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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to back down, giving them back, just like American buck bus things and its cubs, y'all do me true good. It be the how guy and this one to move to each other for stout? Honey, Why don't you joy yeah? Yeah, by joining me? Honey. Say you got to use that turn Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn out turns to love. You got to turn out to turn water. Wan ya, comey, come on your things? Got it? Uh huh? I shall will a good morning everybody you're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show. I need everybody today, everybody that's listening. I need you to catch fire today. I want you to catch fire today. You want to phrase it another way, I want you to catch on fire today. But I need you to catch fire today. I need today to be today that you stop complaining and you do something. Do you know why a lot of people can't move forward in their life because they're complaining about their past? They always complaining, man about something? Is that explains the reason why they are? Let me help you with this right here. If you are study complaining about the reason you are, you know, if I hadn't have met this man, if I hadn't been involved with the woman, if I hadn't had this baby, if I had to never went down there, if I hadn't got arrested, if I hadn't it is, if I hadn't a if I had to just finished school, if I hadn't he hey, hey, hey, stop stop all that stuff that you're complaining about, everything that you keep allowing to resonate with you as a reason to justify and explain you're not being successful. Can I share something with you about all of that? Guess what it is. You didn't got past all of it. You didn't have the baby, you got arrested, they didn't kill you, you didn't finish school, But you're still standing. You met that man, he gone, He involved with two other women. Right now, I got three other kids. Guess what. You still here and the baby's here. You got over all the injustices that were done to you. You got something happened to you when you was a kid. You're an adult now. Somebody did something to you when you was a little boy. Guess what you're man, Now, some thing's happened to you that you haven't found closure on. The person that you're looking for closure from has moved on. Can I tell you that everything that has happened to you, do you know you've gotten past it? So why are you steady complaining about what has happened to you that has caused you to be in this position? But do you understand that it's prohibiting you from moving forward? Stop complaining today, catch fire, Let your pass be your past. I've told us to you a hundred times on this radio, but I'm gonna say it again. Bishop Jake's told me something, man that helped me so greatly. You can't drive your car if you're gonna keep looking in the rear view mirror. That's why the windshield is huge. The windshield is huge. The rear view mirror is this tiny thing that sits up there. Now, all is far. It's so you can see stuff that's coming up on you. All the review mirror for is so you can assure yourself or listen to this. The review mirror is impt there to assure you that you've cleared something. See. That's what the review mirrors for. So when you pass it on you want to switch lanes, you can glance up there and it says, okay, you're clear. Now you passed it. You can switch lanes. That's all the review mirrors for. It ain't for you to stare at and dictate your life with what you're tripping for. Man, catch fire today today, man quick complaining about everything that did happened to you? Life is ten percent what happens to you is what you do about what happens to you? What are you going to do about it? So what I got all this? Look, man, your story ain't no deeper than nobody else's. I can tell you. I was homeless for three years. It's people been homeless for thirty years. How long I'm gonna ride that out? Man? You know I can't could do nothing right now. I fell on hard times and I lost my place to stay. Why are you staying now? See the majority of people are staying somewhere right now. I was out there. I didn't have nowhere to go. I'm in a shelter now. You was under the bridge a week ago. You're in the shelter now. Why are you still crying about the bridge? You're in the shelter. Now, man, people, man, we trip ourselves out by complaining. I'm asking everybody today to catch fire today. Stop complaining, do something today. Get excited. Now, I'm gonna say something that I'm going to have to explain. Get excited about your life. You know, the best way to get excited about your life is to find your purpose in your life. Oh, ste you gotta explain that one, don't you. Yep? I knew. I knew it before I said it. As soon as I said it, I said them to explain this right here, because people always be telling about you say something you don't mean. See what I do is when I say something, I give you the explanation for so you can stop all that. I ain't no, I ain't no. Listen to me. You got to get excited about your life. And the best way to get excited about your life is to find your purpose. Now, okay, Steve, That's what I've been struggling with. I can't find my purpose. Yes you can, Yes you can. You know how you find your purpose You get in touch with who created you, because when God made you, he had a purpose in mind. Now we've ignored it and we haven't tapped into it. But we all had a purpose. You don't, and it's sometimes it take people longer to discover the purpose. Colonel Sanders was frying chicken with a recipe that he was telling people was the best chicken in the world. Ain't nobody believe him until he turned seventy. Why you think the dude that's on the Kentucky Fried Chicken signs is old. That dude ain't twined up there he oh he oh, But you know what, he had been frying that chicken for forty some years. They just found out about it when he was seventy. But he didn't give up his purpose in life. Just dude was just frying chicken. See, people keep looking for their gifts in all kinds of places when it's right there in you. You ain't gotta go to school to find your gift. You're born with the gift to God, God for you. You'll go to school to tack it on to something else, But your gift was already given to you. You were born with that. You don't have to go to college to know your guilt. Your college allows you to enhance it and to find something to attach it to, and hopefully you get a degree that attaches your gift to to a vehicle where it can work. The problem with college is we go to college and we attached it to what we like or what we might be passionate about, and we ignore the gift we have. You know how many people and graduating from college ain't doing nothing they went to college for. Come on, man, you know why, because you're discovering life guilt. You discover what you was born to do. I wasn't born, you know what I mean. You know what my major was in college? It was advertising. I can't be in no death, drawing, no picture for nobody. But now guess what I can wake up every day and guess what I can tell you. I advertised. I've been advertising my career. Come see me live. Come see me live at Madison Square, God, Come see me live at Phillips Arena. Come see me live at Joker's Comedy Club. Come see me live at Percy's. Come see me live at Ellis's Tavern. Come see me live. Come. I've been advertising the whole time. But I had a different purpose in mine because I went and I talked to God. And this is how you do it. You go talk to God and say, hey God, look, okay, this is the deal. I've been struggling here. I'm over forty. I still haven't found my purpose in life. Okay, but so I can quit wasting any more time. Would you help direct me and guide me to my purpose? I know you created me to do something. I just haven't found what it is. And the reason I haven't found what it is because I've been doing things my way. I ain't been checking with you, confirmed with you on anything. I ain't locked in and tried to settle it up with you. I've been just doing my thing. Well, my thing has gotten me as far as it can get me. How about you take over and do your thing now? Can you direct me in my path? I'm an open book. Treat me like a piece of clay. I'm telling you, man, if you go to God, he'll give it to you. But see you have not because you asked not. How many times have you asked God for it? This? This ain't no magic trick, y'all? This is the deal. You got to catch fire today. Catch fire today, I am. I'm excited about today. I've got a lot to do. I got to go out here and see what God God for me today. I'm shaking the bushes. Man. If God passing out blessings, I'm in line. I am in line. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. You don't listen to the baddest morning show in the land. Baby. This is a Steve Harvey morning show where our main objective is to start your day off holland you know, look, it's might, might have to do some other things. Sometimes I got that we may have tom but when we get through with that, right back to Holly. Because what you need in your life is a good hollow. This show is dedicated Yesterday's show with people who smile. Today's show is dedicated to people that don't smile. We're dedicating this whole show to you now sitting here on this show and try not to. This is a down, a threat, a promise, whatever you want to call it, but we dare you to sit here the whole show and don't crack a smile. This show is dedicated to those of you who wear scowls on your face because you evil funking with it. This stay ain't happy less. Somebody in misery, Come on, This show is for you. Good morning sugar. Good morning, Steve calling, how you doing? Hey, good morning Steve, what's up? Happy Friday? Crewe Jordian morning up? Yeah, food number one big down, got top of the morning or the diabetic ain't here, so something has happened. We call it right. Check you make sure he ain't in nowhere curled up looking for wars you. Yeah, if you think, what are you gonna do? I'm not gonna do a damn because I told you had I know, yeah, off the top. I should have known when he's making all that diabetic hots so yeah, right, it's a diabetic. I just called it that hotter than the mo fu. Well, there's other flavors to he that's the one. Hotter than the moful is too much for me. Oh yeah, that's a lot. I don't know. I don't know. I'm sure he'll be here, Okay, Oh good, Well, it's cool. How's it going? Everybody? What y'all into any questions y'all want to ask me? Y'all want to ask the questions that you want to ask me? Just to ask Steve questions today? You know anything? Man? I feel good that what you got, Junior. It's Tony coming back. They were tweeting about you yesterday the show. All the guys, Well, we're gonna do her coming up, Junior. Did you see her? Everybody likes her back bad big Mo. Look for you for what she touched you, Junior touched Junior, Junior, damn it jumped out here skiing and she is gorgeous. Man. She's beautiful and she can sing and she funny. Yeah, everybody say okay, because she's saying nothing funny yesterday, but I think she moves. You heard girl to you funny? All right, we gotta go. Uh. Steve is up next with for the CEO. We have some questions for you, sir. Yeah, come back, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Time for something funny with you, Steve, and this is a segment we call for the CEO and we're gonna get to ask you questions as well. You say, yeah, you want to see you. You know, I care, but you know in a different way. You know, the word less usually follows that. You know, I love that, right, get your check? That's how you care? Right? Yeah? All right, So did you have anything you want to kick it off? Well, you know, I just wanted to open this meeting by saying, you know, there should be a level of appreciation from the upper management for the job you all have done. But I'm looking around the ruin and I don't really see nothing that special going on. One person, I don't really see nothing special going on. So you know, I mean you're in here cause there's a check. The moment I cut these checks, I would expect none of you to come back the next day. I would come for free love all those a lot. So now now that we've got that out the way, I have come to the conclusion that your loyalty is attached to a check air for my desires for perfection from you should be reflective of that check. So now as you all ask your questions today, I will also give you not only the answer, but the rebuttal to that. So y'all can begin anytime you like. The CEO meeting is open and a journey. All right, I have a question, Mr CEO, Yes, lady with the big I just want to start it up this way because we we need clarity on this issue. What is the sexual harassment policy here? Once again? Why are we discussing sexual harassment in a sexual harassment free zone as long as you are on this radio station. Let's be clear, this is what's called a free zone. Let me well, let me give you an example. You have encroached an infringe on the sexual harassment policy many times yourself. Yes, you have came over here unbuttoned in the button on my shirt, talk about it looked better unbuttoned that right, There was a violation of sexual harassment on your part. That was a fashion judgment, a judgment. But you touched me, and once you put your hands on me, I consider that a violation of harassment policy. I did not want you to choke with your collar all buttoned up, already had to unbuttoned. You said the third one would look better, because that's how Nesta where he shares. Now I got to get compared to your hug, and I don't want to have to live up to your husband. That for I put the no free I put the free zone in policy to protect your job. Next question, so we can unbutton hood button if you cannot, stupid ass bar boy, I have a serious questions. Since we get here, we get here and we do the show, there's no time that we have a lunch break. What I would like to know when it is lunch. When you're not talking, you can eat your nunch right let you quit talking. You could be Betty, I have to have a lunch break. We have covered that. And your orange juice is that we keep in the office. We have it right here. And we are also a new policy. We are deducting all this tropic can okay? Cool? Cool? The question to yes calling okay? Mr CEO, I'm kind of piggybacking on what Jay said. What about snacks? We don't have you. We don't have any snacks. We don't have any supplies where the paper for the printer, the printing. Our job is to talk. You can't talk with a snack in your mouth. And what is your writing for. I don't pay you to write on this show. I pay you to talk. Ain't nap person. Send me an email saying I ain't never heard y'all write nothing on y'all show. So why are we in here talking about a snack when clearly you are paid to talk. You get your check for talking. You don't get your check for each Now, if you want to get paid to you, you need to get out of there and get a job. Somewhere where they paid people, or you need to taste test. We don't do taste test. You need to be somewhere else involving no money in your check. Next question, yes, see you. I just want to ask you something. We've been working here. We have not seen a cost of living raising even ain't go see a living rage. Have you seen the raid? No, sir, I have not. What have you seen in your cost of living that makes you think it's changed? Nothing, sir. Well, then if you've seen, why are you expecting something? I can't. I can't move up if I don't get a call. You can't move up because you ain't moving up? Man, you want to cost of living? Do you want another job? Can I ask a question? Yeah, yeah, you can't. All right? I alright celebrate Hanaker and Chris So Honaker stars December twelve. I kind of want to be off all the way through because I want to do Haneker and Christmas at the same time. I don't have a problem with that. We're paying for Christmas. We're paying for Christmas. You want to do Honaker, you more him And it's a beautiful holiday and I've recommended in full support of it. But me I'm paying for Christmas. Well, you can do, Hank, you can start, you can start, Honaker, whatever day you start, but you and your Baptists getting paid for christ I was going to ask that. I don't think we have time now, but I did want to know the vacation schedule since holiday is always be. It's just what it's always And what is that, sir, It's what it was last year. You don't do is try to jump face on me and get paid. Forward to coming up next, it's the Nephews. Run that prank back, and we'll be back right after this. We think you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this is unbelievable, I mean absolutely unbelievable. Hurricane Maria has destroyed Puerto Rico's infrastructure and the entire island is without power. Uh. This is really really sad, these hurricanes this year unbelievable. Uh. Miss and will be here at the top of the hour with more of today's headlines. But right now, it's the nephew and run that prank back. Triosity, Yeah, Triosity, run it. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Marvin police Y, Marvin High. I'm calling you from DR's office. I'm actually the lab technician. Um and you you came in and got it physical. I guess about a couple of weeks ago. Okay, And my understanding this is for your for your occupation. Correct. Okay, you're what do you do for a living when you're a m Okay? Now I was giving you a call about I'm here looking at your records and all the testings that you actually went through. Um wow, let's see have you had any Have you had any activity or any problems around your naval area? Noine, Okay, right, yeah, everything's fine. But I mean if you haven't had any any type of nothing, no breakout or anything around your navel or whatsoever about my navel. Now everything's going straight, man, Okay, see what's going on? Man? Okay? Actually you've been diagnosed with um oak triositis and oatriosy. Oatriosity is actually a fungus that comes out of South America. And you have no activity whatsoever around your navel. It's otriositis, sir. And what what that is is actually you're if you haven't had it yet, you said you haven't had any activity. There's gonna be like a small little tree that's gonna be growing from your navel and it gets about six inches long and it probably bears probably about thirty leaves on it, but it's very small. Who you see a tree gonna be growing out my name? It's gonna be a small tree. And uh, what's gonna happen is I'm gonna have to get you to come back in, probably in the next month. We're gonna need you to come in so we can check it out. But it's got to grow its fullest potential before we can actually do anything to it. No, I can't come in and on money. I got to come in today. Man. Somebody got so we we we we can just trying to resolve. Man, I'm gonna get married. Man, Well, we can't. It has to grow its fullest potential, sir. And uh, the full term is actually like about four weeks before we can act. And I'm not waiting for no four weeks. Man, somebody got to come to me something, right, No, man, I ain't gonna go married. Man. Have to fly to time, man and have something growing out my neighbor. Man, y'all going crazy, man, Sir o Triosa, this is something that's very rare. We're actually getting this assignment from overseas in South America on how to treat this, and I don't give it down. Where is it? Man, somebody's gonna have to come give me some some help right now. Man, I'm gonna get ready to get married. Man. I'm not gonna be putting up with it. Man, somebody in this office main't got to come down and then do something for me. Man. And what you say if you said I can cut it out myself, So the best I can do is probably trim it a bit, you know, and maybe knock a few leaves off, But I cannot touch the full stock at all. Man. You can cut this do something If you cut it right now, you cannot, sir. If you cut it, there's a possibility of hemorrhaging, and you're gonna really create a bigger problem than what you have already. Man, I'm trying to get this dot. Man. You didn't tell me can't nobody then I've dried on there and get this. Man, I'm gonna get married in two weeks. Man, We're gonna fly to Jamaican. It can't now. Somebody can do this for me. So you cannot pull it out. You're gonna create good man, you're gonna create a bigger problem if you try to pull it out. Sorry, problem is all rid of up. I'm trying to get this man hospital now me you want to do? It's not something you can do, man, sir, ou triosity is is not something that we treat all the time. Like I said, it hails from South America, so we got I don't give Great Britain somebody for me to come down and help me pull man, Sir. I understand what you're going through, but we have to let it grow. It's full term, which is four weeks, sir, the full root of it and to grow, man ro man right now, Man, y'all gonna have to do something. Man, sure, there's nothing we can do. We can probably trim it a little bit, the trim play man do something, sir. There's nothing we can do at this point but sit back and wait and let it grow. It's full term. Okay, Can we get you do the waiting? Man? Somebody help me right? No, man, sir, can we get an appointment for you in the next four or five weeks. And when we do that, you got to get a poem for me to day. I'm going to give matter man, I'm gonna fly to Jamaican. Now. I can't have them checking out of me. I can't see a port. Man, you're going embarrassing me like that man checking out my neighbor. Sir, I understand it, and like I said, Oa, triositis is very rare, and it's it's something that we haven't treated that many times here in the States, but overseas of the message that we're getting is that we need to let it grow its full term. Me. Ain't nobody in the miricood got man, it's a triositis, Sir, I get it. Then nobody else in it, Sir, I could not believe that you were coming up with atriositis here in the States. It's it's something very rarely seen here. There's been two people in the past has been diagnosed with this and they actually passed away. So now you tell them dive and you're gonna chick me three weeks man, I'm coming down that a day. Man, somebody's going to do something me. That's nothing that we can do today until four or five weeks ago. I gotta go get married. I'm flying to Jamaica. Man, Man, I'm hearing what you're saying. But I can't do anything if you don't see the tree already coming out of the navel yet. Somebody got to do something now, Damn what you want me to do? Man? I don't know what I want you to do, sir, But I have one more thing I can tell you. What? Man, are you listening listening to you? Man? This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobpin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your boy, earl. Man. You gotta be out my wig toming man. Man, he'll be going crazy here. Man, I'm looking at all of my damn neighbor thinking the truth. Man. I'm on man, No, you right now, man already, Hey man, I got one more thing to ask you, Marvin Man, what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the landing If you're listening, Yeah, that is Trios. Let me say this here, uh tonight tomorrow night, Sunday night. I am in Baltimore, Maryland. Hey, let's tell y'all Mama's boys doing the dog on thing. Y'all got to come see you born to play Steve Shirley Junior. I'm serious call it. Y'all gotta come see and put it Down't gonna call me Steve, No, damn all right. I've been trying to be be man, make ground Sley. This ain't your business. We got rules, and you know what they is. I called Uncle Donald Uncle Donald to this day when they tell you called him Donald buds man, that wasn't a good day for me. That was, you know, twenty some years old. I thought would be. I say, so, hey, Donald, let me and so he said, who the hell are you talking to? Just right back at Yeah, I'm talking to you, he said. He said, what you called me? I said, Donald? He said, winning hell, I started being Donald to you? Yeah, I said, okay, right, yeah, so hard. Then he punched me in the back of the head. That's the part I didn't appreciate who I used to love to see you get hit. Big fun for you as open seas big fun any family never could be the child back then any Nabor. Yeah, you're listening to show. Hupac is alive. Did you hear what I said? Hupac is alive? This is at least according to Sugar, should talk to Sola Dadde O'Brien and he talked to Iced Tea over the phone from prison Steve as part of Fox's upcoming documentary Who Killed Biggie and Tupac and Should Drop the Bomb? Take a listen here it is you really need if he really died? What do you mean by that? I mean when I left that hospital, me Apoka was lapping and choking. So I don't see how somebody can turn from doing well doing bad. So you seriously think that he might still be alive? You never there you go? What what I agree with you? Steve? I'm Santa claus Is starn and rap group with the Reindeers. Oh yeah, yeah, he ain't thinking, He said, I I don't see how you can go from doing well you're doing? You did why? I don't know how? What in Union State? You just I don't see how you can go from doing good to doing thing being setting in prison on the phone. We need to hear that again. Wait, we do, and you really need if he really died? What do you mean by that? I mean when I left that hospital, me app happening and choking. So I don't see how somebody can turn from doing well doing that. So you seriously think that he might still be alive? You never there you go? When that book. You go somebody in the background, phone check, get out of the phone. Wait, trying to call my billy, Get out? Damn if you really died? Was was ice T? They were and were sitting together. They were sitting together and they had the phone, sitting together in the prison doing the interview. They were filming this for the documentary. Yeah, the documentary show. So they were prison talking and ship Yeah T were sitting Okay, I shouldn't say, wait when when they started doing this in tris that's where your mind went with it, where you can just go there sitting next to I love you. That's only things interesting combination Solo Dad and nice tea. Yeah, I love him, love him. He's the realist of the real iced tea. And shouldn't I welcome to by didn't say if you'll don't get out of here with that? Damn, miss don't know what it's going right? That was really something and and and Sola Dad is top flight. Yeah, she's a journalist, top flight. She's done some great work walking around somewhere though, Well, I don't see how you can go from doing well to doing alright? That statement who killed Biggie and Tupac? If you want to check it out. It'll be Sunday night at eight pm on Fox. Okay, get the whole thing right there. He's missing something, he glad a let me go alright, make up something, all right, Steve introduced Sann. Please, ladies and gentlemen, here she is our very own miss and cho Real. Thank you very much, Steve. Good morning everybody. This is entered with the News. The official death toll in Mexico has now risen to two hundred and seventy three as rescuers continue to search for survivors. Authorities that they could be at least ten buildings with people still alive in the Robble. They were searching a school yesterday looking for a child, a twelve year old child supposedly, but they say that turned out there wasn't a child there. There may be some people in that building still, but they would be adults because all the kids have been accounted for. Puerto Rico's power grids still out it's going to be for a while, so people with families on the island finding it basically impossible to contact relatives. Meanwhile, her came Aria, which had weakened a little bit after rolling over Puerto Rico is now strengthened again to a Category three, packing wins of a hundred twenty miles per hour and smacking the Dominican Republican islands of Turks and Caicos. President Trump has signed an executive order giving the US more authority to impose sanctions on North Korea, meant to, of course, curd that country's nuclear ballistic missile programs. Law for this disgraceful practice must end now, and new order will give the Treasury Department the discretion to sanction any foreign bank that knowingly conducts or facilitates significant transactions tied to trade with North Korea. Kim John, by the way, is calling President a Trump quote mentally deranged and a frightened dog. Well. Sad news from the world of Hollywood. Multifaceted actor Bernie Casey has died. He passed in a Little Santras hospital on Wednesday. TMZ said he was surrounded by his family and loved weather, loved ones. Bernie Casey was the first round draft picked by the San Francisco forty Niners, but he's perhaps best known for his roles and I'm Going to Get You Sucker Star, Trek Deep six nine and Corn bed Earl and Me, where he played police officer Adams opposite a very very young Lawrence Fishburne. Up corn bread. He wasn't doing nothing. You're just going home up sick. We were pursuing this suspect and we did utilize standard police procedures. I have been listening to the testimony here today, the testimony that little boy, and I have to say that if that kid is telling the truth, and I think that he is, then God forgive us because we must have shot the wrong man. It was corn better role and mean Burne. Casey, by the way, was seventy eight. Today is National International actually radiant piece day. I don't know. Let's radiate, are you teen? The butterfly certainly does twenty minutes after the hour, So stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, Steve introduced Jay, so JA could introduce the butterfly. What you know the butterfly mark again? You you know, no butterfly Like, oh my god, I don't even know when I don't even know when they come in whole, but I didn't know. I didn't even know when they come in about So listen, um, this is what's going on. It's Friday, and I'm calling it Eugene's Freaky Friday. This is what you do crazy things. Okay, So I want us all to do some good stuff together, Like we got the stupid stuff, Like we're gonna go to McDonald's and ask for direction to the burger. Can you know what I'm saying. We got the stupid stuff, all right, but we can I'll do it together, like like let's go to um, let's go to Sea World and going there with a fishing pole. You see what I'm saying, This stupid stuff stuff exactly so, and I think if we start doing that as a group, you know, what are some of the craziest things you guys have done? Just they have fun on Friday? Because that's these are the things I want us to do as a group, because I think we don't do nothing as a group. What you know, when you come to do your segment, do you have a preak come up with anything we did? Come on here asking us questions everything the interview right? Why why we always ended? He doesn't He doesn't sound like he wants to be involved. Butterfly, he's not be in viol with me here, but you're not. At the end of the day, when we get to the end of the rainbow, it's gonna be me and stay at the end of the world the rainbow. When we get to the end of the rainbow, at the end of our level the pot of good, it's gonna be me and him standing. He's not gonna believe it. It's like skittles, Taste the rainbow, sting taste Taste the rainbow. So back to the silly things we could do as a group, now what like like like, um, you know Tommy embarrassed you one day, but we could do this. We could go into Jimmy Chew and ask us some Reabottom's twistening it up a little bit and having some fun. You know, run through run through a police station and say I escape from prison. You know something stupid? You know? Uh not no, no, no, no, you do it. We can do it and let me film it to you. I will run through a police station and say I have escaped from prison, and you get it on video tape and then we'll put it on you tube. No, Butterfly, that's not that's not a good idea. Yeah, don't do that, see y'all name yeahs Now, you have to be adventurous, like risk takers, like like you know, Junior avoided it last season, but I gotta signed up again for Naked and Afraid. There's things you have to do it. He was just worried about his back, But don't worry about We're gonna put some caleman. We gotta get out there and we're gonna do this. We're gonna do Naked and Fred. We're gonna survive. We're gonna for twelve days in the woods. Take it. We gotta go tune in this year because Junior and I will be on Naked in the freight. Go ahead, Carl are coming up next to j Anthony Brown in the building to murder another head. Will be back in thirty four two hours. You're listening to The Steven Show, gentlemen, the man on the streets, the man handed the scene, the man that meddy, that man that left it all to get more amazing, gentlemen, Jake, all right, this is actually man on the street. I'm not really on the street. When we do the show, The Steve Show, they're standing in line right there, get right there in the lobby. There's a line of people. Why should I go to the streets when they're standing right there? It doesn't make sense to you. Why would I go all the way out out in the street is two people. I'm gonna walk past two hundred damn people to go to the street, and when they're right there, you tell you that you ain't in it. I'm not in the street. This this man in the lot going disclose your show anyway. The question is what is your scariest movie? Here we go, Danny Brown, Steve Harvard, Morning Shaw. What is your scariest movie? It? I haven't seen that neither. I saw the old one. Okay, yes, the Ring's so scary. It's like this girl and she has her hair all over and she comes out of the TV like anything coming out of television, saying it's scared. Probably The Exorcist of Emily Rose. Oh, yeah, that was very scarpable, chucky. I don't like a little dog horror. Yeah, that was a very about four o'clock every night, something would happen. We love it. What's so scary? But just the fact that she came out and was eating up everything, And I don't want scary movies. Chucky, Chucky, Texas Chainsaw, Exorcist, white girls, white girls, white girls are scared? Oh what the way brothers? Hey, everybody's jan the Brown Steve every morning? What's your scariest movie? Half of a thousand? Cord It do one? Yeah, what's so scary? Penny Wise, He's horrifying, Shining that is very scary. Anybody at home? Blair Witch Project, The Exorcist, Friday Friday Friday, The Conjuring Child's Play. That is very scary. Some people call it chucky, but it's still the same alien Children of the Corn that is. Yeah, the all one, the black and white. Yeah, those kids are scary, allmen original Hey, Jan Brown Steve every morning, Shill. What's your scariest movie? Carrie? Hey, what I like? Black hair? When the hand comes out of the grave and oh yeah, and you think the movies over with? Yes, you married my husband? No, No, that's very all right. She said she married she said white chicken. No, white girls, white girls, white girls. That was a comedy, White chicks. That's scared about white girls. There's nothing scared about white girls. I've never seen anything scary about him, so fun. Nothing were scary about white you not me when that's your whole goal, and that's my goal in life. White girls cherry with mine. Though you scared me. J Carry was very scary. Man, when that hand came up at the end of the movie. Amnyville Horror was scary. Not seeing any of the movies they ever mentioned. You know, I saw amy Viale Horror. That was scary. That was scary. You had the same Frida No, yeah, because she said Friday, Well you saw the Yeah, she said Friday sah, yeah, the little girl when I was sixteen spinning, that was I have my door locked. And you didn't cuss, ter Preacher. You couldn't do that back when I was growing up. Couldn't cuss after church, that wasn't Yeah. My mother took me when I was I'll never get nine years old to see Dracula at nine. Oh, this is why I am what I am today. He'll takes a chow to see Dracula at nine. Alright, thank you as always coming out this my comedy. Check it out. Please coming up next, the Nephews Prank phone Call. We'll be back right after this. You're listening Steve Hard Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after the hour. Get ready for todays Strawberry letter. But right now the nephews prank phone call. What you got nef a wedding and a funeral like a preacher. That's right, that's right, that's right, that's right. A wedding and a funeral happening same church, same day. It is. Hello this Ryan. Hi, I'm trying to Ryan, Ryan. How you doing? Hey, I'm good. I'm a second. This is Josh. Josh go over at the I want to be officials at the church where you guys are getting married tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, how you doing? Man? They want to thank you all for that too. Man, we'll appreciate it. Good. Well, we definitely hope to make you remember here soon or later since you guys are getting married. You know, hey, man, you know I'm trying to get this worst schedule change up. You know what I'm saying. They got me working on Sundays now, man, So sowing it. I tweaked at the mood that around a little bit. I'll be there, Okay, Listen, we have was a bit of a situation has come up. We had some problems and miscommunication and it's definitely been on the outside. Uh. They had your name Ryan down here with your phone number as well as you're you're a soon to be white sonya. They had her name here, but we didn't want to call her with this. We wanted to just reach out and talk to you and see if it just makes you aware of what's going on. Okay, Well, what's what's going on? Man? There's been a mix up on on scheduling. I don't know if you know Such the Older make she passed away a week ago, and you're not You're not a member of the church, so you wouldn't know it. But she's one of the one of the oldest members here at the church. Such the Older Maid passed away. And what's going on? Is you all's wedding is tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right, but the actual funeral is at three o'clock here at the church. Okay, Uh, Brother Wood, Josh, Josh, Okay, look here, brother Josh, hey, man, we we we already got this thing. And man, we didn't stand now they have been a two hundred differentations. Man, I mean blessed man and and and and I understand that, but but but I mean, you know, she's there's no way we could have moved it around. Now the figure problem the funeral home is bringing the casket first thing in the morning. So what I want what I wanted to make you aware of, and I didn't want you to tell your wife this, but the actual casket will be in the sainctuary, but we will have it. Hold hold of man, are you serious? I look at y'all need the mood this round. I don't know what y'all gonna do. Y'all have a fellowship all in the back or something like that. Uh, Ryan. The only place we can actually put the casket, and if we didn't put it there is in the actual room that you'll you'll soon to be wife would be changing it. That's the only place changing the room with no dead body. Are you kidding? And you know what I understood that that's the first thing I thought of it, I thought, I said, And that's still put the casket away. It goes for the people and we're gonna cover it up. And basically you actually didn't. But I can't even believe you can only with man, look at and excuse my french man. Yeah, I know I need to get back in the church, I really do. But right now, Dock, this ain't going down like this man. We didn't already pay the moneys first of all. First of all, you know, she I don't even feel like she may had to pay, you know, to hold no wedding over at hut Church where she paid times at. That's that's the first thing, you know. I ain't like that from the jumping. But I wouldn't here to when women because she want her pasta to marry us. And now you got to near to tell me that's how we arrange something that for funeral gonna happen the same day as my wedding and my wife's got to get dressed in the room with a dead body. Well, no, we're not gonna put it in there, bro. I was like, I say, I'm putting that body first thing in the morning. I'm gonna put that body in the right there in front of the bullpit, and we're gonna cover it. Now, what you're getting out of is get more flowers, because there's gonna be flowers from the funeral. So I'm thinking that's probably gonna be a little bit of a perk point. I just wanted you to be there's probably gonna be more people than you think because some of the people that's gonna be as your wed and it's really for the funeral. A hold of man, are you serious right now? I mean, look at doctor, I've been paid for the Where is that happened at this church? Man? Okay? Ain't and no disrespect to the lady that has passed, called blessed her family. I ain't planning to not putting no dead body, having no funeral as my wedding. Man, that's crazy down the church. She's a member of the church too. I don't give it. I don't be no member of the church. Man. I been paid for this wed and it's gonna happen tomorrow. Man, you buy six and of putting the dead body. It's my wedding, right. I mean, no disrespect, but the woman has passed. She is not gonna get up. I mean, what is the problem. The problem is your called me with this man the day before my wed and we didn't schedule there six months ago. I got five thousand dollars on this wind, okay, and I you're gonna tell me that we got to share. I will win with a funeral, but the hellers won't with you. Man, do you want to have your winning at this church. I'll pay you for them. And what you mean I'm having the wind okay, I tell you what live there about the up in the morning I wrote in the right out to the street, playing things in front, and and and and throw flowers like throwing rice. But we're gonna have a win inside the same tire tomorrow. I promise you that I care. I care, not assure you that there won't be. I have no other place to put the body. Okay, well, I'll bet you find someone to put it if I get that a mark. It's about it in there. It's gonna be a couple of boutis in there. Name. You got two choices to move that funeral or to reimburse me back this thirty thousand dollars out of hour to spend those only two choices, I want to hear about it. Meet me at the front door to night with a thirty thousand dollar cash. Your check always said they had this wind up in there to morrow morning. You heard me. I ain't playing. I ain't playing at all, no jokes. That's wrong with y'all. Man. You can do something else. I understand. I don't want to from you, man, all I'm saying is it's gonna be a waiting at this church tomorrow without say dead about it. That's all I'm saying. Push it to the band. Man. There's there's one more, a bit of an issue that I need to tell you. Also, what can be worse than a dead about it? What issue can be worse than dead? By that way, the man the issue, sir, that is worse than the dead body heals this deal, nephew, coming from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your best man, Jeff got me the prank phone. Call you what you know what? Man? The bitch man about to get the best loop but he can possibly get man playing? Then God read that day just over. Uh get the best beat down possible. Band. I'm telling you, hey, one more question. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Ran the Steve hard the Morning Show. Babe, Right there, baby, that's what you call home run? Right now? That's home run? Huh me nervous. We know too many famous people that are really stupid. I really don't. It really doesn't. It exposes you more because you can think a person is really bright, but this fame will show you some things they're not really bright. I just hate I feel for people, man, because I've publicly made mistakes, so I feel for people when they make a mistake and it gets under that spotlight. It's hard for you to go heal the moment because it's in your face everywhere, you know. I was trying to be all right the next morning about the mission Universe thy until I got off that plane. All the Texas and an oppressing all that, and dog I looked up. It was on every TV show. It was everything. Yeah, that little white time for a jacket was famous. Did they yelled out when you were walking down in the airport. So it started right after the press conference that night. We love you. See Harvey hanging there, man, it be okay to say it's just a paget. And then the Colombians was over there and you dead. There's a lot of death threats about a paget. I don't know what pomp is. We don't, but it was on a lot of mind on your feet. I didn't need to know who. It was. Not a good thing. Yeah, well, coming up in about an hour, get ready for another exciting episode. I know you're waiting for a bad act theater with the Chapman's Okay, you can't today, Yeah, all right, Strawberry letters on on deck. We'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show before we get to today's Strawberry letter. And this letter is a trip and let me tell you that. But first, there's a survey out Steve that says people believe dress codes are needed at work. Okay, people believe the dress codes are needed at work. Most people support the idea of dress codes in the workplace, with thirty five percent of people saying they felt uncomfortable about a co worker's attire, with twelve percent actually complaining to h R Human Resources about how a coworker was dressed. And I just wanted to ask you, how do you feel about dress codes at work? As a coworker's attire ever made you feel uncomfortable or some sort of way. I'm a proponent of dress for success. You know, I recommend it to people. You don't have to, you know, but I mean for me, it just makes sense to me. I'm okay with dress codes at work because I have to say, we're in Los Angeles now, we're in l A. So it's a little more relaxed here, you know. Yeah, it's definitely a lot laid back, a lot more laid back. So some people wear shorts to work, you know, because of the weather and things like that. Everybody doesn't dress in a suit and don't make a difference, No, I mean, it makes a difference the way you come across to others, especially if you're in a position to move up to me. It makes a difference. Now you can think it doesn't. You're right to have that opinion if you want to. But I've I've seen people who don't dress up, and I've seen them miss opportunities because of it. If you're in the law office, you have to dress a stress because the people in there, man, and you're handling legal things for them, a lot of money. You gotta bank, you gotta look a certain way, and so it carries over into a lot of stuff in their places that don't have it, like Google may not have it. You know, you go to these you know where they are a lot more relaxed, jeans and shirt tails out and stuff like that. I got it, you know, these tech guys, that's a different world. But when you get up in that other arena, man, yeah, you gotta dress it, But a lot of it even starts at the job interview because a lot of people actually really don't know. Like we were taught how to dress for job interviews and stuff like that job interview, right, but a lot of people don't even know how to dress like that, you know, for the job interview or for a job period. They don't know there are certain rules or codes. But man, if you don't have enough sense to dress to impress at a job interview, and they and they know that you don't have enough sense, you're not getting are you kidding me? You bought in here? Look, it's it's like if you're on't trial, if you WoT the out it that you killed the dude, then it's not if you go to court and hammer pants, that is not that's not gonna It's not gonna work for you. Dude. Who do you think you are if you show up and flip flops. Dude, you don't think that you want to sit there and look like maybe you didn't murder. You got on a wife beat, See, that's it, right, Or if a woman is too sexually suggestive, too much cleavage to her dress is too short, sometime you can't double standard guy standards, and they got you red handed with a knife. Taste is miss nobody with this. I see two reasons why you should go. Yeah, you guys, it's totally different, right, I know, I know definitely. And you, dude, it ain't looking good for you but bootycutters and a woman. But it looks like it looks like you're not taking it seriously. It looks like you're saying whatever. Yeah, you know, you know. It looks like you cannot appear like you do what you wanted. Look at the rappers when they've gone to court. Look how they dress up the show. Don't look like a rap No, not at all. There ain't no sag and the court. But a lot of times, honestly, guys, some people don't know. They honestly don't know that the friend of mine. You have to look, a famous friend of mine went to court and uh, he wore a fur coat and a lime green jump suit and it did not go good. Was it the lime green? You think? Yeah, the big yeah with a hat? Did he have a hat on too? You put it on that green land bringing out of court? Cut of court, Miller's not snatched the cull out. Yeah, yeah, alright, alright, it's time for the letter. Let's go, Tommy bug, we got it for you. Here's the subject, my credit or my mother. Hello, morning show. I am a twenty one year old full time college student, and I also work full time to become a better person and take hold of your motto best spiritual, financial, and physical shape. My problem is that I have had credit since I was like eleven years I'm sorry, I've had bad credit since I was like eleven years old. How might you ask, Well, my mother has used my and my siblings name and social scurity numbers for many years and is continuing to do so. I am being hassled by creditors and the i R S for past debts that she has incurred. I have tried to dispute these charges on my credit report, and a few of the old debts have been discharged because of my young age, but many others have not because I was living at the address that the debts were open at. I have asked her time and time again too, if nothing else, just pay on the debt and get it off my credit. I already have many hospital bills that I have for myself because of no insurance, and I am trying to give her a chance to get this mess straight, but she says she will pay, but never does. In an attempt to clean up my life and get a fresh start, I am thinking of filing a stolen identity report against her, but I know that it would cause a whole family fall up. But none of these people trying to help me get myself together. Stephen Shirley. Should I file this report against her or just pay all of this stuff back, uh that she has done and get past it. I really don't think it is fair to me, but then again, life ain't fair sometimes. Please help God, bless and thank you for all your inspiration. Wow, this is a tough one right here. You know, um, I really admire you, my young sister. You know you're smart. This letter was well written. You're trying to, you know, to to just better yourself and and have a good and meaningful life with good credit and you know, no frivolous debt. You know that's very admirable. Admirable at any age, Okay, at any age. But because this is your mother doing the wrong, this is a major, major, major problem. Uh, you know, because it's your mom. If it was anybody else, a brother's, sister, cousin, friend. You know you wouldn't hesitate about what to do. But it's your mother. I say, first of all, if you can afford to pay it back on your own, pay it back, that's number one. I know you're not gonna agree with this one, Steve, but it's her mom. Twelve minutes after we'll be back, I'll finish up. You're listening to show coming up in about twenty minutes. Another episode of bad activity with the Chapman's become on Steve right now. Part two of your response to the Strawberry letters. My credit or my Mother. Hello, morning, Shure. I'm a twenty one year old full time college student, also work full time to become a better person and take hold of your model best spiritual, financial, and physical shape. My problem is that I've had bad credits since I was like eleven years old. How might you ask, Well, my mother has used my and my sibling's name and so security number for many years and it's continuing to do so. I'm hassled by creditors and al r s for past debts that she's a curry. I've tried to dispute these charges. On my credit report, and a few of the old debts have been discharged because of my young age, but many others have not because I was living at the address that the day it's where open at. I've asked her time and time again two if nothing else, just pay on the debts and get it off my credit already have many hospital bills that I've had for myself because of no insurance, and I'm trying to give her a chance to get this mess straight. But she says you'll pay it, but never does. In an attempt to clean up my life and get a fresh start, I am thinking of filing or stolen identity report against her, but I know that it will cause a whole family fallout. But ain't none of these people trying to help me get myself together? Stephen Shirley. Should I file this report against her or just pay all this stuff back that she has done and get past it. I really don't think it's fair at me, but then again, life ain't fair sometime. Please help God, bless and thank you all for your inspiration. Steve can always tell your answer by the way you read the letter Blades Lady, you fit in the five charges on your mama. This should be the latter. Your next strawberry letter will be coming right after that. I can't believe what the hell happened to me? Since I five charges on my mama and I caught you doing anything against mama, it's banned. You know, in Louisiana you'll have a chicken foot around your rear view mirror with two mountain arches from a hug and a lizard's beak, or in your gas tank you will have roots on you. Do you understand in Salem up north, they would burn you at the state who doing something to your mama's banned in our community. If you go to prison for doing something to your mama, you feel to be it every Saturday night at the shower. You can't do nothing to your mama. So what your mama used your credit? What you want your mama to do? You wanted to watch the cartoons, didn't you? Well, hell, you need cable. I'll tell your mama and put the cable build in your damn man, you're the one wants to be eating your seal and reading your seal box and watching cartoons and stuff. So your mama put the cable in your name. Your brother's name was falling behind in school because they couldn't keep up because of their computer skills was lacking. Your mama bought them a laptop and put it in his name. Damn she didn't need no laptop. Your mama don't need no laptop. Put that laptop in your brother name. That laptop was nineteen hundred dollars. She didn't took the okay credit playing out on it. And now your brother twenty nine, still paying for the damn laptop because y'all making minimum payments a dollar thirty two. Where he gonna be he pay off the damn lap. Ain't mama fault y'all sitting up in here, tip my hot hot it is in the house in the summertime. Y'all won't add conditioning, damn it. The lecture bill got to go with somebody names credit. So now little missy, little nessy that had to put the electric bill in her name. But now you all grown up. Now, won't your life back? Now you want to flip on your mama, turn your mama in to the main man. Yes, your big mama been down there scrubbing flows, trying to make life work for you. Now you want to turn your mama in. You ain't been the treat hull that away? Who give a damn hijacked up your credit is? What about the light jobbing? Sicking on it? Open there? What about all that condition y'all been cutting the count. This ain't no wind. You're gonna let all out? You kept opening the door. Your mama got to put this in somebody's name. Now, you didn't email us. Guess why because you got computer skills. Guess why because your mama put that computer in herold name. Girl, don't you turn your mama? All right? We gotta go email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my Girl Shirley. Thank you everyone who joined me yesterday for after the Show's Strawberry Letter live on Facebook. Appreciate it. But we'll be here every Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern. Thank you, uh and switching gears. It looks like I'm saying just called it. He's so mad you can't sing it right now? All right? Halle Berry in a brand new relationship. She's fifty one. She may be dating. She may be dating a thirty five year old British music producer. Is name is your money down on the table. Name is Alex the kid. Uh this is now according to USA Today. Alright, all hands up, then the wheel. Let's see how the last stop it. JF. You have a celebrity crush when you were younger? Who was your like older celebrity crush? The mama on Petty Hill Junction? What what mama? Come on quickly, you don't know nothing. I can't say people somebody when all right, it's time today. It's time for another episode of bad Acting Theater coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Welcome to another episode. Go ahead, Welcome to another episode of Bad Acting Theater with your host and narrator me Shirley Strawberry. This is the story of the Chapman's lead by Earl Chapman, the pork rhyme King of Arrogant Texas. Last week's episode was as bad as a week before. But if somehow you made sense of the whole mess, Here's what happened. KK interrupted the funeral. No not Bauregard, excuse me, this is not oh my bad. Junior didn't have anything to say, and the cast complained about not getting the script early enough. You know, I want to be fresh. Since Earl's moment of grief at Beauregard's funeral was so long, with the magic of radio, we will speed it up. Now, let's look into this week's episode entitled Oh No, They're trying to kill Earl. So we pick up our story this week and Earl is talking to French she who was George Wallace, but it's played by Tommy, about getting rid of his son Chester again, also played by Tommy. Okay, here's my plan. Listen to me close. I'm gonna be getting award for the Poke Ryan Producer of the Year at the Poke Ryan Convention. Now while I'm on stage, Lord, that ignorant boar of mine, it's gonna be standing next to me. I want you to take this blow dog is filled with pois and they take him out. What what? What? What't I use a gun? Just a lot of security in Now, you can't take a gun to the convention. Take the blow Dog with you in your pocket and take him out. He's gonna be wearing a blue suit. I'm gonna be wearing a black suit. Now I'm gonna get your forty million dollars on top of what I already gave you, so that would be eighty million dollars. He should be good and dead this time. Now, make sure you shoot to do with the blue shoot and not the black shoes. Alright, alright, let me get this right. You're gonna have on the blue suit and he gonna have on the black suit. No fool you, just as stupid as he is. I'm gonna have on the black suit and he gonna have on the blue shoot. Okay, all right, I got it. You're gonna have on the blue suit and he gonna have on the black suit. Are you living. I'm gonna have on the black suit black, he gonna have on the blue. He gonna have on the blue. Okay, I got you. Well that's Chester. Oh all right, I got you. I got you. You're gonna have on the blue suit and he gonna have on the black suit. Why Chester talk. Yeah, you're supposed to do it as free and they just let's go back. Let's go back to it, all right, all right, I got it, I got it. I got you. You're gonna have on the blue suit and he's gonna have on the black suit. Okay, we'll get back to that. The dog want to we'll get back to that later. Uh, this is as annoying as Junior's wait what what what? Now? Let's look in on Junior, who's talking to his new mama KK. So you want me to take this bow and arrow to the convention where early speaking and take him out? Why would I want to kill my daddy? He's been good to me? Well, he hasn't been good to me. And since I'm the only one in this family who has done some killing, you're gonna do what I say. He's done me dirty and he needs to be taken off the face of the earth. I'll tell you about that in another episode. Am I making myself clear? Ah? Yeah, you've You've made your point. That's slapping the face wasn't even necessary. Why can't I have a gun? Because you can't get in the gun and the convention center. So it'll be wearing a black suit and Chester will be wearing a blue suit. Okay, let me get this right. So Chester will be wearing a black suit, and oh god, okay, we're not going through that again. Earl is in a black suit and Chester is in a blue suit. Dang it. Now, let's get into the convention so we can get some killing going on in here. I'd like to thank the Poke Ryan Organization for giving me this prestigious along and on behalf of all the Poke Ryan producers in the country. I will do all I can to make you proud for making me the pope run producer of the yell black Suit the brucers. Oh well, I think he said the black suit. Oh Lord. Somebody just shot me in my little cheek. Were the blue dog? Did she say blue suit or black suit? I think she see it black suit? Oh Lord? Another person just shot me in my right cheeks? Were the bowl and arrow? Well? Sounds like Earl is asked out? Oh my God. Join us next week for another episode of The Chapman's The Chapman starring Me, Shirley Strawberry as your narrator, Carla Farrell as KK nephew, Tommy who plays the part of French, and Chester Junior as Junior. Written by j Anthony Brown and Masha Cairo. Our engineers are Cat Dog and Baby Joel. Sound by Hiley DeAndre. Uh. This has been a watch out then now production on The Steve Harvey Morning Show. And if the girl is being played by me, I was just grazed it, of course. Steve Harvey, star of Thunderdome Family, Few Little Big Shots, The Apollo and the New Daytime Show. Steve as Earl Chapman, I'm sorry, yes, next week another episode of the Chapman's You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Former President Barack Obama resurfaced on Wednesday to speak at an event hosted by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. His speech came as Republicans are making another attempt to repeal UH the Affordable Healthcare Act, which Obama said would result in inflicting real human suffering for those who have received health coverage under the two thousand ten law. Republicans in the Senator working hard to pass a measure sponsored by Senators Lindsey Graham and Bill Cassidy. It would move funding given under the law, as well as some of its requirements to the states where they could be changed. The former president Barack Obama said he's frustrated. Take a listen. Those of you who live in countries that already have universal health care are trying to figure out what's the controversy here. I am too, okay, all right, because you know what, because it doesn't make any sense. But what has happened is strictly political. Because these Republican Conservatives ran on the platform or We're going to repeal and replace Obamaca, it only shows you that they had nothing to repeal it or replace it with. They just didn't want him to have a legacy piece left when he left. It was all done out of hate. It was not for the betterment of the country or for the people. That's why they can't get all the Republicans on board. And Republicans that are our own board are doing an injustice to their constituents and they know it. But they got a whole party line because what they can't have is to lose the funding that got them in office in the first place. If you do not think this is all money based, you are sadly mistaken. All these politicians received money from other conservatives, Koch Brothers and people like that who have tons of money who dump it into their causes. The Rooper murders and things like that. It's okay for you to be conservative. I don't care if you conservatives, but at one point in time, it has to matter what happens to the people more than it happens to your own personal bank account or your own personal position as a senator or congressman. Something has got to matter more than that. And that's the danger of politics. But that's the problem. It don't matter, It don't add to them, It don't matter at all. The people who really need healthcare are not gonna have it anymore. And that they can vote against it is because those people in the Senate and the Congress have one of the most comprehensive healthcare plans that can't nothing go wrong with them. Do you think John McCain right now is paying for that operation? I bet you he ain't. And I'm talking about to the tune of one quarter. But he knows that. But that's why he voted against it. That's why the lady up in Maine is holding out to vote against it. That's why these these new people and came up with this thing so they can uphold their campaign promise to repeal and replace Obamacare. What country of this magnitude does not have universal Canada? Got it? You walking in the hospital in Canada, you get treatment. You walk in there with a problem, you get treatment. To to to um punish Americans and the majority of people. We take care of, our tax paying people. To deny them an opportunity for healthcare because they have a pre existing condition is absolutely political and have nothing to do with what's right or wrong. Now you put that whereever you want and put it. That's right. And you've heard, I don't know if you've heard about what Jimmy Kimmel is doing. It's a subject that's really close to his heart because of his son. You know, um, if you recall, his infant son, Billy, was born with a congenital heart disease and had to undergo open heart surgery at just three days old. Recently, Jimmy Kimmel said the Senator Bill Cassidy lied to him. He said that that he out and outlied to him. Kimmel claims the bill proposed UH does not pass that test and UH also does not do any of the things that Cassidy. Here's a deal. The guy came home and told Jimmy Kimmel he felt out lied to him, that he would never support anything like that. Now he's putting the bill forward. So President Trump tweets, yeah, that jim that that McConnell Cassidy, whatever his name is a liar. He's a fine young man. Then Kimmel went back at the President said, well that's great, Mr President, but something to the fact that he lied to my face. You know, how can you explain if he's not a liar him passing this billing has nothing in it that he said he's gonna have. And the crazy thing about it is Jimmy Kimmel can't afford healthcare for his son, but he's fighting for people who can't trying to vote it down. They can't afford it, voting it down for other people. Yeah, who can't you run? Yeah? Yeah, and you're right, Steve. That tweet exchange between Kimmel and the president. He also said that there's no way President Trump read this bill. He said that because he's saying that it's great, he just wants to get rid of it because Obama's name is on He's saying, it's a campaign promise. It's a campra I got to fulfill this campaign promise. This is what one is. You know, what got us the job, what got us in here? So, yeah, this is crazy. If you if you want to take a political action, call your representatives U Capital switchboard. Here's the number to zero. Two two to four thirty one one zero two two to fourtee. Right now, the Senate has up until September to get this bill uh done and passed in everything. So give me Trump. Don't give me anything. Give me Trump. No, I don't have his number, No, I did not. I want to call him that Rick. Yeah, that's that's really uh. And I know you have you feel a certain way about a junior, right, yeah. You know. The thing about it is, you know, I think these people have no compassion for people with pre existing conditions. Because if you knew somebody who had autism, if you knew somebody who had Lupe's, if you knew somebody who had sique seal, if you knew somebody, Oh, I mean, if you just talk to them, talk today, fam talking. I really do appreciate what Jimmy Kimmel is doing because you know, yeah, it takes somebody in a position that high to say, you know what, this is absolutely morally wrong, not just wrong, but morally wrong. But the thing about it is they have talked to people that you know, these people's stories are on the news every single day. What will happen if they lose Obama Obamacare and things like this. They see if they know us up, Yeah, they know h alright, Um, we gotta go, uh go to break. We'll be back, all right, Um coming up, we'll talk about Judge Judy and what she's doing. Your girl will be back. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Judge Judy, Temmy, Judge Judy and Steve of course. National Inquirer publishes an apology to Judge Judy after reporting that she was suffering from Alzheimer's in its new issue Yeah the tabloid, Right. We and our sister publication, The National Enquirer, recently published articles which stated that Judge Judy suffered from brain disease, was fighting both Alzheimer's and depression, and is hiding a heartbreaking medical crisis. We also published articles which stated that Judge Judy cheated on her husband and that her daughter Nicole, faced jail time for refusing to serve on a jury. None of these statements are true, and we unequivocably retract them unequivocally. You have done it and put it out there. Yeah, but see that all the time with a whole bunch of lines. Yeah, there ain't no retraction for nothing, But see, you gotta take time to go after these, and I don't have time to go. And it's file what they do to people. And then they come back. But the retraction that they put out, it don't it don't be the headline that you want. No see, that's not on the front cover. The one that's on the damn news stand. You look, punk a rebuttal is on a little back page, a little bit of things. They didn't kiss my behind. I know, I see, I don't know what I mean some of the stuff I see they have you doing, Steve. There's no way dating alien and Steve. When we check out, check out, we see none of that. How do you think I feel? Yeah, you know, man, especially when I got relatives who don't know no better. They call that, they call it Lord Jesus. What he's selling drugs? What the hell are you talking about? You know, the Federal investigation look looked at me him. I under damn federal investigation. My ass on TV I ain't hard to find. And you know, we don't know the fans don't know where your show is that Steve, Steve, Steve, you hear your yacht. I ain't got no damn yacht. If you had when you be on it, what do you what are you talking about? They said, Lord Jesus, you all right, I'm fine, stop reading that trash. And then and then the online people they do you even the same way. And it's just tragic, man, that these people can get away with. But these little rebuttals, small, they made little rebuttals to me. But you don't hear about it. But I don't. But but but I don't give it no juice. I don't give it no life because all you're doing is lyne. If I was that person that you say, I am him out here today and see if I have to say, I'm very proud of you for that, because normally you would, if you if you have the time to say something back, you would. Yeah. But let me tell you something what I've learned though, from Oprah, from Tyler, who spend time, who dr Pheel, from Bishop Jake's, from Joe Oldstein, Steve, let them talk. Look at your life, look at what God keep doing for you, God keep showing you favor. Don't be studying them people. He said, You've got to stay on the wall. You can't come down off the wall to address these people because you don't have time for that, he said. And all the stuff that they're saying about you, what has it stopped nothing? It ain't stopped nothing, he said. Man, So if it ain't stopped you, why would you stop yourself by getting down off the wall talking to these people about their foolishness going about your business. But this is the world we live in right now, folks. I think that this is the climate that we are in for all of us, and all of us have to be careful because all of us get a taste of it, and it's all relative to where you are in life. Y'all got you all fast share haters? What it is you get your fair share? The bigger you are, the bigger the share white women. All right, we'll be back right after this. Jesus you're listening, all right, Steve. I get so excited when we come to this part of the show because we have to talk about your brand new show called Steve. You're in Hollywood now with all the big stars. I love it. Uh, today's show. You're gonna have your Cleveland boy on their, your homie Drew Carey, he's fun Cleveland in the building. Yes, all things Cleveland. Yeah, that should be fun. Steve huh, yeah, yeah, he got me at the Cleveland Comedy Club. Went there one time. One that was his club, Cleveland Company to Carry ran that joint. I went there one time. Man, em racist people at that club. It was a clap off between me and the white guy, and clearly I was the better one. Even at the clap off. The owner of the club holiday give it to the white guy, and he the owner of the up and yelling yell out the back, get it to the white guy. And you walked up there and handing him fifty bucks. You know I needed that fifty was was was senior in there in Cleveland at that time? You was there? Yeah? No, No, our senior was the same age group. But our senior had went to Hollywood already. Our senior had went to Yeah yeah here he was opening for Nancy Wilson, who was his aunt, had already made it. I was sitting on the bed working at Lincoln Electric watching our senior Hall walk out on solid gold and performed, Yeah got the show. They ain't got the show. And I came out there and saw you remember that time, Man, you are you told our senor he said, Man, this dude said Steve. Steve, Yeah, man, who you was? I went out to him, Man, I really wanted to get you on. Yeah, I know man, to take a picture with him and everything. He came up to eastern Man, seem like I know you from somewhere. Seemed like you know me. I went, so, I'm standing there, confused. We took a picture. He went right inside side man, and I'm sorry, I said, it seemed like you know me here. You mean, seem like I want to you're talking about Let me tell we didn't play ball together? Yeah, dog play on the same thing. You passed him the ball, he said that said, seemed like I know you from somewhere. Seemed like I ain't changed that damn the same in America, you know how somebody see you and you go like you kind of yeah, come on, hey man, I'm here, come on, come on, let's take this picture. I took that picture with him. He was right around the building. Jason, I'm side wow, said wow, and then and then saw him later saw him later after I had, you know, got on stop happening, Steve, what's up? Man was happening? Oh? Yeah, yeah? I never bought the other thing. That was good. That was very big of you, very big. I mean maybe he was busy. He didn't know. I just went down dog, But you know, we got cool. We hung out a little bit, man, and he took me to a place that was you had to have your name on the list. Still go there. Well, anyway, I just wanted to tell you that you carry on Steve Show today in the cast of Fuller House. We will be back and we will be watching. You're right, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right here we are, last break of the day with just one more thing, Baby, just one more thing. What you got? I got one more thing for you, Steve. Check this out. Cleveland Brown's your team our favorite to win for the first time since this is the prediction. Yeah, they're saying that your team is favorite to win this Sunday for the first time since the Browns are two point five favorite on the road at Indianapolis against the Yeah, we lost two in a row. What is your favorite to win? Fall? What do you hate? We were this the first time since two fifteen we've been favored to win a game. Yes. Does this affect him keeping that job? Steve? You think the coach for the Brown every week. He's gonna give it pro don't you don't care to speech you give, you don't give it down? How good you look in this year? Are you surprised that he's been at us long? Yeah? Man, that the Browns man. The Browns problem is, man, we won't do the smart thing. What we need to do right now, serious business is go get Colin Kaeperney. He's just the best quarterback available. Yeah, okay, that's the starters. Secondly, man, we got Joe Thompson broke the NFL record for most games played consecutive. He's been eleven years. Always let you been with the brown We need damn quarterback, man, we need a quarterback. We got out of Texas a and then we got that bar hug Gard Miles. He hasn't played. He got hurt, he was hurt a little bit. He didn't play. We got him. We gotta start building from that. But we need Colin Kaeferney. Stop playing. And what about the coach? The coach and be gone now he alright he a got nobody took coach. He had the same record if he was coaching us. We'll be on to I'm just telling people we got on the team and we don't have a quarterback. And this boar from Notre Dame ain't read it yet to be starting in the damn problems? Won't you talk to the owner, Stephen get killed him? You know, Browns fan like the rest of them. Man, I'm trying to get your ass on with Lee Danger. He can't fix every damn I know, Lee Daniel, did you rather Russ get Colin Cabernet that you'd rather be in? Lee Dan, No, I can't deal with Cleveland. I got my own problem. Okay, you know I could be two and os at quarterback, So I see what you're saying. The regularly be the same man who the old dude that that won't go deep, that won't go deep, glasses, the leather helmet on pled up in his pocket. Watch out there, now, watch out there? Now. I was gonna ask you guys, speaking of football, I know the season it's kind of early, but Steve, who you're liking what you think? Well? Not putting for the Patriots, evil? But Tom Brady is the best quarterback in the NFL, right and one of the great quarterbacks in the history of football. And you can't deny the way they played the culture that is New England, one of the great football franchise. I got it, and I spoke to Robert Kraft at the Merryway Mayweather fight. He said, Steve Harvey, how are you? I didn't even know he knew Robert Craft, so I spoke to him. I think this is what I think. M I think this is who I think gonna give them hell this year. Them damn Lanta Falcons. That taste of theme out. I think the Atlanta Falcons. Man, it's gonna be funky this year because they lost and they know they had that thing. I'll tell you somebody else gonna be stocking this year. Kansas City look good, Kansas City, Damn Oakland look like they've about to do something to you. Now. The Giants are gonna make a run at it, just like they always do. They start slow. Damn Saints gonna act like they want to do something. Can't ever count out. Breathe. Now, they're not gonna make it this year. Now. I think I think they're great. I think they're great team. I just think something is missing, man, something is missing. Zeke's not off to a good start. I think that stuff got up in his head pretty strong. Uh, he doesn't look right as of yet, but he may not. Yeah, this this whole thing is mental for this kid, and I think it's affected him in a great way. So he's not there yet. Dare's Bryan is his usual self. I like them. I like the Panthers this year. I like the Panthers. I've always been a Cam Newton fan. I think Cam is one of the bad boys out there. I would love I would love to see Carolina Panthers. I love to see Clinton Brown. It's not gonna happen. We may win folk games this year. If that folk they give me, you need full time to come to work talk sixteen or fourth wealth of the time. Just let me come to work in here full time and talk track out of the sixteen times going all the way here we go. Yeah, I thought it was awful. They don't beat the coach. Gonna be a damn problem gonna be there's gonna be some job. The questions about it anything? What is everybody doing? Friday's Friday? Baby? What's the weekend? Up? We got in Vegas, Shirley and I in Mississippi, Monica. We are headed to Las Vegas and Heart Arena. I mean the I heart Music Festival in the Tea Mobile Arena. We will be there this weekend. What about you guys working ye family, Friday said, please go to my website, y'all. We opened the Jays backup. I got a show Underwood, I got Chris Spencer, I go. Yeah, I got comic who started off on tunes to go to the website, jas Bot Comedy dot com and the comedy um Camp kids, the Class Club, Class Club. All right, we'll up, Steve. Tell everybody having the weekend. Yeah, we are coming. Have a good week. Have a great weekend for shure you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.