Ice Cube Explains N-Word and Steve Has 2 New TV Shows - 06.13.17

Published Jun 14, 2017, 9:38 PM

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Y'all know what time is, y'all don't know, y'all bag all song looking back the back down, giving them just like the Melican buck bus things and it's touble y'all to me, true good to Steve, hardy guy and listening to me together for stuh hand, Hobby, why don't you join, yeah, Hobby, join me in doing me? Honey said, you got to turn on let go. You gotta turn to turn out turn lovey, got to turn out to turn to turn the water the water go, comey, come on your back, huh I shall well, good morning everybody, y'all listen to the bars, come on, dig me not want and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man on Man on man. Grateful for it comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I didn't really know I was gonna have to be this responsible, you know, Um, can I share something with y'all? I started out to Finally I had gotten on track and was able to see a way to even uh pursue my dream. It has been a long, a long trip that I've been on, and I've gone through so many phases of it. It is rewarding along the way to accomplish your dreams. What I'm saying is this, let me, let me put it together, because I got so much running through my head right now. You know it's it's one thing to accomplish your dreams, but there's joy in the process of achieving it. See, some people are so caught up in the goal, the final goal, that they find no joy, no enjoyment in the process. If you have found what it is you want to do and you strike out on that journey, please understand you are far more blessed than the average person. Do you understand that to know what it is you really want to do, to find your work in life, your purpose, to find out what direction you want to go in is such a blessing. The average person, if you sit down and talk to them, oftentimes don't have their life on track. And it'd be some people that you're looking at you think God are going on because of their appearance, their swagger, or they walk like it, they talk like it, they look like it. But if you sit down and talk to the average person, the average person man does not know what their purpose is, has not discovered what they wanna do, and have no idea how to get there. If you are on the other side of that, If you understand your purpose, if you have an idea of what you wanna be, and you are on your way there, you are truly blessed. And in that blessing, you must recognize it as a blessed. You must recognize the fact that you are you are on the right side, and that there should be a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of pride in you that you are on track to accomplish your goal. See what used to happen was sometimes I used to keep my nose so on the grindstone that I wouldn't even look up and realize. Man, hey man, I know you're trying to get here, but Steve, hold on, man, can't you see what you've done so far? Can't you find just some joy in the process. See, a lot of us lose the joy of the blessings God has given us because we're looking at the end tomorrow. I ain't there yet, You're on your way. I'm gonna give you an example. I had a friend who told me that they wanted to be a million now, and they asked me some questions and I told him, so they started the process. And I am telling you this dude works extremely hard. So about a year later we were talking. He had found this business, he had uh set his goal, and he was working towards it. Then about two years later I ran up into him again. We were talking about it and everything. It's a man really really appreciate advice. He said, Man, but this is this is it is all jacked up, man, because I still ain't made that million I was talking about. I said, well, hey, man, just just keep at it. It's coming. He's a man. Keep at it. Man, You know how long I've been doing this? And I got quiet because, yeah, I know exactly how long you've been been two years now. And I didn't say that to him, but I said to myself, yeah, two years. He said, Man, I've been grinding so long. Man, it's just it ain't having it fun me. I said, wait a minute, man, hold hold on, hold on. I said, about how much you're making right now a year, man, about two hundred fifty thousands. I quit breathing. I said, well, my man, two years ago you didn't have a clue. Two years later, you're making a quarter of a million dollars. I said, man, do you understand how blessed you are? I said, man, your family was about to get put out two years ago. You don't borrow the house? Yeah, man, but this ain't the house. I really won't whoa partner? Whoa I got that? I got that house. You really won't make Mike car five eight million. I don't know. But man, y'all got a house, you're making a payments. You driving. You ain't out nor more. I said, hold on, man, you gotta stop. I said you got to stop. I said, man, because right now, man, you you're coming across as real ungrateful to me. So I know God, who has done all this for you, got to be looking at you with his own folded. But then he God, so he probably handled it all together different. I was just speculating with him, and so he said, Man, why are you tripping like that? Man? Man, you act like don't nobody want to have nothing but you? I said, whoa man, where are you going with this conversation? I said, Oh, I didn't come to you. I just came to you and asked you how you doing. And I'm trying to point out to you that the journey that you started on, that you are on your way and you are in the process of accomplishing your goals, and can you not feel some joy and some pleasure in your accomplishment. Quit tripping on the fact that you ain't made a million yet? You on your way. You don't went from your He thought, this dude was making fit. Ain't thousand dollars a year? You making quarter of a million dollars in two years? May come on, man, can't you see? Can't you see? So? He said? Eventually a man, I kind of see what you're saying. But that ain't about nothing to me because I ran up into him a year and a half later. How you doing, man, man? I showed wish I had appreciated my life when I had it like that? I said, what you mean, had it like that and just fell on some hard times? Man? Right back? Why I was? And then we talked. I said, hey, man, don't worry about it. I said. Once you know how to accomplish something, I said, you just reapply the same principles and start on over again. Man, you know how hard it is to be the start over? Okay, my man, hold up, partner, you've ben do yourself like this again. First, she wasn't grateful for what you had. Now you're looking at the fact that you might have to start over, and you know how hard it is to start over, but you have the knowledge, the principles, and you got a little bit of money to go on and get it going again. I said, Man, don't keep doing this to yourself. I said, Man, you ain't grateful no matter what God do for you. So what you need to do, partner, stop reassess yourself the fact that you were not grateful in the first place. Could that be the reason why? You know? Man, maybe I'm not calling it cause I ain't God. I do not know how he thinks, nor do I claim to know. But let's just imagine for a moment. Let's just say, maybe for a moment, maybe God said, Okay, you ain't happy with this. Okay, didn't handle it your way? You obviously ain't happy with the way I'm bringing it into your life. You want to handle it your way, Go ahead and handle it because he will let you have it your way. Can I tell you that he will let you do it exactly the way you want to it because He gives us all the power of choice. So then maybe he said, Okay, you don't appreciate the way I'm doing it. You don't like the favor I'm showing you. You think it's taken too long. I'm gonna let you do it your way. I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm just gonna let you do it your way. Just just say. Maybe he said that, and now he right back where he was. So what I try to get the young cat to understand was, man, appreciate your life for what it is, because like um life, Jenny's got that song that he got out off this album. Still I still believe it could have been worse. And now that it is worse, what's on your mind now, folks, if you are on that side of life where you have figured out what you wanna do, you know how you're gonna get that, and you know your purpose. You're accomplishing what the majority of people never ever do. So be grateful for your process. Don't tumble yourself, don't throw yourself off the cliff. It's gonna be all right. Success takes a measure of time. It is not easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. All right, y'all. I'm sorry this morning if I sounded a little all over the place, in a little jumble, but That's how it came to me. So you know, uh, y'all keep your head up. Twenty one minutes after the hour Steve Harvey Morning Show. Won't they do it? Won't it do it? But what did they? Yes? He will, Yes he will. Morning to everybody, Monday, Monday morning. Now, I'm shocked you having so much energy this morning. You were all over last night. I'm shocked. Huh. I got a whole night of TV yea bottom right, I can't tell you man, what's going on Steve Harvey's ABC. Yeah, that's all they needed to It's Steve probably everything else. Everybody gonna moved today. Yeah, yeah, happy Monday. Yeah, after a big Sunday. Yeah, it's like that before we talk about that show. Yeah, let us all be gathered in United prow for the Cavaliers, gracious God off by some miraculous deed of yours, some unrelented wheel on behalf of the players tonight. Low, you can just get this game back to Cleveland. I know it don't look like but I'm asking for the unseemingly, the unlikely, who the improbable. I need you. We're asking all these things for the Cavaliers tonight, as they faced the raft of the light. Skin here out west light skinning people with a couple of dog boards. This is dangerous coming me was to asking you ever that a new cavalier would rise up Tristan. Somebody have a game out they dralls. Get this game back to Cleveland some way. I don't want nobody to get hurt. Protect them all, keep them safe. But maybe if you could just help Stephen just not remember how to shoot. Don't hurt him. Lord, just have a brain fought fifteen times in the game on a technical just looks Warriors. The question is Steve, you are the basketball guy. Can it happen? Can it really happen? It's possible, Chris, It's gonna be a brand for the Lord to the same Steve Lord. All right, Uh, we'll be back with ask the CEO. As we started off this work week, it is Monday. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Well, it's his favorite segment. We struggle with it, but it's time for a c on this Monday. Well here we all did. It's staffles. Uh, good morning, begin on this glorious Monday morning. Questions for the CEO? What can I do for you? Okay? Yeah, I have a question. See there have been several reports UM out lately that show that UH employers can get the best work and production from their staffs if they treat them nicer, if they give them bonuses like a Christmas time things like that. If um, you know, just if they show more appreciation, they'll get better production out of their staff. Your thoughts, sir, exactly what job are you referring to? What? Which company? Any company? There was there was a study done any company just if you're unemployed here, if you have a staff, they're saying they're more appreciative, they're more the more you appreciate them, the more productive they are. I find everybody's production on this show to be up to pass thus far. Therefore, I see no reason for up to production. Yes, yeah, Carla, go ahead with good question. It's a great question. Okay, So it's Monday, sir, we're starting off the work week. We want to get everybody motivated. You know, you just mentioned bonuses. That's a great way to get things going. You want to talk about that. I think the greatest motivation factor in the world is your check. But that but we're gonna beyond and we do our job we go over and above. That's right. Have you done anything to go beyond right now? You mean at this moment on the end? What time do you get off? Uh? Today? Will It'll be a little later. I think we're working a little later to that. Well after that, what do you do? I go home? There you have it? What does that mean? What what does that have to do with the You get off, you go home, you come to work, you get your check. That's how this work. Questions, we don't pay go home money here we go real quick. So not, it's really not a question. We just don't like the way you answer us. Yeah, finally somebody we answer the question and the answer don't really feel friendly enough. Can we get more friendly answers? Well, that's absolutely fine with me. Question you know, uh the game come on the night and you know, do the company have a sweet we can get? No, this company is down in Atlanta. The Hawks ain't in it. That's Cleveland, the Golden State. Ain't no sweets for this hill. But I'm from Cleveland. I have a sweet. I have a block named after me in Cleveland with the school that see that there is no eye in us. That is and them is the facts all right, okay, maybe we're going about you want to see your questions. You're taking too long. Okay, all right, here we go. Um okay, perhaps you know, maybe we shouldn't ask for bonuses and extra money and things like that. Maybe we should ask for herks like, um, you know love it. How about a company car? Maybe you know a gas a gas allows right now? Yeah? Yeah, you ceo by a woman a car. It has to involve some type of sexual faith. I don't want to keep your come walking. Wow keep you damn My wife got a car. You know we sleep together in buses. Yeah. I don't give a damn what you said. You don't work here. It never goes right. Okay, So maybe I can ask this question about resources and budgets and capital budget to give maybe new equipment and upgrade. Refute the laptop. Yeah, you can take care. There's a radio show. You want upgrade laptop. You need a job at Apple. You work with microphones, talking jokes, entertaining the news. That's what we do. We don't got to upgrade mix. All our mix is working, All our mix is clear. You are a new computer, need to work on computer store. Don't see what they all got but we need the computer to look up the news and the information. I don't give a damn, but how you get the news? That's why we need new computers. Sir? How did you get the news? You're discussing not going well? Listen, listen to at them, but stay with me, y'all support me. You're looking up on the computer. That's how we get it. Did your computer come on last night? Yes? Hello? All right? Why would you need either? Knew when the old when ste Cardinal? Yes? I could we have I mean it's I know you're very busy, but can we have more like family outings where we would all be We're not a family. You got kids with your family? We are building, move around building. We don't hold on the radio. Can you take us to lunch? Some gift car? We don't go at the same time? Some stop ups card something? No, don't don't know. What happened to breakfast? Yeah? What happened? Did you have breakfast to day? No? I didn't you crossed the starting your breakfast? You would put home man? All right? Coming up? Church complaints, it'll be right after this jam. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? Uh? Coming up at the top of the hour, this crazy show. We'll talk about Game five of the NBA Finals tonight. Then miss And I know, I know. Then miss And will be here with our national news. But right now it's Monday. Reverend Motown, Reverend ad Noier here with church announcements and church complaints. What's going on? Bowl? Start first? Go ahead, motowns we we my older brother who got me into the ministry is here to d with church announcements. Would have complaints, but we've released deacon temporarily, so we gonna start with announcement. Ram mad Nord, go go go here. What you know, everybody, it is not nice to start a morty without said the motive. Nobody good? Color there you good? More to color and go with the motor. The Morning Show, Strawberry, thet you how you doing? No, we really need to. I want to speak to people. We've already spoke today. To take my time and speak to the people. You're gonna mess around your segmently gonna be over, I too, share less until I speak to the people. The morted Junior'll be done to speak to people. I will speak to people. Who am I hurting about speaking to people? He'll have hurt her her speak you, he speak to people. Just speak to people. Good morting to you. Brother. You don't mamma like him, Bess, you always like to know what he's a today, Chichen start let start about the body. Plenty tickets for the hit place. Start your line to Adams, Fred Hammond and Kurt Franklin. Tall, wide and short, you gotta go see just play tall, white and short. Put any chickens too tall, do whine, short to seeking and laughing the whole time. All invited to stay, do wine wine. If you're not skinny and you have on skinny jeans and you show up that church, we will ask your ass to leave. Okay, we have had enough of this wheel. I need you to be mindful of the language barrier behind behind. I'm just so what I wrote it. I was thinking, So I got caught up. I got that's what we called him growing on the whole. Oh, I didn't know that the white people who like to sit close to the exits have been asked to mingle, mingle everything. Okay, you're gonna be all right in here hoping to here. They're gonna be right up in here, up in here now outside you might have a little worried, but once you up in here, it's cool. Lingle the Lord's house. Africans who never pick a color scheme, will meeting Meeting room four. Africans who never seem to pick one color scheme. I mean they have on shakes, plans, polka dots, dots. I mean they could, they could chill. Let's now that is is really or a true statement. We asked for the African membership to please the shock value. You know, some of the combinations have created quite a stir at the church last Easter or Sister Rwander's baby girl Philopher Liar, bright yellow neon Easter dress with a kid to cloth and lime green socks. Reach own it, brother. Something you've never heard of. Africans say, do these two things go together? I gotta go. We got some stock. This do go together? I've never heard that. Right there, you will this shirt? Okay, one't more and then we're gonna be about it here. Diabetics have been asked. Diabetics have been asked not to walk by the sleet tea is that damn sleep? Walk away from the sweet keep if you don't, if you don't want your sugar to shoot up through the roof. Just that when I tell you that t is so sweet? Brother, am I telling them to talk to him? Brother? Yes you have. We have all put extra extra sugar in it. We've used a combination yea of raw sugar, cane sugar, Domino white sugar, and we've thrown in eighteen packs are splendor. Why why to give her a little bit of bite? So when ain't jar tangy, you're some mal there sweet. And we also are asking all the sickle cell a nemeal people that go to the church where jackets because we're turning the air down. There's who of a needy brother, preach owner brother, A couple of more, couple of more, couple have our prayers go out to sister Arens Jakins, she's in the hospital. Of our prayers, a little go up there and lay hands on her and pray with her. You know, spen some Bible verses something that comes to mind. I don't know a lot of them, but spen some verses. She learned the hard way that all white women don't back down. So when she's in the hospital right there, she that old white women don't back down. We are back in on her she'd been in the hospital, a white woman almost you can't say, as you can't well when you had to who go it ain't but one way to say what happened that white woman would the way she was punching her, it was like a blurd, the way the fists were going so fast in her face, like a blurred you know, like and it was I got that because the white woman used the phrase that a lot of black people should learn go head on, now, go ahead. The white woman said that she didn't hear it. There's the ultimate warning coming from anybody. Go hand on that with the hand up, the hand up in It starts with a simpler version. All right, now, okay, okay, right, all right, that's a wanting yeah wow, there's been today. Shut your downspit so always, and party would like to say the motive everybody, thank your brother for having to be thank you for coming, mold breathing treatments. All right, listening, you're listening, show All right, um, excuse me, miss Anna standing by with today's headlines. But first, Steve, we talked about it earlier. But tonight is Game five of the NBA Finals going down. Yeah yeah in Oakland at the Oracle Arena. What is going on with Warriors player Draymond Green's mother though? What's happening um? His mom, Mary was apparently involved in a hostile situation with Cleveland flant Cleveland fans in Cleveland. Uh and police got involved? Then't Then Draymond Green's mom tweeted, it's official. The refs have been paid. Draymond has um tried to delete his mom's Twitter account before because Mama Green sees nothing wrong with her online rant, saying, I talk on Twitter like I sit and talk at home. You know, you're watching a game. I'm just sitting here like everyone else. I'm excited. I want to talk. But when she wants to talk, she takes the Twitter. Get your mama, Get your mama. Do get your But you know what, man, a lot of mothers create drama for their sons the way they behave in the stands and stuff. You have a responsibility to just like your son has to behave a certain way. Yeah. As a member of the league and a team, you have to shave a certain way as the mama. Yeah yeah, yeah, Please don't let it be a man. Lebron had to tell his mama to sit down understand you're excited, but you can't. You can't mess up your boy out here messing around. But he does explain Raymond texs Now. Generations of my mama's think they have something invested because they took you to all the practices. They were there for everything. So by the time you make it, they want to speak out, you know. But why do you want with it? Though? Well, you want to make it bad for your son? Yeah, come on now, sit down, watch the game. This is his time to show. But you can't tell your mama that. How do you say that to your mama? But you can't say that to your mama. You just can't. You just can't say, go sit your lebron did out of game. He did with the fatal point. He did sit down. Yeah, well, tonight, light skin will take over tonight. Oh my gosh, it will be done tonight tonight. There's too many light skame boy, was that there? Fun? It's just too ain't over tonight. Yeah, it's gonna get real ugly. Oh yeah, it's gonna get real ugly. If the Cows and the Records can win this game tonight, it'll be ugly. Can get this thing out of Oakley. Let me tell you some you can't come back to Cleveland. Yeah, it's a wrap and then see if they lose tonight, all the pressures on Gold is oh yeah, because oh god, we don't want to get back on this plane and go back up to Cleveland. Cleveland gonna be going. Man, We're going home. It's a whole another story. And if they can win this game tonight, well look, I know it's improbable. I got it. But Lord, if we do, Lord, if we do, these things are asking your name, all right, bring her up. Steve is here, Ladies and gentlemen, ms and trip, thank you, thank you, Good morning. That's right. It's it's possible, not probably, what it is possible, so we can cross our thing. Is everybody out there? Good morning, everybody. This is answered with the news. California Democratic Center Diane fine Stein on CNN State of the Union is calling again for the jew Judiciary Committee to hear testimony involving claims of possible obstruction of justice by President Trump. There is an opportunity to look at the law with respect to obstruction of justice, to hold a hearing and also to have um those relevant people come before the Judiciary Committee. Of course, Center find Scenes comment has come on the wake of fired FBI Director James call Mey's testimony last week before the Senate Intelligence Committee, raising questions of possible obstruction by the President and now U S. Attorney General Jeff's Sessions is scheduled to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee tomorrow. I'm gonna laugh. Meanwhile, Trump is expected to announced that if he really has those tapes of his conversations with James Comey, or if he was just saying that just I don't know, shake up the tree, or whatever he might have been doing, we'll see sometime this week. Okay. The Reverend Jesse Jackson slamming the NFL for refusing to hire Colin Kaepernick, not even as a backup quarterback. Kaepernick, of course, you remember, opted out of his contract with the forty nine, is becoming a free agent. Chose that he's in't choosing rather to kneel during the playing of the national anthem to demonstrate his ire and sadness about the ever growing number of unarmed, mostly black men, but also black women, who were being killed, mostly by black white cops who were getting off when they went to court. If they went to Court. Interracial marriage became legal in the US fifty years ago today, when a white man named Richard Loving and his black wife Mildred, forced to leave their native Virginia, fought for the right to live wherever they wanted as man and wife before the Supreme Court. Before the Loving's case, marriage in this country was prohibited, and at least a third of the states not just between blacks and whites, but between blacks, between whites and Filipinos, Native Americans, Asians, Asian Indians, and basically all non whites. Nick Gordon's in the news again. Nick Gordon, the adopted brother and boyfriend of the late Bobby Christina Brown, has been arrested for allegedly beating up his new girlfriend over the weekend in a jealous rage. Hopson and Sanford, Florida say Gordon and his lady friend, Laura Leo got into an argument that turned violent, ending up with Gordon allegurely hitting and punching the woman in the facing in the back of the head. Oh no, he says he was abused by her, but the cops saw the injuries until her to go to the hospital and sad news. Yeah. Adam West, Adam West perhaps best remembered for his TV series portrayal of Batman. He was eighty eight years old. Tom said the box office for the second weekend and rowe Wonder Woman bringing in another fifty seven million dollars. Wonder Woman has now made a whopping four to thirty five million dollars globally. Tom Cruise is new. When the Mummy was in second place thirty two million, but he made over a hundred forty eight million worldwide, especially in China. Today is National Running Day, National June Bug Day, which I'm a june Bug, and National Chocolate ice Cream Day Janka Chocka Chacka Day. We'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour. Stay to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Show. Good. Yeah, really does look a lot like him, alright, so, Mr Harvey. Last night was the season premiere of Celebrity Family Feud and That's not all you own the night, sir. It was also the premiere of Steve Harvey's Funderdome This Yeah, this is the seed funding competition reality series were two up and coming inventors go head to head an audience vote who will win the money. Okay, the show was fun, it was clever Steve. There were a lot of winners that we didn't see coming. For example, during the soap bar pitches, listen to Latania make her pitch for the v smart bar. It's an all natural feminine care product. Check it out. Nearly ladies will experience yeast affection, urinary track infection, and possibly owner. Okay, brothers, now we know when a cookie of shed down, the whole house is down. I know. If you didn't see the show last night, I hope you did because you missed Steve Harvey's face. This was classic Steve Harvey anyway you look at it. Steve, you were mortified at that moment. So you don't know who's coming out before I do. I just need him for the first time, and the audience decides who gets the funding. You have a choice at the end. You don't know who the audience voted for. Five people in that what I paid, You don't know who they voted for. So I'll give you a chance to cash out. Offer you money on this week and you could take the money and walk away, or you can't. They voted for you. If they voted for you and the money. If they didn't vote for you, you go home with nothing. So it was well, yeah, run it was right, Jay. She was two soap contenders. LaToya was one, and there was a son and a mom contesting for the other soap um thing pitch. So anyway, when Steve offered them the chance to cash out, the guys on the other team cashed out because they said they like Latania's products. Because the young man said, my girlfriend needs that. I was like, yeah, I'll cash out because my girlfriend needs that. All right, Latania one, she won ten thousand dollars for her products. Yeah, she gave a pitch. You tell ABC Trials dot Com how much money you're looking to take your business to the next level. Some people looking for ten thousand, twenty thousand, fifty hundred. You apply. We put the two together. That's looking for the same amount of money, but pitching in the same area. And then that's how it works, O lord. Alright, coming up next, Jay, Anthony Brown is going to murder another hit. Yes, so we'll be back at after you're listening. Alright, Steve, introduce your boy, ladies and gentlemen. As you hired him certainly, thank you. Alright. First of all, I got in to my little plug. It's going down this weekend the o GS of Comedy, Houston, Texas, George Wallace, Dancy's DC care usually and Hope Flood. Okay, sounds like a great show. And the Arena in Houston this weekend the Arena Theater. Yeah, anyway here it is you worse than Tommy. We're not no what. Call somebody who lives in Houston and tell them that we come in. Don't try to trash my dream. We make a phone called Cinete. Here we go. It's about a stale. Is that how you're saying her name? Her song was Conqueror. It's a great song. This song that's coming up ain't knit like that. It's called it's called Snorer. We all know somebody here we go to am I tiptoe in the house. It's time to lay down down. Don't gotta guess. I here exactly where you are on I brought in the bit babies, not that trying to go to sleep. Hi TV left on it like you're bothered by the sound. You're loud, mowake, You've got slip on your face. I should wake your ass up. I guess leave that on with you next week. My wom was a story run. I never sleep peacefully sound like a change song that's happened now tree? My wi was a story run. Yes she is a snow or snore. I can't sleave that all? Would you know me? My woman the store run, I never sleep peacefully sound like a chainsaw tapping down tree. My woman's a store run. Yes she is a snore, room snore. Fine, but that she person just but man, she shut them eyes. It's over. How could you be that fine? And makes sounds like that the first time you hear you like, but you're so You're so pretty? How did you do that? A new one Friday for your emergency hit? Thank you, Mr Hay see you there? What's wrong? I mean, I don't know the song. Ain't no nothing to do. You have to watch to watch the Empire? It was. It was a hit. It Empire. I ain't never seen it. Wow, Wow, let's just get Yeah, a single episode come up coming up next, Nephew, tell me is a prank phone call. It's coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, crazy show, all right, it's time for the prank phone call. This one's called I'm marrying your baby meeting I'm marrying your bed and listen up for the strawberry letter too, it's coming up. The subject to that is she was determined to have my child. But here's the prank phone called it the nephew. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to read. I'm trying to read. Mr. Yes, Mr, how you doing. I'm trying. Let me let me make you I'm calling the right person. Your daughter is Crystal? Yes, okay, cool, Yeah, I got the right Hey. Listen, well, I wanted to do Mr Ridgard called and introduce myself to you and let you know who I was. My name is Jeff Jell, and I've been uh seeing Crystal, uh you know, pretty much like the last five or six months, and I wanted to, um, let you know that I'm very very interested in and and I know it's kind of crazy for you to get a phone call for me, but I'm very interested in in Crystal right now, and I wanted to, you know, I just wanted to do the man thing and just reach out to your man and say I'm really interested in and uh in marrying your daughter and marrying my daughter. Well, hold on, man, what what what do you say? Your name of you? My name is Jell Jell. Okay, ye, Jef listen. I'm very close with my daughter and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. I talk to my daughter every day. Wow, I don't know what de's about. But it's been like about five close to six months that me and Cristal being you know, going out, you know, up here at the school. But what I wanted to do is tell you that I really really really like Crystal. Man. Uh and I want to call and tell you that, you know, I'm really really interested in May and Crystal. You know, I want, I really do want Cristal to be my wife. Well, I again, I've never heard you before, and my daughter has never ever mentioned you. My daughter isn't dating anybody right now. My daughter doesn't go school. I understand that. And you know, we you know, it's been you know, we've been you know, a little back and forth or whatever. But you know, the main thing is me and Crystal really, you know, we really we really do love each other. Mr. And I wanna if you love my daughter, she would have told me and she was in love with someone. But you know what you know, and maybe it's a situation where Christal is like a little maybe a little uneasy about talking to you about it. You know what I'm saying, My can talk to me about anything. We talk every day, right right, you like you I out to my daughter every day, your daughter? And how old is your daughter? My daughter? Fifteen? Hold? Hold, hold on a minute, man, you said your daughter was fIF team right right? Right? Okay, Well how old are you? I'm forty six, forty six, forty six years old. You want to man my twenty five year old daughter? A let me say this right here. Love ain't got no limit, man, And I understand you know, I was a little shocked at first about the age difference between us, but you get you know what, man, Okay, and I understand that. But what I'm trying to explain to you, man, is that it comes a time man when you just you just don't know what's gonna happen. Man. Love just love is love. Man, And you've been locked up on parole at the university on work releasing that my daughter. Yeah, man, I'm I'm I'm I'm gonna say this, man, Christal is just a beautiful person. Man. Hold on, man, you all of me at the Blue Daughter. Look, man, I'll never work. I got a lot of work on my damn death. And you're calling me telling me you uh uh former gentle bird wants to marry my daughter, my twenty five year old daughter, and you damn that fifty you damn it my age. You want to marry my daughter. Man, I'm not trying to talk to you. But what I don't even do is I need to talk to Crystals. Get to the bottom of this. That's what the hell I need to do. Hey, I don't understand that. Mr. She was probably going I want to talk to and I ain't got no problem with it. What I'm trying to explain to you is that man, little ain't got no limit. Man, It's just something that happened. Crystal love me, I love huh and and it is what it is. I just wanted to try to get your blessings on this. Love Si Man, he get burn gonna marry my daughter. No, my daughter been a private school. I love damn life. She was on the do just all four years of college and she's going to grad school and you're gonna marry my daughter. She was You're working lea. Hey, Mr, I understand that what I'm what I'm trying to explain to you that you know what man is outside I love is right the second time around? You understand what I'm saying. What the hell you mean a second time? I got kids already. What I'm trying to say is it didn't work out with me on the first time. What I wanted to do, man, it just called you. It's solidified the culinary experienced doing. Dude, what the hell is you talking about it? Look? Look, look, look, look, I gotta talk to my daughter. I'm gonna call Crystal and I'm gonna find on what the hell is going on because look, man, I'm not even trying to have this conversation with you, and I understand all that. I understand what you're saying. What I want to say to you is just right here. Crystal is twenty five. Even if you don't agree with this, here, we're gonna eat low and make sure that we can look at him. You ain't doing with my daughter unless it's mine. Look, yeah, man, you ain't doing I don't even know your Jill bird. You ain't doing. I'm gonna call my daughter final you will as lost your mind. You think your old jail bird is gonna be marry and my daughter, My daughter has not a future. You ain't got that's wrong with rust mind. I'm not gonna sit there and go back and forth with you, Mrs Me and Crystal getting married. That will not happen under any circumstances, not what you think. The circumstances are me and Crystal getting married. That's it. Not the love. I know what you think. You as long to you, how about what that's gotta be. I got one more thing I need to say, and then me and Crystal just gonna come over there and dry down there and tell you exactly what's going on in our life right now. You got to say to me, Are you listening to me? What you got to say to me? I got to say this. That is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your daughter, Crystal and her boyfriend. I ain't the job looking at me like I'm crazy. Man, Your baby girl just wanted to put a smile on your face. Man, I gotta ask you what he is. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Harvey Morning Show. Oh, he's gonna get it one day soon. Holding me, I'd have been the gun. Come on, uncle Steve, Hey, listen our girl, Mary J. Blige Um. Mary was ordered to pay thirty thousand dollars per month and spiles the support to her cheating ex husband. What the judgment is temporary and it's much less than nine plus a thousand that kind originally asked for. The court apparently found that he was entitled to the money since he was used to a certain lifestyle. Mary J. Will also have to cough up retroactive spiles of support dating back to September and attorney's fees. Dang, does she look kind of lawyer? The judge was also uh. Judge also was noted that the couple lived beyond their means while they were married and have to pay back millions in taxes. Oh, she could pay taxes if she didn't have to pay this child spousal support. Anybody having to pay money? Take my mic out. Yeah, this is not right. It's just isn't this situation? He had a good attorney apparently, you know, mm hmmm, I don't know. I mean, he's gotta pay retroactive sponsible support dating back to September, and she's got to pay his attorneys fees. This is not right. This is just not right now. Is it not right because it's a woman or yes, yes, yes I paid. We speak on it. But you know, I think because it is a woman, that it just reeks of unfairness. I guess, yeah, you know, And I can understand what people are coming from. Good for the goose, and because we love Mary j you know, we love we love her. We don't want her to have to go through you know. Me as a guy, you know, I just get going, you know. Yeah, alright, coming up the Strawberry Letters subject she was determined to have my child. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Jears come women to the honors. Absolutely, everybody, sit back, book up tight. It's time for the Strawberry Letter with my girls. Sure to straw Berry thank you. Subject she was determined to have my child. Dear Stephen Shirley. Three years ago, I decided I was going to leave my wife because she had some addiction issues. Prior to leaving my wife, I'm met a lady at a business convention. She was like a breath of fresh air, and we got along great. I ended up leaving my wife and moving in with her. The only problem was a moment I got there, she wanted to have a child. I told her that it was too soon, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. After a few months of being with her, my wife begged me to come home and she promised that she was sober. I returned home, and my wife has been sober since. Shortly after I got back with my wife, I got a text from the other woman and was a picture of a positive pregnancy test. I replied, congratulations, and she texted back, it's yours. We never had sex without a condom, and I know they never popped. So I asked her how could she be pregnant by me, and she replied. I did what I had to do despite my confusion. I was there for her throughout the pregnancy. After the baby was born, I knew he was mine. I confirmed it with a d n A test. I love this child and I spend time with him, but I have a lot of resentment. I still can't see how this happened, and she won't talk about it. I've never told anyone that she stole my sperm. I am very angry about this. Is there some legal action that I can take against her? This is killing me inside? Please help? Wow. Well, first of all, I have to say to your wife, she has one understanding, uh woman, and I hope she stays sober. But um, listen, I know you're angry. I know you're hurt. I know you feel betray set up, etcetera, etcetera. But but there is a baby involved here. There's a baby that's been born here, and that's what's most important right now and for the next eighteen years and beyond um. And you know, come on, you're grown. You know that abstinence is the only sure way not to get pregnant. And yeah, yeah, yeah, she tricked you, she played you, she used you, she stole your sperm. All of that. She was wrong, She was deceitful. She was evil for doing this. I mean really she was. But you had all kinds of clues that this could possibly happen the moment you moved in. You said that she kept bugging you about having a child. Uh. And it takes two to make a baby, I mean, no matter how you look at it, and no matter how the baby got here. In a court of law, the judge will consider the best interest of the child. I mean, and so should you at this point. As angry as you are with this woman, she is now the mother of your child, a child who is innocent, a child who needs both their parents, A child that you love and take care of. I commend you for that. So you're going to have to be an adult here. You're gonna have to move out of your feelings. You're going to have to learn how to forgive so you can be the best father to your child. Steve, Steve, Oh, we obviously read two different women. Mm hmm. I see what you're saying. From the practical standpoint, surely, uh huh. I do not understand how his wife is an understanding woman. He left her because she was a junkie. Junkies get lim of addiction issues. This is what he said. You call it whatever you want to. I'm calling it what he called it. Her air was a junkie. He didn't he didn't want to live with your junk in normal. So it went on the business trip and he met this woman. Yeah, she was like a breath of fresh air. You know what that fresh air was. She wasn't a junkie. We got along grade. I ended up leaving my wife and moving in with her. Now he had four probably forewarned. His wife said, if you don't get some help on my hand to leave, I can't. She never got help. He left, but he met this woman at a business convention. He don't say how long it was, but she moved in. He moved in with her. The only problem was the moment he got there. Man, she wanted to have a child, and our toy it was too soon. She wanted to have a child. Now. You didn't think she wanted nothing when you moved in. You thought you're just gonna move all your stuff in. There ain't no rid, nothing, you're not eating for up at refrigerator. You're laying in bed, all that nothing. She wanted a baby. She'd been wanting the baby a long time. She didn't mention your business man, you have to convention. You it. You are gonna be the sperm donor. So you did what you had to do. Now, after a few months of being with her, your wife begged me to come home, and she promised she was soaper. M hmm. You returned home because you love your wife and your wife being sober ever since. Well after you got back with the wife, you got a text from the other woman picture of a positive pregnancy test. You replied, congratulations. She text back and says, yours. Why was she sending you the picture or the pregnancy? Tell what are you talking about? Some damn congratulate You thought you throw her off? I'm happy was gonna throw her off with congratulations. Click in the text. You're gonna get another damn text if she yours. We never had sex without a condom, and I know they never popped. Mm hmm. I asked her how she could be pregnant me. She said, I did what I had to do. This is the key in this whole thing. I did what I had to do. Now let's talk about what she did. Let me ask you something, homie. When you was through, what happened and with the condom? Now have your attention please? Mm hmm. What happened? No, no, no, she didn't steal them. He gave it to her. Now what happened to the Also, there's some other things that popped off to mm hmm. I could be more graphic, but I'm not. She got it. You turned to DNA tests. It's your damn baby. What what is the letter? Fall m is anything legal? I tell you what you can do when we come back and ain't much of nothing. You can stick around if you want her. You can gonna hang up, get to sit in that child support on what I'm talking about. You're listening, Steve Harvey. All right, coming up at forty one after the At forty one after the hour, we'll talk about ice Cube's appearance on Bill mar this past day, after all that controversy last week. But up next, right now, I should say, come on, Steve, Part two of your response to today's Strawberry letter. She was determined, was determined to have my job. Had some problems with his woman. He's married to a junk and she couldn't. He kept getting high, he said, he keep on, I'm gonna leave you. He left. Met a woman at a business convention. They corroborated, collaborated and corrobor reading together. He then moved in. As soon as he got in, she made an announcement she won't to have a child right now. He said, too soon. His wife, in the meantime sobers up, calls him back and tells him she wants him back, and benched him back, and he loves his wife. He goes back. He went back because he was tired of the baby pressure. I'd rather go stay with the junking than to be in here to keep talking about this baby every day. But you're doing baby making things the whole time you there. She putting it on you. You accepted. After he gets back to his wife, she's very sober. It's the call from the woman sends a text a picture of a positive pregnancy test. I replied, congratulations, thinking that would shut it down. I'm happy for you, She said, it's yours. Never had sex without a condom. I know they never popped. So I asked her how could she be pregnant by me? And she replied I did what I had to do that Despite the confusion, he was there for her throughout the pregnancy. After the baby was born, I knew he was mine. I confirmed it with the DNA tests. I love this child. I spend time with him, but I have a lot of resentment. I can't see how this happened, but she won't talk about it. I never told anybody she stole my sperm. You gave it to her. Question no more one, what happened with the condom when it was over. Question number two, did she do other things to you? Oh? Man, if she did, there you have it's everywhere. Okay, everybody following me. Answer. So now she kept hold to it in her hands and in another place, she went to the bathroom and put it where it needed to be. You can stop asking her how she did it. She told you she did what she had to do because she wanted a baby, and you it now the kids. You love the child, and you spend time with him. Problem is you have a lot of resentment. You're mad at her. She won't talk about it, give you no answers. She's not going to so dog, your question is is there some legal action I can take? Hell? No, I don't know how you're gonna go to court and explain, because all she got to do is say I'm pregnant and his head and we had consensual sex. And what you're gonna say, it's yours. The DNA proved it. See dog. The thing about seeing that I've had to learn in my life it costs you more than you want to pay and make you stay longer than you want to stay. That's the problem with it. Oh, don't we all who in here can't bear witness to that sin cost you more than you want to pay and makes you stay longer than you want to stay and having a good time. I can't figure out how to held this baby mine. We can't. So that's it, my friend. Stop looking at It's not. Part of getting past the resentment is acceptance that you had sex with this woman and she has nickeled it, and she has this baby and it is yours. The resentment for her may not go away, but the acceptance of the child will help, because obviously this child was meant to be, whether you meant for it not to be with the condom, or she told you. She didn't tell you what she was doing with your goods. But he's here, Yeah, he doesn't know any of this. He doesn't understand it. You can't even explain it to him. Love your son, treat him right. Might as well treat her right, because you remember, now, hold on dog, You left your wife at a moment when she was down and went with this woman that didn't have no problems because she was the breath of fresh air. But all of them is problems. Though then when you found out the problems was molding, you want it, your wife begged you back, you went back. Oh you played both sides of the fifth The only problem with both sides of the fist. Both sides got your footprints in the grass. Let the church say, man, oh boy, oh. So see when you left your wife. You started this when you moved in with that other woman and you were still married. You started this when you want wife got herself together and begged you back, and you went back, and you thought you'd just leave this woman behind because you through playing. You started this. See, dog, all this come back to you making decisions with the wrong head. That's what happened, thanking with the wrong Yeah. And I can tell you for a fact, he's so damn stupid. He has no business leading to thinking because he is ignorant. He don't care about all the facts. He is ignorant. Fellas, you know what I'm talking about. You know how stupid he is. Stupid? To him? Dog, he when did it become a good idea? Do it now? Okay, babe yourself, don't listen. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, we talked about this last week as the first episode of the comedian show following his controversial use of a racial slur on air this past Friday night's broadcasts of Real Time with Bill Maher. Bill apologized as he discussed the issue with his special guests, which included author and sociological academic Michael Eric Dyson and of course, hip hop legend our friend and family member Ice Cube. Cube had a lot to say. Take a listen to Bill and Cube comedians. They react and it was wrong, and I apologized, and you know more than that, I can't do accept your apology, but I still I think we need to get to the root of the psyche because I think it's a lot of guys out there who across the line because they a little too familiar, or they think they're too familiar, or it's guys that you know, you might have a black girlfriend, the two that made them cool, laid every now and then, and they think they get cross the line and they can't. You know, it's a word that has been used against this It's like a knife, man, and you can use it as a weapon, or you can use it as a tool. It's been used as a weapon against us by white people, and we're not gonna let that happen. Again by nobody, because it's not cool it now. I know you heard it's in an it's at Elexicon, everybody talking. But that's our word now, that's our word now, and you can't have it back. I know they're trying to get it back this guy. And I'm not talking about you, Bill. I'm not talking about you Bill, but I'm talking about guys cool cross the line every day because they got some black homies, they got some friends. They think it's cool, and it's not cool because when I hear my homies said, they don't feel like venom, when I hear a white person said, it feels like that knife stabbing me, even if they don't mean it. So you know, I like this show and it's a great show. All right. Yeah, I think he explains it. I mean, I'm with him, with him, I forgive apology. We disagreed, Jack, Yeah, I mean, we can't keep singing it and have a little white kids by music with the word in it. And don't think ain't not going to use it. It's a double sided sword. We're singing it. White kids are buying a large majority of the black music, and so they think they can say it. How are we gonna put it to rhyme into music and then get mad when people use it back at us. It ain't going nowhere. Ever, It's never gonna be stopped being used on both sides. That's I mean, here's here's the deal. What you're saying is true, and I've always said that myself. We can't give it to him and then want it back. What cubas saying is the word is ours now, we're not giving it back. That. I understand where he's coming from, because it does sound totally different when a white says it that black. It sounds totally different because he knew that we know the origin of the word, what it's dimmed from. Now black people have took it and use it like Hugh say when his homies said it don't sound like venom to him, it don't. I use the word all the time. I'm not hypocritical about it at all. I use it all the time, but I use I use it around people that I know. You know, I've got a lot of DVDs out there, a lot of comedy specials. Ain't never heard me said one time on it. Because of the way Jay is explaining it. I don't want to give it to you in the joke for him, and you give it back to me what you think as a joke for him, because I ain't gonna think it's funny. Conscious. Yeah, as comedians didn't Richard Pryor say, I'm one of his standards and he said he wasn't going to use anything. He went to Africa and he said, no one called each other the N word, and he decided that he wouldn't use it anymore. See, everybody got to come to the realization of their own now deprived. Stopped saying it in his day to day. I don't know, but he stopped saying it on his specials. I never said it on the special, but I say it in my day to day. But like like Cube say, when my boy said, I don't feel no venom. You know what, when somebody white says you're right. Most of my friends that's older, like Rico and Butcher, I hardly ever see them saying no, they got insurance agencies and stuff. I hardly ever hear them saying me. On the other hand, I'll let him have it. You know, I'm not gonna be hypocritical, but I don't do it on TV on the radio. I don't do it on my comedy shows because it's an internal thing and I don't want nobody saying it back to me because I ain't gonna handle it the same way. Right? Is it a term of endearment, Steve, when you say it to your boys? Is that? And I think that's what man on. I think that's what missing every month, that's what they're missing that you know, we turned such a hateful word, you know, such a racial word, a racist word endearment. And my mama's funeral, I cannot count the time hustles and hood cats and pimps was hugging me and while we was hugging, that word came up. It was an endearment. And you always been mim man, then you're gonna be good man hanging there in I mean, just at my mama funeral, the tears on their face and then your mom was good men show sorry by miss hearty man, man, I do that my mama fun him. Man, y'all need to pray for it. Man, I ain't doing. I'm I'm going, hey 'all ain't cool with none of it. But what Cuba saying is a fact, like he said, and never had it this way, but it's ourd now we're not giving it that Internet, but there are. But then he threw a jam at Bill mar too. He said, some people think because they got a couple of black girlfriend because you know, Bill mar Day, black chick. Yeah, comfortable. That's why I truly believe he said it because of that, because theftability level. Yeah, and he's a good guy as a comedian. He crossed the line, you know. But he's all right, let's go to this jam right now. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, this is your time right here, one of your Yeah, one of your favorite segments. You love, asked Steve. Call us if you have a question for Steve. Eight seven seven nine, Steve, you're ready. Let's go to the phones. Let's talk to um. Let's go to line one. Talk to g G out of New York. Kay. Hello, Hello a voice somebody? Hi? You called me right on that. Hello, Mr Hardy in the morning Club. How are you? We're doing wonderful? H what's your question of coming? I just have a quick um story to tell you. Um. My dad told me the story when I was a teenager. It was in reference to his family working on the farm as a young boy. Um up in the South and the farm was owned by a white man, of course, so um he said his dad had gotten ill while they were working out in the film, had became ill. So my dad wanted to take him, his father to the hospital, and the owner of the farm said to him, get your ass back to work m hm, at anywhere. And my dad answered him with for me that again, I will kill you where you stand. So why I don't understand why is this such a word that's used as a term of endearment for black people? M Well, I can't answer that question for you, because, um, I think, almost as Cube said, we a lot of us took the word back and we reinvented it. That don't make it right or that don't make it have to be acceptable or agreeable to anyone. It's just the way it is. I didn't, um, you know, from from my personal standpoint, it's what it is. It's not a derogatory term amongst me and my friends. And I'm just being just you know, just saying it just not to be hypocritical. Um. I think the public use of it is different. It shouldn't be. It shouldn't exist. But like j Anthony Brown said, I mean, man, come on, we can't keep putting it to a song and to joke and didn't expect when somebody tell the joke not to repeat it, or when they sing the song or the rap not to repeat the rap the way you wrote it. It's kind of hard. So I understand what you're saying. I definitely do. You're absolutely correct and feeling what you feel. I think correct. I think you touched on something too, Steve, thank you, Guji that maybe it shouldn't be in music anymore because I think off the air Carlo made the statement that you went to a concert and uh, it was in the songs and there were a lot of white people in the audience, and they were singing the N word because that's the word that was in the song, and you were feeling some kind of way. You know, me and my husband we were they're uncomfortable with that, ready to fight, ready set? We looked around and yeah, yeah. But I think also what Cube was trying to say was that or what he said so eloquently, let me just say that was that when we use it like that, or when you know, black people use it you take the power, you diminish the power that negativity. What it's good for, you know, back from back in slavery times. Let's go to line three and talk to Benita out of North Carolina. Yes, good morning family, how y'all doing good? Question or comment? Darling comment in reference to the N word. Um, you know, everybody's taking it so personal, but if you look at the dictionary, it doesn't anybody statistically it's a lazy person. Well, I don't see, you know, I understand in reference to the slazy times in this that the other. But we know who we are, then it really shouldn't be that big of the issue. Mm hmm. She's right about the definition. You mean, lazy ignorant person in the in the dictionary is a lazy ignorant person. And I have to like friends myself well as I will. You know, I called up the N word, you know, because I know I'm not. I'm not ignorant. You call your wife friends the N word. I'm not being worried. I'm not I'm not lazy, I'm not ignorant. I'm not you know. So I've been right by my uncle the whole time. Here, Junior, I'm just that I called that all the time my uncle he another not just next question show, Let's go to line forward, Dr Rowland, Hello rolland what should comment on question? Uh? Kind of both. First of all, I want to say, uh, the morning to the Crew's my first time going. I tried many times to get through. This's my first time once a good wanting everybody, UM my thing is UM, I don't I don't use it. I used it as when I was young coming up, and then you know, after seeing a lot of things on TV, and you know, just watching stuff like The Underground, and I just don't use the word anymore. And when people, you know, say I have a lot of friends that do use it, and when they say it to me, I always tell him, you know, I'm not that, and I wish that you don't call me that, you know, And and I teach my kids that please don't use that word. My son is a rapper and it's hard for him. You know, he uses it. I asked him not to, but he still used it because you know, this is what rappers do. And I think that if it's just taken out of like everything is nobody used it. It was making so much better because I think that we've we've gone gone through this so much, and there's so much pain and involved in it. And I think that if if a person says it to me was black, it hurts just as much as a white person. That's just me, Yes, wow, that's interesting. We will do a thousand. I think if we could all stop saying it, I would stop saying. But it's eight dudes, don't we just go when we see each it's just going. There's just eight of us in that circle. In that circle's old site. They get it. I'm one of them. It hasn't started with you. I'm one, I know, so stopping of it has to start with you rolling the thing and just don't be around. He'd be glad to see me too. Scan us for one. All right, when we come back more, asked Steve. All Right, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of asked Steve. Call us if you have any questions for Steve at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, I've we've been talking about the use of the N word, the usage of the N word this point. You can ask him about anything, though, I'm Steve, you ready to take more calls. Yeah, all right, what do you want on Instagram called Spice Adams he's doing the NBA Finals. Uh well, I'm holly, I'm HOLLI man, alright, go ahead, let's all right, Yeah, I'm gonna need you to pay attention to it right now. Let's go to line seven and talk to us. Sing out of New York. She's been holding for a while, thing seeing hello, Okay, Hello, yeah, hello. What's your question or comment? Okay, okay, I want to make a comment about this N word thing. I'm hearing people and celebrities in general, and including you too, Steve, You are saying the terms of endearments. This is a word that it's acceptable. This is a word that says ignorant, unteachable, dumb, dumb. That's why I interpret that word. We have other rappers and other ethnic groups. They never Spanish people don't use the S word, Chinese people don't call themselves the C word, and on and on. But we choose as a people to adopt this word and said, is okay because it's a term of endearment. This is a word that is a disgrace. I wouldn't call you an a whole and call it okay a term of endearment. How dare I call you an n and say it's okay and you mind that is insane? Okay, Well, I mean, I I accept what you're saying, brother, that's fine. But I'm just talking about me I do. I'm just saying without being hyppo hypocritical. I'm just telling you how I do it, how I am. I'm just doing it without being hypocritical. I could lie to you and tell you I'll never use it, because you ain't never heard me saying it. Ain't on under my tapes, TV shows, videos, stand up thirty two years of stand up, ain't nobody heard me said. I'm just telling you. In my personal life with my dear friends, we talked like that all the time, and I got it. People don't have to agree. You don't got to do it. I'm okay with that. I understand. I respect what you're saying. I think you're absolutely fine thinking what you're thinking. I really do. I'm just making a statement. I ain't saying you got to accept it like where I am handle it the way I handle it. I think you should continue to feel exactly the way you feel. I really do. I think it's healthy. I wish more people felt like you. I'm just telling you I don't with the use of the word with my cats that I grew up with the way we are. That's that's how we talk to each other. And I understand what you're saying. I appreciate it. I wish everybody felt like that. Hell, I kind of wish I felt like that. I just don't. Okay, Okay, he's saying celebrities and you once you say me, then you know this. I didn't give damn what you thought about the rest of he said. You see. See, See the one thing I like. I like personal confrontation, and I respect a man to call in on the show and say what he said. And I've had a most respect for him, and I think he's want her to present correct. I would rather a man talk to me to my face and like these cowards that's got these keyboards and typing stuff about me and don't even know me. I'm an uncle Tom, a coon and all that. I'd rather you call in and say it, because I bet if you call me and you get through saying it, I bet when we get through talking, I bet you feel different. Okay, I swear to god, I'll flip it about something about your personal sea. Yeah, alright, everybody, Yeah, everybody calmed down and we'll be back. You're listening to all right, Um, Steve, tomorrow's the day I got here fast huh where I'm talking about mentoring of course? Um, your mentoring camp opens tomorrow first day. Wow, right after the radio showed in that evening, they'll come in. Yeah, it's only were changing Boys Live. That's real cool. Yeah, we started changing boys live. Two boys. Well, that's a love. Give up your game. I think what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna I'm gonna create a program walk and do thousands. Mm hmm. Outstanding Steve. It's coming, it's coming. I'm gonna get it done. I'm determined to get it done. It has to done. We've got to help these young boys change the line. That's right. And if you'd like to help, if you'd like to help and support and everything. If you want to help, Steve, tell them how to do that. They can text hut and hit like you want to text somebody, hit the little right a text button on the line to text on the line that says to just type of nine one in the block. That says message type of Stephen, press seeing and tell you what to do. Any donation will help man. Anything you can give another goal to change the boys and girls period. I do not take a salary. I have to pay people to do certain things. Of course, you know you can't put up a tent for free. Everybody don't care. Everybody don't care about the kids. I asked him people to bring all in portable showers and bathrooms out there. They charge. The people who make the t shirts charge, camping equipment charge, beds, cots charges charge. I gotta bring in three hundred beds. Man, I bring in a lot. Man's see for someone who doesn't know, who's never been to the mentoring camp before, just tell them, just you know, give us a little overview of what it's like. I mean, I bring two fifty boys. I bring their mothers. They're all single mothers who are raising boys without the help of a man. I know that's hard, So I get the women in hand. I keep their boys for a week. The mothers get off, they go over to UH We feed them to come to the first dinner together, the boys and the moms. We give them an overview of what's gonna happen a little bit later on. We separate them. The moms go to hotels, the boys stay at the camp. I pitched tents. I had facilities last year, but I lost that place. So I after pitch tents, bring in showers, bathrooms, everything. Um, you know, I gotta bring everything in. I got these boys out here, they got a shower every day, they got used bathroom. I gotta feed them. Uh you try feeding two and fifty boys and two and fifty mothers. Very expensive. And we get them in there and we teach them about two things, manhood and dreams. That's it. When you do some to all types of successful men, from the military to IBM, to Ford Motor Company, to stay farm everywhere, and they just and every boy leaves with the mentor a phone number of a man that they've you know, built a bond with. All Right, I will talk more about it. For details, go to Harvey Foundation dot com. You're listening to all right, Steve, I'm gonna do something like that too, And I'm gonna do I'm gonna do your life story. I might just do a comeback tool just called something real crazy, some like, you know, a comeback to coback because all eyes on me. Uh yeah, uh huh okay, uh one more thing, one last thing, just one more thing, Steve, French fries, it says may kill you. This is according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical We all love, love, love fries. Come on now. Yeah. This is a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. It's suggesting that if you eat fries at least twice a week, it could increase I don't know if you're ready for this could increase your risk of death. Wow, wow, well hey, this is an eight year study. They've been studying this for eight years. It followed the fried potato eating habits of forty four volunteers between the ages of forty five and seventy nine, and found that those who ate fries twice a week increase their risk of death more than double those who didn't. There is one bit of good news in the study, though. It turns out if you don't want to die, you don't have to give up potatoes altogether. Just the fried ones. Okay, you can boil them, you can bake them, you can mash them. They showed no increased risk of death at all at least until another study, of course tells is differently. But right now, twice a week eat other stuff. There's not yell yeah burgers, yeah, fried chicken. But once a week it's cool. Who do you have to study? Like I said, it was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, if they study forty people? Fries? Hell yeah, my very case. And I was going to use him every day, but you got to come back. Sorry, But yeah, there's yeah, baked fries, fries, but they don't it's not like French fries. You you get, you just have to fry. Chicken is one of them. Yes, chicken, Oh yeah, yeah, baked wings, it's all right, yeah right, but you fried in things. Get that hot sauce. If there was a big chicken and waffle, they'd go out of business. I'm gonna be oh this week, barbecuing and grilling and stuff. My two famous sandwiches will be on display all week. What what is your favorite? What is your favorite sandwich? I can't tell you how doing because people are trying to steal them? Okay what either? No, I can't do it until I register because people would take my stuff. I made a mistake already. I said something on the radio. Next thing, I know, somebody pick made it the domain name that after that, so he can't please please, Steve, I sent you a lot of it, lots have different level pepper, And when did you send it? It's gone, it's then it's then at the camp, hats waiting on you? Is this your to this didn't get them to my house? What what was I supposed to say? Said to who? You has so much going on? Much going on, man, it's crazy. But I would just get on off because I got some packing to do. No, you can't get off. I got to go right now. I got man, because you want to be ready for the boys. You know, Steve looks like Indiana Jones when Hyeah, he has a hat, he has the slacks, he has the machete, that's all of that. Yeah, looks crazy Indiana Jones in front of the house. Huh, what'd you say? See at this camp I'm doing this year, there's a lake right in front of the house that I'm staying in. I'm staying in the house last year. Didn't have a lock on that dough Yeah, it wasn't no lock on the door. I mean, wasn't even a doe knob just to even make you. You didn't have to turn. Then you just push these double doors open, and now I will there laying up their naked you sleep, nude? Yeah, sleep. I bet the mosquitoes ten yell, and I know what to do. I'm a country boy. Mosquitoes int y'all house country, But I'm know how to get rid of all that answer all, I ain't dealing with that. Man, Well, how do you get rid of mosquitoes? Hang that water bag? That water bag? What water band? Put that water in and drop them pennies in there like a little ziplock band ziplock. Wait a minute, await from where y'all sitting there, eyes away from your food. Here's another tip of you outside of the cookout. Keep flies away from me. Take a bowl, put all apple side of vinegar in it and then sprinkle all over the top of it. Then crushed red peppers, you know, a little pepper flakes, sprinkle at on top of the vinegar. Set that in meddal table won't have a flow over there when your head. How do you know? I'm country as dude, man, We country people. Hey, we gotta eat outside. I got no time for this. Hire them sent and sent Tonella Canta, I love him. Hey y'all, y'all have a great day. God loves you. Have a wonderful weekend, I said, I have a wonderful weekend. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US RED than at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.