Interview with Michael Ealy

Published Jan 31, 2017, 3:47 PM

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All right, we've been waiting all morning for this one. Our special guest is a dynamic actor that is known for his gorgeous blue eyes, for his great roles on screen, and he has been in a numerous amount of hit movies and now he has joined the cast. We're so excited about this of being Mary Jane. That's right, it starts, of course, a good friend, Gabrielle Union. Let's find out more about his role and this season. Please welcome to the show, our friend, Mr Michael Ellen. Good morning, good morning, Good morning, Mike. Let me go and get in here. Somebody know how to talk to them, man, Mike, how you doing? Man? Yeah, I'm good man. These two girls right here than you know if we love. I've tried to talk to him. Hey, man, how you doing? Man? You're good, I'm good. I'm blessed. Man, I'm blessed. You look at you. Yeah, you're blessed man. You you keep doing it, man, you Mary Jane is back tonight at ten. Yeah, your character justin Talbot is Mary James nemesis and new co worker. To tell us about this role, man, so um so yeah, you know they asked me to come on board and and kind of shake things up a little bit, and you know, Justin comes in and some of his his views would be considered controversial, and so what he what he really does is kind of come in and you know, just when Mary Jane thinks she you know, just about to like kind of, you know, start this great new life, someone from her past that um, you know, had somewhat made her miserable, UM shows up to try and throw a big monkey wrench in her program at that point. Bring it on, Well, come on, that's gonna be interesting. Well, one thing about all your characters, man, I gotta tell you this, I have never seen you play a role that was not extremely believable. Yeah, even when your ass was under that bed, man saying, man, I never looked at easy this way before, but this student was under this bed really looking real stink. Hey man, you were you gabriel y'all your friends in real life? Man, what's that like to work with your friends in a in a role like that, to put you all on opposite ends? You know, honestly, it's it's why I'm why I'm doing the show. You know. It's like I saw I saw at a wedding and she was like you know, she and we started talking talking about it, and you know that's when I realized, you know, yeah, this would be this would be great actually because we've never really worked together. Even though we've been in the same projects, we've never really worked together. So, um, you know, it was an opportunity for us to kind of kind of work together. And Gabrielle and I, you know, we talked for years about certain issues that affect you know, what's going on culturally and such. So it was an opportunity to kind of work together. And if you you know, anybody that knows Gabrielle knows that she has opinions, she has thought and she will let you know them. She way that you will be like damn, all right, I got you, okay, And so, you know, like working with her, it's like, what's what's fantastic is what's happening off screen. You know, what's what's fantastic is what's happening off screen and the conversations that we have about about what's going on. And you know, when I started working on this, you know a lot of you know, I got a lot of her insight, as you know, with regards to you know, birth to the nation and everything else, and so it was. It was very interesting and also at the same time very fun, because that is how God lives are, like fun. Yeah, you've got a lot going on, man, How are you balancing all this? You? You you your father again, yes, congratulating married, you welcome your second child late last year. How are you balancing this career, this fatherhood. Man, It's it's been it's been rough, you know what I mean. I think, Um, you know, like I left, I left to go shoot the show, and I was going back and forth between Atlanta and l A because I told him, I just I don't want to leave my family right now. It's just it's just not a good time for me to leave. So fortunately they were able to work it out so I could go back and forth and um, you know, um my daughter, Um is just I mean, I'm you know, I don't have words. I don't have words more. It's uh, you know, she just when she smiles, I just I feel like I gotta I gotta protect that to the best of my Yeah. Yeah, we talked about that. Yeah, yeah, we did. We did the long term commitment, you know, long commitments, and I just I prayed for the time to watch her grow up playful. Well, yeah, it's coming. Um, it's gonna involve several death threats, like we talked about. Go ahead, put a couple of boys and check you out, and put the base of a gun up under somebody's check and then it's gonna come a point in the life here was really good about parenthood, like like okay, like now you're torn because you don't want to leave your family right now, It's gonna come a time where you get in position like me where you want to leave. I cut the lights out in my office when they walk in the house so they don't see me in now coming in and talk to all that's coming to Yeah. Yeah, it's a complete turnaround, man, which where you just go. You know what I've done, my damn John Prrenting, figure it out. Come on. Yeah, yeah, I've already did. Come the time when your kids, you know, they got their own friends and they don't want to hang out with you anymore. Yeah, I decided I'm gonna I'm gonna milk this time where they're they're obsessed with me. You know, I'm gonna milk all the time my hand while they're obsessed with me because they don't want to spend time with me. I can have that attitude. I don't want to spend time with you. I was glad my friends got friends hey with cause so I can quit dropping them off. I think it's great. Hey man, uh, this is a fabulous guy. This is a fabulous show. Being Mary Jane. It's hot man. You got some great cast members and that the storyline is great. Being Mary Jane is back tonight everybody at ten pm now I pm Central Time on b et uh. He's he's the new nemesis of uh Gabrielle Union Mary Jane and they're going at it. Man. It's good gets kicked off tonight. It's gonna be hot at Michael Eally, keep working, boy, keep on working. Yeah, keep doing it. I'm gonna keep doing and I appreciate this what you guys, every time, every project, every time. Thank you so much. Thank you man, appreciate you. Thank you, gentlemen. Michael Ely, keep being fine. Yeah, that's what you're going with. You can't help call it. You're married. Your job, that ain't your job. Keep telling you all your job, follow you at home, stuff you say on the air, follow you now. The question the question we had earlier. Now Michael was walking around naked, it'd be all right, huh, the question we had earlier today, that was cool. That's cool with y'all. You don't look like Michael. I have Allmas, the men in our family. None of us have been fine. When are you gonna make the damn adjustment? Where are you fine? Where are you fine? Come on now at the bank from god cuteed pad down where else you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show