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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time. I don't know. Y'all have a giving them like the million bucks things and the stuffing good to other. Please, I don't join joining. You got to use that turn you're going. You gotta turn to turn them out. Turn, you got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your bad uh huh, I sure will come morning. Everybody you are listening to the voice, Oh, come on, dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey Man got a radio show, Boil Boil boy. I can't even tell you, man um. I've been doing some thinking and and one of the things that I wanted to mention today to you as one of the principles of success being grateful at all times. It's difficult to do. Being grateful at all times. It's very difficult to do. I find that to be true with myself. Now there are others that might be able to do it, but just just from talking and listening and and and living and learning, being grateful at all times is difficult to do. But it's necessary because it's such an act of faith in knowing that no matter what's going on, it's going to be all right, And it's hard to see that when things are not going in your favor, when things have turned so dramatically the other way, and it seems as though you're the only one in the situation where you're involved with other people, or someone got an accusation against you falsely, or somebody trying to do something to you unjustifiably, whatever the case may be. When it's happening to you, it does appear to you that, oh, my goodness, man, this is horribly one sided. So it is difficult. It's hard to do to be grateful at all times, but it's so necessary, and I I just want to point out a couple of things to you. First of all, the difficulty in being grateful in hard times is that number one, the present circumstances. Oftentimes it's just so pressing and so overwhelming that a lot of your energy is devoted to trying to come up with the solution for that, or trying to muster the strength to whether the storm, or trying to just brace yourself to try to get through it, and in doing that, you don't It's hard to be grateful. It's hard to be grateful in pain, and I know it is but here is the trick for me. This is what I've had to learn how to do, and I guess it takes practice to get here. It's not nothing you can just start doing right away. You got to practice it in small increments to really get it. What I've always had to say to myself and what I've learned to say to myself is this is happening to me because God is working me through something. This is happening to me because there's some form of tests that I have to pass in order to graduate to the next grade, in order to be allowed to move to the next level. This is happening to me because there's something I need to purge my life, of my body, of my spirit, of something's purging in me. And when you purge something, it's it's painful. You know, It's like a person getting off drugs. The withdrawal is agonizing. I've been told and every documentary I've ever watched it it's an agonizing process to go cold turkey, to withdraw, to pull away after you've been doing something so long. And so I know that this process is tough when you're going through some pain, But when you're purging your system, when you're when you when you're having to pass a test, when you're about to make when you're being made ready for the next level. That moment right in there, in realizing that that's what's happening, that's where you find the gratitude. That's where I found the gratitude. I hope I'm explaining this correctly. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it. But that's where you find the gratitude. The second part of it is is that God has never left me in all the things I've done, in all the mistakes I've made, all the lies I've told, all the situations I've gotten myself into, from being greedy and wanting too much for me at the expense sometimes of other people, not doing it deliberately or in a vindictive way, because I've never had that spirit. I'm not an active or mean person, but sometimes in my life, in wanting to do what I wanted to do, I didn't totally weigh out the cause and effect of the other person. I mean, can't just be real with you with that. I mean, how many times we hadn't all done that? Look, it doesn't don't make you a bad person. You know, good people do bad things all the time. I just happened to have come to the realization that unknowingly and and and not with malice intent towards a person. I've heard people looking at something I wanted to do without really looking at what the cause and effect would be on the other person. So in doing some of these things, I've created situations for myself. But God, through his grace and mercy, has allowed me to even get beyond that. So what I'm saying that God has never left me in spite of myself. He's always gotten me through. So that's the other part of it too. See that no matter what you're going through, you've got to understand that God has always gotten you through it, now, hasn't it. Now that may not be the way you want it or the way you liked, but guess what, you can't do wrong and not pay for that. Now that that's not how this works, That's never going to be the case. But the great thing about God is he fires warning shots at us all the time. He gives us an opportunity to stop. You know, He don't fully punish us right away every time we do something wrong. Now does it? You know? Eventually you're going to get caught doing whatever it is you're doing. You do understand that, don't you. But the first time, that close call, that was a warning shot for you to stop. Look, I know you're not perfect. I know we all sent us down here, so I know you're gonna make mistakes. One time, I know you was looking at her when you wasn't supposed to. I know you said something to him when you was i'm supposed to. I know you got with her when you know you wasn't supposed to. And I know you got with him when you know you wasn't supposed to. So I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna fire warning shot and maybe you'll slow your roll this time. But we keep on though. See see see that's what happens. See we just keep on and then the next thing, you know, we get caught. Now, old Lord, have mercy, I won't out of this. Yeah. Well see you didn't dug this hole pretty deep, and he gonna get you out. But there's some things that's got to go down now because you didn't pay attention to the warning shot. See, had you stopped the first time, you felt bad about it and said you wasn't gonna do it no more. The situation wouldn't be as critical. But because we don't stop, and we go again. But God always for gives. He always allows us to get back up again. He always gives us mercy, He always gives us his grace. He always does that an show, you know normally, uh you know, you ever hit them horns and go That's what I wanted to have, But I don't have that, So I just did it with my mouth just now. I wasn't as effective, but Dad was, though. Ladies and gentlemen, Hi ya, hi, yeah, all of that. I'm all over the place. Welcome to Monday morning, y'all. It's good day day after Super Bowl. Everybody here. Congratulations, m we are here. Shirley Strawberry calling for real Mississippi Monica, Junior Kills Page and nephew Tommy. Oh we all here, told you know, yeah, we're here. Yeah, man, you were here watch the game watching commercials? Yeah, yes, very deservedly. So I was on a text feed with a bunch of boys from cincinnat It I went to college with. So I couldn't uh, you know, say really what I was feeling that sheer hatred I have for the Bengals, and the joy that I had and watching them lose, and the sheer agony that some of my boys was in was making the Cleveland in me jump for joy. And so I just had a wonderfully evening yesterday. And oh man, we see the Cleveland Browns was started by Paul Brown. He left in sixty seven and went to Cincinnati and and and started the Cincinnati Bengals and took all the colors, the same orange and everything down to Cincinnati. Oh see, so the Brown family owns the Cincinnati Bengals. You know that's because he took all the colors from the Cleveland Browns. Because it was the Cleveland Browns causing Paul Brown. That's our hatred for the Bengals. And it's good. Oh it's Steve deep deep hatred. I was a mental sad thing was I'll live for all of it listening to my father talk about it, you know, even though I was a boy basted then took this damn football team who is thank you white folks, I tell you, white folk. So it was a combination racism and hatred for the team. Yeah, my father, white folks, water Man, Well, they don't want to got money right now for a football team, ain't there, Daddy. I ain't wanna say that out loud, because yeah, you know, but it's real, it's real, Yeah, it's real. It's all good man. But I was happy for the Rams. Yeah yeah. O' gill Beckham, who was with Cleveland, sold that that was gave us joy and then just further showed how hard the Browns actually do something. Look, let him go, yeah, let him going in. He going that damn stupid. But everybody on the Rams left a team to a better situation. U vonn Miller left Denvil got a super Bowl. Stafford left Detroit got a super Bowl. Oh Dale left Cleveland got a super Bowl. You know, yeah, but Detroit happy for Stafford. Huh Detroit. The whole Houston, Texas need to love and go to La. We needed, we need a super Bowl, all right. Coming up at thirty two minutes after the hour, the pastors are here with church complaints. Wonder if they saw the game yesterday. We'll talk about it right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show time now for church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon Deaf jam We Gabbol on this osport, this shoes day. The day after we vock haremoniously watch that. Now the super Bowl we gather mysterterteriously to ventiplicate on a scale of enormosity, and we are here today to gallvel congruently complaint from this ship. Boy, if you're gonna watch me, get up, get aphyxicated on what I'm doing, say man, man, come on decon, all right, past it. We got an issue. Brother Terrence Mosely is upset with NBC. He says he bought a commercial for his restaurant Degrees at Gril and he wants to file a loutsu now that he sat there the whole day yesterday and never found his commercial. He's asking if you were representing him on the lawsuit. I don't think he understands the real costs of a Super Bowl commercial two hundred dollars down on it. He to have a the Greasy Grill would have had to catch a grease fire and burned down completely to the ground and the entire housing complex surrounding it to have the money to pay for this damn super Bowl commercial. So now we're gonna have to break it down to him that two hundred dollars down. It ain't gonna get you a man. You can't get a radio spot on the Steve Harvey Morning Show for two hundred and that's local in Brunswicks. Know your reach. Come on, we got a dispute going out. I Lexa and Syria had a fight about one stealing the other spotlight. They want you to sell a dispute. Do you have a do you have a favorite past? I guess that's what they ask. No, don't and we learned to stay out a disputes involving white women or I think they should both contacted me to movement and let them say that because they ain't got damn thing to do with I don't care for serial or lectures now unless they come up with a new one called good true somebody that I could relate to answer questions I got because I'm tired of serial telling me I don't understand what you said? What have you? What the hell you think I said? So, No, we're not gonna get involved in that. They're not gonna get involved, all right, path lest we have three hundred and five wings left over from the Super Bowl game? What you want to do with them? Three hundred and five wings that's left over, so we need to figure out what we're gonna do with them. Well, well that's what it is, mclin. We had two hundred left last year and open up the church the following day for the free chicken wing giveaway, and the church got stampeded. We had to replace staffcases, cross its pews, carpet or the altar. They almost told his church down at them. So we're not gonna do anything. We're not gonna make an announcement about us have any wings. That's just for starters. Man, just dating the pans right now, Deacon, Well yeah, but now this leads me to my next one. But yeah, they're in the pans. But you're gonna think we're not through out. Now here's a problem. The foil ministry was outstanding yesterday. They accumulated over five thousand pounds of plates to go and they selling these plates for twenty dollars. But they need to trade refrigerator to stow everything. But I don't think we got enough room passed. But that's on you if you want to rent another fread so they can started. But the far ministry was out and they have five thousand pounds of plates five thousand pounds of places from whoever, from different people's houses. They just bring they bring them all in. It's about five thousand pounds of plates past. They took gold place that they didn't took from people highs and wrapped up in fall. We've never resold or people food. Most of the fat ass people that take places is intending to eat them at their house. Don't get shame and bring them up to us. Your fat ass wanted it when you wrapped it up, You had the fall in your purse, you had the extra extra dixit paper plates. You that's your damn problem. And don't throw that food away because you know were gonna mention all the people in Africa that ain't eaten. So eat this damned food before you get told now about the people in Africa that ain't eaten. An I told that to my daddy one time. He told me to finish eat my food because people in Africa are starving. He said. I said. My response, will will send it to him. I mean, you know or that what I say. I said that to him on Tuesday, Tuesday, right after I think I believe I said it on a March eighth when I woke up on the or April second, not a month later. I don't know. I don't know what the hell had happened to me, but that what I had said, and then I had noticed that the food was gone, so I was I didn't say nothing. When I came to I assumed he had sent it. Like I said that, I didn't bolve asking. I was just hoping that it wasn't spoiled by the time it got there, because Africa Lorne will when I said that, as a boy, there was no fed exhort. The Super Bowl church party ended in a disaster. That somebody spiked the Hollylujah punch and several members I came out of their closed in five of them are locked in the bathroom, and then we got about six more. I'm in jail. What do you want to do with these people? The Hollyluja somebody spiked the Hollylujah punch back, right, we don't have nothing to do with that. We don't lay claim for that. Oh so we just going to ignore that it happened. Right coming up next, it has asked the CLO Chief Love Officer, Steve Harvey in the building for your love questions on this Valentine's Day. Right after this, you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up. At the top of the hour, we will recap the Super Bowl commercials and the halftime performances Who Halftime. But right now it is time to ask the CLO. Yes it is right, Carla. Right by Chief Love Officer Steve Harvey in the building. You got love questions? He has answered Smith in Toronto, Right. I am a thirty four year old single woman and I have a few teeth missing on the side. I wanted a date a week ago, and I felt like the guy was staring in my mouth the whole time. I wanted to put my mask on, but I didn't want to be obvious. I'm having the teeth replaced, So should I bring it up to him or wait until he does? Now you need to stop dating tea you get them teeth, because that's that's pretty much why you single. Right now, once you get up there and start smiling, what you cannot do is look to the side and talk to nobody, especially if you got them corner teeth missing. I'm just being real with you. Now. You don't need to do that. You got to get your teeth fixed before you continue dating or you're gonna forever. There's a reason why you thirty four and single. Yeah, especially them corner teeth, because that's a supe. If you turned sideways and smile and we can see the wall, that's just too much. They missing on both sides. You smile and we can see the wall, but your mouth and damn near clothes, girl, we got a problem. You ain't got to bring nothing up. You need to stop dating. You get your damn teeth fixed. That's why you single. A lot of me and you can't even call them back because they're gonna remember them too. Places that was out a try. You try to just try and talk off right. Understand what you're charing. Go ahead, I'm moving on, Venicia and Nashville says. Two years ago, I was involved with the man that was married, and I moved on from that. Now he's divorced, so he wants to come back into my life. I'm skeptical because he's a cheater and I feel like he'll cheat on me if we started dating. Is it crazy to think he can't change? Should I see where this goes? Wait a minute, you was a cheater? But no, no, no, no, you was a Cheatah, you moved on from it. He'd have moved on from the wife now when you're looking himside his hands, because he's a Cheatah, you can't be a cheatah, less you have somebody to cheat with, see you Women that get involved and then want to blame the married man. But he can't cheat less you let him. So now when he get divorced, he want to come back into your life. Now you're talking about he's a Cheatah, what is you? Her question is I'm answering the question, have you changed? He really need to be worried about your ass. She thinks he might cheat on her if they start dating, and she wants to know what's It's crazy to think that he can't change. He think you might cheat on him. You know you do sleep with married me and you you remember that. Oh no, so no, I'm not being to help you with him. You need to help yourself. You to blame too, She says, she'll see where this goes. Everybody can't have happy Valentine obviously. Yeah, Valentine's ain't for everybody. They got a new thing out called Valentine's. Yeah, yes, yes, they yeah, so I'm hip to that. I'm not being to make you somebody Valentine, You ain't ready just couldn't move on from that situation, all right, Paris and Tampa says, I've been dating a man for three months and we've spent every day and night together since we've been dating. But he insisted we celebrate Valentine's Day week early so he can go to LA for the game. He can't even afford tickets. Was this an excuse to get away for the weekend? Or should I believe him? What? So? What's her question? No, he's even told you that he going to the super Bowl. That's what he told you. What what excuse to get away for the weekend. He's gonna get away from the weekend. It was yesterday and he not taking you. See now I know we got this question late. But you didn't go to the game, did you? So he got away from you and he told you he's gonna get away from you by going to the super Bowl. So he went it. Yea he did? That was out there hard, made me miss Las Lla. I ain't miss anywhere. You ain't at anywhere where, You ain't here this La, go back? You do well? I ready on show Doom night go back. You gotta stay out here with us. What your ad I ain't mad, but go back to you ain't gotta missisted because of all the fun they were having at the super Bowl one day, all the people got shot at parties out there, and all that one week you'd be complained about the four five stop. Oh lord, anybody one damn earth quaking. You'll ask me ready to come back? No, that's not true. That's one damn five. You'll ask me. Mud slide here, you'll ask he's coming right back? Have you one damn drive by? Your answer? Ready to back up? Whatever? Man doesn't make you happy? Moving on? I get lay missed the city I don't know was on TV. I got to get out of here. What I thought? Yeah, you guys are such grouchous. Tuesday, the police didn't beat somebody else outside here. I got out of here. You see, you always take it too far. Well, Tuesday, we're moving on. That happened and got bad out here again. Yeah they got no mask man date. Yeah, all right, Tuesday in New Jersey, we're moving on. My mother and my aunts had a disagreement a few months ago because my aunts don't like my baby daddy. She tried to defend me, and I told her she didn't have to. I had a family zoom and told them all to go to h e double l hele. My mother was not a cuss word. Sure here I'm reading my mother was happy at first, but now she wants me to bixit. What should I do in this situation? I mean, you got on the zoom and you told all of them go to hell about your baby daddy. Now, some things is not changing. It's still your baby daddy. You still love the man, and your family still don't like him, and you haven't been on his zoom and told him. And after you got off the zoom, they talked about you and him. They lit y'all up. So listen to me. If your baby daddy is treating you right, if your baby daddy is a good father, what does it matter that they don't care that they don't like him. You know, your family can be some of the worst people to tell your problems too. I was just going about my business, you know, all right, all right? Thank you? Does your baby daddy have a good family? Made me go over the house for Christmas? Coming up at the top of the hour. We'll talk about the Super Bowl performances, will recap the commercials all of that right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, so here we go. Let's talk about the commercials. What did you think about the commercials? And of course we gotta get into the halftime show from last night? What do you thank Steve commercials? Any favorites? And he wants down you know, overall, that was a couple that I liked. I like the e Trade commercial with the babies only yeah, because at the end, uh, you know, and and they came to pick him up, he said, all right, I'll roll and hey get my onesies. Yeah, that was funny. Yeah. Uh. And the Rito's commercial with the animal dancing. Yeah, now, I tell you the one, the Michaelo commercial and at the end where yeah, at the bowling alley, yeah yeah. And then at the end was Serena walked in? Yeah, you know, I had to admit it, you know, And I really don't like to say things like this because I'm, you know, supposed to be above this type of thoughts and stuff. But fans, kid, you know, was Serena walked in? Out found myself feeling some kind of way I trying to figure out what that was. Polo. Serena, you know, you and Vena has always been like little kids to me. And I've been praising y'all since I was on radio back in LA in two thousand. But you walked in and I went ana. It wasn't even Serena nor hit from Arena show her name. You saw your girl halle Berry, and that was better than the Dog Gone game. Do you understand? It was really cute? It was really part he did good. Okay, Okay, you all gonna act like you didn't see Morgan Freeman's commercial. Yes we are, I'm not Gonnakish airline. Yeah, yeah, com It was like my favorite. It was like the best, however, because it was Morgan. I saw interest commercial yea dot com booking dot com. Yeah. But overall though, I thought the commercial sucked about them. What about the NFL one when all the little players came in with the kid house that one like that good? Yeah? So all right, halftime, come on. I enjoyed every bit of it off the chain that it was the best halftime super Bowl show ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, Yeah, I agree, I think it was. It was it. I think it was up there. I'm gonna tell you what I thought it was up there with though, because the best halftime shows I've seen was Mike's first one, Princess Prince, Miami Beyonces was strong y and uh and this one here, those were the best ones I've seen. Michael Prince Steves was good. That was a long time ago. Most people don't remember that. But Michael Prince Beyonces. But this was right here. Uh gets to me up in the top two Okay, okay, okay, okay. Yeah, and I'm not even a hip hop guy, right, but you can't them was Monster, hit Man and Betty. But I think I had I think I gotta had it upside right. I don't think I had fifty upside down. I just I was worried about the ball. Just bar break Man was the video when he had the video? You remember that back yet I didn't know what it was done. People though. Yeah, I didn't recognize him that upside but it was Mary and then did you guys see um Jane i eco Aco. That was good. She got American beautiful. She was a little bitty little something, yes, because if she little on TV in real life, that's a two that's a zero. Yeah, that's that's zero. That that country singer that sing the national anthem, that girl right there had a voice on her. Man. Now, let me tell you something, Mary, Mary, Yes, that's the best version of the Negro national anthem. I've ever heard something that harmony it ever, that's the best version of the Negro national anthem I've ever heard in my entire life. I've heard it to where I was actually gnawing on the edge of the table I was sitting that listening to it before. I've actually bitten plugs of wood and spit it out in the floor. I've actually bit the chair in front of me, the phone right out for it and spitting on some versions of the Negro nationalism. Oh yeah, God, you think they heard the thing? They were so beautiful, they really them girls saying that song telling they had that blue on them girls was killing. Let me tell you something, man, Because if you don't get the right people singing that song, you ever just had something just run through you. You just like touching on yourself when people be singing. If you start digging up under your arm and you wrong, you just stuck your hands down and your pants and start digging here, you know what was wrong with you? Sing it? Coming up and after actually feels like slavery of the see her Every Morning show. Right after this, Jesus, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. There were a lot of big Super Bowl parties over the weekend, a lot of big ones. But late Friday night, I'm sure you guys heard about this, four people were shot outside a star studded after party following a Justin Bieber concert in West Hollywood. Multiple shots were fired around two forty five am outside the Nice Guide Bar after a fight broke out. Kodak Black was among several people involved in the fight. The victim's names were not released, but NBC News reported that Kodak Black was among the wounded as well. Four men ages twenty four, twenty two, nineteen, and sixty were hospitalized in sixty condition. Sixty. Yeah, he had been walking. What is he doing there? He had been what is he doing there? He hain't had to be locking up. You got to be looking for Yoko here here. What's crazy? Though? And see, I get tired of saying we, because that's the problem with we. We always get with the only race that's responsible for the actions of each other. So I'm gonna stop saying that. But when is it when there's enough gonna be enough? Where entertainers shooting at other entertainers because some beef Kodak Black had with somebody else so they shot to play up. Hey man, look, I'm not a proponent of shooting anybody, but what's the shooting into the place where all these innocent people ain't got nothing to do with your beef with whoever you're dealing with. What is that about? It's it's just a level of ignorance, Man's I mean, this guns and stuff is ignorant anyway, but to just yeah, the random people just he in now shooting now, and innocent people ain't got nothing to do with this wall. But why y'all got a wall? Oh man? Why we can't you know, everybody making money over that week y'all can't talk this out? Why does mor live in peace make you old fashioned? Yeah? But I mean we can I with you. Any human would tire of hearing that all the time. You know, why can't the negativity? The hatred? Yeah, it don't make no sense, man. Why am I sixty? At the club? Was twenty two why am I at the club with Justin Bieber sixty say that? What all I see is somebody look like me in there? Hey, that's my song sixty. Bless you to do that, sixty in there work in the bathroom with the cologne and stuff. Okay, cool, all right, we're moving on. Coming up at thirty four minutes after the hour. With all this super Bowl, we can't forget guys. It's Valentine's Day and Junior, thank the Lord, hapared a special Valentine Today poem just for us. Yeah, we're gonna hear it right after this. Thank you, j you're listening to show. All right, Steve, you do the honors. It's time for Junior and it's poem today, ladies and gentlemen, Valentine's Day. Here comes who we effectually called Jay Rapp. Jay Rapp is about to kill us with a poem. Jay Rapp is an acronil Junior's raggedy as poems, you know, Jay Rapp. Thank you. You know I appreciate it, or the intro loved it. Jay Rapp is here for y'all. It's Valentine's Day, so you know I can't go through Valentine without Valentine's Day poem. It's probably some people's only gift they're gonna get today. So I got here. It is Valentine's Day poem. Yesterday was Super Bowl Sunday, but there's no way I couldn't forget the ladies on Valentine's Day. So having Valentine's to Sherl and Carler or Tommy and Uncle Steve, I will not bother. This is a ladies Day and not for men. We don't get nothing, but y'all expect us to spend, spend, spend. You expect flowers and a candlelit meal. But men get the short end of the deal. If I buy you candy and flowers, I want more. If I buy you all of that, expect me at your door. Can I at least get a kiss and a hug? Or how about a nice back rub. I'm looking for Valentine's to love me because roses and food and candy ain't free the end? Yes, that was nice. Just I buy you something that's no coming to your door. You understand I'm not gonna just me buying. I ain't you just gonna go home talk about thank you for the evening, and we're going to hear together. We have to go and here together. You can't, it is, Junior about the poems, especially one about Valentine's Day and love is said voice tone. I think it's the pitch too high, dog? What do you mean? I can't say yesterday with super Bowl Sunday. But there's new way I can't do that. We'll read them, read them lines you read in the middle again the same way you read them, just in the middle, somewhere in the middle. Same but me and get the short end of the deal. If I buy you can then flowers, I want more. If I buy you all of that, expect me at your door. Can I listen to the kiss in a hut? Or how about a nice back rug? I'm looking for a Valentine's to love me because roses, food and candy ain't free the end I did that, did ye? That's what it is. Them's pretty good those Okay, okay, Junior, do it? Do it? Do it? Sexy? Okay? All right? You good? All right, here we go. All y'all gonna get from me. If I about you candy and flowers, I want more. If I about all of that, expect me at your door. Cantlease get a kiss, in a hug or how about a nice back rug. I'm looking for Valentine's to love me because roses, food and candy ain't free. D that's that's sex. Wow, that's not I think that's sex you're getting. I'm telling you right now, I know somebody in the car right now talking about whoo whoo. It's hot right here, coming in hot. I got to get out. I gotta getting here and get some of this here. You got me just I'm telling you, I'm having a sash and thank you for wishing us happy Valentine. I thought about y'all. I put y'all in the pond because no, very sweet it is now. I would not wish up for Stephen on Tommy a happy Valentine. That would not yep, not in that voice. Wait a minute, what you mean, can't have got to have that one? No, I'm at I'm at max bass. I'm basing right now. I'm not talking about not to base basing right now, you junior, I'm at a ten. I'm talking about right now. Get out of my face. That's me. Probably ain't nobody to go move, but I said it though. That's all I do know. Step back sea. Oh you didn't, did it? Now? You got me twisted? You're about yeah, this is me right now, got it? Thank you? You sure get I'm down within it now always from you. Coming up next and is a prank phone call from the nephew. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at four minutes after the hour. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject over sixty and full of stamina. Oh really, we'll get into that and just a bit, but right now it is time for the prank phone call with the nephew. Nephew, what you got. We're gonna take a little nap right nowt char We're gonna take a little nap. This right here is the sleeping security goal. The sleeping got to work. We guard sleeping. The cure it to god, cat dog, if you would do scared to booth man help you? Hey, this circuit this stuff I can barely heed. Is this is this a security booth down about a b the gate? Yea, sir, this security booth. Yeah, listen man, it's some people next door to me. They keep I'm hearing a bunch of scuffling and stuff going on. But I ain't you know, I ain't really show what's happening. I know, I know I'm hearing this lady scream or something, man, but I I just okay, sir, you can give us the unit number that you're in. We could have somebody come right over there and check that out. Hello, sir, sir, um, Hello, sir, Okay, yeah, I gotta I gotta sleeping dis auto man, So I'm okay, honest. People next door to me, man, they was, I mean, they were sitting there. I heard this lady screen and I just didn't. I ain't want nobody to, you know, start shooting nothing, because I know they was arguing pretty pretty heavy, and then I heard it. I know they must have been fighting because I heard something. I understand. Sir, sirry, what what unit are you in? Hello? Sir? Are you there? Hello? Hello? Hello? Yes, I'm here. Are you okay? Just you you security guy? Right? Yes, sir. You called us about ten minutes ago and we've been trying to find out what unit you're in. Well, yeah, man, the people up here, man, they are, and I'll be I'm hearing mold people over that night and they're fighting. Man, I know, I hear too God be too mean and they're fighting this lady over. I hate interrupt you, but tell me then the unit, sir? Are you some kids over the to sir? We need to know the unit so that we can come out and investigate. Hello, Hello, sir, Hello, Hello, hello sir. Huh huh hey, Hey, look I cannot do this all day. I am trying to work. I cannot be around with you on the phone. Could you please give me your unit number? Shirt? Argument? Man? I know you, Yes, you have said that they are argument. I heard you when you said that they were argument. Sir. If you just give me that unit number that either you're in or the union number you hear the no it's coming from, we could have somebody to come over there and check that out immediately. So what the union number are you in? Again? Sir? Do you do? You do? You do? You hear them arguments? See? Let me put I only hear you snore. I need the unit number. Let me see. Listen, I'm gonna put the phone up. Do you hear, yes, sir, But I don't hear the unit number. I need the unit number. Without the unit number, we're just having a conversation. Hello, Hello, Hello, Hello, sure are you there? Yoh yeah, oh ay man, you checked on the people, No, sir, we have not checked on the people because we have not been able to get the unit number from you. Sir, dude, this fall Please every time you get rid of telling fall c got to hear it. Keep fallowing off? Hey man, come here, dude. This guy follows sleep on the phone. I think it's unit out of him to keep falling asleep. Hello, sir, Love, Sir, sir, Hey man, I don't know what unit he's in. He's following a sleep. Every time I asked you something if he falls asleep, he keeps telling me that over that fight. But I don't then he won't kill me. To you, I don't talk. I don't know. To you, what would you wake up? Sleep? Hey? I got a guy on the phone that he says if they get here, some screaming over his by his unit, but keeps fallowing asleep. I don't can't get him on, get him to tell me what the unit number. Hey, dude, come in listen to this. Listen. Hello, I'm gonna need you to wake up, sir, sir, could you please give me the unity? I gotta ask you something how come y'all all, y'all, dude, just sit on y'all to watch cars come in and out that door, and of helping people that need helping, like you want the number? You shut your housing at me. You needn't do your damn job. You rent a cop, I'm a red cop. I'm a rend the cop fall asleep. Would you just give me the you ain't number? Please? I give you the number, new yo, the number. You're ready for? The unit number? Are you? Are you listening to me? Yes? Listening to you, sir. Death is a few timing from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You just got crank by your co worker. Y'all crazy, y'all, Ah, this is not funny, man, This is not funny. Y'all. Got me out here walking around this complex looking for people, ring and screaming, and you're sleeping everything. Put it okay, Let me let me ask you something, man, what is what is the baddest radio show in the land. You can't help but give me a round of applause. You got to give it to you play too much, That's what they got. But I think everybody's sleeping today. Tommy after the super Bowl, exhausted for everybody with them wings in them, the nachos and them. Okay for those of you that try to eat a little bit healthy, but then you messed it up with your glass of wine. All that whatever sticks, and the carriage sticks. Next right when you get that celery and put it in that ranch of blue cheese, it's no longer help you healthy. Once you hear from me, I'm like, what, No, man, my mama came over fried fish. I just said my diet is out today. It's I'm not I'm not eating I'm not gonna not eat my mama frad fish. Now I'm eating that Super Bowl Sunday food. It's just high in calories of even more than Thanksgiving because we eat so much on Super Bowl. Well, you even vote the game, you eat during the game. You eat a ham tan, that four quarter gonna make you eat some more. Yeah, yeah, you know what. The time I looked down at my plateoffs so embarrassed. I had a stack of bone so high I didn't even know I never dumped my plate of nothing I had. Baltimore, this's my weekend. I'm coming your way, baby, Baltimore comedy fact that the nephew was, I'm in the town. Tickets up running like crazy. That's right, they are about to sell out. That's Thursday night, Friday night, and Saturday night. The Nephew is come to town. Voice is gone from Oh my god, hunspit out about Huntspitale. I love y'all. We did the damn thing, Yes we did, and you took my voice. It'll be back by tomorrow. All right, surprised you're here. Coming up next Strawberry Letters, subject over sixty and full of stamina. Take a note, Tommy. All right, we'll get into it right after this. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve HARVEYFM dot com and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here right now. Yeah, let's go buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you. Here. It is Broberry Letter. Thank you, Nephew, subject over sixty and full of stamina. Dear Stephen Shirley, I'm a thirty one year old married woman and I've been married for eight years and we have four kids. In the beginning, our sex life was amazing and our intimate sessions would last four hours. But after four kids, it's basically non existent, and when we do have sex, it's terrible and boring. There is no spice in our love life because my husband is tired. Is just sex and then he goes to sleep, leaving me wanting more. We have sex once a week so I can fulfill my duties as a wife, but I get my satisfaction elsewhere. On two separate occasions, I met two gentlemen that are at least thirty years older than me. I was opened and honest with them about my sad sex life, and they told me how bad need it, and I told them how bad I needed some good sex. So now I'm having an affair with both of them, and they both are beyond amazing in bed. One guy is in his early sixties and he is so passionate that I can't get enough of him. The other one is in his late sixties and he has more stamina than any man I've ever been with. I was shocked to find out that the men in their sixties still have it going on like this. The more intimacy I have with these older men, the less I want to be with my husband. It's like the best experience ever, and I could see myself falling for them. I'm sure these older men don't want anything but sex from me, but I find it hard to go back to boring sex with my husband after being with these old pros. I do love my husband and I don't want to lose him. He has no idea what I've been doing on the side, and I almost feel bad for cheating. My husband and I are both still young. So do you think there is a way for us to spice up our sex life again? Or should I realize that I need more than my husband can give me? Wow? Okay, can I say this before you start? Yes? Yes, yes, I'm going to be beyond interested in here in your response. Go ahead, all right, Well, thank you? Thank you for that. You should be uh feel badly for cheating. You really should. Um, you know what, I don't think you've given it your your marriage, I mean much of a chance. It sounds like you've given up. I mean, you know, did you leave that part out or something? I think you just said that it was boring and basically non existent. But um, I mean you want it to last for hours? I mean for how long? You want it to last for? Like hours and hours? Uh? No, wonder he's tired. I'm sure both of you can step up your game in the bedroom. Do you have date nights? Do you plan anything to do together as a married couple. I mean, I know you have four kids. Do you get a babysitter from time to time so you guys can go out and have time together? I mean, those are the kinds of things you do you have to do to keep your marriage, you know, the spice in your marriage and things like that. I mean, where is the romance? Where is it? Do you, you know, talk to him about being romantic and stuff like that. I mean, it doesn't sound like either of you guys are trying just stepping you know, outside of your marriage or stepping out on your husband to get what you need. That that's not the answer. And you have two men. Wow. I know women are smarter than men when it comes dating and everything, but two and by the way, you have two men. I really hope you're using protection so far. I guess you have been, because that really could turn into a mess. And I hope you don't really fall for either one of these guys, because it's going to cause a problem, you know, in your marriage more than already is there with the sex situation. So I think you need to reevaluate your marriage with your husband. You and your husband need to sit down and talk about this situation seriously and try to come to some sort of agreement. You need romance, you need love, you need all of that for play all of that back in your marriage, and you can put it back in. You're only thirty one. You guys are young Steve thirty one, Oval, thirty one girl who lad have mercy. It's called a repeat offender, someone who returns back to the scene of the crime over and over and over and yet no repercussion. This is my in so okay, okay, I'm interested in your It's just like you were interested in mine. No, you're not. And anyway, thirty one years old and is Oval. But it used to be amazing because they had had intimate sections that lasted for hours. Here's some people that obviously he's not working. That is very hard hours. All your intimate sections sessions was hours. That's a lot well them iurs turning the four kids. It's basically non existing. When we have sex nis terrible, it's boring. Ain't on spice in it. As soon as he has sex, he go to sleep, leaving you want more. Y'all doing it once a week so you could fulfill your duties. But then, on two different occasions you met two gentlemen that are at least thirty years older than me. So let's stop right here. You're attracted to older men because you just sat down and explained to two older men how unhappy you are sexually. Now, the first one you might have just fell into it, but after you saw how good he was, you explained it to another sixty ye year old dude, and you to found out that the old pros is just that old pro bringing. All right, hang on, Steve, frying to break it. We all have two of yours and there rejoined the kitchen twenty three minutes after the hour, subject of today's strawberry letter over sixty and full over the roof in the garage to Steve's response coming up right after this, you're listening show, all right, Steve, come on, let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject over sixty and full of stamina. Thirty one year old lady had a wonderful relationship with a man. They used to have our long love making session that has resulted in four kids. Now there's no spark at all. They just he have sex and go to sleep, should do it once a week and she says that she's had to find and he falls asleep, leaving her wanting more so to cure them more. She has started seeing two older men early sixties, in late sixties. She's explained to both of them how boring her sex life is and they say, hold on, you ain't got to do that. So now these old pros is in there working. They old too, they know old ways. M They in there churning your butter. Come on, churning the butter. You're getting your cotton picked checks like you like it? Yeah, and they in there, uhhh they waxing you with bird lap sacks. Yeah, y'all having civil rights six, that's just why do you go so far? You know back? Just let me get on back. What alum doing this this old time sex? Y'all in there having hide and hide and hid colloway sick. Yeah, y'all open there? Who to vote the show to you? To get it right here for y'all having the Elvis presness sick. Whoa little Richard sick. So I know how you feel because you've had something, because you're young, them sixty ye old men and there just coming in there and bringing it. And that this man is so passionate because he got moves, he doing things, he knows what to do. He didn't done it before thirty more years experience pulling it all on you here ninety and you can't take it. And the other one got stammering them. The reason, old man have standard stammler standina, And I'm explaining it to you this way. The reason we have staminas because we've had this before. We can control it better. Oh, we know how to pace. We know when it's getting close to the end. We know how to you know, pull back a little bit and take our time. We focus our mind and sometimes it's called displacement. Sometimes being an old pro, you know how to take your mind and put it somewhere else, so you can keep handling your business without the focus being there. Thus bring it about an eroticism in yourself. So you take your mind and displace it somewhere else. Come on, here not stay with you right now, you degentify you you you you you. You take it in another direction. Yeah, yeah, you rebuke of the powers of lustivity right now the uhh and now dude, it is you won't want But I think you come to the realization that that all they want from you is your six. Yeah. But it's hard for you to go back to that baring six h that young boy thing that that hip hop loove. M m that one pass leg up, one pass down loove. You don't want that that can't go hat love. That that that that that that I got on Extra Jewelry love. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you need to get back to that dark shaking love. Yeah, come on back to the yeah that that love and then fold there was gold changing and and and and all that we just was on some be You need mood ring six yeah, yeah, red hot cold all that you go right here. You know what I'm saying. You need girl, You need Jared Carroll sex, You need rocket Trotman six so rough, so tough out here. Yeah yeah, you need a computer little six on mole bounce to the ounce. You need some headed through the grape vine. See, you have been spawned. Now you have been treated to a ticket to the past. You had some feel love and put over yeah album love pass. You know some some out in the field love. You had some behind the garage love. Put ick you did that. I know you hush. You actually had some back seat love. Yeah, I've been back for your foot. All up against the wind that tanned tent off to wind Hill. I looked up all my tent was reading post your comments on today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook and check out that's that wonder foggy love the Strawberry Letter on the podcast on demand. Okay, put that on. Put that on and we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, it is time now for Junior and Sports Talk. Junior after the big day. What you got? Yeah, you say it's in the books. Both fifty six congratulates to the Los Angeles Rams beating the Cincinnati Bengals twenty three to twenty in a game. Yeah, Cooper Cup was named the MVP of the Bowl, as he should have. Man two touchdowns. Man, I'm not to feel bad for Odell beckel Man. He got the ring, man, but he was he was out there balled in the first half. No, I didn't feel sorry for him at all. Juniors. He scored a touchdown in the super Bowl. Yeah, and he'd won the ring even though you got hurt. What greater way you scored a touchdown in the superb Yeah, he got him. Then. I can't have everything, Junior. I'm just happy for I know, I'm happy for him too, man, But you know he was just bawling already. Man, I just want to see what who copy the game. He's gonna have a bleak game. He got a touchdown, could have had three more, the way he would run past everybody he was balling. Man. Also, let me ask you this. They got a survey out They say forty percent of Americans would like to move Super Bowl Sunday to Super Bowl because everybody calling in sick today. You know, you know that might not be a bad idea. It wouldn't be bad to have it on a Saturday. I bet they'd have an even bigger viewership. Yeah, on Saturday, they I think they'd have an even bigger viewership. You know, many they should consider that super Bowl Sunday. Move it to Super Bowl's Saturday. Yeah, you know that might not be a bad idea, Dog that might be how many people calling it? Because I have no idea why we're in here, because we struggle. We should move. We should move our day too. Oh, we should have Super Holiday. If they do Super Bowl Saturday, are we going next day? I wouldn't know, NFL honest, this year to be on all my connections, isn't three super Bowls? Y'all ain't making the one of there. Ain't got no warf for you. I ain't even go to the super Bowl. I got invited by everybody. Man, you here, I want you to come to my sweet man. I got this man you here though, Man, it was starting to study yesterday too, was man. But everybody what I loved all those celebrities enjoying halftime enjoy You know those celebrities were true fans too, Mary dre Snoo. Yeah, because you know what, I don't care how big of a star you are. You wasn't one of them right making the music? That dude right there? Hip hop, y'all get up out of here. I'm good. Yes, we'll have more of the Steve every morning show coming up at the top of the hour right after this. You're listening show, all right, So guys, we have a few Valentine stayed greetings and shoutouts from the Steve Harvey nation. This is kind of cool. Eight seven seven twenty nine. Steve is the number. We got a call from Darryl. Darryll, I've been following you. My name is Darryl since she got over the radio, and I've forgotten what radio stating it was because of whack. Anyway, I remember you left and he took Shirley with you, and I've been following you everything. I want to fill the sound out to my threeetheart. Her name is Samantha. I love in the pieces. I just met her in November of this year and she's amazing. My birthday is Sebruary of the fifth, and we went to a wedding on my birthday. Has the best time ever I planned to do. It's going for the rest of my life. I planned to marry her and she fell a seven moved and I love to tell her that I love her with everything, love her to life and I look forward to spending my life with her. Zero thankfully. Oh, I was good little boy player professional love love and boys. You hear that right here? Boy, you know the point you finning get you know what a right from Michigan. This is Keith little point Michigan. The whole nation. Hathay, thank you have a wonderful that's good Keith. Hey, when y'all call in on this machine, uh if you if you sitting in the rain barrel, get out in the rain barrel, get out the barrel to make the phone call. If you if you're trying to do your phone calls from inside, Uh in a toilet with your head in the toilet, take your head out the toilet. If you don't want abody to hear yet word, then go on to broom, closet or somebody. Don't do it by dipping your head down in the toilet and pulling the lead over on it, because that's what it starts to sound like us, you know, you know, Or if you're Janet or something you calling in you don't do this from the mop bucket. Just you know, say hey, Steve, I'm gonna call you back. Get to go to some other location, but try not to call from inside the cabinet. Areas like Keith just did thing right. Let's see birthday sounds like they want to shut up their mom. Hi. See, my name is Elizabeth Ellis. I don't have a boom. I don't have a new sumnificant service. All I want to say is happy birthday to my mother. Love. Now. Also, let me make another announcement. If you're gonna leave answering called voicemails on the answering machine. These are the phone services we use. We use T Mobile, Sprint, we use AT and T, we use the Rising, we use Galaxy phones, I phones. You calling from a burner, bought a burner and that's all. Yeah, and this is to sound quality you're gonna get. We were trying, you know, we just want smartphones. Yeah, you don't have a smartphone. Yeah. Now, if you if you buying a phone and you look in line and it's five or six dope boys buying the same phone, just hang that up back up on the clipboard at the stoke. Alright, understand what you're saying. Right. Another Valentine today, shout out Carla Jay to her husband Derek. My name is Carla Jones and I want to give a shout out so my husband Derek Jones he's my wife, my husband, and I told me and I want to thank him so much of the love enjoy you got into my life. Thank you, baby. That was a beautiful call. Nah, now listen to me. This is the last one. No more calls from in the swimming pool. If you're in the swimming pool, I'm talking underwater. Don't call as mache what I'm doing to us. All right, thanks for the calls the diving board, and just don't be to start talking. We'll tell you what single people are doing tonight at twenty minutes after right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys. So, according to a new survey, forty three percent of singles has fifty percent of women and thirty six percent of men believe Valentine's Day should include all forms of love, all right, and sixty three p scent of single millennials believe friendships and self love should be celebrated just as much as romantic relationships. Of the single lovers out there this year, forty two percent plan to have dinner or drinks with friends, while thirty six percent prefer to have a solo night of self Here, everybody gets some love. Everybody gets some love and everybody needs love. Yeah, being single lo on this show, I'm doing all of them, break it down and break it down. Yeah, I'm just I'm just gonna have to just love me. That's another you go, you're gonna take yourself out, ju I'm taking myself out across a candle table by myself. But's not good because if you don't love yourself, you know what they say, you can't love anyone else. So that's good love. Gotta love yourself first. Yeah, that's the show. Love you boo. Yeah, dinner drink. So who's going out tonight? Me and Jackie going going to Lee Colonial? La Lake said, Yes, that's the guy. Yeah, yeah, Yeah, that's a nice play romantic. That's a that's Mississippi Monica Tammy owner that I'm going to lick. I don't even speak for him, but let the colonel? Is it Colonel or Colonial? All right? Uh? Happy Valentine's Day and night. More of the Sea Harvey Morning Show coming up at thirty three minutes after the hour. We'll play a round of would you rather? Right after this you're listening to the Stave Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, time now for would you rather here we go? Would you rather this is a Valentine's edition? Okay? Would you rather have a chocolate covered strawberries or scotch and a cigar on Valentine's Night? Assuming? Would you rather buy yourself though? Ye? Valentine? Yeah, if I got my girl, I got what you do? Pull a cigar? What you think this is missing? It ain't Joe Day. You had your day yesterday? Yeah? No, it's no brainer. Show all right? Would you rather have a romantic bubble bath first or a quick shower and just get right to it? You want the truth, and if you want to know, a shower with a partner. Do you want the truth? Yes? Of course. Let's get on in this shower quick. Why you don't want the bath because I'm gonna fall asleep after that? Hell, I ain't gonna be worth man, No hard. It isn't a bathtub too grown ass, people, that's really grown Now. We got to get out somebody slep. Way, ain't too much can happen in that damn bathtub. It ain't what you think. I'm too tall for that. Damn I'm six too. But don't you have like a big bathtub for your most drowned girl one time. What she wasn't saying? No, I didn't realize she was underwater? Hell, I thought she was? Was she real? Little? That was? I was kicking a lot, so I knew I was doing something. But I didn't realize she was kicking because she had ticky and water. When you drown, Oh, that's crash. And I thought I was doing something. That splash. I was trying to save her life. You're crazy. Then I had to snatch up out the water, give a hamlet. There wasn't nothing working out for me that day. The te little thing. All right, would you would you rather have? Um, well, I think I know this one. Would you rather have some old school R and B during Valentine's Night? Or would you have just a totally quiet room with just the two of you? We gotta have some music. You're like quiet? I mean someplace. You ain't this experienced as me, So I'm way more experiencing. I'd be a hol Yeah you Why do you think you because I'm only I've been around long. You have more women. I mean I couldn't have caught up to you. You ain't had a wind. That's the problem. Come on, let's tell true wow wow boy in school. But here's you talking about I remember you're talking about Uncle Steve. What is she doing? Get up your ass out of you? For today's Valentine's Day edition of What Do Get your Ass out of here? Tom coming up into their last break of the day and at forty nine minutes after be our we'll have some closing remarks from the one I only see out of Hill. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Can we our last break of the day on this Valentine's Day, wishing everyone love and happy Valentine's Day and of course happy Valentine's Day night, and we're gonna pass it on over to you. Well, it's gonna be interesting, you know, it's interesting day fellas. If you can, it's not too late because it's ten eastern, nine Central, so you got time to recover. If you haven't done anything special, let me give you a suggestion. Public displays of affection PDA are always extra bowny Brownie points. If you could do something for your girl while she's at work in front of the other girls, that's always extra points. Stop being cheap, you know, extra fifty dollars could make all the difference in the world, you know, with what you present to her. And just understand that Valentine's Day is for women. It's not our day. Don't expect anything. I don't expect you to get no flowers and no denimos me and not really careful flowers anyway. I don't know a man, no man, I wish I would get flowers. I would love a woman get me flowers. I've never heard of guys say that. Maybe some guys out there like that, but not nobody I know. So Valentized is a day that all for women, fellas, And don't forget it and make a big deal out of her. If you know a woman who your friends with, you know, it's nothing wrong with calling her, wishing her happy Violent Times day, you know, and telling her you know, you know that you know, appreciate her friendship and everything, and you know, you know stuff like that. You know it might start something. Yes, sir, when when when should we take the blue peel? Should we take it before dinner? Right and after the dessert? Yeah, you're gonna need it we kick in? Yeah, okay, okay, take it with food. I mean, I'm just trying to I'm just I'm asking for a friend. Don't you can take whenever you want to. You're gonna need and a half though, you know, just now, I got a partner. He did what he did. He he took it and uh took it and shoot it because he didn't want to take time for it. Took this all he wanted where he didn't realize. Yeah, but what he didn't realize he had left the majority of appeal in his teeth, and so he didn't have a very happy evening. And because it you know, once you start chewing him and leave the ingredients in your teeth, it ain't in your blood system doing what it need to do. So be conscious of that. And stop going to the gas station buying these pills sellers because that's not FDA recommended, and you're buying the stuff. Ain't nobody regulating, man, I know some dudes got some funny stories buying them. Listen to me, stay out of them gas stations buying them black Rhinos and black answer, killer Monkey Tiger Paul. Right, Yeah, don't don't be in the buying that stuff at that gas See, ladies, y'all don't know about this, but that's real big right now. Gas stations is carrying sexual enhancement medication for men. It's real. Big truckers say that's good. Yeah, but it's it's cheaper, but it's not regulated, so you don't know how much in these peels and all the stuff is not regulating and starting to come out to be some horror stories, so be aware of it. I know you don't want to pay for it, but they got the new commercial out of Roman where you can buy more generic stuff and get it delivered to your daughter. That's a lot cheaper. I know y'all want to pay what it costs for them peels. It's grown folk conversation, but be aware of that. Stay out them gas stations now calling Monica and Shirley. Y'all don't know nothing about this. But Junior smiling really hard. Now, I'm just laughing because you know this is the truth. Yeah, and I ain't been to the gas station, but I know they're in there. I know they're in there because everybody I know be talking about them. Then you here got to the man. I bought three h man. Mine ain't do nothing. Well, told you they ain't FDA regulating. Sometimes they put it in the pill, sometimes they don't. These are some enlightening closer. That's Valentine. Now, know one thing, if you go to Chinatown, I'm gonna tell you this right now to when you get that who that t ain't playing with you, it's gonna work. It's gonna work. If you drank that tea, prepare yourself. You're gonna be sitting up there looking good and crazy after you drink that cheat tea. Now, because that tea work, It goes right to the system. Who twenty minutes right now? All right, then that's Valentine's. It's a very different that's grown man, Valentine. Any questions, Junior, Tommy, anybody here? Yeah, you know, you know, just Valentine man. Uh Like, if you want to do something on a budget, like a little small bunchet, like like a couple hundred dollars, something you can do, yeah, real quick. One eight hundred flowers is a good way to do it. One eight hundred flowers. You got just two hundred dollars, they can take care of You're right quick. You could do some special stuff. You could buy a bunch of flowers at the grocery store and just walk in with a whole bunch of them because you just buy a whole bunch of them in even if you put it in a home depot bucket and put fall around the bucket. That that bouquet looked like whoa, whoa, that bouquet looked like a couple of thousand. Yeah, and you probably spit about thirty dollars down at the grocery store. Just a couple of tricks out and used over the years, you know, orange bucket fall, Yeah, because all they're gonna see is the flowers. That's it. Yeah, got to use your imagination, baby's right. One last thing you could do, if you want a budget real quick, you could buy a regular pair of shoes and get you a can of red cry line paint and paint the red bottoms on it. But hope they dry in time. Boma. Yeah. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.