Good morning and welcome to ride! "How cool is it to be able to say good morning?" The Chief Love Officer explains the power of a fresh fade and how rare it is to get eyebrows arched along with that. Blue Cheese and Fat Joe have a suit in common and the people are voting. Auntie Maxine has spoken and gave her permission to Jim Jordan to shut his mouth! Derek Chauvin pleads the 5th. Junior congratulated Hideki Matsuyama on winning the 2021 Masters Tournament. The "Pied Piper of R&B" may have to pay money to a Mississippi Sheriff for having an affair with his wife. Is there a ketchup shortage in America? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reflects on a conversation that he had with an anonymous high ranking African official.
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. Y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million buck things in it not me through good to mother. I don't join joining. You gotta use that turn be hurting you. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn. You haven't got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now one it only Steve Harley got a radio show today. It's real simple for everybody that's trying to become successful on any level, in any arena, any genre. I don't care what it is. If you're trying to be successful, this message is for you. Let me help you understand something real clear. You ain't gonna make it the way you want to, and you're not going to make it to the heights that's fully out there and available for you without God. And I'm just killing keep it real, simpling clean for you today. You're not going to make it the way you want to, and you're not going to get to the heights that's available to you without God. You have to get this through your head. You can tried it if you want to, because I did. I'm here to tell you I am talking purely from experience. Here you can try it without God, and you can see how far you can get when you have some measures of success. Of course you will. Will it feel like days like you might make it? Of course you will. But let me ask you a question, though. What you're gonna do about them days when you feel like you ain't gonna make it. When you're gonna do about them days where it feel like there are no answers to your questions. What you're gonna do about them days? What you're gonna do about them days when everybody laughing that you can turn against you. What you're gonna do about them days when you just don't see no way through it? What you're gonna do about them days? I got the sunshine, you know, sunshine cool? Everybody got friends. When it's Sunday outside, you want some friends, hit the lotto, you want to get rid of them friends, go ask for some help. Man. I'm talking about man. They scattered like roaches when lights come on. I'm trying to tell you. So, now here we go again, and you can do this without God now because I've done it, and you can have yourself some measure success. Let me even hip you to a little bit closer, though, let me tell you why you are doing it without God and having some measure of success. Can I tell you why? Because of God's grace and mercy to us, because of his grace and mercy trying to keep us in spite of ourself, for the real mission that He really got for us. See that's the truth of the matter now, now what we're talking about nasty See. So yeah, yeah, you can do it without God, and you can have some measure success without God. And yeah, you know, you know, yeah you got your little degree and everything. Yeah you completed the program, got all that, YadA, YadA YadA. But don't you know something. It's because of God's grace and mercy that he helps us anyway when even when we ain't asking for help, when he bails us out anyway, when we don't even ask him to be bailed out. You know why, because He loves us that much that he would allow us to exist until we get our mind together where he could take us away, really trying to take us. Let's get this real straight and clear. Today. You can do this without God if you want to, but I am telling you to get to where you really want to be and to be all that God has for you. You got to have God. There's no ifs ands buts about it. And let me tell you this here. I don't really care what nobody had been told you. Are you listening to me? I don't care what they say. Don't get this thing twisted. They got these people out here talking about their luminatis and all this here. Man, don't listen to me. Don't get caught in this mess. Don't get caught in no foolishness. You were created by God. God created you, ain't your soul. We were all created in His image, all of us. Don't get to talk about you find to cut a deal with the devil in all you ain't cutting no deal with nobody. Man. The devil don't do deals. He one sided. I'm taking you to hell. You going to hell. You're burning here, that's his deal. I want your soul. I want you to lose hope. I want you to take your life. I want you to take some other people's lives. I want you to feel hopeless. I want you to realize that there ain't no God, that's his whole deal. His whole deal is negative. Oh he can talk you into dealing drugs if you want to. But let me tell you something about this. I watch these shows all the time, drug ink and all this here cocaine mafia. Everybody on now go to jail or get killed. Our prisoners has filled the day with our young boys because they thought they could outslick the system. They thought they had a way. They thought. They said to them, been here, and they failed. For the old cliche, man, I gotta do what I gotta do, I gotta get this money. Well, the only reason you gotta do what you gotta do is because, like I say all the time, you didn't do what you were supposed to do. It is but because of His grace and mercy that we exist. And God has just taken care of you, looking out for you. Got some angels encamped around you until you get your mind right so he can get you where you're going. But now I want you to understand something. There's a cause and a consequence and a penalty for everything we do. This outside the will of God. That's for all of us. All of us have consequences, penalties and everything that we got to deal with outside of the will of God. Understand that clearly. Don't get this thing twisted sideways. You understand me. You know. I heard a young man tell me one day. He said, uh, Steve, you know, man, I just don't see how God looking out for me, if he would allow all these things to happen to me. I'm having such a hard time in my life. I really don't see how there's a God looking out for me. I live the young man, I said, the man, it's just something. Man, you're still breathing. He said, yeah, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, you're still free. He said what you mean. I said, you ain't locked up by You said no, I'm standing here talking to you. I said, where you get them clothes from? I bought him? I said where you bought him with what? I bought him with money? I said, where you get the money from? You? So I got a job, mister, I got a job. I said, well, well where you live though, he's our apartment. I said, where you department, mister Harvey, I'm working. I got an apartment. I got a job. I was okay, okay, So now this this God ain't looking out for you thinkin finish telling me what you're telling me. Well, see, man, I'm having it real hard right now. I said, hey, hey, man, you are you hungry? Have you had lunch yet? He said yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all already had lunch yet. I said, oh, okay, okay, so gone finish. Tell me about this how God ain't looking out for you? He said, oh. And you know, man, every every time I try to do something, it seemed like it go wrong for me. I said, but let me the man something. Man, I say, every time I go wrong for y'all say, somehow you survive it? He said, yeah, yeah, I survive it some kind of way, but it's still be all messed up for me. I say, but but you still got through it though, he said yeah. I said, okay, man, gone finish telling me how God ain't looking out for you? And he stopped. He said him, it is Harvey. He said, how come every time I tell you something that's going wrong, you keep telling me God looking out for me? I said, because you're still here, man, I said, See, you don't understand it. I said, you seem to that you're supposed to just supposed to skate through life. That it's all supposed to go how you want it, any kind of way. I said, Man, Jesus to test to your faith. I say, God looking out for you the whole time. I say, every time you tell me something going wrong, you seem to turn around and tell me how you survived if you keep telling me what ain't going right, But you keep telling me all these things you have. I said, man, so what you gotta do is you gotta stop looking at the what you ain't got column and start focusing on what you do have column. But if you ain't happy with nothing heating done for you, you want him to keep piling stuff on. I said, you fail in the test, young man. The test is are you grateful for where you are right now? So I could give you more so we can move forward. He said, oh, man, I never even looked at like that. I said, well, why don't you take your blessed cell phone somewhere and sit down? He said, I think I'm going over here and let you finish talking. I said, thank you. So sometimes you just got to look at what you do got, folks, that's all it is. Okay, you can't make it without God, y'all. You got me today all right, let's be clear, let's go. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen. We are here. It is upon us. It's morning time. You know what I was just thinking? I said, man, how cool is it to be able to say good morning? How cool is it to be able to just count yourself in the number of people who are alive? And well I'm one of them? How about you? Let's get it on. Steve Harvey Morning Show invites you to live in the day and make it and make to day a great day. Steve Harvey Morning Show, Shirley Straw Dad, Happy Friday, Steve, Hey, call food, what's happening? Steve Never mad on Friday? What's up? Through? Junior? Put me in the number? Good morning? Hunt you in now, Nephew, Tommy ya ya ride Magic said the class Burmi hamd always Yeah. Oh you at the classic tim Me Yeah Magic City Class Sir A yeah, interesting game. So you're still in the Motherland. Still in the Motherland, um, Johannesburg Um, I start filming, uh today? Okay, he lost a little track of time there. Yeah. I don't really know where y'all am having bank. I film today, tomorrow, Yesterday, day, after right, But I'm but but can I tell you something? That jet lagger is real, don't you? Because man, you know I left from La so I left family feud and I went straight to Dubai. That's a fifteen hours and then from here to just eight hours from Dubai to Joe Burgher's eight hours. Uh, It's it's real, man, jet lag is real because like right now, I really don't know what's going on with my back. I I think it's morning, but it feel like night. But I'm sleepy as hell. But I can't because it's morning and I'm just I don't know what's going on at all, like a damn baby. The whole eight hours, he mann't. I didn't eat nothing on the plane. Had a fruit platter. That was it, and that was it. I sleep and I watched two movies. I watched oh being Aflex movie, Uh oh our Tune, Oh yeah yeah, Bank Robbery, yeah yeah yeah. And then I watch you all wake up and I don't know the name your kingdom. All right, we'll think about it. Uh, coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building, right, after all of a sudden, I gotta burst of energy. Yeah, you're listening to the show. All right, guys, time now for ask the CLO. The Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey is here and he's ready to go. This one is from Tara and Arlington, Virginia. Tera says, my husband and I have fort rental houses and we have one tenant that's a headache because she's running a barbershop in the house that we're renting to her. I'm at the end. Yeah, I'm at the end of my rope with her. So my husband said he'd go buy the house and talk to her. He came home two hours later with a fresh haircut and it looked like he got his eyebrows arched. I was very upset that he has probably made this problem worse. Um, he told me to calm down and give her a break. Is what he did. Disrespectful. Please help see a lot. It's not disrespectful to you. He was gonna say something to him, you know, she said, you ain't gonna talk to me with your edge is looking like you know, you know, you know, she kind of flipped it on. Made him feel bad about the way he was looking at yo, kitchen wrong. You know. She used a couple of terms to him that he was familiar wit, sat down, tightened his fade up, and then one she did the eyebrows though. Yeah, that's really y'all. I haven't been a lot of bob shops back in the day. Ever got the eyebrows, dude, I ain't never did never. That's the new wife was mad with the freshman down. Give him her a break because he probably thinking, she said, let me cut this food hell so he can get up off me. I'm gonna give it to him free, and like best he ever looked. Yeah, see so the ass that could be a problem. Yeah, she took that cape off, turned him around. Man. Yeah, you ain't got not to mention she might be kind of friend boy new location. Not gonna be mad, I mean, not gonna be happy about this, all right? Moving on. Kim and Oxford, Mississippi says, I'm thirty nine and I have a husband and a boyfriend, and they met each other recently. My husband went to a lounge Friday evening and he came home with my boyfriend's business card and laid it on the kitchen counter. I almost passed out. Yeah, I've pulled it together and asked my husband whose card that was. He said it was a guy he met that does roofing, and he's going to get an estimate from him on fixing our roof. I didn't know we needed a new roof. Should I be concerned? Is this a trap there? And fix that roof yourself. She needs to fix it herself. I don't know what to tell you about this, sister, but you're thirty nine. You find that business card on that desk? Boy? Who who you was? Tight? Because because that's something a woman would do exactly player, you know. But well, he's gonna have him come over and give y'all a roof estimate. You need to call ahead to him now. I'm gonna giving your player moves now. You need to call ahead to him because I don't know if there's alway that the roofing guy knows that's your husband. I don't know if he knows that. So if he does it, what you need to do is call roofer boy and go, hey, the man you met you gave reguard to, that's my husband. Don't bring your ass over here with this roof business because if you climb up on that roof. You'll never climb up on me, don't. Yeah, I look, hey, they're doing it now, so we just I'm got vibes in her like I would have. Dude, you better get some shingles and get up there and change that day. Now, this was a man I was talking to and a woman was coming bro. But like I said, you gotta stop this immediately. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, thank you, cello. Moving on and get some tea. Don't in the house, No, all right. Stefan i Heeart app listener says, I'm about to get married and my fiance isn't preparing his home for me to move in. Every weekend, I've been asking him to do little things to improve the house because we're living there until we can purchase a home together. He needs to replace the carpet in the bedrooms, get the hardwoods clean, put in a custom shelving system in the closet to accommodate me, and a few other things. I want to hire a contractor, but he won't let me. Is this a sign that he's not ready for marriage? No, not at all. He's not ready to give over the range to his house. That's all that is. It's not a sign that he's not ready to get mad and then don't want to admit that he can't do nothing. You know, men don't like to feel inadequate. I'll get to it. I put it in. I don't need no contracting and he does. Yees, cause this house been to beat all over the place. Yeah, well yeah it is. And she doesn't want to move there with dirty carpets and stuff. You know, if you want to marry her, make it right for her. What the problem? Right? Yeah? All the back all right? Uh? Thomas and Arizona says, I'm in my late forties and I have a crazy ex girlfriend that showed up at a restaurant while I was on a first date with a woman I met recently. She told this girl that I gave her an STI and I sleep around. What happened the ex girlfriend that showed up at the restaurant when when uh, he was having um dinner with the woman he recently met, showed up, told the girl told the date that the man gave her an STI and that he sleeps around. And he says, the lady that I was with was unmoved by the lady, and we continued our date but the conversation was strange going forward, She said she doesn't want me to contact her anymore. I really like this one and have been trying to get at her for a while. How do I control the X and possibly get my girl back? Well, you ain't addressed a big elephant in the room. That st That's what you really need to figure out the hell that came from? Yeah, all right, well, thank you, Cello. Yeah, he needs to deal with that, all right. Coming up next, the nephew and run that prank back right after this you're listening to show coming up at the time of the hour, Derek Chauvin invoked his Fifth Amendment right and did not testify yesterday. Also an entertainment news Jennifer Lopez and a rod Well guys, guess what they are really over this time? Plus and trending fashion news. Who wore it better? Steve Harvey or Fat Joe. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. Right now, Ah, you heard man, I love it. Right now? The nephew is here, would run that frank back? What you got now? Yeah? Yeah, let me get in here. Side job, clean, side job, clean, watch me work. Now take them this talk war starts is Robbie. How can I help you? Robbie, I'm trying to get a order in for some construction uh supplies I need to pick up. That's fine. What's your what's your company? Uh? Rufin company? Okay? Have we have we done listening to you before? No? No, you have. This is my first time called. I heard you guys were pretty good. I appreciate the call. Man. Okay, I know listen. Uh, I need to get this as soon as possible. Man, can I possibly pick up these supplies like in the next couple of hours? Uh? Well, you know, normally don't work that fat kind of a quick turnaround. We got a little bit of a backup, but I can. I can get my bastics. Depends on what you need. Okay, here's here's what I need. Man, I need five rolls of duct tape. Okay, that's no problem, that's quick. Okay, I need plastic. Man. Listen, if you was gonna wrap up something in plastic that's like about uh six foot two in height and two hundred pounds, how much plastic you think I would need to wrap to wrap that up? In this second? You're you're asking for plastics like a roll of plastics. Yeah, but I'm telling I need to wrap up something that's six foot two and like two hundred and ten pounds. I probably wouldn't get about three yards four yards of plastic. Okay, okay, I need to get that. Then let me ask you this here. If you was gonna try to put some seamen on that to hold it down, how much seamen you think I hold that down? I'm more confused. You you're running the roofing company, right, yeah, I'm a roofer company, but I'm doing a little side work for some friends of mine. Oh okay, okay, I just got a little confused. Can you tell me it's the collegers and company? No problem, no problem. We've got some man, Wayne, You're you're you're trying to hold something. Now I'm trying to hold something down. So how many bags to see? Men? Do you think I need to hold out something that's two hundred and twenty pounds? Wow? I don't know. E eight bags, eight bags? Eight bags? Bags? That would recommend at least okay, okay, give me eight bags and see min Now, just something else I want to ask you, do you have anything any type of cleaner man that can get uh that can get blood? I mean a paint off the floor. Yeah, we got industrial cleaners, I mean all kind of industrial cleanings that you said, paint the paint of blood. Uh, paint pray, pray. Oh okay, yeah, I mean I got industrial cleans all kinds. You you have the preference, No, just whatever you could throw in there. I need that. Now. Let me ask you this here. Do you have anything that can like just kill a smell? You know what I'm saying. If you know, if you don't want something to smell, you got anything for that way? Some something die in your place? Is this? Is this something something did you do? Like you there an animal or something you found? I mean, I'm kind of confused if you're talking about smell and cleaning up. Did you find some sort of animal on a construction? A robby? Listen, man, Just take the harder. That's all I need you to do. Okay, Okay, No, I'm sorry. I wasn't asking your business. I just it was a little concerned. What are we getting? What are we cleaning up? And what do we I mean, I guess are we clean up a pile form to clean up carpet? I mean, what's the what's the cleaner form, what's the what? Where's the odor sir? All, I'm asking you do you have something strong one though? Like, do you think ammonia can can keep a smell down? What do I need to keep a smell down? You're definitely gonna need ammonia. I mean, you gotta get something to just scrub that right down, because I mean, whoever that sense is, if it's in your if it's in the walls, if you got fabrics in that place, I mean, whatever, whatever you got it, you probably have to a different type of the odorize or something for the carpets of them, for the walls. I mean, I don't I guess. I guess it's kind of confused as to as to where the sense coming from. And I don't worry about all that, man, Hey man, listen, just just right down. What the order is? Okay, I got it you. I got the five holds of duck tip. I got that's the full yards of plastic at the eight back of cement. I got the industrial cleaner, I got the ammonia. I'm i'm i'm I'm typing it all in. I got I've got your order. Okay, let me just a man, do y'all have any type of machete, anything that's real shop that can put what? Okay, okay, hold on a second, and now now you're completely off base. You do realize you call the hardware store, right, I'm calling the hardware stalker. I need some supplies, man, I'm doing the job on the side. I need some supplies. I get that you you said there already, but I'm confused about it. Is. Now you're asking for a weapon? What what? What would use the machetti for? I mean, you're you're talking about what you're gonna chop down some some some brush. I don't, I don't, I don't get it. What's the machete for? Hey? Man, listen, listen. Your job is to take the order, man, That's your job. Robbie. Don't tell me what my job is. I know what my job is. This is my store, man, Okay. I've been working here a lot longer than you even can rematch it. And people don't call up asking for ammonia and and cleaner and and try to get a smell out. I mean what, I just I'm trying to think about how best to help you. I'm sorry, I'm doing Robbie, is you being nosy? You be a nosy. All you gotta do is field or order, and haven't haven't done in two hours when I get there. That's all you gotta do. I can't do that in two hours. I can't even I go back duck. At this point, I'm not even sure I can get this done. Maybe tomorrow morning, just tomorrow morning before yes, o, man, I got to get rid of this body. I got to get rid of this gouts today. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I need to call Listen, I need to call the policeman. You just hit bodies. Sell the man that right there. That's about white people always want to call the police when it ain't got nothing to do with them. Listen. All you need to do is field or order. Okay, Okay, you're listen. I need to tell you something, okay. And I don't know if you if you found a body, I don't know if you're responsible from the body. Either way. I don't want to be any part of this business, okay. I don't know why you're planning or where you're trying to bury this thing, but you're basically asking me to be an accomplice to something that's no my business. Hey, I need your name right now? Okay, what I'm not giving you my name? You say i'm proofing? Hey, hey, listen to me. You said you're calling from roofing company. Are you? I'm not? I'm not. Hey man, let me tell you something. Why are your wife folks always trying to be a bar? Tell you like that? Why are you are away acting like? Why are you folks? What your problems talking about? Wife? Folks? Talking about purple green, black, blue wolf? You're talking about? Why it's about you asking for that? Sounds like trying to bury your body. Okay, That's what I'm trying to figure out. Are you and you're not? What is your name? I need your name? Your name right now? Hey man? Well, first of all, you at work? Do you not? You can't? You ain't want to be talking to me like this. I don't care if I'm swearing at work. Comma, my co workers, the people are. They all know who I am. And I know if I was talking to someone some people you, i'd be talking like this too. Okay, I'm gonna trace this call. Do you hear me? I'm gonna trace this call. I'm gonna get the cops on your and figure out who the you are. Okay, okay, well let me let me ask you this, since you want to know who I am. Do you know Marcus? I don't market, no market. He works here, man, I know him. Okay, Marcus is who got me to call you? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Rby Morning Show. Robbie, you just got pranked by your co worker, Marcus. You have got to be kidding me, Marcus, Marcus, I see you over there, I see you. I can't believe that. Who son of a Marcus? Why don't you tell me this? Your baby? I gotta ask you, Robber, you gotta tell me this. Man. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land as easiest Steve Harvey morn I'm so good, I'm so oh. You just got right now, burmin Ham. Tonight is the night two shows tonight. Guess what added one tomorrow four o'clock. Maddenee. That's he Okay, that's it. We ain't doing that, nil, that's it. All right. We gotta go, guys. We'll deal with you off the air. Coming up at the top of the hour entertainment and national news. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well in celebrity couple break up news, after weeks of uncertainty about their relationship, j Low and Alex Rodriguez finally confirmed that they have called off their engagement and aren't going their separations. Yes they wagging up, Yes, yes, yes. The couple issued a joint statement. They said, we have realized we are better as friends and look forward to remaining so we will continue to work together and support each other on our shared businesses and projects. We wish the best for each other and one another's children. So they're done. I was so happy for j Low form Yeah, I really was saying, now, why aren't you fatch? You might have to throw myself in this ring to put his apartment and got a shot. I gotta put it in there, this apartment, in this trunk, I draft, I gotta put it in there. Shot. I gotta shoot my shot with this Yeah, I gotta shoot my shot with this truck, this apartment. She's got no feeling, girl from the block. Yeah, she hasn't given it back so far, she has not given the ring back. But who would listened to me. Once you give a woman a ring, it's her ring. You can't get ring back. I don't know what these dudes be getting this front. I want my ring at mine, but an engagement and stuff. It's different, right, it's different if you break up after you give them the ring. It depends on who you gave her the ring. I just don't think you, Steve, like I don't think you can get it back. Well, I would keep it. I'm just saying how much argument? Eight million? Yeah, my damn ring back to me? Almost two million? Yeah, and she get to keep it. Well. Some women might not want the ring and never will Carlin. Yeah, I'm I'm taking the ring and selling it. Yeah. Yeah, I might not want the ring, but I damn sure want one point eight. Um yeah, well you know we would at eight really point is critical. If you got a million point eight, that's one million and then eight hundred thousand, yeah, almost two million. Yeah, well, Steve, we have to get to this story. We wish um the both of them the best and sorry it didn't work out, but we have to get to this story. Steven trending Fashion News, Bro, you stole my look on the shade Room there's a post of you and Fat Joe. You guys are rocking the same Dulcha and Gabana suit, and the Shade Room asked their followers to vote as to who rocked the rock the suit best. So you know this was recently yesterday. Yeah, huh huh, So we're voting everything. They don't call you blue cheese for nothing, Okay, Monica sent me to picton. It's the denim. It's the denim look right, Yeah, it's a casual look, but I won't look good. That was so fly. Yeah, it really was fly and the shoes everything. Yeah, everybody, the votes and the comments. It was funny. They say, you know, Steve, he looking fly with the blue cheese and they gave fact love very it was cool. It was cute, Yeah, very cute. I have my comment when we come back. You're listening to all right, so listen, guys. We have to give a shout out to Congresswoman Maxine Waters. Okay, we call her Auntie Maxine. Auntie Maxine snapped at Jim Jordan, who of course is a congressman from the state of Ohio. They were at the COVID hearings with doctor Fauci and Jim Jordan just started, you know, pressing doctor Fauci and into a shadow man disrespect Yeah, it was, Yeah, it was really disrespectful. And and Congresswoman Waters had had enough and uh, take a listen. I don't want you to answer my question. The American people want doctor Fauci to answer. What does it have to be? Fire, sir, if you need to respect the chair and shut your mouth? Alright, Auntie, alright, Auntie the queen has spoken. Yes, right. But you know that's the thing. You know, they act like they can talk over people. People just getting tired. If somebody else was in charge of it and was the chair, you wouldn't be doing that. But see they are always trying to in a little smart little way like down play you sister, you ain't running well. She is well. Jim Clyburn is a chair. Yeah, but he spoke up. But the other thing too, though, Steve. It was the way Jim Jordan was talking to time the Fauci. I think everyone had had enough of that, including congressmans. It was totally disrespectful. I want the number. The American people deserved the number. What is the number? Doctor Fauci, don't worry about this. We're going to handle this, Jim Clyburn said. In response, he said, I think mister Jordan knows me very well. He knows full well that we're going to handle this. Jordan thanked Clyburn, and the hearing moved forward the end. That's where made me come my man talk like that. I'm coming out of my man. You know what I'm saying. I got you can hear me. But he still thinks Trump is in charge because he was Trump's whipping board. That Jim Jordan's so anyway, yeah, calm it on down, calm it all the way down, sir, at all. No, it was just yeah, we're all trying to get through this pandemic. We're all trying to do what we can do. And you know you're pressing doctor Fauci is if it's going to end on this day, right right, you can whist the ball. Yeah, he would come on. Now, let's play Auntie Maxine one more time. I don't want you to answer my question. The American people want doctor Fauci to answer the world. What does it have to be? Fire, sir, if you need to respect the chair and shut your mouth this chair, yeah, shut your mouth. Yes, wow, you know, Twitter is having a field day between aunt Tiatia, tell shut the blank, yeah, cattle hill cousin, all right? Coming up? In thirty four minutes after the hour, protesters showed up at the home of an army sergeant caught on video harassing a young black man just walking down the street. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to the string show. Derek Chauvin did not testify and invoked his fifth Amendment right, and now the prosecution and the defense rest. The evidence is now complete for this case. The start of deliberations will also mark the beginning of the jury's sequestering in a hotel. They have to stay at a hotel. Chauvin faces three charges, second degree murder, third degree murder, and second degree manslaughter. He has pleaded not guilty. But we all saw the i'm on, i'm on, i'm on, I'm on a text feed with twelve brothers huh from college that we all have remained friend over the years. There's twelve of us. We could be the jury. When when the defense rest day case, we've got to go into back. We're ready, right because all men and bronnaya all ready. Yeah, but you still have to hear closing arguments, and that'll be on Monday for you and your twelve you're eleven friends. Okay, So they just rested. Then they come back for close Monday. Right after that, right after the defense get through talking. We don't have to go to lunch. We ain't got to go into back. You're Selester's har you're the former y'all? Have you po been been talking? I tell I look on their fa we threw we saw the tape, got it. Yeah, it went from eight forty six to nine twenty three, got it? Yeah, in the first charge of second guilty. Yeah, charges, go ahead, somebody read the charge all right. The charges are second degree murder guilty, third degree murder guilty, and second degree man Now, what when do you want us here for sentis in judge? The judge does that, Yeah, yeah, your good jury. Yeah yeah, because yeah, wasting all this time, we ain't got to leave and go nowhere, cancel them sandwiches in the back. We don't even Yeah. The defense tried hard to say that he did not, you know, die of the knee being on the neck. They tried hard. Also in Minneapolis, in the Dante Right case, the ex police officer Kim Potter has been charged with second degree manslaughter. Potter pulled her glock handgun and pointed it instead of using her taser gun and shot and killed Dante Right. She was in jail on one hundred and hundred thousand dollars bail. She's out now, she's out now. Yeah, okay, uh wow. I was very painful to watch the right family yesterday, another first conference they had with Dante's aunt, his sister Destiny, Attorney Crump, his parents, his family. This is just heartbreaking and we keep seeing this over and over. I don't know. And how busy is Attorney Benjamin Crump, I mean fortunately Vera, yes, you know that is come on anyway. I'm sick of this country. Yeah, the racism. Yeah, what's happening in this country. I'm sick of it. I've been sick of it. Now the social media and the news is on it, it just floods you. I'm sick of it, sick of it. And I'm very proud of the young people who are the Sean Kings, the Tamika Maori's, the Charlemagne's. I like the young, the younger frontline people. I really really do it's a lot of them. I'm just naming a couple. But I'm very, very happy and proud of the young people we're taking up the torch and the Black Lives Matter movement and the non African Americans that have joined the movement, which has given it more of a joke than has had in in in in in two decades. Yeah, four, yeah, yep, we're grateful for that. Really, it's just so sad. I mean, what can you say. We're here so many times, so much. I just don't know what reform. I just wanted to ask you, Steve. You know, we talk about police reforming all the time. This is the reforming of racism, though, I just don't know if the it Yeah, yeah, yeah, when we come back, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after my strawberry letter for today, the subject is my bestie got fired because of me. But right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. We'll get to the Strawberry letter in a minute, but what do you have for us right now? With this frankhew early say, I got I'm orthodox methods. That's what this Frank phone call is. That's what this author doc. Yeah, that's that's what it is. On a on athartic method, on a party on authodoc method. Let's go cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach trying to reach brother Robert and speaking. Hey, how you doing. I'm I'm calling you from the church. How are you doing? Brothers? Man, I'm doing super fantastic. Any day above ground is a good day. That's good. That's good. Hey, hey, listen, man, we wanted to uh, being one of the brothers of the church, I wanted to give you a call. Man. You didn't make it to day, but you now well you know, your wife stood up to date and UH asked us to keep you all and our prayers because y'all are definitely trying to bring her a new child into the world. And she let us know that, you know, she's she's being a little older now forty one forty two. You know, she said it takes a little longer to try and conceive a child than you know in your earlier years. So we definitely wanted to let you know, man, we we got y'all in our prayers. Man. Man, you just don't know how much we appreciate that. Man. Yeah, we've been trying, but I know with prayers all things are possible. Yeah. Well, we definitely want to definitely want to keep you out of our prayers, man. And uh, I hope that you are able to concede this child and bring you know, brain brain brain, bringing news a new child into this world. You know the book says be fruitful and multiplies. Definitely definitely. Now who is this again? Brother, brother auth brother author. I don't know if you know me directly, but I'm brother. I wanted the brothers at the church. Oh okay, okay, brother, thank you not not not not not Bro Robert. What I want to ask you, man, was have you considered any any alternatives methods for, as you know, maybe helping this situation? Uh, we've looked at a few. Uh what what what what are you referring to as an alternative? Well, I mean I think I have a good, uh thing then that might be able to help this thing speed up the process and and and and you guys would be expecting and no time, man, many levels for some things like that. What what what you got in mind. I mean, well, what I have is a little little unorthodox man. But I think if you allow me to help you on this, man, I think that you'll be definitely satisfied. And you know, man, if nine months or now, you got to be at the hospital, we're looking for you, your baby boy, your favorite girl, you know, or classified and orthodox. Okay, Uh see what I have in mind, man, is have you considered maybe like a Sarah gut father clarifying clasified series. I'm thinking the wrong thing. I don't want I just want to make ship with on the same page. What do you mean by Sarah the fuck? Well? What it is man, is you know you know, of course a Sarah gus mother is someone that will carry a shy for those that cannot carry one. You know what I'm saying right right? So what what? What? What? I've gone to the doctor and got myself checked out, man, good physical and everything. I'm physically sitting everything. And you know, maybe I guess the complications are coming from uh you as far as the child not being you know, you're not being able to conceive right now? No, no, no, I ain't ain't nothing wrong with me? Man, Okay, now, what you mean like you physically sit? I mean, what the hell that got to do with Chary? Let's see what I'm saying is if if if what you know, if you if you allow me to come over and and supply my services. I mean, let's see if you left for a weekend, man, and I stayed over there by the time you get back. Man, Man, what the time with you? It's just what's going on at this church? Man? Am I at the run church? They you you're telling me you try hit me. I understand you're saying you want to come over and have sex with my wife. Well, I mean, I mean, don't don't look at it like that. Don't look at it like that, look at it that if I'm helping you. Man, what you're telling me is that ridicularly you just think you though what excuse me, Okay, you want to come out and say with my wife? No, no, no, I want to come over and just apply my services man, and put you guys in a better position that you will be sam your life. You understand what I'm saying. You know I'm saying what I'm coming from now. I don't sound like you tell me you want to have sex in my life. Man, what's wrong with you? Hold on? Hold on now, it's just this brother. Awesome man, listen see what I'm what I'm trying to do. Man, I don't give up to you. Brother. Who this? Brother? Man? I don't know you. And then you're talking about the church. What kind of is this? This thousand? Don't let this church and that really the church don't have nothing to do with this. It's me calling you to leave me when you're coming to me, if you allow me to be the surrogan father. I have a pregnant bout the end of the week. Man, you got me as soon as I see I'm coming to bother stead of accused to see you? You show the bombers said, it's like you are okay, okay, Gary kidd? Who you want to have brothers? Brothers? Like what? Aunt? Man? You keeps looking at that like that? How is we gonna get this? We're gonna get passed just so we can't get you to this child. Man, we ain't gonna get passed it you talk about having sex with my wife? Who are your wife? Said? Brother, you ain't got no wife? So I have a a wife, Brother, Robert, What I'm trying to do is help you along with yours and getting this child and see you that's what I'm trying to help. Does you can't help me talking about having sex with my wife? You say that on other about I ain't thank you for going out but with it you're getting my phone though? Well you know we have people listed at the trade. We have our phone numbers listed. He lists mind And when I get that to you, I hope to see you that I'm gonna punch you head. Hey, look man, why don't I Why don't I speak to your wife? Or when she comes to church this week and I see how I don't feel straining my wife? Old on, I'm just gonna talk to and see how she feels about maybe maybe you know using this now you can't say, man, don't even look in her direction. But my man, who do want of you? I need to see you myself? Okay? What what? What? What does all the anger though? Brother? What? What? What? What do you? Men? You're who the anger? Just sitting here telling me that strip the script? I'm gonna come half sex with your wife? Okay, shit, get ain't okay, brother, I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you ready for can I say this then you better fly hang up your Okay are you listening, brother Robins, I didn't listen. I'm tiring of listen. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobbin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your wife. Man, what do you say? Hey? Man, Tammy? Who kny doing think that? Man? I'm about to have the rest come to chilly now, but go straight. Plus Pitts in the mound. Didn't look for you on that one? Man? Who? All right, hey, one more thing, man, tell me this? What is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve of his Morning show with as Steve and you. Tommy, you played way Oh he got that right about having a set with my wife. Don't don't look at it like that. You're looking at it the room. I can't have a pregnant by the end of the week. Okay, week, by the end of the week. I got you straight by the speed. All right, it's going down to night. You can catch me in two places. You can catch me on the Own Network Ready to Love to hit TV show Ready to Love on the Own Network tonight, nine Eastern eighth Central. Ready to love only on own ride with me or if you in Birmingham. I am grabbing the microphone. Tonight baby, who shows the night they are sold out? Who show? There were two shows on Saturday and two on Sunday. I added a third show. It's four o'clock maddenee. And you know what I like about four o'clock maddennee. That's they've grown in sexty. That pour the end up crowd. They come in there because they like to get on home for the sun go down. Y'all. Come on, I gotta fuck you or clock maddenee, and you can go to work on Monday. Thanks. That's not what I say it sad again. Got nothing to do with money. Okay. Come on, y'all, we're gonna see Tommy on sad so we can be at work. All money okay, Yes, Jay told me to take off all money. He said, when you work like that, you say you can't over exert yourself. Okay. He said, when you get through Sunday you need to relax and catch your breath. You know people got days awaiting here today. Wow. All right, thank you nephew. Coming up next, My Strawberry letter. The subject is my best you got fired because of me. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show all right time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, sex, work, parenting and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggy, loave and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is grow very letter. Thank you, nephew. Subject my bestie got fired because of me. Dear Stephen Shirley. My best friend worked as a bartender at a popular restaurant, and she introduced me to the new manager of the restaurant recently. He's middled aged, handsome, tall, and he has a nice beard. I was hooked on him because of how well he carried himself, and I've always been attracted to older men. This restaurant has the best Sunday brunch and I'm always there with my bottomless mimosas and a few of my girlfriends of my other girlfriends. There's always a great DJ there and On this particular Sunday, I've been on the mimosas all afternoon. I stayed on the dance floor, twerking and having a good time. I locked eyes with the manager a couple of times while I was dancing, so I figured he was interested in me and liked what he saw. So when I went to the restroom, I walked past him and asked him if he saw something he liked because I caught him staring. He told me that I'm a beautiful woman, but I've had too much to drink and he's not serving me any more alcohol. I was embarrassed that he only saw me as a drunk thought unlike my friends, I can handle my liquor and I was having a great time and being playful. Something clicked in me and I started cursing him out from misjudging me and being rude. He asked my best friend to come over and calm me down and put me out. She tried to diffuse the situation, but then the manager said, I'm a disgrace to women my age. My friend told him that his rudeness was uncalled for, and he fired her right then and there. He put us both out. The job was great extra income for her because of the great tips on Sundays. She's upset with me and I don't know how to fix this. Please help. Yeah, this is a real mess right here. You made your girl lose her job. Did you say something clicked in you and you started cursing him out, But you say you can handle your liquor. None of that goes together, okay, because here's a news flash for you. You can't handle your liquor. What clicked in you was drunk. Okay, you were drunk. You were just displaying drunk behavior. And despite the fact that you think you can handle your liquor, you can't. You really can't. So the first thing I would do is stop drinking. Okay, you gotta stop because you can't handle it. Then I would apologize to my friend. I really would. This is your best friend. You should apologize because you were acting up in her place of business. Okay. Then I would go and apologize and talk to her former boss. Please be sober when you do this. I mean, nothing may come of this, but you got to try and talk to him him into giving your friend her job back, you know, saying that it was it was your fault. You know. Blah blah blah blah blah. That doesn't work. You help her look for another job. I mean, that's the least you could do. When she gets another job. Please you stay as far away from it as possible. Okay, do not go anywhere near it, you know, and stop drinking. All right, Steve, my best it got fired because of me, pretty much says it all. All of this is a direct result of your behavior. From the top of the letter to the bottom. I'm going to also show you you're not exactly what you think you are. You're just not man. Well, it's because of one reason. And here we go. You got to introduced you. You got a friend that's a bartender at this restaurant, and you got to introduce he was all she was at work, and you got introduced to his manager, tall guy, handsome, and you like older men, nice beard. You was hooked on him, you know, because of how I cad himself. You know, I got that. You've always been attracted to older men, got it that. But the restaurant got the best Sunday brunch and I'm always there with and you said my with my bottomless mimosas and a few of my other girlfriend. See, when you care about an event because of the sheer amount of alcohol that they allow you to consume, it's a tale tale that's something didn't go wrong because you weren't just that with your peard You was because of the bottomless Mimosas. Then they got a great DJ. And on this particular Sunday, I had been on the mimosas all afternoon. Seat. That's another dead When you say you've been on something, you know, like if you've been on one. I was on crack all afternoon. I was, yeah, see you when you own something, you're success it. I had been on the mimosas all afternoon on them. I wasn't I wasn't sipping. I was on them giving them no al. I was chugging like Bill. I was throwing it back like shots, and I was drinking on the mimosas. I stayed on the dance floor, twerking and having a good time. What the girl, You don't see this. Twerking is never for the twerk for the twerk girl. It's for the man observing the twerk. That's who was for Twerking is not for the person doing the twork. It's for the person observing. The true twork is a see me dance, not no o. I can't stop this feeling. No working for everybody else. I'm telling what it is, all right? Hold on, Steve talking, ain't got damn thing about How do you boy? How you feel? Really? All right? Response coming up in twenty three minutes after the hour. My best he got me fired? My best he got fired because of me. That's what I should say. That is the subject of today's Strawberry Letter. And we'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. My best he got fired because of me. Yeah, best friend worked at the bar. This girl's got a girlfriend. It's bought in a popular restaurant, introduced to the new manager. She liked the manager. He's old, tall way to where his cab himself. And you know she always been like attracted to older men. Uh, this particular sunday, they got the best brunch ever. And they have right off the top of where she pointed, a really excellent brunch. And she said, on this particular sunday, I'm always there with my bottomless mimosas, which means she cares about drinking to the point where there is no end. This is bottomless drink. I drink still. I can't even pull it in my mouth. Normb, she pulled a drinking and it's just running down the cracks of her mouth, all of her block because she just can't putting on more. Yeah, because she can't pull the more down there. It's but the see the the Mimosas might be bottomless, for sure, your your your intake of them is not. And so what happened was this particular Sunday, she had been on the Mimosas all afternoon. We said this earlier. When you are on something that's successive, you own crack. I was down there talking to them. I was cussing them out our own one. You know, when you own something that's your accessive. So I was on the Mimosas all afternoon. I stayed on the dance floor twerking and have a good a good time. Twerking is for other people. Tworking is not for you, because I didn't know that. Twerking is not for the twerker. It's for the twerk y. It's for the perp who sees it. Because you can't even see your ass doing all that. But if you had by a mirror, you can't. Yeah, you boy, the mirror, but the mirror ain't on the dance floor, so it's you looking. No, no, you. The only reason you're looking back there is to see who looking. Not for you. It's for the not twerker but the twerquy. So well, let me give it to you, because watch what happens right next. I'll stayed on DWN for twerking having good. I locked eyes with the manager a couple of times while I was dancing slash twerking, so I figured he was interested in me and liked what he saw. Twerking is folks showing tworking it out of dance. It's an exhibition stippity. So when I went to the restaurantom, I walked past him in after he saw something he liked because I called him stand. He told me, I'm a beautiful woman, but I've had too much to drink and he's not serving me any more alcohol because he couldn't believe this little fine chick was out here doing all of this because you was doing the most, because your bottomless ass was out there on their mimoses. You didn't drank so many damn mimosas your judgment is impaired. That's what people don't understand about alcohol. It didn't has your judgment. So now what you thought was out there was cute was way too damn much. Now a man gonna wild his fine sister right here just got herself looking crazy. So he told you he ain't serving you no more alcohol. You ain't getting no more. You'd had your last emotional You can't animal bottle. So then she said, I was embarrassed that he only saw me as a drunk thought. Oh, then you know why you didn't see yourself as a drunk thought, because you was drunk. Yeah. See, and that alcohol has impaired your judgment. You don't know. You think you killing it, But he going, this chick is way too much. Unlike my friends, I can handle my liquor. Really, what well, you just got seen as a drunken thought, and this was you Unlike my friends. I can handle my liquor. And I was having a great time and being playful. Yeah, but you don't know how playful you was because your judgment was impaired. Because your ass has had you didn't try to get to the bottom of the mimosas, and they bottom less. They told you at the door this Sunday, they bottomless. Now you don't put too much in your system, and the rest of it ain't even in your blood. So now as you tworking and having fun, as more of it in as the bloodstream. Now you way more playful than you touch you. Come on, doctor, Harvey's in the blood system now you oh eighty, you all up at two point seven. You don't even know it, and you still pulling bottomless mimosas. You had a phoe nine. You're a damned earthquake that's doing serious damage. So then I'm I'm I can handle my looking and having a great time. Something clicked in me. Yeah, you don't know what that was. It was them damned mimosas. Something clicked in me, and I started crussing him out for miss judging me and being rude. He didn't misjudge you. And yeah, boy, girl, I gotta tell you something. You really handle your looker. You let your look a drive the car, You let your looka do all the talking. You had your look out there handling the dance routine. That lookor had your ass twerking cussing, futing. He asked my best friend to come over and calm me down and put me out. She tried to diffuse the situation, but then the manager said, I'm a disgrace to women my age who my friend told him his rudeness was uncalled for and he fired her right then, and that he put us both out. The job was extra and come for her because she has great timpts on Sundays. She's upset with me and I don't know how to fix this. Please help Go to your Darren telling you apologize, going there, like Shirley said, and try to get her job back. Probably gonna have to do some extra twerking to get it back, because you are a drunken thought. Coming up in forty six and it's after Sports Talk with Junior right after this. You're listening, all right, Junior is here with Sports Talk. What you got for its Junior, Well, surely we had so much going on this week. I forgot to mention this. But this is big, though, and I want you to really consider this. This, this is this is really big. I want to give a shout out to Hideki matsu Yama who won the Masters weekend. Oh yeah, yeah, mat Yama, Yes I did, Yes, I did. He he's the first Japanese player to win the Masters. He turned into time under par for four days of work, and guess he's what his take home pay was? What? See, I didn't even know this cool two million, little over two million dollars. That's for first place. So here's what I have discovered about the Master, which I didn't even know. And this is what we're gonna all be doing that next year, we're all gonna be playing in the Masters. Because second place took home one point five million. Okay, you don't even have to win the Masters. Just get in there. Now, here's a nothing. The top fifty players is getting the check. Okay, look, just picking up, picking up thirty thirty thirty, number thirty two, number thirty two got seventy one thousand, three hundred dollars. Do y'all get what I'm saying right now. I'm not you can't win. I'm not playing. I'm not saying I'm gonna be the next Tiger Woods, but I will be the first Puma Forrest that's my name when I get out there on this golf four. Because you don't really have to win to get a nice check in the monsters Like Look, Tommy, fifth place got four hundred and sixty thousand for coming in fifth. That's what Jordan's speed made, four hundred and sixty thousand. We had yet for fifth calling. Look, I can't tell y'all, forty six forty six places just for four days, got thirty five thousand, six hundred and fifty dollars. Do. What I'm saying to us is why we on this radio show. We need to fee on this golf carse ever weekend. I have found this to beat love us. We are playing around. Look, I'm gonna tell you right now, I don't care if I don't care if you come in twenty okay, twenties. It's one hundred and forty nine twenties, one hundred forty nine thousand, five hundred more than my salary. Look for some money. He was twenties. He wasn't no where in the top ten. He just was twenties. I'm not great at golf, but I know I can get fifty one. That's twenty eight thousand, right every week. Hello, Hello, You don't have to win the Masters, people, you just have to just be in the be on the list. You need to be playing on Sunday. That's all. Just gotta be playing on Sunday. You gonna have a check. Don't even worry about it. Congratulation macho yama. But I'm gonna tell you right now, I am gonna be there next year. Look out for Puma Forrest coming. I'm not Tiger Woods, but I am Puma Forrest. All right, I love coming out. Yes, coming up at the top of the hour. I don't know if you guys knew this, but America is facing a ketchup package shortage. We're gonna talk about that right after this. Yes, you're listening to the show. Well, in Trending Food News got to ask you something. If you're having lunch today and you need some ketchup, well I suggest you bring your own ketchup because there is a shortage of ketchup in the United States. Knew I should have grabbed a handful. Yeah. It's led to Americans selling single youth packets obtained from fast food restaurants on eBay and other marketplaces. So they're selling them on eBay and what the coronavirus pandemic phenomenon, as reported by The Wall Street Journal, has led to ridiculous spikes and prices for the single youth packets, including one listing for three packets on eBay Wednesday afternoon that had been bit up to eleven dollars and fifty cents and it was designate packet for one packet. Yeah, eleven fifty eleven dollars and fifty cents, right, and I got paid almost twelve dollars for now that I'm an adult for a packet. Yeah. Yeah. During the pandemic, everyone was ordering food to go. Um, so you know, I guess it's a shortage. Yeah, that makes it a shortage, but good news. Craft Hines said that in a statement that it is ramping up production to meet shortage demands. So there you go. They're going to take care of it. But until then, you got your eleven fifty. Yeah. I'm not that into ketchup anything like I was as a kid. I mean, ketchup and milk ooh, I loved. But now I can eat fries without ketch Up. But what do you guys like your ketchup on besides fries? That's the obvious. Yeah, burgers. I like ketchup on burgers Burgers. Yeah, I'm a man. Mustard on your burger. Now, if I have mustard, I gotta have ketchup. But if I have mal that's it. I dad bacon on a burger. What you don't like a bacon cheeseburger? Yeah, I'm kind of like that purist when it comes to burger. I don't like eggs. Do you like eggs on your burger? Y? Yeah, yes, burger thinking about that on my next cheek day when I I can't do it. I can't. Now do you guys put ketchup on your hot dog? That's always a debate if people put ketchup on your house? Yeah? If I eat dog, yeah, ketchup and mustard. Those two go together for me. M on your hot dogs to Junior say yeah, sometimes I do, but I gotta have mustard building Oh yeah, mustard without mustard, mustard and onions. Mustard is a mustard. Yeah dog. Yeah, you can't do that up on And what about relish and onions and all that stuff? Yeah? Oh yeah, you know we surely Chicago, Chicago the best dogs in the world, little peppers on it, yes, the bread with the wind on ye, the bread with the seeds. I first went Chicago head I fell in love. Yeah, y'all, y'all don't do it like Cleveland on and Polish boys in Cleveland, and y'all don't know nothing about that. What do you do with the po sauce? But the West side of Chicago? You no, you're not side with those onions. Oh come on, Steve, put on your Polo sausage. This way, this only way it goes. French fries on the bun, Polish sausage on top of the fries, slow on top of the Polish boy, bobeque sauce on top of the slaw, some Mo fries on top of the slow and some Mo bobecue sauce. That's a damn Cleveland Polish boy. Yeah, I told you you don't know what that is. Now you have Polish sausages in Chicago, but you ain't had no damn Polish boy. I Polish boy, I said, I know, all right, the time we gotta go Polish sausage fight. Mar of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up, and twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening Steven Show. All right, So a judge could force R. Kelly to pay a Mississippi sheriff for ruining his marriage. Okay, Sheriff Kenny Bryant filed a suit claiming R. Kelly had an affair now had an affair with his wife, Asia Childress, and gave her a sexually transmitted disease. Sheriff Brian alleged that R Kelly caused him emotional, psychological, and financial laws, and then Bryant requested that the judge allow him to dispose, depose R Kelly and question him in a Chicago prison cell. That's crazy right there. I mean, but hey, it was his wife. Yeah, it was his wife. But Mississippi law does allow you to suit arrival for wife's stealing, So there you go. Wow. I don't think it's going to be no deposing going on in that jail sale with him and R Kellyadio. I don't really don't believe that. Why because you're gonna being able to R. Kenny he stole your wife. It's gonna be a fighting that, that's what that's gonna be. Oh you mean the sheriff is Yeah, the sheriff gonna be in the sale with R. Kenny. You think they're gonna talk right exactly? Do you right about that? You gonna ask her what would he meet her? How is it recording the Chocolate Factory album? R Kelly, No, no, no, it's going down in that sale. That's how you doing, mister sheriff. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour, right after this you're listening show. Derek Chauvin did not testify and invoked his fifth Amendment. Right, and now the prosecution and the defense rest. The evidence is now complete for this case. The start of deliberations will also mark the beginning of the jury sequestering in a hotel. Uh, they have to stay at a hotel. Chauvin faces three charges, second degree murder, third degree murder, and second degree manslaughter. He has pleaded not guilty. But we all saw the tape. I'm on, i'm on, i'm on, I'm on a text feed with twelve brothers. Uh huh from college that we all have remained friend over the years. There's twelve of us. We could be the jury. When when the defense rest day, Cage Weening got to go in the back. We're ready, right because all ready yeah, but you still have to hear closing arguments, and that'll be on Monday for you and your twelve year eleven friends. Okay, so they just rested, didn't they come back for close from Monday for the right after that, right after the defense get through talking. We don't have to go to lunch. We ain't got to go into back. You're being secelestered. Listen, Harvey, you're the former. Yell, have you posted been been talking to him? I can tell if I look on their faith we threw We saw the tape, got it? Yea, it went from eight forty six to nine twenty three, got it? Yeah? In the first charge of second guilty. Yeah, charges, go go ahead, somebody read the charge all right? The charges are second degree murder guilty, third degree murder guilty, and second degree man Now what when do you want us here for sentis in? Judge? Jud does that? Yeah? Yeah, you're good. Jury. Yeah needs to go Yeah, because yeah, wasting all this time. They ain't got to leave and go nowhere? Cancel them sandwiches in the back. We don't even Yeah. Also in Minneapolis, in the Dante Right case, the ex police officer Kim Potter has been charged with second degree manslaughter. Potter pulled her glock handgun and pointed it instead of using her taser gun and shot and killed Dante. Right. She was in jail on a hundred and the hundred thousand dollars bill. She's out now, she's out now. Yeah. The racism, Yeah, what's happening in this country. I'm sick of it. I've been sick of it and a long now. The social media and the news is on and it just floods you. I'm sick of it, sick of it, and I'm very proud of young people who are the Sean Kings to Tamika Maris the Charlemagne. I like the young the younger frontline people coming up. It's our last break of the day, and it's her last break of the week as a matter of fact. And we'll close out the show right after this. You're listening, all right, guys. Here we are last break of the day and our last break of the week for this very trying week. This has been a week, but we survived, thank the good Lord. Yeah we did. And Steve, we're gonna turn it on to you. You know, I'm over here in Africa and I had an interesting conversation with a very high up person who is in the I can't say who it was because I don't want people to put it together, and saying he was talking about on this person, but they have a really incredible title over here. And then not from South Africa, from another part of Africa, and she was an African. And when I tell you in the major position, I kid, you're not a major position. And we were talking and we got to talking about America. I was just asking her how it was the vaccines coming. She said, it's slow, very slow. That have very little. I was just thinking of things and I said wow. And so she said America didn't seem to handle it right. And I was saying to her, I said, well, we had the wrong leadership, I said, because we took the wrong approach. We first denied that it was happening, and then we didn't take it serious enough to get people with social distance masking in place, and we opened back up too soon, and we shut down too late, and we did a number of things wrong. Bad leadership. She asked me, are you talking about Donald Trump? And I said yes. She said, what is wrong with you people? She said, Donald Trump was one of the best presidents you've ever had, and it stunned me. It was just stunmach because the woman was African and I was sitting there talking with her and a lot of powerful people were around, and she said, especially you being from Hollywood. You Hollywood types don't understand him at all. You're reading the bad press about him. He's a Christian man and he's done more for your country than even your other president that you had. I said, what other president you're talking about? She said, he was more. He was better for you than Obama. And so I'm trying to be respectful because I'm telling you what I'm telling you. This person was really really high up I was. And so then she said, well, let's stop talking about politics, and I can tell about the look on your face that you don't agree with me, and I said, okay, let's move on. But she continued the conversation and she was trying to tell me how important Trump was and I just stopped because I can't take this no more. And I said, excuse me, you're talking about the same man who referred to Africa and Haiti as an s whole country. You do, And she said, that's just one remark. Why do you think he wasn't a great president. After all he's done. I said, okay, help me understand what did he do? And she just she couldn't tell me anything. And I said, with no disrespect, I have been black for sixty four years in the United States of America, and we have been sick of this for so long. We don't know what else to do. I say. The only hope we have of turning this around, if at all, is we get more people who are not of color to join in with us, which is what I see a little turner of events starting to happen. Now. She says, well, I don't see the complaint. I said, wayla won let me tell you how sick we've been at this. We've been sick the entire four hundred years of this slavery and the conditions caused by slavery. Nat Turner was sick of it. Harriet Tubman was sick of it. Frederick Douglas was sick of it. All the great inventors, Louis Pasture, Granville, all of them. George Washington called everybody being sick of it. We've been sick and tired. We were sick of it when the recession hit. We've been sick of it since the recession hit and hit us. Even were sick of it when y'all waited two years to tell us we was free in Texas, so we got a holiday called June. Team. I'll tell you how long we've been sick of this mess. We've been sick of it since we got here. And why ain't nobody understanding this man that we out of patience. We don't have no mo to give to this for you. We ain't waiting no more, like Marta Luther King say, we just want America to be what they say they is on paper. Stop all this, the pursuit of happening, the inailable right to happiness, the pursuit of happiness. Everybody's equal, We're not, We're not. Rosa Parks was sick and tired of it. Mark Luther King was sick and tired of it. Malcolm X was sick and tired of it. Sean King is sick and tired of it. To Mikael Maury is sick and tired of it. The Breakfast Club is sick and tired of it. The Ricky Smile Is Show sick and tired of it. The D L. Huglish Show sick and tired of it. The biggest one to Steve Harvey Morning Show is sick and tired. We all sick and tired of it. We sick and tired of y'all shooting our children, killing our men. We are sick and tired of police brutality. Why won't they just comply? Why did he run? We get shot if we staying still? We get shot if we don't have a gun. We get shot for sale for We get shot when we answer our dot. We get shot when we get pulled over a traffic light. Why don't you stand steal? If you're gonna shoot me while I'm standing this steal, I might as will run. Let me try that. You shoot us when we're eating, You shoot us for playing our music. Y'all kill us, y'all kill us for stopping us for a routine traffic And it's this never ever happens to nobody except us. This don't happen to white kids, This don't happen to white men, the white women. It only happens to black people. What what y'all want? Man? We're gonna keep protests about, but when y'all gonna help us in this bullcrap? Because we're tied. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.