Hated Gifts, Christmas Drunks, MTH, Breakup Handbook and more.

Published Dec 23, 2019, 3:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Holidays The Steve Harvey Morning Show is in your mouth. Acccchhhhccchhhaaaaa! The crew share with us the gifts that they just do not want. J. Anthony Brown sings an original tune for us with The Grinch in mind. Uncle Steve has advice for the fellas on what not to do after a breakup. We have successfully identified the different types of drunks during the holidays. Have you ever said some innocent things that evolved into a full blown argument with your significant other? Find out who topped Forbes List for highest earning artists of 2019. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve breaks down a million dollar formula, plus more!

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Y'all know what time of y'all don't know. Y'all back all suit back to back down, giving them more like the milking buck things in its tubbles. Y'all me through good it, Steve, listen to movie together for Studley. I don't join by join me, be doing me. You gotta turn, you gotta turn the turnour got to turn them out, turn the water the water go. Come come on your back, huh. I show will good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yoh man. God is in the blessing business all day every day. God got hundreds of millions of blessings that he passes out every day. All I want to do is be the recipient that I'm the recipient of what He has for me. That's all I want. I just want God's favor, and I go. I want God's blessings. You know, of course I need his mercy and his grace, but I just want his blessings and his favor. I want. I want that in my life because it does things for me that I'm absolutely incapable of doing for myself. And I've been a recipient of many of those, and you can be the recipient of them too. You already are, really, really, you already are. If you're getting up every morning, that's a blessing. If you're getting one day closer to anything you're trying to accomplish, that's a blessing. But now let me talk to you about this part right here, folks, because this is the part that messages people up a great deal. What happens when you get off track? What is that? What does that mean? When you get off track? See, I've been off track. I can't tell you how many times, and it happens in so many aspects of your life. But but what is it that makes getting off track so debilitating to some people? You know, there are some people who want stay off track. They off course, they off the dream, they own to something else. And you cannot allow the fact that you've gotten off track to stop. You can't tell you something. Everybody gets off track. There are people who are living their life's dreams in spite of getting off track. See what happens when you get off track? Here's the simple thing to do. The simple thing is just to get back on track. Now, that's that's But that's easier said than done, ain't it, Steve? Yeah? Because see, people, when you get off track, here's some of the things that happen. See you get the here come to they sayers, some of them from the outside, some of them internally. Here's what gets said when you get off track. See, I told you, I told you. You know you. You start hearing that it's not for you. Okay, this is all just because you got off track. It's not for you. Okay. Here's another one. Ain't meant to be. You can hear it, or you could say it. Well, I guess it's just not meant to be. But let me ask you a question, though, who made the rule that when you get off track you can't get back on? Who made that rule? Where has that written that once you get off track you can't get back on? See, because I'm gonna tell you something, folks, there's no such rule. As a matter of fact, it's quite the opposite. See, everybody, in pursuit of a dream, a goal and aspiration or a mission, it's going to get off track. Sometimes you're going to get derailed. They are going to be days where you're not going to get it right. That are going to be days where you feel like giving up. There's going to be days when you're just gonna flat out get it wrong. That's the journey. But let me tell you something. Every successful person that I know, ever met, talked to, set out, and chopped it up with, have shared one thing in common. We all get off track. We all get it wrong along the way. I don't care who the person is. The president got it wrong along the way. Your pastor got it wrong along the way. Qui director Kui got it wrong along the way. The principle at your school got it wrong. Along the way. The valor Victoria of your class got it wrong along the way. The star of the team got it wrong along the way. They've all been off track. Your boss down at your job, he got it wrong along the way. Your immediate supervisor got it wrong along the way. Everybody I know that has any measure of success in in every level that you call success, however you want to label it, has gotten off track. As a matter of fact, it's impossible. Listen to me, it is impossible not to get off track in pursuit of your dreams, goals, visions, aspirations. It is impossible. Don't you let nobody tell you that they got through life unscathed, that they made it because they was just so determined and I would let nothing turn me back. Yeah, you might not have let nothing turn you back because you here all but you thought about it. Oh you thought about it on days when you was off track. But see, people don't like to tell the whole story. They just want you to think as much as you can about them. So when they tell you their story, they leave out the stuff alone. The way it was just hard work and determination that got me here. No it wasn't, No, it wasn't. It was the fact that you got off track and the grace and mercy God allowed you to get back on. His forgiveness allowed you to get back on because you would not believe what some of the people have done. So when you get off track, don't allow the naysayers outside and the big naysayer inside, because let me tell you something, the biggest naysayer of them all comes from inside. See, it don't matter what other people say out there. It takes some time for you to learn this, And I understand because it took me some time to learn it. See, I have a lot of naysayers out there, But I ain't operating for them, operating function for the ones that love me, for the ones that get me, for the ones that understand what I'm really trying to do. And so don't you be the one that doesn't allow yourself to get back on track when you get off track, because, like I said, who made the rule up that you can't get back on track? There's no such rule out there. Stop stopping yourself from getting it right. So what you started to diet at the beginning of the year, and you already off, start another one, start over, try it again, don't ever stop trying. If you stop trying, you can't make it. But if you never give up the effort, if you never give up and say it's over, it ain't over. You heard just saying it ain't over to the fat ladies saying I never invite her, she's not invited. It ain't over, to the fat ladies, saying I don't know where the fat ladies stay. I am not sent her an invitation to none of my events. She's not welcome here. She didn't ask me a couple of times, how come I never get invited? Because you're gonna start saying it and I ain't got time for that, all right. Stop inviting the fat lady to all your events. Thank you, you're listening, ladies and gentlemen. Here is Steve Robbing Morning show in your mouth? Do it, Steve? Are you doing looking real good today? Calling for good morning work, handing loving money, Oh junior saying morning up, morning up, nephew, timing, get dope in the building. Yeah, let me holidays. Everybody feeling you feel it? I feel it. Why don't you put that Christmas tree up? Ye? Oh? What Christmas tree pitch? Are you so young? So I would lowed with that? I would I've been wanting my ears out. It ain't nothing to do. I called this all for it got start, okay, Yeah, now you want to see you. It ain't gonna be what you think. Oh man, I know it's all been to the mall. That's it. Yeah, Zach s ain't tree. This one a little shorter this year, this one twenty feet that's still taller. Man. If you don't stop, you need to quit that. It's sod. Turn a little tree over right now, you say, kid, you're not man. It steems from my whole childhood. Man, I love Christmas. It was my favorite holiday, and I just thought they just did it up right down at that damn mall. I don't know how they got and put the lights on the bad ball, just cold yeah, matter of fact, this brace ever. Why we can't hear this yeah that as a kid and then actually be able to do it as an adult. You know, that's a dream come true. It is sherltt. It's like it's like man to be able to do that. Man, I want it so badly. A big tree. Yeah, man, I was my dad. Well you got it, now yourself, you do it. Hey, man, he done it. He hadn't done it. I love Christmas c though, I really did. What was the ultimate gift you got as a kid that you just oh my god in Oregon? Oh? Man, a life size doll a go cart? Oh you gotta go call Junior wo Man, Wow, that's big right there. I'm driving at fourteen, I'm about hit Teddy's treat anyone a long way man that it couldn't cut the yard. I was gonna what about you, Steve a red fly wagon with the side reels on. Who that the hustling begins? That was your first car. I didn't let nobody ride in my wag and we aren't playing this. That was your first collect pop bottles in this work wag. This pulled me up the street, not in this, Dan, What about your nephew big Will you know that little handle on that when you can hook slide with it? Yeah? What what plastic week? Yes, the plas I wore them out. I know you did. All right, Well, listen, coming up, we'll continue to talk more about our favorite Christmas memories and holiday traditions and all of that, and we'll hear from Steve of course thirty two minutes after the hours when we'll be back right after this. Who you gotta go card? You're listening to show? All right to Steve, Let's talk about some of your favorite Christmas memories, um, you know, and your favorite holiday tradition. I want to ask you, Poe memories this. But that was good though, you know, because I didn't know, you know, no difference, Yeah, I figured just the way it was right everyone, you know, everybody get a gilt. Huh what did you sitting around? Thank you for the open multiple packages? Just damn gift man. Put the tearing off of the wrapping thing. Yes, yeah, we're gonna use that paper next year, I know. And my mom wrapped like the grocery store wrapped. That was her thing. She looked, Oh yes she could. It looked just like it did at the at the department stores. My mom could wrap. Yeah, man, girl, I got easy. Oh yes, the Lord with the light with the light. If I wrapped, you to knew it everything I wrapped to the exact shape or whatever. He dog dog if you if you thought it was a truck, that's probably what it was. It was obvious going over under the tree and just feeling on the gifts trying to guess what it was. Man, if I wrapped it, yeah you knew. Wow, I got a bowling ball, you know exactly what looked like he gave. I remember when I got a tape recorder one year. Oh that was always good. That was the beginning of my career right there, the tape recorder. Yes, oh, I got a sting rewind fast forward, Yes, yes, good, good stuff. One of my most frightening Christmases was because of that tape recorder right there. Oh yeah, what happened? What you pressed? Play and record it? Get it done? Yes, yes, my mama got me mine for Christmas. I took it upstairs and recorded Rudy ray More Signifying the Monkey down in the Jungle, that signifying market. Damn show, didn't got it, walked through the trees and all up in him that market where I was in the elementary school. He was cut. He was Cui seven six or seven. You know if I Rudy ray More when my dad and them used to play it, okay, I used to sit on the steps in the hallway and listen to it. Be in the hallway, Holly. Everybody had the albums Man, but I rememberized album the whole Signifying Monkey, and I could sound just like it. So when my mama got it, I went upstairs and I'm recording wear down in the Jungle signifying Marky. Everything cussing and everything I'm talking about cuss like that's when you first look you feel in love like this. So everything going good. We go to church that morning. We come back. A couple of sister Porter and sister r Bell came over to see my mom and they was in there in the living room and I had my recorder on them coffee table because I saw a cookie on the down room table. I wanted to get a matter of fact, of rice crispy, And when I came back, my mama had to recorder in her low my stomach. She said, what they was all talking about? Uh, sister Harvey, what is that? That's these new recorders that you buy. We bought one for Steve. I'm just man, don't hit that son, this lady, say what's on it? My mama pressed play. I opened it up like this wear down in the jungle. D that's signifying market that ever? Sleep. Yeah, I'm cussing it everything, but I mean, it's on the recorder. So my mama trying to find the button, but she can't cut it all. She can't control the volume or nothing. She steady hitting the play button. Well that's already down. Your baby talking lay at the church say, oh, that's that's Rudy ray Mo. So I said, okay, that might help a little bit, they say, she said, But who is it though? Oh? Who's staying this? Yeah? Everybody looking at me. I'm just trying to figure out how I can make this recorded disappear. Enough if I stay here and look out the window, maybe they won't notice this. Me. Man, I was sitting there in trouble. Mama's finally cut that thing. Up. She said, boy, lord Jesus, when your daddy get home? Oh no, man, So they left. My daddy came home, she says, snap, listen to what this boy didn't put on his on Christmas? She pressed play again, wear down in the jungle. D My daddy saying who is that? My mom was saying, that's your son, and then my dad and listening to it, any star smiling, Why that's you? Uh huh, yes, I'm just shrinking. I'll tell you all right. And the brink phone call coming up right after this. You're listening show all right. Before we went to brake, Steve, you were telling us a story about when your dad heard you recite Rudy ray Moore on your brand new car. Mama, come home on Christmas. Look at what your boys doing. Yeah, so she pressed on way down jud that blankly blank didn't ever sleep walking trees and swinging in the sand back black. So my daddy listened to it, and he smiled. He said, boy, that's you. Oh yes, you're in trouble all he said, where your coat at? Go get your coat? Come on in confidence. I ain't never done. No, he used to go on in the basement, is the coat he puts me in the car, he gets the machine. We back out. We drive right up the Earl's gas station about five minutes from the house. He got walking there on the man Christmas slick. What's up a little boy? Man? Christmas boy, I got something for y'all right here, damn me? Who this is here? So all the men and that one boy that rooted right more? No, ain't that stilass? You lying boy right here? This boy sound your like remote? So mister Wale, say what do some of it? Oh man, you can't you think about in front of y'all life? And I got the custom from y'all. Did you do it? Hell? Yeah? Wait like that right there? Like Oh man, I love it, I love it. I love it. My daddy thought it was the greatest thing. You here now, he said, when we get back home, tell you mama. We rode and talked about it. Okay, well, they ain't gonna whoop your cause it's own Christmas. Oh so it been a twenty six. You've got toe up in the well. He didn't want to whip me no way, because he was He thought it was greatness. He thought that was the greatest thing. He pure grace. You take all that cussing off of that machine. You ain't even where you to learn these words from. You're playing that all The party album was good? This album? Yeah yeah, wow? Who else you listen to? Dog good Christmas memories right there? Red Fox, Red Fox, that's no This country comedian named Jerry Cloud. Jerry Cloud. Oh yeah, that's what we listened to. And he'll building man, okay, yeah, I love it, no, yea that he'll be funny, funny man, y'all was still a Richard Pride for my daddy. Oh huh. I was doing Richard and Eddie. Oh yeah, that's like Delirious was my my stand up, specially that it did. Delirious who Richard Pryde wanted? That's the one. Yeah, man, wow, I mean that. That was back in the day when you when your parents had parties, and weren't those called party albums or something. Yeah, absolutely, party albums. So they would playing. You couldn't listen. You had to come in in dance for him, and you had to go them back. Yeah, come on. And the player was right next to the steps leading up in my room, and he was behind the wall. I sat on the steps. I learned how to cuss everything. Yeah, the good old day Gus Gus, Gus, goody Google, I said, American classic right there for that red level outfit, that was classic. Yeah, yeah, for sure. What was that red? Leather? Wrong was delirious? Purple was perfect leather all leather. Raw was wrong? Yeah, raw was wrong? Yea, no, man, when that food was doing that, that food was doing that dog all up? Man. Oh yeah, damn that when he got shot, when he was doing the hits. But we see the mine me nic name the number dude said you uh why me times a lady the night I knew knew that boy saying three times, I was holly. Yeah, he gave us some great laughs. And man, yes, Velvet Jones, mister Robinson's neighbor answer, who is movies the absolute best sketch artist? Man? Yeah, that damn teddy man. James round in that hot tip, man, he stuck his man, don't get in the hot tip. Wait a minute, hot boy. That was it boy in the in the movie Trading Places, what is your name? Valentine? Valentine? When they finally got him off the street and took him to the house. Yeah, and they had him in the back and he was taking the bath and they was coming out ship in the dope and he was in there singing. When I showed that to my dad, and my dad in Holliday, lad when you think it got it? Get By used to open this show every day with that, right. Yeah, yeah, that's where I got it from. Many good memories, I tell you, man, that that that What's What's What's the best? Pot? Eight hours? A Beverly Hill cop Oh, what's pot the eight Hours about? When he was with Nick Nolte place Coming to America, Coming to America. Funniest comedy movie I've ever seen. Yeah, all right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. Your listen, Jay, what you got macrimatine. But some people don't put a lot of thought into gifts at all. They just don't. They could care less, you know. And these are lists of gifts that we just don't want at all. Don't give me. I'm just speaking for myself. Number one of them a diabetic don't give me no damn shock nate cup of cherries. I don't want that. Okay, you don't wrap it up, don't. I don't like that gift. I don't I don't like. That's too much damn sugar for diabetic what I can't speak for the Top ten gifts that people hate. I don't Top ten gilt I hate because I've already got it before. Why would you give me a Jerry box? You don't? I don't Jerry They put no thought into it is. This came from an aunt of mine. Here's somebody that don't know you at all, at all, at all. Right, they got the mirror in it when you open it up, the look the little box sectional. Why don't I ain't got a ring on my face? Don't get me a holiday sweater? Why would you buy me a Christmas sweater? When am I gonna wein? I gonna wait till for nothing. I don't wear that because after the day, it's all. I ain't never been with the ugly sweater thing I don't have. Okay, Steve, what you got? What are we doing? Top ten gives people hate? People hate? Yeah, yeah that they hate? What people don't buy me? No damn medicine. You know you know, you know, I know how much your knees hurt you from ad veal from celebricks and you can keep it close by. Man, man, I thought about you, and I saw this big two hundred pel bottom Christmas man. He went to salms of Cosco, got you the big bulk. You don't want none of that. I don't want to let me Jane something about me. I have not worn suspenders in years, okay years in the years. And you're not the ones that clamp on, not the ones that you put a button on. And I don't want suspenders, the plastic one. I know they look nice in the box and they got a little bow down. I don't want that. Okay, I'll tell you something else. I don't want, Jake, and I mean this, I mean it. Don't buy me nothing off of informercial. I don't want the flashlight. I don't want none of that. I don't want I did buy you that flashlight, though I did. I feel guy, I don't want it. Have they have some good stuff that y'all go ahead and have it. I don't want it. What the hell do I want with some seal what they call it flex? You may you never know? Right if I get a lot of you, I don't want no conflicts just because they shiney. I've been watching your TV. I saw you be wearing conflicts Jesus real, all right, all right, buy me no spank shirt. Why why would you buy me? You know, a form fitting shirt? What are you trying? Yeah, yeah, don't buy me that. I don't want that. I might need that, but I don't want that. No, he don't. He don't want them. Take your shirts. He hit body ready for that. Sh buddy. If I see time me to take your shirt, I need to pitch. I need anyway in the country. You see him that. I put one on in front of Marjorie one time. She laughed so hard. I looked at hold it. I said, I ain't really there yet. I'm just checking it out. Okay, okay, I'm under the impression if you put one of them shirts on, Steve, it makes your body tight. And I think it's the shirt that made you like you in shape. That's what I think. And that's one. Now you gotta keep the shirt on. You know what I'm saying. I'm definitely gonna give me one, but what I don't want for what I don't want is a popcorn coupon. Please, I'm going to the movies. I can't get my own popcorn. Okay, all right, you don't need the cupon. You don't want the gift card? No, no, you love going to the movies, Jay, that's a good I love going to the movies, don't. I didn't want them ow the movie passes. I'm good on a movie for Ego one hair cream. They give me a set and it's got hair cream in it. I'll be just looking at people. Yeah, you ain't got no hap to use it for your mustache case. Yeah. Yeah, I'll tell you what. I know. I'm sicking, but I tell you people like to make fun of your situations and stuff. And I know I have six said. But what I don't want for criminal is a bag of seleu. I don't want the bag of suhydra. Yeah. They think i'll be but it's Christmas. I ain't in the hospital. I we're in the living room. I don't want the bag of s. I would report you first because you stole it. You know you're the one. I don't like people. I know you like cigars. And I found these here. They had these cohebers for six dollars about uncle hobby hobbies. Those all come here. No, man, no, look that that ain't the right label. Yeah, the ask dayco hebers. I asked, what about you supposed to go? They bring your box of black and Mile did something. I had that too, I've had that'll make you sick. They brought me a pack of big lighters one time. He always looking for a light, and here's a light, and here's a pack up. Break come long it take for a big to light a sick off man. Thank you. All right, Well, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harby Morning Show coming up at twenty after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Jay is here because we're so in the Christmas spirit. Jay, and here you go. You knew what I was when you hire. Let's try and exercise. Wait, let's try and exercise. Let's try this. Shirley huh. Merry Christmas, Happy holiday, so sweet. Thank you, Carla. Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family. Please get big hug for me. You know that's the same with charity. Thank you, Tommy, Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, prosperous new Year. Tell Tash and and uh and Tasha, I said, big Merry Christmas from uncle Tommy over here. Okay, tell them now will you tell the Miles children the same thing, Jordan, Sydney Trey your wife, tell everybody happy holiday. Yeah, we'll do. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas. Time. We've gotten through another year together. Were family, were family, and and thank you so much. I mean, you know you've been such an inspiration to us all this year with your TV show and everything. What a blessing you know. I'm just so happy for you and happy you know, new year to you and make it. May it be even more prosperous. Please give her a next to my love. Please I will, and please you do the same with Jackie with her beautiful self. Yes, loving, I'm selling the Christmas spirit. May be right back to eating up Jay's segment. Come on on, the son is dedicated to out there. There's gotta be somebody somewhere who wishes someone I loved one, a friend, a relative, whatever, which is leave their house for Christmas. I don't care, and I'm so please be goneus. I beg you see you're done. I have my head a damn James, that's it. You sound so depressed. While you were saying you're a mean one, mister Grench, I mean one, mister gone yeah, I'm gone. The words somebody would ride with, somebody's hither and they turn that up. They just the words turned it. Please come home for Christmas, not be gone. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right, ladies and gentlemen, get ready. We consulting an expert because we wanted to know the real deal. Okay, Steve is here with his breakup handbook. All right, Jesus, things that you need to have in mind after the break up. Most most of it is for fellas is because when we take a break off hard, it's ugly. It's ugly out there. Now. These are things from Steve Harvey's break Up Handbook, how to act when you break up? All right, now, here's rule number one. You are allowed only one drunk die you know how you call him up when you drunk? You only get the one. And it sounds like something like this, Hello is me? You know who me is? Don't play with me? You know who me? Don't play with my emotions? Who is me? You know you? You you know who me is? I mean you get one, get one of them, all right now, here's the next rule. You are not allowed to roll up on your ex just because you see that car parked outside the club, the restaurant or church down who you can't do that? Show we broke up. I can't go in there. Need you can. No, you can't roll up on them. No, I got something with church later on. But just stay that stay out right, you girl. Can't roll up on them. Oh that she is, I'm gonna go in now. Oh that he is, I'm going in there. You can't do that, call okay, allegedly, all right. Next one, y'all's favorite spot. It's off limits to both parties for at least foe months. Tell anybody else over there at least month. Here's another one. Okay, Texting your favorite song to each other is off limits. You can listen to it, you can cry to it, you playing over and over, but you can't send it. So I'm trying to move on and I'm killing he Now listen to you and you all y'all stuff? Huh. All possessions is collected at one time and one time on. Anything that's left behind will be thrown away by both parties. Like you ain't keep coming over here looking for stuff that you can't keep coming back over here. I gott coming to you in the closet looking for your tank top. You hit a big one right here. Nobody is allowed to talk to each other's mama's friends with your mamma, and you can't be friends with mama come home. Yeah, at least that's a good one, Steve. I like he was trying to pick up some greens and you and hit talking rolling your ass when I walk into the dough. Yeah. Here's the next one. Yeah, all parties. She find a new church home. Yes, but yeahfinitely. Yeah, we can't work. I love cost Wicket. All your friends should be divided up equally, except the ones you hate. You can have him. Here's another. No posting of nude pictures. Yeah, yeah, you know, like Hernicket or him dressed up like the damn Easter, but the private what about I'm gonna do. I'm gonna finish this one old naked picture all right, Well, nephew, tell me has a prank fall coming up and we'll finish out seas break up rules. Right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's today's strawberry letter. Right now the nephews here though, Yeah, with today's prank phone call. What you got for us? Now? Brand spanking new this one. It's called cripple cask. If three people pass and they can, you know, the family might not have enough money fall them cass just one cat. Cripple can three people one cat? We finish the concept. Okay, this can work. Take some money. They can listen Jenk's mortuary. This is can help you. Hey, how are you doing? How you calping? How are you doing? My name is Brandon man or Brandon Giles. Uh, I'm calling. We've got somebody that pass Actually three people we start passed away. I thank you for that, man. It was kind of expected, so you know, it wasn't something that caught us off guard. But you know, but all in all, you know, we're still grieving about losing our loved ones. But but I wanted to give you all a call. We're trying to um pick a particular funeral home on who we want to um take care of. Yes, yes, sir, yes sir, okay, I can definitely help you with that. And uh, once again, I just want to you know, just let you know that we can pretty much do the whole game. That we can make sure that your need to take them from you know, from from now on. Um, we're here for you. Santed to get that out. What is your main need? You said, three people? Sir, Yes, yes, yes, I wanted to bring attention to you. Do you guys customize caskets? Yes, we do, goal plating, uh, engraving. We even have a new thing where we can put the picture of the person on the outside like a semi gloss coating. We have a couple of hours. Yeah, I don't I don't need that all. No goal or nothing like that. Listen, listen what I want to do. Is it any way that you could maybe uh customize a casket that can accommodate three people? Um uh yes, like we we can. We can customize each individual casket for each individual. No, no, no, no, Calvin, that didn't want to ask. What I'm saying is if I want to like like I like I said, my could they was all close. You know, I don't have a problem with all three of them being in the same casket. I get you. Um uh you know, to my knowledge is as far as I've been in this business, I've never Uh, I'm not really sure we can actually do that. I mean, I mean, I mean, what's the problem if we can get them all in there and you will serve I mean, I think that's a I don't even think if for one, it's legal in this state or any state, three people in one casket, um and ethics wise, I uh, that's not really something that How can I say that we actually you know, but if you customizing a casket, Calvin, then you ought to be able to put as many people in there, if you make it deep enough and wide enough. Ought to be to get three people in there. Right. Well, the customization is is the outer side of the casket and maybe you know some people uh even put TV screens on the inside or some of their their their loved ones, memorable momentums. We customize it for that, you know. Colorwise? Uh so what about when and when is a person real? Big? Uh? You know, haven't said person? You know? You got to have a cast that's can accommodate them, right, yes, But okay, so so you ought to be to put you ought to be able to put three people in one casket if they can fit. If you put two one way, in one the other other way. Then you ought to be to have all three of them in there at one time. Um, is there anybody else around you and your family that can help talk with me about this? I'm talking right now. I'm trying to get I'm trying to accommodate my cousins and get them straight. And I'm asking you can we get them in a casket that one casket that can accommodate three people. If you put two pillars on money in one pillars, that's not something we're really that ain't just used to doing, Calvin. But I'm calling you telling you that's the way I want this customize. Man. All right, brother, look brother, brother, just just chill out with customs, all right. So we're trying to get three people. Yeah, I have a standard plan. It'll be a low end standard plan for three individual caskets. We ain't gotta we all have enough money for three individual caskets. I keep telling you that we got room for one casket. We we just need to big enough, man, so you could get everybody in there. Close the dope. I'm not gonna I'm not I don't want to go back and forth with you, sir, I know this is a time, then go. You ain't gonna go back and forth with me building to our knees. I can bury my family. I don't really know what to tell you, sir, but I'm just really trying to help. I'm trying to Won't you tell me you're gonna get three people in the casket looking good? We cannot do that. You houling that. Man, I'm the one going through bereathing. I understand that. But you are, you're, you're you use the foul language. We can't do it. Brother, you hear me. No, that's no hold on my cousin. Them said they wanted to be No, sir, no we can okay. Look I'm look hey, man, y'all gonna bury these three people and you're gonna put all three of them in the same day. Asking man, now, two on one on one end and one on the other. One man, sir, if you're drinking, just stop. Ain't nobody let me tell you something. Man, Let me say this to you. Your name Calvin, right, Yes, yes it is okay, so cal Calvin, let me say this to you. Either y'all gonna bury my cousin is the way I want it. Or Calvin, you're gonna get your book who you're talking to. That's what's going now. Now, now that's it, right there, sir. I've been trying to be as professional as I can this whole conversation. It's as crazy as it is. But now I ain't nothing crazy about no, no, no, no no. I told you I want you to bury my cousin. Come on down here. I got someplace to put your body and your cousin's body. How about that? Huh? Yeah? Because you you know you don't you don't sound too damn confident. You don't sound too confident, Calvin. I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna tell you right now, this ain't the place and I'm not the one you will be in the ground messing with us. Matter fact, if you come here, I'm you up. How about that? Okay, Calvin? Okay, Calvin, let me tell you something, Calvin, me and Tommy gonna be down there to day. Then I'm bringing Tommy with me. Who it's Tommy? Huh? This is nephew Timmy from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. Baby, you just got Frank Calvin. Yo, y'all have me whip somebody. Hell, y'all, I just want to love Reginald. That works. Yes, I'm gonna. I'm gonna Reggie. You bet watch with you drink you bet watch with your team. I'm on your to revenge. N Hey, Calvin, give me this, man, what's the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land. Man, you know it's nothing but the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Y'all, y'all got got me? Ya got me, y'all, ain't with me. But I'm just like two bodies this boy, one body this way, hand to flip three different pillars. We work that thing. Yeah, well, you're probably gonna need ten, Jay, You're probably gonna need five on each side. But you saved some money. Jay Dolly. It's like like Casker bunk beds for three people. All right, I got a beat idea. Go ahead, let me just put them in their fold. Thank you, nev up. Next is my Strawberry Letter for it today. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry letter, and we could be reading your letter live on the air and helping you out, just like we're gonna do for this person. Buggle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. I dish at all all right subject one big, happy family or nothing at all. Dear Stephen Shirley, I've been dating a man for three years and we get alone great. We've talked about getting married, but we have to work out a few kinks first. Both of us have teenage kids from previous relationships, and I spend a lot of time with his kids every other weekend. He is always around my kids because I have sole custody of them. We always joke about his kids like hanging out. Excuse me, We always joke about how his kids like hanging out with me more than him. If I am doing something for my kids, I include his kids. I buy them gifts for birthdays, Christmas, or just because I buy them gifts, and there's no separation to me. But over the weekend I had the strangest conversation with my boyfriend about the kids. He told me that this Christmas he plans to focus more on his kids and spend quality time with them alone during the holidays. I was shocked to hear this. Over the years, he's been good to my kids, but I do see a difference in how he treats them and how he treats his own kids. My kids love him, so I never make a big deal out of it. The fact that he is trying to make a big distinction between the kids really hurts my feelings. Blended families are tricky and we've been trying to make it work, but this was a harsh reality check. My kids come first, but I'm able to love his kids as my own. Now I have doubts about marriage. Am I overthinking this? Stephen Shirley? What do you think? No, you are not overthinking anything. I say what you see and what you know, because when people show you, and in this case, tell you who they are, please believe them. I mean, Okay, let's look at the facts. This man that you've been with for three years told you that this Christmas he just wants to spend quality time with his kids alone during the holidays. What else do you need to hear. It's the holidays, That's the time when you and your man and kids. You know, you guys are supposed to spend family time together, not apart. So again, what else is it that you need to hear? I mean, he doesn't want to be with you, and he doesn't want to be with you and your kids for Christmas? Okay, In this relationship, you're all in. You are just everything. In this relationship, you have accepted as teenage kids. You spend a lot of time with them, You remember their birthdays and other special occasions. You buy them gifts and stuff. He, on the other hand, makes a difference between his kids and your kids, and you're right. In order for a blended family to work, you have to show love to everyone, even if in your heart you love your own kids more. And I think that's pretty normal to feel that way. You have a special bond with your kids, you carried them and all of that. But you know you're fair and loving on the outside. But your man is not doing that and he's not trying to hide it. Even though you say your kids love him and you haven't made a big deal out of it, it is a big deal because he sounds like he has checked out of this relationship and on his way out of this relationship. Someone who's thinking of marriage, of marrying you, would not want to be without you on this Christmas. Okay, sounds like he's gonna be with someone else. Steve, Well, Shirley, I have to agree with you now. So here we go. This lady been dating this man for three years, everything going great, talked about getting married, but they need to work out some kinks. You know, both of them got kids. He spends a lot of time and he's always around the kids because she got soul custody of them. We joke about how his kid is like hanging out with me more than him. And then you know, if I'm doing something for my kids, I include his kids. I buy him gifts for birthdays, Christmas, everything, no separation to me. But over the weekend he had a little conversation with my boyfriend about the kids. He told me, he say this Christmas, he playing it on, focusing more on his kids, spend quality time with them alone during the holidays. I was shocked to hear this. Over the years, he's been good to my kids, but I do see a difference in how he treats them and how he treats his own kids. My kids love him so I never made a big deal out of the fact that he's trying to make a big distinction between the kids. Really hurt my feelings. Then the families are tricky, Yes they are, and I've been trying to make it work, but this is a harsh reality check. My kids come first, but I'm able to love his kids as my own. Now I have doubts about marriage. I'm overthinking this. I think you all got to sit down and have a conversation. Something is happening where he's feeling like he's obviously not paying close enough attention to his own kids. So he decided this year he goes spend times with his kids alone. Somebody that said something to him. He didn't come to this conclusion on his own. Somebody said something to him. Somebody said, you know what the kids feel like, you just treat everybody better than them. They come up and they feel like you'll step child. Somebody fed this information to him. All one of the kids said something to him. That's the only reason for he just suddenly go like this. So he's trying to prove that that's not true. So he gonna be spending a lot of time with just his kids alone on Christmas and he's been with her for three years. Yeah, I don't know how he thinks that's gonna Yeah, he been not later, he been not say that nobody didn't lay down. He's been a mess the kids and then lay down. He can't go to sleep in that house. I can't make that statement. And didn't go get into bed and starts snow. No, that's been to being a temp on your life. But that was kind of cold though. I mean, yeah, he plans to focus more on his kids and spend quality time with them alone during the holiday. Word. Oh all right, Steve, we'll hang on. Part two of your answer is coming up. Um, we'll take a short break here and come back at twenty three after the hours. Subject one big happy family or nothing at all. You're listening, all right, Steve U. This letter is crazy. Let's recap subject one big happy family or nothing at all. Well, it looked like nothing at all because he wanted to spend this holiday with his kids, spend more time with his kids alone. That's time of making your kids have happy Christmases. And my kids over here they nipt stuck out. Now we're not gonna do that this year, Michelle. I want you to be the wife asking me why we can't have this Christmas together, and you're gonna be repeatedly keep asking me about this Christmas, and I would keep giving you different beas Okay, Well, honey, um, I'm so happy the holidays are here. I can't wait to spend Christmas with you. Well, you know, I wish I could say the same. Well, what do you mean we are spending it together, aren't we? Well, you know, we're gonna spend it together, but it's gonna be separate. But separate is not together. Honey, We're gonna spend Christmas together, right, you, me and the kid. Hold on, what kids you talking about? I'm talking about our kids, my kids and your kids. No, no, no, not so your kids a your kid, my kid, Me and my kids gonna spend this holiday together and alone. But honey, we're together. You know, we're We've been dating for it three years now, and y'all this all this is important to you. Yes, and I thought it was important to you that we be together, But not like this though, you talking about all the time I'm talking about during the holidays. Yes, honey, I've planned stuff, I've cooked, I've invited people over all of that, you know, one big happy family. Well, I don't you know, baby, damn you know. You don't ask me nothing. Well, we've we've been together for three years. It's kind of a given that we spend the holidays together. Yeah, but you ain't. You ain't like, did nothing special for the holidays. I've been out here lyned people up. So we make our move, make our move. I thought we were gonna just be together. We put the Christmas tree up and did the decorations and everything. Who all hell put your Christmas tree up? Did he? Well? The kids? Yeah, ain't nobody help but the talk kids. You don't know what they name kid couldn't help out? So where ain't nobody helped? But the talk excuse me? Aside? There's an aside, Honey, what did you say? Nephews aren't worry about hike though even the letter, if I go on, they just did. But the shop kids is what is they doing? I don't know what the shop kids they put all ornaments on the bottom of the tree, and they put your skirt round and the shot kids water. We got plenty for shop people to do round. Somebody got to plug it up every night yeah't that way. You ain't got to being over you. It ain't nothing shot, work ain't nothing for you. Well, honey, and the tree looks so beautiful. I'm so grateful and I just wanted to spend it together, you know, you mean us together. And they hang these balls on the bottom of that tree too. I like, I like treat balls at the bottom of the tree. Okay, ornaments, yes, yeah, them ornaments, But the balls though, I don't like Christmas ornaments as others, you know, acorn Christmas tree? Can I just like ball like angels don't look like angel What about the lights that makes the tree look so pretty? Yeah? Yeah, you gotta hear lights that ornament you made in school and brought home. But it doesn't matter what's on the tree is just as long as we're together, honey, and I want to be together for this Christmas? Well, baby, ain't that ain't no more? Well? Why not? I mean, what's the problem? No, see, you know you just trying to make this something else. I'm trying to make this something else. I haven't told you that. Don't holler, don't that's why right here, you don't need to yell at me. You can't hear. I can hear just fine. I just can't hear just fine when you can be by yourself. But we're gonna be there. How about that? That's alone, and then we're gonna be the it's my house too, yes, clap back? What are you talking about? I don't pay the mortgage and never will, but it's my house. I don't know who told you that. I told myself that when we when we first started living together. Oh well, I'm gonna have to get a restraint and order on you. Oh that works both ways. I can get one on you too, you know. But we're gonna be together. Saint California, this califod Oh you try and do me. Oh, we're gonna be together. Well you want to be right, Cliff? What what you do? You and I'm gonna do you? Never probably had the best prinsple we ever hate? No, I don't think so, honey. It's not gonna go down like that. We've been together for three years. We've always spent Christmas together. We're gonna be together this Christmas, whether you like it or not. When you cook, fight whoever you when we ain't gonna make it to vote, We ain't gonna make it too. Do you have someone else? Do I have someone? You hired me? Because why wouldn't you want to spend it with me? You've been spending Christmas with me all of a sudden, Oh so you want folk? Christmas is in the road. Here we go. We'll be together. We're gonna be together, all right, today's strawberry letter. We gotta get out of here, Steve. That's right. If you need advice on relationships and work and sex and all that, just go to Steve Harvey. F M. You're listening to the stew Well, guys, tis the season for partying. You know, there's all kinds of holiday parties going on. However, the guys are here to warm up your holiday drunk rules. Are you ready? Come on? Will read one off? And what I need y'all to do is demonstrate that type of drunk I'm talking about the first one the woe was crying drunk. I don't every time I come over here, y'all act like y'all mean, yeah, I'm coming every year, fridgy Way and Anty Way, don't you I'm coming and you'll never have me. I ain't coming next year. I don't like no, y'all know how a way really easy. Listened to me. You ain't gonna he cried, Now, ye man, is not y'all father. I didn't want to tell you that. What you fought in you are a note on your job. The next one. Here we go, Steve, you got it. Here we go the start of fight. Drunk talk trash. Oh that's a big one. Go ahead, you got it? What who got to why? I got to open my gear first? I was last year that the fight. Yeah, I'm not opening my gift for first for this year. First for last year, I was the first. I want to be the first this year. I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Get your hand off the box, gift podcast that box because I'm I'm gonna bush you and your eyes water got don't you can ask gift for Chrismoth? What? I don't care if it's you can fight on they were they were fighting the mangel what they don't never make no sense? All right, here we go it for you. This is doing This is the intellectual drunk. There we go. Give me that. Come on, when the stars is landing up in the sky for the galaxy and universe, you're spitting around, that's all right, more of this crazy ignorant show. Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time as promised for All I said was so elas. It's very simple. But if you if you're in a relationship or been in the relationship, there's things that you have said, just little statements. Next thing you know, you're a full blown argument, just just out of nowhere or like all I said was all I said was what would I do with the money if I want the lottery m And I said, you know I said this, I say that. Then all of a sudden, I'm We're in an argument. We have a full argument. O't make believe money? You know what I'm saying right now, I'm time. You know what I'm timeing to. You have been the junior? Yeah? Been there? Still in there? Something? You know? All I said was, you know, if I ever meet Beyonce? Right well, she knew the rest of the statement. And I mean it, that's if I met Beyonce, Hey, you know she allowed me to date husband. I see, tell me you got what you want to know? What I said, John, All? I said, who my girlfriend husband? Be tripping. That's all I said, Jay, my girlfriend husband be tripping, That's all I see. All right. I was on the phone the other day, just you know, my girlfriend, just talking. All I said was because it was just the two of us. Yeah, I didn't know Nesto was in the house. All I said was Morgan Freeman could get it. You know, I don't even talk like that. That was with my girls, you know, just talking. Oh man, the argument that has I'm sorry. You know I didn't say it so much. Just pick one up. See. You know all I said one time one you know, she made me something. I just said. You know, when my mama baked it, she baked it a different got to do it. Yeah, yea. And when you talk about cooking and stuff like that, you don't look over here at me. Okay, everybody glanced everybody whatever's food, we always look at you. I don't know why, man, I mean little simple things. It started, you know, like it. All I said was if we weren't together, x y Z one of your girlfriends, who did I get with? You know that's how I s not together? Yeah, if we were together, I get well, you know you're dead. You hit dad and we weren't together. Ye, you're a dead man. You can't really say nothing about their body. No, you can't. I didn't want I did. I said something one time, I said, why her dressed so tight? You know? Man like he was on my damn right right? Okay, okay, all I said, if she pregnant, it's a possibility, you know. I'm just if she's pregnant, Wow, I can't you want to Maybe maybe I had to give my car key statement. I walked in the room one time, she laying down on the bed trying to put the pants on. I said, that's how we got to do it now. Yeah, yeah, we walked. We walked into this restaurant one time. All I said was me and my exes to come here all the time. And then it helped it the gas brown you back again. I can't nobody, I can't, no nor I'm talking. So what size you were? Now, I'll just what side you were? You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kanye West, jay Z, and Beyonce are the top earning artists of twenty nineteen. This is according to Forbes. Forbes has published its annual ranking, with Kanye sitting at number two. With one hundred and fifty million dollars. Right behind wow, yeah yeah, right behind you is his big brother jay Z and his wife Beyonce. They each brought in eighty one million. Yeazy still has a way to go if he wants to hit the number one spot. Taylor Swift has one hundred and eighty five five million and earnings. That's thanks to him. Yeah really he Yeah, you're right, and it took his hands up there and snatched that award from she'd probably be number ten. So West or what Kanye can take credit for Taylor Swift? Correct? Yeah, she's talented, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that, but thank you for that, k Yeah. Other names on the list include Drake at number eight and Rihanna at number eleven. So there you got Rihanna. How much do they make Let's see, yeah, number eight sometimes they yeah, they just have the ring top five. Let me see, but your money like number three and make eighty one meal you love I would love it. I wouldn't be mad if I was thirty seven. Right last, As long as we're on the list, man, they talked about what you earned. M hmmm, Drake, number eight, that's pretty good. Now, come on Rihanna number eleven with all her fenty all right, more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up and some trending news at thirty three minutes after the hour. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. All right, Jay is here because we're so in the Christmas spirit. Jay, and here you go. You knew what I was when you hired. Let's try and exercise. Wait, let's try to exercise. Let's try this. Shirley Huh. Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, so sweet. Thank you, Carla, Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you and your family. Please big hug for me. You know that's the same with Charity. Thank you, Tommy. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas, Happy holidays, prosperous new Year. Tell Tash and and uh and Tasha, I said, big mirror Christmas from Uncle Tommy over here. Okay tell them now? Will you tell the Miles children the same thing? Jordan Sydney Trey, your wife, tell everybody happy holiday. Yeah, we'll do. Happy Holiday. It's merry Christmas time. We've gotten through another year together. We're family, were family, and and thank you so much. I mean, you know, you've been such an inspiration to us all this year with the TV show and everything. What a blessing, you know. I'm just so happy for you and happy you know, New Year to you and make it. May it be even more prosperous. Please give her a nest all my love. Please I will, and please you do the same with Jackie with her beautiful self. Yes loving, I'm so in the Christmas spirit. May be right back to eating up Jay's segment. Come on on, the son is dedicated to out there. There's gotta be somebody somewhere who wish. Is someone I love one, a friend, a relative, whatever, which is leave their house for Christmas? Please be gone? But christless, this I bad love. I don't care where you go and I don't care, so please be gone the Chrismas this I bade a be you see it. You're done, my less, I have my head be age, James. That's it. You sound so depressed while you was saying you're a mean one, mister Grench mean one, mister gone. Yeah. The word is somebody would ride with somebody's shot and they turn that up. They just up. Please come home for Christmas, not be gone. All right, Coming up, it's Steve Harvey and his closing remarks. You don't want to miss it. At forty nine after the hour you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve Harvey, you've brought your fabulous, uh and very insightful, very informal, very motivating closing remarks. Back is something that you started years ago when you first started the Steve Harvey Morning Show. And people have grown to love them and and you know to live by them and be inspired by them. So what do you have for us? Here's today a real good piece of motivation and makes your quest to become successful a little bit simpler. You know, oftentimes people are stuck in a rut because they can't think they way clear to see the end result. What I mean by is some people make such lofty goals and then they sit there without a plan of attack to achieve that lofty goal until they've created a goal that seems so daunting that they don't even start the process of a trying to accomplish it. For example, and this doesn't have to be the case. I'm just using this as an example. Let's say you want to be a millionaire and you say, wow, I want to make a million dollars, and then you start thinking of how to make the million dollars, and because you can't, it becomes so daunting. Making a million dollars is difficult. If it were easy, wouldn't you do it by Friday? Wouldn't you? Of course you would. But it's a little more difficult than that. So here's what I had to learn in my life. Everybody listening to this was born with a gift. It's inside of you. Because God is very fair, he didn't put it on a mountaintop, he didn't hide it under a rock. It's in you. And your gift is the thing that you do to absolute best with the least amount of effort. In that lies your greatest chance for success. There's a scripture that says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men. Let's just look at the first part of that, your gift will make room for you. My interpretation of that has meant what my gift has done for me. It has allowed me to spread out, It has taken me places I never dreamed got gold. Your gift will do the same thing for you. So now let's just talk about your ability to it to the million. I think it's what your gift, because if that's what that he gave you and instill that you at birth, was to make room for you, here's your chance. Now how do I do that? Steve? I call it to maximize your effort by ten theory. It's just something I came up with driving when I was home listening, coming up without to make it, and I discovered something. All of you have something that some would pay you ten dollars to do. Some of you paint, some of you teach, some of your babysitting tutors. Some of you work with your hands. Some of you can sing, some of you can choreograph. Some of you there's so many things. Cut grass, I play the piano, some of you do something. Some of y'all work on cards, some of y'all drive. But all of you have something that you will do that someone will give you ten dollars to do. All of you have something that someone will pay you ten dollars to because you do something that someone else can't do. So now all you gotta do instead of trying to figure out how to make a million dollars. It's go make the ten dollars that you're able to make. Once you make that ten dollars, I want you to do it ten more times. When you do it ten more times, you now have one hundred dollars. Once you have one hundred dollars, it's very simple. Do the same thing you did to make one hundred dollars ten more times, you now have one thousand dollars. See, you don't have to keep thinking of something else to do. Just keep doing the same thing that you've been doing. Just do it. Multiply the effort. It's the effort that maximizes and brings about the fruition of what your life can be. So, if you make a thousand dollars and you do that ten more times, I have news for you. Now have ten thousand dollars. Now, now, in order to make a one hundred thousand, you might need a little bit of help. You might need to high somebody to help you do the thing that you do. But if you make ten thousand dollars and you do what you did to make ten thousand dollars, which is the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, you now have one hundred thousand dollars. Now, listen to me. Friends, Once you have a hundred thousand dollars, I could assure you you are going to need help because in order to maximize one hundred thousand dollars, you have to have some like minded people around you. Nobody gets to the top alone. Nobody becomes successful and wealthy by themselves. They form partnerships, relationships, they get employees. But once you make a hundred thousand dollars doing the same thing you did to make ten dollars, if you do it ten more times, I have news for you, my friends. Congratulations, you have just made one million dollars with a ten dollar idea. Stop trying to figure out how to make the million. What all you gotta do is take your ten dollars gift that God has put in you. It's a million dollar gift that you have. You just haven't broken it down inch by inch. Anything's as sinch and maximize the efforts. That's how you become successful. These jokes that pay me what I make now, it's the same jokes that pay me twenty five dollars a night. They're the same jokes. It's all English. This is not in another language. I don't know no more words now than I knew then. I've taken these twenty five dollars jokes and I maximize them over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It's the same jokes I was telling babysitters who charge fifty dollars to watch kids. Babysitters end up opening up daycare centers. Daycare centers turned into franchises, crime dollar crime monastory schools. These are national franchises. Somebody was just babysitting. My partner used to cut grass. First three dollars in the front, three dollars in the back. He got a landscape and come to Cleveland. He made four million dollars a year. You know what he do? He cut grass, same six dollar grass cutn't he been doing? You? Check out some trucks. Now, what is it that you do that somebody will pay you ten dollars that you can maximize your effort for and turn it into your million. Trying to figure out how to make the million. Take your ten dollars skills set and start hammering it and beating it and working it and grinding and hustling and multiplying and magnifying it and you will make a million dollars. That's my closing remm. Thank y'all very much. Thanks all right now called boy. Yeah, y'all have a great weekend. For all Steve Every contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.