Good morning and welcome to the ride! Today's show is dedicated to everyone who shake 'em up on crap tables and gamble. Shout out to Miss Carla! We have a special Ask Steve The Holiday Edition. Uncle Steve lets the world know how much the crew acts just like people at your job. There are 70's phrases that we feel should make a comeback. Comedy Roulette has everything to do with the reflection in the mirror. The Chief Love Officer answers our concerns with relationship labels. Do you have an old school nickname that you are tired of? We get a super friendly reminder from Steve about Sand and Soul 2020. Today in Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about the actuality of the grass being greener on the other side, plus so much more. Have a great weekend!!!
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving the move like the mozing buck bus things. And it cost me true good at Steve listening to me together for ste please by, I don't join joining me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn to turn, got the turnout? Then turn the water the water. Come come on your bad it h I sure will. Good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Okay, I got something for you today. I'm gonna have a conversation this morning about my understanding of grace now that I've gotten older and I've come in to a better understanding of a lot of things I didn't know about when I was younger. This is just my interpretation of grace. Now once again, y'all listen to me. I ain't nobody's pastor, I ain't nobody's minister. So you know, I'm pretty sure you can go to church and get a far more extensive definition of one I'm giving you. I'm just talking to people. You know. Grace is this thing that God provides for us and Grace's just things that you get that's really undeserving, you know. I mean, I look at my life as it is today. You know. Look, I work hard and I have faith in God that I do so things are going to happen in my life. But the way my life is now, I don't. I don't. I don't deserve all of this. I don't don't. I don't look at it that way. I have been the beneficiary of God's grace. I have aligned myself in a position to accept whatever grace God has for me, and it will be far abundant and exceedingly in anything you could think of. His grace supersedes anything you could possibly imagine. You know, the goals that I set and the aspirations that I shoot for, and the things that I have on my dream board. I have the faith that God will give it to me. But what He does with grace, he gives you far more than that. He gives you what He he has for you, not what you can see. You can't see all He has for you. It's impossible. Who are you? How can you possibly imagine what he can imagine? How can you possibly think? How he can think? How how can you possibly do what he can do. How can it be that isn't a single mind living or a collection of minds that could have thought of earth? What in your wildest imagination could have made you think of Earth? The stars, the heavens, the oceans, the galaxy, the constellations. What in your mind? What in any man's mind? We can point at it and analyze it, but we show it couldn't have thought of it. So come on now, I'm talking about lining yourself up with God's grace, which he will give to you if you if you want some of it now. But now his thing about grace, it can't be bought. If it could, if it could be bought, I'm telling you I would pour all the money I have and dump it into grace, because, after discovering what it is, it's this goodness that God shines on you simply as a reward of some type for his love for you and for you attempting for you, attempting to do right, not because you get it right. Because if He judged us purely on how we are the right and wrong of it, we would all be doomed, all of us, every last one of us, would be doomed, because we all fall short, we all make mistakes, we all sin, we all get it wrong from time to time. Nobody's perfect. Man. Now I understand what my mother was saying about cleaning the house. All I want is a little more grace. All I need is a little more grace when the last time you ask God for some grace. I'm not talking to you like I know everything. If you just benefit from His grace, which you already have, but if you're not aware of it, you don't know what's going on. Become aware of grace, Get aware of the fact that God does things for you simply because He loves you. He does things for you that you don't even deserve. Somehow, you just wonder how you just got over when you didn't even do the things to get over. Sometimes you don't even know how you got that job you got when you ain't even really do the things to get the job. How you end up where you are, all the education you thought you went and got it and had, How you end up where you are today in a much better position than your education could have ever gotten you. That's grace. How I get every place I am today. I didn't plan this, man, If I could have planned my life the way it is. Don't you know how to have done it? When I was living in that car? If I knew how to do it, No, I benefited from his grace. I'm just a beneficiary of his grace, of his goodness and his mercy. God's goodness is better than your goodness. God's goodness is better than your mother's goodness. It's better than your wife's or your husband or your booze goodness. God's goodness is different. His goodness man covers some stuff you can't even imagine. So why are you trying to put your life together when the last time you asked him for just a little bit of grace? When have you thought of your life in terms of the grace that it has already benefited from? Have you ever done that? Man? Just thought about you know? You hear songs like my soul looked back and wonder how I got over. That's grace, That's all I can call it. Now. Like I said, you can go at church or somewhere ever you want to, and ministers that the wind at school to teach this thing way better than me. I'm just giving you from a layman standpoint. Man, have you thought about his grace. Would you not bewailed to be a beneficiary of his grace? What an not? Now? Check this out. The better you try to do, the more grace he'll give to you. And that grace can't be bought, Like I said, it's free. You can't purchase grace. But the better you try to become the more the more grace he gets to put your way. So man, just try, Why don't you just try to do better? Look, man, quick tip, mind, I'm gonna start next week. I'm gonna start at the new year. Now. You now't do that every year, you know the embras at the new year. I'm eat better at the new year. I'm I'm gonna gonna get in here and the new year. If you're gonna do it, you're gonna do it now. Man, you're gonna do not stop trying to do something, do it, stop talking about it, do it now. The best way to benefit from his grace is starting action now in old w now, right now today, what you're waiting on. All you're doing is delaying his opportunity to bless you. You know, man, you know, do you know how many times we do that? We delay his opportunity to bless us by not starting now. If you're gonna get healthy, why don't you starting out now? You're gonna trip a little bit called the holidays coming. But you ain't got to eat bad all the time. You could start eating correct today, you could. You could, and then guess what that could be? Some grace on the end of that. I'm just giving you a little cheap analogy. But do you feel what I'm saying to you? Start thinking in terms of grace, what He has done for you and provided for you that you ain't even see coming that you know, you keep calling them blessings and I got that a lot of it, and us all it is. But man, have you thought about the stuff that didn't happen to you? You can't account for I. For me, that's been grace and I'm beneficiary of it. And that's available to everybody that won'ts su Next time you're talking to him, just check in with grace. See what that is. That's that's better than money. You're listening show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You are listening to the bad morning show in the world. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. This show today is dedicated to everybody out there to shake them up on crap tables and gamble. This show is dedicated to call it for red, Yes, hard music. We such the girls out there. She the only one gamblet old Christian Shelley, what excuse you? I want? I was the first one to win, Thank you very much. Wait a minute, Shirley, you gamble, yes, penny she won on yes, tell them how much? I don't know. I just said, twenty five dollars, thank you, thank you very much. Where's the applause? Now? Where's the applause? Now? Yeah? Yeah, I might just spending to win. That's not important, Jay, I was talking about what I want. What was she doing? Dollars? I think it was the dollar slot, Steve dollar slot, twenty five dollars dollars. Well, you know she wanted twenty five dollars. It hit. But as soon as you actually, let's get it right, I actually won twenty seven dollars, Thank you, Shelly. Twenty seven dollars on that's a lot of money at a dollar I think it was. It was a quarter shorters, Yeah, okay, now I'll get a gambling so am I? Baby? Made no sense what you had seen on the dollar slot. Baby, that black seventeen hit three times? Baby, I was disgreement. Ye, cal Yes, Steve back seventeen hit three times, three times, the same dealer spinning that ball, baby, three, How bout how many spins did you see it in the three times? Let me see maybe about thirteen fourteen spins? Yeah, it was nice, baby. I was in that screaming, yes, I'll be up on thirteen. I'm all up anymore. She just wanted to tell us how much she wont how much I want? What? Okay? Seven were talking about? Good? Yeah, Junior, get that light build money? Baby, Yes, how much? How much you spend? I don't know. He's not a game. I'm not. Don't worry. Let me ask my own damn question. But let me the bulls of the wind. Damn. That just sends you to return. That's what I'm trying to do. Yeah, I spent one hundred dollars, y'all was on that same black seven two? Yes, and you had hit for seven honey, Yes, I'll be off today. Yes, yes, it was going down. What we got for thirty something funny. Three comedians in the house. I'm sure you guys will come up with something. We'll be back at thirty two after the hour. That's why I haven't been saying much. You're listening to all right, it is time for something funny. And seventy percent of workers say the thing they love most about the holiday time in the office is time off, followed by getting a bonus. Love was also in the survey. Workers say, right there, let's just address this one at a time, because I see that there's some smiling going on amongst you. Yeah. See two things you can't do. What is get time off, get your same check, get some time off, and get a damn bonus too. And you need to make up your mind what you want the bonus. We need a bonus type effort. Okay, check, So when we give you that, then the bonus is coming. When you give me what? Yeah, when do we know we're working at bonus speeds? Well, first of all, let's just get this straight and understood. Okay, everybody in here get paid. Yeah. Yeah. Hostility though, thank you, that is yeah, we don't need that. They never talk to you. What mold do you want outside? Joe Chick Okay, can I ask a question showcase. The question is this, we are all working right right now, right now? We'll all work, Yes, so we put in a good job. What level do we have to crank this up to to get bonus? That's why you have to crank it up to CEO? What a minute, you are already to CEEO. That position is taken. You got one? Yeah? Can we Well, do you understand what I'm saying? Get your bonus? Abe? Let me read on. I'll go in. The survey workers say they look forward to the office holiday party. Yeah, uh uh, although although they would give that up to get a bonus or more vacation. Back to that bonus. Yea. We stopped Christmas party why because of an incident at the part. I loud to see old or the company to stand up and give us speech. He stood and made the statement that when he prayed, he prayed to himself that stopped all Christmas parties. The room got quiet, And this, folks, is not a joke. This actually happened. He prayed a hoop to myself. That's why that's why you shut that down. I'm scared because you didn't replace it with anything. Though we didn't get our bonus or or more vacation time. He actually cost you all your extra activities. Now did he did he give us a bonus before? Or did you give us one? I can't remember? Okay, na see, okay, But some jobs, some joves give you like turkeys and give out. We give all our turkeys away at Thanksgiving to the less fortunate, right right, which is a great which that makes us less fortunate than the CEO. Well, the reason you don't qualify for a bonus is because all of you have multiple supplemental income. You're causing me. You're not supposed to look at that. Oh what what do you think? He don't know that? I ain't I see one of y'all supposed to look at it? And your concern sir? Yes it is? Yes. See then everywhere I go, I see one of y'all every dog go. I ain't got a gig named the gig I got. I don't see one of y'all. I can't say nothing now, sue suit line about the only one. I ain't gotta go down now. And that's another thing. You won't help with your won't help with your writing, none of these books, but your wonter damn bone. That's how you get a bonus. Get involved with everything. I don't see your help and drive me around. None of y'all go get me nothing to eat, with the exception of Monica. Monica the only one try to help me out at the station. Well, you don't want you don't want men getting your food, so you don't know that one, and I would be happy to cook for you, Okay, I would. We don't want to kill the CEO. So this is where we want to ask everyone does our office? Does the office? Does the CEO and everyone? Do you think they do a good job of bringing holiday cheer to our workplace? No? Not this office. I'm sorry. This is why I jump off. I'm gonna say yeah, because I maybe do a way to ceo go, which y're not about to do. One of my job this survey. Yeah, I'll tell you that much. Yeah, it's great cheering here. Okay, Well what kind of holiday? What kind of holiday related activities do we have? We don't have the party anymore? What else? Even though we have to have a Christmas tree up? Yeah, we have, ah, which has been very helpful. What is that CEO? That's holiday talk? Just a conversation holiday talk. We talked about it's really lightning. Cheer everybody up. We'd be smiling up. Yeah, look sure you that's your bonus. We need a tree with some ornaments on. Tommy. At this point, he should be saying you're welcome. I think, yeah, he should be saying you're welcome for the holiday talk. So Tommy, take some pictures from me this year, because I never get to see these pictures. Take some pictures from me this year, you know, under the tree. Some shots to my phone from under the tree. Coming out next it is the nephew. Yeah, we'll run that prank back right after this. You're listening to show right now, it's time for you, mister Hollywood, to run that brank back. What you got na say. We was talking about Thanksgiving earlier. This is a great run back. Catering mistake, cater mistake. Let's run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Tammy. Please. This is hey, Tammy. This is a Dexter over here, catering. We catered your your aunt bridget. Yeah, that's right, that's right, that's right. How are you doing, Dexter's good to hear from you. Okay, good, good, I'm going through the paperwork here and I know we have an invoice for you all. I wanted to reach out to you. This is not a bad time, is it. No, this is a good time. Okay. So first of all, did everybody enjoy everything that we put out for you guys? Yeah, we had a good old time. My auntie Bridget she was so happy. There was no better way to bring in her sixtieth birthday party. We had a great time. The food was delicious. We are so grateful, so thank you so much. You and your team did a bomb job, A good deal, good deal. I was here when they loaded up the van and everything, and I wanted to make sure. I wanted to follow back up. But listen, I'm looking at the paperwork and um, and we had a little mishap, and I wanted to let you know that we're not going to um, We're not gonna charge you guys for the chicken. Uh, because they made a mistake and they put the wrong pan on the van and they I noticed that the chicken was actually still here. So we want to take off take that off, and I won't that won't be on the on the envoys. So I'm taking all the entire cross. The chicken will be completely taken out. Okay, real quick, let's back up a bit, because we had a lot of people at the party. We definitely had chicken. Yeah, I know you had you ordered some mother chicken. But like I said, the guy put the wrong pan on the on the van, you know, and actually the mother chicken was actually still here, uh you know, here to here at the shop. So you know, like I said, we made a mistake. I'm gonna take it off and that'll probably not your like a couple hundred dollars off coup of you alls price. Like so, so what are you saying? So what were we eating if it wasn't this mother chicken? What was it? Uh? Well, miss, tell me, Like I said, you know, I got on this kid for making this mistake. You know, I got on it real bad about it from you know, putting the wrong pan on there. But like I said, this what you guys had wasn't that was a chicken? What was it though? That's what I'm asking you. What was it actually what he put on there by mistake? Miss? Tell me that was that was rabbid? What you can't be serious right now? Are you out of your rabbits mine? Are you serious your call? No? Tell me? Did your team put the wrong trade on the trucks and then served it to my family? And you're trying to call me about two hundred dollars? Are you serious more than that? You owe me more than that? You don't know who the because allerg today and you're calling me about two hundred dollars? Are you out of your mine? Well? I wanted to credit you all that. You know what I'm saying. No, and there's gonna be no credit. There ain't gonna be no credit. It ain't no credit. Do you mean credit? Richard could have died, Monty could have died, Lucie. Uh, we got kids in there. You don't know our dietary needs? Are you crazy? I mean what you say it though, it don't matter if I liked it, I can fall out to night. Stupid. Oh, I'm getting the attorney. I'm done with this. This is stupid. And who want to eat bugs? Bunny? Does that right to you? So? Are you stupid? I'm so annoyed right now? Seriously, So we know woods people? We no country people with you? Okady? What what? What? What? Y'all liked it? Though, right, No, but you're gonna like my foot up y'all. So that's what you're gonna like. I'm gonna be there or later because y'all so stupid, yat stupid. My fook gonna be up, yo, and y'all gonna be hopping around like a rabbit, the rabbit that you serve me. Oh okay, okay, let me ask you this here now, a miss Avery, is your mama right? What my mama got to do with this rabbit? What's you gotta do with this? Okay? See, your mama got me to call you. This is nephew. Comment from the Steve Harbin Morty showy dam, I mean your mama to break you. I'm so sorry. Oh my god, this is crazy. Oh my god, looking in the morning, this is crazy. You're crazy, y'all are gonna get it? This is crazy? Oh man? All right, Samman, tell me this baby. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show but late Steve Harvey Show. Yes, I'm just so glad I didn't have rabbit. I'm so glad I want a little rabbit. Ya can tell a littlebit o. Little rabbit ain't gonna do you I'm serious. I can't just the knowledge that it's a rabbit. I can't Holiday Comedy Jam coming your way. That's Earthquake, Dandy Brown Kids Junior Space and hosted by yours truly nephew, Timmy. That's the Holiday Comedy Jam. It's Friday, the Send of the twentieth at the met in Philadelphia. That's w D, A S and Live Nation all wrapped up in the one Holiday comedy Jam. I can hit the jingle bells now? All right? Coming up more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go with something funny. Uh, Steve, you want our listeners to know that your staff acts just like the folks at their job. Tell you what, you know. There's a lot of people and listen to this radio show every day, and somehow they think it's a different working environment than there's. You know, they just think, y'all y'all having so much fun over there. They think, well, but let me tell you what. As the CEO, I can tell you for a fact that this radio show is very much like the place you work at every day. They don't know what I'm gonna go down some facts. I'm gonna show you how this radio show it's just like where you work, y'all ready going into the CEO voice, just like your job, jazz, like your job. We got someone here on the radio show who thinks they're smarter than the ball oh man down the job. They don't say who it is, but on this here job, I do, and we have several people who think they're smarter than the boss on this job. First of all, Mississippi Monica think her ass's smarter than everybody in here because she got the two damn degreed. That's for start you calling names. I'm calling names because they don't do that on your job. But I'm blasted. She thinks she's smarter than everybody down here. Now, just like your job, we got someone who thinks they do all the works and everybody else just sitting on there. But don't nobody work like me. I'm the hardest work in here. Isn't all putting fresh on me? That's called that's you. Every time you ask or something you feling here hardy y'all just get your ass ready, man, Yeah this see y'all want me to do the bit here go. Just like on your job. We got somebody here thinks they too good to be here. I'm so good I should be somewhere. I don't know wh I deal with? Yall right, we all know who that is? Yeah, yeah, that's her. Let's just gonna keep on getting mad. That's like on your job. We got somebody here just happy as here. What happened? They just happy? Now. I'm not gonna say who it is, can't damn it is Julia Junior, just happy to be here. He don't give a damn. I'm your man. Let go on. Yeah, like somebody on your job, we got somebody work here that just by talking to you think they come from raw it sis of entitlement. They way mold than they really are. Y'all got somebody like that on your job? Job? We got his ass here to come. His name is Thomas or Matthew, Thommys or Thomas my On. What damn rang? He come in here here? Just like on your job, man, we got somebody here that hate every day, just hate, hate, hate, hate. Head. I ain't gonna say the only thing he liked it white women. Need I say more? Show ye? Just like your job, they all talk about the boss behind and I'm not gonna say who it is, but the biggest ones that talk about me behind my back. It's the three musket that's Shell and Tommy that called, or they gonna dinner or they be on trip. Sit next, leading right. There's about coach tom to get the middle seat. They don't even ask her extra leg Tommy in the middle, talk about my call, Tommy buying him food, all the food, and drank on Tommy. That's how job worked down, Like job job miss oh my God depends on Boston released it all missing. Monica showed and thinks she was gonna be genius sitting over there, all right, coming up next, I know, right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Jake, explain this next bit to explain exploitation movies. They used to get some phrase is in need his movies that they don't use anymore. And I said, bring them back, bring them back, find someplace to put them. You really want them back, bring them. They were great phrases. College, They were great phrases. You understood what was going on when you heard the So you think it'll work in today's movie. Yes, yes, Like an example, Power, wouldn't you like to see you on Power? They said, oh, job, Turkey, Yes, turkey, look ahere you job Turkey. You suck like Empire, Empire. You're going down, pump, You're going down Lucius line. You're going down right on that. You got one. I know, okay, like Ray Donovan, one of my favorites. You know we all love Ray Donovan. The man and the man is holding me back. I like that that they ever find out who the man man man holding me back? Like that Real Housewives of Atlanta, Nini telling Candy. You say it's hard, it never went away. Give me some skin. But I gotta say I would like to see that on La Law. That was right good on La Give me some skin. It's cool to say, oh man, that's a bad man. That's a bad Like I'm dancing with the stars. If somebody gets a low score, I'm one of the judges. It's alright, sugar, it's alright, Sugar, work right on, right on with the right one. I think we can make these works. I think they could. Another another man I gotta do it called my brother because they never went favorite man? What's uping man? How you doing? You did everything? Everything? What's cope? Steady everything? Steady? Chilling about chilling Michael Villain. I can't call it because I might spoil it. Why sound like we all in? I don't know. My favorite one is still the ghost. Jab Turkey on Power, rang Man on Greenley, don't move, suck up? Don't I love that shows? My show? You old fish at food? No you didn't, Oh Jay, you should fish your life young big Oh yeah, yeah, you're listening to show. All right, Steve, This now time for comedy roulette. You guys ready, let's go. All right, let's all right. Here's the subject. Number one, I ain't superstitious, but uh Number number two, dang is it? That's his mama? Number three? Number three things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape. And number four dang, she used to be blank and she's let herself go. All right, let's spin it right, Yeah, lots one, it looks like it's gunn stop on the mon No it stop. The three things you say to yourself when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape. Yeah, yourself. You say yourself, yourself when you look in the mirror, when you look in the mirrror and you know you're out of shape, you're ready. Here you go. Oh man, I got nine chins. This is ridiculous. Not nine. Yeah, that's a lot. Okay things you said yourself. You look in the mirror, you out of shape? Oh man, I've been a false se around barbecue. Bes ain't rob me that with seasoning on the grid on wh what where's my neighbor? I don't even where. Where am I missing a neighbor? I know it's hill just in here somewhere, Steve Harvey, let's go this this moment, My god, what have I done? I like it? I like it so serious. But it's a serious moment, naked. Yeah, man, look at yourself. Father that whatever. I've had those moments. So yeah, Jake, didn't you say to yourself when you know you what is it when you look in the mirror and you're out of shape? Yeah, I'm not going to this cleaners anymore because they are shrinking. My damn, I know they are. I know they're shrinking much. Yeah, you have to shave beer. You need to build your confidence up. Let's say something like that she like it though she likes things you say to yourself. Okay, uh oh she and that way don't mean. Ain't no way I'm having sex without this shirt on. I'd be damn, I'm gonna tie this and and not. I'm telling you this can't come up just a shirt though the shirt can't come up. I'm but nicked with a shirt on. I'm just telling all right, se being stating yourself. You're standing that net in the mirror. Oh hell no, here go to soap, little piece of shower you find it, alright, alright, I think we have time for one more round? Yeah, all right? Why am I weason? Just because I got out the shower. That don't make no exhausted. I'm tired, clean clean. So here's things you say right here, you put your drawers on, you say I'm wearing thongs. Now that's what it ended up being. Yeah, I'm how do I do like po? How much? How much I gotta? All? You got one more? Let's go? He'll rick Ross cool with it? And how did he? Rulette? Thank you? St you're listening to string show, all right, listen coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. We'll have the strawberry letter for today. But up next, nephew, Tommy's right here, before the prank, before the prank, before we left the last break. Shirley, you see it speaking of time? Was you saying when he said you see it? Why? Strange looking? Shirley said, speaking of Tommy. See now when you're saying, speaking the time, are you speaking Tommy? He's up next with the prank phone call. It's called emotion. I'm ugly to you, Yes, I'm talking to shirt. No, tom ain't. No, you're not ugly. But she didn't say it didn't look strange though, but but for surely. But he's strange looking though. No he's not, Tommy, No, he's not. He's not what He's not strange looking. He's a normal looking, handsome young man. You mean, lord, Tommy ain't handsome? Quit telling his boy that we don't have handsome men and family handsome tom thinks he is. Okay, I don't want to shatter that man, Tommy think he tall? Tommy, thank you, Tommy, thank he But he got it there, yeah, and now you think it. No, and if he accepted he had fun with it. But see I keep telling you're just trying to hurt his feelings, right, Shirley hurt him played? You played a strange My pranks are nice. Strange. Listen, the name of the title it is is you got to bring those TVs back? Hello? Hello, how are you? I'm trying to reach a Sharon Police. My name is Paul Paula. I'm head of security here. How are you? This is yeah? You, um, you actually came out and you I think you were here on uh Friday, uh and you came out and purchased four flat screen televisions forty forty two inches? Am I correct? Yeah? But what kind of fun? What I was giving you a call for, Sharon, is that we got a bit of a problem. Now when you purchase these actual flat screen televisions on on Black Friday, so to speak, it seems that we've got them. Um, well, your your purchase went through successfully, I will admit that, but there should have been a red flag that have gone off because we're going back over transactions of the past two three days here and we're realizing that your purchase should not have been successful. It should have been for your credit card is actually not valid at all. Now now my credit card because oh, we got paid on Wednesday, so my money was there. Well, actually, ma'am, I'm what I'm trying to explain to you is that it is coming up in valid now and we're having a problem with it. So I wanted to reach out to you and give you a call and see if we could probably. You know, it was It was valid when I was at their Ratis because it went through I gotta receipt everything impured to that extended warranty on all FAUM, so it was valid on Friday. I don't know what's wrong with it today, but it was good then, and I understand that. I understand that that, you know, just being at the register and you're purchasing in and no problems at all happening. That's pretty much the thought process that you're going to have. What I'm letting you know is on the on the back part of it when you came into the store. What we're getting the day the day after is that it was pretty much invalid. It wasn't good at all. Your credit card was not good at all. But you need to call your bank then, because I don't know what to tell you. You know, I had the money in there the day I went about them, and that's it for me. So I don't know who you need to call, but don't call me because you know they ain't been in my problem. Okay, you know what, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna raise this to be a major problem. We're gonna try to rectify it and get it taken care of. Yeah, do what you need to do. Okay, listen, now here's what we're gonna do. You know what. I wanted to try to work this out as smoothly as we can. What I'm gonna have to ask you to do. Can I get you to come back up to the store and bring all four televisions with you? Oh no, now you sure can't. Baby. Look I bought them for TVs. I have read one of them up this under the tree from my hus my mama early. She already got the other TV. We hunted up at home, Sary. We was watching movies, so it didn't really ain't no way was gonna bring the folk TVs back. I think you should go back to Wealth process your credit cards and tell them that they that I don't know what you're gonna tell them, but you need to go back to them. I ain't got time to be running back and forth to this story. I don't want to. I don't want us to create a problem here. I don't want to do that happen that you need to lower your voice. Okay, but you need to go back to wherever. Do your credit cards because it went through when I was at the stoke. Correct. I don't want to it ain't going over. That's a no. I told you that it went through. I explained it. You ain't got no business on my damn phone. They don't call me with this bull no mouth hold on, just an what I don't want to have to do. I don't want to have to come out to your home and confrosate you. I wish you would come out to my house. Maybe we will beat you into bad health. You're bad. I bring y'all over here. Look, you need to call you whatever. Do your credit cards, get your prey with them, because your business with me is done. I gotta receipt and I got any sticking towards. I would have my lord to tell y'all you bring your over here there that listen, lady, I don't want to go back and forth with you on this and that you ain't going back and forth. It's over with. I've got the TVs. I got a receipt. We is done. I don't know what's wrong with your machine. Listen to my car went s. I'm trying to get her to understand. I understand what I'm saying. You can hang on one second and let me speak with my boss. Please boss on the phone. I tell yo boss, y'all, don't run me back. I got a receipt for fail TVs and I'm gonna keep all faul TVs. Listen, you know this is pretty much considered a theft process. Listen, he kissing. Listen to me. Pis that I got a red feet for Faul TVs. I won't out to sow my receipt. I got my extended wars. So this ain't no sol. What this is is a miscommunication between y'all banks. So you need to get y'all because I got a prepaid get the card, baby, I don't owe nobody on them TVs. You need to call YO back and get them about my phone, because they don't. You some TVs from a store, and damnag, you're gonna bring them back. You think you can come get them and get damn. I got fol TV Yo machine game coming and I'm gonna keep them. We're gonna wattle game. Oh Yo TVs bring Yo over here, you walk too. We are most fill with yo. So you call me by no TVs, no mote. So you're the one ain't gonna have no job for the holiday. Just what you're done. Don't call me what you're gonna give? No for using bad credit card at department stores. I don't get your call? Then, do you understand? Man? So that's Joe call me. You put the folk TVs back, then, Joe, uncle Tom try the white man for his TV. You better get your business or summer detail shopper. Start to raft labor, get them so worst fun and white folks don't come code fronting me by the teo about to get this. Listen you listen to me. I got one more thing I need to say to you, damn to scare me. Are you listening to me? What do you want? This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Nobody's nephew. Come up, We're back the damn TV. This is Nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got planked by your girlfriend. Wait a mine way mate, This is who Now? This is nephew Timmy baby from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got frank by your your girlfriend. Tell me you almost got your Steve just set me up. I'm gonna Steve. You ain't good now he ties his Why you cannot play with people like this? Oh? Man, I got one more thing to ask you, baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land. Oh that's Steve Harvey Morning Show. That is right there. Stupid is all get out. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right now, guys, it is time for the Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationship, dating, work, or sex, parenting and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter and we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like this one, Tommy, I write. My letter is fugle hold on tight. We got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you. Subject I can't call her husband daddy. Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a twenty eight year old female and I have a fifty seven year old male mentor that I work with. He has given me great advice and helped me through some obstacles in my life. This is the first man that has ever treated me with fact and did not try to sleep with me. He is like a father figure to me, and I call myself his play daughter. The only problem is his wife. He knew that I did not have the only problem is his wife. He knew that I did not have any plans for Thanksgiving dinner, so he invited me to his home. He never talked much about his wife, but I figured she would be just as sweet as he is. I took a bottle of moscato with me as a thank you for the dinner invitation. His wife greeted me and she was polite, but not very talkative. She was finishing up dinner while my play dad and I had a glass of wine and watched the game in the din. I must have given off the wrong vibes because his wife seemed to get irritated with me quickly. It didn't help that I had on a crop top and leggings and they were dressed nicely. The next thing I knew, his wife stormed into the din and started going off. She started with what is this playdoor to mess? It went downhill from there. My play dad did not defend me. Instead, he fixed me a to go plate and asked me to leave. I was shocked and hurt, and I can't believe he let her go off on us like that. I think she owes me an apology. Now he's been distant at work and I don't know what to say to him. I hope that we can still have a cool relationship. Stephen Shirley, how should I handle this? All? Right? Now? Listen? I know you're young, You're only twenty eight years old, but really, though you know the letter you wrote made you sound pretty innocent and sincere in the fact that you feel he's a play dad to you. I'm gonna give you the benefit of the of the doubt for that, but you're going about this in the entire wrong way. Okay, you don't go to another woman's house dressed like that, a crop top and leggings. I mean it was dinner, come on, and not just any dinner. This was Thanksgiving dinner. People usually dress up, you know, if they invite you out, you look presentable. Haven't you heard the saying first Impressions or lasting and all of that. What was his wife supposed to think? Which you looking like that? I mean, as my mother would say, fanning around her husband. And then you go into the din with him to watch the game, just the two of you. No, no, well, why weren't you in the kitchen with her, you know, at least trying to help her out? Why didn't you offer even if she said no, you stay with her, you know, And what she did is what a lot of wives would have done, quite frankly in this situation, because it just doesn't look right. You guys in the din watching the game while she she owes you nothing. She doesn't owe you an apology. You're not going to get one, so stop looking for that. And you can believe he got an earful after you left about who are you? What's his play daughter? Mess? I bet you are playing with her? You all of that, playing around all of that. That's why he's been distant at work. Okay, And he will probably say that way, uh, if he knows what's good for him. So for your sake, I hope this was a lesson learned about you know, how to act around someone's wife. Okay, Steve, Okay, Shirley. Everything you said ist as a matter of fact. You told her the correct way to behave you gave her some good advice clothing wise. Where this said, all right, come on, now, let's just go and tell the truth. This old ass, out of shape woman jealous insecure you over here with the leggings she can't find. No leggings that she can't well that look like the ones you had, She can't find it. You know about your ass over here on Thanksgiving? He like a father figure to you. He fifty seven, she probably the same age, a little lot of shape. Ain't what she was mad about it? So now he invited you to his home. He ain't said nothing about his wife. Most men don't bring up crazy people. Yeah, we don't go man and show enjoyed talking to you, because this helper I live with he would never say that, but I figured she would be just as sweet as he was. I took a lobott of moscatto with me to took a botta moscatto with me as a thank you for the dinner invitation. Now let me explain something to you. Hood people ain't really up on moscatto. You had to take something else. Morgan David Man of Shiv and the Greens. Harvey's Bristol Creek, Yeah, something like that. Yeah, some Harvey Bristol cream cold up. Yeah, it takes some spanyarding. That spanyard. You had to take something that's really cooling, something where she would go O wine in the box. You know, you over there with your little uppity cute ass talking about some bottle of muscato. Don't nobody in here drake mosquito? Stupid? We never had no mosquito before. What she gotta be that from gonna bring a bottle of mosquito with these tight ass pants on. I can't get a mosquito between them pants and your ass either. Hang on a right come back from Pert two. I think at twenty three after the hour, the subject is I can't call her husband daddy right after this. You're listening, all right? Come on, Steve, Let's recap today's Strawberry letter. Subject attitude. This letter is about nasty attitude from a certain woman. And I'm just trying to draw attention to what I think this attitude. Young girl still got it going on, still still sitting up old and lady at the house. Everything to fail, So don't get mad at me because I'm in here giving you another angle. This is an angle of a strawberry letter that I'm doing. My mama was a full figured woman, so that ain't what this is about. I love my mama before I loved anybody. This is about this evil he for right here because this lady thought that he was gonna be sweet jest like her play daddy chief in the be your play mama here. The only problem his wife had in fighted y'all the Thanksgiving dinner he did because he never talked about his wife, because he's scared of them. He lived fifth. Why would you bring that up? Why is he afraid of his Wife's called something wrong with him. She's been sliding off as the years go back. She's only fifty seven. Seed. You've seen some fifty seven year olds, and look eighty. You seen a lot of fifty seven year olds, Look seventy. I think that's the case. I took a battle of moscato over there. That's way too bushehood people here. She come in here with this bottle of mosquito, Scott, moscato. Ain't nobody bought you no damn bottle of mosquitos? She thinking all the wine. She could have had any green bawl the coat, could have bought a foty of Mickey's All up and you can set up here, and bought this cheap musquito. His wife greeted me. She was polite, but not very talkative. She was finishing up dinner while my play Dann and I had a glass of wine and watched the game. And it did you know, we don't watch the game to after we eat. And you have got a glass of wine and that watching the game. She adn't that finishing up dinner. She was sitting there at the table eating another plate. This is my husband, herman know I had three servings, three servings. Now he didn't took your skin ass in there watching the damn game. Leggings and she leggings and a crop top. Tell me where her belly was out. She's sitting up in there and got a housecoat on from Walmart. Than yeah, that you just slide over your head. It's a one piece. Sometimes it's a tent. Now you're not sitting up with your play. Dad had a glass of wine watching the game in the den, just the two of them. But they ended then they weren't in the bedroom. They ended damn den. Then she said I must have given off the wrong vibe them tight an pass you damn right, because she's sitting over there with a pair of dockers on looking jet light leggings. I she said they were dressed nicely. She said, I had on a crop topping leggings and they were dressed nicely. Okay, Because his wife seemed to get irritated with me quickly. It didn't help that I had on a crop top and some leggings. They were dressed nicely. Thing I know. She started to the den and going off. She stayed with what is this play? Daughter? Mess? Yes, she didn't, and it went down What is this play? Daughter? Sugar Honey? Iced team sugar honey, iced tea. You ain't no damn played daughter sitting up in there with your own ass playing. It went downhill from there, your play. Dad did not defend me. He can't can't take her for you in her house Tilda and came up in here, raising hell, what's her name? Tilda? Tilda Tilling came in here, damn. Then then instead he fixed me to go play and ask me to leave right there. I told you the food with Finnish. He didn't got some fall and made her playing baby, baby, you're gonna gonna go now. I was shocked and hurt because she invited her to dinner. Man, everybody take it to go plate something to remember the date by. I was shocked and hurt and can't believe he let her go off on on on us like that. Wait a minute, no, no, it was you. He can't stop at What you cannot do is defending another woman to your wife. I think she owes me an apology, and where you think she's gonna give you this apology because you're betting I take your heads back over there, because all this was was a warning shot. You just sat that long enough you'd been you'd have been on the news. You'd have been on the ten o'clock news that night. This is Houston letter right here. Now. He'd been distant at work, told you he was scared of him, And I don't know what to say to him. You can't say nothing to him. I hope we can still have a cool relationship. That's over you, Stephen Sherley, How should I handle this handling like it's over? Let me tell you you better not take your ass back over there like a crop top and leggings. For sure, you can go over there in the choir room. We get that same ass and some doctors immediately right now, don't go back over the time about she owe you an apology. She ain't finn apologize. I've very rarely ever seen old black people apologize in their house. Now, my mama got mad and my daddy one time said slick telling tell her you sigh, I ain't telling the sugar sugarhunt she want to hear apology. You can gonna say two damns, but I ain't finishing. Look, we gotta get out of here. Steve, how you asked me? No sugar hunting? Like? Please email us or instag got us your thoughts on today? You won't. That's Steve Harvey FM. You're listening Steve Morning Show. Coming up? Something funny from Junior. Truth be told. Come on, Junior. I don't know who these people are and where it comes from. But on Saturday, Yeah, why do you call it any human being? Before eight o'clock? What do we have to talk about at seven to fifteen am? There's nothing I want to talk. Like my boy called me at seven come out what you're doing? Dog is sad. I'm trying to sleep, yea all trying to do well here. The thing about it is like he said, dog, did you see? I ain't seen nothing? Seventh fifteen? Love deep, people need to go. I'm talking. Just don't jump off in dread. The phone shouldn't even be allowed to work, but foe until after eight, after ten, it won't ring shit. Well, I'm just what made you get up pick your phone up saying damn you know who I ain't called? Let me call him right now? And what time? At seven fifteen? First of all, I ain't formulate a thought, and then you're another brown man talking to another brow man as I lay in bed. Really, this is not comfortable. I'm not comfortable when you heard me saying hello, Hello, you gonna fall dog? Guess what what at seven fifteen? What? Why am I guessing? I ain't got no shirt on right now? No, I ain't got no shirt on? You sleep? What shirt? I'm just asking, however I sleep, It ain't none of your fifteen I'm just something comfortable with the conversation, That's all I'm saying. Okay, yash, just just just find something else that. Don't call people no more? Okay, that's all. I just want to say, what's the earliest you can take ten thirty, seven fifteen on the same Yeah, ten thirty. I want to get up, have my coffee, enjoy my morning. What do you call me at seven fifteen? I ain't got no shirt all you talk about getting what? This is uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable you laying horizon talking to another man, except don't I got I got I got one leg in the bed, one leg out the be Yes, what man? That's all I want to say. Just stop calling me ten thirty, ten thirty earlier. Don't call it You'll be upset. Yeah, and the person I'm talking about it is Jake want y'all know wow, Just won't try. You know we agreed not to bring that up. We agree to agree that same time we agreed that you would not both for y'all. Come on, I think you agree with both of y'all. Both y'all sick ass niece, some women lady something to do, y'all waking up by y'all shirt on you? Why is ll y'all issues ain't even real? I mean that fault? We agree? All right? Thank you? Ju here we get it now. You're listening to show. All right, So Steve, here's a question for you. Since you're the CLO, the chief love officer. All right, how long do you think it takes before couples, you know, have the talk about how to label their relationship? And I'm asking you that because a new study, this is according to a new study, uh, it says that it takes on average six weeks to have what, um, you know, what we are talking and to label the relationship. Well, you know when you have to talk about your relationship and putting labels on where are we going? Where? You know, what are we doing? You know, what are we doing? Should have it at is a restaurant? No? No, no, no no, I said, you know, like when when and the what time in the relationship should we have it? I think ninety days? Okay, I think for a woman's sake, I think a woman has to get a determination, get some type of idea of where this is going. Okay, when she finds that out, just give it up because that's ninety days. Well, you know you don't have to do it as a guy a minium mighty, don't mean give it up, but go ahead, but you know, um, ninety days. You should have an idea where it's going. You have every right to know and ask a man what it is its head. Okay, another question, Steve, how should they bring it up? How should you broach that subjectin no damn text messages for you know? You know, if a woman is curious about what the relationship is, she got to bring it up. If a man wants it to find it, he needs to bring it. But and how should they do that? That was my original? Hey, where we're going? Just right out with it? I said, I where we're going? What is all this? What we're doing? In that tone? No, but that's the man, because that can't be the woman. Well, hello, wait, surely don't rush pass that. Wait, basement could be I'm just asking too, though, Steve, don't you think that? I don't know for women sometimes they might feel it's kind of awkward or they don't know how to do that, to just come right out with it and say, Hey, where we going with this relationship? What are we? Yeah? That you just saying come right on out with it? Well, I mean, you know it's you could try to like round about So can I ask you a question? Yeah, my girlfriends are starting to ask me what type of relationship is this? What should I say? Okay? You know what should I be saying to people? And let him give you an day? Yeah that's what that's now, that's what I wanted to know. Yeah, how that's what I figured to me. But that's good, clo, that's good. So wait like ninety days to even bring up the talk and kind of ease into it. You're saying, kind of ease into it, right, ninety days, ladies, you have every right to be able to say, okay, so what do we have? Especially if ninety days you start passing out that cookie. There's no reason for you to pass out the cookie and not understand what it is. Okay, you know, if we if we're in a committed relationship, you should know that. I'd want to know that before I passed out the cookie. Yeah, right? Is this a monogamous relationship? Are we committed? Exclusive? Are we exclusive? What is it? I need to know? Okay? You know that makes sense, don't Oh? Yes, yes, yes? And then you say when you want to bring the subject up, you kind of ease into it, you know, just slide it to him, you know what I mean? Hey, look, now we've been dating for a while, and my girlfriends and co workers are starting to ask me what is this we have? So, I mean, how would you like for me to address you or describe you what I'm talking to other people, you know, kind of put it on them a little bit. Yeah, and what and what should the woman say if the man asked her? Or will a man ask her that question? Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, of course dudes they want to know. And what should the woman say? You know the truth? I mean, you know, a guy could say, hey, baby, look we've been at this for a little while. Are we exclusive or no? And then if it's exclusive, you gotta tell him yes. And if it's not thing, you just got to say, hey, no, it's not really exclude. I'm seeing some other people. Okay, all right, well, thank you exactly, Thank you. See Elo, We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening, all right, So say this segment it's called old school nicknames. You don't want to hear anymore. We all know some aunties and some aunts, uncles and some old school names. If you know them, they out there. But he's some we got some old school name we know like the name if you got one of the guys like the name sister, people who named their kids back in the day. I was gonna nor my name, sister. What's your name? My name is sister. Shister pronounced sisters, old school name my comedians had. A sister is also related to brother. One of you got the old school names that were yours when you was a baby. They still try to call you that, like bring your girl over to the house, family Union. They still referring to you as little Pepe everyone everybody, big, big P, nowp who you got with you? Yeah? God? Then your uncle he drunk? Why why you don't we call the boy a little people in front of down? He ain't got enough issues? Go ahead, baby, ain't ain't nobody You'll be coming up. It's more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at thirty three after the hour. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, So you have a major announcement about twenty twenty soul made announced Smith. Soul is a deal. Being the traveler that I am and being as knowledgeable as I've become over the years, that God has given me an opportunity to see some wonderful places around the world. My wife and I and some of my family members, but mostly my wife and I. We've been doing this Saying It Soul. Now, listen to this, everybody. It's what I want you to know, because I want to talk to you about the Saying Soul Festival twenty twenty. Huh. I've been putting on this festival. A lot of comedies, some concerts, empowerment, relaxation at luxury all inclusive resorts. I'm doing it now for the past three years and it just keeps getting better and better. Now. We just hosted this last year's event and it was absolutely off the chain. Now, me and Marjorie was out on the dance floor with y'all, my girls out there in the pool with Lisa Ray I heard about that that was not playing. They ended up hosting the pool party out there, but y'all was clowning out there in that audience on the Showtime a Deal Apollo Night, and we just had a lot of fun. Man. Man. I saw some old friends. I actually bought down up some catches I went to college with. Man. I had a real up man man. I just had a good time, y'all. So, and what I want y'all to do. Go over to my Instagram and my Facebook page, and I want you to check out the video that you can see what I'm talking about that I'm releasing from this year's event. But now next year, we are all doing all of this, but we are going to add a couple of things due to popular demand. And we listen to our audience. They've been loyal and so they told us what they want. So we've been doing some thinking and we moved in and we shift some stuff around. We're adding all new, sexy, all white, dinner on the beach with live music, and then this year I've added toy. I've watched my clientele. I said, man, you know, don't be slick. We love Spades, we love dominoes. I said, dog Gonis Steve. While we down that clown and when they get nightfall, we're gonna have us a Spade bid with in domino tournament with cash prize. Oh man, We're just gonna sit down and do what we do. Margie's gonna have an exclusive designed items at her Beauty Ball. It's about to go down. But now I want to let y'all know something. We got the dates and the location already secured for twenty twenty, so you can start planning early. The twenty twenty Saying It Soul Festival's headed to the Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Poota Kanna in Poota Khanna, man for the Labor Day holiday September three through the seventh. Only thing changes the dates. We are going to the luxurious Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Puna Khanna. It's just we decided to go back. We've listened to our customers. We were well aware. Everything has been rectified. Tourism Board is happy about it. All right, listen to me, everybody. Right now you can call us one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five. That's one eight hundred six eight four twenty eight twenty five to listen to this. We are running our early bird special right now through Christmas. You can secure your spot, so call us. This is a bomb diggity Christmas gift. Now you want to give this Christmas gift to somebody under the tree and tell them we're going to the Saying the Soul Punta Kana. Give the gift of Saying the Soul for the holidays, all right, Steve thank you. Coming up, last break of the day on this Friday. It's been a good day, it's been a good week. We'll be back with Steve and his closing remarks right after this at forty nine after the hour you're listening show. All right, Steve, we've come to the end of the road for this week. This is our last break of the day on this Friday. Leave us with some closing remarks. Please, you know something, man, I'm not gonna take long to tell you this, but what's the old say that the grass is always greener on the other side. So when you hear that, what they're saying is almost like a warning to people be careful because it always appears that the grass is greener on the other side. And so many people spending their life standing at the fence looking at somebody else's grass and then acknowledging the fact that they grass is greener. It causes you to do nothing about your own yard. And then some people have the audacity, and you see it on the internet all the time that if they look over there and your grass is greener, they try to kill the grass or throw some weeds in it. But you know what I come away with I don't worry about that, because here's what I know. I'm too busy working on my own grass to notice if yours is greener. That's really the truth. I'm really so busy working on my own grass that I don't have time to notice if yours is greener. Because if it is greener, let's suppose your grass is greener, why can't mind be just as green. I ain't saying we're gonna have the same yard. We're just talking about the color of the grass that's in your yard. You don't have to have the same size house I got. You ain't got to have the same size house Ed ain't got. You ain't got to have the same size house Oprah got. You ain't gonna have the same size yard they got. But if you take care of your business, you can and have grass just as green as everybody else. If you just handle your business. The gold in life is to get your grass to be as green as it can. So when you go outside to pick your crops, it got some fruit to bath. And God will always supply your needs. So even though it may look like somebody got made more fruit and they orchard, let me tell you something. If you can't if you got an orchard full of apple tree, a thousand apple trees, and I got one apple tree in my yard, but you got a thousand apple trees in your yard. When it's time to need, how many apples can you eat? Let's say you eat apple six apples, that make you fool. My one tree got six apples on it, so we both fool. See at one point in time, you're gonna have to get content with where you are in your process of the journey. Stop looking at everybody grass, Stop looking at everybody orchard. They grass greener than mind, They got more apple trees than mind. Hey man, eat apples off your tree. You might find out that you have enough. But if you could wear and counting mind, you're gonna mess around and let worms get on yours. I'm too busy working on my own grass to even notice that your grass is greener. Change your commitment to everybody else and from everybody else's business, Change your commitment to your business. If you the time you spend worried about them, looking at them, talking about them, if you took that same amount of time and spend it on yourself, you have any idea what you could accomplish. That's why haters man in so much trouble. Man, you don't even understand. Let people hate all they want. They tending to too many other people's business. Don't get in the hate business. It serves nobody. And that's another thing. Somebody asked me how to I deal with my haters. I keep all my haters in my classroom. I just got them watching me because that's all they can do. They can't stop nothing God has for me. They can't take away one blessing God gives me. They can't do nothing to me. You can't bring no harm on me that I won't be able to survive. I'm not saying that it don't bother me sometime. I don't. I'm not saying that people don't attack me sometime. But when you get through attacking me, I'm a weather you'll storm. I'm Isaiah forty three one and two. I can walk through the rivers and not be overturned. The waters will not overtake me. I can walk through the fire and not be burned, nor were kindling set upon my clothing. I haven't been through some fiery situations and came out on the other side. And if that was no kindling. There was no signs that I was even in a fire. Now, understand something, but that scripture does not say that when you walk through the fire that it ain't gonna be ungodly hot day. Now, It's been plenty hot for me on plenty of days, many occasions. Oh, I'd have made some mistakes in front of the world before I didn't. Had to deal with some stuff. But when I got through what no signs that I was ever in a fire. That's the God, I said. I have no concern about what people say they're gonna do to me. I have no concern about how green your grass is. On the other side, I have no concern about how many apple trees in your orchard. I'm too busy tending to my own grass to even notice that yours is greener. And if I do look over that, congratulations on your beautiful green, I'm getting mine there too. That's all it is. Fix your attitude, change your attitude, you'll change your altitude. Those are my closing remarks. Surely drop the MIC's that was good. That was good. Yeah, take it home for I have a great weekend for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Morning Show.