How To Break Up with an EX 02.22.17

Published Feb 22, 2017, 4:42 PM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all bag all so long, looking back to back down, giving them just like the million bucks things. And it's tough y'all to me, true good its ste hory guy listening to me. When to each other for study? Why don't you join yeah by joint polling me. Honey, say you got to turn, Yeah, you gotta turn to turn turn to lovey got to turn out to turn turn want to go, comey, come on your thaat uh huh, I sure will A good morning everybody, y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I gotta tweet the other day from a young dude named Cortez h. I can't remember his Twitter handle, but Cortet is something. And he tweeted me and he said, uh, when Steve Harvey used to get to preach and I used to just turn the radio off. And then he said something to the fact that, but now is different. He said, old dude be bringing it, he'd be bringing the truth. I appreciate that. That's what he said. Well, Cortets, if you out there listeners morning, I appreciate you too, man, because see I understand what it is I used to you know, man, when I was younger, Man, when I when I wanted to do what I wanted to do. Man, I just man, I didn't want to hear nothing else. I don't want to hear nothing that contradicted what I wanted to do. You know. So it's a funny thing man about me. Man, I was I would hear the truth, I would know it to be the truth. But because I had another plan, another mission, another goal, another set of dudes I wanted to get done, I didn't want to hear that. You know. It's a funny thing, man. It's like like when I was a little boy and I used to get scared sometime at night, you know, the booker Man. So I thought that if I just pulled the blanket up over my head, that that meant that if I can't see the booger man, he can't see me. That's the theory. That's an ostrich, you know, sticking his head in the sand, thinking, live, if I don't see this dude, he can't see me. A lot of Ostriches didn't die with their head stuck in the sand. I just didn't want to be one of the people that left this world with my head in the sand, and so you know, he kind of fostered that thought in my mind this morning. So I want to send the shout out to my man on Twitter, cortets whatever. I think. I'm gonna look his real name of Holdos while I'm piddling through this trying to find it so I can get this real Twitter handling and give him some love. But you know, man, I just wanted to say, man this morning, that quit talking about change. Y'all listening, because because because this is real right here, quit talking about change and let's make a change. You know, man, I don't I don't mind giving people advice. I really, I really really don't, because so many people along the way have handed it to me freely. Man. Some people just saw me doing wrong and say, young man, come and let me talk to you for a man. Some people say, hey, bro, look man, I know what you're trying to do. Man, when have you thought about it this way? So I've had a lot of favor in my life, a lot of grace been showing on me, a lot of mercy, A lot of people and came to me, helped me a long way. So I don't have no problem with this part of what what I'm what I'm obligated to do in the mornings. But let's quit talking about change, y'all, and let's make a change. She changes growth and ain't no growth without change. You've got people, Man, You ever met a person that's just insistent on doing it they way? I mean, nobody in the building think they should go that way, but they're so bone headed. Oh this is how I'm gonna do it. But bro, listen to me. Man, that ain't highs done. You're gonna run into this distance I show you heait a minute. Man, you can't do it that way. Man, listen to me. Change is growth and ain't no growth without change. It cannot happen. If you are sick and tired of where you are, then you have to change. Chat. Change can only come from within. Can nobody make you change? Now? We got a penal system in place that can make you sit down. If you don't want to change, we'll sit you down and we'll restrict your movement and your communication to the point where if you want to continue this foolishness, we're gonna put you in this building with a whole lot of people. That's foolishness, and y'all just trick each other all day long. But if you are sick and tired of your situation, you've got to change, man. And listen to me, y'all, how do you bring about change? Steve? How do you change? Man? When you've ben't thought of everything? Well, hold up, man, pray for it. Pray for change. Ask God to help you change. Ask God what he wants for you instead of always telling God what you want. It's an interesting prayer to have with God. When you quit going to God with your list and check in with God and see what his list is. That's a very real interesting prayer. If you're a praying person, I suggest you try that sometimes. It's so interesting. Man, do you know what he did for me when I started asking God what he wanted for me? Instead of telling God all the time. I still tell him what I want, but instead of all the time going to Him with what I want. You know what it did for me? It freed me up. It took a lot of pressure off. I no longer had to think of everything, and what I was thinking of a lot of times wasn't work in no way, and when I opened myself up to what he wanted to what his wheel was. Man, do you know how much simpler my life? God? And do you know how much bigger it God? I'm trying to tell you, man, if you pray for change and you allow God to help you with the change, or if you let God just produce the change, the changing, you would be amazing. If you've been listening to me, especially out in l A, since I was on the radio since two thousand, can't you here to change? I'm flat out telling you that a change has come. But I had to pray for the change because I couldn't make the change on my own. And then after you pray for the change, you gotta work towards your trade change. You know, as a faith without works is dead. Everybody wants something from God. Always want to talk to God about something, But then man, ain't ain't and don't don't want to do nothing about it. Faith without works is dead. You can't do it that way, man, It just does not happen. So so after you didn't pray to God about it, what you gotta do then is you gotta turn around and go, hey, man, all right, now, what is it I got to do. You know, you got to do something to bring it about. So after you pray for it, work for it, and do something today about it. Stop procrastinating. Don't procrastinate, folks. The change can start today. Man, I want to change. How about today? You know then you see them saying people, Man, I want to change, that's next we how about today? I see people years later, Man, I'm still in the same old situation. Man, I'm gonna do something. How about today? Today is a good day. There's nothing stopping you from changing today, nothing except you. You can begin the process of change immediately. And change is growth, y'all. And ain't no growth without changing. It's a simple thing. And I'm talking to you in broad strokes because everybody got something about them they need to change. That's why I'm not specifically talking about anything. I got some things and me didn't need to change so I can grow further. Everybody the President got some things about him. He got to change so he could grow further. Everybody has something about them that they need to change in order to grow further and then go further. Now we're stopping you is you won't start to change today. Don't hesitate, make that change, and then I want you to watch something. When you change, watch the difference in you. Notice the difference in you. But but better than that, man, feel the difference in you, and guess what you're gonna be different. If you're watching for the change, if you're feeling the change, then guess what you're gonna be different. Man, Watch for the difference, feel the difference. You will be different. If you're sick and tired of your situation, folks, you can change that. But the change is in you. It's a simple decision you had to make. I'm gonna change. You know how many brothers sitting up behind the wall, man in protective custody because they didn't they because they didn't got out the gangs. They just wanted out the games. Because they discovered what gangs really are, what gangs really do, that gangs is real self serving, that it really ain't about you. And the moment you don't want to do with the game, got to want you to do, no matter how dirty or file it is. Then they done with you. Now they're green like you. What hold up? Man? I was your boy, all this dirt on the dirt. Yeah, but I want you to do some more dirt. Hold up, man, I gotta do something that my boy dog, just my dude right here, Okay, I'll tell you what then we're gonna do you. You know how many brothers I know man, that got out the gang and it's in protective custody in prison because they wanted to change. The change is up to you. You can decide today if you want to change, you want to be different. If you're sitting behind the wall, I love speaking to the brothers and sisters behind the wall. If you're behind the wall man, and you're sitting tired of being behind the wall, man, why don't you change? You've thought about that change? Man? If I get back out there, I'm gonna just do the same thing. Stop saying that. Stop saying that, man, Stop breathing that negativity into your life. Decide today that you want to change. You can do it. Everybody can change. If you don't know how to change, pray for it, man, ask God to help you with the change. All you get some movement, then, partner, you get a whole lot of movement. Then, and that dude, uh uh, somebody works with me? My girl who works with me? Tracy's in the Cortez pack cortas p A c could be nicknamed. His Twitter name is Oprah Husband. That's his Twitter name at Oprah husband. I think his name is court his pack. Hey man, Steve Harve, I got your tweet. Man. I'm feeling you though, partner, and I appreciate you listening to me. You understand I usually didn't want to hear it too. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show eighteen minutes after the hour. Good morning, everybody. I have something I want to do today. Jeral Evert has been on my heart for the past three weeks and in my dressing room, I've been playing in my lot and I just wanted to share with y'all two great songs that he did. His last one was in My Songs, and I want you to hear the introduction that his father, Eddie did after his son had passed about this song. Uh. It was really, really, really great moment of a father's love for his son. And then after that, I'm gonna play Funny Funny, which is a jam that I'm not sure Marjorie knows, but I've claimed it as one of our songs now because it describes exactly what was going on on the day Like today, I got out my bed, nothing seemed to go my way, trying to find some peace within, ain't no rest for nowhere, remin trying to find something. Everything I do every time I think it's sort of kind of got me down, looked all over the place, just trying to find a smile. Then the phone rang and an angel sang hello, and it's funny you should call today. Girl has been too long. I thought you just moved on. It's funny you should call today. You always found a way to make my day. Lord Hammers, that is our jam and she don't even know it. We all of trouble. So I'm gonna play those back to back this morning. It's a different kind of morning. That's all. I want to thank you all for loving and supporting myself, his career. Just Black History what's to do? From yesterday that we had on the rayforst. Jackson. The first or reporter comments back that you're listening, Steve Harpy shout all right here, I'm in no rayfort Jackson. That we're here with not a known Black History Month moment. Tommic, thank you know Rapers. Not this right here is seventeen eighty nine. Uh, Dyna Might Dougas from the Dougas plantation. Uh called his woman Lula Bell in the log cabin with Big Buck the Bronco Buster. Now Dyna Might Douglas ran and tried to get Master Douglas good. And when he saw what he thought, Uh, he was gonna kill Big Buck the Bronco buster. He couldn't find Master's gun, but he found his bullets. He got ten bullets and took all the gunpied out, rolled it up in the heavy paper with a string on it. He lit it and threw it in the cabin right behind big books butt. And that thing exploded and Blue big Bucks as clean off. Now him and Lula Bell come running out the cabin butt niked. And that, my friends, was how Dyna Might was invented and introduced to the world. Dynam Might do this a black history legre. Well now you've heard it. Another Black History month. Tomorrow we will be finding out what happened with coulters Foot after all, because everybody has lost their alright, we'll find one. Come on, Joe, Yeah, you got to go to break now. We ain't got time for that. That's the other thing about Black History time, how we got on time? It's still a mystery. Coming up next to Run That Prank Back. This one's called the Vacation right now, Yeah, the Vacation. Alright, we'll be back. You're listening alright for eight minutes after the hour. Get ready this morning, y'all, cause coming up at the top of the album, it's ain't gonna be here with today's headlines. Plus we're gonna talk about the best way to get over a break up. Oh. I can't wait to hear that. This is running that prank back. This is you married your brother. Some of y'all haven't done it. No, I just don't know. He tod of you didn't done it though this happened. Yeah, hello, along, I'm trying to reach a your common place. Hi, Carmen, my name is Keith Keeping. I'm calling you from the insurance group. Hi. How are you good? You and your husband? Uh? What is it? Harvey? Harvey? Is that right? Okay? You guys actually put applications and actually went in and got your physicals done for life for insurance, right, Yeah, yeah, that's correct. Okay. I actually I'm calling you from the insurance group. I have you alls lab results and everything as far as your physicals and blood tests and things of that nature. Is there any way I could possibly talk to both of you guys at the same time, you and Harvey. Is that possible? Um? Well, sure, he's at work right now, but I can get him on the side. Okay, It would be uh, it would be kind of easy if I kind of explained everything to both of you guys at the same time. Is that if that's okay? Okay? Some wrong? Uh? No, nothing's wrong. I mean I think I need to just try to bring a few things that you guys attention. But I think you know, after that, it's pretty much you guys decision on what you do. But I just wanted to let you know a few things about you know, the results and things that nature, your life, insurance, the whole nine yards. Okay, Okay, let me see talking to him on the phone. Hey, babe, Hey, sweetheart. Um look, I got the insurance people on the line. They want to get both of us on the phone, uh, to talk to us about the insurance stuff. Hey, Harvey, are you doing this? Is Keith Keep from the insurance group? How are you? Hey? Good with that? Nikky? Good? Good? Listen, Um, I wanted to give you guys a call and kind of follow up. And you guys did physicals and blood tests and the whole nine yards, and I wanted to give you guys a call. It's kind of better if I talked to both of you guys at the same time. So, do you have a minute that we can actually use a kind of get some of this information out to you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. I'm gonna break right now. We're good. Okay, great. First of all, we've gotten all your your lab results back everything, and I kind of got a few questions for you guys that I'm a little puzzled on. How long have you guys actually been married. We've been again about three years, okay, now, prior to being married three years. How long did you guys know each other before you got married? About five and a half five six years years? Okay, You guys have been knowing each other pretty close to nine years now altogether. Yeah, okay. Are you actually from the same hometowns? You grew up in the same hometown? Yeah, yeah, yeah, we grew up. I mean, if I'm I'm sorry, is this question I mean, is this about the insurance or well, I mean there are two things that's that actually uh puzzling, Carmen, that we need to this this this is some news that I actually didn't want to bring you, guys. I mean we have to. I have to actually give you this in looking at our records, looking at all the test results, and let me be the first to tell you that we run these results over and over and over trying to make sure we are completely a hundred and right. Okay, it's a problem with the test. Well, looking at our test, guys, Harvey or Garment, it's indicating that you guys are related. And nine times I attend you are you guys are siblings? Hold man, what and I understand the shot. It took me. It took everything I had to make this phone call. I did not want to make it. But looking at our records and we went over these records over and over and and and the blow work tells us that you guys are actually siblings. Man, help kids. Are you serious, ma'am? I'm actually this is not that. This is not a laughing matter, not a joking matter. You know. I got said I did not want to call with this information. What you did? Make the call? Man? Look, I don't know what. You need to go back and and and double check your records or something because you've been married three brief check with the lab man, can you check with the lab and like paul us back and I and I knew those questions would have come up, and we we went over it. We went over it and over and over it. Y'all need to go over again because oh babe, I got this. You make the call and this gotta be wrong. So what you need to do is make another call and call the lab and call us back and let us know that you either you know, they made a mistake of you talking about me and my wife, and I understand it hard, Harry. Let me ask you this is it possible, you know? And this is just a question. Is it possible that your dad and maybe her mom maybe knew each other at some point and you saying by my mom and dad that that that's so straight? Look at you need to hand go back and do whatever you need to do. But I think you like you say something like that again, I think my bad's gonna be coming down that beat you. I'm saying like that, hold on baby, old baby, baby, baby, hold on baby, I got this hold on. I got a baby. I had a baby. I gotta how you're gonna call me with you what you don't know? You from a people like that. But that ain't all I'm doing, sir, is bringing you the result, or I should bring me results him personally that I whop you. That's what I'm talking about. He knows. Hey, sorry, even if you beat the messenger at the end of the day, that's still your sister. At the end of the day, I'm gonna whanp you like. I don't care what he's talking about. Nothing. He ain't my damn brother I got. I'm gonna find out you off whatever jupicle you in. You're gonna call me something about brother. It's my wife. I am sing that song somewhere down the line. Somebody made a mistake and you guys, my brother and sister got married. I'm not at fart for that. Let change you to he's on one of these numbers again, and don't like so I got one more result. I do need to get what you've been talking about them we else you got to say. Now that's gonna be watching. The only other touch resone I have, ma'am, is that this is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. You just got pranked by your girlfriends. I told you a like. I got one thing. I got to ask both of y'all, what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, Harvey morn and show keeping it Stupid Stupid is coming to Lake Charles. That's me, Nephew Timmy coming that way. Oh my god, one night only at the Civic Center Marster four tickets on sale right now. That's me, that's Oatmeal, that's Eugene. Oh my god, you don't want to miss it, late challs. Everybody around the way. That life yet. Yeah, Oh y'all get your tickets. The fool is coming to Tall Tickets on sale right now. March for you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning showy common breakup times of the year. Most singles need to figure out how to mend their hearts, all right, So lucky for us, one pole is found out the best way to cope with being dumped. Here we go, here's how to get back on the mend. All right. Here are some ways to get over a breakup. Browsed dating apps brows date apps. Okay, it will remind you exactly how replaceable your ex is. Okay, I like that one. Everyone can be replaced obviously. Um completely totally avoid social media. Yeah you should do that anyway. Yeah, all right, here's one throw away or sell all of your excess stuff. Yeah, when you're done, you're done selling, move on. Okay. Spend time with family, because no one has your back more than your family. Okay, so spend more time about it. And here's one that I like. Treat yourself, just you know, go out for yourself, deserve This is not another shopping opportunity that I'm sure retail therapy, yes, but treat yourself, go to the spa, do those things you know. Um. So our question of the day here it is, how do you deal with a breakup? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine Steve. All right, Steve, I'm sure you've been in these types of situations before where you have to break up. It's no easy way to break up. Seventy nine times give us a couple to see what's the best way to break up? I mean, you know, how do you cope with it after a break? How do you cope after a break? Up all of that. Well, you know, ignoring him is the best. What do you mean, just act like it never happened, like y'all still together? Yeah, no, just just it never happened that you were never with her in the first place. Yea, my young ass has done it that way before. I'm not saying best your damncause when they see you. You know, back then, you could ignore a person a lot better women. I was no phone rang, so you could really ignore a person. But lord, when they see you, ye, we don't like to be ignored. You know, hundred eighty nine messages at your mama's house. Why don't you call this girl? All of my machine? So I'm out of the nightclub. One time I said, this club called Reasons Reasons up a shaker square. Me and Big was in now and a girl that I was dating that I just got tired of. She was just I hadn't called it like in two weeks. You just got tired. I mean, man, she was tiring. Everything was wrong all the time. I couldn't fix none of it. Alright, my red my car broke. Hey, I got enough for me. Why you think you should be in my budget? But you work and I'm working. All the mine is for me. So I'm about two and a half weeks. I ain't talked to nine messages at my mama's house. I'm at reasons. I'm standing at the bar with my boy Big and Marvelers. Next thing I know, my boy say, hey, man, don't turn around, man, she coming this way. I don't want to say the girl's name because she has tried to kill me six times since then, so I don't want to bring her name. She might be in Cleveland listening. You saw a little shaky right now, He said, hey, dog, don't turn around. She coming this way. I said who he said? He said Karen. I said, God choking. So she get right up on me. I just said, quit looking at her. So she taps me on the shoulder. I act like I don't feel it, you know, So she tapped me harder. Oh, you ain't gonna turn around. I turned around and I said, excuse me. She said excuse me? She said, how come you won't answer return none of my phone calls. I've been calling your mama's house. I'd been called you. You wanna pick no phone? You wanta return none of my messages? What is wrong with you? I looked at her. I said, you forgot. She looked at me confused, She said forgot what I said? We broke up? She said, when was you gonna tell me? Right here? It got ugly? Yeah, you know. She end up telling me I wasn't attractive, no how. And then I looked at her. I said, well, you know, don't see nobody trying to get you out on the dance floor right now, standing over here, I said, well, you know, we're just too ugly ass people. Maybe we really don't need to be together now, a big old, ugly as mistake. Yeah, you know, i'd be ugly. You just admit that you ain't all that well, I saw, Let's just swing it on over the miss and she's here with today's headlines. Good morning, miss Anne, Good morning, Steve, morning, everybody out there, This is morning Say from News. Good morning morning, Junior, Tommy Carl, everybody you know. Eleven Jewish community centers around the country. Eleven reportedly received telephone bomb threats on Monday. However, authorities say they appeared to be hoaxes. The Jewish Community Center Association of North America says the center's threatened included ones in Chicago, Buffalo and Cleveland, and that a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis was also vandalized. This week's threats among the sixty nine ers so that have been reported since Donald Trump's election. So under pressure now to more definitively condemned anti semitism, the President put away his Twitter and actually spoke about it. Anti Semitic threats targeting our Jewish community and community centers are horrible and are painful and a very sad reminder of the work that still must be done to root out hate and prejudice and evil. Trump was criticized last month, you may remember, for issuing a statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day without mentioning either Jews or anti Semitism. He issued his latest statement after visiting the African American History Museum in Washington, d C. All Right, firebrand Melo Napolis is out of a job as editor of the right wing Bright Barton News. He is also out of favor with his folks. All admit a firestorm over an Internet video in which he appears to condone pedophilia, something that he is denying. The controversies prompted a publisher to canceled his book deal, and he was also disinvited as a key speaker at the Conservative Political Action Conference. The Trump administration and Portly still plans to expand the deportations of immigrants who are in the US illegally. Under the new rules released this week, they're casting a wider net for aliens who could be deported. They now include people that are convicted of only minor crimes like maybe you're driving without a driver's license or something like that. Deep Hannah's Border Agency beefing things up, a lot of folks crossing in Quebec, sod of putting more agents there. And today is National cook a Sweet Potato Day. I could just taste that pile. Why did it this way? Come on, Patty, Come on, Patty, Patty. Back to the Steve Harby Boarding Show. One by own. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that coming up, we need to butterfly Eugene to get up in here and do his blog. Anybody seen Okay, Tommy are you asking me? Hey? Why are you asking me? No? They're just black and white. You didn't want to get Morning Steven, Tommy, Shirley, Carla June. You get money to everyone on this the Beautiful Wends the Idiots. How day, Hey Carla, Shirley, good morning, Thomas, what's happening? I got an attitude it is because that's the other show when I get on stage. Hey Jr? What's butterfly? Me and Junior was the stars this past week? Stephen, Hey, you always played Tommy short man. I don't really know if I appreciate you say he showing playing anyway, Today is today as today Today is to go out and just you know, we're your favorite socks today. You know where socks? Shirley, You've got to get some socks. The socks are is a new thing that's coming back in the strikes blood on is it your cass, Charlie to your big cast. Okay, so you can get some socks that are under the calf, because if you get them over the campain, you're probably gonna stretch him out. But under the cap don't mean nothing to you. But all the girls on the show, the big leg girls right here, carl you can't win o socks. I can What was that, bro Man? Because you're I still wear I still wear the footies with the ball on the bag. I love those ankle sauce and all that, the ankle sock with Ain't them chilling things? Yeah, those are the ones that I like. The ones are the little prairie ball on the bag. You know, did you have any of those? Junior? No, don't, I'll playing sports. I didn't have no sock ball on the back of my socks. You don't have no bootiest, man, No, I had some nice socks. But but but you have though. You're just gonna let it go out. I can stop. Yeah, I have to catch myself. I'm gonna get Junior, Timmy and Stephen some um some booties, the one with the ball in the bag, so y'all have you can just whim around the house. They're very, very nice. But it's it's socks is the new thing? Like when you see men with their suits on. Now, Stephen, I think you're wearing something they're wearing. You know, the different colors are coming out, and that's what they're wearing. The stripes and different paths. Don't do that. Why not Boomerang does that? That's for boomerang. Oh god, I've seen boomerang. We're not gonna discuss it anyway. So it's sock gay. So everybody gets your good socks on today. Girls, I'm gonna get you some socks. And Stephen says, you guys don't have socks or you can't fit them up whatever he's saying, I don't, but all my socks you there, stripes on top of that's all my socks here, stripes on top of m So anyway to those two, every one to those Toto toto. It's sockday. So that's the block. Sock day, Junior and Tommy, I have you all socks for um, for you all. And then Stephen, see what's that show you wear? All right? Um? Junior? I went you don't win no lion quick telling people that, oh, because he always says tim when he had store. If it's a female waiting on it, oh God. We'll be back with Marta too. Steve. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up, y'all. Uh we're going to the phones. Uh. Now, do we've just passed the most common break up time or the year? Right around Valentine's Day the most singles need to figure out how to mend their heart? What do you do to get over a break up? Eight? Seven or seven? Twenty? Now Steve. Alright, we got let's go to line one h out of Virginia. Lashawn, Hey, how do you get over a break up? Well? After finished curson and acting a food I shocked tillout my yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am. My eyes crawled, my eyes crossed until I get all this collabulating. I shot the numbers off the blasticks. Yes, yes, ye, yes, I love you the card sweat and believe. Yes he didn't. May be like, oh he did. He said, let me go buy these shoes over. Yes, I gave my like this stupid so oh, let me just just right, let me get two of those girl. Yes, she said, yes, yes, I shot. I shot. Tell the people can see me coming and they're like, oh, lor we got the clothes, so we ain't got nothing else. Prot of the back, we're gotting nothing. Nothing he got mess your side. I get my shop on. I don't need. If I don't buy a pair of shoes for the next five years, I'll still be good. But that's not gonna happen. You know, my name is Lashawan and I have a shoe problem. This is confession all right here your night, Thank you, Lashan. That was I don't apologize, boy, I am what I am? Keep shopping? Your wife don't apologize either, So I'm used to it. We're buying shoes, all right? Coming up next, more ignorance from the nephew. It just keeps coming on this show. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show time. We got to played phone call Timmy. What's your prank today? How we've know anybody with him? Man? All right? Then? Alwease get ready? What is it? Please? How? Please? When we come back? Why would you do a prank on something you can't say? Surely you don't get in on my segment like this here. Yeah, but that's a good question. Ain't no good question? Don't go side with her standing next to me. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Resa, please reesa. Hi Resa. My name is Byron, Byron from the job. How are you? I'm okay? How are you buying? I'm good? Listen. I hate to call you after hours at your home. But there has been some new issues that will be going into effect. That was just tomorrow morning, and we're calling everyone on letting them know the new changes that have been um issued that will take effect first thing tomorrow morning, So we're giving everyone a call, so don't be alarmed. It's just give me a call letting you know what the what the higher ups have changed. Okay, okay, there's no problem. Okay, as up tomorrow, what's gonna happen is when you guys come in, you'll be issued a new key card, and that particular card will actually registers when you come in and go out. Okay, all right. Second one is there will no longer be any personal Internet at the job any longer. You won't be able. They're actually putting a block on all computers. All the computers will no longer be able to go to a lot of these sites that you guys go to that you've been um that's been available here in the past. Okay, okay, all right. The last one is reesa do you um, do you wear a hair? We've what? Do you wear? A hair weave or a wig? Okay, well, here's one thing and hopefully you can get this change about tomorrow. There's no weaves or hair or wigs gonna be allowed, uh at the job site from this point on. So as of tomorrow morning, everyone must be wearing their natural hair. You're joking, Uh, No, these are the issues that are gonna be that are in stated, and these are going to take effect as of tomorrow morning, seven o'clock. What does hair We've to have to do with any of these changes? The first two I can understand punching in and being on the internet. Yes, that's something that that corporate. But have we eve and you're getting interchangings? Are they're looking down upon it? Uh, wigs and hair weaves they have to go. So I'm assuming that if you, like you said, you do have one, doesn't come out there taking it down now and prepare your hair to be natural as you come into work tomorrow. I'm not taking my hair down. I've been here seven years and I've dealt with all the changes that y'all have made. But there's no way that I'm taking my hair we've down. I'm all right, what's your name? Byron? Yes, my name is Byron, And I'm sorry, let's get back to your we've this has you're gonna have to do something? Is there someone that you can call tonight to help you get your hair down and so you can look presentable with your natural hair tomorrow? No, My, We've called over two or three dollars and I'm not about to take that down. I mean, it takes a long time to take that down. Okay, Um, I mean, is this something Maybe you can take it down and just wear it on the weekends because as of now, you're not gonna be allowed to actually wear it on the property. And how will you know if someone has weave or not? Are you gonna do head checks or something? Okay, I'm ma'am. I'm not quite sure what they're gonna do to check it. But by you telling me that you you have a we've, then I have to write it down that you have confirmed that you do, and we got to make sure that tomorrow morning you're not wearing one. But you don't know what my natural hair looks like from my we've. Are you heard how much I pay for it? So it's a weave, ma'am. It's not about how good you know with the quality of your weaver or anything. They don't want it. They want natural hair. I don't know what that means. But they're going natural. They're going green, they're going natural. I don't know what it is. They're going natural, and so will you. Tomorrow morning you need to come in with your hair completely down. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm not taking my weave now. Okay, what is that y'all gonna write me up or something? Okay, ma'am? Do you not want your job? Yeah? I want my job, But this don't make no sense. You're talking about personal appearance. I can understand y'all have a dress coach and enforcing a dress code, that's one thing. But telling somebody to change that. Have you lost your morn man? You're crazy, ma'am. I'm not gonna I have other people that I have to call. Bottom line is get your hat out and get your butt into work tomorrow, and let's not go back and forth anymore. Okay, Well, listen, by rand you're a low mine. If you're thinking I'm taking my we've I'm not taking out at all. Refa is coming up and with her hair and I'm gonna sit down in my desk and do jobs. Y'all gonna have to drag me out there. Have some weed? You lost your mind? You and your powers that be, or whoever they may be. You tell them that I said that. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, listen, are you telling me that you're coming in regardless with your hair on right, That's what I just said. Are you then then we need Why don't you go ahead and bring some boxes in because you may? I'm not you bring this man, I don't want to have to pack. You get your stuff and box it up, and you're losing your job because you can't take it. You know what? You can do that because I'm a call the news station and tell them you're dragging me out of behind some weeds. Who wrong? You're wrong? You're wrong? You stupid behind? Are you gonna? You need to watch your language, young lady? Why I need to watch my language? I'm at home. You call me on my own home phone and on my time. I'm at my house. I'm not on your flock. I say what I want to say on my phone. Okay? Can I say I want on my phone? And then I'll let you go and you can come into the work anyway you want to tomorrow. What is it? Bible? What else you got to say? I want to tell you. I want to tell you that your girlfriend Jennifer at your job got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harby Morning Show. He just said, I know you, hey, reason this is this is not your time, baby, from the Steve Harby more than's your Jennifer, your co worker got me to prank phone called pressure. I'm gonna kill tomorrow and I'm gonna pull a hole weave out. You want to come down there and watch me drink out of the blood pressure. You can't be doing that to me behind my weave. I paid too much money. I definitely kids. Ain't nothing like a black woman and her hall. Oh man, okay, baby, I got one more thing to ask you, girl, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Well after this, Frank keeping it stupid stupid is coming to Lake Charles. That's me, nephew Tommy coming that way. Oh my god, one night only at the Civic Center March the four. Tickets on sale right now. That's me, that's Oatmeal, that's Eugene. Oh my god. You don't want to miss it, Lake Charles. Everybody around the way that life yet. Yeah, all y'all get your tickets. The fool is coming to town. Tickets on sale right now. March four. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's that time, y'all buckle left hold on letter twins. Alright, here we go with the Strawberry letters subject the sad, lonely crazy girl. I have a problem. I'm confused and hurt. There's a guy that I've been often on went since I was since I was thirteen. Now I'm twenty two. At seventeen, I got pregnant and at eighteen I had our beautiful daughter. Problem is, I have had nothing but heartache since day one with him. I love him. He took my virginity and we've been through a lot with each other. At this point, I do not think he is the one for me. But my question to you, Steve, is does he or has he ever loved me? He says all the time. If he didn't love me, we wouldn't have went as far as we have. But when my baby told me he had her in the bed with another girl and I confronted him about it, his response was I did this to us, meaning he wanted me to have an abortion. I have done pretty much everything he's asked me to do. I go out of my way to make sure he is happy and that I don't do anything to upset him. He tells me when he is ready to get married, I will be the one. But when he gets mad, he says he doesn't want me. Then, on top of all that, he calls me the crazy girl. I hit him with the car, want but he called me the B word and dared me to do it. And I threw a knife at his head another time, but he drugged me around on the whole house by my hair. He makes it seem to other people that he is innocent and I'm crazy the differences. I will blow up in front of any and everybody, but he waits until we're done. So does he or has he ever loved me? And if not, surely how do I let him go? Sign confused, hurt and broken? Uh No, I don't believe he loves you, because no man who really loves a woman would ever treat her this way. Because you've got with him so young, this is all you know. But it's not right. He's cheating, he's dragging you around by his by by your hair, he's disrespecting you. You're hitting him with the car, throwing knives at him. This is not a normal relationship. I just need you to know that you've been with this guy since thirteen. This is not normal. Your issue is does he love you? Or how do you let him go? But it should be really, do you love yourself? The more you concentrate on loving you and yourself, the more you see you'll see that he's not the man for you. I mean, really, this is crazy and you are crazy, and you're doing all this stuff. Ah, you want to do yours when we come back. Okay, we'll be right back. You're listening to Steve har Eighteen minutes after that hour we come back, I got part to it is letter coming out appreciate alright, Steve the sad, lonely crazy girl. That is a subject. You're crazy girl because you've you've been pushed this way. You gotta understand something. First of all, you've been owning off with a boy since your thirteen the only thing you've ever known. You don't know yourself, He don't know himself who you're all started out liking, y'all with children. Now, as you're growing into yourselves as adults, you're finding out that maybe the two you don't like each other at all, let alone love. Yeah. And now the fact that your baby then told you that she he was in bed with her with another woman. Okay, now what you're doing now, if you don't think that that pushes a woman over the edge to act a little bit differently, please, you have a built in excuse now the fact that he called you crazy girl you hit him with the car wants but he called you to be word and then dad, you to do it? Well, if you call a woman to be word and she behind the wheel of the car, and then I dare you to do it? Here come the car getting ready for that? Now? I threw a knife at his head, Okay, at his head, though I'm sure there was a reason for that. Okay. Then he drugged you around the house by your health man, what y'all doing? Y'all need to split, y'all need before this goes somewhere else, because right now the stuff is getting worse. The letter got worse. So does he or has he ever loved me? If not? Surely, how do I let him go? Sign? Confuse was hurting broken? See, you don't know your full potential because you've never reached it. You don't know what you're capable of because you've never done it or even try. Uh, Sometimes you got to go to grow. Everybody, come with you can't go with you. I know it sounds cliche as its corn is too light for this moment, but we only have a couple of minutes here. Uh. He took my virginity and we've been through a lot together. Look, every woman gets that taken at one point in time. That ain't the reason to hang on. Most women will tell you, most grown women, that the one who took it initially wasn't worth worth giving it to in the first place, if you really look at it. So take that off your plate because that's who you gave it to. Get that out of your mind. Don't compound the mistake. You gave it to a fool. Now you're gonna stay with the food. Don't don't come pound and mistake. So if I were you, sweetheart, I would take this opportunity. Uh. Your man is cheating on your in bed with your daughter. That's the ultimate form of disrespect your house, your bed, with your baby, laying that. I don't know how much more disrespectful you can be. Uh, go on with your life. How do you let him go? You just start over? Let it go, but find the strength. Go to church, talk to some older people, get you some help. Uh, talk to some, but go get your life back before you waste any more time in it. That's my suggestion. All right, Today's letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweeter, instagram me your thoughts at my girl. Surely. Now coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour, Miss Anne is gonna be here with this hour's headlines and we'll tell you about the fake Cisco at a New York Fashion Week What what do you guys hear this? Oh my god, Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thirty four minutes after that. Now we're back, coming up right after this, we got more news with ms Aan Trip. Okay, So there's a man who apparently posed as Cisco case. You guys don't know who Cisco is. He's an R and B singer. He was with the group Drew Hill Uh. He talked his way into fashion week shows, allegedly manipulated the stylist to get him backstage. Page six revealed the false Cisco Uh bagged front row seats for shows, but was rumbled when he tried to hop on a New Yorker's private jet and asked to hand over passport details, which revealed his real name. Fake Cisco told other guests at the fashion shows, I am a singer. Yes, that's me Cisco, but please keep it on the low. Stylists and witnesses say people were talking taking him backstage to snap pictures and meet Paris Hilton and Tiffany Trump, the daughter of the president. Uh yeah, the real Cisco, by the way, is on tour. Just appeared in Vegas. He had the platinum hand everything, Yes, the glasses and everything. I see. Wow, a lot of people remember that Thong song. Huh oh, yeah, that was classic. Who didn't. Why are you walking in talking about um Cisco? Yes, that's me. How you get to the president's daughter yet the next time you're talking to next time you talked to Trump, you need you gotta be careful with you had to that next time I talked to Trump? Win keep all this time? Many? How many moons? You ain't singing when nephews? Okay, you started all this drama. Yeah, well you know now you're gonna bring it up. We're not going down there without me knowing about it. I ain't got to tell you nothing, you know what I'm saying? All right, Well, now Steve. It's time for miss Anne. Ladies and gentlemen, missing trip. Thank you. Okay, good morning everybody, this is an trip with the news morning. Okay, all right, let's get serious here for a minute. You know, this is I got to talk about Africa. I haven't talked about it for a while, but you know, African aid workers say that the ongoing conflict in Sudan has triggered massive shortages and pushed close to a million people to the brink of starvation. In fact three, you and an agency say that large numbers of children in Sudan South Sudan especially going to starve to death this year unless something changes. The ongoing fighting and the resulting lack of resources also hampering efforts at sending in relief. You can't send anything down because they're shooting and everything, and then the Souldiers take everything and do not give to the people who lived there. The Trump administration reportedly still plans to expand the deportations of immigrants who are in the US illegally under new rules released this week by the Department of Homeland Security. The guidelines are casting a wider net for aliens who could be deported now, including those convicted of like minor crimes like driving without driver's license or something like that. During the Obama administration, deportation was mostly reserved for serious criminals, but White House spokesman Sean Spices says that was too restrictive. Last administration had so many carve outs for who could be and who couldn't be adjudicated, and it made it very difficult for the customs and enforcement people to do their job and enforce the laws of this country well. By the way, President Trump visited the National Museum of African American History and Culture in Washington yesterday, and White House spokesman Showing Spices says the President found it to be a moving experience. It really is enlightening as far as parts of our history that people may not fully appreciate or now, and the contributions and the sacrifices that so many Americans have made um that are there are critical piece to our history that sometimes don't get the attention they deserve. Laun't you start by seeing hidden figures. Thousands of retired NFL players have reportedly signed up for a concussion settlement. Oh I was I'm sorry, I didn't know it was, you know, audible there are lawsuits contending, let me back to, thousands of retired NFL players are reportantly signing up for concussion settlement, their lawsuits contending that the National Football League officials covered up the long term impact of head injuries. USU UPS says the company is looking to trim a lot of people by saving a billion dollars a year, replacing as many employees as they can with machines worldwide. Today's power ball jack bought four three million dollars. Okay, guys, you're listening, I'd be cloude, be cool with just one million. I'm not greedy. And today is National cook of Sweet Potato Day and I could just taste that my own. Why did come on? Patty Patty sweep Tato Patty Day? Back to Steve Harvey, Boy, did Joe all right? Coming up? Thank you? MS and coming up after this, we're going to the phones to find out how you cope with your breakups. Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve if you have a story for us. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning showy y'all coming up. Mix. We're going to the phones. What's the best way to handle a breakup for you, m let's go to the phone. Uh. Now that we've just had the most common breakup time of the year, right after Valentine's Day, more singles need to figure out just how to mend their hearts. Their broken hearts, call us and tell us how did you get over your breakup? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve Line five, Kevin, Wisconsin, Steve, They're gonna keep calling you do. I don't give a damn Cane, don't give a damn you is still bothering. Kevin is on the line. Dog, it don't dog. I reversed it. That's how I handle it. So you can't handle it. I can't handle it. And I'm not gonna be too many more, nephew, Kilo, Dog, that's not gonna like that. How many more? No? No to that's on down the water. And I promise you before this show over which you don't get the other is on the line. You can't get it out. Kevin. By the way, Kenny, once again, once again bad information I've gotten. Kevin is on the board. Okay, well who that once again? Damn is back there? You don't hear diabetic? I think diabetes affects your hearing too. Come on, Kenneth, Oh my god, how you doing? What is it? Car? Necessarily steven a few times? How you guys doing? Man? And the question is how do you handle a break up? How do you handle a breakup? It depends on the level of the relationship. If you experience what most of us went through in life, which would be your first heard breakup? What would be like? Uh, what's your first baby? Mama to say or mother of your childer significant other? You know when you do ten years with him and uh, you you drive across country and you come home from work in your whole entire house is empty except for your stuff, and you ain't seen your oldest kid in the last eight years, and you pay to support. That's a rough pill to swallow. Yeah, you just got real. This was specific. This ain't nothing, This ain't a free call. So what you do, man? How did you have it? Uh? Basically? Uh, seven years later and four kids later? Uh a easy is your heart and let you live life again? Yeah? So now you got five kids, man, five kids? I got four boys and one girl. Take care of all of them. Okay, Well you are right, man, you're in You're in shape. Mahuh, how do you get d with losing a woman, Junior? I don't. I don't. I stalk. That's when I talk about earlier, do dating apps, social media. I'll do all that. I call you, I started sixty seven. Call you and breathe on the phone, call until you figure out it is me. I'll show up at all your favorite club spots. That's what I do. I go to church and sit on the front row while you sign. That's what I did, leaving me. You don't handle it well. I don't handle it well at all. I stalks front row, well, the front row at church. You can what she's saying. I got caught on the gate, you know, the apartment gate. I was so a little girl. I got caught on the apartment gate by my shirt and calls was coming in and I tried to leave the whole girls on the date. I don't know where you're going the gate clothes. I'll be right back at you. I don't know how y'all do this. I stopped. It makes me feel better. Yeah, I gets right at us now. I'm different, man. Like I showed up at her family function, like for her birthday, and her mom and then throw a party. I showed up at the party. The gift and everything I get, I get, I get another woman. Immediately take that pain away. You bring this together, I guess right away. And we're just going away up in here, going through this, right. Yeah, I miss you, right, but guess what though, I'm working some things out right, man. Yeah, No, I'm not gonna do that. Man, I'm not gonna nothing like that heavy breathing on the phone up. No, I ain't got time for that. Junior is at you? H j huh, Junior Terreil Jack Mason spakes, Huh. That's what I did. I don't know which happened. Okay, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, let's go to line four and talk to Markesha out of DC. What's name again? Cash Show? Markesha? Maybe marke Sha, Marcasia, Markusha. I'm sorry, Mirkesha, It's okay. Hey girl, was a girl? Hey Steve? Hey girl, what's happening at something? When you break up? How do you get over? Honestly? I pray about it. That works, that's good. Yeahstly, that's what we want is honestly, don't out of that on this show with Tommy being on it. Hey, hey, Tommy, how you doing? Though it's been a while. I haven't seen you in a long time, since you they came to Virginia, which I'm in anyway, because Steve was joking at me the last time. But no, no, no, no, no, no, no, you ain't seen Tommy since last time it came to Virginia taking a primity show. Yeah, baby, I know what you're talking about. That, but we're going on baby talking about the breakup. Thanks, y' y'all gonna get off. We got scared of mar Quaisha. Have no idea what you're talking about? No, no, no, So what you want to do? You want to call me uncle tom or sell? I don't have plenty of it, so just go ahead. Is actually making me stronger? Yeah, really, I've actually done it that way. I've flipped it on my haters because it didn't kill you, You made you stronger. Yeah, I've actually learned from it, alright, Mi Kesha Casha, sorry for upsetting you. When you call upsetting here, you upsetting me. Thank you. Okay, let's go to line three and talk to a Cora out of Tennessee. Cora, Ho, Hey, what that going on today, sir girl, I ain't got nothing going on, and just trying to just trying to stay out the coon house that's your daily, going to stay out of it. I know I still love you, I still I still love people, and I shouldn't stop. I just turned in my card and going about my day, alight. I know you want to leave me, but I refused to let you go. I have to beg and please for your simple temper. I don't mind because you mean that much. You mean. That's my theme song this year to black people. Go ahead? How do you break up? Cornh? I dealt with a lot of breakup. I'm not gonna stod up here and sugar caught nothing. But the best way that I found to deal with the breakup is the is the start focusing on self love. Because when you have self love, you understand yourself and who you are as a person, which allows you to interact you know openly and honestly and your Once you understand yourself, it's easier, it's easy. You you learned how to deal with less than what you should. You understand your words, You understand who you are as a person. You understand you're walking life and what your destiny has called you to be? Um and I play, I pray, play presented me through a line, and you know that's the best way I deal with this. Are you Are you still single? I am single? Yes? How old? Are you? Minifying? I am twenty nine? About your business? Really a good shake again. I'm focusing on myself right now. You know, I got I got a lot of things going on. You know. Right now I'm on vacation and I'm going myself before I start a new position. And I'm putting myself in a position. So what you do on your vacation? Right now, I'm sitting in the park and doing the good air. And he said, don't smoke, Saw, don't smoke? Should go out to park be bawling? Oh yeah. Back in the day I out to heard you down there with a sick off. You know what I ain't not today, see you would not now I can't be nowhere to be on TMZ. Thank you, Cora, Steve. You have a good day. Can you to enjoy your life? All right? When we come from the break of eighteen after the hour, Pastor motown Deacon deaf Jam and Deacon Deaf Jam. That's right, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next pastor Motown and Deacon I'm right here just like the body you stayed, shut out, shut up, sta. Look at the time is nine on ten. I just pick one passing nine and now that up. That's what time are. I am Reverend molt Town and I am Deacon Death Dawn, and we run a joint call it J P J J. That's the jack pot joined jeralds that I'm changing. Alright, dollars, hollow, hollow, bad dollars. At your ball with your dollars. What's your dollar today? Our sermon today, you're gonna freach that thing, face that thing. Then that if you tell one more lie, we're gonna have to put our foot Yeah, yeah, that's right. That's right, that's right, that's right. If you tell one more lie, we're gonna have to put our foot in it dead in it past that. That's right, dad in it's what we're talking to. One more lie, Dad up in it is where we're going. Try a lie and we're gonna black in your eyes. Try say it again that try a lie and we're gonna black in your eye. I said it, and I'm saying that everybody that said, if you must, but know that something's going in your boot. Did you hear that part that parents said said, if you must, but know that's something going in your boot. That's what my pastor said. My past has said it with conviction. We're gonna kick Dad off up in it trying on one more lie. We got class, but we will kick that. You feel where I'm going? Alright, alright, alright, we got class. You're talking trash. We're gonna put out foot dead in your you's going in all you could clean up for radio or what you could say something like this. You know it wrong every time you do it. That's why we gotta put this shoe Dad in your boot. It you're listening Ste Harvey Morning Show. All right, y'all, thirty four minutes after that hour, you'a all ready back to back jams. Let's go cat, Can I play him? No Humpty dance? No no, no, let's back to back dance and don and y'all coming up. We got time for just one more thing, and we'll tell you why every weekend should be a three day weekend. After the break. I don't know what this is about, but we'll find out like you're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. Alright, coming up, we need just one more thing. That's it. Here we go with just one more thing, Steve feeling better about being at work or school today. Well, there are plenty of reasons why every weekend should be a three day weekend, and here are just a few. Number one, planning short vacations like a three or four day weekend throughout the year is good for employee well being. Very I agree. Working long hours is bad for your physical and mental health. A study found that workers who put in fifty five hours per week or more had a thirty percent thirty three percent greater risk of stroke and a percent greater risk of heart disease. Stevie, work a lot. Make sure I'm telling jokes so much? Yeah, you gotta get your rest. Yeah, I'm fine off coon statement, You don't. Don't worry about it, all right. Number three, kids do better when they have a four day school week. According to a study by Georgia State in Montana State Universities, elementary school kids who are in a four day uh school week program scored significantly higher in math than those who went to school five days. I don't think five days is necessary. I really don't. You know, you're especially for children your development. Social skills are equally as important as after you get your basics. Social skills are equally important. True play time. That's what I'm starting to take this year two thousand seventeen, of dedicating it to more playtime. Now I'm grinding their hustling, but more playtime. I like that. Yeah, I have more sex when we have three day Huh was inappropriate? It wasn't even necessary. It's just random. It's just we can't talk about what we do on three day weekend. And lessen came out of nowhere. Kids, it's your sex life. If you're child in school by now, they not didn't right school, that's something wrong. Now your baby it's it's tea and now your baby and at school. Yeah, it's not that. We're just saying what we were talking about. It just didn't go three day weekends and and and love making gold, yes it does. No, I get good luck. So on your three day weekend, what did you doing well? If we were doing that, we would have the decency not to share it with everyone. Why might share it though? Why? No one cares? No one cares. I care what. You can't do it that much nowhere. Let's just be real. I'm a cold seven minutes, and you can watch yourself, partner, I'm cold for seven bragging cold seven minutes. He stuck his chest. Don't you work on being on? Why don't you just work on being a hot? Three? It's a temperature to Steve, he's on the way. Okay, Well all right, well thank you for ain't y'all glad y'all ain't married to man? Yeah, I'm shamed to know it. Seven minutes, seven minute, Yes, yes, I might could breakfast today. I'll get out of lunch and dinner. Not three squares at three meals for him, three huts and we came along the shake hands. I don't want that to rub it off on me. All right, Steve, go ahead and sell. Yeah, well it's Wednesday weekend, come to it. I tell you what, I'm looking forward to it. Yes, it's not going to be anything deliberating. I'm just really looking forward to it. Thank you, Thank you all so much for listening to Steve Hervey morning. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show H