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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back I don't have a suit on looking back to back down, giving them move like the milking buck things and its coubins be true. Good it. Steve ha listening to movie together for Stuary. I don't join joining me. You gotta turn, You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come, come on your back at it. Uh huh, I shall will. Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah you do. Steve Harvey got a radio show. But like I said the other day, you got something too, though, don't you. God hadn't done something wonderful for you. You just gotta thank Him for it, you know, in the midst of all that's going on in my life and in your life. You know, I always use myself as an example because well, I mean that way. I guarantee one hundred percent I know what I'm talking about. Um, here's the situation, you know, with everything that's going on in my life and all the things I'm asking God for in the midst of a taxing and a very trying situation. That's very challenging for me right now. Man, God just keeps on, keeps on surprising me. He keeps doing things, And I want you to look at your life or for a second, Okay, let's do this. Let's make two columns here. Let's make a column of all the things you want from God. You know, just do that throughout the course of the day. You know, you know, run down the list of all the things you're asking God for, all the things you're praying for, the things you aspire to, what your dreams, your visions, whatever it is. Just make a column, a list of all those things. Let's make three lists. And then the second list, I want you to make a list of everything that you've been asking God for, so I guess that could be a little bit of the same. But this third list, I want you to do a check off point. I want you to do a make a list of everything that God has given you that you've asked him for. Just think about it like that for a second. I may be explaining a little wrong right now, but I'm gonna pull it together for you. Make a list of everything you're asking God for. Just just listed. You know, it's okay. It's a dream board. You can call it that. I got one. It's a vision board. You know. Every everybody's got something you hope for. Make a list now. I want you to make another list of everything you've asked God for that he's given you already. See this is a good list because sometimes and what I've been guilty of, and maybe you two in my request list on my dream board. I keep focusing so hard sometimes on the what I'm yet to receive. I keep focusing so hard on the what I hope he gives me. I keep focusing so hard on the things that I yet not fulfilled in my life that sometimes, as he starts checking off my wish list, the things I've asked for in the past that have come to pass that he's given me. Sometimes, in praying for what I want forget to thank him for what he's done for me. And I'm currently in the middle of that situation. And this morning when I woke up, I really, man, I just got on my knees this morning and I quit tripping for a second. I said, Man, hey, God, you know what I really do need all them things I'm asking for and I'm really am believing that you're gonna give it to me. But in the meantime, though, Man, have I overlooked some important details here. I had to really look at what he's done for me. I mean, look, man, take yourself out of it personally and look. Or you can leave yourself in it however you want to be. Some people can't do that, so just leave yourself in it. Then, But man, I started looking at the eye part of me, and I started looking around at the what's happening overall, Like, man, he has kept my family together in spite of the attempts to tear it apart. I look at all of that. I look at how he's blessing my children with the desires of the heart, which I pray for my kids. You know, I want my kids to have a better life than I've had. I really really do. I don't want them to take as long as it took me to get it together. I really really don't. I'm trying to say, hey, man, if you go to college, this is what you can be. Don't do like your father did. Don't go three years, drop out, throw yourself into a spiral. And then got to start to scratch all over again, you know, and for the most part so far, you know, they're doing quite well of it, you know, you know, they they're getting kicked around a little bit, but that's life. I started thinking of the blessings that he's helped me overcome with some of the previous mistakes I've made in relationships in my life. And then I started looking about the things he's blessed me with that I've been asking him for. But since I've moved on from it, I forgot to keep thinking him because I gotta always thank God for a roof over my head, because guess what, when I was asking for the roof and I didn't really have it, then he gave me one. Since he gave it to me, what, I'm just cool now, I can't ever go back to him and go, hey, man, I really do appreciate this roof over my head because that was a time when I was living in a car. But see, so every morning I wake up, I gotta remember the fact that I have a home now, because I got to look back and go, man, that was time, Steve, when you didn't have no home. But see, we forget what God has done for us because in our column, the won't column, the need column. We oftentimes forget for the columns and the check marks as He's already fulfilled in our life. You've got to take inventory every now and then daily if possible. But I know we're humans. We're not gonna do that. I don't. But you've got to take inventory of your life to say, hey, what has God done for me? Because man, you're overlooking as He's doing these wonderful things for you, because there's so much onner yet to be fulfilled. I don't have part of your life. You forget that sax And man, how crazy is that that, of all God has done for me, that I keep wanting so many more things, needing so many more things, hoping so many things come to pass and get fulfilled. I forget to check off. To listen and take inventory today. Take inventory of your life. You will find out that God is watching you, That He is really really watching over you, in spite of yourself, in spite of your shortcomings, because we all got him. Please know, I do you know? And remember something else too. Change is good, but change is challenging. Accept the challenge that it is. Look, a lot of you come up to me all the time and say Steve Man, thank you, man, boy, you in the morning. Man, I really be needing that. I said it a hundred times, but I'm gonna say it again, y'all. I'll be needing it too. You know, you understand, sometimes what God is dealing with me is for me. But now I'm in a sharing position where I can open up and if I just if I just quit being so about me and become a little bit more transparent, I can maybe some of me that's happening to me is happening to you, and you can see some of this in me. That's why I use myself as an example, because man, I'm catching it too, y'all. I ain't perfect either. So for those of you that come up to me and say that, I want you to understand these talks in the morning. Man, this is important for me because man, I need these conversations from God. I need God to continue to strengthen me, to show me the way, to help me understand what's happening to me. And see, as we've all those of you who have made the decision to change to become a better person, a better woman, a better boy, a better girl, a better man. For those of you has made the decision to change. Change is a challenge, and accept the challenge because it's gonna come. Because right out of that here come to hate us. Here they come people you don't even know. Discussion your life in your change. If God see you really really mean what you say in spite of what they say about you, God will raise you above the phrase. He'll keep promoting you. He'll keep blessing you, He'll keep moving you up. He will use you as a show off point. He'll show you off. Man. He'll make you. He'll make you look good to people man who wish you'd fall all day long, and so to all your haters. All your haters will end up just watching you rise. Man, They will watch you continue to grow. That's what God will do for you. Man, you can fool the world, but you can't fool God. God know your heart, He know your every thought. Man. So change is good. But change is a challenge. Accept the challenge, Expect the haters, expect the unnecessary. But God will strengthen you and get you through it all. Man, y'all doing swell this morning. Man, don't let anybody make you. Thank you all keep talking to God, all right? You're listening to Steven Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people all around the world. Come on now, you are listening to the baddest morning show on planet Earth. Watch it sucker see right there for no reason at all, just stuff come out has all of a sudden wedded ones. It's just no reading, ladies and gentlemen. This show is dedicated to crossing guards. Yes the world who never get ahead clapped and people are stand up in the middle of traffic and stop traffic. They still have was that sodio? Dumbass child can cross the street that not once a day, but twice a day, going and coming, so your child won't pay attention why he crossing the street? Stay out there, fault ray, sleet of snow. They didn't even go to the bathroom. No, we salute all of the crossing crossing god man, because don't nobody never mentioned it? Then you want to be one When you was in school, didn't you want to hold them? Yeah? I was, I was. I was a guard. You know we had flag duty. Yea have a flag and be a guard and you opened the flag for the kids to go cross. Oh that was an important job back then. Yeah, I had that job while I started to come on this way now this this sit by time I said, stopped it. Damn, somebody kid got hit. Yeah yeah, the kids get hit on block down. I ain't know. We don't want to go this way. You shut up, you boy, Come on. He kills later for school. He comes up. Hey, man, I broke my GUARDI did a car pass. I broke my guard stick on the last singleton's head because he was the bullet that used to beat us up all and just one day, man, I just got tired of he was just standing there, just mocking me. This is stupid, this this this this dude what I was just standing that talking about stupid on my bush? You cross your here with the damn guards. Whoa splitted in half? Love? Man? I got suspended for that, I bet you did, which was like really cool. I ain't had to go up there for three days. I thought that was to fight him again. Oh yeah, y'all. Oh oh he wu my ass? Oh how much bigger was he than Oh? Lad was huge? Lad? Hey man, we were nine. He looked like he was fifteen. But come mass boy. But but but great big old front, great big old a man. He was so damned stupid man. Yeah, big ass teeth, Yeah, big back. He was muscular. What grade was this man? Child? Six? So he looked like you like in a night like yeah, high school junior. He could have went to high school and played like a junior. But he was older than us because he got put. He was dune for it. So now he in the sixth grade, just looking a bitter and level grade. Ladies and gentlemen, thirty something funny is coming up, and I'm gonna rename this segment. Yeah, please come on in, don't go nowhere. You're gonna love it. Yeah, because it's gonna have a word funny in it, but it ain't gonna be the same. Come on back. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back. The words funny is in it. But what Steve, Ladies and gentlemen, just a new segment that I created just for today. Oh this is because of the Carrie Irving trade man. So instead of thirty something funny, this is sugar hunted iced tea. That ain't funny. This is the sugar hunted iced tea. Segment that ain't funny. Let's go from Cleveland. Darrie Irvin was traded to the Boston Celtics, but Isaiah Thomas and Jay crowd Hand got a first round kick, first round pick, Brooklyn, don't worry about first don't worry about that. We just throw another body. Cain't say we got him because I don't even know. Ziziac has played on the Israeli Chick and just got out and he's actually an immigrant from parts unknown. We had no idea who he what he do? He don't even know if he never scold? But he sound like he beat U. You mean scored? Yeah? Okay, what what? What I think? I'm just clarifying what? No, what did you think I'm talking about? Let's just say basketball. I don't know if he g averaging two points. I don't know if he didn't hit the basket. Sound like he slowed. He sounds slow. Ziziac don't sound like who you know? Zi Zac? Sound like he got his name. Ain't zigzag? And you reverse that he act like he got zigzag? So what you think you think that's good? Well, here's the problem with the trade. First of all, Boston did win the East, right last year because of that point guard, because of Isaiah. Isaiah was the man on that team. When it got down to the playoffs, they doubled Isaiah because they didn't have another star score. So now Kyrie's Irvan's wish to be on the team and be the man has come true. He is going to be the man in Boston. But the problem with this is Kyrie will not be as good in Boston as he was in Cleveland because the all of the emphasis goes to Lebron. Where is he on the floor, what is he doing? And it made Kyrie a better player. Now Kyrie is a great basketball good but going to Boston, the same thing gonna happen to him that happened to Isaiah when they got to the playoffs. They're gonna double him up because he doesn't have another star player on the team. So now you're gonna be the man. But now the first game of the new season is Boston versus can Go And why you have a new problem. Kyrie got his wish to be traded Isaah Zaia didn't want to be traded Boston. After this kid plays, after his sister passes, puts his heart and soul on the line from Boston and then they trade him. You have now sent a player to your rival who has an attitude a chip on his shoulder. So now you trade me, and that's not the place to have, No man, when I didn't want to be traded, and you send me to the cavaliers. Who is our arrival? And now we're gonna face y'all to see who we're in the east. That guy gonna be playing with another piece of information, and now he's playing with the greatest player on the planet, Lebron. Jay question, Steve, hasn't Lebron like open with open arms welcomed him in which they could not have made that trade without talking to Lebron. That's the only way that trade could happen. You gotta go to your star and go, hey man, we're gonna give up Kyrie, but we're gonna bring in Isaiah. Can you play with Isaiah? Hell won? And they get crowded. Who is an animal defense? So now we got some more people that can check somebody at Golden State. That is it gonna help? I don't know, But let's beyond the Cleveland walked away slick on this deal. Right here, they know they got the first I mean you get Jay crowded, Isaiah Thomas and the first round and because because Ziplock and soon we found out who we're gonna have something to talk about. So now, um, here's the other point I want to make about the Kyrie Irving train because you have a lot of points. Here's the point. Yeah, I feel for Kyle Read because I understand that he wants to be the man. But you got a lot of people in your ill talking about Man, you the real star on that team. Man, that all the credit God Lebron, you don't get none. Man, y'all to go somewhere, your your option up. Man, y'all demand to trade or you can go be the man because you thank you. Everybody want to go be Russell or Westbrook. But you can't be Russell rust Book because number one, you ain't gonna do all what Russell doing team work though, I mean Russell is the team yeah I'm talking about But you can't win a championship with one team. Yeah, why would you leave a team that's been to the NBA Finals three years in a row and now what's gonna happen to the Cavaliers. Another opinion of mine Cleveland here's another opinion of mine. The Cavaliers now have infused and injected new blood, new energy into this, you know, instead of that same team. It got a little bit extra now, you know, man, and something can go down, And I think the Cavaliers came out on top on this. I think Lebron is happy on this deal. Yeah, I think that Kyrie is happy on this. About Zip Ziplock, anybody mention his name, but I bet you his heir, I got a cow lick in the front. Zip stay like Zip let him? Let me see his name is not zip Lock? What's his name called? Listen to me. All you gotta do is put in zi NBA player. How many you think coming up him? Ziz old man with black folk's name. That's that's your name, Ziplock? About Zip? It turns all right, we'll be back. You're listening morning show coming up at the top of the hour, miss Anne. We'll be here with our national news and headlines. But before we get to all of that, the nephew, it's your time to run that brank back. What you got I got it in fun? You is FPC and what is that again? P C? I know with the initials we heard heard that Funeral Picture Company? What is your tone? Everybody got to have a picture when they die. You gotta you pick it out here at least what you do hit it? Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a Darwin Darwin. This is he Hey Darwin, how are you doing? This is Frank with FPC. We're trying to come down and um see about making an appointment with you within the next weeks. That's possible. Funds for what? Yeah, we're supposed to come by. I'm with FPC. We wanted to uh we have from what what is that? What is FPC? Uh? Sir? Your name was left with us and you're you're you're on on our file to actually come out and make an appointment with you so we can, um, so we can get your picture taken. You must have your own number. I'm not I'm not signed up to take no picture anything. So okay, well you are you're doing correct? Yeah, yes, I am doing so. You call it Darwin and that's what you call it. But anything about a picture? What what's up with a picture? We've got you on our schedule here, FPC. We have you on our schedule to uh to actually for us to come out to your home and take your picture. Okay, FPC? What's company is that? What's what's your? What type of picture? And would I be taking I'm not taking no picture? But what what is FPC? Okay? You don't know anything about a photo being taken of you? No? Okay, uh sir, FPC is uh we are this is a funeral Picture company, Funeral Picture company. And what we do is we come out and take your picture and we actually keep it on file. That way, when you do pass away, we have your picture for your programming. We have a nice picture for you. Oh man, look I'm not dead right now. You're not taking no picture of me? Who is this again? My name is Frank. Frank. Okay, Frank, you mean to tell me y'all taking pictures of people before they die, just so you could have them picture. Oh foul. So we're keeping on filing. Then you have a good picture on your program and that's what that's what, that's what we feel. They ain't signed up for nothing like that. Who the hell signed me up for some like that? I'm quite sure. But we're trying to schedule where we can come out beginning of next week so we can get your picture taken next week week after you get picture when I'm dead, you're not taking no picture of me before that? That? That don't sound right, sir. Don't you want to have a good picture on your program, so you're not taking the picture of me for no humor arrangements that I'm not dead yet. I don't understand that. What the hell is this about? Nobody who signed me up for it? Then tell me that much, sir, I don't have the actual person listen here on who's signs you up? But I do have the number and you are Darwin, mister Darwin, so I didn't sign up for that. I'm not taking the picture. You guys running around taking pictures of people before they that just to have a good picture on fail that man, I ain't never heard of like that, sir. Okay, sir are you? I mean we have your address here? Are are you? Are you available? No? I'm not available. I'm not available at all to take no picture for a funeral that I'm not even dead yet. I don't. I don't get that that that sounds like a much of more and ill, who the hell gave you my number? That's what I want to know, sir, I'm not quite sure. But one thing we have to do is we have to follow through with our job. So what we're gonna have to do is we I have to come out there and take a picture. So I don't want to, you know, create a problem, but I have to get a picture of you by next week. Oh it's gonna be problem because you're not getting a picture me for no funeral arrangement, mister Darwin. I have to come by your high I was at least by Friday at around twelve million. I'll come by and get a picture of you. Ain't come by my got house no Friday. You gonna lie. Gotta me come over here to try to get my mom picture. I got plenty of got pitching in my house to put on the mother funeral program. I'm not taking the pitching that then I'm clearing to be did I'm not dead. That's some more bad look got dead. I don't know who you worked for, Frank, but you you got the word our word for fl PFC, Sir, I worked for FPC FCC. Mike, you ain't not taking no picture me. Don't come over here Friday. Come about no guy piston. Okay, before you got pistol and you and I hope they got Joe got pitt your on file. But that's a stupid got company you worked for. I ain't never heard of nobody taking no picture before they died. I got millions of pictures in here for that program. And when I'm growing with them, God care about what a picture looked like? Or who hasn't my gout funeral? That's me. You tell who you work for. They need to go find another occupation. I don't make no guy, just you're not coming over here Friday, buddy, You come over here if you want to. Okay? Uh missus Darwin? Yes, are you familiar with with Glinda? That's my wife? What what the youre about to say? Now? I want all I want to do is say this man. I just want to say, Glinda, the one that got me to prank phone call you. This is nephew Tommy baby from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Huh, I'll bet up boy yet. I ain't never heard a business like this some FTC funeral. Well, man, I said my New year resolution, I was gonna cut back on drinking, but you got me over here about the tip a bottle? Right now? Are you crazy man, and come over here to day before get a picture of Glinda Fitch. Y'all got me, baby, you got me. I ain't never heard no company like that. You ain't putting me up to it bad. You're gonna I'll tell you what you tune in tomorrow morning. Man, You're gonna catch yourself on national radio DA. I'm gonna tell everybody, boy, they had me hot over here. I'm gonna don't tell the planning, but I'm gonna have me a drink anywhere. I was looking for an excuse to drayt pitch ticking. Don't put on foul boy, y'all. Y'atta lost the half of a mine in your head with that. And here, buddy, man, I gotta ask you something, man, dam and tell me this here man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land Steve Harvey Morning Wick Up Show? Buddy. I don't care which one you who cares? I'm gonna they are talking about? Yeah, up told me I got one. My mom, they took me. I was I mooned everybody getting that and I was getting on picking up a tory. Which one you got? Julian Well I got the one with the sailor suit. I can't stand that pictures. You want you down, don't. I got enough problems. I'm dead. I got the one with the little white shoes. Man, I got this I got when I die. I gotta get my court case together. So when I go before the Lord, I'm gonna be working on my case. I ain't got time to I gotta. I gotta go there and plead my case. Yeah, and what you can't do because you don't get an attorney, and I hurly gate. I got to go up in that man, I got hand gonna be sweating. Hey, I gotta explain a couple of things. We made me lard you. But your introduction gonna be the same one you did down here on earth. I'm gonna bring that take. I'm opening it with that. You just see this, remember when I did that back then? I plad again, Lord, this is me a mega facta. Right now, then, I'd like to show you, Heavenly Father, you don't mind if you don't mind, just as a and I know you don't need reminding because you know all things. But just just for those people that Peter Neil, I'd like to show you my work with Disney Dreamers. Here is a number of children I sent to college that ain't mine. But you're holding up the line. Everybody wants you to move on. All right, Miss Anna's coming back. You're listening to stew A, right, miss Anna standing by with today's headlines. The President Donald Trump. Every day he's in the news. Right. He was involved in a drug bust in Germany last weekend? What you heard me? President Trump was involved in a drug bust in Germany last weekend. Police here pulled over a vehicle for a random traffic stop, and a subsequent search of the vehicle uncovered a stash of Trump shaped extity ecstasy pills and how Trump, So he was involved in a drug bust? That's where that came in. Each of the five thousand orange tablets were pressed into the shape of the President's face and head, and the name Trump appears on the back. The sea stash carries a street value of around forty six thousand dollars. Police arrested the fifty one year old driver and his seventeen year old son, who also was in the car. That seventeen year old blog gonna get his ass stone, Oh yeah, yeah, fifty one year old dad, he probably ain't know none about this ecstasy. But in the shape of the president's face and his head. Fifty year old man that will participate in the time like that is old Jack. Most fifty year old people run it by other fifty years. Somebody goes, man, what this is a great idea. Don't make these ecstasy pills. We're gonna shave him in the like Donald Trump's face in his head. It's gonna be orange. This is gonna be great. But seventeen year old being told his daddy they was multiple vitams. Yeah, the Trump stone board. That dog sniffed the found out they were at seveteen year old boys at the house. Man, what do you think it's the sun? You don't think the daddy it's seventeen year old boys think, No, it's seventeen ye old. It's a kid. Yeah, this is this is a heck of a headline thought most most baby boom was scared of extra. Yeah, they don't even know what it is really and yeah, yeah, I don't even know what it looked like. Whoa ex myth. I just told you. It's shaped like Donald Trump's face in his head. It's orange. Oh, No, that's a heck of a headline. President Donald Trump involved in a drug. That's crazy. Okay, you got to swallow something like that that looks like a fruity pebbles or something cookie. Yeah it does wow street value. Like I said, around forty six thousand dollars? Were you question up? Decided to censor yourself? A question? The good thing? Bring it back, take a shot of water and think about it again. Please. On another note, President Barack Obama and Michelle uh moved their daughter Malia into her down her dorm at Harvard University yesterday. I was the official moving day for first year students. The Bustin Globe try to get a quote from the first daughter, but Malia wasn't talking. Twitter went berserk as other first year students tweeted their Malia's sightings. Malia took a gap year after high school, you know, opting to spend her time in turning on movie sets. So now she's in school at Harvard, got her dorm and every Harvard Yeah, parents, Yeah, and she took a whole year off. I love that. Yeah. I had to get in on special Affirmative action program. That's how I got a career wellay, that's what they were doing to college. It wasn't for affirmative ACU. They had to put some black students down to Kent State because all the blacks left after the shooting in seventy. You noticed, didn't no blacks gets shot in nineteen seventy at Kent State because the Black United Student Organization told all blacks to go home. The National Guard coming because they said, you know what we did here? Who getting shot? We're going to the house. Wow. All right, sad for the fort, it got very sad. You're right. Introduced, ladies and gentlemen. She's here, the one and only Miss Harrip. Thank you, Thanks guys. This is entrep with the news. Okay, everyone out there. Several US Army drill sergeants have reportedly been suspended at Fort Benning, Georgia, accused of sexual assault and misconduct during basic training. Reports are that after one female trainee accused one drill sergeant a sexual assault, that several other complaints came in from trainees about the same thing for other drill sergeants. The Army is not saying how many of these dull sergeants haven't suspended, but they do say they're offering counseling to the alleged victims. Meanwhile, President Trump took his campaign rally machine to Reno, Nevada yesterday, where he spoke before this year's American Legion Convention. History and culture so important for generations now, the American Legion has stood our young people, the principles of Americanism. You emphasized and need to preserve the nation's cultural, moral, and patriotic values. You encourage the observation of patriotic holidays. You stress the need to enforce our laws, including our immigration laws. By the way, the presidents signed a bill into law yesterday designed to speed up the appeals process where concerns veterans benefits. The publisher of the neo Nazi website, The Daily Stormer says he's basically been banned from the entire Internet. Andrew England says to The Associated Pressed that both Go Daddy and Google kicked his site off. Meanwhile, residence in Charletsville, Virginia, is still upset over the way racial violence occurred their weekend before last. Bring a city council meeting to a hall. Community activists demand and know why the police didn't provide more protection. John gathers is from the local Black Lives Matter Chapter to be held accountable for not only the blood of those three lives, but for every injury that happened the first weekend. Appending lawsuit currently prevents the removal of that city's Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson statues, but the Sea Council voted to cover them with reams and reams of black plastic. Folks in Texas preparing for Tropical Storm Harvey. Yeah, Harvey expected to strengthen the hurricane status tomorrow. One person won the seven and a fifty million dollar lottery last night. The person from Watertown, Massachusetts and not related to me. And today is let's get it cracking day. That's right. You gotta do something. Get it going, baby, This has been a trip. We'll be back with Eugene the Butterfly. Twenty minutes after the hours, they tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, come on, please introduce the Butterfly and try to you know, I have an idea for his segment. Oh you do. We'll try to have some energy and introduce a segment that I've created for Eugene. It's called maybe He's open to the suggestion. Be nice. Okay, okay, gentlemen, good yeah, good morning, every ye even Tommy, Shirley Carlin Junior, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, Hey, Butterfly Junior. That was a good intro from Steve Haun. It was good morning, Carl, Hey, Butterfly, I'm time some miles. Good morning, all right man? What's up? Hey, Eugene? Yes, Steven, how are you today? We're good? I hope me and you are good? Are we good? Yeah? I have something I want to do today. Turn your please. Hello, but I had something. I had something scared. I bought a therapist here today. You brought a therapist. This is doctor Barnes. Doctor Barnes. Yes, no, no, we got a therapist and my therapist. I bought it in my stef This is your a therapist, you know usual. Hi, miss Barnes. How doctor Barnes? How are you? I'm good in you? Very Where are you from? You? I'm from Mississippi. Where are you from? A form San Francisco area? Very good? Okay? Does she not like me already? Yeah? She loves you. That's just how she is doctor Barnes. I don't know if he brought you up to speed, but he and I haven't been going through this for the last I'm teen years. And is there anything that you can maybe do to get our relationship on the on track because right now we're just we're just not good. We can't seem to work good together. Well, let me ask you this. Does your paycheck come on time? Yes? Are you satisfied with what you're making? Can you get all of your feather bowls? Because I heard you like those say yes? Have you been down to having an attitude problem over the years with several members of the cast? She going to work? Have I? I haven't had it. Hum we need to come, we need to speak and complete sentences. She got you agree, I haven't had any problems with the rest of the cats. I have problems and you do have an emotional problem. I'm not. We need to delf and see your emotion. I'm not being in my show? Are killed? How are you coping? Skill coping? I'm coping very well with this village you hand? Do they allow you to cry when you don't get your way? My village's care of me is trembling yours. This is the thumb you get bought into this. We'll be working one. We're working working on Whitey, We'll be working on the Buie. Co host on this show, Coop. This is a therapist, not back. Oh my god, you're listening to show. All right, here we are with Steve. You have some more you say, yeah, this is uh, this is goes in Lying without thirty something funny segment. Yeah, earlier today, but I've re named it today. This is sugar hunting iced tea. That ain't really that damn funny to me. And this time you want to talk about Baccari Sellers something. Baccari Sellers said. Baccari Sellers, in case you don't know as a CNN contributor, he's a politician, he's an attorney. And he said something a couple of nights ago after the president's speech or after his rally, I should say, in Phoenix, Arizona. And you kind of want to take him the task about that hunt sty because he brought your name up, he had your name in his mouth. Yeah. First of all, I like Baccari Sellers, Oh I love it. I think he does excellent work on CNN. He does. I've had him on my talk show. The only problem I had with Baccari sellers it's a comment he made about me the other night on CNN, which is unfair. He said, where are the Jim Browns, the Kanye West, the Steve Harvey's, Why aren't they taking Donald Trump to task? Now? My problem with what you're saying, brother, is because I went up there under the request of the Obama transition team and the Trump transition team. I was asked to come up there. Now you're asking me to take him to task for. What what you want me to do? You the elected official, y'all take him to task. I didn't vote for him. I pushed very hard to try to get Hillary Clinton elected. Everybody heard before yea. So now, so what I went up there? Yeah, And looking back on it, I wish I had said, hey, y'all, I'm going up there to see the president. But I didn't know at the time that I would get that type of backlash. But I did. I'm a man. I stood up to it. But all of you jumping on the bandwagon because it's trending and it sounds popular. Super car, here's a deal. Do what you do, dog, but don't take me to task. Why I got to take Donald Trump to test health? Can't kids can't take him the task, can't nobody. He got a wife, He got a wife and some kids. He got a whole cabinet. Can't nobody get him to do nothing? Why you want Steed to come up? Down? I ain't no damn politician. You are an elected official. If you take his ass to task, I want to see you do it. Now. You're sitting up on seeing every now and then talking about him. But it's cool man, you can talk about him, bro, But what you want me to do? What you want see to do? What you want? Old ass? Jim Brown, what was you doing when you heard your name? Come on? Look, I'm sitting now. I was eating what you know what Jim Brown? And done for the movement? Man? Dog, I'm sixty years old. You know what I can? It just throws me off. Man, Look, I'm sixty, partner. I haven't done more than you fit to ever do for black folks. I'm gonna say that out loud, Baccari sellers, you ain't done for black folk? What out? And you ain't put the money behind black folk for what? Out? And down? I promise you you have. So I'm just saying, man, I like you and I'm still gonna I had you on my talk show and I still have you on my show. But be careful when you talk about another brother, man, because I'm tired of people. See I wouldn't give a damn about this if this was a blog what you said it on See anything. And that's the very reason, Steve. Do you understand he said your name on Seeing and after the President's speech. That's how big you are. Okay, that's how you have to look at that too. You are major. You're a major force in the community in America, even in politics because of you responsible for this man speech is crazy and I get that, Steve, But I'm just saying I got to do the fact that your name was mentioned mentioned means you're big. You're big, right wait, okay, one time big, But just stop talking about me like this. Man, I don't want to be responsible for taking the president to ten. His kids can't do nothing with him. I ain't got his nub what you the Senate can't do nothing with it. The House, the rest of the Republicans can't. Why are you bringing on Steve and Jim Brown? Name what you wanted to old Black do nothing with him. Comey can't do nothing with him. Listen to Sugar on the ice team. I'm talking about. We'll be back with the nephews. Frank phone call right after the you're listening to the stow coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But first, nephew, it's time for today. It's a prank phone call. What do you have? Your baby going back to pre k, Your baby going back to your baby going back to pre k. You have to do with that? Your baby can't color y'all hold tight here, however, Yes, I'm timeing to reach miss Thomas. Please, my name is mister Stapleton. I'm actually the principal over at elementary school. You're I'm looking at my records indicating that your son, Thomas is going to be starting his first grade. Ready, right, listen, miss Thomas. Um, I've been going through actually all of the children's records that will be starting school, and I'm looking at your son's grades from his kindergarten. Well, no, not exactly. I mean there's been a few uh. I actually spoke with the teacher who he was under in kindergarten, and it seems like he just really wasn't up to par as the rest of the children. M Now his conduct. Now, he talked, but he gets his work. So what else is she saying on that that ain't right? Well, what's what it seems to be, ma'am, is that his grades weren't up to par as the rest of the other children. She did tell me he was a disobedient child. Now he can disobedient and talking two different things. Come on, Okay, well, man, listen, what we've decided here is we're gonna let a little actually do another year of kindergarten. O. No, y'all ain't gonna let him do another year of kindergarten. No, sir man, that's that's the only choice I have. No. We got our letter in the mail with our report card the week after school started, and it said on the back promoted. And if I got to get about this couch and go get it, I'm gonna be because I'm telling you right now we will be in the first grade. Kindergarten. Weren't that hard. I'm not sure what they told you about him, but it must be the wrong. Well, I understanding he's he doesn't color as well as arrested kids. He's all he's out of the lines when he color. He doesn't know his numbers completely. And that's kind of what we need when you first come into into the first grade. When I can show you on this paper he did satisfactory all the way through. Now you about to me off and I'm already sick calling me with some about my son blank and kinder garden. He ain't that kind of does not color well. Man, Listen, color ain't gonna do with the dad guard kindergarden. He is going to the first grade, and I'll be down there on August twenty four. No, I will not be able to allow you to get in the school on August. Mister. I'm sorry, and let me get Let's tell you what. Let me go in and get my pencil pen because I don't live that far from this school. And if y'all aren't read it down there causing some comfort, I need to get up and go down there because I'm not telling my baby when he come home to day that he ain't going to the dad come first, man. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna have to refuse education from him on August twenty. You know what, I just went back. I can put him in public school. I know that was a stake in the first place. Food which I'm talking about some coloring. Give me your name again, sir Stapleton man. And what's that number down there? The number here is actually area code women. I got the number. Now, mind, I pulled up this report card. I got the number in your name on the back of this paper. I'll tell you what, August two hundred fourth will be coming in there, going to school, and I might make a trip around that this evening when I come from the document. The bottom line is, I'm not going to hear that Colin ain't got nothing to do with nothing else. But it's not only color. He's a rhythm of tickets back. No, are you working with him at home? Are you doing anything at home? Day? What you're trying to say, I'm an incompetent parent. I'm just asking, as a parent, are you working with your child? I'm working with my child every day. He can read better than you. Probably, No, he can't read. I can't read better than you, because honestly, you read that role on that paper that he's supposed to be going back to kindergarten when I know the paper saying from it going to the first grade. And I'm not listening to no more this about him. I'm backwards now. If you got a problem with your paper word, maybe you need to go talk to your secretary of somebody in there that wrote my baby name down, your name, your son's name, Thomas Man. No, it ain't him, baby, I know it ain't him. You're not gonna sit up and tell me my son is flocking kindergarden. He is not going back to that kindergarten. Don't bring your son down here, August, I call you once, be ready to up me and my husband, but we will be down there auer for backpack, shoes, uniform everything you hear me, I will not be able to allow him and education and that right now. I will come down there right now and make that correction on that paper for you can bring this baby is not going back to no kindergarten for no coloring. Can you bring him down him and let him color for me? So I can't you tell my color in the rimon taking out therselves? No, uh no, I'm sorry. Um. We will be down there August to twenty four I would have this poor card in my head that says you have been promoted to the first boy that he gonna have a mile on his face, and so are you? I got one more thing I need to tell are you Are you listening to me? I'm listening. You ain't saying nothing. Yeah, you better say something that sounds like the first grade, because I'm not playing. I would go down to this dag on the administrative office, and I had because my son would be in that first grade. Are you raising your voice? Who are you raising your voice? You talking crazid to me? I'm cresident him what. I'm a grown woman. I don't need to be as plain to you. Why I'm trying to find did you graduate? Honey? I am a college degree person. I have a great job. My husband and I do well for ourselves and for our children. And that's why we're not You're not even You're not even at work right now? Man's I'm sat phone. I told you that when you call him writing on the doctor to call me now a partner missing my phone? Call? Can you color? Because your son can't color? Got question is that? Ask me? Can I color? Why are you white and black? Y? Ask miss I dressed me. I'm my color. No I ask you, can you color like some racist lines and that can you color? No? I'm my color and me being colored ain't nothing to do with none of this. It's just a race thing. No, I'm trying to make sure you send him back. No, I'm not trying to send him back. I want to send him back to color to get his coloring together. You what that ain't got nothing to do with nothing? And if you are the head person down there now, you aren't competent and you aren't in a literate call me and tell me that my son has to go back to the first grad. I got one more thing. You don't want you mixed up. I'll tell you what. I'm through with this guy. Through with this guy. I'm gonna say one more thing, and I'm gonna be out here. Are you listening, I'm listening. That's his nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got prank by your girlfriend, Felicia. I'm gonna be Felicia's. I am gonna beat hot. You're about to get told out the plant. I mean, I'm right now and everything thing now, I'm gonna everything I'm gonna beat her because you know I don't play when it comes to back. That's all right, all right, But one more question. Now, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land. That's Steve Harvey. Baby? Did I do it right? Man? Man? Did I Did I make a man enough? If I don't want to know babies coloring? Coloring? No, I'm sick right now. But if I got to come down now, you're gonna have some problems. They're calling me about some damn coloring. That's crazy, all right. I guess we didn't win the powerball. Huh we all here? Yeah, because I ain't if I win the power Ball, Yeah, I'm gonna just come on him, man, and do so much custom How did you see that something? El found that he is profound? Let me say that you don't know, well, okay, Tommy said he give us all ten melon give you forty. I think because you were gonna help him, you know, with the whole murder the death FETs, I mean, not the murder, but the fake jets so he can get away from his family. Crazy man, Now, you gotta stay with your family. You didn't win understand that. But if I would have won, I would have got shot right, So you ain't on the next round. Why do you guys love that so much? Because I hated Carlin. I hated hate. He got the what he made to do, and I can't explain this to her. Everything everything, No, I'm gonna immediately the track phone all right, I'm going immediately and getting me a track. I'm buy me just about trac phones and use him as burning with a flip phone. Yes, I'm loving a fact. When you hung dog dog, I ain't gonna emil uh huh No social media, all right, we gotta go. I show you a show. President Trump still added to the whole type. We have another strawberry letter on deck. We will be right back after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up Today's crazy strawberry letter. You definitely don't want to miss it. But our president again in the news, back to his old ways. Did you see him in Phoenix the other night. We've talked about this this morning. Somehow, according to Bocar, sellers need to check him and Jim Brown, we shore calling man. Let's call it in front of the stadium full of supporters. He once again, this is the president now, defended his response to the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, attacked by the media Democrats and encouraged to supporters to boo reporters, but then called for unity. Huh, don't sound like him, y'all. He also and this was the crazy thing. He also hinted that he plans to pardon controversial Sheriff Joe Pio and once again promised to crack down on illegal immigrants and build a wall on the Mexican border. Was this America again? But that wall was never getting built. No, yeah, it's not presidential. That's you should be building bridges. Yeah, that's you know. But you know what happens is the rally was really at it a bad time. That's what the mayor said. Can't you put this off? Because you know what, he had a good a good speech for him the day before about the troops in Afghanistan. It was because he read directly from the teleprompters. Yeah, he was subdued, very low energy. He gets in front of his base man, something happens to this guy. Did not believed he should have took the off the sign because it's just black, just him. Yeah, and he had to sign. He was agreed with everything. T These rallies are so contrasted, strategic. They keep then they switch out signs, and all of them had the same sign. Somebody down below slides on the siding and the black dude didn't want no sign. He didn't wanted his T shirt on that. You can't really trust a black dude with opponent heil. But you can't tell me that's not a paid gig. Definitely, that's one hundred dollars dollar job. If you stand right here, we're gonna pay you the whole side and looked ignorant. Oh no, no, no, it ain't a hunt. Yea, no, not that much. Oh no, no no, but I believe he was paid, but not that much. I think it's that much. Hundred down and be sitting at all the Trump every day red hat on hell billy, he's changing to make America hate again because you know he's not bringing in the country together with what he's doing. He's not. They're real. Yeah, and then your back door. Yeah, look at hand. I love Fox. All right, nephew, come on, let's get to this letter. Bug it up. Hold on, tight, We got it. The strong letter. Why does it take such a long A letts? This one's long, too real one, Let's get through it. Yeah, it's a good one. Subject to albatross, Dear Stephen Shirley, albatross. Albatross is a bird. You know that, but in this one or another meaning. Another meaning is that it could be like a burden to you, you know, something weighing you down. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty two year old black female living and working in New York City. Many people consider me to be the model of a young girl climbing her way to the top. But it seems as though even I can't escape the conundrum called the black male. She's smart, I mean, you know that that's a riddle puzzle. Okay. Anyway, When I was nineteen, I began to date a twenty five year old man from Harlem. To me, he seemed to have a promising future as a cartoonist. He was funny, he was caring, and he accepted me in all my quirks. The problem is my parents and my friends hate them. They dislike the way that he dresses, which I can't admit. He needs a wardrobe update. But just because someone does not fly doesn't mean I can't see past that. My father actually said that his appearance is disrespectful. I have told him many times that my family is big on appearance, and I've asked him to please dress appropriately when he knows that he will be around my family. Recently, on Thanksgiving and came to my grandmother's house for dinner. I was appalled to see that he showed up in jeans and a T shirt, a dingy T shirt at that when I confronted him. When I confronted him about his ai, he told me that it seems superficial to him that a parents should count so much, and that even if he were a millionaire, he would have worn the same thing to prove a point. I wanted to scream, you are twenty eight and you should use common sense to realize that it is not about your point, It is about appropriateness. My parents and my friends have been pressuring me to break off my relationship with him because they feel like he is not worthy of me, but I have feelings for him now. Not since Thanksgiving have I been able to have a conversation with my parents about this topic coming up, and after having it pounded into my head. I feel like it is the right slash logical thing to do, but my heart is telling me different. Is there something that I am missing? Is there something about this guy that my parents can tell by looking at him that I can't see because I'm caught up? VJ. Dear VJ. Okay, since we're making points, let me just make this point. Your boyfriend really needs to learn how to pick his battles. Okay. Like you say, he's twenty eight now, which is way old enough to know that you don't go to your girl's grandmother's house on Thanksgiving and embarrass her in front of the whole family. You just don't do that, you know, because you need to know you need to wear something appropriate. A DNGT. Come on, I agree with your dad. It's disrespectful. He cares more about making his point, your man, than he does about making you happy. He is trying to make the case that your family only cares about what a person looks like outside, And to that, I say, he couldn't be more wrong. Your boyfriend needs to know that there are rules, there, requirements, you know, when he dates you. Okay, that's what your family is upset about he just can't come in here looking like, you know, just any old kind of way. Mind you, your boy, if he's on a limited budget and all that and he can't afford all that, then that's a whole different thing. But you didn't say that, so we're not even going to go there. But because I don't think that's the case here, I think he's deliberately dressing this way out of spite. I understand you have feelings for him, but please know that if he really cared for you, he would care what you say, and he will want to make you happy and dress appropriately, especially in front of your family. Okay, that's what I think you're missing in all of this. It's selfish and it's inflexible on his part. Yes, yeah, Glory to God. That's right up there with conundrum boy. Oh it is not say that word again. Inflexible. He's yeah, inflexible. He wants to do it his way. He won't then word it has never come out of me and Tommy mouth that are Alba trolls. But he doesn't. Just know that you deserve better. Okay, just know that, young lady flexible. All right, Steve will have part two of today's Strawberry Letter coming up at twenty three after the hour you're listening to Harvey Morning Show, Don't Forget Today, That is today at one thirty pm, you can join me for Strawberry Letter after the show live on Facebook. You can find me at my Girl Shirley or Shirley Strawberry. We're gonna talk about today's letter. We'll talk about trending topics, we'll talk about we'll have a pick of the week, whatever you want to talk about. So join me today one thirty pm Facebook Live for the Strawberry Letter Live after the show. Thank you, Steve, how much your turn for part two of this letter? Your response? God, let me help you out. First of all, your boyfriend is a man. He's twenty eight years old. Men are very very simple for me to figure out, because I'll tell you why. I have been one for a long time now, and ladies, men are basically the same. We have very very simple creatures to figure out. You put emotion in with us, emotion in with us, and it causes you unable to figure us out because you figure in your emotional tie to this guy, and then it deadens yourself senses of looking at what's really going on him. So let me hip you to yourself. First of all, young lady, you can't escape the conundrum called the black male. This ain't the black mail. This is any kind of male. All men fit into the same category. Black, white, Puerto Rican, Latino, Mexican, Honduras, Ecuadorian, Perubian, whatever, We all the same. We ain't no conundrum. We ain't none of that. If you would take an emot if you took the emotion out of this situation, you wouldn't even be bothered with this dude no more. See, but you are making your decisions with this emotion involved. Your parents are trying to tell you. First of all, he's twenty eight now. You made him at twenty five, so you've been kicking him with him for three years. This food right here is about him. He's a cartoonist, he's funny. He's carrying all that your parents and friends hating because they did dislike the way he is he addressing now. Your father actually said that his parents his appearance is disrespectful. Your father is one correct, because there are times when you can be disrespectful, coming to your grandmother's house in a nasty T shirt and some jeans is disrespectful to you as a woman that he's representing as her man, as your grandparents coming in her house that way, your mother and father, who got to sit here and deal with this. Nobody else in your family came to Grandmama's house dressed like this, except this fool that you didn't picked as a man. You didn't pick the worst kind of man. You know why, because, young lady, what you've picked now is a man that suffers from a lot of things that men suffer from. It's called foolish pride. And your man is fool or foolish pride. Because this stupid dude right here is trying to tell you you are Paul. When he came to your grandmama's house, he told you that when you confronted about him, he said that it seems superficial to him that a parentship count so much, and that even if he were a millionaire, he would have worn the same thing to prove a point. He just a damn lie. He is just a damn lie. He'll never have a million. The moment you become a millionaire and you black, it will reflect in every aspect that you get a chance to let it shine. I'm telling you you don't do that. You don't do that when you pluke. Hello, I said correctly that are broke black people that know how to come to dinner. So you ain't got nothing to do, no millionaire. See, he don't want to let it go cause a foolish pride. See you want to scream at him that you twenty eight. You should use common sense that it's not about your point is about appropriateness. No, it ain't about his point, young lady. It's about him and nobody else. It ain't about you. And when a man cares about you or loves you, he will do some things that he's uncomfortable doing just to make you happy. That's right. But see he ain't about nobody. But it some he can't even for a moment saying, you know, man, this will make my girl happy if I dress better, let me just go buff up for my girl. But he ain't willing to do that because he is about himself. All right, thank you, Steve, but we gotta go email or Instagram. I's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girl Shirley. Okay and join me once again today at one thirty pm on Facebook for Strawberry Live after a show. All right, Steve she is here, introduced our girl Sheryl Underwood, Boys and Girls Troopers, girl Scouts and boy Scouts. Everybody put your hands together for sure. The world save you, my friend. I love you and I'm glad that you out there doing Thanks you everywhere. And you've got the tropical storm named that for you. What you're doing it? What are Yeah? This is Harvey. Here are chrome tearing up everything? Hey, ladies, if you want to find a man, go to Owen's Mills, Maryland. Uh. It's a barber shop called Dapper Naps, cuts and coils. Every fine man in the nation was in Owen Mills, So get there as fast as you can. I'm on my way to Tampa for the Tampa Improv. Courtney Black and Kyle Irby. We're stepping in from Mike Watson. He's not feeling well. Hey, Uh, Tommy, Steve Junior, did you hold that Dick Gregory talked about my kin folk in one of his books. Hey, use speaking of shout outs. When when y'all come to the Tampa Improv, I'll be talking about ri Kelly Usher's Bill Cosby. We're gonna talk about everybody. We're gonna shout out the Cluness. We shouting out the Cluness for giving one million dollars to the Southern Party Law Center to fight racism. That's what I'm talking about. But don't forget to donate to the end of LACP. We out there fighting racism too. Now we all gonna get together help capping. They get a job. But big up to all the white players that are joining with the blacks, but coming together at last, but not least time for the Mayweather fight. Let me tell you how close to the fight game I am. See back in the day, I was in the center of the fight. It was the fight of the century, that's right. And when I lost the fight of the century, I had to go to super fight too. Then I went on to the people came up to me and said saying the same. I started to sell grills. They said, I have asked you all right, Cheryl, thank you so much. Gonna hit a griller's grilla right there. Thank you, Cheryl. We love you, you know we do. Coming up, coming up Steve's thoughts on Kyrie Irving. We'll be right back. You're listening, Steve Morning Show in case you missed it earlier. This morning, we talked about Kyrie Irving the Big Trade and Steve had his thoughts on that, and we'll replay it right now. You're a little shook. Yeah, he's still going through. You know, he loves Cleveland. Yes, here it is. Check it out, ladies and gentlemen. This is a new segment that I created just for today. Oh, this is because of the Kyrie Irving tree Man. So instead of thirty something funny, this is sugar honey iced tea that ain't funny. This is the sugar honey iced tea segment that ain't funny. Let's go from Cleveland. Darrie Irvin was traded to the Boston Celtics, but Isaiah Thomas, Yeah, and Jay crowder Man got a first round. Yeah, first round, Brooklyn, don't worry about I don't worry about that. Then we just throw another body. I ain't say we got him because I don't even know. Zizi Ac played on the Israeli Chick and just got out and he's actually an immigrant from Part unknown. We had no idea who he what he do? He don't even know if he never spold, but he sounded like he beats you mean scored. Yeah, okay, what what what I think? I'm just clarifying what? No, what did you think I'm talking about? Let's just say my basketball. I don't know if he gaveraging two points. I don't know if he didn't hear the basket point. He sound like he's slowed. He sounds slow. Zizac. Don't sound like who you know? Zizac? Sound like he got his name, ain't zig Zac. And you reverse that, he act like he goes zigzag. So what you think you think that's good? Well, here's the problem with the trade. First of all, Boston did win the East right last year because of that point guard, because of Isaiah. Isaiah was the man on that team. When it got down to the playoffs, they doubled Isaiah because they didn't have another star score. So now Kyrie's Irvan's wish to be on the team and be the man has come true. He is going to be the man in Boston. But the problem with this is Kyrie will not be as good in Boston as he was in Cleveland because the all of the emphasis goes to Lebron. Where is he on the floor, What is he doing, and it made Kyrie a better player. Now Kyrie is a great basketball but going to Boston, the same thing gonna happen to him that happened to Isaiah when they got to the playoffs. They're gonna double him up because he doesn't have another star player on the team. So now you're gonna be the man. But now the first game of the new season is Boston versus Calms, And why you have a new problem. Kyrie got his wish to be traded. Isaiah didn't want to be traded Boston. After this kid plays, after his sister passes, puts his hard and soul on the line in Boston, and then they trade him. You have now sent a player to your rival who has an attitude, a chip on his shoulder. So now you traded me and no man when I didn't want to be traded, and you send me to the Cavaliers, who is our arrival. And now we're gonna face y'all to see who we're in the east. That guy gonna be playing with another piece of information. And now he's playing with the greatest player on the planet, Lebron. Jake hasn't Lebron like open with open arms, welcomed him in CA, which is a good thing. They could not have made that trade without talking to Lebron. That's the only way that trade could happen. You gotta go to your star and go, hey, man, we're gonna give up Kyrie, but we're gonna bring in Isaiah. Can you play with Isaiah? Oh? He won't And they get crowded. Who is an animal defense? So now we got some mold people that can check somebody at Golden State. That is it gonna help? I don't know, but let's beyond the Cleveland walked away slick on this deal. Right here, they know they got first. I mean, you get Jay, crowded Isaiah Thomas and the first round and because because he was zip block, and soon we found out who we're gonna have something to talk about now. I'm here's the other point I want to make about the Kyrie Irban trade because you have a lot of points. Here's the other point. Yeah, I feel for Kyrie because I understand that he wants to be the man, But you got a lot of people in your ear talking about man, you the real style on that team. Man? That all the credit. God, Lebron, you don't get none. Man, y'all to go somewhere. Your your option up. Man, y'all demand a trade so you can go be the man because you thank you. Everybody want to go be Russell or Westbrook. But you can't be Russell first book, because number one, you ain't gonna do all what Russell doing. Team works though, I mean Russell is the team, yeah I'm talking about but you can't win a championship or one team. Yeah, why would you leave a team that's been to the NBA Finals three years in a row? Absolutely? And now what's gonna happen to the Cavaliers? Another opinion of mine. Here's another opinion of mine. The Cavaliers now have infused and injected new blood, new energy into the you know, instead of that same team. It got a little bit extra now, you know, man, and something can go down. And I think the Cavaliers came out on top on this. I think Lebron is happy on this deal. Yeah, I think that Kyrie is happy on this zip zip block. Anybody mention his name, but I bet you his hair got a cow lick in the front. Zip zips his name. Listen to me. You gotta do is putty in z NBA play. How many you think coming up? Him? Zuz old man with black folk's names. That's your name, Ziplock about Ziplock? It turned you're listening to Steven show. All right, Steve, it's time for our health and Wellness segment. Look at you, I see you over there. Of course we're trying to get in shape. We really are. And our special guest is your trainer. His name is Obi ob dk who you got it right? Right? What do you call him? Obie? Right? You got to hear the guard at the gage, sir, we have a to get killed all the time growing up in school. So I heard that Obi one. You always get that person that says, have you ever heard of Obi wan Kenobi? No, you're a genius as the first time I've ever heard that all the time, all the time. So welcome to the show. Thank you so much on the show. What we're doing here is a fun way to encourage people, especially in the baby booming generation and everybody, to get up, start moving, get yourself together, take care of yourself. How to avoid rust, how to lose weight the right way, how it can be done and done without high impact. Because a lot of people don't like a lot of videos because there's high impact. So I've been working with this guy. We are entering week what this is week four? This is week four. Steve Harvey is He's a killer. He's a killer. The man has lost eight pounds in three weeks. And what I love about Steve working with him is that he wants it so bad. He's like Kobe Bryant. I remember when Michael when a Madrashad was saying who is better Kobe or Lebron and Michael Jordan went with Kobe because of the will. He wants it so bad, and Steve wants it so bad. So a lot of times I gotta save himself from himself. Well I want fat. He ain't saying. I was like, it's the will, It's the will to win it. It's the desire to win, the desire to succeed. When I'm giving him a workout and I'm saying, yo, Steve, Okay, we're gonna do a plank for thirty seconds, Steve's gonna end up doing it for forty forty five and I'm like, Steve, the set is done, but he's still going. But I want to get this fat off my ass. That's good. I want to back up just for a second and find out how you guys met. How'd you find it? Well, on my talk show, I had Morris Chestnut came on as a guest and he was promoting this book called The Cut. Well, the guy on the the cover of the book is Obie and they first Morris Chester that came out. Then on the second season he bought his trainer. You couldn't help that. What's uptime? You don't have to shout out when you gasped like that. No, there wasn't no gas. Yeah, So Morris came out, he said and talked, he got in great shape shoot this movie. And then he bought his train out and his trainer walked out and he had a six pack under that show through his shirt through the actually painted abs. By the way, that's not really I don't know how much you can a paint cast. So anyway, I sat there and I met him, and so we started talking. So I told him, you know, after the season was over, when I was gonna move to la and then everything yell, yeah, this is yeah, this is for the baby. Anyway, you know, I just said, when I come back from my vacation and I moved to La. I like to contact you, and I did, and I came back off to the boat, off the boat, and I spend a week doing my last you know, Hurrah. I came off the boat away two forty four. So I'm down to two thirty six because i lost three pounds first week, two pounds a second week, three pounds a third week. And I'm doing it the right way. It isn't waterway, that's real fat. How many days a week Steve right now is training four days a week and where because he has a limited amount of time, he has about an hour a day to train, So we do thirty minutes of high intensity weight training the thirty minutes of high intensity cardio. And so people have to understand is that when you're doing high intensity weight training, what that does It allows you to burn calories after the workout when you're resting. When he's resting, he's burning calorie. So you're burning calorie. Run I'm slimming right now. Okay. So so so let me ask you this here. If you can call me open, one can know because everyone else does. I didn't know it was ok So let me ask you this man, give me a tell me what thirty when you say intense thirty minutes of the weight training, just give me an example. Well, let me say this because Tommy's the runner on our show. Okay, okay, he likes to run. It's crazy. Thirty minutes depends on who you are of intensity, everybody's intensity. Go ahead. So basically, in a Nut show, let's say, for example, like today we did shoulders and back, So I'll have Steve do one set of standing shoulder dumbell press, one set of standing standing dumbbell road. So we're going back and forth. Just see shoulders and back, back and forth. So he'll do shoulders and then he'll go back to back. Then he'll do shoulders and back to back, and he'll do like three to four sets with each body part, NonStop, non stop. Sometimes sometimes he does rest sometimes when he's I would say, like after the first set of shoulders and back, he might rest about twenty five to thirty seconds. But what's amazing is that we're in week four and his endurance is no joke. I mean, it's increased dramatically. So is he gonna look like Morris Chestnut when he's done? Hey, let me tell you something. What? Let me tell you something. I guarantee. I'm gonna make a guarantee right now. I guarantee you that his stomach is gonna be super flat by the end of this year. I guarantee, guarantee, by the end of this year, he's gonna have a super flat stomach. Look at look at me. Let me tell you some oldest. Let me tell you something. Steven tell you his nephew was stupid, right you. Let me tell you something. I'm committed to this. I'm gonna get it done so I can show everybody out there that's sixty that you can do it too. I do low impact. The high intensity I do is because I work hard. Anyway. I hear your voice. I see Morris Chestnut, though I'm just saying, okay, well as look, I hear your voice. I see. We'll be back. We'll be back with Omar. You're listening to show all right. Here we are with Obie, Steve's trainer, and Steve Harvey. All right now, listen. This is to encourage people to get involved, to start moving. High intensity for me, maybe high intensity for a different person. It's different. You know, it doesn't matter as long as you operate on the scale of one to ten. If you're putting out a five effort, you're doing good enough to lose weight. Is that absolutely? You have People need to understand living a sedentary lifestyle. Research has shown it's equivalent to smoking. To smoking, So I'm serious, you have to move. If you just get up and move, do you know how do you know how much influential that is to your health? So just getting up and move, if you're sitting ten to twelve hours a day, that is totally it's negative, negatively impactful to your health. If you want to live a long life, you gotta move. What about diet? Have we talked about diet and nutrition? Absolutely, when nutrition is sixty to seventy percent of the battle. And so what we're doing with Steve is that it's we're going through more balanced approach where we're having the fruits, the veggies, the fish, the chicken, the beef, the steak, the complex carbs, the sweet potatoes, the brown rice, the healthy fats, the avocados. And he has the ability to indulge with the pizza sometimes sometimes he might have a fish taco. So indulging is important. I would say about I would say ten to twenty ten to twenty percent of the time indulging. So you're cheating eighty I'm sorry, you're eating healthy eighty percent of time and you're cheating indulging twenty percent of time. How late do you eat when? What's your cut all time and night? Okay, now we're gonna debunk this smith right now. Okay, we're gonna debunk this smith. Everybody thinks that if you eat after seven o'clock you're gonna gain weight. That's a bunch of bs. Okay, it doesn't matter. It is about the amount of calories you consume. So let's just say, for example, you had two meals within the day and your third meal was after ten pm. It's okay as long as you're within your moderate caloric range. So it doesn't matter the time of the day. Let me tell you, go ahead, I eat my last meal late at night, or you get home then I get home late. Well, what is your last meal? So my last meal last night was I had real by steak, brown rice, and I had some some sturf fry vegetables. That's what I had last night. So I had a steak, some brown rice, and some sturf fried vegetables. Now, if you have a baked potato all the way, they'd have been wrong, right. No, no, No, he's had, he's had, he's had carbs with every single mel and he's still losing weight. Look, man, because what I learned was carbs is not the enemy. It's how much of it you eat and the type of cars. Now, if you're gonna eat a doughnut from Crispy Kreme, six in them, I'm sorry papath to blow up. Yeah. Man, Come at the end of the day, rude number one, I've learned you cannot outtrain a bad dike yet. But there are a lot of really delicious foods that you can eat that would just allow you to lose weight. If you eat the right foods. You just gotta give up some of the bad stuff so you can live. I'd rather live absolutely healthy. Yeah, and you'd be surprised when you have so many different options to eat where it doesn't even feel like you're eating health anymore. Yeah. Hey, we're gonna have obion, you know, every now and then to come on the show and help people get started. I'm gonna show you my weight loss, I'm gonna show you some of my workouts, and I'm gonna show you the meals that I'm meeting. I just want to encourage everybody getting in shape. Obi will be with us next time for Let me right back. Steve Harvey Martin Show. You're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's all about the Graham these days. You guys, hear about this story the wife of Treasury secretary, the new wife. I should say they've just got married earlier this year, Steve Manuchin. He's a Treasury secretary. His wife. She has apologized for her inappropriate and highly in sensitive comments on social media. Her name is Louise Lynton. She posted a picture of herself on Instagram that showed her with her husband now walking off a government plane and flaunting her wealth as she added hashtags for each designer article of her outfit. You saw that, okay. She was heavily criticized on social media, especially by one woman who wrote, glad we could pay for your little getaway hashtag deplorable now missus Linton fired back with a lengthy post in which she attacked the woman and boasted about her wealth. She then changed her Instagram Yeah. After some people got to her. She changed her Instagram account to private so that the woman couldn't respond. Lynton is a thirty six year old actress who married Manuchin earlier this summer. Has issued an apology through her publicist, saying, I apologize for my post on social media yesterday as well as my response. It was inappropriate and highly insensitive. Yes, it was because she was like flaunting good. Now, don't get me wrong, she looks. Yeah, she looks really good. But come on now, you gotta be mindful of that when you marry, you know, politicians and public figures and stuff. You know, you gotta be mindful of the people who vote. Again, she looked good. No, no shade or anything like that. But I'm throwing shade. But you know, but you can't say nothing about yourself, no, mo man. You can't say getting off a government plane you nah, that was smart. It wasn't if you're getting off your plane, yes, do you? And what are you responding for? I mean, just let it go. Yeah, you know you're responding to citizens who pay tax Yeah, different stuff like that. Yeah, but the clapback is different. Yeah. Yeah, you're rich, Mitch, think you talk to whe the hell I want to wear? Yeah? Exactly. Basically, it's real, he could not say that. I mean, and in the situations I mean, Steve, you and Marjorie always fly all over the world. But that's quite different than you know, of the wife of a public figure, politician and all of that, you know what I mean. And we like to see that we do, like, yeah, we do. I'm not benefiting from any government funding. Exactly, you're not in a government. You're not doing it as exactly clearly they ain't and they ain't sending nothing to the house. And I go to work and hard don't. I don't know what else I should do. Yeah, you know, but I don't care why you do it, you know, Margine and I will post something because she's into social media, because she's building her brand, because she's working on her business, and she's coming out with the new business this year. Hey man, you know, so I'm we take a picture of us. It's gonna look like it's stunting. All right, We'll be back, coming back with just one more thing, talking about Samuel L. Jackson and Magic Johnson. You're listening to the stew all, right, Steve, A couple of your rich friends, a couple of friends to the show, and family members to the show. We love them. We're talking about one Magic Johnson and Samuel L. Jack. Everywhere they were mistaken for some lazy migrants. What. Yeah. The two are currently enjoying an Italian vacation with their wives, Cookie and of course Latania, respectively. Cookie Johnson Latania Richardson. They're celebrating Magic's fifty eighth birthday and Sam's, and they're also celebrating Sam's wedding anniversary. Magic even posted a photo a picture of him and Sam chilling after Louis Vatan and Prada shopping spree. Oh nice. The photo went viral on Twitter after one user made a meme an Italian that translated to bowl Drini's resources in for today Marmie's shop at Prada with our thirty five euros. Share this picture if you are outraged. Okay, so I don't know what that means exactly. Let me find out. This was on This was on Magic's Instagram. He posted a picture of him and he posted a picture of Sam. They're just chilling, you know, doing a shopping spree. So then it went viral and uh a Twitter user, yeah he was Italian. He posts, whatever this means Buldrini's resources in for today Marmi's shop at Prada with our thirty five euros. Share this picture if you're outraged. Several Italians share the memes, showing their disgust over Italy's migration immigration laws for refugees. So they thought that Sam, Yeah, they thought that Sam and Magic, I guess we're some Italian immigrants were over They don't look Italian at all at all. Okay, let me tell you some refugees. Okay. Yeah, as a matter of fact, wherever you thinking about them? Right there, they could really buy your way somewhere because you message with casts right there. I'm looking at this picture. Yeah. Eventually, the man who shared the meme apologized because he knew they were celebrities since he'd lived in the US. So, yeah, why did you do it in the first place? And Sam hope your Yeah, you don't know minimum you're gonna get cast? Oh good? Bottom line? Put this picture on the blanket mantra. You talking about a man sale. We're all in Portofino, Italy. Yeah, because you've been over here, Steve with all this. Yeah, I mean I'm seeing them out there sometimes. But we were all supposed to go together, all of us were supposed to go on the trip together with different you know, modes of transportation, and Magic got the job with the Lakers, so he had to postpone his trip from August first to September one. Marge and I went on like we always do our anniversary. So we're all supposed to go to eighteam today. Team Magic couldn't go boom, so we couldn't change our plans. We were we met over there. We over that one time when wrestling leaders restaurant called Poonies and uh, Portofino and I'm walking with Magic and John Palmer and Samuel Jackson. Sam don't give a damn about you that right? Hey, rick E gives me excuse me? Can I take a picture? So we said all right, so me Sam Magic taking the picture and the dude is struggling getting his like he said same man pick them and picture man on man. So okay you, Oh my goodness. So then we walk a little bit further and uh, this guy comes up and says, I'm taking a picture. Sam said, no, you're not. So then the dude said I'm taking a picture. Sam said, what's the magic word? Here? Now? A dude and sick that he goes, I do. He said, mL, what's the magic word? And so saying that, he said, it's please mL, that's the word. Now take the m H pick Man. The dude was so shook, he was shaking. I'm standing up my mouth a little. Think how you because I've been doing this all wrong. I'm trying to comply, you know, taking briefs, and these people take it to long example for you, man, Sam Jackson, Man, Sam Jackson, Do Sam Jackson love it? And that's just killed coolest dude. Man. I love him, man, I'm honest. He works hard. He got some movies under his right now. Sam has other body, the hit Man's bodyguard. Sam has done more movies than anyone in here. See her. I believe he's number one for movies. Also, Sam Jackson, I'm on vacation. This is my daycake, i ain't come out here to work. Yeah, who can you not loving him? Talking to them people? I'll be going he can hear you. I'm talking to the same. Can you just get Sam jacks on phone? Just have him call me an mL. You call him on the phone number whether you want it. He smacked the ball to hum, oh golf, hear what he's good. Man, I've been doing this all wrong, I said, Man, Man, well I like that. What have we learned today? That's what we please? Uh huh. We've learned that. We learned how to get it, how to start. Yeah, I gotta tell you this too. The built soap man. Let me up. My husband, I got da loves it. He wanted to say that, like having a whole ball in your hand that you can just wash with. I ain't got to worry about whole ball. Fee your hand up and smell great man, the big ball man I bought. I bought the staff in some samples of the new soap that's in Walmart called Built, and it's built for men, because I thought that men would want to try a product that smell like something a man will wear, but sound like it too a man want to just go dog prohibition. Yeah, I got the word. That's the end of the day. Yeah. Seven great weekends. It Thursday, body built soap for the week. In what a fight? We don't rest bread money Fred Real for all Steve Harvey contests. No purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.