Ice Cream Vendors, Trump Verbal Backtrack, Meek Mill, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Erika VS Tommy, Imma Get That, Boom Boom in The Boardroom, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Jul 18, 2018, 2:45 PM

The crew opens up the show praising ice cream providers. President Trump has an issue with his verbal skills. Meek Mill's judge is opposed to the advice given by her own attorney. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Erika VS Tommy. Informercials on TV can be so good that you make an embarrassing purchase. We ask The Steve Harvey Nation for their Office Romance stories. Tommy and J. Anthony Brown do Closing Remarks and show us how to best utilize the word NO and so much more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all baby all sung looking back the don giving them mong like theming bu things and it's to y'all to me through good it stry listening to me together for Stu bar hand clean Hobby. Why don't you join yeah, Hobby, join me into bed? You join me? Honey said you turn? Yeah? You want you you gotta turn. Won't the turn the time you love? You got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your back at it? Uh huh, I shall will a good morning everybody. Y'are listening to the voice, Come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah, I got one. And I got a message for you today to something I was thinking about that might help you along the way. Um the thing I appreciate about so many people that I learned from Bishop Jake's, Kenneth Omer, Donnie McClerkin, Kirk Franklin, um, Joel Oldstein. I can't tell you and and and and many more than that. I mean, you know, I mean I'm naming you know, famous people because because I know you know these names. But my father, who you never met, was so great in my development as a man, But my mother thought him mercy. My mother was um. She taught me about faith, She gave me the things I needed to know about. What I speak about every day, that basis was given to me by her. So there's so many great people. But here's here's here's the thing that I've had to learn, and that is that if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. See, I can't tell you how many people don't really pay attention to that close enough. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. How many times have we as people allowed God to get us through something, get us beyond something, get us over something, get us through something, and then even after its completion, we sit there and we dwell on it, and we dwell on it to the point where it comes an anchor around our neck and we can't move on. We can't move on because we just won't let it go. It's done. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. Stop harboring on the past. Stop hanging on to every time you fail, Stop hanging on to every time you slipped up and messed up. Stop hanging on to every time you didn't get it right. So what everybody makes mistakes, Everybody messes up, Everybody don't get it right. Everybody is struggling with something. You ain't the only one. But my God. Man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You're hanging on to it, for that's why He got it, got you through it, so you can move on from it. See a lot of things that happened to us that we think are negative or bad experience. These are lessons and what and what not to do. This is a this uh, this is a this is a way to have a now or bearing on. Lookout for it the next time. You know you you you you you. You got me once, you can't get me again. I'm telling you, man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You have got to move on. I use this analogy all the time. I'm gonna add a little bit to it. Bishop Jake's told me you cannot drive your car looking in the rear view mirror. I was talking to a young singer yesterday who I ran up into and man, let me tell you something. This this this analogy or I told him. We had about twenty minute conversational. See you know what Your rear view mirror is actually for in your car. I was just tripping on this one day. Actually, your rear view mirror is designed and this is what I use it for. After I pass a car and I want to emerge into that lane or I want to make another move, I look up in the rear view mirror, and all I use it for it shows me that I've gotten past it. I've gotten past the vehicle I was passing, and I got enough room, not clear, to make my next move. That's what I used my rear view mirror for. I used my rear view mirror to just glance up every now and then to see what's coming up on me. That's all I use it for. The rear view mirror. When you're passing through something, it sent to me real close. Now, your rear view mirror on your car is after you're passing something or you're passing by something, you can look up in the rear view mirror and it lets you know you're past it, You're beyond it. It's clear. Now it's in the past. You no longer have to deal with it as the car that was in front of you blocking your way. You have passed it. You look up in the mirror. You've cleared it. Now, if you want to switch lanes, you could slide on over. You got room. But that rear view mirror also lets you see if anything is coming up on you, and you just need to glance, because if you're moving forward, ain't a whole lot can come up on you. You're just glancing every now and then, and it reminds you that you got through something and you got beyond something. That's what the rear view mirror for. Now, let's talk about that wind shield. Why you think that windshield so big in your car? That's the biggest window on your car. You know why the wind shield so big because it's where you're going. Because even the automobile makers want you to have a wide view of where you're going so you can see what's up ahead. They put lights on the car night so you can have night vision and see what's up ahead. But you can oh, man, uh see not? Why is that? Look? Think about that now? For I move forward with this one. Think about that wind shield. Man, why is that wind shields so big so you can see where you're going. It's way more important where you're going than where you're being. Don't you see that. That's why the rear view mirror is so small, because it is nowhere. There's important as it is as to where you're going, why you're being. Just allows you to take a glance so you can make sure you clear it, so you can see if it's room enough for you to make your next move, so you can know that you've gone through it and go head on about your business. But that windshield, that windshield is for vision a man without a dream of visions your parish. That windshield is for somebody going somewhere. That windshielding for somebody else there trying to make another move. I'm gonna go right, I'm on left. I'm gonna get off on this exit. I'm gonna take this D two. I'm gonna handle it. Signed, there's a new route. There's only so many miles left to go. That's what the windshield got. Let me tell you something, man, when you see a mile signed, you're driving on the freeway, you're on the interstate, and you let's say you're driving to a particular city and you see a sign that says that city is thirty eight hunting thirty eight miles away. That lets you know where you're going, and you're on the right path now. If you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you'll never know how close you are. You'll never know because you're driving your car. Look in the reverview mirror. You all on the shoulder. You hear them rocks up to your car. You have scared yourself to death because you know why, because you keep looking in the rear view mirror. Get out the rear view mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Move on? So what he so what? He don't love you know more? And man, let's move on. If God got you through, it is done. Move on. God got something for you. If you get out your rear view mirror and get up in that windshield. God's got something for your upperhead. But you can't see what's up ahead because you in that rear view mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Let's move on. Come on, y'all, don't let the past beat you up. That's the ingredients in the cake. You made that already. That's done. Let's go God. Look in the windshield. See what God mobl got something new for you. If you get out the rear view mirror and look open up your eyes and see all right, let's go today to show. Baby, it is a steam hive in morning show you more Jane and Ryan and Blu. We're holding it down the show right here, this one right here, this one right here, dedicated to boys and girls and men and women everybody out. They're selling ice cream, the ice cream people who make kids lose their damn mine. Who holding it down? That ice cream truck come through, man, you lose your damn mind. Man holding it down. Share it's Toby, Oh, you better take me back to my childhood. Jay. I just want one vanilla cone, just one hand. That I scream truck come through them and you lose your damn mine. That's right there, colup around holding it down, holding it down. You wait to hear that music on the truck truck? Mom? Can I have a dollar? Mom? Can I have a dollar? Can I have? You? To get that money? And you gotta go, You gotta get that money and you gotta go. You gotta all of the down food. Number one King of pranks, my man nephew timing back. Let me get a nutted buddy. Blow what they call that a blowpop When the blowpop push up push up. Yeah, that nutted, but it was my friend. Remember the ice cream you split it with your with their partner, you you breaking your hand. Yeah, they had to. It's like two and that right, Just a good old ice cream sandwich, not that, man. Have you noticed the ice cream sandwich is a much small enough? Yeah, don't taste the same? Is that ice cream in between? Ice cream? Taste different? Man? Remember to look ice cream cup. Remember the cup of ice cream on the top came with its own spoon, baby, Yeah, the little wooden spoon. Yeah, little wooden spoon. Man. And if you didn't have the spoon, you use the top of the cup. So what's your favorite flavor? Ja No, the one that has the three the white, chocolate and neopolitan. Yeah, we's called strawberry, chocolate and vanilla. We never a little neopolitan. It's right there on the box. Use that word. And what is it called neopolitans? The first time I heard that word right there, man's on the body, that's right there on the side of chocolate vanilla. That's all I haven't what's your favorite, Joe? Well, you know what I love. I love vanilla because if you can make good vanilla, you can make any flavor. That's how I look at it. Yeah, but of course I love strawberry. Come on, now, that's what we thought you were gonna sat and look you said we would have hope you say strawberry, We hope you would. Yeah. I love Rocky Road. Oh yeah, that's my favor. Oh yeah, that was good. Don't let him remember it was the youth for punishment. If you don't act right, you ain't getting no ice cream. That's right. Change your behavior immediately, not the ice cream punishment. Did you say your favorite? Now? Vanilla? Vanilla? All right, listen, coming up, we have to talk about this. President Trump backtracks on Russian were fired? Oh you're fired. Donald. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour you're listening to show. All right, Steve Harvey somewhere in the world bawling out of control. Okay, yeah, juniors out today too, as we celebrate his birthday today. Yeah. Absolutely well, guys, coming up in about an hour, we're going to play are you smarter the nephew Tommy? You could win a chance to get some of Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars. Okay, all you have to do is go to Steve Harvey FM dot com and register so you can play Are you smarter the nephew Tommy? We'll see today, We'll see. Yeah, this is embarrassing. Okay, alright, so switching gears. President Trump has been forced to walk back or take back whatever you want to say, these statements after a media storm following his apparent defense of Russia over claims of meddling in the US two thousand sixteen elections. Okay, of course, we talked about this yesterday. Republican and inocratic politicians, intelligence agency officials, and political pundits called Trump's joint press conference with Putin in Finland Helsinki, Finland shameful and disgraceful. After the President refused to challenge Putin over interference in the elections. President Trump accepted the conclusion from US officials the Russians meddled in the election, but downplayed its impact. Take a listen to this. Russia's actions had no end effect at all on the outcome of the election. After what, Hey, you're in office, dude, come on now, it had a major impact. What are you talking about? Not Also speaking at the White House, the President misspoke. Take a listen to this. I said the word would instead of wouldn't, the should have been. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't or why wouldn't be Russia the red of us. I'm so embarrassed. I'm so would gate what ye wouldn't What I said the word wouldn't should have been. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't or why it wouldn't be Russia. He got problem. See that's what that is. But it's how long did it take him to retract that? Okay? Meanwhile, our president for real, uh, former President Obama gave a lecture in Johannesburg and he slammed a strong man politics without even mentioning Donald Trump. Take a listen to this, and politics of fear and resentment and retrenchment began to appear. And that kind of politics is now on the move. H It's on a move at a pace that would have seemed unimaginable just a few years ago. I am not being alarmist. I am simply stating the facts. Look around, strong man politics are ascended suddenly, whereby elections and some pretense of democracy are maintained the form of it, but those in power seek to undermine every institution or norm that gives democracy meaning we miss you get them. The one day strong mani Florida from Good Times? Was that movieber the movie Shane. Yes, that's right the man, but surely so. We had the Trump sound bite, and then we had president clown bite and this man talking about Woulden Wooden gate which one sounds cool? Which one sounds like a real president? I mean, can we can we hear? I said the word would instead of wouldn't, right, should have been I don't see any reason why I wouldn't or why it wouldn't be rushing a lot of dress, none of I'm on the plane, you see. It took him a whole day to come up with that, though. Yeah, yeah, I don't see four more years. I don't. If we don't get somebody up there, he will be back in the White House. And if we don't get out to the polls with midterm election, it will happen. It will No way, the people that voted for him can sit here for four years and look at this and say I'm gonna vote for him again. You know what? Yeah, you're living in a fantasy way. We have nobody yet Democrats are Republicans school people go up against them. You just have to make sure you get out and vote. Just with all that them and vigor. You voted for President Obama with you know a few years ago. You gotta get out to the polls. You have to. I'm gonna wrong. Just let's let me wrong. Would you'all vote them? Well, yeah, I would point yeah. I don't want to hear point well to be pretty smart, you never that's one word. So would you or wouldn't you? I meant to say wouldn't you? But I said would you? Sound like a dude who gets yes. Are you gonna run? Tommy? I'm thinking about it. Run Tommy, run all right, we know we're gonna I didn't mean to say that. You have our vote, Tommy. You have our vote at this point. All right, you can run this, run that brank back when we come back. It's coming up with the Nephew right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the our Entertainment news. Uh who A lot of stuff going on. Meek Mill, judges and lawyer on his side. Michelle Williams, formerly from Destiny's Child, checks into a mental facility. And l de barge bustom windows out your car. We're talking about it all. Yeah, yeah, right now the nephew is here with run that rank back. What you got, king of pranks? Let's run it back. Can you do my makeup? Can you do makeup my makeup? That's simple and sounds simple. Simple, Let's run it though, Branny. Hello, Hello to Brandy Blues. Yes, Brandy, my name is Carl. I'm calling. I got a you came highly recommended. You actually you're you actually are. I'm sorry that I don't know if I'm saying. As a makeup artist, makeup style, that's what you what do you call it? It's makeup artist. I'm a professional makeup artists okay. And you work at the you work with the makeup counter and correct. Okay, listen, I gotta I gotta photo shoot coming up, and I wanted to see about um sometime this week maybe the follow a week. You could actually come and and I hired you'd actually make me up for my photo shoot. Is do you do a lot of photo shoots at all? Or you? Yes, I sure do. I've been in the business for ten years, so I've been around several fellow shoots Okay, good deal. So what what's I mean you have any time this week that I can actually just come in and we can do like a trial run or something. Yeah, I'll actually be here Friday for about six hours with Friday work for you. I'm here. I started at eleven. At eleven, I mean I could come in later, maybe like around three on Friday if if you can you squeeze me in at that time. Okay, what's what's so good? Is there a certain makeup for for men work out? It works out the same as for women in photo shoots. You just need some type of crane foundation something to even out of the skin tone. Uh, how do you down to take away the oils, cover up any blemishes or anything like that. It's pretty much the same. Of course, you don't get the whole eyeshadow and lashes and stuff. But right, right, right, right right, Well I'm not all that, but I'm just trying to, you know, just trying to look good on camera. UM let me ask you this, how much makeup have you done as far as um men? You know what I mean? Okay, I'm very comfortable with it. You'll be fine, trust me. That's what I was really worried about it if you were going to be comfortable with it, because uh, I mean, have you done? Um, I'm a little conscientious about a few things, you know what I mean? And m have you have you how many butts have you done? I'm sorry? How many what like like like butts? You know? How many? How many butts have you made up? I haven't made up any? But are you? Like you mean like, yeah, I mean you could see my I'm actually doing a nude photo shoot and uh, you know, I got a couple of scratches and you know, some old scars on my butt and you know, I like you said at them. You know, I'm a little shy about you know some of that. So I was you can actually hope you can actually make sure that those cards don't show and you know you said you kind of um, you know, uh make sure everything is it doesn't look oily, you know what I mean? And and uh, I just need to get my money. Well I I didn't when I didn't understand what you're talking about. I may not be the makeup art. I don't. I'm not seriously, I'm not gonna do here, okay, But I mean we're just talking about makeup though, I mean you know you you're talking about Yeah, but I'm not about to put my makeup brushes that I use on people's faces on your ads, like to tell your photographers like photoshop that, because well, that's where I'm coming in to see you on Friday. I want you to to do everything and make me up there in the store so I can see what it looks like. I want to see what you were going to come into my job and make me do your like? What are you? What? Plainted? Are you? Where did you think that was gonna work? You cannot come into my job. How are you gonna come my job naked? Seriously? I mean, well I was gonna wear a robe. I'm not gonna just you know, out or not. Don't you even think about coming into my job? Who referred you? Who told you need to delete this number? Do not? I'm not about to get this job. What just need to get done? Okay, I don't wonder why is it the problem with you doing my What is the problem? You're doing my butt and putting some makeup on it? Not? I need to buy you some brushes. Buy you some brushes and you can take what want you to buy me anything. I don't want you coming into my job. I don't want you calling me ever again to do any kind of work. I'm coming in there and I'm now listen professional makeup artists. Clearly you don't know what that means. Solational. Then you will take out the part that's bothering you and do the job. Lady, you know what I mean. If my stories, I want to before I get real ignorant, I'm not about to finish this conversation. Do not come into my job. Do not call me to do your That's not gonna happen. So so so, I guess it's says to go around and let people know that Brandy is not professional because you can't do party. Reputation is good in the streets. Boo, you can't go around and tell anybody that I'm not professional. Nobody ever called me to be there. Get some skincare for you, how about that? And then you won't need any makeup? I know you. Then you're not gonna sit here now start talking about my if I told you some of my deepest secrets to let you know, I want to come in there and get somebody when you're bad for telling the stranger your deepest secrets. Okay, you know what. I'm coming up to your store anyway on Friday, all right, and I'll talk to your boss let them know. Don't let it fool you. Y you heard me, don't come in my job. And look, if I lose my job over your foolishness, I guaranteed you will be paying on my bills. Okay, spottom line is I'm coming in there with my rob on Friday. Somebody gonna do my But you, your manager, you're not coming in you know what? How about you come up here right now? How cauld I go ahead and take care of the situation right now. I'm here now can you come right now? Come up there right now with my robb. Well, bring bring your butt up here right now. We'll see if your bud gets done. I'm not doing it because with the bottom line, who is your manager anyway? What's she is? She there? I am the manager? Now what okay? See that's what their problem is. You got your little self a little position at your job. Now you're trying to throw your weight around if you if a person wants to get their butt done, okay, look do you see avatar? Do people have makeup all one. They butt all on their back and everyth not. You call them, You call them and ask them to do you, but don't call me. I'm hanging up. Do not call me anymore. They are makeup artists. What are you look? This conversation is over. Yeah, it's over because you know what. Let me tell you something. You do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? Do you know who you're talking to? You know who I'm talking to. I'm talking to Brandy, But do Brandy know who Brandy talking to? Clearly somebody who is ignorant. Okay, well let me tell you who I am. This is nephew taught me from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got franked by your girlfriend, Carmen. You are live. I'll get off the phone. I'll get why y'all do that. I hope nobody's listening. He just made I got you good. I got you good. Good with the but yeah, for real, get you some skincare problem. I got one more thing. I gotta ask you, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land all the damn Steve Harvey Morning Show, careful later page and ask whipping just Atlanta, g A did y'all here Atlanta? Did y'all here about it? The boy went to Jacksonville Lands. We can sold that thing because I acted a dog on fool. Now it's your time in La. It belongs to you. Two on Friday, one, on Saturday, one on Sunday, the nephew is in the A t L. Tickets are on sale red now Uptown Comedy Lions got a brand new location, brand new management, brand new. You see, brand new microphone in the brand new time. So come get your tickets and watch the food. Put it down in the I knew you were being brand new. I knew it. Somebody brand new. Anything else was a collusion. I said the word would instead of wouldn't should have been. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't or why it wouldn't be Russia. What I had meant to say was what had happened was all of that? What happened? What happened? Yeah, what happened? That scrip right on back? Then he's buying it though, anyone? All right, here we go coming up in entertainment news, Meek Mills, Michelle Williams and and El DeBarge busting windshields. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to Steve Harpy Show. Okay, coming up in about twenty minutes after the hour, We're going to play are you smarter the Nephew? Tommy? Because yeah, because if you are in Tommy, you've been pretty smart lately. If if you are, yeah, and we're gonna put a stop to that one of these days. I'm sure. Yeah, you could win a chance to get some of Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars. I said, one million dollars. This is big. But listen, you can't play unless you registered. Steve Harvey f M dot com. I know someone out there is smarter than the Nephew? Is it you? Is it you? That's I know? I know. All right, it's time for entertainment news, guys, a lot of stuff going on. Audio has surfaced of Judge Denise Brinkley advised by her own attorney to give Meek Mill a new trial, but she's held bent against it. Apparently, Brinkley's lawyer, Charles Baruto Jr. Yeah, I recorded the interview, explaining that he advised his client based on what he would do in this situation. Back in May, he's even heard describing Judge Brinkley as looking effing awful for not letting this go once the story broke. Yeah. Uh. Meek immediately posted the audio clip on The Graham on the Graham with the caption, everybody knows what's going on. You can't make this stuff up, all right, this is crazy. Yeah, but her attorney, the judge's attorney, is saying, he's even saying let it go. Yeah. But for some reason, this is it's just personal. Now, it's just really really personal. Um okay, So um, Michelle Williams of Destiny's Child, Well, she's reportedly checked herself into a mental health center for depression. Uh. The last time we heard from her, she was engaged and stuff and and looking very happy. Yeah, very recently. Apparently she's been at the facility just outside of Los Angeles for a few days. Um, Williams shared in a statement via Instagram. For years, I have dedicated myself to increasing awareness of mental health and empowering people to recognize when it's time to seek health, help, support, and guidance from those that love and care for your well being. So We'll keep our eyes on this story and let you know how it develops. But we're wishing her well and um, of course good health. Yeah yeah, yeah, this is big, yeah, and this is big. She's a famous person and she did it, so you know, all right, yeah, seek help. Absolutely. Finally, an entertainment news um L J. Barge was arrested for allegedly taking a wrench to someone's wind shield. Apparently L got into an argument Friday night. I know, sweet lovable L de Barge. He took a wrench to someone's windshield. He got into an argument friday night and chased a man out of a house in the San Fernando Valley. That's in an area of Los Angeles. Unidentified man ran to hide in an RV. L smashed the windshield with the wrench. The man called the cops. L was charged with felony vandalism and spent the night in jail. Before posting twenty thousand dollars bail was singing, yeah, bam, let the lights all right, ja, let's let's take it on over to MS and for today's headlines please and trip yea, thank you very much. This is and trip with the news, everybody, and Good morning, President Trump. Now that he's been greeted with mostly negative responses to the comments he may after that private European power with Vladimi Putin, President now claiming he was misunderstood. This is what he said about talking to Putin about Russian meddling in the elections. They said, they think it's Russia. I have President Putin. He just said it's not Russia. I will say this, I don't see any reason why it would be. Well, Trump now says, I misspoke, should have been I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be Russia. Sort of a double negative. So you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things pretty good by yourself. In other words, Trump now insist that he accepts the findings of the U. S. Intelligence community and that yes, Russia did interfere in our last presidential election. By the way, this whole fiasco, this whole part of our particularly history with the president, has not affected his support based at all. His popularity among his base remains the same. Since we're talking about turnarounds, though, get this, one of Donald trump staunches supporters, Papa John's Pizza founded John Schnader now says he made a mistake in agreeing to step down as chairman of that company. Shnader's accused board members of not knowing how to handle a quote crisis based on misinformation. The Wall Street Journal says. Shnaider says he was asked to step down as chairman without any investigation and should not have agreed to it. He apologized last week for using the N word during a sensitivity training conference call of all Things, and for seeing me to reminisce about how white people in Indiana, where he grew up used to murder black people whenever they wanted to by dragging them to death behind their trucks. Oh Snada's image has been removed from company materials, but he remains on the board and is the largest shareholder. Today. Would have been the late Nelson Mandela is one hundred of birthday. Former President Obama was a keynote speaker yesterday at South Africa Centennial celebration for him, and at certain points Mr Obama seemed to be talking about someone else. As with the denial of rights, the denial effects once counter the democracy. It could be it's undoing. You have to believe in facts. Mr Obama is hosting a town hall in Johannesburg later on today for young future leaders in that country. This is sad story is sweet. Little seven year old girl named Desandra Thomas was riding with her father early Sunday morning when his car crashed along the highway in Romulus, Michigan. She gets out of the car and walks along the dark and highway. Now again, she's seven, She's trying to get some help for her dad. She also calls nine one one. However, the police say they couldn't get a fix on her. Not long after, a woman calls and she says, I think I hit someone in that vicinity. Police arrived on the scene and after some searching, they discovered little Desander's body. They eventually found the father behind the wheel. He was pretty intoxicated. He lost his little girl. In the last word, he was in custody. Today National Perfect Family Day, and we'll be back with more into entertainment and coming up between minutes after the hour. You smart than Nephew Tommy on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. It is time to play Are you smarter the Nephew Tommy? Please Lord, please uh Tommy, let's meet our contestants. Please, Oh nothing, good morning. Who is this, hey, Erica? What you're calling from? I'm in Philadelphia, pen at work? What do you do for a living? What is that central processing? I still don't know what it is? All right? Well, do you think you're really smarter than me? Yes? Oh yeah, yeah, I don't know what a CD is. Yeah, we don't have to know. We're gonna see, We're gonna see who the smartest. So here's what's happening to, baby girls. Shirley is gonna ask us both from trivial questions. Whoever answers the most questions correctly in sixties? Because we'll wind daddy if you got it? Yes, all right, So Temmy, we need your behind to step out of the studio so you cannot hear any of the questions. Beat it bafflic okay, Erica? Men, you men? You you ready? Yes, I'm ready? Alright, alright, yes, alright, ca can you please give me sixty seconds on the clock? Cat? How many letters are in the English language? English language? Yes? Are you looking at that? Which nursery rhyme character sat on a wall and had a great fall? Humpy dumpy? Who was the first actor to play the role of James Bond in the movie series James Bond. Yes, Pierce, Pierce fright in what city? Can the Eiffel Tower be found? Eiffel Tower with this? Yes, Harris? What is the longest bone in the human body? Yes? What's another name for the Academy? Oh? Time's up? All right, hang on for a second. Yeah, okay, Jay Carlo, what do you guys think about that one? Iless? She did pretty good. Yeah, it sounds like she had some help. Well, I think she looked sound like she was looking him up right. She took so long answer. He was like, so, I like she was googling. All right, listen, when we come, we're gonna find out who is the smartest in our brand new hot, Hot Hot game. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? We're coming back at thirty four after the hour. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the show we're in the middle of playing. Are you smarter than Nephew Tommy? Tommy back? Yeah, Yeah, I hope you are too, because our contestant, Erica, she's pretty smart Tommy. Yeah, yeah, you don't know what she do, But come on, all right, let's go cat, give me sixty seconds on the clock. Please. How many letters are in the English language? Which nursery rhyme character sat on a wall and had a great fall? Who was the first actor to play the role of James Bond in the movie series Oh Dog Uh pass? In? What city can the Eiffel Tower be found? Italy? No? No, no, Paris? What is the longest bone in the human body fibulus? What is another name for the Academy Awards oscar? What is the outermost layer of the skin your hell? What a question? What city does superhero Batman live? Gotham? You know what, Shirley, you stopped installed on my own. So you're trying to Bryan to get to the next question, She stuttered, stutter, We were still trying to figure out and that was where the Eiffel Tower. I was trying to hope. I went back and fixed that. But you know you slowed up on the Batman thing. I said, is it wrong? Tommy? All right, Look, we're gonna tally up the results, but in the meantime, I'm like t French numbers. Here are the questions with the answers. How many letters are in the English language, which nursery rhyme character sat on a wall and had a great fall. Humpty Dumpty, who was the first actor to play the role of James Bond in the movie series Sean Connery In what city can the Eiffel Tower be found? Paris, France? Paris? Okay? What is the longest bone in the human body? Femur? I say, yeah, what's what's another name for the Academy Awards the Oscars? And what is the outermost layer of the skin? Epidermist? Did she get that right? No, that's you don't. All right, here we go. Let's let's tally this up. Okay, Erica, Yeah, Erica got four four right, She got numbers one to four and five. Tommy got four right, So it's a tie. Yeah, alright, here's the tiebreaker. Right into this, Erica with the time, Eric Charley is going to ask a question you and Tommy will answer. The first person to answer the questions correctly will win the tiebreaker. Okay, all right, okay, alright, ready here we go. Good luck. What is Muhammad Ali's birth name? Tommy got it? Tommy said it. Man, Why do you hate me like I don't you hate? You hate the game. Don't I don't hate you, baby girl. You got twenty five dollar gift card. I want to thank you for playing. Are you smarter than a few Timmy? So you did get a twenty five dollar gift card? People a big round applause. Alright, alright eric An America, Yeah, alright. If you think you're smarter than nephew Tommy, that is me. Then go to uh Steve Harvey FM dot com, get yourself signed up, and let's see if you can get in here and win this one million dollars. Go to Steve Harvey FM dot com to register to play Frank phone call with the Smart Nephew coming up next. You're listening to the Steven Show. Steve and Junior both are out today. Happy birthday Junior while they are away. Yeah, birthday Junior. While they're away, we're playing Are you smarter the nephew? Tommy? And you heard it, thought you had it, Erica. It ended at a time, But then when you played a game, Erica, whoever was helping you should have played a game. Every question I asked, she repeated it, Yeah, oh yeah, you were out of the room during that time, Tommy. But yeah, that's what happens. Yeah, majorly, majorly, But yeah, Shirley, let me shout out to Snoop the crook. He tweeted all that help she had in the back. Yeah. It was a tie, but Tommy, you won the tiebreakers, so yeah, yeah, alright. The winning continues tomorrow at seven eastern six Central, registered at Steve Harvey FM dot com. If you want to play, are you smarter than nephew Tommy, who is here right now with the prank? What you got me and my Jesus, Me and my Jesus slash around that prank? If you would, Hello, I'm trying to reach your sister. How you doing. I'm giving you a call on behalf of Baptist Church. You are a member there? Am I right? Yes? I am? Okay, listen, um, I'm calling you. They some of the members have gotten together and had a meeting and wanted me to give you a call. It seems that a lot of them are complaining about Sunday services that go on and wanted for me to give you a call on their behalf so that we can see if we can address the problem and talk to you diligently as possible and try to get the problem rectified. What's going on. Well, it seems like that a lot of members are complaining. I'm sorry, and what is your name against My name is mam uh. I'm not actually a member of the church. I've just been the one that they've been asked to give you a call and try to talk on the members behalfs So maybe we can get this problem. Rectify that you that they have Uh, as far as you are concerned, Okay, go ahead, I'm just trying to see what this is in regards to go ahead. Well, it seems like the members of the church are complaining about that you're doing too much shouting at church on Sunday, and it seems to be going on every Sunday. You're running up and down the aisle and you're shouting all over the place. And if me, I've been singled out about my shouting, is that what you're saying, wellever Dindy is distracting man, You're distracting everyone from getting the word and listen to the word and being involved in the service. And that's the purpose of the call is to see if we can get you to tone it down something. Okay, So the whole church is complaining about me shouting the way people run up and down them off every Sunday and almost playing cart wheels and flips, and they're singling me, I complained about me. Well, ma'am, I don't know how it is that you can see everybody else doing cart wheels when you're the ones that they say you're the one that's doing them. Am I being singled out? Man? All I'm saying is that they're saying that you're doing too much shouting and too much running at this church. Now, I'm just the message. But they can't tell me how to shout. They don't. They can't tell me what's going on in my life, what's gonna keep me from praising God? And they, I mean, they could just they could go somewhere else with that, but they're not gonna tell me that I can't praise my God. They don't know how good God has been to me. And you know what, I understand that I agree with you wholeheartedly, but it's becoming a distraction. I mean, they was at the point last night talking about should we put some seatbelts on the pews so so you can stay down seat high. They gonna tell people they can't shout in church, embrace God. What do we call the church for? Well? You do come to We need to be trying to plaise God and get they all shout on and stop looking at me? And what about what I'm doing. We're gonna need you to quit running up and down these aisles and doing what I'm sorry, you know, I'm trying to stay calm. I'm trying my best. Jesus sure that that's not happy. You can't tell me I gotta stop shouting, okay, man, But let me ask you. Are you running now? Aren't you just standing still? Talking? But I don't have to run right now? Okay, What I'm trying to get you to do, Like if I want to run up and down this street right now, I can run up and down the street and place God. But they're not gonna tell me to stop shouting at church. Can we get you to be a little bit more reserved as what we see? Man, let me let me go ahead and go further on what they do the spirit moves. Okay, Well, let me move and tell you what they've told me. Now. If we can't get to the point where you can, you know, tone it down, then we may have to ask you to leave. Ask me, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, you let them ask me. Why don't they want me to leave the church. I've been at that church for sixteen years. I'm not leaving the church. I'm gonna run up and down. I'm not gonna run on the church, even where I feel like not not not not not Listen, that's all. I'm okay, go ahead, I'm gonna be there. I'm going to I am going to be there on Sunday. Man, and I have been the person that's been appointed to make sure that you're not running up and down these outs and shotting like this. You're got to keep yourself reserved so people can hear the word of God. You are standing in people's word. That's what you're doing. You're in the whale. If they come trying to send me down, I'm gonna get him a word and ain't gonna be your God hands up on me here, Listen. I'm telling you that now you could that I haven't been in that church fifteen years. If I want to run, damn shout, jump, whatever I want to do, I'm gonna doing it. Ain't nobody gonna stop me. You're gonna have to stop this. This past Sunday was your last Sunday doing it, and you're not going to do with this sney like I said, just why And I'm telling you could tell the unsues, the deacon boy, the deaconess, the minister's wives or who all asked you want to tell let him put their hands on me and see if I don't sling on them, I'm gonna go run about the spirit and sling on I'm telling you that now because he said you don't really pushed me that I have tried. I just tried. Let me ask you this here where you're trying to show that I'm saying and remember, but you make it you if you're making me reverted back to my own ways and you you really gonna me off, that's what you're gonna do. Okay, Well, let me ask you this, what is the God at right now? And you where is the one that say it was? The God was in me when I was trying to be called with you had fun to tell, you know, me calling me with this polishness. But now you can make the other side of me rose up. Well, you wouldn't raised it up, and you didn't raise it up in me too. Guess what come sounding You're gonna sit you in the pew and you ain't gonna you know when you call yourself take pe Okay, I'll right. I'm We're gonna see how where I'm not sitting at you matter fact, first day Sunday morning, I'm going the past. Oh yeah, well deacon you are whatever your name is. I'm gonna telling about it. God, how you need to loose. I would be talking to Pastor myself and letting him know about this situation. You don't talk. You don't know we can call pass right, we just passed, don't right? You don't talk to Pastor. I talked to past past I don't at this chart sympting. Yes. Like I said, I'm telling you, Oh Jesus, you you feel old Jesus not not not not not see just like this here you see how you're calling on him and you standing yeah, because I'm calling it on him to kidney from just really going to cuss you are right there because you've ben't really hitting my nerves. I got one more thing I need to say to you, lady. You know you better say real quick cause you're gonna talk to this operator, said nephew, timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your girl. You know, I'm I'm I'm gonna kick but on the Okay, Jesus, I got one more thing, baby, let me ask you something. What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land morning. I love her. I thank too much. Yeah, we're with you, but those frank people make you don't be ready for shout out to my boy. He's listening to the show this morning. Lamon Rucker, lamon Rucker listening. What's up? When does green Leaf coming back? Lamon my show? Laman come home at your boy a t L. I'll be Friday, said the Sun at Uptown Comedy Club. The nephew is in the eight Tale. All right, here we go. Strawberry letter coming up next. My husband is a whimp. We'll do that right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right, don't forget tomorrow morning. Tomorrow Morning. The winning continues at seven twenty eastern, six twenties Central. We're giving away a chance to win Steve Harvey's grand prize of one million dollars with our brand new game. Are you smarter? The nephew? Tell me? Okay, nobody showed up yet. Where are all the smart people? Where? Hey, y'all call Harvard and Yale if you want to. I'm ready and do what when we call them and say? What you getting in about it? Over there on the phone, let's go, all right? If you're from Harvard or Yale, please go to Steve Harvey FM dot com right now to register. We need you. Okay, we need you. Are you smarter? The nephew, Tommy more House and spellman get him on the phone. Let go. I just go. And I'm not talking about the students. I'm talking about the professors. What we know. You're smarter than Trump. I said it should have been. I don't see any reason why I wouldn't. It would us if this, if this isn't cards, House of Cards for real? Yeah, it is all right. Well, now it's time, guys for the Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationship, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, on more, just submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve harv FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air. Like we're getting ready to do right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter alright. Subject, my husband is a whimp. Dear Stephen Shirley. I've been married for five years, but my husband is missing a pea. He provides for the family, and he professes his love for me, but he does not protect me like he should. Last month, a neighbor yelled at our son for going into his yard to get a ball. My husband and I went outside to see what was going on. I politely asked the neighbor not to yell at our child, and he began to yell and curse at me. I told my child to go inside so we could deal with the situation. My conversation with this man got heated, and he was using every curse word that he could think of. My husband stood there and didn't say a word. I continued to argue with the neighbor, and the crazy man lunged at me like he was going to hit me, but he missed. I turned towards my husband because I you, I just knew he was about to step up and deal with this man. To my surprise, my husband was running back towards our front door and to and told me I needed to get in the house immediately and leave the neighbor alone. I was so outdone. The neighbor laughed in my face and called my husband a little b. I was seeming mad at my husband, and I asked him how he could just leave me like that. He said he was going in the house to call the police. Since then, I've lost a lot of respect for my husband. I can't be with a man that doesn't make me feel safe and secure at all times. I never would have married him if I had known this. My neighbor is right, he is a little b. So how do I get past this? Well, first of all, I don't know, because, um, this letter is wrong and crazy on so many levels. First of all, the neighbors should not have been yelling at your child. You were absolutely right. You and your husband absolute lee right for going out there and and letting him have it. Okay, well, you anyway, not your husband. But let me get this straight. You turned around and your husband was running back to the house without you. Huh. That is It's just crazy, That's all I can tell you. I don't get where your husband was coming from with this. Yeah, he definitely left you out there, and he certainly shouldn't have. He should have never just stood there while the neighbor was disrespecting you like that and yelling at your son. He should have stepped up like a real man, and uh, he could have shut it down. He could have just you know, stepped in, Uh, took over the situation, checked the neighbor for talking to you crazy, for lung lunging at you and almost hitting you. Uh, even if he didn't want to argue with the neighbor, but I don't see how he didn't want to at this point after yelling, yelling at his son and lunging at you, he should have taken you inside with him then called the police, or or how about this, how about this? He could have whipped the neighbors behind that right then and there. All right, It seems like you would have preferred that, and I think people listening to the show and listening to this letter would have preferred that as well. So you need to have a serious come to Jesus meeting with your man and tell him that that was unacceptable. He needs to step up or step out. Harpo, Who who is this man? That I'm married to. Come on now, yeah, all right, come on, that's okay. Let me just say this. First of all, there have been set down, all they have been rules. They've already set this boy. No, that ball not supposed going there, Damn y'all. He'd been told several damn times, don't put the ball in the man's in the next thing, neighbor, John, don't do it. What are you go out there and dude, put the ball in the man? Yad? Not a wife go out there arguing with the man with the ball supposed to be in a yard in the first damn plate. You got two wrongs right here already already, Shirley. First of all, all men ain't fighters. Oh man, for yourself, Chase, I'm one of them. I'm a trash talker, I'm a compedient. I'm gonna give you a quick joke. And then if he if your husband take his ass in the house, you should have followed. The Bible says woman should follow the man the man. The man went in the house, he said, I'm still with it. Don't need me get my ass by in front of my son and my wife. Now I'm missing days from work. I'm going the house. You are crazy right now, that man yelled at your son and your wife. Here's what happened. I get an ass, whooping fitness man, beat my behind. I'm missing days from work now behind on my mortgage. Yeah, it sounds like that's exactly what I put off all because all I had to do was turn around and take my back in the house and shut it down. And why she's standing out there, she is so wrong. And here's a big When the husband walked that day, he sizing up real quick, balling wrong yard kid, argum, wipe out there. Argument man can who my ass? Alright, I'm out. I'm going back in the house. Wrong as she's as wrong as Trump was. Just say it should have been. I wouldn't stay out then with somebody that's not my husband and the house. You got to protect your family, all right. Listen, coming up, we're gonna we're gonna hear more from the guys on this Strawberry letters subject. My husband is a web will be back, and so it's Jay, We'll be back. You're listening to st alright here we are said all of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. With that in mind, Disney Dreamers Academy invites one hundred students every year to the Walk Disney World Resort for four days of networking, professional workshop, inspirational sessions, and of course some Disney magic. Past Dreamers have gone on to do things like serving the Obama administration, become recording artists, wants, successful businesses, and beyond. Are you ready to propel your dreams into reality? Visit Disney Dreamers Academy dot com. That's Disney Dreamers Academy dot com to find out how for real, for real, for real, We are back. We're in the middle of the Strawberry letter, the subject my husband is a whimp. Let's recap for you. A young lady rode in. She's been married for five years. Her husband, she says, is missing a p What is that P? Well, he provides for the family, He professes his love for the family, but she does not feel protected by her husband. And here's wife. Last month, the neighbor yelled at her son because her son's ball got into his yard, so she and her husband went outside to see what was going on. She said, she politely asked the neighbor not to yell at her child, and he began to curse her out. The neighbor did, uh. Well, you know, they got into a to a heated argument. The neighbor lunged at her, almost hit her. Uh. They're cursing back and forth. The husband's just standing there and then she turns around. The husband doesn't say a word. She turns around and sees her husband running back to the house, and she's like, what's going on? Where are you going? He says he's going inside to call the police. All right. Uh. The neighbor laughed in her face, called her husband a little b. Now the wife is upset, She's steaming mad with her husband. She's asking him how could he leave her like that? She's saying she lost a lot of respect for a husband. She wants to feel safe and secure with this man at all times, and she never would have married him if she'd known him. This, Uh is the neighbor right? Is her husband a little b? So how does she get past this? I mean I gave her several options. I told her that her husband could have gone over there, checked the neighbor for talking to her crazy, for lunging at her, and if the man didn't want to argue her husband. He could have, um, you know, clearly taken her inside with him, not run away and then call the police, or he could have, you know, commenced a whipping. The neighbors behind. Jay, on the other hand, said the neighbor looked bigger than him, and when he when the wife saw her husband running in the house, she should have run right behind him. Because Jay is a trash talker and he's a lover, not a fighter. I'm not a fighter, yeah, all right, so tell me it's on you, all right. You know, Normally, normally I want to have fun and act a food with the letter because that's what I do. This one actually bothers me because this is family, and this is this is your wife, and this is your son out there, and you leaving your family hanging and you running inside. You you didn't punked out on your kid. You didn't punked out on your You actually wear the panties in the family. That's what you do. Man, This is not good if you can't, if you're not a fighter, and that's not what you do. Because personally y'all already know me, we'd have been fighting in the front yard. But if that's not who you are, if you're not a fight. The first thing first, get your family in the house and make sure they safe. Then come back out here and have to try to have a civil conversation with this man. So y'all don't have this problem no more. All of this behind a ball going in the yard is really really stupid. But you gotta make sure your family is straight to the wife me personally. You need to sit to your husband down. Y'all need to have a talk, because what happens when next time that there's an altercation somewhere, not necessarily next door, but anywhere. You gotta you gotta be assured that your man gonna stand up and make sure that the family is okay. And that's not what's happening right here. So I understand you being in a situation where you're like, you don't know what to do, and I get it. You gotta have a talk with your man. He got a man up. But once you called me the little be, we're gonna make a U turn. I got to come back the little bee pulls me back at the house. Yeah, okay, but I'm making sure my son is in the house. I'm making sure my wife is in the house. A matter of fact, once you learned that my wife it's a rap. When it's a rap, dude, you're not gonna my wife. You're gonna here a woman too. And as women, you know, besides love and commitment and all that, the reason we got married is for security. We want to feel safe. We want to feel secure, you know, with her husband, protecting protection is a big part of it, all right, So you need to know that. And he did not handle that situation. Well, uh, you know, you're right. Everyone is in a fighter like like Ja said in his humorous way, everyone isn't a fighter. And if you're not, take your woman inside with you. Don't leave her outside to to argue with the neighbor man. We would, we would. Here's caught something real quick to tell y'all. We were in the Bahamas. Y'all know. We went to the Bahama a few weeks ago, right, take the kids on vacation. One of you got lifeguards is telling everybody to get out of the lazy ripple. And I said, okay, can we go back to where where we started? Though? We can be by things where we got where we went in at and this say, this is where y'all went in and I said, no, man, this is not where we went in. And then he started arguing with my wife's and my wife is gone, like this is where we went on. Then I took over and then she immediately let me know because she saw me going to another level. Hey, hey, your kids here, your kids, you on your way, you on your way to another level. Let's stop. This is not that sick. We will walk around so you know, she always has the real me back. It's not you know, but but and that's the way it should be. It shouldn't be that your wife by here being the man at the house. That makes no sense. Yeah, absolutely, yeah that's but that's one way. But when you see that, you're not gonna win this fight. Take your glass in the house. She saw him leave. Why she's still arguing with this man me. Okay, So so Jake, you're gonna be the neighbor and I'll be a couple. Okay, Yeah, can I be stupid? No? Girls, can I be stupid? Okay? What the hell is damn ball doing in my yard? Again? Uh? Uh? Well no, you don't drop us like that everywhere you here, You get your ball out, take your little pucks on the go in the house. Tops that. That's just the baby. Baby, baby, baby, Okay, baby, I'm going in the house. You better go in the house. Take your baby. You're standing that you won't do. I'm in the house. You're little old, bi, You're little old. Be in the house. You're a little old big. Yeah, I'm gonna be in the house. I'm gonna be a big in the house. Baby, Come on in here. Take your napper head wife in the house. All of that, all of that, We're gonna be in the house. And let me do some boy. If that ball ever go in that yard again, I'm gonna beat your ass. I'm telling the board now. All right, we gotta go, guys or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M dot com or my girl Shirley. Alright, Uh, we'll be back with as seen on TV right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Uh, this this segment right here is one that is near and dear to my heart and Jay Anthony Brown, please explain what is going on right now? What's happening? We love this. We're sitting up at night and you're watching television and then product comes on. You're so embarrassed, but you go, I think I'm gonna get that. You don't. You don't really tell anybody but that water hole, that that that the tracks back, man, Man, that have to see the amazement And I ain't wanted my grass and that years I got a gardener, man, I just gotta get that. What about Oh my god? Okay, you guys know I don't cook, but if I did, Jay, those copper pots, the ones that are the ones that you can fry an egg in, you can put some melted cheese in and it'll just fly off. But I love them. So if I cooked, If you guys ever came over to my house for dinner, please know that I cooked him in copper pots. I'll tell you what. We'll be stuck with the label because you ain't gonna use it at all. Anyway. I like if I did I did, like, Oh Jay, if I had done it? Yeah, okay, so you know the it's kind of like a swiffer, but it's called the baseball buddy. Yeah, clean around the baseboard and all that. Yeah bad. I was sitting in the bed one night and getting ready to come to work, I said, oh, I'm getting it baseball, because I'm about to clean them right even bad? Yeah, base for it, buddy? What you got so? I actually do like to cook? Y'all know that, yes, that thing that chops that onion in two seconds, get your slide over and push you down and that onion boom, Everything is shredded. That's me right there, because you know when you buy that, you get thirty two knives with that. Right there, I'm getting that. I'm getting with me to go with my copper pots. You ain't gonna use, right, come on, Jay, you know what else I want? Well, I'm waiting for a leak to happen in my house so I can get that tape. That that tape that you put. Give me a couple of rolls of that. Let's see you man? And just wait, what did I do? A whole bottom of the boat. Man. I don't believe that. I don't I know, I don't believe that. I'm not going out in both. Okay, have you guys seen Okay, all right, I might have to here, but have you guys seen the thing where you don't have to bend over to put your socks on? You see? I don't know what you call it. I don't care. It looks a man. I don't even wear socks. I don't even wear socks. Yeah, but it's just cool. You don't have to bend over. You just use this thing and your socks go on like that. I love it. And then the other thing, the other thing that I have to have one of these days is that walk into Come on, wait, wait, wait, hold on, wait, wait when you let the water out took Ain't the dirt you just washed laying on you to walk out? That's what I'm talking about. I don't I don't. Yeah, I don't know how you can out. I just know I like the water out. And then you open the door. If the water is in there the door, the door won't open because you're sitting there freezing you. But it's like, you got one. I love it. I'm gonna get one, as seen on what you got? Cal what you got? Okay, I got to first time ago, old school. It maybe out of style, but I still want one. The clapper man, I still got a desire for the clap I want that part. Okay. You know those glasses that they yeah nice, yeah, yeah, yeah, NiFe visions need because I can't see nothing. And now, okay, but you know what, it's amazing when you put them glasses on, you always see a dead you got, you got everything. If you have seen on TV what you want? What you want? I don't know. It's just fascinating to me. This this this nano thing that removes hair. Yeah yeah, yeah, it takes off you know, pit chess hair, wherever you don't want it, bikini line, whatever, but it just removes hair. It seemed like it's so smooth, it be shape. And that's why I gotta have one. Yeah, one of them. Okay, you know what. The little it's plastic, it's red and I even eat egg that much. But it allows you to cook. You can cook egg. I love it. I put everybody know they're with this on this one. Okay, this I'm going with you, Tommy, this is my s scene on TV. You talked about the nano shaver. I like that flawless thing. It'll get you know, my mystache is growing in. It'll get that right off. I'm If I don't get that, I'm gonna be looking like Steve Real soon. Oh my god. But I love that thing. It's called flawless and it's cute. Carl. It looks like a tube of lipstick stick. You could just put it in your purpose. I love it what you got, Carl? Uh? Speed abs You know you ain't getting no speed as that is that? Chuck Norris? Is that? Alright? Come on, Tommy, close it out. Don't be mad, y'all. But just for one day, though, just one day? What clear for me? Just let me wear one more time, Let me wear that. We gotta go. Coming up at the top of the hour, call us and tell us, have you ever had an office of romance? We want to know what happened? Eight seven, seven twenty nine, Steve, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, the question is out there. Have you had an office romance? Have you dated someone on the job? What happened? How did it end? All of that? But before we get to that, ja, let us know about your dates. Alright. Last night, everybody, thank you guys for coming out of the taco too. Did the traveling Dave Wass did a damn thing about seventy of them up in there? Man and Gramlin State University shake me out. This weekend the glow Hunt Theater Sholotte. Enough Carolina, babyy, your boy will be in the building and my daughter my hockey. Oh that's so cute. No it's not, No, it's not. What are you saying. I don't want her cursing. I want her to be sure you've been to come behind curs I'm the daddy feel some kind of way. Jay, it makes all the cuss words before I get out. Is she funny though, Jake? Very funny? Yeah? Oh that's good. I love it. I love it, take it, I love it all right? How were the tacos last night? Oh? You guys, let me tell y'all. Thank y'all so much making fun of the tacos because I'm selling tacos like crazy last night, said I didn't be as slow as Sharlotte say, and even slower again. But when you get them, though, the baby, saying, they might not come when you want them, but they always right on time. But but Carlos said, they're delicious, deliciousous, delicious. All right. We asked you to call in if you had an office romance, if you dated someone to the job. What happened, how did it get started, how did it end? Is it still going on? Okay? J what's happening. Uh, yeah, it was one time I was working on I'm not saying well, I'm working because that way the person would know I'm talking about it. But anyway, each day we would have a meeting, you know, a meeting with everybody would meet. We had to meet every right, so if it if it did, if the relationship did not go good that day, to say the night before in the meeting, it's hard to be in the meeting when somebody is mean at you. You know what I'm talking about, loser and you and whenever you say something in the media, I love that. Yeah, they don't they don't work out. Well, what's the thing about company? Yeah, yeah, don't dip in the company inc. All right, well listen, yeah, let's go to the phone, Tommy. We have some callers on the line. We have Branda online. Four. Let's go, let's go Brenda. Hello, Hey, good morning, good morning. Have you had an office romance or in the past or now, Brenda, I have. It's been in the past, but it went totally lived and it was not good. I ended up as manager for the job that I worked at and we're kind of got together. But it was supposed to be you know, it's strictly and this is not going any further. This is what did it is. But he started expecting me to like do extra stuff for him in the office, like if he's late, covered up and give it more hours. When he was Yes, he worked under me, so he was always under you. How long did it go on? Um? It was about seven months and then I ended up having to fire him. Office won't the reason? What reason did you give for firing him? Because he won? He was really like taking advantage. He would come in late and be like, but you know, you got to look out for me because you know, we were messing around. But he wasn't. He just wasn't performing like he was supposed to at work as an employee. Out of the office though. Was he performing out of the office? Yeah, if I could give him a rage based on that performance, you gave him a rag? Shut up? Oh you know what? Just just to sum up from yesterday, the question was, uh, have you done it at the office? Did y'all do it at the office? Oh no, we didn't do it, not you. Jack was about him, baby baby girl. Did y'all do whatever we did in my office? It was okay, but I ended up having to fire him, and he wasn't happy yet it got really ugly. Did we get one last one in before you? That's a good one time? What you gotta get one to go? You gotta get a good bye. But I told him before we got before you came to work. I told him that night that I found him, that I was gonna have to fire him. Oh you told him the night before. As we laying there, that's called severance, booty. As we lay in there, he was good, ready to leave, and I told, like, you know, I don't gonna have to fire you. What Brandon is a bad girl? After I put on a stella performance, fire anyway? All right, well, okay, well, thank you Brandon. Let's try and get to another car. Line five has Tiffany Tommy. Let's try Tiffany. Hey, hey, baby, we got about thirty seconds. Give it to us. Okay, let me make it real quick. So I was messing with this old guy at my job. He was about seventeen years older than me. We had dip off in room two four to two in the hospital. We had our little bathroom s. Then it went real bad. But at last and for four years, um come to sign out his girlfriend worked there. I never knew. I asked him about he lab but it was so good I kept on doing it. So then before he got married, he asked me, um, what I've been with him? And I told him no. So he went on and married up and it just ended a couple of years ago. Oh wow, Well listen, coming up in twenty after the hour, we'll take more calls on your office romances. Eight seven seven T nine Steve, you're listening to all right. Our question of the day for this hour is have you ever had an office romance? Have you ever dated someone on the job? How did it start? I mean, how did it get? Has to start somewhere right, How did it go? Did did you guys break up? Are you still together? What happened? We want to know all that. Eight seven I hear you know? What? Uh? What? What happened? All right? Let's go to line six, Tommy and talk to Alexander. Alexander, Hey, hey, good morning, good morning. How you doing today? We're good, We're good. Let's hear it. Man. Well, let me tell you. I was a young man at the time, and I had moved from New York down south, and I had met this gorgeous female. I mean, she was gorgeous, and she was looking at me and I was like, whoa, you know what I mean, because now I'm not saying I was I was a bad looking person, but I'm I'm telling your average person. So you know, she said all the right things, did all the right things, and we hung out, we did everything, and then all of a sudden, just childing and lost her. Man. It was like everything I said, even if it was right, it was wrong, you know. So I mean if the boss said, you know what, hey, Alexander, you know, is the sky blue your sir, sky blue Nomdain's rick, And was like, you know, but no matter whatever reason, I was bad, you know. And then it made me feel like, you know, I was less than a person. And I'm like, wait a minute, now, all I did was whatever you wanted me to do, you know what, I'm a sudden it was like, yeah, but at the office, you know, but when we wasn't at the office, it was features and cream, everything was fun. When when we was at the office, oh my god, you know, it was like I was worst person in the world. And then I'm trying to figure out, you know, hey, why you lose your mind so much. You know, she said, well, I don't want the boss to think that. You know, I'm right. That's the way of playing it all the way. Yeah, that was supposed to play the game with act like you right by. You know when when you're a young man, When you're a young man, come on, now, when you first start out and someone like that with you, you don't think that way. You're feeling something wrong, you get out. But now so you can't even come that way no more. But was up in your feelings? Man? Yeah, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie now, you know what I mean. But you know, it's like you're trying to be the man, you know what I mean when they're trying to pull you back down. You know you're trying to be cool about it, but you also feel like you punked on it. Youbodbody. You're too long winded for her. That's why I seen me talk to you at work. Keep you too long to say something? Took a whole break there, Well be you got time, We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, we're in the middle of another hot, hot, hot question of the day. This one is have you ever had an office romance? Who did you date on the job? Was it the boss? Were you the boss? How long did it last, how did it happen all of that, Let's go to the phone's nephew eight seven seven twenty nine Steve line seven Raquel, Raquel, Yes, good morning rockets. Well, I start a job about two years or so. And when I first started, you know, I was looking at as two brothers. Their dad is the Headhunt show. First I was looking at the younger brother. Then I found out he was married, butus I couldn't backing with that. So the older brother, he's bought twenty years older than me. I'm thirty. Just to put it there, he's twenty years older than me. So me and him started, you know, getting together, taking special lunch break because he lives five minutes from the jobs, you know, late night run debuts. As I joked at the job, he'll pass by sharpe me a big you know. And it ended about four or five months ago, just we twokt. We just stopped it because I got a boyfriend now. But you know, from time of time he'll calm and be like, you know what fun. I missed that. It was our last and he's still be calling. We still look at each other. That weren't like we know what went on, but nobody else do. So could you do that laugh? When he passed down a minute, he fas I get to put a little snart, you know, White y'all ended on a good note. Thing. Yeah, we're on a good note. We still friends. We still see each other a happy already, you know, thank you learning them times eyes. But just gotta let it go back. Did y'all get it in at the job? You know, he wanted to a few times. He wanted to do it in the gym a few times, but I was still scared to do it in the gym. So now we'll just take it to his house late night, to my house. Alright, alright, alright? Did you get a promotion out of it? At least? I mean, of course, that's the head Hunt show. Within the year I was there, I got a five dollar range. All right, all right, thank you. Right, let's go to line eight. I know, let's go to line aid and talk to Taren. I think it's good morning, good morning, give what's your story? Dollar? Well, what had happened was I had been going through this real bad divorce and I was dating this guy, but I broke it off. And one night I was at work and I worked at this um I can't say, late at night by myself, and I called him and it just so happened. He was down the block, so he came to the place that I worked at. We didn't work together, but we worked that building out that day. But what happened was I found out, like three weeks later that they had cameras in the building and I literally got fired from my position because we worked that building out that day. Do you have any footage of this video that we could? They should at least give me the video? Yeah you want to? Did you want to see yourself? You just want to make sure your head was hot? That was a hot romance. You're doing any video lately? I didn't know I was doing a video then time. That's when you put on your doing another one. You can't have a copy, alright, sir? Oh my goodness. All right, thanks to all our colors. It's been fun, right office romances? Yeah? All right? Well, we'll be back to close out the show with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show and closing remarks as well. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, don't forget tomorrow at seven at the eastern Excuse me, don't forget tomorrow seven am Eastern Time, six Central. Um, we're gonna play are you Smarter than Nephew Tommy once again and hopefully, I mean we are really shocked about this. Um. Yeah, it's going to be a loyal listener. You're gonna go up against Nephew Tommy. You'll each be given sixty seconds to correctly answer our trivia questions. If you are smarter, please be Uh. You have a chance to Steve's grand prize money of one million dollars. I said one million dollars. Okay, get past me first. Yeah, you're gonna get a hundred dollar gift card if you win, plus you'll be given a chance to get that money a million dollars. Okay, but you can't play unless you register. Go to Steve Harvey f M dot com today, especially the smart people. Where are you talking about the Eiffel power was in Italy? Yeah, I told you I was talking. I thought they were talking about the leaning tower, the one to be leaning You beat two people time because help man. Yeah, there to hear that. But I ain't cheated on me. Oh yeah, she had a lot of hell, both of them. How you cheat and lose? That don't mean I don't know that is not good together. Alright, guys, well if you're ready, um, you know, it's time for our closing remarks. Yeah, and this is so serious today. Yeah, it's so serious. You know that comes to time you need help. Yeah, there comes a time where you want to put your thinking cap on and you want to be an entrepreneur and you want to want to make some money. You want to make some money. You want some things that you know that will that will leave a legacy, you know, you want some things that you can pass down to your children. And so today Jay and I have come up with some things that that we think you might be able. This might jump start you to and be motivating. So Jay and I are opening up a no company, no company. Company's to no company, several businesses that we're going into the end. Right, So we're gonna open up our very own movie theater. You know, but there is no talking in movie theater. You understand that, uh phones, no phones, no babies you understand that there's no laughing even Yeah, yeah, exactly. No, we'll get it, get it not. None of that will not be allowed. No food in ours coming in and watch the movie and take it behind hume. No going to the bathroom. We're not gonna have it. No ye in the no theater we can okay, keep on. We're gonna make this no theater. We're gonna put another word in there. Okay, but keep on. Yeah, yeah, we're gonna change some things. We're not only gonna stop there, We're gonna go with restaurants. We're gonna open up a chain of no restaurants right right, it's already no smoking, we got them you already happen. But there would be no children again. No, this ain't no place for your family now, okay the restaurant, hello, say no, no cook at home, no sinning food back. If it comes out just like it is, we don't because that wastes time. Obviously it's wrong because that's how you ordered it. Okay, And there is uh no longer than five minutes to look at the mean you, no longer than thank you? Okay, you need to know what you want when I want to come over there. That's why we talk. No. In fact, that's it. No what you want before you come in to no restaurant? Okay? Yeah yeah? What else is in that restaurant? Like your movie theater? Or can you what if I have to use the restroom? The ladies we don't know because we have to hire someone to clean them up. Yes, you tinkle on your time, not out. Can I at least get a glass of water before I? No? No waters over rated? You know you. I'm really hungry. I'd like some bread and butter at least before when comes. Just you need to notice we charge you for that bread to come out, that blast of the bread, and we don't have come out. We add in the minute we sat bread and we have no butter. Now here's our next big adventure. We're gonna have the no Strip club. Now, let me tell you something right here, man, ladies and gentlemen, this is one you want to come to. Okay, there is no making your rain. You don't have to worry about that because everybody lap dances. Come with the cover. Everybody get out. You can put down. In fact, if you want to put a tin down and take back five singles, make your own change there is no worries on the wings. You can get the wings without coming into the club. We have a side window that you can we take the orders of the wings, but the window you can look through and see the dancers. You see what I'm saying to You get to see why you wait. And the most and the most important one with the No Strip club is if you're famous, no one will shout your name out. We're tired of going places where everybody knows our name. You understanding this? Cheers? Give it up a nephew Tim in the club? None of that. Huh, it's the no business. Baby. Well to that, I say no. All right, thank you guys so much. We love you. Bye bye. For all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.