Horse Mounted Saltines, STEVE on Watch, Crackhead Versatility, Wish and more.

Published Sep 22, 2021, 10:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Steve talks about the happiest moment in his life. The CLO talks about side piece promotion and why it just does not happen. Junior's NFL report is "pivotal" to say the least. Somebody in Cali is literally back in the game and the assist goes to the Jumbotron! Go to Facebook and check out the new season of STEVE on Watch. We get the latest from Lori Harvey as she talks about her relationship to Michael B. Jordan. An anti-vaxxer got her wish granted and now she is asking for prayer. Border patrol agents in Texas are not looking good at all! Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog points out the country's inability and explains it.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all have a sun giving them like the million buck things in the stubbings, be true, good together to please. I don't join jo. You gotta use that turning. You you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn the water the water go. Come come on your thing, huh. I shall will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Man, If if I had time enough to tell the whole trip, the whole journey, and y'all would be sitting up in there going okay to Steve, are we gonna play the show this week? But man, it's been a lot of amazing things has happened to me over the years, and not all of them good. It's been some amazingly bad things that have happened too. But I just come on in the morning as a reminder to everybody of the actual goodness of God. That you know, man, that these mistakes that you're making, that these setbacks that you keep having, that these falls that keep occurring in your life that they all are leading you somewhere. If you just don't ever give up, that's the key. You can never ever give up because you don't know how the trip has been laid out for you. You know, if somebody had told me years ago when I had the dream of being on TV and then I thought about being one of the best comedians I could be, you know, when I when I started, somebody had told me everything that was gonna have to happen in order for me to get there, I would have changed it. I would have I would have said, Okay, well I ain't gonna be that. How about this? See and no one can know all of the events of their life ahead of time. You know, it'd be so nice, wouldn't it. You know, to prepare for it, see it coming, be aware of the haters, always knowing when the backstabbing moment is coming in your life, always know when you're gonna get blindsided by the enemy. We are really great to know that, wouldn't it. Well, that's not how it works. So since no one knows exactly the challenges and the pitfalls and the detools that's going to be set them, it's it's it's imperative that you just don't give up because see, knowing these things, we as human beings by nature, would choose another route. But it ain't the route God God for you, though. See the route God God for you. If you if you're trying to do the right thing, if you're doing the best you can, if you ain't out here just intentionally just messing over, folks, if you're using faith and that's the belief in things that you cannot see. If you have something on the inside of you to keep saying there's got to be more to life than that, then that's that's you. You, my friend, have a great chance. Hell. And if you've ever had that feeling then gave up on it, just get it back, Just ask for it back, Just say, hey, man, I'm getting back to the way I used to be because there's a change that's available in your life. But you gotta take it. You gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to get it right, but you gotta take a shot at it. Folks. There's a chance for you to turn this whole thing around with God's help, but you gotta take a shot at it. You see, this decision is yours the decision to lay down and give up. That's yours, it ain't. It just got too hard for me. Life too much, man, life hard and too much for everybody. What I gotta get you to see? My father used to always tell me, it says so best lessons in life to burn your value and learn the most is a bout lesson. I didn't quite understand that being young, but I showed God it now ain't no lesson like a bout lesson, the one you pay for. Those are the ones that hold to you, that stick to you, that that that start turning you into who you're gonna be. Those are the character builders. See, you got to be forged to get to where you want to go in life. So that's what the challenges and missteps is for. That's what the failing is about. Now, I know you don't like it. I didn't. I know you're not comfortable with I wouldn't. I know you wish it was over sooner than later. I always do. I always wanted to be over sooner than later because the later manager seems like it's so much I gotta go through. But let me tell you something, Man, if you can, if you can forge your way through it and understand that you are forged in life. I don't know. I was on TBN one time when I was doing one of my motivational speeches, and I began to wonder about this experience I had. It Ford Motor Company and my last job after the auto industry start going down, my last job was in the fountry and my job was to stand at the end almost where the engines first come out of the furnace. See, the engines are poured into a mold. It's hot, melted down metal whatever they call it, lava or whatever. They poured into a mole and it goes into this furnace that's extremely hot. And my job was after the heat was applied to the engine block, it would come through and it would go through a hardening stage. But the way it was hardening, they would cool it. Suddenly they would flush it with water. It was just blast water on it. But the fire and the high temperature is what made the engine block solidified. It's because it's gotta get real hot, get melted down first. Then it's got to get poured into a mole. Then it's gotta be pressure hit with water and all of this and then it could, and it's real hot. Now it's still hot even though the water been shutter. But when it comes out the end of the side, there's a lot of flashing in it. And flashing is a metal from that didn't dripped through the cast molding on it, just like flecks of extra pieces of metal. My job was to hit this engine block in the front, which is huge, heavy rubber mallet, knock all the flashing off the front, and when it came around back to bam, hit it real hard again on the backside. And that became the core of what the car is. A car without a great engine is nothing. It's just a pretty looking vehicle over there. But if it can't do what it was made to do because the engine block then cracked. So you can have a car look real good, but if it freezes an engine block crack your car, you can it's over man. You gotta get a new block. The block is the core. But in order for you for the car to do it, it's got to do it's got to have a strong engine in it. In order for the engine to be strong, it's got to be forged and steal come through fire, get poured in a mole, cooled off, heated, knocked around, beat on the front end, beat on the back end. In order for it to be what it's gonna be. The moul of the story, folks, is you got to get forged in fire to be what you gonna be. You got to get beat up, you got to get pressure washed, you got to have heat on you. You You gotta get melted down, you gotta get poured into a mole. That's how you become who you are. So the tough things that you're going through, the difficult challenges and the setbacks. I know a brother who went to prison, man, And the whole reason he ended up going to prison because he was looking out the loot window, looking out in the yard at him working out. And then the next thing, you know, man, this brother decided that he was gonna go out there and work out. Well, guess what, he's one of the top trainers in country. Today. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen and all other participants. I have found this to be particularly enlightening and helpful to me to start my day with this particular show that others but none can compare to what you're about to heal. I would like to thank you for joining us as you always do. Some of you, most of you, nearly all of you have made this a habit. They say, anytime you do something for twenty one days, it becomes habit. For me, waking up is one of my favorite habits. I love it. I hope to continue. I hope he continues to give me the happiest moment of my life waking up. And it ain't no better way to do it that with the dog Gone. Steve Harvey, Marty's Show, Make no mistake about the players, players and playeretts. Let's get it. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning, Steve, Colin Farrell, Good morning, Steve and crew. What's happened? His name is Kills Fates. We call him Junior. I refer to him as the future King. Good morning, Up morning, everybody, appreciate mate, the Undisputed Kingdom. Pranks Nephew, Tom Top Top, Let's get it baby harp day and in French wa foo bring yourself out? Yeah? Well, I love it. Sounds like you're feeling really good today, mister Harvey. You know what, It's Gratitude Day. I mean, well, yesterday was yesterday's gratitude still right, Yeah, I just just kept at it, and so I all I needed to know was they had a day. Puppets is humming. You know. For those of y'all that ain't blessed, that ain't my fault. I'm sorry. Sorry, you can't cool your soup quicker, you know, your hot chocolate burns your lips. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry, you can't whistle, you know, I'm sorry. You know a lot of things you can't do. You know your kisses hurt. You know. None of that my fault. You know what I'm saying. You ain't. You didn't get it. I thought it was a problem as a young boy. I really did, because they teased me about it. But then I as I grew into it, I discuss the multi purposes. That's a good thing. And sod she yeah, feel right now? Right well? Happy first day of fall. Yeah, summer's over. Summer's over. Summers in the rear view mirror one, have you changed your closet out? Steve ran this week? You don't looking forward to it all right? Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the CLO Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. Right after this you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time Now for ask the CLO. That is the Cloe, the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Here we go. This one is from Mika and Rockhill, Soth, South Carolina. Mika writes, I'm a forty seven year old single woman and I'm in a relationship with a forty five year old married woman. My girlfriend is a national director of a nonprofit organization or agency, so that's why she wants to keep me a secret. Her husband knows we've been best friends ten years, so he never questions our sleepovers or vacations together. She tells me they're not intimate anymore. But I think she's lying. I want to know the truth. What if I told her husband that I'm in love with her? Do you think he'll be forthcoming with information? See? Okay, let me say this to you. Y'all been friends for ten years. Years. Yeah, she gonna keep you a secret because she probably ain't ready to come out right. The second thing is this, I don't know if this rules applied to women. For let me tell you the rule of manhood. Me and very rarely do promotions. You don't get to go from number two to number one. I very rarely see that, not for extended periods of time. And if you're going there and you tell this woman's husband that you're in love with her and your girl, she then told you not to do that, and you're going in and do it and cause their relationship to break up, yours is right after that. That's normally the way it works. Now. I don't know the women woman code or the woman rule on this one at all. I really don't, and I'm not gonna act like I do. But I'm giving you the male rule. And if I were you, I would think about that. I can't imagine how it's not, but women may find out differently. But then you know, Tommy, women say, if you if my girlfriend knows that my man is cheating on me, I would want her to tell me. A lot of women say that. So now if this that's different though, I would hope. So, I would hope, so, especially when you the one cheating, right. I didn't say, go tell my husband I was cheating. Yeah, I said, come tell me if my husband was cheating. Yeah, yeah, you the bunch. Joe Jacket tailed in here with this his story, like if inn be you know, pop singles and ice cream this selfish mess. Yes, all right, Ivy and the Bronx, says my fifty seven year old aunt asked to stay with me for a short period of time, and I agreed to let her stay for a month. She's in the basement and I have a kitchen up down there. Instead of her buying groceries and toiletries for herself and her mini kitchen, I come home to find out that she's using my meat, my toilet paper, all of my alcohol, and entertaining her friends upstairs in my den area while I'm at work. I want her out of my house because I don't like confronting people. Would I be wrong to tell my aunt to get out? Not at all? Not at all? To date put her ass out there? You wait a minute? Hold up, you messing with three key things that you up in here eating meat. You know I'm gonna here where you ain't bought at meat. I got this steak on my man when I come here from working is gone. Secondly, you in here drinking the liquor, you know, gonna hear where are you wrong for that? But the most important ones, which one I'm come in the house and ain't no damn toiletition. You gotta get your ass out. I'm opening up based cabinets and everything, and I can't see not now. All I got is his guest tile hanging in front of me. You fit to get up out of here, ain't agnes. I can tell you that right now. And never let her fit to set me. Your aunt stay with you, No damn way. They got too many old ass habits. Now you come home a bunch of old ass people sitting up in your living room watching TV, drinking your liquor, even your meat, and they're just going through toilet tissue. Us. We learned a valuable lesson with that one over. I took the extra role since you had so many in there. I took an extra role since you had so many in Now that's the visitor talking. Now. Each one of them got a roll, and they pursed they didn't to the toilet paper. Yeah, she's got to girl, buy on an all right boy. Moving on Stacy and West, Memphis, says, I've been married for ten years. I think my husband likes our neighbor. I'm onto him, and he's been commenting on how nice that her yard looks. He notices when she has company overnight, and he's commented on her little cute puppy. He's never like dogs at all and never allowed me to have one in the house. I cursed him out recently for pulling her trash can from the curb to her cardboard. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes. He said he did it because it was raining. Is he just being neighborly or does he want her come on, fellow, Well, I ain't you know the truth. The compliment of how nice her yard look is what they call analogy, like a metaphor, Like a metaphor, her yard that he's referring to, it's probably her backyard. I'm just said, she showing out a nice yard. Yeah, and I don't even like dogs. Look at that little cute puppet over there. Then cute puppy is referred to the hood lights, headlights. Those are called puppies, yeah, the rack. So now he talking about look at them cute puppies. And I showed like her backyard. And now I'm gonna go outside and get her trash can because it's raining outside, and that means I shall want to come inside Joe house. And I don't give a damn how it looks so he wants her damn show sound like it? All right? Thank you cell for clearing things up for us. Coming up next to nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steven Show coming up at the top of the hour, and entertainment news. Fans and celebrities are still mourning the death of Anthony A. J. Johnson and her posting comedy tributes to him on social media. We'll talk about that, plus an other entertainment news Steve your beautiful daughter Laurie. Laurie Harvey was on the season premiere of The Real She talked about her skin line, her brand new skin line, and she opened up about her relationship with a sexy actor, Michael bat Jordan. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour. You ask a lot of women and they'll say they'll tell you differently. Okay, they'll say what I said right now. The nephew is here. Would run that rank back if you're gonna Michael b Wait, hold up, you're not comparing yourself but Dudeland, what is the holand what is that You're on the cover of what People magazine? I'm on the my grits box. What did you say? Nothing? Just like Uncle bennybody sexy bow three four three relationship, Let's go cat down four three relationship. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach my reaes. Yeah him, Hey, my reach My My name is Devin Man. How you doing this? Even a brother? Oh? Man, I'm kind of sleeping man working nice? Bro? What's going on? Who is this game? This is Devin Man. I talked to your wife Kesha the other day. That's that's your wife, right, yeah, that's my wife. Yeah. I talked to you while she in right now? No she not An't it worked? Bro? Okay, okay, I probably go. I ain't me to wake you up. You work at night or something? Yeah, I'm a crane opera at night. Bro, North, people don't call me. That's three o'clock. What's this? What is it? Is a big collect or something? No? No, no no, no, no, no, no no no. I talked to your wife, man, she's interested in um this thing we got man called a four three relationship. She told me she wanted me to call back and talked to her husband about it, and she gave me the number to hit you up at the house man, and let you know all about the four three relationship because she's really interested in it. For three relationship, you say you talked to my wife about it, Yeah, I talked to Keisha a couple of days ago. She gave me the number, she said, called him back. He'll be at home at this time. You can hit him up and see if he likes she said. But she definitely likes it, man, and she wanted to see if you would be interested in the four three relationship too. You know, I want to get your approval on it before we went in it further. But your wife was very excited about it, man. She was wanted to get started as soon as possible. And I wanted to see about contacting you and making sure that you agreed and approved on everything. But she definitely wanted to get your blessing and get your approval on it. Yeah. I'll try to do anything to make her happy, though, but I got to get some some information about this. What I said again, for three four three, No, No, it's a four three, A four to three relationship is what it is. I'm willing to listen. Okay, well listen, man, we're probably gonna get started right away, probably Monday. We'll get started on Monday. Uh, you'll go through Monday through Thursday and then uh and then I'll pick up you know, Friday through Sunday, man, and we'll go ahead and get this thing start. I think out the month. You're pretty much catch on everything. You know, there's something's gonna be shipped to the house. Uh, pick up, tell them mention any of this to you? Nothing's to me? Okay? All right? Well, what this is, man? A four three relationship, Maurice? Is this? You know, you spend four days with Keisha and she comes over to my place and she spend the other three days with me. That's what a four to three relationship. So see this kind of frees you up, man on anything you might want to do on those other three days. Man, when she might be tying you down. You know, so four them days, you know you would her, but the other three days you kind of have some free time to yourself. But she'll be over my place on the other three days. That's what that's what. Basically, a four three relationship is part of me? I say what now, I say part of me? You say, she will spend four days with me, three days with you. That's that's it. Sir, that's the fourty three relationship right there? Maurice, you know you're you're really gonna like this man? Like I say, she was excited about it. Hold are you serious? Uh yeah, I'm dead serious man, Like I said, Keisha was excited about Hold. Hold the name. I know life. Ain't discuss you about relationship Spindish four days with me? Three days was a man. So you're talking about my life? No, yeah, I know it's a new Hold up, what name again? My name is Devin. Devin, say bro, I don't play change man. I don't know how you got my number. What's I mean, Maurice? What's wrong? I mean a lot of couples are doing? What's wrong? That's my life? WoT you're talking to? You ain't talking to no part? What's about you're talking to? Okay, Well, listen, A lot of couples are doing the four three? Man? Give what other couples is doing the hard But my wife and me ain't interested in No. Three relationship. I can't be I can't believe you want for this man? Are you saying? You're calling me talking about all three relationships? And you know I told you I work at night? Why do one. I didn't know you worked that night, man, like I said, see when I came over last week, man, hold on on, you came over well last week. I know you ain't fending set without thank you for the thing you bet? I said you bet and not said go ahead, go ahead saying it, go ahead, go ahead. Player, you've been talking. Don't stop now go ahead, my reice, hold on just getting you know I'm a player. I'm up. Don't said go ahead? All I'm saying. I came by there last week. Many by, Wow, I came by your house. You come by my house? Okay? Are you at eighteen four? Get back? Been here for the last two years? Oh? So you mean here about your health? Okay? Th because because she said okay, she said I didn't call. He's right, because this first man first of all, you to walk. He's gonna tell you've been in my house. Okay, pleass, okay, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, go ahead, Okay. If you're not interested in the four to three man, then I won't. I won't be wasting them one more? Tis you really? Are you? Wait? Time calling me with my little wife? Don't tell you about she want to go three? And she never told me nothing about pless you got the wrong home ball and nothing more my relationship. Okay, okay, So why would she tell me she interested in the four? Three? Man? Give up what she told you? I know I take care of my dead room all right? Three? I wish she willie is three days. I wish she would anyway. I know you how you know it? I don't know you for many I don't mind taking off one tonight to sell what going on my house when my cleaning night, working off night. Now I'm gonna ask you again, how do you know us? Man? I know y'all through Tommy Man. Who is Tommy? Tommy Who Tommy Man? Maurice's nephew Tommy. This is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Dog your white Keisha got me to break phone call you man. You're talking about the Steve's Harvey Show. Yea man? If you tom the little ball head mister Steve Man, I know y'all ain't with me, man, I know with me today man it Stu said, next you tell him now why you watch Steve need to be over here? Slip got your ball, you little ball head, but you ain't got nothing that puper man. You know, I got to go to the se You got to go to where you work at night. Man. All right, all right, I'm gonna let you go back to sleep, man, But one more thing. Tell me this man, what is the what's the bad is it? I mean, I was out of there? Hey man, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man? All right? Thank you? After you coming up at the top of the hour entertainment of National News. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. Some sad news fans, comedians, and celebrities are mourning the deaths of comedian and actor Anthony A. J. Johnson. UM. A J. Johnson has passed away. He was fifty five years old. UM. He was best known as Eazel in the movie Friday. He also start yep in Lethal Weapon, Three House Party, Mosha, and The Jamie Fox Show. Funny Funny, Funny Guy from Some of his funniest comedy comedy moments are being posted on social media and our deepest, deepest sympathy going out to the Johnson family. He's been on the when we were in La justin La Steve, you remember he was on our show quite a bit um. Just a funny guy, nice guy. Yeah we all. Yeah, yeah, of course I knew him, but I didn't know him well. But the thing about their brother was every single time he wasn't the exact same I mean, he always had the same spirit man, Yeah, the same spirity. And you know, I have no stories or anything because I didn't know him like that. But I'm just saying the times he came on the show and we met, it was always the same. Yeah, you know, same thing man. Just a nice guy. So my heartfelt condolences goes out to the family. I don't I don't even know I did anybody. Did anybody hear how he passed white passing? I haven't heard anything. Anything I was I was on the roll with AJ. We did the stage play together. His timing man was just impeccable. We're gonna talk about getting out there. You know, when you're doing a play, you're looking for people to say the same lines every night, you know, do the play. No, no, no, no, no, no. AJ gonna hit you with something. It's a curve ball coming at you, and you gotta work with it. You gotta work or whatever he throw at you, you gotta work. With it. Yes, right man. Wow, he will be missed for sure. For sure, he will be I'm legend iconic. Yeah, man, I'm just good working with him at Martin Lawren's first Amendment backstage. Man, I walked in to go do the show backstage, and he was I had curly half time, you know, and it was real big. And then I walked and he said, I'll be damn one of eld the ball just illegitimate children looking at quick now dog. That was the first thing he said. Man, just everybody Bruce back then. Man, it was just it's just comedian to get together. Just he just was just loud like that man, and funny all the time. Man, Yeah that's funny, junior. Yeah. Martin laure was standing right there laughing too. I watched him. I watched him destroy the Peppermint Lounge in New Jersey. I mean just erupped the whole room. I've never seen funny man huff. Oh my god. Yeah. Yeah, people definitely be missed. Yeah, we're gonna switch gears here and lighten things up a bit. Um, we have some other trending news to talk about. Um A, Steve, your daughter Laurie was a special guest on the season premiere of The Real yesterday, Um Laurie Harvey. Yeah, Laurie of course is a model, She's an influencer, and she talked to the Ladies of The Real about her new skin line sk N by Laurie Harvey and UHL is also talking about her love relationship with Michael B. Jordan. Take a listen to this, please you balance each other. And I really do believe in this statement. You know when they say when you know, you know, and I think that really applies to our situation. And you know, we just have a really good time together. He's so sweet, very attentive. You know, he listens to me, you know, the things that I say that I want, and he like really makes an effort. So I think that's lovesip. What was What's the sexiest thing or the sweetest things he's done for you? Oh my goodness. I honestly like he you know, he's really good at all the big things and you know, Valentine's Day, birthdays all that, but like it's the little things that everyday things that I think really is what makes him special. Like he just listens to me when I talk, like even you know, the other day. I've just been saying, I really want to go to a farmer's market, and so he like called me one morning, like Sunday morning. He was like, what are you doing? Get dressed? Much to pick you up? And he like took me an hour away. It's it's like, really cute farmers, Michael. We had the best day. So it's things like that. Listen to that love and her voice. Yeah, how you feeling there? Dan, what's going on? I had to watch it because you know, if I didn't d choice, I had to watch the feed from LA. I had to watch the actual show appearance, and I had to watch it online. And it was her first television point, so you know, Marjorie crying and everything. So she called me and asked me to critique it. Man, I just told her she was outstanding. She's very poised. I told her what she wore was perfect. I see, she was energy. You showed your personality, you know, you didn't get flustered by anything, and so it was good. It was good for her. You know, I get asked all the time about the relationship. I mean, you know, I approved the relationship because he's a good guy. But I'm also watchful you know, yeah, you go, but that's what you should do as a daddy. And yeah, yeah, but you know, but you know, but I'm gonna get I'm gonna get him on a hate game. I'm gonna get him on a hate game. If I got to, I go up behind his ass. I get him. Yeah, I take him down if I got you. I don't. I don't even want to, because you're doing Michael George. No, I don't. I don't. I don't because he's a good guy. He's just doing really well, you know, I mean, man like the dude. It's just like I mean. And plus I know his parents. I met his father, I know his dad. We got we got some mutual things going on in Africa. It's just a great family. But you know, I gotta stay. I'm pulling for him. Just let me say that I'm rooting for them. Yeah. Well, she sounds very happy. It's very very happy. Coming up in twenty minutes after the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. So major League Baseball does divorce shoutouts. Now, I didn't know this. What's happening. A group of friends at a San Francisco Giants San Diego Padres game surprise their newly single friend with a message across the JumboTron scoreboard at Oracle Park saying happy divorce. Max. Back in the game, the scoreboard lit up in bright orange letters. The whole stadium went off cheering as they reacted to the sign. The soon to be new bachelor, Max said, the funniest part about the divorce sign on the JumboTron is that he got three or four proposals and the whole thing went viral on SportsCenter ESPN. Don't go back in there immediately now, please, So Max is now one of the most eligible bachelors in Cali. Crazy right. I don't know if you would advise putting it on the JumboTron at a sports sporting event, but do you have any advice for newly divorced people. They could have put mine and behind the airplane and enritten it in the sky if they wanted to. They could have put mine in a full page Edge on USA to Day if they wanted to. I wish I was at a game and mine had been announced. Lord Jesus, what would you have done, just stood there and just openly wilt look at him crying. Right. Thank y'all, Jesus, thank you, Jesus, all your blessing coming to get me lard's pit. I just want to I appreciate your Lord. If he didn't had to do it, but you did, and I just want to say I love you. I don't know. I don't go from here, but Lord, I ain't still I don't even care no more. The question was advice for newly divorced people. That's what the question was. Oh, what was the question about you? The question was, do you have any advice for newly divorced people? Well, here's the analogy I created about divorce. When you first get divorced, it's like you've escaped from prison and you've climbed over a four hundred foot wall. And when you first get divorced, you don't really know because you've been institutionalized for quite some time. So when I first got divorced and got over the wall, it was like I had fell off the top of the wall and I was laying on that. I kept waiting on the dogs to come out and get me. We got to escape convict time and come get and then I got up and dust myself up and started walking. Then after while I started trotting, and I was just wide open running from your day coming up. We'll talk more to you, Steve about your new season of your show, Steve on Watch on Facebook. Right after this. You're listening to show, all right, Well, Seeve the congratulations again. It is premiere week with Steve on Watch on Facebook. That is your Facebook show, of course, So we need you to tell us about the new seas. We hear you're gonna have a few surprises. Of course you always do more. Don't worry about that. Listen to me. The new season is up that you got. Let me tell us something. They sent this to me yesterday. You have got if you on a hollow I'm talking about at your death today on your way in and sitting at the house. You gotta see it, though, so wait till you get to work. Don't do it on your phone while you're driving. Go to Facebook and go to Steve on Watch. Go to Facebook and go to Steve on Watch. Make sure you watch the clip. While I'm talking to the girl who talked, who told me she was pregnant by her next door neighbor, who is fifty seven, who is separated from his wife but living with his girlfriend who is his cousin. Now, okay, well let me tell you something. But let me tell you something. If you have seen your boy unpacking this one right here, I'm telling you right now, this is one of the top. Now I've done some hasties before, but this is one of the This enters into the realm of strawberry letterish. Yeah, and boy, let me tell you something, yo, boy always clown it. You know, I didn't dog out of nothing because eventually, you know, I was looking at her like man, she didn't got herself in a bad position, but learning the story the way I had her unpacking. And I'm talking about this woman was telling this story, just leaving stuff out and then adding it to the bottom of it. You don't even understand how much she started saying. So she's pregnant by an older man who's separated from his wife but living with his girlfriend who is also his cousin. Bad Steve on Watch opens the gate with a hummer. But we can't wait to see it. Man, I'm telling y'all, and I never really promote you know much, you haven't, but I'm telling you this show right here on Facebook. You're gonna watch this over and over and over and over. It's gonna be your favorite. I'm telling you. I'm telling you now, you're gonna be holly. Okay, Well, what else do you have in story? I know nothing can I don't know, but you know, I don't know. You just watch that. I'm sad enough. Just go and watch it's it's it's some heartfelt moments on there. Some great stories man. I got. I had gotten a story that I wanted to do. Karamu Usman, who is the a UFC fighter who won the championship in the light aweight division. He had all it and I wanted this story so bad because his father was put in prison illegally and they wanted him to do a plea deal for just three years. He said no because he didn't do nothing. He ended up getting sentenced to prison for sixteen years. His son was a UFC fighter. I knew his father in Arlington, Texas because JT my barber on the barbershop called Authentic Barbershop and they were Nigerian and they had a shop in the In the little play said that JTS Barbershop was there I knew his father, the dude that got sent away. Oh, this is an incredible story, man, So you gotta see this story about how this dude never was able to see his son fight because he was in prison except when it was on Fox, and everybody in prison knew his son was a fighter, so everybody wanted to watch the fight, made it or dude's father celebrity and printing, and he never fought on a pay per view card with the UFC because he knew his father couldn't see it. Op story. Wow, that's great, all right, Steve unwatch on Facebook. You don't want to miss it. That's right coming up next, nephew in the building with today's frank phone call. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harpy Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject is my boyfriend hates the word No. We'll get into that in just a little bit, because right now the nephew is here with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Math? Is that your husband? What is that your husband? What? Huh? I'm trying to reach Kared. This is kar Karen. Uh, hey, listen, my name is Mark. Are you married to Jason? Yeah? Okay, all right, I got the right person. Listen. I don't I don't even know how to say this to you. My my um. Like I said, my name is Mark. I follow my wife today and I right now I'm at a park and I'm almost certain that my wife is right now. I'm about two or three hundred yards away, but I'm almost certain my wife is holding hands, uh with your husband, Jason. So I want to see my husband at the park with with your wife. How long have you been following him? I followed my wife this morning because I just was still in like real weird about, you know, something going on. And I followed her and I'm at the park right now, and you know this, I think this is I think she's with Jason. I think she's with your husband. What tide? What type of called you? Do you see? Jason? Then? Alexis what color is it? Um? White? Okay, that's him. So he's supposed to went to work today and this Sunday, and they had him overtown. That's supposed to been doing at work today and he's at a part with your wife close to them, so I'm not close to him. You know, I tried to stay back. Oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold up, she just kissed him. He just gets who did my wife just kissed your husband? What do you say your wife? Your wife's name is again? My wife name is Veronica Vernica? Okay? What park? That? Uh? They are Langley Park. I'm at Langley Part right now. I'm I'm about two hundred yards away from them, and I'm looking at she just kissed him. Accain. I cannot play this man. I know, well, you're not telling me that your your wife is kissing my husband. Well, how did you get my number? That's all up? Back? Then up? How did you get my numbing? Who are you like? I don't say. My name is Mark, A fuddy of mine named Fitz Fitzgerald, Fitz knows, he knows Jason. I don't know. It's Gerald. I don't want to know how you get my number. Fitz gave me your fit. Fitz told me he knew Jason, and some kind of way he got me your phone number. I don't even know who we got your number from. All I know is your husband is kissing my wife right now. That's what I know, okay, you're just sitting there watching get me the no, but we're gonna change this right now. You're sitting there watching on some Spectagather. I gonna bust all it because I don't play that. Because he said he had to work this morning, something overtime. Don't have time that. Who does that in the part with somebody? It's colds in the park anyway, you can't see those ducks. Give me, give me the address to this Lakenly Park. Okay, wait wait, wait, wait wait wait getting the blanket out of the car, that's what does that? I know well he ain't no romance to type and that he's not gonna take me Clark. But they're getting the blanket off the car and going deeper into the park. I cannot believe this. They're getting the blanket? What what a those sheer? No sheet? No, I'm looking at Give me the fire your wine and wine glasses. Mark gives me the address of the car. You're on some white boars. Stop. I'm trying to go out. Bust that up. I don't have time for that calling me I all started and now watching your wife. I'm not gonna watch and I'm gonna hand him his ad. Okay, let's stop this right now. Take your over that to the park and give him the phone. I don't have time for this. You're sitting up there watching your wife with my you calling me? What coming you you? Okay, I'm say what you're supposed to be up there? Get on that because the bab was there. I'll be the slap that that I've been handing him his cap. Go hand him the fall take nothing, hand in the phone. What your hand. I'm trying to see what else they gonna do. That's what I'm trying to do. And you didn't seen it enough. I don't let pod be over that door and putting out a guy that what you want to wait for him? Take hands over to hand him the palle I know, Jason, they didn't know Parker. Nobody. I'm got mine at home. I am on our fair child, pregnant with a baby. But I don't give I'll go up now. Whoop is why I'm pregnant? I know, well, Jason, they didn't know Parker. Nope, don't hand in the phone. I want to let me, let me go, let me stop out the truck on they're drinking wine right now. I don't give up about that. Go hand him the ball, walk over and handing the phone. Do with yours. I don't play about mine. Oh man, they just mark Mark Mark. I don't know who you ever go hand him, go handing him to phone. You're sitting up there watching with your week you anyway, Um, that's my wife. He went he with my wife. You must be old because if you was one of them to go yoke up black, one of them got on this. Who does that? You watching him at the park. I'm telling you now, whopping at when I see it, I'm whipping your wife diet up whipping Jason because I'm gonna slap you're calling me with this. You should up to up calling me? Got my blood pressure start huff when you should up to watch this my turban joke. But you're supposed to be all on top of that. Yeah when I say, you got that coming too. But I'm gonna find this Langley Park right, I'm gonna get off the fall because I'll be up there. I'm gonna show you. Okay, Okay, hold on, hold on, hold on, somebody want to talk to you, give it the phone hello, because I was this this Tommy, Tommy Hugh, this nephew calling me from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. Your husband, Jason got me to prank phone call you. This is something you almost made me have my baby help in this house this morning, and I got to my noo. Jason got me to play fak. He's no better than that I want anyway when he come home. Oh yeah, we say, little man. My wife is a no non sense. She ain't she don't take no drama, none of it. He told me, you know, because I was like, what man sit there and watch the live at the park. What man does that? This is plazy? But you tell him I got him. I got it. Hey, I gotta ask you this baby, one more thing. What is the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yeah, I'm gonna get Jason this. No, Tommy, I'm gonna get you. I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm just gonna name the baby. Tell me. Tell him that for a Joe. Tell him You're gonna name the baby Tommy. Yeah, tell him, tell Jason then I'm gonna name the baby Tommy. Come on here, now, man, come on, you are the king. You are the one of my favorite parts of that whole thing. When she said I'm kicking huh, then I'm gonna kill him. Then I'm blank slapping your ass. What kind of weak ass blank is you sitting up in here watching? I know you ain't no big buffed up in must be light skinned and him the phone get no, he ain't No, no romantic still what you calling me pregnant? But she used the word startle. I know you didn't calm he startled? Start man was good because you don't white boys stalker? Yes, oh lord, oh man, he is Langley Park. I hope you made the doors of stupidity open. The doors will be open this weekend Friday and Saturday, West Palm Beach. Come on, if you're trying to get some of this stupid on the twenty four up and twenty fifth two Friday two Saturday at the Improv, stupid will be in session. All right, oh all right, there might be one this weekend. Won't you come? Why don't you calm? All right, nephew, thank you, you're coming up next. Strawberry letter subject my boyfriend hates the word no. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. You never know it could be yours. Buckle up, hold on tight, We got it for you. Here it is Strawberry Letter. Thank enough you. Subjects. My boyfriend hates the word no. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a flight attendant, and my schedule is very demanding because I do international flights. I'm in town a few days, and I'm gone for a few days. My boyfriend hates that his goodies aren't there for him daily. He calls it goodies, and you call it cookie. Anyway, I need him to realize that there's more to life than his goodies. He hates the word no, so when I am not in the mood, he pouts. It causes a lot, a whole shift in our relationship. He uses it as an excuse to second guess my commitment to him, so I may never get an engagement ring. We're both twenty nine and we've been together for a little over four years and just moved in together. I know I can do better, but I'm trying to hold on because I love this man from his head to his toes, and I can't see myself growing old with anyone else. I'm very religious as well, and he's not. He'll go to church with me, and he's even gone to Bible study when I'm when I'm in town. Excuse me, but I shouldn't have to force him to go a lot of small things I ask him to do, he gives me pushback on them. I've taught him all about etiquette and now he's able to pick out nice restaurants for us. And when I tell you that we're compatible everywhere except the bedroom, I'm so serious. That brings me to why I really tell him no when he wants my goodies. His goodie goodie isn't all of that. And I have to be in the mood to put on a show for him, if you know what I mean. I make up excuses a lot, and he's onto me. I consider an oral hook up just as valuable as giving the goodies up. But he doesn't think so he wants everything, and he wants it often. He really hates when I tell him no. So how can I enhance the experience for myself so I can say yes more? Can bad sex get better over time? Well? It could be a teachable moment sometimes, But listen, you got to tell him what the problem is. You have to tell him that or you're gonna be miserable for the rest of your life if you stay with this guy. But I say, before you do all that, you really need to decide if this is what you what you want. I know you said you love him from his head to his toes and all of that. You've been with him for over four years. You haven't gotten marriage a proposal, and now you guys are living together. You have to force him to go to church with you. You get pushedback when you ask him to do little things for you, and he pouts when he can't get what he wants. That's not compatibility, as you say, that's selfishness. Okay, I've read this entire letter and I'm still trying to figure out what you are getting out of this. Because he picks nice restaurants. Come on, now, all I see is bad sex and bad attitude if you don't give him his way and what you do isn't good enough for him. You also said that you know you can do better. You said that in this letter. Well guess what I think you can too. So you know what they say. If you know better, do better. So I think you need to do better. Don't be stuck on stupid with this guy. It's time for you to start getting what you want. You're twenty nine. You have plenty of time, you know, plenty of time to get a good relationship. You don't have to be stuck here, Steve Wow. My boyfriend hates the word no is the subject, but he won't give you a reason to say yes. Let the church say man a man, Steve a man again again, we will approach this letter. My boyfriend hates the word no in parentheses, but he won't give you a reason to say yes. Lord Lord, Lord, here we are. And you're an international flight attendant. That's gonna come back into play. International flight attendant. That means you have an interesting life. You're international. He local, You were in and out of town. You are international flight attendant. International? He local? Yah, you in and out of town? He right there all the time. You see what's happening here. My boyfriend hates that his goodies aren't there for him daily. He calls it goodies and you call it to cookie anyway, I need him to realize that there's more to life than his cookies. Well, that's gonna be a hard sale seat, because you got a problem. He hates the word no, and I'm and when I'm not in the mood, he pouts. Now, this pouting is gonna be a problem. I'm telling you that right now. Just sticking your lips out in pouding because you can't get your way, that's a serious sign. And you say it causes a whole shift in our relationship. And I got news for you, and it always wills. He uses it as an excuse to second guess my commitment to him, so I may never get an engagement ring. No, that's called guilt. He is using the most useless emotion to get what he wants. He's making you feel guilty because he's trying to manipulate you into what you want. And somebody told me one time that guilt is the most useless emotion that only serves the purpose of a person trying to apply it. It does you no good to feel guilty. You don't feel good about it. It doesn't motivate you nothing. It's just guilt and he's laying it on you in heaps and doses because he wants what he wants. Now, he got you thinking you ain't gonna get no engagement ring. I got news for you. You might not need you or truth will come out when we come back. All right, Hold on, Steve, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after my boyfriend hates the word no. It is a strawberry letter subject for today. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's strawberry letter. The subject my boyfriend hates the word no. Yeah, your boyfriend hate the word no, but he ain't giving you a reason to say yes. That's the whole thing of this letter. You're a flight attendant. That means you're in the national You do international flights, he local, you go on a lot. He always there. Your boyfriend hates that you're not there with the cookie all the time. So now when you do come home, he wonts it. Now you're trying to convince him that cookies and sex is not the most important things in life, that there's more to it. But it's gonna be a hard saying because that's what he won't and when he don't get it, he pouts and it causes a shift in your relationship and it always will. Now here's the key to this letter. He used it as an excuse to second guess my commitment to him, So I may never get an engagement ring. So And the reason I'm saying so is because of the information afterwards. But he's applying guilt to you to make you feel guilty so he can manipulate you into getting what he wants. Now, y'all both twenty nine. You've been together for a little over four years, and you just moved in together. All this is critical information. You just moved in together. I know I can do better, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus, I know I can do better. See that's cause you internationale you meet me, and all over the world people on your flight hitting on you, talking to you. Pilots want to get at you. You know you're out of town. Everybody out the country want to get at you. You land locally at Horsfield. They want to get at you. You land at LaGuardia, they want to at you. You get a Florida airport, they want to houl you, don't saying you're in the lax day up on you and you dealing with the cook at monster back of the house, just sitting there just won't won't cook it old who who don't going in? But I'm trying to hold on because I love this man from his head to his toes, and I can't see myself growing old with anyone else. I'm confused. I'm really confused because you can do better, but you love him just head tone. You can't see yourself growing old with anybody else. But then right after this, you say, I'm very religious as well, and he's not. So let's talk about how religious you are. He'll go to church with me and he's even going to Bible study who I'm in town? But I shouldn't have to force him to go, Well, you do if he's not religious, that's what you have to do. And then a lot of small things I ask him to do, he gives me pushback on him. And this is the man you can't live without. You can't see been the rest of your life. He don't go to church. Little stuff he gave you pushback. Now you're ready for this. I've taught him all the etiquette and how he's able to pick out nice restaurants for us. When I tell him that we're compatible everywhere except the bed room. When I tell you that we're compatible everywhere except the bed room, I'm so serious. See you don't told us y'all compatible everywhere but the bed room. But you ain't bought it up to him because you don't want to hurt him. He brings that brings me to why I really tell him no when he wants my goodies, His goodie ain't that good at all. And I have to be in the mood to put on the show for him, if you know what I mean. Now, listen to this. I make up excuses a lot, and he's on to me. I consider an oral hook up just as valuable as giving the goodies up. But he does not think so. Okay, So let's get this together. You're very religious. You moved in with the man without being married. Y'all been living together. You fake orgasms. You want to do half sexual acts and consider it the whole sexual act. Okay, so let me get this right, y'all. You real religious, but you live together, you fake orgasms. You want to do half acts and consider them whole acts. But he don't like that, and now he can't produce no results in the bed room. His goodies ain't good at all. So that's what And now you real religious, thank you for making not that. I want to go to your church. And so anyway, he wants everything, and he wants it often, but he ain't giving you nothing, and he wants you to take nothing all the time. But you said you can do better. What is it you love about him? Till his head to his toe? You just ain't got used to him. And he can't even do nothing. His goodies ain't even good. So now your boyfriend hate to say no, but he don't want to give you a reason to say yes. So how could I enhance the experience for myself so I can say yes more? Can bad sex get better over time? How can you enhance the experience for yourself? It's gonna have to be with somebody else, and then here go to bad news. Can bad sex get better over time? I ain't never seen it. I ain't ever seen it it's bad sexes, it's stay bad sex. You just have to reduce and lower your expectation. And how much fun is that gonna be? Give a hand something, you go, Damn, I could have had a V eight. I would have rather had a pop still who law? And you just waste it? Fineness? Yeah, you just cut and ain't got nothing to go with him? All right? Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up in forty six minutes after the hours Sports Talk with Junior. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for Junior and Sports Talk. What you got Junior? All right, here we go. Listen. It's week three coming up, and this is pivotal week three because there's some things that's that's that played, like the playoffs. All right, you understand right now? No, not today, I's gonna shift some information with you. There are seven teams right now in the league undefeating seventeen. Yeah, two, and you know San Francisco, Los Ange, Rama, Arizona, Carolina, Tampa, Bay, Denver and Las Vegas. Okay, But there are also seven teams that are oh and two. That's the Jets, Indianapolis, Colts, Jacksonville, New York, Giants, Minnesota, Troit, Atlanta. Now here's a crazy part. Eighteen teams are one and one. Eighteen teams or one and one. Now here's the importance of that. If you're two and old, you got a sixty three percent chance to make the playoffs. If you owe in two, it's twelve twelve percent to make the playoffs. If you're one in one, forty one percent. So pivot a week three is why we call this pivot a week three is because if you go to one in three and go from forty one percent down to fifteen, okay, then if you go oh and three, if you go for oe and three, it's just a two percent chance, which means you could just stop cheering for your damn team. You just can put your chair. Yeah, don't buy no more hot dolls, quit having people over to the hour, okay. And if you go to two and one, fifty three percent chance. If you go three and old, you seventy five percent a chair. So let's just say, do we have playoffs? A panic? All right? Let's go through some teams like Kansas City playoffs. They gonna okay, playoffs, all right, Dallas playoffs, playoffs, Okay, okay, Tennessee, do we start panicking? Yeah? Okay, all right, now we gotta get some teeth to one in two now, one in two, twenty five percent a chance to make the playoffs. Okay, let's look at uh Atlanta, anybody make it panic? Put the jerses up? Hey man, they two jerseys up. You're going three. You gotta put the jerors up. Yeah, put the jerors up. Houston, I'm gonna say, I'm not pulling my jersey out no more. Yea back y'all. I think I see now, I'll see what I back up could do. And they're not activating Deshaun Watson, so we probably a pretty much done. Pittsburg. Anybody seeing thanks for Pittsburg. I'm hope like they play in the Beagle we too. Oh. I hate both of them teams in me. Yeah, it don't matter which one severe. So it's pivotal week three. We're gonna find out what happened. We're gonna make some picks this week. We're gonna you're doing good. You did good. Man, Thank you, did it really good? All right, Junior, thank you. As usual. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right. So, did you guys hear about a woman who is an anti vaccine activist. She's an anti vaxxer who wanted to teach, who wanted to catch COVID and prove that it's nothing more than getting food poisoning. All right. Her name is Laurie Lumer. Yeah, she caught covid. She got her wish she caught covid and said the virus has hit her like a US. She has fever, chills, nausea, uh, severe body aches, et cetera. And she asked her followers Steve to pray for her. Oh you want her name is Laurie. Now she won't prayer. Well, I hope she come out of it. Yeah, And I bet I ask you the vaccine after this and tell everyone she knows to get one. I know a person who was anti vaccine got it and got in major trouble. I mean went to the hospital. And it ain't who you think I'm talking about this somebody else. Okay, but he was a man. I'm not gonna do that man, the way they do black people. His ass was in the hospital for a week and now his ass is out. He'd have been, he'd back he. I think he's actually given the vaccines himself. Now, I think nursing degree. Now she wants people to pray for her. Yeah, and I hope she put out of it. But then I hope she tells the truth that it ain't just a flu. Man, This thing is killing people. Yeah, what about that? Don't you get I don't get this and time I do not understand me. I'm tired of playing around with it. Stop if you hear me, and you and an organization that don't agree with the vaccine, stop texting me about it. I just had that conversation yesterday. Oh no, no, no, I get it all the time. Yeah, I don't want to brother, Brother, you need to stop promoting the vaccine to our people. Well no, no, that's not the side of its coin. I'm on. I'm not on the fence about the vaccines. I'm trying to save lives. Man, Yes, and your life could be one of them. This ain't nothing to play with y'allc non vaccinated. That's what it's gonna be. You know. Here, here's, here's, here's here's here's the stupidity of them. I've heard people say there's not enough science behind the vaccine. Okay, how much science do you need to be non vaccinated? Thought, I can tell you that hundreds of thousands of people have died. Yes, that's what's the total death so far in COVID. Somebody gave me that number right quick, because it's a huge number. Now that's a fact, folks. Now what's that The science behind that is COVID has killed and they're gonna come up with this number in a minute x amount of people. That's a fact. So now that's the science behind COVID as a killer. How much science you need behind the vaccine because so far, ain't nobody died from the vaccine. Hey, I'm not understanding this. And then they're saying, people on your you got it. Over six hundred and seventy one thousand people have died from COVID h in the United States, in the United States, not worldwide. In the United States, yes, yeah, and forty one million cases, nine ninety four thousand cases in the last week. Wow, that's a lot. That's a lot, and that should be a case for you to get vaccinated. Um reason enough, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. What is going on? This story upsets me. The White House is very upset about the border patrol in Del Rio, Texas. They're attempting to push back the Haitian migrants that want to cross into the US. We all saw, Steve, you saw these horrific pictures of white border agents using horse reins. It's the appearance of these agents that are using whips to keep them at bay. And now finally the White House says they're looking into these tactics because it is bad. It is not a good look because it just back the image of an overseer. Yes, you know, the master on a horseback with a whip. Ya, Look, what's the inhumane treatment for? You know, you don't have to treat these people inhumanely. You understand what they're doing. They're trying to seek freedom. They ain't no drugs in them. A little blue plastic bags it's water and food. They're trying to get to what they think is the greatest country in the world. They're trying to make it to the place with the Statue of Liberty. What they don't know is a this country is not what the Constitution says it is, and it does not apply to people of color. That's a fact. And this overseer whipping these Haitians with horse rains and running them down treat them inhumanely is not necessary. You can guard the border without being inhumane because you know what they're coming for. Everybody ain't clams and droves and you know it. All right. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for ask the CLO. That is the Cloe the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Here we go. This one is from Mika and Rockhill, South Carolina. Mika writes, I'm a forty seven year old single woman and I'm in a relationship with a forty five year old married woman. My girlfriend is a national director of a nonprofit organization or agency, So that's why she wants to keep me a secret. Her husband knows we've been best friends ten years, so he never questions our sleepovers or vacations together. She tells me they're not intimate anymore, but I think she's lying. I want to know the truth. What if I told her husband that I'm in love with her? Do you think he'll be forthcoming with information? See? Okay, let me say this to you. Y'all been friends for ten years. She gonna keep your secret because she probably ain't ready to come out. The second thing is this. I don't know if this rules applied to women, but let me tell you the rule of manhood. Men very rarely do promotions. You don't get to go from number two to number one. I very rarely see that, not for extended periods of time. And if you're going there and you tell this woman's husband that you're in love with her and your girl, she then told you not to do that, and you're going there and do it and cause their relationship to break up, yours is right after that. That's normally the way it works. Now. I don't know the women woman code or the woman rule on this one at all. I really don't, and I'm not gonna act like I do. But I'm giving you the male rule, and if I were you, I would think about that. I can't imagine how it's not. But women may find out differently. But then you know, Tommy, women say if you if my girlfriend knows that my man is cheating on me, I would want her to tell me. A lot of women say that. So now if this that's different, though, I would hope so different. I would hope so, especially when you the one cheating, right. I didn't say, go tell my husband I was cheating. I said, come tell me if my husband was cheating. You about Joe Jacket tailed in here with this his story like if it to be you know, sickles and ice cream, just a selfish mess coming up. It is our last break of the day. End at forty nine minutes after Get ready for some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey. Right after this you're listening to show all right, guys, here we are our last break of the day on this hump day Wednesday. M yes, all right, Steve, it's on you. Closing remarks. You know something I think, um, what this country seems to have the inability to do is empathize, sympathize, relate, to understand. Oh, let's just be real. It's seems like even care. And we're talking about some very simple things that needs to be done for this thing to get right. I hate to say this. I see the tide turning, but it's not turning quick enough. And if voting rights racism, equality, we're happening to everybody the same way as happening to people of color, I promise you would have been turned around. But because it keeps happening to the minority, it's not a problem or an issue. You know, I don't. I don't know where your hatred for us has come from as a country, or you don't want to think it that, and you try not to label it racism, but there's nothing else we can call it. You go out of your way to try to control us, to be livele us, and to keep us in check. You do everything in your power, but you don't want us to think that's racism. What do you want us to think it is? And if all we're wanting, it's one simple thing, and that's to be treated equal, not better or superior, just equal, And you're not willing to that And you're not willing to do that. What does that say about you as a country? It don't say the right thing to me. You don't have a bunch of I have a group of African young people that I mentor, and all of their goal is to come to the United States. I mean all of them. They just want to come to the United States. I want to go to New York, mister Harvey. I want to go to Los Angeles, Mister Harvey. I want to fulfill my dreams. I want to do that I wanted to. I said, it's great, that's great, And I understand that. I said for listening to me. When you get there, I'm gonna be honest with you. It ain't what you think it is. I say, because you keep looking at the upside without looking at the other side. Because the other side, that's what we get to see every day. Oh is there an upside, of course it is. But that other side is bigger than the upside, and it keeps rearing his head more and more every day. I mean, these people are becoming more bold and more bolder, and bolder and embrasing every single day with these acts of racism, These carns that come out to woodwork. These police officer of police brutality. Won't stop, ain't gonna stop, ain't going away. We're getting convicted time with not enough time. You you can kill us, and a penalty ain't the same as if we kill you, I mean killing this killing ain't it or is it? Or it's killing us different. We're tired, We're sick and tired. Stop asking us to be patient. Stop telling us you're working on it. We're tired. Are you working on it? We want it now, we wanted it yesterday, we wanted it four hundred years ago. But see, the problem seems to me is you can't get slavery out your system, and so now instead of getting it out your system, you're trying to remove it from your history books. That way, you're trying to act like this new generation don't need to know what you did, because you know what you did wasn't right. So now you're trying to find a way to do that. And now you're affecting our voting rights. Excuse me, vote, vote, vote, But then when we vote, you don't like the results the election, So now you're gonna stop us from voting. What you're doing, man, what is this country really about it? Are you serious? Have you read the Constitution that your forefathers wrote. Have you bothered to sit down and read the words out loud? Because we have. And that's why we don't care about standing, and that's why we care about kneeling, because we're trying to get you to understand that we want that piece of paper to mean for us the same thing and mean for you. But you won't allow that to happen because you didn't mean it in the first place. You keep telling me how great your forefathers wore were, but I don't see it. Your forefathers brought us over hill and they ain't never said I'm sorry for that. And then you bring up these these these these these people like Larry Elders who do your bidding and sit up here and slay that reparations should be given to white folks because white folks lost their property, which were slavery, and we're supposed to understand because slavery was legal. You got him saying that for you, this fool, which further makes you all a okay, And then you keep using the old dage that slavery existed because there were Africans that sold people into slavery. Here's what you don't know that I know from being spending a lot of time in Africa. When African nations captured African nations doing war and they made each other slaves. You became a slave to the new country, which allowed you to work your way into becoming a citizen. And if you didn't want to be a part of it, then you were in prison. That's what slavery was. So when you came over here and told him that you wanted slaves in exchange for this, they had no idea what you were doing because nobody made the return voyage back to explain to them what was really going on. Oh you didn't think we know that, But then I think you do know. We know that because you're trying to get it out the books so we can never lead it. We sickeness. Take your constant who because it ain't really work for damn to us. Thank you. Those are martrophones in your march. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.