Today is Friday and government names are out. Oprah was in Georgia supporting Stacey Abrams. Tiffany Haddish stops by talk about new projects. The Chapmans are back with a special edition of Bad Acting Theater. Pimpin' does his usual NFL Talk. Big Dog talks about life being a contest and not a game in Closing Remarks today plus more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag a suit on looking back to back down, giving the mos like the morozen buck bus things and it's cobs, y'all true good to tea. Steve Hardy listening to me to other for Steve bar By, why don't you join yeah yeah, by joining in the same paid for turn out you love go, yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn the turn lovey got to turn out to turn wan come come on your thing that it uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, DIGNI now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Here we go today. I think I have something for a lot of people today, at least I hope I do. And this is about on your journey, And this is about something that happens to us all. I mean, what happens to all of us from time to time when we get discouraged. What happens to all of us when we feel like quitting, What happens to all of us when we have that turn back moment, What happens to all of us when it don't seem like it's gonna paying out. Because I want you to understand something that everyone, every single living soul, has those thoughts about something at some point in their life. I mean, you know, look, I've oftentimes been discouraged about things not happening as fast as I like them. All things don't paying out the way I would like for them to have payed out. I mean, there's so many ways to get discouraged. But what But what my encouragement to you is when discouragement comes is understand this. It is a part of the growth process. It is a test. It is a test of your faith. How bad you wanted? Do you really believe? That's That's all faith is. It's simply, and I've said this how many times. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. So when discouragement comes, setbacks comes, it is a test of your faith. At least it's been that way for me. Now other people can explain it another way. I'm not other people. I can only give it to you the way it has come to me and throughout my life, and man on man on man. Discouragement sometimes it's tough to deal with because it seems at times when you are discouraged. That is so absolute that this means the end, and if you allow it to set in, it can be just that the end of you. When Milly Milly, it was a test, that's all it is. But the majority of people that I know who are not successful or who have told me the story of how they gave up it was it was because at a moment of discouragement that they allowed it to set in and it became so engulfing that it became the reason why you shouldn't finish. And then they started justifying it with here the one that I hate to hear. Well, if if it's God's will, excuse me. If it's God's will that you fail. If it's God's will that you're not successful, If it's God's will that you lay down and give up, it's God's will that you allow yourself to amount to, not to not reach your or potential. That's God's will. That's not the God I know. That's not the God I served, that's not the God I've read about. That's not the God I believe in. I'm sorry. I just my mother always taught me something that he didn't bring me this far to leave me. I just don't believe that, not for a second. Now have I convinced myself some things? Yep? Have I allowed the devil to come into the picture and paint a different one from it? Yep, yep, I've done all of that. But you can't blame that on God. Now, come on, So when when discouragement comes, try to look at it if you can, as a test of your faith, and you merely have to pass the test. It could be for a day, a half a day, a few hours, a week, a few weeks, it don't matter. Don't nobody know how long the test period is. Your job is to keep the faith and keep moving. Keep the faith and keep moving, keep working, keep believing, keep hope alive. That's your job. If you do that, that's how you pass the test. It could be over tomorrow, It could be over in two weeks, it could be over in a month. You don't know. But all you got to do is wake up and keep the faith and fight the discouraging feelings. And how do you do that? Steve? Now here we go. This is the part I know about for show because how many times I've had to fight off discouragement in order to get to where God wanted me to be. What do you do when you become discouraged? Well, here's a series of things. I do. I think of the outcome. When I get discouraged about a task, I think about the outcome. Man, what would it be like if I were to complete the task? What would it be like? Man? What would the outcome be for me? If I hung on in there? If I didn't give up, If I if I if I imagine, I imagine if I don't quit, I imagine if I don't give up, what would it be like? Man? Suppose everything I'm hoping for comes true. But if I don't quit and give up, that might just be a case. I start talking to myself like that. I think of what the upside is. What's the upside to stay in with it? You see, all this is the same thing. I'm just giving you different ways to look at it. I'm saying the exact same thing over and over. But I'm just trying to find the switch that connects in your mind where you can say, Okay, man, I'm gonna hang in there. Because if you think of the outcome, and the outcome is appealing to you, if you imagine what it would be like if you don't give up, or you don't quit. If you if you think only of what the upside is to stay in with it, and then I I go, where can this lead to? If I stay with it, man, and the outcome comes true? What else could that lead me to? Because I mean, there's always more to it? So what where else could this lead me to? What are the possibilities? Man? What are the limitless possibilities? What could God possibly have in store for me? If I just hang in there? If I passed this test of faith, if I just passed this test. Now, it ain't gonna be the only one. But you gotta get past this one. No, then you're gonna hear the smooth plane. Then it's gonna be another one. It's gonna be another one. Life ain't nothing but a series of tests. Man. Man, When you're thinking about giving up, when you discourage, think of the outcome. Imagine what it would be like if you don't quit, if you don't give up. What's the upside to stay in with it? Where can this all lead to? What? What can this get you too? If if you do this and you get to where you think you want to be? Oh my god, what's after that, what are the limitless and endless possibilities of holding on to your faith? What could really be out there for me? Man? If I just passed this test, you gotta talk yourself into hanging in there. And sometimes it ain't nobody talking to you about hanging in there but you. But that's good enough because God has a blessing for you. God's got a blessing with your name on it. God has packages bundled up with your name on it. He got blessings just in boxes with your name on it. Man, I want all the mind shipped. I'll be on Faith Street waiting there to receive. I just I'm just believing he's shipping stuff. But if you keep moving from the address of Faith, if you keep getting off Faith Street, why you want the packages to go? They got your name on it and it's based on your faith. But if you keep moving on Doubt Avenue and ain't no Way Boulevard and the pasage get delivered only the Faith Street? What you keep moving on Faith Street for? Come on, man, you can't give up. You can't give up. Steve Morning Show Boom, that's Joe the water. What is that? Ladies and gentlemen, that is the beginning of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Shirley straw Berry, Yes, Hello, Happy Fridays, No rail Hello, Steve tear Spakes a k A June Year, Morning Up, Jay, Anthony bitter Man brand You're damn right. Thomas Wesley Miles a k A heat Heat different Now house oh one one Ready to love, Ready, Ready to love, ladies and gentlemen. Thomas WESTLEYVA, thank you, Sarah. On top of the morning, Big Uncle. Somebody want to do to Steve uh Roderick, Stephen Harvey Family Few one talk show, radio show, clothing line, one of the best seller games, get games, motivation, motivation, motivation speaker, Soldier for the Lord, perfect soldier for christ Christian. Yes, that's yes, life happened. Yeah, show time at you Apolo formal Huldoo saved and revered potentially in me too much and I ain't through It's more Entrepreneur's Global Diversified Diversification bot Swanna bound Albo Dobby Here he comes a b U d A B I M. I'm know where the hell I'm going. But but spill was your strokes? Yeah? Did everybody in the room, y'all? Spill was Yeah? What's that? What's going on? I'm glad we all got a day. That's right, we all voted. Yeah, I gotta take care of a lot of business today. So we come back. We're talking about voting in some other things. Yes we will, and we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, it's time to get serious, guys and switch gears. Okay, just a few more days until the mid term elections on Tuesday, and we got to talk about voting. Over twenty four million votes have been counted as earlier or absentee voting, a number that exceeds the total nationwide early vote from two thousand fourteen. So that's good news, and Steve, we have to keep going. Oprah was in Marietta, Georgia, campaigning for Our Girls Stacy Abrams, and during her speech, Oprah took a moment to talk to women about standing united and voting our values. Take a listen. If you're a woman, you need to recognize it hasn't even been a hundred years since we even had the right to vote, since we were considered a piece of property you couldn't even own a piece of our I loved land so much, and I think, boy, if I was warned at the at the turn of the century, twentieth century, I wouldn't even have the right to own the land without your father or your husband saying it was sould. You didn't have the right to even take care of yourself. So you didn't have a voice. And now we do. We as when women people, we as women people need to stand united and vote our values, vote your values, vote your conscience. All this noise, all the noise, you just can't get away from it. You turn on the TV on the way, it's so much noise and crazy talk, all the virtuol in the ads. You know what, they are designed to confuse and confound you with fear. That's what they're done. They're designed to confound you with fear. They are not designed for people with discernment. Women people, we have discernment. That's so true, that's so true. This this election is so important for us. The reason I've taken it so seriously, this mid term, which is really one of the first mid terms that I've taken this seriously. To be honest with you, you know, sometimes I've missed the mid terms in the past. I'm just being honest you. The reason I've discovered this is because I want to send a message to the White House that because you're a Democrat doesn't make you a member of a mob. Now, Democrats have some great values. I'm not saying that all conservative or Republican values are wrong, because some of the things they're right. But here's the problem. When your values are at the expense of us having anything, then you can't have You can't run your values down my throat. I'm okay with you being conservative or Republican, but you have to then turn around and be okay with me being a Democrat or a liberal. You have to because that's what makes the world float. That's right. If if you consider yourself the moral party, then I'm just asking you to do the moral thing, not the thing that's better for your pocket, not the thing that's best for the economy, but the thing the best for everybody's life. Because after we vote, we still have to live next to each other. And the rhetoric that's coming from the White House is so divisive. This this it wasn't an ad, it wasn't a paid ad, but Trump released on Twitter this video or this Latin guy talking about, yeah, I'll kill two more police, I kill another cop. He said, the Democrats let him in the country. What No, No, we didn't. I ain't noticed, dude. But see, this man isn't idiot. But see, but look, whenever he got in, he committed a haino US act against some police officers. Okay, we couldn't blame the Democrats. No more, no more than you want to allow us to blame Republicans for this man that sent the pipe bombs to c an n President Obama, Biden, Maxine Waters, all these other people, everybody you've been talking against. You don't want us to put that on you, but you want to put this one crazy ass man on the whole Democratic Party. You don't want to take any responsibility for the murders in the synagogue, the krogers. You don't want to take responsibility for Charlottesville when you turned around and have the audacity to say that there's good people on both sides. If you're tired of that, you have to vote. If you're tired of him talking to you like you don't matter, you have to vote. You have to vote. I'm just tired of the rhetoric that comes from the White House that's so divid and now it gets to run rapid through the state to the Senate. In the House because they got ConTroll of that. We got to create a balance. Man, We've got to vote Stacey Abrahams Gilliam, the boy in Mississippi. Give me a man's name in Mississippi. So I quit saying that. Mike Steves a better rour. Yeah, all right, And and also Steve coming up at the top of the hour, We're gonna play some more of Oprah's speech. It was very inspirational. It's very uplifting. Yeah, in Florida tonight President Obama will be in Miami campaigning for Andrew Gillum. You just so get out and vote, all right, Yeah, alright, so irising that is my prayer because your electrical your electoral vote won't save you this time. The popular vote counts. We got rid of that man down in Alabama. You thought you'd never see that day. All right, now a few Tommy's run that prank back is coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. After the next hour, Tiffany Hattish. I said, Tiffany Hattish, very special guest. We love her, and get ready because at the top of the hour, we're gonna talk about While campaigning for Stacy Abrams and Georgia, Oprah Winfrey called out the non voters. Okay, so Tommy, before we get to all of that, you're up with, run that prank back what you got for us. I need you to wash me. I'm not watching you. No, no, no, let's just go right. We're gonna be prosh me great. It's a great day. Nursery. This is Felicia. I'm trying to get somebody come out here. I'm sorry, one I need to talk about come down here at the five on one and and clean me up. Sir. I think you might have the wrong number. This is n this is the nurse. I need the nurse to come down here to five on one and clean me up. So this is the nursery, not the nurse. I think you might have dialed the wrong number, nor the I need to talk to the one nurse city. Yea, that's who's normally clean me up. I need to come down here, clean me up, sir. I really do think you have the wrong number. Where are you calling from? Who? Who? Who is it here? This is Felicia. I'm the director here at the nursery. That's what I say. I need the nurse to come down here to clean me up. I've been playing and every only stuff to clean me up because I've been sitting here a long time. I ain't nobody come, sir. I think you dialed the wrong number. If you tell me where you are, I can try to help you. But you ain't done the wrong number. I need somebody to come down on it up and clean me up. This ain't right. Y'all pulled the pill, y'all pull the guinea. Ever po comes check on the nobody come check on me yet? Okay, well, I I apologize, but you have the wrong number. Try hanging up and then daling. It's a nurse station, sir. This is a nursery. We take care of children here. This is not the nurse station. I'm not a child, I said, it's just the nurse station. I'm sorry you're not listening to me. This is not the nurse station. This is a nursery. We have children here. We take care of children. So I think you dial the wrong number. No, they said that they pulled the come clean up every hour, they pulled the come check on not been here. I've been on my new three hour they' nobody comes to check on me yet, and not that I need somebody to come clean me up and uh the bed playing a fool and and they just they they just don't come check on this like they pull the check on the I am check. I'm really sorry that they have not come to check on you in your your bad pants, So why would they learn to sue you're like they do? Okay, so just listen to what I'm saying. This is a nursery, we take care of small children. This is not the nurses station. So I'm my grandkids. I got small churning as my grandkids I got but for the two grandkids that comes in on Sunday. But soon did they leave the people at the nurse stays and that they ain't treating my bad leave me here like there's here two or three old check home. Can you come down and check this bad plan? Sir? I can't do that. I need to get back to the kids here that if we take care of etty my kids. No, my kids don't come till they come on Sunday they come and every sudden after church and they come sleep do they Okay? Okay, well I'm glad your kids come see you. And I'm going to get off the phone now, but I hang up you just the number right when you get off, you're gonna come down here and come thick and clean me up. I'm not going to do that, but I'm going to let you call back, gonna come clean me up? Why gonna do that? Brother? Do not? I'm not a nurse. I'm a teacher. When when when when? When? When? When? When I was coming through? Be proposed to do the job? You do? What the job or whatever your job or that what you do? I won't father two years straight and I did my job. Okay, I'm a teacher. Why come on down here and do what you're proposed to do. I don't clean the pain. You know why I go your your phone. Don't do your job. The damn it. You're gonna make me man, if you're gonna get you down, you get your dot here. Uh I'm going to ask that you're not talk to me like that. You get your dot he come clean this bad pain and clean me up. I ain't going to be sitting here like this all the time. What's your name again, It's Felicia, and I have really, really nice you right now, Please do not speak to me like that. I'm trying to You're gonna calm down and quit talking to me like that. I'm trying to help you. Now. That's just rude speaking to me like that that this is a nurse or read now. You know I knew you as I'm talking to him. But David, You're not gonna talk to me like that. That's just rude and disrespectful. Don't speak to me like that. You're talking about kicking I will kick yo in the wheel chair. This seems to be the only language you understand is me talking to you crazy. Since you're talking to me crazy, is not coming down that you stay in that stink. How about that what you heard me? I said, you stay in that stank. I'm not cleaning up. I've been trying to tell you but the pay us five minutes, but you won't shut up long enough to listen. You gonna get hit. I am not coming down there to clean your why not. I've been trying to tell you that's not my job. You dial the wrong number. Talking to you? Who are you talking to? Like that? Who? We'll bring it on there if you think you can get in your wheelchair and make it down here to the nursery to whom and come the hell owned. Listen when you take a message from it and give it to somebody, what's your what's your message? Right down and use huh what you got that part? Yeah? I got that far? Okay, h m m. What is that? What? I don't know? What is it? Spread it up? I'm not selling that. You tell me what it is? What does that say? I don't know. Nephew taught me. Nephew Tommy. This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Morning Show. Baby, you just got bregged back your sister Nita. Well you were sitting up there like what in the world. Yeah, you got me, you got me, very, I got you, I got you. I got one question for you, though, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. It is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You got me good? You need to give me a little washing, you know what I'm saying. Washing? What do you have coming up? Tommy? I'm in Pine Bluff tonight all right, along with Don d C Curry and d C Young Flower. I'm with the d C get you take. They don't see it right now, But tomorrow though, what night? Ready to love on own Baby? That's TPM Eastern, nine Central, And let me tell you'll second week full term. Yeah, man, Augusteve, Augusteve. Let me tell you something. This thing is starting to snowball and roll into something because guess what. The show first started off where the ladies were voting off the men. Now the tables have turned and being all about to start voting off the women. Y'all better tune in Baby tomorrow night on nine Central. If you had to vote a woman off this show, Tommy, who would you vote off? No? No, he's got a state neutral scenes. All right, listen, we gotta get out of here. Coming up at the top of the hour, whild campaigning for Stacy in Georgia. Oprah called out or as Tommy calls her, oh h called out the non voters. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in twenty minutes, guys, Tiffany Hattish will be our very special guest. She's going to tell us about her new movie, Tyler Perry's Nobody's Fool. It is in theaters right now. Make sure you go and check it out so we can make a number one this weekend. But first, Steve. Yeah. Oprah Winfrey was in Georgia yesterday. She was campaigning for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams. Take a listen as Oprah talked about why she votes, Take a listen. I'm here today because, like a lot of young people, I didn't take votings voting seriously until around my mid twenties. And around my mid twenties I had had the had the privilege of hearing Reverend Otis Moss Jr. Who's a preacher y'all know him, preacher, preacher in in in in in Cleveland, Ohio, and I heard him tell the story of his father of Otis Loss Senior, who right here in Georgia's Truth County, got up in the morning and put on his only suit and his best tie, and he walked six miles to the voting poll location he was told to go to in Lagrange. And when he got there, after walking six miles in his good suit and tie, they said, boy, you at the wrong place. You're at the wrong place. You need to go over to Mountville. So he walked another six miles to Mountville and when he got there, they said, boy, you at the wrong place. You need to go to the Rose Months School. And I picture him walking from dawn to dusk in his suit, his feet tired, getting to the Rose Month School and they say, boy, you too late. The polls are closed. And he never had a chance to vote. By the time the next election came around, he had died. So when I go to the polls and I asked my ballot, I cast it for a man I never knew. I cast it for Otis Moss Senior, who walked eighteen miles one day just for the chance to vote. And when I go into the polls, I cast the vote for my grandmother had He made Lee, who died in nineteen sixty three before the Voting Rights Act of nine and never had a chance to vote. I vote for her. And when I stand in the polls, I do what my Angelou says. I come as one, but I stand as ten thousands for all those who paid the way that we might have the right to vote, And for anybody here who has an ancestor who didn't have the right to vote, and you are choosing not to vote wherever you are in this state, in this country, you are dishonoring your family. You are disrespecting and disregarding their legacy, their suffering, and their dreams when you don't vote. So honor your legacy. Honor your legacy, Honor your right to to citizenship in this which is the greatest country in the world, the greatest country in the world. And the right to vote is like like like the crown. We all get to where may I used to say, maybe your crown has been paid for us, So put it on your head and wear it. Come on. I think if you don't understand that, you don't get that, there's something's wrong with you. I think every oh, well meaning person, any thought provoked person, any person who has the capacity to understand history, how how can you not relate to that? I mean, you know, and we we've got to vote. You don't understand, Yes, you do, yes, you tho you have to vote. You have to vote. It's idiotic not to vote. You have the power and you're not using it. But you say you want the power, you have it and then died before the next election. And never got a chance. And then we're sitting up here talking about we not vote. Yeah, we're mad. Yeah, don't make a difference. No, it does that. They want you to think it will not make a difference. That's right. Every vote can make a difference. Let me explain something to you. In two thousand eight, we turned out in record numbers. Guess what Obama became president. In two thousand and twelve, we showed back up again. Guess what he got reelected early in the night. Remember that Steve earlier. It took him till ten thirty or something. Remember you called and you were like, I told you, I told you he was gonna win it. I told you. Remember that this administration cannot spew this type of rhetoric and think that we're stupid. Now, you can feed this to your base. But if you think that we're scared, here's the deep part. If you think we're scared of a caravan of a thousand people walking through Mexico to get here, are you kidding me? My man? Do you know we've been through? Do you know the conditions we've had to live in? You don't, And you're telling me a caravan with a bunch of women and babies. You think that scarce, No, man, that doesn't scare us. You're scaring your base with that. You can't fool us. They're not coming to take our jobs. You can stop all in at rhetoric. You can stop this thing talking about you're gonna repeal the Birthright Act. The fourteenth Amendment says that if you're born from an immigrant into this family, and you're born here, you're a US citizen. If you repeal the Birthright Act, Donald Trump supposed to get here is repeal too. Didn't didn't your parents come over here? All right? Uh? Out and vote and we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and our special guest Tiffany Haddish right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey John and us this morning, y'all as problems. We got a special guests. She's Family Home comedian, Emmy and Ward winning actress That's crazy Man has come to the movie scene in a major wave. We loved the number one movies Girls Trip, we saw in night School, and we cannot wait to see her entire parish. Brand new movie Nobody's Food, that opens nationwide today. It's in theaters right now. Let's find out about the movie, y'all. She in the build and put your hands together. This one messed me up. Come on, fine, a Tiffic, Tiffany, won't he do it? Tiffy, I did not really know. It's a bump back the kids I've been he had a booty told Timy Tippy. Let me say this. I just got a Will Packer show called Ready to Love on the own network. God is God is blessing me. Thank you, I know for you. But pluging his damn show on your time, well, you know why. Any time I can help a man plug his show and get his shop for for a fight, I am here, I do, I do. Yeah. I'm glad you got another job. You needed many jobs respossible. That's right, a Tiffy. Let's let's let's let's talk about this movie. Because Tyler wrote, producing directed Nobody's food. Uh. And in the movie, you played the role of Tanya, and you were just released from prison and were reunited with your sister Tica. Sumthing she proved her sister, and you and Tica don't have you and Tika don't have nothing in coming of that's about to move me and Taka do have something in common. We got the same mama. Okay, T's name her catters like she called herself Danica, but her name is Nika. Okay, that's what mama named And our mama, it's like the golfer. And my mama won't let me what you want to. Let you know, my mama she won'ta let me come home when I get out of jail. She wants me to go live with my sisters. I don't live with my sister. And I said she I came up in the world. She got about ninth. How you no, nine score nine everything? Okay, you're going it right, you know, And so I'm trying to live that fancy life with her. I give me a job at a coffee shop, and it's a fine me and work at the coffee shop in his name is called Marie. You know what, Mommy, Tiffany, hang on right here, we're gonna come back, okay, and let you finish this story. All right, this is good. Tiffany had us your special guests. We'll be right back right after this. You're listening Steven show, all right, joh we're back. Our special guest is the one and only Tiffany Hatters, and we're talking about the brand new movie that's out to date, Nobody's Food, written and are produced by Tyler Perry. She plays the role of Tanu and she was just released from prison. She's reunited with her sister played by Tika Something and uh, ain't got nothing in coming, and the same moment. Stick with that and we both like, mans Now, I get a job at the coffee shop right now. I don't know Hunter now. I don't know if you know who Mari is and real life, but on that TV show Power he played Yeah, so he looked real good in this movie too, So I'm trying to look up with him, but he trying to look up with my sister Denika right with your slave by Tika And then tackle like I don't want him, and I'm like, get I'm on the mind him and because she thinks she likes dude on the end man, but she ain't never seen him before. She get catfish in happened to get catfish? And then maybe the loving sister that I am, I'm not been happy and then and then a lot of hilarity and food. Yeah, all right, I can't wait to see the movie. I can't. It's so far You've had all home runs, Tiffany, so I don't see why this one won't be No, no, no, that's not true. That's not true. That two other movies come out. Yeah, that's not true. All well, all the ones I've seen you got. You gotta have a lot of shows to get them canceled. Wl damn cancelations. Man, you got another show got canceled. That's called I got a bunch, right, Hey, Steve, you know ty You know Tyler bar Tiffany and Tesla, don't you. Yeah, I got the fount in doors, that the car is a performer as well into a holiday show and everything yea to the model X. You know that's because the movie tested really high. And he kept telling me that I need to go buy it. But see, I used to be homeless and live in my car, so I personally, I'm I'm the type of person I like, I want to make sure everything is paid off before I go buy something new, before I make a big touchas And he kept saying, just go by, just go buy, and I was like, nope, I gotta save my money, And then he went and brought it for me after the movie he had tested really high. I guess he felt like he's gonna make a lot more money and he should give me some kind of a bonus. He got me the Tesla, and I'm very grateful. If if I ever become homeless again, that's gonna be a knife. That's a nice one. Bear. So Steve, you ain't never done that, man. We didn't win number one on radio. You ain't never about us. Nothing that can't nobody see you there, ain't in front of nobody sitting up there with your draws on talking. Now you want to damn Tyler Perry's new movie, Nobody's Fool starting the One and Only, the Lovable We love you so much. Tiffany has theaters everywhere right now. Make sure you go see it and listen to me. You buy your ticket, make sure your ticket has Nobody's Fool on it. Do not accept anything else. It has to say Nobody's Fool. If they give you another ticket, give it back. Tell them you want a ticket that has Nobody's food on it. Make shouldn't get the credit, or buy your ticket online or buy online it and go down there and see the movie. Tiffany Hattus. The movie opens today, Girl, you keep doing it. You're doing one support for the movie. Say I can't take care of my granny. I want to buy some new legs. Okay, Tiffany, you can't like yeah, you can. Let me get I need to buy my grandma some legs. Prosthetics is high. You're not gonna walk away like this. Tiffany. We love you, We will definitely support this movie, and we always support you. All right, come back anytime. Appreciate put your hands together for the one and only Tiffany. Happen You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry letter. The subject She says, she's not going anywhere, but right now it is the nephew here with today's prank phone call. Nef what you got your check bounce? That's how your check bound? Check bound? How many of y'all back in the day you try to float that church at that check at church, the church in my life, like the Lord isn't gonna know you didn't have the funds in there. I have passed the plate and didn't put nothing in it, but I would not write I had the trade coming by me and I can take candy money running this prank. Right here, you'll check bounce. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach you, Monica System, Monica, Please, this is brother de Sean. I'm calling. Actually I'm remember Greater Commission they Baptist Church. How can I help you? Calling you? Actually about the offering? Now? Did you I know you paid your ties every Sunday? Okay, Now you paid a love offering as well? Right? Yes, okay, now this past Sunday. Um, I'm looking at a check that you left us with the bank, right right, I sure did. I wrote a check Sunday. Okay. Now the check ma'am was two hundred and fifty dollars? Am I correct? Right? Right? I wrote two checks for my ties and the love offering? Right, I wrote one for two fifty for the love offering? Okay? Now what is this call regarding? Why are you calling me? What I wanted to tell you is that I hate to be a ver of bad news, but you your check that you wrote for two fifty actually has bounced. And wait a minute, you said my check bound for two and fifty dollars. Your check bounce? So what I'm doing is calling you about recouping the two fifth as well as you know you you cost us thirty dollars uh in bank fees. Wait a minute, now, I wrote two checks. I wrote a check for a hundred dollars. Did that one bound? I don't see to it that that that one bound? All I know is the one that the love offering has bounced? Did you put him in at the same time? Because I wrote him at the same time. They all go in on Monday, ma'am. Now, I didn't put them in at the same time. I've been putting them in for the last two or three years. The problem is why would people write them? Brother Sean say, I, I don't think it matters. And when I was there, man, the problem is that I didn't put these checks in. And I don't understand why y'all write these checks to the church none that they're gonna because a lot of people right that good clear? Why the other one didn't clear? Maybe you didn't have enough money for both of them to clear? What did you just say? Maybe you didn't have enough money in the bank for both of them to clip. And I don't understand why people right in the bank at all? My checks clear? I don't write no. Well, you wrote one on Sunday, and that's the problem. How are you gonna try to give a look? Wait a minute, I think you got me confused with somebody else. I don't write no bad check. You didn't wrote that to you. I'm trying to be nice to you. When can we expect the two fifty plus the thirty dollars? So that's the bank fees, ma'am for the doll gonna check bouncing? My check didn't bounce. I don't check my bank. And if my check clear, you're gonna pay me thirty dollars for calling me harassing me a boy? A two hundred and fifty dollar check bounce? I don't write Why would you write check? What you want to sit up in the church and write these big number checks when you know you ain't got it in the bank? I said, why would you write these checks when the money ain't in? Now, let me tell you one thing. I don't write no bad check, and you got a lots calling me telling me my check bounce. Y'all. Check is the one that has bound. And you tell you what you do. Since my check bounce, you paid them, since you got all the money and don't call me with this again. Hello, don't you hang up on me no more? When when don't we gonna get this two fifty and this thirty dollars? Abouty from the church? To my? I wrote a bad check? Right, bad check? I didn't write bad Why are you calling me? Why the treaser don't call me at church? The tras is bes, I ain't never know the deacon called nobody about no bad check. You're fully thank you you got the money? I ain't got. Who in the hell is that in the background? Who is that for mine? Who it is? We're both going to the same church and you're gonna call me to my I wrote a bad check? You don't you call me no more? And if the check bads, you paid? Okay? Keep passed to know you're talking like this? Pass to know you're calling me? Can you after that? Look? When are we gonna get this? Two eighty dollars? Is what we're looking for from you? I wrote a check for two fifties and not get to eighty. You put with it? You put two fifty in there. It pounce thirty dollars cost us on bake fees. That's to eighty. Where can the church expect their money. Never not no to eighty you will forget to a You're gonna make me come by your and my check in what I'm gonna do. What You're gonna make me come by your house and get this money? Bring it? Bring it, bring it? What is the address on this check? Check? I got it off the check. I bet you you'll be limping back and I'm watching you. You bet not be spending no money nowhere. You bet not spend nothing until I get this two fifty plus thirty whatever. I want to know you, you know what I am. And you don't call me no more with this because my check did not bounce. I don't see how one check went through and the other bounce. Let me say this to you. We cannot accept you back into the house of the Lord no more until you are not don't you come in and Sunday until we get coming up in the Sunday. And I'm gonna make sure I find you because you the person I want to see you. And you know what, I'm gonna call the pastor right now and asked him because I don't believe my check bounce you fully what? Let me say this before you called pastor I got. No, I'm a called pastor. No, you should have passed before you call me with this information. I got one more thing I need to say. You ain't got nothing to say to me. You don't upset me with this I'm talking about. I bounced a check. You should have went to pass before you call me with you. I talk past the one I got, but I got one more thing to say before I leave that you're listening. What are you about to say to me? What do you have to say now that you're gonna pay the check? This is nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfrid. What did you say? Baby? This is what did you say? I'd say? This is nephew time me, baby brother Steve Harvey morn Until your girlfriend has pranked you, I'm gonna beat that. She just left here flying out to her. She didn't let me ask you one more thing, though? Baby? What is the baddest radio show in the land, the Steve are This goes out all the people really check? Do you know the check? Do you know the church check that you go through on something? They don't play? They playing Hey Tommy you checking church. They actually stop your praise from the church when I made some choir robes. And we still ain't talking to this day. So well, we know the rosy have pockets, know that you don't have pockets. Well they should. Ready to love tomorrow night on, old baby, do not miss it. It's getting good. It's getting in the words of my granddaddy, it's getting good. Okay, it's getting good. Ready to love tomorrow night on on ten PM, nine Central. You do not want to miss it. The tables have turned. Men now have the power. Yeah, that's what I was gonna say. So what does that mean? The men have the power. The men have the power. So that what that means is that they're getting ready to eliminate some of the ladies. Thank you you got you got three million, and now they're about the narrow the ladies got. So you'd be surprised how the ladies start, you know, pretty much lobbying for themselves, trying to stay home. I need to be here for you. Take me off. I wish you would all right. Up next today strawberry letters, She says she's not going anywhere. Is the subject strawberry letter coming up? Right after this? You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys. If you need some advice and relationships, dating, work sets, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. Please tell him Steve click and submit to Strawberry Letter. Buggle up, hold on tight, We got it for you here. It is the straw Very that's right, and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like this one subject. She said, She's not going anywhere here. Stephen Shirley, I've been in a relationship for a little over three years. This man treated me like a queen, and I just knew that he was the one. Right when I was getting ready to get married again, my men's skeletons came out of the closet. He admitted that there is this woman that has been in his life for many years, but there's nothing to worry about because he's not sleeping with her. I believed him because he spends quality time with me every day. I did a little research and found out who the woman is, and I asked her to meet with me so we could meet and talk. The woman confirmed what my man told me. She said, there's nothing to worry about. She does not want my man. But after my visit with her, she has started to make my man's life a living hell. When she would call him, he would put her on speaker phone so I could hear her her ranting and raving and telling him that she should stop. She should stop calling and leave him alone. That's what he would be telling her. She has told him each time that she is not going anywhere and will always be a part of our lives. This woman started stalking him, sending him new pictures of herself and telling him that she will pop up at the house whenever she wants to. Now he's saying that we need to take a short break so he can calm her down and make her go away. I love him and I'm trying to be patient. But now I may see him once a week. I don't know if he's just pushing me away slowly so he can be with her, or if he plans to come back to me when the coast is clear. What do you think? Should I hold on a little longer or move on? Please advise? Move on? Okay, you gotta move on. What do you mean when the coast is clear? Uh, he take a short break so he can calm her down and make her go away. What do those things mean? You love him and you're trying to be patient, but now you only see him once a week. Uh. Yeah, he's pushing you away because she's not going anywhere. She said that. Uh he was. She let allowed him, it looks like, to be with you for a little bit of time until she started clowning. She already knew this, She's done this before. Whoever she is? And who is she anyway? And what is she to him? You met with her, but you didn't even find that out. Is she the mother of his child? Is baby mama? Is she an ex? Is she his current girlfriend? What is she? You never found that out? You never mentioned that in the letter. So yeah, this looks this has trouble written for you written all over it. She sounds crazy, she's stalking him, doing all that, and he can't control this woman. He can't control her. So if you marry him, it's going to be a bigger mess than it already is. So yes, please move on and do it now. Steve, Well, Well, where well, we got a situation here. Yeah, we're dealing with a nut case. Now I'm gonna show you some strangeness that I discovered in this matter. It ain't always start good. Been in a relationship, treat you like a queen. I knew he was the one right when I was ready to get married again. Skeletons in your closet. It's to come outside having a dad time night, ma'am. I've always been my biggest feel Skeletons in your clothes. Everybody got some. He had a bunch. He admitted that there was this woman that has been in his life for many years, but there's nothing to worry about because he ain't sleeping with him. Well what she's been doing in his life? See, you can't just be in my life and just be in it. What a what are you in it? Fall? I believed to him because he spends quality time with me every day. So our did little research. Come on, this is what women do? Ye? As she found out some things, she found out who the woman is. I asked her to meet with me so we could meet and talk. The woman confirmed what my man told me. She said there's nothing to worry about. She does not want my man not listen to me. What happened was she talked all him that she was going to meet with you. He said, listen, we're gonna play this off now, so make sure you say this, this, this, and this, and That's exactly what she did. But then after your visit with her, she started to make my man's life a living head. The only way she can do that is she got something on him. When she would call him, he would put on speaking phones so I could hear her renting and raven and telling him and telling her that she would not telling him. Tell that will make no sense. Hear her renting and raven oh, and him telling her that she should stop calling and leave him alone. She has told him each time she ain't going nowhere and will always be a part of our lives. This lady is a nutcase. Nut case. She started stalking him, sending him new pictures of herself, telling him that she's gonna pop up at the house whenever she won't. Well, now, listen to this, your sister, I'm assuming that wrote this letter. I'm assuming Jesus is a sister because you know. But let me say this. She said she's gonna pop up at the house anytime she won't. White women don't do that. What they don't tell you they're coming. White women don't tell you they're coming. They show up with the police. That's her arrest her his head. Yes, there was a terrorist threat. But now your sister, she says she's gonna pop up. She she will pop up at the whenever she wants to. She can't prop up a one damn time, because you're gonna have to make her promise pop up over here if you want to, did it be your last damn pop up? See, you gotta count on some of these threats. We'll be back in twenty three after the hour with part two of Steve's response Strawberry Letter. For today's subject, she said she's not going anywhere. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter and uh, part two of your response subjects. She said she's not going anywhere. Well, she said she ain't going anywhere because she then had a relationship with her dude that they're supposed to get married and things. Uh, little skeleton came out found out he's been dealing with this woman for years. She did research asked a woman to meet with him. They met, she talked, she confirmed with a man, said that they're not have another fan together. But after that she started harassing and stalking your man, sending him naked pictures and everything, and told him that she gonna always be a part of y'all's life and she will pop up at your house whenever she feels like. You got one damn time to pop up over here. It'll be your last pop u. Yes, yes, pop your ass up. If you won't to see you gotta talked to nutcases, well, you gotta give them, you gotta give them their information back. Yeah, send another naked picture over here with your fat as. Yeah, you gotta insult she sent the neat picture. Gotta let her know that her man, that you're her man, showed you the picture, showed her the picture, So you gotta be insulted. See when people come at you like that, you gotta just slap him back down. Okay, do another one, say ugly but if she just let's see how that sounds. Yeah, but surely don't encourage that. That's not boy ignorant mess. Don't encourage that. Have you listen to your plante? Steve he's hosted ready to love. Now he's changing. I do that on sade that we're doing this during the day. Tell him to change. Okay, okay, yeah, she has told me time is she not going anywhere. You ain't got to go nowhere, but you're gonna get the hell off away from here. Your ugly as he damn that threw up when we were sitting up there talking. Won't started stalking him, sending neked pitch is what her wide ain't telling him. She's gonna pop up at the house. You're gonna roll up, but you ain't gonna roll off now, he says. We need to take a short break so he can calm her down and make her go away. She's so crazy. He needs some time off. He got to go sit with her, get her back down. This woman though some type of medication because he let me take some time. Let me get back over here and talk to him. Get her right back where our head. When y'all met, she got off of Mad's and then here she comes. I need to go down, calming down, she says. I love him and I'm trying to be patient. But now I may see him once a week. I don't know if he's just pushing me away slowly so he can be with her if he plays to come back to me when the coast is clear. Who when you come when you in a relationship and you can't go back to the coast? This clip? What there has been some shooting that we are? Let him ask you something around your house? At any point? Has there been any crime tape so for the coast had to be clipped? Is there a chalk outline of a body in your driveway? You gotta wait till the coast is clip? That's what do you think? Should I hold on a little long? Gonna move on? Please? Well, you could sit there and he comes by once a week because he asked you to let him do that, and you let him do it. But what I don't understand is let's taking so long for him to come a person down that he's not having sex with See, if I'm not having sex with you a matter of fact, you ain't got to calm down, steed, you do. If I'm not having sex with you, you ain't got to know me. You ain't got to calm down? What about to make her go away? Hard? That was kind of scary? What you mean he says, you know, just like you said. Now he's saying that we need to take a short break so he can calm her down like you just said, and make her go away. Now, it's a couple of things you need to check on it, because just make her go away could be dangerous. Have you looked in the garage? Do you see a robot? What's the I'm just just stay with me. Check she bought a lot of garbage bags? Garbage bags? Check gob is bad. Do you see the stuff called waterproof duct tape? Waterproof duct tape? Check? Oh? Over there by the boat leaning up against the wall. Do you see any boulders or large cylinder ricks? Check it's in the burl out in the in the garage there, I'm right there, burlap. Check? Is there a new saw laying round? Uh? Right there? You see that? Check his computer search the search engine. Just type in killing somebody with a boat, rocks and saw right there? Struct how to Oh my god? Check he might be getting rid of her. That it's this make her go away? So look out at that garage, rowboat, duct tate, chain, saul, hefty bags, burnout rocks. Oh yeahs all of it right? All right? Look we gotta get out of here. Steve. Please email us or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f m uh Coming up in about ten minutes. The Chapman's are back this week The Chapman Right after this, you're listening to show? All right, everyone, once again, it's time for bad acting theater. And the only thing scarier than bad acting theater is seeing a big old man in the spider costume. That's a little it a bit too tight. I've seen something scared, and now my uncle taking off his fake leg, breaking it down and putting it in his pocket. You're right, you might be right. That is pretty scary sounding. Now let's look into this week's episode where Earl has dropped dead. Now there's one time you can use the phrase he's in a better place. Alright, alright, Steve. Well, let's look into this week's episode where everyone is in a panic. Everybody's show hope it's all out of here, like, well, can all right? Good, okay, okay, thank you, listen up, everybody. Earl's body just got to the funeral home. I can't believe he is dead. I'm in a panic. What are we gonna do. I'm in a panic too. I can't believe a perfectly healthy man drop dead just like that. I'm in a big, a bigger panic than everybody. My daddy just dropped dead. I can't believe it. I mean, how can something like this happy? He just stay around long enough to see the Nephew Tommy show Ready to Love on the Old Network, produced by Will Packer, on by Overrey Winfrey, who who Tommy Me affectionately called, Oh he's never gonna see it. He never goes see it. How did something like that happened? I'll tell you how to hell it Heaven that old ash, evil ass writer that I called my friend in that wrote me out of my own damn soap opera, That's how it happened. Okay, Steve, stop interrupt things that we can see what happened. Oh my god, this is unbelievable. Oh my goodness, this is unbelievable. Y'all. Friend the baby cry, I'll say, hello, h Earl Kate. Oh this is Earl. Now I'm dead, as you know. I'm calling to see if you can talk to the writer about writing me back into this week episode. What the hell is this don't call my sound phone again. Somebody trying to people think everything is a jew. Hello, Hey, Junior's earl. As you know, I'm dead, I'm just gonna kake. I just sound about Boss stol In or so. Hey see if you can get that writer black hand write me back into this week. I'm sure I don't know who this is, but we're going through a serious situation over here. And whoever this is, you need to stop playing. Oh my damn foul? Who who? Who? Who? Who is that? I don't know? Somebody sounds that thing with a Ramote? Can you get that for me? Hey, hey, Ramarte, this earl. They ain't no sinseing told you you on the show, and nobody even here you told anyway? Could you put chest on the phone? Who is it? Ramote? Give me the phone? Hello Chester him this show daddy. Look, I know we've had our differences in the pass and all like you're trying to kill me and all I ain't. I ain't gonna bring all that. Can you just get the writer to plea write me back into Chapman and we will let Who the hell is this? Could you look? Can you please stop playing on my damn phone? My daddy. He is dead. Who was that somebody saying that they was arl I can't believe it. They called me, they called me too. I can't believe it. Everybody's going crazy. It's time for me to take over. I want everybody out of my house. Junior KK the crying as baby. I want all of you out of my house right now. Well I deal with the death of my daddy. First of all, this ain't your house. This is my mama Kyk house. And I just graduated from Spellman College and you don't want a damn thing over here. Is anybody leaving, it will be you and I know it all. Junior, in the words of Martin, get to step in. This is crazy. This is crazy. The grown ass talking baby that's already been to college early is calling everybody phones. It's thunder lighting. This is crazy. Let's just get out of here. Man. The only the only that will be scary than talking baby if we don't get out and vote Tuesday. I'm getting out of here. Oh I've been doing Yes, it is hello. Who is this? You better not be calling over here with no trouble because I ain't up for it today. Today I'm giving out, but won bubble and I am fresh out of bubblica. How can I help you? Well, I ain't baby, it's my baby. It's crazy before little Champion, I ain't. He ain't had a pleasure to meet you. Prodocouse, I'm dead. Let me hear a little baby's right to write me back into the chairman Pepine depending on it. This has been a special Halloween week edition of Bad Acting Theater. And by the way, Earl Chapman is still dead. Joined this next week for the Chapman and we'll be back right after this. I don't know, maybe the bomb though, Infant. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time for pimping ladies and gentlemen. And it's Friday. You know, it's week nine of the NFL. It is taken away fellas. All right, it's that time. I'm sorry, let me let him get in here first. Yeah, your own I'm doing. Did he just say and fitty day? That's what I said, look ahead, look ahead, it's the man with to play with the fitties. He's and was up man. I was just you know, having a little coursing may Field moment. You know, Yeah, you took him. You took a minute to get any of thold pimpin you did, you know, stop saying some time? But then I'm a right now, I'm in here now. And it was some sh hey pimping twesdays and you know what I'm saying, it's all good. Was up juniors having pimping my hero man, my man, my man, pipping what you got on the day. Man, it's so hard to describe this right here. I bought this h down at the market. Okay, man, I went to the market and bought this. I bought this right awful farmer. Well, you went to the farmer's market, y'all went to the farmer's market. I bought this off this dude man, his wife made it. I ain't never seen it, I said, I guess to stuff down there. Yeah, we ate it, we ate it, and now I'm wearing it. This code right in don't don't touch it soft? Yeah you know what that is? What chicken feathers? All right? You love for chicken feathers better. You gotta nize this here, man, I didn't feel like look at that he had moved. Yeah it Actually, I'm gonna tell you something, man, I've had this for a while I was down there, I took my niece to see assessing me street on ice and I WoT his coat, big birds seen it? Uh huh? I lost his Damn he didn't even want to skate that night. Is that I ain't got scared? And I said, it's white. What you're dripping for? It ain't yellow? Ain't young people? You big bird? Just just chicken. This ain't no bird, just chicken. But when pigeons see you in New York? What what happens? Pep? I don't care about no pigeons. Man, they tuned past to anybody want to know? Damn pigeon coat. Week nine. Let's go all right, let's go. Hey man, I've been doing real good pimping, been doing it. Here we go, pimper, check it out. The here we go the falcon, you know, and you know time we could go along a little bit fasty. You didn't come in on my comment. But but you know what, you know what, you know what it is. But you don't try to turn yourself into a pimp. It's just one pimp. This ain't your segment. Now you won't get to do the schools because me and you will be having a little problems with the I don't know what it is. Well hold on him. What you ain't gonna trying to threaten me with somebody else taking over. This ain't trying to trend you, man. But you know if you want like a chicken jacket or something to damn all in my segment. Man, But what you're needing know of that I don't have a problem getting into a fight with a pimp. But why is you trying to sound like a pimp? Ball of a sudden, this ain't your ain't your segment. I don't have a problem getting into a fight with a pimp. Yeah, all right, pimp, And here we go, man, I'm gonna jump this thing off. We got the foul because the Atlanta Falcon is the on day way to play the Redskins the Washington. Man, that's gonna be hard. Man comes your Redskins trying to get out of Adrian Peterson bonding. Man, but then Atlanta trying to come to man. I would make this my push game, but I ain't Red Skins. You're going with the red Skins? Yeah, man? Because I just don't see you know, Maddie. I used to stay up their bawling, all right, We're gonna keep it moving with the Detroit Lions are on their way to play the Minnesota Vikings. Hey man, I'm signy. I just got to go with Detroit. Alright, Detroit, alright, Pepper Detroit. It is here we go. The Steelers Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Steelers are getting ready to play the Baltimore Ravens. God dog, that's a rivalry game, man, they're gonna be There're gonna baby and then trying and kill each other. I don't know, no, no, yeah, this is my push game, you know, Yeah, this is my push game. How did you know? I didn't know out push? Okay, push it is here we go now now pimper and this is beet gonna hit. This one's gonna hit. Dear to your heart. The Kansa City Cheeks only way to play the Cleveland Brown Cheeks. You hurt me with them one. I know getting here. Well, we can't beat the damn Chiefs. You know what, we didn't find the coach. M we did that a codenator. M hmm. He gone to here come the young boy. M hmm. Yeah. I don't wanted too. Three can't I'm gonna get that. Well, we're gonna gonna do this great thing. Man. I'm you know, I'm pulling for Cleveland, but I know they can't be Kansas City. Okay, we're gonna keep it moving with Pippen. They see what happened with that. But here's the next thing, man, The Jets, The New York Jets are getting ready to go down. Hold on, Nephew, We're gonna take a break right here. Damn We're gonna take a break and come back with Quarte. More of Week nine of the with Pimping and the Nephew. Right after this, Damn me, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, we're back. This is Week nine NFL Part two with Pimping and the Nephew. Let's get back at it. What was the last one? The New York Jets are getting ready to play the Miami Dolphins. Man, I'm gonna go with the Jets. Man, I didn't you know that boy Donaldson playing that? Man, I'm gonna go with the JITs. All right, here we go, Pimping Chicago Bass getting ready to play the Buffalo Bills. I'm gonna have to go with Chicago, Ain't no doubt about it. Number ten he bowling. There we go, baby tappaby back. So that's gonna be at Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay Buccaneers again. Oh this is a good one. Pim Tampa Bay Buccandeers against the Carolina Panthers. This ain't gonna be no good in pampers, baby panted t Yeah, yeah, because they had the bench Jamison Okay, cam Neil bowling pamp us for us. All right, can we go? We got the charges, the charges against the Seattle Seahawks. Oh man, that's gonna be rough man seatttle. Yeah, I know what I'm doing. Woo woo. Nothing right there, Jr. Write that down, don't write it down. Okay, moving on the texts and let me tell you something and leading the dune and back pimp. They're bang bounding them and here Russell Wilson got some time to throw it too. Yeah, they're gonna go whoop their chargers. Alright, alright, cool. The Texans are on their way to them for to play the Bronco. I'm gonna go with I'm gonna go with y'all's team. I'm gonna go with Houston on this. Ain't I ain't got nothing then, no love. I like von niller. But that's it, alright, alright, not not now here? Going big one right here, pimping Pickett, the rounds of Los Angeles rounds undefeated. They on their way to play the Saints. The New Orleans round a damn MO against the Saints. How many times is he he can't hit me? Okay, okay, okay, okay, I heard I heard you on that. Here going another one, Here going another The Green Bay Packers on their way to play the Patriots. Man, please, come on, we all pleasing, We all pleasing, even though I know they ain't what you want. Yeah, come on, all right, here we go. The Titans Monday Night Football against the Cowboys. This is this is a bad game. I don't can I need one anything, but you gotta pick one. I'm gonna have to pick. And I don't want the Cowboys to win because I never cared for them. And I want to pick the Titans, but they got a Mari Cooper and that Press Scott. Don't be cool dat. I don't want them to win. I'm going with the Titans. Nervous alright, I ain't gonna do that to him. It's gonna be hurt this week. Don't do this. I was trying to say, thank you, we appreciate you. Peppin. All right, this is what it sounds that when pimps crap I talked to Jr. Alright, Peppin, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oprah Winfrey was in Georgia yesterday. She was campaigning for Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacy Abrams. Take a listen as Oprah talked about why she votes, Take a listen. I'm here today because, like a lot of young people, I didn't take voting voting seriously until around my mid twenties. And around my mid twenties I had had the had the privilege of hearing Reverend Otis Moss Junior, who's a preacher y'all know him, preacher, preacher in in in in in Cleveland, Ohio, and I heard him tell the story of his father of Otis Moss, Sr. Who right here in Georgia's Truth County, got up in the morning and put on his only suit and his best tie, and he walked six miles to the voting pole location he was told to go to in Lagrange, and when he got there, after walking six miles in his good suit and tie, they said, boy, you at the wrong place. You're at the wrong place. You need to go over to Mountville. So he walked another six miles to Mountville and when he got there, they said, boy, you at the wrong place. You need to go to the Rose Months School. And I picture him walking from dawn to dusk in his suit, his feet tired, getting to the Rose Month School and they say, boy, you too late. The poles are closed. And he never had a chance to vote. By the time the next election came around, he had died. So when I go to the polls and I cast my ballot, I cast it for a man I never knew. I cast it for Otis Moss Senior, who walked eighteen miles one day just for the chance to vote. And when I go into the polls, I cast the vote for my grandmother, had him made Lee, who died in nineteen sixty three before the Voting Rights Act of nine and never had a chance to vote. I vote for her. And when I stand in the polls, I do what my Angelou says. I come as one, but I stand as ten thousands for all those who paid the way that we might have the right to vote, and for anybody here who has an ancestor who didn't have the right to vote. And you are choosing not to vote wherever you are in this state, in this country, you are dishonoring your family. You are disrespecting and disregarding their legacy, their suffering, and their dreams when you don't vote. So honor your legacy. Honor your legacy, Honor your right to citizenship in this which is the greatest country in the world, the greatest country in the world. And the right to vote is like like like the crown. We all get to where Maya used to say, Baby, your crown has been paid for us. So put it on your head and wear it. Come on, if you don't understand that, you don't get that, there's something's wrong with you. All right, coming up, last break of the day on this Friday. It's been a good day, it's been a good week. We'll be back with Steve and his closing remarks right after this at forty nine, after the hour you're listening to show. All right, here we are Steve, last break of the day for this beautiful Friday. Take us into the weekend with some lovely inspiring closing remarks. Let's go all right, um. I chose this one today because I think it's important for people to understand this. You know, comparing yourself to other people's success. It's very dangerous because it puts you in a position I'm never really paying close enough attention to where you are. It's not you should not rate your success on the success of other people. I'll tell you why. Let me give you a saying that's in a proverb. I'm I'm, I'm paraphrasing a proverb. Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you travel from where you started. Listen to me, Success isn't how far you got, but the distance you travel from where you started. See, some people don't know how to measure their success. If you keep putting it up against somebody else, somebody else maybe have been doing it longer than you, somebody else may have another gift of talent than you. If you're always comparing yourself to somebody else, you're gonna come up short, and you'll never really realize that you too have your own level of success, and you should relish in that. You should be proud in that. You should show gratitude in that. But if you all ways looking at what somebody else is doing, you ain't gonna ever be happy with yourself. And that's a miserable position to put yourself in. Success is not how far you got, but the distance you travel from where you started. You've heard old people say in church, I ain't where I wanna be, but I think the Lord, I ain't where I was. So you gotta look at it like that. You gotta constantly take inventory of your life that way. That's why I say all the time, listen to me. Life is not a game. It's a contest. See if you look at life as a game. If I look at life as a game, and I look at Oprah Winfreed or Tyler Perry, and I look at how much money they make, then it's a game and I consider them winning. If I consider Oprah winning or Tyler winning, then guess what I must be losing. I must be losing because I'm not where they are. So if life were a game aims have winners and losers, you can't look at life like that that life that life ain't filled with winners and losers. If I look at where I started, and I look at where I've gotten to I win. That's why I say life ain't the game. Life is a contest. See, a contest is different. You ever been to the fan. Everybody can get a blue ribbon at the fan. You just gotta get in your right category. Somebody to get the blue ribbon for biggest squash. Somebody get the blue ribbon for best server. Somebody to get the best best can corn. Somebody to get a blue ribbon with the best sheep, Somebody to get a blue ribbon with the fattest hug, Somebody to get a blue ribbon for making the best apples. So just get in your lane and get your blue ribbon. Quit tripping because you ain't winning against somebody else. Life in the game. It's a contest. Everybody can get their own blue ribbon. Stop comparing yourself to everybody else. If I keep looking at open went from, man, I might be sad for a long time. Man. I mean so if I look in my life from where I started, from from stuttering, from flunking out of school, from losing everything I've OneD twice, from being homeless, and why I'm at now, I'm a success. If you look at your life. Let's just look at your life where you started from. Say you got a supervisory position down at the post office, you're a success. What about when you wasn't working at all and now you drive a truck. But remember when you didn't have no job. Remember when you know your brother says that you're working. You're a success. You're a success man, because life ain't a game. It's a contest. The only person you in it with is yourself. You ain't in it with Oprah and Tyler. They're in a whole another land. They in another category. Get in your category. Get your blue ribbon at what you can get A blue ribbon in life is not a game. It's a contest. You can blue ribbon in any category. You can come up with the Swedish sugar, you can come up with the best haircut, you can come up with the best mode lawn. You can come up with the prettiest tractor. You can go down there with the biggest pumpkin. Just go get your blue ribbon in life, man, Stop competing against other people. Success ain't how far you got, it's the distance you travel from where you started. Those are my clothing who drop the mic baby, drop, hold on, hold on, I gotta get a drop you drop, there's really silver wagg I know y'all heard that. I started to So, Steve, how do you? How do you come up with these? I just I just think of my life, all the lessons I've learned. I've learned all these lessons. I got sixty one years of grinding and hustling, And in my sixty one years of grinding and hustling, I've recorded lessons in my mind. And uh, I just think, man, that if I share them with people, Like I'm trying to come out with this app where I can share it with people, where people can take these and I'm gonna give it a real catchy name. But you like that one? No, I don't let me drop those on you like you know, I don't listen up? Hey, how about this one right here? How about have yourself a great weekly For all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.