner in the fight against the coronavirus. His White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows told CNN's Jake Tapper that the Trump administration is basically given up trying to keep it for spreading. We're not going to control the pandemic. We are going to control the fact that we get vaccines, therapeutics and other mitigations were but because it is a contagious virus just like the food well it's not like the seasonal foods, much deadlier. In fact, they have been eighty thousand newly confirmed cases of it in the US on Friday. Oh well, now to the subject of the election. They've lost ballot fraudulent ballots. As we enter the final stretch of the twenty twenty presidential election season, here's some straightforward, last mined information courtesy of Amber mcreynold's head of the National Vote at Home Institute and coalition. In some states they call it absence he voting. Some states call it vote by mail, some call it mail on voting. But fundamentally the ballot is handled in the same way in terms of process needed counting. The big issue is a signature discrepancy or a missing signature, and that just means that the voters signature on file doesn't match what's on the envelope exactly. So most states have a cure process or voters can resolve that discrepancy, and that goes the same for a missing signature on the top of a ballot. You'll see mark this ballot so on the old roles using black or blue ink. Follow the instructions in terms of marketing the ballot, and then also follow the instructions with regards to returning the ballot. There's still a few states that require a witness. Not everyone lives with another adult. I think that this provision inadvertently disenfranchises people and it makes the process more difficult. In most states, there are provisions set up where you can drop your ballot off either at drop boxes or at voting locations or at the clerk's office. In some states you are allowed to drop off at polling places, but that's actually pretty limited. To make sure you follow the instructions and check your state's rules, go to canivote dot org, which is a website run by the National Associations Secretaries of State and you can put in any state that you're in and it will give you all the details you need for your state. That was Amber mcreynold's head of the National Vote at Institute and Coalition. That website again is can i vote dot org. This is an trip. Now back to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening, hey, listen to everybody, as promise our special guests this morning. It's a former chairman of South Carolina Democratic Party. He's right now running against the incumbent Senator Lindsey Graham. We all know how we feel about him. We all know what he is. It's not a game. He is everything he's ever been trumped up to be and even more so now so he gots to go. He has been up incumbent Senator of South Carolina for too long, and right now he holds a US Senate seat, but in a state where no Democrat has ever won the Senate seat in over twenty years. We now have a close race on our hands, and we have an option in South Carolina where we all get to play a part in making history and changing the direction of this great state. Our very own Jaanthony Brown is from South Carolina. But ladies and gentlemen, let's meet the man that's about to change things in South Carolina. Please welcome the only choice for South Carolina. Come us to Jamie Harrison Building. Jamie, how you doing today, sir, Oh Steve, I'm doing so well, man, I'm blessed and fortunately and I'm ready to send Lindsay Graham home. Well. Listen, man, we want to congratulate you because over the weekend your campaign raised over two million dollars in forty eight hours, and as the polls are now showing, you have us lead over your Republican opponent Lindsey Graham. We're not comfortable, but we want to say congratulations. Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. We still got a lot of work to do, though, folks, to get to the po and listen, South Carolina. We want everybody, every member of the Steve Harvard Nation, Steve Harvard Morning Show crew, all of us have voted. We are all in support of the right ticket. And this man right here has a chance to make history, and we have him on today. He's gonna tell us or what he is about so we can know exactly. We already know what Lindsay Graham is about. We already got it. We've heard enough, we've seen enough. This dude ain't fitting a change, he's too old to change. So let's just get it on. As the focus on healthcare has grown during this pandemic, Jamie, you've emphasized a need for Medicaid expansion. Let's talk about that a little bit, yes, sir, Well, you know, listen, Steve, we live in the state where almost two hundred and fifty thousand people don't have healthcare. We're just two years ago, fourteen of our forty six counties didn't have an OBG y in the entire county. Now think about that, an entire county actually having fourteen of them and not have one ob GYN in the entire county. But four of our rural hospitals have closed over the past few years. And Lindsay Graham right now supports the lawsuit that is sitting in the Supreme Court that will be heard on November tenth, that has a potential or ripping away the healthcare of twenty eight million people in this country, many would pre existing conditions. Hey, Jamie, listen, hang on one second. Jamie will be right back with more with future Senator Jamie Harrison right after this. You're listening to all Right, y'all, we're back and we're talking with candidate for Senator Senator of South Carolina, mister Jamie Harrison or running against Lindsey Graham, who has got to go. So you've really made a connection with Democrats, man, A strong segment of independence and a small group of moderate Republicans are supporting YouTube. What message do you have for the voters of South Carolina. We need some real leadership on these issues. And Lindsey Graham has showed us that he cares more about Washington political games than he does the lives of the people in the states. And that's why it's time for him to go. Yeah, on so many levels, man, because mister Jamie Harrison, it's running for Senate in South Carolina. Make no mistake about this. We have a chance to put a man in a Senate seat, which we need control up desperately to stop this machine that's in place that's taking away everything that's a benefit to people who really need help. And so healthcare is one of those things. Well, Steve, you know, in this race, Lindsay Graham is trying to scare people to vote for him. I'm trying to inspire people to support me. And that's a big contrast and difference in this race is I told folks from the very starts, this isn't not about Democrats versus Republicans, or progressive versus conservatives. It's about doing what's right versus what's wrong. And for far too long as they've been doing the wrong thing here in South Carolina, and people have been suffering. And I know what hard times are. You know. I grew up in Orangeburg, South Carolina, the son of a team mom. My mom was sixteen years old when she had dropped out of high school, and was my grandparents who took care of me. My grandma had an eighth grade education because she had to stop school and she picked cotton and when she worked in a textile plan My grandfather had a fourth grade education. But you know, despite all the harshness we had, I always had hope that things could get better. They had hope that things would get better for me. I was the first in my family to go to college, went to Yale, went to Georgetown Law School, I taught high school. I worked for Jim Priver, and you know, I've been blessed and I lived the American dream. But the reason why I'm running is because I want the other little kids growing up today, some of the ones that are watching my TV ads and are coming to our rallies. I want them to be able to live their American dreams. But you've got to have the right type of people in leadership in order to do that, who actually care about those kids and the things that they're going to. You know, Center GRAMDMA I used to respect. I used to thought that he came about it, but I see that he only cared about it doing political power. And that is why we have to change things. It's about closing the book on the Old South and writing a brand new book called a New South, one that is bold, inclusive, and diverse, where all of our voices should be heard and valued. And that's what I'm fighting for each and every day. And I hope South Carolina give me the opportunity on November third. What do you say to the people of South Carolina who are waiting to decide or have them folded? Why should they choose Jamie Harrison? Well, you know, Steve, the people that we send to Washington have to be folks who understand the harshest that we've gone through. You know, Man, I can recall morning, you know, getting up to go get a bowl of cereal, and I go to the fridge to get the milk and there's no milk. Not because somebody forgot the carton of milk, is because we couldn't afford it. And so, you know, we've had hard times. But again, but despite the hard times, we always had hope that things will be better. You know, I don't think there's ever been a centator that grew up on food stamps. I don't think there was ever a senator ever evicted from their homes and had to lay on couch cushions and patterns as my grandma's states in the houses of aunts and autus. Right. But but but those are the things that I bring to the United States Senate. So it won't be an academic discussion for me. When we're talking about housing in the high eviction rates here in South Carolina, or when we're talking about the unemployment benefit that so many people need here, and Lindsey Graham said, over his dead body, will he allow an extension of the unemployed benefits? So you know that won't be an academic discussion because I don't understand it. I don't know it because I've lived it. And that's the difference that I'll bring. We've only had ten black centators in the United States ever ever. Wow right, Jamie hey man, we love you brother, Thank you for your fight, man, thank you for everything you're doing. And we're gonna show him up. We're gonna keep pushing Manna, We're gonna get it across across the line. And vote and vote early. Don't wait to November third, Go ahead, man, exactly. Thank you so much, man, and congratulations man, thank you very much. Well, guys, eight days until the November third election, please go please and vote early. Okay, coming up next to nephew with the prank phone call as we switch gears. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my Strawberry letter for today, the subject I don't want to hurt the little guy. Wow, we'll get into that. No like that. I don't like how this sound. Yeah, I know you don't. I knew you were gonna say that. You know who it could be about, nephew. Temmy is here right now with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? And you I ain't come back to the church. You can't come back to church. Lets the head is listen. Hello, I'm trying to reach us to short reads Mayfield. Deacon bobs from the from the church, bounds from the from church. Yes, yes, ma'am. Okay from from from here. Can you hear me? Good? There's old phone on work. We're good, yeah, my phone okay, okay, that I called it. The deacon board didn't had a meeting as well as uh passes and uh they didn't have a meeting. That come to the understanding that uh they're gonna ask you to not come to church right now because about that the bars of your air can James being in jail, the way the ears and want to want you to just stop. I don't know if they're gonna suspend you from church right now, but they they think it put a bad look on the church. My kids being in jail put a bad look on the church. Well, that's what. That's what's what. That's what they come up with. Now. We even had to meet with the deacon ball and with passing stoves. I don't understand why y'all have for me meeting about my kids in the church. What my kids got to do with the church. Well, what we're trying to do is show a good example to the youth that we got there. Okay, you can show a good example about me being there, paying my ties and offering. Well, that was another thing that's been brought down intention that we're gonna be calling a lot of members about it. People not paying the tide the way they fold I pay my task. I don't know. I don't know who told you that, Deacon Bars. I don't even know first of all, who you are. And I'm not trying to be mean to you. And I don't. I don't even understand why you how you even got my phone number. I paid my task, I pay my offering. Go on your computer at the church, call your secretary or whoever. Let me let me ask you this us may feel. Do you pay your tie according to what you make? Yes? I do check the books. Well what now what it is? We can't check the books that we don't know exactly what you make? Is what I'm saying. What I make is my business between me and Jesus. I give him his ten percent. And that's how Mars. He'll need to know and understand exactly where you come from. But not the main issue on table is about the boys and and and being you know, disrupted the way to here. They don't want that to be to bleed over to the youth. Quiet, wait a minute, Wait a minute. And first of all, I would appreciate if you would have pathor to tell me this hisself. And then second of all, if somebody kids is having trouble in the world or whatever, y'all supposed to pray for him, not put them at the church or the mama, Well I'm I'm what we're gonna We're gonna pray for and we're gonna pray for you too, but we don't want to share over to the youth that we got. They're doing good with that. Well, I'm gonna keep coming. Y'all can't stop me from coming to the church. I'm gonna keep coming. So I don't know who you're talking to. And you tell a passer to call me hit self and tell me I can't come to Hell, and you have nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to Hell. That is a free church. I'm gonna get the powers and called up as you get the pastor to call me, because you have no business calling me telling me that I can't come to God's house. What's mazing. I don't want you to get into role with me now. I'm not getting I'm not getting angry with nobody. Did I work. I don't work eighteen sixteen hours today. I don't have half nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to a church that I pay my cars and offering that not that I own the church. I pay my cars because that's that's due to God. But y'all really making me upset by telling me I can't come now because of my kids in their troubles? Where was you this past something? You wasn't there. I wasn't a church because I had over stuff? And why is that in your your bill? Now? There you go being in up road with me again. I don't know who this is. How could you call somebody about church business over the phone. This don't make sense. Chase Mayville Hello, Yeah, one more thing. This nephew timent from the Steve Harvey Morning Ship you just got. I got you this, y'all. Boy, I'm like, who is this guy about church? Bell? You know what I like about you? Though? Ain't nobody gonna keep you out the Lord's Hall. You gonna show up and show out every Sunday, every Sunday. Thank you every baby. Let me ask you something. It's the baddest radio show in the land. Now do you even have to ask me that? To Steve Harvey more and itself? Oh? I love her laugh. I love her laugh. As soon as you said, I got something else to tell you. This is nephew timing from the speech she hauled last Yeah, I love her laugh. Oh my god, it was good. That was good. Oh man. Yeah, stupidity baby, I bring ignorance? Ja Jay? How was I Jake. That was excellent, man, better than excellent. I can't think of it right now. That's what I'm talking about. I know who that I know who to ask. Now when I knew something, I know who to ask. Beyond excellence, beyond excellence. Watch it? Watch it? Junior? How was I? Boy? You? It was good? You're the king of pranks, king of frank last but not least? Uh missus? Steve Harvey, how was I today? Was I? I can't believe. I can't believe how good you are? You the best? I don't, man, how in the world do you live with your own greatness? It's so it's and it's so hard. Man spoke to who I am. I mean, it's just it's difficult, it really is it, really, Steve, he doesn't know how you live with your own greats hard? It's so much excellence. You could put the excellence you have in another person and still have excellence left over. That's how. Wow. N that's a compliment. That's how you compliment me and what and that's for free? Jay, You're saying this. He didn't pay you or anything. Wow Wow, that's how you compliment you, though, Do you think I need to pay somebody for compliments. Is that what you're saying? Shirt? What are you saying, sir? I'm just you know, he's I'm asking you a question. I want you to answer. How you saying? Okay, Well, let you pay someone and we'll see how well they do. I don't think you need to. J Jay did it for free. Yeah he did. Be with me, calpul with me, Shirley. Okay, if you paid me, I just called you the king of pranks, lighting up. I need more, so you get edgy because you need more car moreshfield hundred dollars and watch I take us out with decompliments. That's happened. We'll let your uncle close it out with how great you are. Go ahead, Steve. Your greatness is a real asset to those of us on this show, being able to even call you my damn nephew. All right, all right, thank you, Steve deserve such Oh wait up next strawberry letter subject, I don't want to hurt the little guy. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to, well, eight days, eight days, told you this time was going by fast. Just eight days until the November third election. Okay, Please go to vote dot org. In some states. You can still vote early in some states. Okay. Vote dot org is a place you need to go to to find out when you can early vote in your state and how much longer you have. Please, let's get this done. Let's get it done. They voting though, Man, it's some people. Yeah they are. Yeah, millions millions of people who have already voted. Yeah, all right, Well, thank you to the ones who've already voted and who voted early. Thank you. I know all of us here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all of us. You have more work to do. Yeah, we do. Yeah, m all right. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, parenting, sex, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Yeah, buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Subject, I don't want to hurt the little guy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I dated a guy off and on for about three years, but we never had sexual relations because I was having myself a good time dating several men at once and I was celibate. He was a perfect gentleman and had every quality that I prayed for in a man, but I wasn't ready to settle down. Now that I'm twenty nine, I decided it was time my heart led me back to the guy I've been casually dating and he was still single and he still wanted me. Two months into dating, we had sex, and since then I haven't been able to tell him that I don't want him and it's over. Before we had sex, he kept telling me that he wanted to taste my entire body, and he bragged on his skills in the bedroom. I've been celibate for five years, so I told him he better bring it, and I couldn't wait. It finally happened, and it was a very romantic night dot dot dot at first. Then he started with a lot of wet kissing and licking my face, which was different than his usual sensual kiss He proceeded to lick my entire body with his tongue, drenching me in his saliva, which was very uncomfortable. By the time we got to the actual sex part. I just wanted it to end. He got a condom, put it on, then turned to me, and all I could see was the baggie was a baggie something hanging from him. Surely the thing didn't even fit. Sure I wanted to run out of there, but I didn't. I endured close to five minutes of heavy panting, moaning, and sweating. I didn't say one word because I didn't feel a thing. He jumped up afterwards and had the nerve to start bragging and said he tried to take it easy on me since it's been a while. Negro, Please, how should I let little man know that I won't ever be going back for seconds? Please advise? Hey, first of all, I want to thank y'all for a while. Yeah. Yeah, this is what Taylor made for you. Yeah yeah, But you know what, Steve, this is. This is some criticism that has no happy ending. I mean, if you go ahead and do that and tell him, and I hate these kinds of letters. I do because there's no easy way to tell him something like this. You can't tell anyone something like this. He's too small. You didn't feel anything. You can't tell him that, no matter what you do, or how you say it, or how easy you try to let him down. His feelings will be hurt and his ego will be crushed. Okay, I say all of that because you called him little man. You know, you kind of clowned him a little bit. I don't want you to clown him. If you decide to tell him this, I don't know. This is too crushing. And please don't forget that you said your heart led you back to him, so you initiated this relationship and all of this. And on another note, how you stay there that long for the tongue saliva drenching is beyond me. Look, it's just way too much, you know. But the reality is people break up every single day. They break up every single day. You can break it off with him, You just have to tell him something else. Just don't let that be the reason, please, because again you will crush Steve. Yeah, you know, I think the part that we're failing to realize, and hell is that crushing is you know, we learned the majority of our lessons we learned in life off from a failure and disaster. All the valuable lessons I've learned in my life came often footnotes. The tailing of a disaster or failure. So let's look at this failure. You dated this guy off and on for three years, never had sexual relations with him because you was dating several men at once, and you were celibate, perfect, gentleman, everything you ever wanted, but you weren't ready. Then you finally decided you did. And here's a key. Your heart led me back to the guy i'd been casually dating. He was stell singly still wanted you. You should have asked yourself, right then, after five years of playing him off, why is he still available? You have got to ask yourself that. Ladies, when you meet a man that's perfect, ain't ever been married, ain't got no kids, you have got to ask yourself one question, why is this man so perfect? Ain't never been married, and ain't got no kids. When we come back, I'll tell you why. All right, We'll have part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject I don't want to hurt the little guy. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap my strawberry letter for today. The subject is I don't want to hurt the little guy. Oh sounds so sad. Nine year old girl been cellibate for five years, finally met somebody she wanted to make a move with her heart led her back to this man. Come to find out, it just so happened. He's still sinkle, he's still available, and he still wanted her. Well you hadn't you been sellable and everything, and you just started dating it. Two months in, y'all had sex and you ain't been able to tell him that you don't want him, and is over. Now, let me tell you what happened before y'all had sex. He kept telling you he wanted to taste my entire body. That right down, what's what he knows is his specialty, tasting. He hasted tasting. It's his specialty. He led with it. He told you that's what it won't He said, that's what he was gonna do. Y'all got your clothes off and he started kissing. Then he started licking your face. See that wasn't licking your face. The tasting had begun, and he told you he wanted to taste your entire body because this is what he got. This his best thing. Is to taste it. Well, he started all this wet kissing, licking your face, and it was just different than the usual kisses. Then he started to lick your entire body with his tongue. Now, let me tell you something. When y'a I'm Monday, the covers and you start getting your whole body lick with his tongue, obviously he thirsty. But his thirst brings on a lot of marster, because your tongue to get dry after you lick her arm. If you lick a whole arm, that ought to dry a regular man's mouth out. If you lick a woman's arm, that shit dry out your whole mouth. But obviously this excited him, and he was just slobbling the whole time. And slobblingbl not slobbery. Slobbling. Slobbling is when it's moti come. So next thing, you know, your shoulders just wet, both your arms is wet, all up around your neck is wet. And and slobbery is different than water. It's a little thicker. It's a little thicker. And now here he comes all around your breast. Now he all down by your neighbor. Now the whole top of your body just ice cold. He just stood a slobbling. Hold your heads. You're about to run about this damn room. You're about to lose your mind. Just as the ass sitting up your slobbling over me. When you carry up and get to this, he did your entire body. Now you're in the thighs is wet, your knee caps were wet. All on the back of your caps is wet. You're just sitting up there with this man just slobbling on your ass. Where is this going? Boy? This is too much now, you say, which was very uncomfortable by the time we got to the actual sec part. I just wanted it over. You can't, yeah, because you're cold. That's why your eyes cold. Ain't you wet? And you ain't even wet, You just damp. You know how it field when you're damp. You ever had a wet T shirt on after you work out and go out in the air condition, hit it and you want to take it off. That's where she had, but you can't get it off because it ain't an article of clothing. It's slobb them. So now he got the condole. He put it on, and when he turns around, it looked like somebody the draped a sheet of saran wrap on him. It's chest, hang it off for him, boil. Let me take you some. That's hard when you don't fill up a condom. It's hard. Now the chances you're getting pregnant is very high, very high, because they ain't gonna be able to stay on a little man to turn around. And then he started it ain't fit. You wanted to run out of there, but you tried to hang in that because you thought, well, maybe hold on, maybe hold on. Maybe he'll rise to the occasion. Maybe he'll somehow fill up the room. Maybe he'll somehow his love will expand all here and there. All of five minutes, heavy panting, moaning and sweating. You didn't say one word because you didn't feel a damn thing. Well, I got news for you. He didn't neither. See, See, you aren't the only one to feel nothing. He didn't because when you love man, it ain't nothing for you to feel. You just that's why he got to do the heavy brandon and breathing, because he got to work itself up, because he ain't ain't ain't no friction. He just he just over there and he jumped up and had the nervous start Bragg and said he tried to take it easy on you. See you, but then you said, negro, Please, I know what you really saying. It wasn't end, but it wasn't Post your comments on Today's Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand. Now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour, Sports Talk with Junior. It's coming up next, Steve, you asked earlier right after this, you're listening morning show. All right, guys, here we go. Junior's here with Sports Talk. Come on sports Talk. He would go, Oh, sports Talk waiting, I'm ready here, cot congrat to the Cleveland Brown. What I think win to come back? Whin you're talking about with six six seconds on the clock, Yes, sir, that the you talk about Baker Mayfield walk and won the game. Yeah, you start start with Cleveland. Oh, we can't talk about the Texas. Well, I think we should. I don't want all the time dedicated to my city. Okay, let me just get out to wait because obviously Tommy wants to talk about the Texan. Thank y'all Cleveland fans. We won five games this year. Praise God. I know we ain't all that, but we damn show acting like it. And as as long as we play teams that ain't five hundred, we're gonna warm their ass. Yeah, they got enough about me. Go ahead, Junior, what do you know? What's there's some other news that happened in sports as weekend. Antonio Brown got another job. Huh yeah, okay, Antonio Brown signed Tampa Bay Buccani. Yeah yeah, and um, I just have a four What else happened worse than We're not gonna do that. We're not gonna talk about the texting. We wouldn't say this though. I got four words for Antonio Brown. Just just probably gonna help you out this time around in the league. Put your phone up. That's it. Don't pull your phone out, don't don't do nothing else. You got a second chance. That good. So I wrote a poem for him to help him. Yeah, this is to helping This is what he should be thinking. Okay, So, Junior, So what you said sports is gonna be two segments today? No, no, he d haven't we done your team? Ain't ain't we got Cleveland out of the way? Right? Poetry is a different segment, were splitting hairs. Just some poem that I thought Antonio Brown should be thinking about. If he's not thinking these things, he used to start right away, go ahead, poem called Antonio Brown. Okay, here we go. Thanks for giving me another chance. Lord knows I really need it. I threw away a lot of money that was stupid and conceited. I'll shuff for practice all this time, and that's the bet you can bet. I'm standing outside the building now and practice hadn't even started yet. Show car. I'll run some errands and do a little cooking too, because if I if this up this time, I know my ass is through. So thanks for giving me another chance. Didn't think I get picked up. Lord, Please help me to do the right thing, and don't if this good job up the end. We'll be back right after this. I got a show. You're listening, all right, We're back, everybody. Welcome back to Steve Harvard Morning Show. We're about to play Murder the Hits with my buddy Jathony Brown and Junior last half for sports. Go ahead, what happened with the Texans? Because I know Tommy wanted to hear we lost. I know what happened with the yeah buy a lot twenty You just didn't play who to Green Bay Packerston. We didn't show up this week again yesterday? Yes, you know you know this? Man? Wow, man, my bad, y'all. Cowboys lost too, so we could you know? Lord? Oh damn? How the Cowboys keep losing but still number one in their division? How does that happen? It's Houston, It's the Texans in their division. No, no, no, no, hey, man, If y'all was in the Cowboys division, y'all would be in second place. Sorry, come on, introduce your friends, ladies and gentlemen. Janathon Brown murdered the hits. Here we go. No, no, I haven't had it ever heard um. Everybody has seen Niche McConnell's hand on any news. Now, first of all, let me just say this. I'm not insulting his hand. I would never do that because that would be insensitive to sing a song about a man's hand. The song I'm singing is a warning go get checked out. And I put the song to the words Bill Withers's Grandma's hand. It's called it's called Mitch McConnell's hands. I will sing it acapella. Acapella. M h a r m h m hmmm. Mitch McConnell's hand man. That's some kind of warning, McConnell's hand man. And really don't look well, Mitch McConnell's hand It might fall off in the morning. And I said, get someone to look at that fast because it might fall off in the grass. And you'll only have one too wide, your ass mccono. I'll standing, I love it, something's wrong and that's waning con man. And really don't little well, condal hand it might fall off in the morning, not saying get someone to look at that fast. It might fall up in the grass. And you only have one too wide. You'll only have one too wide, only have one one not to but on, not to but one not you, but to? Why why they can't do what you gotta do? Clean your chipp won't have to? Not you? You only have one? Why? Why bring it home? Left? How much you only have one to? Why? Why take it on home? Steve? Take it home, ste oh coming up more today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for our tell Me Something Good segment. Congratulations are in order for Cardie B. Cardi B is teamed up with Masterps Wrap Snacks for a line of pork rinds. If you want to try barbercur with a honey, Spicy, diner Kur or barbecue shadder, you can get them at Walmart. The best part of this collab is the voting initiative attached to it. Each bag has a built in QR code that'll take you directly to the Wrap Snacks Vote website. It'll give voters all kinds of tools they'll need to get ready for early voting, mail in voting, and more. And time is running out. We only have eight days left, so please by your snacks and check it out. If you haven't voted, Yeah, it is never did that and it's no shot. Considering Cardi B is pretty political, you know. Um, she interviewed Bernie Sanders, she's formally endorsed Joe Biden, you know, so good for her about voting. Yeah, please do. Yeah, she has millions of followers, so hopefully they will. And in other good news, every vote Counts. A cet celebration of democracy will be hosted by Alicia Keys and Kerry Washington. That's going to air October twenty ninth at nine pm Eastern on CBS and iHeartMedia radio stations. Also special appearances by Offset, Chris Rock, Jennifer Lopez, and Leonardo DiCaprio. People are doing whatever they can. Yeah, Yeah, time is running out. We gotta get it done, all right. More of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this You're listening show. In Today's Entertainment News, R and B. Singer and musical legend Angela Bophil is not dead. You hear that, Steed, She is not dead. On Saturday, October twenty fourth, Angela Bofil became the victim of a death hoax and it was circulating all over social media. Angela Bofil corrected the rumor in a Facebook post. She said, my manager Rich Ingle just informed me that I died. Thank you everyone for everyone reaching out, But I am very much on the right side of the grass makes these type of hoax. We are so glad and she you better sing fame, knock feed, let him muse, you know. I can't you know he gonna probably need listening. I try what you who? Yeah? If y'all ain't got it, please go Apple Music and buy I try, and I promise you you gonna love it. For those of you it's not familiar with I tried by Angela Bofield, pull it up by ninety nine cent. You're making a fail in your case. I like to delegate that to caller for real. Try to do the best I can for you, But it seems it's not enough. Loser. Oh that I saw her live at the front Row theater. Anybody I wanted her? Hell no see me and Jay Anthony Brown had been the every damn concert on the Dog and it was the only thing to do back then. That was the date Phyllis him and Angela Bofield I saw, I saw shot Phillis Hammond was cold opened from Mays. Was my first opening gig, and a friend of mine, James Wolfford, gave me two hundred dollars and bought me a linen suit to open for May's Man two hundred and fifty dollars. Gay stole thirty three thousand dollars from me, who games wolf much though thirty three thousand. All I had thirty three thousand. Nineteen ninety five told thirty three thousand dollars all I had, all I had, all I had. He was a manager my comedy club, coming up into her last break of the day. It is the last break oh the day. We will have no more breaks to day. So don't sit there looking at me coming up and coming up in forty nine minutes after the one and only Steve Harvey, you have some special closing remarks today, don't you special? Yeah, I want to We'll be back right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve? Eight more days, eight more days until the November third election. We hope that you guys have already gone out to early vote. If you haven't, please go to vote dot org to find your voting locations and to find out when you can vote early. How much longer you have. We want to get this done. Okay, we want to get this done. Eight more days, Steve. Absolutely, you know, and y'all we really do have to get to these polls. Go early, make sure you got your business in order. This is an important election, you know, We on this show, all of us. Shirley Carler kier Jay Tommy, We've all voted. We've all spent every single closing remark since the summertime has been dedicated to one thing, to getting our listeners out to the polls to vote. This is so important. We've tried every technique, We've we've we've we've asked you to vote, We've given you voter information. Websites are locked up with Adel hugely and Ricky Smiley about this. We're on a united front because we have got to get this country in a better place for us. It has been saddening to me to see the number of black people who come out and actually think and actually have said out loud. This One group was sitting in the White House and told Donald Trump, you're actually our first black president. He said that, just smiling and nodding with that grin on his face. It has been alarming to me when I see commercials, when I see black people on this saying because he cares about people like me. I don't see any of it. But I found something that I wanted to share with you all in this closing remarks. This is a man named Kevin Muriel. He is a pastor and I think he was speaking or as his church. I'm not really sure, but it was at the Cascade United Methodist Church in Atlanta. He did something and said something in front of a congregation that really moved me and I wanted to share it with you. These are my closing remarks today. This is Kevin Muriel from the Cascade United Methodist Church. You praise this president for being pro black. Before you praise this president for caring about ethnic communities and marginalized populations, do your homework. Well, some of y'all didn't do your homework. They didn't do their homework, So let me tell you just a little bit of research, not just him personally, but also some of his policies. Perhaps before they went and sat at this table, they should have done their homework, because if they had done their homework, they would have known that President Trump has ramped up mass incarceration by instructing Attorney General Jeff's sessions to revitalize the War on drugs. They would have known that of the eighty seven picks for federal judges, eighty five have been white and just one has been black, and one has been Hispanic. They would have known that President Trump supported the Department of Justice engaging in unlawful border purgase, making it difficult for blacks to go and vote. They would have known that Trump is ending protection for predatory lenders, which disproportionately harm black people. They would have known that he is ignoring the affordable housing crisis by ordering hud to triple the rits of poor tenants in public housing, which mostly affect black people. Do your homework. They would have known that he is proposing cutting two hundred billion dollars over the next ten years from supplemental nutrition assistance programs that will bring more hunger in black and brown communities. They would have known that Trump is worsening the health of black communities through environmental deregulation, which disproportionately harms black people through exposure to pollution. Now that's just a few on the policy side, but you don't have to go too far to ask. What about him personally would make me know that he is not per black. I'm glad you asked, because in nineteen seventy, Trump's real estate company tried to avoid rinning apartments to black tenants and gave preferential treatment to white tenants. He began his twenty sixteen presidential campaign with a speech disparging Mexican immigrants as criminals and rapists. Y'all remember that in two thousand and sixteen, he said of people of color, you are living in poverty, Your schools are no good, you have no jobs. I just wanted somebody else's take on it. Look, listen, you can find something good that you want to say about President Trump. And and I'm not in an argument with you about it. I'm just talking to you about what's wrong and what's wrong. It's so obvious and so blatant and so divisive, Such divisive measures have been taken to divide this country. You can't say there's good people on both sides. You can't say that it's not. You can't be in a hate group, a white supremacist group, and be a good person, no more than you if you're in a black militia operation that goes around killing white people. You can't say those are good people, because it's just not. Man. I'm sorry, So what are we gonna do? We have an opportunity here to do something. We have an opportunity to vote for Senators Mike Epsseey in Mississippi or Warnick what's his name? In Georgia. Pail Warnock, you have a chance to vote for Jamie Harrison in South Carolina. It's so many things we can do today to vote and man, make a difference. Go to the polls, y'all. Take somebody to the polls. Encourage all your friends and relatives to go vote, and let's do something about this. Man. I know you have had to have had enough. I have he got to go. He don't think black lives matter. You're gonna find out that they really do because we're gonna vote. I bet they're gonna matter after this. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the st