Hurricane Harvey Talk - 08.30.17

Published Aug 31, 2017, 4:14 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all suit looking back to back down, giving them just like the moing buck bus things. And it's tub y'all to me true good to the hardy. Yeah, listening to me together for Stu Barn quickly to listen. Mony, don't you join? Yeah, Hobby joining me? Honey said dot turn be hurting them go. Yeah, you gotta turn, won't the turn at the time? My lovey got to turn out to turn the water? The water go? Come? Come on your back at it? Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody you are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now want and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Uh huh? One more time, man, Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man. Ain't God been good to me? Wow? But then again, ain't He been good to you too? Though? I mean really, man, Think of all the blessings God has given you. Think of all the things He's done for you, things that you ask for, things that you didn't ask for, things that you were expecting. Being all about all of the unexpected blessings. Man, he just keeps coming with it, don't it. You know? What that's some good news today, though, y'all. You know, in the in the in the face of the economy being the way it is, in the face of all the world being the way it is, the the evilness that's out there, it just it just seems like that's all that's on the news sometimes, you know, we got we got news of parents not really standing up being parents. We've got news stories of children turning on their parents. You got, you got everything the economy, You've got places you thought you should be beautiful places to go. Now they've got travel allerged. It's it's just it's all it's it's it's all over. But the good news is there's something that you can have in this relationship with God that gives you a way to deal with it all. And I'm not saying that it will it will protect you from every single thing out that is happening, because some things are going to happen to you. You're going to be in an accident from time to time. You're going to make a mistake and fall down from time to time. But man, wouldn't it be incredible to you for you if you understood that you had some insurance in all of this that no matter what happened to you, you know you will cover it. You know, look, insurance companies as good as they are, you know, like our friends Stay Farm or any other insurance company. You know they do, they do some amazing things. Insurance is a really, really good thing to happen in the event that something happens to you. You know, you may not want to pay the premium, but guess what in the event that something happens to you that insurance is absolutely critical. Well, but guess what they cover certain things. You could get life insurance, you can get auto insurance, you can get accident insurance, you can get health insurance. There is nothing that you can buy to safeguard you against life's decisions. You know, if you make a mistake, if you cheat, if you lie, if you if you fall down and you can't seem to get it together, and you make a crazy decision about how you're gonna go about securing an income, that there are there are no policies you can buy for that. You can't buy a policy if you stop being the man you're supposed to be, and and and and give up on your children. You can't buy a policy. If something happens as a mother and all of a sudden you're not the mother you're supposed to be. But there is some insurance coverage out there for you. And that relationship that you form with God, that friendship that you form with him, that that alliance that you that that partnership, that that prayer that you put in all the time, there is an insurance policy that you have taken out when you form a relationship with your heavenly Father, when you form a friendship, when you form a bond that protects you, that protects you when these things happen in the event that they happen. Now here's a great thing about prayer. Prayer can head off some stuff from happenes. It really really can. Prayer can prevent some things from happen. You know, I'll give you an example in my life. Okay, here we go, cause see this is the best way for me to do it, because see, what I don't like to do is is talk to people without letting them know, Hey, look I'm in this hole with you. I feel where yet? Okay, here we go. I was making some decisions a few years ago because what I thought I was doing was counterbalancing something that was happening in my life. You know, I thought that since I wasn't happy or well for whatever the reason I thought I wasn't happy, if if I, as wrong as I am, wanted to blame somebody else for my own happiness, that that's that's really if If if I make a bad decision because I'm thinking I'm unhappy with somebody, hold a part. Two wrongs don't make it right. And I make a decision to do something wrong, and now the consequences come when I do something wrong. See then that I already know as an intelligent thinking man, as most of you are, that when you do something wrong, that you know there is a consequence for that. I teach that to my son's when you do something wrong, there as a consequence. So as an adult, I fully understood the consequence. And so what I was doing was I was making some decisions that was causing some consequences in my life that was delaying my happiness, delaying my progress, causing my business not to go the way it could go, so forth and so on. Well, what I started doing was I took out this insurance policy called prayer, and I started putting it in my mix on a daily basis, and then I started putting it in my mix you know too, three times a day. And then I found myself using it all the time. And then I really started putting it in when when I didn't need any help, when I wasn't in trouble, I started putting insurance and I started making deposits into the bank. I started paying my premiums down. And prayer is like a premium, you just paying it. Then when situation started coming up, now it's that prayer that I had put in that in those premiums I had paid, it started preventing me from making the decisions I was making in the past. Thus I didn't have to the suffer the consequences. Thus my businesses didn't have to be delayed in this progress. Because I had put some payments on some premiums, I had taken out an insurance policy. With my life, my real life. I'm talking about your life where you make your day to day decisions in I'm not talking about see life. Insurance is only good if you die. God has a policy that's avasable, that's available for you. Why are you living? See? In order foreign insurance policy to pay something bad got to happen when you take out the policy with your with your heavenly father, when you pay the premiums of prayer, and that's all it costs. Man, It ain't you. Ain't gotta have no money for this policy. I put into the policy. It pays me dividends and benefits for living. Ain't nothing got to go wrong for me to cash in on this policy. I use this policy for good things. Steve Harvey long away from being perfect. I never claimed perfection it as a matter of fact. You know, it's kind of funny, man, how people do. That's that's why I'm I used to be so afraid to even, you know, bring up God in my relationship and what I was trying to do, because just the other day I gotta email in the email back, I'm just tell you how people were. It didn't stop me, it didn't shake me. I just I don't want you to understand how people are. See people sit up and listen to you, and then they used that for a point they got to make. Mr Harvey. Since you say you better now and God is making you better and you a change person, why do you treat Eugene the way you do? Eugene is obviously, and then she used the letter word for Eugene that we've never used on the show about Eugene. Eugene is nobody never said that. We're just doing the show over here. But see that, don't bother me no more, because all I want to lady, notice this is just to show everybody this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's nothing more, it's nothing less. You know, a lot of people know who Eugene is. A lot of people know what Eugene do. Some people do, some people don't. But people would take information they hear you about your walk and try to throw it in your way and in a subtle way, in a subtle way, you ain't what you say you are. You ain't walking like you said you're gonna walk. Man, listen to me, y'all, make the decisions to pay your premiums in prayer, talk to your heavenly father, get you some insurance in your life. And when you have little things like that, keep on stepping. Man. God loves you. Man. Man, I shall hope you talk to God to day because guess what his show would like to hear from you. That's for shows you're listening Steve, Ladies, and gentlemen, boys and girls, man have your attention. Please, thank you so much. Welcome to the Steve Rvy Morning Show, the baddest show in the land. Yes it is, I showed this morning dedicated to bank tellers. Yes, ma'am, yes, sir, thank you so much all the bank tellers around the world who's set up in here and watch us bring our check in on Friday. Want all of it out by Friday afternoon. For those of you that have to stand and tell a person after that they filled out of withdrawal slip that there's insignificant funds, insufficient funds there withdrawal. Both of those are adequate though insignificant or insufficient either. However, you want to look at how many of you haven't got your eyes rolled out because they ain't got enough money in their banking to the bank. Tell us who they're mad at you because it's a bank charge because they wrote a hot check and not a brank and charge. But they at your window blame it in on you as if you own the bank, right and see. But I know you have to go through this. You have to call ahead or something. Get someone to call ahead to say you might want to take a larger amount out than they necessarily have. I'm like, but this is a bank, don't you have it? They don't have the money. You have to call ahead. Well you should have let us know you wanted five thousand dollars your money, your money somewhell. Yes, your money ain't necessarily at the bank. If you think it is, go down there ask for a bunch of it. Right man there, look at you like you ain't never getting from nothing. Yes, this is for the bank. Tell us the good and the bad, beautiful, but don't do to count so wonderfully fat. They have some machines now they use a machine. Didn't hand me my money, didn't mad at me because I'm standing in that counting at a time. I don't give a damn about you. This is Father Brank. Tell us the good and the bed. Good morning, everybody, Good morning, Up morning, Steve. How you doing. Listen? Carlin is not here today. She's a houstonnight, so you know she's dealing with it. Man, going on. Our hearts and prayers go out to all the folks of Houston. Yes, yes, you know, we're not on the radio in Houston, but we got friends and family out in Houston. So congratulations, I mean, you know, I mean not congratulating. No, I know you didn't mean that. No, I'm so sorry. Our prayers and hearts go out to those people, you know, Houston. You know I'm dealing with the flood some people are. In the instance of Carla, she has power and everything. She's fine. I talked to her this morning. She's doing fine. She just can't necessarily get out of her house because of a flooding. You know, the path she needs to take to go to work, it's flooded. So she's fine. Just so you know, she's doing she's she's doing fine. She and her family, little Tasha fine. Tasha's like, Mommy, is the rain ever gonna stop? That's what Carlo said. Tasha was asking and that she wanted some donuts. Carlo was like, you have cinnamon rolls. We cannot go out and get any donuts right now, but anyway, yeah, asked me about No damn, don't see me up in here saying bag in this house right, all right, we'll coming up. I want some dry lanes coming up. Roscoe and pimpin in the building. They're both here. They have big plans for the Labor Day weekend. We'll talk about that when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny. Roscoe and Pimpin they've been together a lot, like Roscoe and people hanging out. I know now they're taking a road trip for Labor Day weekend. Let's find out where the Hey, Roscoes and Roscot over you, Roscoe, how you doing? Junior Roscoe by Hero I think he was that. He It was, Hey, hey, Pampin, how you doing good? Everything's good? Thank you? Your married selling? Yes it is. Actually it's getting better. Thank you. Okay, if you don't, you know, I'm here for all consoling. You know, we appreciate that very all. I trying to be an idea and s I'm just a consolation friend. It was up. Junior was a vivid Oh no, no, you're doing it now. You almost me when you come in the room. Man, I just feel it. I know I'm feeling you know, everything going on you. I'm just glad to be here. You know it's all up in here. You know, you know we had in l a now you know, me and Roscoe feel going get in it a little something you ain't you about that. Yeah, because we won't get into something big right here? Can we ask what it is into what's about to happen? You? I don't know if I need to tell you this him, but it's gonna be around trimp. You guys are taking a lot of money with me because I'm I'm gonna make it along the way. I keep a lot of money with me. Always got I keep minimal to me over minimal Man't I'm gonna get caught out there? Netive got nothing? You know? Did I get introll all? You know? You know I got banks all over the world. You know, pawn shop there where you go, Oh yeah, that's how I bank. Have you ever pawned your your nuggets? Come on, girls, like, that's what that is. Break. I got seventy two chains on my neck and Levin rings on my finger, and at any giving moment, I can eat. You know. That's difference Fromnosophy with me and Nasco. That's why I like Losco me. You know, I just meet them and they just hand it to me. You know, that's how you got to do what. I just meet them and they hand it to me. Well, what is it about you? You think, Roscoe? That just I mean pimpin right, that makes you They them just give you money like that. Only man, it's just something. Don't you talk to martial? I do? And you see how your voice just went. Do I do? Yeah? Not on you gotta do is keep talking. We can take it too. Steps first, So you're really that's never happened to me before. Huh, that's that's never happened to me before. But I set time for every everything everything. I know that right. First, second, third, I was gonna ask you how much was one of those nugget rings worth? Or the old girl are just appeared on the browne shaw? You know's just gonnead to make a comeback. You ain't out, that's true. That's true what Roscoe says? You got rings on every finger? Which one go first? We'll see you want to do it? Depend on what I need, you know, Like if I had car trouble, I just take three wings. You don't join me in that ring. I melt them down. But wait a minute, do you have rings on your thumbs too? Yeah? And now I melt them down and turn the impure gold. That's my money, ain't he strong? Yeah? Can you see what do you have on pemping white. Okay, yeah, you know it's the last time from Wayne. I got to wear my weight. You know, I gotta get it all in because you don't have to lame it. Then he ain't win, no way. But they don't do that on in Long Angeles man when they want. Yeah, they don't do that in l A. The ain't fair, you know. You know, Peter be on everybody out. I told Peter, you know, stay back, careful with the with your rabbit coats and everything. Well I'm gonna say you need those red on me, you little be riddy careful temping when I ain't got to be careful about nothing. You know, they need to be there. You know, people and Peter need to go broll. Surely pimps. Don't be kim. I'm careful for you know, people need to grow up. Peter eat chicken. They're chicken. They got you kill it chicken. I kill it rabbit. But it's for their survival. It's you know, if you have it ain't no shout at you. What I've seen the bunny rabbits. They're making a new data on that's screwing. Now. I eat rabbit, you know, I eat rabbit. I eat rabbit stew rabbit, state rabbit cutlets. Rabbit. It's like tastes like chicken a little bit, but not that rabbit flots. Your rabbit used the whole rab. I used the rabbit even put the tails. I give them to my girl with the tails on them. Whatever they got him got, Well, Peter, you're Peter here, not all rolling in down there? What what do you at? What are you driving? Caley? You know we guys going in Candida. When you're gonna see a pimp. Ain't in the Canada. Cadilaks ain't going out of time. They're going out of time. Yeah, y'all be trying to win them still, like what color? What color? Which one white and the one? I drive it so it matches the outfit. I get it all the time. And now you know they got this new thing. I want to wrap your round wrapped, so every coat I get it wrapped. The color I'm talking about, see, because like when I get up there this weekend when we're going, I'm gonna get the car rap being poundered blue. I call that bunny rabbit blue. Yeah, you know, like oh my calix black black gold black black. Girl. I drive all my calais black. Oh and the gold is for what the nuggets you better know it and black and from a curl gold and curl baby, they called me CG curly gold, curly gore. Then we're gonna have a good time in there. This is nice man. Seconds, Hey, we're got to go, Sherley Jr. Man, you'd be good. We are. We're gonna be your roll. Look more, look look CG curls and gold c G P curls, golden pipple, that brankback. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Ower. Mrs Anna is gonna be here with our national news. Of course, she will have an update on Houston, the epic flooding in Houston and the latest one storm Irma, there's another storm coming. This is gonna hit North Carolina, miss and will have details on that. But right now, get it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. All right, nephew, what you got Musty sign? Yeah? Your son Musty? Your son is Musty. You're gonna fix that, but Musty. Here we go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Vanessa place. I Vanessa. My name is Robert. I'm the one of the owners. You know my wife Michelle, we owned the Yes, yes, yes, can I help you? Okay, we've been uh. I think we've had your son, Malik, probably close to a year now. I'm all right, yes you have is everything okay? So everything is fine, Everything is fine. I don't think we have a problem that we can't clear up. Um, I have a question for you. Have you been old? Said anything different about Malik? Um? Like concerning hygiene at all? Hygiene? No, not that I can be called. What are you talking about? Okay? How old is Malik? He's too? Okay, Well, we soon have come across a little glitch here that we're going to try to take care of here at the at the daycare. Actually my wife didn't. I told her I would make the phone call and leave her out of it. I know you see her every day once. What are you talking about? What? What is this glitch? Glitch? What is this glitch that you want to talk about? I'm confused. Okay, Well, actually what we're having is it seems like every day here lately for the last two months, Malik has been you know, very musty. You know, he hasn't been really sweaty, but just real musty. Okay, you clearly have the wrong child because I give my son a bath every night, and most morning is before he leaves to school, I give him another bath again. So yeah, I'm pretty positive you have the wrong child. Oh ma'am. Your son is Malik, right, and he's he's two years old. You guys have been here with us right close to a year now, correct, Yes, okay, and he's cute, a little kid with the curly hair. I know exactly which one is. So what I'm what I'm saying to you is that we are having problems. He's just he's just reaching. You know, he's real musty. Okay, you know what my son does not reek. I don't know what child you're talking about, but you're not talking about my child. I just told you and make sure that he gets a bath every night, So that's not my child. My child is very clean. Okay, Well we'll hang on. What I'm trying to get you to understand is I'm trying to This is why my wife didn't want to call. Okay, and I'm glad I'm actually the one that made the call. What we need to do, this is what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna try a little experiment for the next month or so. Experiment. I'm sorry, Well, what do you mean experient? What kind of experiment? Well, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna put some male deodorant on him for the next well just for the next month, and we'll see how it plays out. No, No, you're not. You're not gonna put anything on my child. That's not gonna happen. Okay, Well, ma'am, I'm trying to I'm trying to fix the problem here. I just wanted to call it doesn't have a problem. Already told you that my son is clean. You're not gonna put any coment on him, and if you do, it's going to be a problem. Do you understand me? Okay, man, I'm not trying to have an argument with you. What I want you to know is I'm not trying to have argument either, But you're trying. You talked about putting the order. I'll might tell you you can't do that. I'm not gonna have to happen in Please don't make me have to come that to that school for you and your wife. Okay, Now, listen, we're gonna have to do something about your child. Your child is musty. Okay, And you're sitting here getting an attitude with me, and I'm trying to let you know your child is nonsense. Maybe you're the one that is musty, maybe you and your wife or musty. My child is not musty. I keep telling you that I bathed him every night. Which part of that don't you understand? I understand everything that you're saying. Maybe it's the soap. Maybe something is not taking effect. I'm not sure. Okay, maybe he doesn't smell because I don't know what child smelling child? You're not using that you my child? Do? I need to come down there for you with the camp and suit your entire establishment. You don't want that to happen staying away from my child? Are you crazy? You know? Mat of fact? Gres my son? Man, you're satisfied your son is in there with the rest of the kids. They're playing. You know, today is the first day I sprayed a little bit of melk theodor and how that works? You crazy? Look, Cheryl, can you come from me for a couple of minutes? I was, I'm right now. I'll be there within the hour because you must be crazy. I mean, you sprayed my son s ma'am, I just sprayed a little bit of the odor and on it, just to see if we can give me commission to do that. And I keep telling you, I said, there's nothing wrong with my child, and you took up on here shock to go and spray my child. And you weren't subout to do that. You think I'm gonna right now? Okay? Well, what are you coming here for? The boy is you're the son of the leak? Is fine? Why are you coming here? He's cradling? Not fine? If you've got around spread, don't you space because clearly you're smelling and breaking and funky as hell. I didn't give you no child. I'm gonna I promise you. I promise you. I'm a y'all because you crazy. Okay, let me say this man, Your son is musty. He's been king for the must You know what. I didn't even try to hear you because you're you're clearly crazy to playing people's kids. Hello, what's my job? Did you smell the other kids? You know what? I'm about to get in my car and come on there for you because you must be crazy? Hello, Hello, Hello, why did you hang up on me? I'm trying to fix the problem. Ma'am. When I told you that I'm coming down there, I'll be there and telling one but I needed to let you know one more thing that's going on here. Could you possibly let me know? Because I'm on my waist right now. Where are you? Now? Are you in your car? Where are you? I am heading to my car, not to get in my car to come down differently, because you must be crazy spraying my chop before you get to your car. I need, I need to tell you one more thing about your side. Okay, please, you possibly have to tell me. I want to tell you that is Listen to me. This is if you tell me to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Cheryl got me to prank phone call you master. I'm standing here in the black a lot and IVE been turning out that exactly what I was about. I'm gonna get up. I get it because I'm thinking, I know my child musty. I know my child is clean and he don't smell. Gonna get up. I just talked to she's right here in her cub because you gotta call her right now. I said, okay, just chill out that we'll call her. We gonna get you don't know. Is Malik nice and clean? Malik is always nice and clean and smelling right, So I don't know what the hell you were talking about. I was like, not my child got the wrong child. You are about to get it. You don't even know. Oh man Vansa. You gotta tell me one more that anybody. What's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lake, the one and only Steve. Sometimes you gotta put some dedor on the okay, these babies? All right? New thank you. Hey, listen, if you want to curb your online spending, I just found this. You guys, you may just need to put the phone down and the tablet down, okay, because you know how you pick up your phone, go on you know, Instagram whatever, you go on the Gram and then you kind of go and I'll start shopping. At least. Ladies do this, Ladies for sure do this. A new study has found that you're more likely to make impulsive purchases. And you don't want to do that. Good stuff you don't need if you use your touchscreen devices. Yes, Steve, you that's what you do. Yeah, you don't do that, man, don't you don't see my stuff, you'd like to go and try it out? Yeah, I ain't got no impulse purchase. All your purchases his own purpose. I don't do impulse purchase. I do. You never buy something and then change your mind later and want to take it back. I know guys, most guys don't take stuff, take it back, make that time for that. But you have people though, that can take it. Sometimes I buy stuff, like a pair of shoes or something I'm I get home and I'm like, uh, I could do without those. I have nine pairs of that same color. I'll take these back. I got to go in there, I got to try it on and if it fits st I miss Anna standing by, of course. With today's headlines, Hurricane tropical storm Harvey continues to do more damage than officials can keep up with, With up to three ft of rain already on the ground in areas around Houston, officials were forced to start releasing water from the two damns overnight earlier. This is much earlier than they had planned. Officials say even the troll releases may not be enough if the rain doesn't relent, and if the damns were to fail, half of Houston would be underwater. That is crazy. Uh. The intense flooding has made it impossible to get an accurate account of fatalities, but the Houston Chronicle newspaper has confirmed at least five debts so far. About fifty thousand people south and west of Houston are now under a mandatory evacuation order because of anticipated flooding from the Brazos River. If you want to help people in the Houston area affected by Hurricane Harvey, please go to red Cross dot org, call one eight hundred red Cross, or you can text the word Harvey to nine zero nine and make a ten dollar donation. I'll do it again. If you want to help the people in Houston that are affected by the flooding of from Hurricane Harvey, go to red Cross dot org or you can call one eight hundred Red Cross or text the word Harvey to nine zero to make a ten dollar donation. And any bit helps. I know Steve Kevin Hart was on social media challenging his celebrity friends to make a twenty five tho dollar location donation. That absolutely even though my wife and I had we're doing some other things, you know. Uh, It's sort of funny the way social media works because Marge and I had already had our discussion of what we were going to do, which was, you know, pretty substantial anyway, So you know, I accept his challenge, but we we were doing something even a little bit more substantial than that. Sure, all in anything helps, Yeah, all in anything helps. Again. You can text the word Harvey to nine zero to make a ten dollar donation and wow, it's you know, I just can't. It's not it's not a lot of friends I can single out. I can charge him up with most of my friends that got money, they ain't on social media, so they ain't even gonna see it. Yeah, but I'm sure they watched the news and they listen to our show, so they know what's going on. You know, they know what's going on. Yeah, they do. And um, yeah again, if you want to help, and there are several ways to help, you can go to red Cross dot org. You can call one ered Cross so you can text the word Harvey to nine to make your donations. We need to do that today. We didn't. I haven't done that yet, but I will do that today when we get off work. But you know, everything helps, you know, people think guy like Kevin Hard shout south of and I ain't got that kind of money. And I do understand that, trust and believe the majority of people that he can shout out ain't gonna have that much money either, because the reality of it is, you know a lot of people that you think got it, the liquid cash like that. But just just notice, folks, because you're famous, don't mean you got that kind of money. Yeah, I mean you know you would think so, but that's not happen. But but but but that's not nothing against Kevin. So don't nobody take it that way, because I think what he did is great because he's right. We did ice bucket challenge and all that. You might as well do something that's you know, you know something else too. If you can do that, you can do this. Now. Those who can do it should do it. Those who can't do it. We got a simple way. You can give ten dollars. Now, if you can't give ten, man didn't send two dollars to the Red CROs whatever. You can do every little bit of health, but it's way more tens and twenties than it is. I want you to understand that. Now, that's right, all right, Steve, Let's transition now into the news with MS and go ahead, ladies and gentlemen, miss and trip and this is a trip. Good morning everybody, and thank you very very much. And then we have a lot going on this morning. Of course, this is Tropical Storm Harvey has made landfall again, this time west of the town of Camon, Louisiana, which is near the Texas border. Top wins at forty five miles per hour. The official death toll has been put at eighteen, However, the New York Times is putting it closer to thirty. Meanwhile, President and Mrs Trump came to Texas yesterday to survey the damage done by Harvey. Hundreds of people have already been evacuated. Forecasts predicting an additional seven and thirteen inches of rain on both southwest Louisiana and southeast Texas. Some streets in New Orleans were flooded yesterday because of a faulty pump and drainage problem. Meanwhile, parts of Houston have seen as much as forty inches of rain already. Now, a major grocery and drug store chains are sending water and food and wheelchairs and other supplies into badly flooded areas to help people out. Also, a baby food. According to Houston Police Chief Artists Servedo, at least eleven deaths are reported. However, that has changed as well. Again we have officially we have the death toll put at eighteen in the New York Times, putting it close to thirty. One of the people though killed, he says, was a Houston Police sergeant was out there and they found him. Unfortunately in the darkness, Sergeant Perez drove into an underpass that's about sixteen half feet, drove into the water and he died in a flood uh in a drowning type event. Officer Steve Perez was a thirty four year veteran of the force. By the way, Mega Church are pastor Joel Olstein, after receiving intense criticism, has now opened his church to evacuees. Philly native Kevin Hart is donating twenty five grand relief efforts in Texas. He's hoping to get the ball rolling. I'm challenging a lot of my celebrity friends to follow my lead and donating twenty five dollars to Hurricane Harvey, to the Red Cross. Okay, at this point, it's a serious matter. I think the people are bad sheep and they need help. I'm going to lead the charge of stepping up in this way. That's right now. Some people have already started. Of course. Beyonce is a Texas the Texas native. She has given all money. J Lo has given money. So many celebrities are already kicking in, as you heard just moments ago. Steve Harvey, of course, is also helping out in the relief efforts there. Today on the lighter note, the Beach Day, National Holistic Pet Day, whatever that means. And as Frankenstein Day, Anny K Frankenstein Day, they're screaming, this is and trip and we'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour's day tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. The Butterfly is out today. Yeah, but he's not here today, thank you lord. He's out fluttering somewhere doing something in somebody's day suggestion, all types of ignorant mass that wanted. So he's not here today. Yeah, that's not what he's doing today. He's not here. That's all we know. Yes that we will miss this segment today. But of course I will. There's a lot of things, you know, UM a lot of times with tragedy and things like that, here come the people to capitalize, you know, on people going through with all the of the unbelievable images and stories coming out of Houston during this tropical storm Harvey. Uh, it's easy to believe just about anything you see or here. But as with um any big news event, Like I said, there are plenty of hoaxes out there. The Houston Chronicle has taken the time to debunk some of the biggest ones. Uh. That image of a shark swimming on a Houston freeway that's photoshopped. Do not believe that. Uh. No, immigration officials are not asking for I d for you to get into a shelter that is not happening. They will welcome you in the shelters. Yeah. Uh. The water has not been shut off in Houston or nearby Katie, Texas and is still one thousand percent safe to drink. Okay, one I should say safe to drink, so you can still drink the water. A message is going around saying the National Guard is being deployed to our this area. If you find yourself in a state of emergency, please call. Here's some numbers to call one eight hundred five to seven three nine zero seven. That's one eight hundred five to seven thirty nine zero seven. But that number isn't for the National Guard. It's to a private insurance company in another state. All right, So this is what these are the hoaxes that are out there. So do you know, come on, if you think you're calling the National Guard, don't do it no matter what you're here. So I mean too many hoaxes to just don't tell people these sharks on the highway. I'm trying to evacuate and I got to look around right and people, we know you're going through, but use your common sense. You know, we know you're in a crisis situation now, but no sharks come on now, you know the crazy. But this means that the ignorant level of people. People in a crisis, you've got time for your foolishness, Like if you would lend any of that energy to helping someone, how much better would it be? You know? And you gotta show if you got that much to you got nothing to do. Man. It's just people who are insensitive to people going through. Right, Just right, I heard about people getting in boats and things like that, like from Mississippi and you know, in their boats going down to Houston to help the people, you know, get out of where. Uh. You know, there's heavy, heavy flooding and people that were in Katrina in New Orleans that had um that we're experiencing Katrina and then they fled to Houston and now they're going through the same thing that they went through in New Orleans, which is crazy. That's kind of what happened. That's Carlos situation basically. Yeah, a lot of that going on. Yeah, so we're praying for you. Please know that we are praying for you, the people in Houston, and uh, we're hoping, uh and praying that it will get better and it will um all right when we come back from the break at thirty four after the hour. Don't ignore the signs. That's all I'll tell you. Don't ignore the signs. Will be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show, all right. At some point you've got to stop and wonder if a higher power just is trying to tell you something. So don't ignore the signs, Steve, listen to this. This couple in Texas has been trying to get married, and on three different occasions now they've had to cancel the ceremony. Last year, they booked a venue near the Sabine River in Texas. It flooded, so they decided to book the same venue for one year later, but it turned out that construction hadn't been completed from the previous flood damage, so they delayed it again. This time around, they planned their wedding in Houston. Unfortunately, Hurricane Harvey had something to say about the third attempt. God's trying to drop a serious hint. Uh so, Steve, this is crazy. Though three times they've tried it because of flooding, they couldn't do it. I thought about made in the living room. Ain't nobody living lives what event? Uh? You know, Steve has, has anything like this ever happened to you? And you decided to just say, Okay, something's trying. Someone's trying to tell me something. M hmm. Now really, well, you know you ain't gotta you know, you don't really have to do anything to me. Over and over, Like if I'm on my way over your house and there's a lot of traffic, I turned around and go home. Yeah, see to me. That's a sign. That's a good sign. I don't need you. Obviously, I don't need to be at your house if I turn around and go home. First problem like how much gas money you got? You know, I don't even know nothing about all that you know? Man? Like about like about if I'm drinking a drink, you know, some juice or something, and I put it up to my mouth and it don't taste that right, I thought, the whole damn juice. Oh yeah, that we're done with that. That's keep drinking and swallowing it. So that's the that's the what we've learned. Don't ignore it. The signs. And you didn't cook something from me and when I tasted it, don't taste right, dinno, dinno. But okay, right, so I got the sign. But how do you get out of that one? Though? Walk away? To get out of you don't want to play back to the middle of the table. Everybody see that. You don't want to hurt anyone's anybody. You want me to swallow it? Sure, I spin it back on the plate in front of them. That's rude. You can't do that. You have to consider their feelings. Everything they've gone through to cook this meal for you. At least clearly it's clear it's what Yeah, because I don't want to hurt someone's feelings to get them feel they hurt. What about Matt? What about me? What about when you ain't putting no peff, no season, Always meat that I've just been into and its gaming. Yeah, I'm just sent up in here just eating it, just meat as it is cut off. Damn meat eating in the revenue. Yeah, you know that. We just outside in the woods and then found. Man, you don't want to do nothing to this. I'm not going signs. Don't ignore the signs. Surely I do not ignore yea. Yeah. This actually did happen to my mom though, when she's going to marry her fiancee. At the time they it was during the time and you had to take blood tests. One time they were gonna get married, they waited too long, the blood tests ran out. The next time they were going down to city hall, they waited too late. City hall was closed when they got there, and the next time they went, the witnesses didn't show up. You know, you have to have witnesses when you get married. So the witnesses didn't show up. So to my mom. She finally got it after the third time. This the sign I am not marrying you have a nice life. He was not my stepdad. That really happened, though, Steve. It really did. Man, No in the world. Don't keep eating this and you don't have no flavor. Yeah, it really did. But yeah, Steve, don't spit it out at the tables, spit it in the napkin or something. No, what you can't do that. That's just rude. I would I would be crying if that was rude. I'd be paying. You know, it's room shirt. Everybody in that room didn't tim his food wasn't gonna taste if that's rude. Oh, now you're gonna blame it on them. Every about that table knew she couldn't cook. Didn't say nothing. All right, coming up the nephews frank phone call. You're listening to Steve show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after to ain't Strawberry letter. But first the nephew's prank phone call. What you got net? What's it called? Though? Happy ending? Yes, Lord said with me fellers, happy ending, happy happy ending, mad as happy ending ladies. I want to say it with me. No, you know you can have it. Yeah, just for the fellas, know you too, What about I'm not gonna say it nothing. Keep saying it ain't gonna work out with one of them. No, it ain't gonna work out ether way I go with Hello, therapy and duty speaking. How may I help you? Yeah, I'm trying to come in and get some some therapy done. I was in an accident at my job. You know, I got injured like a week and a half ago. I ain't been able to go back to work for my back and my leg. They say, you know, I haven't broke any bones and nothing, but it's you know, it's real, so real, stealth, hard to get out of bed. So I wanted to see you know what it takes to uh get a therapist and get started getting some type of treatment. Okay, Well sir, what we typically do is we ask for our patients to come in, you know, check out our facility and so we can also assess to you, um, you know, see where the damage is the majority of it, and you know, then get you to a therapist. So if you would like to come in, we can definitely do that for you. Okay, do you know what the therapists actually do when they do in the treatment. Well, if you come in, sir, we can definitely direct you um to any of our three therapists that we have on site right now, but each one specializes in a particular UM field, So it's more beneficial for you if you come in and then we can assess you and then direct you to that particular therapist. Okay, okay, So you said, how many of y'all do y'all have? We have three. There's Marty, Brenda and Sicilia here. Okay. The person that referred me to you told me that Secil you was the one that that had worked up. Is there a way I could talk to to scel you? Typically, we normally ask for our patients to come in and let to see if she's available right now. I know earlier she was with a patient, so let me just check really quick. I mean, if she is available, then I can I can transfer you. Okay, okay, okay, I just hold on, okay, hold on, Hi. This is Cecilia. Yeah, Mr Cilia, trying to come up there and get some therapy done. I heard my back and my leg at work. I mean they are they already told me was nothing broken, nothing, But I wanted to see what exactly do y'all do as far as physical therapy. You know, what, what exactly will I be doing? Well? When you come in, we'll do a consultation and you know, will massage you and take X raise and put you in the whirlpool tub and there are several different things that we can do for you. Okay, is there a certain timeline? I mean, like, how long will it take before I can get back to work? Because you know, I've been awful about a week nine. I'm trying to get back within the next couple of weeks. But it's taking me, like, you know, at least thirty minutes to get out of bed because of my back and my Oh wow, Well you need to come in as soon as possible, because that's something like that's pretty bad. Okay, Well, let me ask you this hill. After people get through doing, uh the therapy, do y'all have happy endings? Happy endings? What do you mean by happy endings? Happy end is like, you know, when therapy is over with, you know, do would you yourself, you know, would you do happy endings at the end? Okay, I'm still not understanding what do you mean by happy endings? What are you talking about? Okay, say, like if I come over there and go through a session or whatever for about an hour, when we get through, you know, when you kind of like, you know, close the dough and and you know, you know, do happy endings, you know, make me feel good? Okay, um close the door. I'm still not quite understanding what you mean by happy ending, sir. Okay. What I'm trying to sell you is like, when we get through with the procedure, Uh, you know, make me feel good in a in a nice you know, sexual way, you know, happy ending. Uh. When Judy sent you back to me, what are we talking about with this happy ending thing? Because I don't I didn't ask something about to happen. Is that that right? There? Was just gonna be between me and you? We'll see all. I don't play that. I don't know. This is a place of business. We're professional here. We do therapy for people who are seriously being hurt. This is not the nearest for what's talking about happy endings? After we finish with that. What's kind of place do you think this is? Well? I mean, I know it's I know it's therapy. But I mean, if people going through that much pain at least have some type of happy endings, don't you think? Well, I think you might suggest your significant other. Okay, so you wouldn't be up for doing the happy ending for well, No, I am interested in them. What man? What kind of this you call about talking about? You heard? Hell? Have you heard? You shouldn't be talking about spending? You're talking about it? Okay? How long I'm and you're not talking to me professionally? Well, you coming at me with this happy isn't? Ain't professionally at all either? What kind of place you ain't? We're running over here? Okay? Hold on, I don't referred to you. I'm thinking you know the guy telling me you know you're gonna take Kevimyd told you like this. I'm sorry, I told you like that. You know what? That's not even going there because I don't even want to bring him any of this. Can you satisfy me at the East? I'm gonna tip you a little bit too, What man, have you lost your everlasting marble mind? Are you going crazy? Julie? Julie, who in the hell is this on the phone that you didn't sit through me? Thinking this is an happy ending place. Who is this, Mrs Cilia? She don't she don't know nothing about the happy end the part. It don't matter you. You're the receptionist, you know what. You on the borderline and losing your job because this is hello, Hello, Mrs Cilia. Can I just tell you who refers me? Who? Who? Who told you that I have happy injuries for anybody? Because the person I have happy indus for it is my husband? Who was it? Mr? Sick Nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your girlfriend Karen got me to prank phone call you y'all, y'all in here getting me ready. I'm about to find my I got folks in the libbies like i'd have lost my called me on my job. I'm a kick cart. Make no sense, Mr Silious, he told me she say my girlfriend patience is short, Ary Ary. Oh it's own. She gonna need her talk, that's all right. I got something for her. Oh you goy some happy I got some happy indies for her. You just wait, you gotta tell me this baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Do Steve Harvey Morning Show. Did I do it crazy? Those too much? Yeah? Thank you, nephew. You know, men may be faster and stronger, you guys, I'm switching subjects here in case you haven't noticed. Men may be faster and stronger, But when it comes to endurance, uh, the ladies have it. We have it, guys. A new study found that men may be stronger and faster out of the gate when it comes to physical exercise. Okay, but they tire out a whole lot faster than women, thank you. Yep. Women have more stamina than men. It's been proven. Uh, maybe that's why women can endure childbirth and all those things. The Lord knew what he was doing, So you want up because you know, women men are always talking about their stamina and all that stuff. And we got some stamina and we're strong and all. Like I'm walking with Marjorie. She can walk a lot further than me because I don't want to. Yeah. And heels, Yeah, she could definitely walk away a lot further in heel did I It's just I've never had no heels on because you don't want to. You're saying, no, I can't, I'm not you know, I ain't walking up there. Yeah, I'm not I don't want to do it. But you know, like the one thing about Margie, Margie's never taking her shoes on nowhere. I mean, man, she would say, Sety, we got to get home because my feet is doing the dude. Oh yeah, but she will not take Yeah, neither can I. I will always have on shoes. Yeah, she don't walk outside there. Oh no. Coming up next, the White House defends President Trump's pardon. Uh. Plus, we'll have the Strawberry Letter. That's all coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, Coming up next Today's crazy Strawberry Letter. You don't want to miss it. But first, the new TV season starts next month, Steve, something you're very familiar with us month next week? Yeah, okay, yeah. Uh. Some some big names are pulling down down big money to host reality, news and talk shows. A variety is listed the top TV salaries. Let's see if our friend Steve Harvey is in this Ellen degenerous number one at fifty million, Judge Judy forty seven million, close on her heels. Excuse me, that's not true? What that's not true? Judge Judy makes more money than anybody. That's what I thought. Please understand, Judge, Judy makes more money than any one. Yeah, and you said she's number one. Now Ellen's number one with fifty that's the latest. No, Dr Field is number still. Yeah, man, I don't, I don't know what this piece of paper is right here, Dr Phield clock millions. Y'all got these numbers, but we got inside a trade of news, don't. Yeah, Well he's telling you the real deal. Ain't nobody making the money, Judge? You know understand number one syndicated show of all time money wise? All right, Ellen degenerous fifty million, Judge, Judy bad Now I want you to stand something, Judge, Judy forty seven million, Claber Clamber, Ryan Seacrest twenty seven million, fifteen million for Kelly and Ryan, plus another twelve million for Idol. Now this is a variety. Now, these are top TV salaries. That's what they had. Matt Loward to five million from from the Today Show. Katie Perry, you know she's getting that whopping twenty five million for American Idol. Kelly Rippa twenty two million dollars. Wow, uh, Megan Kelly, she just left Fox News, right, she's making eighteen million over at NBCU. She's right up there with Robin Roberts, who's also making eighteen million on Good Morning America. My camera on my phone, I'm still looking for Steve's name. Jimmy Fallon sixteen million, Steve Oh, Stephen Colbert fifteen million, Jimmy Kimmel fifteen million, Will of Fortune, Pat Say Jack is making fifteen million. What is it more? Well, Steve, you have the inside. Give George Stephanopolis fifteen million in Good Morning America. David Letterman for his brand new Netflix deal twelve million dollars. All right, Steve, Now you tell us what you know. And your name was not on here, by the way, so you want to tell us what you're making so we can add your name. Dr Field's name ain't even on that. Yeah I didn't. Yeah, I didn't see his name at all. I'm just telling you that that that variety thing is not true at all. Yeah, I mean, but it's just it's just false information. And how you got that and you don't have Dr Field on that? Yeah, how's Ryan Seacrest or anybody making more money in Dr Field? You got to roll? Yeah, I see, it's not in this list, but another list. It says Dr Field is the highest paid with eight eight million dollars, telling you he is telling you of daytime guys not not. The queen of it all is Judge Judy. Judge Judy ask all of them to trade their money and for Judge Judy million dollars. So, Steve, you've had your talk show for five years, going into your brand new talk show, uh in September, that'll be your sixth year. So Dr Phils making eighty eight, Judge Judy's over a hundred, Ellen is fifty. You gotta be up there, girl. I don't I got sam shows, dang ain't got never put me on. Damn man, I'm selling you right good. Look at God, baby, looking at God. Go to work? What are you doing? Hey? You know who else isn't on the list, Michael Strahan, Michael Fans. You know who else isn't on the list, Michael Strahan. This list is not I don't know what they're talking. You can't pat it, says Pat say Jack fifteen million. Yeah, I'm telling you, ain't wa want to make fifty? Long as will a Fortune been on well, and it's been on for thirty five years. This man makes so much money. I'm just I'm just saying. I'm just saying. I'm just well, that's all. That's all it is. I'm saying. Okay, you're saying, let me tell you that's no making a lot of money because he ain't even paid his name. Ain't keep me off, and you gotta put my name on nobody, you know. All right, Come on, Junior, let's get into today's strawberry letter. Listen, everybody, sit back, buttle up. It's time for the strawberry let. Subject sick of my brother's girl friend. Good morning, Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm a twenty seven year old single mother. I pretty much have a great life and I'm very happy except for one thing. My relationship with my brother is strained because I cannot stand his girlfriend. She's a lazy, lying gold digger. My brother and I were roommates for a little over a year until recently when his girlfriend moved in. That's when the funk hit the fan. The girl wakes up like two pm every day, doesn't work, cook, clean, or do anything productive. She wastes electricity and water and doesn't contribute to any of the household needs or expenses. I got tired of it, so I moved out. The only thing she does all day is talk on the phone since text messages keeps up drama, and play rock band. She's disrespectful and rude to everyone she comes in contact with. I don't like her. My parents don't like her, and not of my friends and some of my brother's friends don't even like her. I feel that she's only with my brother because she thinks he has more than what she has and she needs a place to stay. She's trying to get pregnant by him for the third time. She's had two miscarriages in parentheses and already has a child from a previous relationship that she half takes care of. My brother has had several opportunities to get out of this unhealthy relationship, but she always finds a way to creep back in. Despite the many, many warning signs, he's still with her. He's never seen so much hell since meeting this girl. Within one year that he knows her, he was hijacked in front of her parents house, All football attempts have failed, he's lost friends, et cetera. Someone made a joke that she may have put roots on him because there is nothing about her that will attract a man more or less keep him. I'm not sure what it's going to take for it to sink in. On top of all of that, the girl constantly harasses me and my brother's ex girlfriend. I love my brother and want the best for him. I don't want to see him get any more hurt than he already is. On the other hand, he's grown, it's his life, and he's entitled to live with the way he wants. My attitude at this point is, although he's my brother, I want nothing to do with him until she's out of the picture. Am I wrong for feeling this way? Tired sister twelve after will be back Steve Hardy Show. All right, Steve, come on with your response and give us part two if you want me to we do. We do. Let's go sick of my brother's girlfriend. Good morning, Steve Harvey More and Show. Twenty seven year old single mother. I pretty much have a great life and very happy except for one thing. My relationship with my brother is strained because I cannot stand his girlfriend. She's lazy, lying gold digger. My brother and I were roommates for a little over a year until recently when his girlfriend moved in. That's when the funk hit the fan. The girl wakes up like two pm every day, doesn't work, cook, clean, or do anything productive. She wastes electricity and water and doesn't contribute to any of the household needs or expenses. I got tired of it, so I moved out. The only thing she tells all day is talk on the phone and send text messages, keeps up drama, and play rock band. She's disrespectfully rude to everyone she comes in contact with. I don't like her, My parents don't like a none of my friends, and some of my brother friends don't even like her. I feel that she's only with my brother because she thinks he has more than what he has and she needs a place to stay. She's trying to get pregnant by him for the third time. She's had two miscarriages and already has a child from a previous relationship that she has take care of. My brother has had several opportunities to get out of this unhealthy relationship, but she always finds a way to creep back in. Despite the many many warning signs, he's still with it. He's even seen so much hell since he's never seen so much hell since meeting this girl. Within the one year that he's known her, he was carjacked in front of her parents house. All football attempts have failed, he's lost friends, et cetera. Someone made a joke that she may have put roots on him, because there's nothing about her that would attract a man more or less keep him well, todd sister, I can't say you're wrong fulfilling this way because you love your brother and you see something foul happening to your brother. But he is the key to the whole letter. He's grown, it's his life, and he's entitled to live it the way he wants. You said that in the letter. Okay, see, but the problem is, though you want your brother to live his life the way you want to. I think your real problem with the girlfriend is it messed up your little situation you and your brother had. I think you and your brother were roommates. I think it was easy for you because you had somebody to share the rent with, the electricity, the water, etcetera, etcetera. And then he moved her in. Now you, as a woman, ain't about to take care of another woman. And since she wasn't contributing to the water electricity that she waste all day. As you put it, you got sick and tired of going to work every day hustling to provide a roof over this woman's head that's making obviously no contribution according to you. Now, let's get down to your brother. Why ain't your brother leave? Hello, Well, let me tell you why your brother came. Because your brother is what we call whipped. Your brother is whipped. You may not like this girl, but this girl has a skill, and this skill is affecting your brother's better judge. We've all had it happened, had it happened, we've all been whipped to the point where it affected our better judge. Been there, huh, Hello, And it ain't that is all that good. It's just at that particular time, it's just that good to us. See whipped you sounds like your nephew right then, Really, physical whilpt is a state of mind. Your brother is in a state. Now, let's stop the ridiculous stuff that she don't put roots on it? I know what the hell is that? What is roots? And if you got it on, you didn't take it off, just set it down, put it in the job. Where have you come from? Is it a cream? I have no idea. Is it something that hang on your neck on a vine? I've heard it a lot, but I don't really know what it is. What is roots? Is it in your soup? Whatever roots is? Yeah? Take it? Where did they get it from? All right? Thank you, Steve, Thank you. You know we got to get out of here. You can email or instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girls, surely and uh, don't forget this. Coming Thursday at M I will do the aftershow Strawberry Letter live on Facebook. Please join us. We will talk about Thursday's letter. We will also talk about trending topics, and I will have my Strawberry Fresh pick of the week. I already know what it is. You want to join me this week one thirty pm Eastern Time on Thursday. Okay, and Junior swears he's coming by and say hi. Alright, So switching gears now. Stacy Dash back in the news. Stacy Dash beautiful. Stacy Dash is blaming her intern for the tweet. Uh. Stacy Dash called Congresswoman Maxine Water is a corrupt media buffoon for her acceptance speech at last week's Black Girls Rock Awards. After black Twitter took the former Fox News contributor to task for her comment, she's now claiming that an intern was responsible for the offensive tweet. Let me clarify. Dash says that an intern wrongly used buffoo. In a recent tweet on at Rep. Maxine Water, she said, I don't need to be disrespectful to this great wow well ay ass out of work. Yeah, but I mean, you know it can happen, you know, But I'll tell you an example, Like when I messed up the pageant and an apology went out to Colombia. Well, this dumb but spelled it c O l U M B I A instead of c O l O Colombia. He spelled Columbia like Columbia South Carolina. H U can't read all spell It was lasing me. So I didn't even know where that came from. And then I realized who did it. He's gone to you fired him, But it kept getting worse. It got added on the list. Started well, um, you know, speaking of all the things that are going on, Carla of course just joined us. She swam in here, the trooper that she is through the flooding Houston and uh so coming up at eight at forty one after eight forty one Eastern, we're gonna talk about uh more of the Houston flooding and get Carlo's perspective when we come back. You're listening to the Steve Okay, just to reminder, if you want to help the people in Houston, like we've been saying all morning, the people that are affected by Hurricane Harvey, you can go to red Cross dot org, call one red Cross. You can text the word Harvey to nine zero to make a ten dollar donation. And Carla, as we mentioned, you missed part of you know the show this morning because you were dealing with the issue at hand in Houston, the flooding and everything, all the devastation, and you know, just tell us about it from your perspective. I mentioned earlier that you're one of the people that fled New Orleans because of Katrina twelve years ago. Now here you are in Houston and the people there who did the same thing are facing you know, this flooding and devastation. Uh in Houston twelve years later. Yeah, it's so crazy, Shirley, uh Steve Junior in you know Tommy's from Houston. Junior from Houston. Steve has a lot of people in his life from Houston bar But anyway, Um, it's tough. You know, I moved to Houston. What did he say, Hey, get really focus. I thought you were talking about women back in I'm talking about the fact that Carla, because she has first hand information, she fled New Orleans twelve years ago. I'll tell you right now, he can't call the check on none of the go ahead saying. You were saying Carla, well, I was saying, yeah, Shirley, you know board in Chicago. I was raised in Houston High school, college, and you know when I first got my job, Steve hired me during Katrina, you know, which was so crazy. You know, I worked in radio in New Orleans and my husband's from their long story short, still have friends and family in Houston, still have property just like you do, Junior, your whole family. You know, it's from Houston. So to see this devastation in the fourth largest city in the country is just unbelievable. I mean, it just would not stop raining. Surely. I told you. I was walking around saying, like your mom said, we need to tell the rain get some wind, sit down, Hurricane Harvey. Everyone has seen you. It's enough, but you know, trying to make light of it, try to keep people smiling. Steve. People love you so much. That's the all the feedback that I get. They love what you do for the community and always giving back, and so um, I'm here to say thank you. You know, Marjorie and h We're in the process of doing something special down in Houston. And then Kevin Hart issued the challenge. But what we were gonna do was gonna be a little a little bit even more than what the challenge was. The challenge was dollars to each of his celebrity friends who could. Yeah, I saw that challenge, but you know that was too red cross. But we had already put into motion what we were going to do, and it was a little bit more. So, you know, we I gotta talk with her this evening because Kevin is a friend of mine. You know, he issued a challenge. I don't want him to think for a moment that I'm not there for him. But I gotta see now, if you know, if we can do want moretually going to do along with that that, you know, and I'm not surprised and that's why I'm here saying that, because you and your wife and your foundation, you all are constantly constantly doing right and constantly giving back. You know, it's too much as given, much as required, and you've taken that on and you constantly get back. So Steve, just thank you so much. I know surely you were mentioning the Red Cross right now and if you could give out that information again. Yeah, you know, some people can donate, k some people can't. Whatever you can give is much appreciated at this time. And you can do that by texting the word Harvey to nine zero. That's if you want to make a ten dollar donation. Whatever you can make uh again, text the word Harvey to nine zero to make a ten dollar donation. You can go to Red Cross dot org or you can call one eight hundred Red Cross. That's one eight hundred Red Cross. Uh. Any help right now will be much appreciated. There are people still stuck in their homes waiting for people to come and rescue them. And um, you know I was watching the news this morning where this man, uh they live in Houston. They're fine, but he was trying to get his mom out. She's in a townhouse. His mom is is okay in the town house, but they can't get to her because the flooding. Some places it's real high, some places it's low. So they were going in via boat. Findly the rain has let up. That's the good news, you know, surely. It's just um, Steve, it's just you know, I just don't know really what to say to see the city like this, But well, the silver lining is everyone is working together, you guys, all racists, all background, all walks of life. It's all about human life. And it's so good to to just to see that coming off of Charlotte's and all the hate that has been going on, yeah, the ugliness, right, it's been going on in racism in this country. To see this everybody coming together just trying to save lives and rescue and help people from all walks of life. This is just a natural disaster. This is just one of those things that you just you have to just watch it play out. Absolutely, But you know, it's an amazing thing though. If you are if you are in need of being rescued or having your life saved, and you are bigger if it's a black person coming down from the hell and copter with the basket. What you're not getting in it? I don't think it. I don't think so. So I mean, you know, it does, like carl Is say, it makes you have to look at this thing for real, No, regardless as what's happening. There are some people who are not going to look at it the right way, and we'll continue with the ignorant line of thinking. So to those folks we just have to ignore. But for the righteous, we have to just keep moving right. People are some people are saying this is like a cleansing, which is what we need, you know, after such you know, horrific things that happened in Charlottesville and everything. But so again, if you want to help red Cross dot org, call on red Cross or text the word Harvey to nine Z make a ten dollar donation. Uh. Coming up next, Tommy and Junior here with Tommy and JUNR are gonna have right or wrong. If you miss this the first time, we'll play it again for you. This was ignorant. Right here, This was ignorant. Carly, you were here, we'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go, Steve, introduce your nephew and Junior. Ladies and gentlemen, It's time for the right or Wrong segment where these two come to me as the judge to make a decision on who's right or wrong. So far, leading by a landslide is Junior. It has been overwhelming to the landside. Tommy has had a couple of valid points. Uh, here's one that was not involved in Right or Wrong. But the question was posed, what would you do if you want the lottery? Tommy's response was, I got to find a way to leave my family. I'll tell you why funny with me here? It's terrible. You're stupid. I know that he gonna be doing some things and he's gonna be explain it to her. So let's just break up now. Hurt, At least you just get over the fact that I left you. Ain't got to see this in your face that phone and left me at the taxi. He gonna do something to see at leave me while you still love me. You see the stuff. That's why you're not gonna win. Will you tell this boy? If Fanix and ups marriage together, it'll be comed fit up? Tell him, don't? He said down, and he acts like he don't see what I see fat and ups marriage together. That's fat up. Huh. I go with you when you're right kind of like that. I couldn't tell him that because I don't understand, but I think, yeah, that it makes sense time it would be fed up. Okay, that's the one. This when the food hung up on my at calling back, I see it, Junior, I said, listen, crematoriums. You know what people get cream maated at crematorium. It's called crematorious. They should give a discount on burnt victims. You know what I'm saying. If you already halfway burnt, you know what I'm saying. You've been here, passed away, you see, I'm walking. It's a discount. Right, you're hot today. Boy, you're backing the wrong right here, right again. If you are in there for third degree birds, you got to get a disc I'm just saying, Oh, man, come on two for two to let me keep trying. Let me keep trying. I called him back. I said, I said, you hanging up on me again. You're doing something to do that acting child is with me. You ain't gonna be like this, I said, listen, I say when side makers, people that make sense when side makers go on strike, ain't nothing on the side you following me? Yeah, I up with you now. They just pick it in, but I ain't because they own straight right makes sense. I don't really care for you might get right a wrong pick and you're dumb. Man. You got the sign. We're just some people walking around in a certain stick. Don't make no d now that's dumb. Strike right now. Yeah, we will show you. We don't write now. Man, let's stop this right now, this one right here? You them two good ones fit marriage? You p s would they not be called fit? She's not a creamatory. You're the person to discount if they're coming in and dying from burn? Your favorite, my best one ever. You can't charge me for three quarter burn. Come on, man, you ain't got that but work to do. I'm not going with that one. I loved it. That was too much. Come on, now, you're gonna take much to get to the man. Since we almost there. Well, I tell you you work and you earn every penny of your salary. You do this the lad when you hung up, that should have been the last one. No one, Come on, come on, Julie, because I was telling him you know, I like to go to New All and you know all the stuff on the street that just amazed me. I say, if you shoot a man, you're supposed to use a silence shooting. I like that because I've never liked manning on stage as a community. One more time. Now, if you shoot a mind, yeah, you got to use a silence to you gotta at least respect it. You gotta respect. It's what he wanted. It's how he would want to know you have. That's how he would want to he'll respect you more. I think he'll accept it better. I'm just saying. And when you shoot him here, dude, like this, y'all didn't need that already. Hey, four from four and now four are you done? Are you quite sure? Really? Yeah? My altime? Come on, cream Tory, so give you a discount if the victim is already burned. We got burnt it down, all right, we gotta go, we'll be back. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. If you want to help the people in the Houston area affected by Hurricane Harvey, We've been telling you this all morning, you can visit red Cross dot Org or you can call one Red Cross where you can text the word Harvey to nine zero to make a ten dollar donation. Uh, please do that if you want to help, if you have the means to help, they need your help right now more than ever now. In other news, Facebook, We're all on Facebook at some time or another. Facebook is still a huge deal, with about a quarter of every human and on on planet Earth having a Facebook account. That's real. But it looks like Facebook might be slipping just a bit, as there are three point four percent fewer teens between the ages of twelve and seventeen using Facebook this year than there were in two thousand sixteen last year. Instead, they've just switched to Instagram and Snapchat. So that's where the young people are doing there on Instagram, they're on Snapchat. Older people are on Facebook. Yeah, I know, come my mom on it. Comment on everything I post. That's my four right down. Well you ain't double lat It's like Marmill. Put your computer dar. I'll be on Facebook this coming Thursday, speaking of Facebook, at one thirty pm, Uh for for the Strawberry Letter after show live. We're gonna be doing it live. You can find me at my Girl Shirley. You can find me at Shirley Strawberry on Facebook. We'll talk about Thursday's letter. We'll talk about my Strawberry Fresh pick of the week I have it. You'll be surprised at what I have for this week, Carla. Maybe you can join me this week, Carla, because it has something to do with you. I'll tell you that it has something to do with you again. Yeah, we'll have our trending topic all of that again on Facebook, all of you older people right on Live PM this Eastern time, this coming Thursday. Uh huh do you like Lamborghinis? No, well we know what kind of cars you drive. But dr slow, you know, Steve Man. Yeah, but yeah, well I'm card playing hard. Never shook it, okay, Like like Pempon and Roscoe were earlier. When I was a little boy, we used to play that's my car coming cad and I didn't was in my car. You have a thing for calas dog. I wanted a fleetwood grown fo do go gold Gold, I'm not he was gonna say, like black Man Gold wants a gold champagne candy. I'm trying to figure out who going losers. Well, I was gonna tell you about Lamborghini there now in the business of selling smartphones. Uh yeah, not content to just be in the exotic car business. Um, they're getting into the smartphone business now. It's the Lamborghini smartphone, which they're calling the Alpha. One. Is encased in handmade Italian leather. It features a hot a five and a half inch display and a twenty megapixel camera. Just like Lamborghini cars. This thing is beautiful, it's fast and of course expensive. Uh any guesses on how much it might be if it's a phone for from Lamborghini. That's right, it's no two thousand, fifty dollars. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. All right. R Kelly show on Sunday at the FedEx Forum in Memphis was canceled on Friday due to unforeseen circumstances. That comes after protests outside of a Wolf Creek Amphitheater in Atlanta, where Kelly's concert there went on as planned on Friday night. Just outside the venue's parking area, a small group of protesters shouting chants like mute R. Kelly. They held sign stating sex trafficking begins here. Joining the protesters was Fulton County Chairman and Atlanta to mayoral candidate John Eves, who said R. Kelly represents the worst of our society. Meanwhile, the family of Joyceful and Savage, remember her, who is being called the victim, a victim of Kelly so called sex cult, are demanding for a private meeting with their daughter without our Kelly or his team present. That's a young lady who did the the the video saying that she was okay and she was not there against her will and all of that. But her parents don't believe that, and they definitely are investigating, and they want to get their daughter back and talk to our mean and talk to Yeah, if you are going to have a problem with this man, shouldn't you have the problem with what he does as opposed? I mean, you can't link him to all sex crimes well, I mean even linking I mean even being them thinking he's involved in anything like that. You know, it's terrible to them, you know, you know, I don't think that man earth because it's personal to them. Okay, Now this is not a question, it's a statement. Anybody does anything against a woman physically, you know, you know, things of that nature. Come on, man, you have to pay a whole lot of women are in deplorable situation at the hands of a man. Some women are in diplover situations at the hands of another woman. And sex trafficking is really, really, at a in Atlanta, outrageous, you know, and it should be stopped. I don't think that that's what we have here with r Kelly. I'm not sure about that. Well, and that's why I hate I say, I don't like jumping on the bandwagon and comment on what's trendy. Well her, listen. That's what I hate when people do that. And you know, if this girl is of age and saying she's of her own free will, is that sex traffic? Well, let me say that Steve r. Kelly has come forward by way of his lawyer to deny the allegations of sex trafficking in his home and other claims. Uh. So they're investigating that the parents are alleging that r Kelly has kept their daughters in a sex obsessed cult. Uh that's what the parents are claiming. So I'm you know, the cases under investigation. Meanwhile, R Kelly is still you know, on tour, but um in Memphis, like I said that his concert was canceled and people are protesting outside because of this case. I'm not making a judgment call one way to the other, but I am posing the question because if that's not what he's doing, then you know, I would be careful. I would think to attach him to something that he's not doing. Now, if you're doing something that requires is breaking the law and requires payment, you got paid. I think, yeah, this is a situation to wait and see what the investigation turns out. Um, it doesn't look good right now, and he is denying all allegations. But you know, and the daughter did come out you know with this you saying that she was okay, but the parents don't believe her. You know. But but real man stuff is an adult, real man stuff. I don't care how Yes, I'm coming to get you if you if you're yeah, just way too long, all right? Uh, well, the investigation continues. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Hey, folks, listen. This Red Cross relief is important, you know. Look here here, we're gonna listen to me. Two words, rain and help. Now. Our Heart Radio is teaming up with the Red Cross to help our friends in Texas after this devastating flooding that's been going on now. Help out now at red Cross dot org or give ten dollars by texting Harvey to nine zero. Every bit helps and your help is needed now and that's what we want to put out definitely. So we've got it and you know, guys, we've got to do so every little bit help. Ten dollars. Listen to me, all ten dollars gonna come out way more than I want you to understand that whatever you can give, if it's just a dollar, you know, whatever you can afford to give, every little bit helps. Right now, these people are in dire need. They have people coming down from different states, you know, boating in uh, volunteering to rescue. I mean, you know, and they've been up all night because Carla, I'm sure you can attest to this. They say night is when it's really bad, you know, because you can't see and there's no power, right, but you can't see going on and you don't know how deep the water is, and so you don't know where you're driving if you're driving over right, and see if you know about things like this, you know, if you're driving at night and you think you know the street, and then you can be driving over a sidewalk and it's not really a sidewalk or the whole think or anything. You just salled out. Yeah, it's stalls out. Yeah yeah. And then the elderly people with their you know, having to have their medication, and the newborn babies and you know, so please, you know, keep your prayers coming, keep those donations coming, uh, you know, if you can. Again. UM, I'll be volunteering at working at shelters all weekend in Houston, and UM I'll give more information about that on my social media pages lips by Carla on Instagram. But thank you, Steve. Thank you to the whole crew and all of the listeners. They've been tweeting you guys, and they've been praying for you. Let me know what's needed at particularly shelter, will do, yes, sir, thank you. I mean, but the Red Cross has this information. If you want to help the people of Houston, go to Red Cross dot org. Red Cross dot org. You can call one Red Cross or text the word Harvey to nine zero. That's nine text the word Harvey to make a ten dollar donation. Okay, I'm gonna play this song going out because I want everybody, you know, just wake up, everybody, Just wake up. You know this is really happening. M wake up everybody, sleep baby big no more back thak. In terms of thinking, world has changed so very much what it used to be. They're so much change me more in poverty war, we're gonna all teachers talk to teach a way. Maybe then they have listened to what you have to say. They're the ones who's coming them and the world is in their hands. When you change that, your man to jump the very best. Care Well, I get all bad, I it we just let it be got out, well, got all bad. You gotta change it down just when me wet. All doctors make old people well, they're the ones who suffer and will catch all the hair. They don't have so very long for they just me days. I want you to make them happy before they pass away. We got a builders time to build untold. I know we can do it if we all in the hand. Only think we have to do is put it in on mine. Sure that these will work out. They knew it every time the world get all bad. If we just did it be not the world won't yet out. Man. We gotta change it. Just change change again, Change again, Change it alone, do it long, some help, don't go? Yeah up ya in a litter? Serious for something, change the world. Listen, man, y'all have a great weekend. Uh it's Wensday. But I ain't mad at him because something coming up to look forward to, something to look but you know what I'm looking for? It forming back to Vegas? What for all Steve Harvey contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.