Happy Veteran's Day, Heart Health, Steve's VM, Sheryl Underwood and more.

Published Nov 11, 2021, 11:00 AM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! The CLO took it waaaaaay back just before he addressed something in NOLA. Drake breaks his silence. We salute those that served in The United States Armed Forces. Thank you. Uncle Steve's voicemail is truly like a box of chocolates. Is there a correlation between heart disease and bedtime? Would You Rather took an interesting turn today. We heard from Kyle Rittenhouse and are speechless. Our girl from The Talk shows love to her family and stepfather for Veterans Day. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve mentions his time on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and the focal point is 100%.

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know, y'all back a suit on the don giving them like a million bucks things and it's not good. Steve Harp to mother Stuart Joy. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn them out. Got to turn them out. Then the water, the water, y'all, come, come on your bad uh huh, I show will good morning everybody. Y'all listening to the bars, Come on dig me now one and on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Man on Man on man, grateful for it comes with a huge amount of responsibility. I didn't really know I was gonna have to be this responsible, you know, Um, can I share something with y'all? I started out to Finally I had gotten on track and was able to see a way to even pursue my dream. It has been a long, a long trip that I've been on, and I've gone through so many phases of it. It is rewarding along the way to accomplish your dreams. What I'm saying is this, let me let me put it together, because I got so much running through my head right now. You know, it's it's one thing to accomplish your dream, but there's joy in the process of achieving it. See, some people are so caught up in the goal, the final goal, that they find no joy, no enjoyment in the process. If you have found what it is you want to do and you strike out on that journey, please understand you are far more blessed than the average person to know what it is you really want to do. To find your work in life, your purpose, to find out what direction you want to go in is such a blessing. The average person, if you sit down and talk to them, oftentimes don't have their life on track. And it'd be some people that you're looking at you think God are going on because of their appearance, their swagger, or they walk like it, they talk like it, they look like it. But if you sit down and talk to the average person, the average person man does not know what their purpose is, has not discovered what they want to do, and have no idea how to get there. If you are on the other side of that, if you understand your purpose, if you have an idea of what you want to be, and you are on your way there, you are truly blessed. And in that blessing. You must recognize it as a blessing. You must recognize the fact that you are on the right side, and that there should be a sense of accomplishment and a feeling of pride in you that you are on track to accomplish your goal. See what used to happen was sometimes I used to keep my nose so on the grindstone that I wouldn't even look up and realize. Man, hey, man, I know you're trying to get here, but steve, hold on, man, can't you see what you've done so far? Can't you find just some joy in the process. See, a lot of us lose the joy of the blessings God has given us because we're looking at the end. Toot, I ain't there yet. You on your way. I'm gonna give you an example. I had a friend who told me that they wanted to be a million now, and they asked me some questions and I told him, so they started the process, and I am telling you, this dude works extremely hard. So about a year later we were talking. He had found this business, he had set his goal, and he was working towards it. Then about two years later I ran up into him again. We were talking about it and everything. It's a man really really appreciate the advice. He said, Man, but this is all jacked up, man, because I still ain't made that million I was talking about. I said, well, hey, man, just just keep at it. It's coming. He a, man, keep at it. Man. You know how long I've been doing this? Been two years now. And I didn't say that to him, but I said to myself, yeah, two years. He said, Man, I've been grinding so long. Man, it's just it ain't having it from me. I said, wait a minute, man, hold on, hold on. I said, about how much you're making right now a year? Man, about two hundred and fifty thousand. I quit breathing. I said, well, my man, two years ago you didn't have a clue. Two years later, you're making a quarter of a million dollars. I said, man, do you understand how blessed you are? I said, man, your family was about to get put out two years ago. You don't bought a house? Yeah, man, but this ain't the house. I really won't. Ohoa Pardner, WHOA, I got that. I got that the house you really won't make Mike call five eight million. I don't know, but Man, y'all got a house, you're making a payments, you drive it. You ain't out no more. I said, hold on, man, you got to stop. I said, you got to stop. I said, man, because right now, man, you you coming across as real ungrateful to me. And so he said, man, why are you tripping like that? Man? Man, you act like don't nobody want to have nothing but you? I said, whoa man, where are you going with this conversation? I said, Oh, I didn't come to you. I just came to you and ask you how you doing. And I'm trying to point out to you that the journey that you started on, that you are on your weight, and you are in the process of accomplishing your goals. And can you not feel some joy and some pleasure in your accomplishment. Quit tripping on the fact that you ain't made a million yet. You on your way. You don't went from your He thought, this dude was making fifteen thousand dollars a year. You making quarter of a million dollars in two years. May come on, man, can't you see? Can't you see? So he said eventually a man, I kind of see what you're saying. But that ain't about nothing to me because I ran up into him a year and a half later. How you doing, man, Man, I showed, wish I'd appreciate it my life when I had it like that? I said, what you mean? Had it like that? Man? Just fell on some hard times. Man, I'm right back why I was. And then we talked. I said, hey, man, don't worry about it. I said, Once you know how to accomplish something, I said, you just reapply the same principles and start on over again. Man, you know how hard it is to be to start over. Okay, my man, Hold up, partner, you can't do yourself like this again. First you wasn't grateful for what you had. Now you're looking at the fact that you might have to start over, and you know how hard it is to start over. Maybe God said, okay, you ain't happy with this. Okay, didn't handle it your way? You obviously ain't happy with the way I'm bringing it into your life. You want to handle it your weight, Go ahead and handle it because he will let you have it your way. Can I tell you that he will let you do it exactly the way you want to it because he gives us all the power of choice. So then maybe he said, Okay, you don't appreciate the way I'm doing it. You don't like the favor I'm showing you. You think it's take it too long. I'm gonna let you do it your way. I'm not gonna turn my back on you. I'm just gonna let you do it your way. Just just say. Maybe he said that, and now he right back where it was. So what I try to get the young cat to understand was, man, appreciate your life for what it is. Because like life, Jenny's got that song that he got out off this album. Still I still believe it could have been worse. And now that it is worse, what's on your mind now, Folks, If you are on that side of life where you have figured out what you want to do, you know how you're gonna get that, and you know your purpose. You're accomplishing what the majority of people never ever do. So be grateful for your process. Don't tumble yourself, don't throw yourself off to cliff. It's gonna be all right. Success takes a measure of time. It is not easy. If success were easy, everybody would be successful. You're listening to Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the Steve Harvey Morning Show again introducing a man who has claimed to be the innovator, creator, an activator of the entire music industry. He is currently in a three trillion dollar lawsuit against the music industry for rights, publishing rights, ownership of all music that he is responsible for. Ladies and Gentlemen, one of the greatest lounge singers songwriters of our time, Roscoe Wallace, with another song that is involved in the lawsuit that he wrote, There's one things as appreciated very for believing every everything. Here we go on two one, two three paper? Who was a roll houling stone? Hell, well, he laid hat wasn't home and when he died everybody got left alone. Yeah, I said, Nah, Papa wasn't we wasnt rolling stone? And what do you do? Whoever? He laid hat home and when he died everybody felt all alone? Yeah? That jam right there, Papa rolling tim jj omen for that too. The whole catalog belonged to me. I would just another here right here. Thank you so much for having me and for letting me plead my case to the world. For listing. Stop all that breathing college all good. Hat hate an't gonna get you. No, where's morning? Time too early for hate, way too early for he. Let me Jay call. I think me and you both know who ain't wrote it. No, No, that would be you. I say I did, and you cause you. I say that I wrote it because I did. That's a different between me in you, and that's why I didn't put you in the lawsuit. Thank you. I'm gonna suit me. Donna get sued up in him. Came I talked to you, lay all I would know him. Let me represent your state. Oh hell no, I like that? Help what Let me let me represent your state? Be good man. Let me ask you something you know. You ain't big on the truth. I don't believe in it all the time. Okay, would you take a lot of take the test if a Marger was asking a question? What? No? Absolutely, Now, I'm not gonna let you put all the wires on, but I'm gonna take the test of it's gonna be rigged, you know if when you ain't looking, I'm gonna snatch a wire too off. But I'm gonna take this test because I have to appear as dope. I'm cooperating, but I gotta tell you you ain't looking. I gotta get to it. The wise awful. All right, so much for that rigged polygraph. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, we're gonna start the show off with Nephew. Tommy's run that prank back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, time to start your morning off with run that rank back with the nephew. What you got now, well, Shirley, we're gonna run it back. It's in w A. Okay, that's not ice cube, that's not easy Ad, that ain't Andre. Okay. This is n WA, n word abolisher, in word abolish, and we've been to put a stop to to using the N word right here, right now. Okay, okay, let's go randit cat. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach a mister Fears. My name is Andrews is here. Okay, how are you doing, sir? Everything going good tonight, man, I'm doing fine? Word um wow, uh sir, listen, my name is once again Andrews, and I'm with n WA, which is in word abolishers, and as you know, the N word just got buried and we're trying to keep that successful and trying to do as much as we can for people to not use the word. It's been brought to our attention that you have been consistently u using the word even after we've buried it, and what we're wanted to do is first of all, ask you to stop, and we don't want to take any other actions which could mean not only burying the word, but also burying the people who use it, such as yourself. Thank you don't call from and I told you I'm late for work? Man? You called me with please? I say, I want to say, I ain't got time to be listener n w A y'all need to go listen to a rap record or something. I'm calling my su I got to do. I'm big man. I understand that, sir. We're just asking you, sir, can we could you possibly not use the N word? Go ask somebody else? Calling somebody else bother? I say, I say, station called me with this with you crazy N I ain't never heard of y'all, sir? Do you were just I know it's I know it's a process, sir, but we're asking you that if you could just possibly just quit using the word man, you I'll use whatever the hell I want. I don't know you, You don't know me. What the hell you how you know I'll use the word anyway, Sir, could you please not call me that? I said, don't call me that now. Don't get me bent out of shape about it? All right? You sound like a stupid I got you what I've said. Huh. I told you I got to do, man, I ain't got time to play on the pot. I'm trying to make sure that here in this country from now on, the word is not used anymore. And for you to do this, for you to continue to go against the grain, we gotta put a stop to it. I don't have a problem the type of that's who I am. I'm a good gristling grain type of I don't have a problem burying you along with the word. Oh look, you calling crazy boy bury me. I'm a burry You to bear a hatchet in your back? How about that? You don't like that, dude? Inn Wa with attitude, that's what your ship called. It's not it's in wa, it's in word abolishers with attitude. Stupid. I don't know who made up with my apologist's spell. Apologists apologists because you're stupid. Don't call my phone. It's in Look, you're gonna talk to me with some respects. Talk to me with some respects, sir. You aren't get no respect for me. Can you call my phone? Stupid bro? You call me. I don't know how you got my I was spending this much time talking to your stupid You sound like a dumb calling somebody phone. Co cost nine wanted one to get you some help, so don't get you swop him. Oh well, I'm right here. I ain't moving. I live right here at thirteen o one. I ain't come to see me. Look it up. If you can't find it, get your GPS right here. Can I tell you another thing? You can tell me whatever you want to tell me. This is I feel timing from the Steve Harvey Martin Show. You just got pray by your brother Marcus space Man. You are crazy. Dog You're crazy, y'all, y'all crazy? Amen? Amen's true? Hey, look at your brother Marcus told he told us he said I bet him five hundred dollars. He was gonna use the N word before the month was up. Dog Man, y'all, can't just you know told it like this? You know, cub, but you can't. Just told U. Something on me made it take time. It's like stop smoking cigarettes. It take me six months just to get it out. My sister timeout, your brother said, he said, I promise you. My brother Calvin is the craziest person I know. He said, he gonna go off as soon as you call it. I might have been. The critic said, he know, but y'all some of the crazy on the radio. That damn. Hey, Calvin dooman favorite man, work my man, dog, Yeah, hold up, work on the word, all right, work on time. I'm gonna try. I promise, do a fast try to fans for about two weeks without using all right, okay, yeah, that's a good. Let me ask you what is this? Boy? What is the baddest radio show in the land. You got to be kids, don't ask like that. It's the Steve Harby Morning Show. Man. I'm listening stol folks every morning. How about that? All right? Say for now, you say folks and people and y'all try so, y'all think I got any progress out of shutting that word down? Did I get any progress with him? No? Excuse me? Excuse me? Oh my man? They do you really am getting him to polish that. Yeah, he had no chance. Will stop it? You're not You're not stopped it be not stopped it stupid. Is happening tomorrow night, y'all. In case you didn't know, it's at the Ramona Pavilion Ballroom, Jacksonville, Florida. Nephew Tommy and Friends Comedy Show. We got two shows Friday to Saturday, seven and ten, both nights, seven and ten, both nights, Jacksonville. I need some help. Last comedy club, y'all. Head down there. I think it burned down. But it was a lady in ned that made a hell of a banana putting. Could you tell her time in coming to town? She got the best banana putting in the South. And I'm looking for tell her the nephew looking for. I am at the Ramona Pavilion ball Room. Leave bring me something that putting. Lord Hammers all right, but thank you, nephew. Coming up, it is asked the CLLO. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour and trending entertainment news. Drake has broken his silence about Astra Whirl and Attorney Benjamin Crump has been hired to represent one of the victims. Plus, we'll talk about celebrity couple divorce news, and Carla is on deck with today's music news. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now it is time for Steve's favorite segment, Ask the CLO Chief Love Officer. Ready for your love questions? Here we go. This one is from Simone in Birmingham. Simone says, I work in administration at a hospital and I hired a young woman for an entry level position. She presented as very polished and professional, but whenever she opens her mouth, she wants everyone to know how woke she is. She loves to bring up civil rights issues with her white co workers and she's offended. All of the Trump supporters in the office, even the black employee, are uncomfortable around her. How can I fix this? You need brother to inside and go a little sister. Let me help you out with something or there's a time and place for everything. She was hired as a what surely a hospital for entry level position. Now let me explain something to you. You got everybody around her own edge, and you're creating an uncomfortable work atmosphere for a lot of people with your discussions of politics and everything. You have every right to feel how you feel, vote for who you want to vote for. You're making your co workers are uncomfortable with a lot of your stances. Just asking you to tone it down there. If you all want to get together and have discussion groups off the job site, that would be perfectly fine with me. But while at work, if we could refrain from the discussions of politics that's causing this discomfort in our office, it would serve you greatly. If you continue continue to create what's going to be looked at soon as a hostile work environment, you will be held accountable for that. Get your black ass back out there. Don't come back in here with this and see what I'm talking about. Shut your damn mouth. See woman doesn't set up here and hide your ass trying to give you a shot at you, and he scared all the white fox. I personally don't give a damn bout the Trump's supporter, but well, we got to work with him now, right right, all right? Moving on, Nathan and South Philly says, I'm a fifty five year old married man and I caught my wife sitting in her car with another man outside her hair salon. She took longer than expected and didn't answer her phone, so I went by the salon. The guy got out of the car and walked inside the salon. My wife said he is the owner of the salon, and he just came out to say hi. I had to go all weekend with my mind racing. Should I have gone inside and questioned this guy or not? No, But when you're sitting in that cardo when I roll up, you know it might be my wife car. But to trust and believe though I had something to do with it being her car. Okay, Yeah, we're gonna handle it in the parking lot, that's all. I ain't gonna get back in this. You ain't get it back in it. We ain't get back in that way. You know where the good that you're going to stay out here in this parking lot. You ain't gonna get inside and seeing that year old you fit fire. You ain't shop no more. You ain't no how that your mind racing. My mind ain't gonna be racing. His mind race every time he come out that salon, his mind gonna get the race. Every time he opened his card, though, his mind gonna race. Where is nates At? Where's Nat ass At? I'm gonna be like Nat turner on a slave owner. You're gonna be looking for me. I'm coming up the river. Where is NAT's gonna be your message? I'm not fit to be the only one. My weekend tossed up your whole life from here on out? Where the hell is now? Yeah? All right? Moving on Athena in New Orleans, Closs, I have three sisters that are very close, but I am not speaking to them because my oldest sister married a man that I dated for twelve years. She went behind my back and slept with him, and he dumped me for her. My other two sisters knew all along that they were messing around, and they never told me. This has been haunting me for years, and now I really missed my sisters and I want closure. Should I be the bigger person and contact them? You don't want to stop talking to them, See, lady, You're trying to create something, an illusion that you're the bigger person that won't reach out to them. You stopped talking to your sisters. You don't even know the whole story, especially from the other two sisters. Now the other sister that's got the man, that's where it. Look. You gotta get some closure, got to reach some type of things, so you can handle that. But the other sisters, what you're blaming them for? They didn't tell you what you want them to say. It's not their fault. So should you be the bigger person? You do want to walk away from relationship, so quite naturally you should be the one to go over there saying, I miss y'all, you know I struggle to get past that. Where wasn't your man twelve years? Come on now? Twelve years away? And it ain't lead to manage y'all dated for twelve years? What is going little ragged ass relationship you had? Because you ain't got that little ragged as twelve year golo wee as relationship. It is a tough blow that that's a tough blow. I'm the unbelievable blow. If it's your brother, I do I shall I get? But that's a tough blow. Shouldn't a sister that did the one to come? I don't know what's wrong with huh? But you know you should be the bigger one to go to the other sisters. But like I said, now that sister that got you. Man, that's where we got the problem at I don't really know how to work through that. That's an ass woman. That has to happen. Oh man, my brother already know what that is. Yeah, but me and my brother know what that is. But that had never happened O between them, because that's my brother. It's my brother, and I don't even know how to We was raised different exactly keep my brother, man, I had it happened, the ass woman has to happer. But that's not gonna happen. In mind, man, that's an impossibility. Don't do that. I get that's did you guys won't be fighting because he won't do it. Not my brother, Yeah, my brother, my nephew, nephew. I got nephew month old in me. That could never happen between us. It could never. It's unthinkable. It's impossible, all right, Well, moving on, Wellnda and Franklin, Tennessee says, when I got married four years ago, I came into the marriage with credit card debt, and I've paid most of it. My credit cards are in our safe and I used them only in case of emergencies. I was sitting on the back porch earlier and I got to text alert of suspicious activity on my visa. I asked my husband if he used my card and he said he bought an air friar on the card and he will pay it off asap. Um. Shouldn't he have asked me before he used my credit card? Or is this a what's mine is yours type situation? Well? He need a combination to the safe you know, unless you got he isn't her safe? Well is the after? I incaut but that sounds like a nice community practice because I'm show you use laugh watch all right, thank you, Cello. Coming up at the top of the hour, we'll have some entertainment news for you right after this. You're listening to the same show. Drake has finally broken his silence in the wake of the Astra World Festival. Drake says, I've spent the past few days trying to wrap my mind around this devastating tragedy. My heart is broken for the families and friends of those who lost their lives, and for anyone who is suffering. I will continue to pray for all of them and will be of service in any way I can. That's from Drake. Meanwhile, the lawsuits against Travis Scott are piling up, including one from the family of a nine year old victim who's currently fighting for his life. Ezra Blount was nearly trampled to death during the chaos that ensued at Energy Park. His family has retained the services of Ben Crump for the lit negation. According to the paperwork Crump filed on the child's behalf, Ezra was kicked, stepped on, and trampled as people around him were lifting up unconscious bodies of friends and strangers and surf them over the top of the crowd, hoping to send them to safety. Meanwhile, Energy Park has an insurance policy that'll pay out up to twenty six million dollars. Oh that's yes, yeah, Energy Park, I'm telling you. But now I don't know if they're releasing the paperwork on who he's suing. But Live Nation got problem, thought, Yeah they do. Energy Park got a problem. All all the big boys behind this got a problem, y'all. Quit point of friends at Travis Scott and Drake and all this here, y'all, y'all can stop all that because they so far down the food chain in this. Because I'm telling you how this works. Man. Now unless it's his company. Yeah, see, unless it's his company. And trust me, Live Nation is the big boys. They're the big boys, the biggest. So they got they got a major problem. My lawyer told me. We were talking about it the other day. My lawyer said, trust me, Live Nation lawyers ain't been to sleep because you haven't heard much from them or about them. You know your statement. So surely they're so busy. Oh but it is. I really feel bad for I feel bad for all the victims. But a child. But now, let me say something to adults. Let me say something to adults that have children. Your children can't go everywhere just because they want to, that's true. Yeah. And this man had the little boy on his shoulders, on the shoulders so he could see the concert. It's a brother and the little boys, the nine year old, and he I think the father fell, Yeah, it had to. Yeah, then that's how his son, father protect his son. I'm sure that. Yeah, of course, I'm sure of that. I'm sure his brother right here did everything in his power. Yeah. That's a hard fall of that boy up there on his shoulders. Yeah, that's so sad, horrible. That's what some of the reports say, all right, m we're gonna switch gears here. Talk about some celebrities that are breaking up. This couple is a hip hop producer and reality stars Stevie J and his wife Faith Evans. Well, they've called it quits after only three years of marriage. Stevij put in the paperwork, yeah, at a Los Angeles County Superior court. It's unclear just what promoted the split between Faith and Stevie J, but the marriage started off a bit rocky. Last year, Faith was reportedly arrested for domestic violence for allegedly attacking Stevie. This will be the second divorce for Faith and the first for Stevie. That's sad. Well, I met them out at this function. I was at out in Beverly Hills, and yeah, I just really liked her because I always liked Stevie Ja, yes character, and now I've always liked Faith, so I thought I thought they looked good together. But you know, yeah, it happens. I'm back over here theaepid Day, Come on back, I'm a day. I'm all right moving on. Carlos is here with today's music news. What you got Carlo, Well, we just want to give a shout out guys to Missy Elliott. She received her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. So yeah, I love me some Missy, miss Nina Elliott. She did a speech and she showed love to her sisters in hip hop, the women she called godmothers, Queen Latifa, you know the just moony love Angie Stone, Rock Say and Chantey Yo Yo mc light, Salton Pepper and you know, Missy showed them all love and then she praised them as the backs that we stand on in the foundation of you know, women, female mcs and hip hop and producers. And Missy also thanked her fans. Uh Sierra was there with her. So it was really really nice, so much deserved. So shout out to Missy Elliott. Get your Hollywood Yeah like cool to be on. Yeah, I remember when we were out there for you see. Oh yeah said doctor Phil was there. Ye meant the most timidle Sonny Calhoun was there, Lord him or your childhood friend straight out of Cleveland where he wasn't really my friend, he was my my whole ambition in life. He was Manny. His brother was my friend. Man Sunday was his big brother. Sunday wasn't pimp. Sunday came out on Where is this going, had on the lemon yellow suit. I was loved boy, right hill Man, this dude right here when I saw Sunday, Man, it was hot at hell outside. Yeah, but he had fur coat with him. A little about pimps. Dog Hi boys, Man, I can't leave this man. Look at you got a star. Man. Everybody leaves, aren't taking picture with it. He don't need nobody to fit. Yeah, only standing around with everybody, only pure with him. Man, Steve, gotta star here on ground. Man, Man, you want us? Man? God coming up at twenty minutes after the hour more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show on this Veteran's Day right after this. You're listening today Veterans Day. This is the holiday that we recognize an honor all past and present military who have served our country. Unlike Memorial Day, which remembers the fallen, this day celebrates those who served in war and got to come home. This holiday is celebrated each year on November eleventh because it's the day that signifies the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of nineteen eighteen, when World War One ended. We want it takes the time to thank all of our veterans for serving and their sacrifices. Of course, I mean thank you, thank you, thank thank you. Yeah yeah to the veterans, absolutely yeah you. Happy better day to my husband, Toosh Army bet yep yeah. And we also want to remind everyone that our very own nephew, Tommy's found dation, Miles of Giving, is dedicated dedicated to helping veterans. Right, Tommy as that Miles and Giving, we give back to wounded veterans. Tommy went over did two? USO two is over there? Oh? Saudi Arabia, afghanastand Germany? Kuwait, you name it. I was there on the front line. If you ain't ever seeing what the front line looking like, let me tell you it's a whole different beach, buddy. So I take my hat off to all the soldiers and just I'm gonna give this to you. Save the date, all right, This is the Miles of Giving weekend twenty twenty two, May thirteenth to the sixteenth, where well, New Orleans, Louisiana. It's the Miles and Giving weekend. But we got comedy shows, We're doing service projects for the betters. We got a Sunday brunch hosted by oh My first Lady, the one and only Jacqueline. Jacqueline Miles will be hosting the Sunday brunch. I got a golf tournament that's gonna be off the chain Monday to sixteenth PPC, Louisiana. So everybody in Louisiana and around the way, you want to come hang out with your boy? This has saved the date. Miles. A given weekend twenty twenty two, May thirteen through the sixteen, New Orleans, Louisiana, and a golf course down that time. And that's nice, man, that's a nice PC course in the New Orleans. Ship got it on. Lock on the stay pretty. If you ain't business man, come play with your boy. Man. I showed you, man, I want to come down there. Man, I'm gonna take more time out. Man, I'm gonna I'm gonna be a better golfer this year. I say that a year. I said that two weeks ago, and I wasn't worth damn. I mean, as soon as you say it and go out there, golf call, you're gonna be a better what man? Congratulations, hit the golf ball to make it go where you want it to go. It's very very hard to do man, to make a what I missed that a golf ball go where you want it to go, Jess, cause you hit it with this stick. That's hard though, it's really really hard. I'm about I don't knows that hit a golf ball to make money. I can't do that. I can't do that. All right, coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour, we're gonna check Steve Harvey's voicemail eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time to check Steve's voicemail. Let's see what we got at eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. All right, Steve, let's go to the phones. Line one. Sharanda in Louisiana. All right, missus, Steve, Barbon you all. Her name is? She want the awesome time from Basha Louisiana. I love you our program every morning it's up listening to me, especially Virgin had to say about our heavenly Father. It's uplifting and keeping him first. And God bless you all up and here got Monday comes again. Thank y'all. God. Lets you all somebody, Oh she do the announcements, Tommy giving under God, our Past, the first Lady Membership, Friend Christian Friends. You have a scripture right after. Well, thank you for that. You know, we try to be inspirational on this show. It's part of the program, So thank you very much. What else we got, Sherley? All right, let's go down the line for and talk to Steph Walker. Okay, Steve Harvey. We listen to your Strawberry letter every morning as we're driving to work, and we heard that Strawberry letter about the brother who married into the family, the white family with the racist brother. So you know, my husband just said, what about part so we need to hear how this and up we need to to be continued a right, So we're waiting. Y'all be good and y'all been safe and well bye bye. Yeah. Now you know something, Steph, I agree with you. I would love to get a letter from the man who wrote the letter because thanksgiving us. So when it gets here, we would love to know what the hell happened to ourselves. You know, we've done these Strawberry letters a few ways. Remember we were doing them live sometimes and then remember we would get the people on the phone. But these are real letters. I know, I know people think we make these letters up, but we don't. These are very real letters. And these letters get a little bit you know, remember that time we had that oh lord, we had that all lady that was dating the pastor and they found out about it because they just was listening to the show and it just didn't make it made sense that their church together. Yeah yeah, yeah, and all hell broke loose. So we had stopped doing live Strawbay letters because it was getting live. Yeah, it was some people going up there adding some mode to the story. So we had to stop doing that. But I would like to do some follow ups. We've had some follow ups, so that's an interesting concept we would I wish we could reach out to maybe Mississippi Monica could reach out to the letter writer and just say, hey, we love to know how it worked out for you on Thanksgivings follow up let us know. So Steph Walker, We're gonna look into that and see if we make that happen. YEA cool? All right, let's go to line at two and talk to Foster and Pensacola High Steem. My name is Foster Smith in Pensacola, Florida. I'm so glad you saw that up about Michael Jordan. There shouldn't be no debate by Michael Jardon Lebron Jane. Michael Jordan is the greatest that devil put some tennis. Michael Dron was a musty player after his second year in the NBA day his whole career. Thank you, because, man, like you know, I was sitting here and I was listening to the debate, and I was listening because Lebron's a great player, man and done and his and his off the field is even even more accomplishing. If not, that's great, But and I was thinking of he's won titles at the Lakers, he's won a title down in Miami, and he's won Titling Cleave. That's sheer greatness. When everywhere you go you can manage to put a team together on your back and lead him to the promised Land. That's impressive. But when I look at the footage of the tape and I see the skill set that both these players possessed, and I was alive and old enough to witness both of them in my prime, because I'm in my prime now and was in my Prime Prime Nen. I justn't had no money. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player to ever damn drivel period. Now you argue whoever you want, if you want to, I'm saying what I said. You ain't got no radio showy Alright, you have something to say, call Steve's voicemail at eight seven seven twenty nine. Steven, please leave a message coming up next to nephew with today's frank phone call. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject my ex paid for my grandma's funeral. We'll get into that in just a bit, but right now it is a nephew here with today's frank phone call. What you got for is nef ah. You know, I don't know how to say it. Let me find the right words, because I wanted to sound affectionate. Uh, your wife as fine as heil. I'm gonna beat your play this ragged ass Penny. I wish you this or something like that. Your wife. Let hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Daryl. Yeah, this is Darrel Hors this and tell how you're doing. My name is Alonzo man. I um for liquor distributing company. I do a district liquid distribution. How you doing today? I'm pretty good. I'm pretty good man. What can I do for you? Hey, we're putting together a big, big event man with vodka and they're throwing a They're throwing a huge pool party. And like I say, I've been I'm in the liquor business man. I've been doing it for for quite some years now. And you know, we're always trying to do different type of publicity and really get to hype up. And what we're trying to do, man, is really get people to come out to this fashion party. Because it's the first quarter twenty twenty. We wanted to be a one to remember. And uh, I know the no no no, no, no, no no no no, you're I go to the bank, I go to the bank where your where your wife works at Kindred And Okay, what we're trying to do is have I mean, we want our flyer and slash poster to be something really really memorable, something that's gonna really draw people in. And you have this, This thing is gonna be all over social media, the whole nine yards. So we're trying to see you know, buddy of mine told me that he kind of knew of you or had a had a number on you, and I was like, cool, let me reach out to him. He told me you were Kendra's husband, So I want my husband. So I don't understand what my wife's got to do with this whole thing. Okay, what I'm trying to do is see if you were cool with Kindred being on our flyer. Man. I mean, because your wife is finish, so we want to put her on the flyer. And what you mean my wife is finish? What do you mean we want? You're gonna call me up and talk about my wife? Vin, it's wrong with you, brother, Brother, it's this. It's a respect thing I'm giving you. I'm giving you crowds. Its crowds, and I'm giving bucking out what you need man, because it don't sound right, dude, We're trying to get your wife. We want to get her to a photo shoot in a Portini so we can put it how. No, you ain't using my wife and no Porkini to put on no fly you want your damn mind. It's my wife's man, respect me. Okay, Okay, okay, okay, hold on man, hold on, man, Why are you tripping like this? Bro? Why are you tripping like little wife? My wife ain't gonna be no damn no, the flying for no, the party man with the you think this is what's wrong with you? Okay, bro, bro, you know what, Man, I tried to call you and give you to respect. I mean I'll get out sound like what? Boy? Well okay, look, I didn't call for no argument. I just I just talked to Kendra. When I go to the place, depart and see if she want to do. Oh oh, he's gonna go to my wife's job at the bank. That's what you're gonna do. Okay. I'm just ain't gonna do this because I'll be there too, and I don't make a deposit with my foot, you know, go ahead, okay, okay, hold on man. We were playing, we're playing five thousand dollars for the photos. Okay again, what you're paying? No amount of money's gonna let me put my wife, the mother of my children, on the close to end. No for Kenny, I don't care how much you can kiss my ass, will let you do that? Okay, Okay, bro, okay, so I ain't gonna really go back and forth what you man? I was calling you trying to be a man. Okay, well I'm trying to be man to man with you. Just you know, throw the opportunity at you. Now you throwing it back up. You was with disrespect. I wouldn't showing me for my wife to be a side now. No, I don't want none of that. Okay, man, No, your wife frying is hell. People are Oh, you need to quit telling me how fine my wife is. Okay, horder gave you my phone number in the first place I've got. Hey, man, evidently that's all Mulling pointed. Just all right, I don't even matter. Just one the boy day. The issue on the table is I want to take some pictures of Kenny. Let me know when you plan on going to my wife job at the bank. Let me know, and you're gonna bring your black down there. I can be there. Okay. Nobody calls another brother a talk about how fine his wife says Okay, I told you know that you shouldn't get stopped right there, But you're gonna keep all talking about my wife. Okay. So let me say this though, Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. That's the one brought all this to our pitching at the meeting. Tommy is the one that said your wife was fine as hell. Though, Tommy just Tommy. Tommy said your wife is fine as hell. That's what Tommy can get hit too. Who is Tommy? You don't you take your wife to work in the morning. Let me know, and you're gonna bring your black down there? Okay? And I wat y'all be what y'all be listening to on the way to work? What radio station y'all be listening to? We've been listening to Matthew Tommy, Baby, see harm mister, you wouldn't aboudy to get y'all. Hey, man, your wife kender got me to prank you, bro wait till my wife got my blood pressure up. Oh man, She told me, she said, we listen to y'all every morning on the way to work. He drops me off and he goes to work. She said, Tommy, you've got to get it. I said, you gotta let me know what what do he love them most? She say me, I don't know about that right now. After it's a man, a man we love you back, baby, keep listening to the steam off and morning. So tell me this problem. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Man? What is it? Darrel? It's Steve Harvey with nephew Tommy. Come on, baby me tell me. His reaction was pure right off the dribble, because Doc, I'm telling you when you go man and you go, your wife is fine. Hell Wait a minute, look hook up. Wait you thought you could walk up to me and say that, because now, if this is the statement you picked to say to me, yeah, I can't even imagine what's running through your rabbit air mind. But but you thought the compliment it your wife find his hell? Bro? Me and you me and you got an instant problem. And like he said, what man calls another man to go? Man? Your wife findes hell? Dog. Yeah, it's a compliment. It's all you said it like he was gonna say, ain't she right? Your wife find she find You're at the club and the bottle girl go by, man, that little girl, that little bottle girl finding here? Who I see you? Man? Your wife find his hell? What? Ain't that a compliment? Though? No, Tommy, it's an insult. Because if if you if all you can must up to me where you can't even contain yourself to have that thought to yourself. You guys, to let that much out. It's called this way deeper than that. I just don't I'm beinna give you five thousand dollars. Man, I don't care what you the mother my children. Okay, but what about flying No, but KINNI, I'm not supposed to say your wife ain't fine at all? Your wife looks straight crazy. I mean, I mean that's better. That's better because that's your opinion. They say everybody in Jackson will be a Florida You know fine, I'm fine. I ain't gonna say I ain't gonna say that. I ain't gonna say that. I will say this. I will say this. They're coming from all over to see that nephew. They're coming up out of Brunswick, Georgia, Savannah, Georgia, Saint Augustine, Daytona beach Day, coming this weekend to see the nephew stand and act a dog Gone Food. So let me tell you something you already know. I'm at the Ramona Pavilion Ballroom two shows Friday, Who Sandy seven and ten Nephew Timmy and Friends comedy show. You don't want to miss it because they're coming from all over. See me act a fool? Your wife is? I hope y'all? Come? Okay, yeah, you see the well, somebody to say that to me, I'll be ready to fight, So go all right, Thank you, nephew. Coming up next to my Strawberry letter, the subject my ex paid from my grandma's funeral. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, sex, dating, work, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry letter because we could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now, and you never know, it could be yours. And we're looking for those follow ups too, if the situation has been resolved or there's more to the story, whatever, we went to jail after all. It is we gotta fight here. It is Strawberry letter, all right, newew thank you, subject my ex paid for my grandma's funeral. Here's Stephen Shirley I am engaged to a man that I work with. We both teach elementary school, and when he transferred to my school, it was love at first sight for me. At the time, I had only been divorced a few months and my ex husband was still pursuing me and trying to work things out. He cheated on me more than a few times, and when we were married, so I divorced him. He didn't contest anything and I got whatever I asked for because he is still in love with me. I have our family home sitting on three acres, and he let me have both our dogs. I lost respect for him every time I heard a rumor of him cheating, and I'm much happier divorced. Now. Fast forward to when I met my fiance and we became inseparable in no time. My ex husband was overbearing and used his money to try to lure me back in. He bought me a range Rover last year for my birthday, and I could not tell my fiance this, so the car is still at my ex's house. When we first got engaged, I was honest with my fiance about my ex's extravagant gifts so he wouldn't find out later and be upset. He told me that I do not set boundaries with my ex because I liked the attention. I told him I would do better. Then, my grandma died. She and my ex husband were very close, so I knew he'd be at the funeral. My fiance and my fiance and I went to her funeral, and as soon as a service came to an end, my grandfather stood up and thanked my ex husband for paying for everything. My fiance was furious, so we skipped the repast. I tried to control the situation by calling my X and telling him to stop coming around my family. My fiance told me that we're going to pay my ex husband back for the funeral. Is my fiance crazy? Why does it matter who paid for it? Well, you know what, I kind of think this is a problem that doesn't have to be. I mean, you have two men who are fighting over you and fighting for your attention. Really, but your ex if you're divorced, I mean, he needs to let go. If he was married to you and had you and then he started cheating, you know, that's on him. You clearly have moved on and he should too. It's too late for him now. When he was married to you. Like I said, he blew it. He lost in this situation. He's not dealing with reality. He's in denial. I think right now he created this problem. I do think your fiance was out of line making you miss your grandmother's repast. He was in his feelings looking at this situation to me all the way wrong. I'm with you on this one. What difference does it make who pays for the funeral? You can't control what your ex does, and you said that he and your grandmother were very close and apparently your grandfather appreciated it. I think it's stupid to spend money to pay your ex back. That's just stupid to me. Your fiance shouldn't be trying to prove anything, not to you, not to him. He's saying he's going to pay your ex back. I think that's just his ego getting in the way. Funerals are not cheap, okay, so you know you could spend that money on something else. He doesn't have to flex your your new fiance. He's already got the prize and the prizes you as far as the cargoes. Just let his stay where it is and your ex's garage, and I say, go on and live your life with your fiance and don't let your ex get in the way of your happiness. Steve, surely, Yes, it's a man problem right here. I know, I know it is. Don't worry about it. See it's a lot of man law in hell. There's a lot of codes in Hell, a lot of ego in Hill, a lot of flexing in hill. It's some power struggling here, and there's some trying to stand up and do some pushback. It's all of this. But all this is man problem because the woman in this letter is correct and perfect. I see no flaw in this woman right here. I really don't. I'm engaged to a man that I worked with. We both teach elementary school, and when he transferred to my school, it was love at first sight for me. At the time, I had only been divorced a few months. What happens is when people get divorced, they don't know what love gonna come along. So anybody walked through to do it look like love right away. This happens to be real. Though he cheated on me, excuse me, You've only been divorced a few months and the ex husband was still pursuing me. This is important information trying to work things out. He cheated on me more than a few times when we were married, so I divorced him. He didn't come test anything, and I got whatever I asked for because he's still in love with me. This is a love story going bad, y'all. This is a man who has lost the best thing ever happened to him, and he wanted back. I ain't mad at him. Now we have a problem because he gave you your family home sitting on three acres, and he let me have both our dogs. I lost respect for him every time I heard a room of him cheating, and I'm much happier divorced. Well, you sound like it, and you need to keep that in mind. Fast forward to when I met my fiance. We became insuperabowl in no time. Now. My ex hundred was overbearing and used his money to try to lure me back in. That's what it's for. That's what that's what me and become powerful to use a power. What good is power if you don't wield it. You gotta wielded. He bought me a range Rover last year for my birthday, and I could not tell my fiance this, so the car is still in my ex's house. You're a good woman. You are a good woman. I told you. I can't find no fault in this lady. Right here, you left that range from Hey, ain't many women gonna lead that range rover that driveway? Not right, but you did it to keep the peace, and I admire you. All right, we'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three minutes after the our subject of today's Strawberry letter and my ex paid for my grandma's funeral. We'll get back into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. All right, Come on, Steve, let's recap today's Strawberry letter. The subject my ex paid for my grandma's funeral. We ain't got to that part yet, but we're dealing with some man stuff here. This is man law, man, code, man, flexing, power, struggles, all this here, self esteem, This is all this in this letter. Shirley couldn't tell you because she don't know all these man ruthe and what Shirley said was fine. But Shirley liked this woman in this letter. I can't find no flaw with this woman in this letter because this woman is absolutely doing the right things. She's been divorced. Her husband cheated on him, he ruined it. She's happier being divorced without him. She met a new man at a job. They both elementary school teachers. This is gonna come into play. He's told the X about he's told the fiance about the X and extravagant gifts. Doing the divorce. The man gave her everything, the house on three acres, both the dogs, everything, because he still loved the woman. He messed up. He trying to get her back. She says her ex husband was overbearned and he used his money to try to lure me back in, as he should, because that's what it's for. What is power unless you wielded. I ain't mad at the husband, the ex husband, so he bought you a range Rover last year from my birthday, and you couldn't tell your fiance this. So the car is still at my ex's house. You're a smart lady. You're a smart lady. When we first got engaged at here's the part. I was honest with my fiance, who is the school teacher, about my ex husband's extravagant gifts. So he wouldn't find out later and be upset. He told me that I do not sound set boundaries with my ex because I liked the attention. I told him I do better. Well, it's you know, it's amazing when people say that you should set boundaries with another person. You really can't make another person do nothing. If you could make him do right, he wouldn't. You wouldn't. He wouldn't have been cheating on you in the first place. You can't make people do stuff, And it's a little bit unfair of mister school teacher sir that you talking about. You don't set no boundaries. She got boundaries, She don't take the gills, but she can't stop everything because he flexing on you. Dog, You know what this is now. Then my grandma died. She and my ex husband were very close, so I knew he'd be at the funeral, my fiance, said, fiance saying, I went to her funeral, and as soon as the service came to an end, my grandfather stood up and thanked my ex husband for paying for everything. Okay, that's honorable. He thanked another man for stepping up burying his wife, because that's what men do. I think It was really admirable of your ex husband. But he's always showing that he's dead. But he paid for that funeral, so you could see he paid for the funeral because he tried to get you back, so he didn't know. You don't want to range Rover, I'm gonna pay for your dear grandmother's funeral. Everything. The grandfather, he don't know what's going on behind the story with y'all. So he stands up and he thanks the man after funeral because he's going wild. This boy didn't have to do this now. He didn't even date my granddaughter no more. And that's true. My fiance was furious, so we skipped the repass. Pete probably want to go over there because they repairs. I promise he repass was nice because he paid for the funeral. Oh they got a steaking lops over there. They got a chef had to repass. Oh it's finn to be ball loved. He finned set the repass out. The repass gonna look like a d Waden reception. And your boyfriend knew we cannot go to this repass because he didn't clowned over there too. I be damned. Who got this big gass cake up in here this repairs? Who in the hell got a chocolate fountain at the repair? Ex? Her ex husband flexing? Now we gotta eagle problem because he hadn't told you you don't say boundaries. He hadn't told you he ain't go into the repass. Then you, being a decent lady, you try to control the situation by calling your X and telling him to stop coming around your family. You've done everything you can, but you aren't going to stop this grown man because he trying to get you back. My fiance told me that we are going to pay my ex husband back for the funeral? Is my fiance crazy? What doesn't matter who paid for it? Really shouldn't matter who paid for it. But see he got your ex making him look bad as all he thinking because he a school teacher. He couldn't come up with the money for the funeral because school teachers are the most underserved, underpaid people in our community. And a great man is he? I bet you he is? But that school teacher salary got some things going on that's limiting him to flex it and arrange rovers range rover and the funeral. Now, unless we're gonna put Grandma in the back. Could have arranged, Rob, we got some double summit this up. You know what, you stop the school teacher. Now, we'd have had to put grandmama in the range roll that's gonna be where the funeral. That in the back of the range rover, that's gonna be, had to double up as the casket, and we're gonna have to drive that off into just into the ocean, and just your mama have an ass sea burial. Okay, is this really what you want to say? That's exactly what I wanted to say. Not really, because there's nothing this school teacher can do with this man's money. He gonna had to grow up and get past it. And now he can't afford to pay this back. If you pay this back, y'all ain't gonna be able to get that house or nothing else y'all want? All right? Thank you, Steve. Post your comments on today's Struwberry Letter at Steve Harvey you f Femine, Instagram and Facebook, and check out the Strubberry Letter podcast on demand. They're coming up at forty six minutes after the hour from the talk. It is our girl Cheryl Underwood. Right after this, you're listening all right. Come on, Steve introduced our girl from the Talk ladies, gentlemen, come on now, Sheryl Underwood. Thank you, Steve Harvey. You know, but it is Veteran's Day and I want to shout out all the veterans out there in the world. You know, I think we started the week then we started the week. Colifl describe areas laying a strong veteran to rest the dynamic. Amazing General Cola Power, coldest brother, yes, bad in a super baby should have ran for president. We wouldn't be dealing with the dude in the Republican Party we got now. I think Cola Power had the man. He was cold brother, you know. And see for me, I shout out the veterans because you know, black people when we came over here, some of us was free, Some of us was not Tommy, you know, Steve, uh you, Julius, you know. But we fought in every war to try to prove our dedication and love to this country that didn't always love us so. But but to put a uniform on, to stand up for this flag in this constitution, it was an honor. It was an honor. So we saluted all vestans out there and do y'all remember in roots when the veterans from World War Two and World War One came back and they were not treated with respect. And remember the Great Stand Show was one of this. He's a good but the bomb actor you know him? Uh Steve and Tommy now from Harlem Knights, he was the boxer. He was a boxer. And to take this, but they were veterans that had got together to stand up for themselves, and they were World War One veterans. And I really just want to salute veterans, especially when we put on the uniform whatever branch of service. When you talk about Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and even the coast Guard, that means that we understand that we are sophisticated enough to understand that we fight for this country and we love this country, and we can be laying under a black commander in chief, President Barack Obama. That and then when they made President Barack Obama, I commanded chief. I was so so proud. So I just want to say Happy Veteran's Day to all the veterans out there. And I wanted to join the military because I saw a picture of my father and all of his brothers wearing their army uniform and a special shout out. Now, this is my stepfather, John Chappelle, who married my mother. He was stationed at Offen Air Force Base. That's how I got to Castle Air Force Base, which brought me to California and the rest is history. And I was in the Air Force Reserve at Travis Air Force Base and O'Hare, Phil. So we are saluting all veterans out there today. We salute you on this Veteran's Day. Well, thank you for your service. Ryl, thank you, thank you, thank you. I love being it man. I love being a military man. I didn't think I could run a mile. Whoo chat listen, motivated, motivated, I'm like, whoa, this is what we gonna do. Air date. All right, Cheryl, thank you. Coming up at the top of the hour. We're going to talk about traveling. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kyle Rittenhouse, the armed Illinois teenager who killed two people and wounded another during protests in Kenosha, Wisconsin, took the stand yesterday to testify in his own defense in his trial on homicide charges. All right, so here's what happened in court, Rittenhouse took the stand right. He says he did nothing wrong. Rittenhouse defended his actions in Kenosha in the wake of the protests related to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in August of last year. Remember they shot Jacob Blake seven times in the back. This happened in August of last year. Rittenhouse told the court. I didn't do anything wrong. I defended myself. He's a teenager. It also said that he didn't intend to kill anyone, but agreed he used deadly force that night. It was a very emotional testimony if you had a chance to see it. Rittenhouse broke down on the stand while describing the night of the shooting, prompting the judge to call a ten minute recess. Rittenhouse says he was ambushed. Rittenhouse testify that Joseph Rosenbaum, who he shot and killed, had threatened to kill him, and he said he came out from behind the car and ambushed me. Well, the interesting thing about it was, this is the first time I've seen the video, and I just happened to watch some of them, and I watched all the clips. I didn't know it had went down like that. I just didn't remember Steve. That was from the last year. No, no, no, no, yeah, no, I know we talked about it. I never saw the footage. This is the first time I saw footag was doing the trial. The prosecutor presented the footage. Now, I don't know how. I didn't even realize that he had killed the two people in two separate places. So this dude just on one yeah, and he talking about they said get him, getting him. Wait a minute, man, First of all, you're not a police officer, right, But I'm just watching the footage of how he killed these two people. At no point in time did anyone point a gun at him, At no point in time. Why is he there? It doesn't make any He there cross state lines to get there. He's from Illinois to start trouble. That's why he took his gun. He took a k How how you on film shooting two people one man unarmed? You shot an unarmed man, you say, because he was charging you, and what what are you talking about? And his testimony was very dramatic too. You know, Y got no time for that. But in the drama, the actor the Oscars, I didn't think he would be on the stand. I didn't think that was his defense. That was risky though, because we've never seen that, so it might. But I'm gonna tell you something. I saw enough. What well, Okay, let me start this two ways. I saw enough where I know for a fact, if this boy was black, he's fitting to get convicted. I know that. It's if you play that tape for me and a black dude has got this gun, I'm going all right, this dude going to jail. Now. If you play this tape for me and it's a police officer doing this, the police officer is in trouble, but Steve. But but now let me finish. If our seventeen year old white boy does this, and I watched the tape, I'm nervous. But now I saw enough that I saw two murders. Yes, but I don't know what these damn generous is gonna see. That's what's crazy to me. But if this is a seventeen year old black boy, he'd have died that night walking down the street with the acape Thomas with the the police are not allowing that a black dude to be walking around him strapped with a rifle one like that. Come on, man, this white boy with his hat on backwards went there with the intent to be a vigilante. And that's exactly how he added it. He got to go to prison. All right, I don't know. Coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show at twenty minutes after. Right after this, you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. The time you decide to lie down for the night and go to sleep may determine how at risk you are to develop heart disease. Research are studying the sleep habits of eighty eight thousand adults over six years found a correlation between bedtime and heart disease. The data is showing that those who went to sleep after eleven pm had a twenty five percent higher risk of cardiovascar cardiovascular disease, and those who dozed off before ten pm were at a twenty four percent higher risk. That led researchers to conclude that the ideal bedtime is between ten and eleven pm. The study also found that the risk is higher for women after eleven pm and higher for men before ten pm. Oh yeah, into bed. We have to get up early, that stupid ass. That yeah, a heart attack. Thirty We got a show started ten thirty. I'm just trying to figure out what they're talking about. Yeah. Yeah, the people have different jobs and stuff careers than we. Sound like they got different goals. You out here trying to get it? Man, I don't know what. I don't know what y'all. Y'all quit talking to me about sneak. Next question. All right, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We'll play a round of would you rather? At thirty three minutes after? Right after this you're listening to show? All right, here we go, guys, would you rather? Would you rather become someone else? Or just stay you? Or just stay you? Yet? I can't even know who the other else? Who is else? Even if you could pick something, I'll tell you what. How about this a better question? If you could pick to be whoever you wanted to be or yourself? Who would you pick? Man? Or would you just stay yourself? Men? You've got to want to change time? Please? What is advantage? What is wrong? Admittedly you stupid? Why would you want to continue? Well? Look where he has gotten me. M thank you for that brought me a mighty long way. Go ahead, sir, Okay, would your brother explore space, explore the ocean, the ocean space. Scared of both of them. I'm scared of them. I can't food with the water man. Lord, people have been going into space lately. Yeah, William, it's something down that water. We ain't seen you now, nothing, we ain't seen nothing. I'm sure something's face too, but down in that water. Yeah, once you get to space, we don't go that far space. We just go right to the moon and back. That's it. We just want to make a you turn. There's a nice little you turn. That's all that water space over the ocean. Yeah, okay, all right. Would you rather be a kid for your whole life or be an adult your entire life? Adult, you'd rather be an adult. You're way more freedom as kids. Ain't having no damn ocean. Now, I'm not going back saying my daddy house. That's he. Oh you in here changing channels? You work now, excuse me. I know you ain't slamming no dos in here. You don't hold no dope. A close that dope for you? Let all out? Yeah. Also, if I leave this dobe, then we're gonna stop breathing. Okay, you rather be an adult in your entire life? Did you answer Tommy, Yeah, I'm gonna go with adult, but be the size of a child. I would rather he shut up, That's what I would rather. Come on, he kind of he kind of got the best of both. We else he's an adult and a child. Come on, sir, Okay, okay, all right, all right. Would you rather go on a cruise with your friends or go on a cruise with your spouse? I know what you're going to say, Well, I know my wife. No, No, I have the option every year. It's me and my girl. Man. Yeah, hands down. You've never gone on a guy's trip on a bump. It's been that kind of money. We don't damn. All right, coming up in forty nine minutes after the hour, it's the last break of the day. We'll have some closing remarks from Steve Harvey right after this you're listening show. All right, guys, here we are last break of the day on this Thursday, and we have to say again Happy Veterans Day to all of our veterans. Thank you so much for your service. Yes, um yeah, yea. And Steve yeah, Uh, here's a philosophy that I live with. Uh, it's just something simple. I don't you know. I just try to throw a lot of thought starters out there for people to kind of get you, uh, you know, just looking at stuff maybe a little bit differently that might be able to help you in your day to day, especially on your journey to becoming successful. And one of the things I don't do, I don't do percentages. I don't do percentages. I don't care about the percentage. And there's a lot of ways I don't do percentages. First of all, let me tell you what statistics are usually involving some type of percentage. One out of every six, out of every only one in a million. Some type of statistics usually involve some type of percentage. And that's why I don't do percentage. I'm always one hundred percent in every aspect of my life. I try to give whatever i'm doing one hundred percent. Matter fact, I don't try, I do it. When I go to work, I give it one hundred percent. If I'm playing golf, no matter how bad that day is gone, and it's a lot of them, I'm giving one hundred percent. When I'm relaxing, I'm giving one hundred percent. If I'm motivating somebody, I'm all in one hundred percent. I have no other percentage because I don't do percentages. Man, I'm not gonna let anybody determine my value with a percentage. I'm not gonna deflect or ruin the chances of the outcome being what I needed to be by giving less than one hundred percent. I don't do percentages. I don't care when you come up to me and tell me, why are you're gonna do that type of show? Anybody never did that by show that did that show before. That's one out of every three thousand shows. One out of every twenty thousand comedians were told they would get on the Tonight Show. So every night before I walked on stage in comedy clubs, I used to hum the Johnny Carson theme, Done Anything Done? I just hummed it. One time a comedian heard me said, hey, man's that's the Tonight Show thing? I see? Yeah, because one day, man, I'm gonna get that. He said, Man, yea, how hard he is to get on Tonight Show? I said, yeah, I I don't know. He said, Man, one out of every twenty thousand comedians to ever get on that show. Okay, cool, but see it seeing us, I don't care nothing about your percentage the number you said that. I only cared about where you said one. Then my goal was to just be that one. I guess what, I never I never made it to the Johnny Carson Show. I never got there. I did go on the show when Jay Lennar was hosting it, called it Tonight Show. I finally made it and me and Jay Lennar was in the back having a conversation about it. He said, Man, how is it that you're not doing Late Night? He said, Man, they're missing a boat on you. Man. And how is it, man, that this is your first time doing the Tonight Show. I said, well, I believed I'd always get to the Tonight Show. I just thought it would be with Johnny Carson. But it's better cause as you, he said, it's better being on the show cause it's me. I said, yeah, at least I know you. Because if you know one thing, I did not care about the percentage one in every twenty thousand. Okay, cool, you did say one, though. See, when you believe in percentages, you kill all your hopes for probability. When you go into the probability factor too much, you kill all chances at possibility. Did you know what I just said? If you rely on statistics, you ruin your chances for probability. But if you lean too heavy on probability, you kill all your chances of possibility. I didn't care what the stats said. I did don't care about the probability. It not heart is for one in twenty thousand, get there. I only concern myself with the possibility that I could be one. I'm telling you, y'all, these things that you keep imagining, these themes that you keep hoping for, these things that you're praying about, these things that you're expiring to, It's gonna happen if you believe it's gonna happen, and you stay the course and you never give up, and you keep the faith and you put in the unrelenting work ethic that's required, which is one hundred percent all the time in all things. Listen to me, y'all. Here's the formula. It's one one percent of the time and in one hundred percent of all things. Let me give you the formula again. It's one hundred percent of the time, in one hundred percent all things. If you follow that formula, that is no way you will not be successful. That's a promise of your heavenly father. It's not a theory. God said that if you believe, you shall receive you. And if you put the work ethic with it, you're gonna mess around and half something. Get out of the statistics and get out of percentages. It's only one that matters. If you give one hundred percent, one hundred percent of the time, in one hundred percent of the things you do, you will be successful. And if you put God in the mix of all that, you're about to be a winner. Y'all. Congratulations, Hey, y'all hanging there. We'll see y'all tomorrow morning. God knows you, and let you do about that, God willing. We'll see y'all tomorrow. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.