Its the Monday after Easter and the show is back. Jesus Christ Superstar does very well and the crew talks to Egypt Sherrod and they discuss the premiere of her show. Nephew Tommy does the Closing Remarks for today and more!
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all ba have all sung looking back to back down, giving him just like the million buck things. And it's y'all to me, true good to the Hardy listening to me, to each other for stoo barby, Why don't you join? Yeah? Well, Hobby joining me? Honey, sat dot U turn yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn out turn you love, You got to turn out to turn water want to go? Comy, come on your back at uh huh, I sure will come on and everybody y'are listening to the voice, Come on, dick me now one and on it. Steve Hardy got a video show? Man, oh man, oh man? Wow? How good? How good has God been to me? Unexplainable, really unexplainable. But one thing I'm I'm really glad about it. I've gotten to the point of at least understanding. Now. Understanding is important. You know, I was watching TV last night when I got home, just thumbing through the channels like I always doing. God always funny, man, How he works with me A lot of times he why don't flip it through the channels when he wants me to hear something? I go flipping and I passed by and last night I passed by a bishop out of Atlanta named dae' barner. And I'm not gonna quote him exactly because you know, I don't really try to do that, but because I know some but that exactly what he said. But I came away with a better understanding. And that was his message last night was about understanding that in order to have peace or to resolve conflict, it can only be done with an understanding. And the point I've gotten in my life I want to share this with you, is that I thank God for my life. And when I'm on the radio and I and I look back on it all and I'm saying to you all God has been good to me, and it's been unexplainable. What I've now come to the understanding is that since I've lived this life that God has shown me and understanding. He's He's shown me why certain things happened in my past in order that I could be who I am today. Because see God's plan for you. He gonna work with you no matter what you'd have done, no matter what you'd have gotten yourself into. He can take all those experiences turn him into cestimonies. He could take all those dark days and turn them into light for somebody. See, that's what your your experiences are for. But you gotta understand it in order to have peace about it. You got to understand it in order to resolve the conflict about it. You know, you've got to reach an understanding. And a lot of us today are so confused about which way to go, where to turn, what to do with my life, what's my life's work, my life's calling, what's my mission? Why was I born? I know you ask yourself these questions. When is it gonna be over? When is it gonna turn around for me? When is it gonna flip? Man, I'm tired of this here. But all of that gets resolved when you come to an understanding. And I just learned this last night by listening to this man. He made it so clear for me. And like I said, I can't quote him word for words, so don't hold me to that. I just came to let's say, last night and understanding it. And I want to share that with you today, that you've got to sit down and talk to people to come to an understanding. One of the examples he used was Let's say you're married to a guy. You're living with this guy, and you can't understand why he's so messy. You can't understand why he just won't pick up behind himself. You didn't fuss about it. You just set up there and complained about it. You have nagged about it, you didn't want on strike about it. Still you have no peace about it, and you can't seem to resolve the conflict. But if you would sit down and talk to him, find out that maybe maybe this is just example he uses a little you, a little light example. He said, maybe his mama picked up after him his whole life, and now he thank you as mama. You understand so. But if you come to the understanding that this was done for him by a woman or some women in his life, and he was allowed to go through his life like this, then you now have an understanding. You can quit getting mad so mad about the situation. You could quit not having peace in your home about the situation if you sit down and talk and come to an understanding. But the only way to come to an understanding is you got to hold your peace, be quiet, and listen. Can you see using that example on your job can you see using that example in your life, in your business, in your career. Suppose you were just to sit down and listen so you could come to an understanding so you can have peace of mind resolve a conflict in your life. So now let's take your girl for example. You can't understand why your girl so spoiled, why she expects you to do everything. His light example of it was maybe her father treated her like she was his little princess, and now she thank you her daddy. She just wants you to treat her like her daddy did. See my wife is that way? I just started laughing when he said that, because my father in law Pop treated my wife like she was his little princess. And that's all she's been trying to find in her life. It's her father. She's been trying to find the dude that would treat her like a little princess all over again as a grown woman. Once I heard my father in law say this, it explained mean did so now there was no conflict in it. Okay, cool, I can give you that because I understand. I understand so wow man. So, But the only way I could come to that was I had to reach an understanding. I had to sit down, talk to somebody and listen, and then it produced a piece and resolved a conflict in my mind because man, it's okay. But those were her standards. But her standards were set in her mind by her father. This is how she saw a man treating herd and that's what she's been looking for her whole life. Come on, man, when you come to an understanding, sit down with your partner and reach an understanding. Here's another thing, he said. You can't reach an understanding what your partner through aggression and anger. You can't walk in the house and say it's gonna be peace in this house from now. That's what I'm coming in here from now. We're gonna have a peace, he said. Just because your mate don't talk back to you don't mean she agree with you. She just then decided, I ain't gonna say nothing to this food, so I can hold my tongue, hold my peace, and have a moment in this house. Because right now, if he thinks he's gonna have a peace with me by coming in here holing at me, he dead rong man. How many times has that happen? So the thing I learned was. In order to have a peace of mind and resolve conflict in your life, you got to sit down and come to an understanding. Wars don't end between countries until the two heads of the country sit down reaching understanding. So we can stop this conflict over here. And you're being dying and my men dying. Wo oh man, it's so obvious, man, when you hear it. When I heard it like that, I just had to share that with you that if you're looking to resolve conflict in your life in any avenue, whether it's your relationship, your business of fairs, your jobs, your career decision, sit down and come to an understanding. Once you understand something, you can have peace of mind. Let me do this real quick before I get out of here. Suppose you sat down with God came to an understanding about why he created you. Do you know how much stuff that would clear up for you if you just knew why you was born? Those are two biggest days in your life, the day you was born and the day you figure out why. And the sooner you come to that, you have a whole lot of peace, resolve a whole lot of conflict. Come on, y'all, you got to sit down, come to an understanding. You're welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome, You're welcome once, You're welcome twice, You're welcome, welcome, welcome, Welcome to the ride. Steve Hobby Morning Show. Uncle Steve is out, but the whole crew is. He sir, call the top of the morning. Hey, Happy day after Resurrection day to you, nephew. Ain't without crew. Happy Monday, Junior boy. And then he wrote, he wrote, I had a great Easter. Had me some white Easter bunny gool nice, but I had a This show is dedicated to everybody that went to church just today that ain't gonna go the rest of the year. It was m's what it see him? Christmas Mother? It was nice. Oh my god, Like you said, there's some colors that was there yesterday and some families dressed in one fabric. It was amazing. It was a whole one. Oh you know what's really big now. But with the Black Panther movie, um, the African print, a lot of a lot they's selling on the You're absolutely right. At the barbershop, you can get three diar chkis for the price of want. Wouldn't never be a weight limon when that corner pocket gets trapped. Space is anybody the point as anyone can wear one ship, You're back to different not not a limit. When africansok that you said that ain't right. No, When they said, so take did you go to church today? No? Yes? I went? Okay, okay, good Charlie. Did you go to I just said I didn't go. No, I don't because it was yet so real Christians they take Easter offer, everybody else goes. Well, it's crowded, right, Yeah, you know somebody had been the trench a long time. When they start saying when they get depit readers in here taking you're not You're going on your phone and pay different. Yeah. Did you know what's bad is when you first I did pray. It was a lot of praying going on in my church. Yes, ok man hanging there. Yeah, I mean they're human pastors, a human that's right. Get that. We forget that. Sometimes we expect we hold them to a high or well we should, I guess, and then you can. That's what I think. So I'm just putting it out there. Okay, Well, since he said that in Houston, Okay, listen, we gotta get out of here. We're coming back with something funny. We'll talk about the weekend, the weekend review when we come back at thirty two, after he wrote, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well it's time for something funny, guys. Weekend review? What? Yeah, I know you had a fun field exciting weekend. I saw I saw Tyler's movie Acrimony. Ye, wasn't it good? Fantastic? He said, he said its He did say that. Were you surprised? I'm very surprised. Also textive. I said, you don't need to see this movie at all, don't go. I also said Tyler is your friend, but you might have to see his ass. Oh that I'm looking at that seen that is seen that. I haven't seen that, but I heard about it though I did. It was really good. He did a good movie. He did a fantastic movie, and it did really came at number two girls because she did her thing. Now the young lady who plays Tragy, very young, young TAGI um, I can't think of her name. She's on she's Empire. Yeah, I'm a big fan of her work. I can't think of her name. Little at the job, very talented, Yeah, So congratulations to Tyler, to rig Henson, and thanks to everyone who repent and right right, But Julior, Junior and Tommy, do you guys look at movies like when you see a movie though, that could have been my part right there, and you always look at a movie, you don't see what you should have been in three thousand movie that's supposed to be. Well, Tommy, you have been in some movies though, you have, Yeah, you've been. I was in Black Panther. You were you weren't You know what if you tell white people that they don't know it was too many? I'm on a minute. Yeah, but you're right, Carl. Your greatest role with Drumline, that was your greatest You were so sinister and evil and drunk here too. When I was looking at it, Ja, I was saying, that could have been my I saw JA and Mr three thousand. Have you seen j that's the one with Burnie Maun John know j was in that mid He was the umpire at first base. Oh really? Yeah? Yeah, I didn't know that. He s Yeah, you and that was it? I said, that was it. You're You're out every time, you are out every time when you said you're line from the top. Yea A hard time, A hard time. Well, you're starting, you're starting. Bring that back. Let's do it again. Take Fifton four. Yeah, that's a wrap. We got it, and you don't see Jake no more. Shout out, Shout out to Tyler. He did a really good movie. You gotta go see it. Acronia. I bet I could have played to Rogers too. You just want to be in the movie. You don't want to be in We're starting from movie parts. So anything, we'll take anything. We won't turn nothing, call us no not. That was good and I saw already play one that was really good, really good. I've seen trailers for that. Yeah, I've seen the trailers for that. I was in a whole different atmosphere when I saw that. What does that mean? Jack? That means? I was like, who feeling good? Feeling really don't remember? Do you remember the movie? Jane? I can say about that is that thing? Got is legal? Here? That's all I can say. Man here, and it's like he couldn't wait, Man, they kiss you every time he wait. It's so good because it's easy to find a feed he this is it playing? Oh, that's the way you enjoy it. Oh yeah, yeah, I saw the movie you told me about with Tom Cruise. Which movie? American? American American. It was scary though not in the sense but in a sense that that can happen and then chance, Yeah, I mean yeah, that it could happen to anyone. You know, you could just be eraced from the face of the earth and just gone. They were dropping new key loads in back Route. Do you hit me? Man? That was the crazy movie? I know. I'm sorry. Did you forget you were at work on the radio, sir, thank you? We just get so comfortable on the show. They were dropping bags in backing Route. Last movie I recommend for Day After Easter? Though, yeah, won't he do it? Will and really won't. So how are things of the shot out? Good? Yeah? Family out? Yesterday? Everybody fished. I don't. I didn't get the fish. I was inside working, you know, but everybody's fishing fishing your backyund Yeah you excuse you, Jake, here's a lake in the back of your did you say? How thank you walking? You can walk at the back door and don't fit you walk out? And if you go too far in your draft and a vote? What is the why did I yes, so, Deacon Chuff Jam and our special guest, Reverend Adnoid Red in the building with church complaints and announcements. Of course, yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Trump tweeted no deal on DOCCA plus MS and will have today's national news. But of course it is Monday, the day after Easter. Rebend Adnoid is in the building along with Deacon death Jam. Reverend Motown is out today, Deacon depth Jam with church complaints and announcements. Here we had North's already here. We were gonna welcome you to the jack Pot Joint of Jerusalem, ching cheen, Hallelujah, hallelujah. Joining us this morning, Reverend ad Noid, Now I would be giving church complaints. On the other hand, will be giving church and smiths ships to get the too confused complaint. Pol there SIPs over here. Yeah, I noticed you still have a nazalwhere here the stage complain. Let me start this out. The new show, Naked and Save starts next month. Naked and Save starts next month. Sister Geraldine Collins wants to be first on this show. We know she's saved but that's not anything we want to see naked. What we wanted to do is ask um sister Shirley if she would mind being in the pilot naked and no, sir, oh, yes, sir, didn't you have a problem being naked? Show naked? Say let me out of this show? What did we change it to? Just naked? Would be? Would you be anything? Change your show? Do you say naked? Sent us? What says would be? People watching? Move on about halfway naked, halfway naked, half naked. You do have an announcement, Yes, I'll have an announcement right now. All the anties, all the anties who looked like walk a Flock of Flame will meet the meeting room. Do you have an aunt that looks like walk a Flock of Flame? They have a gather it didn't video rules of it and if he looks like all right now, listen. I We had a disaster yesterday. The Easter egg hunt was a completely complete disaster. Sister eleanor Ridgeway forgot to bail. Sister Eleanor Ridgeway forgot to bail the eggs. All the kids clothes are full of yoke and shelle Um, Sister Glinda May Patterson slapped Sister Eleanor Ridgeway shortly after child got in the car with all the yoko him. We're gonna have to bring this to past when he gets back and let him know what does he want to do with Sister Eleanor Ridgeway for not ball in these eggs. I don't know how that happened that we keep that in the in the in the fire for the path to take a look at your head. We are suspending Deacon heat because all the weekend he had an hunt at his house, but he hid no eggs. He just had the kids up there running around looking for not a damn thing. He knew. He knew there was no edge in the field, but he was yelling, look over that, keep looking run ahead. The Church Quirk team, I want eight hundred dollars to go to the strip Club so they can case study. The Church twark team. Church Twerk team wants eight hundred dollars so they can go to the strip Club and case study. They're gonna watch girls twerk so they can figure out if they're doing it right. They you know, that is a new ministry, the church twork. They have a new song, they have a song. Jesus will work it out. He's gonna work it out. You're just gonna, oh, yes, well when I want it. I'm sorry. The church twork team. We have to keep that up. The past eight hundred dollars in case study at the strip all ones, right, we're gonna need all that eight one to make it in order to learn twerking. You're gonna have to make it rain I go here that no. Last night, last night the doors will pack. The place was packed. Nobody could get in because a lot of the deacons and a lot of the church members were down the celebrating at the Brown Bunny. They were down at the Brown Bunny. I'm getting chill you. We had a muddy some hands on some bro. Don't hurt the brown money. I want to do it because Jesus gonna twork it out. Donna twork it out. Yes, well, all right. Seventy two year old Spooky Johnson has received his g e D. He is now telling people he is qualified to run after school to the program. But the members won't pass to and make make the last decision on this. You know, remember, my children are our future. I don't know if Spooky Johnson is someone we won't toot the in the kids, but that's something Ooky downs and yeah he is dark skin. No on spooky John's Junior. Do you have a vote for spooky? I vote you know I vought for spooky, voting for spooky and last add no spooky. Yes, yes, yes, definitely I'm out numbered. Yes, all right, go ahead, I ad no. Leroy Haddikins, Leroy Hadickins, Deacon Leroy Haddikins to be presides lost his glass. He is not happy with the jokes people coming up to him saying, we haven't seen your but we'll keeping out out for if he has to hear that one more. Damn town, He's gonna somebody, but we haven't seen your eye, but we'll keeping out for. Amen. Amen. Sister Latrendolin Cooper, who does sign language doing this service, is in trouble. She got pulled over for speeding and cursed out the police in sign language. He wants the church to pay for the ticket. She was in wrapped to prayer meet. We gonna have to uh because she gonna have to control her length and really but gotta be up to past it. We're gonna pay for the ticket and that definitely, definitely, definitely, well one lands announcement and now I don't he Deacon Charles Johnson was slapped in the face as hard as she could slap him when he said the sister filmer let me play in the eastern breast, he slapped, don't, man, I want to leave church so bad. That was an announcement. All right, listen, coming up, Thank you, Reverend ad Norton, and uh coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with our national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Before attending Easter Sunday church services with the First Lady in Florida, the President bluntly announced no more Dota deal. He did it in all caps. He did it where else on Twitter? Uh yeah, on Easter? Yeah. Man. So that seems to end whatever support he may have offered the so called dreamers that we're seeking protection from being deported because they were brought to the US as small children. He also went after Mexico, threatening to end the North American Free Trade Agreement NAVTA and uh so there you go. That's our president. Um, this is what what are he's doing is to suppress the democratic vote. That's all he's doing and in the reasons, I think the reasons the Republicans are not speaking out because all this stuff helps them, it helps him. Yeah, you know, you change from the next election, change and getting rid of certain people, stop people from voting. What about the lady who who voted and got five years? Did you hear about that story? Know what happened? She was on probation, she voted and she was sitting five years And why because she wasn't you're not supposed to vote. Yeah, So his whole agenda is to stop as many people who are going to vote from vote. Well, that should make the people who do have the right to vote and exercise your matters. It matters more now this ever, before ever, it's gonna be the kids though. The kids are gonna make the difference. Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for anywhere. Well, the ones that turned eighteen this year this year? Yeah, all right, well, um listen. We also talked about the Stellar Award. That was great. I saw it was hosted by a God's litist Christian Christian. I thought him that he is, guys, you're going around your neck if you want please this God's a little Christian but what Kurt had on, oh man, he had I'll here on a white satin one button uh toupito jacket, uh plaid pants and I couldn't see the shoes and he didn't really pick it up. But he was shot. He was shot shot, and he came out there with the energy, the energy, you know, because Kurt. You know, but if you're watching gospel music now, I thought until I saw Kurt, it's like the BET Awards, the music has changed. It's you know, it's kind of R and what. It's like a whole different type of music now. So it's more R and B. You're singing hip hop, kind of like hip hop. Yeah. Any church, the dances they had dancers. Yeah, so you saw some church twork, you praise dancers. They were dancing, they were they were they were dancing. Yeah, Like you could have taken one of those things out and replaced it with Bruno Mars and the same. What do you think they're trying to? I just think that's where that's what gospel music has gone. That's where it was, Jesus, because I love gospel music. Yeah, it's changed a lot, and that's just that you know, you can have both, Yeah, you're definitely get tipperary, inspirational can happen, and frankly responsible for the for the change of gospel music. You know, a lot of big responsibility that I had some good days man and John Yeah. One of was yeah, yeah, Kenton Jones was there and Knaton that he was it was. It was really good, he was, yeah. Yeah. And if you win it, so that was really good. Oh that's why you watch you if you watch it, all win, it's catch three or more gathered I think gathered in. So that's pack one. Huh. All right, listen, Tommy, stop this foolish. Let's go to miss and Tommy, all right, let's get serious for a minutes. That time she brings the national news, the one and Only miss and Trip. Thanks Tommy, good morning everybody, and here is the news. Okay. Former Sacramento King's basketball player Matt Barnes led hundreds of protests in a weekend rally in light of the newly released or tops of Your reports that the family of twenty two year old steff On Clark commissioned a forensic photologists Dr Bennett Omalo. Dr Amalo is the African doctor portrayed by Will Smith in the movie Concussion, and d Romalol says the contrary to the police claim that Steffan Clark was coming at them, that he was really shot eight times, mostly in the back with his left to the officers. It was not facing the officers. He was not facing the officers. Dr o'malo also determined that the unarmed black man did not die immediately, but between three and ten minutes after he was shot, and that the cops didn't try to help him until at least five minutes later. Just to remind you, the young Mr Clark was only holding his cell phone. There was no gun, no burglars, tools or anything else. By the way, an investigation is underway after a female demonstrator attending the candle light visual forth Stefan Clark's Saturday Night was struck by a sheriff's vehicle. Luckily, the injured woman wanted to Cleveland, was released from the hospital on Sunday bruises to her arm in the back of her head. A local nurse who's white has been fired from her position at Kaiser Permanente was saying that Stefan Clark deserved it, while the state Louisiana's Attorney General has refused a level criminal charges against the white copper killed the black man who was selling CDs out of a store in Baton Rouge. The police department there has fired the guy. Blaine Salomony shot Mr Alton Sterling six times in the back as he lay face down and held down by another white officer. Mr Sterling had had a loaded gun in his pants pocket, but the weapon never left his pants and the vendor never attempted to get to the weapon or to even fire it. The President says that there will be no deal to reinstate the Obama era DOCCA program, and Trump made that pronouncement where else on Twitter, although he did mention to reporters yesterday as he exited Easter services, a lot of people are coming in because they want to take advantage of dodka, and we're gonna have to really see you had a great chance the democratic fluid. The president may not be aware of the fact that new immigrants are not eligible for DOCTA protection anyway. Jury selection is underway this morning and Bill Cosby's retrial and sexual assault charges the eighty year old Now Disgrace Committee returns to the courtroom ten minut ten months after his first trial ended in a hung jury and today National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day put Jesus I Love peanup by the back of More entertainment in Today's trending topics. Funny minutes after the hour is Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show in entertainment news, Carla, what is going on with rapper Fabulous? Man? Oh man? Horrible? Is this story? You guys? So you guys heard about this Fabulous if you saw the video on TMZ. Let's let's take you back a little bit. Fabulous. Uh, allegedly they're saying, knocked out his baby mama, two front teeth out, punched her and her face like seven times? How horrible? How horrific? Is this story? Now? TMZ they had this video of Fabulous. He was just absolute rage. He went to his house. Now Emily, his baby mom and fab they lived together in New Jersey and Ingle with New Jersey, and uh, he showed up at the house. There in the driveway there's the family is screaming, her father is there. The families out in the driveway arguing, and uh, you could see Fabulous his bodyguard attempting to hold him back, and he's pointing a sharp object it looks like at them. It was just horrible. So you can hear fabulous right now. Take a listen. I think Kat got the actual audio from what went down. Take a listen. Nay, don't see you can take me real round. I'm okay, don't see. Wow. Whoa Yeah, he knocks her teeth to lose everything front, lose every front teeth. He deserves to go directly to jail man. Man. It was horrible. He was arrested in book for aggravated assault and making a terrorist threat. But you could kind of hear a child screaming in the background in the video. You can see Emily. She's actually kind of like recording the video. You can kind of see that. And he had a concert not too long. What does he? What does she? What did she do? Did he think nothing? Whatever she did didn't cost for this kind of well absolutely, But what I heard Tommy was he came out to l A and then she came out to l A. But she didn't call him and tell him she was out here. Something stupid like that. We j all right, Coming up next, j Anthony Brown in the building to murder another hit. Oh what do Yeah, it's horrible, horrible. You're listening to Steve Harvey morn Show. Alright, listen John Legend last night? Did you see him as Jesus Christ Superstar? You know John Legend? Oh, he was brilliant in it. He really was good in it. It was on NBC. It was a live musical. You know how they do those live musical sometimes. Well, anyway, it was live in concert. He's always in great voice. I love John Legend. It is the latest live musical musical from NBC. They previously aired a sound of music that was live, Peter Pan Live the Wind Live. Remember, yes, Hairspray Live. So congratulations to John Legend. He is our friend and family member. Well he was until Jay came on board. But anyway, John Legend, you know we love you. My man did an excellent job. He really nothing and that I could murder Christ, yes, yes, yes, but anyway, it was really really good and glad we got a chance to see that. And glad he's doing different things now. Yeah, live branch out to Pressure live. He's not an action film next. Oh really, John Legend, please the light skin and Chef. Yeah, all right, Tommy, it's time introduced Jay to murder another hit, Ladies and Gentlemen, the addition to the championship team. He is here, j Anthony Brown, can I get Can we record that and just use that every week? Because the one I get from him today? By the way, can we let's just run that every week? Nice? I ain't calling him? Man, you want to hip? It's all going down Tuesday, baby at the Jay's Bond Comedy Club, one West Manchester Avenue, Los Angeles, California. And Saturday, I will be in St. Petersburg, Florida at the Palladium. One show, one show only. Get your damn tickets please. I need to sell out, so I need to sell out. All the money is going to my college fund, a black college fund, not in college anymore. But I'm trying to get some of that money back. That's why you got here show college fund. Disappointed in tricky away to college college. I'm just trying to get some of this money back. All right, what's your guys? I gotta need the song, of course, because there was a lot of colors out there, a lot of a lot of stripes, a lot of plaids, a lot of polka dots. Check it out. It's all about East owner Steve Harby Morning Show, a bit standing back in your drawers and it so wait till they see me in this shoot out at the bottom, adding the time of your soup got you shut up under the super you're ready, You're gonna kill him. He sets a Sunday. I can't believe those awful soups that see the colors, Yeah yeah, stride and can't green this guy, old gray yack, get way too long. I don't get you know you're wrong. Where you get that plant from? You got on hard and shock for your suit is blood? Why the leader has that way getting that lesson? You must be bloody at you, mad. I didn't know See Long had a soul, which you did? Love? Listen, signals pictures to me real soon? Why the leader has that way in that ugleesus soon? You must be bloody at you man. I didn't know See Lo had a soul. When you get that love listen, damn messing this. There was some colors out there, There was some They were being worn yesterday. Why way to the top of the our nephew write about four minutes after it's today's strawberry letter. You're gonna love the subject uh, no kissing and no loving. Okay, I've read that before. Ja and money Temmy is here though, coming up with today's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, coming up at the top of the hour. Like I mentioned, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry letters subject no kissing and no loving. But right now it is the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got nevarely called Junior Got. We've seen him yesterday. If you made it to the church, hop, this right here is the church us. Okay, I'm talking about the old school white gloves. You're not coming in. I'm talking about it. If you ain't get in there in time. Turn around to look at you through that little bit of glass. You're not coming in this man behind the back because you can't come in that. Okay, you should have been on time. You should have been on that's not been hit you and gum come and get that huge wearing Yes, I never liked job. Yes, the church here it is. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing good? Even to your ma'am I don't mean to be giving you a call this late in the evening, but I am the new youth minister. I haven't. My name is Sean Williams over at mission neary Baptist Church, which is what happened to um. He's no longer with the church anymore. Man. Well, I'm not at at liberty to speak up on that, but uh, what I was doing is getting around and making sure I I met everyone because I haven't met everyone yet and I wanted to reach out to um everyone at the church. But listen, let me let me get down to some more business, because I've spoken with the pastor. Uhhop yes, okay, I spoke with him on yesterday and we have narrowed some things down over a few changes we're going to be making at the church, and what we want to do was um. One of the major subjects that have come up since is that we're wanting you, if at all possible, and the deacons were in on this meeting as well, but wanting you to change your attitude when people are coming in and you're seating them. From my understanding, it's gotten to the point where they think you wait, wait, wait, wait, wait wait wait wait, a minute. Wait, thank you, Well, it wasn't a meeting here. I've been sure and owned that usher board before the seven years. I am the singing of usher on that uncer board. And I really though I've been trying to be nuts about it. But I don't understand how y'all gonna have a meeting without meet that's pible. But now you're gonna call him and tell me that you're gonna you're having a meeting on me about me being nice, always nice. Well, ma'am, that doesn't seem to be problem with that. Son as twenty seven now and they goes some bar to call me this don't make no talper what what is it? Well? What that's actually my call, man, is that maybe we are figured if I would call and speak with you about the matter, that maybe we can get to some type of rectifying this situation to where we can We're gonna rectify here. I'm gonna rectified. You calling me this time a night taught my some meeting. Just don't make no time. I don't appreciate you're calling me any time of night. Were a bishop, I need to steak the bishop. Bishop. Here's the one that actually I've been at this church. Reported seven years, I haven't said, oh my life, this don't make no type of sense. You're calling me here with this mess now. See, you often to make me because I'm trying to be a christion But y'all not gonna ask me to be a Christianity. You just gonna just gonna aditate me with this mess telling me about something. Remember that's saying that they're having problems when you're seating the people, and that's all that we're trying to get rectified. People don't want to sit down. They want to go over here, they want to go up there. They want to have the children run a two and throw. It's like a bunch of demons a while he's just bucking around in a church like they ain't got no sense. And I'm not going to have it in my section. My section is gonna be strike. And I understand you know what, since uh, I think if we did this, if you would do me a favor and hold your phone, and if you would just bow your head right now for me, maybe we can come to to get to get the man. What am I bout my head for? I ain't that's gonna I feel aspal this clean baby, if we can get you yours. It's clean, it's hospital carpet. It don't make no about my head. If you could, maybe, if you could close your eyes close said you call me and what we are by my sleet with this masking. I am very annoyed at this and I don't appreciate it. I'm gonna tell you right now, I'm gonna speak to me now. Father. We asked that you look down upon to stick. We asked that you look down upon her right now, right now, asking that you put a smile on her face on Sunday morning, asking that you put some joy in her heart on Sunday morning, that you draw all the pain that she in the Anglish that she might be going through, whatever demon there is inside. We asked that you draw that demon out. We asked that you poured that demon went away from right now in your name. We asked all of these blessings to come because I don't appreciate this boy. I don't even know who you is. All of my stick you hand pastor gave me the numb one and asked me to call I am like I said, I'm Sean Williams. We haven't met yet and I am the news. He don't, he don't. He don't act that way. And it's bishop for the third time. I don't told you, boyshop be respectful. The folks see, that's what makes me angry. Let me, let me, let me say this right here, sister, and maybe this will shed some light on things a little bit clearer. I'm trd of Listen. This is nephew timing from Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by system who is also ussher at the church. That missing here about this? This is already yes, don't make no sense, Lord him, this is embarrassing. Oh my god, this is just yes, ma'am, that's that's that's my uncle. This is just a joke though many Oh Lord him, you on. So this is I am and I am in. Do you listen to the show every day? I never would have stepped my fat to be Oh Lord Jaws and may, oh my god, got me on this radio actor. Sister did this here to you? How about it? Y'all called me back and we get sis. How we do that? We do we will do a blank on her bill and a couple of bills. You know, she shot a little her business. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvard Morning Show. And look Tommy and Hardy Mother look sharing him little devil. She is so cute. I love this is so ya. I'm so sorry, Please for give me. That's a real usher. Well, she said, I don't on a piece of native. That was my girl. I don't know a piece of native. Lexington, Kentucky. I'm on my way. It's this week, baby, get your tickets if you don't have five, six seven, that's Thursday, Friday, Saturday comedy all Broadway to neph You coming to town. Been a while since I've been in Lexington, So come back and get your dose of stupidity. Stupid only come around once every three four years. Come get yours here I come. All right, Well, listen to this king of pranks. Let me let me see what you think about this prank. Yesterday. You know it was April Fool's Day. Uh did you see Tommy? Did you see New Year, New Orleans Pelicans star Anthony Davis. Did you see when he tried to prank everyone by making us think that he had shaved his u unibrow? You know his unibrow is worldwide famous, right, His caption was, come on, y'all. Y'all knew I was cutting it, but most folks on social media didn't believe Anthony actually cut his unit brow because the two new eyebrows looked kind of funny, you know, like he had added to makeup or something. Trying to do pranks. Yeah, school him. Okay, so let me talk to you, Anthony, to somebody in New Orleans, gonna take okay, I am the king of pranks. So now that you feel like you are in the prank world, get ready, Anthony, because here I come. I'm looking for you now. And then for real, cut it out because it looks stupid. I mean, you shouldn't even food around that. We don't know what's coming up. At the top of the hour, it's the Strawberry Letter, subject no kissing and no Loving. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, listen, guys. Before we get to today's Strawberry Letter, the subject no kissing and no Loving, we got to talk about the weekend movie box office number, Steven Spielberg's Ready Player one. That's ano for one movie. One movie. But listen to this though, Tyler Perry, congratulations you kicked, but he p are you with me? And you kicked it on the air with us last day to tell us about acrimony starting TAGI p Henson. The Ladies went on in full force on this one came in at number two, making seventeen point one billion dollars, yet skill in the top three. Black Panther, Baby, Black Panther. I saw the movie, and this is definitely Steve Harper's life beginning to end. You don't need to see this movie at all, not at all. He there's no way he might have to sue. Tyler might be friends. I know they're good friends, but it might be a little a little friendly when somebody takes your life like that and put it on and put it on, put it on the screen. All of that, I'm gonna tell you you've been doing. I haven't known by thirty by thirty forty years. I know him, I know his life, I know things in his life, and when I see it on the screen, I'm like, come on, Tyler, it would kind of say, yeah, it's a really good movie he did. He really did an excellent job. And it's still in theater. It's acrimony, so go check it out. If you didn't get a chance to see it. It is still there. Uh and it's making number one next week. Can we say something to people who don't go to the movies much, specially elderly people. Popcorn prices have changed, That's all I'm saying. Okay, yeah, it's like you when you buy stupid hole. We have to hear that. Oh long, but it is how eight is six dollars with soup that don't make No damn I want to go see I wouldn't go see blacks. Just me. Hey, nobody with me pushing two kids back? Let me got more off. You can eat that. He got bars, You got the real let real planning seats. All right, tell me it's time. Let's get to the letter. It's the time. Buggal up and holde untight. We have it for you, straw very letter, Thank you, nephew. Subject no kissing and no loving. Dear Stephen Shirley. For the past two years, I have been friends with a really nice guy. He is very handsome until he opens his mouth and shows his little scary looking shark. Oh my god, we need the Jaws music right here. After the first year of hanging out, After the first year of hanging out with each other. He said he wanted to take our friendship to the next level. I told him we could try it, but all I could think about was having to kiss him in his raggedy mouth. I've mentioned the dentist to him, and he said he hadn't been to the dentist in years and didn't plan to go. Fast forward to last week when we were hanging out and he started to get all touchy feely and asked me about the cookie. I was in the mood and figured it was time, so I told him I needed to see what he was working with first. Surely, I was so disappointed. Not only does he have little raggedy shark teeth, uh, he also has a tiny you know what? Really, I could not go through with it. Uh. There was no way I was going to do anything at all but this little man. I told him I wasn't ready to be intimate yet, and he didn't push the issue. Now I don't want to date him anymore, and I'm hoping we can go back to just being friends. I need some advice on how to talk to him. Should I be honest with him and tell him why we can't date, or should I just leave him alone and let him find someone that can put up with his teeth and hiss other little problem. Please help. This has been going on for two years now. That's a long time. I mean you know that that's a really long time for you to be dealing with these little shark teeth that you don't like. Uh. And and why won't he go to the dentist? I don't I don't understand that. I don't understand that you have a mirror just like everyone else. You can see just like everyone else. But if for you, if this should not be a problem, because if you don't want to be in this situation, you don't have to be in this situation. Should you be honest with him? Yes, if he's really your friend, I think you should be honest with him. Because for a lot of people, if your mouth isn't together, if you have a raggedy mouth, you're you know, chances are you're not gonna have a partner. I mean, unless you meet someone that also has a raggedy mouth. But yeah, people usually don't like to deal with you if your teeth are together, because you know, they think of a lot of things, you know, just to name a few bad breath, gingivitis, all of that stuff. We used to have a dentist. Yeah, we used to have a dentist that came on the show and said, the mouth is the opening to your body, to all your insides and everything, so you know, you've got to think of it in that way. And he said he hadn't been to the dentist in years, years, and you know you're supposed to go every six months, so and and he didn't plan to go, So this will be an issue for you. And if this is a deal breaker for you, get out of it now. Let him know he's your friend. Just don't crush him, you know, let him down easily. Just tell him you know, I can't deal with you because of the teeth situation. And you know you don't have to address his manhood or anything, but you know more about his teeth. You know. She doesn't have to say that now. Now, I don't think she should crush him. I'm I'm not into crushing people. But just tell him if you have a problem with his teeth, and tell him you still you just want to be his friend. You'd rather go back to being friends and not take it to the next level. He knows you think after you tell the man you got a problem with it, he's still gonna hang around and be friends. Well, if they were friends in the beginning, if they were truly friends. All right, come on, nephew, what you got? I think you're missing it? Okay, you always say that. I think he was in an accident and then sharp teeth accidentally bit the problem down low. That's what happened. He didn't be He didn't beat half himself all. That's what happened. You don't see that. Do you realize that if you're not gonna happen. Uh, y'all, don't think he bat at all. That's what happened. When you actually didn't bite yourself. Okay, that's what happened. He bait. Stuff it. Man, you can utilize this. Why not go into business with this man and let him be your can open. He can open cans, right, put the open cans for people. They don't have a human can open. This is this is something if you want to be an entrepreneur. Okay, start your own business. You got a can opening right there. They can openers. Now we don't, but it's amazing you do. Put it can of peas in his mouth. Open you guys. All right, listen, we'll be back to get more into this letter No kissing and no Loving when we come back at the hour you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, come on, let's get to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. The subject is no kissing and No Loving. A young lady wrote in she has been with a guy for two years. They've been friends for two years now, so now he wants to take the relationship to another level. But the problem is, she says, he is a little bitty shark, a little bit shark teeth. It's kind of like the little shark on the tunicr Yah, yeah, yeah, a little bitty teeth. His name is Charlie. We're gonna go there. And she says that, you know, he got touchy feely one night and uh or one time they went out and he started asking her about the cookie and she wanted to know what he was working with. So yeah, she said, uh, you know down there it's a little bitty just like his teeth, yo teeth. Yeah. She says that she was very disappointed. What little teaching yo teeth you here with? Yoself ain't your Yeah, this is pretty bad. She said, I can't see you no more. Now on that. Does he have a little little raggedy shark teeth? He has a little tiny you know what? To go along with that, She's very disappointed. Um, she doesn't. Yeah, does she cut his food up when it's turning small pieces? I don't know. She doesn't want to date him anymore, She doesn't want to be intimate with him. She just wants to know. She she be honest and let him know that they can't date anymore. Just leave him alone and let him find someone that can put up with it. So that's her question, Jay, what do you have? It just goes to show how shallow women on what what made? Has turned it down? Because you're missing a too? Do you know? Do you know how many women I've been with? No man? It's some sex about women have that back to missing man. That's all man like that. When I meet you, open let's out. I could they got no teeth, but keep them for wisdoms man, take it out. Let me just say it's all a mint. Teeth has never been a deal break up for men. Nah, I have sept with an open face of gold, and not only the teeth have to be miss you can have it something O yo too? Are just kidding? Yeah, I'm telling missing to this is new teeth. Yeah, timing and your teeth caps. I'm really punted to that black too. I like that cave caps. You can have cats. Man. I I knew you guys, but I I gotta it's dark in here any I'm with you because we ain't smiling. They're awesome, drop dead fine women. You will think man with no tea really that my number one Halett Berry was all gone. You ain't seen a woman still not kicking her. Don't even seen a woman that's fine. We've seen We've seen women's fine from the back and when over just on that, seeing a woman's fine just from the back, I'm going after that and turned around and who front, I'm still exchanging phone. Um, who could be so fine and not have no eel? You just can't hear what I'm saying. But I'm good with this. A woman one time you had no lips? What are you talking about? None? That spread this short teeth all this little bit. Actually wanted to stop it up because I have dated a woman with an extra pinky frank didn't even bother me. I just felt like two people was touching me at the same time. Hold now it has gotten personal because you sertainly don't have one of them things. You know, I was born with fingers. See it wasn't not underdeveloped. It's a full face. I said. Did they charge you extra when you get this is an extra? Wait a minute, you got to pay for things when I went to school because nobody wanted to hold my hand or anything. You really didn't have I really did, really. Yeah, you know when they hooked the little pinkies together with you, I'm not lying. It's two. It's two pinkies after Yeah, hey you got this letter. This letter is not about me now, I'm not getting man. This letter is not about call of saying, call saying all the pinky people getting made. Now people with extra pinkies is getting mad Like Tay Digs. I think, oh, yeah, you know what, But yeah, you don't have on teeth at all. Man, we just like what we like. You could not have gums, and that got this girl so fine. She ain't got noisesophore, right, don't find trumps all of that. It's something wrong with you find trumps ignorant. But could she find but one of the foots backwards, don't master, don't matter. I'm really starting to look at you guys differently. She can have like I could be sitting there and she can have an eye patch on and she's fine. I'm sit there and talk at that one. Yeah, okay, I'm gonna give both of y'all. Shirley and called, okay, Shirley. Uh. Morgan Freeman, Yes, his knees is back. You're still up? You still won't him? Yeah, because he wears pants. I don't have to stay where elbow ain't got no elbow straight? She said, come on, come on, he said, come on, we got the hook. Don't be it ain't no elbow. But the women are different. We like we like teeth. We're into nice mouths and teeth. I like to see when he walking the room. All right, listen, coming up in ten minutes, Flipping Virgins. You know that TV show Egypt. Sharad will be our special guest. She's gonna talk about first time homebuyers who risk it all. We'll talk about that when we come back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. In an interview we had earlier, Steve Harvey talked to h G TVs property and real estate expert Egypt Sharard about first time homebuyers who risk at all in the unpredictable world of flipping houses. Right, everybody, let's go. We got a special guest. So she's a television radio personality author. She's been a successful realtor now for over fifteen years, and her real estate expertise well is showcased on her new on her not new, but her h G TV show, Flipping Virgins, and the new season of Flipping Virgins premiers tonight at nine p m. Mista, let's learn all about this new season. Everybody please welcome family member, our friend, our girl, Egypt Sharrad. Go morning. Do you hi? Everybody? You getting done? You get me? Yeah? Man? You know I'm just trying to move at best life I can, just like all of us do it, spit all our dreams into one little life. Right. You know what we talked about this when you were on radio on WBLS. Used to come on after the morning show and you talked about your dreams and visions and what you wanted to do, and you're doing them. Girls. Well, you know I always say we have to speak life. We have to speak out loud what we want and what we expect from our lives, because words are power. And if we don't believe in ourselves, if we don't believe in our dreams, who will? That's right? And I also remember hold on there, Shirley. I remember I would say it, Steve. Steve looked at me and he'd be like, well, you're going to get it. You're going to the girl, and you did just that. I love you on flipping Virgins, love watching you on there. Uh there there's a yeah. You know what she's talking about, Steve. People who buy homes and flip them for profit. Right, Yeah, yeah, first I knew it wasn't you. But no, no, no, now, yeah, we're not sliping at anybody's babies. We're flipping house, y'all know, we turning people out. Yeah, we're out here right now. Actually, um, we're still filming. I'm here with all my crew. We just took a break from fat because I said, I gotta call into the morning show. I gotta call in there all here and want to stay Hi, go ahead, Steven Sherley, Tommy, everybody's going y'all, yeah, hey guys there, like we gotta get back to work. I said, y'all gonna have to wait because I gotta call into my morning show. That's true. Let me ask you a question for people as looking to get into this, you know, flipping houses. What's what's the biggest mistake that first time flippers make when they buy house thinking they're gonna flip and make all this money. What's the biggest initial mistake people make up? The biggest mistake isn't building a team first and not really understanding that there's a formula, rhyme and reason to how and why we choose certain houses to flip and why we don't choose others. You can't just go find a dilapidated house and say I'm gonna flip it. Well, how much is it going to be worse when you're done versus how much you're gonna pay for it? That determines that there's going to be a success or not. So I tell everybody get a mentor someone who's doing it right up front, and then build your team because if you don't have good contractors, well you can fail every time on that. So if you talk to people who have lost their shirts and flipping, there often tell you it's because they got taken full rides, had bad contractors, or didn't do their research up front, and I don't want that to happen to your babies. You gotta watch my show tonight so you can learn nne TM. Yeah, and I think a lot of people should tune in because a lot of people are looking for extra ways to make money and a lot of people could have a talent at this. But you gotta you gotta watch the show. Show you can see if it, if it terests you or something like that, because a lot of people just be this what you a lot of people just sitting around wasting time when you could actually be doing something and really really increase your lifestyle and let you test your backstage. Yes, we all need more money. Everybody needs a god hustle, right, that's right. But there's so many flip shows out there right now, and they don't show you the good, the bad, and ugly. They just show you the successful, uh you know, episodes, and they just show you the project that's made, and then you have people running out flipping houses and they really don't have the tools to learn how to do it right. So that's why this shows on. We made it the season three producer on the show. But each of what I love about you is you do give the people the real you. You hold no take no prisoners. You tell them straight. They may like this house, but you're saying, yeah, that house is nice, But the reason I picked this house is because of A, B and C. And you're always right if one, if they listen to you, they can make money with you because you're experienced in this. And I love how you just tell them straight. I just love all the support you guys have. I'm telling you, it makes me so happy. It almost blaves me to tears because I get so much love from you guys every time I'm on the show, and I'm grateful. Just no, I don't take it for granted. Okay, you slip me. I want I want to be flipped. I just want to You're not a house. I don't know how people looking at your value Tommy, Tommy, I would flip you, baby. I think you're worth it. Flipping Virgins kicks off tonight at nine pm only on h G TV. You don't want to message, you can learn a lot. Yeah, Egypt is so knowledgeable and she can decorate, you know, she makes the houses look good. She has that vision. I mean it's It's husband was on an episode. Oh yeah, he's on quite a few episodes. But ladies, hands off, he's taken. Okay, okay. I love a man that knows how to handle the tool. Get your mind off the gutter. Food with my man. You get your ass flip. Keep on here, Egypt, keep doing your thing, girl, and you'll be good. I love you, alright, Doling, and don't forget everybody. Make sure you tune in and check it out. It's called Flipping Virgins on h TV Monday's at nine pm Eastern Mondays at nine for you Gonta and Egypt. Still fine, cutting on if you don't even look at the house h g t V. Al right, coming up at the top of the hour, Roseanne has been renewed for a second season. And this is after just one show. One show of the reboot of Roseanne. Coming up next, we're gonna talk about TV shows that would never everr come back, but they're back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. So President Trump called his friend his girl, Roseanne, and congratulated her on the huge rating success of the reboot of her show, Roseanne so as if he did it, Yeah, well, you know he's gonna take credit. Yeah, but I love the comedians and the other reporters who said, well did he call Anderson Cooper when he had Stormy Daniels. His ratings were good too. Yeah. Conservatives and Republicans are loving the success of Roseanne. Even Fox News host Sean Hannity asked Roseanne to guest host on his show. You know what, I've always been a Roseanne bar fan. That show was written. The writing on it is excellent. It's really a good show. And from talking to the producers, they said they're not going to really be dealing with Trump for the rest of the episode. They did it one time and they're gonna move on probably being a wall or Yeah, he's gonna want to be on that. And we know he didn't be the first city to make a gift appear. Well, like we said, ABC's Roseanne and NBC's Will and Grace Um. Netflix brought back the full House, been off Fuller House. Disney brought back up bring back some black shows. I love that. I loved you. You know what, they love. The physical comedy that they do on that show is just unbelievable. Man ship shill ship though for the last so he don't care. Yeah, well I know they are. They were talking about doing a Martin They're still talking about that. Yeah, bring Martin man, that would be great. Man. Won't they bring back you know? But they ain't gonna bring Good Times back? But it would be Outstare That would be great. But I heard they were making a movie. They're making a Good Times movie, bring back Me and the Boys? Yes, you two shows man, Yeah, time is the question. When will he? I know what they should bring back? What Carla, Tommy Junior and Ja, the projects, Steve Harvey projects. Yeah, we all that show. I thought you met that animated cartoon, the PJ no No Our show, Our show when it aired two thousand, eleven and twelve episodes. We did a whole season, did season? Yeah? Yeah, the Jefferson's would be goods. Definitely would would George who would play George? And Weazy? We find a new George and we But that's all right, but that's why we watched it for George and Weezy. I don't know if that would be how about seven and I love Sardy. I could be Stanford of Mine. I could be Yea and this time when he comes back, we have words to the time it comes Ja, because he's got his own show It comes Jay. You're trying to work on the chick near the time that place. Now he's murdering TV here. Yeah, that was a good show, though, would be good. What about living single, living single? How about in living color right now? Yeah? Yeah, but you're right in a living single and in living color those would be too. They did admitted, but I like girl friends and girls good Tracy Ellis Ross, you know what, you know what the relationship with me and the show Girlfriends. The place they hung out was the J Spot, I was it. Yeah, that's where I stole that name from. They didn't steal it from you. His club wasn't even open you. Yes, Girlfriends. Africot was supposed to be the black version of Sex in the City. You know which character? You said? What are you okay? Okay listen, even though he was a biggot, classic classic cloud Man classes. So maud, all those Norman Lear shows, I mean, you know, we talked about the Jeffersons and the Jeffersons will be good, and I understand it might be bringing it back Jorge Wallace's mom is gonna pay George Jefferson. So we're just trying to get a weight down. What about that, my mama? Yes, that's what's happening. What's happening? This happening? George Wallace is doing another show? Who's My Daddy? Okay? How about this Different World? Different Watching? Yeah, different World, hanging with Cooper hang on. Yeah, that did a good job to get what we can't do Cosby? Everybody was Everyone was kind of dancing around, but we can't do that. They're not bringing that back. How about they bring it back? But they take Bill Cosby out and you just see somebody everybody else? Let me see this, Jay, who do you think could play Bill Cosby? It's Cosby because he's got it. Just put your own wordy is he hugs the hey? But he couses a lot with the suspenders? What show was that? That was? What's what's happening? What's happening? Family Man Matters? No, No, you got three suspended? You got you got what's happening with Rerun? You got Mark from Orc? You got um? Yeah, you got um? And then Sam Sanford was suspendably Family Matters and Stanford Fred Uh, he was here yea. Yeah, but you know what time I thought about what you said with a different world. But that's kind of grown ish, grown ish. That's very true, Carla, that's very true. So is it more grownish than than uh than quad? Oh? Quad? I love Quad, I love quad Rose is the true? Yeah, HBCU. Yeah, it's serious though. Yeah, yeah, the drama. Tell us what shows you want to see? Follow us and hit us up on Steve Harvey FM dot com. That's Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, that's everything. That's it, fat Abbut hey, hey, no be thanking Georgia Wallace and Mama going to You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show? All right? Uh wow, Hey listen guys. You all are always talking about where you are. Tommy, I know you're traveling. Uh, Jay, you have something coming up? Where are you guys? Gonna be Junior J what you got me? Hey be twentnight I met the Ammies? Oh just right? Nominated I don't really on the Steve Harvey Show. That's so awesome. So was nominated for? That means Junior and I remember producer friend over there and it's my producer. Yeah, we're nominated. If we got image that's it from now, I don't like the way you've been talking to us. I think you can hear us better. If we were there with you, can we call you Emily. Just put our titles on it. For now, it's it's Emmy nominated Jake, and it's Emmy nominated Junior every time. Don't don't do it, Okay, So you're just you're just you're just gonna disregard what I just said. If we were there with you, gotta let me. Let me win this statue. That's all I whe to win in junior. It's gonna be so embarrassing, so hard. You're gonna have to put that on your mama. The show. I'm not all kinds of ignorance going on. Your gigs go ahead time Lexington, Kentucky. Right up there, April fifth, six, and seventh, Comedy All Broadway tickets on sale right now. April eight, Montgomery, Alabama, Me Bruce, Bruce J. J oh Man. The list goes on. You don't want to miss it. If you're gum, you better get your tickets because I'm coming to town and we're gonna have a dog going food and then Mother's Day Weekend Charleston, South Carolina to me, Joe Tory. I'm trying to remember the whole line of that's all you need know me and Joe. You don't need to really know nothing. Now that's enough Me and Joe this weekend? Can I get the dates for Lexington, Kentucky again? Go ahead? Uh, comedy off Broadway? What is the problem called? Hey, lousy attitude Tommy? Now, because I know what's coming chair, there's no problem. I just want to make sure that you got me down. It's two for Saturday. Keep in mind, keep in mind, I have a key to the city of electing ticket unlocked the city and buy some tickets. Your family. Why you're sitting right next to me, he's got a lake in a shout, Hey, get off my lake, Shirley. Did you know that Shirley's people didn't even call this time? I think we embarrassed them on the radio. They didn't say when I went to Memphis, they didn't know. Nobody nobody called, huh wow, nobody. Well, my people are coming to Lexi, so had them tickets ready. Actually, I'm gonna put my key to the city on the ground. Major key alert. DJ Cally FLEXI to you have a good time. You have a good time, nephew, you always do kick it there. Come on, baby, let's get it what you got Jake. Oh, I'm going to be at the j Spot Comedy Club because I own it. It's at anyone in West front Chester Avenue, Angeles, California. Uh, Tuesday Night, the Taco Tuesday if you want to tacos now. Yeah, we're gonna have a comic show. That's a very special showball Comics has been on a comic and then Saturday, I will be in St. Petersburg, Florida at the Palladium. One show, one show only. It needs to sell out. If it's not a sellout, I'm not coming. I'm just joking out there. That was a joke. I'm coming. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It is Monday, the day after Easter. Reverend Adnoid is in the building along with Dick and Death Jam. Reverend Motown is out today Dick and Death Jam with church complaints and announcements. Here we had North's already here. We were gonna welcome you to the jack pot joint of Jerus. Ala ching Cheen Helle, Hallelujah joining us this morning. Reverend ad Noid now I would be giving church complaints. That will be on the other hand, will be giving church and smith ships. Not to get the too confused complaints over there, smiths over here. I noticed you still have a nazal here the stage complain there. Let me start this out. The new show, Naked and Save starts next month. Naked and Save starts next month. Sister Geraldine Collins wants to be first on this show. We know she's saved, but that's not anything we want to see naked. What we wanted to do is ask um, sister Sharony if she would mind being in the pilot naked and no, Sir, sir same, Oh yes, sir, didn't you have a problem being naked? Show naked and stay? Let me out of this show? What did we change it to n would you be change your do you say naked? Sent us? What says? Would be more people watching it? Move on about halfway naked, halfway naked, half naked. You do have an announcement, Yes, I have an announcement right now. All the aunties, all the aunties who looked like walking flock of flame won't meeting meeting room. You have an aunt that looks like walk a flock of flame. They have a gather. It didn't meet your route five. It's some of the flock. So look at your aunt and if you see to yourself, he looks like should meet meeting all right now, listen, I run ahead. We had a disaster yesterday. The Easter egg hunt was a completely complete disaster. Sister Eleanor Ridgeway forgot to bul. Sister Eleanor Ridgeway forgot to bul the eggs. All the kids closed a yoke and shale um. Sister Glinda May Patterson slapped Sister Eleanor Ridgway shortly after child got in the car without that yoke over. We're gonna have to bring this to past when he gets back and let him know what does he want to do with Since the Eleanor Ridgway for not ball in his in, I don't know how that happened, but we keep that in the in that in the five for the pastor to take a look at go head right. We're suspending Deacon Hetler because all the weekend he had nice hunt at his house, but he hid no edge. He just had the kids up there running around looking not a damn thing he knew. He knew there was no edge in the field, but he was yelling look over that, looking right ahead. Coming up next closing remarks, Steve Harvey is not here. The nephew will step up. You don't want to miss the nephew's closing remarks when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, this is usually the time when we wait for some words of wisdom, for some enlightenment from the one and only Steve Harvey. Uh, Steve Harvey is not here today, ladies and gentlemen, but stepping up to the mike, Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands to get get about you, get about your seats. That's right, and show your love nephew Tommy and his clothing marks today. My closing remarks today goes out the side pieces than you using his music. Side piece convention is officially July my birthday, and I want to let you know about how important pieces are. It is. You know, when you go to Popeye's and you get your chicken, you still need your side side pieces. Make a meal when you when you get your right or you get your green beans or a potato salad. It all makes it come from circle. That's what a side piece. That's why they asked you would you let some side Thank you when he asked you, do you want side This is what I'm talking about. So I want to say this to all side pieces out of there. You are beautiful, You are wonderful. You are what makes the world go round. But you also so important to the relationship that he's you help me with my home life. Yes, you help him get through what he's going through. And that is what a side piece does. So I want all my side pieces. I am working so hard and so diligently on getting you all your own holiday because what because you deserved that. Now the location will be text to you for the convention of what we will be. We will be selling side piece shirts, We will be selling side and everything, all of the things that your side piece hat, side piece, um, inside piece, flywer. I feel in my heart that this is something that I'm gonna tell all the way to Washington and we will get a side piece holiday. Tommy. I have an announcement. Man. We spoke to the people who sell the berries. We're gonna give side piece berries. They're smaller, They're smaller and a little smaller. It's not. It does and it will be six Take your half, Take your half and be happy. Hey hey Tommy, will they be having the side piece contracts? Side that will be signed piece of contracts. Now we have different contracts because they're all different because there's different relationships and we know that you can leave with different contracts that you want to be under understand what I'm saying. Yes, And then there's always sponsorship, because everybody needs a sponsor. Will they time? It is a march on Atlantic City, the one hundred the one million side piece march we have so you're not supposed to give the city out of here, but is a million side piece march, but you don't give the city out. Okay, you're messing it up. Oh fie Pieces. Go to Steve Harvey TV and let Steven know that you have enjoyed these closing remarks about what side piece, what we're on, our journey that we're on, what we what we're headed towards, what we're getting ready to do, because we are about to make a movement in this country. Come on now, five pieces, unite, five pieces, mark five pieces, rise up, Wakonda Elpever and you need go do the do the X tho God have said, you feel good about yourself and after here you know what you know, it's just you know, Shirley. Uh, it's like any time you need a payment, you know, any time you're out from under, not getting hustled, not getting hustled, keeping your head about wall making the way when you keep made as easy credit rip all scratching and surviving hanging y we got a come on, Yeah, that's good. You are not deep. You are not deep. And I will be talking to Will Packer later on this week about a side piece sitcom. Hell, oh, your uncle is gonna be real proud of you. Now. I'm thinking about giving Steve cell phone number out right now, I text him how you feel about my closer man, you guys, Steve Harvey will be back tomorrow. Thank you guys tomorrow for listening to Yeah, have sappies day, brilliant and you change that day. You will not have that on my birthday, you know, Shirt's birthday. But I'm sure I'm sorry. That is that was voted on by the side pieces and that's that's when it is. They wanted the convention July twenty seven because they told they weren't gonna be with him for for July. You see what I'm saying? Wow wow the hashtag ja Yeah. We love you guys. Thank you so much for listening to us and putting up with us every single day. We love you weeks day. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.