Good morning and welcome to the ride! It's Good Friday and let the blackness begin! The entire crew is present and accounted for. Have you ever heard of J. Anthony Brown's Third Law of Motion? The Clark Sisters discussion sparks a proposal from Big Dog. Fool #1 and Fool #2 beef? Bitterman has a new product and the commercial is ready. Pastor Tony Spell of Baton Rouge, LA is in hot water. Waffle House maybe closed but its waffle mix is sold out. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve simply drives the point home again to take this social distancing seriously, plus more.
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Today's show is pre recorded, y'all know what time. I don't know, y'all a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the stubble through. Good to mother. I don't join joining you turn you go. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come Come on your baby now, ah, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Uh Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah you do. Steve Harvey got a radio show. But like I said the other day, you got something too, though, don't you. God hadn't done something wonderful for you. You just gotta thank Him for it, you know, in the midst of all that's going on in my life and in your life. You know, I always use myself as an example because well, I mean that way. I guarantee one hundred percent I know what I'm talking about. Um, here's the situation, you know, with everything that's going on in my life and all the things I'm asking God for in the midst of a taxing and a very trying situation, that's very challenging for me right now. Man, God just keeps on, keeps on surprising me. He keeps doing things. And I want you to look at your life. Or for a second, let's make two columns here. Let's make a column of all the things you want from God. You know, just do that throughout the course of the day. You know, you know, run down the list of all the things you're asking God for, all the things you're praying for, the things you aspire to, what your dreams, your visions, whatever it is. Just make a column a list of all those things. Let's make three lists. And then the second list, I want you to make a list of everything that you've been asking God for, so I guess that could be a little bit of the same. But this third list, I want you to do a check off point. I want you to do a make a list of everything that God has given you that you've asked him for. Just think about it like that for a second. I may be explaining a little wrong right now, but I'm gonna pull it together for you. Make a list of everything you're asking God for. Just just listed, you know. It's okay. It's a dream board. You can call it that. I got one. It's a vision board. You know, every everybody's got something you hope for. Make a list. Now, I want you to make another list of everything you've asked God for that he's given you already. See this is a good list because sometimes and what I've been guilty of, and maybe you two in my request list on my dream board. I keep focusing so hard sometimes on the what I'm yet to receive. I keep focusing so hard on the what I hope he gives me. I keep focusing so hard on the things that I yet not fulfilled in my life that sometimes, as he starts checking off my wish list, the things I've asked for in the past that have come to pass that He's given me, I sometimes, in praying for what I want forget to thank him for what he's done for me. And I'm currently in the middle of that situation. And this morning when I woke up, I really, man, I just got on my knees this morning and I quit tripping for a second. I said, Man, hey, God, you know what I really do need all them things I'm asking for, and I'm really am believing that You're gonna give it to me. But in the meantime, though, Man, have I overlooked some important details here. I had to really look at what he's done for me. I mean, look, man, take yourself out of it personally, and look, well, you can leave yourself in it however you want to be. Some people can't do that, So just leave yourself in it there. But man, I started looking at the eye part of me, and I started looking around at the what's happening overall, Like, man, he has kept my family together in spite of the attempts to tear it apart. I look at all of that. I look at how he's blessing my children with the desires of their heart, which I pray for my kids. You know, I want my kids to have a better life than I've had. I really really do. I don't want them to take as long as it took me to get it together. I really really don't. I'm trying to say, hey, man, if you go to college, this is what you can be. Don't do like your father did. Don't go three years, drop out, throw yourself into a spiral and then got to start to scratch all over again. You know, And for the most part so far, you know, they're doing quite well of it, you know, you know, they they're getting kicked around a little bit, but that's life. I started thinking of the blessings that he's helped me overcome with some of the previous mistakes I've made in relationships in my life. And then I started looking about the things he's blessed me with that I've been asking him for. But since I've moved on from it, I forgot to keep thinking him because I gotta always thank God for a roof over my head, because guess what, when I was asking for the roof and I didn't really have it, then he gave me one that since he gave it to me, what, I'm just cool now, I can't ever go back to him and go, hey, man, I really do appreciate this roof over my head because that was a time when I was living in a car. But see, so every morning I wake up, I gotta remember the fact that I have a home now, because I got to look back and go, man, that was time, Steve, when you didn't have no home. But see, we forget what God has done for us because in our column, the won't column, the need column, we oftentimes forget for the columns and the check marks. As He's already fulfilled in our life. You've got to take inventory every now and then daily if possible. But I know we're humans. We're not gonna do that. I don't. But you've got to take inventory of your life to say, hey, what has God done for me? You know? And remember something else too. Change is good, but change is challenging. Accept the challenge that it is. Look a lot of you come up to me all the time and say, Steve Man, thank you, boy you in the morning. Man, I really be needing that, Like I under said it a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again, y'all. I'll be needing it too. You know, you understand sometimes what God is dealing with me is for me. But now I'm in a sharing position where I can open up and if I just if I just quit being so about me and become a little bit more transparent, I can maybe some of me that's happening to me, it is happening to you, and you can see some of this in me. That's why I use myself as an example, because man, I'm catching it too, y'all. I ain't perfect either. So for those of you that come up to me and say that I want you to understand these these talks in the morning. Man, this is important for me because man, I need these conversations from God. I need God to continue to strengthen me, to show me the way, to help me understand what's happening to me. And see, as we've all those of you who have made the decision to change, to become a better person, a better woman, a better boy, a better girl, a better man. For those of you who have made the decision to change, change is a challenge, and accept the challenge because it's gonna come. Because right out of that here come to haters. It ain't come people you don't even know, discussing your life and your change. If God see you really really mean what you say in spite of what they say about you, God will raise you above the phrase. He'll keep promoting you. He'll keep blessing you. He'll keep moving you up. He will use you as a show off point. He'll show you off. Man. He'll make you. He'll make you look good to people, man, who wish you'd fall all day long, and so to all your haters, all your haters will end up just watching you rise. Man. They will watch you continue to grow. That's what God will do for you. Man. You can fool the world, but you can't fool God. God know your heart, He knows your every thought. Man, you're listening to stat Morning Show. Hear ye, hear ye. Gather one, gather all. The show is about to began. Steve Harvey's at the micro file having himself a wonderful morning, gathered hell for today's morning show. It will be done by an African American. I'm just hell to make the announcement. Let the blackness begun, get it. I did the huns. Also, ladies and gentlemen, what's happening. This is your man, Steve Harvey live on the Morning Show. I would like to thank Brother Aldrich, Duke Aldrix of Nottingham. That's different from the Earl of Altingham. That's Duke, oh Duke, Author of Altingham. And so we are here to do the morning show. Good morning, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning Steve. Happy Friday too, you good Fridayna be Friday? Ye have good Friday. That's the different Friday. Yea and callin for Rell. Good morning. What's up Steve? Hey? Crew should do what you do? That damn Junior morning. Everybody in the building a fool Number two, Jay Anthony Brown, what's going on? Missus? Steve a hobby? Watch out there now? And Jay Anthony Brown follows and needs into the super fool of the day. Nephew, Thomas y ain't top of the morning. Baby's Friday, don't make no difference. But it's Fried who matter of fact, it's good Fried, the good Friday. It's good froud together. It kind of mushed all together. What they can I ask y'all something? What? What? What do Easter egg have to do with East? Nothing? What do the bunny have to do with East? I was gonna ask that, nixt what I'm dressing up and jellybeans have to do with Easterns? What is all that? Not? Timmy not in this a way to make money. He's supposed to be a religious Holidy's supposed to have nothing to do with this. But Christams, what do buying Grison putting the trees? Yes, you know it's all commercial. Not to know this type of stuff? I do? Yeah, if I find one, I do want to eat a chocolate bunny. I've been seeing those commercials. Okay, here's a real good question. They look good. What does hot wings have to do with strippers? That's what I wanted that go together. And you're not gonna help. Are you going for the wings or I'm going for both of them? Yes? You know who looked at a tripper said, you know what, I can really use a six piece right now, a nice lemon pepper or crazy lemon pepper and gen figet out of here that. I don't know, y'all. I don't want my food open around all that boody sweat. I'm just that, just me. I just can't. You're funny like that, Jay, I'm funny. Jay has a segment coming up called for every action, there's a comment you can't do nothing. All right, we'll find out what about. We'll find out what that's about right after this. You're listening show, all right? Jay is here to explain this. For every action there's a comment you can't do nothing. What is every man every woman who's stuck in the house for somebody where you just can't move, you can't get away. It means every action there's a comment, I'm gonna do one, set it up, and I need the fellas to join. And here's the person I'm gonna go watch TV in the other room. That's the action. The comment is why you got going the room to watch TV the other room? What's wrong with the TV? And hen since when have you been watching TV in another damn room? I need to know. We can't sitting here and watch TV together, which means every action there's a comment. All right, I'm gonna set up the action, fellas, y'all give me the comment. I'm gonna walk around the neighborhood just to get some fresh air. That's the action. What's the comment, fellas? Fell it is since when you've been wallows, you ain't been walking. While you start walking, now you start getting healthy, all of a sudden, you what you got a marathon you're preparing for? You walking around the year something? And here we gotta acting this and in here what you need that you ain't been breathing? What is your need? And if you ain't, you ain't took a breath since you've been in here. That's the action. That's whe is a sec one. I'm kind of sleepy. I think I'm gonna go take a nap. That's the action. What's the comments? Fella's let it rode, let me hear well, when you was talking to Brenda. Your ass wasn't sleeping. Now you're with me, now you now you're tied. All the naps round here is at the same time. When then kids take a nap, then you can take a nap. But other than that, we up until it's time for nap time. It's knack nap. Let me get one from Steve. Come in. Didn't you just wake up from nap? Now you need another? Damn? What what's up with all these naps? Now? Nap? What you got? When naps is for tide people? You ain't done a damn faully god, damn all right, that was the that was the timing. Here's the action. I'm gonna go work out. I'm just gonna go work out in the garage. I'm gonna go work out in the garage. That's the action, fellas. What's a comment? Boom? Let me here here? Yeah, well, leshare working out somewhere because you ain't working out in this bedroom. We know that. I'm saying, I don't even know why. I don't even know why. You're going to the garage. You can't do five jumping Jackson, here, go track, come track, Hell, you gonna the garage. Okay, I got one. Yeah, your fat AS's gonna be out of breath walking to the garage. All of a sudden, you missed health and now now you're gonna walk to the garage and work out what you got? What you got? Man, you don't work on the car in the garage, how are you gonna work on yourself? Okay, that's the comment of his last one, his lasting I'm gonna go to the other room because this is really I'm gonna go to the other room to make my phone call because it's too noisy in here. So I'm gonna go to the other room to make my phone call because it's too noisy in here. That's that's the Action's what's coming ahead. Let me here, Wow, we quarantine. You ain't got no job. Let's rough, Junior, Junior, You're going to the other room because it's noise in here. That's what you do? You think? I know you calling it him? That's what you You're out in college because I'm in to call somebody I want to talk to. Go do what you want for Steve here, you aren't going to room and make a phone out. No, No, I'll turn the TV down and fat I'll turn it off so you can call you calling it. I'll make it quiet for your ass to be quiet calling here. You want quiet, I'm going here to the other room cause it's too noise in here to make the call. Talk louder, right right, just talk louder, Steve, know what sisters go? Oh dog, I bring out all the sister comments. Talk louder you have. I just kind of anybody, anybody who's in the house, which somebody did, really truly can't stand. I mean, to be stuck in that situation, wow, just you know, no, seriously, man, that's that's got to be. That's got that's got to be. Horrible. Divorce rate they say is going up. I mean, man, find a way to try to get along, especially if you have kids, you have to. There's no way. Sometimes it sure is. Sometimes there's just no damn man, here we go. Man, it's no way. Sometimes sometimes just just just say it's it's it's, it's it's it. That's that's got to be. I was thinking that the other day. I said, Man, if you if you're stuck in a house with a person that you really don't like, or if you're stuck in the house and you discovered that you don't like this person, because some of that's going on too, because people have have compartmentalized their lives and gotten their selves in a situation where they can deal with it in in in short verse. But if you suddenly realize, man, I genuinely do not like this person, that that's an ugly that's an ugly house to be in. You've never been in young like, yeah, all right, guys, all right, all right, Jay, Well, coming up next, the nephew in the building with run that brank back. Right after this. You're listening to Stay Hard Morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Entertainment News Plus Miss Anne is standing by with today's COVID nineteen National News. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that frank back. What you got for us? Nav Come on call Booty Drop, Booted Drop, Booted Drop. Let's go. Let's go, cat Dog. This is Booty Drop. I want to call it, introduce it, but she she's been banned from the where it boot is. Let's say take a break on that. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your Jordan. Please, this is Jordan. Hey Jordan, how are you doing? All this K dub I'm calling you know, um, we get somebody solicited your name for us. You know, we are a new social media outletting we're getting ready to go live tomorrow at eleven tomorrow morning, and we gotta you know, look like we're gonna get a lot of followers and this is gonna be a big app, so kind of one to see if you would be interested in being a part of the app. And what we got going, well, I don't even know who who would give you my information? What is it? I don't I don't know. I don't know who who's who gave us your number or whatever, but they just told us you would be good for being on the on the app tomorrow morning. Like I said, we're friend to go live, so we're trying to get pictures and videos in today so we can give them on what is this app? What you want some pictures? Yeah? We see this app is uh, this app is called Booty Drop and what we do is people people. Yeah, so what happens is people send a video they dropping their booty or you could just send a picture of your behind. Have you want to do it? You know we're gonna make it look real good or whatever. But you know you're gonna you know, you represent. But this is the new social media outlet that people are gonna be communicating with. But this is Booty Drop, and we're getting ready to drop this tomorrow morning. Like I said, like eleven o'clock tomorrow, it's gonna go. It's gonna go live, so you'll be able to see yourself on there. What ain't about booty drop? Y'all? You got me messed up. I don't drop no booty for nobody but my man. Okay, So I don't know who told you I was gonna be on here, but I'm not doing a booty dropping Okay, So hold on, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on all right. First of all, somebody recommended you, you know, like I say, hold on, now, we got all the slides field itself for this one, so you know, I don't want to I don't want to have our app there, and then we ain't got everything on there we need, so we gotta have you to do this. Look, well, there's a lot of booties. Okay, I'm not the only one, you know, thank you. No, ain't gonna be no booty. So I'm assuming you know I don't mean no hard like I say this case, I don't mean no harm. But let me ask you this here. So evidently you must have a butt that people admire. If you know they put your name on here, then you must have a butt that they admired. You know what I mean. I'm trying to be as gentleman as possible. You understand what I'm saying. Uh? Is it a reason why you don't want to, you know, participate? What ain't nobody's gonna be putting their booty on the internet for some No? No, no, okay, so let me ask you this hit You ain't You ain't on none of the other social media unless you don't have no pictures on there or nothing like that. Not with my booty. No, So you're just trying to tell me that all your pictures are from the waist up. No, they're not awesome to waist up. But I'm not about to be flashing my booty and jiggling it for your app. But but but see, you don't understand what booty drop can do for you. Booty drop, Booty drop can bring a lot of attention, you know to you. You know you're gonna you're gonna meet a lot of people on this Booty Drop app. And that's what I'm trying to say is I don't want you to knock it. Tell you try it now. I say, we put your booty on there for the first week, and you see how many hits you get, and if you don't like it, then we take it down. That's how I'm saying. Just you know, listen, dub let me tell you something. You're not about to put my booty on No apt talking about give it a week? You know I got a brain right, Ain't nobody about to be looking at my booty for a week on the internet. Get All I'm saying is give your booty a week. That's all I'm saying. Get your booty a week on time? Were good? No? Not putting my booty on the internet. So okay, are you um insecure about yourself? No? I feel great about myself. That's why I can say No. Let me just say this to you. Now. When once booty Drop blow up and become a big, a big time social media then you know, a social outlet, then you're gonna be wanting to get back on here. And I'm gonna be honest with your k dub, I ain't gonna want your own here no more because or the way you're acting with me. Now, well that's okay, K job you do you, Bruce, it's not happening. I'll go ahead and follow y'all tomorrow, but I'm not about to be on there. So you don't want to be a star. I'm trying to make you a star. It's what I'm trying to say. I'm all right, I don't think I'm gonna be an Instagram star from my booty jiggling. I'm okay. There's plenty of people doing that already here. You'll find somebody to get that slot. I'm just trying to make you a star. That's all I'm trying to do. You know what I'm really well, I really want to know. It's who told you to call me this? Some more books? Don't nobody need this? You don't call me talking about you want to street my booty? Who do you think I am? Better? Question? Who do you think you are? This is some books Black women don't have trying for this. You need to call talking about you gonna pay some bills, that's what you need to call talking about. Don't call me talking about no booties. I'm sorry, what. Don't call me talking about no booties? Call me talking about you want to pay some student loans. Tell me you're trying to pay a car. No, don't call me talking about you want to see my booty on the internet. This is so ridiculous, Like what is this book? Okay, okay, okay, So I guess it's safe to say you ain't gonna drop your booty. Ain't nobody dropping no booty. I'm launching this tomorrow. I'm launching a whole lot of booty tomorrow, and I'm gonna have one space empty. You see. Yeah, this is a great lesson in being prepared, starting early, because you're gonna encounter some nos. Brother, No, but really, who do I need to know? Who gave you my number? Like? Really? Who thought that was a good idea? No? Really? Because you dig in the question. I don't appreciate that I need to know, like who? Like I said, I don't know who gave you I don't know. I don't let My job is to get booty, drop feel and I'm missing one booty. And here it is now, you know here, this is the day before I'm launching here, it is now you don't want to do it? Okay, Well, but I need to know who. Okay, Tommy the one told me you was gonna do it. He said you would be up for it. Who who is frommy Tommy? Tommy told me you would drop that booty for our booty drop. I don't know who is Tommy Tommy nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show playing Jordan. You just got pranked by your girl Amber. Okay, Yamber, Okay, Okay, yes, okay, okay, y'all playing this morning. Y'all got my blood pressure up? Okay, y'all playing? Okay, you're good baby. I'm sorry, baby, I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm down. I see you, I see you got me. You got me? Was that lit? I'm sorry? Was it? Look? You got met? It was a little trip over here. Okay, Okay, you got me using words I'm not supposed to. You know what I'm saying. Oh say some of them words drop. Okay tell me this though, baby, before we go. What is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. Steve Harvey Morning Show with Tommy really and now you have it, booty drop, ladies and gentlemen, Okay, let me let me go, hered. I gotta put something out there. The T and Jay They at Home Coronavirus Comedy Show is a hit. Okay, everything is going well, Everything is beautiful twelve thirteen, fourteen thousand hits. Things are looking upward and onward. We're doing great thing in Jay Stay at Home Comedy Show. Go online, you can find it on the Facebook. And I want to just thank my partner in crime. We we're doing amazing, all right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up entertainment news and national news right after this. You're listening show, all right, So can we resolve this some kind of way? Can you guys get something? This is very this is very simple to solve. I asked for a large amount of cash or on air apologies. Okay, here's what I'm upset about. Everybody knows that Tommy and I are doing it T and J Pronavirus Stay at Home. All right, Yeah, great shows. Steve said, it's nice, nice, quiet to go ahead, Jase. In the show. Each week we getting twenty twenty five thousand people hitting it. That's not the problem. Here's what the problem is. People. Once we do the show, the show is over, I'm thinking we got a good show. Homeboy, my partner in crime. Not only does he go back and record the show completely over when he lived it was completely a twenty seven minute video him with with slide project. I'm not even on screen. You don't even see me him like, man, I'm team Jay. Now. After the show is over, Steve, he goes back and does a forty five minute bit that he ended up minutes Jay. He been like that since he was a kid. He's been there. He always anybody show him up. He want to go back and redo it. He wanted another turn. You know, he wanted to redo Christmas one year because he didn't live happy on the damn he didn't look happy on some damn picture. He won't do comes down. Oh man, how do you read? Let me say all all jokes aside, we didn't having a great time. We want to hold the comedians to send us your tape. I'm lading it was a it was a twelve minute bit. It wasn't thirty. Yeah, I'm look and look y'all. I knew that I knew something. I knew a hit said, he texts me and say call me in word. I said, yeah, yeah, yeah, jac that type stuff happened. Man. I'm sorry. Man. I apologized for family. It was a great idea. It's a great concept. Man. We had great comments on then we have jaded man, because people are stuck at home and they really need to laugh. Man. So it's yeah and Jay stay at home comedy show. You can check it out on YouTube. But you knew nothing about you, didn't you. Damn no, he didn't. Hey dog, Hey dog, Hey dog. That's how he do Julie. Oh my god. And he can't say he's glitch and he did real glitch. It's real comedy. Real. You don't get to go back and we do comedy, man. Ain't no, it's that's yeah. To live with your mess ups. Man, you can't be editing our jokes. You're breaking that at that. We ain't had no damn glitch man, My partner, No, I fixed the glitch. He know he gonna sit on and let y'all lace meter. He just gonna sit there chuckle over that. That's that's an I'm back, Jui junior, Junior, don't don't don't do that, man. I don't ever do that. Learn yourself so from man, this is a learning moment, right, this is a good lesson. Thanks edited right, Junior? Huh yeah, I cut mine? Okay, idd my video I A the clock is all right, all right, time to move on. You're listening to show the First Ladies of Gospel, the Clark's Sisters. Their movie will premiere on Lifetime tomorrow, that is Saturday night, April eleven, eight pm, seventh Central. Yeah, you don't want to miss this. It's a biograph, biographical film. It's about the gospel group and it's produced by Queen Latifa, Missy Elliott, Mary J. Blige and doctor Holly Carter out of la and Steve. I know, I know you're looking forward to it. I'm gonna watch it, man. I mean, I've just been a fan of the women and them some bad girls hands down. Now. I was thinking, though, I have something to propose, already have it? But the clocksus is was bad. If you had to put together a female R and B dream team, Oh and you had to pick four women and they all had to start. You had to start a gospel group with your dream team of women, who would it be? Whoa whoa gospel? Whoa gospel fault? And they have to be R and B singers. You got Mary J. Price, Mary J Gospel R and B R and B R and b um. Let's throw some Erica Bad and some Jill Scott in there. Eric right, I got I'm going with man. I got Shoka con Oh that's nice. Yeah, Alicia Keys but she on. Then I got Jill Scott too, and I got to Beyonce. Okay, yeah, I like I like the mix up. Yeah, who's next? Who's next? I would have Jennifer Hudson, okay, Fantasia yea, Kelly Price and okay, come on, okay, I got a Fantasia, Aretha Franklin, Kelly Price and just you know, makeing loose wind the Sacks. I want her in there. I just want Wonder in there. Look, look, you want this group to have some fun. You said I want, and I want one sight. Come on, Steve, I didn't know Hasia Asia for show? Yeah? Jeal Scott oh yeah, INDI I re nice, yes, yes, yes, and I'm married Jacob. Yeah, that's nice. Nice? Come on, Steve, yea were out of time. We got tents that we come back. I'll give you my dream team for R and B sayers make the greatest gospel group of all time outside of Clark's system. That's coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve. Before we went to break, we were talking about you asked us to name for R and B singers that could make a super gospel group in honor of the Clark's sisters Lifetime movie Now All Weekend. The ladies that them said they didn't know they could use people who have passed into Jay used, and so we're opening back up to them. But my all time foe for to make the greatest gospel group of all all time, Oh, would be uh Shaka Khan, Aretha Franklin, Yes, Whitney Houston, Yes, you talking now? And then I would pick of all the modern day women that I've heard seen that I would put in this gospel group. Jennifer Hudson, Yeah, okay, and she's playing Aretha Franklin. Yeah, Aretha Franklin picked her to do it. I didn't know we could pick. Who would you pick? Uh Shirley? If if I could do it over or do over, I would put I could put a Retha of course, Whitney of course, And I would still do Erica Badou and I would do um Jill Scott as well. I keep those I like, mm hmm, yeah, yeah, I'm Coolah. Who would you have? Who was yours? Uh? Caller? I had Shaka Alicia Keys, I had Jill Scott and Beyonce and I'm add and Whitney. No no, no, no, not not no. You have to replace one. You have to replace one. God to be four Shaka Alicia Keys? Uh? Who's jas who? Jill Scott? J Scott? And you want to now? Yeah, we spoke to her. She don't want to sing gospel, so I'm gonna replace her. I didn't hear your replacement caller, I said I was replacing Alicia for Whitney. Alicia for Whitney. I mean, I mean, once you say Whitney, you damnly replace anybody. They don't have to be And let me tell you something. And can't nobody be offended? Right? Ain't nobody mad? I mean even if they were standing here, we're gonna take you out for Whitney. Okay, everybody, I gotta take my robe off now, man snapping, break all the buttons on it. Ye, man, I like when I walked out to the mound, give me that ball exactly. Yeah, you did good. But I don't forgot about Gladys. Oh lord Gladdys man. See not. Let me explain this is really that's why it's folk ugly. Now, if I find a thought, right, jay Hood, I have to go for for Patty, Patty yeah. And you can't be mad, Patty yeah. And you can't be mad and and jay Hood would back out for you. They want the Sykes to get mad. If I put Tina Turner in husband, that's who I want. That's who I want in there. My guys sing half yeah, she could do it, she could do it. I'm yes, I'm your guys sing hal. You know modern day I love it, Okay, all modern day, all day, all day long. Who would you pick? I mean modern day have to be mardin day, have to be living. Four women man, that's build. We'll do that on the next break when we get some time. All right, cool, So y'all think about it. We got to do with something else in here with all we got some questions for the CLO coming up to Chief Love Officers Steve Harvey in the building, shut out, private dance coming up next, it is the nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today. Subject her hood rat mentality is bad for business. That's the subject. But right now, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call? What you got for snap? How much money do we have the account? Pastor? Watch it now? Okay, it came in three sentis I broke it up? Now? How much money do we have any account? Pastor? Pastor, pastor, how much money do we have in the account? Let's go aga. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Pastor Hayes. Pastor Hayes, how are you doing this? Is? This is brother Lin Lennie Thompson. How you doing it? I'm good brother, and how can I help you today? Pass I'm actually one of your members at the church, and I want to just commend you that you're doing a good job the way you are displaying safety. Let me say that first and foremost. Okay, cool, thank you. You know, we just want everybody to be safe and healthy. And your name again, Brother Lenna Thompson. Okay, and and and other times I'm trying about to be in the middle of dinner. How can I help your brother? Well, here's what I wanted to ask you, man, uh pass, I want to ask you this. I know, you know a lot of people are going through different things, and and people are, you know, trying to make sure they keep food and stuff in the house because you know, time like this, you know you kind of want to stay put, and but you want to make sure you got enough food and water and things like that. So but but but what I wanted my reason for calling you is I wanted to ask you how how much money do we have in the account? Come again, the church account? How much money do we have in there? Brother? Brother? What what do you say? Your name was again, brother? My name is brother Lennah Thompson. Okay, Brother Thompson. How did you get my personal self one number to be calling me at home the time of day? Well? I got this number from one of the brothers at the church. What what, brother, the church do they know not to give my person the number out to to people I don't know you. Well, I'm a I'm a but I'm a but I'm a member though I'm a member. Well, how how long you've been a member? Because I've been passing this church for ten years and your name ain't familiar to me. How long? How long have you been a member at my church? I've been a member of probably going on going on three years now, but I ain't. I ain't been since, you know, since that day I joined. I you know, you know, I kind of got caught out there, you know how I go. But wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait. So you you've been a member of my church two or three years, you ain't been to the church, and two to three years are you calling me to ask me about finances of my church? Well, I'm understand what you're looking for. Well, I am a member, so I mean I do how to Don't I have the right to know what we got in there? What we got in the account? Actually you don't. You don't have to write to that question. If you don't actively come to the church. You can't come to the church, sign of the church and then call me three years later asking me what we got going on at church? So I need to understand what is your purpose? Well, like I say, everybody going through hard times. I'm trying to see what we got in now, because you know, I need to pick up a few things from the stove. I don't have the money right now, but shouldn't I be able to lean on my church though you can lean on it. We've done a lot of stuff in the community. We've been feeding the elderly. We got a food bank, we've been cashed happing people some money that when we can. But you ain't been at this church and three years. You can't call me after three years and think I'm about to give you some money for something I don't even know if you're a real member. I am a real man. I'm a real member. So hold on, hold on, hold on, hold hold on, past hold on, hold on, hold on, no, no no, no, hold on, by boy. Look here, I'm trying to sit down here dinner with my family. You sitting here on my last nerve. Look here, brother Thompson. I don't know you. I ain't never heard of you. You am not about to call here and try to get some money out of me. You ain't even member of the church. You can't I am a member of the church because you come to the church one time. You ain't been back in three years and you come to me for some money. I am a membtor your mama. You are not a member of this church, sir, I am a member of the church. Look, look, look, let me tell you something. I know. This ain't no no, let me try. Let them tell you where You can't call my church two or three years ago and called me three years later. Get my number from somebody and ask me for money because you're gonna through hard times. Now, if you was a true member of the church, you'll understand how we work and how we give money to people that are struggling. I just delivered forty meals today to our elderly huh. Last week we cash out people money to go pick up grocery. Compare, what do you need? Do you need my cash? App? Then do you need my cash? Boy? Boy, you're gonna make me because you ain't even tiring. So how are you not tiring? And think you told you I have fell on bad times? Didn't I say I fell on bad times? You feel on bad times for three years? Hey? Hey, you know it takes longer for some people. Okay, why are you why are you judging me an opposed trying to figure out how to cash apt me so I can get on a number of my church. I don't know if you some scam artists trying to get money from the church. Sir, I have never met you. I don't know you. Matter of fact, I'm about to call up the beacon to see who you are and why they would give my number to some points to call me and ask me for some money. Hey, let me say this to you. If you don't cash at me, then I'm funny at all the members that I know you. I know our church ain't no mega church. You know we got three four hundred members already know so. But but I would let every member know that you're not cash happen me to help me in a time and need. I will do that. Ruther Thompson, you you can let them know. You can Facebook and Instagram and you can put it on that TikTok and cag me in it. I ain't giving you a dime. I don't know you. I ain't never heard of you. A matter of fact, you need to get off my phone. I got dinner with my wife about to go on, man, and I ain't got time to be going back and forth with you. I need to know who gave you my number so I can call them up and tell them, don't be giving my number some stranger who ain't been our church in two to three years. Ain't gonna ask me for some money, some cash out, or if you don't get off this phone, who gave you? Okay, so let me ask you something. So so you know Deacon uh Marvin dial It don't know Deacon Mark And yeah, what about him? Do you know he listened to the radio every morning. Yeah, he's listening to the Steve Harvey Martin show. Pastor, Haye, you just got pranked by your boy, Deacon Marm. Boy, I see, and that's why Deacon Marm about to get kicked off the board. Boy, you got me eye in my yard. Yeah. My neighbors looking at me like I'm crazy. They know I'm on the block. Or you almost made me because you can't be doing that during this time, man, past you all right, man, Man, I'm good, Man, I'm good, baby, baby, everything good. My wife's man came out here. Boy. You don't want her to set it off. You don't want the first lady to go out, Okay, man, But now we take care of our church man. We feed them, sending the money man, delivering mills. Man, make sure everybody good during this time. That's good man, Hey man, before we get off, you gotta let me know twenty twenty, Baby, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest ray your show in the land. Man, it's the Steve Robby Morning Show with that ignorant nephew Tommy. And there you have it, ladies and jail. I'm going Tommy right, so you just gonna break the pass on. We can't resurrection. But you know what, ain't this the time for that? I wanted to hear time and how long before he cuts? Because he was right there. He was right. You know what, Jay, and I pull it back. I got to the lane and I said, I'm not gonna I pull it back. You know, you know you don't want to run him on Good Friday cussing. You know I didn't want him. But you can catch up. You can catch a little bit of cussing on the t NJ Coronavirus Stay at Home Comedy Show All Right, hosted by Yours truly and Jay Anthony Brown. All your comedians out there, if you would like to put upload do so we can put you on the show. Go to T and Jay Stay Home Comedy at gmail dot com. That's t A n d J Stay Home Comedy at gmail dot com. You can go to the Nephew Time Experience on YouTube and you can watch the entire show. That's both episodes of me and Jay atkin a dog food. Yes, well you want Jay. You want to tell people something nice, something nice Jay out. Check it out every Weekend's very Funny's todn J stam Home come and show. You can check it out on YouTube and you boy doing the damn thing. Sometimes you change my part, but once is good. All right, guys, thank you, thank you. Coming up next Strawberry Letter, subject her hood rat mentality is bad for business. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one here that jay right here, right now, abb bug it up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject her hood rat mentality is bad for business. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a married man, but I have not been happily married in a while. I have no mention, no intention of leaving my wife, and I'm not a cheater. I own a small bar downtown and my best employee is also my worst employee. She's been with me for so long that I've overlooked her raunchy behavior for years. She is a hood rat, and I knew that when I hired her as a bartender. This was supposed to be a part time job. But now it's the only job she has because she is loud and unprofessional. She is fifty three years old, but she has a body like Cardie b and she's gorgeous. She wears her stomach out with short shorts and heels, so my mail customers love her. Recently, I had to temporarily lay her off because of the pandemic. I offered to give her a thousand dollars to help her out while she was not working. She asked me what she had to do for the extra money. I was confused at first, and then I figured it out. She told me that nothing is free, and she has been working her side hustle for a while right out of my bar. Several of my married customers give her money and gifts in exchange for a good time. She told me that she knows I'm not happy at home and I haven't had sex in a while, so she could help me out. I wanted to lay her across that bar right then and there and do her, but I have my dignity and a woman like that is nothing but troubled. I told her she can't be tricking out of my bar, and she told me whatever she does and her spare time is her business. She's valuable for my business. But she can't keep tricking with my customers. Should I talk to the guys or fire her? Okay, you're a business owner and she's good for business, so what's the problem. I mean, I really don't think it's so much that she's from the hood that you have a problem with an issue with, because, like you said, you knew that when you hired her. You also said she's valuable for your business. I think in spite of what you say, Wow, there's something going on or that you think about when it comes to her. I think you're attracted to her, and I think you you really want her. There your words. She's gorgeous with a body like Cardi b with her stomach out, her short shorts and her heels. And your mail customers love her. That's business for you. You know they're in there, they come to see her. They they're spending money. You know, they spend money when they come, so that helps your business. So when you laid her off and she offered to pay you back for your generous one thousand dollars, you said you wanted to take her. You wanted to take her up on it and throw her across, do her right there on the bar. But you're smart and you didn't. You have dignity. You didn't do it, you said, because a woman like that is nothing but trouble. And I do commend you for that, because even though you said you're unhappy at home, you let us know that in the beginning of the letter, you said you would never cheat on your wife. So you didn't take your bartender up on her offer. Like I said, you didn't take the bait. I do like that about you. Now. As far as her seeing male customers, you didn't even know that. That's how good she is. You didn't even know that, Okay, but you know it now. I don't know how you're gonna get her to stop doing that because what she does in her home is her business. I just say, watch her and you know, make sure it doesn't get out of hand and get crazy, because you definitely don't want to lose your business if it does. Should you fire her? Why would you fire someone that's good for business? Um? I mean, you know you're the business owner and it's about business, So why would you do that? Should you talk to the guys? I don't know what that's gonna do. They're gonna leave probably if you talk to them, So you do have a dilemma on your hands. But firing her and talking to him talking to guys, I don't think that's the way, Steve. I am completely stunned at your answer. That's this is that something's going on with you, Shirley. Well, this is not the Shirley Strawberry. I know him for twenty years. I don't know where this damn answer came from. I don't know who helps you with your Strawberry letter. But this don't sound like Shirley Strawberry talking right here. I don't know who got hold of this letter and change your answer. I don't understand why you even wrote, Bro, I really don't. I have no idea how old you are, but you've got to be a fully grown ass man. So because the girl is fifty three years old, so you couldn't grown. So now let's talk about what this goodn't grown? Man? He opens up the letter saying talking about how he married, but he ain't been happily married for a while. That's how the letter opened. But the letter ain't even about his marriage though, So why did you feel compelled to tell us this information right here? See? Bro, when you're talking to me, I just I know the male psyche so well. Everything Shirley said made perfect sense. I just couldn't leave her ass saying I was gonna ask you that after you gave your answer. What's wrong with my answer? No, it made perfect sense. But it sounds like something I would say, yeah, because it sounds like a man answer. But Dog, this ain't a man letter though. You See your problem is dog, you told us at the top of the letter, you ain't think about leaving your wife. You're not a cheetah. I'm unhappily man for a while. No intention, I got a small ball. My best employee is also my worst employee. Well, it sounds like you got one person work. All right, listen, Steve, we'll have her too response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour. Today's subject her hood rat mentality is bad for business. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letter. Her hood rat mentality is bad for business. Yeah, this married dude that's been selling telling us he unhappy he had grown man, you know so I know you couldn't grown, but he's married. He ain't been happy for a while. No intention leaving my wife. I'm not a cheetah. If the letter isn't about you being happy or a cheetah, why did you have to mention that at the beginning? Bro, something's a miss hill and I think I'm gonna find out what it is. You're on a small bar. Your best employee is also your worst employee. Now, before we left, I said it was sounding to me like you got one employee. Now she has been with me so long, so long, which ages him too that I've overlooked her raunchy behavior for years. So she's a hood rat and I knew that when I hired her as a bartender. Excuse me, I'm not following you here. I've overlooked her raunchy behavior for years. She's a hood rat, and I knew that when I hired as a bartender. If you knew she was a hood rat when you hired as a bartender, when did you start overlooking the raunchy behavior at the interview with the banging card to be body? See is that when you overlook the raunchy behavior because you knew you wanted her be standing behind that bar because it would draw your customers. Come on, bro, you're talking to another grown man. Now. This is supposed to be a part time job, but now it's the only job she has because she's loud and unprofessional. Well with reading this letter. Its ain't the only job she got. See, she didn't turned a part time job into a full time job. Partner, she fifty three years old. She got a body like Cardi B. And she's gorgeous. Excuse me, that's why you hide the hood rat dog in the beginning. That's why you overlooked the raunchy behavior because of how she looked you are man. She wearing her stomach out well, you know, with short shorts and heels. Okay, you ain't saying nothing about that. So my male customers love her, and so does the dude that hired her, that's been unhappily married for a long time. But you're not a cheating You have no intentions of leaving your wife. Why that's even in the letter, you explaining yourself as you go. Recently, male customers love her. Recently, I had a temporary layer off because of the pandemic. I offered to give her a thousand dollars to help her out while she was not working. She asked me what she had to do for the extra money. I was confused at first, then I figured it out. She told me ain't nothing free, and she'd been working her side wholesome for a while, right out of my bar. Several of my married customers give her money and gives in exchange for a good time. That's why I thought Shirley would be just through it. Her but now all of a sudden she hood She told me that she knows I'm not happy at home and I haven't had sex in a while, so she can help me out. I wanted to lay her closs the ball right the dude, huh, you know what I'm saying. Now, here's where the next which was true? But I have my dignity right, Okay? We all have that, bro, all of us have that, and a woman like that, it's nothing but trouble. She's been working for you for years. She ain't been no trouble up into now. A matter of fact, she'd probably the real reason your bars still open. So now I told her she can't be tricking out of my bar. She told me whatever she does in her spare time is her business. That's a hood rat comment, that's a business comment. I've heard people say that in business meetings before. She's valuable for my business, but she can't keep tricking with my customers. Should I talk to the guys or fire her? Let me ask you a question, bro, what exactly will you say to the guys or should I fire her? Fire her? What should you talk to the guys about? Yeah? What do you say? What are you gonna ask them. Excuse me, man, are you are you sleeping with her? Yeah? Yeah? Women? Holder? Man, why are you doing that? She my bartender? Oh she ain't. Yeah, I'm a holder. But but hold of them, man, I'm telling you, she my bartender. And I'm asking y'all, man, could y'all stop hitting on her and giving this extra money so she could just, you know, be my bartender? Can I just say this? The only reason I come here is hook Damn. She fixed drinks and she fixed everything else. I don't know what you mean. Why why are we not gonna come? So? Now back to the letter. I'm asking the audience. Now that you've heard from several men who have potential customer road all over, what would I say to these guys? Or fire hu? Fire huh? Don't fire her your bar clothes causing a pandemic. Now, she thought that the thousand dollars meant she had to do something, because that's what the thousand dollars do every other time. Yeah, but the cold part was you thought about it? Now, what your real question is? Should I fire her? Because if I bring it back in here, I'm gonna dua. That's the question right there, don't write me no more like this. Don't poster comments on Today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Jay Anthony Brown has a funny new commercial for us. We'll talk about it right after this you're listening show. All right, Jay, you have a new commercial. It's funny like the Strawberry Letter. I'm trying to make money on the side. What I do with my time is my business is I'm not taken away from this show. I'm doing this on the side. So here's here's my new product you can buy. It's ready, shake it out. Here's my commercial for it. We're talking it hits me for my Nuke Aloge Outside. You've been in the housework quite sometimes time and you want to smell like outside. Shride my knuke Aloge outside for the smell of outside, the feel of outside, and the aroma of outside, available in six out spottles. Outside, smell like someplace you haven't been in a lone time. Outside Spirit Jake, I'm good Man, a little Spanish dude with the folk black man, so well where you have those? That's that's funny cool, But it's changed the way we look at stuff. Man, we are in the window with Did you ever think you just be looking outside? Did you never? Nobody? Nobody us if you have one? Thank god. Man, I'm looking through trees, jam saying, watch the whole tree leaves. Oh bay inside? How about I want to go outside? I got it? Mm hmm in the race. It may sound crazy, come on, see, but I want to go outside in the race here. How about not on the outside, not on the outside, but inside feels so I guess nobody remember that. I want to go outside like you were, like, I see what song was that? Keep playing inside? Coming up at the top of the hour, Louisiana caster Tony Spelled Easter service will not be stopped by the police. Wow, we'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. Well, today is good Friday. And in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, pastor Tony Spell remember him well, he's going to hold Easter Sunday service at Life Tabernacle Church, which is expected to draw more than a thousand faithful parishioners. Baton Rouge's police chief said, Pastor Spell is doing this for publicity and he is violating Louisiana stay at home orders. However, the police will not interfere with the pastor's scheduled Easter service. Instead, the cops will document the gathering is evidence to the district attorney for future prosecution. Hey man, listen to me. That's not a good Listen to me, Louisiana, Louisiana. This is a serious problem with him. This is really, really a serious problem now, pastor. For you to not be in compliance with the law, that alone is not real Christian life. But for you to run the risk of endangering some parishioners who are trying to show a level of faith that you are asking them to step out on. And faith, faith and good sense, and wisdom and judgment all have to play a part in this. The Bible speaks often about wisdom and judgment and understanding, and you don't throw that to the wind on faith. You just can't throw it away on faith like that, because you're asking a people who may not be at the same level of you, but trying to prove something, and you're endangering a lot of people. You're endangering a lot of people. Why would you put that in your hands like that? Why would you jeopardize those people's lives. God does not require you don't have to test God. God ain't to be tested, partner, man, I don't. I don't get what this dude is coming from. I'd like to get him on the radio pastor Yeah, Man, I'd like to just talk to him and get his understanding of it. More than a thousand people will be there. I mean, I'm a Christian. All of us is Christians. You know, we believe us, we people of faith, we pray, we love God, we children. I want I want to helpship with God. Bro. I want you to help me talk me into coming. Tell me why I should come, doc, because you talking about a dude that really do want to get it right at this stage of his life. So tell me how this works for me? And it puts members at a bad position because they figure out he's a minister, he's a man of God. Follow us anything, follow him. But but and that's right, Jake, what is the benefit of being in church on Easter? Do you know what Joe Oldstein is doing? Do you know what Bishop Jake's is doing? Do some bad boys? Man virtual service virtuas Easter services. Yeah. And and speaking of Pastor Oldstein, uh, he's going to hold his virtual Easter service. You know, he has a massive audience at Lakewood Church in Houston. Kanye West is going to be there, Mariah Carey is going to be there, and Tyler Perry will be there virtually virtually okay, yeah, but if you if you have a y if you have a flip phone, you will not be able to watch service. And ye have a hold up, don't hold up, don't listen to me. Hold up, y'all, hold up. Hold let's let's let's stay here for a second. These people in Baton Rouge, Louisiana knew all in it's a hot spot. It ain't but an hour away. Yeah, so listen, man, I don't know what you think you're doing here now. The police can't stop you, but you should care enough about your parishioners to use better judgment. Listen, man, you don't know which one of them people are infected. And if a thousand people get together, somebody probably's got it. Somebodybody gonna get it, and then they pass and they're gonna take it back to these houses. Man. And yeah, you're gonna get your ties, and you're gonna get your offering that day, and you're gonna get patted on the back. But I got but you, he bro, you're wrong for this exactly. Coming up, we'll have more music, more trending topics, and some headlines for twenty minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. Well, the waffle House prized their customers by selling their waffle mix online. As you know, the waffle House closed its restaurants do the due to COVID nineteen uh So they decided to sell their waffle mix online and it's sold out of bags in just four hours. But waffle House tweeted that they are going to restock next week, So there you go. That's good. Huh. But that ain't that any way you go to waffle House, you don't want to hear the ambience of what's going on. I didn't want to hear everybody order. You want to hear anybody out of ham Saldi juggle with a hold of me to throw the fat if you don't get that out of but the cook gets it all. Yeah, onion down with onion down with a taking message two was going to go pick it up all right, smothered. Has you gotta get scoutlet smothered and covered? Yea, you gotta get it like that baby that all Americans? You want some more ice T shirt. I'm gonna die better it. Don't man, give them another ice. Take none of this. You ain't Shirley. I went one time when I when I watched Steve's um there's onions. You must have ordered onion in your waffle That's the only way on I love. There's one great I've spent more time in waffle house and all y'all combined. All right, we have more than the sea barby Morning Show and some trending news coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour right after this, you're listening to morning show. All right, Jay is here to explain this. For every action, there's a comment you can't do nothing. What is it? Every man? Every woman who's stuck in the house with somebody where you just can't move, you can't get away. It means every action there's a comment, I'm gonna do one. Set it up, and I need the fellas to join. And here's the person. I'm gonna go watch TV in the other room. That's the action. The comment is why you got going room to watch TV the other room? What's wronged the TV? And here? Since when have you been watching TV in another damn room? I need to know we can't sitting here and watch TV together, which means every action there's a comment. All right, I'm gonna set up the action, fellas, y'all give me the comment. I'm gonna walk around in neighborhood just to get some fresh air. That's the action. What's the comment, fellas? It is since when you've been wallas, you ain't been walking. While you start walking out, come on, you start getting health all of a sudden? You what you got a marathon? You prepaying for walking? You walking around and yet something ain't here? We got an acting this in here. What you gonna need to ask? You ain't been briefing? What is your need? If you ain't, you ain't took a breath since you've been in here. That's the action, That's what it is. The second I'm kind of sleepy. I think I'm gonna go take a nap. That's the action. What's the comment, fellas? Let it rose? Let me here. Well, when you was talking to Brenda, your ass wasn't sleeping. Now you with me? Now you now you caught naps? Is for tide people. You ain't done a damn fa goddamn, that was a comment. Here's the action. I'm gonna go work out in the garage. Is that the action fellas? What's a comment? Boom? Let me here, me here, Yeah, well you're working out so well because you ain't working out in his bedroom. We know that. Oh say, yeah, your fatass gonna be out of breath walking to the garage all of a sudden, you mister help and now now you're gonna walk to the garage. Didn't work out really coming up the last break of the day. It is the last break up the day. Okay, Jay, alright, alright, alright, you're back. You're bad, Steve, Steve Steven didn't really feel it was all right you every damn date, but that was better though. He's coming back. He's coming back, and we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey in forty nine minutes after the hour, right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we are last break of the day. It is the last break up the hey it's good Friday, last break of the week. Actually, yeah. Yeah, Happy Easter, happy Resurrection, happy good Friday. Yes, good Friday, Yeah, all of that. You know what, it's gonna be probably more different Easter than ever before, no doubt about it. You know, they're all there locking down parks in LA so people don't come there to gather and have like, you know, Easter picnics and stuff out there at the park in LA. They're doing all of that. Man, I'm putting on my Easter jacket and shirt and tie and hat, sit on the edge of the bed, no draws on and enjoy service. That's what I'm gonna do, right Wow, Okay, Okay, I'm gonna put draws on. Okay, I'm when when you get up to Heaven, Jay, don't even ask what your name. You don't even matter. You're not going through the gate. I know what's gonna help when I gonna it's like that. Seriously, Oh, you're gonna let a little a couple of jokes stop, you know. Today my closing remarks are are very pointed. Today. Uh I got a call from an um man by the name of James Carville, and uh car James Carville excuse me. James Carville, and he's all I've always seen him on news as a correspondent, and he was just imploring me and really really encouraging me to talk about this pandemic more and more and more. He said, because people are not getting it, people are not understanding the depth of this thing. That he lives in Louisiana. He's seventy five years old. I think he's from Mississippi, so he's from that era. But he has such a concern. Man, he said, we've got to do something. We've got to scream it from the mountaintops that this thing is real. That quarantine does not mean allowing people in your house just because you know them. That's not what quarantine means. You have to really get serious about this quarantine. You have to stay safe, you have to stay healthy, you have to stay home. You have got to stay home, and you cannot allow people in your home. You don't know who has it. You can have this disease and not have any symptoms. But because you don't have symptoms, you can still spread it. It is still airborne contagious. It can be on your hands. You have got to wash your hands if you go outside and come back in. You have to wash your hands. If you've been inside more than an hour, you should wash your hands. We have to wipe our cabinets down constantly. Be conscious of people who are bringing grub hub packages and things to your house. It's fine to do that. Or get yourself a can a lie sol and some wet wipes with bacterial killer in it and wipe your bag down. Wipe your cups down when you go to the grocery store, wipe your containers down. Wear gloves if you go out the house, take the gloves as soon as you come in the house and throw them in the trash. We've got to get serious about this because you know what's going on. And he pointed this out to me. Do you know the problem that poor people and poor people and blacks are dying at a disproportionate rate in Cook County alone, We are dying at a disproportionate rate. We're in cities where we twenty three percent of the population, but we fifty percent of the deaths. That's a problem, y'all. And if this radio show can do something about it, we are. You've got to call everybody and encourage them to stay in the house, get on Zoom, get on Facebook, do something, face sinc, Skype, do whatever you want to do FaceTime. But we have got to play our part in social distancing. We've got to get our hands washed. We've got to get our disinfecting out, disinfect our counters more than once a day. We've got to get serious about this. Man, this is real. You cannot go out contracted and bring it back to your house and kill everybody you love in your house. Listen to me, if you have someone in your house that you love, this is the time to act like you. Going out and coming back home can kill the person that's at home. You may not be symptomatic, and you could bring that virus back in and spray it through your conversation and it's airborne and somebody you love contracted and get all the symptoms and die. People you can die from this. This ain't a cold. This is not a simple flu. This is a global pandemic. This is happening all over the world, and poor people and black people are dying at a disproportionate rate. A lot of it has to do with we have so many preexisting conditions. That's a part of it. But a big part of it is we got to do more. Man, We got to get serious, y'all. This thing is real here now. Quit playing with this before you mess around and kill somebody you really love, or how about you die yourself. This is I'm not over dramatizing. This is what the deal is, all right, y'all. Have a happy Easter, y'all. Be safe, stay home, wash your hands, practice social distancing. Don't let anybody in your house that ain't been in your house for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steven Show