Happy Veterans Day, Dave Hines, Civil Rights Troy, Steve Goes Rogue and more.

Published Nov 11, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! "I know you wanna leave me..............." Did we get a little David Ruffin from The Temptations? Happy Veterans Day! Steve talks about the time that he went (Nissan) Rogue. The Chief Love Officer reminds a hormonal woman that her mind is playing tricks on her. 46 speaks out about 45's legacy. Delisha (Delicious in French) from Memphis calls into the show to agree with Big Dog about his thoughts on Black men voting. Civil rights Troy from Camden, NJ had so much truth that the crew put him on twice. A lovely lady from ATL dropped a gem regarding the 26th Amendment. Happy Veteran's Day to all that served in the military. Tommy talks about his foundation and shows us an avenue where we can give back. Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks about Trump and it leads to him telling us what he teaches his sons.

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Y'all know what time y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them more like theming buck bus things and its cous good it. Steve ha listening to together for Stu. Please, Mommy, I don't Joy, Joy be with me. You gotta turn you, you gotta turn to turn them out. Turn got to turn out to turn the water the water. Come come on your baby that I shall will come on and everybody you are listening to the boys, come on digm now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Why because God, God is in the blessing business. If you go get in line, he has something for you. God is amazing. The plan he actually has for you is so far greater than you can possibly imagine. It's really mind blowing. And as I look back on where He's brought me from and what he's currently doing for me, all I can do is tell you is God, That's all I can tell you, Because I tell you right now, I didn't foresee it. You know. It oftentimes amazes me when I listen to celebrities when they interview, how they say, you know, I always always thought that this would happen for me and I just you know it could be true, But for me, it's not that way at all. I didn't imagine it this way. I had a dream of becoming famous one day, but I had no idea it would it would ever get to this. It was a very very simple desire for fame. That is no way I could have seen all this. There is no way I am telling you this is. This has been nothing for me but the grace of God, and all the times I failed, every time I had fallen, he picked me up, he dusted me off, and he kept me moving. It has been an amazing thing to watch God do what he do. As I look back on my history and you sometimes look back on your history, you've got to see, man, wow, what God has done for you and what He's brought you through to enable you to be where you are. It is amazing because really, I mean really real talk. Now, had He allowed all of the decisions I had made to play all the way out, I can assure you I wouldn't be here today. But God, through this grace and mercy, who had a plan for me, who was just waiting on me to come get in line, and then he was gonna start empty, and now he was gonna start shipping out all the boxes in heaven with my name on it. And man, and what a great god he is, what a great god he is. And you have boxes of blessings with your name on it that he is waiting to ship. But he needs you to go down there and get in line. That's what it is. It is not that he has more boxes for other people than he do you. He got boxes with your name on it who have never been shipped. Because you will not get in line to go get him. You will not ask God for him, you will not do the things necessary to attain them. We stop our own blessings. Man, I have been the biggest stopper of my blessings than anybody else. I can't really get mad at nobody. I got nobody to blame for my existence but me. But then at the same time, I can't take credit for this. I really really can't. I kid you not, I cannot take credit for it. And if you ever see me taking credit for it, tap me on the shoulder, say Steve, pull up. Remember you said this ain't about you. If you catch me taking too much credit, you have my permission to stop me now here. It is the deal though, and this is what I want to get through to today, moving forward while under attack, new level, new devil. You know, every time you go somewhere, every time you try to progress, every time you make a decision to be better, to do better, that's going to be affrontation you're going to have because it is the enemy's job to not see you go forward, do better. Won't more behave yourself? There is a force that is operative out there that has people working on his behalf twenty four seven. You got a computer, Go read a blog. Just go read a blog. They're busy man, not knowing, but just saying evil stuff constantly. That's a job. Well, here's what happens. I you. We have to always keep moving forward while we're under attack, because the attack is going to always come. If you allow the attackers to stop you, you will lose that particular battle. And you cannot afford this. You know. My father used to say, be careful when you're trying to kick somebody off the ladder, because you got to take your foot off too, and you might slip. And so when people are taking their feet off the ladder, most of them more the majority there may't even own a ladder. They just at the bottom throwing stuff up at you. They are just shaking your ladder. They ain't even they ain't even on your level. Really tell you the truth, they really not. You have moved on far beyond them, spiritually, physically, everything, but they are still shaking your ladder and attacking you. Keep moving forward while under attack, because the attacks are going to come. If you take the time to stop and address it, you are impeding your own progress. This is very important to understand. Go on about your business and remember Steve Harvey, and remember those of you out there. There is a Bible verse that helps me out every time. And I don't know why. I got it on six different plaques sitting all around my offices. Everywhere I go, I can read it Isaiah fifty four seam no weapon formed against me. Sheall prosper that because this is that he will put me under his wings or protection. And this is my inheritance as a servant of the Lord period. I'm his boy, he my man, so so dig so when you come in for me, I have to just rest on that Lord right there, that he got it that no weapon formed against me. Sheall prosper I'm just like you. Sometimes you know we know better, but sometimes we don't do better. Man, let them say what they're gonna say. When they get through saying it, when they get through writing it, when they get through talking about you, when they get through lyne about you. Guess what they're gonna have to do. They're gonna have to step back and watch your rise. They're gonna have to kick back and watch what God got for you, because nothing God got for you. Can't nobody stop it. I don't care what they do. Keep moving forward while under attack. You know, somebody tell you something. Minister Lewis fair Khan taught me something very important one day, he says, Steve, remember this. He said. It is a common thing for a dog to bark up at the moon. But if the moon balks back at the dog, the dog becomes famous. You feel me, the moon was talking to you. What did you? How did the moon stop and talk to you? Don't give them that. Let the dog bark up at the moon. Don't you be up there? You go where God got you going. Don't bark back at this dog because the dog come famous. Because they ain't gonna be able to get to you. But the dog is famous. Now they want to interview the dog not a dog. Guess what he gonna do? More bark and guess what about you? Man? Gone about your business, y'all? God is in the blessing business all day long. Man, Go, get in line, get you some get them packages and boxes ship to you. They got your name on it. You're listening show, we're live, all right? We surely we lie, calor we lie. We're here. Cut that music off? Back there? What I know? You want to leave me, but I refuse to let you go. Come on, if I have to beg and plead for your sympathy, I don't mind, because you mean that much to me. Ain't too proud to beg and you know who? Wait, please don't leave me, girl, don't you go. Ain't too proud to plead? Baby, baby, Please don't leave me, girl, don't you go. I heard a proud man, half a man with no sense of pride. Good morning, everybody, Good morning, David ruffing of the temptation. I just wanted to start my morning all hard, and you did, and you did, you did that morning. Ain't nobody come to see you? Oh to me, I think Carlin. This meme earlier this week, Steve that said, Oh, I thought I heard in my mind, you know, Silent Night when now they started off in my mind? Yes, a love soul for Christmas song, because you know we're about to turn that corner right after Thanksgiving. We're gonna get to hear Christmas song. But it won't be Christmas until Donnie Hathaway. Come on, that's it. That kicks it off, that's it. Hang on, we need some joy. Yes, I got some joy. You know what I've decided, ladies, I'm not studying this president. I'm not studying this theater, this Shenanigans. I'm not with none of that. You lost, partner, We could do the recount in Georgia. You're gonna lose. Yeah, you're down by over forty thousand. Then fill it. Ain't nobody miscounted farty thousand, man, ain't nobody found far that thousand ballots. You're gonna lose in Pennsylvania. You're gonna lose in Georgia. You're done lost in Wisconsin by over twenty And here's a crazy thing. Yeah, you know he's losing by over forty thousand in Pennsylvania. Do you know he beat Hillary Clinton by forty some thousand votes in two thousand and sixteen. She didn't try for a recount, or she conceded that night. No night he he has. If I'm gonna give you some numbers, I saw on TV last night, everything this dude did in twenty sixteen, that's happening to him now. He got a problem with it. President, like Joe Biden said, it's just embarrassing now, man. Yeah, and these scary cowardice Republican politicians are a bunch of cowards. Man, I'm glad you said that you love that party morning, you love this country. We're gonna go rogue with at the clo right after this. You're listening to the show, all right, Time to go Rogue, which is powered by the super stylish twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. All right, Steve, I know you have a hump day going rogue story. I know you do. October night, not the date, nineteen eighty five, the night after I had just worn fifty dollars in a comedy competition. I went to work the next day. I told my boy in Cleveland, Russell Middlebrooks, I was gonna quit my job. Man, I was gonna go be a full time stand up comedian. He said, Man, I always thought you was funny. Man, go forward. I was selling insurance at the time Commonwealth. Walked into my boss's office, name Tom. I can't give you his last name because he's still living okay. Walked into his office, packed my stuff up in a box, set it on my desk. Walked in and said, Tom, I appreciate the opportunity, but I've decided to leave now. I'm going to be a professional comedian. He said, you can't do that, young man. You have two children and a family. You can't do that. You're gonna throw your life out the window. This is a wonderful company we worked for. Take that stuff in there and put that back on your desk, and and forget this crazy notion. I've never heard you say a funny thing since you've been here. What. I picked my box up, took it back to my desk, started putting my stuff back in my desk. My boy, Russell Middlebrooks, came up to me and said, Love, I thought you was rolling out. NA I talked to Tom Man. Tom told me probably wasn't a good idea. He said, man, you're gonna let this blankly blank to blank blank blank kill your dreams like that man, blank him. I put all that stuff back in that box again, back into Tom's office and said, hey, man, you can't kill my dreams. I know you said I can't come back hill man, and you don't believe in me. But I gotta take this chance. Man, I got to go roll on you man. I'm sorry, but I got to go roll October ninth, nineteen eighty five. Today it's November eleventh, elevel. Yeah, twenty twenty. Uh huh Lord, have mercy look at me now, Yeah, yeah, you've rogue. All right, thank you. Steve all right asked. The clo is being sponsored today by the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Now this one, Chief Love Officer is from Safey in Maryland. I always like that name. I thought it was cute, feefe. I'm a thirty year old Different things go here. I'm a thirty year old married female and my best friend came to town to help me set up my nursery because I will have my first baby in January. She's got a great relationship with my husband, and the two of them went out to run errands for me. I expected them to go to Target and a few other places, but they were gone for four hours, and they said they stopped to have a late lunch and ended up having a few drinks. I was mad and I made a big scene, and my best friend left. My husband took up for her and said all she talked about all day was making me happy because I deserved the best. I don't think I was wrong, do you? Yeah, of course I do. I think you were wrong. It takes time to go pick up stuff. They got hungry. They got a great relationship. You said it. They just stopped and got something to drink. Your mind playing tricks on you all, man home in my mind, playing tricks on me. So now that's what it is. You know, nothing went crazy. You ain't what No, they got a room or nothing like that. You know, they cool. They friend had a late lunch. You ain't been nowhere. You can't go nowhere. You know, I'm sorry. You know what I'm saying. I know you're pregnant. I don't even know what that is to be pregnant. That's a that's a well, she ain't wanna go. Yeah, now they went far? Now she mad and tight. Yeah, I think it's her hormones playing tricks on it. See, I've never had that, so I can't speak on that. I respect all of that. I respect everything about pregnancy and women delving babies. I don't know nothing about it. Hats off to you, thank you, really really and some of that, you know whatever that damn no testosterone. The sitting up to stop and had a couple of drinks, laughing and stuff like, y'all go all right wrong with you? She for me and here having this baby. Yeah, I can't drink what y'all drinking? Fall? Yeah, I can't get out this car. You see my ankles. But the point is she doesn't think she was wrong. That's the point. She was dead wrong. Yeah, yeah, said, yeah, she was dead wrong. Us. You owe your friend and apology and your husband, and your husband's right, so you know, yeah, all right. Clint in Saint Louis says, I'm in my late forties and I've been a bachelor all my life. I have three females that i'm dating right now, and I told them that I'm dating other people. They all chose to deal with me anyway. But whenever things don't go their way, they get upset. I have an older sister that I talked to about my dating life, and she said, I can't treat women like that because karma is a b Since when is it not okay to date whoever you want to without commitment as long as you're honest about seeing other people. I don't want to be portrayed as a womanizer. So what am I doing wrong? Okay? Well? Do hold up? You date more than one woman, you tell them about it, and you don't want to be labeled as a womanizer. What is it then? I mean, just help me doal. I mean, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm just telling you that is what it is now. If that's the lifestyle you choose, But there's consequences to all of our choices. You in your late forties, you tell these women you're dating everything you know. A woman gonna go, well, I'm I'm gonna see about that, let me see, let me give him a clear choice. And then when it don't go, they wait, they gonna say something because they've been having sex with you. Man, That's why they're gonna say something, and you want to continue to have sex with them. Consequences behind your action. You and your late for it. I got news for you player, this little playboy stuff you pull in this woman as it is starting not to look good on you. Listen. If you ever see an old if you ever see an old horse in the field, you see young horses behind them running by steam for proouncing around the old horse that he gotta dip in his back stomach. Damn, they're touching the grass. It's time for your old ass to walk into the bond where you belong. Get out to field. All horses don't look good in the field. Run that prank back. Coming up right after the old ass in the bond. You're listening to show Happy Veteran's Day to all of the military personnel who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. We appreciate you. Yeah. Always coming up at the top of the hour, I was gonna say, we need to shout out and say Happy Veterans Day to Sheryl Oh yeah, Sheryl Underwood, yeah yeah, and my husband and your husband, Tosh right, yeah, sure, yeah, sure, yeah. She was in the military. Uh huh, you didn't know that as long as you've known her, all right, Coming up at the top of the hour, President elected Joe Biden. Um says Trump's willing unwillingness to concede is an embarrassment plus an entertainment news Beyonce is riding with Peloton. We'll talk about all of these stories at the top of the hour, but right now Steve is here for his nephew to run that prank back. What you got, Steve? It is you didn't If you missed it yesterday, don't wear everybody. We got it again today because that's how we programmed this show. He is yesterday's prank. We're running it again today because he ain't here to do it his damn self. Rennie Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach Darren. Yeah, what's up, hey, Darren Man? What's going on? Brothers? Uh? My name is Chris Man. I worked with UM, I work with your wife, Sharon. I think I think I may have seen you at one of them, one of the gatherings before man, like a happy hour we had after Birth of South. I don't know if you remember me or not. Now I don't remember you, Okay, okay, okay, cool. Hey listen, man, I know sharon birthday is coming up, so I wanted to if you didn't mind, I hope you don't mind me called. I wanted to reach out and see if you were you know, what you were getting for a birthday. I wanted to make sure you know we're gonna pitch in and get us something at the job. Who want to make sure you know we didn't get you know, you know what you may be U don't get it. You know what I'm saying kind of like something like a grab bag or something like that. Uh No, I wasn't gonna hit it with no grab bad. I was just you know, like I said, we're just gonna get something. We haven't really put out all the thoughts to it or what we is gonna get yet. I want, I personally want to see what you was getting that way. We don't do Okay, Well, she likes money, man, you can you know, give us some give up some cash or you know, Starbucks card or uh something from McDonald something. You know, man, it don't have to be too big. She she don't. You don't have to, you know, she she's not that materialistic. Okay, okay, let me let me let me ask you this so deep. Uh do you know what a size is? Do I know? What a size is? You know, like clothing, you know, do you know what side she wears? Uh? Yeah, I know what size? She's like, she's my wife. Man, what I think this is kind of like I'm getting a little bit uncomfortable with this, man? What what what do you do? You think? You don't even make your comfortable bro, Let me ask you this ship do you think she? She was like, uh, do she likes stuff from Victoria's Secret? Whoa hold up? Man, stop right there? You're talking about what? No? I like I said, I wanted what what you hey? What's your name again? Man? My name Chris? Like, like I said, my name Chris? How long you've been with the company. I've only been there six months? You know? But like I said, I think I saw you one of the happy y'alls I saw. Maybe you just don't remember who I am though. No, no, no, man, but you way out of line talking to about the size. And I'm not comfortable with this at all. Man. You know you way out you way out of line? Right? But what what? What's what? You didn't answer? My question was what do you think she liked Victorious Secrets? That's what I mean. You want to answer your questions you talking about? Okay, okay, what's what's sup? But what's your language? Brother? What's what's wrong? We brothers? You know we ain't know brothers? You fool? What do you get on asking me about my wife's clue? Okay? Okay, all right, okay, okay. What all I'm saying is is do you think she gonna likes the Victoria's secrets? I don't give up? Hey, man, set the up with that? Do you know how long we've been together? I know this woman says high school. Don't come to me with that. Okay, So so I was just trying to get up. What what what? What time do you guys get off? I'm coming. I leave off with a five thirty, but I was gonna leave earlier. I'll be right. Hey, we can talk about this faith to faith. Hey, listen, I'm trying to get listen what I ain't gonna listen to. I'm trying to get shared of panty And Bra said, man, okay, hey, you ain't buying my wife and she wouldn't even accept it anyway. Okay, hey man, how how do you get this number? How you get this number? I know she didn't give you this. Let me tell you out there. I got it from your wife, Sharon, because guess who I am? I am you Tommy from the Steave Harvey Martin Shows. Sharon got me to brank phone call you. What there this nephew, Tommy? Brother? Man, this is some bully. This is some real bully. This is some straight up bully. Hey man, you ain't white man. You know you need to stop with people, you know, because you might get you might somebody might be waiting for you have to work one day, man, that's totally wrong. You ever heard of karma? Somebody gonna play a prank on your one day? Your uncle is right, somebody's gonna whip your It's just amount of time. Oh man? All right, all right, Darren, before when you please tell the people what is the baddest radio show in the lad Steve Harvey Show. I've told Tommy one hundred times what's gonna happen? But see what once brothers started telling you what's gonna happen. He can't give so many warnings. Man, this is true. It's gonna happen. Man, you know so it's just it is. But are you Are you proud of the King of prank Stough because he does prank him well, he can prank pretty good. You know, he's really the best I've ever seen. I can't I can't imagine that now. I don't know if it's a prank him not being here today. I don't know if he's pranking us again. He good at it. This prank right here he put in to Davis, got you hired him. I take full responsibility for that car shit. And I'd like to apologize to all of y'all that time, especially in the early years. He was try for lett. He's gotten so much better now, but he was trife for Caller. Yeah, he's a little better at least twice a week. Okay, but wait, I've been working with y'all sixteen years, so I'm just trying to figure out five years before that. Yeah, yeah, fo years. Well, we had me and Sherley. We was by ourself for how long, Shelly? Oh, it was a long time, two years at least two or three. Yeah, and then Tommy came in that last year. Yeah, it really was just a last year because I had the Harvey's Angels, right, it was you, Dominique du Prema and Notica day La La Cruz I had Harvey's angels. Yeah, you know, I had these three day were sprung on me Hayman and National News right after this. You're listening to President elect Joe Biden spoke out yesterday about Donald Trump's refusal to concede the election, calling it an embarrassment. Take a listen. I think it will not help the president's legacy. I think that I know from my discussions with foreign leaders thus far that they are hopeful that the United States democratic institutions are viewed once again as being strong and endured. But I think at the end of the day, you know, it's all going to come to fruition on January twentieth, and between now and then, I hope and expectation is that the American people are do know, do understand that there has been a transition, even among Republicans who are people who voted for the president. I understand the sense of loss. I get that, but I think the major of the people who voted for the president, a lot voted for him, A significantly smaller number, but a lot voted for him. I think they understand that we have to come together. I think they're ready to unite, and I believe we can pull the country out of this bitter politics that we've seen for the last last five, six seven years. Thank you, mister President. When I hear him, I'm glad that we are hearing a tone coming from the president elect that's presidential. Yes, I do not expect Donald Trump to do anything different than what he's done for four years. He's never been presidential. He damn sure ain't gonna be. That's not that he's lost. He will drag this democracy. He would drag the Republican Party, and he would drag this entire country down, the whole eluction system down, just because he lost. You know, look, lad, I was watching the news last night, and it's just really interesting. Man. Uh uh Trump won some states last time, like, for example, uh, Pennsylvania. He won Pennsylvania by forty four thousand votes last time over Hillary Clinton. He's losing now by over forty five thousand votes. No concession. Hillary Clinton did not. She conceded. In Georgia. Trump won by ten thousand votes last time in Georgia. Now he losing by over fifteen Now you know, we want to recount right now and got it. Yeah, yeah, but that's by law. If you're five point five percent or five percent something difference. You get an automatic recount in Georgia, ain't no problem. But you're gonna lose too. It might definite miscount. Fifteen thousand, damn Times and Steve Hillary, I'm sure that hurt her. She didn't want to do it, she didn't want to concede, but it was the right thing to do. It's tradition. You know, it's adult, it's mature, and you're saying some things that this man has never been in his life. You don't understand, man, He was not He doesn't understand the lost column. He was born in the win column. Y'all right, now, let me say something to black men. I was gonna save this to my closing remarks today. But we got to vote, man, Yeah, we have to do better voting. A lot of brothers went to the polls, but a lot didn't. We got to do better this reelection in January fifth for the runoff for the two Senate seats in Georgia. Did you not watch what happened? We actually have a valid say, soul, we can determine elections. That's right. That's now. While he trying to do this recount for hisself, We're gonna do a reset in the Senate if we get out and vote now. Sisters, oh Lord, had mercy. They voted much, they voted. Sisters showed up and clowned yes, and a lot of brothers went to the polls. I need brothers to get to the polls. I need men to get to the polls. I need men to get Like Offset said when Mayor Kesha Bottoms was on the show from Atlanta, Offset said, for the first time he felt like he was a part of something. We need to feel as though that we're making a contribution. And as black men, we have to vote for our mothers, our grandmothers, our will in, our daughters. We have to vote for our people. We have to stand up and smack them in the mouth. We got to hit him in the mouth, Bros. I'm just gonna tell you flat out. We got to punch these dudes dead in their mouth because they ain't feeling nothing else. And when I'm talking about punching them dead in the mouth, I'm talking about with the ballot. See, we're good at fist fighting, but there's another fight that we can win too. We got to punch him in the mouth with the ballot. See. Look, man, I bet you if we had hand in hand, I bet you we'll win. I got that. But we can't do that. Look, man, we got to get to the polls and hit him in the mouth with the ballot. Bust them dead in their mouth, Bros. Down here in Georgia, if you did not vote in this election, if you did not register for this election, you have to December seven to register to vote. If you register, Bros. By December seventh, you can pretend us have paid in the runoff and we can watch they face just like we was watching they face all this election. They was looking sick. Man. They couldn't believe that Detroit did that, that Philly did that, Atlanta did that, Milwaukee did that that Houston and Dallas. Damn the turn that state of Texas blue. Do you understand, man, They were sick watching that, them evil people. We got a chance to hit them in their mouth again. We gotta get everybody registered by December seven down here in Georgia, and we got to put them two cented seats up in there so we can make some real change. I'm gonna patious, young brother. I think it's yellowtail. I'm gonna put him on my video one more time eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we're taking your phone calls right after this. You're listening to show. All right, So Carla, I think you really like going rogue. I do. Okay, I think you're feeling it, yes, yes, okay, So remember this time. Let me tell you about what had happened. Remember when we all went to Paris. Remember that. Yeah, we're going to Paris, Steve. You know we've gone with a couple of years, a few years in the row. One time we went, Remember there was a certain person, Shirley in the group with us traveling. She wanted to go sight seeing remember that. Huh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, she being Mississippi Monica. And we went shopping and we told her that we were breaking up with her and we're going shopping. So we went rogue and went to the product store and got some shoes and ye yes, yes, So going rogue and leaving her out was the best decision ever because I love those product shoes. Yeah, go rogue. That's my attitude. That's the attitude. The all New twenty excuse me, the All New twenty twenty one NSA on Rogue. It's built for adventure with five different drive modes that can take you anywhere. Let's go rogue. There we go, we go that we international rogue. Yes, yes, that's what we do. All right, let's go rogue. That's right, Carla, thank you. Now let's get to the phones line one. Let's go to potato with Cave. Now talk about rug Let's go to line one and talk to Delicia out of Memphis. Hey, Deliciae, Hello Delicia. Delicia is a French word. It means delicious today. Okay, I'm doing good in you. I'm just talking. That's a delicious. Well. I was so this is just so wonderful. It was so great and it it feels so good to hear the heat one on Saturday. It was almost like when Obama won an O eight. It feel wonderful. But I'm gonna tell you something. I'm gonna tell you something then. I've always was told when you act like a food and an animal all the time, society will treat you like one. He got it exactly what he deserved. Don't care ick and being at and you are right. Men need to start going to the vote to the post, and they need to start taking these songs. Weekend I think it could have been a humorous turnout with the vote. But people won't vote, but they always want to complain. How do you complain but you don't vote? Right, that's right, right, that's exactly right. You know we've got to get the reason. I employ men to vote because I know. I know man, I know men, I know men like the I cause I'm one. I know why I used to didn't vote. Yeah, I know exactly why. Why not? Why not? Well, because you know man, that Bravidal. You know I'll make something having on my own. I ain't depending on nobody. Ain't nobody gonna do nothing for me? Oh dog, This ain't about you, partner, This about us everyone. This about our women, This is about our culture. This is about our children. This is about our grandchildren. If you don't want to do nothing for yourself, we got to do it for them. Not a mess to my phone call, rant and Raven again. But I wanted to take another phone call. But the sister is right. And in Georgia, man, you having to December fifth to register brothers, all of us. We're going back to the polls again. We are seven. We're going back again. You got to December to seventh to register to vote for the November for the January fifth runoff, were coming up at thirty four After call is eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve More calls after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. We want to say Happy Veterans Day to all of the military personnel who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Happy veteran this day. Everyone, thank thank you for your service and your bravery. Yes, absolutely, yeah, absolutely day. We're celebrating you. Yes to my brother served in Vietnam. M gold boy. He's still mad about that brother, still mad about having to go to Vietnam. Oh man, man has had us over there. Man, he didn't need it, not no. And the way he got treated when they came back, that's what he hated about that war. Man. He said, we over that got our life on the line. They come back calling us baby killers, and we ain't we ain't deserve he said, Man, they sent us over there. Yeah, he said, I ain't know nobody over there that wanted to be He said, everybody I talked to want to go home. Right, Yeah, all right, Steve, we're gonna switch gears here, go back to the phones. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, let's go to line three and talk to Troy out of Camden, New Jersey. Hey, Troy, Hey, Steve, how are you, sir? Hey? What's up with you? Man? What's on your mind? Man? Listen to Steve. There's so much to talk about. What I just want to say this applaud you and your show, Shirley and everybody that talks about this and motivated people in those critical areas. As a civil rights person down in New Jersey, There's a lot that I could say about this topic, Steve, but I would try and stay on course. The one reason why a lot of people I believe showed out, especially and that disadvantaged and underserved communities, is because they realized doing nothing at all was more detrimental than showing up and doing something. Because the argument, the argument, Steve, that's been made time and time again. Because I sat back, I'm not only uh Kappa from HBCU, but I'm also police. I was a black police officer, and how terms civil rights person because I sat back and said, somebody else is going to do it. I don't have to be that one. But everybody comes to grips with you have to do something and what happened in this election because in those disadvantaged communities, it's unfortunate. But oh oh man, he was making a valid point. I like that brother right there, and thank you for calling me in Troy, And Troy's absolutely correct. But and you know what, this is what I was saying too, And and I'm pretty sure it's connected to what he's saying. It's not that black people want you to do something for us, it's just we want you to stop doing stuff to us. Yes, a bit part of this election and the turnout was because we're sick of what you causing this nation to continue and start to do to us. Hey man, black lives matter because we just wanted to matter like yours do. You ain't gotta give us no more than you got, a matter of fact, don't give us no special privileges. We just won't say one as you got. And that's all it is. Cappers matter too. We're not losing no Cappas on this phone, no more. So let's make sure we get we stay connected. Okay, We're not losing no more cappers on this phone. I mean that, go head, Tony. She just started to he just came to work. Go ahead, right, quick, right, quick line for Lashawn out of some of Illinois. Hey, Lashawan, you got about thirty seconds. Give it to me. Good mornings thing, Good morning, Shirley and you guys. I hope you're having a wonderful day. I just want to say the reason that this man is hiding because he's a clown. That's it. That's all. He embarrassed the whole country. She didn't even need And you know what, See, she's right bullies man. When bullies is getting jumped on and getting whooped, they get quiet. Now he find people, I'm getting he getting his tail whooped. Now he gonna. I'm y'all, ain't law to me. Doc, you're fitting to leave partner. You're you're fit to leave his son and his son's girlfriend. Have you seen this ridiculous and that they trying to do? Oh yes, yes with the RNC. All right, nephew, Tommy with the spring phone call is up next right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up in the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. These subjects is we're living a shock, But we're not shocking up right the book. Get into that right now. The nephew is here. The nephew is here. With today's spring phone, call in the building. What you got enough? It's time Shirt to what go ro It's time to g o road, Time to go Rode with today's pring phone called the all new twenty twenty one n sign Rogue is built for adventure. With five different drive bos, it can take you anywhere. Not less go Rogue. Today's spring phone called here. Let me see what I what? I pulled out this one? You know what I pulled out? I pulled out a what child support help? A child support help. See, that's how you go rowe child support help. Okay, Rogue like that, go roll child support help. Let's go catch dog. Hello. Hello, my tweet to Darius this me. Hey. My name is Lewis Man. Lewis I work as check up that with you. We've looked you first your first week at the job we met man. My name is Lewis. I work on the third floor. You'll know me when you see you say saying Lewis, Yeah, Lewis, I don't remember, No, Lewis Man. You know I've had a lot of people in last you know, that first day, the first week, because I'm just really getting a climatized because it's to the whole situation where I don't I'm trying to remember it's all good. It's all good. I don't even worry about it. Man, let me answer this hit though I haven't eve been with us now, man, Man about a strong muff man. I really enjoyed it, man, just really getting the swing and getting the hangar everything. So Man, I'm just really enjoyed. It's a great company. Man. Just happy to be a part of something bigger than myself, you know what I mean. So yeah, man, you know what, Man, we got to get you out, man, because you know, all the brothers, Man, we get together hang out on certain nights. You know, we like want some up. We might we might get out on the thirty minutes. You gotta come hang out with it. Then we gotta get you out, yeah man, Okay, yeah, yeah, I man make gude friends, you know, push a show man. But I called you know, I called you know there because I'm in a little bit of a jam though, man, And I was trying to get somebody to help me out. Man, and boy you being uh, you know, just came into the company. Man. You know it might be something you can actually help me out with. Man, I just, you know, I hate to come in and lean on the friendship before we even get started and hang out. Yeah, but I just I just need a little bit of help. Man. I'm just hoping the names you'd be opening and maybe helping me out on something. I'm always willing to help a frost out bro. Just just to fit on what to talk about, you know what I'm saying. But okay, checking stut man, I ain't really really want to tell nobody at the job, you know, I don't. I ain't really trying to let nobody know my business or whatever. But but here's the deal, man, dude, I ain't got myself in a serious jam. Man. I got I got a baby on the way, man, and huh and uh, I got that. That's great, man, that's a great No. No, no, no, no, no no no no. Listen, man, listen, this hit me out though, Derek. I got I got a baby on the way. But this ain't this, ain't this ain't this, ain't this ain't from my wife. Man. You said, Oh yeah, so I'm in a dog and the baby dude like and the Knicks. You know, six weeks the baby probably gonna be here. But but but check its out but checks out here. Here's what I'm trying to get. Chip, you can do for me? Man? Is it because anyway because I know you just now you probably you probably you probably don't even got your second check yet. You know what I'm saying, so witless? Wait, but but is there any way man that you might maybe like clean this baby for me on your on your uh you know when they take the child support out of your out of your check, if they take the child support out of your checkout. But no, let's listen to me, though, they take the child support out of your check, but I'm gonna give it back to you. I'm gonna give it back to you. I just don't want my wife to find out. You see what I'm saying? Man? What wait? Wait? You mean? I mean you're asking me about money out of mind out my checked up. But I'm gonna give it back to you every two weeks when you get your check, I'm gonna give man. Man, you gotta be out your damn man. Man, I don't even mother know you. Man, what's the man, man, I gotta cut snack on a wife and kids of my own. You like your man take God listen to but Darren, listen to the man. Damn fool man, human read out. Who you gotta aint? Ever reach up? So take some money on my mother check? How somebody would I got? I got my mother, I got a friend and human resource. Damn man, man, some money out of my check? Footer you man, I got my all those kids to take care of. There's money coming up. How dare's check from my old kids? You're something's wrong with you, dude? How you got my yeah? Another anyway? Man? Oh? No, no, I got your number from one of the one of the guys at the job. Man. We're one of the guys. Man. No, man, one guys. Man that you want the phone talking man talk about we got it, ain't got then we got it, ain't got man, ain't enough support. You can hit me with this bush talk about that. Man, Hey, I thought this. I thought somebody now the red mother sick. It's gotta come out of my check. Man, Oh, we're gonna have some who what's what's your name again? Who is your name? My name Lewis Lewis who Lewis. Who my name Lewis Lewis, don't no, no Lewis Spano Lewis. That's where I worked at. Man who we met? We met the first couple of days you got there, Man Lewis. Man, who is about take with money out of my check? Man? And all I'm saying, dog, I'm gonna give you the money back. I don't understand. All I'm saying is dog, I be not touch my money. I'm telling you that right now we're gonna have rob Hey, Louis, Louis, I how you spelling Lewis? Man l o U l u I N dog. I'm gonna hey, hey, let's take something. I bet not see the Lewis in the morning. I bet you that. I bet I bet that don't Lewis in the morning. And who out of human resources playing played with my But I'm crazy man, trying to hurt my wife, kill me. But I don't. I'm just trying to get you to look out for me. I don't want my wife to find this stuff out down. That's all I'm trying to let try to look out look out for me, then look I look out for me and my kids. They're taking money of my check. Dog, just just just can you at least maybe take twenty four hour? Just thank about it? Man, It ain't nothing enough. It comes out man when it comes to my money. Man, try to damn man, I'm gonna tell you what. But I'll tell you what. Lucy, you're gonna be there tomorrow morning. Yeah, I'm I'm not tomorrow, But I mean, what call you about to have these white folks see me before? You're gonna have them seasons? I gavertee you these white folks. I'm gonna be on the damn new I try to playing with my damn money. You're gonna have me show my and I haven't been on the job to take long. But I tell you what, I tell you what. I'm gonna lose that mother. Somebody play with my money. I guarantee you that I carte you. I don't put my money. Hey. Let me ask you this, man, do you think Duwayne would have done this for me? Do you think your your cousin, Duwayne? Do you think he would have you? He would have cut from me for cousins? What? What? What do my cousin got to do with this? Dog? Let me tell you what your cousin. Let me tell you what Dwayne got to do with this. Dwee is the one that put me up to call you. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got pranked by your cousin Duwayne. Man, what do you say this? This is nephew tim Me from the Steve Harvey morn Show. Your cousin Duwayne got me to prank phone call you brother. I mean man and man, damn earthly man become you know, I ain't. I ain't got myself to check it. Ain't trying to get money out of the man. I mean, boy, you keep playing the man. Somebody gonna yo before we go tell me this. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, The Steve Harvey Lord Show. But I love after he found out what you really wanted, he got real black after that. And then you're gonna be up by the mall. You're gonna be d d white folk. Finta see a show by my money. I'm gonna be on the news. Yeah, this is gonna be on the news. Human resources though, all right, tell me I gotta ask you this though, UH have you had a Have you ever had a rogue attitude? A rogue attitude with your uncle Steve. I gotta hear this before we get out A rogue out of two with Uncle Steve. Yes, I have. I have been. I have been locked in a closet at the age of nine for at least four and a half hours, everybody looking for me, but actually but he looking for me with them, He in the search party. Two. Yeah, okay. So when when I finally did get out, I went rogue. I go rogue. I went. I went in his closet and I toe up as much stuff as I could. Yes, I've gone rogue. Thank your nephew. We're going rogue. Strawberry Letter up next. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Today's Strawberry Letter is brought to you by the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. It is built for families and is ready for all types of rogue adventures with five different drive modes. It's so versatile and can go almost anywhere. Now, let's go rogue with today Today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice sun relationship, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're going to read this one right here, right now. Let's go rowe buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thank you nephews. Subject We live in a shack, but we're not shacking up. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a twenty eight year old married woman and my husband and I have been living in a one bedroom, two bas condo for six years. My husband bought it before he met me, and he promised to do some upgrades after we paid off our wedding. The carpet is eleven years old, filthy and frayed, and the bathroom floor is an orange vinyl tile that is coming up in spots. The kitchen appliances are old and outdated, and I have begged him to at least replace though, so I can have a refrigerator and freezer that keeps our food fresh. We both work decent jobs and have plenty of disposable income. We don't have any car notes or credit cards, and we do not have any children, so we have the money to make some improvements, but my husband says is not important to him. And the worst part of all of this is he works as a construction manager every day. Two years ago, he bought enough engineered wood flooring to put all over our condo, but he hasn't done the work. He said he doesn't feel like doing it on the weekend since he does it at work daily. I asked him if we could hire someone to come do the work. He got offended and said he wasn't paying a man to come fix anything in his house, and it's disrespectful for me to suggest that. Instead of him doing the upgrades to our condo gradually, he has chosen to convert our guest bathroom into a studio, and he's always in the bathroom making beats in his spare time. If his mom calls him to come fix something in her house, he jumps to it. I'm sick of this shack we live in. Economically, it makes sense to upgrade it, Oh shack, shack, shack, baby shack. Economically, it makes sense to upgrade it a bit and stay here for a few more years. Really, Tommy, really, so would I be wrong? If I hired a contractor against my husband's wishes, Please advise, yes, this is a shack, and no, you would not be wrong. May I remind you? Since I have to, May I remind you that this is your house too. All right? You have to live there with an eleven year old fraid and ugly and nasty carpet. You are his wife. You have to start speaking up for yourself. Okay, when his mama calls, he runs over there. He's a mama's boy. Okay, who wants to live in a nasty house? I mean, you can't even keep your food fresh because you don't have a decent refrigerator or freezer. I don't think there's any excuse for this, especially because you say you have a lot of disposable income so you can afford it. Your husband is being unreasonable. He's being disrespectful and just playing selfish. He's converted the extra bathroom into a studio to make beats. He's got time to do that. I just think he should be too happy to make sure that you're happy. I mean, everyone knows the saying happy wife, happy life, and it's very very true. When is he going to appreciate you and treat you like his wife, the woman he's supposed to love and cherish. Huh. You do know that you have a voice and you don't have to take this from him. You need to sit him down, let him know. I say, do it in a nice way, but do it in a strong, very confident way. Let him know how you feel, what you want. I just think, and you should know this too, that marriages work and he cannot be lazy in this. When you guys talk, hopefully he'll understand and you guys can get a plan together to fix up the place. If not, tell him no disrespact. But you refused to live like this and just start hiring people and to help you get it done. Mama's boy, Steve, Well, Steve this letter right here. Man, it's kind of all over the place. I feel sorry for this lady. But she's she's she can do something about this. Are They live in his one bed room, two bad condo for six years now. Her husband bought it before he met you, and he promised you to do some upgrades. That's the key to the letter. He promised you that he would do some upgrades after we paid off the wedding. Now, obviously the wedding is paid off because y'all been six years, so the wedding got to be paid off. Competi's eleven years old, filthy fraid. Bathroom floor's orange vinyl, it's coming up on spots, Kitchen plianes is old and updated, and I have in here we go again, begged him to at least replace those. Excuse me? Did he not promise this? If a man promised you something, why are you now begging him for what he promised? Man, damn doc, do what you say you're gonna do. That's all this is, man, This is real, simple man. Just do what you say you're gonna do. But ladies, but ladies, you keep letting him off the hook. See the worst part. He's a construction manager. Now he bought some wood flowing to put it in the house. He does it. But now let me tell you anything, so hold hold on before I go do that. Y'all both work decent jobs and you have plenty of disposable income. What you have plenty, so this is ridiculous. Now you don't have any car notes, credit cards, and you ain't got no kids. But my husband says it's not important to him. It may not be important to here? But are you important to him? See? He promised you. You begging him and not it ain't important to him? But is it important to you? Does he value your wishes? And obviously so far he doesn't. So we come back. I'm gonna show you how to flip it. Yeah, we'll have part two coming up of your response, Steve at twenty three minutes after the hour. We live in a shack where we're not shocking up. Back after this, you're listening morning show? All right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's Strawberry letter, the subject we live in a shock but we're not shacking up. You know, this is an interesting letter. This young woman he's twenty eight, married this man. He had this house, this car no before, and he promised this woman that after they paid off the wedding that he would do some renovations. Well he haven't. He hasn't the kitchen applying to it though, and then this woman has been begging him. Well now that's crazy, because why do you have to beg somebody to keep a promise you made. I can promise you that if I promise Marjorie Harvey something, I do it because you will not forget it, man, I promise to remind it. Says you have you have his words to use, but you're not so anyway. Uh, you have plenty of disposable income. You says you don't have a car, note, you don't have credit cards. What y'all doing with the money? So now, later on in the letter, you say y'all saving for another place. But then you got to sell that place. You gotta fix it up to sell it, and you gotta fix it up because you live in it. This is stupid. And then when you want him to make some improvement, your husband says it's not important to him, but it is important to you. Does your husband not value what is important to his wife? Who have you married? What idiot did you marry? What did he say to you? And all of a sudden he ain't doing nothing, he said, dare's a way I haven't answered. Faith. Worst part of this is he's a construction manager. Two years ago he bought him engineered wood flowing to put all through the condom, but he ain't done the work. He said, don't feel like doing it on the weekends since he does that work all day. I asked him if we could hire someone to come do to work. He got offended and said he wasn't paying a man to fix anything in his house, and is disrespectful for me to suggest that. Okay, hold on, First of all, we're dealing with a misplaced male ego. See if you want to say, can't no man fix nothing in my house, then you have to fix it. I got that. That's male ego. I ain't man at to do for saying that. But then if K no man fixed nothing in your house but you won't fix it, you have what I call displaced mayo ego. You have placed it in the wrong place. K no man fixed nothing in my house? That includes you. So now I ain't no man, me or nobody else fixing nothing in my house. Dog you stupid. He's an idiot. And then it's being disrespectful you to suggest it. It's being disrespectful that he won't do it. See you keep letting him flip the scrip on you. It ain't disrespectful that you suggested, it's disrespectful that he won't do it. So instead of him doing upgrades on condo gradually, he has chosen to convert our guess bad room into a studio that he's always in the bath room making beats in his spare time. Is this his plan to get y'all out the shack? What making beats? Is he doing? Beats in the bathroom? So you're married to Timberland, lady? If his mom calls him to come fix something her and how he jumps up and do it. I'm sick of this shack we live in. Economically, it makes sense to upgrade it in a bit and stay here a few more years. So would I be wrong if I hire a contractor against my husband's wishes? Please advice before you do that. I have some suggestive for you. First of all, let me give you something advice that I tell young people that work for me too. I got two places you do not cut back on You do not cut back on what you eat because that stuff enters your body and you become what you eat. So don't ever cut back on what you eat. Now, If you pour and you don't have enough, I understand. But if you have, like this letter, disposable income and you have enough money to decide what you want to eat, I'm not talking about really poor people as just gotta buy what they can afford. If you have a choice. Do not cut back on what you eat. The second thing you don't cut back on is where you live your body. You gotta carry this body around, so you gotta be conscious of what you eat and where you stay. You'll spend more time in your house than you will anywhere. Why would you cut back on your house? What you're going to work for? If you can't come into a nice place and rest, y'all can't even have company. Ain't nobody over here here in the other bath room doing be twist to people going to the bath room? Why is this turntable on time? And this t thank you? I can't because he got a track set up in here. Now listen to me. He's stupid. Man. What is we doing in here? Now? Listen to me. You have two things you can do to get this done. You should just say simply, I'm not living like this anymore. I am not living like this anymore. I am embarrassed of where we live. I can't have company. I don't like where we live. It's given me the creeps. And I can't perform in this bed. No more like this because it's just not what I want. I just can't. I just can't. I don't get turned on with where we live. And here's the big problem. And this is why I want you to say it. But you promise. See, he promised you, he would do this. If Marjorie says to me, but you promised, what she never has to say because if I promise, I have to do it. But if if you go to him and go but you promised, and then cry, oh, but you promise, And then when you try to oh you in comfort, you all you keep saying is but you promising. They ain't a man living that can let his woman keep saying to him, but you promise you and he don't do that. Man. We can't stand that. Man. Baby, I'm gonna do it. Baby, the fix the flow now, all right, going to the phones eight seven seven Palla at us. You're listening to Steven show. Okay, Steve, let's go to the phones eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, if you want to talk to the man himself. Now, earlier we had um Troy on the line and we got cut off, Steve, so let's go back to Troy line two h. Troy out of Camden, New Jersey is back. Troy. Welcome back, man, Thank you so much, Stephen, I want to get right into us, so I don't hold up another caller. But what I was saying was that this systemic racism has wakened the giant and the message is not just that the black community mails and females and our youth want to send Tromp a message, but it's also to send a message to our Democratic Party that the city in which they are in control of, they need to pay more attention to our needs and everything and stop letting this systemic racism empower them. Believe us behind. And I say that because it's specifically in Camden. Since nineteen seventy two, Steve, the mayors have been going to jail. They've been arrested except for the last mayor, the last two mayors. And I'm not saying that she shouldn't go because there's currently charges and everything with that, you know. So the reality, Steve is you wakened to something. This is what it takes. And we still have to be connected to the median like you that has a conscious level because people pay their life for us to have this privilege and we can't say that lightly. That's right, That's exactly I agree, you know, man Um it's see, it's it gets back again, it gets right back again. What we're saying to Democrats, Republicans and everybody, it's not so much we want you to do something for us, as it is we want you to stop doing stuff to us. Systemic racism is something that's perpetrated against US. Police brutality is perpetrated against us. Zoning is redlining is perpetrated against us. Housing laws are against us. Low education is against us. Why don't you just stop do that? We can we can pull it together from that. If we stop that, let's let's let's let's try to get another call issue All right, Um, here we go. Let's go to line four and talk to or line five and talk to Tiffany out of Atlanta. Hey, Tiffany in the atl what's on your mind? Darling? Good morning? I was calling to I think we need to get a million man march for the the runoff for Georgia and maybe that'll help too. And they are also for the Republicans. I want them to understand that a man profits and gain the whole world, and you lose your soul. You shouldn't do that. Right is right and wrong is wrong. What public colmen, stand up, say something. You have to feel something, you have to have a heart, could even say that's wrong. All right, Tiffany, we appreciate you. We're gonna take some wrong calls. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve, you're listening to show. We want to say again, Happy Veterans Day to all of our veterans listening. Yes, we ain't say thank you, thank you, thank you for your service. We appreciate you so much. And Steve, let's go back to the phones. We want to take some more phone calls. Talk to the people. Uh, let's go to line four and talk to Greg out of North Carolina. Greg, North Carolina, what's up? Many two two? Standing enough for your baby, got much love for y'all up there. And Fruit too, appreciate you Black. Yeah, hey, truck driving baby. I just got one thing to let you know. Man, I want to know what color you think Donald Trump gonna look in once New York go out than get him. He gonna going to a very pale peach. It's gonna stay in the Fruit family, but it's gonna go a very pale peach because hey, man, everybody tell about Donald Trump gonna come back and run. Donald Trump gonna be busy, man, because New York is sick at him and you cannot indict a sitting president. And they're waiting. Man, they got so many he gotta he gotta answer some questions, man, So he gonna be in trouble. Truck drivers, keep your head up out there, y'all, stay safe now, love it all right? Uh, let's go to line six and talk to Cameron. Out of it Atlanta. I'm sending up in here. I'm looking for Cameron out at atl what's up with your camp? Good morning? A female camera? Let me change that. Hey, Cameron, how are you? How are you? Surprise? Yeah? Yeah, yeah? Ahead, take somebody hood off of it. What's going on? Hi? Good morning. I didn't want to take too much of your time. I just want to hit a viewpoint when it comes to Atlanta. Actually, would say to Georgia as a collective, just a few reminders out there. UM, if you turn eighteen before Honor before December seven, your twenty six amendments right allows you to register to vote for the runoff in January, So exercise that. UM for the counties of um Atlanta, Athens, Augusta, Making Columbus, and Savannah. Stand up. We're going to do this. And also the last and final thing that I do want to say, I'm very proud of this day. I'm not from here, I'm a transplant. And we do have an opportunity to change this. If you have a felony um and you are out of prison now but you owe restitution, you can vote. You can register to vote. That will not keep you from voting, So you have an option there to vote so we can get our numbers up. Really, thank you, sister, very very very I love though. Thank you, Kevin Wow smart. Next question, Let's go to line one and talk to John out of Jersey City, New Jersey. Hey, John out of Jersey City, what's up? Man? Huh? Why are you doing? Do you hear me? Yeah? I hear you man. What's going on? Hey? It's an honor and privilege to talk to you. I mean, I'm a huge fan of you, man, huge fan of appreciate you black. What's going on? Hey? My question? This was the color before he said New York is going after him? Do you truly believe that Donald Trump is not giving up the election because he truly feels that he won, or because he's gonna go to jails, and if he conceived and he's an officer, I think both. Yeah, he's such an egotistical person. See, you gotta remember something about all the lies he's told before as president. He could just lie and leave it out there and they fact check him. But he just left to lie out there. This this lie about this fraudulent election. You have to prove it. You have to prove it. This you can indict a sitting president is true. If you're no longer the sitting president, something gonna happen. Man. Hey, bro, they're gonna go for him. They're gonna go for him. That's what I think. He gonna be real busy after January. Let's take another call. I think we got time. Okay, we got thirty seconds line to Chris out of here. We ain't gonna make anything something. Yeah, yeah, I just think he's gonna be busy. Let me just say this, man, you know you you have to pay for what you do sooner or later. You have to pay above the law. No, you ain't above God either. That's what's really you got to concern yourself with. All Right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm sorry, Steve Harvey is crazy, no sense whatso God, all right, let me get my act together here. We want to say Happy Veterans Day. Today is Veterans Day. Happy Veterans Day to all of our military personnel who served in the United States Armed Forces, to our very old Dave the engineer, his service, to Carl us husband postrel Now to my brother, my youngest brother, Vietnam. Vent was up in that mad entire time he was in Vietnam. He didn't give it damn and was more mad when he came out. Yeah, just something as he should have been that useless war. All right, thank you for your service and your bravery. We really want to say that to you. Happy Veterans Day to all of you. If you want to show your appreciation, your appreciation to a veteran in your area, you can also donate to a plethora of wonderful organizations who offer all manner of support, services and appreciation. Now, Tommy, you have your Miles Forgiving Foundation. Tell us where people can go to learn more about it. Miles of Giving dot org. Miles of Giving dot org. Come joined the miles of giving Commune do every month we give back to a wounded warrior. Every month we give back to a wounded warrior. So our whole mission is we give back right now. You ain't gotta wait on it. We give it to you right now. You have to do not have to wait on it. We give you as much as we can right now. Harring Show. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Kerry, we're just tall talk about going rogue. Say that's what we can do. I'm always ready to go rogue. And the all new versatile twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. It's perfect for someone like me. Perfect I'm always on the go, and it has five different drive modes that fit whatever kind of mood I'm in when I'm behind the wheel. Check out the twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. And while you do that, I'll tell you about my rogue attitude a hot hat. While remember when I had all my different hair colors. I had platinum, I had paint, Yeah, I had blue. Yeah. Yeah, I'm in the mirror right uh, taking pictures, taking selfies in the bathroom, of course, taking selfies of my new hair and uh, I sent a group text out. Little did I know I was in front of the mirror behind me. I didn't have any clothes on. I was naked. So I sent a whole group text talking about go a rogue. I was that was crazy. That was my go rogue moment. Okay, pink hair and blue hair, platinum hair. Lord, this rogue moment? It to you guys, your girlfriend? Yes, yes, yes, you don't have it? No mo, I'm sure? No no, no no no delete delete delete delete attitude. We broke it out, don't we go rogue? Check out the twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Okay, please, I'm sorry, I forgot you know you take the picture? Okay? Oh man, that was crazy. Hello it m but I like my hair color though the color was cute. The royal blue, oh your hair was late and the pink and the platinum can tell you nothing. Nike with blue hat. It was crazy. It was crazy, Yeah it was. My daughter was really embarrassed, Sheridan was. Yes, yes, it was crazy. It was crazy. Anyway, what can that twenty twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue. Oh lordie mctor, I can't wait to get to twenty twenty one. Oh, I know, right on everything we should go rogue. Yeah, the whole year of twenty twenty one when we turned oh man, we turned the clock back. We don't need another hour, no longer day, man, we need longer days, shorter nights. My goodness. Yes, what where are you looking at me, Steve? I mean, because we all zoom, y'all lead, y'all just give me the stories. I come in on it. I just thought y'all had something else say that. He's trying to picture you with that blue hair in the mirror. In the blue hair here, guys. Yeah, not that picture for sure. Not that picture, definitely not if y'all ain't got to say, I just want to say, on behalf of everybody, I know, we showed sick of this damn president. Yeah. Yeah, now we gonna a commercial break now. I just wanted to throw that out to y'all. Ain't saying everybody? I know, Orange everybody listening feel the same exact way. All right, coming up, last break of the day and some closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey at forty nine minutes after right after this, you're listening Steven show, all right, Steve. Before we get to your closing remarks, we gotta say one more time, Happy veteran today to all of our military persons. Happy Veterans Day. Yes, everybody here on our show, the veterans on our show. Dave oh no, my brother deal so no and everybody and Tasha Farrell callers husband yep. And Cheryl Underwood mentioned her earlier. Yea, that don't count though she'll don't count. What you say that Sherill don't count. They don't want crazy people. What quake in air force? That's another person were not not stop. Don't think him, he wasn't a patriotics. Be careful. Well you know what about this thing, this president Donald Trump, who refuses to concede and who's not people are saying he's not being decent or presidential. Well he never has. He never has and and it and these are my closing remarks. See, he just never has. I don't expect him to act any difference. I don't expect him to suddenly become presidential now that he isn't the president. We can't possibly think this. The part that is so very disturbed being for me and so disappointing for me is the Republican politicians, not the Republican people. They have every right to be saddened because their guide didn't win. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about Republican politicians who actually serve us up large doses of lectures about righteousness, about the right thing, about the g OP moral party. Well, now that your party has been hijacked by this immoral person named Donald Trump, who I think everybody will admit, Republicans included that this has been the most unpresidential president of our lifetime. President Obama said he was hoping that he would rise up and meet the obligation and respect the office of the president and rise up to the level of what it was. But he never did and he never will. And this last bit of pouting antics is just another another example of what he really is. But the Republican politicians, I thought I would get something. Four of them, about three or four of them have come out and said this is ridiculous, has congratulated President elect Biden. The rest of them, the Lindsey Grahams and that other Mitch McConnell. It sickens me, man, because you know what they always talking about, God and righteous and family and love of country. Let's talk about your Bible for a second. I raised my sons with the mantra I've taught all my sons that I shall fear no man but God. I've taught them that that we are not to fear men what they can do to us. I fear belongs to God, and fear in terms of the highest level of respect for God. That God can do anything. All things is possible through Christ. I've raised my sons to believe that and understand that what these Republicans are doing is they're actually afraid of Donald Trump. They're actually intimidated by him. I've never seen a bigger group of coward men collectively than the Republican politicians. And I'm just calling it like it is, just a bunch of cowards. How dare you sit up and try to explain to your children and our children and the American public that you're going to go along with this ridiculousness because you're scared of the seventy million people that voted for him. He could turn on you, because you're scared of what he might tweet about you if you don't support him. You scared them, just like them people at the Pentagon have found out that if you don't like Donald Trump, he just takes your job from you and he replaces him with praise with those people with loyalists, and everybody has seen him from four years. If you are not on his side, he turns his ire against you. That's what they are afraid of. The Republican Party ain't about the country no more. The Republican Party is about their position, their money, and their power, and they have given it all to Donald Trump. And now they're scared. They're scared to stand up and say and do the right things. So here's a deal. Come January the fifth, we're gonna help him out. We're going to help him out because the only people that aren't afraid of Donald Trump right now happen to be Democratic politicians. And so for me, I think we need a few more of those people that are not afraid of him. So in January the fifth, when the reelection comes for the runoff in Atlanta and we are trying to get us off and warning into the Senate seats, We're going to turn out in record groves. You have till your birthday is before January the fifth, you can vote. We're gonna sign up a register, and we're gonna end this right here, because I'm tired of all of you cowards. All of you, all right, Amen, Amen, Amen for all Steve Test. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve HARVEYFM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.