It's Power Thursday! - 05.04.17

Published May 4, 2017, 7:08 PM

We packed this Thursday with a ton of new segments!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them just like the Millikan buck bus things. And it's tough to me true good to tea the hardy guy listening to toach other for stood quick, please, Hobby, why don't you join yeah, loveby you join me in doing me? Honey, sat you gotta turn yeah you're going to do. You got to turn You can't to turn out turn you love, you got to turn out to turn water wan to go? Comey, come on your thackad uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show today? Is it? Everybody? Okay? On a real positive note? Today? Is it? Today? Is the day? You know? When I was in high school, you know, my mother was Sunday school teaching until she passed. I would walk out the door every morning on my way to school, and my mother used to say, listen to me something, hey, don't forget. Today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. And you know, I don't think much of it. You know, it's just my mama being religious, you know, my spiritual woman. So you know, I just took it as that. But as I've gotten older, man, you know that's registered more and more with me. You know, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. That's pretty cool, man. I mean, what better blessing will you get throughout the day than the fact that he allowed you to live and see another day. See sometimes, man, when you're young, you don't pay no attention to that. But all you got to do is keep living, keep watching some people that you know not be here anymore, go to class reunions and they're smaller. See people that you really loved. It meant a lot till you leave this world, and all of a sudden, man, immortality starts to matter a great deal to you. Some of us learned this lessons sooner than others. But I know, when you're young, man, you know, you think you're gonna be here for a while. You think you've got time to play around. You think you've got time to get it together, you got time to make the mistakes, and you've got time to chill. But man, oh man, almost every full blown adult that I know will tell you and have said these words right here many times. And I'm to the reason I'm saying this because I want you to hear him, because you're gonna use them. Man, if I only knew then what I know now. Do you know how many people have said those words right there? Because in time, man, you gained so much wisdom. Oh but it ain't like nobody didn't tell you though. See that's the hooker. Somebody told you back then. Hey man, it's best to buckle down now, he said, Hey man, you better quit wasting time. Hey man, don't stop taking your foot off the gas pedal. Hey look, do your best at all the times. You know, stop stop worrying about that. I'm telling your son. In a minute, them clubs ain't gonna mean nothing to you. In a minute, that going out all the time ain't gonna mean nothing to you. I can't tell you how many times I heard all of it. I can't tell it to you. I can't tell you how many times I repeat it to my kids. But man, today is a different day, because the day is the day that the Lord has made. So he gave you a shot today. If you if you woke up this morning, or if you're finishing your day on your shift. He gave you a new day. Nothing bigger than the fact that he woke you up today. Now, why don't you do something about that? Why don't you take advantage of it? How about today? How about if you start today? How About if you stop hesitating today? How About if you stop delaying it today? How about if you stop procrastinating today. How About if you make today to day that you go forward? I mean, man, let's all just decide today, Let's go forward. Let's put forth a maximum effort today. How about today? I mean, really, man, what you're doing? You look, man, take advantage of this blessing of waking up. Do something today. So many people are in the indulged ms of life, or living in a rut, or just merely existing instead of thriving simply because of one one thing. You just won't do it today if you were just start the process, man, Start that business you always dreamed of. Go looking to that other job you always yearn for. Go get the training you need to get the promotion. Man, going back to school, Man, go see what you need to do to lift yourself to the next level. Stop waking up every day seeing high it's gonna go, and start waking up and do something about how it goes. If you make one step, he'll make two. But you can people people talk about all the time. Man, it seems like you're always getting a blessing. Oh man, when you're talking to a person, listen to this. If you're talking to a person and it seems like there's always a blessing coming his way, let me tell you what that person doing. That person is putting one ft in front of the next. That person is putting forth some efforts out there. And that's the only way God can bless you. God can only bless you with your efforts. He can only put his finger on the thing that you are doing or attempting. That's all he can help you with. He that I know, jobs walking up to your door, knocking on your door. But if you're beating the payment, if you're sending in the apps, if you online scouring somewhere to work, somewhere to get a job, then God can touch somebody's hard to hire you. But if you're sitting at the house every day, smoke everyday, drinking, but you wonder why you just can't get a job a couple of times, you don't want out there. You gotta If you ain't got a job, you gotta look, get go, get one. Every day. You got to go look for one every single day. You can't take no days off. How about today? How about today? If we decide today is the day that we're gonna make the move. Today is the day that we stopped delaying, hesitating, procrastinating. Today is the day that we take a step in the direction to do something for ourselves, for our lives, for our family, for our wives, for our children, for our community, for our school. Do something today, for crying out loud, man, stop sitting in your own life in just a stew of misery in your own life. I'm gonna tell you something. If you are in a state of confusion, if you are troubling, if you're stuck on what to do next, you let me tell you what's happening. You're not doing enough. That's what it is. Man. See what I get in a place man where I don't know what the next move is. It's because I've unusually stalled out. See, this is the way God works, This is the way He's worked for me every time, I'm busy and I'm about the business of always trying to live my creed, which is ABC. My My motto is ABC always be closing. I'm always working on something something to close something. When you're so busy with the business of improving yourself and doing with yourself and becoming the best you you can be, God is always working on your behalf, behind some scene of something that you're in the process of tempting to close. But because you're not doing all you can do, you're limiting you. You are because of your decision not to give you all in all, you're limiting the opportunities for God to put his finger on things and touch them on your behald. I don't know if the average person really understands or knows what it takes to truly be successful or whatever level you're talking about. But whatever that level is, I don't care what a dollar amount you've got attached to it, what level you got if you have made the decision that you're going to be successful, I think that a lot of people, the average person does not know what that means. Whatever level you've decided to be successful on, see, that's your level of faith. That's where you see your life at well, guess what you got to maximize your efforts to even get to that level. So listen to me. If you want to be successful at your church, if you want to be successful in your relationship, if you want to be successful down at the day cancer, if you want to be success at your college, if you want to be successful on your job, guess what it's gonna take all you got in that world to become a success. I don't know why people think that if you don't want to be where somebody else that you ain't gonna put forth that effort. Now, no act wrong. You've got to put forth your maximum effort at whatever role you're trying to accomplish. Lord have mercy. Man. How about today, though, y'all? How about today? Today is a good one. Let's make today today. Let's get out of that. Let's get on with it. Stop hesitating, stop delaying, stop procrastinating, start today. Watch God have something to put his finger on there. And that's all you're trying to do. Man, to line yourself up with God's grace, you gotta put out a lot of effort so God can put his finger on something. You feel me today, I shall hope you do, because I'm on one today. Let's go. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Twenty one minutes after the hour, I called this power Thursday. I don't know why I just did. I really don't have no reason. I just feel powerful today. Powerful. Tomorrow is gonna be grateful Friday? You know, so happy is Monday? Look here? Tuesday? Wonderful? Wednesday? You know your next Thursday might be won't he do it Thursday? You know you do? And he did it Friday? I like that back again? When Tuesday? Okay, I like over the top Thursday. Oh that's every day for us, getting close to it. What did you say that I did something? Get naked? I like getting naked Friday? Man, no, I love it. That's the weather. How about this support naked and fried fish Friday? Get burned? What you're doing? You gotta know what you're doing, get naked and fried fish Friday? Is that? No? Not exactly kind of you know, let everybody know, you know, we all we got this new show, We got so many great new elements. So happy to have this new member on. But we're gonna have to talk to his ass. This new member don't understand is what we don't do over here is talk about people. Didn't you blame this in before? You know? I didn't don't know. I didn't. I didn't know what he was doing over there. Yeah, just assumed. You know, JA is over here making a hit. I don't really watch what other people doing, especially when they're lagging in behind me. Looking back then because you look over your shoulder, you slow your stride, and so I didn't know. So I just got to say, you know, all my friends and relationships that I have built over the years are not gonna be destroyed, destroyed by this ignorant person because he came over here. Well, you fixed Mary J. Blige was cool? You fix that one? Okay, fixing stuff. Let me say this, since Mary J. Blast doesn't not mad enough, can I put another one in that? That means we got a man encouraging him. Yes you are. I said no, but I didn't. Well, he said you may last is cool? And today my question is can we feel that slot because there's an open slot. It's wide open. We have Cel on the list, we have John Legend, the weekend, Janet, Yeah, get it approved? How about it? Yeah? I tell you what man, give me the listen, I'll approved nobody on it. You know we'll be back Junior, Truth be Told. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. We're back. It's time for Junior. Yeah. What do we have today, sir? Well, today we are doing a new segment called Truth Be Told. And I found out that in my journey is that a lot of people have situations they don't know how handle, and they're looking for advice how to handle. Now we're just gonna help them, how to just tell them how to help themselves with the situation. They can take advice, but they can leave it it. Don't even you don't want the Truth Gonna be Told today? His first case we have today? Yeah, they can either take it or leave it. Don't make us no difference. Jake is in Hasty Harry Morning Show. Won't he do it? I hope y'all can. My co worker Ranita has a nasty attitude and a body oder to match it. She consistently complains and curses all day long. I just want to do my job and go home drama free. How can I address this without getting any funker than she already is? Well, well, that's gonna be a problem because you're gonna have to get funky to get this under control. Okay, you're gonna have to get funky with this. Now. My suggestion is, when Ranita is coming into word, have a mobile detail unit on staying back she get dr car. You're yeah, well we got to do this, shirty, and we could just catch her as she getting out the car, put that brush and the high prop of pressure washer over and I think that I'll get the phone off of her before she get in the work. She's gonna be a little wet. She might be a little upset, but they the body older is gone? Is that not to go? Not to what is? Other ways too, because you got to get other people involved. Now, now there's a company out there, and I don't know if she knows this, but there's a company up there called waste Management. Now what they do is when they smell trash, they co pick it up. If y'all could have her just hooked up to that garru with that on that lift her and just carry on off the offer either way and go the body older is gone. That's all you have to do. You have to get people involved. If you don't like that. I saw a commercial. It was an old spice commercial with a gorilla. Do y'all remember the gorilla carry the man. That gorilla ain't doing nothing today. If you can get that gorilla down there, pick Ranita up and just carry all off the office, and she'll have some old spice about how you look at this now? If that don't work, I know, number to the CDC white what's wrong with that shirt? And they got the white suit song. They come in there, they got the white suits on. They come in there, then they put them on and they will scrubb her at the desk. If she don't like these options, she ain't got to use them. But it will get the body older out. Not something that's really extreme. Jay, And I'm I'm really thinking about this. I don't know if we should do this or something that's really extreme. Two drops a hydrochloric acid that's right off the actually will be a new smell in there. Drop. We'll get a whole new smell and all because you ain't got to worry about there. And that's just the truth being told. That's all I'm saying. That is the absolute truth. Alright, Jr. You take what you want, how you feel about the detail the detailer. Do it through the detailers. Man, if you can, Howard Washing and you're under arms, hold on, hold on that, Nat, hold away and hard too. When you know you're watching your car. You got your tongue out. Bring your up in here every day. But taking a lead, you don't make us no difference. J listen. If you won't su us to help you with your situation, go to Stee Harving dot com, click on the Truth Be Told button, and we're gonna help you with your situation. Hey, Hi, Hi guys, it's Rock the white guy. How's it going. Where'd you going from around? Yeah? I was just sitting around chuckling, you know, sitting around you guys. You always love a good laugh. You guys are funny. Who's the new guy? My name is Browning. How you doing? Man? Hey Jay, what are you doing? Nice meeting man, Nice meeting? What is it? J Anthony Brown? J Anthony Brown? Yes, yeah, a lot of you got a lot of last names there, Yeah, yeah, Well what he's saying, Jay's the last name, Anthony is the last name. Brown's the last names your first name? What's the jay stand for? James? James Anthony Brown, James Anthony. People are really all. So you're James Brown, kid, James your dad. James Brown is not my father. James. You said you're j j Anthony Brown. Jaymes for James, that's James Brown. James Brown is not Godfather of soul. You've got to know the guys. He's a Negro. You've got to know it. Brown. James James Brown is not my father. James Brown is not my father. My name is just James Anthony Brown. Yeah. I have nothing to do with James Brown Brown. It is a rownd frownrow. So he just found you in South Carolina anything. No, No one found me u even I've been buddies for a long time. He offered me a job and I came over here. Okay, yeah, okay, we go away back. Yeah, sorry for you something like that. No, I didn't feel sorry for me or anything. You know, saw that that was out of work. You know, I know white people being out of work, so that I was out of work. I've never been a day out of my life. If I'll tell you that, I absolutely feel nothing about out of work people. I mean, what d I'm employed? You know, Come on, never a white man out of work? Come on. Hey, listen, got got guy ever laid off? Nothing? You've never been laid off? Why? I said, why? Why would I be laid off? Does it happen you ever? You ever had anything repossessed, like a car repossessed or anything like that? You mean people come pick it up for non payment? Yeah, something like that. You are you kidding me? Do you mean to tell me? Oh my god, who is sky of criminal? You mean someone actually gave you a car on you and then they come and get it. I just wanted to stop in and say hello, thank you, man, get me introduced myself, meet the new guy, and hey, you guys, you know you're entrages. It's just growing. Yeah, thank you as mighty white of you. Man, Thanks for coming in. Man. Always want to be hey, hey, hey, keep it black. Coming up top of the hour, we're gonna talk about why you want to cheat? Huh? And then miss ain't gonna get this caught up on today's national news, the lady from the White House. But right now, food, what you got, I'm gonna run that prank back on and this is uh your baby going back to pre k Yeah, yes, I'm trying to reach Mrs Thomas. Please my name is Mr. Stapleton. I'm actually the principal over at elementary school. You're I'm looking at my records indicating that your son, Thomas is going to be starting his first careder. Is ready, right? Listen, Mr amas Um, I've been going through actually all of the children's records that will be starting school, and I'm looking at your son's grades from his kindergarten. Well, no, not exactly. I mean there's been a few. Uh. I actually spoke with the teacher who he was under in kindergarten, and it seems like he just really wasn't up to par as the rest of the children. Now his conduct, now, he talked, but he gets his work. So what else is she saying on that? Right? Well? What what's what it seems to be, ma'am, is that his grades weren't up to par as the rest of the other children. She did tell me he was a disobedient child. No, he disobedient and talking to different things. Come on, okay, well, man, listen, what we've decided here is we're gonna let a little actually do another year of kindergarten. Gonna let him do another year kindergarten. No stuff, man, that's that's the only choice I have. No, we got I let it in the mail with our report card the week after school started, and it said on the back promoted. And if I got to get about this couch and go get it, I'm gonna be because I'm telling you right now we will be in the first grade kindergarten when that hard. I'm not sure what they told you about him, but it must be the wrong understanding. He's he doesn't color as well as the rest of kids. He's all outlines when he color. He doesn't know his numbers completely. And that's kind of what we need when you first come into uh, into the first grade. When I can show you on this paper he did satisfactory all the way through. Now you're about the off and them already sick calling me with some about my son blank and kindergarten. He ain't that kind of does not color well, man, and color ain't gonna do with the kindergarten. He is going to the first grade, and I'll be down there on August four. I will not be able to allow you to get in the school on the August when you were I'm sorry, all right, uh, And and let me get let's tell you what. Let me go and get my pencil pen because I don't live that far from this school. And if y'all an't read it down, they're causing some comfort. I need to get up and go down there, because I'm not telling my baby when you come home the day that he ain't going to the day come first. Man. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to refuse education from him on office. You know what, I just went back and put him in public school. I know that was a day in the first place. Food which I'm talking about some coloring. Give me your name again, sir Stapleton man, And what's that number down there? The number here is actually area code. Waitmut, I got the number of the mind. I pulled up this report card. I got the number in your name on the back of this paper. I'll tell you what. I was touring the fourth wheell be coming in there going to school, and I might make a trip around that this evening when I come from the doctor them. I'm not want to hear that coling ain't got nothing to do with nothing else. But it's not only coloring. Here's a rhythm of tickets. Back, are you working with him at home where you're doing anything home? What you're trying to say, I'm an incompetent pair. I'm just asking as a parent, are you working with your child? Working with my child every day? He can read better than you. Problem, No, he can't read. Don't read better than you, because honestly, you read that wrong on that paper that you're supposed to be going back to kindergarten when I know the paper said from it going to the first grade. And I'm not listening to no more this about him going backwards. Now, if you got a problem with your paper work, maybe you need to go talk to your secretary of somebody in there that wrote my baby name down, your son's name, Thomas, ma'am, No, it ain't him, baby, I know it ain't him. You're not gonna sit up and tell me my son is flocking kindergarden. He is not going back to that kindergarden. Don't bring your son down here, do you hear me? I call you once, be ready to whip me and my husband, but we will be down there that shoes, uniform everything you hear me, I will not be able to allow him and education right now. I will come down there right now and make that correction on that paper. For your baby is not going back to no kindergarten for no hollering. Can you bring him down here and let him color from me? So I can you try my color in a rithm and taking out yourself? No? Uh no, I'm sorry, uh we will be down that obviously torn it four. I would have this poor card in my head that says you have been promoted to the first brother and he's gonna have a mole on his face, and so are you. I got one more thing I need to tell you. Are you listening to me? I'm listening. You ain't saying nothing. Yeah, you better say something that sounds like the first grade, because I'm not playing. I would go down to this dad. I'm administrative office, and I had because my son will be in that first grade. Are you raising your voice? Who are you raising your voice? You're talking crazy to me. I'm craiser to what the ground woman. I don't need to be played to you. Why I'm trying to Did you graduate? Honey? I am a college degree person. I have a great job. My husband and I do well for I says for our children, and that's why we're not. You're not even if you're not even at work right now. Man, I'm shake phone. I told you that when you call him right on the doctor to call me now part of missing my phone. Can you color because your son can't color? Question that? Ask me? Can I color you white? Black? You ask me? Listening my color? No, I ask you, can you color like the racist lines? And that? Can you color? No? My coloring and me, my color ain't got nothing to do with none of this. It's just a race thing. He's trying to make sure you send him back. No, I'm not trying to send him back. I want to send him back to color to get his coloring together. You what that ain't got nothing to do with nothing. And if you're the head person down there now, you aren't competent and you aren't in a literate call me and tell me that my son has to go back to the first I got one more thing. Stuff, I'll tell you what I'm through with. This guy comes through with this. I'm gonna say one more thing and I'm gonna be out here. Are your listening, I'm listening. That's his nephew, Tommy from The Steve Harvey Morning Show you just got prank by your girlfriend. F lashaw, I'm oblious. I am gonna be hot. You're about to get place. I mean, I'm right now everything everything, I'm gonna beat her because you know, I don't play when it comes to make That's all right, all right, But one more question. Now, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Baby Ain't nobody got no baby got sent back to pre k Nobody she was? She was? Yeah, yeah, I did the third grade twice. But that's a whole different show. It was at least passed the third grade twice. But you know the second time, I knew everything better, smarter than all the other kids. It's going down, y'all. Friday June thirty, A Time to Live. It's the comedy show at Megafests at the K. Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, Dallas, Texas, hosted by Yours truely Nephew Tommy, headlining by the one and only et Cedric the entertainer Make Offense. Friday June thirty A Time to Laugh. Tickets on sale right now, right nephew, So where's the concert that I mean it's in Dallas, but where it's formerly what was called the Dallas Convention Center. But that's the actual name of it. Okay, Benny, Yeah, that's the big convention center. That's it. Yeah. Well that's him in Sans So they fill that up. All right. Summer is right around the corner, guys. Pest Control Company organ we've all heard about them and seen them driving around. Well anyway, they've come out with their annual list of the top fifty mosquito cities. All right, and guess what Atlanta it is. It's very bad. If the worst city in America, then it's DC, Chicago, New York, Dallas, Houston, Miami, Charlotte, Nashville, and Detroit. To just get your off and get ready for the summer. All right, you're listening to the stew Alright, guys, this is for you. Guys. According to Maxim magazine, why do you want to sleep around even if you're happy in your relationship? Okay, turns out we're all naturally a little slutty. Okay, that's what it says. As much as you want to pretend that you're the most loyal, you're the most yes, yes, yes, forget what's on the outside inside she looks. But it's excuse me, I got choked it all choked up. As much as you want to pretend that you're the most loyal, dedicated, faithful, and monogamous creature on the planet, you're still a human being. Guys. There there's a study that involves uh, sexual stimuli a boring sex leads a person to seek out more exciting sex in a nutshell. What they're saying is, if you want to keep it faithful, then you've got to keep it interesting and exciting in the bedroom. So, Steve, here's a question for you. What do you do? And we may already know the answer to this one, but we're gonna ask you anyway. What do you do to spice things up and keep things from getting stale? Monkeys? I do it, that's just that's just go to sexual trick monkeys. You can train a monkey to work to video camera because they're trained. Some of them just hot, you know, just you know, they don't touch you. You know, some of them know how to stay up on the CHANDELI hold the camera. Yeah, they're athletic. Okay, j What about you? What about you? Same question? What do you do to spice things up. Just get married again every time. It's so easy. You know what, This ain't working out? Junior, the young one on the show, What what do you do? What do I do to spice things up? If I'm in there, I'm already of spice stuff because happening for me. You won't me let me take my shirt off, saying you want all right, all right, Caution, caution, caution, nephew, what you got? How do you spice things up? I do stuff. My sulf is interesting, like like what was two weeks ago? I came in the room with just my whole body covered in mustard because my baby like and I just came in with just all mustard, just s I got your hot dog and your mustard. You see what I'm saying. You know what I'm saying. And no dishes but mustard in your asses. I've never done it, but mustard in your ro your roll behind has not got to be pretty at all. It just mustard, girl, my mustard. That steak, all that mustard you steak. She is here, the lovely, the talented miss and Trip. Thank you, Steve, Good morning everybody, Steve, Shirley, carl A, Tony Jr. And J Anthony Brown. This is a trip with the news, Okay, as you heard right here. Yesterday, Hillary Clinton says she felt that FBI Director James Comy's announcement of another email investigation just a few days before the election contributed to her losing the election. She was exonerated after that, but that eleventh hour proch she said, the damage authority been done after that. On Capito Hoo. Yesterday, Comey testified about that lastment and announcement before the Senate Judiciary Committee and why he felt compelled to make it. Look this is terrible. It makes me mildly nauseous to think that we might have had some impact on the election. But honestly, it wouldn't change the decision. Everybody who disagrees with me has to come back to Octobery with me and stare at this and tell me what you would do. Would you speak or would you conceal? And I could be wrong that even in hindsight, I would make the same decision to me. Claims he's treating the investigation to possible Trump campaign ties to Russia the very same way he says he treated the Clinton email probe. The Department of Justice will not be bringing charges against those two white Louisiana cops for the death of a black man who was selling CDs outside a convenience store last summer in Baton Rouge. Alton Sterling shot to buy two white cops who held him down as they killed him. The Justice Department says there's insufficient evidence of charging with anything where The famili's attorney, Chris Stewart, says more information has come out about the cop who killed Mr. Sterling, blame salimony that after ceremony walked up to Alton Sterling and put a gun to his head and said, I'll kill you, bitch. Allton Sterling videotape killing Coy's riots on over Louisiana. However, the legal bar for charging cops with federal civil rights violations very very high, so prosecutions are rare. The attorney says, they're planning, their pinning, their hopes on the state to bring charges, and they're also going to be a civil action coming as well as you would think. After a bunch of stumbles, The House scheduled to vote today in the GOP healthcare package. President I'm scheduled to meet with Australian President Malcolm Turnbull later today in New York City, and today is May fourth, So you know what that means to Star Wars fans. It means May the fourth be with you. And this is hand trip will be back with you. Cheen the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. So stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning. Joe, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen. Without further ye do oh meal supposed to be butterfly do the second day? It's not out meal this segment and then you know what, you you know what I think we're gonna have to to to to put in a policy that when people on this show get upset with each other, we're gonna have to do what some other companies do where they let you get in a ring with the big boxing gloves down and y'all take out to our frustration. We're gonna half too, because it's getting to the point where I'm starting to feel disrespected and I'm starting to feel like you don't want me here. That's how I'm starting to feel. What we're just yeah, we're doing that, but no, I'm not gonna rethinking Charley. I'm not gonna do it because every time I cry, as soon as this microphone come out, it's always I dote me, ote meal or heat. Don't want me, I don't here, I don't get to even I'm out. My first two minutes is always arguing with him, and I'm sick. Do your damn said these boxing gloves out. I'm gonna put these gloves out and knock you out. If you just keep on, I'm not afraid of you. Stop now. I have confidence in myself. What's your blog? Damages? Scratch his eyes on? The blog is today is about this summer. Throw yourself a white Lenning party and have a very good time with your friends. That's what the blog is today. I'm having an all white Lennen short set spandex party, and I want all my friends to know to get ready for that. So here's what you need to be doing getting your articles. It's an all white linen short set spandex party. Okay, everybody don't really need him into summer. It's it's a spandex Lenen short set. It's lening, but it's tight. You're you're just just put it down and come to the party. That's how you have to do that's probably what I'm gonna get in that ring and knock your butt out right there. Make these outfits set I've never heard of. That's why everything that I make is so unique. Like Mr jo Anthony Brown, didn't you used to make clouds as well? I was a tailor, Yes, I was a tailor. Yeah, but I've never seen So how do you sand all white linen short sets made with spandex? I don't think there is a spendexle. Just maybe there is. Maybe you've seen it, I just haven't. They called them girdles. That's a that's a swimsuit. It's a bleed. Mr j Anthony. If you say so, I don't want you because I can't. Okay, if I make it for you, I just want you to win. Yeah, I think it is all right coming. I'm just gonna say this before we leave. It's a matter of time for I whip your ass. Jenney's coming up with a new segment. You're listening String Show, Well, come on, Junior, ain't no wait what you got? No way. This is just a series of crazy stories. Some maybe true, some may not be, but it make you think though. For instance, the first story we have here is woman arrested from training squirrels to attack her ex boyfriend. That's got to be well, Jack, I'm telling dog, is actually true. Dog, It's actually true. A woman did train twenty two fifty squirrels to attack her boyfriend. He was attacking his nuts to get his nuts. But the training process so she just he actually lost two fingers and one up. She was arrested. Man, He said he knew something was up because every time you pull up, and he was attacked over a dozen times. They ain't no way. You got to be kidding me. All right, here's another one death row inmate eats entire Bible as his last meal. What did you do to eat? The word? I mean meeting potatoes. Ain't gonna go out with you. You got jump pre sixteen and your stomach is hell what you're doing? You ain't the whole world? Well you know what though, what you think? That's a lie? I think that. Yeah, yeah, that one was made. You cannot eat the hold by what I mean? The New Test of itself is over thirteen hundred pages. Because you're not gonna eat that much. You don't know what you can do? Yeah, well you got you gotta point that uncle, on your last meal. You know you gotta send them far away to go get something like the last meal. I'm eating slow and I'm ordering rice one at a time. I'm coming. I'm coming, getting thirty thousand lets and rice, and handle to my balls, one at a time. Taking your time, all right, and finally, listen to this man? Did a nineteen fifties TV episode feature a character named Trump who offered to build a wall to protect people? No, no, what can't be too Yeah, well it's actually true. It's an episode of the nineteen fifties Western TV series called track Down feature the snake oil salesman named Trump who promised to build a wall in order to prevent the end of the world. Taking listen, if you thinking, lad, I bring you a message, a message few of you will be able to believe. And you heard I heard your name is Trump? Stealing? Is stealing? What do you do with a gun or a mouth full of mini words? I don't tend to sit here and being selfted, Sheriff. If your people don't want my help, I can go else. Wait a minute, Mr Trump, you don't talk for the rest of us. You hear about Trump? The people were ready to believe like sheep, they ran towards the slaughterhouse, and waiting for them was the high priest of fraud. I am the only one cost me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate. What do we do? How do we save ourselves? You ask? How to build that wall? You ask, and I'm here to take You're a liar, Trump? The last part is right. That's amazing. Ain't no great bits, buddy? Ain't you couldn't believe that I came in? Did this sound like that was happening today? Yeah? You don't, liar Trump. You asked me, I'm a build a wall. I'll tell you, but I ain't. Don't nobody, no, man, I'm telling you. I was shocked when I was listened to it because it soundlite is actually had Junior. I'm shocked for a couple of reasons that ladies and gentlemen put your hands together. Junior has come up with a killer bit, very good. Sick a sale that really is good. Tommy's break phone calls coming up next. The battle will be continued between Sickle Sale and Diapetes. Right after this YELP Steve Hardy Martin Show on fire y'all. Hey, look at about an hour she's here, sister old Dawn yo, okay uh and Reverend Adnoid yeah the second yeah, second time. But they hit it all. Something's up with them too, man, all right out. I'm thinking Nick and Mustard is coming up with them too. Right. The man knocking no them to Tommy wants you to preak for you. That's right here is I'm your wife gonna college. That's something. Sick of cell and diabetes might need a doctor like that. I don't know, you know what I mean? He was pretty good. That was a pretty good bit for sick of sellers. Nice you think we handicapped tight too. I ain't saying nothing. I ain't say any word. Man. A cookie. Key word is sick. You can't offer diabetic cookie? Why not? If you want him to fall out? And don't you want to see that I do it sick out well as sale. It's sick. I don't even like James. The words sick is not in my disease. But that is in there somewhere. The knave is in the front. I think he did get me on that. Junior is just sick. I'll be here. Well, I've seen you sick. You look dead. Look I was talking old man spring will at chill about that sometimes he just you know, I mean the bit was good getting credit. But hello, hello, I'm trying to get Andrea. Please. Who's calling? This is Dr Andrews. Oh yeah, yeah, God, how you doing? Doctor? Are you doing? I'm all right, she's not that. She's not in right now. It's uh you wanna leave a message something? Uh yeah, leave a messages that you know, she came in. She had an appointment this morning, right right, right, right right? Everything, okay, everything's good, everything's good. You know I've been Andrew's got to college just for quite some time now, so yeah, yeah, I know it, right right right, Okay, Well listen, can see if she's able to get back in tomorrow. I need to get one more good look at her. One more good looks? Is everything? Okay? I just want to check a few things, you know. If I get one more good look, good, good look at her, I think I'll be fine. One Oh don't y'all do this like once? Uh once or twice a year? And he wanted to come right back? Is everything? Okay? Don he could tell me nice? Everything all right with my wife? Uh yeah, Gregg, Right, Yeah, what's up tost to me? You know, I'm not I'm not prove to tell tell anyone what's going on with her? And there's nothing really serious going on, okay, so you can relax on that part. But I just want to get one more good look at her, just to be sure, one more good looks for what don't if nothing serious going on? Well I think uh, I think what, Well, she'll be fine, she'll be fine, she'll be fine. Great. Uh, hey, man, awful about the record. I'll tell you something, man, And uh and I don't really you know, talk like this, but off the record, man, you, you and I? Man, we're the uh, we're the only ones, aren't we? What? What was it? You and I? We're the only ones? Aren't we the only ones? What are talking about? What are you saying? Well, you know we're the only one that's seen it? You know? Oh? Who what what are you saying? Now? Uh? Just just stating that, you know, off the record, you, you and I we're the were the We're the only ones. We know, we're the only ones. What what? What what are you saying? I'm not understanding what are you saying? We are the only ones. What, well, well, we we have you and I have something in common. I mean you and I are the only one that's that's uh, you know, basically seen Andrea? What do you know? Wait a minute, that's not a topic of discussing, Doc, What what are you trying to say? What are you saying about my wife? I mean she's amazing, man, I mean, uh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I don't need you to tell me about my wife being amazing. Doctor, you lost your down? Man? Well, I'm just saying she looks she looks amazing, she looks amazing. I don't mean any hard Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa. You ain't suppos to be looking at that in that type fashion, Doc, What the hell is wrong with you? What type of I'm professional? Is this here? You're telling my wife is amazing? You lost your down? Man? I can't believe I'm getting a phone call like this. This the most unprofessionalist Dove ever heard. But let's keep in mind, Greg, I wasn't really calling you. I was calling her. You know you ain't talking to her, You're talking to me, And you're gonna bring that type on the phone to me? Have you lost your minds. Is there a way you can pass the message that, oh I ain't passing nothing to help you? Hear me? That's gonna make me do some crazy to you. I don't believe you called me with that type talking about my wife. Me, you and I got something in common. She's amazing. Have you lost your jail mine? I'm sure I didn't mean. I didn't think you did. Don't matter. I was just a little no, no, no, I was being a little playful with you. I didn't think that was gonna because they don't play. What's wrong with you? We're playing? I'm not playing, don't you whatever? It's not a fact. I need to see you. I need to I need to see it, have a session with you. We can talk about this here bot your dog on man talking about my wife amazing to you, you're the most unprofessional. I couldn't even go to you all these years. Or was there any way you can get her to come in so I get one good look out of them all? He No, no, she ain't coming down to that little ragged I'm coming down there. When I come down there, we Oh no, it's not to say I'm on my way down there. How long are you gonna be there. We can fit were straight now. I've left the office for today. I just wanted to call and see if I could get one good look at her for the No, then you're gonna what more good it's gonna look? No, No, let me tell you one thing. She ain't coming there to you. No more, no more, no more. Is she coming back to see me? Wait? Wait, wait, I don't want to lose a customer not liking it. You ain't gonna you ain't gonna lose a customer. I'm coming there to mom. Make me an appointment. You can check my out to mom. You see how you like that? That's what That's not possible. I'm definitely gonna We don't want to lose her. If you like, it's gonna hurt me if I lose her as a class, I don't want to miss seeing her. Don't hurt you. It ain't gonna hurt you that you lose them. It's gonna hurt you when I get there. Don't you worry about her? You got greg. You gotta calm down. Okay, I was being I was being playful, and I we were you too old to be playful. Play I'm seeing you in the morning, first thing in the morning. Okay, what time you can? Can I ask you something? Greg? Did you have a brother named Tyran? What they got to do with anything? What they gotta do with my brother? What they got to do with you? Okay? What I wanted to tell you is this is not Dr Hendrick. This is the nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Your brother Tyran got me the prank phone call you. I don't give us who you. I'm coming to see what what's the what? Hey? Greg, Greg? Greg, pull up? Take this out your brother Tyrant. This is this is nephew Timmy man from the Steve Harveard Morning Show. Your brother Tyring got me the prank phone call you. That's what I thought you said? Man, Man staff for a minute, Man, Oh my good boy, you've lost your damn hold on. You don't do it. Don't do like that. Man, got my wife, y'all? What what's my brother? I will be telling him first. You're gonna see Tyring to morrow. I'm gonna see him first day in the morning. Man, boy, I'm ready to kill everybody. Hell no, Hey, I gotta ask you, man, what's the baddest radio show in the land. Steve No, no, no man want somebody want we don't seen it part. Oh God, that makes me so nervous. I get scared for Tommy because someone can't nobody have a call like that about that lady. That's a heart with the town man and he always comes out of prank that I make you proud. Just diabetes, But that is in there somewhere. The nave is in the front. Junior's just sick. I'll be here. It's going down Friday, June thirty time to It's a comedy show for Megafest in Dallas, Texas. It's at the K Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center. It is hosted by Yours Truly and the true headliner, one of the Kings of comedy, et Cedric, the entertainer. Don't miss it take its own sale right now. He listened up, everybody. Do you want more data without a huge wireless bill on a blazing fast four g LT eating network With Simple Mobile, You'll get more speed and more data for sixty dollars a month. Want better wireless? The answer is simple. It's simple Mode. You're listening to Steve Hard Yeah, y'all, buckle up, hole long Tage draw Berry letter twenty three. Thank you telling me subject sane daughter with an insane mother. Hey, everybody, I am having the most crazy time in my life. My mother, who I love dearly, believes that everyone in the household is putting on her. Me personally, I don't believe in the crap, and and I for darn sure will not waste my hard earned money on such hocus pocus. My mother has diabetes and eventually and evidently a slight case of dementia. Most of this is coming from her side of the family because they go to root workers to get spells taken off them or to cast some of their own. My father, my sister who recently, my father, my sister who recently had an ic c D defibrillator. Um, implanet myself and myself and myself so uk read ignorant. Let me do it myself. Let they go to rude workers to get spells taken off them or the cash some of their own. My father, my sister who recently had an i c D defibrillator put in their chest. Myself and I me is getting stressed out. That's how you got it. Myself and I, okay, are getting stressed out. I'm eng well, let me finish the letter at getting stressed out because my mom is always accusing of harming her, such as making her sick, taking her hair out, making her look like a man, and so much other bull I tell her that she needs to go to church and pray to God. Then she says that it was God that told her that we were putting the fix on her. I can't take it anymore. What should I do? Sincerely, sane daughter with an insane mother. I don't know anything about roots. I've heard about it. I don't know what it means anything. Uh. You know your mom clearly needs to go to the doctor and get checked out. Go ahead, Steve, I mean clearly she needs help, with all due respect though she needs to go to the doctor. Yeah, go ahead, Steve. I mean I don't have anything, Okay? Cool you saying something in the letter with all due respect? Yeah, because it's her mom? What as we're interjected respecting this letter for when it ain't nothing and the letter at all? So I don't feel like this. Look, if you can call your mama a root, workers, then please let me go on through the ladder and discuss your mama freely. This is really what it is. Your mama crazy and a whole family crazy going to root workers. All right, you're having the craziest time in your life because your mother, who you love dearly bleeding everybody in the house is putting root on it. For those of you that don't know what that is, that's some ignorant Mississippi, Louisiana mess that people down south think that somebody can put a spell on you roots. That could be voodoo. You can gonna visit Voodoo Princess up on Route one. You can go down there. You can do anything you can, but you can hear the bottom line. Like the lady said, it's a bunch of hocus pokers. My mother has diabetes. Here we go, your mama crazy and a whole family crazy going to root workers. First, let's kick it in with your mama sick. Throw in your mama ain't taking her instantly. Take it. Throw in your mama missed a couple of shots. Taking in the fact that your mama eating pine cake on a regular basis. All right, most of this is coming from her side of the family because they go to root workers. Okay, your mama crazy and a whole family crazy going to root workers. That means they go to people with with with animal items around their neck, like chicken feeding stuff. This is the this is elementary root working you're talking about. See chicken feeder is elementary. You got to have like a hang like a piece of goose liver on your neck. To get into the higher elevations of root work, you gotta find a duck bill platypull. You know what that is. It's an animal because you gotta get the foot of a duck bill platter push to really be into elevated forms of route. You just gotta chicken foot. Anybody get a chicken for hell, you might want to show up with a rabbit foot. You got to get deep. You gotta get a chicken or a duck head. And this is how ignorant this letter is. What you wanna do is like you don't care, like a tip of a black cat tail on your neck or something like I'm telling you stuff that if look my father, my sister who recently had an i c D defibrillated plane. You know what defibrillator. That's when like your heart go out and they put them two things on eathing clen you do Now I don't know how you don't pack that whole thing in your chif, but obviously your family is battle that the average FAMILYE. Now you got all these fat people that's got these two things in their cha Clara, already we're dealing with something excess crazy. My my, my answer don't have to make sense because it's damn that. Okay, Now she gotta defibrillate a whole defibrillator they cut in an avalanche. They had to put in a fat as chest. That was really wrong. Overweight, fat route working family then got a defibrillator, which really I think it ain't a defibrillated her fat behind. I think it's a refrigerator. That's what's really in your fat family chest. A refrigerator that a't defibrillator. How you get that in your chair? A whole defibrillator in your chest. I think she's mispelling it here, just like she wrote all these bad words, and then this is your refrigerator in your fat mama chip. Then you said accusing her of harming her, such as making her sick. Your mama already got diabetes. It's that taking her hat out. Listen to me, you know your half finning when you get DIABETD making her look like a man. I underline that can't nobody to make your mama look like a man. You know your mama looked crazy. I don't care you wrote this name. You know good way of your mama looked crazy. My mama has never a date looked like a man. She's been sick. My mom been down and out. I buried my mama. At no point did my mama look like a man. Look, you're sitting up in there trying you've got your mama is actually mighty Joe young, and you are trying to get her sick behind away from woodworkers. For those of you that don't know what that is, that's some ignorant Mississippi Louisiana mess that people down south think that somebody can put a spell on you roots that could be voodoo. You need to get your mama a mirror, because at no point should your mama walk in the room and look like a damn man. We need to stop this right here, then, you say, and so much other bull I tell her she needs to go to church and pray to God. She do, but you need to go down there with her next time. Your mama walk in the room and look like a man. I want you to jest holler, wow, Mama, look like a man. Part two. Steve's response is coming up at twenty three after the hour. You do not want to miss this. You're listening to Steve all right. Coming up in about twenty minutes, she's here with her new Man question mark. Maybe I don't know. Mr O'Dell and Reverend Adnoid will be our special guests. But come on, Steve, Yeah, come on, Steve with your response Part two. Let's have it to the letter right now. Come on, it's gonna be different. What's please back to the letter saying daughter with in the refrigerator that's in the crazy people. Let me my father and my sister, both of them had I c D defibrillators in planet, which is a misprinted Actually refrigerators in these fat people. And what they didn't put in them is all of the stuff that the lady need to work roots on each other. Like it's chicken feet, duckheads, cattails, you know, bird beaks, lizard Pauls, market teeth, market teeth, Alma dealer shell uh, some hot sauce, you know, just in case you get hungry, you know, get caught out there hungry. You know they got everything in there, Hamlet, it's like everybody all dracks. You've got hamlet in fibrintor and a small jaw or empty man ad all that's in there some soy milk, but it's si milk. Now it was wreck the milk. But it has been in that so long it's now saw milk some baker solder, so it don't stand. Now let's get to the party. Oh what did you do with My mama looked like a man? Who mama looked like a man? When did your mama walked in the room and you thought it was Joe Frage? When the last time your mama came in and you went flavor flame? You know how your what? Man? Do your mama look like? Mama? I've been damned westless night? Your mama looked like westless nights? I'm what what is your mama? Route? Paul? We need to get you. When you're walking the room and your mama looked like me? Is my what you need to do. It's get back to this route worker and talk to him about a new roof. Your mama cannot be walking around looking like a man na she and now on me is night at your church, and don't nobody know it? Brother, if you wanta stand up, mind yourself, I'm sister Cramer. Yeah really you are, so introduce yourself and brother, listen to meself. If you're gonna come to me, it's night. You cain't wear no dress. There ain't no men's night. That's my mom. Okay, we gotta go email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls? Surely okay, switching gears now Steve bringing our girl from the talk to Ryl Underwood. She's here, ladies, jeerful miss push your hands and together. Yeah for sure. For I didn't know there was that many fs in my name. Good morning, brothers, sister from Steve Harvey Barter Show. You know I've had a really really event for week. Uh did anybody hear about the daytime Emmy's didn't take your girl? We heard something? Yes? Did you hear that I hosted with Mario Lopez show? Yeah? Did you hear it? I did Fox five, six seven, fifth level costume changes, we wig changes and shoot and jury change. Did you hear that? Didn't hear that. Did you hear that Steve Harvey one two Daytime Emmy's, one for the Family Cup and one for hosting the Informational talk Show. Did yall hear that? Yeah? Yes, I was one of the co hosts of the Daytime it was when he did that. Did you hear that right? Yea? And then did you hear that that I won a Daytime Emmy as one of the hosts of the Talk Old c Yes, my first Emmy and my entire life did you all hear that too? Life is going good? It's a it's a blessing. It's a blessing. Won't he do it? Yes? He will? And then you know my life is just going so well that you did y'all hear that? Sunday I will be bestowed an honorary doctorate from my almn body, University of Illinois at Chicago. Did you'all hear that? This will be my third honorary doctorate by first from Bedding the College Columbia, South Carolina, second from South Carolina State, South Carolina. Those are two h b c U s. Shout out to h b c U s out there. And then the third will be Universit of Illinois that in that But the best way to celebrate that is to come together Peninsula sisters and service in Beverly Hills. You know, sometimes I do like to wear a nice swimsuit out near the pool time, you know what I'm saying, Maybe a two piece, you know, maybe a bikini. Now when I'm not going with the jew Hill thong, I'm not ready for that, Junior, not ready to wear a thong. I shouldn't. I really shouldn't wear a thong. Real serious. Hey, did y'all hear that I will be the commencement speaker of Florida Memorial on made the thirteenth. Did y'all hear that Trayvon Martin would be receiving a posthumous degree in aviation because all his life as a young boy, he wanted to be a pilot. That speaker a pilots. Big ups to all the pilots flying in the plane, you know, and all them flight attendants trying to hold it down so we could take off. They swinging on each other on you see the dude did you see the dude in the black shirt on the flight back Toko trying to swing look hitting with the two piece, not the gravy out the biscuit that was not to be handed. A matter of fact, I one if James Brown was on that flight. JA, it was on the flight, what would you have done when the fight broke out? What would you have done? Brown? Sure, you do not want to destroy a two piece, You just don't. You don't want any harm to come to a two piece. You know that. No, not when it's in your bad because they don't. They don't have pop Eyes, they don't have You gotta bring that into carry on. That could be your fourth fourth back. Hey, speaking to all this comedy hilarity, I would be at the Comedy Club of Jacksonville, Florida, May nineteenth at the twin Did y'all hear about that I've comed JR. I'll be at the Comedy Club Jacksonville, Florida, May nineteenth. Win there, but really I want you to come over to the PINESSSA hang out with me. This Friday made a fifth Peninsula Beverly Hills, then made the twelve Penisula Chicago. My throat is scratching because did you hit it? Our host of the daytime heard I won. I won one as one of the hosts. Crazy you did a great job. Congratulations, We're proud of you. You could get it. Yeah, I had, I had on yeah, asking how could J. D. Brown do the Steve Harby Show and co host to daytime Emmy's at the same time, Jay looks good in his dress? All right, Cheryl, thank you as always. Sister Odell Reven hadnoid coming up with the guy. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show for me? For me? Whoa pre and for me? And I pray for you something g whoa actor? Now? Lord Lord? Good mornings? Every one? Where's time? And hi boy? Yes ma'am, how you doing some good junior? Good mornings? So Dale stripping your voice, so keep working on it, yes, ma'am, Yes, ma'am, stripping it wants to come across a little bit more mainly, you know, yes, ma'am. All right, Hey Collie, Hey, sister all there, How you doing brutiful brutal for had a little Tasha doing Chilean and everything. Yes, ma'am, she's doing good things. Seen the video They want fird place in the contest, yes, ma'am. Yes, I'm ringing everything. Yes. Aha. She cheers with white kids, yes, ma'am. All racist that's good. That's good. All racists. All racists don't chill. They less some ill. Well, I just want you to know they cheer, let out. It's gonna have to be different. That should be modified. Then they can chills whatever is on her mind. Hello Sherley, Well, hello, sister Odell. You sound so pleasant this morning. You know I'm in a good mood today. You know the last time is he here today? Right here? How you doing thinking about it? Since I mentioned the last time you said, pray for you? That's all I've been doing, is praying for you like I love it, knowing how you doing. I'm doing so you must be religious because you are the answer to my prayers. Just you are. I'll tell you what if you as a poker game, I'll be y'all live how you don't know? You watch yourself. I'm what you just said. You must be a shovel because I am digging you. You know what I'm saying. I don't think they were going to hit it on like this, you king what I would just going to slow down something I'm trying to what are you rushing phone talking on your other show? So now you're just gonna over talk to me, I'm gonna stop on this hit show. Add noight ahead and cute self. I'll tell you one thing. What's that this through man, I'm talking to add no it, I don't. I'm let hood. I get a man that breathes you. Hear that when you hear a breathe like that? Something we put some put some sex and breathing on you. Yeah, well when I had when I do breathing like that, it's cause you can't handle it, I think, man, you're gonna find out. I'll tell you. Excuse me, add no onties your middle name WiFi. Well, show am feeling their connection? You know, got it? You still have it? And your daddy must be a baker because I'm looking at that them nice ass bunge. Can I ask you a question? Can I ask your question? Can I ask you a question? Did you say ask me a question? Yes? Okay, we'll go ahead. Do you like mustard on the Naked Man's Son't it? And listen to me? Don't say nothing stupid? Okay. Best way to kill this relationship is to be stupid. You ain't tried it. You ain't tried it, and I'm not gonna try talking high price. If you pay. You know, no, you ain't gonna talk to me nasty in front of people's now, because I'm a private woman. I'm private. You't do nothing to me with no mustard. Now if you got relish, wait wait wait, I'm relish. I let you work with it. But you really gonna come at me with no mustard? Now? You gotta hell your kindom is right? Realish stains on your private parts? Mustard is no problem? Must good? And the piano who putting it out? Yeah? I love it. See you ain't had no prob How about Mamma lade? Do you like mamaalade? Mamma lade? I shall do, But if you really want to get it tricky, let's step it up to my lasses is keyword and lasses is an egge. How about jealous? Do you like jelly? H? Well, if you see it, you don't think that's what it is? Wow, I don't play with him? Surely, I really this is definitely a love connection. Yeah, my name is at No. But you can call me all night, Yes you can anytime. I'm ready and ready. Let me take one of my blue buddies and I'll be over there. Don't make me waste these pills. They cost a lot of money. Now, don't play. I don't know anything. You said, nothing but waiting on y check one check too. Do you like me because I like you? Wow, I'm gonna have to I might have to sit on this because you was a bit more aggressive. Ain't nothing wrong with that. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Come on, I'm ready, get ready to get ready to get ready. It's that time, y'all reality update. Thank you, nephew, honey child lists some stuff going on, Steve getting ready. Okay, let's do a real Housewives up in Atlanta. The saga continue. Part three is right three? Yes, Part four will be this Sunday. So, you know, we were kind of dealing with They were addressing all the rumors about Candy, you know this season now. According to Candy's husband Todd, he and his wife Candy and Porscha, they kissed right, and then Portscha invited the two of them back to her hotel room. But Candy said it was a bad idea. What'd you say, nephew, Yeah, we own the right track. Let's keep moving here. Well, Candy said it was a bad idea, and and and nothing else happened. So Porsche denied that and has maintained or you know, just saying that Candy and Todd were planning to drug her. Well, then yeah, that was that's a very very serious, yes, very strong, very strong. Then things got heated, and Andy, you know, Andy Cohen directly asked Porscha why she thought that Candy and Todd have been plotting or planning to drug her and take advantage of her sexually. Now, Portia says she couldn't talk about it and she could no longer speak on the subject, and that she would have her lawyer, Phedro speak for her because because she's the one who told her that Candy lost her mind. Candy, she just got mad. She erupted in anger. She shouted at Phedro. You know, Phaedro kind of looked looked away, you know how she how she does look around and try to act like his shade or yes, you know what I'm talking about, Jade, But if that Jade, j but that was a serious business. And um, Candy said to Phedro, you said that, you said that, you said that I wanted to drunk her. And then everybody else, you know, all the women were sitting there with their mouths to just drop open. Horrible moments. It was horrible. I could not believe that. And um, that's how the show ended. Reunion Part three. And so you know Andy Cohen, he's like to be continued. Yeah, shows out of this. I think that's gonna be. I think they have a reunion one. I think it's going up to one hundred furious. It won't stop soon, right the Housewives on the how I'll say this, I mean this past episode. I I even tweeted out emojis. Surely you know, with the eyes just looking around like what just happened? But here we are. This was serious talking about it. Yeah, so it's working. Yeah we're watching. Yeah, so we go. Rol Um. Let's move on to Love and Hip Hop Atlanta. Jocelyn Jocelyn's special delivery. Now, on this episode, Jocelyn gave birth to her daughter, Bonnie Bella, And uh, it was a lot. It was a lot to see this. We got to see Jocelyn playing her baby shower and she had strippers at the baby shower. Carlo, isn't everyone. I don't know, did you have strippersent your baby shower? I had a lot of baby showers and uh no strippers. Okay, okay, okay, let the girl. Let the girl drew up stripples will work anyway, Yeah, Jocelyn, that's what she wanted in her baby shower. And wait, wait, Carla, did you hear your nephews? I mean, was Carmelo there? Really there's some loose strippers. That's a good question. Was he didn't a new bade strippers was sitting in the sunflower season Yeah, factory of the update girl. All right, so wait then, your girl, Jocelyn, she wanted a cake. You know, we had the cake at the baby shower. She wanted a cake design with a woman actually delivering the baby. That was as the cake design. It was really really crazy. Then start cutting it running even just a little bit of dead who not your big not big? Oh my goodness, moving all Joscelyn. She started having contractions and this girl went into labor. She went to the birthing center because she initially wanted to have a water birth. Surely delivered the baby, you know all of that, but the pain was too much. She had to get out of the water, and Jocelyn, she didn't decided she couldn't do it. She went to go to the hospital. And as she was getting dressed to have the baby to go to the hospital, she was gonna change clothes. From the next scene, she had the baby right there in the bathroom, and she was so overwhelmed with so much emotion. Uh, here's a moment right when she delivered her baby. Take a listen as I look a body and hold her for the first time, It's like, this is unbelievable. There's nothing better that she can accomplish in the whole white world than to be a mother. And it's a feeling that nobody could explain. Yeah, so congratulations, Yeah, new mommy. And she later called Stevie J and told him to commeet his daughter to say congratulations to Joqulin. But she did that. Surely she had the baby. No drugs, no epidor girl. Please, what a woman, what a woman, baby, because I had all that, I had all the joys, give me everything. Yeah, in the hospital room, in the hospital, girl, yes, so just a strong woman. So shout out to Jocelyn. And uh, I know j you love Green Leaf. We watched that. Yeah, surely we all watched that show on Uncle Ray, Uncle Ray, Uncle Gray. Yeah. The main thing I was watching he needs to man phone Uncle. He needs to put his phone on silence because he needs a slence on his phone every time his phone range. He's in trouble. Man, good call. Yeah, yeah, my kids staying, Uncle Mac, and I'm glad what happened last night? I won't do spoiler alert if you haven't seen it, Bye bye, Uncle Mac. G did that? Uncle, He's disgusting. Uncle May disgusting, which is discussing skates, Uncle Mat. Uncle Mac's reality update. You're all caught up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Okay. Research by the dating lifestyle app threesommer uh finds that richer individuals oh richer individuals Steve, are more likely to engage in threesomes than those with lower incomes. People in New York are the most likely to engage in threesomes. Top ten richest states for threesomes. I'm just telling you what the research says. It's the lifestyle app pre much alright. Number ten is Florida. Number nine is Michigan, number eight, Georgia, Ohio is number seven, Pennsylvania number six, number five, Illinois number four, Texas number three, so prizingly is California. Number two New Jersey. Number one is New York, like I said, okay, well I can see you er. Well that's the trash state area. Yeah, boom is. Now we had discussed this with Steve J already. He told us about his three. It's not well I headed, it's not what I do. It's clearly confusing. It was a waste of my damn time and there. So I'm pretty sure they were beyond disappointed. And I do understand that. I know you're in here a well, they were disappointed, so you know you were exhausted. I didn't know what to do. I didn't. I didn't understand the rules. Anybody told me to rule, so I don't know. I don't want it. Yes, the other person was so mad and they were so left out, just like just sitting there like, well, I forgot there was another person. I'm gonna have to catch you up later because I'm finished over here. I know we're playing. I understand all that, but what I did here, I didn't save any for there. You got here. I wish don't look hey, don't look at me like that. Do not look at me like that. I'm sorry I didn't. If I had not put so much over here. I would be able to be over there and do that. But there's nothing that I went because I went so strong here right like whoa. But I didn't put it girl, I know what I said. Could you just take some cash and call it today? Because of the rate check? And I know you're looking at me some of that. Well, it's not it's not gonna happen. Though I've I've actually enjoyed it every time. The only bad thing there was one time where I just got completely wedged out. They told me we got it from healing. I said, wait a minute, no, no, no, no, no, we got you. I got too excited. In the first two minutes. It was over with for me. We got it from here. You just get out. We got this yet, okay. Research by the dating lifestyle app Threesommer finds that richer individuals richer individuals were more likely to engage in threesomes than those with lower incomes. A. We know you're young, but no assurances are limited. But no, you heard the story, he said the richest. I ain't got no money to be asking for No. Three okay, I didn't state in two of the ten states, and I have not had it yet. You got bailing money for. I mean, I've asked for it to me something, but I know I wasn't gonna get it because I got out the passage aside of the car. So if you ain't driving, you can't ask what didn't you just talk about the past decide? Yeah, but that ain't the point. The point is so I don't have no money, but I'm just glad the want something I'm having if I can get it. All right, guys, coming up next, we're gonna talk about lying, alright, something we all know about. Don't lie, don't lie, don't lie, you're lying. We're gonna talk about lying on social media. No, you've done that as well. Uh, today's throwback Thursday, of course, and and and what are you posting? So you know, are you posting any lives today? Basically on it right now? But throwback lie, throwback live from back in the day we had television in every room. That's a lie follow and remote to go with those TVs. Yes, we're gonna talk about lying on social media. There's a site called whisper and you can go on there and share the life. We'll talk about that all right. Surely what you got all right? This is a story about the biggest lie told on social media. Um saying that everything you put on social media is real, right, Uh no, a lot of people live. Here's some of the craziest lives they've told on social media. They make up fake boyfriends, give him his own fake Facebook account so he could come in and post on her page. I mean that's taking it to the extreme. Snapchatting and photo of the sky and saying off for a jog, really took the photo from inside the house, not going for a job at all, changing relationship status to engage to get a guy's attention, you know, lying about having Yeah, I mean they're big lies, lying about having big plans for the day or the weekend, and then lying about traveling the world and even stealing pictures. I've done that of places to make it look stealing pictures. But it's like like Christmas and Easter. If somebody seems me a really good Easter greeting, I will copy that and send it to somebody else because mine is not as good. Yeah, you know, Christmas and I don't even know where that stuff is, so when you get it from me, I took it from somebody. Yeah, like that I'm not the only one. I'm not. No, no, no, no, especially gonna get a text. Yeah like that? Done that a lot yet, greetings and stuff like that. Uhh yeah, really good. What about the making up a fake girlfriend or white? That's something I would never do. You never make up a whale, make up a white Steve, Steve, let me have that. I got. I gotta hear of myself. I mean, I am making it, but I'm here to help you. He got all up it. He forget something that he forget sometimes. Sure, did you say anything about lying about your car like a rose roach or something like that? Oh? Oh, here we go. What you taking a picture of Steve car No, not Steve who who? I know? You didn't as who? Who else got one? Yeah? Tell me I didn't say anything about the one they Jay had a rose. Why we'll see if I tell you the truth. What people believe is the finance company came and got it, so that was repressed. It was not represented. But see that's what they think. That's what they didn't. The problem was I live in l A and the places I would go, but not Rose royce Worthy. Okay, I mean that's taking it to the extreme. I would never like I'd go to seven eleven j sp Church swap me. Just you don't need a Rose Royce. You just don't. You don't want to shoot hoops down and forward one. It looks nice, but you don't need a road. You gotta have a Rose Royce environment. That's not so. I got rid of it. We'll be back there close after show. You're listening to Steve Hardy, watch We're back. We got tired for just one more thing. Uh. Some of these posters, man, I think I think one of the biggest ones I've seen was right here on this show. One of the biggest lives I've seen. I mean every time, and I'm just gonna put him out there because every time my dude put his call on the internet, it breaks down. You know, you keep putting on the broke cars on the internet like they knew, and you just showed the front of him the hood and show these in. Man, you have more trouble your call them broke down three years then all my cars, he told Ronnie Rose Roys, they don't run. It runs. I just I didn't take the time to learn how to drive, and there was a lot of buttons on there. I was questioning that I shouldn't have been. Boy, I didn't know what I was doing. Okay, boys, I'm learning the vehicle. Now you talk about nobody helping your ass be broke down on the highway with a rose roys. Oh my god, they not win. That's good for you. That's like you yet that some freeway ain't no love broke down rodes that was a timmy problem. Oh don't work. I don't work all that money for it. That is not a good feeling. I'm talking. I ran out of gas with my rose rush. It was not a pretty day, pretty dangerous. I sat in the trunk because I don't want about to see me. Tell you that, Jan Brown, you never get that true, true, true. He was going to places there, weren't You gotta have a lifestyle, that life. Where were were you made the decision. I'm getting rid of this car. I think when it? When it? When I ran out of gas on Crisshaw, right, I ran out of gas on pretty shut and there's no I mean, Crishaw was a nice place, but I broke down rolls rods and people like I mean, I got in the trunk. I just set and when the people came with together, take this card back? So what do you want to get? Depending an orange one? Tommy ain't like that though, Tommy, now him, Tommy got all his cars lining them up like he got some and he takes in front of his cars like he like he may weather for flex here. Yeah, Tommy lying his cars up like he may weather. Everybody like they just call a lot right down the street. I will say this. I will say I have lied and took a picture in front of uncle Steve's called and put that on the internet. I have done that. I'm not gonna I did it. And what did the caption say? Oh? You know I was between the may Bock and a row. I was right between both of them. Just sent it out like yeah, the nephew coming up, you know. So I kind of feel like I really wasn't line line coming up, coming up. I didn't say they were my cars. I just didn't neph Okay, did Steve see it? Did see he see the post? No? He wasn't even doing it in you know, he don't do it. I got picture all in I mean his house, and I'm like, it's my house. I got off. You tell me what? Everybody leave you? So it was cool. Tell me with throw parties with Steve leftown you punched me one ding Jane my chest man. We have a fight at this aide? Are we're doing it? Wow? The runday aposed to someplace you ain't supposed to be like ja, you gotta have a life to have a road run. Oh my god. He hitting it right on the nail. It's like, yeah, I don't think I'm supposed to be in this car right now, Like you don't drive through the McDonald's I have. I haven't got what y'all got under Here's what you gotta understand. Tell them that came car. Oh, I see what you're saying. It's got to be a special car, but see special afford to Yeah, man, what is your main car? That was when I had that roll run. That was my main cor I have. I wasn't rolling that to get two cars and his main call? Yea, what is your main call? I'm selling mine got sold yesterday both of my cars. What car? Oh, he's making room. That's what that means, cause yesterday you could have gave me the car and I wouldn't have had to buy this one you're talking about sold, gave them together one of them sounds real. Poe. He gave his harsh gave so jameson like the cleaners picking up his cleaning. U. I like to have some fried rice, you know, the fried right into That's a nice I call guy. You are supposed to hang them close in that in that back. No, I don't suppose. I don't have Rosero life and let it go. I have a Pento life. Listen, y'all, y'all have a great weekend. Man, we gotta get out of here. See y'all tomorrow. To Steve Harvey Morning Show continues Jill. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.