Good morning and welcome to the ride! The best of the best saves the best for the last part of the year with some musical cheer. Holiday season is here and it is not the time to neglect a beloved family member. The CLO might have his hands full with a righteous mistress. Fool #2 murders another one for Christmas. Do you get more holiday tingle being single or nah? The newest superhero has one job. The Steve Harvey Nation puts it out there. Comedy Roulette gives us the stupid conversations that are designed to keep you on the phone. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve's clear message is this. "Expect the things you pray for."
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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things, and it's to be true. Good it listening to mother? Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turning you're going to do. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn You haven't got to turn them out to turn turn water to the water. Go. Come come on your fa I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. It is Steve Harvey. Yeah, got a radio show. Okay, this is timely for everybody. I'm sure I want to offer you all or some encouragement because everybody needed. Let me tell you something. You strike out on your goals, you strike out on your aspirations, and so you strike out, as it happens to all of us. Here it comes life. Life just hits one of them bad notes as it always does, as it always does for all of us, for everybody. Now, when those bad notes happen, when the haters come out of nowhere, when the setback comes up, When when the out of nowhere appears, When now I didn't see that coming comes Here's here's what you have to do. Here is the thing that I have been teaching myself for years that I used to not always understand, so I'm trying to give it to you. You have to be encouraged anyway. Now that's difficult, Okay, Steve, what you're talking about? You just told me all this discouraging stuff that can happen, and you said you got to be encouraged anyway. Yeah, man, you have to because what's happening to you right now, the thing that you're going through right now, the thing that everybody's going through right now. Ain't nobody else sailing. Man. Everybody got something and if they if they don't smooth sailing, just notice is coming. There's nothing I'm wishing on anybody. It's just that this is life. This is how it happens everybody, So please stop stop getting on the old woe is Me bandwagon? Old Lord? Why met old Lord? Something always happened to me, something always happens to everybody. But here's what you got to do. When you get in moments like this, you got to be encouraged. You got to remember in those times, in those times when it's going wrong, you got to remember all that you've been through. You got to remember all that you've come through. You have to remember those other times when you felt like this, and somehow unexplainably you don't even really stop to say nothing about it. It just changed for you. And the problem that was is no more. And the situation that seems so insurmountable, you got over it. You got around it, You got over it. Sometimes you just got to slide right under it. Sometimes you got to plow through it. But in those times when it's discouraging for you, when you feel like giving up, those are the test. Those are the moments that will determine whether we make it or not. I'll tell you one thing for sure. If you give up in these moments, right here here is a foreshow you'll never make it. That that's that's unquestionably the deal. If you give up in these dark times, if you give up in these what you think is insurmountable moments, if you turn back now here is the one thousand percent for shure, you ain't gonna make it. But there's a bright side to this situation. If you keep your head down, if you keep forging, if you keep pressing on. Sometimes if you just stand there and sometimes get knocked to your knees. But if you stay in that place, if you just stay there and ride the storm out, my head is bloodied but unbowed. If you can just stay there, if you consider in that moment and ride it out, you will win. You will pass the test, and you will get to move on to the next level. But there is no next level without a test. You can't get to grade six without passing grade five. You can't be a senior without first being a junior. You can't graduate without fulfilling the hours and requirements. You see, I don't care what you do in life. Look at it. It's all set up on levels. But you've got to accomplish the thing before in order to get to the next level. And when you've made those level accomplishments, you get to graduate. Now you can go on and get the masters in a PhD. You can go on and become rich, you can go become wealthy, or you can go or you can go somewhere and think yourself in another set of circumstances. But you got to go through something to get to something. There ain't nothing free. So you can stop that notion about being successful that is easy. Come on, man, if it was easy, what what we are, what we're talking about. It is not easy. Stop thinking it is. It is difficult. But I'll tell you what's even more difficult than becoming successful. You want to know what that is? Try not being successful your whole life. That's hard. You are listening to a person who has done them both been successful and really really been not successful. And I got news for you. Both of them hard. But I would rather deal with what it is to be something, to make something out of myself, to force myself to go to work when I don't feel like it. This morning was a rough get up for me, but I got up and I said thank you anyway. Never give up. And I don't watch this dude too. He to mess around and got close to me because he just never gave up. You can never ever give up. Never. It's not an option. Giving up cannot be an option for you. You cannot do that. It's out of the question. It's ain't conceivable in your mind to quit, because to quit it's what what you get when you quit nothing. That is a reward for those who hang in there, who never give up, who forged through, who see it through. Who get knocked down and get back up? Who gets trampled but somehow gathers themselves and get back to your knees. But stay in that place, man, don't ever give up. Don't let go be encouraged. Think of all you've been through. Think of all you come through. Think of all he's done for you. Think of all the times you thought you wasn't gonna make it, but somehow, without you ever even saying thank you, he got through. He got you through it. Anyway. That's that thing called grace. Now we kind of need that in our life. All I need is a little more grace. You can't give God no money for grace, man. Grace is absolutely free. It's available to everybody. But you can't get none if you quit. Don't give up. I'll just tell you that flat out. Don't ever give up. You're listening. People, Get read. There's a train come in. You don't need no ticket. You just get home, boy, ladies and gentlemen, the train is here. Shirley Strawberry, Hey, good morning to you. How you doing? Steve colorfool morning and junor morning, But nephew, time you're in the builder, Uncle Steve. What's happening, Steve, I'm ready ready for Woody you ever you won't Surler, Yeah, you know that's what I want to do. I'm gonna do a hard Roscoe does it? Christmas carols? Oh goodness, Yeah, I'm gonna do a few Christmas carols. Bell want you hit you? We don't have thirty four break better do? Why j ain't here? That's what you better do. Come on, damn shit through the snow on a one horse, Oh Bushley, this is gonna take yeah. Oh for fun? It too? Right in a one horse, Old Bushley. Oh jingle bath, Oh janle bath, Oh jingle jangle all the way. Yeah, okay and old What fun it is to ride in the one house? Oh but Chali h huh Hey. How about Joy to the world. I got jaw, I got to the world. It's about him. Oh joy to Oh the boys and girls no work jaw to the world. Oh joy, Oh the boys and girls, dag the hogs a fire left falla la la la la la la la Season to be job falla la la la la la la la Nah We reach out gay apparel la la da da da da okay man, Yeah, that's good. Yeah, Christmas back off. Can you do silent nightfall? Come back and Santa Claus is coming to him? I need yeah, and let us rude off, yeah and rude off. All right, um, all right, we're coming back with h Steve sings Christmas Carols hard at thirty two after right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. We are back Steve singing Christmas carols. We're all in the Christmas spirit. Steve is singing him but his way, and you know he sings hard. We had clown singing Christmas Carol. I think we had a request for silent nights, Steve, Shine night when night hold on the mic. Oh all is calm, messy thing it bright round round your and your mama, mama and your child. Wholy so tender tender side look nah who nah, break it down? Oh calm yeah, who ride route off the red nose? Who? Okay, what version you want? Dancer and press up and calm me and cuping. Dan's done up and blitching yeah somebody and vixing? Who but who clame boy? Oh if you weren't in the Chrystmas the most famous, that damn famous, come on that damn famous wave deal. Oh oh who whole route off, Dad, no rain, Come on, boy had a very shine. Yes he did, yes he Dad and Yah saw him. Come on a thing you wouldn't even sell right now, you wouldn't even work. You do all of the ring time with that one, all of the rain. Yeah, used to laugh and call him names. They never led Paul rude, rude play. You didn't right the game, little boy. Then one fugy Chris Mucy Santa came to say, hey, Rudo, which damn no so bright? Why'd you bring your last over? He got this slate tonight. That was a jam. Thanks so much for let me do it. That was good Robert the quintessential Christmas song. This Christmas Dunny hath the way, dinner dinner, dinner, dinner done. I done, dune the dude, Hey gone, miss too? Who I'm gonna to get to know who you're better? Come on, man? Did hear Chris move? And as we trimmed the tree, your eying where I wall be? He did shed Chris must fire side is blade se bri high? Come on and we'll caroling only hidden. I said, we're Carol lying. Come on, boy, Carol, I said, we're Carol lying. Little the night and this Chris, what you best? I said this, Chris Marre, not next one about this? Damn grim right? Yes, d sing boy Twitter Fields, what's the song? Well, the brother outside is right. Let us know, let us let us you want to hear boys, neighbors don't matter. No, it ain't gonna be the same. I just want I just want it is snow. You got the boys, letty snow. How about Santa Claus is coming to town. That's the one saying o' clock coming to town, Yeah, saying a closer coming better knight, pounder, better knock cry you better watch out. I'm telling you why ain't say a close coming sa saying up close coming to town one more time, said closer, coming to time. Oh yeah, said the closing coming the time, come on saying it said it close, it come the time? When it coming, saying it close? What did you do it? Saying the close it coming the time? By late, said closer coming to town, close to say talk Cloe is coming, come on, come on in here, hurry, hurry, he's coming to time. Sand close. You're listening Dave Harvey Morning Show. All right, So sister Odell is here to wish us happy holidays and to tell us about some of her holiday traditions, and maybe she will even bless us with some Christmas caroling of her own ladies and gentlemen. Sister Odell, day, Oh me by rappa, I'm rappa well well, well, good mon is everyone, Lord Jesus. Such a blessed holiday. You know, it's my favorite holiday. It just puts me in such good chill with everyone and everything. Hey CALLI hey, sister Odell, Happy holidays. How you doing today, Shirley? I am doing well, Sister Odell. I love the holidays. Merry Christmas to you me too, And that's real sweet of you. Hey boy with that high boys, mons is dodere still up there? Yeah? Stealing up there, my real high boys? You got there? Where? Might as well say hi to the happiest one on the show funk Christmas. Hey, look hello, good morning, good morning, morning, morning mornings to everyone. So what can I do for y'all to day? What did you want any special requestions? I mean the giving holiday spirit to move well? Since you're deal first of all, I know you have some holiday traditions, like you know, when you open your gifts on Christmas or what do you do Christmas Eve, putting up your tree, things like that, you know, what what do you yeah, what's your Christmas like? And then you know, if we have time, and I hope we do, you know most well, you know, sweetie, most of my family separated, you know, going there on waves in the head, chealers and everything. So if I try to see all on my just be on the plane all day. So some of them come over and you know, spend some time with me. I push my tree up right after Thanksgiving. Though oh yes, yes, ma'am, yes, ma'am. I don't actually put it up myself. I ask people's oh okay, wow, I didn't know that. Well, when you get people, when I can see that, I ask people that helps me. Yeah, she might need a little help. I ask people that helps me, you know, like you and you the last person need to ask about who got people west Santa Claus get you from elf? He from? Well? Do you cook anything special, sister Odell, like a favorite rescip? You know, I cooks. You know, I'm really good at dressing in yams. I love dressing in yams. And now I buys my turkey now already cooked from honey, bake that way I ain't got to be in there watching it, you know, honey bake do it watch man? Uh huh huh okay, okay, all right, well, um you wanna bless us with the song since you're here. I mean, I know you love Christmas songs. You could finish, Oh I see it all Oh jeez, did you like jingle bells? That's your dell? Well, you know there regional version. They change it when white people started singing, what what do you mean? What you mean like jingle bells? Jingle bells? That's not when used to this used to be jingle bears, used to go like this jangle or jangle Oh, jangle oh, jangle jangle Lord, jangle bell jangle bells, jangle bells, jangle all away said, jangle bears, jangle bells, jangle all the way. Then you know, white folks couldn't do it, so they had to simplify it, you know, to what yeah, yeah, what's your version of bells? Like? Yeah, okay, just white. Yeah, they killed it, kill all the show in it. You know that was yeah, yeah, that's a good one. Well, you know that's really not a Christmas song because you know everyone knows raindeers really can't fly, you know, don't tell the kid can't fly? No raindow. Well, y'all are lying to the kids. What what do you want me to do? Sister? Damn we have children learning you kids. Yeah, I was devastating. Well you know as they seen him fly. Have a heart, sister Odell. Now, come on, this is for the kids. What about like Frosty, I have a okay for the kids. Okay, so didn't listen to me. For the kids that listening, this is what's happening. They are a white man that puts on a suit and gets in the sled with twelve raindeer and they put him all across the hood and he slabs on people's roof and ever being shot and comes down the chimney and it fitched out everybody chimney. Now, if you ain't got a chimney, he comes through the windows or under the door, and then he leaves all the presents and stuff you don't want. And that's what he is. He's just saying a cross And if you ain't ever got what you wanted, that pretty much explains it's fatter stuff. Oh wow. All I can say to that is thank you, sister, odell, shit, the the snow one open? Can you tell him what's coming up? Laughing? I guess not take us out. You're listening, all right. The stereotype of being single during the holidays usually brings looks of pity from people, but really, really, it can be cool. It can if you're single. Uh what being single for the holiday? Yeah? And I don't look to people for you need fire, somebody get boot up. Don't don't. I'm telling you you need to find someday. Wake your ass by yourself. Hey, wake up? Oh Christmas Day? By yourself? Hey, no noise another room? Wow? Okay, okay, Well, there there are a lot of things, junior, that single people can do that someone with a significant other can't. All right, I'm gonna tell you. Your time is your own for one thing. You have that freedom. But guys, here are ways the singles have it better during the holidays. Check it out, junior. There are no fights waiting to happen, No fights waiting to happen. Someone's good thing. Yeah, that's a great thing. Or break up? You know what. A lot of people break up for the holidays. You don't have to worry about that. Can't break up if you ain't gotten nobody by yourself. Yeah, okay, here's another one. You don't have to buy a lot of gifts. Think about it, you ain't getting none. Okay. I'm just looking at the bright side of this. There are no mandatory spouse holiday parties you have to attend as ain't got nothing on the stove me, but you don't have to. Ain't no smells in the house. Okay, here's another one. You don't have to choose which family you're gonna celebrate with. There's always a fight about that, you know. Yeah, but you need to find somebody house. And then here's a good one. New Year's Eve. You can go in focusing all on you. Okay, you have a brought in the New Year's by yourself. We do, do we? You do? Blowing that horne. Don't nobody here, nobody here. You focus on just yourself bringing in the new year. Okay, But you couldn't do that the year before because you still buy your We're looking at the positive sight of being single, sting. No, there's no positive. No, you don't think you need to find somebody. I remember the first time we moved Atlanta. First I didn't go home when I moved Atlanta. All right. When I woke up and there was nothing, nothing, no food, no no. I called home. I heard all that joy and laughter and getting passed around on the phone. Ain't fun? Who is that? All these damn questions? I'm coming in? Who is that? Let me talk to you? Who coming in? What y'all doing it? Now? Who is that? Who is that? Now? Is that the doubt? What? Baby? Is that? What y'all look at that? You don't want to do that? Wow? I like all of that. You like being by yourself during the holidays? No, yeah, listen, listen, listen, listen. That's what it sounds. So what that's what I'm telling Okay, Christmas morning is like what at your house? Listen? Let me listen. Don't you just love that? No? Pots rattlings? Listen again? You maybe to hit who in the joint? You got to be lonely, got to be lone pots rattling? No, nois no. Let you hear it again. Listen, not a damn thing if you love it? No company at all? Kind of my house. You ain't in the neighborhood because I ain't gonna let you in. You know that we were just in the neighborhood when you outside because you ain't coming in. What is it in your house? About your house? That's just better man, I don't even I don't deciously Christmas morning. It just means something, all right, Steve. Time for today's headline, Ladies and gentlemen, miss Anne trip Oh, thank you, Steve. This is entreput the news. The Democrats hopes of their party members presenting that unified front to pass President Biden this trillion dollars social spending a climate change bill that's over. So called moderate Democrat Joe Mansion told Fox five Sunday that he will definitely not be voting in favor. If I can't go home and explain it to the people of West Virginia, I can't vote for it, and I cannot vote to continue with this piece of legislation. I just can't. Mansion says the bill will cost too much. But in reacting to yesterday's statement by Mansion, White House spokesperson Jen Saki seems to suggest betrayal by this guy. Saki says that Joe Mansion came to the White House early last week. Last Tuesday with an outline that could have served as a blueprint for a compromise, and that he promised to keep negotiating with the President to reach a compromise. I would just last Tuesday President Biden's social stimulus package, and he's every single Democratic vote in the center if it's to pass, because no Republicans are going to support it. So for now, it looks like these social stimulus package is dead. However, Saki says she's confident that the President will find a way to move forward to work it out sometime next year. Infectious disease expert Anthony Fauci warning Americans that the new COVID omicron variants extremely contagious and that holiday travel will no doubt increasing the risk of infections, even for people who are vaccinated. In fact, COVID infections are still affecting major league sports. For instance, in the NBA, the Nets game was canceled last night and it's also canceled tomorrow. In the National Hockey League, all travel between the US and Canada, that's practically in the Hockey League anyway, that's postponed for now, and they say they're going to have to post to postpone about twelve games to reschedule them. Okay. Meanwhile, Triple a is estimating that at least one hundred million people will either be flying or driving during Christmas and the New Year's a break. Sad news, They say that a rising rap star who performed under the moniker Dre the Ruler, has been killed. They say that Draco the Ruler, whose government name was Darryl Caldwell, was fatally stabbed backstage at a concert call the Once Upon a Time concert in la He was twenty eight. There are no suspects in custody. The police say they are looking for someone. Finally, at the box office this weekend, the latest Spider Man movie is leading the pack, pulling in a jaw dropping two hundred and fifty million dollars domestically, and it made all that kind of sound five hundred and eighty seven mill worldwide. Spider Man No Way Home the first film to come out of the COVID era to pull in over one hundred million dollars in its domestic debut. Spider Man No Way Home is the third in that series. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to show ClOH Yes, I'm excited. This one is from Corey in Mississippi. You're ready right, let's do it. I've been married for sixteen years. My wife and I own a liquor store and a nail salon, and there's a small space in the back of the nail salon that we haven't decided what to do with. My wife went behind my back and had a contractor look at the space, and when I found out, she told me that she's opening a last studio in that space. We're equal partners in other businesses, but she never does any work at either one of them, so now she's trying to make her own money without me. This doesn't sit right with me, and I told her i'd take her to court over it. Am I right or wrong? You got taken a court over All you gotta do to get out. All you gotta do is walk up to the contractor. You ain't getting paid, dog, I don't understand. No, no listen to eat butter for you to pay you. So see, so I don't think it's a court issue. Now y'all going to court. And I don't know, but lashes and nails. I don't know how y'all's business is doing. If it's working well, but I bet it ain't topping that liquor stoe, though not in the sill liquor Stole's bigg in Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, Chattanooga. On the corn, why don't y'all expand the liquor stone? They do a bar as b wild b He's pretty bitter though, talking about court. You're right, yeah, you ain't got through that man. Yeah, okay. Chandrea and Memphis says, I'm a thirty four year old female and I was dating a sixty year old married man. Sixty year old married man. His wife found out and called me and asked me to meet with her. I felt so bad that I agreed to talk to her face to face. I was shocked at how beautiful and put together she is. She said her husband cheats all the time, and she loves him so much that she would never leave him. She offered me fifteen hundred dollars if i'd leave him alone. I genuinely liked her, so I promised her I was not going to see him anymore, and I told her to keep her money. I'm trying to keep my promise to her, but her husband won't leave me alone. Should I tell him? I met his wife and told her everything get the money though, right then let me first thing? Yeah right, I'm gonna leave them alone. Yeah, well, I don't you know. I think it was a smart, cool thing of you not to take her money. Yeah, uh, you know, but I think you should just leave a guy alone, just say. Hey, look, I met with your wife. I really respect her. I felt bad about what I'm doing, and uh, she told me about how you are and you seeing other people, So go see them other people. But she loves you so much she ain't gonna leave you. So but I'm not gonna be a part of this anymore because there's a righteous side of me, and I respect the lady and she was beautiful and I felt bad, and so I'm out. That's all you got to do. Okay, we'll be back. You're listening to show, all right, Steve introduced him. He's here. Well, I don't feel like being in the Christmas beard he is. No, No, I don't. I don't write happy Christmas songs because there's enough of those happy, happy Christmas songs get lost in the shuffle all deck the halls. Who the hell want to hear that? Over and over? Right? For the sad and down track Grinch all the way hit it. Hello, it's Christmas time again. I can't believe it's in man a soul on prep time just passed leave by stealing Kenning from my aweenn, but I haven't take it pipe o damn is Christmas as of friding fighting people inside the fiding. I'd rather last week on the show. Lady, Please nobody my father love today. I can't even push them, only lay my wallet just says no way, our damn is Christmas? Shock Christmas? Love, Christmas, Happy Christmas. You're a mean one, mister Graha singing to somebody. Somebody refused. Maybe you heard some notes too many happy Christmas songs out there. Every year somebody got a Christmas album Happy happy that I'm in. I'm in the lane all by myself. You are I want to be got a tree up, Jane? No? Did he insult you? I can't imagine my house ain't no check. Especially you have grandchildren grand well that they want to see tree. Go to the other granddaddy house because I ain't that one. Tell me ain't buy them gifts? Kay, Please tell me that. Yeah, it ain't well, you don't happy. Don't put it under the tree though. That it's just sitting up on the coffee tack. It's just sitting up on the coffee tax It ain't wrapping nut set on it. That Hey, yea laptop over there, that's yours. That's how Jay pass that give Oh it's killing the bag, Jake, want to take it back? You never know you know who on the iPhone? All right? Well, because I keep my so sad. That bike over there, that's yours. Man, You no guessing nothing. You have to do better. We're gonna We're gonna have to help. We're working on it. Yeah, celebrate Chris. I'm gonna tell you right now, I have known him way longer than all y'all. You can stop. It's deep ending. Have you Have you ever invited him over to your house, Steve? For Christmas? Maybe not having his unhappy as mess my damn holiday. I'm trying to cheat his old as by himself, Steven. Where is he gonna eating stuff Christmas? That's where he need to be unhappy ass to day house. He's gonna eat Christmas dinner, Steve. He don't have a Christmas treat sad An. He got diabetes. I'm not saying because you know he can't eat them yams. You know that. He over here sad we can't have no cake. It's too much, all right. Coming up next is the nephew. He's got the prank phone call. Right after this, you're listening to morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after it's my strawberry letter for today's subject. I thought I found the perfect man right now tho the nephews here today. Good money, nephew, it's on you. It's right here. Media minister, take a list. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Dre Andre. Yeah, Dre, you're the person that runs the media at the church. You over the sound system and everything and all the um, the screens and all that stuff. Yeah, yeah, I work with the church. Okay, how long have you been at the church man, I've probably been at the church for like five years now, about five years. Okay, okay, listen. My name Doug Man, Doug, and I haven't I haven't joined the church yet, but I've been coming because my cousin, you know, my um, uh, my cousin them go there, and they've been going there for quite a bit. My my cousin, uh, I got I got one cousin that's in the choir. Uh Latrice, you know who Latrica is? Right? Yeah? Yeah? The church yet, No, No, I'm not remember of the church yet. But you know I've been in there. You know, I'm liking the service and everything. So you know, it's just a matter of time, you know. Uh uh when I feel like I'm ready to actually join. But I I ain't gonna lie. Man. I'm calling you because I got a bit of an issue about, uh about something I've been noticing for the last three weeks that's been going on in the church, and I wanted to uh, you know, I had to ask around who was over the media ministry. Yeah, that's that's you. Okay, So uh, man, I don't know what's happening. Uh And and I ain't gonna lie. I gotta be real with you. It pissed me off. But for the last three weeks, you know, uh, when my cousin get ready to sing, you know, I don't know why when she get up the saying that the mic just go out, you know what I mean, the mic just go completely out? Was she getting ready to sing? And I'm like, wait, what this don't make no sense, you know, So, man, I ain't been. It's not like I'm timing it. I don't know. I mean, we don't have the best equipment at the church. You know, we just gotta work for what we got. I mean, it's not like I'm sitting there trying to sing about your cousin. Sometimes the mics get a glitch. Man, But see, but see that. But see that's my problem though. The problem I'm having is the glitch happening every single time my cousin get the mic. You know, that's that's the problem of hem. I'm like, okay, so every time Latries get up that the same then you know, the mic go out. I came three weeks straight. I ain't hearing my cousin saying nothing yet. So I'm calling you bro on you know, on some real man the man stuff, Just letting you know, bro, I'm coming to church again this Sunday. I'm coming. Nah if Latrise might go out again, Hey dog, somebody gonna get this. You're gonna bring that energy to the church. Say whatnot? You're gonna bring that energy to church? I told you, man, it's just a glitch. Ain't nothing I could do about it. Okay, what I'm saying though, Bro, what I'm saying is this right here though, And I'm being as real as I can, which if I if Latrese might go out on Sunday immediately after that service is out with somebody getting the book. I don't know why you calling threatening a member of the church, man. Like I said, I ain't got nothing to do with it. I try to keep everything running cool, you know. I try to keep the running smooth. I can't tell you when a glitch is gonna happen. It's electronics, man, it's oldie quimen. Now. I'd love for you to be a member of the church with us, but I can't. I mean, why are you calling up here threatening me? Hey, bro, because because I came up there three times, three times. I he came there to see my cousin saying. You know, my cousin been saying since we was kids. We all love to hear hussaying. We love a voice, you know we you know, we grew up listening to Latrise st. So what I'm saying, I'm gonna say this here though, and I said it, I didn't say it twice already. I'm coming up there Sunday. If the trees might go out. Bro let me just cut you off real quick. Ain't no way that you're gonna come up here and whoop nobody's ass. Man, That just ain't gonna happen. Like I told you, it's a glitch. But you ain't coming up to the church talking all this ship and then you're gonna whip somebody's Okay, So I see where we are now, So so let me just going on direct it this way. So let me say this, from Doug to Andre, from me to you, I'm letting you know right now, come Sunday, if Latrees might go out, not know, somebody, I'm whooping your eyes, Drake, I'm whooping your eyes if the day I might go out. Okay, first off, ain't nobody whooping my eyes, especially no punk dude named Doug. He ain't gonna come to the church. That's gonna happen. Okay, what what what makes you think you can't get your ass? What makes me you over here threatened somebody over here with the media. You want to come test these hands and come test the hands man? You know what, By the fact, when y'all next rehearsal, I can't just come on over that end. You come on over there, man, Why don't you come over right now. I'm over at the church right now. Oh so you're at the church right now. I'm at the church right now. Okay, right now. If you want to catch this school, you're gonna need the church after you don't get this out. Okay, hey bye, tell DJ then we're gonna go to the church. Dout, No, no, tell them, We're going to roll up to to this damn church. Okay, come on, call all up, call all up. Now you're gonna get your shipped out so you don't push it up on the wrong one. Now you're gonna pushed up on the wrong one. So all this little sit talking. Cool, you'renn have eight dudes right now talking. So Douggie, you can bring Johnny, you can bring Billy, you can bring woever you want. But it ain't gonna happen. Okay, okay, cool in real talk, Doug, you don't call me talking to all this book. How you about to come up here and what my and now you need like seven eight other guys back in the day, we should just handle this one on one. And now you want to come up here talking all that, you're gonna bring every cousin you've got in your house. If you want to do this, man, come up here. Let's do it one on one. Oh oh oh, you're scared of something. Ain't nobody scared? But you're talking that you're whooping mind? Now you want to bring up every disciple you know? Man, you know what, Bring whoever you want. Just don't bring nobody you want bad because I'll put you all down. Okay, Well, I'm gonna tell you this hire. I'm gonna bring Tommy with me, and Tommy gonna be the one. It's gonna act a damn fool. Which I'm telling you that right now, Tommy. So you don't know Tommy. No, I don't know Tommy. Okay, do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey more of the show. Are you kidding this number? Hey? Man, Latrese got me to brank phone call you. Matter of fact, the whole choir is in on this and they know that I am pranking you, Drake Man. Now you got me gonna turn it up on the radio. Man, Now I gotta go ask for forgiveness. That smack out. I'm talking now, I'll come Sunday. I'm turning everybody's Mike call. Okay, man, I gotta ask you this, Drake, what is the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land. You know, it's the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Yo, Timmy, if I could turn your mic off, I turn that amen of that, you know what I like. But he was like, hey, bro, we don't want you to come up to the church, and everything being oh you can't. Oh that's the energy you're gonna bring up. Tell you right now he ain't nobody come up here with my ass name? Do You didn't have a name that he was scared of. I was not afraid of that name at all. Hey, Bobby, get get here, get time to get get get get clear, get all up. Oh now you got to bring some people with you. I tell you what, don't bring nobody. You wan't back, you don't want back. I love that. Yeah, he was really smooth with it at first. The call on s he do go to church. He gonna has to go up. Yeah we good, be good, catch your nephew. New Year's Comedy, Laugh Fast. That's the New Year's Comedy, Laugh Fast. We're hit in Chicago, Washington, DC, Atlanta, GA. You don't want to miss it. It jumps off on the thirtieth in Chicago, Washington, d C. On the first, Atlanta, Georgia State Farm Arena. On the second, that's earthquake. Eddie Griffith said, you to entertain the DL hugely hosted by yours truly nephew, Timmy. Tickets on sale red Nah, Okay, laying in the cut. You know what's laying in the cut Jackson, Mississippi. M Okay weekend, Jackson the Nephew finally coming to Jackson, Baby, get your tickets and have me some fish Friday. When I get down there, I just don't just throw it. I throw that out there. Nice little catfish or something. Be nice for the nephew. Okay, catfish cole slaw. Throw some fries in now, throw some seasoning on that. That's all. That's all. Timmy looking for Jackson the Nephew. Come em Okay we can Chuckle's Comedy Club. Pick us. Don't see him ready, Nah, I hear you, naugh, I hear you coming up. At the top of the hour. Like I said, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter subject, I found the perfect man. We'll get into it right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we go. Time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live like we're doing this one. All right, let's go to boggle up. Hold on tight, we gotta call you here. It is the Strawberry Letters. Subject. I thought I found the perfect man. Is there such a thing? We'll find out, all right, Dear Seton Shirley. I know I am a hard working, educated, financially secure, good looking, mature woman with a lot to offer. But since my divorce, I've been having trouble with dating because the men I meet say that I have too many prerequisites and they lose interest. My goal was to meet a man aged fifty five to sixty five, but instead I finally met a man that is seventy five years old. Oh this is five years older than yesterday. Okay, he's retired and he's everything that I looked for in a man. He's a sharp dresser, good looking, financially stable, and he has good morals. In the beginning, he wanted to come over every night and get busy, but I still have to go to work, so I had to cut him back to two to three nights per week and Saturday. RE enjoy going out together and we've even had a nice vacation together. There's just one problem. He refuses to go to church with me. This past Sunday, he got mad at me and told me to stop nagging him about church. I could easily fall in love with this man and we talk about our future and getting married, but the church issue upsets me. When we talk about marriage, I told him I could never say yes if he does not say yes to going to church. He told me that he will eventually just show up one Sunday, but it will be on his own terms, not because of my nagging. What advice do you have for me? My sister says, I'm acting crazy and I should marry this man. He does not think it's a big deal. By the way, he does meet all of my other prerequisites. So what are your thoughts. Your thoughts are that I My thoughts are that I agree wholeheartedly with your sister. You can't nag him. Nobody wants to be nagged. You don't want to be nagged. He says he's going to show up to church on his own terms. Let him do that, Okay, let him do it on his own terms. He may, you know, not like your church for some reason, or you know, maybe it takes him a minute to get in the spirit or whatever. Give him time. I mean, you guys haven't even been together that long for you to be making these kinds of demands on him. And probably if you'd let it go, he would show up to church with you one day. Come on, now, I don't think this is such a major issue that you have to nag him and nag him and nag him about it. This man is seventy five years old. You're a mature woman. You didn't say your age. But anyway, so far it's working out nicely. I mean, he's a good dresser, he's good looking, financially stable. You said in your letter, he has good morals. Okay, he has good morals. So I think you're putting pressure on this man. I think just smooth it out. Weigh a little bit, but definitely stop nagging him, or guess what, you're gonna lose him. I'm gonna tell you nobody likes to be nagged. Steve surely one thousand percent correct. Hell both y'all old, both for y'all old, oh her and the man you didn't want to say, Yo, man, But you come talking about you want a man between fifty five and sixty five. Well he's seventy five, Yeah, but he still looks killed. Want to go to church? He don't want to go to church. He is sharp dresser, he looked good. He treats you right. He checks off all the blocks and blocks in every category. And you talking about they talking about marriage. You can't sect. He can't say. You can't say yes to him unless he say yes till you, till you going to church, to him going to church with you. I have news for you. The reason I'm talking like this is color bit up all night trying to put myself mine is a little congestion. I have to apologize again. That's what you mean. You've been up all night exactly what I mean. I'm in here catching hell. I should have been in the bed with my old seventy five. I don't know what the hell up, man, I don't know what I was thinking about, but I can't do this, I've hurt him right sitting up in here. Let's get back to the letter. He said, if he don't want to go to church, you nagging him to go to church. Now, I have personal experience with this. My father didn't go to church much. My mother and father were married for sixty four years. I remember my father would go twice a year, sometimes on Easter and sometimes Christmas or Mother's Day, and my dad would go a couple of times a year. He went a little bit more later on, but my dad was never much of a church goer. My dad was one to find this man I ever knew because he liked this man said, you say he's very moral. My father was a righteous man. He was righteous man. This dude, he was just a good dude. Now you're gonna pass up on this man, like your sisters say, you being crazy? First of all, well, how are you gonna you're gonna find another one of these shop dressing We're all meaning seventify you old men that ain't got nobody, They're not everywhere. How you found this one is beyond me, or how he found you, it is beyond me. I do not know. But I'll tell you what though you better stay with this man if I was you. Now, when we come back, I'm gonna take a different approach to why I think he don't want to go. All right, all right, we'll let burt two if teams to respond, tickle them coming out? Are your past? Yeah? So yeah. The subject of the Oberry letter today, I thought sales sermons on tape after services. I thought I thought I found the perfect man. Part two of Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject I thought I found the perfect man. Hello, this letter is simple. What I told you. I'm tired. Now listen to me, Mad, I'm on a delay. Come on, damn it, I'm on a delay. Not my system. Your stuff is working fine? Oh yeah, I'm on Steve Harvey got mentally on a delay. You would just sleep strayed up all night long like I'm foughting. It hurts, don't it hurt? I can't do it? All right, Steve coming back to the letter though seventy five years old. This real simple, This lady Dayton, this man, he's at everything, and she's ever wanting man seventy five shot dropping, still sleeping with him and all this health to get busy whenever you want to. But he don't want to go church with him. It's just that what's wrong with the church. Though, Now we're gonna get into that seat. My father didn't go to church much either, So that don't make you a bad person. You can be very righteous person not be an attendee of church. But now you're saying you've talked about marriage with him, but if he can't say yes to go on to church, you can't say yes to getting married. Well, he keeps he's pretty adamant that you nagging him about this church. Maybe he don't won't go to your church? Yes? Fine, Now, first question? Does your church seill the sermon on CD or audio after service? A lot of churches? Has he heard a see everybody pastor came preach? This is true? See what I Maybe he don't want to sit up there to that dry sermon? He what type of church you go? Is it Methodist? Well that don't matter, do it that? No? I'm just asking a question because it's it's Methodist. Ain't no drums? She didn't tambourines are good talks. She's a nuts. Okay, well, whatever it is. Maybe your pastor is dry unless here is another thing. Maybe what's the name of yo? Oh? Maybe your pastor's dry. Now here's the next question. What's the name of your qui? What do you mean? What do you mean youth? If it's got one of them names, that mean? They don't sound like the gospel song birds? Don't nobody do? They don't never sound good. Your old crows up that soude the song birds sing they got on craig row. Yeah, not with you. Don't nobody want to sit through that? Yeah, don't nobody don't know. I just wanted to see how I can phrase this and't call and let me say, yeah, careful. I don't think your pastor and your quir is up to Paul. That's all I have to say. And I think that that's just been demoralizing for them to have to sit through the services that you're doing. Next question, is your church or stove front next to a liquor stoke? See, maybe he's a former alcoholic. He can't go down there next to that liquor stoke and sit there and try to make it. Maybe it's a zoning issue with the church, and then those zon inities in the hood liquor stoke, check cashing players, church dey kill yeah, and the motail motel or day kill check cashing place or churches oh yeah, chicken yeah then or somebody selling chicken. This answer to this is all over the place because I've been apologize for this response to the Strawberry letter. Steve gotta do you boo now? He was crazy today, Mark Tomorrow, I got to be at work. I gotta do three shows man talk shows. Okay, so so at some point you need to get some sleep, is what you're saying. Excuse me, Shirley, Steve, what is the advice to the lady that wrote the letter. I'm trying to get it out of him. Yeah, we'll get her cheercast and go to the chicken house and I go to cher He just not coming. Stop nagging him what to tell her going down. He's got to stop agging him though, she's got to You're gonna lose. I would say, gold, don't worry about it, because, man, let me tell you something, it's hard to find good man. And he's a good man. He righteous, He just don't go to church much. Now, he may eventually like my father. Dude, my father ended up going to church quite often, but you know she didn't do it. Yeah, yeah, that's true. All right, Well, thank you, Steve. Uh email us your instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Come on, you hired him, You hired him. No, you gotta keep saying that. Ye, ladies in general, without further ado, a man that needs an introduction because well he's here so seldom, ladies in general, jee think brown. Okay, okay, I'm putting together yeah, first putting together my own film. I've started production of my own film. You've seen The Nutcracker. Everybody's seen The Nutcracker. We've finished with production right before Christmas. The name of my film is called The Big Black Nutcracker. We're gonna make it up different than what you're going the Big, the Big Black Nutcracker. You know the story of the Nutcrackers, YadA, YadA, YadA. We all know the story. Well, this is she falls in love with a guy who comes to It's the Strippers by the stripper who falls in love with a guy who comes to the strip club and it goes by the name of Big Black Nuts and to save the script club. Now this is the what what is wrong? I understand you. So, So we're looking for dancers. We're looking for dancers we want and I don't want to offend anybody about what I want. I don't. I don't it don't. I want people. I don't want overweight. I don't want heavy set, chunky, I don't want thick. I don't I want fat people because these are my ballerinas. I want fat people, really fat. If you heavy set, don't even audition. We don't want to be bothered with you. We want you fat. We want fat people that can stand on their toes and catch other fat people. That's what I want. That's what I want. Production. Yeah, that's production. Yeah, you know, because I always got this little thin ass ballerinas and that's good and that's nice. But in that big relaxed fat people that have no problem catching other fat people. And like I said, if you overwear and you kind of junky, pleasantly plum thick bone curve, don't even bother. Don't bother sending me a tape now, I want all production tapes to be sent to Big Black Nutcrackers, and all your tapes to Big Black Nutcracker. Now, I got some people that have signed on that are gonna already be in the film. Oh, Kurt, Kurt Franklin is gonna be playing the part of Baby Jesus. Now, I know what you're saying. Baby Jesus ain't in the Big Black Nutcracker. Oh, he ain't in a Nutcracker, but he's gonna be in nuts production because he said he would do it, so I wrote him apart. So he's gonna play the part of the Baby Jesus. So check me out the Big Black Nutcracker coming out round Christmas. Go to the Big Black Nutcrackers and all your auditions. Then you're listening time now for Comedy Roulette. And let me just apologize to the one parent out there that's upset with me. It has something to do with Santa Claus and our last Comedy Roulette. That's all I'm gonna say. So I won't get it more trouble, but sorry about that. It's your fault, Jay, you wrote it, so we bring it up because I want to apologize. Yeah, and I knew it when I said it, when it came out of my mouth. All right, here we go. Now they're going, what about Santa Claus? What? I didn't make it worse. I didn't make it worse. I'm yeah, you guys, just pay attention. Today's categories are things you say to stay to school, surely, oh there's that, all right, things you say, things you say to stay out of an argument. That's why jacked up directions people give you. Oh yeah, yeah, a lot of those, right, And then stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. Just all right, let's spend the wheel spunny spunny, spunning the one which one landed on. What guys did landed on? Stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. Let go comedy, Yeah, it was a comedy rule that stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. Before you go, Did I tell you big Mama was winning? I attaching? Yeah, you had to say that. Stupid stupid conversations people say to keep you on the phone. When you heard a grig head of spleen remove he going vegan? Now, did I tell you that? What? What the world? Yeah, it was just pleading, going vegan. Don Yeah. Now you know stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. Now you know, Uh, Gary's sister's husband's niece's boyfriend went to jail for stealing money out of the collection. Play that the church? Do you know that? Don't? Yeah, Gary's sister's husband's boy that's another thirty minutes right there. Ye, because you gotta figure out who that is. Yeah, I see stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. I gotta go. Well, no, I bought a leaf blow the other day. Don't huh. I'll tell you you want to hit the phone? Hold all right there, let me go get it changing. People come up with to keep you on the phone. You know, I'm looking at the wonder right now and my right tire is out of air. I'm gonna have to go out there. Yeah, right, hire going, you gotta air. Stupid conversation say to keep you on the phone. Hey, before you go, listen and I tell you my plans were stolen. They were there yesterday. That ain't go this morning. I don't even know who's taking plans out to the book. That's fifteen more minutes right there. Stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. Hey, you go listen. You know the white folk come out here looking for you yesterday. I'm to do with some kind of investigation. I just want to let you know. We get off the phone. That's a good hour right there. Ye, all right, keep close it out. Stupid conversations people come up with to keep you on the phone. You know what, when I was little, my mama made me learn the ABC's back. Which can you do it? Go ahead, go ahead, try all right? Coming up trending stories on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour. Right after this, you're listening show. All right, Steven, it's time to check your voicemail. If you want to leave Stephen message, You're just give a holiday greeting to your loved one. Call us right now at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve and leave a message. Okay, good morning, Steve, Shirley and the crew. My name is Koko from Tallahanthee, Florida. I would like to let all of my family, um, the Scott and the Sanders, as well as the Wesleys know that I wish someone happy with a merry crew and a prosperous new year. You guys be glass. Good morning, Steve Harvey. My name is Swana Blake and I would like to wish a happy Holidays to my client, Miss Dorothy Hackets is eighty three years young, married Christmas Mith Hackett. Steve Brent Steeler from Any, Pennsylvania moved down here to Dallas, Georgia. I want to wish my family to live here now and Dallas, Georgia. I'm married Mary Christman and a happy new Year, Steve. This is Lords Brown. I would like to wish my family marry Christmas and a happy New Year. And I want you to know and them to know I love you and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. Happy holidays. If Steve did before, Nell's my draft to work every morning, listen to your sh'll, love you sh'll. I like to wish you happy Holidays to all my family and do all your my family out there with you all aff holidays. Happy New Year's to you all. Hi Steve, Happy holidays. My name is Valerie Jackson and Buffalo, New York. I just wanted to say marry Christmas from My Children Byron Kiama, Walter Jakai, Jakira and Recupees Jaquila. I Speed. My name is Earlene. I'm just calling to woodsh My family is a Harvey family and the Land family. A happy holiday and to YouTube. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Clo Yes, I'm excited. This one is from Corey and Mississippi. You're ready, right, let's do it. I've been married for sixteen years. My wife and I own a liquor store and a nail salon, and there's a small space in the back of the nail salon that we haven't decided what to do with. My wife went behind my back and had a contractor look at the space, and when I found out, she told me that she's opening a last studio in that space. We're equal partners in other businesses, but she never does any work at either one of them, so now she's trying to make her own money without me. This doesn't sit right with me, and I told her I'd take her to court over it. Am I right or wrong? Dog? You got taking the court over. All you gotta do is get to get All you gotta do is walk up to the contractor. You ain't getting paid, dog, I don't understand. No, no, listen to me. Ain't nobody if it to pay you? So see. So I don't think it's a court issue. I don't know how y'all going to court. And I don't know but the lashes and nails. I don't know how y'all's business is doing, if it's working well, But I bet it ain't topping that liquor stoe though not in the sill. Liquor stoles is big in Atlanta, Detroit, Chicago, Memphis, Chattanooga. Why don't y'all expand the liquor stoe? They do a bar. This's b wild b He's pretty bitter though talking about court. You're right, yeah, you ain't gonna do that, man, Yeah, okay. Chandrea and Memphis says, I'm a thirty four year old female and I was dating a sixty year old married man. Sixty year old married man. His wife found out and called me and asked me to meet with her. I felt so bad that I agreed to talk to her face to face. I was shocked at how beautiful and put together she is. She said her husband cheats all the time, and she loves him so much that she would never leave him. She offered me fifteen hundred dollars if i'd leave him alone. I genuinely liked her, so I promised her I was not going to see him anymore, and I told her to keep her money. I'm trying to keep my promise to her. But her husband won't leave me alone. Should I tell him? I met his wife and told her everything. Get the money though? Why right there? Let me who first thing? Yeah? Well, I don't you know. I think think it was a smart, cool thing of you not to take on money. Uh, you know, but I think you should just leave a guy alone. Just say, hey, look, I met with your wife. I really respect her. I felt bad about what I'm doing, and uh, she told me about how you are and you seeing other people, So go see them other people coming up. It is our last break of the day, and we'll have some closing remark from the one and only, our fearless leader, Steven Harvey with his crazy self. That's coming up with forty nine minutes after right after this. You're listening, all right, Steve. Here we are last break of the day. Time for you to get us some closing remarks like you always do. Let's go hey, uh, you know something that I've been learning. I've been uh. I do this morning meditation every morning now and I've really been kind of loyal to it, you know, for the past month, and it's really really helped me out. Somebody sent this to me today. I was talking to a businessman this morning about a business opportunity I was looking at, and I was just going over He's a spiritual guy, and I was going over with him my dreams and aspirations and he sort of asked me what I was thinking about. And when I told him, come to find out man, he was on the same page, and he sent me a scripture and he taught He said, I want you to read every morning, because I told him I had this morning this morning meditation, and I told him that I read it every morning. I have a list of things that first of all, I read a list of things that I thank God for every morning, which is a list about between forty five and fifty things that I thank him for something like that. And then I have a list of about the same number of things that I'm asking and for and I read these two lists every single morning. After I do my meditation and read my daily verses and my inspirational messages and stuff. I just try to stay focused, you know, in the world I'm in as well as the world you in. You know, I need as much help as I can get. I don't know how you all feel about it, but I need all the I need all the inspiration, I need all the confidence. I need the assuredness that having relationship with God provides. Man, I'm just gonna be real with you. And so he told me to read this verse every morning Psalms five and three, you know, if you get a chance to read it, you know, and it talks about talking to God and what in essence, I'm a paraphrase to Scripture. In essence, it was, what you're asking God to do is to hear you when you cry out for help every day as you pray. And you're asking God in essence to hear your voice in the morning that I pray to you. And then the things that you ask God for in the morning, you let him know that you be waiting expectantly to hear from Him about all these things. And it's just a great way to start your day. But the part that really caught my attention was after I thank God for all this stuff on this list, and then I ask God for this stuff. The part that I think I was missing was each and every day I do, I believe it's gonna happen, but every day I'm supposed to wait expectantly in anticipation of what I've asked for to happen. Now, it doesn't mean everything's going to happen that day, but it does mean that the process of all these things occurring is well underway. And if you behave that way, if you act that way, if you put out that way, those are the things that return yearning to you. And that's one of the very very important things that I got from this guy when he sent me the scripture. You could read it for yourself in Psalms five and three, and it's very very helpful. And I use a New Living version of it so I can understand it better than the King's James version because I read both, and I just understand it better when I go to the new translation of it. And I just try to encourage people man to form a relationship with God, because like it's really cool, and you know something we all should do. We were all created in His image. God made every last one of us, and you know we all children in His no matter what color, no matter what faith you belong to. And in that regard, I mean, you know, he just wants to hear from us, he really does. He just wants to know that we want to share relationship with him. And so I found the more you do that, man, the more confidence you have, the more calmness can come your way, and you stop wearing about stuff, because a lot of times, man, if you look off into your day, as your day unfolds in front of you, you're going to see a lot of choice points along the way. You're gonna have a lot of points along the way where you have to make choices, you know, and all these possibilities, all these choices, they can be confusing at times. And in this confusion you need to get focused back and turn all this confusion and all these worries and troubles and turn them over to Him, because really, man, life gets really troublesome at times for all of us. And it's just times, man, where you can't cope with everything that's happening to you because it all the way seems like either nothing's happening at all, or everything's happening at once, and both of them situations is bad. I mean, if you're sitting up there and ain't nothing happening at all, you need some help, man. And then when everything happens all at once, you need some help. Man. So either way, if you look at this thing, you're gonna need some help from God. You really really are. And so the best way to do it, man, it's just have a concert communication with him. Just talk to him more today than The cool thing about it is you could be just like me and have a relationship with him. You don't have to be perfect, you really don't. And I got news for you. Ain't nobody perfect. No way. You can quit listening to them people talking about how they're walking on that little white line and they don't ever get off, because they do. They get off all the time. Just have relationship with God. Okay, do that. It'll help you out. Those are my closing remarks. All right, all right, drop it, that's dropped. Your life is hard. Just gonna have a talk with God. Hey man, guess what, y'all have a great weekend. Man. I am be positive. That's my blood type of my attitude, I love for all. Steve Harvey Contests No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.