J Has Kid's Comedy Program - 09.19.17

Published Sep 20, 2017, 3:35 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all sung looking back to back down, giving a mong like the moking buck bus things and it's tub y'all to me true good to Steve hud Yeah, listen to me together for still farther quickly to listen. Mony, don't you join Yeah by joint being men. You gotta turn hurting them go. Yeah, you gotta turn. Won't the turn the time you lovey got to turn out to turn the water the water? Comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harley got a radio show today. I want to just share something with you. Um along your way, um to wherever it is you're trying to get to. You know, every everybody has a different definition for success, and I'm not I'm not here to tell you what yours should be. I mean, please pursue whatever you think success. He is aim as high as you can though. Uh, that's for sure. My father used to say all the time. I'm sure you all have heard it in different variations, but he used to always say aim for the moon. Just in case you miss, you'll still be amongst the stars. Just say that to me all the time. So that always was in me to aim high. Now he wasn't say and aim with the intent to miss. He was just saying, aim in case you miss, You're still amongst the stars if you aim for the moon. But if you just aim for that first flow wind and you miss it, you know, usually run into some type of wall and nothing happens. You slither down. But a lot of times I think along the way, folks, you know, we just don't understand what all it takes, and so we give up along the way. But there's a couple of things I want you to prepare yourself for. You know. In my book, act like a lady, think like a man. I told her people that men love three ways. They profess, they provide, they protect, and that's the core essence of a man's love. Well, there's some other peas in life too. And uh now, the number one thing you have to understand about trying to be successful. And I guess I call this the four piece. I may come up with five along the way. I don't know. I'm just talking as it's given to me, So I'm gonna summer start by saying, as these are the four pieas of uh success that you have to get ready for it. Number one is pressure, pure pressure. Being successful is just pressure. A lot of it is applied by the circumstance of what you're trying to go for, what you're trying to do, but a lot of it also is self imposed pressure. It's um it's it's what you put on yourself to make it. It's it's a sense of urgency, it's it's a sense of necessity. But pressure is the first thing I want you to be ready for. And pressure came is in a lot of different forms, but it's gonna be pressured. As an old saying the pressure bus to pipe. See, that's why most people turn around because of the pressure of trying to be successful. I want you to get it in your mind that it is going to be a pressurized situation on your rise to the top. Pressure wise, it's gonna be pressure. It's gonna be difficult to do. It's gonna be moments when it seems like it's real heavy. It's gonna be moments man, when it feel like you're gonna burst us. All comes from pressure pressure buster pipe pressure. But understand that that is what it is, is not going to change. That's it. Prepare yourself, get ready for there to be pressure. The second thing I want you to understand is when you receive this pressure, you have to persist. You got to stay at it. You got to develop a doggedness. Has Ah. There's a song who says, why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog in me? That's a funny line in that song because really I was thinking about it one day. I was humming it and and and it, and it occurred to me, said, why must I feel like that? Why must I chase the cat? Nothing but the dog and me? And you know, now you could take it into literal sense that the cat chases the dog because it's innately is in his spirit that cats and dogs are a lot of times enemies. Now people have pets and help proven that if you show love on both sides, they can exist. And that happens too. But naturally innately, when your cat goes by a dog and your dog don't recognize him, that's some balling going on. I'm talking. I just walking through the neighborhood or something. So. But the reason that this dog's so persistent towards this cat's just cause it's in him. It's innately in him. And what I'm saying to you, just using that as an analogy, is that you got to be you got to be persistent in that. You got to develop some dog in you now, because pressure take some fighting back. See if you don't fight back against pressure, pressure buster pipes, So what you're think it will do to you? Pressure, crack walls, pressure calls, explosions. So if you don't fight back to hold it in, you understand pressure does most people in the simple thing called pressure, the weight of what it feels like to want to be successful every single day, over and over and over and over and over. It's just too much pressure. People crack. You got to persist. You have to persist. You can the thought of giving up can come, but you gotta get it out. You gotta persist. The next thing I want you to think about, there's another something that I've been thinking about for years and learn for years. It's called perseverance. See, to persist means to to to to to insist, keyword in insist and persistence insists. You must, you must insist that this is going to happen. Now, the persist I'm assuming means it's a pro action. It's some type of pro action that you go towards it to make it. You know, persist, You gotta be persistent. You gotta be constantly at insisting that it happens. You gotta be constantly at it. But the next thing I want you to remember is perseverance. Perseverance is important. Perseverance means that when you've done your best, when you've persisted, when you're fighting back against the pressure. Perseverance simply means I'm gonna I'm gonna hang in here now. I'm going to hang in here when if if a crack come into pipe, I'm gonna hang in there. If the pipe bust, I'm gonna keep going. If I gotta put duct take silly glue, bondo mud, whatever I got to put on this thing, man, I'm gonna use perseverance. I'm going to stay with it no matter what. So we're looking at the three things again. You've got to understand that it's gonna be pressure that you're gonna have to persist. Keyword and persistence Insist you have to insist that no matter what the pressure is, I'm gonna stay with it. But then perseverance if it goes wrong. Man, you got to get in there and keep fighting. But then, Lord her Mercy, nothing helps you handle the three peas better than the fourth p You got to pray. You got to use prayer. You gotta talk to God. You gotta use faith. You gotta have some conferences with him late at night, early in the morning, in the middle of the afternoon, when you own the train, when you're driving. You got to talk to God. Man, you gotta get yourself some help along the way. Nothing is bigger than prayer. There is nothing bigger than prayer. Prayer will help you overcome the pressure. Prayer will help you stay persistent, and Lord her Mercy, prayer will help you persevere them is the foe pas that just came to me today. God gave it to me. I'm passing it on you lady till me far of gowns. Everybody from around the world is listening to the Steve of that Martyn show, the Greatest Morning showing the world. This show this morning is dedicated to all shot people. Wow, and I don't really have a measurement of any kind. But if you've ever been called short, this is a big day for you. You'll hit it, or big day for you. Congratulations. Some of my best friends have been short. Some of the most famous people in the world have been short. Some of the richest men in the world. I know it's short. Some of the finest chicks I've ever seen been short. So this is for short people that ain't got no dawn problem with it. Yeah, shut your tall ass up talking to me. Man, When you're tall and you ugly, it's a lot more like happening. Yeah, I'd rather be shot milk. Yeah that way. Just get it over with. I'm right here, that's it. And you gotta look at me all up and down, six six and you put a lot of thought into this. No, I have it. I'm really going just off the top, going good morning, Steve, with your doing. You know, I'm six too, that's crazy. I was six feet in high school, six one in college. When I left college, I grew in m Yeah. So you're six too. Yeah, and uh overweight then, you know, dealing with No, I am not well, I mean I'm overweight, remarkably tatrically, You're not over Yeah, I mean no, No, I'm overweight. I'm not as overweighted as Matt used to be or many people. I've been as high as I think I've been as high as two hundred and fifty. You or four don't have a breathing of an overweight I've been down to the golden crab. You don't have it at all. He doesn't have what I would like to eat something today that you're not supposed to have. The cheap No, I might make it. Yeah, I can't. You know, I can't eat just healthy all the time. It's just some stuff I want. Like Marjorie went and special order, but you had to order the whole tub from Baskin Robberts. You had to order the whole tub. You couldn't just order a pint or nothing like that. So she ordered the whole tub of black wallnut ice cream. Oh, which is very hard to get. You had to order the whole tug. Had to order the whole tub. How do you know that we never knew that the whole tub of ice cream? It's just ice cream. I'm sorry, but the whole tub? Was that a rich moment? Yeah? I was just thinking. But because when I go down to the show. It just ain't black wall. You don't order a whole only when I go down there. I'm just I'm just sampling. Let me try that little spoon. Yeah, you know what. You know, I hate when I'm on vacation to ask them for a sample or something because they always seem a little yeah. So I don't like want of them, you know. So I just try to pick what I'm gonna pick because I don't want you little attitude with my damn ice cream, because ice cream is a special moment. Can't wait, we got so I might help me some black walnut ice cream. Hey, y'all, thirty something funny coming up, y'all, hanging up. We've got a good show for you. We've got a couple of foods here, absolutely right. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up, Well, it's time, it's something funny. It's here right now. Junior started kicking it off with the Junior's truth be told, and we're gonna do something called black exploit phrases. All right after Junior, listen, Um, y'all, you can't just tell y'all something. What's that? Y'all? Pray for me. I know, y'all, do ya, No, I got some words that truth be told. When you move in with somebody, you need all their medical information too. I didn't found out that I might not be the sikest person in my I need y'all pray for me. I love my boy be, but I didn't know that he was sick too. First of all, I'm not used to rescue it. I'm used to being rescued now. I can't sleep now because he got a medical condition that I just found out about. Two Yeah, I don't say what it been like this. He looks so healthy. Yeah, thats what I thought. But man, when I walk around the house up, I can't sleep because you sick, scared? I can't say a lot. He got sleep deep man? What they called it on sleep sleep something? I thought it would sleep deep. I don't know no metal pretty much. It's like when you sleep mad. Yeah, I'm over him. I keep walking in the room two thirty three phones, checking on touching him, put my hand on yeah, all that type stuff. I gotta do all that. I ain't sleeping date because you know what, man, have you found that? You know there's people that sleep and they stopped breathing when they that's that's what they got. I don't know. That's what they called Let's sleep app that's called sleep stopping. It's good, let's sleep sleep stopping. Buy y'all got something, damn it? Thank you? Yeah? I know. And it's hard though for women to want to just you know, and then but women are so nurtured. I can take kids. Women don't do that once. I find that if I knew you had died beats and you had six when I first hired, y'all really passionate. But I'm not. I don't want to be when it happened. I don't. I don't want nothing to help before and we had sick you wouldn't have had me know, have you ever been no, Yes, I'll take that back, yes, right there, So he could happen twice what I can't be around And now we got the kids, big as tell tell tell ja what happens when you're in the hospital, Junior, and you hear from it's the shortest conversation we've ever man to other phones. It's going click by prayer man like he told you a prayer to hang up God, bless man, Jesus. Well you don't know. Did he's out Jay, But at least you know he called. It was when I when I if I was to get sick, he'd called. I know he'd called. Like it wouldn't be like an uplifting call, be like, get your sick ass over here. Yeah, but I know, yeah, it'd be like something like that. Lets you know he cares. I don't. I don't do good. You don't show it. I don't do good with sick people. Man, I'm not like I couldn't be a nurse or a caregiver. Not that like if I rolled you out in the street, I'll come and pick you up and there and you're talking crazy to me. I did walk off? Leave your wheelchair out on the side your bedside, man, of definitely would be good. But I think Steve actually coming there and snatched the button, not your hand, and I'm plugging out to walk. They're gonna keep calling me in it. You need to get some sleep. I might trying to red I got paid moork do with my desk. You is ringing and dawn, But yeah, glad we're mostly healthy on this show. He cares. But you just ain't gonna see that. No, you ain't gonna you ain't see that your room gonna be paid for everything. Ain't gonna take you out. You don't know, Oh dog, I'll cover your room off everything. How much you need tay all your medical business I got you. Ain't coming down. Come down because I don't like the smell. Man. When I was in the hospital, it was not tritty. No, it's not nice. Because I was in that yearfold last. You know, I had walking pneumonia and I went in and the night that I checked in, I was on my show. Man. I was just shivering, man, and the producers came out said, Mr. Do you realize that you're on camera shaking? So I can't stop. Man, I don't know what's wrong. So I went in the room and then the dude came in there, eat some bread. You went in the room, and then a dressing room Nutritions came in said eat some read some ribbery, and I'm in eating breadbody said, hey, man, I think we should call his wife. Marger came in my dressing room, took one look at me and said, call it ambulance and get my husband to the hospital. They said, Ms Harvard, he just needs a blanket. She said, who are you. He said, you don't know my husband. I've been looking at him for years. I'm wrong with my husband. They took me to the hospital. Man margin that talking to people. They got me a room. That doctor came in. They did the blood work, Mr Harvi, you a walking pneumonia we have. This is a bad case you have. We have your room for ten days. This is a Friday evening on Sunday morning. On Sunday morning, I was going to the house. He came in on Sunday morning with my child. He said, I have no idea what happened. My mother in law got this woman that's a prayer warrior, came up there and laid hands and prayed for me, like Sunday morning. I went on, let me tell you something. They had my room for ten days. What are y'all Doing's the matter? What y'all talk? A bunch of children that was junior, that was just like two badass kids. We're over here talking trying to do this show, and y'all live holding paper. One can't neither one of your right? Google? Are we five and six? Now? Kids don't don't talk to me? What not means? And it's the two sick before on the show over here, trained medical information told y'all, man, if I knew y'all was sick in the high y'alls told you this was a good idea. Now we're over here talking over here, passing prescriptions and they can't read the right you want to try, can't try yours? And part got sick or sale at ease that Let me just say that we'll be right backs you. Lord, you'll probably help. You're listening Steve Harvey morning out coming up next? Uh, nephew, Tommy's running that prank back? What is it? Uncle? At just play because I don't care. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach it. Can you hear me? Yes, I'm trying to reach Anastasia. This is she? How are you doing? Listen? I'm Glee and the lifeguard over here at the pool here in the apartment complex. Yes, do you have a you have a son named yes? Sir? Is everything all right? Uh? Yeah? Yeah, everything is fine. I mean a quick question, man, we got a situation here with what's we're not we're not gonna be allowed to uh let him swim here at the pool and the complex anymore? What we got him from me? Your son? I mean He swims there pretty much every every every other day. You know, I'm always here seeing him swim. But it seems like, you know, we've been trying to figure out who it is your your fun keep peeing in the pool pool ma'am. I don't want to get into it with you, your son, And we finally narrowed it down. Your son is the one that's pining in the pool every day, and you know it's really a bad thing. Uh. We can't continue to keep letting them come over here. We gotta ban him from the pool. My son don't pool. We ain't nashed it like this. Did you check that he's gonna say it's my thumb and in the pool? Well, your son is the one to be making faces and stuff, and I know that's what he's doing here in their pin. Your son is the one that's pin making faces. He'd be making faces, so I know here and their peace I got to do with you should be making faces. Come to something you're gonna saying in the pool making face. I'm not gonna go back lasting like that. I teach my kids better than that. He ain't been a pool later. I'm not gonna all I'm saying is he can't come over here and swim anymore. He's bad from the pool until we rectify this problem not paying. When he's gonna be in the pool and we all pool, we are gonna be there. And that's a mind made of fact. I'm saying, I'm kids to the pool. No, we're not a man. I'm not gonna city and go back and forth with you all. I'm trying to tell you it was just right here. Your son has been peeing in the pool. My boss wants me to bear him. If he's not the one, then we will allow him to come back later. But right now with singling people out and your sons, you know, it just seems like he's the one that's doing it. What's your name? Was? My name is Glen. I'm glean in the lifeguard. That's who I am. Now what's your real name? Then? What that I'm supposed to be calling? You ain't got a little bit this call of my I'm talking about myself, No fool, how you neverthing to get I'm not at liberty to give my last name. The bottom line is we can't in the bottom what but she like me to come, but you can't give me all the money. Okay, listen, I'm not All I'm supposed to do is call you and you know that we're banned in your son from getting in the pool. What you're talking about, You can't banning my father dreading the life board. Get a real job or summer job. Do you got a job and call him? You said you know what. You ain't goody and you can't stop nobody's come next pool and we're gonna be damn though tomorrow again. And if you did you do your job to clean it. Man, let me say this to you. If your son comes to the pool tomorrow and get in the pool, I'm snatching your son out of the pool. I'm less you running. I wish you word because you don't need a lifeguard trying a pool. I wish you would. What what kind of problem? Open At ten o'clock, we're gonna be there nine start today. You got me up, come out. You gonna snatch my son out of pool? You know mine? Everybody pool? Yeah? Mine liked The problem is what I've heard. It's been sing it out all the other kids, appointing us and saying he's the one that's doing it. Your son is the one that's being you. He's clear and whatever whatever. For right now, all I'm asking is is keep your son away from the pool for the next two weeks. If we found out that it's not him, will allow him to come back. Okay, ain't me. He ain't saying over pool for two weeks. And if you do, he's gonna come back and do for most pool. I'm just having a whole two weeks and go back to that. Come about my son to cool. You can tell you about his face. You said what you said, you find me life, you watch then the pool. You know you must not know what you're talking to. I will be there and as a model me and I don't fight my kids and they don't the pool too. Don't bring it a little kids go without getting him in the pool. Let me tell you something. Don't you bring them kids over there and bring in the pool. No, none of your children. I don't give it. And what you say, you don't run get really no, lady, listen, lady, I'm not gonna go continue to go back and forth. I got one more thing I need to say to you what I'm done. I'm gray. One more thing that I'm done. You ain't got to say to me, I do I want to saying. I do need to say to you what you're about to say to me. I need to say this. This is left you Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got Frank from your home board. You hello, o kid, look at man, look it up timing doctor man. You wout to get this right this? Yeah, I played too much. Yeah, I know you gonna played too black little place for nothing. I'm walking towards now. I thought you was coming to the pool tomorrow. I was coming to the office today and they stay. It was opening the poecot. I'll to tell me, I don't come my fos by myself. Then too was for the common Now take care of them kids, baby. I got one more thing. I got to ask you, what is the baddest radio show in the land. All right, that's very ignorant. What can you stay after that? What can you say? Just watch yourself while you're like, while you're on tour with Mama's Boy. Please out there out there for sure? So have you calmed down? Mr Harvey? I'm fine, I say, Remember, I'm I two six stands. That's different. I can't believe he said. He went behind me because I had figs. But and you know what, you know how he goes to the stage every when he passes out, we get the biggest finger by the door and he knocks on the door from state and it leans in and get you know, you think you good job than you but sick. And when we started happened the people who don't know how we knew he ain't. All the other writers who you give your friend what you've got your friends, we worried the day we don't get your finger, nay to day we would. But I'm happy. But I'm happy that since you guys have been working there, nothing has happened. No crisis, no nohing, nothing Junior out here it's a lot warm man great great weather. When the weather change is really cool, it's not good for Junior. And then Jay is right next to the shell who only cooks healthy food. They ain't nothing he can get sick on't you know? I watched j too, But when I see him with a suite, I'm not going at his hand. Yeah, purpose, but you pick it up after Florid, Well, you don't get to be that weighting at old just letting foods it on the float you got to pick it up. Got to pick it up. I can't believe you said that. What. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here. A lot of stuff going on in the news and the headlines and everything. She's on top of all of that. Alright, So stick around, we'll be right back. You hit that MS and is coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Boy, Oh boy. Days after saying she's retired from politics, Hillary Clinton has let loose in an interview with MSNBC's Rachel Matta. Among other things, yeah, Mrs Clinton says she believes President Trump poses a threat to the country. She said that all during the campaign trail she hasn't changed on that. The former Democratic presidential nominee said Trump and the people around him are a clear and present danger to American democracy and the rule of law. And no, that's not all. She also described Trump as someone who admires the authoritarian leaders, adding that Mr Trump doesn't just admire Russian President Vladimir Putin, but Trump would like to be putent, she says. She also offered that he wants to have a kind of power, that kind of power that Putin has that is largely unaccountable. Yeah. She also said that Trump is someone who doesn't listen, pursues his own interests, and is emotionally reactive. Uh. Speaking of reactive behavior, Amazon is getting a lot of criticism for removing negative reviews of Clinton's new book, It's called What Happened. Amazon has admitted that it removed one star reviews of the object and in a statement that its policy is to remove reviews that violate Amazon's community guidelines. People who buy books on Amazon can post reviews of one to five stars, with one being, of course the worst. It was Amazon six best selling non fiction title last week. It's Amazon. Do you want to take them off the bad ones? That? That's what they can do. They own it is then, and they don't want anything bad on that athing. You know, it's probably Trump put the review of Trump, you know, I mean the book. Her writing a book is not that big of a deal. I mean, you know, look, the bigger thing is you're not the president, and you're not the president for various reasons. Not Comy may have said something to do with this, but I think the Democrats just made a huge mistake, a huge blunder. In the way they ran the campaign, not what you need to do in order to grow from this. If the Democrats hope to learn anything, is that Mitchell mistake. You can't blame Trump for everything, just like he can't blame Obama for everything, even though he is. But even here's a deal. If you if you point the thing at the Trump is the reason you're not president. He's the president, and you have no you have no chance of growth. The problem is what did the Democrats do wrong? And if the Democrats don't fix it, they're gonna repeat it again. And right now, all we're doing right now is the same thing that the Republicans did when Obama was president. They spent all their time hating everything Obama did and they did not prepare a candidate for the election. Now, guess what we're doing. We're blaming Donald Trump for everything. Oh, he's messing up, but we're blaming him for everything. And guess what, who do you think can run for president of the United States in the next election? Who do you think right now? And if the Democrats don't address that, they're going to run into the exact same thing that the Republicans wound up with. And when they when they set them six team bumbling nothing people up there. Jack Bush was their best shop and nobody wanted another Bush. The boy down there from Florida. Rubio called him a choke artist. That ended his career. Then they took the boy out of Texas. Uh. The pair crew talk about his wife and a damn daddy made a punk out of him, that got rid of him, and then he ended up supporting Trump being cast. They ain't about to put another black and that not after man. Yeah, I can't think of one Democrat off the top of my head right now. So now you know, and that's what they need to start doing. But they're doing the same thing. All they're doing is talking about what this man ain't. Well, we know what he ain't know that they're gonna do him. Yeah, they're gonna do Corey Booker, They're gonna do it. They're gonna do it. He's got to come together now with him. But whoever he is, they're gonna have to go in there with a little bit. I don't even think you gotta have a better record with your personal life now, because if you can say you can grab them and buy the p and make it to the white house. I'm not on I got introduced. Gentlemen, she's here and trip, thank you, thank you, this is and tried with the news. Folks in Eastern Caribbean find themselves in the path of yet another powerful storm. Her came Maria grew into a Category five overnight just before making landfall on the so called Nature Island, Dominica. Packing one hundred sixty mile for our winds. Her came re expected to hit Puerto Rico tomorrow before going on to the Dominican Republic. Puerto Rico opened shelters yesterday began dismantedly building cranes and other things that could be toppled by high winds. The National Hurricane Centers Davis Olinsky says preparation is the key. Too early to say exactly where the center will be um so interest in all of the areas that are under hurricane morning and watches should be preparing as if the center might come directly to that. Lancy says Maria should hit Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands sometime tomorrow morning. President Trump makes his first major speech later today before the UN General Assembly, although it's not fully known what he's going to talk about. He is expected to say something about North Korea and at least expand on something he said yesterday, encourage all Member states to look at ways to take bold stands at the United Nations with an eye towards changing business as usual and not being behold two ways of the past which we're not working. In St. Louis, yesterday there were reports of a protest fourth Day over the clearing of a white X cop and the shooting death of a young black many year Anthony Lamar Smith, shot to death inven And during the trial, prosecutors say Stokely was heard saying quote, I'm gonna kill this mother effa. But Stokely was nevertheless acquitted for the black community. This comes on the heels of the release of another police dash camp, this one in Georgia, where a white Cobb County cops says is her trying to calm a white woman down by who he just pulled over. He wants her to call her friends and let them know she's going to jail. But as you can hear, she's afraid your phone in your Remember we only black people, yeah, black people, right? Yeah. That comment came only four days after a man named philandroper Stile was shot to death black cop in Minnesota, cop who was also eventually acquitted. Today is respect yourself. That's right. Twenty minutes after the hour, you Deena Butterfly comments, stay tune the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, before we start what you need? Could you could you bring me in without Steve Harvey? And do you know the butter because I do, Thank you, Steve. That was great. Yeah. Let him just sit over there. Shirley Carlin, good morning. I have got to tell you about something. What. I have a new I've turned up my new leaf. I'm doing something different. I have a new group. That mean it's a singing group. It's called five Shower Boys. Oh my god, listen and we all sing in it's in it's water coming down, I would singing you. It's Felix Sebastian, Lorenzo Fabian exactly. And our first album is Steamy Souls, Steamy South. You gotta let me know which one do you think is a a single. It's gonna either be um rubbing that up, are soaping SuDS or slippery dimpos? Which one do you like? Boys soaping. My new group doing hey ja, because you're block you went to the listen. My new group is called five Shower Boys. We all sing in from the shower because we sound better that way. Anyway. It's Felix Sebastian, Lorenzo Fabian and myself and the name of the first album is Steam Souls. Okay, so we have three songs that choose from. That's gonna be our single. Rubbing Up are Soaping, SuDS are Slippery dampol Yeah you have a question. Yeah, but I don't do a song just called just getting Naked. We're not nicked. We're just in the shower because we sound better. You're not naked now, not at So you have to get your minds out of the gutter my mind. Five guys in the shower saying lead. It's a big shower, you know. Yeah, I seen Lee, I don't see no bad cup. I like Slippery Damples. I think you and I could get together, coming on Slippery Dampos do the music of then that's six guys in the shower that Well, you don't have to be in angry, you don't be what I'm sorry many people, I just need to help writing the song slippery Dampers. I don't know that that I could write for you that. I just need slippery dapper you get in the shower, anybody say that. Slip fred dimples, It's that time when you get killed. Dimple slip red, slip re dimples. It's that time when you get your dimple slip red. You like it? I love it, slip damp like. It's that time when you get your dimple slip red. See that it's gonna be a go. We're gonna work. We're gonna happen. Butterfly, we have to go. Okay, let me say this. Tommy and I have to go because he has an he has an interview on television here, but I'm gonna probably take over. But anyway, we're in Rochester, New York doing the stage play. Mama, congratulations, congratulations, thank you, slippers. We have to go. We'll be bag. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for comedy Roulette, Guys, Jason. Each week we get tested with our comedy ability. Give us five subjects, put them on a wheel. Spin the wheel, wed stop what you got? All right? Here? We go? All right? Number one. Every time you say something they try to top. That's a good step. Here's what Number two code number two? Why is your kids so fat? We can do that. We can do that. Number three people who go from zero to sixty tommy four, big girls with little men. Yeah yeah. Number five broke people who you don't know are broke until the check comes. Who's that sing? Send the whale cats in the whale? Oh here it is, and look you guy. People who go from zero to six. Day my lives. Working with somebody like this, let me tell you it is a nightmare. And then then from Houston. That's all I'm saying. I ain't talking about the name. They're from Houston. Everything thing is a damn argument. Not that your boys with a high boys, you know what I like boys? Argument about nothing zero we're talking saying, you know, in the full blown argument. Good g dang good About the day when I get to tell me to go here on a six, I can't go ahead, just type this thing out there. I don't want to say. No names, ain't what you do I know about up. Don't go from zero on the sixty. They always talk about what they ain't gonna do. I work with somebody like this also glove you to South Carolina. Always held boy's just as high as man. And all I'm saying with in the office just last week, I said, Man, I'm gonna turn our time car and he's I'll tell you what. I ain't staying here for no pay. Don't pay me him. It won't be Steve. I don't get my damn check. Wow, do you have one Steve? Person doesn't have to be somebody you work with sixty Okay, Well, since we're talking about people we worked with, I think I think go from zero six. Every time I turn around you mad boy, someone buys, always correcting you. You can't say nothing wrong, isn't it isn't I means soon did you take something like she's right there, like we got to deal with that. Do you just say something to it? And she just started drawing. She started drawing right now, all of a suddenly, and we're making a flower. It don't really look like a flower. Damn flowers that look like that? She go not not only not only did the zero to sixty, once they reached sixty, they shut down, they got enohing down. That No, let's say they that shut it down. And then after that, so you're okay with cool? No we cool? No no, well no, hell no, let's just move on. No no, let's just move No no, no, no no, let's just going to do the show because it's comment right there. No no, no, hell no. He didn't get the attitude now no no, no, no, no, no man no he he his favorite. It's always me. Yes, yes it is. I tell you somebody else go from Rod six. And they ain't got no business because you think that they got that they'd be all right with everything. You think I have to receive in this honor that they would be okay with everything. You would think that somebody would hold the dignity with a little bit more stein Donald Trump, here are he? Mad? Black girl that said on Twitter? That didn't say it on ESPN. No, they won't have job. He had a clown shout at another person that wasn't him. Z Rode six, Donald Trump guy. Yes, all right, we're coming back with the nephew his bright phone call coming up next. You're listening Steve Harvey show coming up in the top of the We're right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. You don't want to miss that. But first, it's too much chicken. Yeah, it's the nephew's gone. Yeah. Okay, so again all right, it's prank phone, get it again, all right, coming up next, it's the nephew's prank phone call. It is Hello today, it's too much Chicken and that with you. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Jason Police. It's Jason. Hi, Jason. My name is Remy. I'm calling with bp E t MC as they going, I'm going but with a BT whoever that is b P E t m C. Why. It's an organization we've been around for the last five years and we're trying to help different things in the black community and wanted to reach out and give you a call and see if you would be on board or help signing a petition that we're gonna have going around with VP E t MC if you don't mind, Okay, what is it about? Well, b P E t MC, Uh, Jason is uh? Black people eat too much chicken and what we're trying to do is cut back to beat too much chicken? What the hell is this? My name is, My name is Remy, sir. Okay, what do you mean about black peop eat too much chicken? We we've we've done, we've we've done a test study and we realized, sir, the black people are the ones that are eating too much chicken. And what we want to do is trying to cut back because right now there's the chimes and ask them. They eat all time, the chicken, chicken food, young all this, yeah, chicken and white chicken, alligate all this chicken, chicken, stir fire rice with chicken. And always said, you want to come to me talking about a Blake person eat too much damn chicken. Did you ask white people? I bet you didn't know. We're no white folks. I bet you don't go to them out of them. Uh. Well, so we're gonna we're gonna get to that. We're starting in the black community. You black people are the ones that seemed to buy the most chicken, no chicken. Guess what, how don't we eat chicken? And if I did, he's chicken because he man, are you think at something? You kind of y'all got my number in it. We get actually we're getting numbers from the supermarket. Uh, and we're getting a listing of people who buy the most super come in supermarket, sir. Right, the main thing we're trying to get you to do is cut back on eating chicken. Now what we want you I don't eat chicken. And you know what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go and eat chicken. And don't call me about eating too much. Don't even a calmer phone? You got that? Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach callaway? Is this callaway? Yeah? How you doing? My name is Remy. I'm with bp E t MC. And uh, my name is Remy, sir. I'm with bp E t MC. What we're doing is we have a petition we're trying to get signed throughout the black community, uh of some things that we're trying to actually help out in the black community. So b P E t MC, is that actually an organization and we're trying to actually uh save some things in the black community. What's it? What's the what is that? What's that stand for? What's the here is that BT? What is that for? B P E t MC is is uh black people eat too much chicken? And what we're trying to do? You got kidding me? Man, man, this is this is Remy sir. We're trying to get you all to actually sign a petition. What's going on is black people are buying too much chicken? Got kidding me? Man? This is a white man? Who is this man? I am Caucasian, sir, Yes, Now, why are you calling me with this? But what we're trying to do is we're trying to get how do you get my number? First of all, Actually we're getting we're getting numbers from supermarkets that are letting us know, uh, the people maybe my phone man thought about the the chicken man. Okay, sir. What we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on buying chicken. You're talking about you guys. Well, the black community is the black community. You've got going with it? We can't get to have it, then I'll be calling my phone the man. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Valerie a vow shape. How can I help you? All right, my name is Remy. I'm with BP E t MC. How you doing. I'm doing fine and I'm very well, ma'am. Listen, what we're trying to do is, uh, if I take a little bit of your time, we're trying to actually get a survey signed by people in the black community. We're actually trying to help out in the black community. But the organization is bp E t MC, and what this is is blackness. What is that? Uh, that's that's black people eat too much chicken. So what we're doing is we're trying to get black say that my time for me. Black people eat too much chicken. You see, there's been a shortage in chicken. So what we're trying to do is get black people in chicken. And you want to do a survey, well, we want what we want you guys to do with sign a petition that you're not gonna eat anymore chicken this year. Why does it make sense? We just s don't eat chicken. You know, we eat beef, we eat steaky, eat fish. I don't see you're trying to part that off the market. Now, why would you want to telling us not to to eat chicken? And we eat other stuff too? What are you getting your because this doesn't make any sense. The test study, man, was over chicken, and it just seems like that this study. Who did this test study? Well we did, man, we're BPE TMC. And what we're after doing the test study, we did realize that the black people are the ones that testy just do a to do black people I mean, did you use white people? But white people eat chicken too, and she says that about diets and stuff. Okay, man, well that Asian? What about the Hispanic did you use them? Okay, ma'am, listen, what the bottom line is. Our first study is black people, and what we're trying to do is get you guys to cut back on each Yes, Daddy should be everybody. This is something when should get my number from man? We got you. We got numbers from the supermarkets that people that number from No supermarkets. I don't give my number to no supermarket. This is gonna mak a me. Damn sense you're calling me, interrupting me about something like this. This is this bottom line, ma'am. You know you don't tell me. You're not telling me what the hair I can't. You don't mine, You're gone them push this up. Yes, you do, calling somebody telling them that black people eat too much? You and your partition. Would you like to hear what the survey is actually saying. No, I don't want to hear that the survey is actually saying, because what you're saying about a whole bunch, But the survey is saying that this is Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Valerie, this is nephew Tommy, baby brothers God. Oh all right, there you have it. Nephew tom You Frank phone called too much. It's never. You can never have too much chicken. I never heard black people say that you can win too much up barbecue chicken, baby chicken chicken. Oh hopefuls is too hot. It's way too damn. Why do you say that? Because I bought some soup from Whole Food. I paid twelve dollars and forty nine cent for a lottle container of soup. The camel. It was okay, but it was twelve dollars. I couldn't really enjoy it. First of all, come on, Steve, like you don't have money, Whole Food costs more to shop at than a regular grocery store. Now you can either pay a little extra money that it costs to eat the groceries are you can pay to medical bills for eating the wrong stuff soup. Just listen at that. Your first listen to what I'm saying. That is seven sixties. You let the stop was I'm telling you was really? Oh you're vegan? Now I forgot don't call me that in that All right? Listen, Coming up next, it's today's Stubber How much was? We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today. Strawberry Letters up next. It's a good one. You do not want to miss it. But first today, President Trump continued to assess the storm damage in Florida last week. The President spoke in Fort Myers, Wh's spoken Naples. Trump praise first responders for their work after Hurricane Irma. He also committed members of the Coast Guard and FEMA. Hurricane Irma caused extensive, widespread damage in Florida. We saw it. A lot of people are still cleaning up. They still don't have power down there. The President and first his first lady greeted those displaced due to the storm and handed out food. They were also joined by Vice President Mike Pence. Now, Trump has done over the past two weeks, two decent things. He released the funds to help the hurricane victims when we got with and he decided to rethink DACA. Doctor, that's good. Those are two things he's done that Piecent, Yeah, I couldn't agree more. Maybe something we wouldn't keep it going, didn't He come back though, and then doubled down and what he said about Charlotte's Oh yes. And after all that, then he came back and said that it's like, uh, as soon as he takes one step, Yes, yeah, I mean he was down there feeding, he and Milannia down there, you know, the first lady feeding you know, the people, the victims in Florida of her. That's the part of him that people having the trouble with. In order to be a great leader, I was always taught that you would have to have been a great servant. And if you look at all the great leaders of our time somewhere and they passed, they were great servants. Our president has never lived in a servants capacity of any time. So you cannot think that this man will suddenly have all of this compassion and understanding at seventy of what it is to all of a sudden service. He has glimpses of it, you know, like, hey, le, don't worry about what the Republicans say, here's the money for the victims. Okay, cool, I'm gonna rethink, uh doctor Okay. But at the end of the day, then here comes the Republican. No, no, no, hey, we're gonna have to tie to tie this to border security. Now, so now here comes the political side of it. But this is the part that we have to understand. They've elected, the people who voted for him, have voted and put into office a man who does not have a great service background. He's never been a servant. You. I don't know if if he could be wrong, but somebody show me where he's provided a service for people. He is not from a service background anybody, authoritative, authoritarian type person. Now he's rich and he holds the highest office in the land. What we're getting, it's what he is, Okay, yeah, and that's what the people voted for the campaign. This power that's been awarded to him now allows him to be more of who he really is. Because I've said that about money. Money doesn't change you. Money allows you to be more of who you really are. Now he's had money, but now he's got this amazing power that comes from being the president. And all of a sudden, and now you're hearing stuff that's very unpresidential. It's just not presidential language. It's just not anything that you're supposed to say as president. I mean, he doesn't have he doesn't try to fix it. He's going to continue to tweet. He hasn't stop and it has no plans to stop tweeting. As president. He said he was and he was campaigning. He said he's going to be more presidential, yet he hadn't done that. It out well, but here we are, so yeah, yeah, Well my suggestion is vote, stay in touch with your God. And I'm just going, whoever the president is, you know, you ain't in charge of my life. They prey up right. Yeah, he's the president. I respect the office of the president. And that's it. And you know, if you call do something wrong, I'm gonna call you on it. Look, that's it. I won't be tweeting a damn thing that I won't see something tweeting from Steve arbre Just no good here. Well it was maybe your people, all right, Steve introduced this letter. Let's get to the Strawberry Letter, Ladies and gentlemen. Straw letter. Oh boy, here we go. This is crazy subject. Husband has lost his rap. Dear Mr Harvey and Morning crew, I have an irritating problem with my husband. I am so sick and tired of my husband. Trying to be a rap artist. He goes to the studio on his days off to record some more of his music and quotations. My husband likes to play the music he makes around the house, and I am really tired of it. Now. I want to hear Luther Vandrastana Marie or some jaheem, but no, I got to keep hearing his weak attempt at musical genius. We have fiercely discussed how he is not making any cash with his music, and we have discussed how I despise him leaving me at night alone in the house while he is staying out late with the boys at the studio. My husband and still insists that one day we will be kicking it with the rich and famous. I don't think any married man has any business walking in the door at two a m. So drunk his bowels release on himself and high as a kite. What kind of music can be made like that? He's too old now to get in the game. He has lost his edge. We are now in our mid thirties. He's really sensitive about this subject, very much like those less talented people on American Idol who insists they are the bomb, but truly they aren't that good. I have tried to discuss this with him, but he will not listen. He insists that he's got what it takes and I am being a hater. No, I don't hate on my husband. I want him to be a better bill payer. Yes, he is working two part time jobs and bringing home a small check I couldn't have. I couldn't have had a sweeter man for a husband. But like I said, this rapping stuff at his age is just irritating. I just want him to see reality for what it is, but I don't know how to get him to understand. Yes, I have completed my education, I have a well paying career, resulting in my success being a breadwinner for our family. We don't have children, and since I am handling everything cook account and handywoman made, etcetera, I do not want to add to my stress with the duties of motherhood, even though he wants children. A little advice would be appreciated on how I need to handle this since this stuff is getting on my nerves. Husband lost his rap. Dear husband lost his rap. Okay, your husband is trifling. He just really is, you know, um what he what he's doing, has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with this marriage. I mean, this is all about getting out the house on his part and thinking he's young. Uh, you know what is getting drunk and high and losing his bowels and all that. What does that have to do with being a rapper? Uh? Your husband is selfish. He's just absolutely selfish. She needs to get a regular, full time job to help you out in the house. Whole that. He's got his priorities all all screwed up. All right, twelve minutes after we'll be back you're listening to all right, Come on, Steve, we're part two of your response to today's letter subject my husband has lost his rap you, Mr Harving, Morning Crew. I have an irritating problem with my husband. I'm so sick of tired of my husband trying to be a rap artist. He goes to the study owner's days off to record some more of his music. My husband likes to play the music he makes around the house, and I'm really tired of it. Right now, I want to hear Luther Vandros Tina Marie Orsome, John Heen, but no, I gotta keep hearing his weak attempt at musical genius. We have fiercely discussed how he's not making any cash with his music, and we have discussed how he's not making discuss how he's not making him making any Steve I lost one face. I'm not making any cash with his music. We have discussed how I despise him leaving me at night alone in the house while he is staying out late with the boys at the studio. My husband still insists that one day we will be kicking it with the rich and famous. I don't think any married man has any business walking in the door too. Am so drunk his bows release on himself and high as a kite. What kind of music can be made like that. He's too old now to get in the game, and he has lost his edge. We are in our mid thirties now. He's really sensitive about this subject, very much like those less talented people on American Island who insists they are the bomb, but truthfully they aren't that good. I've tried to discuss this with him, but he will not listen. He insists that he's got what it takes, and I'm being a hater. No, I don't hate on my husband. I want him to be a better bill pair. Yes, he is working two part time jobs and bringing home a small check. I couldn't have had a sweeter man for a husband. But like I said, this rapping stuff at his age is just irritating. I just want him to see the reality of what it is, but I don't know how to get him to understand. And yes, I have completed my education. I have a well paying career resulting here myself being the bread winner for our family. We don't have children, and since I'm handling everything cook, accounting, handy, woman, made, etcetera, I do not want to add to my stress with the duties of motherhood, even though he wants children. A little advice would be appreciated on how I need to handle this since this stuff is getting on my nerves. Since this rap stuff is getting on my nerves, husband lost his rap well. First of all, interesting dilemma in front of you, man, man, really, really, I don't know what to say to yourself. This fool is too old, like you say, ain't no fool like an old food and thirty something in the rap game is old, especially when you're not established. If you're l L cou j j z P Diddy, Lu to all of these boys. Uh that's been in the game for a minute, then coming It's okay, Snoop cue, but you cannot get in the rap game at thirty five. Now to prove to you that you're too old for this, you're hanging out at the studio. Now, lady, you're paying for all of this because your husband taking his little small checks and buying studio time. That's probably why the young boys letting him come in there, because they get studio time. They're making tracks, they're letting him wrap on them. But all they need is two tracks. They're gonna take his voice off if you think he can't rap. Believe me, them young boys in that as producing them beats know that they're using him for for a studio time, and then they're gonna take their tracks that they own and they're gonna put them to somebody who really can wrap Your husband, don't see that now he coming in the house, hi, and he having by movements on himself and releasing on So now what I think you ought to do is you may have to just buy into this, support them. I have jotted down some names that would be nice names for him. Now, some names that's already taken that he could come up with. See when you thirty five and just getting into rap game. A name like big Daddy Kane go it can be a good name for you. Or Cool Mo Pete see not cool Mo d cool Mo Pete since he coming in the house two o'clock drunk DJ depends is another one. How about l L that's a little late. See he could be he could be. He could be the new rap group n W n W N N word what now? Or you could just call pe t p TS part time because he got two part time jobs. Now he part time. Or you could call him oldt old time. It's thirty five. You might have to buy into this thing with him, or you could just call him big p because at two o'clock in the morning, that's usually when you have your biggest one. Excuse me when I wake up the head crazy. How about DJ clutis, Yeah, we come out. How about Dukie stick Duke This stick would be a good name for him right here. How about Moses the Great, Moses the Great, he could be the oldest rapper Moses. How about oh a T like oh eight that did mean you out of time? Out of time? Or you could all he could call itself swap big swaps w A P. That's when you come in from smoking weed and pete FTL. Far too late. Yeah, alright, Steve, we gotta go email us your Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girl Shirley and please do not forget this Thursday, one pm Eastern Time. Uh The Strawberry Letter Live after show. It's on Facebook. Uh so please join me. We're having a lot of fun, a lot a lot of fun switching gears. Now outspoken LaVar Ball is gearing up to drop his own sneaker. Get this price tag for fifteen hundred dollars. Okay, this is this is the daddy. Dad has his own ship. Dad has his own sneakers to stand around in. Snap. He's dropping his own sneaker. It's gonna cost, but you know somebody's gonna buy. He said he's coming with the Uh lavarsis Lavarus. If you can say the shoot name, I can't burn L A B A R I C C. I can't say you don't notice for show, but I thank the dad is smoke. We something all right coming up next at forty one after we'll have a timeline for people who do not go to work. Oh yeah, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's go. You have a timeline for just a sorry person. I got a partner used to work with. I ain't gonna say his name, Russell. You name though, Russell? Well, how do we know his name? Russell? Hey? You for real? Right now it's slipped out. We don't know. This is the time, Russell, and this is what he would do. You ready? One times a month, five times a month at least seven am, the alarm go off, hit the snooze, wake up at seven forty five. I don't know who got a forty five minutes news, but he had one put in special on his clock eight o'clock. He would call in to let us know he's running late. Not in his mind. Gotta give him thirty minutes, which means he gonna hit the road, the highway at eight thirty. But he waits to eight to make the phone. He's been up, but he waits eight thirty a m. He in traffic. He makes a second call back into us and the boss to complain about how bad the traffic, which means he may not make it to nine, which gives him another thirty minute. But they really don't ever expect him to tend third now since you don't have to be there to ten thirty. Russell and took his ass and got some break Russell sit down even breakfast. Somewhere around eleven thirty, Russell has now arrived at work. Man. He go immediately to the supervisor's desk to complain about how bad the traffic was. Then every time he at the desk, he always makes sure he slips this phrase in Wow, look at the time, Man, I gotta get to work like he just come to it. He said fresh toulip. Wow, man, look at the time I got. Yeah. Now, that's somewhere around level forty five. Level forty five. He bs to twelve answering emails, personal emails. Mostly he got to lunch at twelve thirty. Wait a minute, lunch twelve Thirtysell Russ because we were in sales. Russ taking to our lunch. He back at two thirty. But then he makes sure he stopped back by the supervisor's office, but this time just to show us. Yeah, and you know, just some some bs. Yes, that's bs. Conversation, how about them, cowboy, I love it man badly about the people, and he's heir. Can ain't that same? Yeah? Yeah, it's always current events? Yeah, okay, all right, So now it's three thirty. Right. He gets back to his desk, and he had the desk and he played a game of poem on his computing poem because back then that's all we have. He back at his desk and he playing palm. He had deck of cards and he played a little solitary which he always wants. He's gonna strick a card down in a row. Team who hell wins team games? They didn't do personal emails to about folk. Now turning to clock out, I got to get the hell out of here. Now, this next step of clocking out is very important. When he go to the clock, he makes sure that the clock time in says eight, so he gonna clock out it for yeah, because you know you need all them ours. I'm later, ain't got nothing to do with how many hours. So he had a little magnet and a screwdriver, and he could take the magnet and put it on the face of the clock and turn their hands and the screwdriver blocked it from clicking. Then as soon as it said eight, he slid a card in a tin and getting my eight o'clock. Yes, that's a lot of work. Put his lazy five times a month and that right there. You think that was hard, that's what Russ say. Put in another hard day. Man, come by, same thing, same same thing all over again. Now he don't do too in a row. Spread him out. This is all this fried man, And traffic was bad getting in here, man, and something. Man, it really happened, and he took all current events and made him affect him like right now if he was at work, I ain't gonna be making in man. I got some people just came in from Houston staying in mind. But in Cleveland. Oh my god. Alright, that was that was really good. It started at seven in the morning all day. Coming up next, the one and only Steve Harvey is here. We're gonna talk about Game of Throne. Yeah, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, here we go. First of all, let me let me set it up this way, because producers on the Game of Throne set are really getting serious right now. This is the last season. Next season okay. Uh. And they don't think anyone on the entire Game of Throne set can be trusted. Okay, no one, they say, not the cats, not the crew, no one, not the locals where they shoot the show. No one. So production of the final season. As production of the final season approach is uh, they're saying, let it be known that Game of Thrones will shoot many, many endings. They may shoot three endings, they may shoot five endings, maybe more than that, because they don't want the endings to leak. They don't want it to get out. Okay, you know they want to uphold the hollyday. They want us to wait till the Yeah. But let me tell you what can you want? Me tell you what's gonna happen on Game of Throne? Anybody want to know? Come? Okay, this is Steve's year in review of Game of Throne. Did we know that the Walking Dead is on the way for the Big walk? Yes? And everybody joined forces, then came to her rabbit ass man finally joined with the white girl with the blonde hair, with the dragon. You might as well sign up for this dragging dragons jump on your end. Who's gonna sit there here? And with this heaver with the dragon she had three she had lost. On the Walking Dead, they got a spill but they found that could kill a dragon, and the stabb him and he went down and then they shot him up with a bunch of and he fell in the walk but the dead people to drug his ass. I have a question. Question, go ahead. So there Walking Dead and Game of Thrones, these shows have combined white white Walkers. The white Walkers, which is dead people that can walk. They mad too, then however, they died. That's how they stayed all headed everything cloth burnard. So they didn't drug the dragon out the wall. Now the head or white walker and went over there and touched him, then drag his eyes and open up. Come back. He comes back, but he got but he got blue eyes. And yeah, so anyway, they don't shut down and bark one of them dead people to seriously uh so she could see it. He ran right at her ass and then the big mangalored dude chain yoked his ass and tightened him up. So to do with you patch the patch of skin and burn off his head on. He's strong as hell. He didn't choke change as I asked him. Went over there and stabbing with these special black rocks. That's the dragon dragon knife. There's three dragons, three dragons. They were white people got a dragon, and then the other people got killed. White walker's got one of the white the white people. I'm kind of getting an understanding because what I'm trying to help. The white people have a dragon and the other white people got to dragon. Have you ever heard of black person with Okay, nobody black has a drag in the history of storage time it was a black man, five breathing dragon. You know the hell we will put them under and we had a damn dragon for anyway, we keep going keeping okay, So now they don't all got together for the big wats coming. They wasn't gonna do it. I'm not gonna side with her. I don't trust her when she should have sicked them dragons on that but them dragons when she flew in on that dragon, that tighten everybody draws up. Everybody got a little tighter when the dragon flew in. So now there and they talking. Not a little man and went over there and talked to his sister and talked out of it. So now they're all on the same page. But now here comes the White Walkers coming across the ice. Now they didn't got to the wall. Where the where the just wall? That's the one he won't. He won't the same height. And he wanted out of ice too. And he's trying to figure out how you and get Mexico to get the ice machine down or they can be on the wall like they got done. Now now here comes the white Walkers cross the ice to the wall. It's the bigger water, bigger than the wall, because that was one. That's the one. Trump Walter. He want the same wall and thro ice and everything. Another question, Hold up, Now it's gonna be hard to get this ice down in Mexico, Arizona and Texis. How does it end? How does it? How does it is? But damn it. He's going to court to get enough money to get these ice machines done here and the wall and the wall, and he gonna bring in the Wilanders to build the wall. The Mexican man, they're not building a damn thing. Another question, are there any black pep on Game of Throne? Not? He died one day. They want the one that was on that It killed your because they locked him up. Yeah, tune go on whatever pay for this wall. That's what that was my question. Well, now that's where we're gonna have. Mexico is gonna pay for the Mexico ain't paying for the wall. That why they're gonna he gonna bring in the wild they're going and they're gonna Franko, they waiting how they're closed. I don't know how they're gonna be on the wall down in Mexico with all that sheep first zail things. So now what's gonna happen is the war is coming, right, Yeah, I predict that. What's gonna happen. They're gonna bring that big blue eyed, blue fried breathing dragon passed the wall. Then what they're gonna do is they're gonna come and attack the people. But the white lady with the blonde had to find tag area. Yeah, Helen, I'm not watching this really, it's fine. Just you know, just yeah, you know a lot of ugly people on the ship, most people on this show. When the dragon see his mama, he gonna be yeah, kill his mama, and his mama gonna just look at him and put that mama stare on, and the dragon gonna turn around and burn all their so set forward, were gonna turn around and kill all the white Walkers. Spoiler Alerty, we'll be back at twenty after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Kevin Kanye plan a labor party. I've never heard of this before, but they're gonna plan one. Yeah, as you guys, as you guys, Yeah, thank you. That's the truth. I believe Kevin and Kanye are expecting their third child. This time be a surrogate because you know, Kim has so many problems with her pregnancy, so they want when they do uh yeah, they pay a woman that you know, there are women that call themselves surrogates. They carry the baby for you if you have a problem, you know, you plant your seeds in the eggs in her body and Kim carries egg and spurned their DNA is. This is their baby. But Kim can't carry the bab because she's had some basically can't carry with her with her with her pregnancies, and so they have a surrogate. A lot of people in Hollywood do it too. A lot of people in Hollywood do that any anyway, back to the back, back to the labor party. They're having a labor party um and they're apparently do all They're doing all they can to enjoy the experience. It's been reported that the couple is planning this party. Kim's previous pregnancies were very difficult. She couldn't have extra family in the room as she gave birth, while their close family won't be in the room as the surrogate goes into labor. Kim and Kanye planned to rent out guest rooms nearby to buy the delivery suite so they can be a part of the process. Okay, interesting, Yeah, I mean I wish him the best, So I'm just talking about because I like her. Oh, I love them. If you sign an agreement with a surrogate mother and then something happened with the baby, like something wrong, you dude, what how does that work? You have to take the baby? How does that work? Well? You know what? I don't know. Can't you mean? You still if the baby they change their mind? They don't, won't it now? You Kim and Kanye or the surahgate decides that she doesn't want to give them the baby both. But if what happens, if Kim and Kanye decide they don't want a baby, well, don't they they have to go up for adoption, like, because people who have children get their children away. That has happened. It has happened. But they signed an agreement and Kim and Kanye, this is their baby, this is their DNA. So the suragant is carrying the baby. It's not the suraganst baby to keep. If you're what you're asking, if something's wrong with the baby, Like, Okay, I didn't mean to say that. Okay, that's not a birth effective. Okay, let's just say they decide at the birth of the child they don't want the baby. So you're saying, Sarah to keep the baby or you're just asking what happens period, Yeah, they have I would think they would have to take it through. This didn't share she went, Yeah, she went through something like her case. Anybody send us the information. Who knows how this works. Here's the question, Keim and Kanye having a baby, so I want them to have the best because I like them. Okay, cool, this is not about them. This question from that statement is if you have hired a woman to have a baby for you via surrogate, and the woman has the baby, if you decide you don't want the baby. What happens? Can the woman keep the baby? Dude? What do you do or how does that work? I was just curious. That's I don't mean. Yeah, I understand your curiosity, but I don't know. Yeah, I have no Let's just take a break because out of y'all here about the bus. Yea, my little man. You're listening, all right, Steve, So today's talk show. Your guests are gonna be Michaelpania actor Michael Pania, and Jeff Lewis and Jenny Pulo's from flipping out on some really really good Yes you have this is your third Let me see. Uh, did he's on the show? Did he? I don't watch the shows I've had, did he? Martin Lawrence q um Jay Little gave me the microphone that sat on his desk for twenty two years, and I have it on my desk and put it on the desk. Ellen did a joke about the size of my desk. She sent me over as a gift, a giant pencil holder and a giant stapler. But I'm talking about they look like umbrella in a can with our crazy self, So I said. Some male strippers over to her show, I mean boys with all them had thick mustache. Yeah, a little something from me, you girl, all right now. I love how your set is. Everything has the shape up your head with your mustache. I love that everywhere on Yeah. I love that loggo yeah really good. Yeah, and it looks like you well, you know, they took so much from me from this, took my last name, my lips, my eyes and no we don't need none of that. You need your big here and your munchy. But it's everywhere, and you have a great staff to steve. You really have some good people working with you. M let's see. And the guys in the writer room writer's room, wow, Junior and Jay. I mean, I just know he didn't say nothing on staff nothing, you know what I like, come by every day and give us some love every day every day. That's good. That's the type of love you think I love. But it keeps you guys happy, so you keep you know, and they get a check. So what the hell are we talking about? You don't love and a chance make up your mind? I rather had check from a company to love. But it looks like act. Since I've been on the set, I haven't talked to a single soul at NBC. What do you mean name? Nobody's been around there to see me say nothing to me since I've been on the show at NBC. Do you think it's the memo? You think? Oh, I'm not dare come up about that memo? Don't work for me? Oh you mean like some of the big wigs to higher up. I thought you meant your staff man me and the staff cool, that's me. The staff in Chicago was cool. Yeah, it was just one dude got man because he didn't get the job to go to l A. And then he put it the memo was a year old and he gonna send it in to feed her up in Chicago. He put it on a p and then that was it. It's like, there's a OGA. But can I say we went there, uh last week and you brought a lot of people from Chicago. Yeah all right, now, well just got real. Okay, but hold up though, First of all, I did not hire a single person in Chicago, and I have not hired a single person for l A with the exception of j Anthony Brown and kill them. Only two people are high the executive producer makes to hire. Okay, I think this is a good time to go to break. Guys, what do you think? All right? You're listening to show? Alright, here we go our last break of the day. Yes, with just one more thing. God, you have a special announcement, Yes, I do. Hold up. Well, we need something because you never got to do this on that other day. You need a drummall. I had a chance to say nothing on he had to show here. I did the talk right up here. Well not. I never got a chance. The ain't nothing on the show anyway, here's gome. Never got the chance to say nothing on the other show. But I get talk over here. We never ever third your saying nothing over on the other show. But you get to talk over here. You wanted to say something, but they always cut your MinC off on the lie. You too tall? Old over here? Yeah the show, I get the top over here, back not open your old day her mouth over on the other show, the other show. But you get to get over here, but I get top. Never got the top on the other show. Get over here. You have time for my announcements. Nothing. I've been trying to put this together for a long time. It's a program that I'm working with. Bowling Hill Shopping Center and the J'spont comic clips still open. And it's a program called the Class Clown. What we're gonna take his kids who want to be funny in school want to you know, We're gonna take him like you guys, because teachers are constantly telling kids, nobody's gonna pay you to be stupid. That's not what it's all about. We're gonna teach them the programs about how to get into the funny business, how to write monologue, how to do writing, how to do stand up. It's gonna help him speak in public and stuff that. So it's a four week program. It's gonna start in November, and I'm very excited about it. That's that's great. I think I think it deserves to say it one more time. Writing monologue, that's good. We're gonna teach kids how to you know, do monologue, how to write jokes. We're gonna show them the ins and out of comedy. You know, how to make me write scripts at a young age, you know, because teachers are always tell you stop backing silly. You're not gonna make any money from act silly. Well that's not true. You can make a lot of money from being silly. We're gonna we're gonna get him at a young age. That's how do they get involved in. It's gonna we're gonna get the information that's coming out next month with the ball and hill shops. In that Jason, I'd like to thank on knee of helped me put this program together because I've always wanted to do it. And it's called a class clown because being a class clown, you know down brown, nobody gonna pay you to be funny what you're talking about? Now push them out? Oh you thought that was cute? Won't you stand up? Telling whole class? And then I do thirty minutes you gotta set But its blanding telling you, Steve sit down in the back acting the food. You ain't gonna ever make no money acting the food. Well, my stupid ass is so scouraging. Woman. Go to my website jasp dot com check out of and I never got to see that on say it over here, man, never got to say it on the other show, but you get to see it over here. But no, I don't put up your mouth on the other show, but you get to say it over He's making louder louder I never got to see it on another show. Never got to say it on the other show. No, no, never got to see it on the other show. But I get to say it over here. I get to say it. Oh, he never got to see it on the other show. Never got to say it on the other show. I never got to say it on the other show. But you get to say it, oh for he never got to say it on the other show. Never got stay it on the other show. Ever got to stay it on the other shore. Now now say it over here. Never got to say it on the other show. You do a breakdown for me, do a talk breakdown. I want to talk break down. Never never ever got a chance open up my mouth on that damn shot. Only one could talk with him. Why would you shut the only person that had a damn since But you didn't want him to talk because you thought you'd lose your shine. But you ain't shine it so long you do long take it away? Yeah, show the show head on, But I'm saying it over. Ladies and gentlemen. You listened to the baddest morning showing the world. It's Steve Harvey morning. You didn't have yourself great week? Brother? For All Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.