Herschel Walker Interview, Georgia Teachers Viral, Wisconsin National Guard, Storm Talk and more.

Published Aug 25, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Ralph The White Guy is here to do a very special interview with H.W. The Chief Love Officer has his hands full with a grad school situation. Two teachers in Georgia have a viral video. A funeral home in Detroit almost embalmed a woman that was still breathing. Governor Tony Evers of Wisconsin activates National Guard. Your favorite play cousin Junior reports that Roger Goodell has apologized to Colin Kaepernick and made a stunning admission. Today marks the 15th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and we get survival tips from our very own Carla Ferrell. Yesterday was Day 1 of the RNC. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve encourages us to vote early so we don't get locked out! Go to vote411.org.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the million bucks things in the toubing me through. Good Steve listening to mother, Please, I don't join Jo. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out, turn you love, got to turn them out, to turn turn the water the water go. Come come on your thaw h huh, I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I want to do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those, and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessed. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messes people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See? I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want stay off track. They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop you can. I tell you something. Everybody gets off tracked. That are people who are living their life's dreams in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track? Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now that's that's But that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve? Yeah. Because see, people, when you get off track, here's some of the things that happen. See you get the Here come tony sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See, I told you, I told you. You know you. You start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay, here's another one. It ain't meant to be. You can hear it all. You can said, Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. But let me ask you a question, though, Who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. See, everybody in pursuit of a dream, a goal and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They are going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell yourself. Every successful person that I know, ever met, talked to, set out, and chopped it up with, have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way. Qui, director, QUI got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong. Along the way. The valor victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is impossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you hear all. But you thought about it. Oh, you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you that story, they leave out the stuff along the way. It was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace. And see if God allowed you to get back on, His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the naysayers outside and the big nay sayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest naysayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. It takes some time for you to learn this. And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See I have a lot of naysayers out there, but I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there. Stop stopping yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off, start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard just saying it ain't over to the fat ladies saying I never invite her. She's not invited. It ain't over to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I am not sending her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times how come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that. All right, stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you, you're listening show. Ladies and gentlemen. Listen to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Sherlmy Strawberry. How are you? Good morning, Steve. I'm fine, Thank you, Carlin Forrell. How are you? I'm doing well? Good morning crew, Junior, how are you? I'm great? How are you doing? Man Nephew, tim Me, how about you? I'm good, un strong in the struggle. I would like to open up this show with a question and answer period cause herschel Walker was one of the top speakers at the Republican National Convention last night. Here's Ralph the White Guy interviewing herschel Walker her show, How are you today? Oh my god, I might have fined mister rab might have said, you sound just like we like them to sound. You know what, herschel Can I ask you a question on a scale of one to ten, how would you rate our President Donald Trump? Oh? Not, missus Rab. No. I tell you what you got to do. Now, you got to look at someone like a like a missus Trump. That either and when you get the rating, somebody like you don't come up with No. Nine and new teams with somebody like a missus Trump. But what do you have, Herschel, I do come back that you asked meet something more like a twelve or folk teen? Like god, yeah, good god, buddy, Oh my god, what an American you are? Yeah yeah, yeah, But you know what, And I just love the way you talk. You're talking. That's the way we like them. They're talking. Let me, you know, man, let me paint the pictures. Some folk know what I look like. You know, I got my hat balled up and I'm I'm rubbeted back and forth. But go ahead. Oh god, we love it when you do that. God, hey, hey, Herschel, how did you meet Donald Trump? There's a story going around it up. You guys were at Disney World and you were at the Small World, right. What happened there? We we we we meet me and my family, all of us. We come together. He goes out on the vacation and and hey it's out. Hey, hey, hey, let me stop you right there. That's ran right there, Herschel. But when you got some friend like mister Trump, you can goes out on things like this. It's here, your friend, Herschel. Oh, mister raw hold like that. Can you moan and save my name? Like you said again? It is Donald Trump, your friend. Oh mister Ralph, God just from to my heart her show. God that mister Trump's my heart. He rode all due that whole roller coaster with me and my glory. Come on, Glory, we come, We come on. You're small. Oh my god, it's a small word. My god. You know what? That reminds me? Tommy. That reminds me who wait, wait, wait wait now who you go? Her show? Her show? You know who? That reminds me. That reminds me of down by the riverside down by time. When I hear that, I just think, Wow, we want to make America great again. Hey, thank you for joining us, Herschel. You know, and if we had more Americans like you, we wouldn't have a problem this November one. It looks like we're gonna lose so great American, Hershel, did you need to shoot? We gotta go coming up at thirty the hour, get ready for us to see all all right? After this? Help us Jesus you're listening morning show. Guess what we're back? How about that? I like to thank my co workers for a great opening. Yeah. Sorry, I hope you guys didn't miss that opening anytime. We'll be here all week. It's time to ask the ClOH If you want advice from the Kloe, our chief Love Officer, please submit your questions to Steve HARVEYFM dot com. Are you ready, Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey Board. This is from boss in Meridian, Mississippi. I'm married and I've been messing around with a woman that I do landscape work for. It's been going on all summer and she's a little older than I am, but the sex is good. We shower together and then she likes for me to walk around naked so she can look at me. She's also taken more than a few pictures of me naked. Last week, she told me she was going to stop paying me extra money weekly since she had a good thing going and I'm enjoying the sex. She doesn't realize I was only doing this for the extra money. She has pictures of me and said if I stop giving her what she wants, she will send them to my wife. What should I do? You're gonna have to keep doing something pictures see first of all, just walking around take a picture? Hold up, let me explain something your stupids. First thing, you need to get over to that house, getting that again, getting that shower, get out that shower, and get that damn phone and get your You got to get your hands on that damn yeh. She old she ain't gonna know how to get it on eye class. Get her computer, take the computer and the phone and get your ass out that house. That's all I got for your son. But you need the phone and her damn computer, and you got to get out that house. That's good. But nigga, who was driving? What do you mean that's good? Surely that's good advice. Yeah, you got to get that that phone and that damn computer and get out that house. That's all I got for your partner. Yeah, good luck, all right? Who and don't do that anymore. D R in Newark, New Jersey, says, I'm twenty eight years old and I just got my PhD and my first job as a college professor. While in grad school, I dated a senior that was twenty three years old. We got careless one night and she got pregnant. She broke up with me right after that, but I told her I'd support whatever decision she made. About the baby. Recently, her dad called me to say I ruined his daughter's life and I need to marry her to make it right. He said. If I don't, he will send a letter to the college president saying that I pray on young women and I should be fired. I don't want to marry his daughter, but I don't want to lose my job either. What should I How should I deal with this big mess? Go right in there to the college president and explain to him what you said to the woman and how it is. And then her fall have called you and said I've ruined his daughter's life. Now if she was twenty three years old, you understand how how is he? I don't know what that is. But twenty three is an adult and she twenty three. All that's clean and legal. Everybody's consent. And so if she's pregnant and you offer to help support the child or whatever. But he didn't got a call. I would. I would tell my own story before I allowed somebody else to do it. M Okay, I'm gonna call the president telling already totally yeah, I've already been in there, but you are welcome to stop buy and tell him what you said. But hey, man, you can't the father need to grow up, You can't act old. You think he's ruined your daughter's life. Get married to somebody you ain't in love with. Yeah, that's really her dad. All right, all right, let's go. Nini is an online listener. She writes, I'm a forty four year old single female and I'm in a relationship with a great man. I had COVID nineteen back in June, and I was in isolation for two weeks. I didn't see my man for two weeks, so I was happy when all of that was over. It took him a while to have sex with me, but after a couple of days we did it. The only thing is he won't kiss me. He hasn't kissed me at all since June, and I can't make love without kissing. I've stopped being intimate with him, and he says he's just being cautious. How can I get him to understand that I don't have the cooties? Please say, nobody kissing you. We're not doing this. I don't know, I don't know. I think it's just a kiss with y'all in that breathing the same as he's not kissing hook because she had COVID. She said that, yeah, it has to be a fluid exchange or breathing in the spitting spray. That's fluid. Now I'm coming through that, but I'm gonna have his mask on it. I'm gonna ask shoot away your mask. No kissing now, you said her, Hey, time about I can't make love without kissing. We're here he can, apparently, So she stopped all together. Now, Steve, well it's over. It's over. So the only thing she could do is go and get tested, like like you do for veneral disease. Everybody get tested and show your test results. It's the best thing we got. Or if they break up, then what about future relationships? She shouldn't say anything that she had shed damn up. But you had it. You ain't got to tell nobody now, if you didn't got through the two week period, that ain't nobody to be business. You don't have to tell nobody that you know. So, do you think he's gonna get over it? Steve? Do you think he's gonna get over it? No? No, No, he's just he being careful. He ain't kissing him because you don't know who else he went that he can't he can't get nobody else. Oh so that's why. That's so the two weeks she was down, he was with someone else, and I see she fought the fold. Now he's sixty fold. He might have a pre existent condition and he's really gonna he was stay right right, all right, thank you as always, CLO, Chief Love Officer. Coming up next, the nephew in the building would run that prank back right after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna's standing by with today's national news with the latest from the Republican National Convention and the latest on the Hurricane Laura, plus an entertainment news. We'll talk about Aunt Becky's fate and her husband's fate in the college scandal. Also Vanity Fair magazine and their tribute to Brianna Taylor. But right now we'll talk to the nephew who is here to run that prank back. What you got for his nea? My aunties bike, My aunties Bikello, that's rock Cat down. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Bond. Hey man, this this this k dub Man. Listen, dud dude, do you know somebody to live on? Yeah? My mama. My mama stayed on. Who is this? Hey? This this k dub Man. My auntie, missed Tinsley, she live on now, my auntie say you came over here and stole a bicycle and some other stuff out of hook garage. Okay, hold well, first of all, who is you man? I sold a bike as somebody garage? Who is this? Who is Kay? I don't know no, Kay dub this is Kay dub Man. My auntie, Miss Tinsley little down the street from your mama and my anti just got you telling me you the one came and when I took a bike and a tool box or somebody that garage. Man. First of all, I don't even know, no, damn, Miss Tinsley. And second, Roy, I don't steal your your auntie, Miss Tinsley, say I stole somebody. Put a put on the phone, man, put your amy on the phone. I ain't stole nothing from nowhere. I ain't got it. She can't talk, My any can't talk to you. Why she ain't talk, she said, I stold so no, my ain't my auntie death. She signed language me and told me that you don't want stole stole the bike. Your auntie death, and she told you she signed language you and said I stole the bike. Why do you get my numble sign language? You? Hold on? Okay, she said, quit all that damn lying. You know, damn well, you're the one that stole the bike. A man. Hold so your auntie it's cussing me. I do you in sign language? You're telling me that I just stole the damn bike. Hey man? He first of like, I, hell, you even get my number? Man? I got number? The street asked him from miss ain't your mama? Miss yeah, miss my mama? Okay, okay, well look man, the people down the street up and then the new Yong number. I told them I needed to talk to you soon than I ain't. He told me that that you was the one that stole the bike out to gird Now, look, I ain't trying to tell you. Can you can't keep that? Can you sign? Late was back to your ain't it? Yeah? I was back to her tell her that I said it, I ain't stole no bike. How about that? Tell you ain't I ain't stole no damn Right now, man, grown man, I'm trying to tell her right now. Wait a minute, Okay, hold on. She's saying something. She said, your black lying and you know that well you got that. They look him man, your ainty. That streets with nobody on that street except for mom Voma. I'm a grown man, so I gotta steal a bike for so deaf. She must be dumb too, she deaf and dog. She's like, I sold something, y'all. I don't even know y'all. Oh you can't. He ain't deathly dumb dude, Okay, my, ain't you donna never lie? And if missus Tennsley saying that that that somebody took some that dog, she's telling the truth, I ain't it gonna be lying and just to be lying. Why she just gonna lie on you? Why she gonna get you out? Man? You know what, I don't know what's going on, but I ain't got no reason to still no bike now, I got a car that ain't paid fuck I got I'm a grown man. I'm trying to get cuts it in my son. So I'm gonna coming to somebody garad and still a bike as you cray it. You crazy this She is ain't get out of my line with that. Hold on, hold on, hold on, My ain't it talking saying Wait a minute, man, I'm trying to see what she was saying. She said that black No damn well, he took that bike and he better bring that damn bike. Looking, man, I don't know what you still on my line? Man, I ain't took no bike, dumb ain't needs lye do easy even time. Hey, you're gonna tell you something. You're gonna respect my aming? Hey? Man, you canna respect me? You call my phone with ever I mean to try to get my together. You call someone who aren't you? What are you? I don't know this is. I don't know know who I'm gonna Man, I'm K dub everybody, No K dub. I ain't never heard or no more K dub on in my life. My mama had been staying on for fifteen years. I never heard no K dub. I heard no Miss Tensery. I heard about no death. Lady, I ain't seen no bike. Get the off my line, many, man, she see you're gonna make me go down and steal something out of miss house. If you don't bring that, then I'm bike back. What got me? Bring somebody to my mama? And you want to tell about my way over the apt somebody to my house. My family is gonna be old for you. That justum. Ain't you got who ell down? That gave you my novel? Everybody? You got me up? Go this up. I'll bet true. Up you come by my mama's house. You're back now stepping my mama. Glad you come by my mama. Play you work. You got me up. You're gonna turn me to the thought side. Come on my way right now. I don't know. We get on the phone and wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. What you're saying, ain't by ain't say nobody scared of your Oh, Craig, say tell yo deaf, I ain't need to bring up sutside. And I bet you she hit him Nicks. I'm gonna be putting on your yo. I'll be so she's gonna be undeath today. I bet she get cured when you keep me whooping ya man, he literally, I ain't coming by myself on the Commy gonna be there with me, Tommy gonna help me. Whoop your way? Who the time to Timmy? Who Tommy man nephew timming from the sea harb in morning show. You just got pranked by your mama, miss Bureau. Uh right there, man, Uh mama, my mom would No. I don't like nobody with a man. Guys your I'm play your mama. My son loved me to dell. He don't let know. He take care of me. He don't let nothing go wrong with me. I don't let nobody to mess with me. He said, all you got to do that, like you're gonna do something to his mom. Man, Well, I don't see hearnything. I don't see it because like I do. Man, guy, I'm in the mirror. Sweet, I'm man for read y'all did this? Man? I just want to go. I wasn't myself. Oh God, you tell my mama she wrong for that too, Dude, what's ups? You have to change? Boy? You have to change you just like me before you love your mama. I ain't. Man. Hey, I gotta ask you, man, one more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Man without a doubt? Man, Steve Harvey Morning show man? Get a few timing, Man without doubt? Hey, man till mis beer? I said, Hey, all right, I go. I was gonna drop off a little two out of dollars she wanted. She want to play games, though, man, don't like the one now cussed down, real nice and smooth. I appreciate, appreciate that little cussing right now, you playing. Oh yeah, I live to get custed out. That's your goal, my goal. And I gotta tell y'all he ain't lying because I hadn't done it to him a thousand times. He says that Jess could at tent well Shirley and Carla. Yes, sir, I want to congratulate you off of being fine women, working radio women, because you could have been on the Republican National Convention last night and been introduced as Donald Trump Junior's girlfriend. The hell you print that up under the air walk out the tight ass dress on Jesse fry All in long ass pony hair. Thank you for that compliment. Steve all right, coming up next, thanking nephew. Coming up next to the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment and national news for you. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In today's entertainment news, it's back to school time. We want to show more love to the world's coolest teachers and Albany, Georgia. Miss Evans and Miss Williams went viral with their What's Popping? Video? Take a listen? What's popping? Miss Evans on the beat so tapping. You got options, but you better pass my class. No flopping. I'm gonna log in every day every morning. I'm watching. Yeah, we betch you well and you know it's up. So we've been to take it up a na Yet my role was to bess, not comparing. We had the top out true no Darren Cca e found I said, sports man, I'm want it all to myself. No sharing cover nineteen had a stress, but it's nothing. We're gonna overcome that bass. No bluffing wearing masks, watch your heads. People say this is because I really thought that a pandemic, said so on the South with the board and wrapped doing I we can't just to get you at the trap teaching up listening I have bidden and agating our student going straight to the top. No contop flopping, no stopping, were mopping. Yeah you know, Miss Evans, don't play young. I love that. You see the video on social media, right beati dope don't yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, that's a real song. So good. Yeah, yeah, I've been reason why you can't do the age age. The teachers are doing it age limit. Lets With all of this uncertainty, teachers, Miss Evans and Miss Williams wanted to get the kids excited about this upcoming school year. We love the line you got options, but you better pass my class, no flopping. Yea. God bless all of our educators. Um, you know, and thank you for the job you do with our kids. Thank you so much. All real heroes too, absolutely absolutely and now yeah and other entertainment news, Full House actress Lori Laughlin we know Arizon Becky of course from Full House. She'll serve two months in prison for her part in the Varsity Blues College admission scandal. Her husband, Massimo Giannelli, will serve five months. Both are expected to surrender to US Bureau of Prisons on November ninth. All they had to do was kim on and when that first white lady went in, But no, we going the court. They should have went on and played guilty like that old lady. She got leven days. She did three day let out. They if you do some monks now yeah yeah, but then yeah, one of the black lady that you somebody addressed with her child. She got three years Oh yeah, has a serious time so her kid can go to a better school school. Yeah, yes, absolutely, all right. And finally, you guys, first, it was Oprah that put Brianna Taylor's likeness on a cover of her magazine. Oh and the billboards all over the city. Now, Vanity Fair has put a portrait of Brianna Taylor on their September issue. Um, it's all about just uh power and activism and in the twenty first century. And the article is called a Beautiful Life. It retells the story of Brianna's life and her death at the hands of local police and Louis Louisiana, Louisville, Kentucky. And this is seen through the voice of Brianna's mom. Their case stealing had made no movement, her family is saying, possibly in October now though, yeah, according to justice, are still fighting for Brianna. Tight. Absolutely yeah, um all right. Time to get caught up Steve on today's headlines, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Anne trip. Yes, it is exhausting, folks. This is a trip with the news the Louisiana Gulf Coast of preparing for a one two weather punch from Hurricanes Marco which made landfill overnight and Laura or Laura, depending upon what it is, which is still a tropical storm and already responsible for six met deaths, and they say they're really afraid when Laura comes to town. The Republican National Convention came to town, kicking off yesterday in Charlotte, North Carolina. No surprise, but it's official time the president of these United States. I just want to thank everybody for being here. I felt an obligation to come to North Carolina. It's been a place that that's been very good to me. Hundreds of GOP delegates were there for the first day yesterday to normalized the renominations of both Donald Trump and Mike Pence. US Postmaster General Lewis de Joy was back on Capitol Hill yesterday. On Friday, you may remember he was quizzed by the Senate Homeland Security Committee. Yesterday he was called before the House Oversight Committee amid continuing concerns over whether he's been doing things deliberately to slow down mail delivery in advance of what may be a mostly mail and valid election thanks to fears over the coronavirus. However, the Joy insisted those suspicions are wrong. His sacred duty is my number one priority between now an election day, but Democrats like Virginia's Jerry Connelly don't buy it. In a very brief time, congratulations, mister Dejoi an esteemed institution that now is in doubt in the American public's mind. The Oversight Committee released postal service data over the weekend, showing increasingly delays and delivery over the past few months ever since de Joy took over, and they also say that mailboxes have been removed from the streets and that sorting machines have been dismantled, not just unplugged, which they could have been, but dismantled. Protesters took to the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin, last night to protest the cops shooting of an unarmed black man buy a white police officer. Two police officers involved have been placed on administrative leave. Video shows a cops shooting the unarmed man in the back several times as he attempted to get in his car with his children inside. The man. The victim is in a serious condition in a local hospital. Food and Drug Administration has cleared the way for the emergency use of convalescent plasma to treat COVID nineteen patients. That's plasma from people who had the virus but got better. And finally, Jerry Folwell Juniors reportedly resigned from the right wing Religious Liberty University in the wake of a sex scandal involving him, his wife and a former Poolboywell was already on suspicion on suspension for posting a picture of himself with his pants on zipped. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the show Trending Youth from Our Homestation and De Troit Mix ninety two. Three employees working at a Detroit funeral home made a shocking and crazy discovery. They found a twenty year old woman breathing and very much alive, hours after the paramedics declared her dead. Well, no, you know, we don't do this. Don't do this. The paramedics were called to the woman's home after she went into cardiac arrest. When they arrived, she was non responsive. She was unresponsive and they performed CPR and a life reviving methods for the thirty minutes and it was determined she didn't have any signs of life. Okay. The one woman's then transported to the James H. Cole Funeral Home, and that's when the employees of Cole Funeral Home discovered she was alive, called the EMS and they took her to the hospital where she is recovering. Now. So right, sure, sure, daddy, daddy, come come here for a minute. Then listen, I don't want you to trip. But the last body they bought in it back down him the black girl. Daddy, she back there talking. I want everybody get their ass out of here right now. I don't know what this is right here, somebody trying to prinkle. Everybody go outside, staying right now. Everybody be still whole hand. We're gonna talk to Lord about this. Daddy, Daddy, she said she was all right, I adn't want to hit it. Hire and now nobody going back there no more. There could be a damn golst or something. Come out here and do all this him Wait up, Oh hell no, she just set up to hadway down the street. I'm talk about broke. Oh hell no, she wiped it all the makeup all. I ain't sticking around for nuts. Yeah, family's own pardon you imagine the woman was transported to the James H. Cole Funeral Home, and that's when the employees of Coal funeral Home discovered that she was alive. They called the EMS and they took her to the hospital where she is recovering. Now. She's unventilators. From what I understand. Yeah, wow, you know, guys, in all seriousness, we are praying for her, absolutely for her full recovery, all right. And coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, guys, those protests in Wisconsin, we'll talk about that. And Milwaukee sports teams and athletes expressed their sadness and anger about that police shooting of Jacob Blake. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening to this Day show. Wisconsin Governor Tony Evans has deployed the National Guard to maintain public safety in Kenosha, Wisconsin, due to protests after police officers shot a black man, twenty nine year old Jacob Blake. They shot him multiple times in the back after he tried to get into a car. Blake's children, ages three, five, and eight, were in the car at the time of the shooting. According to Yeah, they saw it. According to CBS News. Witnesses say Blake was in a headlock and he was tased by police and walked away before being shot. Attorney Benjamin Crump is representing mister Blake's family and released a statement. He said the officers were reckless, irresponsible, and their actions were inhumane and nearly cost the life of a man who simply was trying to do the right thing. The officers involved have been placed on administrative lead and there is a petition for them to be charged. Also, Milwaukee sports teams and athletes, including Aaron Rodgers, Chris Middleton, and Lebron James, express their sadness and anger of the shooting. Green Bay Packers star Aaron Rodgers said there's a systemic problem and until the problem is fixed, this is going to be an all too common occurrence to say, yes, I saw the video. Man, I'm still trying to I'm just not understanding what he did. Stop halt is not does not cause for that type of reaction from the police. I don't know what in your training manual says when a man turns his back on you and walks away that you can shoot him seven times, especially when there's multiple police, when all they could you want him to stop jump on him? Yeah, if the officer had his shirt, his T shirt, his wife beater t shirt in his hand with one hand and the gun and the other right all yeah, do was grabbed to do? Man, he was walking away. You could have done anything. Man. You shot this man seven times. Man. I just hope, I hope the man lives and he's not, you know, permanently damaged. Yeah, seven shots. Man, that's a lot in the back, steed in the back and close range. Yes. And they saw them shoot their father. They show those saw those officers shoot their dad. They saw it. What kind of image is that for kids to see? They're in the cart, their dad's on the ground after being shot. That's trauma. Yes, especially the eight year and the fire roll. They're gonna you remember you have memory, remember. Yeah, you may not remember three, but three tragic traumatic happens to you three. You might very true, that's very true. I remember things when I was eight, when I was five. Yeah, oh yeah, easily, easily. Yeah. Yeah, that's so sad. That's so sad. Benjamin Crump once again, baby go get it. Yeah, And there's we only have one Benjamin Crump. How many times and that has to affect him too, you know, he has to he has to keep showing up for these cases all the time. Imagine how we need to pray for him. How weary and tired he is. Yeah, hey, we we own the radio talking about it and we tied. Yes. I can only imagine what he's feeling. And I really can't even imagine what the family's are feeling. Oh my god. Yes, But then I repeatedly go back to, what were these officers thinking? Is our life soul work sold back to you? I mean that when we just you could you can shoot him and killing But I'm gonna keep saying this. I don't know how to bring this about, but until we have mandatory police sentences where you have to be held accountable for the same law that we pay you to uphold. And it's very simple, it seems to me, because if you're paid to a hold a certain law, then you have to be you have to at least be held accountable and to that same law. I mean, just that's common sense to me. I can't or you can't shoot a person in the back. Nope. Do you know in some states and if someone is leaving your house, you can't shoot them at bad and it's true. Right, that's right, all right. Go to Steve Harvey FM on Instagram or Facebook if you want to comment on this um. Coming up next, we're going to switch gears. The Nephew is here with today's prank phone call. Right after this. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject can't nobody be that in love? Okay, that is the subject. I can't wait to hear this. Can't nobody be that in love? Right now? The nephew is here for today's prank phone call. What you got for us? NEF today? Lunchtime date, Shirley, lunchtime date? Oh okay, that seems nice enough. Lunch Yeah, let's check this out. Let's go kire though. Hello. Hey, I'm trying to speak to uh, speak to Alan. It is Alan. Who's this? Hey? Alan? Yo? This Derek man. Check us out, bro. You are Rachel's Rachel's husband, right, yeah, yeah, that's all baby. What's up summer? No? No, no, no, no no no. I work Like I said, it's Derek Now, I work with your wife Rachel right, you you're a supervisor or something. I mean, you just just about work something. I mean, she's doing a good job and everything. She ain't better. Oh no, no, no, everything is straight. Man, Ain't nothing wrong with the job. Everything's cool with the job. This this right here, man is like what I know this man, and it's you know, it just seems like every single day, you know, while she's on her lunch break, it seems like you know, you would call and and and uh and then blocked up the whole hour of her lunch break. And actually, you know, just be real man, I'm just trying to come correct with you. It just seemed like you just cut in on all the time that I have that I had with her. Well whoa, whoa, whoa whoa hold hold up, hold up, hold up, bro wait you what the are you doing at lunch with my lady sons? Like I said, you know, we just we just spending time, you know, doing lunch time. But it just seems so rude, you know that rude, rude, rude you you Okay, First of all, that's my lady. Okay, I can call her whenever the I feel like calling that. That's I pay for the phone. Bill, I bought that iPhone five I could get the call whenever. Please. All right. Secondly, you ain't got no business being with a married woman alone at lunch. This ain't no date. You're supposed to be at work. No, we are at work. We call I'm saying, we call workers. You know, it seemed like half the whole time I was sitting in front of hub. You know, we're supposed to be having luss together and she's talking to you the whole U. Okay, what what's your name? Be? Getting name? Derek? Derek? All right, Derek? You work at the same building up because you you would work right now? Huh yeah? I mean yeah, I'm here at the job and y'all work in the same flow because I can Finn come and see you. You kings about to jump off way way different for you straight up. Okay, So let me ask you something, man, What is a big deal? Understand? Okay? You look like you don't see her. You look like you don't see her when she gets home, you know. So why is this so important that you waste a whole hour of ludshine holding up? An't wasted? Ain't ain't watch I'm talking to my lady. Okay, you understand that. Why don't you go out and get and then you ain't got to worry about sitting up in front of my lady. That's my wife. I walked down the hour with that. We got kids, we got a house, We take care to hold it down. And this you you you ain't you know it's like you you don't ever want to come in and do but they got so I've always want to come in and somebody else's wife, And why why don't you do this? Take take this advice and see what it works. Have it works for you. Go to the club, church, library, grocery stole, whatever, the find your dad and you get you a chick. You gave her for a minute, you call her for a minute. You rollman stuff for a man. That's what real men do. You know what I'm saying. That's what I did. That's how I got my Rachel's that's stuff. That's my heart. You're trying to sit up there in front of lunch with us every day for the past year. I'll tell you what, bro it may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but soon soon you're gonna see me me. You're gonna have none of this phone conversation. This is gonna be a face to face through all I'm saying, man, I ain't trying to come between y'all at all. All I okay, like I'm saying, I'm not trying to come between y'all. I'm just saying, it's every day you call it, man, what do you want life to plos to talk to every guy day? That's what a real dude. You don't know about that because you was You ain't no real All you know about it trying to highlight some street. You don't know what it is to put it in work like a real man dude, to actually hold down a home, pay the bills, everything, the family, the kidsen, fixing the yards and fantasy. You don't know nothing about that. All you know about it you know ROAs wife can't even go to work without like you trying to step ahad And don't mean no guy because because it's okay, Like I promise you I'm gonna be there. You're gonna see me, and I'm gonna see you. You know, I'll tell you what this house is gonna go. It may not be the Knight, but it's definitely not gonna go past tomorrow. Between now and then, you're gonna see me and I'm gonna see you, and I can't. What's what's your saying? Heard me? I would come see yo by tomorrow? Son? I mean you Eric. That's your name right, Derek name? My name is Derek. Yeah, you don't. I always want to keep both smiley facing my wife's face. I'm gonna do Rachel when I see it, he can. Please believe that. Please believe that talked to about a little friend at lunch and like the hell hell getting my nub anyway, I got shill know how to rachel phone. But that's besides the moll my bless phone. Y'all. Ain't that cool? I don't know. I ain't never heard of no dance before the day. And what's sudden you calling me talking about you was at lunch every day with wife and you know I don't it's a friendly lunch date. Just word it. Really, I don't know how you just do friendly? I know about all that. You ain't fulling me. You got know like you who prey on mary women all the time because they like you. But that, like I said, it's gonna change, promise you okay, dog, Here's here's what you don't know. What you don't know is is Tommy Tommy be pushing off on the more than me. Tommy Tommy is always pushing up on her. Tommy one you need to be worried about. You have Tommy. Who's who them dog dog do? Nephew Tommy? Man, check this out. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Rachel got me the prank phone call you. Oh he believe y'all? Did this mean? Mane may I shouldn't come down to man? Man, I am now. I was gonna you know, and I was gonna burn that building down. You don't even know. Hey, I'm Tommy. Is this reprediction? Somebody gonnauck you up? For real? Y'all? You just played too much? Man, y'all? Trip it h hey, man, check it out. You gotta tell me this man. What is the baddest radio show in the lane? Only the Steve Harvey Morning Show? Man, of course, come on, Hey, hey, tom hate Timmy. This is my prediction. Somebody gonna blank you up. Man for read. He was cussing you out from the time as soon as he said off the chain. You mean, yes, I can't call my wife see see blank blanks like you just think you didn't put it in the work date. Man, you know what I mean. Gonna spend some time, man, put some work here. That's what I did. Get my wife. It's my girl, man, man dog, He was serious, man, serious man said it's probably ain't gonna be the day, but I ain't gonna go past tomorrow. Yeah, Oh you gonna see me d Yeah. Man, Oh you bleed that. Oh you're gonna bleed that. Oh think gonna change at I see you nothing today. And it was a long pause after you told him who you were, nephew Tommy, It was a long pause. Whom Yeah, Tommy be pushing up on the motor met man blank you and time time? Who the blankets? Tommy? Anyway, just a little lunch of day man, that's all, just a little lunch day up with the crazy. What do you What did you want? That's what you're supposed to do, man, talk to my wife every day. Yeah, I got something for your podcast. You can tell he was a good husband. Family man. Let me tell you all the way through fix it faces. What do you every day around that house? Though? What do you won't what is it a day? Wait? What is it? What do you want? Roman? Can't even go to work without some blankety blank like you pushing all the both. Oh, it's cool though, We're at you. Thank you nephew. Coming up next, it's my Strawberry Letter. The subject can nobody be that in love? We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to this Day Morning show. Just a quick reminder before we got to my Strawberry Letter for today, there are seventy days seventy days, seven zero days until the November third election, So please go right now to get registered at vote for one one dot org Vote for one one dot org, and also get your dates as to when you can early vote in your state. That's very important because we want everyone to early vote this year early. All right, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Buggle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here it is. It's a strawberry letter, Thank you, nephew. Subjects can't nobody be bad in love? Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a thirty seven year old single lady and I work with a married couple that gets on my last nerve. They're the most happy couple in the world and they love to rub their relationship in everyone's faces. We've all recently returned to the office, and our boss let them share an office. They love to announce to everyone that they're going to launch, and they walk around holding hands at all times and making flirty gestures. When they're around us. They love to tell us how wonderful it is to have found a soul mate and how we should pray for hours. On their Instagram pages, all of their pictures are of them kissing and holding hands or cuddling, and it looks so fake. My coworkers and I know that something bigger is going on, because can nobody be that in love? So we created fake profiles on Instagram, one for a woman and one for a man. The fake male profiles sent a DM to the wife to see if she would respond. She did, and over the course of a week, she was ready to meet the fake guy for a drink and would tell her husband she was going to her mom's house. The husband also responded to the fake woman and said he needs a break from his boring, uncontrolling wife. It was just as we thought. They're sick of each other. I know what we did was lowdown, but they need a reality check so they will stop preaching to us about love and the joys of being married when they're both miserable. Her husband and I messed around before they got married, so I know she can't be that pleased with him in or out of the bedroom. It's time to expose them, but we will still have to work with them. What should we do? Oh wow, what a dilemma you're in. I think you're crazy, I really do. I think you're crazy for real. I think you're a hater. I think you're petty and you must have an absolutely miserable life. You must otherwise, why would you be doing this? Why would you care? Why does this bother you so much? So what? They're faking it? So what? It's not up to you to question and judge them. I mean, really, who are you and who puts you in charge of checking to see if everyone who says they're in love is really in love? Who gave you that job? I think you're jealous of what they have or what they seem to have. I don't care if it is fake not. You don't have anything going along going on romantically in your life. You just don't have it. So you're you're focusing on them and you're trying to bring them down. You can't stand to see him with someone else. Since you say you dated him first. You put that you know in the last paragraph of the letter. Uh, he didn't do all this lovey dovey stuff with you, did he? Uh he didn't. I know, he didn't hold in your hands and all that. I know he didn't do it. So you're mad and you're vindictive. You want to get him back. You're in revenge mode right now. Uh. So you took time out of your day to set up these phony accounts you and your co workers to expose them. I just think it's pure evil and for what ultimate goal to to to you? I just say, grow up, stop these shenanigans. This is stupid. It's not your business. Who cares. You could eventually cause some serious trouble in their marriage, but by you know these false profiles and making them do this and stuff. I just say, let these people live. They don't need your health, little hater. They don't need it. Steve Um. Before I answer this question, I don't want you to know that I will be answering this question and what I've created. Uh. I created these things called CTOs, and I take CTOs from time to time because I just don't feel like it's sometimes. So I'm gonna read this letter. Huh, what's the CTL. That's a Christian time out? Oh oh, so you're taking time out from Christianity to respond to this letter. Okay, okay, okay, nobody be that in love you damn right. Thank you so happy you're saying it. I'm a thirty seven year old single lady. I work with a married couple of gets on my last nerve. It can do that when you single. They could do it very very quickly. I got you. They're the most happy couple in the world and they love to rub their relationship and everybody faces, especially yours. Oh I love this. Let them. We've all recently returned to the office, and our boss let them share office. Right there. Who doesn't come out of quarantine with their damn wife, and now I want to share office with their wife. I'm with the lady. Can't nobody be that damn in love? Not after this quarantine. I'm so happy to be back at work. I don't know what to do, and I swear to God I love margin, But Tom Garden, I don't want to shadow more damn officers with hub. You watch it, okay? I think God the lady wrote just let them best damn letter I ever heard. They love to announce to everybody that they go in to lunch. They walk around holding head. Not after quarantine. You ain't they love it? Tell us how wonderful lives have found a soul mate and how we should pray for hours. You should pray for your soul mate, but after quarantine, your soul mate is probably on your damn nerves. I got more about this that one. Yeah, okay, we'll have part time, Part two seas response coming that damn in love that is the subject twenty three after the hour. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters. The subject is, can't nobody be that in love? Can't nobody beat that in love? This damn coupling got on their nerves after quarantine to Boston gave them a office together. They holding hands, going to lunch. That we're going to lunch now, kissy kissing. They walk around holding hand after quarantine. This couple sound happier than Herschel Walker at the Republican National Convention last month. These two damn people so happy to be all stuck up every other. You know what I'm saying. If this ain't a herschel Walk at the Republican National Convention last night, I don't know what he is, Just jammed all up in each other crack. They love to tell us how wonderfully it is half a soul mate, and how we should pray for hour, you should pray for your soul mate. God gave me mine. But after quarantine, I wish somebody would have said you and margin finished it office? Now, what's got to be careful? Man? No, that's the truth. My wife needs a break from Mencing. Its millions of people side NESTO need a break from you. Oh I know that. Hey, No caller TSH TSH need a damn break from you. He moved out the home office from me. Hello, took his ass start working from his car. Yeah, so now they don't send them hit up on their Instagram pages. All their pictures of them are kissing and holy hands or color. It looks so fake because it is my co workers and not know that something biggest going on probably is called Cain't nobody be that damn in love? So guess how we found out? Created fake page? Yeah all right now, yeah, one for a woman, one for a man. The fake male profile sent a DM to the wife to see if she respond She did respond, and over the course of a week was ready to meet the fake guy for a drake What not lovey and Debbie? Oh hell no? Not peatures and heard see seeing rufus what The husband also responded to the fake woman. He said he needed a break from his boring ass wife and controlling kiss me on this picture, hold my head, look at my eyes, walk with me into the office, Say you love me? Flirt back if I wink at you? You winking me? He doing all that? You're gonna go out for a drink? Hell yet? And it was just as we thought. I just as I thought too. Ain't nobody that damn in love? Woman. But they need a reality to check so they can stop preaching about the love and the joys of being mad when they are both miserable. Yes, her husband and I hear where the letter to the exactly Her husband and I messed around before they got married, so I know she can't be that pleased with him in the out of the bedroom. Oh see, I was witching through the whole letter to all of a sudden, up pop. The reason your ass is worried about the both of them because you single ain't happy. He ain't happy, she ain't happy, and you wanted to make sure. Ain't nobody happy? Can't nobody be that? Damn it? And Shirley said it best. You ain't got nothing else to do, not a damned thing. It's time to expose them, But we still need to work with them. What should we do? Now, here's the truth of the letter. Go sit your ass down somewhere. What what? What? What? What? What? What do you mean? What? What should we do? What? Nothing? Now? You know the truth? You to find out, but it ain't your place to say nothing. See now, let me tell you something. See now, if you go to each other, eat one of them with this information, you got You're gonna have to pay for that. Now y'are already single, You're gonna mess for I have a stroke. God, don't like ugly. You got to be careful, stroke dog. I'm just saying you. I'm just saying I wanted to. I'm just saying you could you know me? You know well, I'm just you know what, all these little crazy plant unity and I'm surprised. I don't even know what. I swear to God, I don't know where that's coming from all the people on this damn show. A stroke guy, Let's just go on with some of the shocking things you didn't see. You don't call the man and told a man that one of his tweegs he having is probably black because you had what you called another man and told him his wife is your brother, tent you in my coat so she might have a bro. All Right, we gotta go on that note. I'm your post, your comments and Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook. Please check out the scar Check Strawberry Letting podcast Done to Man coming up in forty six minutes after the hour. You know what time it is time for Junior Sports Talk. Right after this, You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, you know what time it is, ladies and gentlemen. Junior is here with sport stock. What you got, Junior, Shirley of the NFL commissioner got something to say? Now, yeah yeah, yeah he oh he. They didn't found themselves in the NFL. According to the Black Information Network, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he should have listened to Kaepernick about the reason he began kneeling doing the national anthem back in twenty sixteen. Really really, oh now, we asked some understanding. Goodell did a recent interview and he said he's sorry for not talking with Cap. Finally, yeah, finally gonna admit it. Thenny Goodelle also said that the players kneeling, it's not about the flag. What the hell we' saying the whole time? Oh yes, we've been saying this and Cap ain't played him for you. This is greatness, This is happening. There's a turn happening. First of all, good Dale is doing something that our president won't do. He apologized, admitted he was wrong. You look at the Republican National Convention last night. They still mad about the kneeling because it gives him a platform to stand on this great American flag and our military it's never been about that. Dre military is not mad. They know what it's yeah about right, they're not even upset about it. Why would the NFL have something against the military that doesn't even make That narrative doesn't even make. But it doesn't not would anybody have to your base, It makes all contestent. But see it's crazy. Listen to me, most of us have a family member somewhere in some branch of the military, soldiery dog, dog dog, a man. We didn't prayed for the safe return of soldiers and military people for years, thank them for their Black people are some praying people about when it comes to people in need? Yeah, and now all of us setting man, he'd have made that his little soapbox. He gonna stand up. And they still doing it, and they they are using that as an agenda. But the most appalling part of it all I know that's not on the subject, but for them to have on their show the two white people that was out front of their house with a with an a K and A and a nine or whatever she had. Man, for you to be the president of a United States and put out in front of your convention two people with guns to some unarmed, peaceful protests and put that out there like that's your statement. That's divisive right there. Man. It's a horrible president, man, really is. It's a horrible president. Perfect and Hershey, coming up at the top of the hour, can couples who don't agree on politics? Last, we'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to show. Yesterday was the first day of the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, and we also heard about the shocking news of President Trump's senior adviser, Kelly Ann Conway's abrupt resignation from the White House. Kelly Anne's husband, George Conway, is a lawyer. He's a prominent critic of the Trump administration. He's a Republican. Though the couple's fifteen year old daughter, Claudia Conway, said strife in her family is out of control and she still wants emancipation from her family. Kelly Anne said that her resignation is the best decision for her children and her family. She said also that her husband George will be leaving the Lincoln Project that's committee formed by former Republicans, so The question is, can couples who don't agree on politics last? Can they last? If you're a republican relationship he's a Democrat, he's a Democrat. You're you know, a Republican Democrat might be able to make it. But you can't be Biden in Trump though. Yeah, that's just too big a damn different. Yeah, a Trump Republican. You know, you can be Humphrey and Raking. You can't be that. You can be Bushing Clinton. Yeah, you can't be Trump and no damn body, Yeah, yeah, a Trump. This dude is the type of president where he invokes hate, volks real hate. Yeah, he does. You don't. Look, I didn't care for George Bush, but I respected him as the president as a president. Love him now, love him now? And and and you know I didn't. I did. I didn't care for him as the president, but I didn't. I didn't have a dislike for him. No, And he was very presidential. But somebody can be the president and you don't disagree and you don't agree with everything that they're doing or everything this level. Yeah, has people who hate him. Yeah, and has people who hate you if you don't love him. I mean, man, this is probably to me, the most polarized president we've got. I mean, question you. I can't find a redeeming quality in him. And we all respect the office of the presidency, we all respect that you're but one thing he's done, and I don't really give him too much on that because I know why he did it. The prison reform bill, who he wants to use. It's what he's done for black people when you correct or wrong? Yeah, right, that shouldn't be in the first place. You know, a lot of the sentencing all is here, man, the sentence bro, bro, that don't reflect the crime at all, and is y'all the ones sent them in here? So I'm not really sure what that was. But that's hit man. Everything else you've done has been always against somebody of color, doctor, the wall, the nearly wall, though there's good, fine people on both sides. I mean, man, just over and over. Never have you once come out in support of black lives matter and will not. Yeah, you see what's going on in the streets. You see what happened in Kenosha, Wisconsin, two nights ago. Absolute and he has not said one word to calm down the protesters, not one word of hope. I promise you was president, we will look into every act of injustice and racial uh, injustice. And his son last night was beyond ridiculous because he said, my father is against racism on all levels. George Floyd, that was it his words. George Floyd was in the National Guard. Yeah. One more thing, especially importantly, Donald Trump Junior's girlfriend talk and it was under her name, Donald Trump Junior's girlfriend were the girl coming up? We'll have more of a from trending Story six. We'll be back in twenty minutes after the hour, right after listening to show. All right, this week is the fifteenth year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, Hercane Katrina, as we know, was in two thousand and five. Yeah, fifteen years ago. Uh and then Carla, of course you knew it. Well, you were in New Orleans at the time. Yeah, you were in there. Steve called g had just hired me, and Steve called the sea. We were okay, Yeah, and now fifteen years later, we're facing Hurricane Laura. Yeah. I mean, you know, I've been watching the storms, you know, I'm always looking at the hurricanes and the storms and Marco kind of disorganized, so they're not really worried about Tropical Storm Marco. But Laura, Hurricane Laura is headed towards the Golf coast, so you know, residence on the Golf coast. We need to watch it because this storm dis dangerous flooding in Makeup, in Haiti, in the Dominican Republic, so you know, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, parts of Florida. Today is the day. Every Thursday is the day that you have to prepare and you have to listen to authorities because it may be too late on Wednesday and Thursday. So I'm telling you guys, by you staying in your home, you cannot save a home. It's nothing you can do about that wind and that waterfalls. But let me let me ask you this thing, Carla, When you say you have to prepare, what does that mean exactly preparing? Now, well, I'll talk about it at an expert. Okay, all right, cool, all right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to show, all right. So before we left to go to break, Carla, we were talking about Hurricane Laura and how this is This week is the fifteenth year anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. As well. You were in Hurricane Katrina. You are like our resident hurricane person on the show because you've been there. You know what it's like. And before we went to break, I asked you. You mentioned that people have to prepare today's today and what does that mean exactly? Well, you need to first listen to your local authorities and if they tell you voluntary evacuations mandatory evacuations, knowing the difference. You need to make sure that your gas your cars are the gas tanks or phil You need to have cash. You should also take pictures of your house before before the storm and then aha for insurance purposes, and then take pictures afterwards for any kind of damage so you can show what's going on. You should also have water. You should have nonperishable food that's like go to the store, granola bars, peanut butter, just different foods that you don't have to have obviously refrigerated or fresh foods. Also, this is a thing people always forget. Get charcoal because if you lose power, you can barbecue, you can get cook you can cook food like that. Get batteries, a han batteries and flashlight candles, all of these things that these are your supplies that you need. Also, now you gotta have masks. You gotta have things. It's a whole lot at it. But be prepared. Don't wait to last. Men that also get cash. You know, you might get cash. Yeah, is it too late? I mean I got it now, but I can't if you don't have If you don't have flood insurance, could you get it tomorrow? Is that possible? It depends on where you live. But you can play pay flood insurance for the year, you know, and then you go through FEMA and then through your insurance company and they will let you know what that fee will be. But it's for the year. And let me tell you that amount of money. I've talked to some people before and they asked me about flood insurance. They it's like, dang, I should listen to you. I said, I tell you it's worth it. It's worth it because you will kick yourself about what you should have done for about the money that you could have spent throughout the year. You know. So if you don't have it, try to get it today. If you don't have it, just call and see what happens, you know. Yeah, yeah, and pro definitely don't do anything without first not underestimate these storms and mother nature. Do not worry about what category it is and what number it is. If it's coming, you need to go. Wow. Yeah, what a decision to have to make. Yeah, and wow, I know, save your lives, you know, Steve, we talk about it all the time. You can replace your homes and all that material thing. Yeah, all right, Carla, thank you for that update. We appreciate it, and definitely other people in that area are in our prayers. All right. When we come back, last break of the day and Steve's closing remarks, you don't want to miss him. We'll be back at forty after you're listening to show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on the Steve Harvey Morning Show, Last Break Tuesday morning. There are seventy days, seven zero days until the November third election. Yeah, it's going it's going fast. Yeah, it is. M go right now to get registered to vote at vote for one one dot org. Vote for one one dot org and please get your dates so you will know when you can vote early in your state. And we want you to vote early. Prepare for it like you going to the club, like you guys go to work like yeah aboute yes, prepare for it, lay your clothes out, all of that. I mean, this is serious business. Set aside that day to take care of your vote. It's important, Steve, Yeah, it is. You know. I watched last night, is what I want to tell you. I watched last night the Republican National Convention, and I watched it and I was looking at it from the standpoint of trying to be open minded. The Republican Party. They have some principles. I don't agree with them all, but I don't have to. That's the way they choose to think about it. So I'm looking at all that they are, and they are a decent group of people. The sad part in all of this is that in all of the good things that they're trying to accomplish, and all of the good things that some Republicans feel are right, the fact that they are hanging their head on a candidate date who is none of the things that they say they stand for. That's the problem I'm having, Man, that all of this righteousness and moral compass that the Republican Party stands for the guy that they elected for as president is none of that. He isn't man. And I'm sorry that that's your choice for your party. I'm really sorry that that's all you could come up with. Out of the sixteen people that were up there four years ago, this is the one you came away with. I saw the shock look on all y'all's face. You couldn't believe it. But you went a party over people. So he became your ride and die. So he became the guy that you hung your head on. But you can't really believe and I just don't believe that that you think this is the guy who should be president of the United States, and we need to change that. Now. Let me say this to my listeners. They can put herschel Walker up there. They can put Tim Scott up there, they can put whoever they want on that stage. And they have a right to be Republicans too. I don't care. But listen to me. Don't bring him out every blue moon when you want something from him, because until now I don't hear from any of these people. Let's not get complacent, and let's not get deceived. This election in seventy days, it is real. This election will affect your life in a way that no other presidency has because this man don't care nothing about you. This man don't care nothing about the one hundred and seventy thousand lives as lost. He don't even mention it no more. He don't care what your kids get when they get up at that school. You can get COVID and edgection or whatever the hell else you can get up there. He don't care his children's not there. This man don't care nothing about your unemployment benefits. The Republicans right now are pushing back on the six hundred dollars a week that everybody was getting before. They want to do too now. They tried to meet in the middle at four. Are you kidding me? Man? You know how hard it is for people to live like that. They don't care. They want the economy back open, so they can probably say before November, look what he did. But yeah, he didn't open up all these states, and he's blaming that on the government. But guess what, Guess what, them COVID numbers has risen. Also, he doesn't have a plan to stop it. They can show that battleship that he bought into New York. Cuomo beg for that stuff. This wasn't Trump's idea. He just gave the old ca Listen, man, this is our world that we live in, our world. This is our future that's in front of us. This is all of our futures. This is all of our world. If you don't think this is our world, just look at what's happened to us in twenty twenty. For the first time ever, the entire world has had to grapple with an issue that we all have in common, and it's called COVID nineteen. This is our world. This is a serious, serious fight. We're head and we cannot lose this election to Donald Trump. You have got to vote. All of this stuff about it. Your vote don't matter, It does matter. Every vote counts. We have the power within our hands to get who we want in that White House in November. All these everybody says coming home, man, with these half cooked notions. We ain't got time for that. We have to vote. We have to vote. Vote for one one dot org. Register find out when we can early vote, get your ballot. When your ballot comes, take it to the post office. They're taking up mailboxes and and and getting rid of sorts and everything. Take your ballot to the post office. That line won't be nowhere near is long as the one to vote. Vote early so you don't have to get locked out. This is important. Vote for one one dot org. Thank you for all Steve every contests. No purchase necessary, void wear pro hid. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve harveyfm dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.