It's "Fridee" (Friday) and Kevin Hart Guest Hosts - 06.02.17

Published Jun 2, 2017, 9:32 PM

Funny Man Kevin Hart Guest Hosts and talks about his new movie and book.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing buck bus things and it's toubles y'all to be true. Good to tea Steve hardy guy and listening to me toach other for Steve barn quickly money. Why don't you join? Yeah, yeah, by joining the same paid you got to use that turn out you love go, yeah, you go. You gotta turn to turn turn my love. You got to turn out to turn turn wan, comey, come on your things at it. Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig and now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. I was. I had my head down then it was thinking of what I wanted to say this morning. But it kind of uh, it's kind of be something I've lived for a long time, and uh, you know, for a long time, you know, I had a lot of faith in people. You know. It's strange too, because you know, you know, my mother was a Sunday school teacher, so of course I grew up around it, knowing the scriptures and things like that, not not a lot of them, but you know, the ones I retained. But having her as a mother was it was a huge help and understand about faith. But even with that, as I grew up, I began to put a lot of faith in people, and um, you know, I I figured, you know, just like everybody else, you know, man if I could just meet this person, or if I could just sit down with that person, or man if I could just get this person to hear my ideal, or man if just if this person could hear my track, or man if I could just get this in the hands or somebody in the know. I was, like everybody else, I thought that way. You know, I actually thought that if I could get in a certain situation with a certain person, that if a certain person were to meet me, that you know, it could change everything for me. Oh man, Oh how wrong I was? Oh how wrong I was? How long did I spend feeling that way? And how many of you out there possibly have felt that way before? You know, like even in a relationship, this is the person for me, And you know, you just lay claim to that, you know, not necessarily being a fact, but you just lay claim to it. This is the person for me, This is the person that I want to spend the rest of my life with. You know, sometimes, you know, we just lay claim and stuff, and it's not always what's in our best interests or it's not always a fact. It's just what we decided we wanted. And I was guilty of that, just like anybody else. And I spent a lot of years in my life putting faith in people. Man, if I could tell you anything this morning, it's to stop putting your faith in people and put your faith in God where it counts the most. I mean, you can get something out of this one. See, here's a deal about the relationship with God. It's it's the same all the time. He never changes. His word is one absolute. His word doesn't have loopholes in it, none of that. It's this is what it is. He's very clear. Now, you can deviate off your end at a bargain, but it don't stop what he says from being true. But if he asked you to do something, If if God asked you to to be a and way, to do a little something a certain way, and you don't do it that way, then you know you could still possibly get by for a while. But don't you understand that his end of the deal stays the same. And as long as you're not doing it the way you're supposed to, the results are not going to be what you wanted to be. And I did this for years and years and years, and I counted on people, and uh, you know, I got myself in a lot of situations. And I got out one a dire situation that I've been in for a number of years. But he had protected me from years prior to that. I didn't even know what was going on. And then he made it away and made me aware of the problem. And then, man, Lord have mercy, I was in a dismal situation. And then at the end of the year, I was free, free from it all. But it was a decision that I had made that led up to that, and in and in going through that process, I had to learn something. Man. I learned a lot about people. See, if you want to learn about your friends, if you want to learn about your people people around you, Get yourself in some trouble, get yourself in a situation. Oh man, you start looking around, man to feel get real clear. When you're in trouble. The field clear is out when you're in doubt when you don't know what to do when you need help it get real clear on the play and field, then don't it. Ah. But when things is going right, it's time for a party. Were throwing a celebration. We we we were gonna We're gonna do one down here. Oh man, there's plenty of people on the field. But but but but get yourself in a situation. You find out rather quickly that old no, old no, everybody ain't here. And that's when I started learning. And I'm telling you, I had to start learning this for real until I finally got it to stop putting my faith in people and put all of mine and God where it counts the most. Now is that to say that there are people that you can't trust. No, that's not what I'm saying. I ain't say you can't trust him, but you can't dump your faith in him. I got it all righting on what he say. I got it all righting on what she say. No, no, uh uh no, I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna keep my on this situation because I hear you saying it. But I'm gonna take this faith of mine and instead of putting it in people. I'm gonna put it in God where it counts the most, because his word is absolute. What he says he's gonna do, he gonna do what he says. He's not gonna tolerate. He's not gonna tolerate. Now, you can make it, you can make it tolerable for yourself, but he's not gonna tolerate it. And that's just the end of the line. And so you know, I'm i'm I'm wondering how many people out there find themselves in a situation like me, or maybe you've gotten yourself in a situation because you put your faith in some people and now you wound up in a different type of situation. Now, let me ask you whetting people at see every person that I had put my faith in when I got in trouble, when I got down, I couldn't find them people nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. I didn't see a lifeline. I didn't say, hey man, we're coming to get you. I didn't see none of that, No, sir, no sir. The only one that I found when I was in my deepest trouble, when me and my wife were in our darkest situation, was God is the only one, was the only one who was just right there, right there, all the way through. I mean, comforting us, consoling us, putting us, putting his arms around us, tucking us under his wings, all of that all it was just him. It was just him. And I'm asking any of you to just do the same. If you look around at the people that you put your faith in, and you got in a situation because you had some faith in some people when you got in that situation, where were those people? Where were they? Nowhere to be found? I have not. I've yet to find those people when I get in trouble. And so I'm asking you why would you put your faith there when instead you can put your faith in God where it counts the most, and He's always there. Now, let me explain something to you. Because you have this relationship with God, it does not mean, it does not mean now that it won't get it won't still be a situation, you understand. But what He will do is protect you during that period. He'll cover you during that period that it is a situation. He will give you the strength to overcome the situation when it turns into a situation. Then when he when he cracks it open for you and the sun is bright and shining. What he don't want you to do is when he gets sunny again, to forget about him, who was there when it was dark for you. See, I used to do that too, you know. I was Oh, man, I did it. I'm telling you right now, I did it. But I'm telling you man, when I learned a very serious lesson, and I watched some people I thought were friends of mine just sort of casually remove themselves from the situation. Then I said, okay. Me and Margie looked around. We said okay, it's just me, you and God, and we started conducting ourselves accordingly. So when it's sunny for us, we remember God. We stay prayerful, we keep talking to him. We thank him for the sunshine, we thank him for the dark days that he allowed us to do, who allowed us to survive it and turn it into sunny days. And we talked to him constantly to protect us of our future enemies. And that's what the deal is. So if I was everybody, I would stop putting your faith in people and put your trust in God where it really does count the most, It really really does. You're listening to twenty one twenty one minutes after there, I'll welcome to the ride. It is the nephew. It is Friday. That's if R I D E Fride and the nephew is holding it down with the beautiful ladies. We're gonna start with them very Shirley Strawberry. Hey, good morning, nephew. Happy Friday or frid D D D E running Carla Farrell, what's happening, nephew. It's up, Shirley Jake Crew special guest up, Junior Boar, share car. I'm working on the new lane, all right, work on it. It's Friday. That's when you're working on new landes Friday. Watch now, what's going on? Good to be here out over there, you're not gonna do it, say it like you meet it. Glad to be here. I'm not there. If you're looking for me, I'm not there. I'm just letting people know where I'm at. I'm here. Let's jump right to it. Can I get a drum roll? That is joining us this morning? Is the highest paid comedian read now right now salary last year. Yeah, because ain't nobody done with this? Bought and done. He's a movie star, he's an authors an entrepreneur, is a philanthropist, He's everything all right, all right, got so much going on, and we are honored to have him with us all morning long. His first book hits the stores next week, and he's got a new movie, Yacht, which starts today. Put Your Hands Together, Spread up out the North Philly. The one and only Kevin Hart. Too long to get to me? Tell all that every time I tell that, every time we're not when I'm here. Why you gotta take so long to get to me? I don't like it, like short, I don't get you. You first, just all a Friday. She gotta do upthing, Tyler gotta do. I think Jay gotta do his day time. You gotta do his thing. Everybody gotta think. I don't care about your Shorten it up and then get to me so I can give a big grandios something I had, the thing I wanted to do Tommy, and I forgot. I forgot that grand you should. I forgot because I got caught up in y'all stuff. I got caught up with what y'all was doing when I started to rethink what I had, because I didn't know if it was strong enough to follow what y'all was doing. Oh y'all, Jada hit me with that. I'm not there, I'm here, I'm I don't know what to do. After that, you got the Friday then surely got the laugh Carla going with the everybody gotta stay and I don't know if my thing met you all. You're speaking a new language over the people were following. I don't have a day. We had to get you a thing. Got to give me a thing if y'all gonna take that long. But welcome back though, you look good, Thank you. I'm sorry man, you went in a little firing. You went ahead, but you look good. We're gonna take some phone calls for you. Kevin coming up. People want to talk to you. Do you got a big movie coming out today? You got a bunch of stuff happen book. Maybe we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, our special guest. If you didn't know, if you're just joining us, it's the one and only Kevin Hart. Kevin Hart with the brand new movie out today, Captain Underpanned. It's your new animated movie in theaters too day. Hey, you know what it is. If you ain't got it, I thought I had that. I don't thought. Yeah, I'll try to come in with Let me tell you something. If you ain't got it, you ain't forget it. Keep going to come back to beet with you. By the way, we're gonna go to the phone. Is the beef with you today? About this Captain under movie and we're talking about Listen, let's tell you beef beef forget it? All right, Let's go to the phone, Kevin. You're ready to take some phone calls out there. They wanted to talk to you. Oh, they want to talk to you, Kevin. Let's talk all right. Let's go to line What is this? You didn't give me the lines? Guys, what's Let's go on the phone. Let's go to line I think this is line six, It might be line five. Let's go to j Lin out of Ohio. Jaylen. You know we can hear someone here. You. Yeah, what's your I'm from Cleveland. You got Cavine Warriors? You know what? Because you're from Cleveland, I'm gonna had of cans. Brother, I'm gonna had a cash that. Yeah. Yeah, I'm I'm looking to see history be made man. So let's uh, let's watch Lebrin do big things. Brother. You know Gay one was amazing. It's just setting up for an amazing series. Brother. At this point, you don't know who to choose, So I'm on the fence. We're still gonna ride it out though. Baby. At the end of the day, I want to see Cleveland do big things. Let's go to line one and talk to Kyle Carl on the part right here. Huh yeah. Yeah, it's your fault more professionally. You set the tone, Kevin when you weren't ready. Kyle. Yeah, Hi, Kyle, good morning, Good morning. Go here, Kyle, talk to Kevin. Man. What up, Kyle? You seem energetic this morning. What's going on with you? Man? Nothing? Nothing, I'm just cool. Um, Kevin, I'm a longtime fan. I just wanted to ask you what advice you would give to somebody who doesn't have both their parents in their life. Um My dad left and he doesn't want anything to do with me. But I still want to be super successful and I want to take after you. I watch the videos every day and I just want to know what you would say. Watch this, man. You gotta turn any negative into a positive, Okay. At the end of the day, you can't live your life for other people. Your parents serve a major purpose in your life, and I was putting you on this earth. I think you do them justice by living out your dreams the best way you can, which is just putting your all into yourself. The role to becoming the best version of you starts with you and you only man. At the end of the day, your parents will eventually catch up. I can't do better than that. I love that. Now, Seriously, how old are you, Carl? How old are you? Three? We got tons of time, man, tons of times. You'll see. Yeah, he gonna be proud when he sees you, because you're gonna be doing what you're supposed to, which is doing you man. All right, all right, thank you, my god, No problem, that's good. I saw a TV interview with you. I mean they talked about failure, because you know about failure. I mean we all do, Yeah, you know about it. You talked about the failure of your TV show and all that. So how did it keep you going? How did it keep you motivated? Why didn't you give up? Well? I think that word no is ammunition. You know, the more you hear the word no, the more angry you ultimately get because you eventually wanted to stop. So for me, you know, after years and years of hearing it, it was it was wanting to hear yes one time. It was I'm not going to stop, so I get yes one time. And then after hearing it that one time, I said, Yo, this is easy to get addicted to. Let me see if I can get it the second time and the third time, and then those nose eventually became yeses. And then the will and want for the yes is to never end is with motivated and pushing me just to keep going. I think you know what I just told him is really ultimately what it's about. It's about becoming the best possible version of who you are. At the end of the day, there is no competition. You know, I'm sitting here now with two comedians. We don't compete against just ourselves. We're our own competition. We're trying to figure out our own pattern. We're trying to open up doors that can eventually open to other doors so other people can say, oh my god, look at the road and they took how can I do the same thing. You You manufacture what's best for you, and you create things that ultimately are best for you. And that's what I had to figure out. That people think you are overnight success, have no idea how long you've been in the game. Years old. I've been drinking this team. I don't know if you guys have been Hong Kong, but they sell this t is a million dollars a cap uh. And what it does is no, no, no, no, you can't drink the whole cup. I've been drinking the same cup of teeth in the last five years. It's a small cup to half a simper day. No, man, got I got time, and you know I got started. I got started in the business early. I was eighteen when I first started, So I'm thirty seven, about to be thirty eight. You know, you're looking at a long time. That's almost twenty years in the entertainment business. And eventually it does turn around. And that's my advice to anybody out there. You know, whether it's entertainment, whether it's school, whether it's worked you know, whatever that whatever that line of businesses that you're in or whatever, directually you're taking your life and you got to you gotta keep going. What people don't realize there's a comedian and the clubs when you reach the success that you reached. The clubs weren't always pat they weren't always bad, and they're nice when you're going there the seven eight people and you go. I performed in New Orleans one time and dude showed me. I think I think it might have been his boss in the middle of may have been basic instinct. Remember Sharon Stone had the white and she was commando. I'm gonna say it's all right. Thirteen people went here and he had these little shorts on and I'm talking, you know you, I could clearly see everybody. This is a This is at a very low point, very low point in my career. This is a very low point. This is so before at least at least so play was I got paid. This was a comedy club in New Orleans that may not have been a comedy club. It was. It was like a box. It was a box that I stood on. And then when I'm not talking about a good box, I'm talking about like I think it was like a TV box and they put concrete under it and I got it. I got like this the microphone in my hand and it's a long chord. Yeah. I didn't even know what chord. It was like seven eight people and I'm performing yea for my performing this dude open his legs. I just want to be on stage. I think I think that's a. That's a. I think that's a. I'm not gonna I'm gonna drawn attention to it. But look, I don't know. We're back. We have Kevin all morning, moving back to run that prank back. Wow, you're listening to the stew Kevin is crazy alright coming. Kevin Hart is our special guest this morning. In case you are just joining us. Kevin Hart, of course, start of the new movie Captain Underpant to theaters two days. You want to go check it out. What's the movie about, Kevin? Uh? Animation movie based off of a book that's had amazing success, the Captain Underpan's franchise. I mean, it's been around for a long time. Uh, and it's and they decided to do an animated feature. They got gave me the call Kevin would be interested in and I said, of course, with me familiar familiarized myself with the project, and I went to research on it. Loved the premise of it, and you know, I love the fact that I can now do material that that my kids can enjoy. You know, it's setting another avenue. You know. Secret Life of Pets was my first animation, this being a second, and with some with some great success, you can have another franchise on your hands. So, you know, I do everything to get to step two, step three, and this was a good step one that could potentially propel me there. But it's good. It's about kids being imaginative. It's about embracing that creative side of a child and supporting it, you know. And these are two kids that are friends, great relationships in school and just love to create. Take me behind the scene, though, how does animation work? Are you in your own studio or you with other actors? We'll get to that. We'll get to that because Kevin's gonna be here all morning. We'll talk about it. So she didn't pop, she started to pop as a guy. That's all right. But years we're going to get to that. But we're going to just hold that, hold that, shut that, and it's gonna come up with our national news. But before we get to that, nephew, you're up, ye run that crank back the NBA party. Hello a long terms, I'm I'm looking for Brandy. Hey brand, how you doing this, Poncho man? I want to Marcus his boy? How you doing man? Oh? Yeah here, what's that? Y'all talked to Marcus man. He would tell me about you know, the uh the playoff party man for for for Sunday man. So uh he told me if it was cool, I would come through. Man. I just want to call it and how you see if I can if I need to bring anything, uh food or some drinks or whatever. You know you took your friends with Marcus. Yeah, yeah, this is Ponto man. I'm friends with Marcus. Okay, yeah, yeah, I think it's cool. Yeah yeah, now you't read unless of course you know you you're drinking something special. But uh yeah, it's just gonna be need Marcus and uh you know other boys come be here and uh you know what are you want to bring it to me while I'll be so yeah that's cool, okay, okay, what tell me y'all? Starting? Man? He told me like around one, Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna be there all day, but you know you're coming through by one, one, two o'clock. You know this Before the game he started had as you know, got a slat spring going and it's to be laid out. So yeah, just come on through whenever you come through, all right, just remember man, puncho. All right, I'll be there. I don't got it, all right, cool? All right here, hello, hey, hey brand yo, hey, punch you again. Man, listen real quick? How much food and looking through you have? Uh? I think we gotta love for for sudden? It was why what you got going on? What's up? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, I got I got like three boys gonna ride with me. Man, I just want to make sure you getting enough over there. Okay, who is this again? Just puncho. You know we talked about thirty minutes ago. Just punch on a Manca's friend, right right, okay, Uh, I mean my call. You're bout thirty minutesgo, told Marcus told me. Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yeah, I'm sorry for Mary bringing back and forth. Uh yeah, well, I mean I guess it's all right. So you know, we ain't trying to overload the joints man. Just you know, I know Marcus and if you're a friend of his, then that's cool. You can come to It ain't but three guys, man, It ain't but three guys. Coming with me. Many they they're really cool man. We we we we we we were bringing something to put on your tit or whatever. You know, it'll it'll be good. Okay, yeah, yeah, that's cool man. But you know, yeah, yeah, come on through that all right, all right, all right, I talked to you. I talked to you, all right, Bratt is uh wait, it's one of the Marcus. It's one of the guys Marcus. Yeah no, no, no, no, no, I got it. It's three guys me. I'm made four you know, three other guys. Yeah, whatever, man, that's cool. Yeah, bring him through, man, come on. It's like all right, all right, all right late, hello, hey Brad, punch you again. Man. Listen, Hey, I'm gonna bring one more. Um, I'm gonna bring one more person with me. Hold a pumping brakes player. Wait, hold up, old, what's up? Now? What's up? You market this friend? Yeahah yah yah yeah, you and I'm puncho. Yeah okay, I know you punch them and but you bring it everybody, but just go Kire and Marcus is cool with me. That's my fault. We go way back. And if you cool with him too, then okay you can come. You know I'm trying to have an NBA playoff game. You're bringing the whole NBA with you. No, it ain't like that, man, man, I mean, Placen's that big. You know, my wife is gonna be coming through here, and you know I got the house laid out. I told I wasn't un destroy the place by this doghouse like two weeks ago. I was trying to that up. So if you're coming through, you come through, you know, bring one or two people with you. But that's it, all right, But listal, you wouldn't decide me. I ain't gonna bring them dude with me. I'm just gonna bring a little lady from him with me. Man. If there's that cool, I'm just gonna bring a little lady for him. No news, Okay, that's cool. Now you're talking, okay, because I know she adn't eat it, but much come on through here with her and you know, be done with it. That's fine, right right right. I'm gonna call samone nine, tell her and tell her that that she's coming with me. What's her name? Her name, Simone, that's what that's my wife's name. Okay, okay, but maybe the hook up while they while we're watching the game here. So I've been her girls, so that the nail's done. Okay, okay, so check us out, man, I'm I'm gonna reach out to Simone and let her know that we're gonna we're gonna leave it and get over there like about one and just say it's cool, right, Yeah, yeah, it's cool man. That that's a whole lot better than being about up in there. But back yea yeah yeah yeah. Now and I checked this man, mine, Uh you know, my friend she she she's married, you know, and and she wanted to get away from my husband for a minute. Man, I guess it's been going through so you know, you know, just keeping way back back up there. She's bringing a married woman named Sman, what are the odds of that? My wife's name is Saman. Okay, we'll do I mean what this one samone is last name? Is that's my last name? Wait? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on, hold wait wait wait wait, hold on hold on dog, Okay, this Simone is light skinning. Yeah, you keep on this scribing her light skin, fives gone, short hair, that the hallet cut. Yeah, that's that's that's that's how about you do my wife. Hey, you Simone be freeance for a minute. Man. It wasn't ntil like a couple of weeks ago. She reached out to me and says, who's going through some some some um. She reached out to you to tell you that she's going through some stuff with a dude. Well all that dude, Okay, okay, you know my wife, Hey man, you know about a year, but who counting? You know what I'm saying. A year that's about the time we started having some issues. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I come on over this party. Hey man, I'm sure we can try to do picket this kind of situation. Imprison my wife. Don't. I'll give me about her either, you know you you know they said, you know what, I've always believed this. There are no mistakes of this. Everything happens where it's close to me. So it's funny how you call me. Okay, okay, listen, man, listen, get this number my boy game no no, no, I get it time. You probably called it and record from her that my boy gave me this not leave leave Simone out of this, man, So you can't tell me right now. You know I'm not to be up to call with you right now. I'm gonna call her. I'm not to say I ain't gonna call that all. Don't don't tell her my wife. Just bring her to the party. I got a gift for this for you. I got a three eight, I gotta smith, I got a question. I got a side fourteen killer and go right up your So you just come on over this party, okay? Hey man, hey man, listen, my boy, my boy gave me your number. Man, So who my boy is? Mark? I said, he don't know you. Marcas don't know me, but guess who else knows me? Though that you don't know? What's that up? Hey Brad, this is Nephew time me man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your boy Marcus got me to prank phone call. You give us this up. I'm gonna get up. Yeah, hey Brad, what was you gonna do with the party? Man? Damn man? Uh? Because you're listen Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Kevin hard a special guest. Very great movie franchise movie coming out today. It is out. It's called Captain Underpan's. It starts Kevin Hurt. Uh. Miss Anna is coming up by the way with their national news but before we get to miss Anne you have an issue. Let me just say that for the movie, it looks pretty good. It's just that I had an idea of something like this is Captain under Pans. Captain Lieutenant Drawls was mine. And when you see something like that, you know, but that's my kind of my idea, and none of that got him here. I just ya, I'm as friends, I'm almost a Certainly you never had the idea of Lieutenant Draws. I'm almost That doesn't even make sense, Jake, It doesn't What would the putness of that be. Besides, Lieutenant Draws hasn't made it the captain yet, right, working on that. This is a prime example of what people doing when they see a project. You clearly saw the title Captain underpan and I was like, oh man, what if I did Lieutenant Draws. That's that's exactly how it happened, I guess, And he's and he's making it seems like he had this attitude and just for the world I did to know. Just kids, you don't know who I am, and canting o the pants, I'm the black boy here in the party. There's two, there's a there's a the white kid, and the black kid. I'm the black kid, okay, yeah. I just want to let everybody because I didn't know. Yeah, some people didn't know who I wanted to sit there through the whole movie, which one is kid? Yeah? Yeah, yeah yeah in the movie does Lieutenant draws through? Lieutenant Draws is not a s I can tell you all. Real funny story though, real So I went taping, you know, we're doing the animation, you know, and they're like, okay, Kevin, you know, do you want to do this, and you know you gotta put a voice on. You gotta go into a kid voice. But I went to younger Kevin at first, so I'm I'm for ebonics. Come on, man, anybody trying to do this. He they have to come in and have a meeting with me, Like, is there any way to kind of U There was like is there any way to I don't know, maybe uh you know, uh, just just say the words a little bit. I was like, what you mean that, because we're not getting all the words because black kind of skipping some of the words. And I was like, playing back, let me hear, just play somef back. I was like, shoot, shoot, yeah, I said that, I said, I went real black on you. I said, I said, I'm sorry. We had to had to dull me that because I came in with so much, so much energy. It's too hard. It was so urban, not appealing to everybody. I think maybody trying to go to school like that. It's like, oh wait, meeting was that he was living up to the stereotype. And you could have seen their face and that boot when they come in, come in together, because they showed me the picture, my coach, I'm about to flip this about. I'm about to be in the cuddy with the Yettie. Scared the mess out of the people. You just scared the kids out, scared the mess out of all. Right, she is here. Please, let's let's sell Kevin. You do the honors, introduced miss Ah, miss and my favorite. Later, gentlemen, you know what time it is. What understood does not need to be said. Miss Anne is your time. Thank you very much, Kevin. Good morning everybody out there, and this is and trip with the news. Well. President Trump has filled through with one of his campaign promises. Trump is pulling the US out of the Paris Climate Change of cord. He says, that's it. The United Dates well, withdraw from the Paris Climate of Court, but begin negotiations to re enter either the Paris of Court or in really entirely new transaction when terms that are fair to the United States. It's businesses, its workers, it's people, it's taxpayers. So we're getting out. But the President says, if he's able to make a deal that's quote fair, then that's great. But if you can't, that's fine too. Meanwhile, the leaders of France, Germany, and Italy have issued a joint statement noting with regret President Trump's decision to withdraw from the effort to combat to global warming, and they're dismissing Trump's suggestion that the deal can somehow be renegotiated. Some two hundred countries signed the Paris of Quarterback in Green to set targets for reducing emissions and greenhouse gasses. June is Black music month. Her given name was La Donna Adrian Gaines, but the world knew her as Donna Summer. She was born in Boston, first saying in the church, beginning her professional entertainment career. Though in Europe with a part she'd gotten an overs He's production of hair, she got parts in some other shows over there and eventually hooked up with a writer and producer named Georgio Moroder, and that's when she recorded the first mega disco hit, which she co wrote, the sex infused love to Love You Baby. But she became known not so much for her singing as for her talking and her moaning. In fact, most people felt that Donna probably couldn't sing. Of course, they found out they were really wrong when she came out with another million selling hit, the title song to the disco movie Thank God It's Friday. The song Last Dance won an Oscar for Best Original Song. After that, the world crowned her the Queen of Disco, and it was a title she upheld over and over and over again. And with all that, Donna never forgot to pay homage to women, lyrics urging them to be in charge of their lives and to demand respect. And Donna Summer had hits with some real different pieces, like this remake of the curiously worded Richard Harris hit mcgarthur Park, and she sang note for note with Barbara streisand on this seventeen minute long disco collabo. Donna Summer was a five time Grammy winner, the only artist to have three consecutive double LPs hit number one, and she was also the first female artist to have four number one singles within a thirteen month period. Later in life, Donna Summer returned to her religious roots became a born again Christian. She died at age sixty three after losing a battle against lung cancer. Even though she did not smoke in the seventies and eighties, that Donna Summer wasn't on your radio. Your radio wasn't really on Donna Summer remembering the great ones for Black Music Month. This is Anne trip you the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hours. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, We're back, uh, good morning, right now, It's time for the for the Butterfly. Yeah yeah, always get along. This is this is an exciting time for me. Eugene good Money, I'm my guy. It is a pleasure. I am good Money to Charlie Carline and Tommy I'm junior Butterfly, Anthony Brown brother, I can I believe I am sitting next to Kevin High. This is amazing and I want to say your body looks like a sculpture. It looks great, doesn't he? For he looked like he carved out about mountain. This is this is taller years So this um the parents, Captain under Captain and the pains. Now where can't you by these paintings? The movie is not about to appear pants it's the title. It's the title of the movie. Eugene, it's touching on the pen. See we should say I'm paying captain. No Eugene, it would be usselling underwear. No, Eugene, that's not that's not It would be Eugene and Kevin's drive. No, ain't gonna be no Eugenie and Kevin drive. This is why I don't like sitting next to Eugene. I'm serious, guys, this is why I have a problem with Euens in the studio. I'm not gonna have no Eugene and Kevin Jaul. Everyone went, body know, this is just something that you and I would be very good at. You and I should do. Um, we should do boys in the Hood. I No, we should forge because I want to look you in your eyes and say I know why you got out the car last night. Because this is why Jay switch seats for me switch seats or Tommy, one of y'all switch seats here because I get because I get upset, and because Eugene goes too far, like I don't even know what you're doing. To stop fluttering. Stop the TV this morning, we're talking about living in the world. They say nothing by my brother, man, I figured they don't know. Look in the show. I don't care about what's going on in the Okay. Yes, I did movies with ice Cube, ice Cube and Eugene or that. If we could do this, then we want to do Friday. We'll do Wensday. Nothing happened on the Wednesday. It's hot day. We're gonna do we Okay, see what I'm saying. You see what I'm saying. Jake said. Now now now I'm on, I'm just gonna say he did Braveheart. Yes, yes, okay, well I wasn't here for I wasn't here for that. Okay, to see that. I was on my heart and I was with my skirt. Now, okay, I'm talking. It's it's a kill skirt. Listen, Kevin, get ready because Jay is here, of course, and he's here for murdering. He murders the hits you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm honestly I'm taken back by what just happened. It was a lot whatever, hands moving and hunting miles in my bad face. Uh what is what is murder? Murdering the hits? Murdering the hits? Kevin is when we take a song that's very popular, my buddy Ralph, we take, we break it down, we rewrite the words and give it a whole new meaning. So the song we got today is like the song the song that's what I like? Oh no, Ja, I never heard. Of course I heard the song we're talking about. So the take that I'm taking on this song is I get a lot of beef over here because I've been out with white women. Can the song the song hated to everybody who has dated white you know all up? You know, they get a lot of beat, They get all the looks and they don't have to why why we're not hurting y'all? And that's what the song is about. Before you going to sear, I just wanna say, you know what you're saying is amazing. Uh. I love my wife. I just get that out. Did you have another thought and you just said, I'm not gonna say that. Did not just back color. I was about to say something. I thought, I know my wife. I think I love my wife. Runo, runo like it got the name of Patty. Don't understand her Natty And yes she kind of panish it hop man hop hop and dropping on the man, drop dropping bo samon name it just the little janey. Don't want any dinner. I like them trail of tramping. I can get it when I wonta get get it when she let me hit it, when I wanna hit and hit it when I won't it not jumping in my cop making money she wanted and it that you want to say, I want to smile on it. Better ad on navy right outside the mall. I don't care. She ain't it sash to spik girl and spend. That's so tape. Were drinking box one on night. Stop judge him. Look that's what the light, that's what the light. Don't hit on me because you white white, because she's white white. We tail. I'm I'm right, but you need it all night. Come at and meet it because you fight wife. You see it something you wanna fight that it right and spend that's so tame. Get bus one name in that light. The light don't hit on me because she's white. She's white. Jail up right, whet yourself? Boxine, I didn't even know that was a thing. Yeah, it's a real thing. It's a real thing in the box. Oh you forgot what you care? Let something you're hearing no box? Maybe maybe I just ain't come from the right place. Uh tell me, I've never heard of, never heard of box. It's just been wrong with the wine. I didn't know if it was there. You put it in the refrigerator. It's the box. It's got a little found on it, so it's right there. Man. So should I assume that people drinking box wine are they? Are they bad people? I thought it was like I thought it was like a jail thing something that they didn't jail like. They made it the toilet paper holding and turned the toilet paper holding into box, creating this four called one. They saved it that we drinking in joint. All right, you murdered that one that next to like Boone's farm. It's like your girl gonna love you for that. I'm gonna get looks for that lot of side with that one. I was waiting for my line Strawberry Champagne on ice, that black line. They're gonna make it to that white song you murdered that. Oh god. Kevin Hart with us all morning with his crazy stelf Captain underpans out too days. Go check it out. I'm sure it'll be number one. Sure it will, Kevin. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's strawberry letter subject? Is this just an innocent romance? Question mark? Is this just an innocent throne? Probably not? But first yeah, right, you know these letters go, but first, come on, nephew, What you got for us? On my house? What I said on my house? Yeah? Yeah? Who say one more time? Pet on my house? House? Yeah yeah? Watch this okay, Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach you. Uh Mr, I think that's the name. Yeah, this is this is what's this in regard to, uh just about air conditioning unit? You did some work off force over on uh my household off street. Do you remember coming out there last week? Yeah? Yeah, I remember? Yeah, right, my Uh it was a lady that my wife, she let you in to come right there. Their problem is the problem that is not cooler. No, what no, no, no, no, it's cooling everything. Matter fact. I want to tell you, uh that you did you did a good job. But I got a question for you now. When you was at the house and you was working on the acndis out there in the backyard, did you did you happen to go on the side of my house and pull out and used the bath room right there on the side. Did you go in and you do number one on the side of my hond? Well, what I'm saying is that my wife tells me that when you were there, that you you went on the side. She was looking out the winners. She said that when you was there that you uh and went and used the bath room on the side hole. I did, what what right? You you? You? You say you did number one over on the side of the house. Not is that something that you did? God, you got to understand something, man, all right now, I apologize if that did happen, but you got to understand something. You know, we're down the side, man, and you know we're talking eighty five, ninety and ninety five degree weather. Man. I got to stay high traded. I got to drink a lot of fluids, so you know, with me being the age that I am. I have to drink a lot of fluid and the tend to pass through once and once again. I said, I apologize, I understand all that, but you know what, I can't accept no apologies like that. When I got a man this got on the side of my house and then talking man, I'm apologizing on you and you're coming off on me like that. Do you on the side of my house in front of my wife not looking at young man? Now, if your wife show me it was really she needs to see some paper because you're here, really ain't doing something? You know that happen? Oh you think you're talking to you? Watching me? Anyway? Do my work? What is she hold that? She got to look at the old man? Look, look, look all I know else. I don't want to no man in at my house in the house, side of the house, back yard. Nothing. Look man, let me tell you something. Dog, I'm the only person at my house. You understand me right out there looking at me? Okay, but you don't. You don't at no other man's house, and you at my house and my wife sitting there looking at you. I have to wan, now I got a problem with that? Or what you need to help come with your wife looking at me? If that's what I did, you know what you need to be at home? And it was something to look at other than looking at me. You don't tell me what I need to do about my wife. Now, you don't go to another man. Man, you know what I'm about to lose it, all right, You're gonna you're gonna make You're gonna make me lose a quick. Let me let me get my death God, let me get my book. That's all yeah. I just right here. You're damn right, and I'm you w that's that's you don't at another man's house. You don't do that. And people my wife looking out the window. And I bet you knew that them blinds was open. Your man didn't be real up fit with these accusations. All right, now, look you head, you head, what it now? You you know where I'm You know I will show you what I want you to bring. Your expect over you, feelings you fit you that y'alls on that on that ness on off. I'm gonna come over and I know that for you. I want something for you. Will you take me for God myfsialism And I'm gonna come show you with me. Look, man, what you don't do is at another man house and that's what you did. And you know it ain't called for now. You could have had that alogize, man, I had to go. I told you I drink a lot of fluids in this heat. Man, the w else do you want me to do? I want you to keep your fluid until you get to the service station down the street, but not in my backyard side of the house. And my wife looking at your window making if I did I apologize, I can accept it in the hill with it. Look at You're gonna me off and make me do something up and I'm telling you not. Man, I'm telling you I don't apologize you I will come on that kicking. Okay, you do what. Let me tell you something because elder from the age of your while your wife is young, and I know you don't. You can't deal with no old school I can kill young. You're gonna You're gonna get you all supposed today you hit me. You're gonna get let me check you street to come. Let me tell you that I got one more thing to say that you w you're listening to me. This is nephew time. If this is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, you just god pranked by your boy name. Now you know what I'm to get with. He know, I got a hard computation. I don't need this type of my life, man, he said. Man, my boy be out there fixing air conditions and he doesn't think. He said, Man, let me tell you something. He said, he'd be frustrated to begin when he said, but again, McCall man, because I got nine to got to do the date. Hey, man, you like, yeah, I'm I'm mlight nothing there. You I might not you and that Steve hard from Dawn Fools in the Morning, I say't care. Come on, man, I don't know how I sit back laughing and get people. Y'alln't got me with the same. Oh man, I show y'all show man, y'all goods gonna work. I appreciate. Man. I got one more question to ask you, man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. Well, you know the Steven Show, didn't he didn't he pay on it. You scare me, but it was a bit much for you. Scared me always there. Yeah, I'm sorry, Do I go too far? No, I want to know. I wanted to go first. I'm caress about it. That's all that's your houses. That's where That's the start of it. What's the next right after that? That's all you did was your house. It's going down June thirty, Dallas, Texas. It is Magafest for Time to Laughs at the Ka Bailey Hutcheson Convention Center, hosted by Yours Truly, and the headliner is Cedric the Entertainer once to get hosted by nephew Tommy in the headline is Cedric the Entertainer. It's a time to lad. We are working for t DJs. There will be no profanity allow hill t D not see that's the thing. You got the shot t D. You can't let t do that. You can't let t D do that. Ain't no way y'all can let t D D. I lott t D right now, ey TV. I've cussed around TV several times and I've looked at him, t D. You know you're not gonna judge. You gotta you got her. Let these people here, these people here forty plus you're trying to tell me ainte of them hurd of cusswork. You got. You gotta slam them with one You gotta slam over one shot. Come out there, What the that's going on? Praise down and putting your after don't even just come out and slam with your first line. Tommy, we out here in this moment. You're not missing. Shout out to my dog mother t D check Kevin hard in the building spoor, start of Captain underpan. He's a little chocolate boy on the post case. You missed it, missed it. And you also have a book coming out. It's called I Can't make This Up. Father's Day just coming out. You can pre order the book right now. It's called I Can't make This Up. Give us one life lesson quickly, One life lesson quickly. Uh, don't sing song because you got a black woman in your life. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is a strawberry letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject Is this just another innocent or is this just an innocent bromance? That's the subjection, Is this just an innocent bromance? Well, let's see Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for eleven years and my husband and I have two kids. We moved to a new city and state because of my husband's job. Once we were settled, my husband joined several local clubs and started golfing, fishing, skiing, and he made some new male friends. He is rarely home with me and the kids. My concern is that my husband has become questionably close to one of the men. They go out together, They talk on the phone for long periods of time, they hang out at each other's houses, and go on guy trips together. He often talks about how cool this guy is and how easy he is to talk to. At first, I thought it was cool that they had, you know, that he had a new best friend. But now I questioned his friendship with the guy because this happened. He baked this guy a birthday cake. And get this from scratch that's in all caps, from scratches and all caps. And all of years, all of these years we've been married, I never even knew he could bake. He has never baked me or the kids a cake or any type of dessert. He told me that his friend said the cake was delicious. Am I being paranoid? Or is my husband showing signs of being too close to his new friend? Should I say something to my husband please help? Okay, first of all, yes, you should say something to your husband immediately. I don't know if it will help at this point because this relationship seems pretty close right here. But yeah, yeah, the cake has been baked, so to speak. You you have a voice, you have a concern. This is a problem in your marriage because it's making you upset, as making you uncomfortable. Look, your husband is spending way too much time with this guy. If this was a woman, you'd have no problem saying something. I know that we have our intuition working for as women, So you need to say something. You need to find out what's going on. You have your intubuition. You kind of know what's going on. You might need to hear that it's happening for real with your husband. I don't know if you need to hear that, but you definitely need to have a conversation with your husband. He's spending too much time with this man. That's ridiculous. Surely that's ridiculous. This is my when women always you just gotta say something you have to. I mean, not me saying a man just can't be happy. This man can't be happy. You don't want him hanging around women, so he finds them. He finds a guy. They obviously gets at a They share all the same legs. Okay, And I mean, so what so what I find out you like cake? You know what I'm gonna don't make my friend and cake. All you do is talk about cake every time we out how much you love these cakes. Maybe you be paying for the bill all the time I had to pay for The least I can do is make this man a cake. From scratch, scratch back, Why you on my back about making this man a cake. Never make me no cake because you don't talk about cake. You don't talk about cake. You don't pay for all the bills. He'd be paying for the bills. I ain't paid for the membership at this golf spot since I've been there. They had to be about ten thousand. If I got to make a cake so I can keep hitting these free golf balls, I'm gonna make the cake. That's what I'm saying. Scratch Kevin, I've been banking for thirteen years. Time you leave the house. I make myself a car. You don't notice because you don't talk to me about cake. You don't know that I got a passion for making cake. I just can't be heavy. You don't like the fish, so call like the fish. Call. Yeah. The game is car. I'm giving him a name like the skis. We played PreK and I'm wrong because I bake the cake. Yeah, and we're get on my back because I bake the cake. That's just my friend. Get out my back? Who likes cake? You like cake? I was never made a cake for me and your wife because I don't tell me about you talk about your cake. But Carl talks as soon as you get a Carl, Carl goo. Let me ask you a question, Kevin, red velvet vanilla. What's you talk on a car? What about cake? Cake? If you if you can pick w I don't know, Carl, chocolate man. If I had a chocolate, a red velve a cake, I would be so happy. I took a note, we want to restaurant soon. If you got the restaurant, Carl said, do you guys got cake? And you got cake? I don't want to eat because I don't want take what I'm gonna eat carl like cake. Yes, you know. And guess what he said after he baked the cake for what? Did he say that it was delicious? It's the biggest compliment that you can get that for a cake from scratch. I don't beg a cake from scratch for somebody to say that was okay. I went delicious word. Yeah, I put love of soul into this cake. Delicious cake. That's it. Why you on my back about baking this the cake? You never make me one you cake, You put your cake, you put your drawls in the cant draws the cake. That's what I'm praid of. That's why we have a problem. I can't be happy a simple cake. It take it wasn't I made that. You don't have something to say. I made him a chocolate kid with some strawberries going around, a little bit of whipped creen. I didn't say that it wasn't If I had put honey buds on the side of it, with some fruit and something, I got a round it, then I get it. I set it. But why didn't you have to bake him from scratch? I mean, when you take things from scratch about it? How else do you bake a cake. You'll make it from the box some nine. How would I my friend a box cake? That's my friends who wants a box kick for for a big day for them. This was on a Wednesday. He had a lot going on. He said he was dressed. I said him a text stress up. So I make the cat come with it. I gave it to him. I had a white button up shirt unbuttoned a little bit and I had a little bit. He's in I'm on my face. So what what's you always seeing something? Al it's me. It's I wanted to look nice. When I gave the white up baby, I got the visual nice. I got the video. And yes, I licked the last piece of stop looking for stuff. You on this page and you see the pictures of me licking the cake. She needs help. She wants to know should she say something to her husband, the cake baker. I don't think so. Man alone a nice person. He's a nice guy. Yeah, he's big bromance. All right, newtew, you're ready Part two? Part two? I like, all right, we'll come back and talk more to Kevin. Wasn't it wasn't that at all. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Kevin Hart is our crazy special guest this morning. As if we needed another crazy person on this show. Steve is out today. We gave him a vacation. Kevin came with the take over the movies out today. It's called Captain Underpan. I love the title of him. Yeah, I'm glad you do. Some people, some people just in this flipping like the flipping at as if they had something flip. Yeah, and then and then your board some kind of a friend you know, salty about that? Ridiculous? What are you accusing, Kevin? If I'm stealing, well, nothing nothing. Don't give this man ammunition to further this similar idea lieutenant draws never you know, I never never developed. I go and I see God. That depends on what makes your draws similar to what man will high you iculous, che Kevin, your draws lower. I'm not getting it. I'm not I'm not. A few ways. Let me ask you this, Jay, the last time you saw Kevin, did you have to happen to mention? The last time I saw Jake, he said you gotta try my hot so Ja said to me. He never talked about lieutenant draws. He's never said that he had that animation project. He said, cath you gotta try my hot. So I was like, all right, I would how to try hot and he was like watch that now, And I said, Jack, didn't stick about conversation. It sounds like you though you got hot sauce and watch you did not come out nothing else that he said in the middle of talking about by the way coming out, Yes you should have a project coming out called us a damn because he never talks about that. Jay, That's not what was said. Tommy, I understand, but but you know, at this point, actually, Kevin Jason seems like he's got some some backpage coming. Jay seems like a crazy person. I met this person before. I know crazy. When I see crazy, Jay, Anthony Brown is crossed the street crazy. You're not that guy that you see. That's why cross the street. You the song you just said, yeah, in the court of law. In the court of law, his word may stand up. It's nothing nothing and JF, you don't stop it. I'm a knock that head off here. Stop it right now. This lieutenant draws message, ain't a drawing or nothing out here. You ain't got a sketch idea what this guy looked like, you don't even know if the guy black and white. I don't know what this guy is a j no is I changed captain to and I changed pants to draws. I got something I wanted to ask. Yeah, yeah, captain captain under pant. How do you how do you record everything? Is it in your own studio? Are you with the other actors? How does that work? No? You know what we uh? And this one we had a table read with the script and we saw that everybody had chemistry, and we did one session reading together. Then we all broke off in the separate sessions. But I'm in the studio for or two hours out of the day, you know, over the course of eight months. You know, it's so long to do animation, so you're in there periodically, but it's two hours. It's fun because you by yourself, you in your own world, and you literally you go crazy a little bit because you're just in there doing a bunch of paces and I'm trying to kid and they show you video or yourself after you're like, yeah, you ain't gonna show there's nobody else right, They're getting released online. But that's how they developed the character. You know, they start to use a lot of your mannerisms and your facial expressions and put them into the animated character that's being developed. So overall the process is amazing. Man, it's uh, it's long, but it's worth it when you see the final outcome. But that's studio time two hours two hours max. And now I'm in there and in my draws, just having fun. Not now tell us about the book. I can't make this up life lesson to that Stories Tuesday, June Sexist. I am beyond excited about the release of this book. This is me trying to uh. I guess you can say broadened the brand of of Kevin Hartman. And you know, writing a book and putting another side to me out there was was necessary at this point in time of my career because I think there's so much information in my story that can be shared and used and it can be a value to others, you know. I think what I told was what's real, you know, the good, the bad, ugliest, raw sun cut. It's about the downward spiral that eventually took me to the upward spiral. But I think the information that's important is just the struggle that that motivated me to stay true to their dreams and goals. And there's life of course, I think so, I mean there's life lessons and any and everything you do. Within every failure, like I said, you can find some positivity in it to learn from and that that that education that you took from that will act as useful information to get you past the next situation in life. So it's just about each chapter becoming a lesson and that less sen helping me through the next chapter. And that's what Yet I wanted to know. Was there a point when you just said, this is not what I should be doing. I should go back to whatever it is I'm doing with with with comedy, it wasn't. It was never a stand up comedy. It was in the acting side. When I first came to l A and I had a deal and I was doing like pilots and the pilots and get picked up, and then I was just sitting around waiting for phone calls about auditions. It was like a year where I'm literally just sitting waiting for somebody to say, Hey, we think we want you to come in and audition. And it was like five calls for the year where I went on auditions and I was like, this isn't what I do. This isn't helping me get better, this isn't helping me do anything. I said, I'm gonna pause that and I'm gonna focus on stand up. And that's when I went and I grinded the role for four years of nine stop travel, nine stop. That's when I hit those comedy clubs and I just kept doing and I pushed the act inside all the way to the right, and I said, that's gonna come when this gets big enough to draw the attention that I'm supple. So it was me checking myself and saying, what am I and what am I supposed to be doing. I'm a stand up comedian. I'm not an actor first. That comes after I've reached a certain level within stand up comedy. So let me stay true to this dream over here and not trying to do everything he wants conquer something. You get real good at this, Ultimately this can come. And that's what I did that. I think, yeah, and I have followed your career, Kevin. I think the biggest lesson for me, as far as you are concerned, is what you just said. You stay true to yourself and you've always believed in yourself no matter what. I remember your TV sitcoms and all of that, all of it, I remember all of that. But you always believed in Kevin Hart. You always film where he was walking around with a puppet. You ain't seen this one, Oh my god, something as I remember. Listen, there's a lot of stuff you get to looking at this resume people, some stuff on there that I'm not proud of, stuff that I am proud of. But at the end of the day's stuff, stuff that you need, stuff get your to. You don't know what's next if you don't have stuff. That's right. We're gonna talk to Kevin about Dave Chappelle what he said about him, and it's Netflix stand up special. Kevin has stuff. He'll be here all morning a bunch of stuff right after this. You're listening to Steve Show. Alright, Kevin Hart our special guest all morning. This morning is going by fast because we're having a good time. We are Steve's out today. Kevin Hart is here with the takeover star of the brand new movie out today, Captain Underpans. You are a star, Kevin. I mean, even other comedians have to give it up to you. I'm a comedian, comedians comedian. I love the craft of comedy, and more important, I think it's it's it's always important to understand the world of comedy and understand where you lie. So regardless of my success now I am, I'm a student. Man. I bowed down to those that should be bowed down to. Uh. Like I said, today is never a competition. But I don't get here without those greats paving the way. And that list of greats is a long list of great So I'm forever humble about where I am, and more importantly, I'm just thankful. Thank you for those guys for for allowing me to be in a position and supporting me while I'm here. Yea, even even when you get a little bit of hate, you can always shrug it off because it's it's more positive than negative. I'm always gonna find you. You saw the Dave Chappelle, I'm sure his recent US Dave Comedy Special, Comedy Special. That's a true story. It's okay, tell us what it's a true story. And I'm in Ohio and Dave came to my show. We we sold all. I sold out. I think two shows of this arena there So Dave came to one of the shows and I found out he was there. I was like, yo, come come backstage when you're done. So he comes backstage and he's got his son with him, and Dave like, he's like, yo, man, He's like, Kim, I hope, I'm not bothering you. Man, I about bothering me. We're about to eat. Come on, man, I got food, Come on in and eat. He comes in, he like sees the spread like, oh man, I didn't really like I didn't know they had this type of food out here. Did you bring this the it's like great rule. I said, it's something they got him somewhere. He's like, oh, so Dave something like can we eat that? Dave looked at him crazy, right, He said, Cavie, mind if we eat? Said man, yeah, go eat eat. So the sun is eating, and Dave was just looking at his sun because the sun is like tearing the food up, like you're eating like you ain't another got no money. It sounds like so cood, so cood. Right. So we're back there, we're talking and and it's so he was like, yeah, Calvi's a big fan, and I was like, oh man, that's cool. I'm like shaking his son's hand, talking to his son. And they gave me these jerseys at the at the irena at the arena, and they had hearts on the back of the jersey. So I said, you know what, man said, hey, talking about security. Gul said, give me that give me no security those those bags that they gave us. So I give him all the jerseys in the bag, and they all their heart and everything on the hat. I was like, if your dad didn't get mad at you, just put one of these. He was like, oh, man, thanks, man, so exciting. Let's remember seeing them leave, Like when they left and you know how like you grabbed your son and put your arm around Dave grabbed me by the back of the neck. So he tells the whole story in this comedy, but it was a it was a true story. I love it that moment and and and brought it to life like but his son was genuinely a fan, and they were talking. He was talking about how like when they brought me out, he said it was an explosions and she said, I didn't know what was going on. Had a band. I thought it was there. He hit the age everybody's hooting hollering, and I was like, I'm here too, nobody. Now, let's get out of here walking. Nobody recognized me. This place, spid Venue is stupid and stupid people. And then it happened to you though too. My daughter, we saw Jamie Fox. We're in Miami. Jamie Fox is at the restaurant Mr Child, m D Restaurants and hotel. We're just going down, like to get something to eat real quick. Or we went to a movie. I was like, taking my daughter and my son to a movie. Heaven sees Jamie Fox and she's like, Dad, oh my god, Jamie FOXX. It happened so fast. I couldn't catch myself like a shut up acting like that. Keep talking about Jamie Fox. Can I meet him? Though I don't even know. I don't even know him, so I don't. I don't know that ain't gonna happen like the five and five rock Damn please please shut you don't eat, you don't eat? And then JA me. Then Fox saw me. You know what I'm trying to get out, dude something. He's like cad with U. Boy. She's like, Dad, you said you did? I didn't know you were talking about that, Jamie at talking about the singer. I don't talking about she get over there all crazy inspider man when you were shut up, shut up? I think you know what he did. You ain't gonna talk to me man about his resume. You know that what kids say. I'm saying, I'm so mad, But you don't know, like you it catches you off gone. You know when you see your kids embrace in front of you, like my son, is that Kevin my oldest twenty years old. I sell out the Dark Constitution Hall in d C. You see what your daddy did. Boy, he said, yeah, but Kevin Hart be down there with the Wizards. That's the dagger. You don't get your dad. You know, the Wizards opened up with Kevin game Ken. It's pretty big. I mean that was there. I know there's love between comedians and everything, but it's there like a healthy competition to honestly, no, not. Here's the thing. I don't want anything but good for for my I mean the network. I'm launching to laugh all out network the end of June. You got network. The network is the network. You're sitting here not acting like you know it's just threw that out there goes with the comedies. Yeahs so I said, fifty fifty with lions Gate. I'm a CEO. Uh, full ownership of your CEO. It's not throw away, that's it's not really big. Listen. It's a multicultural platform for comedy. So what I wanted to do. I had a vision and I brought to the line game. I said, look right now, comedy is so segregated online, like you gotta search here, search here. There is no one destination. I said, I want to create a destination is strictly for comedy, comedy content, comedy, stand up. Uh, you know, women, men, future writers directly where everything every here. But it's multicultural. Comedy is universal. That's that's gonna laugh. Allow network is about. That's me giving a platform for comedy, for comedian. All right, we'll be back with phone calls for you. Kevin. Yeah, you're listening to the String Show, all right. Kevin Hart is our special guest. The start of Captain Underpants in theaters right now today. Go check it out. Make a number one. I predict it's going to be number one this weekend. When the woman needed asthma tech or broken leg, I told you it's gonna be number one Kevin, it's gonna be number one. Movies are always number one. They are, but they never came out against Wonder Woman. Somebody take her shield, Somebody take the bracelets. Take them bracelets off from you. Guys, go out and support all of your just your Twitter followers and your Instagram followers alone could make this nap one. They can. And let's Wonder Woman battest all. All right, let's go to the phone. You're ready to take some phone calls, Kevin eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, let's go to line too and talk to Felton out of California. Morning the morning, Morning man, Oh Jim morning. I was at the Jim, but I'm trying to talk to you. So yeah, hey brother, that's this is me and this is a stop alone the way that don't that don't stop the hustle. What's going on with you? Oh man, I'm doing good. I preorder tour of your books. I'm going to see the movie tonight, and uh, I'm down from l A. So I'm trying to work out with you and just training balls. Oh man, let me tell you something about my little pony. That's Boss's nickname, by the way. Yeah, you got big teth J. I gotta show you picture do first and foremost. I appreciate your support, man, I mean, look, the book support is unreal. Uh. If you're trying to work out this weekend and you all that, I could say it on are people come to come? But I'd like to go for my little run. So I'm probably be down there and saying the mind can run it on that beach. But I go out of brother, yes, sir, yes, Uh Sunday, I'm probably about seven eight miles seven seven. Stop you look great, whatever you're doing. Go out there and fat boy, go out there and just just some shorts shop. Thanks for the warning stopping point seven miles in a day. I don't go that far in my life. That's seven miles that I ain't got seven miles away from me robot mailboxes running. It's a lifestyle, man, It's a lifestyle. At the end of the day, you get one the day I do seven. How do you die with Kevin? He ran seven months? They did something stupid. I don't know why he got Hey Fulton, you got a question for Kevin? Mean? I have too one one? Yeah, I'll be in l A at the Barnes and Nobles on June eleven, Junie eleven in the morning from nine at ten a m. L A. Barnes and Noble at the Grove at the Grove. Yeah, so come down there, Come down there, man, not only get your books signed, but it's gonna be a great conversation. I'm also gonna do a Q and A about the book. So it's gonna be pretty cool. I can't wait. Thank you, Felton, appreciate. Yeah, alright, let's questions. When you run at Kivin it sounds like you wanted to make him cake. Just all right, talk to Jasmine. Jasmine's out of New Jersey. How are you? I'm great? How are you? I'm good? Talk to me. So you you already kind of like answered my question in regard to pretty much like staying consistent. But I have a non profit organization called Moonshitters, and what we do is we just encourage you to shoot for the stars and not stopped until you're sitting on the moon. And everybody tells the disguise and limit, But how can that be if we're setting on the moon. So my question pretty much is how what advice do you have for me personally? Just just like stay consistent, stay motivated. And I've been doing this since twenty eleven and we do back to school blasts and everything like that, but sometimes we're gonna be discouraging when you're not, I guess as far as you would like to be. So what advice do you have for me in regards to motivated? Well, first of all, your ideas unreal, you know, and I think your your answer is in what you've already created, you know, moon sitters. Like you said, don't shoot for the stars, shoot for the moon. So your consistency is in you not realizing your understanding that you've yet to get to the stars, and you're surpassing that once you do reach there by trying to get to the moon. You know, the sky's a limit for you and for what you started. But you gotta go through a lot of time, of of of grinding to to get to a place where nobody else is is nothing is overnight. And you know you got seven years, seven years into into a project where it may need ten you know, or you may need fifteen. That number can't be defined or or put put like, you can't underline it because nobody knows what it is. But when it comes the time going to be right. The best thing that I can say is read my book. In this book, I have things that will help you, sister. Okay, it will help you. You will have a different understanding. But more importantly, just stay true to whatever dream and goal you have. Don't be defeated. Don't ever mentally put yourself in a position to just kind of give up. You know, just understand that it's going to happen. It just takes time. And don't be afraid to shoot for the Sun or Pluto or Saturn. I mean, there's other planet you can shoot. You should go away from the movie. That's what you do at night, shoot up. You know, it's not even a planet. It was when I was in school. I didn't want to say that we're your radius. Like. I really appreciate you guys, especially, well not especially, but Kevin Hart, I really appreciate your as well. I follow what you're doing with everything from the time you was a silly to where you are now. I follow your whole crowd, boss, all of you guys. You guys are going to phenomenal job man, and I just appreciate you guys. Go follow the page at Monsters guys, I appreciate at moon sitters shout out to add moons to this. Thank you so much. I appreciate your love and support. Thank you. M all right, all right, let's go to line five. Talk to Kevin. Oh, Kevin California. You're calling in already. Yeah, he's a cool guy already. Hello. Yeah, you have a quick question for Kevin. Kevin, you're thank you. We don't go back and forward this, hurry hurry. How you how you spark your creative writing. I know there's a lot of people to try to do comedy. I'm just trying to reinvent the block and I just find myself this real, real, dope and easy for you. Man. Writing comes from experience. You gotta put yourself out, put yourself out there in the world. Man. If you don't travel, just be out, be outside, go places. The more you see, the more you can write off of. So I would say, give yourself some visual some visuals that you can help spark your creative juices. But you gotta get out of the house. Thank you, keV, and thank you keV. All Right, we'll be back, We'll be all right. Yeah, you're listening to the String show, The Star of Captain Underpants has been with us all morning. I'm talking about the one and only Kevin Hart in the building. Lots of knowledge, lots of a fice, lots of funny this morning, lots energy. Yeah, you haven't been with us in a minute. Energy is key. Uh huh. You know that's why I love the morning. That's how you kick off. You did that right, Jake. Listen, I'm gonna get you out. Javie will start you off with two feet. Let's let's walk a rate. Let's do a fifty yard start from here. Y'all think seven miles is crazy? I did this thing. You guys know, I'm signed by Nike. I'm motivating inspire. You understand that there's an athlete within all loves. That's my that's my that's my structure. But we went to I was in Milan and I went to this thing called Breaking two. So it's this guy who's the world record holder for marathon. He was trying to run twenty six point four miles in less than two hours. Okay, this was his goal. This man averaged a four minute in thirty five second miles for four He ran up went marathon in two hours, and I think it was twenty four seconds. My friend Wayne, you guys know Way ran a half marathon. Let me just give you an idea. How fast is it? What's is thirteen miles in three hours? Wayne did in three hours? Right? That means that this man La came back, sat down, I used his lads, got up, then an interview, showered, got out of the lock, went home and saw on the TV that Way just got done. I never in my life seeing anybody running this fast in my life. In my life, but I'm about to do something. Mats okay, but I don't want to say yet, but I'm a gonna do something. Really, I'm in I'm in full fledged shocked the world mode right now. I got some I got some announcement, but I have to say I was shocked when you walked through the door of this morning cut. Looked like somebody drew me. Yeah, you're about begging your cake and it will be scratch. You look good, Kevin, you do I heard just talking about my friend. Yeah, you never said nothing about I never said anything. I would beg you a cat show. You don't want to talk about having a I want to thank thank you. Think it looks nice. I think it's a nice gesture for behalf to get the cake. Tommy, you want to help with the cake, we should both put our hands in this case. Captain Underpants is the name of the movie. I can't make this up. Life Lessons is the name of the book that's gonna be released on Tuesday, June six, Team just a June six, I should say, just in time for Father's Day. But you can pre order it right now, right, Yes, you can pre order the book. Man. Uh, it's available on Amazon. You can go to Barnes and Nobles dot com. Uh. Look, guys, blood, sweat and tears and poured into this. This is honesty at a different level. Like I said, it's the good, the bad, and ugly, and I feel this information is important. My journey is one of a lot of struggle before all the success came. And I have no problem with sharing that because ultimately I think people are gonna benefit from it. So support it drops June six, Captain of the Pants in theaters tomorrow today. That's what I said. You listening, what's your issue? Like? What you don't see it? Goodness? Christ I mean you all over the place with this attitude. We don't everybody, you gotta let me finish with my tea, I say to that's what good Christ. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kevin hard our special guest this morning. What a morning Kevin on a morning Steve's out has been out. We gave him the day off because you know he works a lot. He's over hosting Steven Egypt, uh Brazil. You know he's got about ten more talks, ten more game shows, TV shows, all of that working out. So we invited Kevin being here. Steve is at a home depot convention currently hosted. It's some of the best wood chip present and it's good. So I came down to hang out. So Steve Harvey Nation, please go and support Kevin's movie today. It's called Captain Underpants. It is in theaters right now, right now. But Kevin, I wanted to get serious for a minute to ask you this Monique has been in the news so much lately. We don't have to go over what she said or anything, but um, we know she's been in the news. She said some controversial things to say the least, I just wanted to get your take on it. I know you're a fellow comedian, your friend I am. I mean, listen Monique for years Monique is is I call her aunt Nique. You know what I mean. When you go back to soul playing, Monique was there with me, looking out for me. When I was younger as a comedian. I remember running into Monique and her always giving support and love, and I think, you know, I can't tell that woman how to live her life. For what to do? You know she whatever that issue is. I would hope that they can all get together. You know, at the end of the day, you're looking at people that mean a lot to entertainment and to our community and being Lee Daniel's Oprah, and they're all being in Tyler period, all being viewed, uh, you know by by this younger generation of of people that are looking for ways to understand the business. So I would not encourage fights. I would only encourage solutions, and hopefully they can find one. What's your what's your take on Tiger woods Man? It's tough man. You've see what he's been going through, and you know, look, a divorce can take a toll on anybody, you know what I mean, And that was a major one. I mean, you took forty something million from that man. So if if I was that cop, you know, I would let Tyler just take a nap and I'll come back, take a nap, and I'm gonna come back and wake you up. Man, I know you're going through on my car. I don't like kicking people when they down. Man. Some sometimes I would have. I would have just all right, Tyler, get in my car, let me take you home, come back and get this in the video. It always comes out it's a guy like you know, how do they get that video set somebody getting shot and then find it. They got tigered, They got the tiger walking uh with the shaky legs. They got those are men? Those are men. Yea, yeah, that's what that is. It's back. It's not alcohol his back because he just tapped back painkillers. Of course, pain killer. I took a painkiller with some cake one time. I wasn't well, my friend, Jamal. What I'm saying is that the point that I'm making is that I wasn't right, my back was hurt. Whatever. Don't you guys are full of judgments judging you captain underpants in theaters today. I can't make this up. Life lessons is your brand new book. It's coming out Tuesday, June six. Yeah, pre order it right now, filled with lessons from Kevin. Yes. Man, Look, a lot of stuff is going on constantly building a brand. More importantly, I'm about the people, man, and I want to keep giving you guys, content, material, things that you can have that can make you laugh at the end of the day. Laugh. There's important brains every closer together in the world. And that's my job, that's my duty. I take that job very serious, man, So go see Captain Underpants supported get the book. I can't make this up. Life lessons Kevin Hart drop of June six, and I'm coming out with more, more, more, and we'll be back with more from Kevin Hart. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right. Our fear Loss leader Steve Harvey is out today. Our friend and family member Kevin Hart came in to take over and to be with us all morning. And what a morning it has been. And we want to thank you, Kevin. This is our last break of the morning. We want to say thank you. We appreciate you. Don't forget and go see Captain Underpants today and get the book. I can't make this up. My lessons. Yeah, this's is out Tuesday, June six, But before we go, I have to ask you this. You know, I'm all into sports, So who do you have with Kevin? Who do you have? You have, um, the Cleveland Cavaliers or do you have the Patriots? I mean the acknowledge that pay tricks start off by saying it's gonna be a lot of different balls in this series. So that's where it times tough because you know, you don't ye, it's no yeah, Tim tom Brady is one of the best point guards in the so you gotta job. You gotta understand that. We gotta understand that. And my thing is, if if Cleveland don't have own equipment, it's gonna be tough. Patriots, the page is gonna come out hitting, They're gonna come out here. Boys don't have own equipment, Somebody, somebody gonna get hurt back. But at the end of the day, everybody grown, man, So you know it's gonna be yeah, yeah, that's it. Uh no, man, look the calves and awards, this is this is shaping up to be possibly one of the best finals that we're going to witness. Man. And I am I am now I am now I'm witnessing history. You know, this year, Russell Westbrook made history. You know what, That trip double surpassed one of the great um Yeah, yeah, Russell got it. Us got it, Russell rust we got m VP. And now you're looking at Lebron. He's surpassed Michael Jordan the playoff with a career time of playoff points and that history can be made again. There's a lot of pressure on Kevin Durant if he doesn't win this final, he's going to be under scrutiny. Lebron is trying to be a role block in that destination of Kevin Durant is getting to There's a lot of stuff that's playing a major part here. And as a basketball fan, I am I am glued, and I'm watching and I'm locked and loaded. Man, But I would love to see Lebron do the unthinkable and go back to back. All right? Uh, you and t I have something going on as well about producing a TV show with Tip about the life in the studio. You know, there's another world that exists, uh, that people don't know about. So I said, what if you pulled that curtain and we told that story but from the eyes of the people that work in the studio, not the entertainer. So that intern, that receptionists, you know, that runner. Those are the people that a rate in the studio twenty four hours a day, and that's who sees everything, the good, the bad, the ugly. And I said, there's a show in that and Tip, who better to have studio stories than the guy that's seen it all? You know from from everything. Tip has been in there, so we can pull from him to get all of the stories and all of the good juice that we want. And we've developed it into uh, what could become a dope series. Showtime is now interested in the pilot, so we're gonna shoot it and let's see what happens. Okay, got that producer, had got the producer? Happened the man that owns an work? Yeah? Network dropping like June, all right, you know the last time you were here, you were hadn't gotten to married yet, you were on your way. Yes to the altars, congratulations, thank you for coming up on a year. Tom Fly, Yes, you know, and your beautiful wife Nio is pregnant child. Now my boys can swim as they can swim up there. Man, they're doing a good job, and you're having a boy, having another little boy. I know, having wanted a girl. My daughter was was a little p old about it. You know, she wanted a girl real bad. I didn't want another girl. Um, I can grow record and say that I got one. That girl deserves all the love that girls a love. We are we are, So I want this. I want this last name to live on uh and continue to grow. So I'm happy that we got some heart men now my son and my son soon to be and you know, hopefully that's it. Hopefully that's it. But I don't I don't run my household. I don't know what this woman. Listen, how have you changed? How has marriage? This marriage changed you? And everything? What's going on now? I just know how to shut up. I know how to shut up questions. My wife is the king of questions. I don't even I don't even listen. It's so she just back to back shot like, hey, what're you doing today? You're gonna eat over time? If you do eat, what time you're gonna go do that? And then you'll probably do what You're gonna go to the gym after that, and then when you you will come back to the house you're gonna go somewhere else. I just want to know, so that way I know what to do. But if you don't know, I don't know. If you didn't not you, you literally didn't take a break, and that I don't like it. She asked me did I eat? When she's been with me? But I love because she's so cool. Though she's very cool, yeah, very until she does stuff like that when we we just woke up, like I'm with you. You saw me wake up with you. You actually woke me up. So if you asked me did I eat, it's kind of stupid because you just saw you. I'm butt naked, I'm not a babe. I ain't been down steps the first you just you just told me, babe, get up because your alarm clock is going on? When did I eat? In between? When did I eat that some of under the pillow? Like dude, I'm dude, I got a Snickers up my pillow and my snacking through the night and I and my little sneak. But she'll be dead serious this, You'll get mad. I'm only asking you so if you are hungry, I can make you some neat to ask me in my hungry Are you asking me. Yet it's two different questions. Yeah, so is she eating crazy stuff she having? I'm very real. As of right now, she's she's all her healthy stuff. She's but you know, this is baby number one for us. She's excited. She's in the books reading how to make sure that I'm strengthening the baby's brain. Baby, I'm eating walnuts because they say that this is this is brain food. Baby. I'm look, I got this pillow and they say if I laid like this, this helps the baby. But it's bad she's but as of right now, it's a good experience. I'm waiting for the crazy you're planning on being in the hospital when the baby's born, and all that top on the top half you got behind. I don't want to. You're not gonna show me that. I got to get back in there. Captain underpan, Captain underpans in theaters today. Kevin Hart, love you so much, guy. Always appreciate you always. Anybody wants some cake you all never have about case man, say I love you for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.