Impeachment Talk, J-Lo PETA, Mahomes, State of the Union and more.

Published Feb 4, 2020, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Somebody is late and it is not Steve. Trump feels that the impeachment effort was hard on him and his family. PETA has an issue with Jenny From The Block. Patrick Mahomes makes NFL history. Uncle Steve talks about fashion trends that must be done with in 2020. Terry Crews apologizes to Gabrielle Union and DWade does not buy it. Tonight will be Trump's State of the Union Address. A man in Detroit gets his tongue bitten off. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog want everybody to set their minds in perpetual forward motion, plus more.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit looking back to back down, giving them more like the million bucks things, and its cubbing me through good it hart listening to movie together for stum, Please, I don't join join me, be you doing me. You gotta turn ing the You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on, aha, I said, ah huh, I show will, Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got the radio show. I feel it's necessary to explain what I say in the morning because somebody asked me, what do you mean by that when you say that in the morning. When I say, uh huh, it's in response to David Hollister opening the song by saying, go ahead, big Daddy, go ahead, I said, uh huh, I show will. Then I say good morning everybody, because I was raised that ray you're supposed to speak when you come in the room. I'm coming in y'all's room, whether it's your bad room, the room in your house, your car, your office, you know, wherever you had. I come in the room or God speaks, I say, good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice. And then I got to introduce myself because as a performer, I always felt my best when I was introduced. It's knowing. Why would you walk out on stage anybody introduce you? You know you can't get the round of applause. It's just it's horrible. So I say, you are listening to the voice wanting only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. Now that's old school. I got that, but that's I was once again, dig me Now? Is I want you to feel what I'm about to say. That's all I'm saying. That's not a bragging thing. You know, you're listening to the voice wanting only Steve Harvey. Come on, dig me now. I'm just asking you to feel what I'm saying in the morning because it's part of a promise that I made to God. See a long time ago, I told God if he allowed me to make it, that when I got there, I would tell everybody I know how I did it, and I wasn't gonna shortcut it or shady on it. I said, if you allow me to make it, if you give me the strength, the courage, the wisdom. You gave me a gift if you let me apply it, don't destroy myself in the process. Forgive me for my sins along the way, Continue to hold and rock me when I need it. When I make it, I promise you Lord, when I get there, I will tell everybody how I made it. Well. This started back in LA when I got on the radio and I was making it okay. I was doing okay, but I had to keep my promise to God. My promise was, if you allow me to make it, I'll tell everybody how God there. I have to tell you that every day because if it was not for that grace and mercy, I wouldn't even be here able to fulfill my promise, because I've done enough dirt in my life. Man to not be worthy. He could have easily walked away from me a long time ago because I had show walked away from him. See, and I didn't walk away from him once. I walked away from him a bunch of times. But guess what he forgave me a bunch of times. I'm a living example of hundreds of chances. His forgiveness and his mercy is available for everybody. It's the only reason I get on this show every day. It's the only reason I have the blessings that's coming my way. It's the only way that the things that keep happening in my life, Man, that I have no explanation for, it's because of His grace and mercy. See, anytime something good happens in my life and I can't explain it, that's usually him, he exhibits to me. Remember, I'm a forgiving god, man. Remember, So when you fall, Steve, don't lay down now, don't you lay down there. Don't you let the devil fool you that because you'd have made some mistakes that you ain't that you can't do it because everybody gonna make him. There's none perfect, no, not one. So get up, keep moving, keep pushing, step on what you're laying there for. Your daddy didn't raise you that way. Look, man, my father was just about manhood. I'm gonna just tell you. My daddy never had a conversation with me about church. He beat me for not going, but you know a couple of times, but he wasn't about that wasn't his message. That was my mama's job. My mama taught me about being saved, about loving the Lord, about giving your life, about the teachings of Jesus Christ. My mama was a Sunday school teacher, so I got all of that from him. My old man ain't had none of that for me. My old man talked to me about one thing all day long, hard working manhood. And when you're gonna get that if you don't get nothing else from me, he gave that to me, so I got it. See, so, my father, you say, excuse my language, but you ain't gonna sit there like a little punk up in here. You ain't an what you're fit to do. You fin to get up and go do what you post to do. That stop all that wine, and like some little pumpkin gonna get to move it. That's how my father talked to me. And I'm just telling you real. It worked for me, though, And before you start emailing me. They had nothing to do with homosexuality at all. It's just that was his turn for a man not acting like a man. That's all it was. It had. It was not a gay reference at all. I want you to understand that before you start emailing me. So my daddy wasn't calling that was not a sexual reference for him. My father talked to us, that's what he meant. I knew exactly what he meant. He couldn't admit that he didn't even know nothing about that. My man clueless when it comes to that, right there. So when I was getting down and feeling bad about myself, my old man, he taught me this toughness. Man. He gave me this grit, this doggedness, this go to work and work hard. That's why today, when God does bless me with something, he ain't got to weary about me not working hard because that's in me. And when I get tired, I asked that same God for strength to keep on doing so I can do the blessings he got for me. So when you ask me how you gonna do all this, Steve Harvey, I don't know. I ain't got to figure that out. All I got to do is show up with the same amount of faith for being showing up with God handle the rest of it. See, yeah, hey, let me tell yourself. I don't see how you do it. I don't either, can I can? I get hey, man, news flash, let me hear. I don't see how you doing all that? Steve, you're doing this? You doing that? You can I tell you something I don't either. I just wake up with the faith man and trusting that if He gonna bless me with it, he must be gonna show me a way how to get it done. See I ain't tripping on that part. See I. Once you take yourself out to how to business, you can go on and get with it. But see, if you're gonna trip yourself out with the how to, you can't think like God can think. You can't figure like God can figure. So now you're sitting up in here gonna Lord, I want this to have him for me? Then I don't know how I'm will do all that? Well, guess what you way? Now? See you now you in the way, because see God ain't ask you to figure out how to? He said, ask and believe. Then he said faith without works is dead. That's my solution. That's the concoction that I'm functioning on. All I got to do is accept the blessing, keep the faith, be willing to work, and believe God can do anything but fail. Why would God bring me this far to leave me? Why would he bring you this far to leave you? So? Why I get up every morning. I have no choice. I got to get up in here. The rest when I'm running late, man, I try to ply through here. Sometimes I don't make it. Man, I got to do a rerun. But I ply through here because man, Steve, you're gonna run out of something to say. No, I'm gonna just keep thanking him. Now. You can't run out of that canyon because you owe him that. Matter of fact, when I get through talking, I really ain't thanked him enough. You're listening, ladies, gentlemen, man, I have your undivided attention. Please. What you're listening to right now is Steve Harvey Morning Show. The voice you currently engaged with is that of Steve. This is mental philethropyth telepathy. That ain't what I want to say. This is mental therapy. Just change it. You know when you get wrong and you just change. This is mental therapy. No good in here. Well, I tried to say, what is it, Shirley telepathy? STI telepy. Yes, it's not the no telepathy I've been saying. Telepathy. Yeah, Well, in away, how have you have it? That'll be just fine, ladies and gentlemen. I am the one and only list Stephen Harvey, Good morning, Shart and the Strawberry. Good morning, Steve Darling. How are you wonderful? Wonderful Carla A. Farrow? Good morning, Steve Harvey. How are you, sir? Absolutely adorable? Ladies and gentlemen, The eighteenth Wonder of the World, Dot dow Bar Junior, Morning morning, everybody. What's going on? Well, Tommy is on the way. He's running a little bit late, but that's okay because I was yesterday and so for the first time, I won't eat him alive. Did he dog me when I was late yesterday? Yeah, rom shop, people can't get nowhere on time. He didn't have the block that sits on top of his gas and oh break, so he lost one of the blocks, so he could only go fast. He couldn't stop the car, so he had to wait until somebody bought another block where he could work the gas and the brakes with his shout. Than he told me, dolled me. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, that's how I feel. He called it payback though. To be clear, when he's late, you're always on him, So he didn't want to give you a pass yesterday because you're always on him. And forth back and forth. Yeah, but please know this though, it'll be a lot more foth coming from me than back because his ass stay late and missing. Shirley's mother said it best Tommy can't come to work oh Monday after he'd been working on and I didn't know where she met obsessed, But then when we started paying attention, she was right, as you'll see, because Tommy wants to be me as soon as I do something. He tried to do, the same thing. He thanked how to help him become a bigger star. He wants to He's like, I know he does sho, that's what he does. So I was late yesterday, so he late to day. He don't know that just put him further behind, all right. Listen coming up at thirty two minutes to the hours Steve. President Trump says the impeachment effort has been unfair to both him and his family. We're gonna talk about that right after this. You're listening and trending political news. President Trump says the impeachment effort has been unfair to both him and his family. Take a listen to this. But it was a very unfair and mostly it was unfair to my family. I mean my family suffered because of all of this, and many other families suffered also. It was a very very it's a very serious thing that should never happen to another president, and it probably won't. I agree it may have been unfair to his family. I do agree it ain't been unfair to you. Well, don't break the law. You want to worry about it. Yeah, I agree, it's tough on the family and many other families. What other family? Who are you talking about, Congress My family? Fun? Yeah about through this whole impeachment process. Has your family suffered any anybody called your kids at school? No? Non, your president getting impeached? They said, none of that. No, no, none at all. Yeah. No, I understand where Trump coming from. You know, he wants some sympathy. You know he's not gonna get it's not gonna go past the Senate. So let me ask you all the question. Have they agreed to take witnesses or what? No? No, no witnesses. No, So that's been decided trial no witnesses, a trial with no witnesses or document And they're saying by Wednesday he'll be vindicated and he gives his State of the Union address. What tonight tonight, yes, and after that they'll probably you know, vote him. This is a complete joke. The whole thing is a farce. The whole impeachment process was doomed from the beginning because the Republicans control the Senate and they have decided he's going to be our president no matter what. And we won't have no documents or witnesses to let you tell us how bad he is. We just don't believe it and there's no need that, ladies and gentlemen. Is a farce, Yeah, it is. Yeah, No president is above the law. None. It's it's getting scary though, because people are really starting because of this whole process, they're starting to fall back and not believe in the political process and all of that. Again. I've I've heard people say they don't they're not going to vote for what what is it going to do. They're just you know, they're we're getting back into that again, you know what I mean. And that's scary. It's it's a part of the trick by that political regime. They know if they create doubt that people will avoid this system, and the more people that don't vote, the greater their chances of winning. Because let me explain something to you. Republicans are going to vote, Oh yes, and they don't have to be prodded and begged. And I finally got what you meant about. You're tired of begging people. You're tired. I just am, I just am. I'm tired of begging people to vote. I mean, at one point in time, man, our existence and our future and our circumstance and the predicaments that we find ourselves in have to matter to us to where we want to do something about it. And whether you think your vote counse or not, believe me, it does. If it didn't, they would not work so hard to suppress it. Voter suppression is real. They know that if we get out there and vote, that we're gonna have power. So what they've done now is they're making you think that voting and the political system is so corrupt there's no need to participate. And poor people and the oppressed people will take that agenda on so quickly because we have so many other things to concern ourselves with. I mean, we got to concern ourselves with basic human rights and basic living expenses and costs. Yes, and so we are easily to go well skip that I ain't voting. It don't help no way, right, But we're falling into Please please don't fall into that trap. I'm telling y'all, man, this system is. It is corrupt, but it's corrupt if we allow it to be. You can combat it with your vote. Your vote is important, man. Don't let them take your desire and will and right to vote away by creating chaos and doubt. And because let me tell you something. The boys that you saw gathering that the gun rally and Charlotte and all in Virginia, I mean in Virginia, all of that, they're gonna vote. All the Militia people, they gonna vote, all those people in the right, the belief in the Second Amendment. They're gonna vote. All of those rich people that are benefiting from tax breaks, they're going to vote. Yeah, Yeah, they're going to vote. And here's the deal. The majority of them that are going to vote for them are poor people. They really are. Mississippi's poor, Louisiana's poor, Alabama's poor, Georgia's poor. It's a lot of poor people who are going to vote for him because of what he stands for and represents. Yeah, and that's frightened me. Yeah it is. So, you know, this impeachment trial, if you want to call it a trial. With that wrapping up this week, likely with an acquittal from the Republicans in the Senate, Trump said it will be difficult to work with Democrats going forward. Take a listen. Well, I'd like to, but it's pretty hard when you think about it, because it's been such I use the word which hunt tell you, is the word hoax. I see the hatred, I see the level. They don't care about fairness, they don't care about lying. You look at the lies eyes man. Wait, wait, wait, excuse me, excuse me? Did he just say they don't care about fairness if you look at the lies? Yeah, you know that's that's that's a pretty bold statement coming from Field, especially with the number of lies he's told. But once again, folks, this is unheard of. He didn't told more lies since he'd been the president. Then I have in my entire life, total and out of line, Lord, Lord, out of life. I was a little dead in the teacher faith. It started at school. Well, coming up, we're waiting on the nephew. He's on his way. But in his place, Junior will be here will run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show coming up at the top of the hour. Miss Anne is standing by with today's national news and named Trending Entertainment News. Peter is mad at j Lo about that feathered Puerto Rican flag she displayed on stage during the Super Bowl. They're mad at Feather's now uh plus uh and this is sad news. Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh announced yesterday on the air that he has lung cancer. Yeah, but right now it is time for the nephew. He is here. But you know a time I heard, when I was late yesterday, I heard that you had developed did this thing called payback? Yeah, well you didn't say payback, which you said. He's always getting on you. Yeah, I paid you back from when when you know when I'm late, you'd be doing me so well, ain't no problem where you owe me again? Go here, got me all ready, Welcome to the show. What you got for you? I got some booted taxes, fucking baby footed taxes. Okay, we're gonna tax that booty. Come okay, dog. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Kendrick. He Kedrick. How you doing man? My name is Anthony Man, Anthony Colline. They call me a c. How you doing, I'm good, Bro, How you going? I'm good, I'm good. Hey listen, uh this right here, man, this this I don't even know how to put this though, but hey listen, I'm calling you man because I got some issues. I'm getting ready to find my taxes and I'm going through all my expenses, all my receipts and all this kind of stuff. You know, I just I can't. I can't just let this go. Man. I didn't spend like twenty thousand dollars on your wife laying ship, and I'm trying to figure out. Oh well, bro, wait a minute, you asking me you know what I'm spend twenty thousand dollars on? Chick? I'm married too? Is that what you're telling me? All I'm trying to do, Man, I'm trying to do it right off, That's what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to claim no, no, no, no, the right off. Basically, what you're telling me is my wife. I ain't say all that. I ain't saying what what what you're saying? Bro? All I'm saying is I'm trying to figure out is that all right if I claim Melanie on my expenses. Man, I'm over twenty grand on on money I spent on Melanie last year. So let me understand something right quick. You asking me for permission to claim my wife? When did you ask for permission my wife? Hep me with that. Okay, Okay, okay, okay, let's do this here, Gerard, I ain't say I did that. You saying that. I'm saying, I just want to claim the taxes because I spent twenty k on it. That's all I'm saying. Okay, let let's just let's do this, bro. Let's put melod on on the phone. Let's put mail on the mother ain't gonna up. We ain't got a brainmeling this. We got a brainmeiling that. What I'm saying is we already in it? In it? What you mean? We ain't gotta blank or any see any Maybe you must be outside joke here. Man. All I'm saying is, do you have a problem with me claiming Melody? You mother? Right? I do, Bro, I got a mother problem having this whole mother conversation? When how first of all, how did you get my information? How do you get my number? Bus? The I asked round for your number. I ain't want to call you to me a week to call you. You know what I'm saying. I'm just trying to dude, I just spent twenty grand. You understand what I'm saying. When did you spend twenty grand? That's just I want to know. I ain't spent twenty grand on this mother, and I'm married to head, So what the do you doing that you spent twenty thousand dollars on my wife and then you want to claim next me understand next? Hey man, I ain't trying to go and to all my receipts on everything I did for Melanie. I'm not trying to do that. All I'm trying to do is is just I just want to I want to. I want to know if you. I don't want to both claiming, because that's how you get in trouble. Bro you already and mother trouble. Trouble is the last mother time you ought to be worried about. And you calling my mother's phone telling me about some that you got going home with my old lady, and then you're telling me can I have your permission? You? Okay? So we gotta get some kind of resolution to this, A good resolution is a good ass was what's you mean a resolution that? That's the only mother resolution we're gonna get. Bro, Ain't no other resolution, Ain't no other resolutions we we ain't yourself to talk about. We gotta trying to talk about. That's the resolution I got back. I'll tell you what, Bro, I'm texting Meal right now. I've been texting her since we've been on this mother's phone. And I'm pray, what did you tell actually her father? Don't you mean when am I texting her? Foot? She is a subject matter? So that's why the I'm testing her. But you better pray to God. This is some book. I hope to God. You y'all got y'all people up with me like this body, This ain't gonna go do it bro at all at all? Okay, So I guess I can't claim them at this point. Hell mother, now, So what you want to do? Though, Bro, I'm already to tell you what I'm gonna do, and I'm waiting on meals was fun? So on this mother? See that like she's slowed in the mother she can't type fail, But somebody go get me some mount to day. Okay, they better look here, bron. I don't know who this is on the other than the end of this zone. I hope to God this just some somebody of the X fives or something that I can't even fathom. You better pray to God. Y'all playing with me? This is a book, Okay, okay? So can I go on tell you this your dog, and then I'm gonna gonna get out your way, man, because I know how it's gonna go after this. Can I just gonna tell you something else. I don't know what the else you can tell me, but the only thing I can tell you, the only thing I can tell you, Kendrick, is that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Melanie got me to prank phone call you dog well, y'all from ratting mother. You look at about how many it was about don man't y'all ain't man, y'all ain't. And I'm sitting up at eating crackling, and I don't sew them the way because my fist French already. H You all right, man, I gotta make sure you all right before we get off the phone. You're good, man. I gotta go get me a drink back. Yeah, yeah, I'm all right that she s all right. Tell me this, man, it's twenty twenty, baby, tell me this. What's the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, man, Steve Harvard Marns show with that rotten land lift you tunnel. You know what I'm saying. If you didn't spend that much money on the one you got to go on called a husband. Let him know. Listen, man, I can't, I can't. I just spent twenty grand on the doctor. So we got to do something about the tax I got to write this out. But he was not having it. Understanding at all. Understanding understanding. But yeah, but but we're gonna have to get this all this money I spent, it got to be accounted for. We're gonna have to write this home. And it took him a minute to come out of this. He was really mad. He was all the way in there. He kept he kept saying, honey, iced tea text if I don't want to say, coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you right after this. You're listening, well, Jennifer Lopez celebrated her epic Super Bowl halftime show with Sakira Shakira by boarding a yacht and conducting an informal poll with her friends and family, and asked was that the best ever? She quickly acknowledged what lots of other people were already saying that it might have been the goat of halftimes, the greatest of all halftimes. I enjoyed it. They will fire you. I thought it was really, really, really good. I really did. I enjoyed it. Halftime was yeah, and Beyonce, me and Prince was the goat. Not please understand. I thought that them two girls, Yeah, hell of the show. Oh they they really did. And and the people that was hating just wanted to find something to hate about. Hello, but I don't know what. And I'm just talking about the choreography, the lighting, that's what, the outfit, stage presence, I'm talking about, the pole. You're talking about all that, I'm talking about the pole. She was on the phone, Yes, outstanding, the cord that it takes to do that. Yeah, man, you ever been let me here? Go ahead? Go ahead? Huh no, no, no, You're gonna finish this hill? Did you know you're gonna finish this hill. Come on, come on, you're gonna finish this here. Let me hear. Baby, I know it's bad. If you cult yourself, get me big dog. Just stopped at that. That's all we got and said, it's like this lady at church says, thank God for Jesus, thank you. Anyway, we gotta move on, Steve not Everyone loved Jennifer Lopez the Super Bowl halftime show. The folks said, Peta are upset. They're squawking about birds being killed to make the Puerto Rican flag cape she were during the set. The flag j Lo unfurled near the end of her performance was custom made by Versacchi. According to stylus maryel hayne Um, it featured forty thousand, red, blue, and white feathers and individually sewn in. They were all individually sewn in. That's the part that Peta was so angry about birds. They all really gone. See, I'm from the country. Let's let me let Jayla off the hook. Them was chicken feathers. Okay, what does that mean? They was chicken feathers. Listen to me. You need to call Popeyes. You can call chick for La. You could call kfcabou these was chicken feathers died chicken feathers. Leave j Low alone? Why don't Peter find something else to do? Everybody in Peter not all of them are vegan, that's true. What do you mean everybody in Peter ain't vegan? They wear shoes? Dun'ty shoes? Is leather from accounts? A lot of dead cows? Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, I got something mold from Peter. Every day down time to get caught up on today's headline, Steve. Please, ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip, thank you very much, and good morning everybody. More and more countries are closing their borders to travelers from China, with the latest the Philippines, where a Chinese man has died of the coronavirus. Authorities say the forty four year old man arrived at Manila via Hong Kong and that he was accompanied by a woman. She's currently also thought to have it. She's being hospitalized and she is in isolation, and the Philippines has issued a temporary ban on all travelers from mainland China now Hong Kong and Macau. Meanwhile, in China, the virus continues to spread with well over fourteen thousand confirmed cases, up from just two thousand reported cases last week. For the first time ever, there are no results out for yesterday's Iowa caucuses, and only the app that was supposed to streamline stuff didn't work at least on one side of it. They say, not due to hacking or anything, just didn't work right. They say they will release some results later on today, They're going to have to do them by hand. With the election season kicking off this week with the caucuses, Democrats are now turning to other states. The New Hampshire primary takes place next Tuesday. Meanwhile, Time Styre by the Way has picked up a key endorsement in South Carolina. The billionaire businessman's won the support of the state's Democratic Black Women's Caucus. Now that endorsement carries a lot of weight in South Carolina because in South Carolina, two thirds of the Democratic voters are African American, and according to a new poll the Post and Courier of Charleston as shows a Tom Starr now coming in in third place at eighteen percent, behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. South Carolina's primary is February twenty ninth United Nations reports that hunger is running rampant in Africa's Central Sahel due to all the conflict in that regional the fighting. The UN says that more than three million people in Niger Molly Burkina Fossil are starving and in need of immediate aid. The World body's report says that nearly a million people have been displaced due to the fighting, which has devastated agricultural and rural economies. The impeachment trials begun wrapping up. Closing arguments began yesterday, and the final vote is to take place tomorrow with a no surprise at all decision by the GOP dominated Senate to acquit the president of the article's impeachment filed against him Today, House managers or prosecutors finish up by basically restating the arguments that Donald Trump tried to cheat his way into reelection and that it rises to impeachable offenses, while setting a dangerous trend. Republicans say, what he did, if he did, it was not that simple, was not that difficult, and not all that serious. In fact, Trump made a pronouncement that he thought his re election was pre ordained. We're going to defeat the radical Washington Democrats, and we are going to take back the House. We're going to hold the Senate, and of course we're going to keep the White House. And I really do believe we have got on our side. I believe that, I believe both. That's what he says. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. In trending sports news, Patrick Mahomes becomes the third black quarterback to win the Super Bowl and the youngest two. Right, Yes, congratulations to him. The reigning MVP. Patrick Mahomes and his team, the Kansas City Chiefs are the world champions. Mahomes is the third black quarterback to win the Super Bowl. The first was, of course, Doug Williams with the Washington Redskins. Remember that back in nineteen eighty eight at Super Bowl twenty two. Russell Wilson, also with the Seattle Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl forty eight back in twenty fourteen, and now Patrick Mahomes super Bowl fifty four in two thousand and twenty. Steve, this right here is big. Yeah, it's big, and Lamar Jackson will win it next year. Yes, my prediction Baltimore, same thing, and then Baker Mayfield in four more years according to Stephen A. Baker Mayfield and four and Stephen A need to be quiet. Stephen ain't just he's the highest paid, most prolific, profound and engaging sports commentator in the world today, does not me he know every damn thing you got, Hallo, you don't know us Stephen being it for your team, getting at whoever that he is. Yeah, but anyway, that's great, um Patrick mahomes uh this year, and then Russell Wilson, and of course the great Doug Williams is Doug. Baby. I saw that dog that that right there, Churches was talking about that. Oh dog, that was huge. Man. I cried, I cried, you said eighty eight, Shirley. Yeah. I was in such bad shape in eighty eight. I was in such bad shape in eighty eight. God, I didn't think I I didn't see the future. In eighty eight I was asking God, why what have you done to me? I had been in comedy three years and it was going all wrong in a world that hurt had made several ignorant decisions back to back to back triple I had a triple play of back to back to back dumb decisions. All photo, my damn silk, I hold no blame to no one else. It was our lord, Yes it was me. Let me deliver myself from my ignorant way. Come on, come on, all right, see, let the people know that you have more in store for us. It is New York Fashion Week. You're going to talk about some fashion trends that we need to get rid of. Right after this, you're listening to all right, Steve, it is New York Fashion Week, and you know you're all about the fashion blue cheese. Uh, you are in New York City, and what are you doing? Well, one of you guys is here and ready to give us some fashion trends that we need to get rid of. How about Yeah, that's just me do this. I'm this is fast week. I won't be attended fashion Week even though I'm in New York today. I got some things that we need to be concerned about with the fashions in twenty twenty. Okay, okay, these are things we want to start considering as fashion in twenty twenty. Here we go. First of all, we need to put a weight limit on skinny jeans. That's true. Let's just get together. I'm not an expert on this, but I think if we have a uniform vote, what do you think is the weight that skinny jeans should be. Let me start if you are over two hundred this is not an item for you. Anybody over two hundred pounds can't wear skinny. It really ought to be one in five one five as it for skinny jeans, because after that you just making you just making pants look like skinny jeans. Here's another one for sandal wearers in twenty twenty. If your feet ain't right. If you put on the sandal and any one of your toes is on the ground, these sandals are not for you. Any water, I don't give it. That just the big toe, I don't care if it's the baby toner snipped off the side and lard Jesus, not all five of them. They cannot be on the ground and a platform sandals two and your toe is touching the damn ground. We got to stop this. Here's another faulk part in twenty twenty that we need to address. I want everybody to cut down on the number of holes in jeans. Yeah, we gotta start working on the number. What is the number, ladies, is it falls six? There's no number? Well you know that's no number. You mean to rip jeans? Yeah, you got your knee out, your tho out, crotch out, your butt out, pam strang out your cast out, put up? Why you got the pencil on? Okay, I'll say okay, then knees and a little bit of thigh yeah, a little butt mate, maybe some butt cheek, yeah, a little bit, just a little bit me and a little bit. Okay. This is just to my white friends. You know the shoes, the crocs, Yeah, they do not go with the suit. I just wanted to say this to my white friend God to stop playing with a suit. Yeah, I need to stop this. Here's a big one. I'm talking to a certain elague group of people. You know who you are. If you play thirty thousand dollars for a handbag, you bet not put a damn dog in it. You need money in there, trying to call jewelry. You bet not put a damn dog in a thirty thousand dollars handbag. Putting his ass in a whole food bag. Here's what I need to dress with. Ladies. If you are standing talking to somebody, face to face. Your eyelashes should not touch the other person when you blink. Two damn long. This is your eyelashes, not mine. I don't know what that was on my lipt the other day. This is just for fellas. If you have a gut, then you need a long your shirt. No body want to see the bottom of your damn stomach. You just starting. He can't talking, he needs most shit. Those are New York Fashion Week tips from the one and only Steve Harvey. Coming up next, the nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. My subject for today is my wife an undercover gold digger. Right now, the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for his nap? Y'a already? What's that? Laugh? Uber hears what? Uber hears her? It's like a hearse herse Yeah, you're gonna be in a hurs. Let's go Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read Sean please. Yeah, it's means up. Hey Sean, how are you doing this? My name is Brian um I got you on schedule. Um, you you ordered the Uber for tomorrow morning. I'm I think you're okay? You are? You are your scheduled to go to the airport, correct? Absolutely? Yeah, okay, all right, And I want to make sure you you wanted an suv. Yeah, I wanted the suv. Okay, and that's ninety two eleven West. Um, what is that, Holman? I need two eleven went the Roman drive? That's correct? Okay, all right, all right, So I'll be outside tomorrow morning. You were talking about seven seven am pickup. Correct, that's it. I got you, you got it everything, It's on point, okay, all right, So listen, I wanted to let you know this man, you you order the suv, I'll be there tomorrow. M I'll be there probably a little bit before seven am. You know when you guys order Uber way in advance, you know, we try to get there almost like a car service, and make sure we get you where you gotta go. And I know the traffic is gonna be a little crazy, so um, you know I'll be there on time. I'll be downstairs waiting on you. All right, I'd appreciate it. Now listen, I'm I'm I'm an SUV, but it's a kind of a little different. So that's why I kind of the reason for the call. I wanted to kind of give your heads up that I am an SUV. So I just want you to look for the h the black hurse that'll be outside hurts. Yeah, I'll be in a black hurt tomorrow morning at seven am. Uh Okay, okay, it's a suv or hurts. No, No, it's a hurt. It's a hurs. Actually, what's happening is is I have an other drop off at the airport as well. You know, there's a I mean, it's it's it won't affect you at all. There'll there'll be a body in the back, but that has to we're trying to get that to the airport too. But you know, like I said, and a matter of fact, it is like body waiting the whole Yeah, yeah you me. Man, No, I ain't start riding the body. Well, there's a I mean, there'll be a body, but actually it's just causing you less, you know what I'm saying. So you don't have to. Man, Well I'm supposed to lay down and theft this mother, So what what you're talking about man, Dude, I ain't ride when the body hang on. Man, listen, you wanted to NUV. I'm not ride with the body. Dude. You tripping cancel this trip? I get another over. I'm not riding with a body, dude. Okay, if you cancel, that's gonna cause you fifty dollars. Fifty dollars. Well, man, yeah, like you just downloaded the app. Here's the deal. I know for a fact. When you cancel over five hours I'm canceling, that's gonna be fight houts. Like I mean, no, fifty dollars, it's gonna be fifty dollars, sir, it's a different one. You have my man, you can pay me a thousand dollars. I'm not riding with them. You feel me the understanding, You understand you now. But do you want to get to the airport or not? Look, why don't you lay down next to the body and you drive yourself there with the blody like in the path to just see I'm not doing it. Tell me what the problem is. I mean, obviously you're used to driving around with bodies and that's not my thing. You know what I'm saying. What's the problem? I mean you're gonna be in the front of the hurts. You're not gonna be in the back. We'll put in the back with your luggage in the back. I mean, I'll be fine, right, you're my man. You're tripping, man, this is crazy. You're calling wrong with this crazy book. Dude. I'm not doing a none of that. What part of that? Don't you understand. I'm going to get you there on time, sir, But it's going to be in a hurt That's all the difference is. Man, You'll be riding the hurt. Well, I'm supposed to be laid out, and you understand right now you got me fucked up? What kind of phone call is this? Well, I mean, what's the problem. Obviously you're used to rolling with with dead bodies and hearses and all that. Since when it over start rolling with hearses to pick up regular love more, because to get them from place to place. This is some crazy I want you to think when when did you think that it would just be cool or as a regular picking up a body and just driving around in the street. I don't know, man, I mean, you know I got two jobs. You know what I'm saying. I do you know and also you know work for a mortuary. You know what I'm saying. So you know, but my vehicle is is certified and approved it so I'm able to use it as an suv. So you you calling is and you gave him ride to lob More and they don't have no reaction, no reaction to riding around with them embodying the back well you know, uh, sometimes there's a fe people acting a little, you know, a little. It's a little different for them. I get it, you know. But like I said, the only reason why I'm calling you, I would believe you don't get that because you're trying to hit me with a fifty dollars in charge that I'm not I'm not going for and you're trying to get me to ride with him and that body. Dude, I'm not doing that. So I'll tell you what, Broun. I'm gonna tell you this right here. I'm gonna get all the phone tomorrow and seven in the morning, me and Tommy gonna be there. So be looking forwards here. Who's Timmy the body? No? No, Me and Tommy gonna be there tomorrow morning at seven mayhem. You know what I'm saying, just be ready for that. Then you're Timmy gonna have a problem. Okay, okay, all right, tell it to Tommy thought because see Tommy, don't Tommy don't take this too commy, So tell it to him in the morning. Who's Timmy? Now? Okay, you don't know who Tommy is? No, don't what the it's Tommy? Okay do you know Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning So do you know nephew Tommy? Come on? Man? Hey, oh man, oh man, that's hey, hey man, come in and no man, your boy. You got a boy named Chase that you work with. Chase gave me your number, told me to get your call. Oh man, Yeah, I'm gonna put that in a herse. Man. Oh hey man, you gotta give me one more thing. Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey man, I pick you up and set my right be there? What that what that kind of too fun? Yeah? Come on, don't be royle hers. If they don't have to be, we do. But riding a world we just bought it back here. I keep feeling something on my neck. Man, if you don't that man. I'm hearing stuff moved be like that time. Boy, my boy's father died lived up street from it. You know. He ain't have no money. So they had the funeral at the house. They bought the casket, but the casket was too wide for the dough and they had to turn it sideways, and you could hear you could hear his daddy shift. And when they got the casket in the living room and set the stand up and open it up, he was flipped over in the casket. They had to turn him over. Boy, well he was standing up in there. Boy, you ain't gonna be in Mississippian what I'm doing. Well, if you got a hurt sing you're Montgomery, Alabama, come home. Let your boy I beat them. March fourteenth, say roll roll anyway you can get to me. March fourteenth, Saturday night, baby, Montgomery Performing Arts Center, rolling up in your hers. I might roll with you only if I can sit in the front. As long as I can sit in the front. Oh all right, nephew, Thank you very much appreciated. I think listen. Coming up next, it's my Strawberry letters. Subject is my wife an undercover gold digger we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. Guys, and if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and mark please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buggle up, hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is Strawberry Letter. All right, thank you, nephew. Subject is my wife an undercover gold Digger To Stephen Shirley. My wife and I have been married for over fifteen years, and we've come close to getting a divorce a few times in the past few years over our finances. My wife has had issues with managing money, so I don't trust her when it comes to keeping up with our money. We have always had separate accounts. I have a personal savings account and I've been able to save a great deal of money for our retirement. My wife does not have access to this account. We have one shared account that I put money into each month for household expenses. I am able to track it, but I've never had a problem with her using the money for personal needs. We both work, but I am the main breadwinner and I pay all of the bills in the house. That's the house note, both car notes, and all of the utilities. She pays her cell phone and American Express bills. In the past two years, she has constantly nagged me to see bank statements and a breakdown of our finances. It makes me uneasy, and she gets upset when I tell her is not necessary for me to share that with her. She told me I'm too secretive and she loves to threaten me with divorce. I'm not being secretive. It's a trust thing, and why does she need to know all of a sudden, I am planning to retire with her, and I want to keep her in the same lifestyle she's used to, but I don't know if we're going to make it. She has been sleeping in the guest room and she refuses to have sex with me. I'm a father, great provider, and god fearing man, but this situation has me angry as heck. My wife won't sleep with me unless I show her my bank statements. It seems like, after fifteen years of marriage, my wife has turned into a gold digger. Please help me figure this out. Am I doing something wrong? What's up with her? Well? You know what, I don't think you're doing anything wrong'ssarily because you got to save money. You want to have money for your retirement, your money. Your your wife is reckless with her money and with the money, so she is not a good person to entrust your life savings and your retirement funds with. And if she doesn't understand that, that's on her, uh not you. I think that it's good that you guys have separate accounts. I think it's good that you guys share an account where and I think it's great that you put money in it and pay all of the bills. All those are pluses. What your wife is up to is anybody's guess. You know, if she wants to see bank statements, because I don't know, does she think or suspect that you're you're hiding money from her or something? But I think, you know, in this instance, it might be. I think it's okay for you to sit her down and tell her this is what going on. You guys have been married for fifteen years. That should garner some kind of trust in a relationship. I mean money is still like if not that still the number one is definitely in the top two of why relationships and marriages break up because the finances, because you know, people are reckless when it comes to money. She has her own job. What does she need to see it for? If you know, if you're saving and everything. But if you guys are in a good marriage, I think there does need to be some trust. Why don't you want to show it to her? That is my question. I don't think it's necessarily because you're being secretive or trying to hide something. You just don't want her nagging you to get that money. You've got to know that. You know a lot of times wives do go over spend. You know. That's why if you open up the trunk right now, you'll probably find some shoeboxes brand new shoes that she hasn't snuck in the house yet. You know. It's kind of you know, it's kind of just what we do, some of us. Some of us, I mean, we do, you know, but as far as he're not sleeping with you, that that's a bit far because you won't show her the bank statements and all of that unless she has something else planned. I think it's really really immature of her to threaten you with divorce because of this situation. That's not cool. I don't think that's something you should play with. But I think there is a communication situation going on here too. You may not want to do it, but just show her, you know, maybe that'll calm her down and settle her down and tell her the reasons you're doing this. You know, you want to continue her lifestyle. You're really doing it out of love and stuff. But she's selfish more than being a gold digger. Steve is my wife an UNDERCOVID gold digger. Well, y'all been married fifteen years, y'all and came closer divorce in a couple times. Didn you say that your wife got issues with managing money, so I don't trust to what comes to keeping up with our money. There's a little confusion here. We've always had separate accounts, so that over the fifteen years you've had that. I have a personal savings account, and you've said you've been able to save a great deal of money for our retirement and your wife ain't got access to it. Y'all got to share the account that I put money into for households that I'm able to track, but I've never had And then you said, but I've never had a problem with her using the money for her personal needs. Well, if you've never had a problem with her using the money for your personal needs, what was the several divorces about. See, there's a little confusion going on here, brother. You all have come closer getting a divorce over finances. You don't have a problem with her using the money for personal needs? Did you say? Ten seconds? Days? We both worked. I'm the main brandwinner, and I pay all the bills in the house, house called, all its utilities, and all she paying herself on the man when you make a lot of money, though, if you're paying all that and still saved a lot of money for y'all's retirement, and you don't have a problem with her spending for her personal needs, I'm trying to figure out what the damn problem is. I love him, all right, and hold that thought, Steve. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the hour, subject is my wife an undercovered gold digger? We'll be back to find out right after this. You're listening, all right? Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject is my wife an undercover gold digger. This is kind of a confusing letter, y'all because you've been closer getting the voice a couple of times because you don't trust it with the money. Y'all enhance separate accounts, but you got this one account where you say the great deal of money for y'all's retirement. Your wife don't have access to it. Y'all got to share account. Y'all put money into and you ain't never had a problem with her using the money for her personal needs. If you've never had a problem that, why have you all been getting a divorce? I'm confused. We both work. You the main brand winner. You pay all the bills in the house. She pay her cell phone in Americans present. Now. In the past two years, here we go, she has constantly nagged me to see bank statements and a breakdown of our finances. Okay, most women want to know what's going on in their life. Since you have this separate account, she's asked you to see it now then you are uneasy with it, and she get upset because this is what you've been told A grown woman. Now, it's not necessary for me to share that with you. Wow, wayman, hold a partner. I gotta tell you something real, honest man. You talking to a grown woman who's married to you, and you have a separate account that she has found out about, and you've saved a great deal of money for retirement for you all. And she asked to see the bank statement of the finances of y'all's life, of which you all contribute y'all's money into this account, but you pay the bills and then you tell her it ain't necessary for you to share that with her. Dog reverse this for a second. This is what this is how Margie wins all arguments with us, She says, reverse this. D Suppose I said that to you, and you know that's how she win all our arguments. Yeah, that's whenever. But she only do that when I'm dead wrong. She don't do that when she wrong. When I reverse it, she reverse it back. She real tricky though. She told me that I'm too secretive and she loves to threaten me with divorce. Well, dog, see you say that there's all this money over here, but the money ain't in her house. She trying to figure out what is it going somewhere else? And you telling her us in an account. She says, show me the account, and you tell her she don't need to know. And then she say you being secret and you say, I'm not being secretive. Okay, dog, what you want to call He said, it's a trust thing. But dog, you're keeping a secret from your wife. So she is right about that. You are being secretive. But I know what you're saying because you don't trust to win the money. And why does she need to know all of a sudden, Wait a minute, hold up, dog, what woman don't have a right to know what's going on in her life. You think if she finds out the money, that's she gonna spend it. But you already got it protected because she don't have access to it. So now the fact that you won't show it to her ever, has created a huge problem. I'm planning to retire with her. She don't know that. See, now we got an insecurity issue going on because you got all his money stacked off to the side. She don't know about. She don't know if you're going to take it off with another woman. She don't know if you're gonna keep it for yourself. She don't know what it is. I'm planning to retire with her, and I want to keep her in the same lifestyle she's used to. Damn bro, I mean, I hear what you're saying. You got a good heart. I think you're phrasing it wrong to the woman though, but I don't know if we're gonna make it. Hold up, so you're gonna rish your marriage of a person you want to retire with because she think you got a secret. You don't trust her spending. You ain't gonna show her that account. And now she she threatened you with divorce, and now she had moved into the guest room. And we ain't having sex. We're not having sex. You can read all these papers. Hold on, hold on, We're not having sex. Don't you know what I mean? You know, I mean received you from the sea. This is statements. I'm a father, great profather, and a god fearing man. Stop stop bringing the Lord in this. This ain't got nothing to do to Lord. Doc. Why did the Lord tell you to keep the secret? So let's not dragged the Lord into this. But this situation makes me angry as heck. My wife won't sleep with me unless how I show her my bank statements. It seems like I got fifteen years of manage when my wife has turned into a gold digger. Doc. See you you're attaching terms to this woman. I understand the problem you have. You're saying you can't trust her with money, but you got it fixed where she can't move the money. But now you don't want to show us that because what's she gonna do? You think she's gonna spend more? And you think she had turned into a gold digger dog just been the same woman for fifteen years. That's why y'all didn't had a several divorces, but her threatening you with divorces because you won't show her the paperwork, which makes her think as a woman, something else is happening. Please help me figure this out. Am I doing something? Long? Yes? What's up with her? The question is what's up with y'all? You don't trust her, and she don't trust you. What's y'all? Man? And this ain't gonna word Pardner, And this really ain't got a damn thing to do with money. Fifteen years, you don't trust her, you can't count on her, and she thinks she don't trust you and she can't count on you unless y'all get real transparent, real quick. Y'all ain't gonna make it, homie. Yeah, all right, Steve, thank you post your comments on all this paperwork this evening at Steve Harvey, you over here this evening in this bed. Also check out the Strawberry Letter podcast wend to read coming up to forty six after the hour Sarah, I'm gonna be looking forward depot. Terry Crews has apologized to Gabrielle Union. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening well. Terry Crews has finally issued an apology to Gabrielle Union after he completely dismissed her allegations against America's Got Talent last week. Terry and Gabrielle had different views on their America's Got Talent experience. She found it to be racist and sexist, while and all the while calling it the most diverse. He called it the most diverse place he's ever worked. After facing major backlash, Terry Crews lets a Twitter know, Twitter people twitter Verse know that the only woman he needed to please was his wife, Rebecca. Apparently, Terry has had a change of heart and apologized to Gabrielle in a series of tweets which you can see or here. Anyway, Basically, he told her that he was sorry for invalidating her experience. He also said that those disrespectful comments directed toward him and his family caused him to quote react angrily instead of responding thoughtfully. He finished up with you are a role model to the entire black community, and in my desire to be professionally neutral as your co worker, I should have at the very least understood that you just needed my support. Terry kept tweeting, and Dwayne Way posted, somebody take Terry's phone. We've had enough. Okay. You know, man, I know I know both of them, and they're both really, really great people. I think Terry realized the error that he made and he apologized. You know, no, Twitter ain't gonna let it go, of course, but you know when you know, but you know when your family well, I mean he got to because he trying to get it right now. Yeah, but we are in a climate today where we as men have got to understand, man, that you have got to be open to understand what women are saying today, and because we just don't have the viewpoint that they have Yeah, and when Terry went through that, Steve, remember he had his own secondists. Uh yeah, huh, you will you grabbed my crotch. This is it's happening that night. And I don't know if it's true, but I heard that Gabrielle Union was one of the first people to come out in support of him. Yeah, so he should understood what it's like to be a victim. Exactly got it. And in news today someone grabbed Steve Harvey's crotch to face the attacker. All right, at the time of the hour, the President's State of the Union of dress is tonight. Who will be watching. We hear he's going to use the word winning a lot. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to show. So President Trump is going to deliver an optimistic, inspirational, forward looking State of the Union address on the eve of the Senate's final impeachment vote. That's according to presidential advisor Kelly Ann Conway, who said that success is the best revenge. In an interview with Fox News from Kelly Ann Conway, UH preview the President's State of the Union address by touting the administration's efforts over the last year and teasing that many of his statements will end with the word winning. Conway went on to say that winning finishes many sentences, and the president will show up and barrel through as he always does. He will take his message to the people. So when when y'all see the next day on the new they tell me that was a great speech. When y'all seeing that, never I never heard to be any different. But the Republicans are gonna stand up and be clapping. Oh yeah, like he but but he's so he's so not politically correct. He just gonna face them the whole night. He ain't even gonna look over at the Democrats. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He already said it's going to be hard to work with them moving forward. And they ask is mad because they ain't got no witnesses, no questions. It's gonna be a man. This thing, this this this system we have in American man term, it's not good. Man, it's just not good. And for us as the people who live here, we're just looking at this point really yeah, because because man, because let me tell you something. You let you go to you, let you go to trial and be accused of anything. And they got some witnesses for you watch what happened, and you've been to hear from all of them. Yeah, my mama house and I just somebody didn't see me break the lamp. Yeah. So the President will take this message to the people so that they can hear what's been happening in their country. State of the Union address is sandwiched between not only the final impeachment vote, but also the first contest in the twenty twenty Democratic presidential primary process, the Iowa CAUCUSUS. So this is a big political year, Okay. Can I ask you all the question, Tommy, if you had to vote, and you don't have to stick to this, we're just talking. If you had to vote for a Democrat right now, which one would you vote for? Bloomberg, Kia Biden, Carlo Biden. Surely I'm going with Biden because I think he's the only one who can beat him right now. But my second choice will Tee Bloomberg. At this point, I like what his messaging. I like blue Berg too, Yeah, I really do. And then after that I gotta go with Biden. Yeah, Biden Bloomberg would be a great ticket. See, because I'm looking at the debates that rich boy talking back to him a man. He gonna he gonna share Donald Trump down because he knows, he knows a lot of stuff and he has a real plan. Biden, I think will fight him because he's he a tough boy out of out of you know. So those two are the only two. I think it would be a great presidential vice presidential thing, except I don't think that Joe would be willing to be a vice president again. Yeah, I don't think so. And I don't know Bloomberg's ego will let him be vice president because he got a lot of So you're saying a lot of ignorant President Trump can't talk to him. I'm telling you, man, you don't know. It's a pecking order and rich boys. No, don't flex pardon because Bloomberg got real money. Trump doesn't have real money. Bloomberg real money? What does that mean? Trump doesn't have real money. Don't forget that. Sanders and Warren are still high up in the racist w Yeah, I promise you, I don't see how I don't get I'm gonna be honest with you. I don't get Elizabeth Warren's playing. I don't get the plan, and I'm not gonna vote for you. And I don't get your plan. I just don't for that, all right? Coming up, coming up, more of today's trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show and a story out of Detroit. Uh, you got you gotta hear this, Steve. We'll be back at twenty minutes after the hour right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve, play close attention to this story. Please. The Detroit man is recovering after a woman he was kissing bit off his tongue. Yeah. This is according to the MacComb County Prosecutor's office. Her name is you Let Wedgeworth's fifty two. She and the man were engaged in a consensual kiss. This happened back on January twenty eighth, when she bit off his tongue. Police and prosecutors say, that's what what happened. She has asked him. She had asked him not to put his tongue in her mouth. Okay, he did it anyway, and she she bit it off. Where is the tip of the tongue. The police found it. It was in the bedroom in the apartment. Yeah. The police responded to the incident and found the man bleeding from his mouth and missing ye sook, look, pillars out, we got, we got, we got all right. Listen coming up. And three minutes after, right after this, take us out, Tom, You're listening. Show well, Jennifer Lopez celebrated her epic Super Bowl halftime show with Sakira Shakira by boarding a yacht and conducting an informal pole with her friends and family and asked was that the best ever? She quickly acknowledged what lots of other people were already saying that it might have been the goat of halftimes, the greatest of all halftimes. I enjoyed it. Thirdly, they were fire. I thought it was really, really, really good. I really did. I enjoyed its halftime was yeah, and Beyonce being Prince was the goat. Not please understand. I thought that them two girls, Yeah, they put on the hell of a show. Oh they really did. And and and the people that was hating just wanted to find something to hate about. Hello, But I don't know they And I'm just talking about the choreography, the lighting, that's what I show, the stage present. I'm talking about the pole. You're talking about all that, I'm talking about the pole. She was on the yes yeah, man, you ever been let me here's go ahead. Wait huh no, no, no, you're gonna finish this hill. Did you know you're gonna finish this hill? Come on, come on, you're gonna finish this here. Let me hit baby. No, it's bad if you cult yourself. Give me here, big dog. He just stopped at that. That's all we got, and then he said, it's like this lady at church says, thank God for Jesus. Thank you anyway, Yoself, we gotta move on, Steve not Everyone loved Jennifer Lopez the Super Bowl halftime show. The folks said, Peter are upset. They're squawking about birds being killed to make the Puerto Rican flag cape she were during the set. Uh The flags jo unfurled near the end of her performance was custom made by Versachi. According to stylus Mary el Hayne, it featured forty thousand, red, blue, and white feathers and individually sewn in. They were all individually sewn in. That's the part that Peter was so angry about. Your birds was all ready gone. See I'm from the country. Let's let me let Jayla after hook them was chicken feathers listen to me. You need to call Pope Eyes. You can call chick for Ley, you could call kfcbo. These was chicken feathers. Why don't Peter Fine? Someone else to do? All right, coming up our last break of the day, and we'll look to Steve Harvey for some closing remarks. All right, that's coming up at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Harvey Morning Show. All right, this Tuesday, it's been a good day. Yes, yeah, definitely. People still recovering from Super Bowl watching the game, dragging a little bit. Yesterday. I started my program yesterday. Today. I had my last bad meal yesterday. Number of chicken wings for you? Huh. I don't consider chicken wings a bad meal at all at all. What's so? Well? What about when you dip them in the blue cheese? I don't like I've never liked that. Yeah, you don't like blue cheese. I don't not on my No, not on your buffalo wings. No, don't like that blue cheese. Don't do that. I'm like, you ever had a salad with blue cheese crumbles on it? But too many blue cheese? Yes? Yeah? It could be old powers. Tell you something that Damn blue cheese right there, cheese right there, got gangster in it. Hey, man, you don't mean because you see it on the salad you be gon awesome blue cheese crumble and then after while you're gonna hang. There's too many of these. Damn, my mouth need a break, blue cheese being gangster in the salad. Man, you can't taste the rain. No nuts, nothing, blue cheese, gangsters onion. Oh strong, blue cheese is strong. Man. Hey, and let me give y'all some something I was thinking for closing remarks. Okay, you know, man, in twenty twenty, I want you to open up your mind to all of the possibilities of what your life can really be. Man, I want everybody to start thinking in glowing terms. Everybody should start thinking in positive terms. Everybody should be put in your mind in perpetual forward motion. Start thinking and expecting the things you want to attract to your life. Man, it is an amazing thing, the power of the mind. Your mind is so incredibly powerful man, that you have the share of ability to wield things into existence for your life. You have the ability to attract a life of abundance. You have the ability with your mind to become suddenly a positive person overnight. You can enact this overnight. It is not a gradual process. You can start becoming a positive person immediately. You can start attracting positivity to your life immediately the moment you change your mind. I was always taught that your feelings. Your feelings are a barometer of what you've been thinking the previous It's fifteen minutes. For example, if you find yourself all of a sudden, you don't feel so hot today, and I don't mean physically, you just mentally, you just start feeling blah. All you have to do is track what you've been thinking the last fifteen twenty minutes, and it will immediately explain the sudden blah in your attitude or your sudden blah in your mental state. Your feelings are a barometer of your thoughts, So if you change what you think, you then change the way you feel. I am telling you, man, how many times I've had to learn over the years. When I'm not feeling myself, I get in a little quiet space in my mind and I just start thanking God. Man, I just started thanking God for the things I do have. I don't wear about what I don't have. I start throwing some praises up for what I do have, for my health, my family, my wife, my job, my ability to learn, my ability to earn, my ability to have thoughts, my ability to walk, see, talk, breathe, reason, rhyme, all of that. And when I start thanking him for those things, I immediately become lighter. See, you can't be grateful and sad at the same time, the two can. I dare you to try it. I dare you today to make a serious attempt at being grateful for five straight minutes of just gratitude, three minutes of gratitude, and then when you stop, see how mad you are, or see how depressed you are. It's impossible, man, it is impossible. The two cannot deside at the same time. Join and depression cannot reside in the same space. It is impossible. There's only room for one. You are either joyous or you're mad. You're either grateful or you say it's one of the two. You can't be both. But if you make a concerted effort in twenty twenty, if you get committed that you are going to have a glowing attitude, that you are going to be a person of positivity, that you are going to be a person that's a light when you walk in the room. If you make that commitment in twenty twenty, you immediately began the process immediately. It doesn't take a week. It takes the immediate control of your mind. Your mind is incredibly powerful, incredibly powerful. We were created in God's image. Somebody told us to me, said why do you thinking to begin? And God said, let there be light. He said, because he wanted you to understand that the power of the tongue is all powerful. God is very powerful. He could have just waved his hand and just lit the whole earth, though, but he said, first, let there be light. It's all in what you say. If you say you're good, you're good. If you say you broke, you broke. If you say one day you'll be wealthy, you'll be wealthy one day. Get controlled at y'all. Twenty twenty is hell. Let's make it the best year of our lives. Those are my closes remarks to day all. Right, now, let's go, y'all. Twenty twenty. Hey man, hey, y'all, have a great weekend. Okay, see you black history mind be as black as you could be. For all Steve Every Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residence at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey fm dot com. You're listening, Stay Harvey Morning Showing