Valerie Jarrett takes the high road with Roseanne. Jaime Foxx will host The BET Awards. Kim Kardashian uses her voice in The White House. The Pastors pray for Cleveland and a clean sweep. Steve sets the record straight regarding our very own Junior and the loss of his best friend Bryan Cooke. Las Vegas have the odds against Cavaliers. Steve talks about dreams in his Closing Remarks and more!
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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all bat all suit looking back to back down, giving them just like themaking buck bus things and it's cub y'all do me true good to tea. Steve Hardy listening to me to other for still farther quick to listen, Moby, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well hobby joining being men say you gotta turn on hurting them go, yeah, very close. You gotta turn. Won't the turn the turn? You lovey got the turn out to turn the water the water go? Come come on your back at it? Uh huh, I sure will a good hearted everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that I'm telling you? God been big in my life. God God is a gentleman. You know. I wanna I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know, if you say you got it, I don't need you, he lets you have it. If you say I need you come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing, man. So I always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have, I man, see that. That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. But I've been, I've been. I've had some low moments. Man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next. I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes some when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it will be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope it's the beginning of faith. Hope's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me, that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued, things could turn around, it could head in the other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever earned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mom used to say, when you get real dog for your son, prayer changes things. She said, when you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prayer changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more, and you just don't know what to do next, She said, stop suh, pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray just hoping, she's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She said, that's when you're on to something. Them If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, that's that that's the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though, the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see see hoping a little bit different from me, not, I'm pretty sure. Like I say, oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, hope it's just kind of I don't know how to I don't know how to say it. But I'm just telling you, hope is you you're just hoping it work out right. You just have a thought in your mind that you know, Man, wherever you are, whoever you are, whatever you are to me God, I show hope something change hope helps. Man, If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence, and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now ain't just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing it's something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? Uh? And then they started going down This whole list of all these different religions is out here. But really an essence, Man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? How much do you believe in the things you can't see? How much do you believe in the impossible? How much do you believe see? Because faith is the belief in things that you cannot see. Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice, See, it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money and now, man, that ain't it. It's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and not get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know, this is this is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody called me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity, you know something. Somebody say, hey, man, I don't know, but I sent this to you. I thought you might be interested in it. Somebody has sent me a scripture, or somebody send me something that's favor, and it always comes at a time when I need it the most. That's favor that's pouring out blessings. Now I'm also the recipient of a lot of other blessings too. You know, I've been blessed with health. That amazing blessing. Man, I've been blessing. I've been blessed with a spirit of not quitting. I've been blessed with the ability to shoulder huge amounts of responsibility. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for Him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on? Why why would you not change? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life? God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening to show, ladies, gentlemen, boys and girls. This is a Steve Harvey morning show. Let's just get it started. Good morning, Shirley, Hey, good morning Steve calling for real. Good morning crew. Uh, juniors out, Uh let's talk to well Hell. The food tonight is your man y'all. Let us all joined together in a united prayer. Somehow, it's always good to pray. I'm glad that we would somehow, fine, let me get some more good. I'm so happy we're starting the morning off with a prayer. That's excellent. Fifer Rose, thank you, that's good. I'm I'm not gonna say it against siser Row. Didn't you hear it? Hold down and they put it. You don't have to put a rope on the play. He wants to look good and official. We o, this is so good. Let us pray your gracious almighty deliveral of good things. We come to you, yes, with heavy hearts and in earnest proyer right that if you would, in your infinite wisdom, And I said, in your infinite wisdom, somehow touch Lebron James and the Cavaliers. Now wait, wait a minute, somehow, old oh lord m hmm, somehow give us victory, or basketball player, somehow give us a win. Come on, somehow let the Cavaliers overcome Golden State of Warriors. I need you not right now, right as if, and I have never needed you before. We need you tonight in order for the Cavaliers. The wind that's gonna take off miracle. It's gonna take up miracle, a miracle to get past the renting them light skinned boys. I don't know how you joined them together in the first place without clearing it with the rest of us. But oh loon, won't you please help me give the camel leaves a victor. A matter of fact, we prayed for a sweet Lord. We from that way. My heart ain't got to suffer like I'm praying and watching it go down. Can you wrap it up? Sorry? I hate to say it like that, because it's a prayer. Arrest past prayer. Half we got to come back. You already noticed prayer coming back. We'll be back with more praying right after this at thirty two, after you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. You left off with a prayer. We left off asking, oh break run. I can't pray two two sweep Golden State. That's a night. I'm still with you, but that's a light now. The layers can do it though. I'm asking for that because my heart can't take five games, six game or seven. I need a falling out and I don't need it to be to Cavin Les. That's out I don't really know how this God go mm hmmm. I personally was so pulling for Houston. Let's gold rockets. There's gold Rockets. I tried everything. They they are in a place called Lake Leverston. They fishing that they asked missed twenty seven straight threecap? Why would you not go take her two? I thought we were praying for your team. I'm surprised a basketball prayer period. They have sports over, Thank you God, Oh my bad, come on past that. We listen to ministers, but they're actually playing. No, it's over sister calling. Oh you're done, okay, amen? Amen, Amen, come on Lebron. Yeah, so what's your thanks? Steve? Really tonight? I mean, I don't know how they can beat Cold. Instead, it would these new players that Lebron got would have to play out. They tail and I don't know. We need a great grand game out agree, we need love get this a little herd ass back. M hmm. Well, I'm pulling. I want to see him do it. I think they can do it. Lebron played the whole game. They gainst Boston eight minutes. They didn't think. They didn't think Boston was gonna lose. Lebron came and then did it. I mean, yeah, it could be done. They didn't had Kevin Durant though, Boston. I'm just saying, I'm just an observation. Yeah, no fade, but fading though. Fai no faith and paid for what he gets. I don't know he he Hitn't it too? Excuse me, Steve as a Rockets fan that just threw the shade major Lea. But I'm pulling for Lebron. Let's go. I love Lebron. He's a bad boy, he is a leader. Yeah, yeah, and Leap. We're back in l A. You know everybody in l A is pulling for the Warriors, right right? Give a damn about them though, I'm just saying now, you know I said, we ain't right. I don't even know who's holding who holds Lebron? Would that be Durant? Do? No? That was Ida do whatever? Oh? Isn't he out? Yeah? But whoever in from whom gonna get this party? That's what they were you watching the game tonight, Steve, you're gonna be at the house. I'll be famous, be stuck at home. But he can't go to your bodyguards. We'll let you been to the mall that's the last time you went to the mall. Hey, Steve, do you remember that time in Atlanta? We saw you at the mall? Yeah? Yeah, that night, huh dog. I would try to run in and get some droll and we saw you from behind. I saw you from behind. I was like, if I didn't know correctly, that guy looks exactly like Steve Harvey. But Steve Harvey wouldn't be at the mall that And you were by yourself, and you turned around only because you know the Memes department is always right by the don't exactly because you guys go in and get what you want and come back out. It was Perimeter Perimeter mall in Atlanta. Now didn't you put in a drive to one? Turned out in the in the in the big car like, oh, I just thought, man, I could get running and get your Yeah. So I had my baseball hat pulled down over my eyes and the window was up higher, so I had my head down. My problem wasn't recognition at first. It was my car. Oh yeah, man, look what it? Any words right the dude acting? And then hey man, y'all come over here and look at this car. Eight dollars, sir, I handed him a hundred. Yeah, figure that hunted. You didn't have any at that a bit. The lady said, you see them to ours on the head rest, Dude, that spelled bending. Yes, I got my head down. He said, sir, do you want all? I said, no, man, just give me your chicken. He knew your voice Mile the spicy man. Man. My mom lives re man. Man, he'd bent down. Look my heydrive to and gotta bend it. And that ain't no bending that the road one. I ain't gonna tell you no more. Who will do for some popeyes? I was so mad at myself going through that window. Hey, just pull over. We're gonna bring yours out, hot hot, Just give me whatever you got. Ain't none ready, right, all right, look we gotta go. Steve. Coming up next, it's the nephew and run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you. We know now some of the Eat Award Show performers and two reality stars that's President Trump and Kim Kardashian Matt in Washington about prison reform. But right now it is time for the nephew to run that prank back. But you got n my room mate better. It's just the way my room mate better run. Hello must yeah, okay, hey man, this is Chris. I live above you. I ain't ever met you before, but you you you have. You've been calling the leasing office about complaining on me about I'm making too much noise away. Yeah, man, I'm my bad, bro. I was trying to catch you, man. I could never. I could never catch you at home. Man. It's like you know, Brown, I work a knife. I work at night. Yeah. Yeah, you're saying to say I work in a day, but I can't sleep at night, broke. And I'm I don't know what's going on your part. And I'm saying, I ain't trying to be in your business. I'm not trying to be of your business player. I just can't get sleeping night, man, because it'll be a lot of noise, a lot of noise, a lot of talking. And what you do is your business. Bro I'm just saying, please, man, But you ain't have to go to the leasting office. Man, Oh you have to do you know what's hall at me? You ain't you know? They got me written up, like you know what, one more complaint on me, they're gonna put me out of something. Well, yeah, like I said, thought I was trying to get I was trying to find you. You know what I'm saying. But we I guess we missed each other because you you work at night. I work in the day. So you know when you're going, I'm coming, and when I'm coming, you gone, I'm saying, Brian trying starting. I'm just trying to, you know, go to work and pay my pay my bills. Man, I'll be at work at night. Man. You know what I'm saying. I'm trying to get my hustle on like you're trying to get yours on doing Hala hala, hala hol on. Okay, okay, let's make it my sense, bro, if you at work at night, somebody in your somebody in your apartment, how can loud in them keeping me up square, I'm beating it. Okay, you've got a roommate us song, No, No, I ain't got no roommates. Many out of in the talking loud, holding a conversation. It's like two people in there talking loud every night. And that's That'spenny man, Beatty be talking. Okay, you said you ain't got no romance? Who who is Benny? Who is baby Spenny? Is my bird? My parents? That's Betty be talking like, man, stop, want me listen? Mind? Why why? Wait a minute, you're trying to tell me m bird that feeling. Man, I don't have pity. Two years that's my bird. Birds don't even live that long. So so now I'm sucking night. I'm at the word cause because a bird, that's what you want. That that's what you called me to tell me. I'll call you to tell you. You ain't gonna be putting these complaints on me, man, But I'm like I'm gonna and that's been in talking many in yo. Boy, Penny, Wait a minute, hey, look, I'm telling you now do something with the bird then or that's gonna be some consequestions and repercussions. I'm talking about some fried chicken around it and man plenty, it's like a family umber to me, birds too, can Sam the chicken on the car flake box Kentucky chicken just a Brian. Hey, man, you don't tell me nothing better about my birth? Okay, brother? You know what, maybe me you need to square of from front of each other because you don't, you know, disrespect Betty. Man. Alright, alright, you're taking something, alright, alright, I bet that be on my table when I get home. If it's a bird, then I'll beat that be all my don the table. Man and man, then you ain't ben the city and disrespect me and try to tell me what you're gonna do to my bird. But you ain't gonna do nothing stupid to Betty. Tell you what I tell you what you can date you a hund right now, what you're gonna work tonight? I bet you beat it. I'll be at that tomorrow. I bet you were these things and good tomorrow. Man, ain't hold on a minute, man, wait a minute though, what you played due and start talking about what you're gonna do to my bird? Not and told you you file for going to the leasten office calling me out, and now you're on the phone. I'm trying to work this out with you, and now you ain't trying to work right now, Fay, stop you you out me and tell me that it's a bird holding a conversation with itself. I'm a stupid right now. I'm I'm a stupid even continue this conversation stinking me out for a night? Are you serious man? Or something? Much like? Man? Listen, bro listen, whatever it is, it's just a bird or recording whatever. If you gotta do stuff to wait and that was a bird, man, I'm gonna be solid stuft And if this is a bird, I'm gonna really it's a bird. It's spenny man, it's spinning you. All you gotta do is come to me that we could have had a listen like me, hola hola hola. Okay, okay, okay, We're gonna have it like men. And name. First off, leasing office wouldn't give me a name. What's your nine? My name? Chris? Okay, Chris, I'm deafering. There we go, There we go. Listen, Dow. I ain't for the past three months. You know what I'm saying. I ain't really been getting no sleep because of this bird. You say it's a bird. I don't believe that. But a bird a bird? Come on, that's doing up for something. Tell you we'll take them to work with you. Did I don't care. Figure's something out, but whatever going on up there with you and your fire need to come to an immediate house or it's gonna be something down. Hey man, hey man, what you couldn't do is threatened me by what's going on in my household. Man, Look here, you ain't been it's being in many whatever the nine meals. You need to do something with that, or that's gonna be some real issues. Man, Why not going back and forth with you about this? You keep telling me something about a b's a bird. What's the problem with it? What's the problem understanding that people have pet birds? Say? Man, I don't give them if you have a pet bird. But really, this how all night long? How do you? How do you? How do you live with this? Come? I'll never shut up. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what Benny told me to tell you, though, God'll tell you what been it told? Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait waite White Chris White, White, Brother, I don't want to hear what the bird told you to tell me? Can I tell you what? Then? They told me to tell you what? What? What? Then? He told me to tell you this that This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You took God Prank by your boys, Sean, Uh, did I get your man? Got me? You got me? Man? That guy, I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna get it. I'm gonna have to have to wait to this dude. Get armed out and talk to him and talk to somebody you about some posing bird. I don't know what's the stats. I'll be up our night and I'm saying I'm missing I'm missing my sleep. I'm missing now I'm saying I'm missing y'alls in the morning because I'm robbing hitting the slooth. But I got one more thing to ask you. What is What is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man Steve Harbor on the show. You know everybody got you know some people have human roommates, actually have a roommate that's a parrot. That's Benny. You just have a pet my roommate, Benny. Respect Benny. Now all right, get my get my CD out of wald model. It's called won't he do it? Won't he do it? And yes, I will do It's the won't he do it? Frank C. Then pranking church people, man, go to Walmart and get you one. Get your laugh on you need to laugh sometime. Laughed is good for the soul. How about that? Yes, it is King of Pranks, Thank you, Nef. Kendall Jenner has reportedly hooked up in recent weeks with Ben Simmons. We were talking about basketball earlier. Ben Simmons of the Philadelphia seventies sixers. Uh. He flew to l A for Memorial Day weekend with Kendall. Apparently, her most recent boyfriend, Blake Griffin, got sent to the showers. They cooled off the moment. Blake was traded in January to Detroit. Okay, yeah, it's gone. Kendall spends enough time in New York City that this time, this new romance with Ben Simmons, it won't be completely long distance since New York is so close to Philly and we all know that. So yeah, we see yeah and like those those ballers huh yeah, I did see the clip with him getting ready to come on family. Yeah June tim Yeah cool. Look good. If you tune in, you will see Kanye smile more than you've ever seen him smile in his career. Oh that's good. That's good to know. Hey, listen, guys, coming up next, Entertainment News BT Awards lineup revealed in Kim Kardashian and Washington. I'll to talk about prison reform with the President. You're listening to show, all right? We now know some of the stars will perform at b E T the b ET Awards NET next month. We all get so excited about the b ET Awards. They're always in June, so this is good news. The first round of performers include Nicki Minaj, The me Goes, and Janelle Monet. DJ Kalett. Yeah That's Real Nice leads with six total nominations, followed by Kendrick Lamar with five and Amigoes with four nominations. This year's show will be hosted by Jamie Fox. Steve It airs live Yeah it airs live from Los Angeles on June. More performers will be announced, of course, closer to the date as always. And in other entertainment news, to reality stars met yesterday, Kim Kardashian met with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office to continue the President, uh to embrace to convince, I should say, to convince the President to embrace prison reform. Her ally was a President's son in law, Jared Kushner. Kim and Jared have communicated for months through back channels. They share a passion for altering the US justice system. Who knew this? Who knew this? About Kim Kardashian, She asked the president to pardon Allis Johnson, a great grandmother serving a life sentence without an opportunity for parole. Her crime well a first time non violent drug offense. The President's son in law, Jared Kushner's father, served time for tax evasion and witness tampering. As a reminder of those dark days, Jared carried the wallet his dad crafted in federal prison and wants to focus on prison reform. And I think Van Jones, Yeah, I think this happened when he was young Jared's uh dad certain time when he was a young boy, and it said served past tense, so time for taxing. Yeah, we have a lot to do it all. Yeah, I mean Dared was up there fighting for prisiment for him. If his daddy was stealing in that would explain it all. Okay. I think Van Jones from CNN uh is on this President's panel to to uh talk about prison reform and all of that, and he got some a little pushback from it because he's you know, it comes out against so many of the president's policies, but he says, yeah, I may be nine against what he's doing up there, but if this one percent, uh, you know, this prison reform thing, if we can come together on this one percent, why not do it? Because it's for the greater good prison reform. So I absolutely agree with Jones. Look, everybody, listen, if there's an opportunity to make a change, somebody got to talk to somebody. You gotta sit down with these people. You may not agree, now, don't do to him what you did to me. All these Uncle Tom's and coons and jiggaboos and spooks and all this here. You ain't got to do that to the man. The man is going up there to try to accomplish something for others. He's not going up there for himself, none of that. And I applauded Kim Kardashian to Steve, because you know, she gets a bad rap about not doing anything, not having any talent and all of that, and here she is, you know, working for the great, greater good as well. You know, she's not just about beauty and makeup and yeah and things like that. She does. Carla, You're right, she does a lot of philanthropy. She does stuff with the homeless. She is a very giving person, and you're right, surely, yeah, she she does. She does a lot of good stuff. Yeah, you see a lot of it when you if you watch the show Keeping Up with the Kardashians, they talk. You know, man, you gotta we We've got to be a little bit more open. Van Jones shouldn't be taking heat for this. You know, you don't have to vote for a person to sit and talk with him, right, and if anybody can handle it, yeah, I went through it. Now. I wouldn't do it again because the backlash against my family was too great. Yeah, so you know, it's it's really sad that I went up there for housing for people, but they took it a whole another way, like you staid in there ain't so you know, I learned a couple of lessons in Yeah, and at least she tried to do some good. All right, it's time for Missa and Steve. Oh okay, m why is that a surprise? Miss Anne Tripp? Thank you, Steve, thank you, Shirley, thanks everybody out here. This is Andre but the news. Okay, Well, in the wake of Roseanne bar Is losing her TV show on ABC over her racist remark about former presidential advisor Vary Valerie Jarrett and the excuse she gave about being affected by ambi and well, the people who make that sleep preparations say that while ambient may have a side effect, racism isn't one of their side effects. And if the old saying about the apple not falling far from the tree is true, well then that falls in line with the New York Daily News report that says that Roseanne's oldest son, Jake Peddlin, also uses social media to spit racist nastiness out against miss Jarrett. By the way, Roseanne also says she didn't know Jarrett was black. She says she thought she was Persian, Saudi, or Jewish. Roseanne also leveled an ape remark at former UN Ambassador Susan Rice once before, and Susan Rice also is black. Testimony given in at least one deposition in Colin Kapnet collusion case against the National Football League shows that the NFL's recent band on kneeling is more about pleasing President Trump than respect for the flag. Para Beaton of The Wall Street Journal says that the Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones describes a phone call with Donald Trump about the protests and that the Cowboys owner said the President told him, quote, this was a very winning and strong issue for me. And just tell the other owners that they can't win this one because this one quote lifts me. The reporter as a while the Trump White House insisted the majority of Americans agree with the president, a private NFL pole conducted last year shows that there are fans who supported or weren't bothered by the protests, as well as fans who were opposed to them. President Trump, by the way, addressed a health related issue yesterday legislatively. It has to do eternally ill people, whom he says should not have to leave the country to try untested medications that just could say their lives. Today, I'm proud to keep another promise to the American people, as I signed the Right to Try legislation into law now. The measure gives some people a diagnos with life threatening conditions who have losted governments, ancient treatment options, the right to try experimental drugs without needing permission from the Food and Drug Administration. Tropical Storm Alberto still raining down all over western North Carolina. Between four and seven inches of rain has come down in only twenty four hours. So far, four deaths are being blamed on that storm. A grand jury hasn't died to former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein charges of first and third degree rape as well as first degree criminal sexual at. Kim Kardashan, as you just heard, met with President of President Trump at the White House yesterday. She was there to talk about prison reform. They took pictures. She was he was smiling, she was not. Calling it the Kim John Bunn Summit and Today's National Health in Find this day now, I'll be back with entertainment, Today's trending topics twenty minutes after the hour with the Steve Harvey Warning Show you're listening to show. Rosanne bar created a firestorm after calling Valerie Jarrett, a former advisor to President Obama, a child of the Muslim Brotherhood and planet of the Apes. Jarrett appeared to take the high road as she spoke on m s NBC's Everyday Racism in America town Hall meeting and address Roseanne's tweet and the larger issue take a listen. Well, first of all, I think we have to turn it into a teaching moment. I'm fine. I'm worried about all the people out there who don't have a circle of friends and followers who come right to their defense nice I like she did. Come on, well, I thank god for her. I thank god for Michelle Obama, who uses the term take the high road. Hold me on, mona, yeah, anything else, you ain't one of my friends. The hell that I'm on leash on you is not gonna be from the high road. It's going to be a road to get quicker to you all were talking about, and you know what I'm talking about. And I mean, you know, you know, you know, look once you called me a monkey ape and all this here's now now now we just offened. You know, I gotta get the middle thing out. We're gonna start here. I'm taking to one on one. But Rose Roseenne claims she didn't even know Valerie Jarrett was black. Come on, come on, lady, come on stop please? Okay, what was the plane of the eight comment for exactly? I guess it was the man I was watching I was looking on CNN. Roseanne has had a rash of things, uh that she's done, that's been like really really crazy man. A lot of comments, racism comments and things like conspiracy theories. And she did those. She did those Hitler Bacon delut j Yeah, the human cookies. Yeah, when she was she was putting them in the oven, dressed up in putting the little juw cookies in the oven. I mean, man, are you are you kid? Is this funny? Just to joke? But it's not as old privileged person. See rose and grew up poor, but when she got her money, she forgot. And that's what happened. Man. When people change their humor like that, when they change their humor like that, it's because they forgot what they're from then, the privileged group now, so now they're doing privileged comedy. See, that's why you'll never get You'll never be able to get to Donald Trump because in his privileged world that he grew up in, it doesn't include any of us. It doesn't so he doesn't get the disheartened and the hurt and the pain. He no, he don't know. We'll be right back, y'all. Thank you very good, you're listening to. Well, we have to address something that's going around. Uh, we need to talk about it. It's it's involving one of our co hosts the show here spades. Yeah, we call him Junior, of course, And well, Steve, you want to talk about it. Uh, this is so hard for us because Uh, okay, go ahead. Junior had a loss in his life. His assistant and best friend, uh Brian Cook, passed in his sleep the other night while out on the road with Junior. They were doing some business out on the road. Or the young man, uh, a brilliant young guy, really sweetheart over human beings. He died. He passed away in his sleep, and um, Junior was there. And so a lot of people have gotten the information completely wrong because when they did the story on TMZ, they put my picture up. Of course, Steve Harvey employee dot found dead in a hotel room. Okay, let's let's just straighten some stuff out and and Junior, let me just correct one thing. Junior wasn't there when he passed away. He was. Junior was in his own room. He passed during the night. Junior had nothing to do with it. He's taking it really hard. The young man, this is his friend, he lost him. He's taking it real hard. People are attacking him. It's unfair it's also unfair. TMZ is usually a little bit better than this, but you don't have I know you're trying to draw eyeballs, but man, we gotta be a little bit more sensitive to people who are suffering losses. This young man had a father, a mother, brothers and sisters, nephews, nieces. He was well loved by his family. He was doing something he loved to do. That's what we should be to put my picture up to make it look like I had. He was. He wasn't an employee of mine. He didn't work for the TV station or the radio station, but did but he was Kiars assistant. And they're thinking kier pass. They're thinking Junior. Junior didn't pass. See me that look mad, y'all just reads. But you know, but if Junior didn't die, Junior is off today because he's coping with the loss of his good friends. I mean, he's hurting, man, and that's nothing we could do about that. But listen, I'll speak more about him later on. But Brian Cook was a fine, fine, young, fine young man. We all loved him. He we got along with everybody. He was most helpful. If you needed anything, he got it. He never asked for nothing. Just a great, great, great young man. He passed. He was Kiars assistant. He did not work for the radio station. He did not work for the TV station. And I understand social media's ideas to get balls, but that's one of the reasons I didn't go down to the hotel to be with Junior, because I knew that my presence down there would turn the story into something else. But were not even going. They've released the story with my picture on it. Steve Harvey's employee found dead in hotel room and man, just out of respect, y'all, just respect for this young man and his family. Could we just tell the truth. That's all, just the truth. And we're grieving too. I mean, you know it's it meant something to us, Brian meant something to us as well. You know, yeah, he was family. Yeah. So, um that's the real story. Uh. You know, you don't have to go anywhere else to hear what happened. That is the real story. What happened. We know we were I mean, we weren't there, but we know Junior uh here and um, so we have the information. This other stuff that's out there about it being Steve Harvey's employee. That's just misinformation. It's just wrong. But man, just just out of respect, just respect that now as some people really hurting behind this, I mean really really hurting behind this, and they deserve not to have to hear hear say your opinion just because you want to draw some of my eyeballs. That is a mother and a father who have lost a son. Man, can we just be respectful of that and not print stuff just because you want to get views? All right? Um, well, we hope that clears it up for a lot of you guys out there, and we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's today's Strawberry Letter, subject to my boyfriend and boss are about to brawl. Yeah, my boyfriend and boss about to brawl. But right now it is time for the Nephew, the King of Pranks, with today's prank phone call. What you got You ain't married? Huh, you ain't married. I'm just like you ain't married. Watch me work running cat. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Brian. Yeah, how are you doing, Brian. My name is Daniel. Uh wanted to give you a call today. You got a minute? Yeah, okay, listen, um you're you're Brian, Um, Brian, right, you're married to uh Alpea. Yeah. Hello, Hello, yeah, yeah, that's that's me. That's my wife's Yeah, okay, I got a question for you. Hello. Have you guys been married? Going on nine years? Now? We've been married? Now? Who is there? My name is Daniel. Were you m Were you guys married a Greater New Missionary Baptist church? Let me see? Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's the name of that church. Yeah, that's right. Why what's going on? What's asked me on these questions? Okay? Do you remember the minister that officiated your actual wedding ceremony? Yeah? Uh, reverend right, Okay, I got the right person. I wanted to make sure I had the right person, Brian. So I'm I'm sorry if it seemed a little weird to you. Here's here's what's going on. We've just come up with a new discovery a lot of information that Reverend none of his credentials are true. Everything is false. He's not a minister at all, He never was a minister. And every single wedding ceremony that he officiated is basically null and void. So and I hate to be the bearer bad news, but you and Alphia, even though you think you've been married for nine years, you guys are not married. No, no, no, not that you got at the wrong person, because man, that then we got we got married by nine years ago. And what I'm telling you is he he never was ordained. He's never been an ordained minister. He's not a minister at all. So when he performed this ceremony, your wedding ceremony, he had no right to be doing that. You guys are not are not married. You know, you guys have been living in sin for nine years. Hold on, hold hold on that. Let me tell you something I ain't been living. Man and my wife we have been married for nine years. And that man, he's a preacher. I'm telling he's a preacher funded sir as of today, he is. He has no right to be in anybody's pulpit. He has no right to be officiating, whether it's weddings or funerals, no matter what it is, christenings for children. He's not allowed to do that. And we have officially stopped him from doing anything serving under as being a pastor or a minister. We have stopped that. But what I want you to know is that you have been living in sin and you don't you get that. We want to try and get you guys married as soon as possible, so you're not living in sin. Oh, no, doc, I ain't been living in no sin. I have been married for nine years. This woman ship been taking care of me and my kids for the past nine Wait. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, guy. You guys have children. Yeah, yeah, we got to two kids, two beautiful kids. Okay, then those kids are bastards, stastards. Let me tell you something. My kids ain't no bastard. What about your kids? Your kids on bastood? No, sir, my kids, my kids were born in wedlock. Your kids have been born out wedlocks. I'm telling you that man did my service and he is a preacher. He's a man after God's own heart himself. He hasn't done everything that that he come for me and my family. He is a preacher, sir. I don't. I know it's hard for you to to to swallow the truth, but I want you to know, and I need you to be able to tell Alfia that you guys are not married and not as of right now. No, no, okay, so holder hud Now back in the olden days, but before all these all these colleges and stuff came came about. You telling me that their men making old days, that they weren't no preachers, that they weren't meant men after the clough? Is that what you're saying to me? Uh? What what? What are you? What are you? What are you? What are you getting at? Sir? What I'm trying to say is back in the older day, baking the twinteres and thirties, they didn't have all these colleges and all these degrees and stuff like these new preachers got these days that man now he was from back then, and God called them and that's what they went on too. And all them people that they married back then, they did the same thing to day. You don't need no degree to say that that you're a preacher. You don't need no lights to say you're a preacher. Man. My wife would be maried for nine years. My kids have been born in wedlocks. We were married, we were mad, I read my friends and family. Day was all there. Sure. The bottom line is that that you have been living in sin because you have not been married with your wife for the last nine years. And your kids, I hate to say it, your kids are bastards. Now. Oh now, I've told you, don't say nothing else about my kids, and I ain't no cuss up. But don't push me. My kids ain't no Badsis you understand me? You don't get me up, Sir. I'm trying to give you the truth and try to get you in here and get you married so you will not be living in sin any more than what you are. I'm living in no sins. Look now, you don't make me whoop your a s s You understand men and no wife. We have been married for nine years. Don't shoot up here, come me talking about the way. Ain't met that that man. Ain't no fature. You're understand I get out of my phone. But you that's my life. Those are my kids. They have been born in red lives. You understand sir. So I just wanted to call and give you the information so that you could probably stop living in sin. That's all I wanted to do. I ain't living in no sin, That's what I just told you you ain't hear me. I ain't living a no sin. Maybe you're the one that's living up in some sin. Now you ain't got nothing that said to me that man and man that's nine years ago. They get your a s is on my phone. So I so I have one more thing, one more thing I'd like to say, nothing else to say to me. You ain't get your ass off my d am phone. Do you understand me? I ain't got time for this, sir? Could I say one more thing? What you gotta say on me now? Because I just wanted to let you know that this is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harping Morning Show. Your wife and feel got me to prank phone call you. Oh man, oh lord it do hea? Uh? I almost went in on your down you would let me go down? Yeah, I'm gonna get at this. He put you up to this got me to prank you man, while man, oh man, hey man, you all right with me? Brother? I got to ask you something, man, what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lands, the Steve Harper More on the show Man you stupid? Get him Steve? Because this know something now come on. You know some pastors ain't really past us, you know, but they'd be marrying people. You know that be going. That happens a lot. You know. They just then called themselves a minister and they are minister and that's not high work. Nine. Then you know you gotta you know, you gotta shake your folks up every nine and I just shake up. That's all it is. Okay, keep on. This is pranking. This is pranking at its best. Oh yeah, you're the king of it. Every nine, then you got to shake some folks up. I got a new little list I'm working on and we're going forward. Who is it? You ain't even ask me? You already and then asked, I love that. You knew he was gonna say, yeah, alright, alright, let me put this out there. Shot Barkley is on my list, Charles, Charles Barkley is on my list. Trying to pull it off during this time of the finals, you know, Cavaliers playing Gold of State. If I could put it off in there, I'm gonna make it happen. You're saying the time for pranking right now here? What you say? Because we need to be in prayer, sending up here trying to prank child need him? Hey what what? Okay? Hold on, if I frank lebron, do you think he'll play better? It might have got time for you with this foolishness trying to win a title out here, boy, Steve, don't get mad. You need your energy to be positive. Okay, listen, Coming up next, it is today's Strawberry Letter. The subject my boyfriend and boss are about to brawl. My boyfriend and boss are about to brawl. That's up next. We'll be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Okay, right now, it is time for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need some advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, all you have to do is submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter, right Steve, tell him just like she said, and it's right. Ain't nobody playing with y'all? Hey, I love when you put your two cents in there. Good? Yeah, sounds good. All right, let's get to it. Buckle up, hold on tight, we got it for you here. It is just straw Thank you enough you subject my boyfriend and boss are about to brawl. Here's Steven Shirley. I recently got a great government job. I love my new job and I make really good money. But I'm having a big problem with my new boss. My boss calls my cell phone at night and on the weekend, and he sends me text messages of a sexual nature. He pops by my office daily and says all types of perverted things to me. I've told him that his comments are offensive and that he's out of line with his sexual advances. I told him that um, I live with my boyfriend and that my boyfriend has seen his text messages. It's as if my boss doesn't care because he continues to act inappropriately. My boyfriend wants to confront him, but I begged him not to because I love and need my new job. I have stopped telling my boyfriend because he gets so mad that I'm afraid he might pop up at my job one day. My boyfriend now thinks I have something to hide since I won't let him confront my boss. I'm afraid of reporting my boss because I feel like once I do, it will be living It will be a living hell for me at work. I know I can't be the first woman or the only woman. He's done this too. By the way, my boss is the director of human resources, so who's going to check him? Yeah? How should I handle this? Please? Help? Well? Um? Wow, Like Steve said, I was going to tell you to go to human resources human resources immediately, But since he's the head of the uh the human resources department, what good will that do? But surely there's someone above him. There's an owner, there's a CEO, there's someone you can confide in and let them know what's going on. You cannot uh continually deal with this. I mean to think that he would even be doing this in the middle of the Me too movement. I mean, doesn't he read the papers? Doesn't he watch TV? That is so major that's going on right now. Finally women have started to come forth. They have the courage after years of suffering and being disrespected on the job between lecturers boss by lecturer's bosses like him to speak out. Uh you know this, it's men like him that are keeping this movement alive. It's not going anywhere. I get that you love your job and you want to keep it. You make good money and all that. It's a good government job. But his behavior has to be stopped. You have to report him to someone and something has to be done. Uh, he can't be the director of human resources and act like this. I mean, this is ridiculous. Who owns you, well, who owns your company? You work for a government, you have a government job, But surely your boss has a boss. So I would go talk to him. I would try and talk to some of the other females that work there and see if this has happened to them, maybe presently or in the past, and you know, see if you can get support support behind you to deal with this situation, because this has to be stopped. In as far as your boyfriend goes, I would tell him what's going on. I would not keep it from him. Steve, Well, it's an interesting way to approach this letter. My boyfriend and boss are about to brawl. See, your boss calls your cell phone at night and on weekends. He sent me texas of a sexual nature, pops by my office daily, says all types of perverted things to me. I've told him his comments are offensive and he's out of line with his sexual advances. I told him I live with my boyfriend and my boyfriend has seen his Texas and it's as if my boss doesn't care because he continues to act inappropriate. First of all, you can take all these texts, all your phone calls logs. The HR department is a separate department. I assume I haven't had one of those jobs in a long time, but HR on my jobs is a separate department. Someone is the boss in that department that's separate and away from the HR department. You have to report this or else she's gonna live like so many people. So many women are forced to live in fear of losing their job, threatening, uncomfortable work atmosphere. He comes to man just because he want to say something to you. He thinks he can. Now nobody wants to go to work like that. Now, you don't want your boyfriend to say nothing because you need your job. But your boyfriend he getting mad. He want to talk to the dude. So now, in a short response to your letter, you say, it's as if my boss doesn't care. I say, let your boyfriend go down. Now, come on, we have to help him care. Yeah. Yeah, see that's what's wrong right here. Your boss, he doesn't seem to care. Your boyfriend can help him care and I and I and I think that's gonna have to happen any retaliation from losing your job. You have all these texts, you have a call log. All these calls on the weekend inappropriate. You know what you should start doing. You should start recording him on your cell phone when he comes in the office, say hold on one second, let me get off his call, and then press your record device and set it down on the piece of paper and just let him go and choke herself, because that's what he's gonna do. But you can stop this. You have the text messages, you have the phone calls he's made to you, You have your asking him to stop. You don't need to have proof that you've asked him to stop. The fact that he's calling you already is inappropriate, and he's in the supervisory capacity. It's just inappropriate. So now you have all evidence. But I got you don't want to lose your job, but you're gonna mess what I lose your man, and continue to go to work on the job where you're being in a in essence harassed. Yeah, I think you should take the copies of all these things, keep a recket of everything. Next time you see him come in your office, act like you're grabbing your cell phone, say hold on, press your record. But yeah, and then let's get the pop in that ass. Uh and let your for a friend talked to him. Yeah, can you come up there and work on and do I will see, but I can't tell other people do that because I'm gonna do it though. See what you're not gonna do to be talking to my girl crazy? Yeah, this this is definitely a form of harassment for sure, and she definitely she needs to report it. Yeah, you know me, I don't got this website. Ride down there dot com telling you man, and uh, we just ride down there and handle it for yourself to open. You know, we're just small feet. All right, Well, listen, we're gonna have part two of your response to this Strawberry letter at twenty three after the hours, subject my boyfriend and boss are about to brawl Right after this you're listening to, all right, Steve, come on with part two of your response to today's Strawberry Letters subject my boyfriend and boss are about to brawl. Let's recap because this woman has his boss this in HR department who calls her cell phone at night on on weekends since text messages of the sexual nature pops to my mofice daily, says all types of perverted things to me. I've told him his comments are offens him. He's out of line with the sexual advances that you have told him. You live with your boyfriend. Your boyfriend seen this, Texas. But it's as if my boss doesn't care because he continues to act in approgram. The solution I have come up with at the end of the day is very simple. You have to let your boyfriend go down there so that your boyfriend so we can help him care. Wait, wait, you know this. I don't care. He needs help with his caring. Yeah, he doesn't care, and we need help to start caring. Huh. When he's sending this sexual stuff on his phone, can I take her phone and send him a little something back? Yes, yeah, you here my pitch. Yeah. Hello, oh we're showing parts. We'll check me out. We got parts, just me. We're sending this little thing over here. Put right down there dot com. Yeah we do at the office. We do that, you know, man. Yeah, yeah, yeah, see, we do stuff to help you. She needs to let him know stop not telling him and keep him informed. But you got to report this to his superior he has. Yeah, your job gonna be living hell. But ain't it living hell? Now? Yeah? This is crazy, and you are right. This is not the first time he's done. Now, I would be careful about spreading it around the office because somebody might be in with him and take it to him m hm, and they can start planning stuff to help get rid of you another way. So I don't think you need that. You don't need a lot of help. All you gotta do is be the one with the facts, the text, the inappropriate sexual nature of the text, and reported he ain't gonna be able to show none. And you're responding back to him in a sexual way of making any advances. So he's at fault and he'll have to go ABC. Just five rose And to my utter shock in this way, I couldn't believe it. Yeah, I didn't think they would. I really didn't think that. Well they did that, did it? Yeah, didn't got serious. Now you know there's a black woman that's ahead of ABC, Channing Dungee. I think it's her name, Channing Dungee. Heard she's really good. Yeah, And then Disney who owns NBC ABC Factor. But did you ever hear the president's tweet and respond? Yeah, because the lot of people were waiting to hear what he had to say, and this is what he tweeted. Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that ABC does not tolerate comments like those made by Rosanne Barr. G this is a president's tweet, now. Gee. He never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the horrible statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn't get the call. This is not about you. Yes, Why does he always make it about him? Gee? I didn't get a call. He never says anything of value to help this country. He'll began even a Memorial Day, you know, when it's we're supposed to honor our fallen soldiers who fought for our freedom and everything. He made that about him by talking about you know, the economy and the jobs and and in all of this. It's like he said, they would be so happy to know how the country is doing right now with the you know, the job increase in all of this and the economy doing well. What come on, you make everything about you? Stop you work for the people, sir, for the American people, not just a small group that voted for you. You're the president of all people. He's sure doing that. I'll tell you that. Yeah, you know, he just he doesn't get the role of president. He doesn't understand the full responsibility of it, and he never will. He's not going to give it. President of the United States is of a privileged background. He has never been poor. He has never served anyone in any capacity. He ain't passed out a bowl of soup for the homeless. He has done no groundwork. He ain't no houses for the underprivileged, nothing. He's never been under privileged. He has no Black friends, he has no Latino friends, he has no Asian friends, none. They were never in his circle. He has proven it by his cabinet. It is the most white male dominated cabinet in so many years. He should not be the president. You know, a lot of people think he's going to when the next election. I don't. I don't want to think like that. Well, here's what has to happen if the Democrats do not prepare a candidate and spend this whole four years doing what the Republicans did, trying to destroy Obama and then they looked up and they had no candidate, and now we have this man in the White House. The Democrats are doing, in essence the same thing. And I don't see any viable Democratic candidate on the horizon. I don't see nobody unless Joe Biden run. That'll do it. They are going to play the chess match, and it is all about the electoral vote. We're so busy pushing and pushing the vote, vote, vote, vote vote. While they was in the background getting the electorial key the musicians where they could get the number. Yeah, they're gonna get Alabama. They don't get Georgia. They're gonna get Louisiana, Mississippi, they're gonna get that. But they went up in there getting the Carolinas in Pennsylvania and Michigan, stuff that they never would have been Wisconsin. But then and Henry Mate, let me just tell you the mistakes, she mate, I'll tell consin all right, we'll be back with more of this Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. We gotta talk Cleveland Cavaliers to Steve. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, while the Cleveland Cavaliers and the Golden State Warriors are in the NBA Finals. Everybody knows that, right, Well, Las Vegas doesn't think what Steve I didn't say nothing. Now with Thomas, I'm just prayers Rockets ain't in there. I'm just right, I'm I'm pushing for Cleveland. Now come on, okay, all right, Well, Las Vegas doesn't think they're uh, they're created equal at all. They don't think they're even close. Early odds being offered at sports books have the Cavaliers as huge underdog Steve huge underdog motor, with the point spread for Game one on Thursday tonight as large as any we've seen in about twenty years, they're saying twenty five years. As for the series, the odds are also lopsided. The Warriors right now are ten to one favorites to win the championship. Uh So, time for sports talk with UNC and nef Show. Let's talk Vegas for him, Like, show me how to make some vets that I you know, if I want to bet on Cleveland, I want to bet on something that's a long shot that if it happened, I'm a win b Cleveland. Cleveland is a long shot any odds huge? That's like, I just need to know what the odds is? What first first game? Tender? Why are you doing English class right now? Because it's appropriated trying to talk about money? Not. Nobody got no time for you telling the point to how we talk. The Warriors right now are ten to one favorite and the Cavaliers you ten dollars. Okay, So let's say I put five hundred on the first game. I'm looking at five k. Now he can add it's money share they I'm trying to make sure I'm right now, Okay, would you? Would you bet anything? Up? I bet a thousand dollars on the Cal? Okay, maybe two? Now? How do I do that? If I want to bet? The reason I don't bet is I don't like the anxiety. Yeah, because you sound like you have it right now. You know I can't watch the game and have to win get my money back. But what is a thousand dollars to you? Steep? Really? If you're losing it and know you're gonna lose, boy, it's my everything. I'm doing it. I'm aa bet. I'm a bet five hunted on the Cal's first game, Okay, When I really should bet on the third game because they'll be at home. That's probably my best bet. Well, is it is? It is? It tend to one on every game now. Just for the point spread on game one on Thursday, it's as large as we've ever seen it in twenty five years. It's saying, oh, you say this is a ten point spread, not tend to one. As for the series, the odds are also lopside at the Warriors right now are tender one favorites to win the championship. Yeah, the championship. So what you're gonna do, Tommy? All Right, I'm putting five hunt on the first game, and then if I lose that, I'm gonna put another five on the third game and hopefully Braun Bron getting my money back. Yeah you mean out of his pockets his pocket. But I'm just saying, if he win that third game and the odds are still the same, then I still come up game. Yeah. So is it just pretty much understood we're gonna lose tonight And that's what you're saying, Steve Listen, No, I was yawning. Hell you time, You're not allowed to yawn do this every morning? T Tidy Cavaliers go through this anxiety. I'm tired of cat talking about Kobe. It's time, man, Hey listen. Our girl, Cheryl Underwood is on the line from the Talk. Let's talk to her. Sheryl Underwood. Hey, Cheryl, I gotta go with the Cavaliers. Bron Bron. You gotta go Bron Bron. What the reason I got to go to Cavaliz Because I've done a lot of creeping in Cleveland. Tell it. I like to shout out of everybody at the Togo every man that I bought a suit out of Mr Albert's, the Millennium and top of the flats. You don't sleep Cleveland. Love is the best love you could get, especially in the cold. Yeah, he was a little depressed morning. Why because it's a Cavaliers. He goods anxiety during this time of years listening. A lot of people are not gonna like me for saying this, but they need to go and start playing like the Pistons. They need to bust people in the mouth like Lamb bearing them used to do. Stop being amazed by everything that the Warriors do. I know they're a good team. I know they got a good work at it and everything, but sometimes you got the man up. You got to bust people to face. You gotta take the job. You got to did I get emotional check checking with the elbows? You can't do that? Well, I mean, what you're gonna do when you're losing? You got to cheat. I'm a Republican, I'm a cheating for years and sure, what what about this whole Rosanne Bard thing? But yeah, it works next to you on the talk right good, you're talking about Sarah Gilbert with Sarah Gilbert put she didn't like it. She put it out down on the Twitter that she didn't like what she said. You know, so listen to me. I'm gonna tell you who I'm proud of. Who Tony Dungee Baby. That that lit them up? Now? Does she worked over at ABC? Channing Dungee. Uh, yeah, that's Tony Dungee baby right there, she's been raised right, what's her name, Chaneil Dungeyes, Shanning. Okay, then over they got a good job at ABC. She said, we ain't having it. We're gonna stand together and shout out to my girl. Wanted the sikes, you know, said look, I ain't work here. All money ain't good money. So you know they lit him a fast. There's a lesson to everybody. You call somebody a monkey, I can say it. Yeah, you compare us to a monkey, that would be your monkey, asked right on the job right there, say that all the time. We can, I say that you just did. We gotta girl, Cheryl on that note, thank you so much. As always steve your health and wellness uh and fitness segment that is coming up with our friend Dr Sadegi as we get ready to get in shape for the summer. We'll be back at the time of the hour nine o'clock Eastern time to talk to the doctor. Right after this you're listening to Hey, welcome back. Everybody's usual special talk topic for me is a health and wellness, health, wellness, fitness. I just I'm really getting into it lately. You know, I want to have a life of a healthy life, however long I have a life of longevity, but a healthy life. And I've been meeting some people along the way that's been helping me get on that right path. And one of them is a doctor, Habib Sadeghi, and he's here today again. We've had it had him on before. He has a book out called The Clarity Cleans. Uh, it's the Clarity Cleans. It's a book. In the front cover is just an empty tea cup. He's been talking to us about healing yourself with mental clarity and things of that nature. But today we want to talk about clarity and getting ready for the summer. So please welcome Dr today. Welcome back Dot. Just thank you, thank you, thank you. See is such a privilege to be here. Yeah, so Doc, start with us. What what what what? What? What? What are we going to start with the day in terms of clarity and getting ready for the summer. We're going to start with the cover of the book. The cover of the book is the most important part of the whole book. It's an empty cup. And if people are getting ready for the summer, what they need to get ready for is to empty out all that they've been filled up with. So, you know, I just gave the commencement speech at a medical school where I graduated from shout out to Western University two thousand eighteen new physicians, And really the essence of what I shared with them was the acronym clarity, where the sea stands for context before content. You know, so many people they focus on the content, you know, taking the right this, the right dad, the food, but yet the context that they have, the mindset, it's it's not really there, you know. And so that's what the C stands for the lead. The L is for lead, love, lead, you know. It's it's unbelievable how many people are walking around loveless and they're wondering why they're sick and why they're so con you know, literally contracted. And it's the a's for authenticity, you know, the authenticity. It's it's a journey that every human being takes. Authenticity is what Aristotle referred to as in telchy, sort of like when you plant an acorn, it becomes an oak tree. And that's really having a context of spiritual practice. Most people they're walking around and they have absolutely no spiritual practice. They don't even know what that is. So you know, once they if they have earner tracking fiction or flu or neck pain or cancer or Parkinsons disease, they just fall apart because they can't really hold it. They have no cup. You know, you take us to Jamaica when we land, they greet us. What they won't say hello, they won't say what's up. What they say is respect, respect. Every English ward has two parts. It has the first part, which is the prefix, and then the suffix. The prefix here is r E. Return again. Respect like a spectacle of glass you put on. Respect means to look again. So many of us were walking around and where our cup is filled up with preconceived notion and we're wondering why we're gaining weight. We're wondering why we're so heavy. We're wondering why we don't have the energy. The eye in clarity is intuitive insight and every human being has access to that. The t is today. You know, I think Nike is right. Just do it. Whatever puts you on fire, whatever feeds your soul, do it. You know, if if if Nephews his soul is put on fire by you know, bringing five hundred and five thousand from Hunk and bidding on the third game, he won't be getting to clarity with that good clarity when we lay in the private jettity with respects. Yeah, and let love lead, and that brings us last, but not least, the y and clarity. And that is having really a yearning to be of service. You know, so many people they're walking around and they want something instead of having this deep desire, this the yearning to be of service and to contribute to a larger conversation at community tea. That's all of us. That's really what the book is about. Clarity Clarity Cleans by Dr Habib Sadegi, and you can get it. You can order their Amazon, you can go online and get it right now. It's a book that teaches you how to mentally get yourself in a position to receive healing, blessings, opportunities, grace, mercy, forgiveness. But you gotta get your mind clear to receive it all. It's so many people. I agree with this whole Harley. So many people are bottled up with stuff that they're carrying around that there's no place for anything to go. It's like when I wrote the book and I said that for a woman to meet the man of her dreams and find Mr Wright, you have to stop dating Mr Wrong. So you got to clear out in order for Mr Wright to come into your life. It just doesn't work that way. I think it's a great opportunity. I think it's something we should all look into. Everybody again, the book is called The Clarity Cleans. I want you to just go look it up right now, go online if you would work Steve Harvy Nation. I'm telling you this is a book worth reading. It's deep, man, it will really help you in so many areas. The Clarity Cleans. Go online right now if you're at your desk and just google it. Clarity Cleans by Dr Habib said, Dad, get the book, check it out, and we'll be coming to you from time to time to talk about stuff in the book. Dr David. Thank you so much, man. It's such a privilege Steve. And really, you embody, what what Christ said in terms of the Kingdom of Heaven is here is at our finger Lord. I was gonna say, you embody what you do with well, doctor, you let love lead you really do. I appreciate you. All right, You're welcome. We'll be back, sir, after we win. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this. You're listening to the String Show. Oh break, ruin. I can't two two sweep Golden States. But that's a light now the Loryers can do it. Though. I'm asking for that because my heart can't take five games, sick game or seven. I need a phone out and I don't need it to be the cavol Leers. That's out. I don't really know how this go go. Mm hmmm. I personally was so pulling for Houston. Let's go Rockets, Go Rockets. I tried everything. They are in a place called Lake Livings, and they fishing that thing. They asked missed Twitter seven straight three points? Why would you not go take her two? I thought we was praying for your team. I'm surprised a basketball prayer period. They have sports prayers over, thank you God. Oh my bad, come on past the we listen to men of stuff, but they're actually claiming, no, it's over, sister, call it. Oh you're done, okay, amen, Amen, Amen, come on Lebron. Yeah, so what's your thanks? Steve? Really tonight. I mean, I don't know how they can beat Gold. Instead, it was these new players that Lebron got would have to play out they tail Now. I don't know. We need a great grand game out of Green. We need love get this a little herd ass back. Well, I'm pulling. I want to see him do it. I think they can do it. Lebron played the whole gamest Boston eight minutes. They didn't think they didn't think Boston was gonna lose. Lebron came and then did it, so yeah, it could be done. They had Kevin Durant though Boston. I'm just saying, yeah, no favor fading faith and Tommy that boy getting paid for what he got. I don't know he he hitnt the two. Excuse me, Steve as a Rockets fan, I just threw the shade major league. But I'm pulling for Lebron. Let's go. I love Lebron. He's a bad boy, is a leader. Yeah. Now we're back in l A. You know everybody in l A Is pulling for the Warriors, right right? Give a damn about them though, I'm just saying, now, you know I said we ain't on right, I don't even know who's holding Who holds Lebron? Would that be Durant? Do? No? That was igle Domo Doward whatever? Isn't he out? Yeah? But who are we in from? Who? I'm gonna get this farty that. We'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, We now know some of the stars will perform at b Et the b ET Awards next month. We all get so excited about the b ET Awards. They're always in June, so this is good news. The first round of performers include Nicki Minaj, The me Goes, and Janelle Monet. D J Kalett Yeah That's Real Nice leads with six total nominations, followed by Kendrick Lamar with five and a me Goes with four nominations. This year's show will be hosted by Jamie Fox. Steve It airs live, Yeah it airs live from Los Angeles on June. More performers will be announced, of course, closer to the date as always. And in other entertainment news, to reality stars met Yesterday, Kim Kardashian met with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office to continue the president um to embrace, to convince, I should say, to convince the President to embrace prison reform. Her ally was a President's son in law, Jared Kushner. Kim and Jared have communicated for months through back channels. They share a passion for altering the US justice system. Who knew this? Who knew this? About Kim Kardashian. She asked the President to pardon Alice Johnson a great grandmother serving a life sentence without an opportunity for parole. Her crime well a first time non violent drug offense. The president's son in law, Jared Kushner's father served time for tax evasion and witness tampering. As a reminder of those dark days, Jared carried the wallet his dad crafted in federal prison and wants to focus on prison reform. And I think Van Jones, yeah, I think it happened when he was young. Jared's dad time when he was a young boy and has said served past tense so time for Texas. Yeah. Yeah, and Dard was up there fighting for presiment him. If his daddy was steal in, that would explain it all. It's okay, okay. I think Van Jones from CNN uh is on this President's panel to to uh talk about prison reform and all of that, and he got some a little pushback from it because he's you know, it comes out against so many of the President's policies. But he says, yeah, I may be nine against what he's doing up there, but if this one percent, uh, you know, this prison reform thing, if we can come together on this one percent, why not do it? Because it's for the greater good prison reform. So I absolutely agree with Jones. Look, everybody listens. If there's an opportunity to make a change, somebody got to talk to somebody. You gotta sit down with these people. You may not agree. Now, don't do to him what you did to me. All these Uncle Tom's and coons and jiggaboos and spooks and all this. Here, you ain't got to do that to the man. The man is going up there to try to accomplish something for all this. He's not going up there for none of that. And I applaud Kim Kardashian to Steve because you know, she gets a bad rap about not doing anything, not having any talent and all of that, and here she is, you know, working for the greater good as well. You know, she's not just about beauty and makeup and yeah and things like that. She does, Carla, you're right, she does a lot of philanthropy. She does stuff with the homeless. She is a very giving person. And you're right, surely, yeah, she she does. She does a lot of good stuff. Yeah, you see a lot of it when you if you watch the show Keeping Up the Kardashians, they talk man. You gotta we've got to be a little bit more open. Van Jones shouldn't be taking heat for this. Right, You don't have to vote for a person to sit and talk with. Right, and if anybody can handle it, yeah, I went through it. Now I wouldn't do it again because the backlash against my family was too great. All right, Steve, coming up our last break of the day closing remarks. Okay, get ready people, right after this you're listening to show. All right, here we are last break of the day for this Thursday. Don't forget to join me today later today for the Strawberry Letter Live after show on Facebook. I appreciate you guys so very much. We have a fun time on the show. But Steve, now it's time for you to drop some knowledge with our closing remarks. What you got for us today? Yeah, today, I want to remind everybody if something uh that gets overlooked from time to time. But if you want to be successful and you want to be happy, if your happiness is sometimes as it often is, tied to your success, and if your success oftentimes as it is, it's tied to your happiness, the two kind of go hand in hand. Almost but not. You have to be using your definition of success and somebody else's. If you're using someone else's definition of success, you're never going to be happy, whether they've aimed too high for you or they've aimed too low for you. If you're using somebody else's aim, you're never going to be happy because those two are, I'm sorry, tied together. I'm happy if I'm successful. If I'm not successful, I'm not going to be happy because I'm gonna feel like there's something else I could be doing for my family, as something else I could be doing for my future. It's something else I could be doing to make it work. And so my success is tied to my happiness, and my happiness is tied to my success. Now do I take times off from all of it and just sit around and be grateful and happy for where I am? Of course, all the time. Gratitude is a huge part of the principles of success, as oftentimes to overlook, Yeah, I'll often sit around and just smell the roses, just take a breath of fresh air and go mad. I'm awful grateful for where I am. God not meaning that I don't want more, but I oftentimes stop and thank him for right where I am, because where we are is pretty good compared to where we were. But now with all that said, let me share something with you. If you want to be happy and successful, you are going to have to put out a massive effort. Period. Stop thinking it's going to happen any other way. You have got to put out a massive effort. You gotta get at it. You gotta grind, you gotta want it. It's got to burn a little bit on the inside of you. It's gotta make you uncomfortable not being where you want to be. You got to have I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get got period. You gotta have I'm gonna get it attitude in order for it to get got period. That's the deal. No substitutions, no alternatives. This ain't sugar. You can't you splendor instead. This This ain't sugar. This is life. You have to go get it now. All no alternatives. Well, you can pick some alternatives, but you're not gonna be happy and successful. You got to get a little bit of dog in you. I'm sorry. Everybody got to have some dog in you. You gotta have some bite back. You gotta have some fight. You're gonna have to have a little bit of kick, and sometimes the kick has to come from yourself. You kind of quit looking for other people. Always give you that little kick in the red and get your started, that little jump started in the morning to encourage you. What if they need encouraging What if they adn't get they jump start for the day and you're waiting on they calling they're encouraging. Word, man, let me tell you something. These are people that you're waiting on to help you. People fail all that time. Every person needs to gonna Lord God Almighty. So that might be one of the mourners where they need him and they don't have nothing for you. Take your faith out of man, put your faith in God and get at it. You and God can make it. That'd be great if you had a friend along the way, of course it will be. But sometimes you're in a pattern where you gotta learn that it ain't nobody but you and him. Sometimes sometimes you just need to know it ain't nobody but you and God. That really ain't a bad place to be. It really ain't. I've got some of my best results out of my life when I just asked God for the help when I didn't call nobody else to see what they thought about it. When I went to God, just God, I've gotten my best results. I'm just gonna be honest with you. But you got to get at it, though, squirt it. Quit expecting God to just bless you with something and you ain't giving him nothing to put his finger on the touch you make one step here, make too. You got to be a producer out here. You gotta go out of here and get out something. Quit asking God for a job and you ain't putting no applications in. Stop wasting his time and yours too. It's like the story. The man said, you know, I've been praying. I've been praying to God to hit the lottery. I've just been praying to the Lord to hit the lottery. One day, the man just kept hearing him say that. He said, well, do you play the lottery? He said, no? What kind of prayers are You're praying to God to hit the lottery, but you're not playing the lottery. What that don't make no sense. If you want God to touch your life, give him something to touch and effort put in a request. Be sincere. But I decided that I'm gonna attempt so many things that's within my gift and in my realm, that I'm gonna ask God to bless me with his grace. He got something to blast. He just keeps on making stuff happen for me. He just keep song opening doors for me. He just keeps on putting the right people in front of me. Oh and it may look like the deal ain't gonna happen, as oftentimes many of them do. But at the end of the day, it always works out. But man, you got to get at it, y'all. You gotta get off your butts and get at it. Ain't nobody fin the walk, no checks up to you and hand them to you. You got to get out here and get at it. Dreams ain't none but dreams. Until you put some work behind them, they become goals. You gotta put some work behind these dreams. That's my clothing Moms today, Drop it, drop get Mike. That's how you do. We out of here too, with your toil checks boy, going for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least Steen You're is old unless otherwise stated For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show H