The Steve Harvey Morning Show welcome B96-6 Fort Wayne, celebrate Valentine's Day and provide updates on The Winter Olympics. The crew talk Omarosa's views on Vice President Pence, Snoop Dogg's rant about BET's Social Awards and more.
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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all suit all looking back to back down, giving them mom just like theming buck bus things and it's coble, y'all. Do me true good to tea. Steve Hardy listening to move to other for stoon bar to listen, honey, I don't join yeah, yeah, well by joining me havena do turn yeah you go very you gotta turn't to turn the time you lovey got to turn out to turn wan come come on your back at it? Uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice? Come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Yeah man got one? Hey. You know, um, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings. You know, I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I hardly ever dweil on. Uh you know the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings. The positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that He's displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that He promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I perceived to come my way, and I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out in the space, and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, and so I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and what enemy is is about to attack and what they're gonna do and saying and all of is his. That's not to con say that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned, you can have an incredible life, all of you, all of us, We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive See. The problem that I had years ago was I was the dry ever of my life, and I was taking myself in the directions that I thought would be best for me. And I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving when I gave up and I let God drive. I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life, well, for what God wanted for me. Now he wanted for me and he wanted of me. See, that's the connection that you got to try to make. Well, not try, that's the connection that you gotta make to really get it. Now, Listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly a demanding and and as offsetting as you think it's gonna be. See, I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my and my growth and development as a man. I was stopping my own growth as a man, because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God, to God has a much better plan for you than you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that, Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And and that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way, and to teach me a better way and exposed to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, I began to see things totally differently. And things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been a friend of mine or a fan of mine over the years, I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference, I mean, and I and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promised God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long, would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what he's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still short. And that's the cold thing about it. Man. See, no matter how good you get at it, you ain't gonna ever be the best you can be. You just not, because you're gonna fall short. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't and you're not and you aren't and you won't and you will not. So you quit saying it. You could saying it to me, quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd asked for, he'd have for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you gonna stumble and fall, So you gotta get that part right. Man to stumbling falling part is coming. But see, you get God in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow roll over, laid their languish. That's what God is for. So when you stumbling fall, you get back up because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, You're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you the moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more, the moment you try to get it right. The devil got to send his attackers man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side. Seven. You know him too. You you've all met one or two of me in your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They're just busy about to do about the destruction of others. You said, I know him, you know him. They're coming. But here's what you gotta hold fast too. They can't take away nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business why don't they make theirselves? Or if they ain't with you no more and they're so busy in them. I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since, just since you want to get credit for making somebody make yourself, if you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success. See, be careful of that. And don't and and don't don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. You keep doing what you're doing. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, that I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, but man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. It's like, for example, it's like detox in your body, which is one of the most healthy things you can do for your body, is to detox your system and clean out the pipes and the liver and the blood and get it all together, give your kidneys a break in all like this, Okay, right, okay, But to detox it properly, it takes twenty one days. Right. And I hear a lot of people telling my twenty one days I ain't got. But see, hold up, man, if the twenty one day easy out of three hundred sixty days a year, you ain't got twenty one to straighten yourself out. You ain't got twenty one days to give yourself a better shot at help. I mean that that's crazy to me, once you wrap your mind around it. See, And so like, if you're giving honor to God just twelve minutes out the day, dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury in life and breath and hope and promise that you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What in exchange? What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you gotta put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it, because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing to compared to what he'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become who you really are, go to God. Let him fix you. Man. That's all ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We're starting off right now in a rather reserved tone. It will change right after this. What's up man, don't tell how you did this? Jokeing to do? What's up? Tomming you top of the mooney, start off with the food, your sock? What's up? Junor wonder love? But you saw but I'll let him out. Hello in there talking big smack. One more ties though they did one my ties. Yeah, this is a dedication. Hello Carly, Hello Steve. Happy Valentine's Day to the crib. Wonderful. Hello sherlt Hally and Sherle Hey Steve, good morning, Happy Valentine's Day. I love you guys. Well, today is our owning, cracking, big day to day. Fellas, all the gentlemen out there, I hope you've made the necessary plans. If you have it, it's not too late. It's still early, fellas. You can do something to get yourself some points. So fellas, get your points up. Junior, did you do anything today? Who? You're Valentine through? You're sweetie. I'm so sorry what happened started off this Valentine's Day with this boy? Just tell us what you did first? Who idea? Yeah? For your bay gotta have that. You don't have them? We don't appreciate you'll bring it up. Ladies, let me ask you a question, Shirley, what are you expecting today? What's your expectations of today? At the very least, some beautiful flowers, of course, some beautiful flowers. I get those a lot. But I love beautiful flowers. So at the very least, flowers and probably nice dinner and and that's it. I mean, it's Valentine's Day. I'm cool with that. Flowers and a beautiful dinner, nice romantic dinner. Carla, what are you expecting? And some shoes? Sorry? Shoes? Yeah? Yes, okay, so flowers. My husband he's very romantic when it comes to Valentine's Day. Birthdays and all that. So flowers dinner and then Friday we'll probably have a date night and go out to the movies and do it up for the weekend. It's kind of hard with Valentine Pful. Yeah, I want to see it. Yeah, that's it. That's all most people I know. That's the movie. Yeah, to see Black Panful for the weekend. Yeah, that's it. Steve my Man lays it out all the time as it should be. Yeah, what about your guys, Well, we gotta here, but yeah, yeah, they probably have a lot, especially Steven. You know, Tommy has something we see. Men gotta come to the game. We gotta go to the plate Steven Brand. We're gonna start with Tommy because Tommy is at another economic level. So we're gonna start with Tommy and let y'all see how its post to go. Bring it coming up next, Thomas Miles. We'll be back at thirty two after you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Hey, Steve, we have a brand new affiliate. We gotta give some love to Beat nineties nine, R and B and Old School in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Indiana. For Indiana you already, no, I got some Fort Wayne Indiana story one, the only one on this should have been everything. First of all, let me help you the Fort Wayne. What I know about Fort Wayne. Fort Wayne is the only city in the Continental you asked that does not follow daylight saving times at any point in time. It's the only city that don't move. They clock, they never change, they don't move it. They don't move. I don't like daylight saving time. That's good. They don't that one city. You that boy, You can come straight out of spring Field o' high on simply cross right on in the fourth Wayne. And I don't give a damn what time you thought it was. You need to redo it. Well, welcome, welcome, welcome. Let me tell you another story about four Wayne again. Four Wayne, Indiana is the whole of Kevin Ferguson Snickus Ball. The first TV show I ever did in my life was called Nightshift. Night Shift with Kevin Ferguson Snickers Comedy Ball is still there, and it was booked by a long time woman named Elane steffic Elane Steffi introduced me to Tim Allen. Tim she used to book Tim allendown at the Biju Comedy Club, and she booked me down that first time, and Tim Allen requested me there after, and that began my role too with the first big headliner nationally known, Tim Allen Handyman Home Improvement. Go ahead, Ladies and gentlemen, Wayne, Indiana. Last Wayne story, the sickest I've ever been in my stage life, happened one night before performing at Snickers Comedy Ball. Snickers Comedy Ball. I was on backstage just throwing up man. They said, man, you ain't gonna make it. Huh, I haven't got paid. I went out there and helified hysterical minutes, walked off stage, went right back to throwing up. Wow. Fort Wayne and the end Snickers Comedy Ball, Kevin Ferguson's Night Shill and the legend Jus, Ladies and gentlemen, Fort Wayne, Indiana, Welcome be nine nine r And being old school? What up y'all have you do? Another Fort Wayne story later on? That's the true story took all right, just go to all time. Well, today is Valentine's Day, Steve, and we wanted to find out what the guys, what you guys have planned for today and for tonight because you know today right I'm with Junior fo What happened don't be me. You haven't Yeah, get your nephew, Steve have a wife, you don't shut your stupid behind various boiled and who gets everything in this world? I'm tired. I started an argument last night that we couldn't even get to this mass and it ain't gonna make up till next wings strategic? What was the argument about? Yes? Now, what's out there? This? What do I have to worry about that? What's out this? Easter? Mother? Just going back find you? Just going backfind you? You know I love huh? I love her? If you're listening, I love the show. Yeah, it's a verb action baby. But after you said, right before that, you said on the air you started the argument last Right before that you said for who Now, if she listening, you think the fact that you said, she know I love her? It's fitting the fick them too ignorant statements, you may And then I started go ahead when you started argument. The reason why I started it is because makeup sex is the best sex. But you can't get to it unless you gotta argument. Okay, let me ask you a question. We're killing two birds and one stone. What was the argument about great sex? And I ain't got the boy who don't like this here, I don't. I'm sure your wife doesn't. First of all, this isn't that this is going to backfire because let me ask you a question, Thomas, have you ever ever want an argument with this woman? Never? It ain'tbody winning. So the one you started last night, how did in the outcome of that you expect to be hot in wind next Wednesday? We ain't speaking to each other right now. I'm telling you this is me who has nobody wants somebody now as we're talking about roses, it's roses all out in the front yard. It's plenty of roses out there. When you when you pull in and pull out, roses rose everywhere. Bazelio. Steve hes gonna be in divorce. Call you better talk to him. No, we could now this logic ain't working, take it from us. No, So y'all live, y'all life differently hopefully absolutely thee Yeah wow, So you start an argument right the day before. I actually I started brewing it Monday. I kicked it in too. It's full blown to to night. Whenesday today, we ain't talking. I kind of blame this son, you though, Steve, really yeah, because he's your nephew. You think you helped couple bad responsibility, You helped boy, you helped raise him. You know I failed? You cool with it, you get admitted he didn't want them all. I failed miserably so and I've been admitted to this. I admitted to this failure when he was twenty five. I failed, and I'm not bore responsibility for this boy since the alright, there's twenty five years. I already know well, somebody has to take responsibility about him. The nephews coming up with run that prank back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here with today's national news on this Valentine's Day. But right now, before you get to run the prankback, I just want to say on VALI into on this Valentine's Day that Steve Harvey is all in. Oh, I'd laid out today. I'd laid her out. While I'm at work this morning, a van will be pulling up at the house. All of her favorites will be displayed throughout the house. So while she's getting ready for lunch today, which is gonna be She don't know, but something spectacling. It will not be at the house, but the whole house will be in orchids, birds of paradise, tulips. Wow, beautiful, beautiful flowers paradise. What will you bought some birds birds paradise? It's a flower food. Yeah's pretty and with the orchids and tulips in this afternoon, I've asked her to be ready by twill mm hmm. That's when I leave work and go pick off. Okay, so for lunch. She don't know none of this, but I have a sweet y'all got our house. It's called stupid. You're not learning anything from any of this. I'm learning he's spending excess money when he's got an incredible home. Don't worry about it. He's gonna be in the sweetest tonight. Don't worry about it himself by himself. Go ahead, go ahead. So do you want me to finish? You're gonna play that prank. We we gotta play the prank. Come alrank you you let you do something right today? The drows at the retirement home dead. I do that right, drawls at the retirement come back. I want to hear more about this. Grand Due, Dalentin grand same thing, grand dude and grandiose is the same thing? Hello? Oh yeah, it's just who is this? This is attorney David uh huh, all right, this is Anthony Anthony. I was giving you a call. You used to work at the UH Senior Center. Then, I right, Okay, we got a bit of a problem here. Uh are you familiar with Mrs Yes, older lady, that that Caucasian lady that's here at the center. Okay, now we got a problem. I know you retired in uh in December, but there's cleaning out her room, cleaning up her room. There's been some uh men's underwear found here and she's saying that it's yours. Well, then you got a problem cause I don't know where the ladies are that no here here at the center, sir. They're claiming that. Then at the center you find the ladies and men underwear. City was man or whoever and whatever and whatever. Now, I don't waste my time with that. If you're gonna call somebody, call somebody to get the state now, but don't waste my time with you. Have a nice day. Wait just a minute, sir, I don't want to have to I don't want to have to get officials to come down there. Your sir, Mr, just listen. I don't want I want to. I want to try to do this without your wife finding out. But we need. I got a few questions I need to ask you tell your wife you man, don't mess me wasting my time? Come on, call it back, dog. Hey, this is ours. Please enjoy the music until I answer. Hello. Doris's boy. He didn't cuss up, but he keeps hanging up. So so I need I need you to help me out. I want you to uh call from your phone and put us on three way and say, hey, you need to talk to these people. Okay, Hello, Hello, this is ours. Tony's right here. Um. I told him about the situation with so I just want him to clear it up so you can stop calling him. Okay, yeah, so I this is an attorney. David is the available. I can speak with him. Sure, hold on the second David. Hello, Mr Tony Anthony, could you possibly tell me what's going on? Why we would find your your underwear and miss uh in her room? How do you know what you're under way? I'm sorry, sir, I say underwear, Sir, I don't I didn't work here. The young the lady is saying that it's actually your underwear that's been in her room here at the retirement home. Well, you got the room. This is a bad time to be messing with me. And where is you at anyway? Sir? I'm down here in my office right now. Do you need to come and see me? Yeah? I need to come see you. What are you offer that? What seems to be the situation because I'm getting I'm getting your hostile You're sounding very hostile right now, sir. Well I'm a hostile individual. Okay. We're calling me something about some old lady. You call me about somebody, call me something about when you see yo. Yeah, sir, you're gonna watch your tone and you're gonna talk to me like you got some sense. Man. I ain't got to watch nothing. I'm an old man. I ain't got to do but die. I don't even pay tax. What you want you want to do something, you go here and only do it, but don't be called my name a normal Okay, Well, I want to tell you this, sir. This is Nephew Timing from the Steve Harvey Marning Show. You have been pranked phone call by your girl that's standing right there with your daughters. Would have kicked both y'all. Why do you do that? Time? What's wrong with you? Man? Man? You know this ain't no good time for me. Man, I don't have time. Man, you messing with Man. I'm i'm I'm I'm in the studio. I'm in New York City. Man, New York. Where you get a chance when you're going back your feeling you stopped through tripping. Let me I'll ask you put your picture on so I wouldn't know what you look like next time might see you. Oh, Man, you got you got, but you don't noticed. Woman, you got the wrong one. You should have had somebody else. They ain't gonna work. You couldn't get that. Hey, well I got yourself from Ms. Darth. Hey, I gotta ask you one more thing, Mr Anthony, What is the badest radio show in the land? Man? A man that is draws at the retirement home. You can get my lady c D. Won't he do it at Walmart? Right now? It'll help your land through the good times, through the bad time. Draws at the retirement home. You can get more of my stupid if you walk right in Walmart and tell them I'm looking for stupid timing section. They will sing you over where the c ds are and you will get a CD call. Won't he do it? And yes I will. I'm pranking church people. And you want to get this. You want this in your car, you want this in your home, you want to download, you want to have it everywhere you go because I do it. Won't I do it? Yes? I will prank c d's. Don't see all right now in Walmart? I will do it. Matter of fact, go to Thomas Mile dot com and leave me who you won't meet the prank I will Thomas Miles dot com. Thank you, nephew. All right, coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anna is gonna be here with today's national news and we'll have our Winter Olympics Report. Steve sokay, ready, you're listening to the Steve Show. All right. Happy Valentine's Day everyone, Steve. We still want to hear part two of your romantic Day for your wife today, but before we get to that, it is time for our Winter Olympics Report. We all know about the endorsement deals Olympians get for winning gold, but did you know the United States Olympic Committee gives athletes a cash prize for each winning medal. I don't know that each gold medal earns an athlete about thirty seven grand, silver gets twenty two thousand, five hundred and bronze gets fifteen thousand. All right, Steve, So so can you explain curling again? Please? What is it now? Tommy says, it's like shuffleboard on ice. Is that pretty close? I look at it differently. I've actually played it. I like it. It's a circle. Okay, it's a nice You have to wear these pads on your shoes to help you not slip so much. Okay. It starts with the lunch like glide, similar to the way I leave my house in the morning to get That's how cool people look when they leave. So I just ease out the dough now. It doesn't require a hard throwing motion. It requires a glide slide with a very soft release aimed at the circle. Oh, man, as the stone it's perused. Your job is to god the people out there. That's what they call sweeping, and you yell instructions if you want to sweep harder, left, right, softer r Oh, that's what they're saying what they were saying her hot hard hard. I mean he got really really brushed down him. Yeah to London, Okay, getting black people doing this, so yeah, I was I was the only black person out there that day. Okay, let me, let me, let me ask this question. I damn sure. The Nigerian stone curling too, letting it can the sport you told me about where they lay down on their back and they shoot this through this whole course. What is what is the strategy of that once they push off? What's what makes you go faster? Somebody got in jail that damn ice. But I mean, but but what makes you get faster than the other person? That's what I don't understand. What are you doing? You lean in a certain way, I don't know. You ride the course faster than somebody else, the opicists without scraping against them side. You scrape against the side, you lose time. And don't you have to lift your head up a little bit steam so you can see where you're going? Well, Shelly, you all want to just laid back in the enjoy the damn ride. What are you doing? You're looking back where you can came from the now. You gotta look down there, throw your ass something them staying somewhere at you post, lift your head and a nobody just throwing the ass down, just asking Suirley, surely you're gonna have to ask more atletic questions. This is we don't want to, so we don't want to land right, better look up. If you don't look up in that curve coming, you ain't sitting in the clinging your ass up in the North Korea something. I don't want that. Alright, this is here with more get your wife break Steve well, I guess we shoot everybody head up here. She co heads up the lung off into Korea's him. It's trip okay, thank you very much, everybody. This is and trip. Yes, I am here. Top and tel Just officials are issuing a warning to the nation's amakers. Get up, listen to this everybody. They believe that the Russians and the North Koreans are gearing up to interfere in this year's midterm elections. National Intelligence Director Dan co says the threat is real with respect to Russian influence efforts. Let me be clear, the Russians utilized this tool because it's relatively cheap. It's low risk, it offers what they perceive as plausible deniability, and it's proven to be effective. Intelige officials have already concluded that the Russians medal in our last presidential election. And now with questions still swirling about and how the now former White House Staff Secretary Rob Porter and how he served the Trump administration with not one but two x wives saying that he was physically abusive, they had the FBI Christopher Ray is contradicting the story that the White House has been putting out that the FBI's background check of Porter was still in the process of being completed. The FBI director has told the Senate Committee that the agency's report on Porter was completed last July. Soon thereafter, we received requests for follow up, and we did the follow up uh and provided that information in November, and that we administratively closed the file in January. The Trump White House claims that they didn't know about the domestic violence allegations for sure till last week, and that as soon as they did, they did the right thing. Israeli police are reportedly recommended to Prime Minister Benjamin that Yeah will be charged with bribery and corruption in two cases. The Israeli media, saying though it's up to that country's attorney generals to decide whether or not to indict him. Not not did not you insist on his innocence. Two members of Congress to New York members said that the Trump administration has told hundreds of Puerto Rican families evacuated to hotels after her came Maria that they have to go back to their homes will find someone else to live after Today. Native Alaskis and Jose Sano say that the about two hundred families have to go, and they're asking the government to extend that hotel program to at least June one. And yesterday is Frederick Douglas Day, ash Wednesday and smooches for every one day. Okay, my smooches are kind of funny. We'll back with more entertainment in today's trending topics. That twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Show. Former White House aid and reality TV star Amarossa once again spoke up about President Trump in the White House. You know she's on that show, Celebrity Big Brother. I don't know if you guys had a chance to see it. But during the episode, yeah, I'm Rossa Warren that those hoping for Donald Trump's impeachment. Ah, you better think twice about that, she says, because Vice President Mike Pence is what she calls scary. Take a listen. Can I just say this as badish, I don't think Trump is. You would be worried about Pence. Everybody that's wishing for impenent might want to reconsider their life. We would be begging for days of Trump back if Pence became president. That's all I'm saying. He's extreme. I'm Christian. I love Jesus, but he thinks Jesus tells him to say things like Jesus I say that I wish. Oh well, that's the first thing she said. That's true. I agree with that on the show. Yeah you have that. Yeah my kids. Yes. Also, while talking to other CATS members in the house, some A Rosa claimed that Trump's administration crackdowns on immigrants are going to get worse. Check this out. Barack Obama's administration said, if you sign up and basically out yourself that you're here, I won't protect you. As a result, all these people signed up, outed their families, their children, people who were in hiding. Then Donald Trump got in, it was like, yeah, that was his little executive order, and now that someone else's charge, is that going? Well, I look at this register. Now we know where you are, we can find you. I guess what the crackdowns are happening, and their aggressive and they're intentional, and they're to get worse. You know, it's just weird them talking about politics period on these reality shows. Now, it's just kind of strange, especially to this degree. I'm surprised she can say as much as she can say this because politics has changed. The election of President Trump has changed the game, because it's a new landscape now, It's never been done this way. First of all, no president has ever tweeted, No president has outwardly said the things he said and been allowed to get away with it. Because, like Van Jones said, people are trying to make this out as normal. This is not normal. It's abnormal. He has drained the swamp as he promised it, but he has filled it with new creatures that we have never seen before. And so what she's saying is true. All of these people who signed up, he go going down this list he going to get to did you hear about that doctor that he was a study in medicine or something, got of family over here. They didn't took him. Oh oh yeah, yeah, yeah, that happened some yeah, a while ago. Yeah. He's been a citizen all this time and he's ye yep, alright, coming up next more of this craziness. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Valentine's Day, as we've established, and it just is Valentine's Day. Love love, love, love, love, and uh it's also ash Wednesday today, Steven, we wanna do a version of asked Steve. Okay, let's go. I gotta question, Yeah, okay, love is fill in the blank? Love is? Can I give a description of it? Yeah? Whatever you want your answer. I think that real love is all encompassing me and it takes everything into consideration, our person's qualities, of person's flaws, the good points to bad points, the positive to negatives. I think real love is all encompassing. If you really in love with somebody, you become tolerant and you try to work through the differences that you have, and you try to understand the flaws of your partner, because everybody got them. Everybody got them, And so I think real love is encompassing of it all. You have the ability to try to be understanding and work with and then the things you can tolerate, you tolerate things you can't. You put it on table and see if y'all can't come some type of company with wisdom, some wis y'all want the other side of it, Tommy, Love is filling the blade. It's what you tell else somebody when you're trying to get something. Particularly, That's what love. A lot of people said and don't mean it. It's just something you say said you can get what you're trying to get. That's what love is, just saying that. Another question, Tommy, go ahead, Who do you love more than anybody else? Is who I love? On it myself. I don't love no about more than I love me. I love me some me. I ain't never get in the way of me. Why I'm gonna live at somebody more than I love me? Why would I? Why would I don't think put you first? Am I not gonna love me first? That's just like when president just go vote, they vote for themselves. They don't vote for the other person time. No, you don't vote for the other person. That's stupid, man, love you attitude any more questions? Let me recover from that. No, that that you don't even have to recover. All right, let's talk about commitment, Steve. What's the difference between love and commitment. Well, you can love a person and not be committed to him. That that's done all the time. That's the commitment is you has to be from your standpoint. The commitment has to be come from your standpoint what you're willing to give another person and how you really value yourself and not only yourself, but what you have with the other person. That produces a stronger level of commitment, and it puts it at a higher risk value. You take less risk. You're more committed. You when you when you really involved and you don't want to lose what you have you keep, commitment increases. But you can't love a person to not be committed to him. Though. Let's ask for real question. Can you learn three people? Yes, you can, Tommy, thank you, thank you, I knew it. Not I knew it, And you will get busted and you will have to pay. All right, more from Steve. When we come back. We're gonna have his dues and don'ts for Valentine's Day. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after, it's Today's Strawberry Letter. But up next, Fort Wayne, Indiana nephew Tommy is here. That's him right there with today's prank phone call. That's me. I'm giving up your wife for Lynn. See right there. Sorry, Fort Wayne, but you know what, ain't just supposed to give up some for yes Wednesday today, I'm giving up your wife for Lynn. It's ash Wednesday today. Yeah, we'll talk about it that. He has a story about that too, you know he does. He does. Oh, we gotta I love that one. Let's right, giving up your wife for let Here it is Hello, Hey, I'm trying to reach Dorsey. Yeah, this was it. This cliff Man. I work at the post office with your wife. How you doing, bro? I'm doing all right? Everything cool? Yeah? Everything good man? Everything good. Um. Like I said, my name is cliff Man. I wanted to reach out and holllet you about a couple of things if you if you got a minute, you got a minute? Yeah, everything all right with my wife. Is something wrong or something no? No, no, no, no, no, no, your wife good? Man, your wife good. I wanted to hit you up. Man. We've been working the post office quite a while. We've probably been in the same room a few times. Man, I don't know if you remember me me or not, but okay, but what I wanted to say, Man, is trying to do better with my life, dog and you know, just just trying to do better, you know what I'm saying. So you know, for for lift, Man, I gave up a few things. You know what I'm saying. I just thought that would be a good thing, man, to try to do the things that matter the most, uh, that you're addicted to, you know, you want to get rid of you know what I'm saying, at least for Lent is what I'm trying to do. You feel me. Okay, I'm kind of confused. But what they got to do with me, well, basically, man, I'm I'm giving up for Lynn. You know, I decided to give up uh, messing around with your wife, you know, because because who who hold on? Man? Hold on? Man, I'm at work. I don't know what you're come back, but back up and rephrase everything you just said. Well, like I say, Man, for Lynn, I'm trying to I'm trying to give up stuff that I'm that I'm addicted to, you know. And I just said what they got to do with me and my wife though and you. But that's what I'm trying to tell you, Man, I'm trying to give up messing around with your wife for Lynn. I mean, that's what I have given up. I've given up messing around with your wife for Lynn. Man, we're talking about man, messing around with my wife. Man, got no time for no games right now? Who this man? What's what's your name? Again? This is Cliff Man I actually worked with for the last ten twelve years. But but what I wanted to really let you know is, you know, her schedule probably gonna change because what we used to be doing we ain't doing. So she's probably gonna be coming home a little bit earlier, things like that. But I don't I don't want you getting addicted to it, because you know, after Lynn is over, then you know we'll be back what we used to do. Man, what is you talking about? Man? Hold on? Is my wife's going to be home in a minute. We're gonna talk about all this with me. Man, I'm about to go Hold on, what what are you? Are you in the city right now? Can I can I meet with you right now? Cliff? Right? Okay? But what I'm what I'm trying to say, Well, I'm saying I'm trying to do better. You know, I gave up trying to do better. That sounds like a bunch of to me. I got something for you and my wife? True? Okay, Okay, okay, man, I mean, ain't you feeling me? Don't trying to do better? Though? I ain't feeling the thing you calling me telling me my wife. I think we need to meet up and talk about this face to face. Clip what you think? I mean? We talked right now? If you want to have a conversation, No, no, no, you just tell me your address and me and my wife's beend to just come on over there. How about that and we all said down and have a little power. I don't know who thank you is, man, but me and my wife been together over fifteen years and we ain't never had no problems with no like this, like the you're telling me on this phone. It sounds like a bunch of crazy to me. But somebody knick gonna today. If true, So what you need to do You need to tell me your name, your number. And I don't know why you come from this block phone, but you hear me, man, I'm hearing you. Man, what I'm saying, the reason for the call was to let you know, you know, don't get used to her schedule because after litt it's gonna be back to the way it used to beat. That's all the phone. What's the is you talking about? We're getting on not what what's your what's your what's your what's your last name? Cliff? I'm gonna come find you. I'm gonna come see you now. Jack. My name is Cliff. Like I said, I work at the Cliff and I work at the Post offic with So okay, well, how come you call from a block number? Cliff? What's your phone number? Man? Hey man, listen, I'm not trying to have no confrontation with you. Man, it's already a confrontation. You can call my phone from a block number. I don't know you, you don't know me, and you're telling me you be my wife? Are you serious? Did you know she was married? I mean, what you mean? Did you know he was married? Yes or no? I mean yeah, I know. I mean yeah, I knew she was married. Okay, what it is you knew that from the jump, So that means you've been disrespecting me from the jump. So now I got to getting your Now you just cantroll off on yourself. So here regards list. I'm coming to see you today, Jack, Hey, and my name named Jack Man, my name Clip. But you're not. I'm not gonna look here. I don't have no, I'm not trying to have no confrontation. I just wanted you to be aware of the schedule. Yeah, okay, I'm definitely aware. Not Clip. Who that is you? Man? Another thing? Man, I want to know this, like I know, I know your tattoo on your name on her lower back. I've seen that. Uh it's a Dorsey right there. Whoa whoa, whoa, whoa whoa whoa? Hold on, hold on, man, you're telling me you haven't seen the tattoo on her back? Is that what your lower back? Man? Right right right right on above a tail phone? Yeah, I've seen it. Dorsey? Your name Dorsey? Right? Man? Who is this man? What's your real name? Hey? Man? They calm down, Man, are you. Are you cool with you called my phone? Are you school with the schedule changing? That's what I'm asking? What are you cool with her schedule change? And you see what I'm saying, Her schedule are gonna come back to normal once lit is over with. I gave up messing around with her for man, But nothing, you man, I'm not cool with the thing. I'm about to be cool in your face in a minute. And then tell me your name, tell me your number and your real address, and we're gonna talk about our lists in person. Okay, all right, what my name? What's your name? My name Tommy? Man? Okay, now we're getting somewhere. Tell me what I mean. I mean while you need my last name because I'm gonna come see you. What you mean? Why I need your last name? Hold on? Hold on, somebody get in you on the phone. Hey, hold on, don't go nowhere. We're gonna get in on the phone right now and we're gonna settle this right now. Hold on, you're on the phone, color color for real? Yeah, tell me who what you're scared up? Okay, man? They called me nephew Tommy? Oh who my name? Nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. What uh No, she didn't shut me up. Man, Man, your wife got me to pray. Call you man, she tell you so I left. I just left the house. Call him now. That's why staying as in the phone. It was over for you. Man. Y'all come on, man, y'all wrong for this man. This needs to be a gift a low man. Man. I gotta ask you, baby, what's the baddest radio show in the land? Man, Steve Hardy Morning? So I guess I come a time. You know what You're supposed to give up something around this time of the year, and and but if you've been holding on it at sure lets something go now after this Now you know, just just after Lenten season, you're back back over there one time. I'm sorry, My bad ain't gonna be in time. You get it out. Where can we get your CDs? Quickly? Tommy, Walmart? Get him in Walmart? Won'tly do it? Frank c D is on sale right now. I'm franking church people. You can get your very own copy in Walmart. They don't have it telling the audisme mode because the nephew is selling Frank c ds. So see there four who do well, you only know the Lord ten percent. But alright, coming up at the top of the hour, Today's Strawberry Letter. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy Valentine's everyone, and as we just mentioned, of course, it's also ash Wednesday. Steve, right before we get to the Strawberry Letter. We would love to hear this story, I mean, because we just love it every year. So we have new affiliates to some people that have never heard this story yea before. It's one of my favorite. We just got fort Wayne, so you know, you gotta tell so they can get to know us. I worked at Ford Motive coming and uh, it's a windy which I knew nothing about. That's what I said. So I don't know anything about this because I'm not Catholic. I had no idea what it was. So I worked with this white dude. We was real cool at the world a job. Man. We were like best best boys, worked right next to each other in all pits, all pumps, we should put all pumps on and so you know that job, I just got it forward and that was kind of one of the jobs you didn't want. But me and him alternated, so he was kind of cool with each other. So he had went to lunch. I didn't know. So he came back from lunch and I'm standing there talking and I don't see him come up, and he fittn't relieve me, and I got cover rolls on. He didn't put his cover rolls back on. It's my time to go to lunch. Because we relieved each other. Now he didn't unbeknownst to me, he didn't went to church on his lunch break. Called. He capped yes then and then got the all ash put on his forehead. They nobody told me nothing about this. So I'm doing all pumps. He's standing behind me and I'm talking to the other dudes on a simili line. He said, how if I'm back, man, I'm ready to gonna let you gonna go. I said, I'll be with you mentor. I turned around and I look at him and we're talking. And so I'm steady talking to the other dude on us side line. So we started talking. He kept talking, So I pulled my rag out out my back pocket and kind of dabbed it, you know, a little bit on my tongue and went on and wipe that ash off his forehead. I thought it was all call were all we put on all pumps. So I said, my boy, it got this all on his head, so I'll wipe it off with your whole head. He's standing he said, oh my god, what did you down? And I'm standing there like damn. That's ungrateful sending them in there with it all on your forehead. I'm your boy on his girlfriend started walking bout down here. You got this all on your he said, what did you do? Said? Know what you're tripping for? Man? I just got this all off your head. He said, wasn't oil. I said that, hell, it was what you thought it was. I was looking at the U can't see it. It's on your phone, he said. Ash okay, ash all. What is on your forehead? Folk? He said, because it's ash windstape. I said, don't what it's ash Wednesday. I went to the cathedral at a priest put this on me. What I'm so damn well they had a priest put one on you, dog, and it won't need more home cross your thumb, smooth man. We didn't, white boy, explain that to me. You were done with the other dudes across the similar line. When the engine going by with nothing on it. They over there hot. Uh so that's the last time. Wow, now you know all right, nephew, take us to the letter. Now the letter, ladies and gentlemen, especially from Fort Wayne. It's we invite our audience to write us letters, write Steve and I letters, and we will give you advice if you have an issue. Okay, and you'll check it out. Bugle up, hold on tight, we got it for you. Here it is the Strawberry Letter. Ready for the letter. Here we go. Subject. I am a mother and a wife not amaze. Ready, Dear Shirley and Steve. I'm hoping that you will choose this letter because at this point I really don't know what to do. I've been married for close to nine years to a wonderful man, have one child and another child that will be born in about two weeks. When my husband and I were dating, I did notice that he wasn't always the neatest person, but I cut him some slack because it was a bachelor and living on his own. When we got married and moved into our apartment, he would help out, but the majority of the housework fell on me. Shortly after moving into our first home, I began to repeatedly ask him for help around the house. It would usually take me acting like a lunar tick before he would help, but the help would only last for about two or three weeks. Fast forward three years later, and I'm still n responsible for the housework. Granted, my husband does not have a regular night of five like I do, but on the on his days off, I expect him to do something anything. Am I wrong for asking him to take care of the yard, do a few loads of laundry, to clean up the house if he saw them all day without our child to take care of. As well, when I'm off on the weekend, I get more done in five hours than he does in two full days of being off. And that's with having to take care of our child and being pregnant. One more thing. Whenever I asked him to do something that affects his family, I never asked him more than once. Please help me? What should I do? Stephen Shirley? I respect your advice and usually agree with the advice that you have given others. I'm hoping that you will give me a solution that no one else has already given me and didn't work. Signed. My name is not Florence from the Jefferson's Dear Nut Florence. You just married your opposite, your neat and he's a slob. You like to clean up and he doesn't. You've already said that he was a wonderful man, and just because he's a slob and doesn't like to clean up doesn't make him a bad person. But him not being supportive of you when you're about to deliver his baby in two weeks makes him lazy, lazy, lazy and selfish to me, he needs to get up off his butt. He needs to um, like you said, do something anything. You're pregnant. You shouldn't have to lift a finger to do anything. You know, he wasn't He wasn't neat when you when you were dating. You did notice that. I say, you know, call a professional maide service, Mary maid, see if they're in your area. Okay, just call a professional maide service. You shouldn't have to do all this while you're pregnant. Come on, this man needs to step up and help you and be supportive. You're having his baby for God's say, twelve minutes. All right, let's get to hurt you, because at this point I really don't know what to do. I've been learned close to nine years too wonderful man have one child and another one that would be born in about two weeks. When my husband and I were dating, I did notice that he wasn't the neatest person, but I cut him some slack because he was a bachelor living on his own. When we got married and moved into our apartment, he would help out, but the majority of the housework fell on me. Shortly after moving into our first home, I began to repletedly ask him to help around the house. I would usually take me acting like a lunatic before he would help, but the help would only last for about two or three weeks. Fast forward three years later, and I'm still responsible for the housework. Granted, my husband does not have a regular nine to five like I do, but on his off days, I expect him to do something anything. Am I wrong for asking him to take care of the yard, do a few loads of laundry, or clean up the house if he's home all day without our child to take care of. As well, When I'm off on the weekends, I get more done in five hours than he does in two full days of being off and that's with having to take care of our child and being pregnant. One more thing, whenever I asked him to do something that affects his family, I never have to ask him more than once. Please help me what should I do? Stephen Sherley. I respect your advice and usually agree with the advice that you have given others. I'm hoping that you give me an solution that no one else has already given me and didn't work. Signed. My name is not Flauence from the Jeffersons. Well, uh, lady, that ain't Flaunce from the Jeffersons. Let me help you out. I think the solution is in the way you look at this letter. I think you your situation has to be looked at a little bit different. Uh, this is not a letter about pregnancy at all. I respect the fact that you are pregnant. Now. I love women for that ability that God given gift, and you are to be honored and respected an uphill for that duty that you all performed so eloquently. But this letter really ain't about your pregnancy. This letter really is about your man that you knew prior to getting married was sloppy, So after you got married, see you say I cut him some slack because he was a bachelor living on his own, and this was supposed to change because y'all did what y'all exchange rings and vow to live and love and richard for poor, better, for work, sickness, and in health. Thus far, he is not breaking any of the vows that he committed to. Thou shall clean the house is not a wedding val or commitment of any kind. You have a wonderful man, it's just something about your man. You don't like your man sloppy and you want him to be neat. Well, I got news for you. You and all the ladies just having this problem. Your man ain't gonna be that for you. I began to repeatedly ask him help around the house and usually take me acting like a lunatic before he would help. Okay, so now you're snapping, going off with it. He cleaned straighten up for a couple of weeks, and that ain't good for you when you're pregnant. Know how he's straighten up for two weeks. Fast forward three years later, you still ninety percent responsible for the housework. Granted, here's the key in the letter. Granted, my husband does not have a regular nine to five like I do. Well, let's read in between those lines for minute, folks. Does this mean that this man has a job that takes him away from the home a lot more than an eight hour job. Is he in some type of running his own business? Is he in sales? Is he in a salary position that requires him to be a job until the job is through? What type of job does he had? What she admits? Granted, he does not have a nine to five, meaning he working more than eight hours. That's what I see in this letter. So when Dag come home, see the man got to plug up and get rejuvenated for the next day. He fit to clean up your house. That ain't what he do. He wasn't cleaning up the house for he met you. He didn't sign up for the match to clean up the house. Now now you want some help or everybody say getting maid service. Everybody ain't got money for no maid service. So if I was you, ma'am, so you can quit driving yourself crazy with this wonderful man you'd have, who is number one dude taking care of three p's. He's professing his love for you because you know he's a wonderful man. He's providing for you because you are in a new house, somebody paying for it. And I bet it's got a lot to do with that man that's got that job, that ain't no regular nine to five. He turned in the change over and he willing to protect you. So this ain't about him cheating. This ain't about him not being there for you emotionally. All you mad body, is he won't clean up the house. Now you got the pregnant, the majority of woman will be in their life pregnant, well, had a baby, and then let's move on. I'm just telling you what you can quit expecting from your man to do. I'm telling you the letter ain't about her pregnancy. What do you want the man to do cause you regnant? Now? Is he taking care of prenatal care? Providing all the medicine? And she said nothing about lifting, no fingers sharing it. She don't want to do no housework. But what you cannot expect this man to do, it's scripping. Be something that he ain't heating to do the housework. That ain't what you do. All right, Steve, we gotta get out of here. Email us or instagram us. Your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at my girls, Shirley and please please join me this Thursday at one thirty pm Eastern time. I'll be on Facebook for the Strawberry Letter Live after show. All right, I want to see you there now. Switching gears. I don't know if you guys heard about this, but Snoop Dogg is a little upset about b et s Social Awards over the snub he did not get any awards. Snoop Dogg awards. Yeah, I'm mad too, What you mad about? I don't know. I just want Yeah, we love him. He's only not happy with b e T. He took to Instagram to give the network a piece of his mind. As you know, b ET held its two thousand eighteen Social Awards to honor social media influencers, and according to the dog Father, they left out the King of social Media. Take a listen, y'all gonna have a BT Social Awards, and I'm not invited and not in no categories because going on in the King of social Media. When it comes to this Instagram, everybody loved my page. I keep you laughing, keep you thinking, keep good music on the BT Social Awards, saying do I need to turn into that again? Go Kanye on, y'all, go snatch me an award for BT. Get it together. I ain't tripping, y'all tripping. I love Did you not love him? He's got like twenty one point six million followers? Okay? Yeah, coming up in about ten and that you can call and tell us what love is again and ask Steve some love questions on this Valentine's Day eight seven seven nine, Steve, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, here we are. We we tweeted out there, We put the question out there for people to call in and ask you love questions, as today is Valentine's Day and you're the love guru, the love doctor, all of that. So let's go to line one and love doctor. Okay, it's Lenara from New Jersey. Steve. Yes, Hello, darling, how are you? I'm yourself? Well, you know, I'm just fine, girl. I'm really What can I do for you? Any questions or comments? Today? Ah? Yeah? Question? Um? What do you get someone if they don't like candy cards, roses, balloon animals? Not Tommy? I'm sorry, this is a woman talking. Now, are you trying to get something for a man, or you trying to suggest to a man because you don't like these things. I don't like the right. See that's the one of the two. Well, you gotta tell them Marjorie is not a candy girl at all. Marjorie don't like care for roses. I know what her favorite favorite flowers are. So I've made the switch years ago. Uh, Bars, is hard to get a woman, fellas, because a lot of times y'all think the bigger, the bad and better. And then they got to set the bath up somewhere and then forget the bay in there, and then they come around the corner, and any time they come around, they're scared as hell. Then you didn't got look like a dead man standing ver. I think what you should do is you're just gonna have to point blank tell him this is not what I don't care for. If you want to do something nice for me, you know, I would you miss what's happening. She rarely have a stuff, man. I think this is what she's saying. Help that out. Well I heard it, but yeah, but she got a man, and she don't like the stuff she's been getting, and so what you gotta do is you gotta suggest to the man. We gotta tell him. Look, we've been together. I don't want you to waste your money. Just now what I do? Would like for Valentine? If you took me somewhere nice because most women like to go nice places. Would that be a correct assumption to eat? Right? So you love to go to dinner? Would you like? Uh? Do you care for cards? What's cards on that long list? Don't like? No, because he don't like the buy cards because I send to hang on them to them too long, So he don't. He not a card person, so I won't get a card anyway. But he likes to get stuff like you know, the other stuff, the other stuff. She said, like, well, you know, but I think you just got to share with him what it is you do like a nice dinner somewhere is nice? Uh? You know, just a gift, a trinket, you know a type of gift like that. You know, maybe you like ink pens or you know, purse shoes, you know broach scar She hard, no, Google Boy, she too old for that cause they like Epps and salt bad. So yeah, she needs something help get that swelling down. That's what she though, Steve, I ain't got no Louis yet, So that's what I'm waiting for. Yeah, she say that. Where are you from? Jersey, New York, New Jersey, New Jersey? Now you know sal Yeah? I know? Have you priced them? Which one you're looking at? Oh? I don't know. I just want to Louis. I really don't care what kind of is or how old it is? What it is? I got one my wife. Okay, you got on. Yeah, Tommy, you gotta Louis. Go ahead. My wife got it's good old. When she got she don't she don't you know more? You just one, just to have one. Yeah, you can give it to me. Okay, I talked to it because we need to clean this closet. I so I got plenty of Louis. He wants a couple of Louis. Yeah, is your man gonna bude in Louis from me? I thought you was gonna give it to me. Yeah, that's what you said. That's what you said. You got so many, why sell it? You can just give it an Come on boy, come on, big player, rich boy, come on y'all. Damn. Yeah, you have to clean it out. Your wife clause is selling stuff out of it. I want to see how this go. Well, Baby, we got to take another call. Happy to baby and the clue have a good one. Vale's stupid. You'd be just getting yourself and I ain't never seen than you. You're the I'm this person that's mad. Clean up your smartest. You say genius, it's genius. Can't be giving away your wife stuff without talking to her first. Well he's not talking to her. That's the thing is, you ain't divorced yet. If I take that periods out that cloud, he is not gonna miss that peris. Yes, you know, yes, we know. Won't tell me do it? Yeah, we know our bags alright, keep the calls coming. Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve, we'll be right back. It was going on with your boy, Kevin Hard at KA People's champ at k A Mr box Office a k A Mr Comedy at KA make the world laugh at KA God Danger. I can do what I want because I feel good at K, A little swag at K, A little needs at K, A long thing attips, big thing and nails a k A. I smell you, but do you smell me? Hey K. My hair used to be longer than this until I stopped cutting it. Okay would that be? And said, I love you, you love me, but keep it locked where I love the most, and that's here Steve Harden Morning Shows. You're listening to stew all Right, Today is Valentine's Day, and for some of us, it'll just be like any other night with Netflix and some comfy jammies. You know how that goes. However, lots and lots of couples will be heading to restaurants tonight. Here are a few of the twosomes you'll see celebrating. You'll see this couple, the couple that are celebrating, that's celebrating for the very first time, like their first date. Yeah, that's sweet, isn't it. You know they're gonna go huh, what'd you say, Steve? Yeah, they'll have candles and flowers, fancy bottles of wine. But they're in love and this is their first Valentine's Day to gain See that's how mine go, look though, like it's your first time because I'm gonna lay it out though I did I tell y'all what I was doing because it's probably mote. Why did I leave off at That's what I don't know? Didn't hear it, three different kinds of flowers, birds of paradise. Oh, that's all over the house. The van pull up at the house. Then later on today that's happening. Now, that's happening now. So when she comes from her appointments, when she get back to the house and the house will be do then uh pick up. I'm gonna take up to Valentine lunch and it's gonna be uh gotta sweet somewhere. That's when I had to stop. That's when Tim said, but y'all got a house. Okay, so that's because he there's folk sweets in the house. But well we're gonna be outside the house because it's sure get a little sweet that's got a private patio on it with a swimming pool to it, in a fireplace having it you can get all that in one sweep U huh. Fireplace, pool and patio. Yeah, you know like a bungalow. Sweet man, you're in l a that got that there? What is you're talking about? Got a tenant? Fireplaces you know, have shelves come out, bring food out on the back, private deck, world, be in private heat lamps out there. Everything. Then after that, I'm gonna retire for a little while. You know, we'll retire me. That probably ain't your business, but you know we're in a week and then uh, Route four thirty got a special appointment, got surprised for flew some people in the town. Uh gonna do a little fitting for private fitting. Shell my mother about oh that she knows nothing about. After that? Are you taking notes? Going back to the hotel. Won't gonna go back to the suite to change, So she bring her dinner outfit with her. She's gonna change. Then we're gonna go down there. And I got the wine room reserved. I had special tables and booths put in it, flowers, candles and everything. Go have a private dinner with a selected menu down in the wine room, just us. Then after the wine room dinner's over with, then we retire upstairs for the evening. Different locations. Now that's the same suite tub, but it's two different top, two different things. Right here, there's all this, all the baby oilers involved in it. Okay, let's go, let's go back. Take me back there, let's go the fitting. Take me to the fitting. The fitting. Yeah, you said we're gonna private surprise. I know it was something she wanted, but she couldn't get it, and so I found the people found out what she really wanted, and they're gonna just come in and do a fitting for a fitting, just measurements, that's all. Oh, they don't just have her side, but they're not like, well, it's getting made what I already already knew what she wanted, but they didn't have it at the time. So a few months ago I had them try to find it. They said they found it. Now they even started making it, but they got to bring it in and put it on and do a fitting. So we're fitting you're doing. That's different from the fitting I beginning. Huh no, this is you just getting off. But it's still different when I do my fittings, yes, probably might be a little bit different to yours. With me. Is where they put the thing up under my chest and say for the folks, yeah, you know, we're try to shirt you. Where he put the thing down my sleeve and is after caol, let me see if I get it. Sixty one sixty one measurements. They called it alter s that's not so sorrow. It's alt Sria and al to sora. Alt Sorria is women alter sora is men wrong one? I thought that's when you look up worries. We don't have a man. Cannot with this, dude, get your nephew. I don't want to get and quick calling me my nephew. I'm just asking y'all that for the rest of the year, don't do not call him? Are you just owning me? What that? What's that about? I've been trying to do that. This ain't nothing new, okay. Get you left your bike down at the store that time. I told you ain't know your ass? Then oh, don't bring up back down. Let's not go back. How you getting your bike and walk home and leave it at the store because it was new. I forgot I had it. Okay, Who do that? Right? Lad you forget? Who do that? Who get a new bike? Riding to the store, then walk home licking a popsicle? And then I look at this food and I go, hey, man, where your bike? What bike? The new damn bike your mama bought you? I left it at the store in the hood. It was gone when we got back up. Knock downs down. I'm seven teen, I go down there, he's seven. Ain't no damn bike. He started crying. That's your brock ass crying, funk, what's your thought? The bike was gonna be here, good brand new bike on the kickstand. They locked up a nothing but got but came out to stop, walked right past the bike. Just okay, more of this craziness right after this. Okay, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, Happy Valentine's Day, everyone, and welcome to our brand new affiliate Fort Wayne, Indiana. Steve A lot about Fort Wayne. Yeah, I got one more Fort Wayne story for you, got a minute for Yeah, let's go. I was a young act and Kevin Ferguson had a TV show on there called Nightshill, and so I had to pick up. I mean when I got off. When I got there, I had to do an interview with the publicist for the show. And the publicist for the show was as white lady really attract the woman and I had to meet her at a restaurant for this pre show interview. So we're sitting at the restaurant, me and her. You know, I'm poe. I ain't got no money for none of this here, they're paying for it. So we at a restaurant. So as we're sitting there. All these black women started coming in, single black women, and the restaurant and the restaurant just filled up with just all black women. Now I'm sitting in the Miller restaurant with this white lady with this blonde hair, trying to do this interview. My ass was so uncomfortable. Them black women was looking at me. Now keep in mind, I'm about twenty nine, thirty years old somewhere like that. These black women just looking at me, and I knew they was talking about me, and so I couldn't take it no more. So I gotta went to the bathroom because man, I was just in there, just sweating like bullets. Man, I could I could feel them eyes piercing at me. I'm telling man, this was the only white person in the restaurant and it was her, and I'm sitting with her, and I'm the only black man in the restaurant. I'm sitting with her. Them sisters was doing my ask. So I get up and I go to the bathroom and I speak to a lady. I said, sister, how you doing this morning? She looked at me and what now, how you doing? And went on in the bathroom. I'm like Okay, that's funky, but I'm gonna be right here when your ass come out there. Yeah, hood, I ain't got what I what I got to lose, I ain't famous. Came out the bathroom, Sis, sister, hold on one second. I said, do me a favor. I said, listen to me. Tell your girlfriend please stop staring at me like that. I saw. I'm here because I'm a comedian and I'm performing at uh Snickers Comedy Bar, and I'm performing with night Ship. Kevin Ferguson got me doing this interview with this lady. And this is why I had it. This is a reporter doing an interview on me. I need for all y'all to quick standing at me like I hadn't betrayed the whole black braces. I'm in here doing an interview. That lady started laughing and put her hand over mouth. She said, you know we're talking about you. I said, how the hell? I said, since I'm in here. I said, you go back in there and you tell all of them since what hell going on? Because y'all got to quit looking at me like I didn't just came in here and just man was it was a horrific. She went out there, and I said, listen, I'm performing. Let me make a phone call. How many of y'all want to come to the show tonight? She said no, no, let me just go to play. So I go back to the table. Then the sisters started coming up to me. How you doing? Welcome to Fort Wayne. They were the Black Women's Business League at Indiana met. My ass was through, so I got on the phone and called Kevin Fergus. I said, hey, man, how many comps can I get tonight? He said, well, it's Thursday, nicety, so it's pretty open. You know we need people. I said, can I get thirty? He said, you can get forty? I went back out the tone since I said, hey, which forty? Because it looked about send me y'all in here? The forty y'all want to come to the show tonight? She said, we showed do. And so they was in town in the hotels and stelf. So about forty women came to the show. Boy, my aunts was funny that night, yes, lord, and fell in love with three of them. Good pr move on your part, though, bought him. Since eight my I was sitting up now, said boy, I don't if I ain't uncle Tom with a week sitting up in the hill. Man, I ain't the spook at the dough boy. He didn't Jimmy crack corn, and I don't care. I was in there, man, I said what she said when you spoke, see how you do? And I know that move? You know me? Asked me how you doing Today's sister? How you doing? I'm your sister? I said, okay. She came back out that said, man, hold on, let me stop you right now. All right, thank you, Steve. That was funny coming up. Valentine's Dudes, And don't get ready. You're listening to Steve Morning Show. Valentine's Day, as we've established, and it just is Valentine's Day. Love love, love, love love. Alright, So um, Steve, you have some Valentine's dudes and don't for it. Well, I got some dudes and don't for you for Valentine's Day, mostly fellas. You need to play attention because some of y'all get it wrong year after year. Now this one's tricky. You won't believe this. Well, first first, let me do this. Don't underdo it. And what I mean by that he is, don't buy like a real small box of nothing, because let's that damn thing got a diamond ring in it? A small box? Going backfin only have your woman sitting there going really seriously, who is this fault? Because I don't know? You know, they don't have a ring in it. That's the only thing small. You can get up now on the flip side, don't overdo it. What you don't want to do is give her this big, giant boxing kid because I swear to God, she's gonna turn that on you. Oh so what you're trying to get me fat? That ain't gonna work out. Here's another one. Make sure fellas that she liked baths for you go out and buy what everybody don't like math like, yeah, people got phobias against that. Don't go out that don't gonna come on now, don't eat out the boxing kid. People don't want to have a full box. Don't lift that little crumbley brown piece and try to eat one out the bottom. They're gonna see it. They're gonna see that's funny right there. Now, if you go give out more than one box or candy on Valentine's listen to me carefully, fell and ladies, don't get tight because I ain't talking about for two different women. It's possible, like maybe your mom, your sister, of co worker or some hide them boxes. Don't have them on the back seat, just sitting there, because if your woman get in and see them three boxes and candy and she already got hurt, you're not gonna be able to explain this away, partner. These are Valentine's dudes, and don't from the sea. You'll know when it's time to see in sexy lingerie. Okay, but you just met this girl. You can't give a see through drawing. You just met and now you pull out a pair of sea through panics. Boy, I messed up me too soon, too soon. We just went one time. Wonder that she don't come back. I didn't know why she didn't come back. You are so disrespectful. Now is for players out there, if you're going out with more than one person, all right, check these damn names. I can't stress this enough. I cannot stress this is from pride expery. You really happen, that's really happening. I have sent the Christmas gifts, same gift to two girls and put their damn names and mix them up on the pot, same paper. Everything learned from your mistakes. We'll be back with Steve's close remarks coming up at forty nine after the hour you're listening to show. All right, here we are, last break of the day on this Valentine's Day. Uh, you want to continue with ask Steve, Steve, because this is interesting on the day of love. You know, we celebrate love today. Junior, I think you had a question talked about sacrifice. What do you mean, Well, you know the decisions that you make for the pardon that you have. Well, I mean, you know it's important because if you're gonna be in love. If anybody that has ever been in love will tell you they've had to make sacrifices to stay in a relationship, because that's what it is. Love is a series of compromises with someone that you truly, truly cared deeply for. And if you care deeply for someone, you're going to have to make some form of sacrifice. It's impossible to be in love with somebody and not sacrifice, because love, like I said, it's all in oupossing. So it's a giving thing, right, and you want to give to the person. Sometimes in giving to the person, you gotta take a little bit from yourself, or you got to give of yourself sometimes to make the other person happy that day. You got to not do something that would make you happy that day. You know, I would love to have my officers free and clear, but to maintain a relationship after sacrifice some of them free and clear days to spend time with my significant other. It's everybody. The person who talked about I don't I'm I'll do what I want to do. Well, you're not gonna be in a relationship. You can say you in love, but you're not in the stay there because you can be in love and get out the relationship. It's a whole lot of people in love with some relationships that's gone. So you know, sacrifice is a part of it. It's just it's no way around the sacrifice of it. And that goes me and women. It's both ways. Women sacrifice a great deal to stay in relationships with men. They they they do for children, they do for their men, they do for the family, they do for the good of it. All women sacrifice so much to maintain so all of their relationships. If a child really understood what a mother sacrifice for them to be just the mother and for they has to walk out the door every day as a child to thrink, think freely and go to school, and had them sneakers on and all like that. They they yes, Lord, they wouldn't even they wouldn't even man, there would never be no pushback. But they don't get it. Sacrifice is real. What you got Tom? All right? This is just Thomas Mins. And I asked a Thomas my course, can I do that? Yeah? They together? What should me and out there? Like like I got a little girl, what should you do for your little girl on Valentine's Day? She will know what so she will know what me And like I got my little girl from flowers and she loved God with covered strawberry. But what should men do for their little girls? Out there? Well, I mean that's perfect because that's the first man she's going to know. And she shouldn't understand from her father if if she can, how a man should treat her. That She's been the problem for a lot of women who didn't grow up with an active father in their life. They never had a clear picture of what love looked like a man sitting there treating their mother a certain way, So women oftentimes look for love and all the wrong places because they never saw it firsthand. You're describing that happens to women all the time. So it's imperative for a man who has daughters to demonstrate to them what it looks like. You know, now three of my daughters are in committed to a married, one of them engaged. You know, I ain't look here, they ain't. My turn is up. You know, these dudes got to be the one in here providing all that stuff. Now, you know, now skipp or beat on them and see what happened. I ain't even gonna had to tell you, ain't nothing. I got to say. They're looking forward, wild eyed bushel tail. The first thing this morning, This this little the thing that I meant, this this thing I'm mad too, this little green eye thing that I'm mad too. At midnight, if I get them go to bathroom and she awake, I gotta roll over kids to say, I gotta beat there to it. She can't beat me to it, No, son, I got to beat her to it. Is that you're saying, that's her rule or that's your rule. No, that's she'd be looking for. Okay, Yeah, bright eyed bushy tail like a fohio is she for real? But you know what, Steve, there are a lot of guys, I mean, I know guys that these kind of holidays like this, they don't like to, uh for I guess the market to determine what they do for their girl. They're they're like, you know, I gave you some I give you flowers every day out of the time. Yeah, I don't have to give you flowers on Valentine's Day. I mean, I know, Fellas, and that's and that's cool. You want to say it like that, but in reality, that ain't the wear working their head. See, we as man, we can rationalize that I didn't kind of way we want to and tell it to all the Fellas and we'll sit up there and go, yeah, yeah, yeah, that makes sense. I would I say that too. But they can't care that to their house though. You know, some guy, though you stay right here, you can take it to your house. But now now you've done it your way, what you win? I mean, I got it, Fellas. I mean cool. You know, man, Look, you got to write the field of the all Steve. You always on the women's side. I'm just saying player, that's all. I'm just saying you can do it that way. But if she would feel wonderful if you did this one thing for her, why would you not do it. It doesn't make any sense not to do it. The payout, the payback, the reward is so much greater. I don't understand fighting the funk. Okay, you ain't. You ain't a salmon trying to get back to the maiden ground. Why you want to go back upstream like that? Women, when you can just turn your air ground, let that current k right on out to the ocean. It's easier. Yeah, and you're right, Steve. A lot of a lot of guys talk about the fact that it's a costly holiday and all of that. So before we get out of here, something inexpensive that a guy can do for It's the thought that counts. Man, do something thoughtful. Women created the phrase it's the thought that counts. Do some thought. Anybody asking you to buy a bag because it's the holiday. Candy don't cost much, A card don't cost much. Lighting the candles running her bath water don't cost much. Put some rose petals in the floor leading to the bath. Let her give on her nightclothes. Man, fix us some tea some wine. You gotta spend a lot of money. Player field for all Steve Harvey contests, No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least at years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show H