Isley Brothers Interview, Sheryl Underwood, Carla's Reality Update, Steve's Top 5 and more.

Published Apr 8, 2021, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Be glad that you woke up and mask up. 2020 was rough, but, we are still here!!! The Chief Love Officer may have a double standard situation writing in. After the iconic Verzuz battle, Big Dog brings Ernie and Ronald Isley to the show. Steve's little sister is back to give us the latest on what is happening with The Talk. The question, "Who dat is?" is answered in Reality Update. We get the latest from Ready to Love. Today Blue Cheese wraps up the show by giving us his Top 5 greatest single artist women.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all back to back down, giving them like the mosing bu things and it's not true. Good Steve to mother, ste don't join you gotta use that turn out run. You got to turn to turn them out, love, got to turn them out to turn turn the water the water. Come come on your back, Uh huh. I show will come on to everybody y'all listening to the voice, Come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio still, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Sometimes when I chuckle like that reminds me of my oldest brother to pass or where he used to laugh like that. It's kind of funny how jeans get passed down through the line. I don't know why I told y'all that, just sont to share with you. That's all. As always, always kind of ask God to help me, you know, um, and and and and I had I had gotten off track a little bit because one of the principles of success I want to share with you all today is a law of attraction that is a very very serious principle. It cannot be ignored. The law of attraction. And I'm not going to be able to explain it to you as well as the book Secrets can, or as well as some people. I can only articulate it to you the way that I see it. The law of attraction is very, very real. The law of attraction is a principle of success. It is something that everyone has to adhere to. Now, whether you know the law of attraction or not, it does not make it not exists for you. This is the case where ignorance is not the excuse. The fact that no one told it to you. There is no pass for this one. The fact that you never heard it before it does not allow you to do it any other way. So let me see if I can put it to you best I can. The law of attraction, the law of attraction, to put it real simple, is the thing that you focus on, the thing that you talk about, the thing that you think of, is the thing that you draw to you. It's what you attract to you. That's basically the law of attraction. The thing that you talk about, the thing that you think about, the thing that you focus on, whatever it is that is what you attract. The law of attraction does not differentiate from positive and negative. It only does what it does. What I am saying is this in the law of attraction. No matter what you think of, no matter what occupies your time, no matter what you say, or no matter what the focus is, positive or negative, the law of attraction knows neither one. It just attracts it. So let's use some examples here. I can just your best example always uses me that way. I ain't got to figure out nothing. I can just tell you my side of it. I was in a lot of debt one time in my life. This is before any of you knew me, so you can understand. In case you're not think I don't. I don't want you to think that this conversation is about your income level, cause it's not. It doesn't matter what the income level you are. The law of attraction works in all aspects money, family, relationships, job, career, love. It just works that way. Okay, here's the deal. I kept saying, man, this debt is killing me. I got to get out. That's what I thought was a good goal, to get out of debt. But what I kept saying was, you know, I kept talking about debt, and you know what it kept doing it kept attracting debt to me. So guess what I could get out? That's all? Is that crazy? That is an amazing law to understand. What turned it around for me was I started claiming a life of abundance. God, I am seeking a life of abundance. I want to have more than enough. I want to be able to help other people. I just want to have a law of attraction so that I be able to provide my family the lifestyle that I want to provide them. I want heavily father, to be able to be an example of your goodness and your grace in my life. That is what I started saying. And guess what, that's what I started attractive. I'm going to have a great relationship with my children. I'm going to be the father that I always wanted to be. I'm going to be a good father. I'm going to be a good husband, and now I am going to do the right things. I am going to be the type of example that my sons can look no further and go I can be like my dad. I want to be able to be a place, a beacon of light and hope for my daughters to come to. That's what I started saying, that's what I started attracting to my life. The law of attraction does not care if you want it to be positive or negative. The law of attraction just attracts whatever it is. You focus on, what you think about, the words that come out your mouth. You cannot overlook this principle of success and expect to make it because of the fact that you've never heard of the law of attraction, because of the fact that you don't know how it really operates. It does not make it not exist in your day. You can start today attracting the right things to your life by changing what you say, what you think, what you focus on. Change the focus, change the thought, change the words that come out your mouth, and guess what you change what you attract to yourself. You have got to ask yourself, why is it? Man? Man, let me tell you something. Somebody said the Bishop Jake's one time. They said, man, everything you touch turns to gold. He said, no, I just don't touch everything. Man, This is crazy. Come on, man, he has a focus. He has a focus. See, he ain't just everywhere. Bring me any idea, Let me try that. No, no, no, man, he has a focus. He has a law of attraction that's working, where he's attracting things to his life that that's positive that he can't ask not to say, Bishop James, don't have problems because we talk often and man, he have them. Oh please understand. And he not trying to attract the problems. But what he will attract is the proper solution for the problem. And ain't that all you need? Sometimes? God did not say that it would be easy. He just said he would be with you. And if God is with you, who can be against you? God will make your enemies your footstool. God is powerful man, His word is true. He do what he say he gonna do. Now, all we got to do is do some of what we say. We ain't gonna do everything, just do some of what we say. Okay, here's a deal. God is going to do everything he say. He going to you and I just got to do some of the stuff we say we're gonna do because he already know we ain't gonna do all of them. Yea, he clear on that. He clear on that. All right, thank you you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. It is the beginning, the dawning of a new day. This is a brand new situation. It's an opportunity, so blessing. It's all in that hovel you want to look at it, But get up and be glad that you up this morning. If you're on your way in from work, be glad. I know you're tired, but at least you got a job to be tired from. Twenty twenty was rough, but we are still here, Thank your Lord. Steve Harvin Mortar show owning, cracking mask up. Still washing the hands. I'm gonna admit, though, I don't wash my hands as much. You know, I'm gonna huh yeah, Well I don't shake hands though, but I have slowed down on the hand because I was washing hands at my house. I was so damn scared. Yeah, every time I walked past bat when I was washing my hands, because you know when it when the pandemic first hit, we didn't know nothing about it. I thought the wolf got the lord, it's in the hell, it's on the bag. I wasn't touching flowers outside. I was scared of taking lysaw wipe, wiping down my patio furniture. Scared to death. Man, well I ain't gonna go through everybody. How y'all doing this morning doing, Miss Monica. How you doing? Just wave at the zoom camera like include Monica and now and then somebody gotta do it. So you're feeling all right? You sound good? Yeah? Yeah, you know Monk, he's still out here in LA so it's counted early. But you know, I'm saying this black outside. I know that black. I turned this zoom around. It's blackness sitting lit up. It looked like I'm sowhere bright. But he ain't nobody up button. Yeah, man, this ain't New York, no South La. Yeah, but I'm good man, feeling good, still still riding a high from the verses though. Man, I ain't gonna lie to y'all real, I just it's just what such a And the more I think about it, man, because you know what I mean, I've been thinking about it in different terms. Of all the people in the world, God allowed me to be the only one to sit between the Osley Brothers and earth Wind at five ye I mean really and from I mean, I mean that's how I had to look at it. You know, of all the people who could have been that on, God do his grace man desert gave it to me. Boy, God, and you kilt it with that purple suit on. Boy. And what's that rock I had on the side of the hash Shelly amateurs Steve Ames, he said, anthemist, anthemist amethyst. When I had a hat made, I told a dude who put that on the side on that he said, gods great, Yeah, yeah, pretty natural stone amethyst, Yeah that on that top? Yeah, to match your city. Yeah, yeah, that's what she said. Was over you know, he said anthemist. And you acted like you nailed it when you first told this about it. I want to tell you what a friend of mine said from Cleveland. Will we come back down all right, and we'll be back at thirty two minutes after the hour. We'll also do ask the cello right after this. You're listening, all right, coming up fresh off the versus battle. Gotta say this, Steve. Our special guest will be Ronald and Ernie Eisley of the Eisley Brothers coming up at the top of the hour. And I can't tell you some sh we're excited about that. Uh huh. The hat I had on that the versus the white hat looked with the amethyst amethyst amethist on it. Yes, A partner of mine called me the old school cat. Boar, boar that shoot Steve, that's shooting that briam dog. He was nashing. You had them pimp rocks on it? I didn't. I just I knew what he was talking about. Had them pimp rocks on it? Why? I said, go ahead, boy, I was Cleveland down there, Iland down all right? You ready for Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey. Let's go all right. This one is from Carlin, Atlanta. He says, I'm married to a woman that had been in a relationship with a woman for ten years before we started dating. She said it was a phase she was going through. So I can only trust what she's told me. Her ex girlfriend and distilling her life, and they're good, good friends. I don't mind when the ex girlfriend comes over, but I'm wondering if she'd be as understanding if my ex girlfriend wanted to come over all of the time. Am I tripping over? Nothing works? Yeah? Hey, now she ain't gonna be as understanding, right of course not. You're not coming over. The ex can't come over to my house. Well, she's coming over to his house. No, that ain't happening. Your ex coming to your ex is coming to our house now, so he should shut man, wem, I don't give a damn if it's your former doll, not the ex pet. No, no, no, no. So so you're saying he should shut it down, it's no way I'm I'm going for that. I'm just telling you what I'm doing. You might have a different relationship with her, but no, y'all slept together. Now we married, but you still coming over like you ain't got no thoughts. So sleeping together, man, miss me with that, I fit to you that that's a recipe for disaster. All right, lets y'all work something out between all y'all today. That's what y'all that's different. But no, I'm not fit to do that. Break it out. Everybody ain't attractive, Tommy. We're moving on. My husband owns a detail shop and I have a teenage brother that works there part time. My little brother told me that my husband flirts with women and gives a lot of them free car washers. I asked my husband about it, and he got mad. He said, my brother's out of line and he'll take care of him. Now. He's being hard on my little brother, claiming he's making a man out of him. Because real men don't gossip. Is this because he's guilty, No, it's because your little brother doing little punk stuff. He ain't posted it. The little brother shouldn't have said something, but he shouldn't have said nothing either. You want that job, don't it? Oh? Wait, who shouldn't have said nothing? Time? I don't think you think she do? You think she should have went to a hood with her or her little brother saying well, I mean, of course she gonna go to him. But the little brother down there, he didn't hit his man. Give you a job? You down here till he talking to other girls and be giving them free car washing. You got to get away free stuff every nine and thee and to run your business. But if but that he's being protective of his big sisters, I got him being protective and I and I understand that about him. But what you don't know, man, is you messing up the bigger picture because you're young. You don't know that. That's like, if you got a donut shop and you want your donut beings to pick up, you gotta get ways to free donuts. Yeah, and you gotta flirt with the people that you're you gotta compliment them so they come back. That's just good business. Loyalty customer, loyalty girl, that's service. That's just good baby. Show looking good, then let me give you a free car washing. Looking so good. I guess what she's gonna come back pay for the next Okay, so she wants to know it's her husband guilty of doing anything with these women that he's flirting with. No, not at all, it's just business. You got nothing with that. Now he hard on your little brother because he tried to turn your little brother into a man, I said, waxing again, working the hell out of all right. Marion and Norman, Oklahoma says I'm an avid golfer, Steve. This one is really for you, and I have a group of guys that I golf with in my community. I'm a black man and all of my golf buddies are black. One of my white neighbors asked to golf with us this coming Saturday, and three of the four guys in my group said they didn't want him to join us because they'd have to censor their jokes and couldn't be themselves. I see this guy often in the neighborhood, so it might be awkward after I tell him that he's not welcome to join us. How should I handle this? Well, it's for y'all. You are fossome. You can't play with five on the team. Ain't no golf course gonna let you run with five. They do every nine and then, but you can't really run with five. And you know what's gonna happen. Y'all down there talking that smack y'all talk, you know, and they day themselves, you know, and it's all right, but you know you might have to just go play with him by yourself, you know, because you boys gonna talk like they talk when they round each other. They just comfortable. They don't want to censor what they got to say. Okay, you know how they go. Man, let's just be real. You know, ain't no three white men invited your ass to come play? All right, we're moving on kiss blank guys in the neighborhood and three animate inviting her black ass come nowhere. He ain't heard it, No, that's what you what your friends is talking about. Get out here they playing golf now. All of a sudden, I'm a bit supporter Sharon Osbourne and all hell are gonna breaking. Wait what you heard lay it against Steve. We gotta go coming up next, and is the nephew with run that prank back? Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, fresh off the Versus battle, Ronald and Ernie Eisley, better known as the Eisley Brothers, will be in the building. They're gonna be our special guests. He's gonna tell you about his brand new single Friends and Family featuring Snoop Dogg. That's at the top of the hour. But right now the nephew is here to run that prank back. What you got for his nest? This is the ring? The ring? Yeah, scary, come on, ring, let's go. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a Denise. Yes, this is she. Hi Denise. My name is Gavin. I'm actually the head jeweler here Diamonds. No, how you doing. I'm good. You brought your ring in? What was it last week? I actually wasn't here, but you gave it to one of my salespersons. And yes, you wanted to get it resized as well as as get it a praise correct, Yes, yes, yes, And you don't have to tell him up to be a bit on my own. Okay, wow, okay, listen, I actually do the resize the ring. And first of all, let me be the first to say, um, congratulations, when when is your wedding? Thank you? I'm getting married and stuff come there, well, congratulations to thank you. Listen. I don't know how to tell you this now, as far as the appraiser lists concern, I've looked at your ring over and over and this this ring is probably worth maybe fifty dollars. Excuse me, I've been I've been in this business for over twenty years. But you know what, I'm confused on what you just said. And I understand that what I'm trying to explain to you is that I've been in this business for over twenty years. I've seen so many different pieces of jewelry and this is something that you that you buy late night on an infomercial for nineteen ninety nine. This is a cubic Saclonian stones and the gold is not real at all. It's like, wait, wait, you lost me. You lost me as much money as my fend make and as much money as my father is putting down on his winding or has put down, and you're gonna understand everything you're saying. But Denise, honestly, what I need to do is hold on. Wait wait I need you to hold on because we need to convictims. Wait. Wait man, First of all, I can't wait wait wait wait wait wait hold do you wait? Wait? Wait? What are you trying to what you're trying to do? Sir? I need I need you to repeat what you just said to me. Okay, I need of personal stuff. Man, you oh you hit it. It's personal now, So I need you to hold on. Okay, oh she called her man. Okay, thank thank Hello, Victim. I need to listen to this Jewela that's on the phone. I want you to hit it that he just told me. What's what's the problem? What you mean, what's the problem. He's gonna tell you what the problem is. Gonna hit on, sir, gonna hit on? Who? Hello? Yeah, who's this? All right? My name is Gavin. I'm from Diamonds. And actually your wife, I mean where your fiance? Rather, she brought her ring in to actually be resized. Yeah, and we we also did an appraisal on the ring for her. And actually the ring is estimated to be only in the word of around fifty dollars. Fifty dollars fifty that's what the man is, dollars and these, sir, Obviously there's some sort of mistakes. Sir. Now what you got to say about that fifty dollars? That's that's got to be some kind of mistakes. But what'd you say your name was, sir? My name is Gavin. I work here at Diamonds. I'm the head jeweler here. I've been here for twenty years. And there's there's no way that that ring is worth fifty dollars. I know what I paid for it, So obviously there's some sort of mistakes. There's not a mistake. I've been dealing with jury, I've seen it. I couldn't pretty much look at a ring, but I actually went into detail on this one, as I do all of them, and so I promise you this is probably maybe between forty and fifty dollars for his workers. Now, absolutely not. That's that's impossible. How is that impossible? He's the jeweler. You heard him say, he's been doing it for twenty he's the highest impossible. I don't understand all the money that my dad is putting down on this wedding and you don't pay fifty You bought a cheap ring, sir. No, no, no, I did not buy a team. This is this is this is obviously some kind of the stake. You didn't got it. You got that right, you show got that right. So what you got to say for yourself? Don this? You can't. I believe that that's right, that this is obviously some kind of mistair. Oh, it is a mistake. I'm mistaken thinking I'm gonna get married to the man of my dream. I do have the engagement ring that was purchased and bought for your wife. No, I don't think you I don't think you do. I don't think you have my ring, because if you have my ring, you wouldn't be telling me this is worths fifty dollars. I have the ring that your wife, your fiance brought in his wife. Yet hold on, hold on. The man is trying to explain. I'm trying to get to the body. Thank you, So you have I don't think he has the right ring. I have the right ring. And what I'm letting you know, sir, is that this is something you buy on an infomercial in two dude, you know I ain't botto damn ring on infomercial. I bought the ring from a reputable establishment. I have the receipt, I have the certificate. So obviously the mistake is on your and where you are the mistakes? Now here? S your all? A piece of jump? He's been doing it all these years? How hell he's gonna make a stake worse? You come off telling me I bought a piece of jump. I know what I bought. If there's any mistakes that's been made, it's on your end, world, where it's not on my end. Yeah, Hold, don't we all? Don't? Lady? You want to think that my dad has had too much money for this wedding, So you're don's gonna pay fifty dollars on dollars? But do all wing you wait till I tell him this? Chill? Hold on. First of all, I don't appreciate you. I want to tell you this. This is a typical case of you trying to put it off for us because you bought a piece off for fifty bucks. I don't the money that two dollars don't make it. I get fifty dollars worth of a ring, then he's hold on, let me talk to this where you can get the talk and get dollars. I never heard of it. So your wife knows exactly where is. She is the one that brought the ring. And I tell you what, I'm gonna come down there to see the ring that you're talking about. If it's not the ring that I gave my girl, I'm gonna take seventy six hundred dollars out of your because that's so. Now you wanna jump on me because you bought your wife a piece. Come on, you want to put it on me? You you don't tell me what the I know what the I spin on the ring, and you I don't kind of trying to pull. First of all, I don't appreciate you coming in my household trying to mess my and you want to come to me with this. I know the ring betta be real. No, man, if I were you, miss Deniece, I would not marry somebody that's gonna be I'm coming there. I'm looking for your pocket and you know what, you don't get the ring in a right man, you're gonna go at it. Could I say one more thing to both of you? Are better? I tell you what if they did? I want to hear me and you're gonna have some more problems. This is nephew. Tell me from the Steve Arvin Morning Show. Y'all just got pranked by the niece's sister. That that's why she ain't got no man to be Wow. That's what I'm cool, man. Wow, that's how cool? Time are you about to start me? Wow? I think I'm sorry, baby, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will make its Ring. I gotta ask y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the low the Steve Harvey Who what y'all think? We think you're crazy? Ring baby, But you are the king of pranks though, Yes you are. Thank you so canny, Thank you, Sonny. Make sure you tune in. Make sure you tune in tomorrow night, now to night. Yeah, yes, ready to love its jumping off all right, thank you nephew. Coming up next the Isley Brothers. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, that's promised, everybody. Our special guests today are members of the legendary group that started in the nineteen fifties in Cincinnati on how These Natty Boys. They call it the Natty These are how Boys. A lot of greats come out of Ole how don't know if you noticed it or not, but these are the iconic Osley brothers. This is Ernie Osley and Ron Osley. They've been putting our classic kids for for six decades. They didn't won multiple Grammy Awards. They got over twenty eight platinum albums. Drink that for a minute. They got a prestigious Lifetime Achievement award. Drink that for a minute. You can't get a lifetime Achievement award. Your ass been doing it for eight years. That's not a lifetime that's got a lifetime. That's time. You get a little time award. But you can't get no lifetime award. You got to be a legend to get a lifetime award. Baby. They friends of mine, and for the first time in four years, they didn't put out a brand new hit single. It's called Friends and Family and we're gonna hear that. We're gonna talk about it, ladies and gentlemen, my friends Ernie and Ron Osley. That's a fella legends in the bill. Hey, brother, I gotta tell you, I gotta ask you, how was it for you guys? At the verses the other night with Earth Winning five. He had a ball, man, a lot of fun, not of fun, saying all those directors, man, all down, my man, and you know what, yeah, hey man, but you guys had been on tour together before, right, Oh yeah, man, it was it was, it was. It was an honor for me. Man. I couldn't have I would saying I've been you know, I've been still kind of washing in the glow of it, you know what I mean, because I really realized, man, because of my daughter. She sent me a text that really summed it up for me, and I hadn't a thought about it like this. She said, Dad, it was such a pleasure watching you sit there with your friends and singing along to all the music. That was really the track of your life. And it really it really hit home with me, man, because the Osley Brothers Earth Winning five, all I need is Stevie maid and and and the Ohio Players and the Old Jays. That was That's it. That's that's it though, That's me And it was such a pleasure. Man. I really appreciate that time. Man. So let me let me ask you this, fellas, it's been four years since you've come out with anything but but oh, by the way, though, let me say this, it's been four years, but oh my goodness, after all these years to still be making new music. How how did this song come about? Anyway? Man? All right? Recording them? So that's about uh, twenty eighteen. This song was demo from me and decided to do this song and especially yes this time with the perfect time for this song, was intending it's going on and uh, I get that one in my studio at home and did it and we decided to release it. And he's out there now and everybody was loving on it. Hey, y'all, Ron and Ernie, hang on one second here, everybody sit tight. When we come back, we're gonna hear the new hit. Friends and family, by the ask your brothers right back, right, right back, all right, Steve. Time for today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne Tripp, thank you very much, everybody. This is a trip for the news. Well, everything was focused again on Minneapolis yesterday. As you would expect, the focus remained on the pressure that Derek Chauvin placed on George Floyd's neck. Use of force expert Jody Steiger of the LAPD was asked about the force that Chauvin used on mister Floyd even though he was handcuffed behind his back and face down on the street with another cop on his back. Specifically, the prosecutor wanted to know if Chauvin ever let up even a little bit with his knee. Were you able to observe the relative position of the defendant using the milestone video from the start of the restraint period to this point, yes, did it change? No? Never. Stygradded that Chauvin's use of deadly force continued even though no force was necessary at that point, because he said mister Floyd was under control, he was not resisting, and there were other cops either restraining him too or standing by. Health officials say that the Corona variant that is twice as contagious as the original is now the dominant strain. I hate to tell you in the cod In the US, folks at the Centers for Disease Control, continue to warm people. Please do not lift all COVID safety restrictions too soon. They're asking the states to be careful about that. They're asking people to please wear the masks and really be careful. Continue to be careful because we're not out of the woods. Basically, yet that's basically what they're saying. The House has voted to reintroduce the Violence Against Women Act, the nineteen ninety four measure, which would provide resources for the victims of sexual and domestic violence. There was a bipartisan support for the basic bill the first time around, but a split occurred over added gun control on transgender provisions, So we'll see what happens there. It looks like a man named Giuliani may run for a public office. Rudy Giuliani's son Andrew, tells The Washington Times that he is seriously considering a run for governor of New York State next year. Andrew Giuliani says that outside of anyone named Trump, he thinks he has the best chance to win as a Republican and quote take back New York State. That's how he puts it. As his father, Rudy served as Donald Trump's personal a lawyer. Andrew reportedly earned the ninety five grant as Trump's special assistant, and he was the associate director of the White House Office for Public le He's on well. Finally, a survey of forty three countries, believe it or not, shows that the most stolen food item is cheese. In fact, in this country, grilled cheese sandwiches are the most popular in the country. I love grilled cheese. I love grilled cheese. Grilled cheese loves me. That's what I'm talking. Whatever you're talking about. After cheese comes fresh meat, chocolate, booze, seafood and infant formula. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, everybody, we're back. I want to hear the song man, So let's play in ladies, Jim. This a new hit from Nagy brother Just is friends and family. Break off the food and the drinks. Is gonna be a car turning off the music? Real love? Right, everybody? All right? And he's spoken place some cards. Just break yourself up at all. He's okay to take somebody soon and get your prove a warming. Couldn't be to see my people from together talking about I'm talking about friend and now everyone is getting a long building and he is all side. Why don't we just go on and call far where are we you? That's from my knees, from all the times we shared to all the year Leasica toldso the ones that we loved and we missing. Could not be he couldn't be to see my to come together talking about friend camel nor I'm talking about friend and camel. Oh we have much receial lad each and what we went through we went through together, said together, said through all day all my day one plans. I'm gonna do the family and princetance for famine Prince dance. Come on y'all, y'all to Seth not to get to left you to y'all to Steve, and I shove on my feet and moved to the left. I checked my outfit. I'm so fresh to death, have my drink to white pig and setting my cup. Dam now a whole fan bam getting damn. I mean, I mean I just had a plated them brings. I'm on the dance broke up and like a dance on machine, and I got my mind do my money like I usually knew. I'm gonna be living for the love again, to get your things, gonna do what you wanted to do because you're gonna have a good time. When you went in front of snoop and that's the shouting, my mamma say, stopped the music because you want to take a photo, so we're obliged to step to the side. Come now, a whole fam doing the electric side. All right, y'all, that's the new hit, Friends and Family. Hang on, everybody, We'll be right back. We got more with the Living Legends, the Osley Brothers right after this. You're listening, all right, y'all were back. We are back with Ronald and Ernie Osley of the Osley Brothers. Hey man, you know what I was thinking, brothers though when the pandemic lifts, because the verses had over five million views, les five million views a moment, man, Just just a ten city, big city tool. I'm thinking stadiums, maybe basketball arenas. I could do basketball arenas. We could do that, Ladies and gentlemen. Irwinning five The damn issolet brothers that damn Steve Harder. I'm just brothers. I'm just putting it out there. I know a Gars out there, I know I am Jears out there. I know Live Nation is out there. So I'm gonna just put it out there in the universe. Just ain't nothing big, just ten city. Do all the ten majors and h us this check and let's go. But cut us and then Hey, brothers, and then let's film it. But now we own the film boys. Shut up, you better think rich you're impressing yourself. Dog do a documentary. And then and then and then I think we add one more group so we can go to them stadiums. Hey, Ron, Ernie, let me ask you something. If we did you and Earth Winning five, what's one more group that's still touring that we could add that would really put this thing over the top of who y'all think, you know? Just give me a near too to think about it, and I'm I'll come up with the best group I know. You know, Hill, I bet y'all could. Man, somebody that's still who are in two that can still sing? Oh, Charlie will Holds might be shut up, man, Frankie, hold up, hold up, let me see how that sound. Oh, bless your heart, Earth Winning five. Frankie Beverly and theyve brother God God. Okay, hold up, Okay, okay, okay, hold on, let me let me let me see how this sounds. Frankie Beverly and Mais Charlie Wilson, Earth Winning five Brothers. I got one more for you. I got one more for you, And this is it? This is it? Come on, Frankie, Bevlyn Mays, Sharlie Wilson, Thick, every winning five, the old Jay's brother. Damn it ain't. The rold tickets, No tickets were in stadiums now dar tickets up. Oh no, yeah, yeah man, the one hundred and fifty dollars tickets, and every old person in the world will be down, every man. We're gonna have to put it in extra ramps, got to have a little bit more wheel chair access. We're gonna have to knock out rolls because we're gonna have to have room for oxygen tanks. I'm gonna sound have two stages on one stage. The teams are comedy for you. Outside your damn big boy and bring y'all out, Hey, Ron Osley, Ernie Osley, Man, friends and family. Great song. We're gonna support it. Man. Thank you for all the years man, all the great music, the songs, the effort. Man, tell you wives, I said hello, and don't forget man that the verses y'all gave me one of the great moments of my life, man, that I remember all my days. I love y'all brothers man always, y'all take care of ladies and Jimmy put your hands together. The Osley Brothers you're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. Write about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my fiance is for the streets. But right now the nephew is here with today's praying phone call. What you got for us? Now? I'm for the prank, That's what I'm I'm not for the streets. I'm for the prank. And Frank is booty drop. Booty Drop. I mean that's what I'm I'm for the prank. Booty drop. Let's go cat Dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach your Jordan. Please, Hey, Jordan, how you doing this? K dub? I'm calling you know, um, we get somebody solicited your name for us. You know, we are a new social media outlet and were getting ready to go live tomorrow at eleven tomorrow morning, and we gotta you know, look like we're gonna get a lot of followers and this is gonna be a big app. So I kind of wanted to see if you would be interested in being a part of the app. And what we got going well, I don't even know who who would give you my information. What is this? I don't I don't know. I don't know who, who's who? Who gave us your number or whatever, But they just told us you would be good for being on the on the app tomorrow morning. Like I said, we're friend to go live, so we're trying to get pictures and videos in today so we can give them old What is this app? What you want some pictures? Yeah, we see this app is uh, this app is called Booty Drop, and what we do is people people. Yeah, So what happens is people send a video they dropping their booty or you could just send a picture of your behind. Have you want to do it? You know we're gonna make it look real good or whatever. But you know you're gonna you know, you represent. But this is the new social media outlet that people are gonna be communicating with. But this is Booty Drop and we're getting ready to drop this tomorrow morning. Like I said, like eleven o'clock tomorrow, it's gonna go. It's gonna go live, so you'll be able to see yourself on there. What ain't about Booty Drop? Y'all you got me messed up? I don't drop no booty for nobody but my man. Okay, So I don't know who told you I was gonna be on here, but I'm not doing a booty dropping Okay, so hold on, okay, hold on all right. First of all, somebody recommended you, you know, like I say, hold on, Now, we got all the slides field itself for this one. So you know, I don't want to. I don't want to have our app there, and then we ain't got everything on there we need, so we gotta have you to do this. Look, well, there's a lot of booties. Okay, I'm not the only one, you know, Thank you. No, ain't gonna be no booty. So I'm assuming you know, I don't mean no hard like I say this case, I don't mean no harm. But let me ask you this here. So evidently you must have a butt that people admire. If you know, if they put your name on here, then you must have a butt that they admired. You know what I mean. I'm trying to be as gentleman as possible. You understand what I'm saying. Uh? Is it a reason why you don't want to, you know, participate? What ain't nobody's gonna be putting their booty on the internet some app. No, no, no, okay, so let me ask you this here. You ain't. You ain't on none of the other social media outlests. You don't have no pictures on there or nothing like that, not with my booty. No. So you're just trying to tell me that all your pictures are from the waist up. No, they're not awesome to waist up. But I'm not about to be flashing my booty and jiggling it for your app. But but but see, you don't understand what booty drop can do for you. Booty Drop. Booty Drop can bring a lot of attention, you know to you. You know you're gonna you're gonna meet a lot of people on this booty Drop app. And that's what I'm gonna trying to say is I don't want you to knock and tell you try it now. I say, we put your booty on there for the first week, and you see how man it hits you get, and if you don't like it, then we take it down. That's how I'm saying. Just you know, listen to k dub. Let me tell you something. You're not about to put my booty on no app talking about give it a week? You know I got a brain, right, Ain't nobody about to be looking at my booty for a week on the internet. All I'm saying is give your booty a week. That's all I'm saying. Give your booty a week on we good. No, not putting my booty on no Internet. So okay, are you um insecure about yourself? No? I feel great about myself? Why I can say no? Let me just say this to you. Now, when once Booty Drop blow up and become a big a big time social media then you know social I out let, then you're gonna be wanting to get back on here. And I'm gonna be honest with you, K Dub, I ain't gonna want your own here no more because or the way you're acting with me. Now, well that's okay, k Dub, you do you Bruce, it's not happening. I'll go ahead, I follow y'all tomorrow, but I'm not about to be on there. So you don't want to be a star. I'm trying to make you a star, is what I'm trying to say. I'm all right, I don't think I'm gonna be an Instagram star from my booty jiggling. I'm okay, there's plenty of people doing that already here. You'll find somebody to get that slot. I'm just trying to make you a star. That's all I'm trying to do. You know what, I'm really well, I really want to know. It's who told you to call me? This? Some more bulls. Nobody needs this. You don't call me talking about you want to street my booty? Who do you think I am? Better question? Who do you think you are? This is some bulls. Black women don't have trying for this. You need to call talking about you gonna pay some bills, That's what you need to call talking about. Don't call me talking about no booties. I'm sorry, what Don't call me talking about no booties? Call me talking about you want to pay some student loans. Tell me you're trying to pay a car. No, don't call me talking about you want to see my booty on the internet. This is so ridiculous, Like what is this boot Okay, okay, okay, so I guess it's safe to say you ain't gonna drop your booty. Ain't nobody dropping no booty. I'm launching this tomorrow. I'm launching a whole lot of booty tomorrow, and I'm gonna have one space empty. You see. Well, yeah, this is a great lesson in being prepared starting early, because you're gonna encounter some nos. Brother, No, but really, who do all? I need to know who gave you my number? Like? Really? Who thought that was a good idea? No? Really? Because you dig into questions. I don't appreciate that. I need to know, like who, Like I said, I don't know who gave you I don't know. I don't My job is to get booty I feel, and I'm missing one booty. And here it is now. You know here this the day before I'm launching. Here it is now. You don't want to do it? Okay? Well, but I need to know who I wouldna do this? Okay, Tommy the one told me you was gonna do it. He said you would be up for it. Who who is frommy Tommy? Tommy told me you would drop that booty for our booty dropped out. I don't know who is Tommy Tommy nephew Tommy from The Steve Harvey Morning Show playing Jordan. You just got pranked by your girl Amber Okay, Yamber, Okay, okay, okay, okay, y'all playing this morning. Y'all got my blood pressure up? Okay, y'all playing. Okay, you're good, baby. I'm sorry, baby, I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm down. I'm gonna calm down. I see you, I see you got me. You got me? Was I lit? I'm sorry? Was it? Look? You got me lit? It was a little picked up over here. Okay, Okay, you got me using words I'm not supposed to. You know what I'm saying, Oh man of the words. Drop? Okay, tell me this though, baby, before we go, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show with New Tommy Little Booty Drop? Now, you know that would be really a really good app though. You gotta you gotta really be honest with me. You know how many ignorant ever done? Boy? Drop what I love? I got a brain with this foolishness. You need to be calling and trying to pay some bills, student loans off notes around him. That's what you need to be doing. Too much, Tommy, for real? I love what I love it booty drop. I'm over here uploading all these bootist I'm missing one of them. Come on, man, how you gonna leave a brother hanging like this hill? Come on now, talk to yourself a third person, k Dove don't like Oh he ain't gonna be I'm not gonna be one booty short so stupid? Ain't Burminham? What's going on down there? Man? What? What? What? What? What are y'all doing? Yes? I gave you one. I said I'm gonna add it and can you win? And bought all of them tickets. Now, ain't gone what you're doing? Be Ham? Who? Friday? Who? Sarada Who Sunday. We'll think about it all right. Let me just marion ate on it. You let me marion ate and I let you know tomorrow. How about that? It just I just got to think about it. I'm gonna talk to Bruce. Me and Bruce gonna conversate and we'll figure it out, all right, Burminham, I appreciate it. I'm coming all right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next Strawberry letters. Subject My fiance is for the streets. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show, The Steve Harvey Morning Show and Seagram's Escapes want to help you spring forward this season. You can enter for your chance to win one thousand dollars cash. That's right, one thousand dollars cash. To enter and get the rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. That's right, Shirley. Plus, as a thank you for entering, we'll share some tasty Seagram's Escapes drink recipes all thanks to Seagram's Escapes. Get more info at Steve Harvey FM dot com. That's right, Carla, thank you. It's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letters to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Hear that buggaloo, Hold on tight, We got it for you here it eed, bro very letter. Subject my fiance is for the streets. Dear Stephen, Shirley. I'm a twenty nine year old, hardworking mother of two, and I've been engaged for almost a year. I won't set a date with this man because he's not the man I thought he was. My fiance is for the streets, and he's disrespectful with it. When we first started dating three years ago, I developed a great relationship with his mom and sisters, but recently they take up for him when he's messing around on me. He uses them as his alibi, and if I call them while he's out at night, they won't answer their phones. This is not their problem, but I still stopped speaking to all of them after the last time he disappeared on me. We were planning to go to Miami for Easter weekend, and the day before he was washing his clothes and he pulled out his luggage. He picked a fight with me over the kind of laundry detergent I bought, and I was so irritated by him. I gave him the same amount of negative energy he gave me. Little did I know that he had plans all along to desert me and our plans. He kept yelling and then said he needed to get out for a while to clear his head. He left the house and then I noticed his suitcase was gone. I gave him a few hours and then started calling him. He didn't answer. He came home three days later like nothing happened. This is the second time he's done it, and he knows. I'm not talking to his family, and I don't have any of his friends numbers, so there was no way to find him. So I went to his mother's house and told his mother and his sisters that I was tired of his cheating and their lies. His mother looked at me in my face and said that my fiance is a good man and he's not cheating on me. Do I believe his mother or call off my wedding and move out now? Really, really, you know, you did not have to call Steve and I for this answer, because you already know. You already know what's up. He disappeared on you before four this time for three days, came back like nothing happened. I mean, you believe what you what you know in your head and in your heart. That's it. That's what you should believe, period. I mean, how many times does he have to lie and cheat on you for you to get it that this is what he does? And what are you waiting around for? It's only going to be more of the same if you stay with this guy. And please, Lord, do not marry this man. Okay, give him back to his engagement ring and get on with your life. He's all wrong for you, and you can't let your kids see you continuing to go through this. The baby still need to be seeing this, and don't expect his family to help you. Don't expect that, you know, don't believe his mom when she says, you know he's a good man and all that you're living with the man. You know what a good man is and this is not it. Well, maybe you don't know what a good man is. I'll tell you this is not it. Okay. No good man would do this to you, and you can't continue to allow them to. No matter how great your relationship you thought it was with his mom and sisters, you know they're always gonna be on his side. So dump him. He is not for you. Let him go and let the streets have him. Okay. Move on with your life, you and your kids. You can do way better, Steve. I just I agree with what Shirley said. I don't know what else you need here. Your fiance is for the streets. That's your letter. Yeah, okay, you said nothing redeeming in this letter at all about him. Twenty nine year old hard working mother of two. All right, now you've been engaged to this guy, but you won't set a date because he with the streets and he disrespectful with it. That's what you said. Now. Three years ago, when y'all started dating, you developed this great relationship with his mother and his sisters. But now you say that now they take up for and when he messing around on me. Right there, let's stop for a minute. They take up for him when he messing around on me. So you know this, he uses them as an alibi. If I call them why he's out at night, they won't answer their phones, and you know he's out at night, and you know he's not over there. Right, this is not their problem. But I still stopped speaking to all of them after the last time he disappeared on me. How many times he hasn't done this? Okay? Then we were planning to go to Miami for Easter weekend, and the day before he was washing his clothes. He pulled out his luggage and picked a fight with me over the kind of laundry detergent. I baugh, what wait a minute, strategic, what is this our smell? Come on as a dog? Baby, baby, baby, this ain't time. M chill to hear you buy Cheerful in the streets. They all watched the cheer was on sale. I don't give a damn on sale. I'm on time. I'm wanting new pods. Just don't make no damn since you're watching it, chill when you know I'm gonna hear, well, I like time. I got to get the hell out of hill, So make no damn sense. Clear my head. I gotta gonna clear my head all this time. Open it. Hold on, Steve, hold on, we'll coming up in twenty three minutes after the hours you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letters. Subject My fiance is for the streets. Twenty nine year old mother too hard working, got some problems with this guy. This guy is not understanding what's happening here. She's cheating on this girl. She had a relationship with the mother, and the and the and the and the and the sisters. They take up for him. They don't answer the phone when she's looking for him, So now she's upset. She to quit speaking to the mom and the sisters. Then they was planning to go to Minam and justice passed Easter weekend. He pulled out his luggage and picked a fight with her over the detergent. No man picks a fight over no damn detergent. There's not a man living that's gonna start an argument in his house about some damn detergent. Can I tell you we give less than a damn detergent? Lord, I don't know a man nowhere that kere what detergent is in no all? Right, So then you returned the same same negative energy, and you said, little did I know that he had plans all along to desert me and our plans. So he kept yelling, and he said he needed to get out for a while to clear his head. He left the house, and then you notice after he left, his suitcase was gone. This is the one y'all was packing for to go to Miami. Right. I gave him a few hours and you started calling him. He ain't anounced. He came home three days later like nothing had happened? What came came to? What home? Right? Three days later? Like nothing had The whole Eastern weekend with luggage gone, and he called you ain't checked on the kids came back in the house like, ain't nothing happened, Hey girl, I said, hey girl, Oh damn, you're still tripping. So now this is the second time he's done it, and he knows I'm not talking to his family and I don't have any of his friends numbers. Wait a minute. The conclusion you came to is this the second time he'd do it, and he know you ain't talking to his family, so you couldn't call them, and you ain't got none of his friends numbers, so you can't call them. What that's the conclusion. This man disappears for three days and you upset because you ain't got numbers. You don't neither one number his. When you couldn't get him on yours and he didn't call you on yours for three days, this should have been a rap. So that was no way to find him. The hell. You gotta find somebody going for the three days if you're not worried about him. That's the police report. Once they missing for that, I was you canna call the police? So I went to his mother's house and told his mother and sisters I was tired of his cheating, and they lied. His mother looked me in my face and said that my fi'all say, is a good man and he's not cheating on me. His mama don't know. His mama don't know right she defended him. This her son you know already told you they ain't even answer your phone when you be looking for him. Do I believe his mother? Hell now? Or I call off my wed? Didn't move out? Girl, girl, listen to me. A man that disappears before your marriage is gonna disappear after your marriage. What do you think a wedding is gonna change in this man? If the man ain't acting right before you get married, what what? What I'm supposed to make him ac right now? He's not ready to get married. This man starts an argument about detergent. He make no damn sense. That's not a I don't know a male species, a member of the male Homo sapien species that is gonna pick an argument with his wife or girlfriend over some damn de hurgent. Now we're gonna arg about this TV and what were fitting to watch. If we ain't gonta one TV in the game, we might fall out about this hill. We might fall out about going over my mama's house or your mama's house. That could be an argument, yea, it can be an argument about what church we going to. We had that, Yeah, not me. But we might have a little heated discussion about what movie we're gonna see in the movie, didn't we Yeah? Okay, yeah I'm not. I'm gonna just go watching a little Poor Games movie. Whatever you want to see, whatever you want. I'm not even argue about you by what restaurant we want to go to, Happy Wife, Happy Life. You want to go down to Crusoe's, We're going to Crusoe's. I might want to go to my show, My show right here, Crusoe down the street for thirtyment. We've been driving through the minute. What I'm not fitting to do is have a damn argument about some detaching. Yeah, what, I can't even smell it? No way, see if we gotta go, I don't even know if you use bounce or not. Post your comments on Today's Strawberry Letter and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast. Under Man coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the Talk our Girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, You're listening, Steve, please introduce our girl from the Tosses here, Sheryl Underwood. Yeah, ye hey Juniard, Hey, Juniard, Hey, how you doing? Hey? Hey Tommy? Hey carliny es Yes, and I know you messed with Judy. What's happening with your talk? Is Talk coming back on? Have y'all gone back to taping? What's what's the situation here? We will be back on the air Monday, April twelfth. We will be back on April twelfth. This will be on it. That's right, this coming Monday. And what I really want to do right now, I want to thank first of all, everybody that didn't forget what they saw, reached out to me, supported me, prayed for me. You know, it wasn't just a black community talking to me. It was everybody. It was every woman that had gone through something like that. It was white women, white women was reaching out. I mean, it was so many people and to me for everything that we've gone through with the training and everything. We are ready to have a really great show that we want people to watch the show. We are really looking forward to coming back on air Monday, April twelve, because we're gonna have doctor Donald E. Grant, who is an expert on diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice, and he will be leading the discussion on how you have difficult conversations about race. And then we got Shirley and Caller. We got doctor Anita Phillips, who's a nationally acclaimed trauma therapist and life coach. And the reason that is happening is because we all witnessed a trauma. But we gotta get to the healing of this painful event and had this conversation. But I got the thing. The Steve Harvey Morning Show family, all your listeners, all your listeners send love, prayers and support. And I want everybody to remember what you saw on Wednesday, March to ten, because people want you to forget it. They want you to be distracted. They want you to say, oh, it was nothing. But I'm gonna tell you something. Yeah, I'm prayed up. I'm prayed up. But I may have forgiven, but I have not forgotten and I won't let this become a distraction. And I want people to know I'm not a liar. I am a survivor. I am a final woman of Zatto Fibata Sorority Incorporated. My faith in God and the support of everybody that kept me prayed up. It's right. I'm ready to go to work Monday, April twelve, and when I come back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, I won't answer any questions. And all questions y'all got about how I feel driving the word, getting on the lots, getting to sit down and get my hair makeup done. I got a question for you when we come back. We ain't got to wait there for twelve. We'll be right back with twelve. You're listening, Cheryl is still Heyl under and I have a question for Sheryl because we were talking and Sheryl is saying that the show is coming back on the twelfth, and and how she feels about that. She wants it to be a successful They're all the guests, they coming in, having all But I want to say something because we can't get distracted and thrown off Pierce Morgan. I was reading where Pierce Morgan has said that Sheryl Underwood should be fired for calling Sharon Osborne a racist. Now, sir, listen to me what you're not going to do. It's changed the narrative of what happened. First of all, Sheryl. Let me just clear this up case this story get legs. Sherl Underwood never called Sharon Osborne a racist. What Sheryl Underwood said was the statement that Pierce Morgan made was racist. She never called Sharon Osborne a racist. She said that the statement that Pierce Morgan made was racist. See here's what everybody got to take this. Let's take this off for a second. If Megan Marco was not black, we ain't talking about none of this. The only reason this is a story is simply because this woman is black. If the baby didn't have black features, if the baby was just a white British little baby, we this's not even a story. So now, how can it not be racism when the only reason this story is even brought up is because of the race of the woman that the child. That's just amazing to me. Man, Now you want to flip the script and turn it on right and and how can you? How can you forget what we actually saw with our own eyes on TV that was devastating for everyone who watched it, especially you, Cheryl. I'm sure, I mean absolutely, Oh, I'm suffering from PTSD. It is a trauma. It is a trauma that I really didn't realize, and that's what we're gonna talk about on the show. But people are living through these types of traumas every day. That's why with so many people of different races reaching out to me, because they're going through this trauma and nobody's giving it a name, nobody's listening. They don't get healing, and then they got to keep their mouth shut to keep their job. So when people were reaching out to me, I'm talking about all kinds. Women in droves was reaching out to me, you know. So I just want people to understand what we are really talking about. Our eyes are focused on what happened Wednesday, Mounts the tenth. Don't try to make it about nothing else, and I'm not trying to make it about nothing else. I'm trying to be discreet. I'm trying to let investigations happen. I'm trying to get back to work because it's not just about my job. It's about the lighting person job, that camera man. It's about the people that be putting together the set. It's about the regular everyday person that's trying to keep keep their job. I'm trying to be an example for others. To follow, and I'm not gonna let nobody destroy me. I have come too far by faith, leaning on the Lord. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. And I'm ready, you know it. I'm ready to go to work. I'm sorry. What was you gonna say? Should describe? No? No, no, I mean you're exactly right. Everything you're saying is right. We all saw what happened, and it's gonna be a long time before that gets out of her mind, if ever, because of how it happened and what happened, and because you mean something to us, you know, yeah, you mean something to us on the show, and and uh, we're not gonna let that go down. So it does matter what Pierce Morgan say. We know what we saw. Yeah, when it's time to whop, somebody asks, I'm over here for them, Hey dog, No, for real, we're not. We're not Pierce Morgan enough in there. Take this story and turn it. Fire Sheryl Underwood for what for what what Sherlle Underwood do? She accused you of making a racist statement. Now back to Ryl. Sharyl Osborne, jump to your defense. Okay, you know, getting away, So hey, listen, Cheryl, we love you we'll be watching. Thank you for the show. Uh after and that and after the show as on Monday, we'll be back to talk about it. Uh, ladies and gentlemen, Cheryl Underwood is in the damn build it. Thank you guys, Thank you guys. Watch the show April twelfth, Monday to talk on CBS. You're listening Dave Friday Morning Show. All right, Carla, what you got? Well, you know what? Just a you got what you quick version of reality update. Just reminding yeah, coming in hot sle just reminding everyone to check out the number one reality dating show on the own network, Who That Who That is? Who Ready to Love? Hosted by very old nephew. Tell us about it. What's going on? It's going down, you know this Friday, you get to meet the you finally see the characters, not character leavings, quit saying that, but the contestants, and they're gonna get the mingling and everything. So this is like the first big episode where all the cast members are meeting each other. So you're gonna you're gonna really like this, and then you start that's when this is when people start trying to pair up at home, trying to figure out who's gonna be Yeah, yeah, Shirley, we'll call each other and say good you think yeah, yeah, yeah, I like someone this time. I hope he does. He said, yes, Chris, this isn't there fighting for it. He ain't there fighting for love. So y'all gotta keep aye on Chris's He's a good one to watch. Nothing really, this is just the second time. Let's see you are you? The girl he had Carla was just not the right woman for him. He liked her, but she turned in the middle, right, Yeah, she got bad at him because he said that we should split the bills at the house and she lost that dude that Yeah, he fixed it what he meant. He fixed it later, but she was through with him. Guy. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up for thirty three minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, you're ready for Chief Love Officers, Steve Harvey, Let's go all right. This one is from carl in Atlanta. He said that married to a woman that had been in a relationship with a woman for ten years before we started dating. She said it was a phase she was going through so I can only trust what she's told me. Her ex girlfriend is still in her life and they're good, good friends. I don't mind when the ex girlfriend comes over, but I'm wondering if she'd be as understanding if my ex girlfriend wanted to come over all of the time. Am I tripping over? Nothing? Understand? Yeah? Hell, now she ain't gonna be as understand? Right of course not. You're not coming over? The ex can't come over to my house. Well, she's coming over to his house. No do that? Ain't him your ex coming to Your ex is coming to our house now, so he should shut man. Well, I don't give a damn if it's your form a dog, not the ex pet. No, no, no, no. So so you're saying he should shut it down, It's no way I'm going for that. I'm just telling you what I'm doing. You might have a different relationship with her, But no, y'all slept together. Now we married, but you cut still coming over like you ain't got no thoughts? So sleeping together? Man? Miss me with that? Noting to do that, that's a recipe for disaster. All right, Lets y'all work something out between all y'all to that's what y'all that's different, But no, I'm not fit to do that. Work it out. Everybody ain't attractive Tommy talking about we're moving on. My husband owns a detail shop and I have a teenage brother that worked their part time. My little brother told me that my husband flirts with women and gives a lot of them free car washers. I asked my husband about it, and he got mad. He said, my brother's out of line, and he'll take care of him. Now. He's being hard on my little brother, claiming he's making a man out of him because real man don't gossip. Is this because he's guilty, No, it's because your little brother doing a little punk stuff. He posted it. The little brother shouldn't have said something, but he shouldn't have said nothing either. You want that job, don't he? Oh wait, who shouldn't have said nothing? Time? I don't think you think she do? You think she should have went to a hood and with her or a little brother saying well, I mean, of course she gonna go to him. But the little brother down there, he hit his man. Give you a job? You down here till he talking to other girls and be giving them free car washing? You got to get away free stuff every nine and to run your business. But but that's he's being protective of his big sister. I got him being protective and I and I understand that about him. But what you don't know, man, is you messing up the bigger picture? You young? You don't know that. Coming up, it will be our last break of the day, and of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this Thursday. We gotta say thank you and just give some love out to the Eisley brothers. How nice of them to stop by, Ronald and Ernie Eisley. Um, what's there? There's just such as guys, Yeah, legends cool too. There's y'all. Had been on this zoom and saw Junior going in put on that damn smoking jackets again. Is he what you mean with it? Ain't that's his Joe to see who outfits? Yeah, nowhere the eyes and brothers sway, well, all right away, It don't take long on the song was nice too, and myself. Man, that's their new jam Friends and Family, Yeah, featuring Snoop Dog. I might have missed an I might have missed the era right there. Man. It ain't no doubt all y'all missed it. Ah Man, I'm telling I might have missed that great great sorry man, but it was the greatest era of music, the seventies and eighties. Lord Hemmers, Lord, Lord Hemmers, who Parliament funka Delhi Ltd. The damn stylistics start singing, don't do it dramatics, singing, y'all, singer toes, give the toes, give a toes, to the food. Who lets you go? Who lets you go? Can't hurt you? No mo, no, no, nope. Three chaps. Yeah, I'm still thinking about the super concert though, you guys were talking about putting together. Yeah, man, that was awesome. Steve, Frankie, Beverly Man, m Charlie Wilson, Oh Jays who ear winning five? Yes, Lord Ronald asked you nine hours and it's a festival now, and then you'll take a break and come back and do some more. See y'all tomorrow. Thanks for coming. I need some women on the the bell, glad. It's not, we'll just be we're only doing groups. Who only groups? Well Charlie, yeah, he was at the Gap band. Charlie's a group gap band. Yeah yeah, huh. Well we want a female tool too, sure, yeah and right, and then Ronald Elie said to have two stages and have the Kings of comedy on the second stay on the other stage. Boy, you almost passed out Steve when he said that he's standing over that crime. The whole day of turning the talk waiting on yours. What I tell you the greatest female tool to day to hear it? That's only man who you got I would do? Just tell me the number you want me to pick? How many women? Give me the number of women? How many guys? Was it five in that group? Five women? Five women are just singles women? All right, here we go? Yeah, five single artist women. Oh I think I got him? Okay, Shaka Khan, Anita Baker, Yes, sir, yes, sir, Paddy LaBelle, yes, Marry j Blige. I'm going motto, it's one more, gladdus, Yeah, gladdus, there's one more. It's one more. Who jailer Erica? Who is two more? Yeah? That is because I'm gonna tell I'm gonna say one name, and then if she get on the stage, I'm just gonna be through you cry cry, I'm gonna cry. Yeah, you already whom? Yeah, I know who you're gonna Mills, Yes, oh okay. Yeah she's still performing too, isn't sir. I love me Stephanie Mills. Honey, she sang home, that's it. Yeah, we cried. Everybody cried. Yeah. I think she's still doing her thing. What yes, go through my loving I still need a little fantasition. But she's pregnant right now, right she think she's having relations Tae. Yeah, I'm gonna tell you. I don't know who they could put in the verses, but Swiss wife Alicia, Alicia can let me tell you something, man, Swiss wife, you you're gonna have real problems because when you talk about hits. When you talk about hits though, Alicia keys, m oh oh laurd, I just thought of Lauren Hill. The show gonna be so damn Yeah, we gotta wait. She make us wait. She got to be on day too. Yeah, we got to come back. Laura and I love them. Yeah, your whole album, get you back in your pajamas. The midnight portion. Love Lord, it's girl y. Yes, Steve just have to be like a whole weekend event, like a Steve Harvey Presents. Put it off. He could come on, then we're gonna do nineties. Come on, notice that you audition stops. Y'all. Have a great night. We'll see y'all. Mar Junior still be naming kids. Have a great night you so child. Oh that's right, I'm sorry you have a nice day. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.