It's Humpday Pruning the Tree - 08.16.17

Published Aug 16, 2017, 6:50 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back all soon on looking back to back down, giving them back, just like amaging buck buck things. And it's tough, y'all. Do me true good to the hardy listening to toach other for sto quick clean hobby. Why don't you joy yeah by joying me, honey said, you got to use turn be lending in love. Yeah, you go running out. You you gotta turn't to turn love turns to love. You got to turn out to turn turn water wanter go comy, come on your thing. Uh h, I sure will come morning everybody. You'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. I got something I want to share with you today. I was. I was in the gym this morning and trainer Lee haney Son sent him a text, and he sent him a text this morning of him, dude in the gym lifting up huge weights, dumb bails doing a bench press like you know, you're just huge dumbbells. You know stuff I ain't doing. You know, hunted sometimes that really she was huge. I've never seen dumbells this big and the man was pressing him, and Lee's son took a picture of him and he sent this to his father. This morning's father shared it with me. I wanted to share with y'all because, man, I can't tell you highs explain so much of your life. And when he showed the man lifting this successive weight in the gym, he said, wow, Paul, look at this dude right here, And he says. The caption he put under it was, don't pray for it to be easier, pray to be stronger. Don't pray for it to be easier. Pray for you to be stronger. Ain't that cold? See? I was thinking about that. As soon as he said it, I said, man, I gotta go on, ready, I gotta tell everybody what I see now. Don't pray for it to be easier, pray for you to be stronger. Okay, let me tell you how important that is now. I just heard it that way today, and I'm sharing what you immediately because you know what that has it. It's gonna help me a lot because oftentimes I've done it indirectly, and then sometimes I've done it all the wrong. Sometimes I've actually prayed for it to be stronger. But I've also prayed sometimes for it to be easier. I have done that and been guilty of it myself. But from now on, after hearing that, I'm changing my prayer because, See, you can't have it both ways. You can't be strong and weak at the same time. You're either gonna be strong or you're gonna be weak. Now, if you keep asking God to make it easier, what you are not asking for is for you to be able to handle whatever happens. So the next thing that comes along that you ain't worked your muscles on to prepare you for, that's gonna thank you two. So what I learned by that is sometimes I even I got to change my prayer too. Now I do most of the time, but I'm a human being and sometimes I just wanted to go away. But now what I really need to pray for is to strength all the time to deal with whatever besets me, whatever comes in my way, because to become successful, and we've talked about this how many times it's hard. So since knowing it's gonna be hard, why not asked for the strength to handle that. See, stop praying for weaker moments, stop praying for it to be easier. Stop asking God to make your way playing and easy. Okay, Now, now you ain't worked your muscles out to learn how to handle nothing. I was at it this morning. I put a little more weight on at least said wow, man, you're up any of this morning. In order to grow, I got to change. And you can't change if you're gonna stay the same. You can't keep picking up the same for the pound. Dumb bails. And you want some more results, you're gonna keep getting it. If you keep doing what you've been doing, You're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. You cannot grow without the change. So when we're talking to God and we're asking God to make it easy for us, why to growth at? Why to change at? No, you got to ask God to make you stronger, not to make the situation weaker. I'm changing my prayers. Man, I'm going at him now with just just make me strong enough to handle whatever happened, whatever come my way. Give me the strip to handle it. And now whatever I see in front of me that I'm trying to go after, that's gonna require more. Give me the strip to do that too. Help me be a stronger man, Help me be a stronger person. Help me be a stronger woman, a stronger boy, a stronger girl, a stronger student, a stronger boss, a stronger employee, a stronger leader, a stronger follower. Give me that, give me stripped to do that. Stop asking for it to be simple and easy and paved the way what you want, man, The road to success is always under construction. Always. It ain't ever paved and smooth and easy. Look here, man, go out there to days try to be successful. See what you're gonna run into Man's orange barrows is workers, is detools, It's got craters in the road with no warning signs on it. That's how hard it is to be successful. The road to success is always under construction. It ain't fit to smooth out for you. You got to ask God for strip be what you're supposed to be. Not. Let's look at hill. When you make a mistake, and you're gonna make them. We all do. We fall down, but we get up. A saint is just a sinner who failed down, but he didn't stay there. That's all a saint is. All these Christians running their mouth with you about how how fired up and save they are, and all this it got all that, But them people, them people make mistakes all the time, all the time. And see the moment we as Christian people start telling people the truth about being a Christian, more people can get interest interested in it. But if you're gonna tell everybody this lie that you're over here living this perfect life and everything and ever since you came to God, your life being smooth, and you don't have no and he didn't took all your pains? And wait, what what? What? Who are you? Where that? Where that life at? You're talking about heaving now, ain't you? But I heard you had to die to go there? So what you're really talking about? Come on, man, I'm talking to the cat that's in some real pain right now, that's in some real trouble right now. The dude is at the crossroad right now. The dude has been struggling and dealing with it for a long time. I'm talking to the captives out there, been trying to figure out what's wrong, man, Why I can't seem to get it right? That's who I'm talking to. I'm saying, come over here and give God to try. Come over here with your imperfect self, with your imperfect ways and watch him change some things about you. Watch him give you the strength. See what he did for me. Let me okay, see, best of all I can do is just tell you what happened to me. See what it did for me? Was it ain't so much. He just he just took me and took how I wars and made me better with it. I'm still an aggressive man. I'm probably not gonna ever stop being aggressive. But he took that aggression and he started shaping it. Now for the first toilve minutes and the morning, be aggressive about me. Be aggressive about the feelings you got towards me, Your your father, you'll leader, your God, your savior. Be aggressive, man. Tell people how you made and Steve aggressively since you want to, since you're aggressive and I and I and you've been aggressive. I made you be aggressive with that. Now, since you like to tell it like it is, Steve, then tell the truth of how it really is. How I do for you, what I've done for you. Tell everybody you know what I've done for you in a plain, simple way so they can feel you. See, he ain't changed me. He just made me better with it. When you get loud, hey, man, every now I didn't get liued for me. You know, you want to tell some jokes, you're real funny, tell something funny, but let it be so more people can hear. See, that's that's what he did for me. So for all you casts out there, they're scared to come on over here because you're scared it's gonna change you, turn you into some little punk or you got to get sisted up or something like that. And please, before you start emailing me, that's not an anti gay remark. I'm talking about. It's a lot of dudes out there that just don't want to punk up and sisty up because they're scared that what it's gonna do. Now, you got to come over here and beat this little meek lamb laid off the slaughter every Sunday. That ain't what it is over here. God looking for me, God looking forward for for real soldiers out here. See, everybody I talked to don't want to hear about Christianity, So I ain't got nothing for him. Then how about that? How about that? I'm cool with that. See, every Christian ain't turning the other cheek. I ain't there you slap me, man, hey, madam, Sorry, I don't. I don't know. I ain't there yet. But see I'm a work in progress. He ain't through with me yet. I might get to the point where I in tern other cheek. I doubt it. I ain't. I ain't looking for I ain't praying for that one. I'm I don't for real about you, man. I'll be praying for most tramps. So when I when you do slap me, when I come back around, I'll come back nice. Oh slap me, You won't slap me twice. I can promise you that. Where am I going with this? Steve Huh? I'm sorry, y'all. Just remember what I told you. You're listening, Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well this is it. This show this morning is dedicated to all rubbish workers. Rubbish, rubbish. I don't even know what that recycle. Ain't garbage mean? Come on, trash? Collected a lot of my homies from Cleveland on the back of trucks, been riding for years. Shirt open, they stomached. They don't don't button. They can't button their ship. They can't them now. They did not grew their uniform. Oh okay, I thought it was one of my boys. Say the reason his partner he ride on back of dump truck with his boy. The reason his partner then gain so much way, he say, he eat the garb. You know he back he back there. He got to be back eating his garden because he just gaining weight. Back here, back here eating his garbage. Man, I ain't need no garbage. Man, Well, what the hell are you eating? So it's the beginning of week three from me, I lost two pounds last week. I'm down five now. I lost three the first week and uh yeaht the beginning I lost to So I'm down five. You're doing good man, it's me. I think I call it because I played. Didn't see his golf tournament the other day. So come to me half a little bit. How was that man? I had a good time with, said said, good, that's my boy. He actually had celebrities at his golf tournament, at the Steve Harvey's Celebrity Golf Tournament. I'm the only say what you just said again, because I don't think he heard you said celebrities right at my golf tournament. I'd be the only celebrity that right. I don't think, okay, then what had I see it? And me? Because i'd be at your tournament again, I'm sure he didn't hear you surely set me up. Yeah yeah, because I ain't even do this with you this morning? Who surely starts an I didn't even hear that. I don't even know where that came from. So you just tuned him out automatically. Yeah, well I knew not either way. I didn't get in that pretty bad secret doing on the show with Kelly. He's better than huh wow man, So that just flew out my that's from your celebrity nephew. Yeah, you go before. I mean, I love Ryan Crest and he's just a consum a pro so, but I'm gonna tell you something else. He's a really cool guy in real life. Don't even matter. He is a really really cool guy. Ryan Seacrest is really really cool dude. One day, my girlfriend and I he was driving down in our neighborhood, down the street and his convertible and we were like Ryan Seacrest. He turned run he said, hey, ladies, I thought that was so cool. I want to get in and learn yourself a little. So all right, it's time for something funny when we come back. Milania Trump in the news again. She's done it again. Ruscoe Wallace has something to say about it. All right, we'll be back. Yes, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, here we go. Social media sites say she's at it again. I'm talking about the First Lady, Milannia Trump. She is accused of plagiarizing former First Lady Michelle Obama soon after the violence at the rally and Charlotte's Ville, Virginia. Is this, Trump tweeted August twelve, uh quote, our country encourages freedom of speech, but let communication without hate in our hearts. No good comes comes from violence hashtag Charlottesville. However, no sooner had the First Lady put out her tweet than a meme started claiming that Milannia's response on Twitter was copied from a comment made by former First Lady Michelle Obama last year. Although it's still unproven, the First Lady actually that she actually stole the former First Lady's words summer, calling Milannia Trump a repeat offender. You you remember the first time she was accused of plagiarizing Michelle Obama's speech last year In July at the RNC. Uh, sounds like he's here go to old baby. Hey, it will go to old time. What's happened to man? How you doing a little baby? Roscoe? My heat roll world? Hey Roscoe? Welcome over. How you doing hey? Roscoe? You just popped up. Well I gotta like, yeah, that curtain us you want me to do? He's out about going well, you know, first lady was accused last year at the r n C of plagiarizing one of Michelle Obama's my word is bond? Where you get that from the Yugoslav Hey, I don't talk like that, my worried bond like that? Like and she said, come on dog right my worded? Boy, Now you're in the mood. Yeah. And now they're saying she's done it again. I don't know. I got home in the nations say that all that my worded? You show you a Has that ever happened to you? Though? I mean you've written a lot of songs and stuff. Oh, everybody played like what hell? The question? Who ain't I knew Steve Wonder one of the greatest writers of all. You tell them all when he still take me? What did he take from you? You wrote that old lot. He stole ass from. First of all, First of all, let's get that clear, Ruscoe. Please, it's as a s what I said, Steve didn't want to stow as from the ask piece. It's around the summer and the road buds know the bloom in early me. Yeah, that's just his kindness knows no shame, no through all your joy in pain, be loving you always. So yeah, yeah, take it away. Carolina sit up here and say, go ahead, girl. You have something in common with first Lady Michelle Obama when it comes to plagiarizing that someone is taking your stuff and not giving you credit, and you're saying, musical genius. Stevie wonder Jack, your song as one of it. This sound like I wrote it where it comes from carling you always you always got some by something I got And I just told you I wrote a song. I wrote the ass rod it's as I ain't right, so I wrote as when did you write it? I wrote as in nineteen for the nine. I believe, I believe you do you even know Stevie wonder and Steven know me well, he knows you know, he knows more, boy, he don't know when you like you know he ain't like I could be standing there, he could pick me out your line that didn't want him there? But he do know more, boys, how did you meet him? You know? Wouldn't him that? I meant? Oh, well, who was it I met her? Daddy? Stevie wonders. What was his name? Blunder blunder one, blunder one, Yeah, hell no, I ain't got time to make it up. I got you on his end, so I mean blunderback and for the nine I wrote, I wrote as then the ass were really a civil rights song. It was ultimate love song. It is the love. We squitched some of the word, but what a riddle the civil rights song. Let me hear how you brought? What do you mean? As the sun revolves around the earth, no sheet revolving and the clue klux claid this standing in the weed just as kind as nose. No shame come on, white folks. All we bring in pain, but beginning me to you one day. And that's how I wrote it. Right there, I wrote it. I wrote it that, I wrote it, and I just changed to word when I meant blunder, I turned the blunder and blunder ship. Well, I got a son, he can he done? You know, you know, you know he needs him help write his own I was going to ask you how did Stevie get it? Stephen got a song? Steven said, we need can we change if you think rock? I said the cold said, oh, co we can, because it was asked when I wrote he took an ass off all. That's the first thing I wrote it as. Because that's all we're doing. Was passing now in nut the frank phone call. He didn't say, I can say it, but we have to take one of years. Coming up, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Mrs Anne will be here with our now sational news. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. Bad bugs, baby, everybody got a big bug every now and then, and here it is big bugs. Hello, hellong trying to speak to schnie h SE's on here right now. I think a message. Uh do you know when she's coming back? No? Is this business? Calls him? No, No, this is personal. I need to talk to her immediately. No, you need to talk to me. It's this a man, this is who is this? This is this is Brandon. Who who are you? I'm earnest Man. But why do you know? Shene? I got a bit of a situation here man. Uh, and it's basically a financial situation that I'm owed some money from her. So I kind of need to talk to her about about getting this money. Uh. Is totally disrupted my whole apartment. And I need to actually see about talking to her about getting this whole problem taking care of what what's the what's the situation? What, what's what's the what's going on? I mean, I'm basically right now, I'm twenty five hundred dollars in the rears due to do to Jonnie and and I, you know, I need to see if she's gonna be able to pay me for the situation or what you know, my third owe you money? She owes me twenty five dollars. I don't even know who you are. First of all, So what's up with the First of all, my name is Brandon, Okay, And I've been I know, I've been knowing HNIs probably for the last three or four months now, Okay, So here you you want to know what all in the nutshell is? Just like this SED's been coming through Okay, for the last three or four months, been coming over here to my spot, to my apartment, hanging out. I'm just now finding out within the last two weeks. Us, I had to get rid of my couch. I had to get rid of my mattresses because mattress, because it's been women do it when a minute. So you're trying to tell me she was in your bid. Yeah, she's been in my bed, dude, she's been in your bed. Are you crazy? You know the problem is five hundred dollars you told my my girl was in your bad Now we're not even gonna get into that. You understand what I'm saying, but that's what follars. You can forget about it. No, no, no, no, no, hold up for us of all, you're calling here, you calling here, You're calling here and here, and dude answer the phone, and you still got to to ask for her and then gonna tell me about some twenty five I was about some mattress, dude. I'm my my mattresses man, or a thousand bucks full of bad bugs. I had to throw that away worry about no damn mattress, dude. You talking about my girl. We've been together for four years. I'm about to pop the question on her, and you want to sit there talking about she'd been hanging with you or kick it with you for the last four months. It's about to be over in a minute. Now. What if you want to marriage sis? Cool? I don't care nothing about that. Don't even worry about that now. Talking about some bad mattress, man, that's that's a problem, dude. Ain't wonder if I'm a damn mattress. I don't wonder if I ain't got no mattress right now my house? You call them mine that I do not tell the matchress right now? Nor do I have a couch? Do you understand? Nor are you heading about the mattress? O talers, Dude, I don't care nothing about that. Your name you're saying it ain't Brandon. I'm Brandon, Yeah, Brandon. Okay, don't worry about it right because you're gonna find me a real food. Don't let me find you before you find me. Do you understand what I'm saying? Don't you do? Do? Dode? No, you can. You can add them good bugs and that mattress or whatever. Answering these fall out here. But what I'm saying is you talking about something but in the event bugs over here? Okay, so what she did? See the problem over here in my place? I don't can out about see him bring nothing over there, first of all, but I don't need any even a problem right now. You've been over here, man, that nobody else over here, the one about who you had over there. But you're gonna call here talking about no money. You ain't getting nothing from here? Okay, First of all, do check this out. I don't have a problem with you, okay. Me and you cool? No, you we all get out a problem. You're calling me something about super sleep or one my brother? Hey dog dogs was I'm gonna say it again, Me and you cool, though we're cool, we're not cool. We're not cool. But I'm at I don't handle Sinise myself. I'm I'm gonna handing you later. What you're doing doing, what you're talking about? You, You're gonna handle me. I my hand on you later. You want a mattress, right they do? Dude want the mattress head and marriage Shenise. I ain't got nothing to do with that. My wife my money back man for the for the property of mine that she has ruined. Man, don't worry about that. I'm YouTube a mattress. Don't worry about that. It's gonna be a cash get wrap around now so they do. Dude, why are you sitting here creating the trauma with me? When me, me and you, we ain't even the problem. The problem is sinni. The problem is you picked up your phone and you crawl here. That's the problem. What do you guys will do because you ain't got no count, you ain't got no mattress. Now you gotta do that because you understand what I'm saying. You know what I see. I can't talk to you. When do shenise get home? Man? Don't what if I want to get home? What you need to worry about was when I find you? Okay, So so when when I when you're gonna have my money? Then when you find me because I need my money day I don't have you him your mattress to please understand, you're gonna be resting real well okay, okay, so so let me ask you this here, man sins bringing bad bugs over the miles. Leave him all in my mattress, leave him all over my couch where I gotta throw my stuff away? Where I'm wrong a man where I'm wrong. I'm gonna ask you straight up, did you know she had a man? Say? What? Did you know she had a man? But I mean kind of kind of sort of but not really though, you know, the kind of sort of man even you know she got a man? Know she don't got a man? You know she had a man? Right? And you still win? D Right they dog, I ain't got nothing to do with y'all. Man, I'm dealing with these big bucks. You understand I'm saying. Dude, Do you understand you're messing up a full year relationship? You know, I'm the time I put in with this woman four years. We're about to get we're about to get married, and you're calling here with this. What are y'all supposed to get married? Don't worry about weren't supposed to get married? Man, You messed that all up. What I'm trying to explain you is, Dude, you're calling here on some big bug, which I know she ain't got nothing to do with, but the fact that you told me that she was over your in your bad that's over. It's over now, you understand what I'm saying. Now we'll see get home. I'm gonna deal with that. You understand what I'm saying. That's gonna get dune with. I'm walking up out of here. But when I leave here, please believe my next stop is to come find your First of all, how did you get the number to this apartment? That's what I want to know. They do. She gave me both numbers, the cell phone number in the house. Number told me, you know, if it's an emergency, call the house. Okay, And this is an emergency. Yeah, that's an emergency. I got bad. Learn another emergency numbers, learning on on one because when I come down, come on your dog? Did you come out on? You handle it? Or you better call the cops. You understand what I'm trying to tell you. Hey, man, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad bugs? Who is Tommy? I'm just saying, do you think Tommy will pay for the bad But it's Tommy, Tommy dog nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. Earnest you just got bright by your girl shot niece. Man, y'all, y'all, it was over. It was over. You understand what I'm telling you? That scratch it all scratch it acted scratch that all bad bugs, baby, I'm the prank man. I never thought i'd beat this over playing on the phone. I really did, but none of us did. I can't tell you how many times I had to go through playground and put him in my pocket in a stage in that little or did you have really big pockets? Which one? I mean? Either way on the Game of Thrones, I ain't small like that. I grew past that. I was, But you stayed way longer than they went, from Tyrion to Manuel Lewis Jared Coleman, and that's where you as stuck there. Yeah, that's that's what he had right now. I was growing. I didn't. Well, I had a boy, by he had a girl. What do you mean, why do you have a good How are you gonna touch the paddle with the ball? This supposed to be true because he's not protesting. He the one bought me a pink bike. Well, I was trying to keep the boy from picking on you, I tell you, girl, because he had hair back then they jump, All right, we gotta go. Miss Anna's coming up next with our National News. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show miss Anna standing by with today's headlines. In the wake of the violence in Charlottesville over the weekend, and in some cases, even before that happened, leaders in several states are calling for the removal of Confederate symbols. In Nashville, at the Tennessee State Capitol, protesters called for the bust of Nathan Bedford Forest to be removed. The Confederate general and KKK leader was yeah, was part of a mass killing of black soldiers back in eighteen sixty four. Statue statue Yeah, And then they're protesting because they want to keep these statues around in Florida. In Florida Jacksonville, the city council president requested that the city take stock of all Confederate symbols on public property and develop an appropriate plan of action to move them to museums or schools. Look listen to the African Americans had to pitch in their money, Oprah Winfrey, Robert Smith. They all gave money to have the African American Museum in Washington, d C. And a lot of other people contributed also. Look if he'll, billies want to keep the Confederate mess If he'll buildings want to keep the Confederate flag and all that stuff. Then put your money together and build your building. You can call your little kids and then keep talking about this ignorant mess till you leave him. Now, everybody else that wants we had to raise money for the Marl Luther King statue up in d C. Let them raise money. Take all these statues and put them in the building, and you go worship. Well what then they got to go down? Black people keep coming up with money to do stuff. Just let these let these Confederate loving the silt will rise again. People. You can feel how you want to feel. Just go in the building. Y'all can have checking in everything, pizza party, oh throwing up. You can put the check and cheese and now all that a little balls ain't going in there, a little ball machine, and you got a little games in there for the kids, you know. And what would they call it? The racist music him, you know on the Sopha rad again. Whatever they want to cut that, they can feel how they want to feel. It's a lot of people really want to keep the memory of the Civil War alive because they say that's part of their history. Well, okay, cool, do it. Yeah, And slavery is over. But that do make sense though, put you all money together. Yeah, bro, ain't nobody mad at you ain't going ahead it. But what you cannot do is put it on taxpay up property. Well, we gotta pay taxes to maintain this statue, and we don't care nothing about this statue because black people pay taxes in Tennessee, Charlotteville and everywhere else. So now if we got to pay taxes on this public ground, we got somebody at that polishing damn statue working off pigeon crap, then what we need to do is we need to have a say. So what's let's see all that he best and put it in down white house somewhere and y'all open up house just to it away. You put us on the floor. You can just make it feel like a riband and everything you reenact reenactments another thing when they be doing them. You love what we keep re enacting. Thank you are we reenacting this rising? No mote it's new now. And then right after we get rid of that, we need to get rid of this electoral college vote. Yeah, just a little. With the popular vote, whoever gets the most votes wins, all right, Well, in Florida, like I was saying. Jacksonville, the city council president requested the city take stock of all Confederate symbols on public property and develop an appropriate plan of action to move them to museums and schools. Alright, different, all right, let's go Miss Anna's here Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, the very talented miss and in trip. Thank you, Thanks Steve, Thanks everybody. This is a trip with the news. Well, it was a swift turnaround here it is. President Trump is now defending his delayed response to the violence in Charlottesville last weekend, and again insisting that there was blame on both sides. The President held a news conference yesterday. It was bill as being about a new infrastructure initiative, but things quickly went south, as in Virginia, with Trump saying, both the left and right sides where a fall. You had a group on one side that was bad, and you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that, but I'll say it right now. Many of those people were there to protest the taking down of the statue of Roberty Lace this week. It's Roberty Lee. I noticed that Stonewall Jackson's coming down. I wonder is it George Washington next week? And is that Thomas Jefferson the week after? You know, you, you really do have to ask yourself where does it stop. By the way, historians will point out that although they own slaves, that neither George Washington or Thomas Jefferson were part of the Confederate racy that came years and years after that. By the way, President Trump is accusing the business executives who quit his manufacturing advertising counsel this week in protests over his reaction to that Unite the Right to rally. He says they were grandstanding. The president of the Alliance for American Manufacturing has now followed the examples of the heads of Intel, Merk Pharmaceutical, and under Armour in resigning from Trump's panel. Police in Charlotte's film mean while reviewing the way they handle things during the supremacist rally, police Chief Al Thomas says they did the best they could under the circumstances. We were following a number of groups ensuring that they were being peaceful, but it was a challenge. And now Governor Terry mccolloff is ordering a review of how the state of Virginia issues rally permits, as well as how police prepare for public demonstrations. Sheriff in North Carolina says he's pursuing felony charges against the protests who pulled down a Confederate monument in Derham early this week. Andy racist demonstrated seen on video using a rope to pull down the statue of a Confederate soldier that stood outside the old courthouse there and now police didn't intervene because they say they didn't want things to escalate. But now Sheriff Mike Andrews says he's been able to identify some of the protests and prepared to use every leagual option to arrest them. Let no one is getting away with what happened. We will find the responsible state law prohibits municipalities from moving removing monuments without prior approval of the legislature. And today National Baby Boomers Day and National Number two Pencil Day and singing National Harmy Day. Boom sing at Harmy twenty minutes after the hour, Eugene the Butterflies coming up. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey morn show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's introduce you, Gene, please and do it nicely. So he didn't have a good attitude, ladies and gentlemen. Here he is, Eugene. That was very nice. That was good. Was good morning? Good money, good money, Stephen, Um, Shirley, Carla, Yes, butterfly good. What we gotta do today? Timey? Good morning? What's up? I'm sorry, Steve me. What did you say? So? What we gotta do today? Nothing? I'm not gonna asking any ud because you don't like need to ask you anything, or you don't like surveying anything like that. But I'm letting you out now today it's about back to school and I'm going back to school. I want to be but it's gone. It's like modeling now. I want to be on Project run White and Steve and I really if you can help me get on this ship? There? Didn't I just say what do we have to do? And then he said nothing? And now he come talking about some damn help and you're not. I'm not helping you get on the show. You have connections. It's designing. It's as a designer because you know he makes all his own close. He'll be on there as a designer. Steve, Steve, I really need to getting on Project Run, like I really really did. I think I'm great for being on the show. What A really made sure that you would wear? Well, there's you know the halter thing. The halter thing sounded really nice. You can't win. So what else we're talking about? Charlie can't wear a nice no no no, no, no, no no no, not not tied up behind the neck. They can up and now no Butterfly, she's gonna make his halter out of change or something everything. Steve, you know Heidi Club, could you hook me up with Heidi Clue the House or even Michael Cords? Could you to help me get on Project White. They don't, they don't care for you. See, there could be an audience for Butterfly's designs. I created the man halters for you, Tommy and Jr. Remember anybody wear nobody? I didn't wear it, but I'm just saying it was a great Design's right there? A great design is warned by people designed that you created the rompers and everybody winning that now everybody's not wearing them. The rumpers ain't really catching on catching on from the one that played for Oklahoma City. He wear he wont toward one time he had on one. Since you're talking about Russell Westbrook right up? Are you romper? Yeah? Yeah, he wore? Wants who else you got? Well? Whin Jr. Don't be here trying to count down the line? Who what? What? Who? Didn't like when you gotta put the one out? And I bought for you? All right? Man, good luck with it? Thought fast. The bottom line is can you connect me with Heidi clown? That's what I'm trying to do. You have all these connections. If you don't, you don't, won't. I've actually never met her. You didn't meant anybody as well? Like I just said, I haven't met her, So you won't be on that show? What good? I go? Thank you by the fly. Alright, we come back from the break, Steve. We have a couple of questions for you. We're gonna ask you how old were you win? We'll be back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, we have a couple of questions for you. As promised, this segment is called how old were you Win? How old were you when you had your first kiss. Let's say, Gwen, he did that to me. I didn't want it. What do you mean? You were traumatized? She made me do it. She snatched me off my bike. She stayed across the street. She was a big girl. He pulled me out off the bike and threw me up against me tree and kissed me real hard. And then what No, I just felt violid. I didn't I didn't cry number, It was just traumatized. And she was big. She was actually on my TV show. Yeah, I remember, I remembering they found her and they found Gwyen Harris and then she came on TV and talking I didn't make you, you wanted it. I looked at it. I'm going just a damn line though I told her came down that. Man, I ain't seen Gwen Harris. Man. I think last time I saw Gwen hass I was at a mama's funeral. Man. It might have been nineteen and you had no idea she was going to be understand no idea. And my first kiss was on my talk show and it was not a kiss. It was not memory, but it very forceful. She was stronger than she was handling my living my laugh. But were you in the in the were you at that age where you liked girls started. I never went through the phase where I didn't like girls. I like girls in kindergart Yeah, I had the girl on my show. But the first girl I ever walked home. I walked her home in the sixth grade and carried her book for to Reach the Shepherd. You remember their name everything. Michelle Hawkins. Michelle Hawkers was in high school with me when I was walking and playing I want to go outside in the rain in the cafeteria, and she wouldn't give me a date. And that song was on. And that's why that song go Outside means so much to me. Yet she was on my show too, And when they all came out, I named every last one of Wow, that really threw them. Am. I'm sure they remembered you. Excuse me his name? What? What did you just say? Don't try to help him, junior? He just definitely said it's you don't never learn. He was voting. He was voted most difficult in high school. Let's just move on. Yes, yes, how old were you? How old were you when you heard your first Earth winning fire song? I know that's your favorite group might have been sixteen sixteen when I heard the first every Winning Five songs, seventeen when I bought my first Winning Five album, Wow, And what was the song? The first song I heard was Head to the Sky. That was off the Head to the Sky. But my favorite song on that album was Masquerade. Can this is what you're gonna sing? Bel Masquerade? I want to know all we what we really see, all the outside and hiding what we really are old the inside. Just when you think he's finished, deed, Yeah, I just you're something you're really not. Old world is a masquerade. I don't give a dad with him, don't trying to figure out. I'm figured it out, all right, y'all want to ask me some more? Um, I'm like, okay, you like that, Okay, we'll be back with more And the Nephews prank phone call coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour, it's Today's Strawberry Letter. But first come on Nephew for your prank phone call, and then after that we're gonna ask you some more questions Steve. They'll get ready. Is that your hus. Huh? Is that your hus? Yes? It is all right with your husband and the park? Here? What another woman? Play too much? I'm trying to reach chair. This is Karen. Uh hey, listen, my name is Mark. Are you married to Jason? Yeah? Okay, all right, I got the right person. Listen. I don't I don't even know how to say this to you, my um. Like I said, my name is Mark. I followed my wife today and I right now I'm at a park and I'm almost certain that my wife is right now. I'm about two or three hundred yards away, but I'm almost certain my wife is holding hands, uh with your husband, Jason? So hold on, hold on? What you see my husband at the park with with your wife? How long have you been following them? I followed my wife this morning because I just was still in like real weird about, you know, something going on. And I followed her and I'm at the park right now, and you know this, I think this is I think she's with Jason. I think she's with your husband. What time? What type of call you do you see Jason in Alexis? What color is it? Um? White? Okay, that's him? So he's okay, went to work today and this Sunday, and he come overtime that he's supposed to been doing at work today, and he's at a part with your wife close to them, So I'm not close to him, you know. I tried to stay back. Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, hold up, she just kissed him. She did kiss Who did my wife just kissed your husband? What do you say your your your wife's name is again? My wife name is Veronica Vernica? Okay? What that? Uh? They are Langley Park. I'm at Langley Park right now. I'm I'm about two d yards away from there, and I'm looking at she just kissed him a cad. I cannot play this man. I know, well, you're not telling me that your your wife is kissing out and husband. Well, how did you get my number? That's all up? That then up? How did you get my nothing? Who are you like? I don't say my name is Mark? A bud of your name fits Fitzgerald. Fitz knows, he knows Jason. I don't know if Gerald, I don't want to know how you get my number? Fitz gave me yours. Fitz told me he knew Mason and some kind of way he got me your phone number. I don't even know who we got your number from. All I know is your husband is kissing my wife right now. That's what I know. Okay, you're just sitting there watching give me the no. But we're gonna change this. Right now, you're sitting there watching on some specta gatt I'm going bust Alida because I don't play that. Because he said he had to work this morning. Some of the overtime. Don't have time that. Who does that in the part with somebody? It's too cold in the park anyway, you can't see those ducks. Give me, give me the address of this lightning park. Okay, wait wait, wait, wait wait wait, they're getting a blanket out of the car. Now, who does that? I know well he ain't no romance to type and that you're not gonna tell me car. But they're getting the blanket off the car and going deeper into the park. I cannot believe this. They're getting the blanket. Well what those she? I know? She no, I'm looking at Give me the par wine and wine glasses. Mark Mark, gives me the advance of the bar. You want some white boys. Stop. I'm trying to go out of bust that up. I don't have time for that calling me. I'll started them not watching your wife. I'm not gonna watch you know, I'm gonna hand him is that? Okay, let's stop this right now. Take your go over that to the park and give him the phone. I don't have time for this. You're sitting up there watching your wife with my You're calling me? What coming you you? Okay? Say what you're supposed to be up there? Get on that because the mother was there. I've been a slap that and I've been handing him his cap. Go hand him the fall Hey that had in the phone with your hand. I'm trying to see what else they're gonna do. That's what I'm trying to do, saying you didn't see them love on that, pulling down be over that door and putting out a guy that what you wanna wait to film? Take cans over the hand him the phone. I know, but Jason a'dn't know, Parker Nobe. I'm got Mike at home. I am on our fairy child, pregnant with a baby. But I don't get I'll go up the whoop is why I'm pregnant? I know well, Jason, ain't nen't know Parker Noe, don't land in the phone you I want to sa let me let me go, let me stop out the truth. They're drinking wine right now. If I don't give up about that gold hand in the ball, walk over the hand and the phone, do with yours. I don't play up by mine? Oh man, they just Mark Mark Mark. I don't know who you have to go hand him, go hand him and phone. You're sitting up there watching with your week Who you anyway? Um U, that's my wife's he went he with my wife? You must be old because if you was one of them to go yoke up black one of the guy on this, who does that you do watching him at the park? I'm telling you now, whopping at when I see it, I'm whooping your wife set up whopping Jason because I'm gonna slap you're calling me with this. You should have to calling me, got money blood pressure start huh while you should have to watch this my joke. But you're supposed to be all on top of that. Yeah, when I said you got that coming too. But I'm I'm gonna find this langing pall right now, just to get off the ball because I'll be up to show you. Okay, okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, somebody want to talk to you. Give come. I was this this Tommy, Tommy Hill, his nephew, taught me from the Steve Harpy Morning Show. Your husband, Jason got me to prank phone call you. This is something you almost made me. Have my baby up in this house this morning. And I got two mamas a dog. You know, Jason got me to play folk. He's no better than that anyway. When he comes on. Yeah, we say, look, man, my wife is a no nons saying she ain't she don't take no drama, none of it. He told me, you know this because I was like, what man said, then watch there Live at the Park. What man does that? This is clazy? But you tell him I got him. I got it. Hey, I gotta ask you this baby, one more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, I'm gonna get Jason with this. No, Tommy, I'm gonna get I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna name the baby. Tell me tell him that for Joe. Tell him you're gonna name the baby Tommy. Yeah, tell them, tell Jackson that I'm gonna name the baby Tommy. That is boy, that's my girl. That made me nervous, Yes, says about that man man a thinking if you Oh, y'all got me thinking about the first Earth into it. Okay, here's another one. Um, How old were you when you made your first million dollars? I like to know the news in the thirties, late thirties. Wasn't later than that? Later than that you made a meal with the Steve Hart Show. I was the lowest paid lead of any TV show on television? Was that because you were black? Well, because I didn't know, forget color, this lack of knowledge. I did not know when I signed. I signed for for what you thought was probably a lot, a lot of money at the time. Right, seventy dollars Yeah, per showers show what that's a lot of money? But how much was but that was the lowest. How much my Lawrence was getting when he left TV. My Lawrence was getting like four seventy five a week. Wow. That's encouraging. That's encouraged. Absolutely. I'm not tell people this all the time. It takes a long time to make a lot of money. You don't just run out here. My daughter and told me I'm gonna make a million dollars my first year. Okay, cool, that's great. Right then, now, I wanted to push you in the flow that's gonna go out here. And it's harder, and it's harder even to maintain it. Right, once you make it, it's much harder to maintain than it is to make. As difficult as it is to make. To continue to produce, it is monumental effort. Wow, it's daunting. But once you get there, you learn the principles, you would hear better. At least you know more, alright, and you want more because once you get a taste of it, you ain't gonna go back in here. Alright. Coming up next Strawberry Letter. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, alright. Coming up next Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter as always, But first, Oprah Winfrey in the news your good friends, Steve. She's opening up about why she and her long term, long term partner step and Graham have never gotten married. The couple has been together for more than guess how long, six thirty years. They've been together for thirty years, and Oprah tells Vogue that they did consider tying the knot at one point, but real if they did, they wouldn't still be together. Really, Oprah explains, we would have not stayed together because marriage requires a different way of being in this world. She adds, at his interpretation of what it means to be a husband and what it would mean for me to be a wife would have been pretty traditional, and I would not have been able to fit into that. Yeah, because she's not a traditional person. She's had a different life. You know. He wants a wife to stay home and cook and clean and yeah, got news for you. Yeah, not a lot of things. I was just you my bank account, but clean. But she doesn't. She's not if you don't have to. Yeah, I'm not mad at that. I ain't man that, none of it, you know, I'm you know, if you can, if you can get yourself a deal, yes, where you can just go live your life. Probably all the sign that exactly, thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm not mad at that. Carla, on the other hand, has been cooking since she was nine, as we learned. Yes, yeah, nine watched the clothes at your house who do what? Who washed the clothes at your let me the house keeping name. I'mis you who it ain't. I don't know what the clothes I took off this morning for I came in here. I don't know what. I don't know what happens to you do not take your clothes off and step out of them and leave they be right there on that close up. I don't know what. I don't know, very god mother, Patrick. I don't hang up nothing. I throw stuff down when I come back. Ain't nothing in the front. I don't know what. And then next I know one day it's just all back. If I don't know if they're washing what, we don't really have to go to cleaners, go well dry cleaning facility. What is well? Hurry hurry time for the mega to the letter, Yeah, hurry up. But you can machinery. You can own the machine. We gotta talk about this. And if you could dry clean your clothes, Jesus is on the main line. It's just a machine. You just couldn't trick down people down. They got machine. You can get smallers. It is in justinff just got trained. Somebody had Why do you go clean up? Why I'm sitting stuff out. You dodge Jim and I don't know how to work it or a nothing. I walked past the little room. Rippy hot his heir in that hallway. All right, stop right there, we'll we'll breathing. Were the letter come on? Subject? Where do I be again? First of all, Hello Steve, Shirley, Carla, and Tommy. I live in a small southern town in Georgia. To say no more, I recently moved to Florida ten months ago, to the big city of Jacksonville for a better paying job. A month after I moved there, I met a wonderful man who I deeply have feelings for. But he lives back home near my old hometown. Every other weekend he comes down to see me. I offered to come back home to visit him, but he's said not to bother because we wouldn't have the privacy like we do here at my apartment. Well, I am fine with that saves me from not paying these high gas prices. L O L. Well to the point code cracker. My best friend back home is getting married and I am so happy for her her but I told her I was unable to make it to the wedding due to work, which I was lying to her well. The weekend of the wedding was coming up, and I began to feel guilty tell my boss I needed a couple of days off due to some issue back home. While I was heading back home, I thought I would call my boyfriend and tell him I was coming home for a couple of days for a wedding. Well, he told me he was going to a wedding also, but didn't have time to see me because the wedding was out of town, which I was fine with. I got to the ceremony in time to get a seat for the wedding and wished my best friend the best of luck for her wedding. Sitting in the far back of the ceremony, I couldn't see her new husband to be all that well, so I decided to move up closer where I saw an empty chair so I could see the wedding and get a better look at the groom. As I walked up to the chair, I noticed the groom to be is my boyfriend I've been saying for nine months. I left soon as I left soon as I saw him, which he didn't see me. Now my best friend is married to this man I once had a relationship with. I broke it off with him, but giving him a different reason why I couldn't see him any longer. I want to tell my best friend of five years about her husband and I, but my best friend doesn't even know I'm gay? What should I do? Because he doesn't deserve a wonder woman like my best friend? Helped me out? Sincerely, my ex best friend's husband, now my ex best friend's husband. Now wait, wait a minute, yeah, okay, okay, all right, my best friend of five years about her husband. But my best friend doesn't even though I'm gay. What should I do because he doesn't deserve a wonder woman like mother? So are you saying that the person that wrote this letter is a guy? That's what I got out of it. That's exactly what I out of it, Steve, I mean, you know, uh, dear my ex boyfriend's husband. Now she she or he starts with where do I begin? You know, I gotta say the same thing, Where do I begin? I mean, I was fooled. I thought I had this letter figured out until you know, you threw the drama in the end. Up until that time, along with everyone else, I'm sure I thought you were a woman who was writing this letter. I I really really did. But the line that says my best friend doesn't even know I'm gay, you know, indicates that a man is writing this letter. His best friend is a woman who just got married to the man he was having an affair with. This is fives, but that explains why the best friend wasn't in the wedding. I was thinking that she was a man. Why wasn't she? And his friends we absolutely, absolutely so. A man wrote the letter. He had an affair with his best friends now husband, and he wants to know should he tell his best friend his lover's wife. Oh my goodness, The Code Cracker responses. You're listening to the Steve Show. All right, come on, Steve with part two of your responses today Strawberry letter. Let's go um, the new groom is on the down low, which is a very appropriate word because no matter how you look at it, if you're on the down load, even if you try to flip it, you low down. Either way you look at this, this situation is ugly. See. I have no problem with being a person being gay. If you're gonna be gay and be gay, but just go be that though, do not ruin somebody else's life. You know, come on out with it. Be proud of it, that's what you are. Didn't be proud of it. Take your stand. This is your stand in life with my to judge. You know, I got my own issues. I am not in the judging people business anymore. I wance upon a time I used to be. But if that's your thing, and that's what floats your boat, didn't you do your thing? You gotta work that out with your creator. You gotta fix that out and your soul. You that that's your lifestyle. But if you're gonna have that as your lifestyle, didn't have it. See the down low. It's what stinks when you perpetrate into a woman that you her man and all her man. Then you go out and you take on some other man, but don't tell her about it. Now you ruin her life. Okay, Now you're going down here every other weekend with this dude. And once again, brother that wrote the letter, I ain't got nothing against you. You're doing your thing. You live your life. That's how you choose to go. That's your business. My personal viewpoint of it is not important because it ain't my life. So you just doing you. You've met a man you deeply have feelings for, But this letter is written from a different perspective. It kind of has gay road on it. If you just read the letter. Every other weekend he comes down to see me. That sounds like something something man would tell a woman. But you offered to come back home to visit, but he said not to bother because we wouldn't have the privacy like we do here in my apartment. Yeah. No, you can't have the same privacy. Privacy called the fiance got a kid and she would keep coming in. Now, y'all can't be all that's all opinion. She got the key. But just having an affair, you know. Well, I'm just saying that's one of the reasons why you just can't go back to that apartment. Well, I'm fine with that. It saves me for paying those high gas prices. Laugh, laugh out loud. This ain't funny. Nice little cute attempt at a joke, but this ain't funny right now. Well to the point, colde Cracker, My best friend back home is getting married, and I'm so happy for her. But I told her that I was unable to make it to the wedding due to work, which is lying to her. Well, the reason you lie to her was because that weekend that she was getting married was your weekend that he come down every other week can So you just lied and said you couldn't make it because you wanted to stay in the house for your weekend. But then you felt guilty and said, I'm going up to her wed and so then you decided to call homeboy tell him you're coming. Well, guess what the reason he wasn't coming to Jacksonville that weekend because he lied to you and said, I'm going to a win. Well maybe we could hook up. We ain't gonna have time called the way and I'm going to out of town. Interesting not now, you just got to me in line, And who lie better than me? And I don't care if you're a man man or gay man me and lie as well as anybody. I don't know anyone that does. Thank you, but we have to go. You can email or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girls surely and tomorrow is the day, ladies and gentlemen, Tomorrow's the day we're gonna start our after show. Strawberry Facebook Live. Yeah, one o'clock eastern. One o'clock eastern will be live with all your questions, your comments, whatever you want to talk about. The Strawberry Letter at debuts tomorrow one o'clock eastern on Facebook Live. You can find me at My Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry. Okay, so please join me tomorrow. We want to make a big splash, all right, and thank you guys so far for loving the letter and uh writing us. And keep those letters coming. As a matter of fact, keep those letters coming, you guys. Really good. Tommy, you go in on one oh two, ton, I'm coming in my mind one oh five and I'm going just cus with three do that right? You meet us? Pop? So everybody here, all the cuss on Strawberry Live today. What's the thing about? Right? What? Alright? Switching gears? Chance the Rapper acted as a grand marshal of the Windy City's annual bud Billikin Parade. We Love We did a couple of years together, Steve. Then he hosted a free invite only concert on Saturday night. Chan said it was important to him for him to make sure the building was full of the teachers, parents and other cornerstones of the community that helped build local youth up. The biggest surprise of the night was a prerecorded video message from guess who Chicago. We're talking about Chicago. Yes, yes, yes, he sent his congratulations to Chance the Rapper. I thought, Kelly from Chicago. He's one of the most famous Chicago after all. No, it's from President Obama. He had a great crazy man. Wow, that's really good. Chance. I love the fact that he gives back in such a major way to a city that he loves and grew up in. And then he honored the teachers and the parents and the you know, the important people in the community. Yeah, you know, because a lot of times teachers are those unsung heroes, you know. And thank you for that. We appreciate it. Yeah. And President Barack Obama with the video message. That's major. That's major. It is just dude on my TV show. President Obama. Well, I'm sure you can make that happen. Yeah, yeah, ye really think way too much of me. That's a phone. The cleaners in your house, we think a whole lot cleaners. It's just a cleaning machine. Are your are your clothes ready? The same day, on the next day, at three and do they do alterations? What what you are? Something else? Steve Harvey, I love it. We don't know the cleaners. We did not know that, y'all. How do you think people start cleaners? It's some machine in the house. We didn't know they started. Ain't got a lot of stories. Wall unit. We know about George Jefferson, Okaye Low They make all that for people. Don't you just gotta want it? You know what? What have we started to cleaning building? You know nothing? Why would you need that? And why would you do that now? To make six dollars on slas? Why would I be sitting up in there working my ass off like that in by seven out by noon? Who are you gonna make two dollars? I'm gonna make folk because it's my ideal. But that, don't worry about that point you're gonna make. You're gonna make that by yourself. I got a couple of others. Take a flip a little bit more money. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? So, uh, Comedians sometimes get serious, you know, because life is serious. I mean they have a funny take on things in life. But a lot of times they get serious, and last night, UH comedian Jimmy Fallon, host of The Tonight Show, got serious. He talked about the thing, the tragedy that's going on in Charlottesville, Virginia. He took a few minutes to say how he felt about President Trump's late response to the Charlottesville tragedy. Take a listen. Even though the Tonight Show isn't a political show, it's my responsibility to stand up against intolerance and extremism as a human being. What happened over the weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia was just disgusting. I was watching the news like everyone else, and you're seeing like Nazi flags and torches and white supremacists, and I was sick to my stomach. My daughters are in the next room playing, and I'm thinking, how can I explain to them that there's so much hatred in this world. They're two years old and four years old. They don't know what hate is. They go to the playground and they have friends of all races and backgrounds. They just play and they laugh and they have fun. But as kids grow up, they need people to look up to to show them what's right and good. They need parents and teachers, and they need leaders who appealed to the best in us. The fact that it took the president two days to come out and clearly denounced racists and white supremacists is shameful, and I think he finally spoke at because people everywhere stood up and said something. It's important for everyone, especially white people in this country, to speak out against this. Ignoring it is just as bad as supporting it. And remember there are people who have given their lives to make sure this kind of hate doesn't spread. They fought and died on the right side of history. One brave woman in Charlottesville, Heather Hair, died standing up for what's right at the age of thirty two. I can't look at my beautiful, growing, curious daughters and say nothing when this kind of thing is happening. We all need to stand against what is wrong, acknowledge that racism exists, and stand up for what is right and civil and kind, and to show the next generation that we haven't forgotten how hard people have fought for human rights. We cannot do this, we can't go backward. That was very, very touching. You can hear the passion in his voice that the dude he is. Yeah, he took a moment, you know, to just talk about it because he has daughters growing up. And the most important thing he said, it's important that white people stand up. You said that just the other day. Let me tell you something. This is not going to be cuted with just us. Slavery didn't end because black people got tired of be is ladies. We were sick of that before we got over here. We were sick of hearing about it back in the villages in Africa. What's happening They've coming to get and take Well, oh man, we've been sick of it. Black people had the most to do with it. But understand this, without the help of some abolitionists, some Quakers, some carrying people, just some god fearing people to go, wait a minute, man, this ain't human beings, you know. And until that then slavery just existed, this problem that we have here that continues to exist. To act like I hate when I hear people say there's no racism. I'm going where you stay, man, I don't where you stay. Well, I'm not a racist. So because you're not a racist, don't mean racism don't exist. It exists. And we got to stomp it out, and and and but this guy David Duke, when he made the comment the other day that when President Trump came out and finally denounced this and use white supremacists in KKK, did you hear David Duke's response, say, he said, you need to take a good look in the mirror, because we are the backers. We are the supporters that got you in the White House. See. And that right there is scary because they took some of his rhetoric and and wrapped it around the Nazi flag and the white supremacist groups. Because when he said I'm gonna make America great again, We're gonna take our country back. I don't know if he said it exactly that like that, but he said something and I to the effect that that he wanted to make America great again. Well they took it as well, let's get it back to what it was. In order to make America great again, we got to get it back to what it was. Because I didn't never understood what period of time he was talking about when was talking about let's make America. Because I'm sitting there going because I don't remember none of my past better than it is now. Now when I was ten, Barty, you know, I'm about doing about as good as I've been doing. Now, we have some problems in our country for all of us who suffer injustices, and we got to do something about it. But I promise you this though, Man, it cannot happen unless we all sick of it. And now we're starting to get it to where we're all sick of it, and now it's it's gonna something can get done. It's sad that it has to come to that, but it do. Yeah. I hate that that woman was killed a tragic situation that she was down here man to help others African American friends. Her mother said, she has African American friends and she tied at them feeling it just and she has gay friends and she tied at him being you know, discriminated against. So here she comes. Okay, cool, Now here comes this butt hole. Now they have found a picture him this report on CNN when he was doing a study a little while ago. He had a picture of him and his voice on his phone at a neo Nazi rally. Yeah, even as high school UH teacher came out and said that he was sympathetic to Nazis, to the Nazi cause and all of that. So why only twenties so much hate? I don't get it. Now, Now we got a trial. He did it? Yeah, James Fields, what's the trial for now? All his money taxpaying, he owned video here in the car, plenty of witnesses. Let's get right to it. He don't need no damn loyal you you in. We'll be back any other country. Your asses it, We'll be back. And we started doing people like this is quick letting him off the hook. We kind of got some of it. Careful, just answer the question. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, is that time again when we need you the most, We need you to be the judge. It's time for right or wrong with your nephews. And you ever noticed all of the worst segments we have, tom Is, it's amazing to be a part of the worst segment and the best segment. Well, he's a part of the worst and the best. We can confession the week. The pranks are the best segments. Okay, he's a part of the best. Right or wrong. You just don't like the fact that I make sense that I was to gang up and this really shows you what the A and M college system is doing. Is what this biddy shows me. Why he got one. Gave a story about your Alma mother too that I think I gave you, Shirley. Please, let's okay, Oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah, we got him coming up? What's not okay? Here we go. First of all, I just text him because he don't pick up my call. No, Junior, don't answer your Can I work at a TV show now in the daytime. I don't have time talk talk to him. Okay, So let me ask you this. So I asked him this last night. He ain't responded. Will you tell him? It is rude for a deaf person to do sign language? Why they mouth is full of food? Are the most stupid. You're not supposed to talk while your mouth is full. So am I right? You're not supposed to sign language? Why all you're eating? Tell him you're not gonna you fingers going? That's rude. But if they could chew with their mouth clothes and talk. If you can chew, if you can talk it out open in your mouth, and I was a Paul, this is just rude. You can't be doing sign language and your mouth speller Paul sign language that now, then here's another one for Mr Junior boy. Tell this boy if some Simmy's twins have sick X with some most signmes twins, ain't that swinging telling that I thought about that last night time. I think you're right on that. Yeah, I had to. I had to argue out. I can't even I'm with you when you're right. If I look over my shoulder and see my partner with the person I'm connected to swinging believe Yeah, if you saw me twins and you didn't here with your girl, ain't win here. I love righting wrong. I'm sorry, I love it. I love just stupid looking at me like, hey man, what is you excited right here? I am you? Yeah, yeah, And you were looking at us, you over that getting it and I know what you're doing. But you try to flip, y'all. I'll tell you what. You can not get him go just like that. That's that's true. He gonna text me back, okay, you you you kind of got a point on it. He didn't want it. I didn't want to admitted to get you know, reason why I didn't picked up my collar because we're going the phone. I see you do know the devil is married? And then he gonna just hang up on what will you tell him the devil is married? I gotta say, you tell me? Got three out of there is right? Come on? Tell right? Wrong? Why? Yah? Finish it? I know his wife and his ex wife. Why And Steve, you more than one way you can get in trouble. Okay, Well I was just talking about the devil. I just told him the devil was mad because you know, because you know when they when they be raining in sunshine and at the same time that when they be arguing. That's why, because I know he my grandmama said, so I knew he was man you're talking about. No, No, he actually does have a wife. And when you stop, stop it right now? And how much pain was you in? I mean we all heard that when we were little, right when it's raining or whatever. His wife. I've never heard that. This first time. I'm hearing this for Tommy, but I am here to confirm. And how do you know it? I d I did not don't say that, Steve, I just didn't work out for you. Don't say that, Tommy, are you Tommy? I love right? It wrong? This first time you ever been two out of three? Okay, I don't want to say this. I'm telling you good. The deaf one was the only one. I didn't like that swinging Simmy Twins and Lucifer ex White. I'd say you got three out of three today. Yeah, I don't, But you're the judge, Steve. No, I think he was. He was on five today except for the death talking. I think it's very gifted if deaf person can talk and chew with his mouth. I think. Let me tell you right now, because my my mouth food fall out my mouth of all the time when I'm talking. When we come back, we're gonna talk about Tommy's alma mater, Texas A and m what you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Tommy as promised, we're gonna talk about your alma mater, Texas A and m uh it's in the news your school. Uh yeah, yeah, before you say it, Can I just throw the term he'll billy out there? White white nationalists? Yeah, when you know, when you start a sentence off with white nationalists is not going to be White nationalists are planning on September eleven, get this, White Lives Matter protests September eleven, nine eleven. UH. The A and M student newspaper The Battalion initially reported that organizer Preston Wigginton said it was he was inspired by the found like a race said. He said he was inspired by the Unite the Right rally last weekend in Charlottesville, Virginia. Really, dude, really really? What was inspirational about? White? Yeah? What did they not? Of course? Uh? Of course the event turned violent, you know, between white supremacist counter protesters. Wigginton also had plans to invite Richard Spencer, the white supremacist, to organize last weekend's rally. What the heck is going on? What about the white woman who was killed? Yes, s see you fit to really find out something about life. But I don't understand. See America, this freedom of speech we got it sucks to the point sometimes you cannot come on a state college. Is that a state school topic where we pay taxes and do and say what you want to say on the campus that taxpayers are paying for and students paid to go to that school that may not want to hear it. You can't come up in there with all of that, especially when it's hate now we gotta stop some of these rules around him. Man, this is ignorant. You can't get a permit for a parade to spread hatred. Yeah, it was. That's I agree with that. I agree with that. Freedom of speech. They have to cut it off somewhere. When you talk about I mean a woman was killed here to state paratroopers were killed. Uh, this is yeah, this is horrible. How are you How are you inspired by this? How are you inspired? Inspired by this? Hatred? Yeah? This is ridiculous. To tell you something, you can try it if you want to. But them people down there in Brian, Texas, they got some fun. There's some black people and Brian not gonna heavy. Well, it's some white people down there too. Because the white people in Brian you ain't. You ain't gonna ring that down here. Yeah, I'll tell you what. Yeah, I mean, have a heart after what happened last weekend and Charlotteesville comes on, but you ain't wrang it down there. Some some budhole comes win't get through in another comarative, start whit people. When you do that right now, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Drive a car down the street and go that's so stupid. On sept Timber, it's distressed and disappointed. That's your school. But just ask this questioning its white lives matter, because I'm not gonna come on, Tommy giggle that. Yes, we know that white lives matter. We don't have a problem with white lives mattering. All black people want to know is can ours matters justice equal exactly. That's the basis of the whole Black Lives Matter movement? Man, you know, yeah, quit shooting us in the back. Quit opening the window and shooting in the car like that. Brother. All right, we'll be back in Minnesota. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Last week, Tiger Woods pleaded guilty to reckless driving. For good reason. Of course, he never stood a chance in court, though ESPN obtained a toxicology report from the night of his arrest. Tiger was wasted on a cocktail of powerful painkillers vico In and Dela did dilatlotted. Yeah, yeah, that's it to me. I've heard of thought. Yeah, thats gonna get to me. Oh yeah, when you have a Christie, I had it in Italy. I had it. Why did you have it. No, I was headed. I had a gelatto that's Italian. Okay, what drug did you say? Delotted? Ohto it made me feel if you if you give them gelato, you feel bad. I don't know too much. I had you high. I didn't do nothing to me. The cottail also included ambient. That's the sleeping aid. We know that. To help calm his nerves. Tiger had taken Zanex and t see, which is the active ingredient in marijuana. First of all, let me just say this. I could need to get in touch. He needed to get in touch with the earl in him because stop all Yeah, we have to stop all this capital in asianuse. Now you're in't here trying stop all this Cavalnessian. You're black. They're treating your black. You're getting arrested, getting the cues. Yeah yeah, it's black. Now stop all this. Look just like Homer sim Yeah. But what he needs to do, though, is stop all this and you know and see he's he said one of his mistakes was he got away from Buddhism. He's chanting and stuff like that. Well, I don't know how that works, and I ain't here to slam. Nobody's religion at all in any way, so there ain't none of my business. But let me just tell you this though. Here's Jesus. Would be a good start, would be a great many thank I can need to do. And what Tomy just said, and just try Jesus. Hey, he's never felt this yet. Not knocking nothing else, but Jesus do work, Lord, God, Heavenly Father does work. Amen o MG, all that work you actually started with. I'm I'm not knocking statues. It ain't what I do. But if I could recommend something to you in the world of rists, something about the name Jesus. It is the sweetest name I know. That's just a recommendation. Now try that. You might can make a comeback and everything miracles happen. But right now, whatever you're doing, it ain't working and you need to stop today because you can't make a comeback. Was something that ain't right. When you make a recommendation, you got some substance to go with that. I have lost everything I've ever owned before, completely went down and all the way under. When they said what they're saying about Tiger, they have said it about me. Somebody sent me something the other day. Man, let me find this what somebody sent me the other day. Just try Jesus. Yeah, I mean, taste and see that I am good. All right, let's go to break and we'll come back and maybe you'll have it by then. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, here we go with just one more thing before the break. Steve, you were trying to find a scripture that could possibly help Tiger Woods, but it was a partner mine. Ricky Lewis sent this to me on Sunday. He had just come out of church and if I could get this to Tiger Woods, it could help al Woods. If I could get this to anybody out there is struggling right now, it could help you because it helped me when I got it. Please share, he said. He called me side gamble because that's why I played. He say side gamble in church today. This is what he said. You don't realize that Jesus is all you need, and to Jesus is all you have. Matthew one eighteen through Matthew one eight thing to you don't realize that Jesus is all you need until you realize Jesus all you've got. See that right there? I see, But I've been down to that point. See, I got took down to why I had nothing except his name, That's all I had left. And buddy, let me tell you something. You get to you gets to saying it enough times now it is he's listening, and he'll do that to get your attention. Dog aim right through for your boy. So I was solid man, so and I recommend that to people too. But it's a dog on a shame that you don't realize that Jesus, all you needing to Jesus is all you've got, you know. So what I do now is so I ain't gotta get stripped down. I know now. I just called on him when I don't need nothing. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's when the thing can come in. Yeah, I don't. I don't wait till I need something to call him. I call him all the time, and he's there when I need something. My voice is familiar, you know that. Ain't so all here you come now? Come? No, no, no, every day. Yeah, there was a song called don't wait till Midnight man talking about you know, don't wait till that eleventh when you really need him to call on me, you know. But I'm wondering if he would be open to that, if he would just be open to hearing that. I know he wasn't raised in that faith at anything like that. But at one point in time, man, that's what happens. Man. You get out to nothing and you gotta do something because you gotta go. Why does it keep snowballing for me? And it's not improving at all, It's just going down the hill going down? Yeah, but man, you don't It doesn't have to be that way for you. Life is temper said. What happens to you is what you do about it. But if you've prayed up, if if you stay in prayer, man, if you if you can just hold on to faith, God is always coming. See this thing you're asking for, you gotta quit thinking of it has denied, It's not denied. Sometimes it's delayed. I've been looking for this deal that I thought was gonna happen for me last year. It's still ain't happened. That don't mean it ain't gonna happen. And that doesn't mean what God is doing is just getting things in place. It's just working it out. And if I'm gonna come down from heaven and say, here's Steve and especially if you got in your bast see his his the thing for the stuff that you're asking God for, you gotta watch because if He gave it to you right now, could you really receive it, hold on to it and maintain it. So a lot of times when you ask God for it, you know, man, you have to you know a lot of times when you ask God for it, you have to wait because there are some things that have to go into place. And when it goes into place, then you get it. Because it's something I've been wanting for a while now, but he won't give it to me because I got some people around me that he don't want to have it. See that's cold, that's cold. So think about it this in your life. Have you been asking God for something and could it be the reason that He can't give it to you right now because as somebody in your circle that would benefit from it that really shouldn't have it. Could that be? And oftentimes that's it if you look really, really carefully, because there's somebody in your life, man, that you've been really questioning their presence, but because you're loyal to them and you trying to be forgiven and a good friend you. Oftentimes you overlook them. But if you are questioning a person's existence in your life and your space, there's a reason why you're questioning them. And everybody got him. Oh yeah, Oprah told me that. She said, Steve, everybody got She said the President got him. Everybody got him. So who in your life is in your space and in your circle that you keep getting the feeling that you really don't need them there, or they really don't mean you good, but you allow them to exist. And you know what it is, it's just because you're a decent person and you're forgiven person, and you try to find a good in everybody, and you don't wanna you don't want to take nothing from them. You don't want to cause nobody no discomfort. But listen to me, Man, if you don't prune the tree, your tree quick growing and then bushes get wild up there. Wow, Well think about that. If you plan on playing the powerball um tonight tonight, think about that. Saturday Night's Powerball drawing did not yield a winner, pushing the drawing for tonight's Jack Pott. Listen to this, Steve up to a whopping four hundred and thirty million dollars. Let me play something. Yes, how much is a ticket? How much is a ticket? It's a dollar, right, something like that. You can get like ten. No, let's get a ticket. Let's go now the cash value of that jack potts around. People buy more than one. That's that was my point. Yeah, it only takes one though, Yeah, but you know you gotta have more shots in the odds at least. What's dude? What doesn't take it? I'm mad at him. Y'all have a good week. Here is when for all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.