Heart Song Friday, Cardi B., National Boss Day, Ice Cube and more.

Published Oct 16, 2020, 1:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! This is officially Heart Song Friday and Big Dog is putting on a mini concert just for us. The CLO helps a man who has a female best friend that wants to be more than friends. What is the status of Cardi B.'s divorce? The crew wish Steve Happy National Bosses Day. Somebody went from N.W.A. to MAGA. Pimpin' makes his return to give us his NFL picks. 45's propriety was called into question when he played a specific Phil Collins song in Iowa. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve reminds us of what we stand to lose if we do not vote.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all all suit the don giving them like the milling bus things and it's good Steve listening together for stuy. I don't joy. You gotta turn hur, you gotta turn the turnout turn, got to turnmout to turn the water to the water. Got me come come on your back now, I sure will a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now. One and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Oh man, Steve Harvey got a radio show because God. Because God is simply amazing, because God is off the chain, because God is over the top, because God is all that in a bag of chips. God is amazing man. God will take you places that you never ever thought you would go. Oh you know what? It Sometimes it amazes me when I'm watching all people talk about themselves and their careers and where they're adding life and things and they and I hear people say, you know, always dreamed of being him. You know, I can understand when a person says that I've always dreamed that of something like this would happen to me. But I want you to think about that for a second. Did you really see it just like that though? Did you really really see it just like that? Did you really know that God was gonna bring you through all he bought you through to get you to this place? Did you know that, in spite of the losses along the way that would crumble the average person, that somehow He kept you through it all and that's how you got here? Did you think of you know? I mean, you know, you know. I mean, since you're so busy talking about yourself now, have you forgotten all the times He was bringing you through when you didn't see no way that you was gonna get through? Do you remember that? So when you sit there and you say, I dreamed of this, this is what I always saw happening, I don't really think. So, I don't really think. If you take inventory, or real close inventory of your life and you look back on it at all, stop looking at the moment right now, remember where you come from. See, that's what gets me emotional sometimes, that's what makes me tear up, because when something is happening to me in the moment, it ain't the moment for me, it's the memory of how I got there. It's the recollection of all the things, all the nights, all the days in that car, all the times by myself when I felt like I wasn't gonna make it. But somehow I'm standing somewhere and somebody passing out on the ward to me or somebody calling my name, that's that. Did you really think you was gonna make it? Then? So so so, since you're talking about this is what I always dreamed of? Did you really think in those moments right there that you would even be standing here today? That's why I try to I try to give people to understand, you know, and and and and this is kind of for young people today what I'm about to say. But then guess what I sometimes I have to remind myself of it. So I guess it's still kind of for everybody, you know, because I work with a lot of young people, and and so many times, man, young people just don't understand what all it takes. And I know, and if you're a full grown a dot, if you're forty, you you really understanding where I'm coming from, because you know it's listen to me, young people or anybody that don't understand this, that you got to do some things that you don't want to do. In order to do what you want to do, you have to understand this principle of success or else you are not going to become successful. I got what you want to do. I got your ultimate goal? Is this, that, and the other? I got all of that. But in the meantime, though, there are some necessary steps that you have to take in order to become successful, and you cannot skip these steps. You can't jump over these steps just because you want to be rich, Friday, I got that. I got that. Everybody got that. But if you want this, whatever you're talking about, whether it's money or success or fame or climbing the corporate letter or this is the position or you all, that's fine, and Danny, please hold on to your dreams. Dreams come true. But in the meantime, let me remind you of something that you gotta do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. Let's say you want to be rich and famous. Let's just say that's it for you. Let's sit there. It's a lot of other ways of being successful. Please don't think that's the only one. But I'm just saying, let's just say, yours is rich and famous, and let's say some miraculous way God made you rich and famous. Next Friday, you rich and you famous? Next Friday, can I share something with you? This is not going to last for you. You know why because you have not done the things necessary. You have not done the things that you have to do in order to do the things you want. So now you're rich and famous, How you gonna know how to budget money? How are you gonna know how to get up and keep clawing towards the top when you fall off your pedestal? See, it's so many things you got to know about something, and you think, because it's what you want right now, it's supposed to happen just now. It's a process when you ask God for something. Please know God know the process. He knows the necessary steps to take you through. Don't lose your patience with God because your dreams ain't coming true right now? Man? You know you know I think the best way y'all is for me. I just use myself as an example. I really do understand why God has given me the life he's giving me so far. I understand it being a homeless part. Now I get to not being successful when I want it? Who part? Now, I get it. I got the delayed entry into the field of choice for myself. I got it now. I've been wanting to be on TV and a little comedian since I was nine years old. But guess what, I didn't get there until I was twenty eight. But see I didn't get it. Then I was mad at God. You know what I won't I send them here here. I got exactly what you want. But I got this process. I want you to go through to get here too, because see, I'm fit to take you somewhere. You don't know nothing, but one day you're gonna have a radio show with You're a little stupid behind. You don't know this yet. I'm gonna bless you with a radio show. You don't even know it. That's why I say every morning, Steven Harvey got a radio show because see I didn't. I didn't see this one coming. But see God had a plan for me. It was in the blueprint of my life. So God said, what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna make your life a little rough for you. I'm gonna toss you up a little bit. I'm I'm gonna let you make some of these stupid decisions you wanna make it, I'm gonna make you learn from them. I'm I'm gonna let you be homeless for a little while. I'm gonna let you not get into your field of choice until you're twenty eight. I'm gonna have people talking about if we had only seen him when he was younger. I ain't gonna let you get your first can your name till your thirty eight. I'm gonna make you go through some things because one day I'm gonna put a microphone in front of your mouth, and I want you to honor me. I want you to talk about me. I want you to tell people what I bought you through. I want you to give people inspirational moments where they can see that your life was jacked up for a minute and I turned your life around for you. That's God dealing with me. See. So now I finally understand why I went through the life I went through, so I can have something to say. See, I ain't over here telling you about what I think are happened. I'm telling you what I know can happen. That God does make dreams come true, but sometime it take a minute. Sometimes you're gonna have to do some things you don't want to do in order to do what you want to do. All right, all that you, I'm gonna be tripping a day. You're listening people running show, Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I call this hard song Friday. Yes, hold it on, so very hard to do when love's gone. And that's no lie. Holding on so very hard to do when love gone. Hey, hey, bet you lie a wig nights by a mister pid. Come on, Jeffrey Osborne. Let you lie wid night, have aim, mister Pip. That's what I always thought. He said, we have a mister Piper that you lie a wed night have him mister pieb Yeah, bet you lie a wig nights. You have a rest a bid well shit home with this? So still, the bottom line is got to dude with it and to yourself at least be fair. No no holding on. You heard something that's no lie? That Shirley Straw perfect Hey, good morning, Good morning, Heavy Friday. Call a frien you better Jeffrey Osborne up here, that's my jail, junior boy. I learned so much about the Semis music man. Keep junior, or you missed it, you missed a good Yeah, King of Prank's nephew, Tommy. Yeah, I'm in the building top top. It's Friday, right week night. Shouldn't a hat yourself? You didn't, Ahold sang it through my songs. Oh, I didn't think you need to in troll. Hold it on this, gentleman, said Brian, holding on living in here with you with COVID holding on, I'm just holding on you and COVID? Who who When COVID came into this relationship? Oh, father, God, Sather, God. See this is how no COVID is real. Because I was thinking about going somewhere next week, writing to play some golf social distance on the golf course, you know. Oh, a young guy that works for me, not gonna mention who it is, Yeah, dates a woman who lives in the same city with him. And so I was talking about the trip with my attorney today and he overheard it and he said, mister Harvey, Uh, is this a business trip? I said, yeah, I'm gonna take care of some business. Oh, well, can I go? I said, you don't. You don't play golf? He said, yeah, but I've been quarantined for five months with my girlfriend. I said, what did you do anything? What's that got to do with me? I just wondering if you need me out there for anything? Hop is real girl? All right? Steve coming up thirty two minutes after the hour, asked the clo the cloth Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show all right. Time now for ask the clo the Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey. Are you ready, sir? I think so. This one is from Dante and West Home Beach, Florida, He says. My wife and I are thirty four years old and we've been married for two years. We recently bought a house in the suburbs, and my wife says she loves the home, but not the location. Her sister lives downtown, close to all of the great shops and restaurants, so she spends a lot of time at her sister's place. She asked me if we could rent a studio apartment downtown so she can spend weekends there when she wants to hang out. I'm totally against that. Is this my wife's way of telling me that she's not ready to be completely settled in this marriage. Oh no, not exactly, man, It's just I think it is what it is. You know, see a lot of times, man, you know, you're young. You make a move, you know, you don't think it all the way through buying the house. She probably does love the house, but she looking at her sister, she does is the grass is green on the other side, her sister downtown shops is right there, all the Famili's restaurants. Her sister making it look like girl just to play down here. Her sister could be single. Her sister probably wishes she had a man like you staying further out in a nice ass house. But she got this apartment downtown, and she's making it like it's just the latest and greatest. But at her agent may be the latest and greatest. So I don't think it's nothing about your wife wanting to you know, tie to you, or nothing like that. It's just she think it's more happening downtown. Then we can spend the weekends down there. But see, that's gonna cost some money. Now that studio parliment, that's gonna cost some money. Yeah, I don't like it. That's a wastesome money, you know. And both. I just want you to know we all gonna be down that now. Oh sing to be your spot, all right. You're gonna cafe and stuff at this cigar lounge. We're gonna be part all right. Julia and Trenton, New Jersey says I'm ay and divorced and I'm enjoying the dating scene. My best friend is female and she's newly divorced. We've been plutonic, platonic friends for eight years, but she propositioned me for sex recently. She said she's not ready to start dating anyone yet, but she needs sex regularly, so she suggested that we have sex whenever she needs to. I'm all for having sex with no strings attached, but I think she'll get caught up and want more from me. She's not someone i'd date, but I do love her as a friend. Do you think it's too risky to enter into this sexual arrangement with her? It atr problem now, But it's gonna be your problem, because it's gonna be a problem Tommy. But he just said she's no one he would dated, so obviously there's something to this. So now you know, if you think it's gonna stay plutonic go ahead, but I got news for you. Trouble coming. Now. You can listen to these two foods on the show, But the trouble is coming. We know what's wrong. Probably ain't as fly as he would like her to be. Probably not nobody I date, Well, what the hell, let's say trouble. Don't lands always don't they say that? Yeah, they do say that. But but the problem with trouble is it costs you more than you want to pay and make you stay longer than you want to stay. That's the only problem with trouble. That you can listen to this food over here, had been married eight times. Application you got the job. The job is yours. You've been hired. Start working now, he bit up? But why is he on zoom like Tommy and Jake's right? All right, um, we're moving on. So the answer, as stevens, no, it's a bit risky. You don't know. I don't say no. Oh, I didn't say no. Oh no no, no, no no no. I can't say no. But do I think it's gonna be a problem. Absolutely? Oh. I thought you said no too. No, I really I ain't saying no. Don't You're basically you're agreeing with Jay and no, listen to No, it's a service contract, but I want you to understand you're gonna pay for that contract. Partner. Okay, do you think it's too risky to enter into this sexual arrangement. It ain't too risky. It's risky. So he knows something, you're saying. He knows she's crazy. Surely you're saying yes, but there are consequences, That's all I'm saying. He gonna do it. He's said he gonna do it, but we know it's gonna be ignorant at the end. Right, but he gonna do it anyway. Look, you ain't got to the man. He did not think she was ugly? Jobby. Wait, more so that's too risky. Don't do it? All right? He's been friends for eight years. Uh huh, ain't even thought and he hasn't thought about it yet. Looked different, all right, Sarah and iHeartRadio app listener. This is from her. She says, I'm twenty eight years old. I'm a single female. I've been in a long distance relationship for a few months. The guy is a policeman and he works at night. Uh so we only talk in the evening when he's at work. His shift ends at seven am, so he sleeps all day. He has been to see me twice, but he didn't spend the night on either visit. He drove three hours to eat lunch, have sex, and leave. He's my co worker's cousin and she won't give me any personal info about him. How can I find doubt if he's married or sing someone else? Wait a minute, ain't that what you're feeling? Exactly? Drive three hours, half sex and go back talk to you only when he owns shield. He sleeps all damn day and when he comes see you, he drove and he had sex and couldn't spend a night, drive three hours back home. I got brought her name being Sarah at point, Hey, I didn't notice deal here, Sarah. If you feel like leaving, so you're saying you know you can saying he's married? All right, Thank you, Ciella. We get it. Coming up next, the nephew, some more ignorance in this show. Run that prank back right after this you're listening. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna is standing by with today's national news. She'll give us an update on both Joe Biden and President Trump's town hall meetings last night. Also in entertainment news, we knew this, we knew this, right, CARDI ban Offset are back together and we'll discuss. Yeah, yeah, we'll discuss. We'll discuss getting back with your X at the top of the hour. Okay, right now, nephew Tommy is here with run that back prank back for it today. What's you got for us? And as I got corporal punishment, corporal punishment, I'm ready to go out popping that ass in the school. Let's take it on back. Let's go back in the school and ass. That's right. All y'all, kids line up, that's right, not one at a time. I canna get these squats. Let's go. Oh hello, hello, Hi, I'm um trying to reach a mister Cotton, miss miss Gunton. Okay, can you turn your radio or TV down? I can't really hear you. Oh yeah sure. Um. My name is mister Lanson. I'm actually the new principal here at middle school. And well what's the name again? Uh mister Lanson? L okay, you're you're a son he attends middle school here? Am I correct? Yes? Sir? Okay, good listen. I'm the new principle here, we've just replaced the last principle and I'm actually calling around. What I've done is when I before I got here, I asked for a list of students that were you know, I'm not gonna say problem with kids, but you know that kind of get themselves in a little trouble here and there. And your son's name happens to be on the list. That list. Yes, I got about I got about thirty five kids that are actually on this list, and your son is actually on the list. And you are, mister Cotton, correct I am mister Cotton. I mean are we are you show you speaking about my son? Though, um, yeah, I mean there's only there's only one on the list, sir. I'm it's it's it's what's been given to me. And what what I'm doing is calling around to all of the parents of the kids that are on this list and letting you guys know that I'm gonna be keeping a close eye on them, as well as letting you know that I'm gonna be reinstating corporal punishment here in the school. So so what's that that's actually where if your son gets sent to the office, which is my office, then there will be paddling going on, and opposed to I don't believe in I don't believe in detention. I don't believe in suspension. I believe in you know, if we spank these kids, we can get them back in order. So, sir, here's my thing. I really truly believe that if we get back to to you know, and I don't mean what I'm about to say to be harsh, but if we're getting back to beating, we'll get these kids back in order. I mean, but I'm I know he had trouble in English, but I don't think that called for beating. No, no, no, no, This has nothing to do with great sir. This has to do with punishment. And what I'm understanding is if your son is on my list, and if your son comes down to my office, I'm going to take care of it right then and then. But if my son come to your offer, you're gonna be on my damn list. Sir. I'm trying to get these kids back in order. That's the reason why I've been brought in and I've replaced the last principle, you understand. So what I need from you is to get to get a great understanding that if your child comes to my office, corporal punishment will be what he's going to deal with it. Okay, I'll tell you what. Let my son come home and tell me he got some damn corporal punishment, and the next morning me and you're gonna do some corporal punishment. Sir, do you want your child in order or do you want to be billing his butt out of jail at the age of eighteen. They're gonna be bailing me out of jail if you put your damn hands on my son. Okay, are you taking care of your son punishment wise? At home? You need to my son don't get it. No damn trouble. Okay, here's the problem, parents not believing that their children get in any trouble. That's the first brother, I got email, I got phone call. So the first phone call I get this gonna straight down clip It ain't no letters, sit home, ain't no email, sit home, same day. It's a problem. I don't. I don't. I don't, sir. You know I'm gonna come down here. I'm gonna tell you once again, I am not going to send your son to detention. I'm not gonna call you I'm gonna take care of my job. My job is to make sure I'm gonna take care of mine when you take care of you all, I'm gonna take care of mine, and that's protect my son and you put your hands on him, and we got a problem. We're gonna have a problem because nine times I'm telling you right now I'm calling you and giving you the warning. Your son will be dealt with and you're gonna be dead with. We'll be dealt with on a regular basis if needs to be. You're gonna get dealt with on a regular But you're gonna get tired of seeing me. Okay, sir, Do I need to actually have corporal punishment with you. I'll tell you what when you do, when you bring that corporal punishment to me, you better have the police there because they're gonna need corporal punishment. They're gonna need whatever hell they're gonna need to steam. When I get down and you put your hands on my son, I know that all. I'm you know what, sir, Maybe maybe maybe the twioper needs to start with you. It has a matter of fact, what time do you go to lunch? If we can do this in front of and let all the kids see the damn principal get his damn corporal punishment. Sir, sir, I'm not. I'm not. I don't. I don't fear you personal me because I want you to stand man and take your like a man. I don't want to chase you around like no little ground in school, Sir, Sir, sir. The bottom line is corporal punishment is being in stated. Your son is gonna bide by it. You're gonna have to accept it, or maybe maybe you need to tell you what you said. You got thirty five names on your list, it better be thirty focus cut name. But not being on the corporal punishment list, I know that, sir. Listen, He's not on a corporal punishment list. He's on a list of kids of kids that act up from time to time. My damn son don't act up. My son is a model stood. He had a little trouble with English, you know, because his mom a little slow. But that's my I did that. You know what I'm saying. You know what, Sometimes I feel like I'm talking to the child right now. You're talking to a grown man. And if you put your hands on my son, you're gonna see that I'm a grown man when I come down. Man, Okay, I'm gonna put my hands on my damn sir. Then I guess it's gonna be a lot of kicking. There's gonna be something kick in and you line them up, Syst Principal, I kick the lab So I come, man, man, if she got something to say, you're gonna watch your tone. You understand me, and you're gonna you're gonna take what I'm telling you. Man, I don't care what you're saying. Everybody's gonna bide. I put chains on the door. I make sure China. I'm mister Lanson, and these kids are gonna bide by what I want, and so are the parents. And damn it, you, mister Cotton, you're gonna have to toughen up and let me do my damn job. I tell you what. Then you're gonna do what you got to do today. But when I get down there, you better had a police. When I get there, I tell you who else I'm gonna have here if you can, I'm gonna have nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show, because that's who I am. Your co workers, Silver, you got me the prey phone. Call you. I'm gonna tell you what. I'm gonna break getting laid down at the job kids. Man, I'm looking for my damn kids. Hey, listen, I got one more thing to ask you, mister. What's that? Man? What's the baddest radio show in the lane? Many? So I can't, I can't whoop none of y'all kids, y'all want don't even think about man? Oh no, you can. And he told you you could, Tom, but you getting whooped at the same time. And the cafetier lady if she wants somebody. All right, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment the national news for you right after this. You're listening show. Well, guys. In today's entertainment news, it is official Cardi b is back with Offset. This is just two weeks after she filed for divorce, saying she was never going back. Cardie said it's really hard not to talk to your best friend, meaning Offset. In a video, Cardie called herself a crazy B word. She said, I'm just crazy and she shut down the rumors that she got back with Offset because she is materialistic. That's what the trolls were saying, but she says she does like material things. And we all know that Offset gave Cardi b a Rolls Royce for her birthday, So surely didn't go to the script club with your wife and I get back together with I mean, you just that's just father, Let me go to script club with it. You know that's that's a fall to night. Then I understand. Hey, man, man, when when did it become the thing? How long couple star going to street date night? I mean, women throw their birthday parties a strip club because it's more exciting than a damn bowling party. That's wise. Teams should have told us, come on, girl, get a strike, Come on, get a spike. Girl. Wait a minute, Wait a minute, I got it. Tell us let's open up a stripping bowling clearing. I see it's great stripping bowling lane. Oh ride, women love it. That would be dope right there. Every lane got st got a name for it. I got a name for a time. What is it? Come name for Check it out? Are y'all ready for the name of the naked bowling nothing but shoes? It's called nothing but Yeah. Two teens on, Steve, give me a commercial for nothing but shoes. Come on you, gentlemen, tired of being alone, tired of sitting at home, got nothing to do, can't play pool, don't have a ping pong table. Come on down to nothing but shoes. And let me tell you, folks, when I say nothing but shoes, I do mean nothing but shooting. You can come in here with clothes if you want to, but get through the door. You can't have on nothing but shooting. Everybody but ass neck and bowler. It's the greatest thing about never mind, can't bowld, don't bother going nothing but gunna balls. Never had a strike in your life. This is the place for you. Yeah, nothing but shoes has a full evening entertainment. Chicken wings are absolutely delicious. We have the best fried broccoli anywhere. It's a terrific place. Ladies and gentlemen. Scores don't matter. Get your sheet please, no phone cameras. Nothing you can do for the weekend, nothing but chose. I'm gonna have sun for the weekend. It's nothing but use Come on down but naked and have yourself some fun. Nothing nothing, nothing but shoes. Oh man, it's not a commercial. And let's pull. Let's pull the slab. Next week, Baby, it's time. Let's going over the pastor Mississippi Monica days shoes, shoes. This is crazy. Okay, this is a wild transition right here, but we got we gotta go to the fancy of Monica going and nothing but shoes and be standing at the counter and don't step around the counter. They're not gonna let it. It's nice you coming in. Hit a little baby, but not your bowling days on said dear Monica. Step around the corner. Okay, let me go here, take these shoes going over that. Do your thing, girls trip, Thank you very much. People call me nothing but sucks anyway. Despite the protests against Judge Amy coney A Barrett, Donald Trump's nomintee for the Supreme Court, the Republican chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lindsey Graham, says he's moving ahead with a vote to confirm Judge Barrett next week. Graham says that Trump is the president, so it's his right to nominate and to have his choice confirmed. However, Democrats are calling the Republicans a bunch of hypocrites since they refused to even interview President Obama's High Court nominee claiming that it was too close to the election, and that was two hundred days out, and they said the choice at that time should have been left up to the next president. That was their excuse. Well, besides that, Connecticut Democrat Richard Bluemanthal says senators should be thinking about something else. Anyway. We are in the midst of a pandemic and we should be dealing with that health crisis instead of considering the nomination once more. The committee vote is set for next Thursday, with a full Senate vote expected some time before election day. President Trump and Joe Biden held competing town hall campaign events last night. Biden in Philadelphia, Trump events. What Trump's event was in Miami, where he was questioned by the about the coronavirus by NBC Savannah Guthrie. Did you take a test on the day of the debate? I guess at the bottom of ablably did then? I took the test the day before and the day before. He missed enormous opportunities and kept saying things that weren't true. It's gonna go away by easter. Don't worry about it. When the summer comes. It's all going to go away like a miracle, and of course it didn't. Pennsylvania and Florida or key swing states for both candidates in the November election. Vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris will only be campaigning virtually this weekend because an assistant of hers and another person who's been around the person part of the flight crew on the plane she's been on, they've tested positive for the coronavirus, although she continues to test negative. Later today, Joe Biden will be campaigning in Michigan while the president campaigns in Florida and Georgia. Looks like he's going to take his ego with him. Cowboy said to me the other that you're the most famous person in the world by far. Said no, I'm not. No, I'm not. They said, yes, you are. Said no, They said, loose more families. I said, Jesus Christ, Okay, do make him number two. Eric Trump says his father literally saved Christianity. That's the quote there. Well on a lodder knowledge to a lot of note today is I love Lucy Day. Oh wait a minute, Reggie, you stop that. Now back to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Can I get a drum roll, please, this is a big day. This is a huge day. Right here, we gotta say happy National Boss's Day to the one and only Steve Harvey. Yeah, Dave Harvey, this boss is great boss. Well, what a great boss he is. And Steve, here are some things to yes where you gonna say something congratulations? Keep it? Yeah? Okay, all right, well here's some things to know that you're a great boss. Okay, you're open to new ideas home. Hmmm, I don't know about that one. Okay, Uh. Fair treatment of all employees, Tommy, Oh no, he's certainly. He likes the best. You educate. A good boss educates, coaches and mentors his employees. Anything. Employ Yeah, that's the one. Yeah, you give us good A good boss gives us good feedback. And he doesn't wait until our annual performance review to give us feedback that we don't have. Am we have? You say that? And this is the other thing that makes you a good boss, having conversations with your employees by getting to know them. I've been with Shirley twenty years, so I know Shelly. I walked Shirley down the aisle and gave her away. I've been knowing Jay longer than that. I've been doing Jason's eighty six nineteen eighty six. But that's that's thirty Jay is Stephen excellent, excellent? You really are a good Well Jay gonna say that because I let him do suck employee things and get away with it. But like come to work when he wanted to work twice a day, anybody else would have got rid of his black not on who got them my hours? Not to mention the nepotism, Yeah, hiring your nephew, Uncle Frankie come to work, moan to Jimmy Kimmel showed industry though, No, you're funny something he's funny as well. Oh no, no, no, no, no, what he's said, well uncle frank, Uncle Franks funny though, that's what he's saying. Anyway, Happy National Boss Day to you, Steve. Coming up in thirty four minutes after the hour. Ice Cube has been in the news quite a bit u these last few days. He's defending working with the Trump administration. We're going to talk about that right after this. You're listening to show well. Ice Cube is facing a lot of backlash, guys, as he defends his role on advising the Trump administration. Cube himself confirmed that he spoke with the Trump campaign about the Contract with Black America program, and he recently tweeted facts I put out the c WBA Contract with Black America. Both parties contacted me dem said we'll address the c w BA After the election. Trump campaign made some adjustments to their plan after talking to us about the c WBA. The Trump administration is absorbing some of the Ice Cube's plan and they're calling it the Platinum Plan, So they changed the name from Contract with Black America to the Platinum Plan. Ice Cube talked to Roland Martin about this controversy tech A, Listen, you believe that the Trump campaign greatly overstated your involvement for the purpose of them being able to say we have attached our salves to ice Cube. Did you believe that you were used politically for their purposes as opposed to really what happened. Look, I knew whoever I engage will use that politically. I don't care about that. Part part I care about is getting something done. Look, my plan is called the Contract with Black America, So all of them lacking when it comes to that. That's what I'm pushing. So anybody who's gonna implement those plans into their plan, I'm gonna take a look at it. Yeah see, I've known ice Cube for a long time and my relationship with him is solid, and I know ice Cube. It's hard, and many people have felt that they've known his heart. The problem that he's run into with this is simply the timing of it all because this is an election year. But I mean, he pitched a proposal in an election year. The Democrats said, will take a look at it after election, because guess what, they don't hold the White House and they don't hold a Senate, so it's nothing they can do, so they said, we'll wait to after election. Of course, Trump, now I'm gonna jump on anything because guess what, they have no plan for black people. Trump ain't ever had a plan for black people. So here he comes and and their administration say, we'll take a look at and rename it the Platinum. The problem with Trump is, even if he's reelected, what's he really gonna do for black people that he's never done in his life? And when he gets re elected, he won't have to because he's not up for reelection ever. Again, I don't see him doing anything or caring anything about black people. Because Donald Trump's every cause he has ever stood on a soapbox four has been against people of color. I don't care. It started with the banning, the traveling, the Muslims, people of color, the wall, people of color, destroyed DOCCA, people of color, the Black Lives Matter movement. He ain't opened his mouth about that, people of color. George Floyd, he won't say Brianna's name, Colin Kaepernick. He kneeled all of a sudden, he kneeling against the flag and the military, which wasn't it at all. We later found out not everybody kneeling, And so then the NFL players locking on. That's a problem. The NBA players got on their knees, that's a problem. George Floyd nothing, Brianna Taylor nothing, Aubrey nothing, Blake nothing. He ain't gonna open his mouth on behalf of nothing to do with people of color. And don't you think that's why you're right? And don't you think that's why Cube is getting the backlash because Trump doesn't tell the truth. Why are you even engaging him when he's such a liar. He's told over the thirty thousand lot. You know, I think that's why a lot of people are mad, because he's such a liar. Why are you being engaging this man? But cube is true, true, and that he sent it to both parties, but he wanted a response now. But he he gonna get something for the Trumps because they'll say anything right right, They're desperate right now to get reelected. Why are we dealing with voter suppression right now? If you really cause the Donald Trump lifting up mailboxes, taking him out to hood, taking them out of all Democratic districts, closing down pole in stations. Only one place to drop off your vote in Hairs County, not being Hairs County, is it Sutress one place you can drop your damn ballot? Real? What? Yeah? You damn you got to drive the fifth Ward drop your damn ballot off. I'm just saying fifth Ward as an example. But you can't just have one area. Yeah, this dude lies. Yeah, we gotta vote. We gotta vote. Eighteen days left until the election, Steve November three, go to vote dot org to register. Coming up, We're gonna switch gears here, nephew in the building with today's prank phone call. Right after this you're listening to Dave Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today, the subject I want to sleep with my pastor. Let the church say what? No, what church is saying? What a man? It's fo five of y'all sitting up there with that same feeling you ain't buy you a damn slate. We'll get into that in a minute, but first the nephew is here with today's prying phone call. What you got for us, nep adoption agents, adoption? I know you you're gonna hey, hey, kids, I'm just trying to I'll come in you, I'll come in about your kids. I'll do it. But I'm franking. I'm just tell you. I'll do what I gotta do. Let's go care though. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Clarence. Uh yeah, this is Clarence. How you doing, man? This is Robert Robert. We were trying to get us scheduled with you guys. Maybe we can swing through and uh pick up a little Clarence. I guess around six if you guys are available around six. Uh okay, Hey, what do you mean picking up little clans. Well we got them. We got the call that we can come and actually pick up Clarence and and take him with us if you guys practice things up yet? Whoa way, man got the call from? Who? Did you can come pick him up? I don't know about this. Well, my name is Robert. Robert and my wife and I got the call that we could do. You not know about us, um adopting little Clarence? Oh what adopting? Who? Okay, wait a minute, are you guys that are you guys that drive? Yeah, that's that's my address. But uh, what what you're talking about? You're gonna come taking my son from here? Okay, but you're you're your son is two years old? Right? Yeah, he's two? What would you come to pick up my son? And what is this agency's number? The agency told us that what adoption agency. They've got all our information, We've we've filled out all the paperwork, and you guys aren't aware that that we're supposed to come there today to pick him up. We don't know what adoptionation? You said as well? How to get my information? I'm not sure We've we've got pictures of Clarence and and uh, you know my wife is actually going out and bought balloons and everything, and and we were gonna come through. They told us anytime today, so we felt maybe like around six pm we'd come get it. No, you ain't coming here to pick up new clans. Tell you that right now. Okay, wait wait a minute, now, this this, this, I mean, this can't be happening. Okay, wait a minute. You're you're you're you're Clarence Senior. Correct, yes, I am. And you don't know anything about us to come over there to pick the baby up. He don't know. I don't know man about this. See what's the name of this? Basically adoption agents who believe you my information and how they get my information to come pick up my son. I don't know that, sir. All I know is is, uh, we've bought a car seat where where you know my wife has bought balloons? Man, I don't care. Y'all bought a car seat, balloons, hot chair, whatever. You ain't come to get my son, Okay, sir. I mean, what I'm not gonna do is is tell my wife that we're not coming to get Clarence Junior today. Oh yeah, y'all, you're gonna have to tell her that because you ain't coming here to pick up my huh, sir from with the apriwork that I have. Clarence is actually my son. Now, man, you ain't your paperwork. You ain't coming here to pick on my son. So Clarence Junior is mine and I'm actually gonna change his name to Robert, so I mean like him. You are, come on over here. If you want to come on over here. I'm waiting for you. I'm standing in that way right now. Okay, we'll wait a minute. The adoption agency tell us that you guys are not doing well financial financial Are you working? No, I ain't working. I'm doing anything. I ain't gonna get rid of my son just because I ain't working. Okay, but but but in other words, you're not You're not able to provide for him. From what I understand, my son ain't miss No mean, he got clothes on the back, he got a roof over here. Man, I'm out. You ain't coming here and picks on my son. I don't care what I got to do, man, I go out cut grasses. I'll make money on the side and watching cars mirroring. Okay, okay, about to come here and get my son. But don't you think he deserves a better home. I don't know what the but the screw up is. I don't know, but I'm trying to at least rationalize with you so you can understand why me and my junior ain't coming and get my son. He ain't got home right now. I live my son. You ain't taking nowhere. I'm telling I'm right, he ain't a did way. Come on over here, sir. I don't want to go back and forth, but I am. Me and my wife are coming to get Clarence today. Okay, come on, come on, I'm waiting for you. I'm not return about two three times. Come on, I'll be waiting right here. I gad you, sir. I don't want any altercations when I get there. I just want Clarence to get in the car and me and my wife are gonna take him to his new home. When you get it's gonna be one hell of an altercation. So you wife won't come to law. Whoever gonna come with you bring my adoption nation too, so I whop down too. You know where, man, if you was to be able to provide for your family, wouldn't nobody to be trying to adopt your child. The problem is that you can't take care of your family. Now I'm living my wife coming over there, and we're coming to get Clarence Junior. No, you ain't come down here to get my child. Man, you get down here. You ain't. Your wife's up. How about wait a minute? Wait, wre you gonna do one to my wife? I don't hear women, but I'm gonna tell you right now, you and your wife whore gonna come down here. I'm gonna help most of you. Anybody come down here and try to take my child about the mine, they're gonna get up. I'm coming to kitty. I got to do what I got to do. What I'm gonna tell you right now. You ain't coming down here and get my son. You your wife are telling you. Nobody's gonna come here and tell you. I disappoint my wife has got my No, I don't know how he got my all dress. I don't care what as you seen you got going through or whatever going on, But I'm telling right now you come down here. I'm I don't all I don't know trying to disappoint my wife now, just saint were coming to get. I don't give him to disappoint where you wan't disappoint. I don't get something right now. But you ain't gonna take my so about. I'm gonna coming kid him out there. I might have told my wife I was coming to hiding. Man. I'm telling man, you better tell me your wife. You come this driveway. I'm gonna be sitting my whole waiting for him the last one y. I'll up every last money. I don't care who he brings. You bring the Obama. I'm gonna you ain't beenna do now. You ain't been. You ain't been my son out of the house. I'm gonna tell you right now. Everybody getting ann to do and let you know this. I'm coming to get Clear's junior. You ain't got nothing to tell me or let me know. I'm letting you know. Ride now you better come here with the corner and everybody, because I'm about you up. You don't he come on, Let me tell you something, Let me tell you something. You get his clothes there we can come and here of a better life. He's not living a good life. There you get here, I'm told you about six and eight time, bring you more down here. When I'm you and anybody whoever you bring down here up you trying to you know who else I'm bringing with me? Because I'm bringing somebody, you better bring an army and say what it better be a farming to come down here and get my son about the house. I'm bringing nephew Timmy with me. I'm I'm bringing nephew Timmy for the Steve Army more than his show with me. Oh man, you says, this is Timmy. Man, this is nephew Timmy. Man. Who who Man, I'm got anybody out here, man come down and taking my shop. The name Benjamin got me to get you dog. Oh man, See that's my family. Get next time I see him it is on. Man. That was a good one. Now, man, all right, Paul, tell me one more thing, man, what's the baddest that I mean, the baddest radio show in the land, The Steves all the morning show. Boy like they love their kids, baby like me and love their kids. Man, My son ain't missed no meals. He got clothes on the bay, got roof from his head. I do whatever I gotta do. I can wash card Man down, cutting Gray, but I tell what fall that come down here. I'm in the driveway. I'm sitting in driveway right now. We're trying to make sure everything you need cover when you get down here, bring the car. You and your wife gonna well, well, well well I don't hit no women. But but I'm but if you was to go get in you do have a job. But he don't show you like pack up the boys stuff. I'm on and I'm changing the name the rabbit too. I'm changing the man coming. You don't ever feel like when when you're doing them the church too far? You never fail, Charley, what is the lesson today? The lesson today is black me and love they kids. That's the lesson today. That's what I got out of that. See you missing it all Black me and loved the keys. That's the point. Okay, when you starting to feel you can't do these no more. Once you start feeling that's right, you're right. The ain't no feelings, baby, just go do it. Yeah, yeah, all right, nephew, thank you. Coming up the Strawberry letter, the subject I want to sleep with my pastor uh, we'll get into it kind of church is this, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey Steve. Before we get to the Strawberry Letter, I just want to remind our listeners that October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. And as you know, I've been working with the Alma Gee Davis Foundation for many years helping bring awareness and to actually end domestic violence. But we, of course need your help. We're having a big virtual event. I want to ask everyone to please don't forget to join my virtual team. They're called the Strawberry Steppers. I'll be walking. You can run, you can play basketball, you can swim, you can do whatever you want to do. Remember, it's all virtual. All you have to do is click the link in my Instagram bio to find out more and find out how you can help. Okay, thank you, Or you can go to the Alma Gee Davis Foundation dot org find out more information. Okay, all right, thank you guys, thank you. All right, switching gears, It's time now for today's Strawberry Letter and listen. If you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please at your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this thing right here, right here, right now, Jay, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here. It is the Strawberry Letter Thank you subject. I want to sleep with my pastor, Dear Stephen Shirley. I am a forty four year old woman and I've been attending a church in my city for about seven months now. It's a small church and I love the members and I am truly blessed weekly by the beautiful sermons the pastor preaches. The pastor is my age, single and fine. After I began attending the church, the pastor and I became friends on social media, which wasn't unusual because he's big on promoting the church through social media and like I said, he's single. We started interacting by liking each other's post and messaging each other in the d MS if we saw something that we wanted to share. Our messages were never inappropriate. He sent group texts about church committee meetings or if something was going on that everyone should know about. So I took it a step further and started texting him one on one to ask how his day was going or to comment on the daily scripture he posted online. He'd respond right away with a cute but respectable response. I began to think there might be some chemistry between us, and I couldn't wait for our church to resume normal services so I could see him while he's giving us the word. All I can think about is giving him the business. I want desperately to sleep with my pastor, but he's different now. When I see him, he's become very distant, and he no longer interacts with me on social media. So I haven't tried to text him because I don't want to get my feelings hurt. My mom told me that God revealed to him that I had indecent thoughts about him and trying to avoid me. I can't just turn my feelings off, so I'm thinking about leaving his church. What if he's feeling the same way about me and he can't express it, what should I do? Well, you say he's single, right, You said that in the letter. You said he's single and fine, and of course he's a man and he's a man of the cloth. But he's also a man. So if he was interested in you as a man, not as a man of the cloth, I'm sure he would have no problem asking you out for coffee or something. Right keywords. If he was interested in you, it sure seems like he's not, because he has never been inappropriate with you, you said, his responses on social media have always been respectable with you, and every communication has been with a group text or just a neutral, noncommittal type response on his part. And now you say he's distant with you, Well, that means he doesn't want to get into any thing with you. Now you're talking about leaving the church because you want to sleep with him so desperately. You can't think of the message when he's preaching. All you can think of is giving him the business when he's giving you the message. You said all of that. Clearly you're no longer there for the message and what the Lord is saying because all you can think about is fornicating with your pastor. Keep in mind, now I'm not condemning you. We all fall short, you know, and have impure thoughts and all that. But what happens when you go to a different church and they have a fine pastor. Because you're talking about leaving and the same things happened, you're gonna want to sleep with him too. What I'm saying is please stop trying to tempt your pastor. Just go to church, get the word. And if the single pastor is interested in making you his first lady, or he just wants to holler at you, I'm sure he will. Okay, leave him alone for now, Steve. Yeah, let's gon't get into this one sided letter. I want to sleep with my pastor. Well, let's find out if he feels the same. All right, let's go. You fought it four years old, been in this church in your city for about seven months. Small. You love the members, truly blessed weakly by the beautiful sermons the pastor preachers. Okay, you and that cause of the beautiful sermons that your pastor preachers him. I just made a note of that on my paper. Oh okay, the pastor is my age, single and fine. The pastor's forty four, single and fine. The pastor. After you've been tending the church, you became friends on social media, which wasn't unusual because he's being on promoting the church on social media. Like I said, he's single. You've said that three times in it last we got it. He's single in you two but he's single and fine. We started interacting by liking each other's post and messaging each other into dms. Now, let me explain something to you. He like a lot of people post he trying to grow to church. I promise you yours ain't the only post he like. Then we started messing each other into dms if we saw something we wanted to share. Our messages were never inappropriate. So he never hit on you, he know he, And in these dms he has not one time told you you was fine. Hello, holding Steve. We'll have part two of your response of Steve Harvey's response coming up at twenty three minutes a half to the hour. My Strawberry letter for today. The subject is I want to sleep with my pastor. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. These object I want to sleep with my pastor keyword, I want to sleep with my pastor. I am a forty four year old woman being going to this church all this time, and a lot of members and everything, and then I'm blessed by the beautiful sermons that the pastor preachers. Once again. Oh okay, the pastor is my age, single and fine, keyword, the pastor is single and fine. You've been at the church and you all wasn't unusual, But y'all been friends on social media because he promoted the church through the social media. Like I said, he's single. We got it. That's three times we started interacting by liking each other's post and messaging to each other in the DM. You ain't the only one that slid in his d MS, and you ain't the only one post he likes. This ain't nothing do Why do you think? How you think he learned how to like a post? Okay, this ain't nothing new. We saw something that we wanted to share, y'all sliding each other's dn our messages were never inappropriate right there? He ain't never told you you was fine. He didn't kept it clean. He sent group texts about the church committee meetings or something's going on, and all this here and everybody needed to know about here we go. So I I took a step and uh and further and started texting him one on one to ask his day was going to commit on the day. See, you took a step, he didn't. You took this step, lady, he didn't, and I tell him a comment on the scripture. He posted that you don't give a damn about these scriptures. Stop bringing these scriptures up. Appreciate beautiful simmons. Stop. I commented on the scripture. You sound fake. He respond way away with a cute but respect of reprob. Oh that's so nice, So happy you could be there. I want nothing more than to please my membership. Oh Lord Jesus, he said that to me. He ain't said nothing. Here we go again. I began to think that might be some chemistry between us. Here you here, your ass is thinking by your damn self. See this, hold this one side of ass letter. I began to think that might be some chemistry between us and I. Here we go again. I couldn't wait for our church to resume normal services so I could see him. He wasn't sitting up waiting on resuming normal services so he could see you. You see you began. Here we go. All I can think and I could see him while he's given us the word. All I can think about is giving him the business. Okay, so here we go. Let's go back up to the top. About these beautiful sermons, these sermons is beautiful because you daydream. Also, why are he talking about the word. I mean, where are you going? So you're taking Bible studies and plugging yourself in there in a different type of way. Later, if I could touch to him and his garment, I show want his garment. He was not talking about that, lady. See, that's why all these sermons is so beautiful to you, because your ass is somewhere else. You're an erotic city. He tried to get you to heaven. You want to go to erotic city. You press So now I won't desperately. I won't desperately to sleep with my pastor. But he different now when I see, Okay, see a couple of your texts went a little bit too far, So now different when I see he'd become very distant and he no longer interrupt interacts with me on social media. So I haven't tried to text him because I don't want to get my feelings hurt. Because you ain't the only one slid in the DMS. Somebody else has slived in the DM that's single and fine. He never told you you was fine. My mom told me that God revealed to him that I had indecent thoughts about him, and he's trying to avoid me. That could be very well true. I don't know. Your mother seemed like a godly woman to make a statement like that, So maybe that's true, and he trying to live his life the best way. I just can't turn my feelings off. Okay, Okay, keep him. So I'm thinking about leaving his church. I bet he don't call. See where you at? What if he's feeling the same way about me? He'd have told you. See, listen to this line. What if he's feeling the same way about me and he can't express it? What past do you know has trouble expressing himself? Don't they talk for a living in front of large groups of people. Lady, there's no such thing as a passer that has trouble expressing himself. Are you crazy? What should I do? Leave the church and let me ask you something. All these feelings you got about him? Do he feel any of this? Feek? I don't think so. You have trumped up this whole imaginary relationship. He up there giving the word, bit of all said, they're trying to write this beautiful word and this message saving souls, and you in here thinking about disrobe in the pastor and just giving him the business. But he ain't looking at you doing the sermons. And since he's singling, fine, you don't think maybe he's somewhere giving somebody the business. All right, Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand coming up at forty six minutes after the hour. Pempin with his NFL picks. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time now for Pimpin with his NFL picks. So it was upping. Body was up? I know you do. You can see me, but I can't see you. Hello. It was so it was up childling, what's happening, Pempin? I seen that everything going on? No, that's right, it was. It was up tomming. He looks like your feet don't talk to brownde kind of like yours, clop ten. I ain't mean to do it, timing, but they told me to come. I'm sorry, man, you know I got a little for you playing. I don't even want about that. Come over. Ain't what's up, Jake? What a pippin? What's going on? Man? Everything? Everything with junior pimp and my hero? What's that? Damn pitt on? Right, little pit bull? Let's say you know I call him Pitt, don't you? Jay? Why that's a pimp? Ain't training? All right, let's go what we want? You got Piper got talk about what you got on? We don't even don't you ain't noticed? Right here? We see the glasses. You see this glasses? Yeah, my whole coat this week? Okay, they never felt nothing like that for you never? What is that? All of them is made out of old English bottom caps up? Old English eight botto CAMPI My sister made this coat. Man took her like two years. That's cold. Yeah, they was, you know, they were saving the old English from the card parties on the weekend. So okay, I got bottom caps all over the things. Step on the back, Yeah hurt. I hadn't take them after back, I said, down, damn. They jumped in the c All right, Pepper, what's gonna get these picks in? Man, Let's see how you gonna do this week? Man, you're doing good, she sees, I know, I know. All right, here we go ahead. Differ Brocos at New England Patriots. Oh Man, cam back, Pa, cam back Patriots shot, Okay, you go one, Okay. The Baltimore Rables at the Philadelphia Oh no, Ravens, man, they just they walking through folks right now. Yeah. The Washington football team at the New York they can't nobody don't Washington. They didn't put the black dude down the third strain. They put in behind everybody behind the table. He's behind the get the rain table now had either fell upon. Yeah, I'm not signed for the black dude. Let me stick. I'll be back, all right. We'll be back with more Pimpin's NFL picks right after this. You're listening show, all right, here we go more of pimping. Okay, here we go, all right. Atlanta Falcons at the Minnesota Vikings, Come on, man, come man, we need this time to this. I don't know what the hell have New Falcon. They can't win then they can't even hold lead. Struggling Detroit Lies at Jacksonville jack Ward, Oh man, jack come on, Detroit. You know I love them, man, You know cinat the Bengals at the end of no come on, coach. But if you know what, I'm gonna say something I probably shouldn't say because I hate the Bengals, m but I think the Bengals is gonna beat the coachs man, because that boy Barrel Hea been coming this White Barn like it's hot. Go ahead to go with the Bengals, but I want the coach to win because they're in the same division of the brown. The Chicago Bars at the Carolina pases Bridge Water, come on pamphles, all right, New York Jets at the Miami Dolphins. Dolphins gonna stump the lady Bill ain't running the football with the love Wood, ain't got no quarterback running back? Yeah, okay, bad, Here go your game right here, pipping Green Bay Packers at the tapping the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. What your right, man? I love both. I love and Rogers man, you know damn man? Yeah, Man, I don't know. Man, it's the home one. I'm gonna go with the Buccaneers, Okay, Tampa. It is Los Angeles Rams at the San Francisco forty nine Ers. You know the forty nine has been catching him. Man, I'm gonna have the gonna go with the Rams. The Rams it is, man, all right, man, here we go, the Houston Texans at Tennessee Tigers. I already know. I don't even feel bad. Pea real obligated, you know what I'm saying. Okay, well I said something Titan, all right, man, Monday night for Kansas City Chiefs at the Buffalo Bills. Well, you know Chiefs Longs last week, but they didn't do this no more, even with Buffalo Lands like you gonna think they played Get the Buffalo Pigs or something the game too. You got the Arizona Cardinals at the Dallas Cowboys. Man, I feel so bad for that man. Yeah, yeah, frash man, Joe Man, that hurt me when he went down. So I'm gonna have to go and go with the Cardinals. All right, But wait a minute. Ain't Andy Dalton with the Dolphins with with the Cowboys? Yeah? Oh yeah, I hate to tell you this. Cowboys in the upset. Okay, and I don't know, and I want to pick. Let's get to this, man, explain this to everybody, to Pipper, the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Stealers highs, this gonna go. Okay, Now, let me explain something, because this one it's gonna be real hard. I'm trying to come now low Is Titans over the Texas. That was low Cleveland Browns. This is the test of the year. Okay, we gonna want so we're fin the whoop onners. I know you don't see you well, you can't see good because of the season. Y'all have it we have. You can't see your win cause so many damn losses. But we got four and to row them. We're different now we did. We got a little swag about us Cleveland over Pittsburgh, and I got Sunday ticket mixtureline. See it. Yeah, I know this is a rivalry game though, this a rovalry game. Yeah, we don't give a dam about Pittsburgh, won't. Man, I've known that's my man. It is day. I've been doing pretty good. If you're doing it with your pimp, man, you have some money. Thank you, Camp, Thank you Joe. You're coming up in twenty minutes on the Team Harvey Morning Chair. All right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well. Donald Trump held a campaign rally the other night in Des Moines, Iowa, and received some backlash over his song choice Before he arrived on stage his campaign blasted Phil Collins in the air tonight we all know that song, which many, yeah, many critics thought that was. You're right, Steve was in such poor taste, considering Iowa currently has the fourth highest COVID nineteen infection rate in the country and the virus is in fact in the air. Come on, man, many of his he played all macho man and was dancing, and that goes against everything he believed me. I was laughing at the Republicans. Then all right, I once, y'all don't know what that Yeah, I'll play you about to lose your job dance. Somebody did put that under They did a meme of him dancing is yeah, yes, eighteen more days. Yeah, yeah, that was That was a poor song choice. Who's ever doing these songs? Come on voting that we never voted before. We have to, We absolutely have to. I'm voting to day as a fact. Oh you are okay, good, Okay, We're gonna have a full house on the Steve Harvey Morning Show of Voters. Yeah, all right, guys, coming up with thirty three minutes after the hour, we'll have more music and some trending topics right here on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Well, guys, in today's entertainment news, it is official. We knew this was gonna happen. Cardie B is back with Offset. This is just two weeks after she filed for divorce, saying she was never going back. Cardi said, it's it's really hard not to talk to your best friend, meaning Offset, and in a video, Cartie called herself a crazy B word. She said, I'm just crazy. And she shut down the rumors that she got back with Offset because she is materialistic, That's what the trolls were saying. But she says she does like material things. And we all know that Offset gave Carti b a Rolls Royce for her birthday. Surely you can't go to the strip club with your wife and I get back to gilty with. I mean, that's just part of you go to script club with you know that's a barn right there. I understand. Hey man, hey man, when when did it become the thing? How long god to become the thing? When couple start going to street I mean women throw their birthday parties a strip club. They throw more money than because it's more exciting than a damn bowling party. That's why Collos. Let's open up with stripping bowling clear, I see it is great stripping bowling lane. Oh U, come on baby ride women love it. That would be dope right then, every lane got got a name for it. I got a name for a time. I got a name for it, name for Check it out, check it out? Are y'all ready for the name of the naked bowling Club? Nothing but shoes. It's called nothing but yeah. Two teams on nothing but youth. Step give a commercial for nothing but youth. Come on, you can do it, Ladies and gentlemen. Tired of being alone, tired of sitting at home, got nothing to do, can't play pool, don't have a ping poone table. Come on down to nothing but shoes and let me tell you, folks. When I say nothing but shoes, I do mean nothing but shooting. You can come in here with clothes if you want to, but get through the door. You can't have on nothing but shooting. Everybody but ass neck and bowling. It's the greatest thing about never mind, can't bowld, don't bother throwing nothing but gutter balls. You never had a strike in your life. This is the place for you. Yeah, Nothing but Shoes has a full evening entertainment. Chicken wings absolutely delicious. We have the best fried broccoli anywhere. It's a terrific place. Ladies and gentlemen. Scores don't matter. Get your sheet please, no phone cameras coming up. It's our last break of the day and of the week. Yeah. If you don't vote, you don't get a last break. Okay, that's right, And of course we'll have some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey coming up at forty nine minutes after the hour right after this you're listening to show all right, here we are our last break of the day and our last break of the week, with only eighteen days now, eighteen more days a full yes, not for you. Been a lot of voting this week, yeah, out of voting. The line is wrapped around the people are standing in line eleven hours and it's been a lot of voters suppression too. Yeah, you unbelieved. Yeah, it shouldn't be this hard every single election year to vote. You know, I don't understand what the problem is, but I do understand, But I do understand. Yeah, yeah, I do understand, and we don't need no more debates? Were good? Yeah, but there's going to be one next week, right next Thursday between Well I voted? Are we all voted already? Yeah? That debate? Thank you? I did, tell my idea, tell my text. Mellon, Hey, all I got is seven fifty. You can add all the numbers of all I got, right, Yeah, they follow his example now wearing masks. Why can't we follow his example? Not paying text? It's only paying seven fifty? How about that? Yeah? All right? Only eighteen days left though, if you haven't voted, please get your early votes in early votes, and this time is going fast, man, eighteen days all right, November three is the date. Go to vote dot org. Yeah, vote dot org. Get more information about early voting and how and where and all that you can do it in your state. Okay, but the key is to early vote. Early vote, Junior, you tomorrow, I'm today, man, all right, soon we get there with this break breaks. You know, we're talking about this election. I think on this show we've done as good a job as we can to implore plead. We've tried to encourage enlightened people to get to the polls to vote. It's not late for you to understand. If you're sitting there thinking about not voting. Man in long lines, I'm gonna go down there my vote. Your vote matters. Your vote counts, but more importantly, your vote is needed. We need every able bodied person who can vote to vote. We need everybody who has the ability to vote to vote. We need you, if you are eligible, to fill out your forms and vote. I don't care who you are. I don't care what you've done. I don't care if you've never voted before. I don't care if you've never had a reason. Let me tell you something. You have a reason this time, because if you don't, you're going to allow a man to remain in office who don't care nothing about you. Young people, we need you. We need young people to turn out these polls, to stop sitting it out, to stop waiting until you thirty before you vote. Vote now. If you're eighteen year voting age, you should vote. You have to vote, man, This is critical this year. This is because we want to send a message to him that black lives matter, whether you believe it or not, and to prove to you, sir, that they matter. We're going to vote in large numbers against you. Now if you may, you know, you may not have never thought black lives matter before, but you're gonna know now because we are going to vote in large numbers to prove to you that not saying Brianna Taylor's name, that not caring about the Floyd death, not caring about the Aubrey death, the Blake incident, making those look off color remarks, supporting the Proud Boys, all of that stuff. Man, ain't nobody anybody with you, anybody with you on that, not us, not anybody of color, not anybody who is non African American who cares about the decency and the treatment of other people. I know a lot of people who are not African Americans that ain't gonna vote for you. So a lot of them, I know a lot of them that's not gonna vote for you. Enjoy your last few days in the White House, because after November third, you got a couple of months to sit down and just but y'all need to be packing, though y'all really make y'all need to be packing. Get some stuff in the band, get ready, and I hope you decide that you're not gonna leave piecefus peacefully. I hope you do, because I want to watch the news when they come and escort you out. I do, man, I want to see it. So I don't know how to do it. I don't know what else to say. I'm just asking you, playing as I can. You have to vote. Yeah, And you know, man, that little question you keep asking about, what is it that we got to lose? Remember when President Trump said, African Americans, what do you got to lose? Our lives? That's what we have to lose, our damn life, the one that you don't care about. The slogan says it black lives matter, but since they don't matter to you, the question you keep asking is what do you have to lose? When you talk to African Americans about voting for you, Well, if we vote for you, let me tell you what we can lose our lives. You can support the police, and we support good police too, or when police commit crimes, they have to pay. Period. We're gonna vote you out, sir, see you soon clean that night stand off, step out of here, come on, flap it up for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.