It's Friday Have a Great Weekend - 11.03.17

Published Nov 7, 2017, 5:34 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the ball just like themzing buck bus things. And it's tough do me true good to the hard guy listening to me together for stoo barn quick to listen, Moby, why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining me said you gotta use that turn out love. Go ye, y'all go. You gotta turn to turn love, turn my love. You got to turn out to turn wan comey, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. I wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man o man o man. Cold piece of work, That's all I can tell you. God is just a cold piece of work. He's he's the coldnest I've ever seen at it. When he comes to fixing your life and getting it together and forgiveness and giving you a second chance and writing the ship and all of that, howe you want to phrase it, He's the best I've ever seen at it. That's none greater. You just can't beat him. I'm sorry, appreciate you out there trying and everything. But when you get through, you know God is always standing by. That's the cool thing about him. Today, I wanna talk to you about something. I was having a conversation he was a young man, about longevity and it kind of started me to thinking. And somebody had asked me one time to explain how I've managed to stay relevant, ah for so many years. And I have to be honest with you. You know, I cannot fix this any other way. I owe a great amount of this because of God's grace and mercy. God has shown me a lot of favor in my life, and the things he's done for me he'll do for you. I'm just saying He's showing me a lot of mercy and a lot of favor in my life because one thing, I kept trying to get it right, you know. I mean, God recognizes your effort even when you're blow in it. He recognizes your sincerity even when you're blowing it. You know, he knows your heart even when you're blowing it. Marvin Sapp got a song that says he saw the best in me when everyone else around me could only see the worst in me. That that song is never more true than than for me and for a lot of us. I mean, God just happened to kept seeing the best in me when everybody else, everybody else around me could only see the worst in me because I made plenty mistakes. And but man on man on man, his mercy and grace just kept coming through. The other thing of it, the second part of it that I would have to say, is because what has allowed me to have this longevity. I was never afraid to reinvent myself. Do not be afraid to reinvent yourself. Look, man, don't get stuck on you. See you you end up in your way a lot of times because you get stuck on you. Well, I said I was gonna do this, and I said I was gonna be that. And I said I was gonna go this a way, and I said it, Well, I I predicted it would turn out like that, So I'm just gonna keep on. Wait a minute, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down, partner, you're getting stuck on you now, I said I was gonna be That's where I went to college for Okay, all right, Now, many people went to college ain't working in their degree. You know, you make a decision in college from somewhere around between age sevent in twenty one of what your major is? What is you're saying, I'm gonna stake my claim in life right now? This is what I want to be, this is what I want to do. The problem is you're making that decisions so early in life when you ain't even discovered who you really are. Let a long what you want to do. After you discover who you really are, That helps lead you to what you should be doing. But college forces you to make a decision and a call on your life. Some people can do that early on, some people know early on what it is. The average person does it, and so you go to college. You make this decision about your life, just big decision, and then you find out you're not happy. You know how many people I know when to law school man want to be lawyers, became lawyers and went, wow, man, I'm tired of arguing with people in court. This is what I really want to do and change or become very successful at it. Because they were not afraid to reinvent themselves. You must lose the fear of reinventing yourself. So what your job is? Secure down? Now, what do you really want to do? What does God really have out there available for you? See, you know you can get a job, help you pay the bills, But if you want to really live your life, what would you want to do? If you are waking up and you don't like the job you're going to, you're great for you got it, But you don't like the job you're going to, you know what you ought to do. You all to consider reinventing yourself because if you don't, then you just stuck on you. You have not opened up yourself to all the possibilities that God has for you. You're stuck on you. Well, I got this job. I better hang on to it because WHOA. That's not an exhibition of faith. Faith is the belief in things that you cannot see and seeing the how to do something. It ain't always crystal clear. It ain't clear to me now A lot of times what to do next is often not clear to me. The only thing is clear to me is that I operate on the faith that God didn't bring me this far to leave me, that God won't leave me hanging out there, that God will always fix it for me. And so I go forward, not backwards. I reinvent instead of being stuck on myself, don't be stuck on you. Open up the possibilities, step out on faith, take a chance. That's all life is as a series of chances. Man, life is ten percent. What happens to you is what you do about what happened to you. That's what life is. Man, Life gonna happen to everybody. Gonna get grief, everybody's gonna have a setback, everybody gonna fail at somebody. Everybody gonna gonna get it wrong, everybody gonna get the wrong person. Everybody gonna make a mistake, everybody gonna do something in their youth. Everybody. So what now? Guess what? Now that you know that something's gonna happen in your life, that's ten percent of it. The is what you're gonna do about what happens. See, that's the business right there. That's why, Man, You've got to constantly, constantly be trying to do something, Be looking around, be open to it. Explore. You know, if if you're saying to yourself, man, it ought to be more to my life than this, then open up your eyes and see, open up your mind and explore, Open up your ears and here something is out there. That's why you keep having that thought. It's something out there in the universe that's going, Hey, hey, hey, I'm over here. Look over here. Try this. Come on, man, try this. It could be God tapping you on the shoulder. Hey man, hey girl, this ain't what I made you for. I want you to look over here. But if you stuck on you, if you're scared to step out on faith, if you're scared of water happened, if you lose your job, if you're scared of what hell, Because let me tell you something. If you lose your job, you already know what's gonna happen. If you live in check to check, you already know you're gonna get real tight up in here and some things about to go wrong. But if you explore other opportunities and put some effort towards it, that may be a slight period where you miss a check for a month. Do you know a lot of people won't switch jobs because they can't take the month delay in checks. They don't go after the greater opportunity because they're scared of letting go of the current opportunity. So I gotta work two weeks. Then they're gonna hold a check that be a month, and I'm gonna stay here. You know how many people playing it's safe today that ain't gonna grow. You know how many people are afraid to reinvent themselves that ain't gonna grow. You know how many people that stuck on theirselves that ain't gonna grow. Man, I wake up every day to see what God got for me? What else you got? I'm open what you got? You think I can do that? You think all to go down there and see, all right, let's sign up. I open myself to that. That's what you have to do. Look, go big or go home? What you live in your life for on a mediocre scale, when your life could be big, a life full of abundance. God comes to give you that He didn't come in into your life so you could just be miserable and people, you ain't no example of God. If you just over there miserable, that ain't no example of God. Who you think you're fooling? You claim to be all this wonderful Christian? You always down, You always said you ain't got nothing. You always begging somebody for money. What kind of God you serve? Man? Or really, what kind of rules you applying from the God, you said, Because the God we serve is an almighty god. He is a God of abundance, he is a god of of solving problems. He's a God that comes into your life and give you joy and peace of mind and and a way out and answers to problems and solutions. That's what God does. So come on, man, open yourself up to what God God for you. Quit being stuck on you. Don't be afraid to reinvent yourself. That could be just the thing you need to spur you on the greatness. But you gotta take a step. You gotta step out on faith. Man. God ain't gonna let you fall. Come on now, all right, you're listening to ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. I can't I can't be no more excited today. I just can't. Came up the championship huston astros and champs championship, no championship team hip, and I want I want to do it. I want to I want to address this right now, the hate that came from the Houstonians on this show, Julian, Tommy and Carl up after I saw the astros jump out to a to nothing leave. You know, I jumped on what I saw this coming? Yeah, look I jumped on you see a winner, get on board. I jumped on the astro wagon. Now, Timmy gonna text me and where you'll get on this way it? Then I told Tommy, wait a minute, your wagon is a hooked up to my show up right on thatn't you jump on this wagon? And if you weren't on net wagon where nobody to know where you would know? You can't get on that wagon? Na, can't. You can't get on the wagon. You wouldn't let us on the Cleveland Capital little wagon. You didn't let us on that one getting on the wagon. Okay, yeah, slide over. Oh man, this is his text to the Houstonians. Let's go strows. Yeah, he said he can't send that think come on forever. I think, said the text back, I can't saying you you need to stop. Then he text back, we did it guys so much with baseball emoji. Let me tell you so. Did you see the world where I sitting where I had them trophy emojens? Yeah? You know how long it took me? You know how long it took me to find them baseball. I found some championship rings too, but I couldn't find them again. Then I just started then so okay, man, so then let me tell what I did. You know, once I discovered that I really don't know how to do this him, Yeah, then I started sending stuff and then I found the airplane. I said, championship. I love y'all so much. And then I found the airplane and just put it on that I don't know what you get a plane? Yeah, because I couldn't find I could never find the championship. Reading again, I was speaking of rings. What about the engagement too, We didn't even talk about that. Yeah. Yeah, he wins the World's and he gets engaged. Yes, he don't have a day of happiness. He don't have a day to himself. God, you're so bitter. He should really, Jake, really, yes, really? Really? Alright? Uh, alright, coming up, something funny. Here's the question, what's the worst reason someone's used to break up with you? Coming up at thirty two after you're listening to the Steven Show. All right, guys, time for something funny. So there's a story about a man in New York looking for advice on how to tell his girlfriend to lose weight. He said, at first, I told myself I could get past it. Everything else about her was exactly what I wanted. He is really having a hard time telling her she needs to lose weight. Now. A lot of folks are saying that he is a horrible person, and others are defending him, saying, don't we all want our partners to be attractive? So guys, here's a question for you. That means, guys, everyone, what's the worst reason someone used to break up with you? First of all, let's address this story. Yeah, a woman has the right to want what she wants from a man and in a man. A man has the right to want what he wants from a woman and in a woman. Now, he says that everything about her else is perfect, it's everything he wants. He just wanted to lose some weight. Now, obviously she didn't gain this weight yeah, and a lot Yeah, because he thought he could deal with him, but he ain't handling it good. So I don't think he's a horrible person. I don't think he's a horrible mercer. He should tell her now before she puts on more weight. More is going to be added, Wow, because she thinks. She thinks it's like, yeah, it's okay, Yeah, okay, So he should tell her, yeah, that will be more it is, yeah, and that's problem with you go from a flow model TV to a deep freezer. Really, he needs to let her know now because his back gonna go out. How much weight do you gain where you don't want to walk into dough no more? You're right, that's a that's a lot. Yeah, you're sitting that in the draft. He needs to tell her now that How do you tell her? Though? Reading this story, you guys and too surely he went to therapy and everything on trying to know how to tell her. Crazy he's probably gaining weight, eating himself, trying to figure out a way to tell her doubt he's gaining away, Okay, he using weight, wearing about how ain't gonna tell her he had a nervous break. Well, he should just if that's his issue, he should just tell her and then she if she wants to lose weight for herself, you're him, not for him weight for that? You do it for other people? No, you stay no, yes I do, I stay in shape from Margie because Margie is looking at me. A couple of times when okay, okay, baby, that she did okay. But it's just been my experience that if someone tells you and you lose weight for other people, it goes the opposite way. You usually gain because you're depressed. How do you want a man to tell you, Shirley, that you should lose weight? How would you? Well, well, I'm gonna say this you. A man doesn't have to tell me that. He just doesn't. Okay, I do it on my own, but okay, she ain't doing it on her own. So as a woman, you and Carla, how would you like for a man to tell you that he thinks you need to lose weight? Well, I don't think we're saying my man, who you talking to? Yeah, I don't think there's no good I don't think there's a good way. I don't think there's a about I just texted to you every time you talk talk like that, because trust me, she knows, she knows, he knows, she knows. Everybody knows when they can't. You really can't say that too. Absolutely before before Marjorie said it to you, you knew, Steve, not really really no, did you not know? You just didn't care? I can't believe you didn't care. I always care. Yeah, okay, but you know I was just I don't know. That ain't something that comes across a mann. Whre you Are you comfortable? Yeah? Yeah, were you comfortable? Well, you knew with with my level of income, I will okay, we'll see and and and and that men are treated and see if that man are treated different than headed women. If I just started buying two wig shirt instead are one that you ain't got no money? You need to be concerned. But I love I love Carlin's answering, like, so who are you talking to exactly? That's why you can't do exactly? And you shouldn't you shouldn't, you shouldn't do. I mean you look in the mirror every day, you know Well, I think the best way to do it is say, baby, look, we in love with each other. I love you and you love me. But I think what we're gonna have to do for each other, we're gonna have to take care of each other. I think we need to both just get in shape too, so we can stay with each other longer. I do know a guy who did say something like that to his wife. He did, and she eventually she did eventually lost it. He did tell her. He sat her down and said, honey, you've put on a lot of weight. I don't like you at this weight. If you don't want me to cheat and go out and see other women who are smaller, yes, I promise you. I know the couple, I know black people. She was mad, she was mad, she was mad, she was upset. But she did eventually lose the weight. And that is a true story. It is a true story. Okay, listen to me, fellas, that's listening to that. Don't go in your house. Don't do it. I don't advise it. And I say a lot of stupid stuff, but I can't go there and say that now right there. If Tommy wouldn't say, I don't think they're together now, I must no, because she never forgot the way he did it. She lost the way and left and got fine and left. She left so surely he said, if you don't want me to, if you don't want me to, I don't want to. But yeah, I've seen right there. Okay, watch this. I'm gonna lose this weight and I'm gonna start sleeping with somebody else. I'm gonna lose as much. How about that coming up next the nephew, run that break back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Ani will be here for today's national news and headlines. But right now, come on, nef, it is time for run that prank back, Bring my breasts back, talking saying strong with me, bring my breast back, your own, talking about chicken. Who are you talking? Bring my breath back? Hello, I'm trying to reach Oliver. Yeah, that's him. Hey, you married you? You engaged in Madison? Right? Yes, I am. There's a problem with it or something? What's up? No? No, no, no, no. My name is Ricky. Man. Have you heard about the last person that she was engaged too? Well? Else she kind of spoke briefly about you. You know what? Man? First of all, let me just say this congratulations. Okay, let me let me be the first say that congratulations for y'all getting engaged. And I hope it worked with y'all. Okay, Okay, here here's why I call uh, we gotta. We got a situation at hand that we kind of need to clear up between you and I. So what is it? Me and you got a little conversation we need to have about property. But we're talking about what property and the property we lived in. But you're talking about this is my property. Okay. Now I'm not talking about your house or nothing like that. Oh some property over there that belonged to me, and I'm trying to figure out how we can rectify a problems. Well, I'm quite sure if there's something not to pack up or whatever, you can come and get it. I don't know what do you have over here in my house that's yours? Okay, the astal, the actual breast that she had belonged to me, the breast I bought her some breast and plants. Man, I ain't know nothing about no breast in plants. Okay, you might not know nothing about it, but the bottom line is I've spent ten thousand dollars or some breast and plants, and I want my property back, buddy man Jeeves. No, man, you're not getting back. What are you talking about pressing plans? Ain't know nothing about that, man. I mean, I understand you not knowing about it, but I'm calling you like a man explaining it to you. Know, I'm trying to let you know, you know I bought her some breasts and plants. Now that's my property, not just like just like when it don't work out with with uh an engagement don't work out, you want your ring back? Well, I want my breath back. Oh no, man, if you had to give a ring, you can get that back. But that man, what do you I mean? Come on? Then he ain't get back? Hey man, I'm getting them back. Oh I'm gonna be over there every other week being happy with without involved. No, no, that ain't. That ain't what's gonna happen. No, no, no, brother, that ain't gonna happen there. I don't know what you're calling for about dial ten dollar dollar the breast and plague you ain't getting you come over here if you want to. When you with somebody, when you lose them, you lose every damn thing you paid for us. So if you brought us and you're done, you should have bought when you got married. You know what I'm saying. You should have waited then boutd to them, tell them mine, I'm gonna be over here. That's what I'm gonna do with your breast and plans. So your money was well spent. You ain't get back. Move on in your life. Hey, man, if you don't tell me whin and win. When I closed the by thought I bout someone. I feel like it. But the bottom line here, them breasts belong to me. Now we're gonna work. We're gonna somebody gonna pay me a ten thousand dollars one way all the up. No, No, you ain't getting nothing back here, man. You got to move on with your life. Man, when y'all broke up, y'all wortning together. No motive left water. She walked away with a man. That's it. That's over. I'm sorry. Let me say something to you, man, I'm coming over there. I'm coming over there and have a conversation with Madison about this, because that's whoever dently I need to talk to. No, you're not talking to nobody over here. You're talking to me like you say, man to man. I'm letting you know. Man, you're lost, your lost. Man. You don't get nothing. I can't even get my number. You get money. Let me get your number so I can call you back when she on the way home. My number on the bridge number thou dollars, that's your number. Yeah, okay, Well I'm gonna check it. I'm gonna show check it, and I'm gonna look at it every day because you ain't getting nothing back. Brother in mind, you're lost. Man, it's over. Let me ask you this, man, Have you even bought the ring for Madison? Ye? Yeah, I've about the ring. That's what you do when you get engaged. I paid, the ring is bought. Brother, way you're working a must ring calls about eight nine thousand dollars. That's nice ring fee fee that the breast caused more than the damn and you're a cheaper man, man, you man, I mean I was just about to wring you tell about Look, dude, you're going then. Breasts ain't yours no more. Man, you don't get back here if it was wing a pair of shoes or something ikey that back? So what not? What not? Hey man? All I'm gonna say is this here. I'm gonna come over there and have a conversation with Madison about my breath because the breath bloss to me. You're not coming over here and getting nothing. She ain't even here. But you can bring your over here. You come over here with your chest pushed out. I'm gonna push it back in for you, brother, don't I got two breaths over there? You tell them the five thousand no, and I won't both for man, Look, you ain't getting who the guse you? You call every spiral friend you break up with wanting, But I call the ones that I'm had in bought breast for thank you. That's a good damn wedding gifts. I guess you don't. Hey, man, don't don't. Don't let me tell you something. Don't you touch my damn breast? You mean? Man? Here, Man, I don't know who the hell? Man? Hey, you can get on my line. Man, who is this? I'm the person that on the breast. Do you know who this is? Here? You on on nothing over here? Man? You didn't tell them also on their brother, you took a straight loss on their man. You got partner? Who is this? Man? You ain't calling my phone. I'm gonna tell you right now. Who is your partner? Yeah? Who is this? This is nephew Thomas Steve Harby Morning Show. Your girl Madison got me to prankball called you? Uh man, what you ain't it's cold where you come? There's somebody but damn me, this is it they real? Are it? Tyd of here? I know you're sp to know what you marry. I don't know why are you asking me? I'm still what you told much you bost Man? You still got me? Must real faith you like that? Where y'all come? Man, y'all y'all need to stop that. Man, But I listened to you last people. You gotta leave my stuff. I never thought i'd get got hey. Well, what's the baddest radio show man, Steve Show? That's the truth? You got me, good Man? You got me good Man. That is ignorant. So y'all don't know about the problem with y'all. Y'all bought a breath, buy some breadth and see how you act. None of the other guys on the show. I didn't bought bread. Ain'tbody about breadth from no I've told you to the women. I usually they got both of them. I understand that when they want to enhance it, though, you understand bread's ass, lips your eyes? How do you buy eyes? Well? She had one, okay you speaking, It's true, absolutely true. Gave it to Christmas. She was happy. She knew that one present world for her. What's that? What's that? Little blue box that that that TIFFs put in the Tiffany's bomb shaken. I hope it's not a ring. Don't worry. We're not coming from me. But you know what, we have to single men on the show who are of age where they shouldn't be single. And I think one day, if not today, we should dig into the reasons as to why you guys are singing answering that right now show. Yeah, I had to two words that won't answer mine don't won't know three words don't won't no more. We gotta go over this no more more times a charm Jay? What about me? Why I work? You're working on it, working, But if I have a moment, you think about it, you want to Eventually I think I want to. Would you? Would you marry Ji? Somebody with a right? We gotta go, guys. Coming out of the top of the hour, the Houston Astros Championship Parade. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is for the Houstonians on the show. Carla Jr. And Tommy the Houston Astros Bestros. Well, let's celebrate their historic world series, a world series titled Today with a parade the City Hall. The party is sure to be a big one. The Astros defeated the l A Dodgers and seven games Wednesday night, five to one to a series that will be remembered for a long long time. Get in here. My wife was going outside. This You ain't in Houston. This is l A. Take it downtown. What about you, Jake, I ain't got no team. I'm from South Atlanta. You do the Dodgers now now you ain't got no d It's great for the city of Houston, it really is. And don't think I didn't see you eating candy one we have so you know. And three of our morning show members are from Houston currently have residents in Houston. Yeah, we do proud to say they from Houston. May Sir. After Hurricane Harvey, and I told you show just call it what category it was. We're saying hard you don't need no press after Hurricane him of all, the third of Green's points home everything you just destroyed us. Sugar Land just chicken out was destroying sugar Land, getting messed up. Yeah, parts of yeah. Yeah. Do you know something I used to want to move to sugar Land. I saw the big houses, man, that the athletes had out there, great golf. That was one point in time where I actually considered living in Houston. This is a nice I remember that, Steve, You remember that. Yes, of course I was actually considering living in houses because I've always liked the city of Houston. We had a club in Houston, man, yeah, man, yeah, we had a comedy club. Yeah. I loved it down there. Man. Nice back then, Man, I could go to the Galleria. People knew me, but not at this level. That's I was. I was famous back then too, mostly black black in Houston. Was the Shops Town Town Boy Shops Town Georgios Gator. I called it Gator Walk. Man. I went down there and Jay I was in there with you one Jayson Man. Look at him just all up in that w I was just buying jobs town Mall. One night in Houston at the Arena Theater Super I was at that show Dog I had on Gators. I had that show when you came out that when you had to walk down to the said man we did to me and the boy show that Yeah. Still there, pink it was I've never seen pink altogether. A man on a man took a minute to find it, but I found pink Gates that shop too. I couldn't wait, not at the gallery, and I was hotly at the Houston Birds of the Cities looking. Is that what the man? Yeah? Yeah, See Tommy, you didn't go there because you wasn't old enough. Here we go. I ain't had that kind of money, all right, Steve, I was gonna get to that, give me time the whole Joe. You ain't got to push me. I'm going to anyway. Oh, I was gonna tell her how Poe you was. He's here. Steve introduced ladies and gentlemen, voice of authority, voice of facts and understanding, and the intellect. One of the shopp is anchornows people in all of radio. I ventured to say, these shoppers, ladies and gentlemen, our very own miss and trip as well, thank you very much. The really possible to one. This is entered with the news though, and we got a poll on Mr President, does that President Trump praising the Republicans draft tax bill unveiled by the House Ways and Means Committee yesterday. The measure would sharply cut both corporate and individual tax rates, but the corporate rate would be reduced from thirty five to something Trump insists would make US companies more competitive and encourage more job growth. He feels that they will put more money into the economy and and raising wasising wages and hiring workers. However, that's never worked in the past, maybe he hoping it will do this time. However, the bill would also get rid of the deduction for state and local income taxes and also limit the deduction for mortgage interest. Now the President thinks the measure just peachy. We're working to give the American people a giant tax cut for Christmas. We are giving them a big, beautiful Christmas President in the form of a tremendous tax cut. So the President's urging the House and SENTI to act quickly so that yes, he can sign the changes into law by the end of this year. By the way, thanks to the Vice President Pence, American consumers have now lost the right to sue companies. The Vice president last week broke a fifty fifty tie in the Senate, thereby repealing an Obama era rule that made it easier for people to sue firm. So now financial institutions will be able to use the fine print to avoid lawsuits. President Trump's verified a Trump account. His Twitter account went off line briefly yesterday, and the world later learned it wasn't a glitch, but somebody, a Twitter employee who was on his or her last day work, purposely turned off the President's Twitter. Former First Lady Michelle Obama so we can get the First Obama Foundation International Summit this week, says, while we protect women, we don't really raise men. We love our boys and we raise our girls. We raise them to be strong, and sometimes we take care not to hurt men, and I think we pay for that a little bit. It's powerful to have strong men, But what does that strength mean? Does it mean respect? Does it mean responsibility? Does it mean compassion? Or are we protecting our men too much so they feel a little entitled? Uh, you know, a little self righteous sometimes That's what she says. That's right at the First Obama Foundation. You gene the butterfly coming off to any minute after the hour, stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve introduced Jay Can introduced the butterfly. Whenever you all want me two ladies this morning? Yeah? Yes, who should Jay hook up with? I have several suggestions. Do you know, but do people? Thank you? So mu check Anthony Brown, Good morning everyone, Stephen Tommy Shirley College, June. You're a good morning, good morning, good morning. I am so excited because today is the parade Kinston ass stress. Oh my god, I love the Astrous. Um, so I'm going to the parade today, the ass stress. I love the Astros. So I'm I'm going to the parade today. I have on orange tights and that I have on a very very nice orange shirt to go with it. I have a blue cap and it's just beautiful. So I'm actually trying to get on one of the floats and be with the Astros because I love them to have much. So it's um it is a celebration for the Astrous. I want to get my it's called at whatever I am trying to. I want to get my bet sign and by all the players. That's what I really really want. Year man, I'm gonna get my I have a real big bat and I want to get it signed by all of the Astros and put it on. You have a big bat, A big bat, a stick. You don't have the ball? I do? I have to I have I have a few boys I want to get signed, and I'm gonna give them to some friends in mine. So yeah, I don't think you're gonna baby get your back signed by the player. Well, I would just say that because first of all, you gotta get close to him, and I don't see how you're gonna do that very well protected. So I can't imagine them letting you close to the players we needed on the show security. I am gonna be on one of the floats, Smith to Harvey, So I'm not concerned about being Are you gonna be on the floe? What you got to do with the Astros winning the world championship, I don't have anything to deal with it, but I'm being I might be a part of the parade. You can't be on the float, the float to for the players. You've never seen champions in a parade before, have you? Now? Well, see everybody can't make a float float. This ain't this, ain't you know this? Ain't what say it? Say it saying Steve to clean it up. But you can't participate in this parade. That a parade is for people to parade. If I got one a beautiful Astroike shirt, what stops me from parading around Eugene. I chick man that I'm really really thinking about introducing you to. Coming up next, will murder another hit the hour you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, Jay is here to murder another hit before he murders to hit. Yeah, I'm just in a matchmaking movie and you found somebody. You know, I think you should talk to man seriously because you need a little stabilization in your life. You should date. And I don't know if she's fully available anymore. I don't see how she could be on the market at this point. But you really should look into talking to miss Anne and Jay. That's a good matchup. What about Mala game? Your news will be a whole lot different. You'll never get to a story. It all about you. Let me tell you this. You're gonna get your trump in a minute. Track it up. But first of this bad black it's just black. Well it has a great laugh Jo to Church. Well, you know he could be he could be really in a bit. But let me let me do something I know about me. I'm the type of person that once you get hooked up with me, I make it go Jesus Christ, I can bring that out in a friend. Could be a good thing. Jane, No, No, I'm good anyway. Let me get to this all right. It's the j Spot Comedy. We got this thing called Taco Headliner. Tuesday goes down every Tuesday. Last week we had plane go to an event. Bright and get your tickets. It's every Tuesday, Tacle Headline on Tuesday. Jaspon Comedy Club one Westminchester Avenue, Los Angeles, The Duchess. You can let that go. That last, y'all let it go to if you come out here. But Jay, can I say something about your club? Yes, y'all had fun challenge? Oh yeah, it was really nice. We had a great time. But the food's up. Yeah, yes, woo and Steve Shirley Collin everybody. Now you got familiar with the challenge, the Pea Challenge, Yes, I did see. It's a rap song about things you would do for the peak. So the men did one for the pea, ladies did one for the D. My song is for the Sea. Well you heard about the pay Challenge and the D Challenge. This is the C challenge. You see him down for the Comedy Brown for the comedy since death Jam, I've been around for the comedy. Take for the comedy. Right for the comedy, Think about the morning, noon and night for the comedy. Hit for the comedy, fit for the comedy, had a good job. I had to quit for the You see him smoke for the comedy, joke for the comedy. Been to divorce Core three times for the I got love for the comedy. Club for the comedy every night and then I need a hug for the curcy. I hope for the comedy. Note for the comedy. Did a cruise ten years on a boat for the cop talk trash for the comedy. Got cash for the comedy, even got some real good ass for the car. Do black for the comedy, White for the comedy, or sending your hall. He let me write for the Steve and I go back for the comedy. Makes stacks for the comedy. Got much love and that's a fact for the current. Take, appeal for the comedy, feel for the comedy. Don't get mad when they still for the time. I'm about for the comedy. They shout for the comedy. Gonna drop the mike head because I'm out for the comedy. Many jail, I won't care. Yes, I'm putting I'm putting that on my show. That's gonna be my theme for the coming in the Jail for the comedy. Jail for the comedy was good. Yes, yes there was comedy. One lost two wires for them, that one got a better life for the collar. Coming up, nephew, Tommy s prank phone call. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after get ready for today's Strawberry letter. But right now, nephew Tommy, come on with your prank phone call. Boy, come on. The Preacher's wife. What Yeah, we ain't talking about no movie either, the Preacher's wife. That's caller right now. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister Angela. Sister Angela, please, how you doing. My name is Brother Clayton. I'm calling you from a Greater Baptist Church. How you doing this morning? I'm fine, I'm fine. Yeah, listen, I know that your husband, Reverend Reverend Jonathan, is actually one of the candidates that we may be choosing to be our pastor since our past pastor has stepped down. Yes, yes, yes, I'm I'm very proud of my husband. I think you'll make a very good candidate. Is a matter of fact. Here at the church, we've been asking a lot of the deacons and and and assistant ministers here have been asking different questions, different things that they would be doing once they became pastor, you know, like your first one hundred days. What would you try and change here at the church or try and make better? So to speak? Yet, but but what my husband, he's not here right now. Did you need to speak to us? No, not right now? What what we decided to do? Uh? So, so Angela Is actually called the wives and asked them a few questions. Okay, that's a lottle different, and we don't we don't want to take up too much of your time. You know a lot of times. Uh if a pastor is stressed at home, nine times out of tend, he's likely to be stressed at the church. So I guess my, my, my biggest question to you is is your husband stressed at home? Uh? No, not that I know of. He eats regularly, he's on a good diet, you know, go to the doctor regularly. Just physical Um, pretty good at home. I don't have a reason to believe that he's stressed. He certainly hasn't brought anything to my attention. Okay, No, I don't, I don't. I don't. I don't, I don't. I don't think you find I mean, Andrew. What I'm saying is he's stressed behind closed doors? Is he stressed in that fashion? Um? I'm not. I'm not too sure. I follow you. You say, behind closed to what exactly what you mean by that? Is he? Is he stressed? H in y'all's relations Is he stressed? Are you asking me about my personal business? Providence? Well, what I'm saying is if he's stressed at home, he'll be stressed at the church. And if he's stressed at the church, then the members are stressed. Then the congregation is stressed. So the stress start with you. Excuse me. If you are making sure that he's all right at home, he's gonna be all right at the church. I'm sorry, brother, what was your name? Brother Clayton? Brother Clayton. I appreciate you um conducting whatever interviews you guys need to conduct with the candidates wives. I do think that's pretty much personal territory, and I really don't want to answer those kind of questions. It's not personal since the angela win is so many other people involved. See, that's why I'm asking you the question, is your man stressed behind? I could assure you, yes, that my husband is not stressed at home. If I get your drift, he is not stressed behind closed doors, brother, and I would appreciate you if you don't call. What these kind of questions are you asking other candidates? Why these kind of questions? Well, I was the one UH dedicated to call to give you a call, and that's the question that I decided to come up with because I want to know if a man is gonna be stressed, because if he's gonna have tension at at the church, then then the congregation is going to have tension. The church is gonna have tension, and the church cannot move forward in the direction on. My husband and I have been married twenty to five years and they've been twenty five good years. If you get my drift, okay, he is not stressed at home, and whatever goes on at home, my husband has sense enough not to take it to the church. That is not something he's gonna do. So you don't see that about anybody else. Being stressed at the congregation in the pulpit nowhere. Okay, we ask together at home, and I appreciate if you don't ask me those kind of questions. But sometimes, well sometimes a woman does not realize that that a husband is stressed. You understand that there's a possible way that you don't know that he's stressed. So how can you get let me get your phone a matter of fact, let me get your full name. What's your first name? Let's just go with brother Clayton right now, could you please answer this question? How can you guarantee that he is fully not stressed? Brother Clayton calling the Lord real quick, hold on it, Brother Clayton. I'm an honorable woman. I'm a woman who stands by my man. Okay, but you are asking me some questions that's very personal, very private, very confidential. You are asking me questions that that that a question is the safety of my marriage? Okay. My husband is not rest and I don't send him away from my home stressed. Okay, how do you know? But what are you doing to make sure that this is less stress? Clayton, I'm about to end this phone call. Okay, now, if you know we're not gonna end this phone call unto that we know we I need to know the Reverend Jonathan is not stressed at home. They put they assigned me to talk to you, and that's what I'm going to do, and I'm gonna leave. He is not stressed. I don't know who told you that the man is not stressed. If he has to stress around you, I bet you. I bet you he stressed because you're stressing me right now. Now we're both stressed out. How can we understand that that man is not stressed. That's the end of this conversation. Do you understand me? Give me your full name right now, give me some intimate details, and then I'll give you my cross the line. You wait till my husband gets here. If this is is gonna cost him a candiacy, does this so be, We'll find another church. I'd have some choice words for you right now. I will give you my name right now. Do you yes? I'm a writer? Right now? The letter n N is in nancy E N E p h E W that nephew. Your name is nephew Clayton. My name ain't nephew Clayton. My name is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your husband, Reverend Jonathan. You said, this is nephew, Tommy. This is from the Steve Harvey Morning it's your Your husband got me to prank phone call you. Lord, I'm gonna kill it. Lord. I don't mean that. Oh, I didn't trust me, sent me this morning. I can't believe I let him. You know, thanks before. Oh my god, Tommy, I will tell you if this was twenty five years ago. Brother, I cut up a storm. I'm so glad. I'm a safe woman. Well listen, listen. Can I ask you one more thing? What is the baddest radio show in the land? The Steve Harvid Morning Show. So you got to call people? That means something. The Preacher's white means something. You understand that he wrote a sixty two man. Yeah, the first lady, If you're gonna call somebody, call somebody, either the preacher or his wife or his KEI. Yeah, that's how you do it. That's how you do it right. Stupid and I raise you two stupids. That's what it is like to stupid. And I raise you three stupids. King of stupid, King of what's both both are good. Yeah, will you pufe that tonight in Richmond, Virginia. I am here. It's going down tonight Richard, Virginia's Mama's Body hit stage play. Come check me out. I'm i am man. This is the happiest I've seen you see on the show. It's so happy going to a different city every week. We'll do that for you. It's fun. Tomorrow Winston Salem, North Carolina, and then on Sunday Columbus g A, Columbus, Georgia. And next week the Big Show. I'm waiting on Jacksonville, Florida. Serlan Colin Mississippi. Monica would be in the bill. I got a better chance. I got a got a shot of the earthquake in Florida. You got a bit of chance of Biggie shitting out there. All that in about an hour. Another episode of a theater, The Chapman's but up next The Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Before we got to Today's crazy Strawberry Letter. And this letter is really crazy. You'll see another day. Another tyrese. I don't even want to call it a rant. He's just on social media. He's just airing out his feelings. He is, Yeah, he is. Tyrese had a full blown meltdown in social media and posted a lengthy rant threatening to quit the Fast and Furious franchise. Okay, you know what's gonna happen if he quits the Furious franchise, They're gonna get another dog skinned person. And I don't want him to quit. Shown Underwood know that he's not even minute. Okay, really, he won't even know that. That's not right. Hits your boy, Steve yourself together, Yeah, don't quit. I mean war war, war, war war. He's going through Okay, he's going through a custody battle, Steve, let's just review. He's been going off in a one sided beef with Dwayne the Rock Johnson. In his first Instagram post, he yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah rockall what everybody wants to know? Yeah? What's He said that if Dwayne is in Fast nine he wouldn't be involved. Then um. He took to Facebook and dropped a video crying uncontrollably as he spilled the details about his current custody battle with his ex wife, Nicky Nicky Gibson over his ten year old daughter, Tyrise claims that he hasn't seen his girl in two months and desperately wants Nikki to drop the restraining order case against him. Terrese also said that he's almost broke, swimming in legal fees and can't find work because his ex wife killed his reputation. He's really upset. Terse is saying started with the Rock. When the Rock, I'm not coming to work knowing his lines, being late, you know that type of stuff. He didn't, you know, Tares's professional, and he says the Rock shows up late, didn't know his lines, and so he started talking about it and that was the beat. Wait a minute, Tyrese is really beefing with the Rock, Yes, yeah, really if you don't understand, Yeah, and he's really he's really crying and he crying. Yeah, yeah, he's really crying. Steve on Facebook and stuff on social media, and go back to where he started putting back on the bus let him saying, you call commercial where you first discovered. It's really sad though I hate to see him going through it. I really do. When when I'm had to call my little brother, Yeah, this ain't how this work. You can't say if he's involved in the film you out because now you all you're gonna do now is compound the problem of other films that you might be in. Yeah, because you can't drop out of a film because somebody else is working in it. That's that's not how it works. Man, you're gonna but you're gonna compound your problem because if you having financial problems, the last thing you can do is miss work. I'm gonna call my man Tres because me and me and him good. I didn't notice. I promise you I did not issue the custody battle. You know, he's really but you can't and that's gonna help your custody battle. That is not going to help you. Pouring it out, pouring out his feelings. He's really affected by it. I'm just but social media though. See, we gotta get to understanding that you really solve your problems. Okay, you're gonna just gonna sound hokey to some people. Whatever. You really solve your problems when you have something that's so amiss. That's what you have a god for that. Oh he is a man of God. He talked, he is. But because these people are social media can't help. Now. I want them because I promise you. If I would have gone his social media and scrolled down Man's it would be some hate on that. There's a lot of hate on a lot of hate would hate on that. But yeah, call and talk to him. You've been the court at the court more not even judy. All right, come on, let's get to the letter course. So many times I'll sit down and called my missions on the back of one of the pentions. Subject fight from my man, or give it up and let it go, or give up and let it go. Just Stephen Shirley, My husband and I have known each other since we were seven and eleven years old. Throughout the years, we've had on an off relationships. It didn't matter if we were exclusive or not. We always found a way to be together. We finally got married in two thousand. We had separated for four years until we found our way back to one another. Now we've been together for the past two years. I'm sorry, baby, stop, I've been messing with time. I can't pay attention, I can't respond subject it goes, fight my man, It's okay, darling, fight my man or give up and let it go. I think she means fight for my man or give up and let it go. Dear Stephen Shirley, My husband and I have known each other since we were seven and eleven years old. Throughout the years, we've had off and on relationships, it didn't matter if we were exclusive or not, we always found a way to be together. We finally got married. We have been separated for four years until we found our way back to one another. Now we've been together for the past two years. My problem is when we got back together, we clearly stated to one another if there was a low tolerance for cheating. My dumbbut decided to get involved with phone sex with a man that I have never met in person, that I only dealt with through work, that lives literally states and states away. Not only was I having conversations with this total stranger, but I have also had conversations with my ex boyfriend that I left my husband, that I left my for my husband, that I left my four husband, that I left for my husband. Okay, I was just trying to make out what she was saying. Well, my light shine right now, It's been about six months since has happened to my husband, and my husband decided to leave me and the kids about a month and a half ago. He refuses to give me another chance, and I just want my marriage to work like it should have from the beginning. Every time I asked him to come home, he just questions me, what am I coming home to, what will be different, etcetera. I thought things were going well. Since that happened. We went on and um a cruise this past summer for our six year anniversary. Um, he's leaving just smacked me. His leaving just smacked me in the face. Sometimes I feel like he will come back home, especially when he comes safer nights at a time and spurts. I really and truly love my husband. I keep telling him just because I did what I did doesn't mean that I don't love him any less. I really need this man in my life, not only for me, before my daughter as well. I have mentally let go and let God, but I am truly scared that I have lost this man for good. What should I do? Should I give up hope or should I keep fighting? Signed should have known better to not let others in. Okay, no time, we'll have to come back. But this harbery letter is posted if you want to give your comments and read a letter and all of that go to Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in about twenty minutes. Bad acting theater. Yes, something with the Chapmans. Yeah, but come on see right now Part two of Today's Strawberry Letter. Your response you want to hear go. I'm gonna have to do this letter line by line and break it down. What's really wrong here? The letter answer is always at the end, like I say. Usually, like Charlotte just said, I have mentally let go to let God. Okay, you'd have made this decision after all it is you'd all listen, went down. Now you want to let go let God. Now you want God to come in and fix all these mistakes that are repercussions. Even when you have a relationship with God, you still have to make amens. You still have to let mistakes you make in their course. God is there to help you get through it now. You need him now, just to help you get through it. You may not be able to fix some of the decisions you made. Let's go to the letter. Lady, fight for your man or give up and let go? What have you done to keep your man? This letter is crazy from the kid, go, We have known each other since we were seven and eleven years old. Throughout the years, we've had on and off relationships. It didn't matter if we were exclusive or not. We always found a way to be together. Now, right after that crazy mess, the line is, we finally got married for what? What did y'all even getting married for? You've been knowing each other for since you seven and eleven, been in off and own relationships the whole time. You even said it didn't matter if we were exclusive or not. We always found a way to be together. Ne sentence, We finally got married for what hell did y'all too getting married for? You have not had a marriage type track record or a marriage type arrangement before you got married. Y'all's activities never was handed in the direction of marriage, and you decided to get married, and you ain't changed now one of your behavior patterns even after the marriage, because you didn't practice it before you married somebody. When you say, man, this is who I wanna be with, this is the girl, this is the man for me, this is it, that's when you make the move, not after you ain't ever been exclusive. It didn't matter that she was exclusive or not. So we got married for what. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I'm not, but I'm gonna take yoga. Show me to tie in here. This is what you know. Then, then let's go down to the next line. Now we've been together for the past year. My problem is when we got back together, we clearly stated that to one another that there is a low tolerance for cheating. Low tolerance for cheating. Low means it's a little bit of tolerance for cheating. See, that's why you did what you did, because it's a no tolerance for cheating in a marriage. You went in stating it was a low tolerance. That's stupid. Again. Matter of fact, lady, this whole letter happening because you're stupid and your man stupid. Now two stupid people and gotten married. Now, stupid stuff keep happening, all right, let's go on down and and and my dumb button. Now here's where she gets. I told you she was stupid. Listen to this, My dumb but decided to get involved with phone sex with a man I've never met in person. That is really stupid that I only dealt with through work that lives literally states and states away, not only was I having conversations with this total stranger, but I've also had a conversation with my ex boyfriend that I left my husband. Fault that I left for my husband. That was one of them non exclusive relationships she had before um before they got married. That See, that's why they can't ever be there. She she was in a relationship. Then Okay, of course everything that you're doing the dog comes light. Well, my life got you. Now, it's been about six months since this half and my husband decided to leave me and the kids about a month and a half ago. You know why because he can't get past it. See me in different See if we cheat, we want you to get past it. But when you chief, please understand, we ain't fitting to get past because our egos won't allow us to get past it. So you canna save all that double standards whatever you wanna call it. But usually women don't do that. So when you do that, I ego, our mail ego is damaged beyond repair. All right, Steve, you know we gotta go email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls surely twitching gears now. Beyonce in the news. She has confirmed on Facebook that she has joined the all star cast of Disney's live action The Lion King. I love that the cast what the Lion King? Well, I couldn't hear because you were singing the damn thing. So you didn't get card away on that other show. I wasn't allowed to. You know. I love that attle Yeah. Have you seen it live? Yeah? Yeah, I think my daughter I had had something before the show. Things. So I'm sitting in the audience and when them elephants came down, I thought they was real damn elephants. How was you This was a couple of years ago. You were smoking. Yeah, I'm telling you, you were smoking. You thought there was real damn elephants coming down that. That is the most amazing place. No, really, it's the best thing I've ever known. To Lion King, It's the best thing I've ever seen. Lion King and stop stop really, man, I was gonna kill myself watching to put Fences up there with Denzel though. Fences was really good too, because and I know I like fience cast. They didn't sing, but you know what the one I really like. Have you seen Mama's Boy? Oh? What you got? Thing? Coming up at forty one after the hour, Please, season two of Bad Acting Theater starring The Chapman's chap You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for the Chapman Soap Opera three, season two. That's what it is. Get ready, we're gon we're going to get you in shape. We're gonna get in shape with Steve's health and Wellness segment coming up at the top of the hour. Well, well, well, we made it to the second episode of season two. Wait a minute, this is the third episode of season two. But who's counting? Surely I'm not see see what I did there? You see that? Where's my room? Shot? Cat? Thank you? Well, like I said, we made it to the top. We made it to the third episode of season three. So let's do do a quick roll call to see if everybody is here. Me I'm here, okay, okak present, Tommy Tally ho j Anthony Brown, Oh oh, I got my shows massed up. I'm here, I'm here. Get you fired right there, moving on, Junior morning, everybody shut up, Junior Junior. Sorry, Steve, Steve, Steve really really Shirley. So you're just gonna do roll call. You've been talking to us all morning. What the hell are you doing? Roll call? Full? Okay, I'll guess, I'll mark you down. It's present with an attitude. P w A whatever. Alright, let's get into this week's episode of Steve Harvey's Bad Acting Theater. You know Steve Harvey's credits, Blase blase, whoop to whoop something something something you know? You know all that? How is that, Steve? You're just gonna keep on with it, alright, alright, keep on alright, alright. If you missed last week's episode of Black Act, Bad Acting Theater, almost said black Acting Theater, Bad acting theater, You deserve a cookie but me. Once again, I was forced to read this garbage. I was forced to read this garbage. In last week's episode, Junior was being interrogated by Officer Touchett. That's really really getting old guys finally agree on anyway, Junior was being interrogated by Officer touchet know anybody by the name of A Pooky and man Man, I'm sorry you have to bring up those names when you interrogate the black mea KK was being haunted by Beauregards ghost and if there's something strange in your neighborhood, who are you gonna call Ghostbusters? See what I did there? Again? Give it to me, Give it to me, Give it to me. I can't believe I'm gonna have to kill Beauregards. But again, I'm gonna call Ghostbusters to take his butt out. But the big jaw dropper is and a jaw dropper according to Webster, because the writer's old school is something astonishing as an awesome event. Well I've read the script and none of that is in there. But anyway, the jaw dropter was Chester's confession to his father about his lifestyle. Remember that hard to say. I mean, it's it's really hard. But I didn't gone vecon. Ain't no damn son of mine gonna be no dead blamed V. Let's pick up this week's episode where Junior is calling his new mama KK. I just left the police station. I just left the police station. You got me in a mess where they interrogated me for shooting an earl in the butt with a blow dark and a bow and arrow. It's all because of you. But I want you to know I'm not going down by myself. I will sing like the ball hitted girl on the voice. It's so it's low and driving me. She's killing Yeah, I know, I know, I know. You mean Janice Freeman from Los Angeles. I love her, I love her, but I want you to know nobody like a rat. Already got a ghost on my head list, so taking out my new son ain't nothing. Try me if you want to hold on getting another call. Okay, I haven't talked to you since the beginning of this show. I got some stuff I'm dealing with. Now. Yeah, I know, I know, I know you. You killed bowl Regard and you tried to kill me by shooting me in the butt with a blow dog at a ball now, no, no, no, you got it wrong, just a blow dark And I don't know who tried to shoot you with a bow and arrow, but it wasn't me anyway, How the hell did you know that? Well, I'll tell you how. I don't believe it or not. I listened to this stupid show. Now trust me. I'll make a phone call and get officer to touch it off your back. I need you to come to the hospital and help me with my physical therapy so I can get back to my poke Ryan business. But big news is your nephew Chester has gone Vegan Vegon Hey k take a Hey Kate, Hey Kate. Well, I guess a signal? Drop, No, that ain't a bad signal. Join us next week for another episode of Steve Harvey's Bad Acting Theater. Write me on this show. I didn't have nothing to say. You messed up the best actor on the show. Madamn show. And you know what I think. There's Tommy he jealous of your successful mama boys. You ain't gonna being both of them mess messed up, man, that's show that's messed up. The time himself back as a ghost, though he come back and still be talked after that. All Right, get ready, We're gonna get in shape with Steve's Health and Wellness segment at the top of the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, it's time to get in shape as promised with Steve's Health and Wellness segment at the top of the With Steve's Health and Wellness segment, take it away. Steve Well joining this this morning is my personal trainer. Uh. He's a certified fitness trainer and nutrition specialist. He's also co authored The Best selling fitness book The Cut with him and Moore's chestnut on it. Oh, I won't be doing that, not next to Morris or him. I'm gonna have a fitness book. Jake got a be on that, which, Yeah, I'm gonna be next to Jason, so you have more of appreciation. And I've been We've been working out together for a little while. Now. He's got some great health and fitness tips to share with you. First, we're gonna give you an update on my guests, uh to get you in the best shape possible. Lea's Welcome to the show, fitness expert o bi A pa Deca. Wow, Yeah, I didn't called you a bunch of other stuff. Yes you have, Yes you have, and I never take it personally. Steve, you know if you do, it ain't gonna change. You know. Let's have tried last time I was here, Steve. You know, we're going back and forth, this little friendly, humorous banter about how many exercise you were doing and how long And I actually have a routine that you did not long ago. And I wanted to actually give a free workout to the listeners here if that's okay with everybody. Okay, So Steve on This is he did this a couple of weeks ago. He did chess, triceps, legs, and apps. Because we have a limited amount of time, we're trying to we're trying to train his multiple body parts at one time. So he'll do an inclined chess press, tricep, pulled down, leg extensions, and planks, going back and forth, three sets with each body part. That's the first circuit, alright, and this is minimal rest when he's super setting one exercise chest, triceps, leg extensions, planks. The second circuit he'll do peck flies, bench dips, lying down, leg curls, leg lift holds, and that's three sets going one set from peck flies, one separate bench dips, another set for lining down, let curls, and leg lift holds. Three sets. Now the third circuit. Third circuit, he's doing declined chess flies. Three sets of that, then three sets of Dumbell tri sep kickbacks, three sets of squat Caffrey's is three sets of bicycles. Man, I'm tired already. Okay, that's a total of thirty six All of that come eight hundred and fifty five reps. And he's doing that in forty minutes. That's a lot. Thirty six sets, eight how many eight hundred and fifty five reps? If you count all the apps for the for the fatting plan I'm by the way, by the way, you go ahead. A rep is one repetition, one motion of the exercise, Like if you're doing shoulder pressing, you have the dumbbells that in the ale shape, you press it over your head. You count, that's one. That's a rep. A set is how many reps you do at one particular time. We normally do twelve reps a set. And how many sets you do we're doing right now we're doing three sets and each exercise and each exercise, right, So how many sets did I do in this last thirty six sets? I did thirty six thirty six sets big, eight hundred and fifty five reps total. Now, why do you look so slim in your lando? Can you do rips and sets for somebody else? And what's he eating? Again? Over right now? He's eating from right now? He's I think right now, Steve, right now is about seventeen fifty to eight hundred calories a day right now, I think they were consuming eight hundred exactly seventeen calories. Are you really hungry? And he's right now. I think he's having fish and vegetables and then they'll have like a smoothie shake take breakfast. I had this morning, damn man, But it's okay, right, you just left you just left out. I had to work out and well now I had my breakfast, which was steak, eggs and potatoes in the portion that I needed. And then uh, one of my sisters said, mrr would you like some coffee? I said yeah, and then she bought nine slices a pound cake in here on the cutting board. Now went down and Jay died better. He didn't want nothing, Junior on his third slice. So I will say I practiced constraints and because you know I can't have nothing. You realize you're making my job very difficult, right, Steve, But something because I'm not gonna eat perfect all the time. And I think that's one thing that people should understand. I really eat like eight twenty time, right, I indulge. But Steve, let me ask ob something because last time you were here, Obie, you said something about carbs being your friend, and I wanted to ask you about that because most people say that, you know, don't eat carbs or low carbs, so what you're taking The thing about the thing about carbs people don't need to understand is when you take carbs out of your body, it's like basically taking gasoline away from the car. All right, you can't. You're not gonna be a function That's why when you don't have any carbs, your brain starts to have issues. You can't think properly, you can't concentrate. So carbs is never your issue. It's an overabundance of too many calories. It's not carves. Carbs are your friend. The American Dietic Association recommends a minimum of a hundred thirty five grams of carbs per day, a minimum just for basic energy functionality. What we could have been eating carbs. It's not you, it's not. If you look at watchers, they don't take carbs out and these women have tremendous success because it's the balance of food that you eat and how much you eat. It's really more calories, didn't matter than anything. Yeah, you got a drink water, I would say sixty cups of water per day for sure. Hang on, man, we're gonna come back. I got someone want to ask you right quick, sir, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're back with O b One Kenobi, that's what we like to call I was two years by the way, Steve's health and Wellness trainer. We're talking about Steve's workout. We're also talking about carves. And you said you wanted you said you notice a difference in me. Oh absolutely, Steve. Absolutely, Where do you see today? I see it around his middle because he always says that's that was his area right here. I saw it on your on your Halloween show, Steve, when you had your when you had your Lando Calrissian customer, didn't I tell you you look slimmer, You look you're getting starting to get that V. Let me. I don't mind the hate coming from Tommy. Let me tell you something, V. How many six how many people do you know that are sixty that can do fifteen birbies birthie workout, burbies a workout? Man. What I want people to understand is that maybe Steve doesn't have ripped abs like me or El cool j or Morris Chestnut. But but but what I want to tell you endurance his endurance will beat most of those young guys big time. His endurance is no joke. He's got amazing endurance. And now he's doing workouts like I said that are for thirty year old people that he's doing. Did you hear what I said? Big man? With the v he's getting it ain't got. That's how can I tell you something? No dog, because I don't like v LAN go ahead, what you know what? Man, Tommy? But I look better than you do. No, Steve, you he didn't even see that. Typically I want, I want to give you guys some Typically only elite athletes are training at or maximum heart rate. Steve, so he's an elite to me. But Steve, when he's training. When he's training, I swear when he's training, he's at pent of maximum heart rate, half of the routine, half of the routine typically on an average about that's a arenaline. Hey, I'm telling you. If you guys don't believe me, check out the videos on the social media page. Okay, okay, you know or you know what work out with us work other than the other than the running. Tommy can't do nothing with me really other than running. I promise you can come in and do what you're doing, Steve. I think we need to show on the Steve Harvey Country workout, Steve, And why you show me this V that you're talking about. It's coming right now, right now. Listen to me at sixty right now. If we turn around and show each other's back pictures of each other's back, I bet you right now my backlosk better than you. It's not even fair. And we ain't even gonna see you were't even gonna see your love handle your as gonna be. You got it so wrong. I have a question. I have a question. Damn, what are you eating right now? Your trainers right here? What do you mean to say? Up? Oh? What do I mean? I ain't need no cake right now? Not? Well he's here? That that would be respects. Typical A typical lunchmeal for Steve is like a chicken breast, uh, some broccoli and a brown rice. That's a nice meal right there. It's a nice healthy We learned a lot today, thank you, especially about carbs for me. I love that. Thank you so much. All right, we gotta go. Thank you so much, Obie. And and congratulations Steve on you weight loss and everything you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is for the Houstonians on the show, Carla Jr. And Tommy the Houston Astros bestros. Well, let's celebrate their historic world series, a world series titled Today with a parade the City Hall. The party is sure to be a big one. The Astros defeated l A Dodgers and seven games Wednesday night, five to one to Kappa. Series that will be remembered for a long time, long time. In here, my wife was going outside this You ain't in Houston. This is l A take it downtown about you. J I ain't got no team. I'm from South Atlanta. You Dodgers, the Dodgers. Now now you ain't got no d It's great for the city of Houston, it really is. And don't think I didn't see you eating candy. Yeah, so you know. And three of our morning show members are from Houston currently have residents in Houston. Yeah, we do proud to say they from Houston. May Sir. After Hurricane Harvey, and it was d I told you on this show called you know what category it was, but saying hard you don't need no press after Hurricane him of all the third of Green's Points Home everything. You just destroyed us, sugar Land just Chicken was destroyed, sugar Land getting messed up, yeah, parts of Yeah. Yeah. Do you know something I used to want to move to sugar Land. I saw the big houses, man, that the athletes had out there, great golf. That was one point in time where I actually considered living in Houston. This is a nice Remember that, Steve, You remember that. Yes, of course I was actually considering living in Houst because I've always liked the city of Houston. We had we had a club in Houston. Yeah, man, yeah, yeah, I loved it down there. Man. Nice back then, man, I could go to the galleria. Yeah, people knew me, but not at this level. That's worth movie I was. I was famous back then too, mostly black. You can in the shops town Town Boy shops Town Georgios. I called it Gator Walk. Man. I went down there and Jay I was in there. What you want, Jay said, Man, look at him, just all opin that. I was just buying jobs town Mall. One night in Houston at the Arena Theater Pinky sup S. I was at that show Dog I had on Gator that show we did demand a Boys shown, Yeah, still there, pink it was. It was I've never seen pink altogether on a man on a man. Took a minute to find him, but I found pink Gate as a shop, could not at the gallery, and I was you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Ladies and gentlemen, Boys and girls. This is one more thing. I don't know if you guys have heard this, but we all are familiar with Papa John's pizza right well, Papa John's is blaming the NFL's national anthem protests for their dip in pizza sales. CEO John Shot Yeah Snatter criticized the league's leadership, and you know he says that Roger Goodell is weak and all of that. He said the issue should have been uh nipped in the bud. A year and a half ago, he supported Donald Trump reportedly implied to his investors that the NFL commissioner should have stopped the players from expressing their right to free speech. Papa John's has been an official NFL sponsor since two thousand and ten, and now claims their stocks have dropped this year. Well, Trump told his hateful but he's to stop watching football. They have and now you well, now did you say that the CEO of Papa Johns is a Trump supporter? Okay, cool, now that he's come out and made that statement, and you think, see, what you can't do is support the Constitution for the second Amendment, but didn't forget the freedom of speech the first Amendment. So now he should have nipped this in the bud a year and a half ago and made them players get up off their knees. You could sell more pizza. Well, how about we on eating no more Papa john partner, if you want to see the sales go down, because listen to me. I fully support these young men's right to protest that they feel it's their right to make a statement. Now have they successfully in the White House and on Fox and on some people's minds convince people that them kneeling is disrespecting our country, our flag, and our military. Yes, they have successfully spun that, But that's not why they own they knee. They are on their kneed for the injustice that's being portrayed against the people and from these neighborhoods they from, and these young brothers. This is the only way of showing, hey man, we ain't with this no more. We ain't with all of our young brothers getting gunned down like this. We're sick of the injustices and to keep asking us to be patient about it. Frederick Douglas once said, who amongst us feels that slavery would be right for them? So how you want everybody to be patient? It's two thousand seventeen. We're tired of getting shot and so that's their protest. Now, like I said, have you all managed to conveniently flip it and turn it into something else? Yes, you have. And is it bringing any more attention to the problem that we have? No, I don't think it is anymore, because I think you all have successfully changed the narrative and turned this kneeling into a complete negative. But now the fact that you ain't selling pizza don't have a damn thing to do with us. And see, if you weren't so worried about profits, was worried about the lives and the conditions of every American, as you should be, as the CEO or Papa Johns, who's selling plenty of people pizza to black people, but as you, especially as the President of United States, who have to govern so many non whites and so many other whites who didn't vote for you. So, but if you want to continue to play to your base and say stuff like this that's divisive and keep deflecting the stuff, didn't go ahead. But who gives a damn that Papa John's ain't selling that much pizza no more? And if you wan't buddies with Trump, you'd be selling more pizza because Dominoes ain't complaining season season season running more commercial pizza pizza. They ain't set a damn. A matter of fact, I want to try, ye, who have you tried the bestest little seasons they put all that pepper it's called the bestest. It's like all of this pepperoni that they put all kids. See, I would try one of them to day get on my training of coming on the show. Yeah, that goes very well with poundcake pizza, that would be great. You said, a mouthful Jay pizza delicious, A mouthful right there? How about a hot food? Put it all on there? I love it, call it Papa so I really could kill I never did like Papa John's pizza Domino's Pizza Hut, and never have like I can't believe you can soon as it came out of his mouth, I was like, Oh, they're cos your sales for real, abody to go down again? And they are the official sponsor of the NFL. How dare you say shack is black football players? But everybody upset about everything else, but what the protest is really about themselves? To go back up, you better make a piece on the kneath your That's right, O man, Well what have we learned today? Before we get out of here? You got a V? Well, see, I don't really see what you're jealous of. I don't see the V you ain't seeing. It's a lot you can't see. You ain't five eight you're gonna see if you was up runder me looking up and it looks more like a w seeing some movies. Shut up, you know what, you know what? I'm working out with you next week. Just put that on your calip I'm coming through, hey dog. You put it on your little bit as county. And I'm telling you right now you're going a little here up in something you don't know nothing about, and I'm not I'll be pulling the handle down for you to dream about. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to The Steve Harvey Morning Show.