Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve delves into the origin of winning. The CLO had some red flags and no snitchin' to sift through today. It was all laughs at The White House. The parents on the show talk about simple struggles. The Steve Harvey Nation shows love to The Nephew and his ability to imitate someone in Steve's VM. America has a new pastime. T.I. is doing waay too much. Paula Patton is being criticized for her fried chicken. Tommy took a trip to Memory Lane in Would You Rather. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve picks up from yesterday's message about co-parenting for Part 2.
Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the true good starting to move to other stole. I want to join join me. You gotta use that turn you you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn you got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your baby, I sure will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice, Come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, oh man, oh man. You know what y'all. I mean, really, the goodness of God is overwhelming if you think about it, I mean, really really think about it, even when your circumstance doesn't look so bright, even when you're going through something that's causing you discomfort, pain, Even in that God's goodness is actually overwhelming because don't forget why you're going through this moment. First of all, this too shall pass. But also secondly, remember man, ain't everything else that you've gone through that seems so insurmountable at the time, didn't you get past that too? I mean, it's amazing. If you really think about it, you don't get stuck on any one issue your whole life. The only people that get stuck on an issue they whole life is people who won't let it go. That's really all it is. That are people who exist, and you may be one of them. Oh please, No, I've been guilty of it myself before. But I learned something that are things in my past that I just would not let go of. It was done, it was over with, I was past it, but I would not let go of it. It was over. The dude that did it to me didn't exist no more. The problem that it created didn't exist no more. The only problem that kept hanging on was I would not let it go. And man, you can't go forward if you're gonna keep looking in the past. It's an impossible thing. It's like driving a car. If you keep looking only in the rearview mirror while you're driving, you're going to crash pretty soon. And a lot of people just keep crashing over and over and over and over because you won't drive your car you keep looking in the rearview mirror at the past. Oh woe is me? Oh you know they did me like that. You know I ain't been the same since he cheated on me. Oh man, ever since she stole my money, I ain't been the same man. She played me and every since that out and treated women differently. You may have some deeper stuff going on, like but eventually, guess what, do you understand that when you have relationship God with God, you can take that to him too and drop it off and leave it there. Do you know that He can fix and heal that. Maybe it's something serious like that that you need fixing or healing from, a relationship with God can fix and heal that. But man, I'm on y'all whatever it is, and I'm not trying to downplay it or make it act like it wasn't traumatic in your life, because, oh God, you don't want to you know, you don't want nobody do that to you because you want to be the you know, the post to child for misery. So please don't let me take that from you. If that's your position, that's your Hall of Fame card. You hanging on too, I'm the post to child for misery. Oh no one is more woe than me. Then please don't let Steve try to take that from you. You go ahead and hang on to that, But let me tell you something though. If that's what you're gonna hang on to, that's what you're gonna always be the post to child for misery. At one point in time, you're gonna have to get on the move past it. And you can sometimes. Man, it's merely a simple thing of taking it to God and leaving it there. You know, some people don't have money for therapy. Some people don't even know who to call for therapy. God is the best psychologist in the world. He and fix it for you. There is nothing too hard for God. You know, when something seems impossible, y'all, God does the impossible all the time every day. You don't know how I know. I just look at a couple of basic things. Do you know that that sun comes up every day in the morning. It comes up in the east and it sets in the west. You can't do nothing about that. All you can wish because you plant your flowers on a certain side of your house. You can wish y'all all you want. Then maybe one day He would bring it up out the northwest. So those flowers with blue namp now it's gonna come up out the east. And once the sun hits the horizon, when you look in the water. Like if you ever out in la and you see the sun going down. Once the sun once you can visually see the sun touching the horizon, you have three minutes. You have exactly three minutes. You can sit there with your watch. You can time you're three minutes and it's gone. Three minutes. It's gone. I read that somewhere and then I went and tried it. It's gone every day if if it's clear enough, not cloudy. Once the sun touches the horizon on water, you got three minutes. When the wind blows, you can't do nothing about it. He can bring it from the northeast. He can bring him from the west, he can bring from the south. He can bring it hard, he can bring it cool, he can bring it hot. It's certain things that God, God does the impossible all the time. How those stars sitting up there, How how can you find these constellations? The big dipp of the little dip of Ryan the Hunter. Oh that's God's got nothing you can do about it. You can't reach them stars, you can't shoot at them, you can't move them out the way, or Ryan the Hunter's belt is gonna beat them. Three stars at the angle you can, you can. You can call it what you want to call. It's still that's what it is. See, He does the impossible all the time. He created heaven and Earth. You're saying that God can't get you through your pass. Somebody did this to me. It's the worst thing I had, the worst childhood of anybody. God can't get you pass that. He can move Heaven, mountains, Earth, he can form the Grand Canyon, he can make the water come over Niagara Falls twenty four seven. He can't fix your little bitty pass yours. It's amazing how people make their problems bigger than God. Somebody told me one time, stop telling God how big your problems are, and start telling your problems how big God is, and go on with your life. Quit driving your car looking in the rear view mirror. Ain't nothing back there but your pass. And if it was hurtful or painful, or something you just felt like you can't get over, take your problems to God and leave them there. You hear the old spiritual all you've heard it, take your burdens to the Lord, leave them yet all time. But you think that applies to everyone. But you come on, man, and a lot of people out there going through much worse than you have and have overcome it all. Why won't you take the step to overcome your pass so you can get on with driving your car. See what God trying to take you. But it's the trick of the enemy. The enemy tricks you from seeing your future by having you constantly looking in your pass. Man, it's a trick of the devil. If the devil just lets you quit, if he would just let you get to driving your car, look out into your future. Your future shows hopefulness. You have hope when you see the future. But he can keep you in misery if he keep you looking at your miserable pass. God looking for you, Man, God would love to hear from you. Let's spend some time talking to God today. Hey, God, was happening. It's me. I know I ain't talked to you in a while, but feel bad about that. But I need you. He know that. Everybody should say that prayer all the time. It's cool, all right, show, ladies and gentlemen, it is upon us another blessed and great day. Lord, have mercy. Man. Hey, God, I shall appreciate you waking me up this morning. Man, you can tell him my voice. I'm glad about it. I appreciate everything you do from it, all the little things. I thank you for every breath I take. I think you for every move I make. I thank you for every step I take. Man, all and only because of you, I am who I am. But by the grace of God. Boy, that's my testimony today. That's how I feel like starting this show off this morning. Shelly Strawberry Colin for real Mississippi Moniticauld Junior kills Faith the legend, Nephew tom Me this Steve Harvey, what Junior? Can you come down here and put your minor and hat on? Need a minor and hat for a second? All right? What you got? He? Come down here to my life? Just ask you something, man. You know I'm in a situation. I want to take exactly what it is. But I figure it out. Go ahead, Yeah, you'll figure it out. Talk about losses, man, how do you view losses? Every loss can't be a loss. It's got to be something. But I feel like I may be losing in a situation and it is a dependent upon perspective. Now, what type of loss? If you're talking about life of a loved one or just a loss in life for failure, failure in terms of failure, in terms of failing, losing this part of the game. In order to understand truly how to win, you must have been defeated. See if all you did was win, win, win, win, win, what would you know? So when life does what it does to all of us, which entails a number of things, that ever, flows of life, the ups and downs. When you in the down moment, it's when you learn how to get up. You got to fall to learn how to stand up. You got to crawl before you walk. You need the laws to teach you how to survive them and how to when you get up to appreciate. And then once you've lost before you now gain the experience for the next time those evid flows of life come your way. You have experience with dealing with them. And it doesn't make it. Doesn't make it, You just get better at handling the losses. The losses are part of the process. Losses and failures are part of becoming successful. Those who don't want to lose or fail should go somewhere and try not to try. Goos it down and try not to try, because if you try it, you are going to suffer a loss and you are going to fail. I go to my favorite thing. Michael Jordan took nine hundred some game winning shots. Michael Jordan only made a some moment. He's the greatest basketball player ever. Lil tell me what you're talking about. A baseball player gets paid tens of millions of dollars a year to go up to the plate and become successful. Three out of ten times, he only gets three hits out of ten attempts at the back he batted three hundred. You bat three hundred. Baby. In life, your ass can make tens of millions of dollars. The losses are part of the process. All the jokes you write ain't gonna be funny, thus making the ones who do a lot more important. Thank you, all right, thank you for that life lesson. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, the nephew is on deck with run that prank back right after this. You're listening, all right, It is time to start your morning off with the nephew and run that prank back what you got for his nef We are headed to the club because it is time for Chopper's funern Catdog. If you would, Yeah, I'm trying to reach your James. James James, Yeah, yeah, what's up. Hey, this this is a Gerald. I was a friend of uh uh your your friend Chopper. Yeah, and the Chopper just uh passed away last week, right, yeah? Yeah, I know they posed how the funeral and stuff over at uh at mom Baptist Church and uh, I don't really know you, but me, me and me and Chopper and a bunch of rest us. Man, we used to hang out at the club not too far from the house, you know, that's pretty much where Chopper wood all the time. And at the club anyway, what a bunch of us was over at the club talking man, and I was we was really want to reach out to one of the family members, you know, and then somebody said you was, you know, kind of a good friend of Hells. And when we we we we decided to call you and see if you didn't mind. Do you think that you can talk to uh some of the family members and see if they don't mind having the funeral at the club. At the club. See what, let me let me try to explain something to you, Jane. What we're trying to do is, see, we believe that we believed you said at the club. Come on the club, there's a funeral. That's what I understand it. But see, see Choppa ain't really go to church a whole lot. You know what I'm saying, He didn't really really go long as I've been knowing him. Now, he loved a Lord and stuff like that, folks, I understand. But see Chopper wouldn't Chopper, Chopper went to the club. So what I'm asking you will, let's have the funeral at the club. Hell, no, bro, come on, we can't have no funeral at no club. Man, Come on, No, No, I can't. But but what what I'm saying is, though, is that he wasn't really he wasn't really no church going person. I believe that a person ought to be the last words are to be said over him in a place he's more familiar with. You know what I'm saying, player, player, No, I don't. I don't know what you mean. Player out. No, just just gotta be a funeral. This This is this is church. For I go to church and all my folks go to church. Now we gotta do this thing up in church. This is a church saying. But do you understand where I'm coming from No. That man ought to going on and and the last words are to be in a place he more familiar. Now if he went to church, then I understand that you see him broll no no, See, this is a chance to get itself right, and we don't. We don't have him up in church in front of everybody. You know, that don't make sense? Who's this again? I mean, who are you? My name Gerald? But who is Gerald? I mean, how do you how do you relate to this? Are you preach your are you no? No? Are you no? No? No, no, I'm I'm I was friends with Chopper and see I hung out at the club and still hang out there with a whole bunch of us. You know, was real good friends with Chopping. And we were saying that, you know, Chopper's ass words about Chopper or to be said at the club or see that's what Choppa would but five six days a week, that's what Choppa was. But what church are you affiliated with? I mean what I want to heal? What I try to talk to the family. Make me look stupid in front of the family telling them to put the thing in a club? How do that gonna go off? Well? See see, that's what I'm saying. You know them way more than we do, because you're talking about trying to move from a damn funeral add a church to a damn nightclub or strip club or something. No, no, no strip club, just a nightclub. It's the same, man, ain't it. I mean you talking about having folks travel from across the country and meeting into the damn club. What kind of that? But that's what Choppa was. That's what Choppa was. I'm gonna look, if I'm the one telling them to root it to the damn club, You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to I'm gonna look like a fool. No, You're not. You're gonna look like somebody that's trying to keep it real. Mean, come to the damn funeral if I will do something like that. Okay, okay, let me ask you this, hitting do you think do you think you can maybe get the body and bring it over to the club. No, No, well, I'm just saying before they even do the funeral or whatever. Hell no, I ain't touching getting the walk in the dog by my body for hell no. We're just trying to say our last words at Chopper Man in a place that Chopper most no heller again? Who you you get my number? Somebody at the club had your number, said you was print. But why do y'all call me? Of all folks, y'all call me, they say you good? You in with the family, and you can tell me the family. But I ain't end in the family. Make me look stupid? Hell now, won't y'all I get all of them to the family. Y'all call the family. Y'all killing that yourself? Man, I won't. I just want trying to get you to brain the body by man and let us no, I ain't touching no dead body. We just want to have one last drink with Chopper Man. You have one with your boys, and you get together with him and y'all talk about bottom and let him know. I Chopper water what kind of prison? Me? What? What kind of prison? But we need to we won't chop up to be there this Chopper, This is Chopper you talking about man. Bring y'all to the church. Y'all need to be up in the church. We want to have a Chopper at the club. Well we didn't know him all man, y'all full of well we know goup looking like a food at the damn funeral? What this about Chopper though? And then I'm writing about Chopper. You'll break Chopper to that club? Y'all tripping, man, I ain't doing I'm just going to this funeral. I'm gonna care to say what I think about chopping, and I'm moving tall. If y'all want to clays in front of the town of y'all call the family, y'all selling you this? Look, I got one more thing I want to say. I don't even know you well what what? What this is? Nephew, Timmy from the Steve hobb And Morning Show. You just got pranked by your board, This nephew taught me. Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy told me to prank you. Man. I just days this his nephew. No, no playoff. Oh man, I can't believe this. No, he didn't. I can't even believe he did that. Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Moaning Show. I'm through with it. You ought to be thank you nephew coming up next, and has asked the cello Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building ready for your love questions. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news, comedian and rapper t I went off on comedian Laura Knight after she made a joke about his sexual assault allegations. And in other entertainment news, Jada Pinkett Smith reportedly wishes her husband Will didn't slap Chris Rock What. Plus Courtney Knel girl, where is this? I know? Plus Courtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are married. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time to ask the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. This one's from Zoe and Louisiana. Zoe writes, my mother has been married to my stepfather for seven years, but I caught her and my biological father in the showers Sunday night. I stopped by her house after she told me she wasn't feeling well. I walked in the bathroom, but they didn't see me, so I bolted out of the house. Should I tell them what I saw or not? That is a question. Well, I don't think you should. I mean, you saw it. What business is it of yours? I'm just trying to figure it out. But this is your mama. Your mama been married to your stepdaddy for seven years. You walked in and you saw her in a shower with your daddy. They have done that before. Mama just catching up, that's all, That's what's what. But what would she say though to them? There's nothing you can't Mama saw you in that with daddy, And how that sound with you? The fact that that ain't her husband right now? That ain't none of your business. Ye see, this is life. All is what you ain't gonna ever do. I remember one time my brothers was talking to me. I was about nine, ten years old, and I heard him, my two big brothers, talking about girls and what they was doing. And I said out loud, I never do that with a girl. And they looked at me and said, if you don't shut your dumb mans up, said boy, you know you ain't even had a girl yet. When you get a girl, boy too, you ain't fitting to do this with no girl. Bore you. I can't even tell you what they told me. But it turned out to be so true. Okay, okay, all right, karma. An Oxford writes, My boyfriend is on a health kick and always on my case about eating junk food. I saw a Kroger receipt in his car and he had bought a snicker and a coke. I jokingly told him that I found the receipt, and he got mad and said, I can't be trusted because I went through its personal belongings. Was it really that serious? Hell no, hell no? That asis? And what he tripping forth? Is he that big of a liar where he want to maintain the heat healthy all the time. Let me tell you something. I don't know a living soul that eats perfectly healthy all the time. No, right, hard to turn down a snicker. I sat down down with a vegan. Have known this brother to be a vegan for years. His ass is eating chicken ways with me one day. A vegan. Yeah, And he told me, he said, hey, man, I just man, I'm gonna try. I ain't he one one man? They smell so good. I didn't judge you. I thought you was vegan. You are vegan, But all that dog now, I ain't saying vegans is eating meat because a lot of them ain't. But you eat unhealthy foods. Vegan's gonna eat some unhealthy tough and I got some news for you too. All Vegan food ain't that good for you. Some of the stuff is excessive in a lot of areas. So if any any if you once you overdo anything, it's bad for Do you know you can drink too much water? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, yeah, so you know, go ahead, shut all right. Moving on to Ella in Kansas. Ella says, I'm a sixty six year old single woman and I met a man that's my age. But he's a lot to handle in the bedroom. He's on the pills that give you vitality and he doesn't need any help with that at all. Every time I huh, go ahead, every time I turn around, he's got that thing of his out pointing it at me. What please, hell down? Summer down? Yeah, yeah, too much, he don't. It's too much. Go allen. You can stop seeing him. You can stop seeing him. Now there's the other side to that coin. Now you can be one of the old ass dudes where the pill don't work or don't nothing work, and then y'all just sitting up there knitting front, poach front, poach, sitting up there doing stuff he don't even really careful, you know, making dolls, making doll you know, take this guilt, this glorious gift. You can play the hookie polking. You know, you know, y'all key, y'all get you know. Look, look, look, look, look, you know you're old. You need some activities. Well you know what he ain't for you? Then gone back. You like being single, you're sixty six, go ahead, and he's sixty six. He finn't get this right though. She just wants him to simmer down. Load and five ain't no simming down. So that's it. Leave him. She can't handle him. She wanted him to simmer down. Yeah, but I'm but I'm gonna tell you not now, because I got a lot of friends, and I know you don't had many discussions about these pills. Listen to me. You build up a tolerance. If you keep on, you're gonna build up a tolerance. What used to be one peal gonna have to be two pell And if you're getting the prescription, feel appeals his expensive there's two thousand dollar appeals now, cheriance. Yeah, he gonna keep on. He's gonna buy himself now, he gonna mess around. He gonna buy himself out the situation. That's an expensive hap price his ass right on out. Oh okay, you got it. Hang on in there, ella, man, he got it out all right. Here we go Shandersia and Lexington says, I'm twenty seven years old and I'm dating a man that just got married. He was a single dad when we met, and he never told me he was getting married. The wife moved in with him, and he introduced me as the babysitter. I love his kid, and I think I can remain professional and keep the job. Should I quit or stay? Girl, It's no way you're gonna be able to keep this up. You think that woman is a fool. You think she ain't gonna know. You think the dude you're dating is that brilliant? His dumbass talking about you the babysitter. What what the babysitter? She gonna get tired and looking at the babysitter, look like you. You gonna get tired of being the babysitter. He gonna leave something somewhere. This is this is a disaster waiting to happen. This kid don't say something, Mama when you ain't here, Daddy be coming back home. They being the dead room, all right, thank you, feel coming up at the top of the hour. We got some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening, okay. So t I went off um after comedian Lauren Knight made a joke about the sexual assault allegations. Lauren said that she clapped back because TI heckled her over and over. Take a listen to TI first, and then take a listen to Lauren's explanation was it is nothing to George before. No, No, I stand on what I said. If you're a comedian eings up for jokes about me all day and I've been laughing at some of it, nothing's off limits, nobody's special, and please don't walk upon me again. I'm mad, dangerous. This is not rat beef. I am not little flip. I ain't got no problem with TiO. Okay, what's going on in the commented world, and I ain't time. Everybody's so sensitive, little tense out there? What's going on? King of Comedy? Yeah, well, wow, here's my take on it right here. I did understand that t I was heckling the girl. That's what that's that's not even that's what she said. That's not what we do in comedy. Never in my entire career been heckled by a comedian that was sitting in the audience. I've never had a comedian heckle me. But that's but but you can't bring that element to the game because we don't. We really don't do beef very very nine. And you see two comedians going at it, but we very rarely ever do beef just any wrapped we we we we can't do that. Uh. Secondly, to go up on the stage snatch the mic from the girl all is here, that's just that's just not how it's done. Man. You know the girl on stage, You didn't got up out your seat. You you going back and forth with her. And I could tell by the reaction of the audience this was a very uncool moment. There was no last going back and forth, and so I just think it was an uncool last moment, a really really uncool last moment for curs coming. I see, is it true what she said? Nothing's awful limits urge, nephew, I mean, you're not special? Is that true what she said? As a comedian, Steve Guys, it depends on the comedian. To our comedian Sam Kennison, nothing was off limits, including the Lord God Almighty. I mean, there's some cats that do believe that whatever they do is right. There are limitations for me. You have a line, Timmy, you got a line. You guys got do y'all have a line? Always? Yeah? I mean my line is the edge of that stage and you've been walking answer. That's when my landing did not walk up. I just meant in your routine out of yes, I'm sorry. You can't talk to ain't management. You can't talk to I am that's whe all. I am on our sure wheel. I am ain't manage. Oh no, you know what like I mean, I think I think he was out of line on this one. He really was. He was out of line on this one. You may not have liked what the girl said, right, And is it changing? Is it starting to change? Of course, political correctness has changed comedy forever now now is you can't talk about nothing I don't want you to talk about. So that's what it's about. Oh huh, I see. But the number one the number one thing that never got bridge. Comedians always respected the art form of each other. If that's what you're gonna talk about, that's on you. I've had the poor comedians all stage behind the stage and say, hey, look if you continue down that line of joking with me and you can't work together, so their content to give them a yeah, because if if I'm the headliner and you on my show and you out there in front of me doing some stuff that's that's not and I mean real vile, real vile. I'll come and speak to you and give you a chance to fix it. But if you tell me this how I work, then you won't be working with me no more. Because when you get after the audience as mad as hell, ah dog dog, I've had an audience. Tell me I'm talking about when I was major. I'm talking about after the Kings of Comedy, still selling out arenas Steve. If you wasn't coming out here next we went home, changes the mood and everything, Yeah, yeah, absolutely, all right, let's get to this next story. Um, Jada Pinkett Smith. If you guys haven't heard Jada Pinkett Smith, UM doesn't think it was necessary for Will to get physical in order to defend her at the Oscars, and she says they're both in agreement. That will overreacted. Now. This is according to US Weekly. A source told the magazine she is not one of those women who needs protecting talking about Jada now, um, and he didn't need to do what he did. She didn't need protecting. She's not a wallflower, the source continued. She's a strong woman, an opinionated woman, and she can fight her own battles, but she will stand by him. Excuse all of it, girl, Pause, Jada, I don't need protecting. I'm a strong woman. I'm not a wall flower. I'm an opinionated woman. I'm an opinion But at the Oscars, none of that was on display. All I saw was the delicate wallflower with an expression on her face that says, I need and want somebody to do something for me. That's what it said there. And when it came on stage, all the lights because he was laughing at first two. He looked over there and saw that her feelings were hurt. Well, all right, all right, coming up, thank you, thank you. Coming up, we'll have more of a Steve Harvey Morning Show, and we'll talk about Paula Patton frying chicken. Right, after this what you're listening to? Show? Actress Paula Patton recently shared her mom's fried chicken recipe on Instagram. Oh lord, and in case you missed it, in the video, Paula makes a couple of questionable moves. First of all, she didn't wash the long enough. Then she put the unseasoned chicken in the flower, and then she sees in the chicken while it was frying in the grease. Wow season grease. Yeah, you also talk about mit s. Surely one other bad cook does not release you from me. You've never fried chicken? Really, no chicken? All right? Now? Listen to this. Reactions to her video were so bad that Paula had to respond, take a listen. I just wanted to respond and say, listen, I get it. It might look crazy. It is the way we do it. My mom taught me. It is my mom's recipe. I do believe in washing the chicken. And maybe where the video was edited, it looks like I don't wash it long enough. But I definitely do because I feed it to myself and I fitted to his whole school that that's I made. I made it for his school. Um. But anyways, it's all good because everybody's got their own way of making things. And I'll take suggestions. We're gonna give you some pad Hold hold on, I'm looking at the video right now. Let me ask you a question. The chicken that's on the stove when uh huh, when didn't start frying in the grease? Just getting seasoned? Yeah? Right, she was gonna get the point to me if the grease wasn't hot enough to fry the chickenish you it ain't. As soon as you dropped that chicken in, you got damn did get back? Yeah? Yeah, even I know that. How many years did Robbin eat chicken like this? But you noticed they she did say no about the kids at the school. They didn't They didn't get back a good report. The kids didn't say M's recipe. That's how she does it. So hey, well, Paula, we got the season the chickenfour We put it in the flower. Yeah, I like Paula. Patt need to call Paula flowers. The flower has some seasoning in it. No, some seasoning can even go in the flower. It's just that's the whole concept between behind shaking bake. Some season is in the flower. Yeah, but that's not what had happened right here. Yeah, he's standing over that grease sprinkling. I'm gonna tell you right now, don't try that, y'all. What you saw do that? That's not how you coming up. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna check Steve's voicemail eight seven seven twenty nine Steed, right after this you're listening show. All right, guys, it is timing how to check Steve's voicemail. If you would like to leave Steve a boy'smail, call him eight seven seven twenty nine Steed eight seven seven twenty nine, Steven, you could hear your message on the air with us. All right, Stevie, you're ready to check your messages. Let's go to Tennessee and we can talk to we can hear from Shanda. Hello, Steve, this is Senda from smarta Tennessee Colin to let you know I saw your nephew this weekend and he was great. I think he would be very proud of it. Hope y'all have a wonderful week and so I listening. Bye bye, oh Nashville, Nashew, Tennessee. Sorry, what'd you do this weekend? Though I did Nashville, Tennessee. I did Zany's comics. Okay, it like you said, it was off the chain of Steve. I'm trying to tell you your boys a b siut here, man, I'm not lying to you. Man, roll up on you one day now, keep saying please roll up? You want to open up in this week? Hey, don let me spine after after I open. What is your ass gonna do? I'm just okay, I'm just trying to let you know. Now you know the country game has changed. What's been changed? I mean is who I'm take a joke? Open all right, Nashville. This is from Nashville. That's opening cold. At the same time, let's hear from Henry from Nashville. Steve. Hey, Steve, this is Henry from Nashville. Man, your nephew showed out here. I'm on April first. I mean, this dude imitated you to the fullest. Man. He is hilarious. Hey, God, bless you, Steve Harvey. You've been a mentor in my life, even I haven't met you in person. So keep up the good work you and the crew. Thank you all right here me thank you once again. A large part I'm starting to understand what's going on out here with him now killing he imitated you to the footes he being your nephew as one way as one way to have good ass show, as one damn way to have a good ass show. Be me. I'm good. I'm gonna walk up and catch his ass say it at one time, walk out that while doing it. I wish you would. We've all seen it. I wish you would. He nailed it. Steve, all right, this call is from New York City. Come on in, Steve and the crew. I am calling to say thank you, Steve, thank you for all you have given to us. I think God for giving you the talents and gifts to have brought so many of us so much Jordan entertainment over the years. I've learned so much from listening to you, and I've been a fan of yours since the beginning of your career. But I love the way that you love on your family, how you helped so many people, and I truly believe that you do understand the principle and the old adage that's to who much is given, much is required. I just love you guys, period. But people doing what you're doing, God blast in Jesus name a man a man all the credit, glory and honor to God. I am who I am, but by the grace of God, let us continue. Shirley all right, birthday shout up? Call it with a birthday shout out. It stays. However, it is Pabrickan from mc calm, Mississippi. I'm Lunny Robinson's first cousin. My birthday is April to seventh, and I'll be a seventy two year old diva. I really enjoy your aspirational messages in the morning, and sometimes I want to give you a pil because you are really thought of. But I just love it and I love the line so that you provide and make God blessing. I'm Pabricking from a Calm, Mississippi, and I'll be seventy two year old diva April to seventh. So which my happy birthday, Goydbye. What's her name? Miss sau some about his first cousin, though from missus who headed Lonnie Robertson. I see I wrote that I couldn't get her name. I know she is seventy to you old divas out of mccollo, Mississippi. So happy, happy, birthday to you everything, But who the hell is Lonny Robbishly my first cousin, and Lonny Lonnie was born before nineteen seventy. I'm telling Nni Lonnie all right in Lonnie Cage range your criminals from Cleveland. Thank you, thank you to our callers. Coming up next, it is a nephew with the frank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Steve Hardy Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, and the subject is is stotting Thursday? Got that thought love Thursday? Yes, we'll get into that in just a bit, because right now it is time for the nephew and today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Neft today? I'm gonna try to be stupid. That's like, yeah, you will sit like breathing. Yah, y'all. Hey, let me warn you. Buckle up, y'all, Finn to see something. Go ahead time, I'm stupid, Okay, gonna stride. It's bad with me. Let me know what you think, but I'm gonna give it a shot. Here it is this right here is Sarah get mother, Sarah Get mother got dog, if you would h Yeah, Roger, can I speak to Roger? Yes, Roger, Hey this Calvin Man. How you doing. I go to the same church y'all go too, Okay. I got your number from one of the guys at the church. Man. They told me that if I wanted to talk to y'all, I could reach out to you or whatever. How you doing today? I'm good, man, I'm good. I can help your your wife, man. Does she I'm not trying to be disrespectful anything, but she seems to be real fit? Does she? Does she work out all the time? Yeah? She go to January once in a while. Bro. Yeah, who who is this? Bro? Like I said, I didn't, Calvin Man, we go to the same church. Listen, me and my wife been trying for a long time, man, to actually have some kids. And to be honest with you, Roger Man, it just ain't happening, Dog. I mean, we've been trying and trying. But what I'm trying to do now is just find another type of way to make this happen. Now, you say your wife is in good condition, right, My wife is in good condition. Brother. What did she got to do with your trying to have a baby. She You know, now, y'all already got kids, don't you. Y'all got like from what the brother the Church told me, y'all got three kids right there? We got three. I got two boys in the girl. Okay, here's what I'm trying to do, man, I was hoping that I could find somebody, a female that would be a good seagant mother or what you know. What I'm saying is like because my wife, I mean, you know, we want to have kids, man, we want to have hold on, brother, you just said you're looking for a seragant mother. And the brother the church told you to call me, well, no, no, no, anybody tell me to actually call you. I asked them about you and your wife. You know, I asked him for your phone number so I can actually call you myself. Man, wait a minute, So you've been you've been I and my wife. No, no, no, no, no, no, I ain't been. You're looking at it wrong. Listen. What I was saying is that your wife just seems like a healthy, healthy person. I want to be able to have a healthy child. Man, I really do, man, that me and my wife. We listen, you called me about my wife and you want her to be a Seragant mother for you. I don't even know while be on the phone. Brother, here's the real deal, man, me and my wife we can't have kids. We tried and tried and tried, and you know, biologically, we've just been going through it and going through it man. And I was just you know, I've seen your wife. She healthy. I see y'all a church all the time. And I was just like, reach it out, man, maybe somebody wouldn't mind being the Saragan mother for for for me and my wife so we can have a child. I'll figured it Saragan mother, I mean dog. Hold on them, brothers. You calling me to see if my wife can be a Seragan mother to your child. Dog. And I know it's crazy. It's crazy and and I think you lost your mind. Brother. Out of all the members in the church, you're calling me to get my wife to have your baby. Dog. I know it sounds crazy, man, I don't know, but I ignorant. Brother. I'm sorry you sound ignorant. You man. There's so many place to go at doctor baby. I can take you down to the County Court. I can show your kids needed a doctor. Next, you can go to Africa like like like all the restaurants, people gonna find your baby. You're gonna call me and my wife. It's twenty as the members in this church. You know how stupid you say? Brother? No, brother, brother, man, listen, man, I'm not trying to come across like that. Man, how are you trying to come across? Brother? You didn't done it to hear me out, man, I don't want you to go ahead, brother, go ahead, man, Okay, we're looking for a Sarah grand mother. We look, we've seen you your wife, and we thought she'd be a great Sarah good mother. And I know it sounds crazy for me to pick you out of all the people that go to the church. I understand that, man, I do. But listen, we would love for your wife to be the seagant mother. And we're willing to pay for this. Man, But listen to them if you don't mind. We don't want to do this with no test tubes and all that way. They mixed my seed with her with with with her egg. We want to do this naturally, war war war, you just said. Man, you gotta understand a real man want to do. I want to do and realistically, you know what I'm saying. I'm just saying, are you telling me that you want to have sex with my wife? But I mean, I mean, you know you don't you want to lose all my Christianity right now? Brother? You want to have a baby the real way, though, you know what I'm saying. I don't give a damn having this fake way. You tell me you want to lay down in a ball my wife, But dum you already got three kids. Think about the people that can't have it. Doctor baby, Man, take your darn. Ain't gonna doctor damn baby because you didn't go sit down, psychiatric problem. I don't want to have your baby. Do you know what you sound like? Don't crazy? I know it sounds crazy. Man. I don't you get my number? Man? It means you get my number. I got your number for one of the brothers at the church. Now listen, I'm gonna just be real with you like a man. I wanted to come at you first and talk to you like a man and see you know if you was cool with the proposition. But look, come Sunday, I'm gonna go to your wife and just talked on what I'm just gonna go. I'm just gonna talk to your wife and see if you lost your mind. I told you to answer no naysam me gonna go around me and ask which Ry'm gonna do. Talk to my wife? You call my right now? You called my wife. I'm gonna tell you what's really gonna happen. You call my wife wife next Sunday. I never didn't go through this. I'm talking to her next Sunday, Next Sunday. I'm an whoop ya. You're ain't gonna do nothing to me. I'm an whoop your man and my wife? Who the time for time too? You ain't You ain't gonna stand in the middle of this. I'm having the middle of this. Low man, you talk to my Wife's next thing you want to I got one more thing I want to say to you. Man, Is you listening to me? Say? What the you gotta say? You can get off my phone. This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your homeboy? What this is? Who this is this? Listen? Who was this man? This nephew tim Me man from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. Your home boy got me to frank phone. Call you man, I'm over here, man, my head is spinning. Man, got me, brother, I'm ready to fight, brother. I got one more thing, as big dog man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the plan Man to Steve Harvey Morning show Man, y'all got me this morning? Man? Got me man, I think I was. I think I did. We agree? As the Flying Colors, Yeah, I stupid, your stupid. Yeah, as the old Church Swung Go. He never faired me. Yeah, whoa whoa can't turn round? He never faired me. Yeah that's you. When you try to be stupid, you have never failed. Yeah, all right, the doors are open. That might be one today Charlotte, North Carolina. Five shows. You want to see stupid at his best see stay, Come on and get your ticket. There's by fifty something tickets left. Two Fridays. Who sadday? Ain't just one Sunday? Pretty much gone, ladies and gentlemen. Stupid is on the Wayne Darling, North Carolina gone. In Spanish, that's audio. Yeah, after the Hamilton a year in town. Come hang out with your boss. Come on, Tasia, I'm on my way. My tag can prosing ticket. Just just let that be see. I know Paula Pat can't all right? Thank you, nephew with everything is Strawberry letter up next subject dotting Thursday. We'll get into it right after this. You'reless. Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. It could be yours. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter, subject dotting Thursday. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a forty eight year old married woman and I've been married since I was twenty two years old. My husband is three years my senior, and he swept me off my feet right after I finished college. I had three kids for him and they are grown. We traveled together and we enjoy life as much as possible, but I wish my husband was a little more involved in the church than he is. We had our wild times and I even smoked weed a few times after I had my last child. There's nothing left for me in the streets, and I'm a homebody now. I want my husband at home with me, but he's still out in the streets. And I call it Thursday, and I call Thursdays stotting Thursday because he bar hops with his friends that he's known since high school every Thursday night. I thought we were on the same spiritual journey for the past three or four years, and I had high hopes that he would stop going to the club, but he has not. He has no problem going to Bible study one night, then drinking and smoking hookah in the club the next night. He doesn't even come home from work on Thursdays. He heads over to Happy Hour and eats dinner, then he goes to a ghetto bar and lounge, where he stays until it closes. He comes in smelling like sweat and weed mixed with cologne, and he climbs in the bed with me and I have to fight him off of me until he falls asleep. I told him, if he keeps choosing the club over me and his faith, he should stop pretending to be saved. I begged him to go to counseling at church with me. But he doesn't think he's got a problem. I am so worried that a female thought might tempt him into doing something he's not ready for. I feel like my husband and my marriage might be slipping away. How can I keep my husband out of the streets. Well, I mean, quite frankly, I don't know that you can keep him out of the streets. I mean, he has to want that, and he does want it for six nights of the week. I mean, your only issue is Thursday that you talk about the problem is you want your husband to do like you and be a homebody like you, and be at home and go on your same spiritual journey. You want him to do that every day all day. But don't you think he needs some time to himself as his wife. I mean, he's not the home body you are. It's not like you know, you don't know his every move on Thursday nights because you told us all of it about the hookah and his high school friends, all of that. I mean, I agree, he probably does smell like smoke weed and cologne if he's been out all night, so he probably does need to get his butt in the shower before joining you in bed. But really, I think what you need to do is relaxed and let this man have a little fun one night of the week. You gotta stop nagging him even goes to Bible study one of those nights. Not a lot of husbands will do that. I think maybe you need to start getting out more, and you know, stop nagging your husband about this. I mean, you didn't say that he treats you badly or anything like this. You just say he goes to the club on Thursday nights. Come on, lady, come on now, that's not so bad, Steve, I must say show. I am completely amazed at your response. Oh my god, the growth in you as a woman, and I've watched it after twenty two years, is absolutely phenomenal. I don't know who this woman was reading this Strawberry letter. This certainly is not the Shirley straw This is my answer. This is my answer. The Shelly Strawberry that I knew twenty two years ago would have never responded to this twenty two years Shirley twenty okay, But I'm just I'm complimenting you on your growth, but you don't want it because you are tight because you think it's a criticism, but it's not. But I just don't know the woman that I'm doing the Strawberry letter with no more. We may have to change the name of the letter from Strawberry. I don't know, just the damn letter with her and met. Uh. This is an amazing letter because I'm not really sure if this woman understands what the problem is. You forty eight years old, you've been married twenty six years, um to this man. You're you're ain't said y'all had no problems. He's three years older than you. He's fifty one. You forty eight, Uh, didn't know. Your concern is I wish my husband was a little more involved in the church that he is. Okay, that's that's okay, that's fair. We had our wild times and then here you go with some information we don't need. You said, I even smoked weed a few times after I had my last child, the last wait that long started trying weed for anyway. That ain't my business. But you made it man, because you put it in the letter. Had nothing left for me in the streets, and I'm a home body now and I want my husband home with me. Well, see here's the problem. You made a change that your husband wasn't quite in line with. Y'all didn't discuss we're gonna stop going out in the streets. You decided you hadn't had enough, he didn't, and now you called in Thursdays foughting Thursday. You got a husband that's fifty one years old that bab hops with his friends that he's known since high school every Thursday night. That right there, in itself is a little crazy because at fifty one you still bar hopping. That's a little odd to me. That's fifty one. I don't know when bab hopping should stop. I'm thinking it can't extend no where where. What's the age limit for bar hopping? Tommy, that is something? That is something, Yeah, and it references to stuff like that. I go to Tommy Junior. You agree, yes about thirty seven, but I will give you up to forty. All right, hang on, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour Today's Strawberry Letters subject thotting Thursday. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve Let's recap today's Strawberry Letter, the subject thoughting Thursday. Well, we got a funny and gear old woman that's been married to her husband since they was twenty two years old. He's fifty one, she's forty eight, and they have children, and they used to enjoy their little street life. But after her third child, and she smoked a little weed. But now she's tired of that and she's a home body nine. She wants her husband to be at home with me, but he's still out in the streets. And she calls him thoughting Thursday because every Thursday he bab hopped with his friends. That's known since high school, bob hopping at fifty one and way late in the game, you long in the tooth. You this ain't this ain't what you do when you're in the club. Got your suit on. They don't even wet suits the clubs. No moment. He ain't he out of line, He out of pocket? Okay. And then she said, I thought we were on the same spiritual journey for the past three or four years. Where are your thought wrong? You thought he didn't think that, And so now I had high hopes that he would stop going to the club. But he has not. He has no problem going to Bible study one night, then drinking and smoker who could in the club the next night. Lady, that's really normal. I don't know where the shock is for you. I can't tell you the people that go to Bible study choir rehearsing prap me but sad to get him. I can't tell you the people that can't hardly get up to attend service in the morning and get their roll on to getting that choir because of what happened Saturday night. So it ain't just your husband. Please don't stop thinking because you went to Bible study one night, then drinking a smoker who get in the club the next night. He don't even come home from work on Thursdays. That nah, here we go. He don't even come home. I ain't even swinging by the house because he don't want to hear your mouth. So he goes straight from he can't wait to Thursday. Him and his boy Thursday, Thursday, bigger. This Saturday, man, we're gonna go down. Hell man. He head over the happy hour, He eat dinner, and then he goes to a ghetto bar and a lounge where he stays until it closed. Now, lady, I don't know. I'm gonna save my answer for the anyway, he comes in smelling like sweating weed mixed with cologne. He climbs in the bed with me and I have to fight him off until he falls asleep because he's coming home. He drunk and he's still smoking. Wee, see you stopped smoking weed. No, he kept smoking weed and he drinking so and he doing anphetamine and a barbituit and he's coming in the house with that mix. That's like when people drank a tequila and Red Bull, vodka and red Bull. That's an upper anna down. The red Bull is an anphetamine, means it amps you up. Red Bull amps you up. The vodka is a depressant, a ball bituate. That's how you know the difference. Barbituates take you down. A phetamines amps take you up. Now you to mix the two. Now he coming there and his brain fall asleep. I told him, if he keeps choosing the club over me, I told him, if he keeps choosing the club over me and his faith, he should stop pretending to be saved. That's not an ultimatum. See, I was waiting on you to say, if he keeps choosing the club over me and his faith, I'm leaving you said. I told him, if he keeps choosing the club over me and his faith, he should stop pretending to be saved. He he might not be pretending to be saved. Hello, we are all sinners, saved by grace. Because you saved, don't mean you don't sin. You know on a horle who you thinking had his perfect life? He ain't. I begged him to go to counseling that church with me, but he don't think he got a problem. I'm so worried that a female might tempt him into doing something he's not ready for. What did you just say? Wait a minute home, let me back that lineup. I'm so worried that a female fought might tempt him into doing something he's not ready for. What you mean he ain't ready for? And where do you get this? I'm worried that a female might tempt him. What you think happening at the club every Thursday they go and die? Now for temptation? They going to that ghetto club for us, They're going down to that ghett old club to drink, get high. It ain't just dudes at that club. Lady, I'm just gonna be real with you so you can stop all this. I'm worried that a female thought might tempt him into doing something he ain't ready for. Lady, I feel like my husband and my marriage might be slipping away. How can I keep my husband out of the streets. You can't. Your husband have to want to come out of the streets. But he old, or he didn't even look good down there no more. But I'll tell you what could show enough break it up. I'm not saying you ought to do this, but if you popped up down there after get old club, little rue at a change everything that there never be the same. I don't suggest you do that because he he ain't gonna he really ain't gonna like you. Then at least he tried to climb in bed with you. He come in on Thursday. If you go down, then he ain't gonna touch you again. That's the damn show. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM and Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the album, got some sports talk from Junior. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got junior, Oh, Shirley, let's just go ahead and say a prayer for all the Laker fans. They have been officially eliminated from the playoffs. Thank you. Lord. I'm so sick of hearing about the Lakers on Sports Center. Just go on and lose get out well. Well, man, I'm tired of this. Man. I love Lebron, Man, I love Westbrook, but man, I'm tired of here about the damn Lakers. They might get in they time day out, the day out. It's officials. Ain't even the damn playoffs. Man, yeah, oh man, it's crazy. And also in sports and something we gotta talk about this about a couple of weeks ago, Will Smith slap Priss brock Well now have transferred to sports Michael Coo Me from France slapt Raphael need and Crop after losing a match. Now he walked up to the net. As soon as he gets to the net, he reaches across and slaps him dead in the face. And once again, there was nothing that happened. Now, I'm tired of people. That's getting slapped not doing nothing. I think right now you need to find sports where ain't too many black people in it. If you're gonna start slapping because somebody go react, I'm just letting you know. You might want to slap somebody that's playing soccer or cricket with something. Something slapped the Lord's cricket. They got that little triangle shape back. Somebody got the tennis man. I got a tennis trash. Yeah, that's all I came out there with. I got three of me in my bad Yeah. And you ain't you now now one just just the whole side of your look like a waff. Find out why he fly? Why did he dost you lose? You lose? You know, it's just too much of just going Oh, I'm telling you right now, can't slap us in freeze tag Jack's. You can't slap us in none of these sports. It's a lot of sports that black people. Yeah, a lot of sports black people you can't you can't get You can't slap us in school. It's just too many things just getting away with it and people that's getting slapped just taking it. We have got to stop. Did somebody go somebody's gonna fight back. Tell you everybody, Yeah, they don't know. Shot last shot don't lasts low enough for you to get off the tennis court. It don't last that long. How long? Not just net it don't no, No, we're gonna have them. The next match gonna be delayed. They're not starting no time. I can promise you that if it was started, if if it was supposed to start a fault, it's probably gonna be about seven thirty eight pho they get. But we're gonna be in stance. We're gonna be everywhere on this court because we're just not walking away nor more people. Yeah so I was in basketball, now, okay, you can't do that violence, all right, thank you Junior. Coming up at the top of the hour, What simple struggle did you go through as a kid that your child will never have to go through? Think about that and we'll talk about it when we come back. Right after this. You're listening to show question for you guys. What simple struggle? Just a struggle that you went through as a kid that your child will never have to go through. Do you wish they did? Huh? Childhood wasn't close to mind, nothing like it. Yeah, okay, For instance, there was a post on Facebook that said, um, there was an old picture of an old school tape deck, you know, with the tape all unwound. It was messed up in everything and the kid and the caption was, my kids will never know this struggle trying to hand to take back together and get pen and get number two pencils right side of that. Why so yeah, So that's why we asked the question, what struggle did you go through as a kid? Um, you know that you're your kids now don't have to go through it. I don't know nothing about coming in when the street lights is on. They don't know nothing about taking the damn god and child down't know nothing about and ship now, don't know nothing about no damn go out there, come sweep out the damn garage. They don't know nothing about that. Go out there and change your all with your daddy. They don't know none of that. Man, get up under that car, change you all with your daddy. Man, Please two age you're doing everything, man, or just something as simple as walk over and change the channel on the teeth. Ain't no remote, ain't no remote. You're the remote. We were the just the antenna. How about this right here, I'm in here in the bathroom. Oh yeah, one bathroom? Yeah that damn dare I never know what that is? He and in coffee cans and man, wait, we can't eat. We could need for our friend's house. None of that, Shirley, did you hear what he said? Let's back up? What in a coffee? Can you got me on this one? Yeah? We don't know that struggle. Why thirteen of us in one bathroom? We all can't get in there? Oh? Is it the same can an? You got to risk the can out? Not? How about the bathroom? The bathroom ain't in the house. How about that one? We ain't with you on that? Were't there? I got the outside down the step. Man, I had to get a flash like to go to bathroom when it was dog man. Please, my kids never know none this man. My kids got their own room with their own bathroom in it. Yeah what then TV? Own phone? We had one thirteen inch color TV, and I can assure you it did not belong to me, so you couldn't watch the only time I could watch what I wanted to watch was when my mom and daddy went shopping on Saturday mornings and me and my nephew was in front of that TV. It was cartoon heaven. Yeah, what was your favorite cartoons? I'll say, I'll say, I'll say, I'll say something that was my dude right there. That the rooster man with everything to me at the mass dog man that kept getting jerked on that chain. That was my dude right there, I'll say, I'll say, I'll say, shut up, son. Yeah, and he loved that little that little chick that had the little genius ass boyd Miss person, oh, miss person. And that was every Saturday for you, every Saturday, man, unless they made me go shopping, which I liked too, but go hill shut. Did you have to clean up on Saturday? Oh yeah, yeah, everybody got to clean up. Sweep down the steps, mop the flow, and sweep down the driveway and sweep out the garage. Man, sadday was busy. I ain't get through the about one o'clock. Yeah. Then I had to be there when they came with the groceries because we gotta take the groceries all the way up. Saycause my mama didn't care bag. Ever, your mama don't care bags, Your mama picking point, Get your ass out here. I love it. I love it. Thing sounds so mean, don't I know. All Right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up, and twenty minutes right after this you're listening to say Morning Show. Former President Barack Obama was back at the White House on Tuesday to celebrate the Affordable Care Act. The former president noted that the healthcare plan, referred to as Obamacare by opponents, is pretty darn popular twelve years after it was passed into law. Take a listen to former President Barack Obama either jokingly or mistakingly calling President Biden. You'll see Vice President Biden, vice President. That wasn't joke. That was all set up, was it? Was it? Yeah? It was yeah? Okay, But you know what about the Obamacare. You know, Republicans stopped talking about repealing and replacing Obamacare because it was just too good. Yeah, and they couldn't get the constituents to go along with it. And you, right, Shirley, they had nothing to replace it. You better tell the truth, Shirley Strawberry. And here we are twelve years later, Steve, absolutely great assurance. Right, you ain't never had the Affordable Care Act, remains President Obama's most notable US achievement during his presidency. So there you go, and President Biden just wanted to acknowledge that. All right, coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll do a round it. Would you rather right after this? You're listening, all right, guys? Time now for would you rather? Would you rather be stuck on an island for eternity all on your own, all on your own, or would you rather be stuck on an island for eternity with someone you hate? Mh yeah, give me b I'm gonna go with be because me and me and me and him gonnahead to work through somethings so we can survive his things. I'm about to talk to I hope it's of me and huh yeah really working out? Yeah, be be for me. I'm gonna drive myself crazy about my damn Now, I got to be. I'm on an island. Now tell me with all those people in your head, man, please, I got through. I got to do be. I got to have somebody I can talk to you, even we don't like it till I got to have somebody. All right, Take it back to your school days. Would you rather be prom king or valedictorian. Oh okay, v Victoria. That would have ruined my whole high school experience. All that study and this stuff, well younger stuff, I'd have missed trying to get this A on this test. I don't give a damn by no A on no tests. Man. I gotta get out here, learn these social skills. All a's. Yeah, do you know what that would have took out of me? Man? In order for me to get all a's in high school, I'd have had to sell my bike. I'd have had to withdrawal from all extra curriculum axctivities. I'd have to stop playing sports. I'd had to what else I gotta give? I couldn't have no girlfriend. I didn't have a whole lot of success then, but most of my time with women was spent trying the success ratio that wasn't high at all, but the effort I had to put in just to talk to one junior started on. Yeah, it's prom season right now? Yeah I was. I was. That's a touch of subject. I was a runner up from I didn't win. I couldn't get black vote back then lost Tommy, I lost. I lost. They wasn't voting yeah, but you wasn't the school. But but see Timmy you he was after me using school white kids. Yeah, but but but I couldn't get the black kids to vote. That was my problem. Look at things change. We're voting now, We're voting now. Yes, we are voting now. All right, um, all right, well, thank you guys. That's today's round of would you rather? Coming up at forty nine minutes after it's the last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remarks for you right after this. You're listening to show. All right, here we are, guys, our last break of the day on this Thursday. Wow, what a thursday. It has been a great Thursday. I learned how to fry chicken. That's what I learned today. No, she needs to start somewhere, y'all leave her. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Hey. We do want to remind people Steve that tomorrow our special guests will be beautiful the talented Tony Braxton. Tony Braxton will be your special guest coming on to talk about her brand new movie on a Lifetime called Fallen Angels Murder Club. So stay tuned for that. Look out for it. Cool, all right, girl, Tony you're turning to says, yes, I'm sorry. You know, Um, I wanted to finish up yesterday I was talking about fatherhood and I'm talking to men, and I'm not talking down to men because I haven't always been the father that I am today. I haven't always been the man I am today, So please understand. I understand it's a process. I don't know. I was listening to Bishop T. D. Jake's online the other day. I don't know a father that can get it one hundred. He says. It's almost impossible for a father to get it one hundred because if you are the especially if you are the main bread winner of the house, if you're out there trying to make the bread, then you're not there, and not being there causes so many problems for the wife, for the child, for the mother, for whoever the situation is. Now. If you're there all the time, then you don't have the role of breadwinner, and that creates another problem. Look, you can be married to a woman that makes more money than you. There's no shame in that. That's honor. That's okay, we're not talking about that. But if that bugs you, we have a problem. If that bugs her. We have a problem. But if you're a man at the house and you're not doing anything to contribute to the overall well being of that family, we have a problem. It's hard to be a man. And this is not in comparison to being a woman, because I have no data on that. I have no expertise in it at all. As a matter of fact, I have no idea how they do it, giving birth, making every human being that's on this earth, raising them, taking care of them, standing by their man, being a mama, being a wife. I have no idea, but I do know what it is to be a man. I know everything about manhood. I'm sixty five years old. You can't sitting me down and teach me a lesson about manhood. No, you can't. I'm an expert at this. I've been through every up and down you can be. I'm a sixty five year old black man. I was raised in segregation. What you're going to tell me? I understand difficulties, hardship, hard times, but fellas, it is our job. Once we become a parent, once we father a child, we have a responsibility that comes with that, and it's major and God does not release us from that responsive ability. I'm telling you he don't. That is no way you can ignore your responsibility with a child and expect to find joy, peace of mind, happiness and success off somewhere else. It's not going to happen. I'm sorry. That's not my rule. I didn't make that one. Help. That's not my rule. That is the way it is. I am imploring fathers. I am begging fathers, I really am man. I am begging fathers to get active in your child's life. Being present for your son is imperative. Being present for your daughter is imperative. So many adult women are suffering hurt today because they never had a snapshot of view of what a man's love really looks like. And they've been stumbling through their life trying to get it right because they never saw somebody treat their mother the right way. It is imperative that you get in them daughters live, that you show them that a man's love has nothing to do with physicality, that a man's love is honor, respect, taking care of protection, listening, solving problems. That's what manhood is. It is imperative, father that you get in these boys live, because your boy's gonna be one of two types of men. He gonna go and be a good man, or he's gonna grow and be a bad man. Whatever the example is in front of him most of the time is the pattern of behavior that he will duplicate. It works just like that, Man and Fellas. It ain't about how much money you've got. Now. I know there are some women who are making it about that, and I'm asking you women to listen to me. You got to stop that. Because your man is behind on child support, or your man ain't up to date with child support, and you denying him access to his children until he catch up on them payments, You're messing it up for your child. You're messing it up for you child. Your child don't need a payment. Your child needs that father figure. Your child needs the ability to say, I'm gonna call my daddy. Your child needs the ability to say I'm gonna tell my daddy, I'm gonna go get my daddy. That's what your child needs. Now. You may not need that for him as a man, but your child will forever need that. Don't take that from me and Fellas. I don't care where you're sitting with your money. I don't care where you're sitting, with your job position or whatever. Get on that phone and get a relationship with your child. It is your duty, it is your honor, and it is a privilege. But above all else, God ain't letting you go. You gotta get it right, fellas. I'm sorry. He ain't gonna let you prosper on the other side of the town if you ain't doing your business on the right side of town. Those are my clothes remarks. Hey, listen to everybody talk to God today. He would love to hear first. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.