Ice Cube is having a great week and the crew talks Game 3 Warriors Win - 06.08.17

Published Jun 8, 2017, 8:23 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them mo just like theming buck bus things and it's touble y'all do me true good to Steve. How guy listening to me toach other for Steve had quick to listen money, Why don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, by joining me, honey said dot turn on them go you you gotta turn to turn turn my lovey got to turn out to turn the wan go. Come come on your things at it. Uh huh A good manding everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dignon na one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day from a young dude named Cortez. Uh. I can't remember his Twitter handle, but Cortets something, and he tweeted me and he said, uh, when Steve Harvey used to get to preach and I used to just turn the radio off. And then he said something to the fact that, but now is different. He said, old dude be bringing it, he'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that. That's what he said. Well, Cortets, if you out there listeners, morning, I appreciate you too, man, because see I understand what it is I used to you know, man, when I was younger, Man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I didn't want to hear nothing that contradicted what I wanted to do. You know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man, I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes I wanted to get done, I didn't want to hear that. You know. It's a funny thing, man. It's like like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booker Man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking Wow, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stuck in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of the people that left this world with my head in the sand. And so you know, he kind of fostered that thought in my mind this morning. So I want to send the shout out to my man on with a cortet is whatever is. I think I'm gonna look his real name of Holdos while I'm piddling through this trying to find it, so I can get his real Twitter handling and give him some love. But I just wanted to say, man this morning, that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice. I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man. Some people just saw me doing wrong and say, young man, come and let me talk to you for a minute. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do. Man, when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life, a lot of grace been shown on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me, helped me a long way, so I don't I have no problem with this part of what what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changed is growth and ain't no growth without change. You've got people, Man, You ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, no body in the building think they should go that way, but they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro listen to me. Man, that ain't highs done. You're gonna run into this distance I show you heait a minute. Man, you can't do it that way. Man, listen to me. Change is growth and ain't no growth without change. It cannot happen. If you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now? We got a penal system in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down and we'll restrict your movement and your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's foolishness, and y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, you've got to change, man. And listen to me, y'all, how do you bring about change? Steve? How do you change? Man? When you've ben't thought of everything? Well, hold up, man, pray for it. Pray for change. Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very interesting prayer. If you're praying person, I suggest you try that sometimes. It's so interesting. Man, do you know what he did for me when I started asking God what he wanted for me? Instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me? It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off. I no longer had to think of everything, and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't work in no way and when I opened myself up to what he wanted to what his wheel was. Man, do you know how much simpler my life? God? And do you know how much bigger it God? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing you was would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in l A, since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you here to change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you gotta work towards your trade change. You know it as a faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God, always want to talk to God about something. But then man, ain't ain't and don't don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, It just does not happen. So so after you didn't pray to God about it, what you gotta do then is you gotta turn around and go, hey, man, all right, now, what is it I got to do. You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something today about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today. Man, I want to change? How about today? You know? Then you see them saying people, Man, I want to change. That's next week. How about today? I see people years later, Man, I'm still in the same old situation. Man, I'm gonna do so. How about today? Today is a good day. There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things in me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now we're stopping you is you won't start to change today. Don't hesitate. Make that change. And then I want you to watch something. When you change, Watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you, feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different. If you're watching for the change, if you're feeling the change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference. You will be different. If you're sick and tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you have to make. I'm gonna change. The change is up to you. You can decide to day if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall, man, and you're sitting tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You've thought about that change? Man. If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that. Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, prey for it, man, Ask God to help you with the change. Or you get some movement, then partner you get a whole lot of movement. Then all right, let's right, you're listening. Hey. Twenty one minutes after that, Welcome to the ride, y'all, Steve Harvey Morning Show. This is Steve Harvey, the Leader of the Fun Bunch, Ladies and gentlemen. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, leader of the Fun Bunch. Call the Pharrell Hi, good morning. Let's have some fun. Junior Morning up. Fool number one dude, food number one A. I don't feel like having fun today much. What was happening back over that? It was coming? Good morning? Man? Man is here, he's back. Well, what you're good? Yeah? I'm gonna be hard. Oh yeah, okay, I just got a lot going on in my life, that's all. Well, nothing's changed, and that you always have a lot, highly blessed. You always have a lot going on. Lest man favorite who blessing, highly favorite favored. That's good, Thank you, Jesus, thank you. So Shelly, how are you feeling today, darling? I feel good? Love? How are you girl? I'm so happy to have you back and never left been here all the time. Oh did they make up? Yeah? I didn't know they were. I don't think we did and nobody. I'm you're trying to start one, nephew, that's what you're for it. Oh what's up, little man. I'm not trying to do that at all, just checking because you know surely got snapbacks. I think we all threw on this show. That's clear. Yeah, you could beat the joke in this show calling back, snap back, clap any back, snappy, come back and talk back. That's one thing my father didn't allow talk him that boy, he didn't. He didn't do back at fourth. He told us that we don't do back at forth in here. We just do fothbody talked back to me the oldest just fourth love that you did talk back. It always ended up with a hand on you something, man. My father the thick hands, hardwood coal manner, construction worker hands was heavy, hard, and they could hear no matter where you were in the house, they could hear it. They could hear it. I believe a debt d one time I thought he had dropped kidding me. I didn't know I had said it out Louve. I was talking, you're alive, You're still alive. Yeah, Yeah, So what we got going on? What's the thirty something funny today? Guys. All right, Ruscoe Wallace is in the building, but right now it's time for junior's truth be told. That's what we're gonna Roscoe. Yeah, you're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny. Ruscoe Wallace is in the building, but right now it's time for juniors truth be told. Junior, what you got this morning for us? I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm just gonna be honest, say it what And I don't mean no harm, but I'm I'm sick of hanging with Uncle Steve. I'm sick. I can't do it no more. I'm not built footballing. I'm not conditioning for something happened. No, no, Shirley, see Steve, let me fly back on the private jit. Oh, I don't have no money. You can't take me off a regular ally and throw me right in the prize. Baby steps, yeah, baby steps, I mean godly before you. I mean, I just ain't nobody gonna ask us no questions. We're just supposed to get on like, uh, you know anything, you know? They ain't search us. No, you know, do you have a laptop? You know? Ain't none of that take your shoes off or anything. No, shurety, you ain't gonna take your shoes off. You just get on and look the pilot. Don't stay just in the in in in the cockpit. He come out and actually talked to you. We're a nice guy. Name was name Ry's got a white with two kids. It really like, dude, I just I just can't ball like this. No more. You can't ball up no more like that. I can't do it. It's really it really throws you into your head. You can't focus because I'm used to by peanuts. You know, I get my little elbow. So eat. We had foods, we eat, we ate what you're balling, and you're like, what sake? Salads and stole silverwear and napkins just laid across your lap. What we ate to? What you do? We ate to private chess. I'm to that. I can't go back to a rag atline. That's all I'm saying. It's gonna be very hard to get me back. You're going back though the time, going back in. Yeah, y'all got uncle Stephen. You have a laptop, take it out of your back now, yeah, three seconds. All that type of stuff. I can't do the first class. That ain't the point called this wagable first class. I'm just trying to get a close second or already I was just I you fly private befone. Yeah, come on now, Catilacs, some jets. That's what I do, baby, when I ain't in my Catlac fleetwood ship. My man, your baby, I'm all right, man, taking it in? All right, we're going ain't new dude? J Didn't I like that? Man? Didn't you write a song called calas and Jet? You wrote that? Yeah, Catila and jets in the old and then I gave you that. I went on and gave it to I'm John. Yeah, and I don't call it beat in the jets. I said, whatever, whatever, just see me my check. Been the been there, been in the jail. It was Cadillac's first, wasn't it. Yeah it was it was Cadillac's first, wasn't it. Yeah? It's cat Oh yeah, yeah, it's Cadillac cat. What's going on? Man's going away? Hey, I'm going over baby, Hey Roscoe, good morning? How are you doing there? Being good? Baby? Show misses Roger won the bunch on want makes you? You're all right? Everything good? I'm good. The moment. It ain't m You didn't need to at your boy, Okay, I scoop you up like ice cream girl. Thank you a badging robin. You still have the curl, right? Uh? You still have that curl right here? Would I give up my curl for about fifteen cases? Stay free for without this time we're going on callin little hat the girl. We're going on by free for women. Be quiet. He made care free, care free, care free state. Tommy, you ain't got no hands? And what did you in this phone? Hey, Roscoe, I'm just in here listening to you lie talking about you rote Benny in the Jets. I know you don't think you you you are, you're the people you read. And I came up with that old said, what's that you wander? People don't don't you wonder? People don't believe fat me greasy? So you came up with you know who came up? When it comes no, I don't absolutely you know why because I never told it to you? Now you know anyway, So you don't like getting fresh information from an old playoff? What y'all done? We're going on? Well you know, um, yeah, we're just talking about everything. But yesterday I don't know if you know it was Prince's um. It would have been his fifty yeah, man, that would have been night birthday. Yeah. Did you know Prince Yeah? Yeah yeah, print uhh. I mean personally we all know him, but did you know him? I knew him, pretty ship. I had picture with you taking the walks to doore. I take picture of how you taking for walks or two I take you for walks and to hear you came you used to take prints for walking for walks. He was a baby daddy. Oh you know it's dead. What was his dad's name? King? Of course I had a bro the earl had no bron Duke and a younger brother named Squaw. Whole damn family, oh man, because it uncle would duke Duke Ellington. Dude, how you play? I made? I did a couple of ranging, Hi, I did Robert Colloway. You've been around Roscoe, didn't y'all know? No stop leaving this around? I love all right? Coming up next, it's the nephews. Run that prank back right after this, Jim, I'll be back before we running back. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show, y'all horsing means that to Steve right quick on, get some of a chair. Missy ain't coming on top of the I got new, new everything, all that right that time to go come back and praying for I love Tommy boy. That boy. You get to pranking people. Yeah, boy, he branking people. He branking people. That your damn man, he laughed, my head, good people bringing people. Man's so damn mad. I'd been laughing on MAB eight time. And we got all your tapes what they called now, I had them downloaded. Oh you know about that? My niece found him on the instranet on on on the instranet internet in the internet. Yeah, she found that. She downloaded them from me, put them all on eight track. Got I got about you know, go to eight track? Different about two cases. People don't use eight tracks anymore. Rascals, people ain't got curled, don't what the hell they gotta do with it. I ain't seen nugget ring in a wild I ain't see nobody with seventeen eagles on their neck. But what they got to do with rock? He had an eight track player. Got I ain't got no eight track in it. I will tell y'all the story about printing printed that name King and brother uncle Duke, Duke, Duke Ellington and our friends. Yeah, and they had a board. They put him out of the group because he would thought it was too pritty. Oh really, who was that? That king? Cole Man? She could print that in name with king? He said, ain't gonna be but one king over in here to be that cod? But which k be? And that keen coole? Okay, So when he put his autry whipping, he whipped in pretty good that day. Print Daddy was strong, and that what happened then. So you know I wrote a for Cam Collaway. You know what they're about to do a concert from them where he didn't had nothing, So I took him my head. Or we had a little boy we used to play with. We had to quit playing with him because he played He didn't played good, you know, Richard. We had to quick food with a little Richard. Little little Richard didn't play good. Now you didn't play good. You know how heels on here on the bike, you know we'll be I didn't playing got hot heels on? Man? Where are your sneakers at? You know where your pro cads at? You out here with your mama, he we gottaut that hole. And then I wrote that for me, and I wrote that before I wrote that for him. Fuck Richard wrote that. No, no, no, no, no, A little Richard came out on the You were waving at him, and we ride it back down the street and we read hi, and that's how we came up with his own Hi, Hi high come on with Yeah. I just thought that was funny. Good, all right, that's right here. You can't come back to church. You can't come back to church. I'm trying to reach sister short reads Mayfield, Deacon Bob from the from the church, from from church. Yes, yes, ma'am, from from from can you hear me? Good? There's old phone on work. We're good, Yeah, my phone okay, okay, I called it. The deacon board didn't had the meeting as well as uh pass us and they didn't have to meet. Then they come to the understanding that, uh, they're gonna ask you to not come to church right now because that about that the bars of your air can change being in jail the way the earth and want to want you to just stop. I don't know if they're gonna suspend you from church right now. But they they think it put a bad look on the church. My kids being in jail put a bad look on the church. Well that's what that's what's what that that's what they come up with. Now we even had to meet with the deacon ball and with passing stoes. I don't understand why y'all have a meeting about my kids in the church. What my kids got to do with the church. Well, what we're trying to do is show a good example to the youth that we got there. Okay, you can show a good example about me being there, paying my times and offering. Well, that was another thing that's been brought the attention that we're gonna be calling a lot of members about it. People not paying the tie, the way they focus my task. Don't know. I don't know who told you that, Deacon Brs. I don't even know, first of all, who you are. And I'm not trying to be mean to you, and I don't I don't even understand why you how you even got my phone number. I paid my time, I paid my offering. Go on your computer at the church, call your secretary or whoever. Let me let me let me ask you this. Do you pay your tie according to what you make. Yes, I do check the books. What what now? What it is? We can't check the book that we don't know exactly what you make. Is what I'm saying. What I make is my destance between me and Jesus, I give him his tempersent, and that's how mart. He'll need to know the understanding exactly where you're coming from. But not the main issue on table is about the board and and and being you know, disrupted the way to you. They don't want that to be to bleed over into the uth quad. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, And first of all, I'll appreciate if you would have pathor to tell me this this self. And then second of all, if somebody kids is having trouble in the world or whatever, y'all supposed to pray for him, not put him at the church or the mama, Well I'm I'm we're gonna we're gonna pray for and we're gonna pray for you too. But we don't want shared over to the youth that we got that doing good with. Well, I'm gonna keep coming. Y'all can't stop me from coming to the church. I'm gonna keep coming. So I don't know who you're talking to. And you tell a pastor to call me hitself and tell me I can't come to Deal and you have nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to Hell. That is a free church. I'm gonna get the pastor called that night. And you get the pastor to call me because you have no business calling me telling me that I can't come to God is mazing. I don't want you to get into role with me. I'm not again. I'm not getting angry with nobody. Did I work I don't work eighteen sixteen hours today. I don't have to for nobody calling me telling me that I can't come to a church that I pay my cards and offering it not that I owned the church. I paid my cars because that's that's through to God. But y'all really making me upset by telling me I can't come there because of my kids in their trouble. Where was you this past something to you? Wasn't then I want that church because I had over stuff that Why is that in your yo? Bill? Now there you go being an uproad with me again. I don't know who this is. How could you call somebody about church distance over the phone. This don't make sense, Mayville. Hello, Yeah, one more thing. This nephew timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Ship. I got you. I'm like, who is this guy telling about? Start to be? You know what I like about you? Though? Nobody go keep you out the lord's house. Who's gonna show up and show out every Sunday? Every Sunday? Thank you everybody. Let me ask you something. That's the baddest radio show in the land. Now do you even have to ask me that? To Steve Harvey more itself. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm missing a standing by with the news. But first, finding a new job is never easy, and even if you do, there's no guarantee you'll like your new bosses. Okay, so if you're on the hunt for a new gig, you may want to pay attention. We have some bad news. Here are some of the worst companies to work for, according to website Wall street dot com. Alauria, it's a customer service company. All right. Uh, that's number one, Lauria customer service company. Craft, Heinz Company, Fears, Hurts, car Rental, rent a Center, home furnishing, rent. Yes, any time people rent, they're gonna have an attitude. Then you got to drive by the house and pick it up when they don't pay it. Oh yeah, So what was the worst job you've ever had, Steve? We've heard about a lot of them, but the worst of the worst. And what was so bad about it? When I got put on doing the layoffs? I got put on the maintenance detail at full Yeah, maintenance I had. They gave me some rubber gloves and told me I was cleaning toilets with toyal crew. So I would have watched out all the saints and stuff and deear to float and came on out. No, dude, winning that to inspect and said, hey, man, these toilets haven't been touched. You ain't done the tale told you? I said, I did all I was gonna do. You're more than welcome to You can send somebody in here that do toilets. But I draw a line right there. I do sinks floors. Well, I'm not doing the toilets. Said you do the toilets if I tell you too. I said, go ahead to him, He said, do the toilets. I sound still here, ain't I said, man, listen to me. I cannot do that. I cannot do toilets. Please don't ask. He said, that's the job requirement, Harvey, I can't do it, he said, I'm anna farmer. Have you five? Not in? You a w five? Hey? Union Strong? I had been there three years. Come on, you're gonna fire me because I don't want to clean no toilet. And I didn't come here to clean tarlet. I can't eve here to make calls. Now. The fact that y'all had leos ain't got damn thing do with me. I came in here to make cars and engines. I would what nothing. Maybe they thought he was better at doing tarlet than making cars. Yeah, well you was tearing and couldn't ride a bike back then, so what the hell you're talking? Hey? Hey, some people catch on a little later. He couldn't reach none of the pedals on the bikes we so he was so I tried to try to teach him one time, but his feet couldn't touch the pedals. So I just said him on the seat and put him on down there. Hard to keep your balance when you ain't paddling that day? What's your worst job ever? Jack? Oh? I had a job cleaning up a store, grocery store, big grocery shore and we had to clean the whole store. But the problem was the man rent store. You had to say yes, sir and no, sir. I didn't say that, and I wasn't there long. You just couldn't. I just couldn't just bring yourself. I mean, I'm cleaning and I was cleaning toilet. I gotta go yes, sir. And also didn't see it blunting. He ran me about it here all right, Steve introduced our girl with the news. Please, ladies and gentlemen, she's here the lovely to talentedness and trip and thank you very much, everybody. Here we go again. Oh, it was a really really big newsday. But today is going to be the big newsday. That's right. Today is the day, everybody that former FBI Director James called me schedule to testify before the Senate an Intelligence Committee. He sent a copy of his opening statement to the panel yesterday and it. Comey says he had nine conversations in just or months with President Trump and that after each of them he made notes about what transpired. Comey says, for instance, about it he talks about one after a week after the election, that Trump invited him to dinner, and to a dinner he thought, and Comey surprised. He only saw two of the table set for two people, so it wasn't a dinner for say, it was just for them. Comey says the President asked him if he wanted to keep his job and then allegedly said, quote, I need loyalty and I expect loyalty. Comey says he didn't say anything, that the two of them just stared at each other. According to Comey, Trump kept the pressure up for months, allegedly asking for a loyalty oath, at one point trying to get the FBI and others to go light on their probes in the General Michael Flinn's possible ties to Russia. Things got so bad Comey has Attorney General Jeff's Sessions to never let him and Trump be alone in the room together. But now tensions are said to be high between Trump and Sessions, where it is that Trump has been screaming at the Attorney General so much, said he at one point offered to quit. Oh, by the way, James Comey's testimony begins at around ten am this morning, and some bars across the country already open early for comy viewing parties. Believe it or not, that's right to watch his testimony. President Trump has announced his new pick for the FBI director uh he's former Justice Department official, Christopher Ray, and the American Civil Liberties Union or the a c l U says it's concerned about his selection because they questioned Ray's ability to be independent. Christopher Ray's firm worked for the Trump organization, and Ray was also a Jersey Governor Chris Christie's personal lawyer, successfully keeping Christie from being charged in the so called Bridgegate scandal, which involved politically motivated lane closures of the George Washington Bridge, which is the world's busiest span. Get This eterminally ill cancer patient has been arrested and charged with attempted murder after he traveled to the San Francisco Bay area to try and kill the three doctors who treated him you Chen. He said he also planned to kill himself after it was all over, because he said he thought the doctors treated him like a laboratory monkey, and he says he thinks he was being used for research purposes. He didn't again, he couldn't find the doctors. Apparently he was arrested before he could do anything. Chan charged in Santa Clara County with three felony accounts a premeditated attempted murder. Game three NBA Finals, The Warriors That Can beat the Cast a third time one eighteen one thirteen. At one point looked like the Calves are gonna pull it out. But then three two seconds ago that curtsy a Warries radio that puts some merely one game away from the championship. I'm sorry, Steve. Twenty minutes after the hour, Eugene the Butterflies, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, he's here. Sad news is he won't be there. Good money, everyone right on back. Y'all know why, ladies and gentlemen, But he won't be Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, he's here, and I can't wait to bring him out. Ladies and gentleman. You Gene. Good morning everyone, Stephen, Tommy Shirley College Jr. J. Anthony Brown, Good morning, Good morning, Good morning. I'm coming very umbly right now, Stephen. I need your help. What's that man, because I don't know if I can well, I know that you are. I know that you are very good friends with Bishop t d J. Yeah, absolutely trusted cow Yes, And I wanted to ask you if you would see it in your heart, way down deep in your heart, to see if you would speak with him about me possibly being added to the show. Okay, okay, now listen to me. Listen to so we ain't got to go over this loan. I will be speaking to him before that. I will not be speaking to him on your behalf because I think that's a you and Tommy decision, and I think you should leave it that and not drag. But I think because he is a pastor, shepherd of a flock, and the flock got wad Mobray's wolves in the flock and we're not going in and I'm talking about non talented I'm not a wold Stephen. I'm I'm I'm leve begging you for your help. I really am, I really really want. I want to deal Maca that what would you do on the show? Well, I mean, well, how would you man? Yeah? What would you What did you open with? What would your opening act? Well? I thought I would work with you on that. Jay, I don't tell me something big, yeah, something you yeah, yeah, okay, no, because your character has to be cleared for you go to church. Yeah, who are you trying to be and what you portray and your outfits all that's got to be cleared with the church, I'm think, and something tied around the ways. That'll be nice. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, right, that's gonna Steven. I know, I'm this is probably one of the biggest things I want you to do. It huge for you, just will take you to another level too. Yeah, it'll be a whole different audience for me. So are you saying you're not gonna happen? Oh no, man, it's nothing. I gonna do it strictly between him and Tommy. Timmy right there. Tommy ain't even saying that. Why don't you get time to go talk in it. I'm not in it. I'm not talking about it. I'm not in I'm not messing up my money. All right, they'll work it out. Coming up, it's asked Steve. Any questions you want for him? Eight seven seven nine Steve eight seven seven nine, Steve Show. All right, it is time for asked Steve. You want to talk to the people, Steve, Yeah, let's go. I take a couple of calls. All right, let's go let's talk to uh line to. Let's go to line too and talk to Carlin out of Wisconsin. Carlene, Hi, Steve, how are you good? What you got? Um? I have a child. He's six years old? Okay? He has a speech problem. And I don't know on your show set that I know. I know you're set on your show because I hear you every morning that you used to have a speech issue. I want to know what am I able to do to help him? He's six years old, he has he has a very but the very speech issue does he starter? He does very badly? Oh, I can help him stop stuttering? Okay, how how am I supposed to help him? I need you to tell me what am I supposed to do? You know? To help him? Well, listen to me. First of all, you have to take him to someone who used to stutter. Well, I do to myself, but I'm not as bad as I used to be. You you good? Okay? So turn your micro right here? So how did you fix yourself from stuttering? Um? Well? Um, A certain time, I have to just make sure that if I if I'm excited, if I'm excited about anything, I have to slow it down. And I just I don't know. It just happened over the years. I mean rightly, No, it didn't just happen. You did something to stop it. You have to teach you to your son. So here's the deal. Okay, listen, I'm going to tell you her name. First of all, here's the number one rule. When your son reads, he doesn't stutter, and when he talks to him self, he doesn't stutter. Okay, he only stutters when he's speaking to people. Correct. Correct the problem he has, first of all, is he is living now since he has this problem with the anticipation of someone saying and looking at him like okay, come on, come on, you can do it, you can do and he locks him up. Here's a couple of drills you can do. Since you used to study this will help. Have him ask him a series of questions and tell him before he answers, you to say the answer to the question under his breath three times before he says it, if it takes four four times, but he doesn't stutter to himself. So once he says it under his breath to himself, wait till he said it three times, and then on the fourth time, say it, but say it looking at the ground with out looking at you. It's the eye contact of a stutter that causes him to build up the anxiety which locks in the stutter. That's the first drill you have to do. Then I want you to stand him away from you and have him walk towards you doing the same example. You know, hey, whatever how are you doing today? And have him prepare statement and say it to himself while he's walking to you. Tell him do not say it until he's saying it to himself cleanly, and then say it to the ground. After that, you've done that drill many times. Do the drill where he looks up at you after he gets it together. Next drill, take him to the mirror, stand away from the mirror where he can't see you, and ask him questions and tell him to provide the answers in the mirror looking at himself in the eye. You do these drills right here, your boy will stop study. And to all you speech therapists out there, that's it's not that simple, Steve, you don't know because you didn't stutter. I had a grown lady come to my show who started on the Steve Harvard talk show. I had her in my dressing room with three of my employees work with it for thirty minutes. She walked out of that not study. Wow, I've saved so many kids in my camp study. You could do it that. That's just the beginning. If you have any problems, called me back, bye bye bye baby to talk pell not that stuttering coming up all We're back, coming up at the top of the hour. About four minutes after that, we're gonna get into the strawberry letter. Man. It ought to be a good I don't know what it is, but you know, I mean we're here going uh huh so whatever right now, right now though, right now, your husband's prescription is ready. Man, messed up. Man, When you're pranking, you gotta be everything. Okay, Now your prescription is ready? Hello, Hello, how you doing this? Is uh pharmacy. My name is Brian, I'm the tchech here. Uh is Mr Donovan? Donovan? Is he available? Now? What can I help you with? Well? He dropped his prescription off about an hour ago. I wanted to we wanted to call let you gus know that the prescription is ready. Prescription well he um he dropped off a prescription. I'm assuming he must have looked like the doctor just wrote this prescription today, so I'm assuming he uh seems like he would probably need this pretty him, So I wanted to let you guys know it's ready, okay, And what exactly did he get a prescription for? Um? It's a Maxa seller, a Maxa selling a Marxa sill and we've got him at least fifteen tablets if he could take two tablets today. Right. My name is Brian, Yes, I'm the technician here at the pharmacy. Okay, well let me okay, Jonathan, that's my husband. Let me make sure you have the right Donovan, because well let me can we take the birthdays? Are you allowed to do that with me? Oh? Definitely, definitely? It's um? Is that correct? Yes? Okay? So what exactly is a Maxa selling for Marxa silling? Was an antibiotic, ma'am? So any type of small infections of some sort, diseases or whatever. Is it pretty much cures it? So are you telling me this is nasty? Then got something that can win and got it on my first off, He wanted the doctor and got a prescription on the just hey, he want to got something, you know what? You know what that? Brian, I'm coming down there. I'll pick up the medicine. I don't get it. And if you want that mention, he'll check him with me at my counter, because I gotta check. He then wrote that and not cast I'm gonna beat the hell out just he do not know, he does not even you know what? We brought it a new year. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you're you're what what? What can I call you about? Your first name? What's your name? Now? Communist? That's fine, just communists, No communist? Okay? Uh. First of all, I want to apologize. I had no idea that you were not aware of the actual prescription that he's that we've just feeled for him, you know, just just all a personal note. I'm just curious. Is there a possibility maybe maybe you could have given it to him? Brian? No, but you did. You have lost some of my Now, first off, you don't call my phone. First, I've know you. I'm glad you called my phone to tell me it's mine interns, that's why. And then you want to use me of giving that this? Are you going him? Don't you ever in your life. Call somebody's phone and this is a contain. Let's none of your business. What's going on in man? Okay, none of your business. You'll get out of my way. There ain't none of your business, and no, I ain't get it. Nothing to answer your questions. I've got something for y'all. And he want to come over with f st DC. You want to ask me if I gave him a cities are okay? What's the manager? Let me speak to ya managers, ma'am. I was just I was you know, I'm not trying to be unprofessional. I was just asking a personal question. I should not have asked you something like that, and I do apologize. Should we expect someone to pick up the description? And I just told you I'm gonna be picking up. I'm gonna coming up. You know what, blind you don't know who I am because I got I got a couple of words for y'all, and I still want to speak to your manager. You did. You were very unprofessional and I don't appreciate you coming at me. I'm just wanting to eat you me telling me he didn't got me st D didn't ask me? Did I give us at him? And you all up in between. No, I'm I'm not trying to get all in between your legs. Man, Apparently that's not the place to be considering you guys need a mixa zima, you know, but you get lost shot. Do you know what? Ryan? I still got some star like left from the first and guess what I'm gonna like them? Y'all, you don't play games for me. You do not even know. You do not know me. You don't know who I am. You don't know who I know and what I got. I got something for y'all? What is this prescription as? Because I know it's not the one Byron. I know it's not what did he take this? Tight? But where are you ask? Because I'm all my late? Now? Uh? Would you like my managers here? Would you like to speak with him? Man? Yeah? Put the manager on? Put your manager own. I wanted to speak from down. Uh huh? Hello, Hello, Tommy, you're the manager. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Horbin Warre on this show. When you just got praised by your husband, Donovan, I'm g him and you pipe me he needs to be out looking for a job, saying wors than three months? Don't plite with me like that got my blood push all right, Oh no, I'm coming down. I'm still coming to get you. I'm not baby, you can't come get me. Be glad. I love y'all show. Oh my god, my wife. Don't tolerate no cheese. You know, ain't no crazy, you ain't right, you won't. I got one more thing to ask. You know what is the badest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve Love Morning Show. Rong for that? Huh right, y'all don't see this, yes, sir, all right, makeup best it is. I've been telling you about it. Tickets are going very very nicely. It's gonna be what sold out. You better get your tickets now. Make afest baby a time to laugh. June Friday Night at the K Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, hosted by Yours Truly. In the headline, it's said Rica, it's all clean and we will be working for the one and only Bishop T. D. Jason. It's all clean, no cushing. No, it's not gonna it's not gonna change. As we get closer to the day, it's not gonna change. In the hell do they do? Get ready? To get ready to get ready a time. Kevin said, you need to go out there and shock Bishop t d JS. Al Right, definitely support you on that, nephew. Congratulations to you and congratulations to Ice Cube. We haven't talked about this, but Cube is going to be honored with a star on the Walk of Fame this coming Monday. Yeah, the Hollywood com that's really big, huh, says Cube will be the star will be dedicated in front of the Musician's Institute on Hollywood Boulevard. And Cube will still appear on the Bill Mar Show this Friday as scheduled. He's going to talk about. One thing he's going to talk about is the release of Death Certificate twenty five anniversary edition. Okay, and then he's gonna discuss Bill from you uh Cubes. Well, speaking of controversy, plenty of it on the Bill Mar Show. Cube is gonna be there to talk about. You know, when Bill Mar referred to himself as a house inward doing a live show, you on one deal with Cube show. Yeah, some people you know, dropped out, they didn't want to be on the show, but Cube said, no, I'm going. I'm there. Yeah, we're gonna talk about it, drop it out going the show man? We dog? Really Orlando Jones best response, Old Jones, My man, Jones, I wish we could run it, but you can't read it. Yeah, hey man, can we bleep it out and run it? Let me take a lit of bleep more time? A lot of Orlando Jones win. He made a lot of sense though. He was absolutely right. Aback, he was really really right. Hey, Shirley, Yes, your birthday coming up? Right? Yes, it is July. You're gonna throw something like a party? You mean? Oh no, I might. I haven't thought about it. What happened? What her age? What were you going to ask? Sweet? How old am I go? Yeah? I just you don't ask a woman? Hurry? How are you going? Not a gentleman even if you know you don't you well, you don't want to missing hook up with somebody under age. I can't never tell you you look good for your age, but I don't know your age. Say that he's so not a gentleman. Okay, Strawberry letters coming up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, the strawberry letter is coming up next. You know it's going to be a crazy one, as always, But first attention Steve Harvey Nation. We want you to get involved with Steve Harvey Foundation. Mentoring Camp is next week. The mission of the Stephen Marjorie Harvey Foundation is to provide outreach to fatherless young people, young men, especially by promoting educational enrichment, one on one mentoring, and global service initiatives that will cultivate the next generation of responsible leaders. That is their mission statement. I love it. It's just a great foundation. Man. We started up next week, the boys getting off the bush. We've got a lot of work, man out there. A lot of money goes into this. Man, it's a huge, very very expensive endeavor. But we're getting it done. Man, by the grace of God, we're getting it done. And by the you know, donations are some well spirited people be making a special announcement after this camp is over, and uh, it's just gonna be a wonderful experience for the boys. It's gonna be uh change, It's gonna be life changing, you know. And UH, if you want to help us, there is a way you can help. Uh. And I don't ask for your help often, but if you have a mind that you want to be a part of it, or you want to just be able to say, look, I help supply something for some of the kids, whether some clothing or food or something like that. If you text the number, we have a text donation text number on the line that says too. When you text where it says to type in nine, type in nine one. Then down there where it says text, then just type in Steve and press in and it will send you the instructions and how you can give with your debit card, your credit card to send it in by check. Whatever you want and for more information, that's right. Wants may have to take it back and just put a huge tense. Just do it, man, Go to Harvey Foundation dot com for more information. All right, come on, nephew, all right, buckle up and hold on. Type we gotta fell you here. It is a strong every letter. Here we go, Steve subject. Wow, that's what it says. Hey, Steven Shirley. I'm so hurt right now, and it's my own fault. My boyfriend and I came back to the house last night and my friend told him how I went out with this other dude the other night. Now my man won't even speak to me. I just had to go out one more time to see the other guy. But I love my man and I want to be with my man. The sex wasn't even that great with the other guy, but he has big hands, if you know what I mean. I don't want that. I want my man. But now it's all messed up because my girl ran her mouth. Should I beg his forgiveness or go ahead to the next one? Oh, I always got a few in the bag because that's what I do. Whoo whoop. It's a crazy letter man. And and don't blame this on your girl. First of all, you told her that's number one. But don't blame this on her. You brought all of this on yourself, all of this just by the way you wrote your letter. You brought all this. You're the one that had to go just one more time with that other guy. Uh So you're just all over the place, aren't you. You're just here, You're just there. But you really love this guy. But if you really loved your man, then what are you doing over there for a booty call with this other man with these big old hands? And we know what that means. Okay, don't with Garland. We've heard that a few a few times. Anyway, why why would you jeopardize your relationship with this guy if you really loved him? So again, you're all over the place. Should you beg his forgiveness? I mean, you could do it, but he knows now he's probably not gonna take you back. You messed up. Don't blame it on the girl. You did it to yourself, Steve Um. Subject will first of all a letter full of contradictions, you know, man. And and then when look, I just think that when people write some letters, I just don't care. I really really don't. And and this this chick has a tone of arrogance to herself that I really just don't like. You know, um you here, here, here are the contradictions. Uh, Stephen Charlotte. I'm so hurt right now, and it's my own fault. My boyfriend right there, you have boyfriend? Okay? Cool, So now the rest of this letter becomes almost unnecessary. I came back to the house last night and my friend told him I went out with this other dude. What other dude? Wait a minute, you got a boyfriend, but you're so called friend told your boyfriend that you went out with this In your words, other dude, I don't understand the other night. Now my man won't even speak to me. Oh here your man now, But he wasn't your man the other night. See, I'm just I'm just trying to work with you on this letter. I just had to go out one more time to see the other guy. But I love my man. I'm so confused. Let me explain something to you that I used to hear my father say to my sisters all the time. You can't do what I do and steal bl Yeah, he say that you can't do what I do and steal b L. So you can't sleep around trick and all this here and want to go to work and be a lady. See if we all went, like, for example, you all listen to the Escapades of Tommy, y'all just laugh, gig it's Tommy. One of y'all come in here and tell that story one time one time. Just can't work. You lose all everything, everybody watching or listening because it's double standards and you can't do what I do and still be like, she don't get that I want to be with my The sex wasn't even that greatly. Yeah, I thought you just went out and ate something I thought, y'all went to just and saw movies, so you want just got just been out there just getting just now and then he got big hands if you know what I mean? Yeah, we know what that? What do that mean? What do what do? What do it really mean in the total scheme of now that you've lost your man, hire, I don't want that. I want my man, but nots all messed up because my girl ran her mouth your girl? That's what if it got down to your girl? Are you for real? Did your girl's fault? See you just you just all over the place. She did the dirt. Now she wants to ask me a question. This is crazy, this question? Should I beg its forgiveness? Go ahead to the next one right there? Because she always has a few in the bag. She said, what's the other thing? Whoo? Whoo? Man? What she don't even care? Do that a lot in l a who? So you're gonna bring the real as soon as we come back. Are two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the or you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next, it's a girl Cheryl Underwood. But Steve, you've got to finish up your response to part two of Today's Strawberry Letter. Right now, come on, all right, uncle subject woe You know, you know it really ticks me off about this lady. She sounds like a man. Yeah, her whole actions is man. There's some messo. Dude. She's really young too, wouldn't you say? Um but be Yeah, but she's in for a life of misery and she can't even see this coming. Um. Should I beg his forgiveness or go ahead to the next one? You know what you're You're the woman that gives good women a bad name. That I mean, you really are. So many women out there are searching and trying to find a good man. You get one, and now you're passing yourself out like a box of chitless down at the movie theater. You're just some milk dugs going down the road. You know, by time the box come back to you, it ain't gonna be worth nothing. See the dangered part that this girl don't understand is see man eventually, once they know that's how you play in the game. You cannot play this game like we do. You cannot do what we do and still be a lady. It don't come back the same way. So now what you're doing is you're causing yourself to head for a life of misery. And then you're arrogant. Oh should I move on to the next one. Oh, I always got a few in the bag, That's what I do. Woo woo. See see right there, that's where I lost it to you. And that's why you're gonna always be in a trick bag. You know you're gonna always be in a trick bag because see you, you, you, you, you. You don't get it. You don't get it, and by the time you get it, so many men gonna be the ran through you. Your reputation gonna be so stink. If you run into Mr. Wright, you ain't gonna be right for him, because you got to start practicing what you want to happen in your life, and you get exactly what you put out. You know, you read what your soul, the law of attraction is in a place. So all you're gonna do is bring me into old life that ain't gonna do you right because you ain't doing me and right and just what makes a good man go bad? And things like this happened to him? No, but this, this is what messes it up for so many women out there. Now, you got a guy who won't really go bad, but he might be a little bit less trusting. You know, men have baggage to you know, for sure. Men don't always you know, but you know who, I always got a few in the back. We'll go ahead on. That's what I do. Yeah, that's what made me not care about it, because you know all of this. I'm so hurt right now. I really won't my man. I love him, I don't want that, but I got a few in the bag. That's what I do about anything. Take your little trick tale on. Don't go where you're going, all right, we have to go, sir, email or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter. At my girls, Shirley, Uh, come on, Steve introduced our girl. She is here from the Talk Cheryl Underwood's gonna be different legies and gentlemen. Here she Underwood thanking Mr Steve so nice from aute. I don't even know what that is. I don't even know music because again soun Underwood. So Hey, I'm just glad to be introduced. Hey, I'm on my way to Houston for the Southern Regional meeting of Zata to my brother James Brown, five Beta Sigma the House. And then next week we'll be in South Central UM in Southern Region, will be in Houston, South Central will be in Nashville, and then I'll be at the Stardom in Birmingham, Alabama. Yes, we're still doing a live comedy out there. So but there's so many things out that I don't know are really funny or not. It's ice kill going on to Bill Marshall, What night is that? What night is that? Juniors? And now throw Friday? Are we watching? Are we watching? Kill? With the throat with the pick? Thank you, thank you? Jillian. Let me tell you something. Can I tell you what would be funny? If he came on with Maxine Waters, that would be hilarious. You see that Maxine don't take no she don't take no smack because they already that's right, she stayed whoke, so they already got that grutter. Bill Maher used to date or whatever. You don't talk about this every day? A courage? How do you? This is my thing? You know? Because I don't you know, I don't stepped into the vanilla pon every once in a while, you know, I drink a little and vanilla pon you know, you know, yeah, hey man, listen me and you Jamie Brown, you know we're trying to keep people together. But nothing but ain't no way you can let that come out your mouth and without fighting. And he just did. He shouted out there, shot it out, Jill, shut it out. Wait a minute, do we care about the Bill Cocky trial? Do we care at all? I ain't even want Yeah we care care? Wait, but but code me about to testify, But nobody cares about Bill Cocky? Right, listen, listen, call us. They say he about to the president about the wiggle out of this one. Because everybody trying to act like he never told me to break the law. To us, he never told me. Do you know what? They're scared up. That's why I think they're scared, because you know, I'm any body. I think they scared up. If they admit that he told them something, then they also admit that they was dumb enough to be in the room to hear it. You know what I'm saying, It's like you call something, you call in something. You know, where where's Eric Older when we need where's Blair Underwood? Off? L A law, where's the black throwback? We need somebody to like them? This everything is not juice? You know what else is not as juicy as I thought it was gonna be the Bachelorette with the sister on it. You don't like man, Well it's I. It's interesting because they say the brothers about to jump on the other dudes for calling somebody aggressive. But one of them dudes, it's strangely aggressive. I want to be with you, but I've never been a relationship. We're still we're still live Cheryl. Okay, I almost blurted out, oh speaking to live? Okay? Can I say this, Shirley if I can't tell me now? Have you never called somebody you? Have you ever called somebody and you thought you were their friend until they let you know you were not? Did you? You did not call like a dummy? Like a dummy dummy? Man? Listen. It was we was arguing on the bluetooth and my Bentley like we were too last because they used to be together. Alright, Cheryl, without wrong, without wrong, Thank you girl, you know we love you. Alright. We'll be back right after this jam. You're listening to Steve unless you live on the Rocky. Probably notice that there's summer times out there. Here's a Summer secret book. Direct at Choice Hotels dot Com to get the lowest prices on their rooms guaranteed. So let your boss know you're taking some time off and choose from eleving hotel brands like Comfort n Sweets. Y'all know I love sweets. It was six thousand, five hundred locations. There's Choice Hotel wherever you're trying to go. Bought a book, bought a boom book director Choice Hotels dot Com seriously like right now. Terms and conditions apply. See Choice Hotels dot com for details. Ladies and gentlemen, she is here. We're hearing from her quite regularly. Now again. Uh please welcome sister. O'Dell my lord, my lord, my lord. Hey day in the morning, Get monies. Everyone's tommy, yes, ma'am, Hi boy, how you doing good? Good? Junior Mornus is oldal morning, Mornus is so deal, Mornings is little deal. M just as the best you could do. Sweetie, You really got to work on your boys, because that look, you know, your your name can't be junior and you sound junior too, So I'm gonna have to get up around. What the hewll is you now? Junior? Uh more? She needs to get up in the thirtiesh yes, ma'am. Can't be that sounded like you Nan. Yes, now, I know you're gets girls, but you need just started checking. I d yes, I know, I know. They make them real thick now and they can't fool you. You need to check. I d jr oh Jem Brown. Good morning, sister old. How are you doing today? Beautiful? Beautiful? Good? Hey Colin? Okay, sister, oh deal, how are you. That's a little Tasha. She's doing really good. I'm seen on it. I've seen on Infagram. Got always ma'am. Yeah, I'm so proud, thank you, Sony roll, Yes, ma'am. Good morning. How are you. I'm doing good? Welcome back. So, hi's Mexico. I haven't been to Mexico and like a couple of years, I think, yeah, now one minute, sweet, what's your hump night? Well, I'll tell you what it's not. It's not Mexico. It's Ernesto. Just call him Mexico. He's doing fine, thank you, all right. He's nice fella. I've seen him out a couple of times, just as nice and diligence, as you know. And he's a gentlemist too. I've seen him opening the door for you. You tak a sweet time getting out, but he opened it. Yes, he's nice. Thank you for asking. Yeah, what's going on? What is y'all talking about? Well, there's so much going on. Did you hear about Bill Maher? Um? What happened with him? He used the N word. He referred to himself as a house in word. He was talking to s the White Fellow. Yes man Bill Maher. Uh yeah, oh, so he wants to be one of Oh okay, he wants to be anywhere. Now, Well he was joking about it, you know. Yeah, I like a good joke, you know, jokey joke, uh huh. But needs to spend about two weekends in the projects. But he could want to be one then because you go down there, you show he is gonna be a house in where because you're betting that kass outside if you don't want to sign up for that song? Wow? Yeah, you know, I don't you know, I don't wouldn't really, I don't. You know he's supposed to be a comedian, you know, so you know, Steve them and time at Jake here they all cross the line. Oh, yes, I didn't give it them. You call yourself what you want bet now you've bet that fire off over here though, Bill Mahrr will be Bill yesterday if he says something to me like that more what it want? Just say what they wanted to say. He was talking to another white man, wasn't he? Yes, show is getting comfortable. But because of rap music. Now, once you put it out there and let them have it, then they're using Now you want to be mad and quit saying it in your songs. Okay at that time out the end words in Paris. Now when one is down here on TV. Now you're mad at it? Well, y'all was over in Paris and you sung about it. Rappers, get on my last damn there. What if the rappers that were saying that, well, who was there? That was ja? Oh, I don't mess with jay Z. He got tem married to Beyonce. I like they just wonderful family and I like he's he can rout? Did you never careful? You much? You must think I'm Monique or somebody like I'm gonna say something I just happen. Oh, my life up in the fat down I'll tell you what I heard Monique when she was up at the parlor. Now, Jesus, work wrong with you. She's a little upset. Just wasn't thinking on that, were right? There? One thing a person to tell a person to miss you. It's another. They ain't telling to kiss you crack uh huh. But now once she wants a person to inhale, uh see you cab, you still do that. But once you start telling them to inhale, only she wants you to say kiss my a. And that's different because everybody got one. You tell to kiss something else and that's the individual. Wow. Did you hear about the ninety four year old woman um who became the oldest woman to Pete and a half marathon. She crossed the finish line at the Rock and Roll in San Diego Half Moon Marathon. This just this past Sunday. She was ninety four years old. Harrie Harriet Thompson, Harrod Thompson. Yeah, from Charlotte, North Carolina. She from Charlotte. That's Harrid Tubman's granddaughters. Baby, it's not yes, it is. Wait way you think she got all that running from? You don't have me down here? Went down on that underground railroad got your coach, took him back up off a blood. She's been running and she just ran a marathon. It ain't that we were running from hounds. You ain't ran the the no pressure had water out there. We've drinking creek water. I followed herself one time with with some leaves and hair, some brown lung. We'll be back after these jams, Carlos. Reality update is coming up to Alright, carl Peace and power people. This is Jill Scott and you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, we're back. It's time. It's time, it's time. It's time for reality update. Likee Junior, thank you, thank you, thank you everything man we Kevin Durant. That didn't he alright, I'm all right, let's get going Reality update. First of all, let me say this. I'm so excited you guys to be a part of the Essence Eats experience. This is an Essence Best right in New Orleans. It's going down featuring celebrity chefs. Oh, it's going down Essence Eats. That they picked the right person to host that right, yummy yummy New Orleans Convention sent a going down June thirty through July second, So go to my Instagram page at lips by Carla to get more of the details. Now let's get going love and hip hop. Atlanta girl Girl, We girl, our girl, Rashida. Okay, So she was working at her shop, you know, she has a boutique, and this dude, this young guy, walks in. His name is Logan, and he tells Rashida that Jasmine is the you know, Jasmine, the alleged baby mama of Kirk's secret baby, Kirkiss, Rashida's husband, you know, remember all this drama. Okay, So Logan says that he believes that Jasmine's baby is his baby and that he's going to do a DNA test to find out, you know, to get to the truth of the matter. That kind of shocked Rashida, but Rashida was cool with Logan giving the information. He had all kinds of evidence, improof, and that the girl Jasmine named the baby boy named her son after this young man, Logan's father. So Rashida's like, cool, get a DNA test because her husband, Kirk has been dragging his feet about doing it, and then that's another way that Rashida can find out possibly if her husband is the father of this baby. That this young lady Jasmine says that it is Kirk's baby. So there you go. You're caught up on that now, Tammy walk a flock of flames wife. She decided, don't ask me to say that. Twice. She put together a girl's getaway trip and they went to Jamaica. The ladies decided to go to Jamaica to get away from their men troubles. You know how we do. Surely our girls get away. Yes, yes, I'm not mad at one. Okay. They went to Jamaica and uh, the guys waka flocka. He's having problems with his wife, Tammy. They're still, you know, kind of not together. She let him move back in. Yeah, he is on probation. Well, his wife was the one that put the trip together. So he tells the guys, hey, the ladies are on the trip to Jamaica. They decided to go crash the trip. So the fella, Yeah, the fellas decide they're gonna go to Jamaica. Now, young Jock, he can say what he wants to say about Carly read but I think he's sprung over her because he goes, Yeah, he goes all the way to Jamaica. Who does that? Does that? Yeah? Yeah? Exactly for love? Yeah yes, yes, keeping one. So we'll see next week, we're gonna find out. We'll see the Fellas show up. Kirk is even there. He's gonna show up to talk to Rashida and she's gonna tell him about her experience or her encounter with this young guy Logan who claims to be the baby daddy of his alleged baby drama. So we'll see what happens at the country probation who waka flocka? He's on probation with his with his wife that kind of yeah, allegedly cheating on his wife and things like that. Let's move on. Yeah, even if if it's not Kirk's baby, does Rashida still take them back or how did how does that work for you? Because he still cheated cheated? Yeah, yeah, he's still cheated, allegedly cheated. Yeah, they're having problems in the marriage and he said, he said he made a mistake, he apologized to his wife, and they were having problems at the time. What I didn't like about what Kirk was saying he was kind of basically blaming his wife Rashida his infidelity issues. That's what I did like that there was nobody else standing there. Ride it out, Junior, just but there was nobody else there too, blame your fault. I was out there. Yeah, but we will see. We will see what happens next week. It looks pretty good. And uh Dime and Tammy. You know Shirley, I love Dime. I really like Jessica Domes. She's trying to get herself together. She has her boyfriend and her and Tammy. They apologize and squashed their beat. So now, yeah, you are all caught up on love and hip hop Atlanta. Let's move on. Here we go, you guys. Former Basketball Wives star. Do you know Laura? I think her last name is go Van Laura go Van or go Vain. Yeah. She has four children from former NBA star Gilbert Arenas. Do you guys remember, Okay, well, Laura was a guest star on the show Uh eyan La Fixed My Life, you know the show on Yeah Ja, He's so stupid, He's so stupid. Laura wanted yan La to change her public image and you know, kind of break free from this bad behavior reality star image that Laura has kind of created on TV. And Laura is in the middle of a nasty custody battle with her children's father, Gilbert Arenas. And Gilbert, you know, he has the money, he has the power as a strong financial fight, and Laura and her parents they feel that she may be at risk of losing her children and so they kind of want her to just to get it together. But listen to eyan La. She tells Laura to stop fighting Gilbert, take a listen. I'm afraid to You're not gonna But no, you don't know. No, you don't know because you keep fighting to hold onto him. And when it got to you yesterday, you're not gonna lose your kids. You don't want to. His fight is not with those kids, for those kids, about those kids. His fight is to take you down right there, Get out, Take your time you should have with me. I get Rather, I'm saying, sound just like me. You're not gonna lose your kids. He's going to take you down. I'm saying you gotta go Reality Update. Rather, you're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Doctors recommend that people get seven hour sleep at night. Okay. According to a new study, they suggest that getting extra hours of sleep on the weekends, known as social jet lag, can lead to poor health, bad moods, and fatigue. Getting extra hours. They suggested getting extra hours of sleep on the weekends, known as social jet lag, can lead to poorer health, bad moods, and fatigue. I think that they mean not getting extra sleep extra I'm looking at it. Or if you get extra sleep, if you sleep too much on the weekends, okay, all right, every extra hour of sleep over your normal sleep patterns could result in an eleven percent increase in the risk of heart disease. Okay, so if you sleep too much, yeah, you're talking about ruining it. You can sleep now. So this suggests that a regular sleep schedule maybe an effective, relatively simple, and inexpensive preventative treatment for heart disease, as well as many other heart problems health problems. So just get your normal amount of sleep during the week and then you don't have to get extra sleep on the weekend. We travel so much, we forget where we are. No, we went in New York. Yeah, now you wake up in l A and you like, I got three more hours? No food, l A work at three am, so that's on your body land. And then on the other hand, it's it's very hard for us to get seven hours of sleep at night during the week with this schedule. Yeah, we're good if we get four or five. Talking about sleeping, too much sleeping and all that. Yeah, you don't sleep well, but you're not asleep. But you know, I think people are overdoing it. You cannot sleep eight hours a day. You can't. It's a third of your life. You cannot be asleep eight hours every day. That's one third of your entire life. Man, you can't be asleep a third of your life in acquire anything not of great value. Now, you can have a job if that's all you want. Didn't cool, ain't no problems, But you can't want more in life and be sleep fade hours. So let's suggests that a regular sleep schedule maybe an effective, relatively simple, and inexpensive preventative treatment for heart disease as well as many other heart problems, health problems. That's why I like naps. They just show up. Napple just unexplained. I'm here. Yeah, I'm gonna knock you between Jay's talking about especially when your chin is on with man. You've been in it. Step on the plane one time, man with ship. And when I woke up, I was on the aisle whe staring at me. I felt my dribble going down. A man in front of my shirt was riched Oh my god. Yeah man, yeah. When the white person sitting next you said, well, somebody got a get nap, he said, said the entertainer had a partner name KB, And we was all in first class and we fell asleep. KB was snowing so loud. We was laughing so hard. It's white got next to him kept waking him up. He woke KB up the third time. KB said, wake me up again, Yeah, one more time. My mama used to snow really, brother, brother, all right, we'll be back right back after these James. All right. When you're short on time, sometimes you have to grab lunch on the go, like at a gas station or something like that. These days, there are plenty of healthy options at most convenience stores, and thirty one year old Frank Beard is living proof of that. He's an Iowa man. He lost eighty pounds a few years back by changing his lifestyle, and last summer he spent thirty days eating only at gas stations to prove he could get nutritious meals there all right. Now, he's traveling the country to share his story, and some people are working two jobs, long hours, non traditional hours, Beard says, so it makes sense to eat out for a lot of people. So I wanted to show them that they could do that and still make healthy choices. Of course, some locations are better than others, but lots of gas stations offer fresh fruit, veggie salads, and sandwiches these days. Beard says. The key is making healthy choices when you're surrounded by chips, candy, and other less nutritious, tempting options. Uh so, you guys, Stephen j. You know you mentioned about traveling a lot. Uh so can can you eat healthy? About the convenience stores at four and save four thirty in the morning, you're coming from the club. You don't know how long them chicken wings have been there, but there's no place else to get chicken wings. They're healthy, They're gonna eat the chicken. You don't care. You know you got a guy behind the gun's gonna lie to you. We just put them out from Dick. Yeah really, Jay Junior, tell them are they good and what you're gonna get them chicken wings, although they're not even hot. You're gonna grab him like chickens. Man, you're not lonely've been there, you don't care. But they're good. Yeah, yeah, yeah, done that there, Mike Rubbery. But you don't give a day. Oh my god. This is interesting because I'm always a little leary concerned about the Ya. You ain't got time to be waiting about how long it's been. Eventually, be on the road in small little towns and stuff. Yeah, and that's the last slice of pizza. Oh yeah, wrap that up. I'll be taking that with me. I'll be taking that with my favorite meal at a gas station. Yeah, I kid you not cola joke. Cola when I was I don't remember that cola yeah, or some type of cola. And two damn moon pas. Oh my goodness. And you could hit the road. You could hit the road, man, Yeah, you could. You could do some driving over that. I'm like my girlfriend and that when she said I cannot mix my sweets. Can't she can't eat sweets with sweets, drink a soda and then eat it and do it. Cancel each other, cancel. Well, back in the day, B d that, Betty would you're listening right, It's almost that time. Steve comes around once a year usually talking about your mentoring camp for boys. It's actually going to be next weekend, next week. It starts next Tuesday. Yeah, next Tuesday, next weekend. I'm bringing them down into the Oh don't just below make up my head to get another camp this year. My other one had a couple of situations in it. I went on and got another camp. Uh, so I could serve with some more boys and some other areas. Two otter fifty boys will be getting off the bus on Tuesday with their mothers um except for the junior councilor s they come along. The moms will be here. We've got great programs lined up for the mom But we're gonna take them boys. We're gonna shape them. We're gonna redesign they think, and we're gonna put something else in their head. We're gonna teach them a lot about discipline. We're gonna teach them about manhood, and we're gonna teach them about dreaming. God is a huge part of manhood. It's a lot simpler if you include God. When we talked to these boys, we spend all the time with them. I come in that evening, man, and I'm there the whole time. It's not a camp where I show up at the end of something or greet them and then I'm gone. I'm at the camp the whole time. How different is you're mentoring now from when you when you're very first started your boys camp. Well, um, it's evolved until we have a much stronger after after care program. The follow up program is out standing, headed up by Frank Hollom. We have more events for the boys after the camp is over. Now we go to games, we socialize, we have meetings. Yeah, we keep up with two boys. I've seen the boys up there at one time at the office. They was up there cleaning up. Man. They working again. So we keep we keep in contact with them. And after care program is much better. And then our facilities we use are stronger. And then there's a lot more to do, and we have more counseling available, and we have more courses and stuff for the moms to take and get it. I love the success stories that the guys that come that are hardcore. They're not going to do anything you can say to them. And then by the time they leave, you know, they're all humble and you know, just excellent kids. After that, you know, it's something about what you guys do at the camp that can change their lives for real. It is because I had to come to the conclusion we have an educational component, but every child is not going to college. Every child don't even want to go to college. M There's some guys who want to go to the military, girls who want to go to the military, people that want to start working. You know, I mean, you know, we have it for everybody. But the one thing we are consistent, no matter what's route in life you want to take, we want you to be the best citizen, the best man, the best father, to the best husband that you can be. We're trying to make great citizens and we are. We're changing boys live. If you can help us, it'll be great. Uh. Textas number and your text button the press the where the line says to I want you to type in text Steve and press in and then they'll tell you what to do. Huh. What made you change the location from the well? Because when I do when I fly boys in and I use local boys, I was using a lot of local Texas boys and so I decided to as I'm a fly a hundred of the men, and I'm gonna use a hundred from the area. Then I moved it over to Atlanta so we could get some Georgia boys in it. Sometimes we're getting from North Carolina. Sometime they drive from Floridas, you know. But it's kids, just more access to different boys, so it's not the same pool, that's all it was. It did that right there, and also next weekend as Father's Day weekend. I'm always there on Father's Day because Father's Day is a pretty usually pretty cold day for these kids, but that don't have fathers in their lives. Right up, my daddy was not there. I'd love to hang out. Well, that's what it is. That's what they provide role models for boys. And then you want to be rolling. I don't want to be up no Roma. I want to hang out and fish and swam, and I don't want to be you want to you sta. Every year the queues come out from a big numbers, Big Blue and Big Ricky Lewis head up that program with the bros. A lot of capitals come from it too, out of Alpha's you know, he's been stigma and I'll still be there. Yeah, that's really cool. And they talked to him about their jobs and their lives. You know, everybody is gonna be a rapper. Let's stop this. Mm hmmm. So it's just really really interesting. Man's Chris work Man. You're doing also his Father's Day weekend next weekend. And Uh, I want to offer some money saving things. I've got a new soap line that's in Walmart called Built Built Soap for Men b I LT. It comes in some fragrances that I created from my travels of love of beaches, uh and stuff like that in the outdoor boy I'm a country boy so and I also came up with some old Havanna fragrances for the cigar dudes out there. Don't smell like cigars, but it has, you know, forgot more manly names and manly fragrances. I got Grand Havanna to Havanna Bay out there, and I got another beautiful fragrance called Prohibition. We all know my dad was about. You know, if you're Scott Bourbon dude, you know, have like a little connact, little nice cocktail every now and then. You know, we got some soaps in there and remind you that with the color I got African soap, which is black. Beautiful. Frag is one of my favors, and I created that man, so you won't go to Walmart and get your man some built soaps so he don't have to, you know you stuff that don't sound like it's for me, and all right, like a dull say that. For more information, go to Harvey Foundation dot com. Harvey Foundation dot com. What you guys, can you take us home? Steve? All right, go home. I'm sorry. A great weekend, y'all. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary board where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.