The show opens up with loud noises. Thanksgiving can be rough when our relationship status is questioned. Church Complaints today has a special guest. Entertainment News talks about a special day in Houston. Kim Porter's death has not been easy on the entertainment industry however, Sean Combs honors the mother of his children. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? J. Anthony Brown VS Tommy VS Junior. What are the sounds of Thanksgiving according to the crew? Meeting the family of your significant other can be stressful and we get to hear what the experts say. Today the crew closes the show and Fool #1 is feeling some kind of way and more.
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Y'all know what time. If y'all don't know, y'all bag at all, sung looking back the black dog giving them mom just like the milking buck things. And it's touble y'all to be true. Good to the hearty long guy listening to me together for Steven clean money. I don't you join yea yeah, by joint be doing me? Honey said, do you turn you you you gotta turn turn turn you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water go, comey, come on your back. Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, oh man? How many times I got to say that before I get tired of it. M I think it's gonna be a minute, folks. I gotta be real with you, because boy, that Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Clear indication of how God can do some unexpected, wonderful things for you, How he leads your life in directions that you never ever saw coming. You know. I was talking with somebody the other day and they were talking about how man they were young, and they were doing things and They never knew that the things that they were doing as a youngster would come and and he helped form who they were today as an adult. This guy's fifty years old, and uh, you know the ame thing for you if you look back on your life and all of the things that you've done, it helps shape you into who you are now. This is provided now that you take the positive approach. Now when I say look back at your life and see what you've done, that doesn't mean doll on the misfortunate moments. Because the misfortunate moments were necessary. I know it. It's hard to see that when it's happening to you, But the unfortunate moments are necessary. You know, what really makes you appreciate summer vacation is winter work. What really makes you appreciate a walk on the beach, it's when it's cold as raining outside. What really makes you appreciate when you're up, it's because you've been down. See if you are up all the time. Just the nature of us as human beings, we would lose our appreciation for because it becomes case surah, whatever it is, Well, it is what it is. I said, I'm just what what what you take it? For granted, it becomes expected. But what happens in life is it has so many twisting turns, and then you learn how to deal with those twisting turns, which makes you now a more experienced person. And then when the sunny days come, man, you go wild. It's really nice outside. You really want to appreciate how warm weather just stay in a bunch of cold weather all the time. I'm you know, you know what I'm saying. I'm just this is really really simple and now analogies, but it helps you along the way. Now here's what I came to say today to everybody out there. And this has helped me in my life. I can't tell you what it's done for me. But a lot of people are struggling with moving forward with their future, their future plans, their future goals, their future aspirations, their future hopes, their future dreams, just simply your future wants a lot of people trying to having a hard time mapping out their future. Even what I'm gonna do, what I'm gonna be, what I'm gonna make, how will go about it? What do I do next? I want to share something with you that I had to come to terms with the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your past. You know, it's like I said at the beginning. You know when I say it's it's wonderful to look at your life and review it, because if you look at it, it'll tell you, uh it. It really helps shape inform you today as the person you are now if you look at it in a positive sense. But if you dwell in harp on the negative that's happened to you, then that keeps you from seeing the good in the incident. Every bad thing that's happened to you, there was a silver lining behind it. I know people who were on drugs who finally man just got sent to prison for still in because of their habit. I know Cat to sol dope. Well, he went to prison. He told me one time. He said, Steve, it's a man. This is the best thing ever happened to me to save my life. Now, most people would think, how in the world is going to prison helpful for you? The brother said, it saved my life. First of all, it got me clean. He said, I've been cleaned for five years from sitting in here. That's for starters. I'm cleaned. I ain't stilling no more. I ain't putting myself in jeopardy, and I ain't jeopardizing nobody else. He said. Now, man, I don't went to college. I didn't got a college degree while I'm in him. Then he was released from prison, and the brother's life was completely turned around. He married, he got a family, he got a great job. He go to work every day. He's a productive citizen. I mean. So he looks back on his incarceration, even his drug abuse, and it taught him how to appreciate the things in life that he had taken for granted and was missing because he said, Man, my life was just in a blur. I didn't even know what was going on. He said, Now I appreciate every day I wake up. That's what I mean. Even in your missteps in life, there is a purpose for the missteps. Every time you fail, there was a reason for the failure. See what I had to do was I had to learn that all of my failures taught me how to get back up. So I became a very strong and tough person in getting back up. And then I was down and out so long that it taught me how to really appreciate the up, and so I've taken all of that and used it those experiences that happened to me, and I became a more experienced person. So next time when people talk about me who don't know me, it don't shake me. Because everybody's not gonna like you. Man, you might as well gonna get on this train right now. And so what I'm saying to you out there is the quickest way to lose focus on your future is to keep focusing on your path. Let it go, man, go forward. It's over. You made it, you got through it, You're beyond it. Yeah yeah, yeah he left. But like I told us lady on my TV show the other day, sometimes the breakup is the blessing. I know it's hard to break up because now you're loaning you by yourself. But man, but when you in misery, when you was in that, weren't you in complete misery in that? Now you kept asking God to fix it. But it takes two people to fix a relationship. It don't just take one. It takes two to make a thing go right. It takes two to make it out of sight. Say you know that's that's that's a song. But man, that's so true. You really do have to have two people wanting a relationship to work. It can't just be one person, one relationship. So you can pray about the relationship all you want. If the other person don't want you no more and ain't gonna act right, you can't make him do or you can't make her do that. So man, the relationship, the breakup sometimes it's a blessing. It's over. Let it go go forward. Quit looking at how much time you wasted. Man, that's that kills people from getting the next if you're constantly dwelling on how much time I gave him and how much time I gave her, and now here I am lost in alone. Oh, you ain't wasting no time. Some of the times was good, a lot of them was bad. So what you're gonna do now? You You ain't gonna have no future because you're gonna keep focusing on your past. Are you serious? So now you're asking God to give you another relationship when you don't even have enough sense to appreciate the fact that you are now available for another relationship. But you steady asking God for a new relationship. But you are yet to be grateful that you are in a position to have a relationship. And you keep harping on the past. You don't think you hear that. I'm just a dude with a show and I hear it all the time. Let it go, go forward. It's over. You made it, He bought you through it, you conquered, you survived it. Why are you dwelling on it and making it the cross around your neck when clearly he had removed it for you. Now, all you got to do is come on. So if you're sitting behind them walls, brothers and sisters, I'm talking directly to you sometimes. Man, you just got to get it right. All this repeat offender business, that's for. Who is that for? How ignorant can you be to keep giving your life back to the penal system? Be free, man, walk the streets, do the right thing. Ask God to help connect you. He could do anything. You think he can't give you a job? Are you serious? Man? Put some faith on it. Let's move forward, y'all. Let it go. Let's move Steve Morning Show, al right, everybody, focus your eyes on the radio, because what's about to come out of it is the baddest, I mean, the baddest radio show in the entire world. In the entire world, in the world the baddest radio show and it features shirt Stop Bear. What's up? Shirty? She gotta good morning as we kick up this Giving a week and we could not would not do without Mrs Corlin. Real baby, what's up? Carla? What's up? Jay? Good morning? Crew? What's happening Thanksgiving week? Yes? Oh my god, oh my god. And my partner and cried my writing buddy Junior. Did you just save me? Jake? Did you just save my name? Man? I'm here morning, everybody and food number one King of pranks, Mr Timmy, what's up? Timing? Is everybody doing? I'm here? I'm here like a code forty five, a cool and everything. Well, you know what, Jay, I'm straight out of Richmond, Virginia, sold out eight shows. I got to let it. I got to let Richmond. No, thank you, thank you, thank you did the dog on thing, and you know what. I enjoyed y'all, y'all enjoyed me. Give me two more years. I'll be back again. I did it. I did that, Yes, I did Thank you, I love it. Congratulations. Going down Thursday night, me and my partner in crime, George Wallace, will be doing the damn thing. Mama jokes galore, Mama jokes, Ma, man, y'all the last two people talking about yea that Yes, I don't nobody to do that no more ja ja. People actually fight each other for that night, like Carla, like a married to medicine heavenly, Yeah, your mama all the time. Well, you know what, somebody's got to hold on to it. Remember it didn't keep the tradition alive. But you and George go too far to dog, y'all, y'all don't know the limit. Man, No, we don't know. And you don't care that it's Thanksgiving. You don't care. I don't care, do y'all have your mama Thanksgiving? That's what I'm thankful. You're thankful for what someone to do. Mama jokes with Okay, what's your greatest what's the what's the hardest one you threw at George? That's just just killing well, he said, he said, my mama got a ticket. I think I told a job in the h o V lane. This is what he said. He said, my mom got ticket in the h o V lane and when the police stopped her, she said, I didn't see that V up there. Hey, dog, me and you and all I fight. When you say that we're all our fight, You're torn up the stage at this point, right Tommy, literally, Oh my goodness. Okay, well, uh, happy Thanksgiving week. That's how you can't get off. Evidently we have so much to be thankful for. Coming up in thirty two after the hour, Uh, we're gonna talk about people faking relationships on Thanksgiving to avoid judgment. Wow, We're Wow. That's a big one right there. So you're faking a really that's all right? Uh, that's coming up at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve. Going home for the holidays can be amazing, guys, with all the loved ones, time off work and all that delicious, delicious food. But sometimes you have to pay a price for all the goodness when your family members start asking questions about your love life, love life, and they really really do it seems some people are so annoyed by those prying and nosy relatives that they make up or pretend relationship on Thanksgiving as a way to deal with there's people laying oh yeah, seriously. This is according to a new survey, now a thousand adults conducted by Heineken. Almost one in every four Americans have actually faked a relationship to avoid having to deal with the pressure from their family members and friends about finding a partner, and the survey finds that men are more than twice as likely thirty three percent to as women to lie about being in a relationship. Really, I would think it would be the other way around to me too, I believe. I think it's especially if you get dumped over the holidays and they want to know where such as such a person is you. Yeah, some people actually hire people to show up with it. Yeah, I really want to hear from you. Did wait? Wait, wait you did it? Yeah? I had a Brazilian she just makes that she was bad too. Did anybody buy it? She couldn't speak no English, but the fact that she was fine made all my uncles proud of me. What happened or no? I just walked in nothing, you know, because I had just broke up with a girl. You know, they're like, you know when you know when she had I said forget her. Look at this and she's sitting up at breakfast. She came talk. She can't she can't communicate. I don't nobody in our house speak Portuguese. But she's But she was fine though, and it was eight. Everything gets wiped away if they really really fine? Really oh sure with me? How much we're I mean, you said you rented it, you hired her eighty five. Now at the two hours she had to go, that wasn't on the show yet. So did you have dinner? Did she? She stayed? She she sat up with the women, but they were trying to figure out when when she was speaking, uh, you know what black people? You say three words staying black people that they ain't got time. I ain't ain't got time trying to figure this out, they turned the hole back to you. Oh yeah they do. I ain't even I don't know what show up eighty five an hour? Okay, but you ain't getting nothing else. No, No, I just needed her to come over there and so I could raise this pain I was going through. But Junior, though, this this doesn't make me nearly as sad as what happened when you were dating the girl at church, the preacher's daughter. I think, yeah, yeah, you gotta tell tell him about this story. I've been with him through here, worst one. But but preacher's daughter wasn't his worst one. No, no, okay, tell us quickly, what happened to Pre's daughter? Okay, Preachi's daughter. Thing? You know, preacher daughter was at church. Yeah, and you know she cheated on me and she used getting pregnant. But since you know we at the church, everybody knew he was together. So they thought when when the pastor said, you know, when my dad said, hey, I gotta announced to make my daughter's pregnant, they all looked at me because they thought you were the father. I was the father. I was the one. All of the wouldn't look at me. I said, keep listening, And he said, with this other family, please stand up. You know, not just saying men, but a lot of women live or makeup stories about relationships over the holidays in terms of why such and such is not there. He gotta work or he's in the service, you know, the invisible boyfriend of invisible Yes, yeah, but not according to this survey, but not according to this here. So it says men the most. H Yeah, yeah, twice as much. But I ain't never had to make make up anybody about not being there because people have a tendency to leave me. So people who know me know that if they see the person one time and they don't see him again, most odds they left. So in most cases, the person just left me for what reason? Though, Pick something and you're okay with that. You probably ran them off because they wanted to get married and you didn't. It could be that. It should be anything. I know it was that. It could be because the wind change. It could be anything. In most cases, it's me. I've accepted that it's not you. It to me. Charlett Carf y'all ain't never laughed about a lot about the status of a relationship, saying that it's doing good when it's not doing good. Yes, yes, about the status of it. Yeah yeah, like yeah, we're good. I hate his goods? Oh yeah in front? Oh yeah, I mean like, I mean like good. I hate him with everything? You mean, like, have you ever hate you? Every day? I'm gonna ask you everybody, you guys ever had to front in front of relatives that the relationship was doing Absolutely when I was going through my divorce, man, and everybody didn't know. I mean, I would cry all the way to the dinner get out. I lie about that though about yeah, and then it brings it brings everybody down at and it's still it's still a fresh wound. You know, you're not ready to talk about it. You have to wait. You're ready to talk about it. But doesn't lie and make you worse though, make what because you don't have to deal with something with so many people. You just want to get this particular moment. Yeah, you just want yeah, yeah, why are your eyes so red? Oh? I got something and I was rubbing it on the way here. Yeah, yeah, alright. Coming up next, guys, time to have a little fun with a crazy Dick and deaf Jam and Reverend Adnoid and for Reverend Motown with church complaints coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys and entertainment news. Former President Barack Obama surprise former First Lady Michelle Obama at her Becoming book tour in d c, h and compares himself to Jay Z at a Beyonce concert. We all know what that means. Plus, the Mayor of Houston declared this past Saturday is Astro World Day to honor Travis Scott. But right now, Dick's yeah, that was really cool. Humh right now, Dick and deaf Jam and guest pastor Reverend Adnoid are here with today's church com lin and church announcements. Yes, it's time. There it is. This is the j p j J, which is the Jackpott Joints of Jerusalem, ching, ching, Hallelujah, Highland Louijah, thank you. Red. As you know, Reverend Motown is out this morning, but we are sitting in with us is Reverend uh add No, and we are going to do church complaints as well as church announcements. Reverend nine at nine, First of all, how are you doing? This? Does sound much clear today? This is not a know you sound stuffed up? Oh, though not at all. Almost earlier ear little voted I was completely blocked, completely fin But you're good now. I'm old cylinders stuff well, reverend, and I would like for you now I do have some complain I just said, don't don't let that, don't don't let what its song like think what it is, because it ain't. But it sounds like. It sounds like it's right. But I can really breathe, and you feel good, feel good? Clear? Do you get out of breath after so many steps? Tell you he's fine Okay, all right, I'm just telling y'all he's gonna fall out in him one day. But anyway, UM, adding if you can help me answer some of these questions, here's the first plaint. I have sister Latrenda Jenkins head Signmese twins. They are joined at the shoulder. It coles fifty thousand to separate them. She's asking that we raised the money selling Thanksgiving dinners. Um, I don't see her separating them until they twelve years old. Being as though we only raised four hundred dollars for dinners every Thanksgiving? What do you think we can do? Add nod to help her with four hundred each Thanksgiving? Uh holiday. See, since we've only raised about four hundred for Thanksgiving, that means only one can eat and the other one the rest of the money. One will not be allowed to eat. Hold long. Yeah, we're not trying to feed them, We're trying to raise money to separate them. Well, you know what I'm saying is if one don't eat, they'll be sleep and then the other one can enjoy. Yeah, that was pretty funny to me. Do you live in a place where there are a lot of trees? Where would you like to hear church or n yes, Okay, here we go. In order to bring in a younger audience for the church. Yeah, in order to bring in a younger audience for the church, the story of the three wise Men has been changed. We've changed the name of the three wise men well now calling it riding a hump to see the Baby Jesus. How about that? That's what we'll catch your name. Riding a hump and you see the baby Jesus. How about that? You like that? I like the three wise man. We're gonna stink the three one. Why did you come up with that? Well, we gave it a shot. We threw it up there. All right. We have an issue with the choir. Uh read man. Now, there's several things going out, and I'm gonna need you to try to handle each one and even are you ready, I'm ready? All right. The church choir has had their first union meeting this past Saturday to address the church labor laws and complaints. Now he is the first one being verbally abused by the new recently appointed choir director, Brother Sugar Ray Sampson. You're gonna have to talk to him about how he talks to the choir he's very abusive. That what you're saying, that's when he is against Yeah, I've heard him direct the choir and the phrase shut up and saying don't go over with the older members in the quad, shut up and sane. Right, So how are you going to handle it that? Oh I'm supposed to handle it? I'm just I didn't. We're gonna do all of these like, it's a whole lot of these. You are going to stand in for pat answering you have in other ways. You have a long list. I have a list from this. I'm gonna I'm up. He's down because don't look like I'm gonna get the nerdy never get to He's gonna make it. And you're not what I love him? Do you? Boo? You're nothing? You add now it the people in the church that you hug and you can tell right away they've used too much clorox. We meet meeting root for Okay, Okay, you're turned deacon? What was that? He you have yet to ask answer these questions? Here? Didn't love the two with the quiet not receiving the primised chicken dinners and capri son pouches after each service, they are upset about that as well. Okay, what's the problem with your not receiving the Primis chicken dinner and capret Son pouches after each service? And now can we have an announcement as we go out? Please the old men who still called themselves baby face will be he's not happing the congregation. We gotta go, guys for man. All right, you got plenty announced? Yeah, telling up your entertainment news. We'll do that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Mayor of Fewston, Sylvester Turner, declared this past Saturday, November eight, as Astro World Day in an unofficial proclamation to honor Travis Scott and what he contributes to the city's arts community, and in celebration of his latest album, ast A World. Travis Scott got a shout out. He did a shout out to Kylie Jenner in Houston Saturday night during his Astra World Fest concert, and he referred to her as my beautiful wife. I love that that doesn't necessarily mean that they're married, but then again, it means it doesn't mean that they're not. So you say wife and a concert to any woman he's married Okay, Kylie and nine month old Stormy joined thousands at the Astro World amusement park for Travis's set, and uh yeah, I think that's pretty cool. I like the fact that they're getting along if they have a beautiful baby. Um he was on Ellen last week and he seems like a really nice, smart, very smart young man. Well, Aster World, I'm telling you it was packed. Yeah, well as Harrow was a big amusement part for those that grew up in Houston. Jay, it was. It was a huge amusement park that all of us used to go to all the time. Really. Yeah, it's kind of like Houston's Six Flags something like that. That's what it was. It was six Flags over Houston. It was Astra World Lightning. Yeah. Sure. And Jay, it's a it's a roller coaster made out of wood. You know, some of the first roller coasters would wood They really were. I know, j you built them? He dropping new knowledge on you did that was definitely a pop team in the movie Spoken and Banded. The one that roller coaster that they destroyed was a wooden roller coaster and that one was in Atlanta. So all right, let's let's move on, guys and other Entertainment News. Former President Barack Obama surprise former First Lady Michelle Obama at her becoming tour uh and compares himself to Jay Z at a Beyonce concert. Uh. Valerie Jarrett was the house, and when the conversation shifted towards Mrs Obama's feelings about her husband, Valerie introduced a special guest. The former president surprised his wife with a bouquet of flowers take a list of home town. Well, it's not a dandy chair, you know. It was like you known when Jay Z comes on Pussle Young r is Uh, the crazy and love it's the same. This was a little sample to enhance the concert. How are you good? How are you? She's she's making so much sense. You can take a note sup stairs. So third couple of things are work correct. You don't have to do that here. It's my version of reality. A real couple leaves his wife in the rain when it's raining and puts the umbrella on himself. Yeah, you can feel the love always with those two. Yeah, you really can. And then we miss him, don't we? Yeah, talking about make America great again? Yeah, let's go for that moment right there. Yes, all right, and it's time Ja for the headlines. Please introduce me San al right, everybody, it is time from his and trip. Thank you very very much. Good morning, everybody, Good Monday morning. This is and TWP with the news in California. AUS already say that's seventies seven people are now confirmed dead as a result of the Camp wildfire. Seventy seven centered mostly in and around the town of Paradise in the northern part of the state. Some other people reported missing and unaccounted for, which means, according to Sergeant Greg mackenzie, that rescue teams are going about a very very grim task. We are looking for human remains um and with the intent of recovering those people before we repopulate the area and then and they're not discovered later. So far, over one acres have been scorched the campfire, and to other wildfires are still burning, you know, the other Wolsey fire that's in the southern part of California. Republicans will start the new year with a two seat majority in the U. S. Senate. Now that Florida's outgoing GOP Governor Rick Scott has been officially declared the winner of the Sunshine States Senate race over Democratic incumbent Bill Nelson. Nelson gave a concession speech that included a backhanded slap at the new Trump dominated Republican Party. You have to move beyond a politics that aims not just to defeat, but to destroy, where truth is treated as disposable, where fault hood's abound, and that the free press is assaulted as the enemy of the people. Santa Nelson's concession comes after both a mechanical recount and a second recount by hand, because the origional results with that close thought. As African American gubernatorial candidate and Andrew Gillham, he conceded his loss for the second time to Rhonda Santis on Saturday. De Santis the far right supporter of Donald Trump, and was criticized for running what was seen as an obviously racist campaign. By the way, the President's casher did help his party pick up those two extra season the Senate, but the GOP lost badly in the House of Representatives, with the Democrats winning over thirty seats and snatching control of House from the Republicans. Right after the election, President Trump, you know, fired his U S Attorney General Jeff Sessions, and now He's indicated on Fox News Sunday that as many as five cabinet members may be on the way out, three or four or five positions that I'm thinking about of that maybe it's gonna end up being too maybe, but I want to I need flexibility. The President keeps insisting me while that Saudi Arabia is crown Prince had nothing to do with the apparent brutal assassination of Washington Post reporter Jamal Kasochi, because he says the Prince told him directly at least four or five times. Thinking about a trip to Michigan, well, you need to know the police departments across the state of Michigan have been listing civilians to work alongside licensed officers, patrolling communities and even assisting real cops with arrests. And these armed civilians are unregulated. This is going on in Michigan quoe to investigation by the Detroit pre pressor and no established state training requirements for these people. Finally, at the box office this weekend, the Lates and the Harry Potter movie series Fantastic Beasts brought in sixty two million dollars. This has been an tripped Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the ste Harvey Show. The entertainment industry came to a standstill on Thursday when news broke that Kim Porter, model and actress and mother of three of Diddy's children, passed away. Did He has called since Kim Porter's Southern death a nightmare. He says, for the last three days, I've been trying to wake up out of this nightmare, but I haven't. This is what he wrote on his Instagram on Sunday. I don't know what I'm going to do without you, baby. I miss you so much. Yesterday did he pay tribute to the mother of his children, Kim Porter. Did. He posted a video on Instagram which shows him and Kim doing a maternity photo shoot with Essence magazine way back in two thousand and six. If you guys remember this, As he holds and kinds of rocks with then pregnant Kim Did, he calls Kim his soul mate. Wow, yeah, I know he must hurt. Yeah. Yeah. And she was loved. She really was loved. Yeah, yeah she was. She was a beautiful person. I had a chance to meet it. She was very, very nice. When I met her, and that's all you see people posting on Instagram how kind she was and how nice you know of a person she was, because she was the inspiration. I don't know if people know this, but she was the inspiration for the Jodacye song because Junior, you're a big sea forever my lady. Yeah. Yeah, I'll be Sure wrote uh song for Jody See and it was dedicated to Kim, and Jody See obviously sang the song, and yeah, Kim was the inspiration for that. Wow. Yeah, she's definitely gonna be missed. Yeah. She she and I'll be Sure had a son together as well. And yeah, she was a beautiful, beautiful young lady. And yeah, I mean it really is no right age to pass, but it's very very hard when it's a you know, a younger, younger. Yeah yeah. And it was sudden, sudden y yeah, so very unexpected, you know. Yeah, yeah, shocked children. So you know, we're praying for her children, of course, did he and the Porter family and the Combs family and just yeah, this is uh we were speechless, surely and I were talking about it when we heard him. Was just unbelieved, absolutely unbelievable. Yeah, and the holidays and holidays are never the same. Yeah, I know, I know. Yeah, you're so right. Yeah, I'm so right. Yeah, but nothing like kids and their mother. Man. I know girls and they're just what eleven years old? Yes, and they look so much like her. Oh my goodness. They looks so much like beautiful, beautiful girls. And I remember when they were born. Yeah, I can say this. I guess. I told my wife, I said I got to go before you because I can't live without you. Yeah. I used to tell my mom that all that. I just I can't Yeah, yeah, all right, um, yeah it is. It is coming up next at thirty four after the hour, we're going to switch gears. We're gonna play are You Smarter than Nephew Tommy? Right after this, you're listening to Steve Hardy Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Annual Turkey Giveaway is today and tomorrow. New York City. Yes, yes, yes, I gotta give back New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Washington, d C, Philly, Atlanta, Detroit, Tampa, Kansas City, Norfolk, Charlotte, Las Vegas, and Greensboro and all of our home cities. All right, The Steve Harvey Morning Show will partner with shelters locally, their charities, churches, and community organizations in your area to help those families less fortunate this Thanksgiving. We just want to say thank you, thank you from our hearts for listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show and a huge thank you from Steve and Marjorie as well. Absolutely got to give back and they do it every year, even we're partnering with Stephen Marjorie this year the Morning Show. All of us are involved. You know, we have so much to be thankful for, and you know one of the ways you can show that is to give back, and this is one of those ways. Um, Thanksgiving is also a time for games, you know, family fund turkey eating stuff like that. So, as I saidue into this, it is now time to play. Are you smarter than nephew? Tommy? So who's playing today? Tommy? You and Junior? Me and Junior play anyday, Junior boy, let's go, Carlo? Yes, of course, can all three of us play? You don't you don't play right? No, you don't want to fill left out? Jake? Yes, all right, come on, you can do it all right? Here we go? All right? Uh, Carlo, you're keeping score number one? Here we go. Tsha Campbell, Martin and Tushina Arnold started as best friends and what more teen ninety movie? What superhero's real name is are Kentman? The Potter's House? Mega Church in Dallas, Texas? Was founded by which iconic bishop? Which NFL quarterback is married to singer Sierra? What does s n L stand for? And what movie did actor Tom Hanks talk to a volleyball that he knew Wilson? And what sport? Can you do? A Hail Mary past? What Disney classic movie would you find the character Simba and Mufasa? Which in which Texas city did the Nemon Marcus retail store? First? Dallas? Persian Siamese and bob tails are all types of what In the seventies sitcom The Jeffersons, what was George and Louise's son's name? You're like, okay, al right, guys, alright, and that was pretty good? Uh. Titia Campbell, Martin and Tahina Arnold start as best friends in what movie Tommy House Party? Who got that one? Carlo I got? J said house Party? Yeah? What superhero's real name is? Clark Kent? Superman? Tom No I got that. No, you got it late, you got you got it part if you got it? In Florida Plotti's House. Megan Church in Dallas, Texas was founded by which iconic bishop, Bishop td Jake's Tom Tommy which NFL You hadn't said it, but you said it. I'm like, okay, alright, alright ahead. Which NFL quarterback is married to singer Sierra Russell Wilson Jr. What does SNL stand for Saturday Night Live? All, I'm really got it? And what movie did actor Tom Hanks talked to a volleyball that he named Wilson castaway? And what sport can you do? A Hail Mary pass football Carl? In which classic Disney movie would you find the character Simba and Mufassa the Lion King? In Which city did the Nemon Marcus retail store first open? Dallas, Texas? Persian Siamese and bob tails are all types of what animal cat? In the seventies sitcom, what was George's and Louise's son's name, Lionel Tommy got Tommy one? Tommy Tommy? Now that's called Jay? Is you? That's what that's called? Tommy? Up next? It is a nephew with the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's Strawberry letter. That's subject he won't keep doing wrong for long. Right now though, it is the nephew he is here with today's prank phone call. What you got Thanksgiving? With cousin Benji given with cousin being y'all ain't read it, but it is listen to it. Hello, Hello, who is this Ms Glendon? Who is this this ben? I'm callege is Ms Purvis? Um? You know she's not here right now, but this is our daughter. Um? Is there a problem? Oh? No, this this this being this Mama Mama Lord's nephew. Who is this again? That's Glenda, Mama Lod Mama lowiajo Ain't it? Ain't it correct? Mama Lord's and her Okay, I'm being I'm her nephew from the other side of the family. You say your name? Whatn Glenda? Okay, we'll tell y'all supposed to get in and we should mean everybody afternoon, Okay? Uh? Is miss Purvis? Is she is your mama? Making the the dresses. Yeah, she's making enough for about forty five people. Um. We actually um, this was discussing about a month ago, right, y'all on the y'all they had the UM conference call, the conference good family had the conference call, right, yes, sir? Okay, Nah, listen, what the reason why they got me to call? They wanted me to go in and call and and I was trying to give me miss Purvis. She's not there. You know, she's not here. What's wrong? Okay, They're not gonna They're not gonna need her to do the UM to do the dress. And why wouldn't they needs dress? She will make it for ken years. We did. We just discussed it. So what do you mean they say that they got somebody down here there's gonna do the dresses, especially since y'all traveling. Y'all ain't got the brain it, you know, and be traveling with it. But they got somebody gonna do the dressing. Okay, Well, first of all, how are you your your BNG? What is your name? That was not my name, Benjamin, but they called me Benjy But but but like I say, uh, I'm on the other side of fact. I ain't on y'all side. Okay, well, I'm still trying to figure out why are you calling me? Because she's been making a dressing for ten years, like I said, and I mean, it's been discussed. So I don't even know why why you're calling me. I don't even know you. Okay, Well, what I'm trying to explain to you this right here is that they got so y'all, y'all ain't got to worry with bringing the dressing. They got somebody gonna bring. They got somebody down here that's gonna cook it. So in otherwhere with you know, if you can tell Miss Pervish ain't got to worry about the dressing this year, I'm tall you want me to tell my mama after she'd been making dressing for ten years, that child say, you ain't worried about She shouldn't have to make this ship because we're driving there every year. So I'm not gonna do that to her. So I mean, and I don't I don't even know who you are to be calling me anyway. Why can't somebody calling me that I don't know regarding me? Okay, Okay, you're good the right, I am blended, all right, listen let me say this because I I don't man saying what what everybody thinking, but most people don't want to say. Let me just say this right here. Really what's going on is just right here. A lot of people in the family, you know, don't really don't, don't really like this prayer of his dress DNJ Benjamin h he's supposed to be. Let me sport this up in there. My MoMA gonna makeing Chresten, you gonna keep that, and we ain't bringing that home with us. So you can tell your family that I said that because you understand me. I mean, for first of all, you got to understand that I'm bringing news that that that people didn't been voted on, and it's what everybody want to do, don't nobody? Well, why did Nick how we had a meeting? She didn't making it ten years? Ain't nobody's been saying nothing and against what when I'm up in the house, nobody did not be walking up and through that. I'm talking about my mama either, and you know gonna eat Okay, we'll see right there. Why why if people don't like the dress in Glinda, why does you want to make submit everybody to happen to eat it if they don't like it, you don't. That's how I don't know. I don't know. You want to call me, you know, well, I don't know, No Benjamin, ben who I want to do Mama Lord's nephew from the other side of the family exactly, And they don't know. Yes, okay, And it really really to the bad all that I don't really know you. But I'm but but I'm but I'm man enough. I'm man enough. The car you and tell you what we're gonna do. What we ain't gonna do what I know ain't I said it wasn't I want it again. She's gonna transic you gonna eat it, and we're gonna bund my my name, okay, okay, right there, listen. And I know this might be hard for you. Don't understand what you grow up with liking everybody else might not like you to say what you want to. I don't even so you weren't like it because you want in down around. But she make it dress now, first of all, when y'all get down here, it's gonna already be some more dress in here, okay, okay. And she gonna make country and said and we're gonna see down and yeah, I'm gonna eat and it's it's not even what I mean'scus no friend in that I said like to say, because your name's gonna hurt my mama feeling. Okay, there ain't nobody to try. That's why I'm trying to tell you to tell her don't make it na, so she don't even bring it down. We don't go to get anyway. Hey, look, I'm gonna say this here because every dearly you ain't really understanding what I'm saying to you. I'm gonna say it as clear as I can say. If y'all come down here with that dress, I'll promise you we already got dressing made. We're throwing that dressing in the trash so everybody can get the dressing that we made fun of him. Dey blake, that's what we're doing. Please let me splay something into you. I'm gonna be undressing Patroll and if I find out you then to my mama dressing in the trash, it's gonna be something and we're gonna set that out. I'm not playing with you. That's what's so funny to me. I'm gonna call ain't tell me we don't coming. Ain't you know why I'm out to tell us of telling us to book? But now they're gonna said, she'll stop it because when me, I don't even know she'll tell I can't. They said, you're the band in the world, the bench bene in my life. But I don't even know you're rap. I'm telling you now, I'm telling that playing with you. I'm telling you anything hurt my mama felling, it's gonna be something in there, and I'm telling you all y'all gonna be y'all felling down there. But I'm telling me, y'all out one. Let me I say, I say something else to you. I wish you would. Can I tell you what else? They were saying? They wanted me to tell you this Calenda, This is nephew. Tell me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Your cousin Sheila got me to prank phone call. You tell me? Fine, you what you're about to make? Me? Said? All what? Because I'm gonna have my brothers. What ye before I let you go? What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Oh hey, listen, laying in the Cut. First of all, let me say this. I want to say thanks. I'm so grateful. I'm thankful. Richmond, Virginia, y'all came out and drove you sold out all eight of my shows. I started out with five, I added three. We sold them out. Thank you, Thank you for coming out to see me. Next on deck is Grand Rapids, Michigan. Black Friday Baby, that is November twenty three. The Nephew will be coming to town. Tickets are on sale right no, right now, d Ols Performance Home. The Nephew will be there Friday night and laying in the cut. Oh my god, Columbia, South Carolina, November twenty night through uh December the second at the Columbia Comedy House. Yes, I will be there. Tickets our own sale right now. We'll talk about what's going on later on in December as we roll out the end of the year. But right now, laying in the cut, Grand Rapids and Columbia, South Carolina, the Nephew is coming to town, home of the legendary Murder Murder the hits j Anthon and yes it is all right, Thank you Nephew. Up next today Strawberry Letter. I don't know if you guys are ready for this one subject. He won't keep doing wrong for long. Right after this we get into it. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Show's annual Turkey Giveaway is today and tomorrow. People that we're in l A. We're in New York City, Baby Houston, Washington, d C, Atlanta, Destroit, going down south to Tampa, to the Midwest, Kansas City, Norfolk, Charlotte, Las Vegas, and Greensboro. Just all of our homes cities. Okay, how about that the thanksgivings it is, yes, it is all of our affiliates, too many to mention. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Yeah, we appreciate it so much. As we kick off Thanksgiving Week here, Steve Harvey Morning Show will partner with the local shelters, charities, churches, and community organizations in your area to help those families less fortunate this Thanksgiving. We just want to say thank you for listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show, and a huge thank you from Steve and Marjorie. Okay, yes, thank you. Good to give back makes you feel good. All right, Well, now it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys, if you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, and parenting, please please please write us. Okay, that's all you have to do. Submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M. Click submit strawberry letter. We'll get your letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, like we're gonna do this one, and we could be helping some people. That's what we want to do. Give back, help, help, help, All right, let's get to it. We got it for you. Here. It is a strawberry letter. What help? That's not good at Jake taking money for it? Oh man, you're like, al right. Here we go to the letter subject, he won't keep doing wrong for long. Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a successful thirty two year old woman that got caught up with a forty five year old man before dating him. I've only had one serious relationship, but I'm no fool, so I'm not sure how I let this man cloud my judgment. I had my suspicions that he was a cheater, but I could never get any real proof until recently. It was like in the angels came down from heaven one day and made him forget his phone at home. I heard the phone ringing and saw that it was a female calling, so I answered it. To my surprise, the woman said she was my boyfriend's girlfriend, well, apparently one of his girlfriends. She and I talked for close to an hour, and she told me that there are a lot of other women that he's seeing. I went through his text messages and pictures and she was right. There were several different women that he was texting, sexting, going on dates with, and traveling with. There's so much more I could tell you about this man, but what's the point. He is a dog, like I suspected, and he has to be exposed. I want to help the other women avoid the heartache, wasted time, and potential diseases that he could be spreading. Yes, one of the women had texted him and told him that she had an s t I and that they should start you protection when they're intimate. That's just nasty. I want to expose him for the lying, dirty, nasty man that he is. I owe it to these women to let them know about him. But how do you think that I should do it? I have all of their phone numbers. Please advise, First of all keep us out of your mess, okay, because this is mess right here. And why are you wasting our time? Why are you wasting your time and ours by pretending like you care about these other women? You want to help these other women avoid the heartache, wasted time, and potential diseases that he could be spreading. That's not why you're doing this. I mean, let's keep it one hundred please. That's not why you're doing is you want to get back at him. You want him to suffer, plain and simple. It is about revenge. Okay, That's all this is about. And another thing that bothers me, why do why do why are you saying you can't get any real proof? Why do you proof you knew he was if you feel that you we know that, we have our intuition, We know when he's cheating. We know that. Okay, we know it. Um about this and the woman that got the the sexually transmitted infection. All she says with that was that you guys have to start using protection when you're intimate. She didn't say you were gonna stop. She just say any of that. She just said, look, you know, put something on it, and let's keep going. Okay, but again, to you, the writer of this letter, I'm not trying to show you how to do anything. Just get out of this and go on, move on with your life. You don't have to help these other women. The woman that you talked to for over an hour already knew and she knew about the other women. So what are you gonna help How are you going to help them? They already know you're the only one that didn't know. You want revenge. Just call it what it is. It's okay, it's okay to want revenge. I want to help these ladies. Uh, you don't want to help You don't want to help them. I don't want to help these ladies. I want to help these ladies. And why don't you all show me how to do it. We're not with your life. Stop wasting your time and hours. Get out of here, all right, come on, junior, young junior, right like, yeah, yeah, let me just say this. I'm gonna be really fast about that time through this. But I'm telling you you're right, surely she does not want to help these other ladies. Absolutely true. But this is what happens when the woman who goes out and watches all her girlfriend's purses, gets a keyboard. That's how the hell are you thirty two with just one relationship? No? How you now you just got some attention. You just got some attention, and now you want to be helpful. Ain't no woman helping another woman that much? No, No, you know she good at watching persons. She can do that better than anybody. Girl, watch my person. I'll be right back. Okay, I'll be right here. Girl, go to the bar and get it. Dre take your time. I got it that she is the one person. Now she gets one dude, and now she want to save all the women the only dude. Girl. Oh no, what are you helping them do? Well? Hold on? What woman stays on the phone without an address for over an hour? Girl, let me come see you. And that's who she is. She watched person. That's who this is. All right? I hear you. I hear you. I hear you. Junior Jay, what you got? Well? First of all, everybody knows I love gadgets, and I'm working with a phone company overseas. It's soon to be on the market. It's called Touch Explode phone that if it ain't your phone, and it's I'm very close to getting this out on him. I'll tell you all about it a few minutes. Yeah, and you touch it, you flip it over, it explodes and it gives a serious shot that goes all through your body. All right, listen, we'll have part two of the Crazy Guys Response. And you know who's coming up next, the nephew right after visite after problem. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, we're we're in the middle of the Strawberry Letter of the subject. He won't keep doing wrong for a long Oh yes he will. Anyway, let's recap this letter. M Okay, a thirty two year old woman who says she's successful, wrote this letter. She says she got caught up with the forty five year old man and before dating him. She's thirty two now, she's only had one serious relationship. She says she's no fool, though, but she did let this man cloud her judgment. She suspected he was cheating. She didn't have any proof until recently when he left his phone at home. Now, how did this happen? She says, Angels came down from heaven and one day and made him forgetting his phone at home. That's what she said, is right here in the letter. She heard the phone ring over. The angels ain't dealing with famine and start trying to get make sure people get food for things to get ain't none of that. They're over there at her house. Chet this is an angel that ain't really focused. So anyway, she heard the phone ringing and it was a female on the phone. So she and this female talked for about uh an hour or so. So she found out that he's not only cheating with this woman, he's cheating with a lot of other women. So she found it in her heart maybe this is what the angels did when she saw them to help other women. So she wants us to try and help her give her a way to help these other women by women by letting them know that they're so called man is cheating on them and again, and I want you all to help me help these women. All right, So we heard from Junior saying that this woman is the one that holds the purses at the club. Watch she watches, Yes, she watches persons because she's only had one other relationship, so she doesn't really know how this go. All right, Jay, did you finish your answer? Go ahead and complete haven't. I haven't fully development of phone because I like what Tommy said. This is how you fix the problem. You have a problem, and you have to deal with it very seriously. Touch explode phones are soon to be out on the market, meaning that if it ain't your fault, if you look at this phone, come long, stand by it, it will explode, all right. And and to that I said, it never occurred to you, guys, Just not cheat. That never not what the problems? Can I start? I think that? Go ahead, think yeah, it's your turn, Tommy, go ahead. Okay, surely we're not trying to fix that. Okay, what we're trying to this forty five year old man is not gonna change from who he is. Sure, so we have to make him a better of who he is. Yes, I mean, and I hate to say it, but we gotta make him a better cheater. He's a terrible cheat. Now listen to him. Now, this is not nothing I condone. But if this is your walk of life, then I'm gonna try to help you with your walk of life. Listen, if if this is you, with these phones, first and foremost, you can't leave your phone on the nights there. If you do take the battery, I put that in your pocket. Leave with your battery. Your phone should never be on away from you. That's rule number one. Here's another one. Most people now put their finger on their phone and it opens up right to use. You use your your fingerprint open to Tommy. I'm gonna get you through this. Always tape up both your index fingers. Okay, you don't ever want somebody to take your index finger while you sleep and put it on your phone and open your phone up. Don't do that. Keep play a basketball game at all times. A concert, yes, yes, okay, now here go another one. Some people don't use fingers. Uh. Some people use the retina, you know, their eyes. So guess what when you go to bed at night, you need to put you some contact lands in so they don't open your eye up and get in your phone. These are the things you need to change your eye color. Yeah, change or you need to help new eyes when you go to sleep. You're just not cheating. I don't because there's a lifestyle of this man has and he needs to be better at it. Yeah, that's not And now here's the one that I always feel like, if you really want to be cheated to the tent power. If this is what you want to do with yourself, okay, because I'm really a relationship man. I help people with their relationships, but you know they're not in I'll stop and try to help you with your crazy cheating behind. But here's done. It's a market for what you're doing. Okay. Cool, So here's the deal list. All of my like when when I was in this whole game, so to speak, all my text messages used to be in Chinese. You understand you don't read Chinese. You don't know that I read enough shirt to understand what somebody was saying. At least if you got in my phone, you didn't know what somebody was saying. Do you understand that? Okay? To speak to speak to me because you know what calling Shirley, they're not hearing me. Get your text messages in another language, French, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic, get your get your language somewhere, uage you understand that. Yeah, Dutch, you know what I'm saying. When you when you when you made a black Dutch when you've been missing, thank you. That way, nobody even knows who calls, but it would be so much easier if you guys just sitting shade if you're in don't say that again. Where about being bilingual learn another language for us certain reasons the lifestyle self Shelly. First of all, nobody you had a disease if it was in another language, it's not a full fledged diseaseion, it's just infection. Didn't speak on it. Because let's see where you're going. I'm gonna tell you right now. The problem with this whole letter is this angel that left. We would need me having this conversation if it wouldn't for that angel, because he lied. Guys, we gotta go. All right. Thank you for your contributions. You can email us or instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter At Steve Harvey f M. Coming up in ten minutes now. Yes, today's comedy segment sounds of Thanksgiving. We'll do that right after this. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Steve Harvey Morning Shows annual Turkey Giveaway is today and tomorrow as we kick off Thanksgiving week. Guys, we're gonna be all over the country, in Houston, in d C, in Philly and New York, in Los Angeles, Atlanta, Chicago, Detroit, Tampa, Charlotte, Las Vegas, Greensboro, Kansas City, and Norfolk. We're everywhere, all of our home cities. Guys, Steve Harvey Morning Show will partner with local shelters, charities, churches and community organizations in your area. That's a good thing. We want to help those family less fortunate. This thing if you and you know who you are. I got relatives in my family that will do this. They got money, they got a nice spread, but they'll go down there because Steve and mardre agatting we turky, then go down there and get a turkey. Don't go Yeah, we're not talking to y'all. We're not talking. You got everything, don't go turkey money, come on, don't do this. You know I got I got family members Jay that will actually show up with sides and be in line just waiting on the church. Don't do that. We got talking to y'all. No, No, this is serious. We're trying to help the less fortune. Right. What we're doing right, and that feminies that we're going lane and already got two already, can I get one moment? Yeah? Yeah, you do like that type of thing and don't come down there getting in line looking for Steve. He can't be in all these cities at one now Steve is providing all hold up the line looking for Steve. That right, All right, guys, we just want to say thank you for listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and a huge thank you of course from Steve and Marjorie. Now, Jay Anthony Brown is here, and Jay, you have something called sounds of thanks. Here. Yeahs, we're all gathered around. These are sounds of the holidays. If you go to one house another house, these are some of the sounds. The guys are gonna help me act these out. I'll set it up and the guys, here we go. Let this phrase here. You walk in certain part of the house and you hear this phrase under the breath. You here pregnant again? Comarca, comarcia. I'm sorry, damn, what's this like? Number? How she's gonna want some help for Christmas? Ain't this? Hey? Okay, I'm walking another part of the house. You hear us say, oh Lord, look who out that's Robert. That's Robert. Yeah he got out. Tu h You noticed the fourth time? You noticed? The fourth time? Hey, ro the holiday. Hey, Robert, sut your purse down, rob it in here? All right, here's another one. You know she not ran through all that dead dad is money every that died. Every Look at them now, did she paid the house off? Paid the house off? She didn't pay the house and paid the house off for nothing. Look at how she dressed. But look at them kids looking, man, they look bad. Ain't bought them kids, Nothing got design on everything. Kids. Look at the kids. That's her range, rover the d right now, look at them kids. Though. Here's one you're gonna hear in the kitchen. What is it? Don't about to put pepperrika in potato salad. Don't know about to do that, But it's gonna be an argument. It just sounds of Thanksgiving that you're going here. When you're walking through the house. You're another one. You're definitely gonna hear this one because we're mixed family were blended families. Yes, okay, yes, here we go. You know them pumpkin pies for her white boy. Oh you tell me logan, Yeah, logan, that's the only logan. Nobody eat pumpkin poun what he brought his white as. We have to eat this now is she pregnant for that white guy? Hey logan, the knives over there? Oh good God, sounds over there? Here we go now look at it here then a folk pieces of chocolate? K you know he got children? Look at you've heard that one before? Jack? He acting like, ain't nobody else here? Where is his insulaine? Where is his insulat? Where is care? This though? That's the whole sweeper? Tato pie ain't wash the dish? She didn't should be shame herself at damn you do you know she got eight more plates in her trump. She's been going out there every other I would take this stuff? Who shopping? Who shows up with a shopping cart? That bottle? Water? One bottle? Hey, j did my favor? Land? I can't have a damn thing. It sounds of holidays. Sounds of holidays, y'all. Did y'all see Kevin's wife a hot man? She had front laces, back lace aside, lady, did you see that? Let me tell y'all something. When she left the house, Kevin ain't say nothing like you don't think you want to change? He say, you're gonna go over there like that, But that's where you got. That's who he went, he left that college. He end up with her girl. Hey, Charlotte is nice to see and let me tell you, every time I see her, I don't go near I can't. I thought I was the only one. Kevin don't smell herd Well, can we come back to some I like it? I like it? Alright, alright, we'll come back with more Sounds of Thanksgiving at the top of the hour. We're also going to give you some tips for meeting your significant others family for the very first time. Right after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys. Uh. When we left out, you guys are crazy. Jay was doing the segment. Jay and the guys were doing the segment called Sounds of Thanksgiving. Uh, and they want to continue. This is part two of Sounds of Thanksgiving. Go ahead and giving that you're doing here. Here, here we go. Here's one. Here's one. Now, Y're not gonna tell me, but I had forty dollars in my purse. Forty dollars was in there and it's gone. And ain't nobody gonna leave here until that money go back in there. Let me say this right now that ain't nobody but rapping, that's all. You're going Robert's trunk pockets on his back. You're gonna come up with this far today? Who did you? What did you have? You had a twenty and two tens? A twin in two tens. That's what I had. Thats what we're looking for. Okay, okay, you got one, junior? Yeah, yeah, I don't. I don't want to say nothing, y'all. I'm sitting here looking. But ain't that the boy that was on the run, the one that was on the news. Yeah? How he get here? Is that? Who she went? Yeah? I'll tell you one thing though, Crime Stop is going to get a call today. I don't care if it is Thanksgiving. I'll turn his ask in. Why you think? Oh, I know that's him. I don't forget a face. You get his ass arrested? Why he got gravy? Walk up to him and answering with his number is? And see if he spitted out? I love them? Yeah? How about this one? How about this one? Y'all? Ain't got a job, but got on everything new and money and ows your money and ows your money. Yeah, now wait a minute, jake, this, this this ain't got too real sounds that's what you're fitting here, thirsty one, Jake, so Bertha, you're not gonna cut that beard. She just not gonna not gonna say nothing. She knows she gotta go tea and won't get her savor for Christmas. Hey, Bertha, good to see your girl. Get you some sugar to Okay, I got one. I gotta do withe, I gotta all right here we though. Now. Now, I'm gonna help get out the car, but I'm not gonna help put her back. Do you know how real that is? You can you can take the food out to him. I'm not gonna go out there. I'll help get him out, but I'll be damn I'm gonna put him back in there. Okay, Yeah, I got one. I got one. Come on, we're gonna happy to leave here, folks, because we're gonna have we we we can't. We got to get home for a get dog. We cannot leave here a dog can't. We're not gonna find our way back home. We're gonna happy leave here for but dinner at three thirty, just eight. You just came. I'll tell you. He go on, he go one one. We're in the car about to go in the house. But this the conversation in the car. Hey, listen, when we go in here, don't eat nothing. Y'all know how nasty they is. Just don't eat nothing. We're gonna be here thirty minutes, thirty minutes speaking, but don't eat a damn thing. I'm telling you. So, what do you say, jury, you gotta backup dinner? Oh yeah, we just over here for thirty minutes. Have you seen that Whole Food's commercial the girl has the backup dinner in the cart. Yeah she did, he said. He said, honey, you can't do this, bring dinner, a whole dinner to my sister. He said, We're just gonna phase it in like you know, as we need it, telling you I don't eat it. I'm telling you're gonna you're gonna wind up with worms. Don't eat I got one. I got one I don't heard before. Hey, hey, come in right quick? Do you ask me? Oh, it won't matter in California. You got some bazine. I'm gonna get to read out of my ask you got some vaccine? Side of Thanksgiving? Guys? Sounds okay? Here we go with the musical tribute or something JNS leim tell you right, now say you let you have know we ain't got a lot of outlets in here fall this medical equipment that right now, everybody's not gonna plug up. Everybody everybody not for the plug up in him, but my being up. Some of them will have to do the best they can. But everybody don't get to plug up. Hart monitors it, but laters, wheel chairs, oxygen. Everybodyn't get to plug up, and they're not running my damn bill up. I'm not gonna run right there. I got this, I got one. I gotta do it. Dounds of Thanksgiving, Well, darna, let us ass sitting the cord in. I'm so I'm so tired of herman's ain't let us sit in the sh Oh my god. I swear this one for just for me though, because I'm gonna hit this. I'm gonna hit this Thursday, come on it. It's just as I sat in the yard begging to get back in again. Yeah, alright, sounds of Thanksgiving. Thank you guys coming out for meeting your significant others family for the first time, and why not, I'm Thanksgiving. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Spending the holidays with your partners family and meeting them for the first time is a big relationship milestone, guys, but it can also leave you feeling anxious and stressed out leading up to Thanksgiving, knowing you'll be evaluated, you know, everybody checking you out, judging you and all that. But if you follow these tips from relationship experts, you'll win them over by dessert. Okay, you guys may have some of your own, but this is what these guys are saying these relationship experts. Number one, make sure your partner has your back. Okay, okay, talk to your significant other about how you can look out for each other during the holiday. All right, that's number one. Number two I agree with that. Have a plan before you go in there. Yeah, yeah, that's it. I always say, don't let them do you. Don't in other words, you don't eat nothing in here. That's the plane from don't let don't let my aunt jam you up in a corner. She try to be a bluey, but don't be afraid. Yeah, yeah, don't let him, do you? All right? Number two, bring a gift. Please, don't show up empty handed, you know, like that's always good. Ye bring a bottle of wine or some flowers or something you know you can put a base. Yeah, do not go wrong with Yeah, right, ice is good. Nobody's mad at that. Yeah. Number three, find someone you click with. Let your partner help you find their friendly relative who you have something in common with. I think that's really good. Yeah. Yeah, anybody smokey j J want to break the ice? Okay, Thanksgiving in l A is different from air with tell you trying to tell you J. When you say that, they add in the garage. Right. Number four offered to help. There's so much to do over the holiday, so you have plenty of chances to ask. You just sit down and wait for people to bring each stuff help out, right, Yeah, well just offer offer you pray that they say no, but you offer. Yeah. Yeah, um, you know, to see if your family would like help in the kitchen, if they want to set the table, or we want you to wash dishes or something. Yeah, something like that. Offer to help. Number five. Don't try. Oh my goodness, this is a good one right here. Don't try too hard. You're trying to put your best foot forward, but you know, still be yourself, you know, don't go in there fake. Yeah, you speaking from experience here, Jay, what you go in and do a set? Jack the whole timur did you hear the word about old Thanksgiving dinner? A couple of rules they left out Shirley, like don't stay at the boy in the corner. Don't look over there, that's just your rod. Don't let him. Yeah, you have to sit at the little table. Take it, just say it? Okay, No, no, no, I'm not sing at table now, I'm not doing that. Why not say it won't be long? Yeah? There with the kids, you Tommy trying to fit in? Yeah, tell me, But we didn't say you had to sit at the little understand, but nobody should be expected to sit at the little thing. You're not. You're not having some comfortable it's not another little Tommy is the only one upset about that one. And then some people's knees don't bend, Tommy, thank you. Yeah, it's something you gotta do that. You gotta fit in. You're gonna have to take it on the chin. Yeah, you have to let you got to let that shirt rub your booty. You gotta let do that. She's gonna have to do that. Come here, you find she's gonna do that just shut up. Coming up, guys, are Mark Tips more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The Mayor of Fewston, Sylvester Turner, declared this past Saturday, November eight, as Astro World Day in an unofficial proclamation to honor Travis Scott and what he contributes to the city's arts community, and in celebration of his latest album, Astro World. Travis Scott got a shout out. He did a shout out to Kylie Jenner in Houston Saturday night during his astro World Fest concert, and he referred to her as my beautiful wife. I love that that doesn't necessarily mean that they're married, but then again, it means it doesn't mean that they're not. So you say wife and a concert to any woman. He is married. Okay, Kylie and nine and the Old Stormy joined thousands at the Astro World Amusement Park for Travis's set, And uh yeah, I think that's pretty cool. I like the fact that they're getting along if they have a beautiful baby. Um. He was on Ellen last week and he seems like a really nice, smart, very smart young man. Well, aster World. I'm telling you it was packed. I believe there was after that that. Yeah, well, I mean Aster World was a big amusement part for those that grew up in Houston. Jay, it was. It was a huge amusement park that all of us used to go to. Really. Yeah, it's kind of like Houston's Six Flags something like that. That's what it was. It was six Flags over Houston. It was Astra World. Lightning was yes, sure, And Jay, it's a it's a roller coaster made out of wood. You know some of the first roller coasters would would they really were? I know, j you built instruction. Yeah, he dropped a new knowledge on you did that was definitely a pop team in the movie Spoken and Bandoned. The one that roller coaster that they destroyed was a wooden roller coaster and that one was in Atlanta. So all right, let's let's move on, guys and other entertainment news. Former President Barack Obama surprise former First Lady Michelle Obama at her becoming tour uh and compares himself to Jay Z at a Beyonce concert. Uh. Valerie Jarrett was the host and when the conversation shifted towards Mrs Obama's feelings about her husband. Valerie introduced a special guest. The former president surprised his wife with a bouquet of flowers. Take a list that was like the you don't when jay Z comes off, So possible, young en, it's a crazy love. That's the same. It's just a little sample to enhance the concert. How are you good? How are you she's she's making so much sense. You can take a stair. So third couple of things I weren't correct. You don't have to do that. Here. It's my book. That's my boy, hi book. Ye version of reality. A real couple leaves his wife in the rain when it's raining and puts the umbrella on himself. Yeah, you can feel the love always with those two. Yeah, you really can't. And then we miss him, don't we. Ahi, Guys. We'll be back with our final break of the day at forty nine after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, here we are last break of the day. It's been a good day. Yes, it had Steve's today. Of course he's um on vacation and why because he didn't come. I didn't on this Monday, Yeah, because you usually yeah Monday, Yeah, you know I could. What did you do this weekend? Sir? Huh would you do this? I did Reachmond, Virginia and I should be in my hotel room sleep, but he didn't come. Yeah, you do struggle with Monday's Tommy, but thankful, thankful I went to your mother would be proud of me? Yes she would, Yes she would, Yes she would. Thanksgiving, y'all it's on the wedding. Yeah, yeah they do. Y'all do y'all only see people like on Thanksgiving and that's like it like every year, it's just Thanksgiving. Yeah, people drop by that you don't, you know, you know, like you taking my certain family members time, like certain family members where you just you know, like I started, uh reminiscing, like okay, I haven't seen such and such wow since Thanksgiving, Like it's like I only see them on Thanksgiving. I think, I mean, I think you're saying people are busy and don't get to see people like you want to. But I'm not like you should. And you know, you know, like some couples, some couples have to go visit one side of the family and then they have to go to another side of the fact. Do you how do y'all do that? Some people do it like they'll do her family on Thanksgiving and then his family on Christmas or vice versa. Some people do it like that, or like you said, Carlie, they'll split the time each Thanksgiving, spend half the time with them, And I hate that sort. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, I know you gotta do what you gotta do. Some relatives you don't want to see at all and end it holiday. I got a cousin and got a criminal pass, but he only want to talk to you in corners in court, Like let me how let you why you can't just say it right here the prison. People don't talk out in the open, Junior. Yeah, like we're going down, Like I just hate talking to him. He gonna be there. Yeah yeah, but you know what to Junior, it's like what Charlotte was saying with us. With me and my husband and his family, we do rotate. So this year we're going to My in laws live in Birmingham, so trying out tomorrow to go be with them, and then Christmas they're coming to us. So yeah for me, and then my family has something my mom's family yeah, something. I don't know if you guys, but since my mom's not around anymore, it's just it's not that's painful for all of us. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it gets really real because this is my mom's but she loved Christmas, of course, but this is a big cooking holiday and my mom was the family cook and we're gonna miss her dressing. Lord have mercy. Louise Jackson Clark last night, last night, Richmond, Virginia, My last show, eighth show, and this guy screams out, uh, you know the kidney prank, and I was like, yo, yeah, that was that was my pops. He passed away three plus years ago. That was his favorite prank. And y'all I swear I damn never lost it. I couldn't hold it. Yeah, just just the thought of you know, because my pops made me put that prank on a CD over and over so he could just keep hearing it. And it just ran through me. Holidays come. There's certain songs I can't I don't like to hear, like you know, yeah, I always I really cannot hear. I'll always love my mom, well Mother's Day and all that I think too, you know, you know yeah, but when you go through this time of year, it's hard. So for people that are listening for people have lost their loved ones. If you know someone that's going through that, be there for them. Don't let them, you know, being alone and any other than Charlotte. Um. You know what. The other thing for this time of year for people, and it's real depression is very Oh it is it is? It really is. Yeah. Yeah, just sticks are very high. If you can get help and you know someone who needs help, just go and get it. Don't be in shackle Hey, while we're talking about it, I don't want to bring anybody down, but I did want to say something. I lost my cousin about a week ago. We were very very close. We grew up together in Chicago. Her name was Vivian Jackson Caesar, and she passed away just suddenly. She had an asthma attack and it led to her heart attack. And she had just texted me the night before. I surprised her last month on her birthday when I went to Chicago, Carlo, when you and I were in Chicago, Remember you were with your family, remember yeah, And I surprised. Yeah, that's who I was with and she was so surprised. Yeah, and um, and she had just texted me the night before to ask me it was I okay because of all the fires out here in l A and everything, and and she said I love you and I said I love you too, cause and and that was it. And the next morning she was gone, just like that. So I just wanted to give some love to to my family, you know, in Chicago. She had four daughters. UM sent them all through college. She and her husband all have their masters, very lovely young ladies, and didn't you know, I just want to tell them I love them. And I'm with some people hear that on the radio. I really loved some up. I went to a funeral this weekend, passing the Juma, lost her son, and you know, just send out some prayers to her because I know that's very very tough to deal with it, you know. And right and then Camporter, you know, our four children, you know, so yeah, we just have to lift everybody up in our prayers and yeah, and be grateful and be thankful. You know, we have so much to be thankful for. You know, we're still here in California, California. Yeah, definitely, yes, yes, yeah, yeah, it is for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.