Happy Thanksgiving Eve, Comedy Roulette, Truth Be Told, MITS and more.

Published Nov 25, 2020, 2:00 PM

Good morning and welcome to the ride! Happy Thanksgiving Eve this show is for all forms of primates, rhinoceros, elephants, hippos and specifically the big jaw orangutans. You need to write down the things you don't say at Thanksgiving dinner. Ever be in church and the preachers wife can't sing? This is the holiday where people eat the most and we have the best side dishes to have on Turkey Day. Junior's Truth Be Told has him talking about the statements that let you know its time to leave. We find out why today is the last possible day to breakup with someone. Fool #2 hits the streets to ask people about family members that owe them money. Do you ever dread going to Thanksgiving dinner because of a family member that you don't want to see? Today in Closing Remarks, Steve talks to us about complacency and wanting more. Y'all have a great weekend!

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Today's show is pre recorded. Y'all know what time y'all don't know. Y'all have a sun giving them like the Milian bus bus things and it's to be true. Good Steve. Listening to each other for Stu, I don't join Jo. You gotta use that turn. You gotta turn to turn out, turn, got to turn them out. Then turn the water the water go. Come come on your back now, I shall well, I come on and everybody you are listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey, Oh yeah, man, got a radio show. Do you understand that? I'm telling you God been big in my life. God, God is a gentleman, you know. I want to I want to point that out to you. God is an absolute gentleman. He will not come in unless he's invited. He don't just barge into your life. He gives us the power of choice. You know. If you say you got it, I don't need you. He let you have it. If you say I need you, come see about me. He right there. It's just a real simple thing. Man. So always say to people this, if you've gotten yourself into something, and please know I have I man, see that That's why I'm so adamant about it, because I've gotten myself in some circumstances and positions in my life. But I've been I've had some low moments, man, I've had some moments where I did not know what to do. I didn't know what was next, I didn't know how to go about it. I didn't have no more ideas. I was stuck. I thought a couple of times, well, might not make it past this one. But then if I don't make it past it, what's gonna happen? And then I held on to this little thing that my mother kept talking to me about. She said, sometimes when you ain't got nothing else in you, just hope, she said, just hope it'll be all right, you know. And what I've learned in my life is that hope. It's the beginning of faith. Hope. It's just is there a possibility out there for me? I sure hope something happened. See hope, hope it's okay, man, Because like I said, for me, the way I've lived my life, hope was the beginning of faith. It was just the idea. It's just the thought that something could change from me, that something could be a little bit different from me that maybe, man, just maybe for some reason, I could be saved, I could be rescued. Things could turn around, it could head any other direction. Maybe I could quit messing up. Maybe somebody will forgive me, Maybe somebody will just say all right. I don't know, but I can't count the times I've been in that position. But then once I hope a little bit, and then I remember. Also my mother, because she was a Sunday school teacher, she taught me the most valuable lesson I've ever learned in my life. Nothing has been greater in my life than my faith. She taught me to pray. Mamma used to say, when you get real dog for your son. Prad changes things. She said, when you seem like you lost and you can't finding your way, stop and pray, she said, because prad changes things. You know, when you get a point in your life when you've done all you can do and you can't do no more and you just don't know what to do next, she says, stop, So pray and combine that prayer with that hope that you got, she said, because that hope is the beginning of faith. She said. If you pray, just hoping. She's saying that God come through for you. That will give you confidence that he can do it again. And then after a while, you quit hoping, she's saying, you start believing. She saying, that's when you're on to something. If you can turn that hope into belief, that hope into faith, that's that's the ability to believe in something that you can't see. But the key though, the faith is you're believing in something that you can't see. See hoping a little bit different from me now, I'm pretty sure. Like I say, oftentimes to tell a lot of people who can explain this thing a lot better than I can to you, hope. It's just kind of I don't know how to I don't know how to say it. But I'm just telling you hope. You're just hoping it work out right. You just have a thought in your mind that you know, man, whoever you are, or whoever you are, whatever you are, to me, God, I show hope something change. Hope helps. Man. If you ain't strong enough to have faith, have hope, hope, and then if you pray with some hope and God answers your prayer, then that hope gains a little confidence, and after a while that confidence becomes faith. Now they're just hoping, but I'm believing. I'm believing in something that I cannot see. Faith has been the key to my entire existence, even when I didn't have any It was faith, as I look back on it, that has gotten me here, and not just faith, but my faith. See, you will only get to where you're going in your life based on your faith. See. A lot of people get the word faith confused, like what's your faith? And then they started going down this whole list of all these different religions here. But really an essence, man, when I talk to people about faith, I'm talking to you about your your belief. How much do you believe in the unseen? See? Faith is the core of all that is happening to me today. It is the faith that I have in my relationship with God that enables me to just oftentimes, if I stay on the right course and believe a certain way and act a certain way, his blessings just poor. They just come. And it comes in a lot of little ways too. I've started to notice. See it ain't just a lot of people think blessings is money, and now, man, that ain't it it's coverage. It's every time my plane lands safe. It's every time they predict bad weather and I get up in the sky and it don't be no bad weather. You know this, This is favor. These are blessings that get poured out to me. Somebody call me and offer me something, not money, but an opportunity. See, blessings come a lot of ways. But once you tie into God, once you tie in and you start doing the best you can do, and you start asking for Him to make you a better person, to help shape and mold you into the kind of man or person that he wants you to be. You be amazed what God can do with you. Man, if you just invite me in and allow him to be a part of your life. I mean, what you got to lose out there? Come on? Why why would you not change? Why would you not allow God to be a part of your life? God got some big plans for you. If he didn't, you wouldn't keep waking up. You're listening tow ladies and gentlemen, boys, girls, monkeys, ring of tangs, gorillas, chimps, rhinoceros, elephants, hippos. I must repeat this especial love to them big j'all. Ring of tang Man. What's up? What? That's how you open the shop at gas Penguins, everybody, I know, I started off with a series of monkeys, my favorite and it was not a reference to you all in anything, So don't tweet that. I was just making reference to them because they're my favorite animals in the movie We Don't Don't go Well. Yeah, that goes without saying referencing up. Oh good, wow, Shirley, Hello, sir Ollo, Happy hump day. Yeah, morning everybody, Oh food, top of the morning. That's how you started off ignorant. You pick it up, it up, pick it up. See y'all. I'm gonna tell y'all something on this show. Okay, we have several ignite people. I know. They try to just blame it on me. Yeah, but that's not the ring leader though. If you want to talk, you know, reference you. Okay, I'll be season. What is your people? Yeah? Hey man, who is that in the in planet at the ape? Who is that monkeyess ad Man? It was his name one with the messed up I oh yeah, I can't think. Oh my god, I supposed to know that you're still in touch with your friend Cleveland. Hey, oh yeah, Dudded lifetime friends of mine. Yeah, he was at the yard. He was at the presentation of my street. Oh yeah. And he was standing in the crowd. Now, one dude was in the crowd. Ain't nobody seen in years? Coba? Oh yeah, yeah, Coba Coba. You're right. But a lot a lot of my cats came up for the naming of the block after me. One dude had been on the run twenty years. Ain't nobody seen him? He showed up for he was standing in the back. So that was wonderful to see. Yeah, support from childhood, from the hood, childhood. Oh man, them dudes right there, Ricardo Prude, Butch married of Al Brown, Man at Calhoun, John Mole, Jeff gil Jerry cal Home, Tommy camera stop, alp alp Be Nutt and Fleet Say Onion, arm did you mention it? That's John? Okay, all right, listen your name first time trying not to call him onion nor more because he ran for counselman. That's that's nice and politic big of you tried to be. But I think he raised his hand up for victory one time. Who lost a lot of support. All right, coming up something funny you're listening to show? All right, Thanksgiving? Wow? Did it come fast this year? It's here? Yeah, we're all gathering around the Thanksgiving table dinner conversations. It can be a little tense, you know. So we just want you guys to prepare with some phrases that you should avoid at holiday dinners so we can just you know, all have a good time with our family and friends. Okay, like for instance, yeah, okay, for instance, Steve Um, when you start a sentence with you should have you should have? You know, the words should you know can make a person feel judged or disappointed. You see where I'm going with that? To me? Like you should have left somebody else fit? Yeah, yeah, that's hurtful. Yeah, yeah, you should have. You should have left the marshmallow acting yam. That's like that. I'm with you. I'm with you on that. Feelings are not hurt over How about this? I know it's pot look, but you should have just came. There ain't no luck in your Yeah, stuff like that, Steve, you got it? How about this one? You know, the best turkey I ever had was say it again, the best turkey I ever had was was my mom. You can't say that. Yeah, that'll set it off, Steve. You don't have to always tell the truth though, No, no, no, no, see Shelly wants again. Well, y'all need to make up y'all, man, you all want us to be trumb or you won't ease last? Did we good lying on Thanksgiving? Tell the truth? It's a good time to ask that question, anymo. Yeah, you know, like, uh, if you start a sentence with when are you going to learn how to cook? Don't do that. When you're gonna finally let him go? Okay, that's the one time because you don't want to make any and feel defensive or put anyone on the spot or anything like that. Is when is you gonna stop using drugs? Wow? Really a little bit question? Yeah, just tell what's gonna come out? I don't know why we see like it ain't why. I don't know what's wrong with you. I want to go to your house, but just come out there fifteen minutes. You ain't gonna be able to take you're lying fifteen If it starts off with that, yeah, I believe you, SUSI walking the dope? When is you gonna stop using drug you show up ever you're looking like this. How about this right here? How about this right here? Since some boy where I could see where you going? Where are you going? Yeah? Bathroom ain't that way? Ain't no bathroom that way? And you know, trying not to open up a conversation or start a sentence with when are you going to? Don't do that one? Or remember the time you yoursel No, yea, my uncle Everett, thanks Van used to go he was drunk, llow bowl ain't nobody won't did bust out laughing, everybody laughing. But wait a minute, Wait a minute, hold up, did you hear about don't start it with that one, because that could mean, yeah, you're gossiping about you know somebody. What what did you hear about your husband? Oh that's gonna get it started right there in the back room with Coral Cora, not Cora Coral. Yeah, those are just conversation starters. You don't do that. Yeah, Oh that's gonna happen Thanksgiving. Third, trust me, don't happen. Well, I'll admit this. None of that happens at my house because I have no one at my house on Thanksgiving. As big as you create, nobody created no drama, not at my house. Oh oh okay, I thought you were saying you had no one at your house. I was like, as big as your family is. Oh, the house gonna be packed. Yeah. I don't do drama. Yeah, not at the house. Everybody know. Don't ask me to play. I don't do that. You know, the game night, I might come in there for a couple of minutes, but that's it. Y'all know what I'm doing. I'm gonna eat and I'm sitting in front of this TV. Oh I'm staring at it. And sometimes you're gonna come in there and the TV gonna be staying at me. Let's walk back out. Don't come in here. Just in the heat. I wanted this wound keep beep five places on. Don't cut it all. So you don't mind them being in your house. A lot of people just don't bother you. Let you have your space. Yeah. Well, Margie's really good at that too, because she tells them to Steve, Steve all, don't bring your friends and your friends won't pitch it. Oh yeah, get yeah, that ain't happen. Meanwhile, at our house, all they want to talk about is you. Yes, Steve, come on. Yeah. I just hate when they want me to tell Steve something Footy always tell him give them. Can you just give this to Steve for me? Just a best seller? Right? We just get it to Steve. Didn't I'm not going to kill me? Okay, I got this book a man. I want you to read I didn't read. Ain't coming up next? It's the nephew would run that prank back. We all know the holidays are looking a bit different and most of America it is planning on hitting the road instead of the skies to see family. You heard us going rogue last week, and we're continuing to go rogue by heartnering with Nissan to bring you the Ultimate Thanksgiving Rogue Trip playlist. With five different drive modes and advanced technology, the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for your family road trip and have you seen the features? They are unbeatable, like led lights and two tone color options on the exterior. And as we head out for the Thanksgiving holiday, we are looking for your help to create the ultimate Rogue trip playlist. So jump on social media tell us what songs should make our playlist by using the hashtag s HMS Rogue trip To nominate your favorite song. Thanks to the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue, your Thanksgiving road trip just got a little better. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Right now, it's time for the nephew to run that prank back. We got the sick and shutting is what we get. Sick and shut in. That's what's going on right, sick a lot of folks shutting. It works perfectly. It works perfectly, stick and shutting in. Let's go cad up. So I'm trying to re speaking. You got him? How you I'm doing? I ain't doing too good. You'd have been over there praying for my wife again, right right right, yes, sir, you know came over here three times in one week. My wife had already went through the operation and all that she's gonna be prying. I don't need you over a praying three times a week, because, honestly, I think it's something else on your mind when you come over here praying for my wife. I ain't stupid. Brother, kind of hold it, brother, this brother, this is well. Your wife was on the second shot in list. I never actually to come by requested that I come by. Okay, he ain't requested for you to bring your black to my house for no three times in one week, man, So you can cut that down with me. You couldn't hold it, brother. I came with sister Georgia the first time. The second time I came by myself because she wasn't able to come by, and I only stayed fifteen men, he's time. So what's the problem, because I already know what you what youre doing. I know you're trying to holler my wife. I ain't stoop. How could your wife? I have a wife? Why would I help with your wife? She's part of already know what you already know what you're doing. Man, you're up in here trother house, my wife. Whine, whine, whine, nobody at the house. I already know what you're doing. Let me tell you something. Keep your black away from my house. Did you want to pray for my wife and play my wife? I'm gonna wait. You ain't wait, man, always, you can't talk to you about lay hand. That's what you're going now. Brother, Ain't gonna be none of that, and ain't gonna be none of that. You're talking to the wrong brother. Nine. Okay, Now, first of all, you're not gonna disrespect me and curse me out. Okay, that's not even the way brothers should be talking to brothers. Second of all, if there's any laying on the hand, it's gonna be my hand laying on you. Okay, you ain't been the lady in the lady. I know you're trying to lay my wife. If I find that on what you know? How do you remember around my wife? It's gonna be I know, trying to do crazy. I'm just letting you talk. I'm gonna say it one more time. Keep your black stop around my First of all, I told you once again you can't be talking to me like that. Now. I'm trying to be cool about the situation because I know you may be just upset. Okay, I can appreciate that. Okay, I have a wife, and I'll be upset if somebody's coming back to my wife, won't you? Won't you and show out with your wife. I do spend my time with my wif I do you know what I'm saying now? I only can anybody need room about your house? Maybe I need to come out your house and how that your wife? Are you welcome to but maybe come come and come late something over the old huh God, trying to do what holder holder one man, Hold one man, I told you before being disrespected. Now that was a very idiotic statement for you to make. Okay, that's what's going to happen. If I can't your black drip my house again, I'm gonna play this man, and I'm getting on the phone with you, you, your pastors, any more of them, because if anybody come by my house again and I ain't there, I'm kicking your black. That's a promise, you know, just that said. Look here, brother, if there's gonna be any whooping going, I'm gonna be kicking your I'm gonna lay my hands on you and i'm gonna give you a good, sanctified whooping, and then i'm gonna pray for you. I'm gonna pray to heal you by this foot I'm gonna put up, okay, because I've had it with you, you know, And I only went by it to just visit your wife because I was asked to go visit your wife. Now that was a problem you should have caused a pastor, Okay, but you're not gonna disrespect me. My wife's the church on the phone life. You want to do somebody, you can meet me any place. Well, I've been man, you know, as a matter of fact, I can go anywhere I want it in this town. If I be at your house talking to your wife, if the past asked me to go, I'm gonna be there. Okay. You you know, you just you know it's you're just a stupid brother. Okay, you're to come to church, Tommy, need to come to Chell. You the one. You need to come to church more often. That's the problem. You don't come to church more often. If you come to church more off, you wouldn't be talking to me like that. You wouldn't be worried about me and your wife because it must be something wrong in your house. You be worried about me fooling with your wife. Okay, so you need to check hut, Okay, you need to check. How about that? Why don't you do that? Why don't you Why don't you just check up? Okay, Tommy saying you the one that's cheating with my wife. That's all I know who Tommy Harmy saying you Tommy the one. Tommy said, you're the one that's cheating around with my wife. Tommy who. Who is Tommy Tommy who? This is a nephew Tommy man, but this is never your Tommy from Steve Harmen more than show man. Your church member got me the brank ball, but not wrong for that. You know you're long, You're long. You know y'all don't know hoighway to Hell, all of y'all you know, non stop, no, you know y'all. Just you know, y'all just go. You know, ain't gonna stop size. You know I'm forna go. I'm gonna pay for all of y'all, all of your brothers. And if you Timmy Steve Hobby brother wrong for that? Okay, I'm gonna check him. I'm gonna check it out. I'm gonna go. I I don't talk to you on the moment. I'm pretty away. I'm gonna say, brother, brother, you go, man, you gotta tell me what's the baddest radio show with the lab Man Steve Hobby Martin Show, and then you have it that's sick and shutty. You got how you do it? I know, I know, I know what phenomenal? Thank you? Here? Do we have to hear phenomenal every day? When when it's phenomenal yet. I mean, I'm not gonna give a phenomenal that I'm gonna put something together call I'm gonna put a new seat together. Call it emergency pranks. You know this is when you have you need emergency laughter. That's what this is. That's what we're doing right now. Burgen at the house on lockdown right now, everybody on lockdown your home. You need to laugh at something. Man, come on, go to our tunes and putting a few times in there, watching what pop up about three four? Hunted up? Man, get children, laugh on, get it or don't get it or won't get it on? Why not laugh all the way through? This is what we're doing. That's it. We do need some laughter right now. But how are you doing? How was yesterday last night at the house. I just try to stay away from everybody. I didn't, I didn't got I didn't isolated myself from my sting. I'm sick of them. They had they had that on the news that feminine members are sick of each other and and we ain't gotten get meet up this yet. You know what, it's either a lot of babies being made or a lot of divorces fen to happen. That's what's happening. But here's the same time. The courthouse is shut down. So if you had a divorce pending, you still married legally, y'all. Ain't that a miserable Yeah? I told you, I ain't what a no more? I just ain't got the paperwork. Baby didn't finished bad say the nineteenth it was gonna go through courthouse clothes bom guys. All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Morning Show. We all know the holidays are looking a bit different and most of America is planning on hitting the road instead of the skies to see family. You heard us going rogue last week, all of us, and we're continuing to go rogue by partnering with Nissan to bring you the ultimate Thanksgiving Rogue trip playlist. With five different drive modes and advanced technology, The all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for your family road trip and have you seen the features. They're unbeatable, like led lights and two tone color options on the exterior. And as we head up for the Thanksgiving holiday, we are looking for your help to create the Ultimate Rogue Trip playlist. So jump on social media and tell us what songs should should make our playlist by using the hashtag s h M s Rogue Trip. That's s h MS Rogue Trip to nominate your favorite song. Thanks to the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue, your Thanksgiving road trip just got a whole lot better. I like, all right, yes, yes, yes, let me see Junior. Huh. I wanted to as j Junior if you're sen Joe to see and you know, he's the whole trip. That's the whole that's the whole trip. Man. Some good road trips because Junior is the fifth member of Jodah thing. We had some great trips at Thanksgiving. I've had some great ones. Yeah. Ten ten years old, me high socks, yellows shirt, blue shorts and some kse Swiss headed to making Georgia from Houston to see my ain't and my family for Thanksgiving. Twelve hour trip took sixteen hours because our country behind had to stop at every state line signed we saw and get out to take a picture. Stop at the Alabama, we stopped, Florida, we stopped. That's what I first discovered buckets I love Oh my god, buckets is a truck stop slash walmart, gigantic. It's got everything in it. Man, No trucks are allowed. Ain't no trust in now. My dad had a strict rum. You got ten minutes to get what up you got. You're getting left if you ain't back in this van. It's a truck stop with no trucks. No trucks now. But Junior, were you ever late? Did you ever go past ten? The ten minutes? Oh, my dad didn't play that. You'll be in that truck. You gonna it's two minute vans and were passing sandwiches up to the back to the front. My grandmother back there making sandwiches, hand them over ham salim, a hall head, cheese. Whatever it is you want on your sand you can get it all right, queen stopping from the back step front though, back to the front. You don't eat the one hand until you passing forward. I love your family, Junior, I love it all right. Jay. It is time for comedy roulette. Please at this up quickly. Comedy roulette very simple. You test our comedy ability every week. Put five sepjects on the wheel, spun the wheel. When stop we can do the damn that's it. Let's go Number one. Why don't you get yourself a manly dog? Okay, another subject, step right now, you need some manly okay. Number two I need that. Oh yeah, here we go. Number three, we're just being nice. The preacher's wife can't sing, okay, nice. The preacher's wife can't sing? Okay. Number four, what's that thing on your neck that ain't can? I just say? Can you you bust? And the last one, the last one, These are some good ones. The last one, boy, you need a shower. Oh yeah, yeah, shower. Ye, all right, let's go spending cat. I don't even want that one stop. The number three, we're just being nice to preacher's wife. Can no disrespect, no disrespect. You know how I know she can't sing because the minute the preacher announces her, everybody started justin. They see looking at one another. Oh Lord, here we go, Oh God, not again. And she's gonna do a solo. No, let the band play, Let the band play. Let's just go instrumental. Yeah, that's how you know. The preacher's wife can't sing. And everybody in the church notice though, But when the piano player does the introduction nine times. Yeah, when he just keep playing the introduction, not that she so we don't have to hear her saying. We know she can't just playing did he play that note? Ever? Tell yourself? You know, you know when the preacher White can't say? When when she gets up to saying her preacher stick his playing there in the air and walk out to his office. That you know you know she you know how she can't sing? It's when she's singing and she missed a note. And everybody in the church that let him use you, let him let him use you, let him use let him. This is I know because we got this at our church. I know she can't say everybody faked the spirit, everybody pass out and nobody happens is about the same. We the tigation what everybody in a quiet and took a knee. But we can do this. We can do this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. We all know the holidays are looking a bit different and most of America is planning on hitting the road instead of the skies to see family. You heard us going rogue last week, and we're continuing to go rogue by partnering with Nissan to bring you the ultimate Thanksgiving Rogue trip playlist. With five different drive modes and advanced technology, the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue is perfect for your family road trip and have you seen the features? They are unbeatable like led lights and two tone color options on the exterior. And as we head out for the Thanksgiving holiday, we are looking for your health to create the ultimate Rogue trip playlist. So jump on social media tell us what songs should make our playlist by using the hashtag s h M s Rogue Trip. That's s h MS rot Rogue trip. To nominate your favorite song. Thanks to the all new twenty twenty one Nissan Rogue, your Thanksgiving road trip just got a little better. All right, Junior, We need one song from the nineties that you must have at night road trip? Yes, baby, come on now? What that's you? Boo? That's you summer right If you ain't got this on your playlist for road trip, I am on my way to sam Houston to see a girl right now with this plan in nineteen ninety eight. What yeah, I'm on the way right now. I'll be right there, girl. I told him I'm on thirty six. I'm coming through, girl. I got this chest for you. Got to see this chest up. All right, So Thanksgiving is notorious for over eating. Okay, it is the biggest eating holiday of the year. Uh So we got to talk about your must have Thanksgiving side dishes, Steve, kick it off please. First of all, just so it's a national known fat. We require sweet potato pat not punkin. Don't make us punkin path. We is sweet potato path. People, sweet potato path. All the white people listening sweet potato we eat sweet potato path. We don't want you keep it. It probably taste wonderful, but it ain't sweet potato path. All right, that's the number one. What else? You got to have some greens? Now, greens got to be on somewhere. Got to have a turkey neck, thank you. Put some turkey neck in there, y'all. Turnip or mustard I like, but I mixed. I like collar collar. I like a mix, yeah, mix like. I like turnips with turnips in it. Oh, I love turn up, Steve. Yes, my mom could cook anyway that turkey leg got that have it? Got that turkey or gotta have it frightful. I'm not an old lady. Down for that turkey yet to have got and another fing gravy must have givegards about gibbs. Yes, yes, yes, so so fried or roasted for the turkey? Oh yeah, because I like roasted. We fried people now, sure turkey. I'm still roasted and refused to be black. Don't work, don't work, Tommy, Tommy, alright, look, praying for your nesting. Publish your side. Just comments at Steve Harvey Instagram and Facebook. You're listening to all right, it is time for juniors truth be told. Yeah, yeah, all right, Shirley. Thanksgivings coming up. Yeah, it's almost that. We have discussed all of the things we discussed when people need to brain food. Yeah, get what time dinner start coming. We've discussed all the one thing we have not discussed what the one thing where your ass need to leave? Oh yeah, yeah, we have discuss not people. People don't know when to leave. This time you need to leave. There are statements that will be made. You need to add here there too and understand like, well that's it. See when you hear that, start getting your keys in your hand. He hit some Jane something. It's time to go. You can't spend all day here. Didn't started too treat it like a restaurant. How long are you staying there? You sit down to two by three thirty? Same way about I would never have I would hear about the game. We can get it. You ain't come up here for the game. You came to eat. If you full, If I see you kick off the shoe, your ass got to go. Let me catch your shoe off. Yeah, you ain't staying here all day now. My mama tired. She didn't cook that thing, and she can fit everybody. What else can we talk about? We discussed everything. We know. Walter got out of jail. We know hadn had a hard transplant. We know, yeah, we know. We know Melva had another baby. We got all this after we come Mail was still having kids. When your name, come on, man, your name Meilball? You probably yeah, you probably now you probably through haven't been anybody that name Meilball, They too haven't. What is the name have to do with the Steve got a lot to do with your age. If your name is Agnes, you probably didn't had all your You probably got your grade. But we hadn't covered everything we can talk about. No, we know Julia went back into rehab. We got that. Everything is covered. Let's just go ahead and go home. We just need you to go home. Beat She's through. Heaven's Beatrice said Beatrice. Beatrice, Oh, Data, it's not Heaven. We got out of that. I'm giving you the names where I could assure you, if this is your name, you are at an age where you are beyond child bearing years. So Journals so Churn is through having baby, had when you want another one? Go ahead? Henrietta, Henrietta, she through having kids? Heett, Yeah, you know, go ahead. Gwen is through because she got a fifty two year old names see his names. Once you have an old name, you can quit having babies. If your name is Bobara, you're probably through having kids. I'm just saying, ain't nobody named Bob We're still having kids? Not Bob kid, hadn't have been through having kids? Thro Bern done, Gladys Yeah, yeah, that's right up there with Agnes. Yeah, I'll tell you who Jackie Eels, I'll tell you that. I'm sorry, we can always go over there. We can't kids, all right? What's this shue with there? Carlo already say Shirley Shirley, Betty Shirley I'm next. It is the nephew switching gears with a frank phone call for today. Right after this, you're listening Stry Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today's subject, will my man choose me for the holidays? Right now, we'll get into that. Have you is here with today's frank phone call? What you got for his net? Anything with me? Before twenty your wife gave me a disease? Hulloa crazy you what gave me a disase? Yeah? And I'm gonna kill you are talking about part two? All right, let's go get Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach out. I'm trying to reach Dante. Yeah, this is who this Hey? How you doing? Man? Um? I just to be certain you Dante is married to Tammy, right yeah, okay, cool? Cool? So listen, man, Uh you've heard about me, you know, maybe heard my name before because I used to day Tammy way before you guys got married. Uh you know my name is, My name is Marcella. So I just want to call and say how are you doing? But I need to Okay, Yeah, I know she mentioned you mentioned y'all used to be together before we Yeah, okay, I've heard about you. What was um? What's the phone call for? I needed to talk to you, man. And I've been holding this back at least four years. You know, I haven't said anything. And you know I can't hold it no more. Man, I'm going through so many issues right now. I just gotta I gotta get this team. I gotta get this the grips on this thing that I'm going through. But you know, I wanted to come to you, man, to man, talk to you about this situation. You know. I hate to bring it to you like this, but when me and Tammy were together, I don't even gonna say when we were together, Tammy gave me a disease. Man. So you know I've been holding this, you know, And I gotta say I wanted to hit you up. I thought about it two years ago. I wanted like, what do you mean like she gave you a disease? She gave me a disease about four plus years ago. This way before y'all got married. I'm from understanding y'all been married about three years right, Yeah, oh my god, Okay, okay, and you're calling me you're calling me to give me the heads up. Oh man, I'm calling because, dude, these are the medical bills and all this that's just completely out of control. I can't even you know, I can't take care of myself no more with this, you know, and I don't feel like I have to because she the one that gave me to day I'm to see. Okay, So you're calling because you want you want me to pay for you. You want you want us to pay for your medical bills. The dude, I mean, damn, dude, I mean put yourself in my position. Mare, I mean what the brothers posed you. You know, I'm sitting over here with a disease somebody gave me, and you know they're going on what they like. Boh yeah, but this is so you're calling me telling me my wife gave you a disease. First of all, she would have told me that. Secondly, now you're telling me like I might have some. You gotta be kidding me, Well, what did she give you? What disease are you talking about? Man? At this point, you know, I don't even want to disgusted, I just want to get on board. Let's can we get some kind of understanding with the medical fields that I can't inside of control. Man, I'm not paying, Okay, I'm not gonna pay for your medical bills, especially when I don't even know what those do you mean what you mean she gave you a disease? Man, I'm over. You're freaking out, dude, Dude, I understand you know, Bro, I hope you're good. I really you know, But I'm just saying, Man, dude, I don't know what to do. No, mom, Man, I really don't, you know, Like I said, okay, yo yo, you need call me all right? You you talking in circles. You're telling me something you have you caught four or five years ago? Well, what is it? Some it's uncheerable? What the disease are you talking about? Man, dude. I'm I'm trying, dude, regardless of what it is, I'm trying to handle the medical fields on it. Man, That's what I'm trying to do. Dude, boy, kind of medical bills? Could you have for some you caught four years ago? Like four years ago, you should have been able to six sessions? What is it? Dude? She gave me the disease and I need somebody to play these damn bills. That's all I'm saying to you. All right, That's all I'm saying. It's dante yo, I'm telling you what I'm telling you. Marceello. It's quit playing and tell me what the disease this is. It's Mars Cellers, man, it's mart Sellers. Okay, I'm going your name this I'm getting ya, Yo, wife gave me diabetes? What the diabetes? Your wife gave me diabetes? Man? Man, you must be coming to hell. You can't. Can't nobody give you diabetes? What you mean she gave you diabetes? Man? Your wife cooking, was cooking all them cakes and pies and you know all that sugar, you know, and they just came out. Bro had me thinking, my wife gave you her piece or some man. You just don't know how to work out, you know how to eat? That's on you, man. I'm paying no bills for that diabetes. It's wrong with you. Man. Oh so nah Na Na not as funny you laughing. You're laughing at me, dunte Jess, I'm laughing at you call my phone talking about my wife gave you diabetes? Bro? For real? Is livid? Bro? Can I say something else? No? Dante. What what you want to say? I want to say this, Dante, you just got frank baby. This nephew till me from the CEA Harvey Morning. So your wife Camy got me the frank folks. Oh damn yo, oh step I got you Bay just twenty twenty I got you. Wow. Okay, See she told me about She told me about Marcello, but I never heard his voice. Bro, I was on fire. Oh my god. Uho, you're good man? Oh my god. Oh you have me some scary dude talking about the disease, especially the disease the four years lingering. It's like whoa, whoa, whoa, Oh my god, man, I was you know when she got home. I was about to be so man. Bro, hey man, you gotta tell me this. Man, Come on, John Jake, what is what is the baddest And I'm talking about the baddest radio showing the lane? Y'all funny dude, this is Steve Harvey Morning. You are you eating right? You ain't got no diacreted dude. Now I'm worried. Bro. I know you should catch it like that. Brod did I go too far? Too fuck? You played both way too much? You played way too funny. Come on, mysell t me. You make me nervous every time I hear one of these. Now, no, I'm gonna tell you something, man, for real, pretty damn brilliant. When you flip your wife gave me diabeting. That was that hard left on the joke that a lot of people don't know how to take No manet man, you don't get your that is crazy. And you got the sample reproof of approval from your your uncle and that means a lot to me right there. Thank you. Just come here now and then some relash. Don't don't get used to him much regular at all. Don't get your not not praise heaping. We fing to do a bunch of this. See y'all don't know how to work. I'll explained to you all right, all right, nephew, thank you, great job as usual. Up next Strawberry letter subject, will my man choose me for the holidays. We'll get into it right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, dating, work, sex, parenting, and more, please please please submit your Strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry Letter. We could be reading your letter live on the air, just like we're gonna read this one right here, right now. Buckle up and hold on tight. We got it for you here. It is the Strawberry Letter. Thanks neph subject, will my man choose me for the holidays? Dear Stephen Shirley, I am a thirty year old, beautiful and successful woman, and I'm in love with a forty four year old, well educated hunk that swept me off my feet when I met him. He told me that he was seeing someone in a long distance relationship, but I still started dating this man despite the news. After six months of dating, I did some research and found out that he proposed to this woman and she has set a wedding date. I never confronted him about it, but it tore me apart emotionally. I figured if I started an argument about it, I would push him away and his fiance would win, so I have kept the news to myself. I'm trying my best to make him fall in love with me and leave her. I know the old saying if he cheats on her, he'll cheat on you, But I believe in love, and I know we have something special. The loving is so good, and he takes me on some amazing trips all across the world. We are always together when he's not out of town visiting the other woman. I am overly jealous, so I just need to know how I can win him over before his fiance orders the wedding invitations. The holidays are coming up and I don't want to spend them without him, so time is of the essence. How do I tell this man that I am in love with him and will take any and every risk when it comes to getting him to myself. It's totally possible to be in love with two people at the same time, so he's probably struggling internally with who he should be with. Maybe if I tell his fiance about our relationship, she will just break up with him and go away. It may make him mad, but in the end he will still have me, and I know we can be happy together. I'm head over heels for this man, and I'm planning to invite him to Thanksgiving dinner so my family can meet him. How shall I handle How should I handle this love triangle? Do you hear yourself? Do you hear yourself, because listen closely. This is this is the sound of desperation, all right, this is the sound of delusion in the letter. So I want you to hear yourself. You are so short changing yourself in this relationship. You are number two. That's it, that's all. You are the side piece. And uh, you're okay with that. I think you're really okay with it because he told you his status when you, guys, you know, first got together. He told you he was in a long distance relationship. You even researched it, you did your research and your words. You still dated him despite the news. You started dating him. And that's the problem. I mean, really, what is his incentive to leave his fiance and get with you number two? What is it? He's getting everything from you without having to change a thing. He's doing win win for him. He's got the best of both worlds here. I mean the question then becomes, when are you going to wake up and realize that if he was going to leave her for you, don't you and he would have waited to propose to her. I mean, you know, you did all the research. You know, maybe he would kind of see where the relationship could go with you and him, or maybe that you would have won him over by now you think it's a competition between the fiance and you because you're you're willing to take any and every risk to get him. You know, I gotta tell you, please, don't bother inviting him to dinner because you know where he's gonna be. He's gonna be with his fiance and her family kicking it over there for Thanksgiving because they're planning a wedding, they're getting married. You are the side piece, all right, Steve, Well, I don't know what Shirley's done a really excellent job with this. All you can do is just get it worded in a different way. So here we go. Well, my man, choose me for the holiday. The answer to that question is no. And the answer to that question no is simply because number twos don't get holidays. You don't get Christmas, you don't get Thanksgiving, you don't get Fourth of July barbeques. Those are the holidays. You don't get the whole Valentine's date, you can't get them days right there. You don't get anniversaries. You don't get none of that because you will never had an anniversary. Number two don't get anniversary dates. Number one get anniversary dates. And you don't even have to be married to your number one to have an anniversary just the third year we've been knowing each other. You don't do that. To the number twos, you don't go we've been seeing each other for three years. Now, let's go out and celebrate. No, there's no celebration. You don't celebrate number twos. When I met him, he told me he was seeing someone in a long distance relationship. Then you know what you said right after that. But I still dated this man despite the news. Okay, so you stupid. Oh, you just did what you wanted to do. You dated Demand anywhere. Demand told you I got somebody. It's a long this relationship. I got somebody. You started dating the man anyway. Then after some six months of dating, you did some research and found out that he proposed to this woman as she has set a waiting date. Okay, what's the surprise. I never confronted him about it, but it told me a party Emotionally, I figured if I started an argument about it, I pushed him away and this fiance will win. The fiance is already went in. She the fiance six months in, you found out they set a dating for a wed He asked her, she just put this date on Facebook. He asked the woman to marry him. Has he asked you? Has he mentioned marriage to you? He said nothing? By no, damn family with you. Stupid letter make me sick? Ten to tell after this shut up costing you're listening show? All right, Steve, come on, Let's recap today's strawberry letters. Subject well, my man choose me for the holidays? This woman to met she thirty, She met just for the year old, well for the four year old, well educated hunk swept you off your feet when you met him. He told me he was seeing somebody. You still dated the man. Bam. Six months later you I did some research that's social media, found out that he proposed to this woman. She even set a wedding day. You ain't never saying nothing to him about the man. Figure if you started argument and push him away. Now you want to know in the letter where my man choose me for the holidays. I'm telling you know because number twos don't get holidays. Holidays a reserved for number one. You can't be number two and get a holiday. You can get some Fridays get sad to hearing that. Wait, what is that? What do they get, Steve? You can get some Fridays and occasional Saturday, but that's it. Usually it's the same day of the week that he then told his wife or number one that he does a certain thing on a certain night, and that turns that night into YO night. I play poking with the boys on Tuesday nights and i'd be home late. Then that night is YO night. You don't get any night you want. Now here's a delusional part, like Shirley say, I'm trying my best to make him fall in love with me and leave her. What Let me ask something, how do you do that? How as the number two do you make the man fall in love with you and leave the number one? I know the old thing. If he cheats on her here cheat on you? That ain't got nothing to do with this. No, he's cheating on her with you. You the you tell my head cheat on you? Know? You to you, but I believe in love. Stop it. You just say you believe in love. He's marrying a woman, and I know we have something special. You all this is in your mind. You have nothing special. Your number two two's ain't special. Ain't two A and all this here? If they ain't no two A two plus? This ain't a seat an economy that's ain't it economy super with entry leg room. You're still in the back economy plus. You're still in the back. But his my ligal room is still good. But you in the back though, you're not the first class seat and you can't come up here with the economy plus ticket. Can sit on the eggs it wrong. Get you a little bit astra if that's what you want, But look at as a lot of people on the eggit row. The loving is so good, and he takes me on amazing trips all across the world. You'd have been to the Bahamas? Who ain't been there? Sound bigger than it is? Hers across the world? Stop, San Diego. Ain't all across the world. Then here's another line. We are always together when he's not out of town. Hello, do you understand this? You're always together when he's not out of town. You just said he take you all around the world, Carol, when are you out of town? He would hull You ain't been nowhere? Fly to Atlanta. Ain't across the world When he's not out of town visiting the other woman. I'm overly jealous, so I just need to know how can I win him over before his fiance orders to win the way Too late for that. They' the second day. They aren't putting money down on places, she brent dress shopping. Damn these invitations. The holidays are coming up and I don't want to spend them without him. You are, this is your first holiday. It's only been six months. You've never been to the holidays before. You're spending those holidays alone. You're number two. It's only been six months. Hell, it's November, so you met him prior to the summer. You're not. They don't get holidays, sweetie. I'm sorry, and I don't want to spend them without him. So time is of the essence. Girl. Yeah, but they said nothing to you about Thanksgiving. Yeah, because he ain't gonna feel he he cast to go out of town. They gonna tell his fiance I ain't coming to wonder what did you find to do? Then? How do I tell this man that I'm in love with him and will take every risk of cans to getting him to myself. You've already taken and the risk. The man told you was in a relationship, and you dated him anyway, you took the risk. You've taken all the risks. Now then you go right here. It's possible to be in love with two people at the same time. So I know he's probably struggling internally with who he should be with little girl. The struggle isn't with who she should be with. The struggle is how to tell you he's with her and finning getting married. Remember that he has not told you this for a reason, because the only struggle is when and how to tell you this is over. Because I'm finn to move this woman in my house. That's the struggle to struggle, Am. But you love sister, pack you bags of He ain't coming over for Thanksgiving, and do not call that woman because you could get shot. All right, those are my closing remarks today, y'all have a great weekend. All right. You can post your I'm a son Today's Strawberry Letter. It's Steve Harvey FM on Instagram and Facebook, and please don't forget to check out the Strawberry Letter podcast on demand now coming up at forty six after the hour. I think Steve had more to add to this strawberry letter, write Steve, We're gonna do a little bit more. Yeah, let's this. You're listening this morning show? All right, Steve, you said you had some more to add to the strawberry letter subject, will my man choose me for the holidays? For thold of you that don't know, this girl is thirty years old dating this forty four year old man swept off his feet day He told her on day one he's in seeing someone in a long dist relationship. But you dated this man anyway despite the news or six months of dating. Did some research? Found out the woman has set a wedding date with he proposed to this woman. Now, this girl who wrote the letter hasn't said anything to him about it, but she's torn up. She's scared to start argument because it'll push him away and his fiance will win. So she's kept a new us to the same to kept it all to himself. She's trying to figure out the best way to make this man fall in love with her and he leave her. I know the old saying, if he cheats on her, here cheat on you. But I believe in love. Now that she's talking about the man, take on some amazing trips all across the world. The girl had been in San Diego and now she been all around the world. San Diego it's just close to Mexico. You then you saw the signe, but you didn't actually go to t your wanna. He don't want to go there, No damn way, coach, it's crazy. Now anyway, how do I wear him over before the fiance orders to wed an invitation? Holidays is coming up. I don't want to spend him with him, so times of the elsen. How do I tell this man I'm in love with him and would take every risk into getting him to myself. Told the possible. Well, now he's probably struggling with who he should be with. Then here was the line the girl said, maybe if I tell his fiance about our relationship, she would just break up with him and go away. It may make him mad, but in the end end he will still have me, and I know we can be happy together. Pump your brakes, little girl. You've obviously never gone to a woman to tell her that you are the other woman. H They do get mad, and it do mess the dude up with his girl for a while, but they usually recover. Now he is going to hate you for the rest of your life, and you will have no relationship with him, none whatsoever. And it is dumed so long as you know that, good luck. I'm planning on inviting him to Thanksgiving. Don't do that. That man can't don't do that. And when I m Turkey over there by yourself, they're gonna have a place sitting with somebody. Ass ain't gonna be there. And baby, and when thanks Giving up Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving it to the moment, I can't have Thanksgiving. He said nothing to you about thank you. I like my Thanksgiving on Thanksgi all right, listen, coming up, we're gonna talk about breaking up. It's all ties in together. We'll do that right after this. You're listening show, all right, last day to break up. Some say if you do not break up with your significant other today, you are stuck with that significant other until around Martin lu Okay, you can get out right now. You need to get out today. Well, you should have been out. You should have been out. You should have Halloween. Halloween is a great time to league. Yeah, ye's scary Halloween. Come back like late February, trying to work it out. If you can't ask you guys. This first of all, this is the best way to break up. Baby, we're breaking up, boot I told you it was scary walk away out that dope, But now it's so, what's the What are you all breaking up for? Though? I need to gifts? You got about gifts? You gotta you know relative you don't want that, but you stud intim you want something. You know it's bad and holiday everybody want to be held. They want somebody to hold, yeah, and cuddle the fire and stuff. Yeah, it's really hard to be at somebody's house that you want to break up with and they family. Yeah, it's so good and they like you and like you. Right, you want some power, don't even I don't want to say bye bye. That's what I want to say. Not want to say bye bye. And bickups pick ups to all the married dudes that still go by the girl house and visit with the yes up to them. Wait, wait, why are you crazy? For real? I mean they need tips, Timmy, What they need is tips. I got a tip. I got one tip. Year's a tip. You gonna go over there and she gonna have a plate for you on tig leg all everything you as soon as you get in the car and you drive pass out. You throw that damn plate out the window, right on the highway, on the freeway. Gotta be on the freeway. Gotta be. I have a question. I have a question. If you're going over to the number two's house, thanks give it. What time do you go over there? Oh? But Steve, when you run to the stove, that's part of your run to the stove. Yeah, and you've got to come over there like you in a hurry to lead. See he's going on there. But how y'all doing? What's heading to? Wait? Yeah, ain't nothing done, Ain't nothing done yet, ain't nothing ready. It's nine thirty in the morning. We just yea looking. I'm gonna be right back. I just can't. I just can't want to stick my head and do say hate anybody that bay. I think some more optimal. I think another option too. I agree fellas earlier. Here's another thought. Half time or the football game. That's a good time too. Yeah, Yes, that's about because you can get out your house clean. Yeah, and how is that? How's that? I'm trying to figure this out. Yeah, we'll see the stove to get some liquor and liquor store is opening deep in the hood. Yeah, but she can't stay that far. You know your two got to be two miles away though. You got to know you can't put You are gotta take ten minutes to get there. See what you ladies that don't understand twols are not always women. Sometimes the two is a man and it's dealt with different. She'll just call you on the phone. I don't need you to bring ass over here today. Okay. You mean her approach with it, bro, because women are such better cheaters. Yeah, because she got something else going on herself. Straight up? All right, we'll be back with more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show Jamely Brown for the Steve Having One a Show. The question is, who's the person in your family or in your life does always borrowed money? My sister, she owes your money right now? How much? I'm not even gonna say, my son, my cousins, my cousin as well, my sister. But a giveaway. You don't even look for it back. No, no, Also, my brother begging Billy if you could get the money back that your brother owes you right now? How much would it be? Hundreds of dollars? Hundreds of dollars, thousands of dollars? I jam around with the Steve, I haven't mond the show. Who's the person in your family that's always borrowing money? Her answer is, you know what, it's not borroed I but I don't give it back. It's not my sister. If she paid you back right now, how much would it be? Who was the ten thousand dollars from my dad? Does he owe your money right now? No? Actually doesn't my sister. If she paid you back right now? How much would it be? Through? Four hundred dollars? One of my uncles? How much does he owe you right now? Probably a couple of hundred. Do you think you'll ever see that money? No? He never pays his bets back. Me. You owe your sister money? Yeah, you paid her back. How much would it be now? Five hundred? I'm pretty good? Pretty good? David Brown for the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Who's the person in your family is always borrowing money? It's Stiles, Steve Harvey. Steve didn't borrow no money from you? The money from me? How much as hell? You're right now? A lot of money because I said, this suit never come favorite for you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, who's the house guest or a person coming by for Thanksgiving that you're not looking forward to? Sing? Who is it? My mother in law's sister's husband? What? Who was that? Though? I don't even know it's earnest? Why I watched him the whole time here? Yeah, your mother in laws a dream. I love her, We love her man, my mother in law, my father in law is that bad? Mom and daddy? I got the best. I never had a complaint. Man, we're happy. We enjoy each other. They can't stay in my house as long as they were. Ye, I love him. But her sister husband, I don't know, that's what that's what's wrong. I don't know. We was having a prayer one time, but mom in law said, let's all whole hands, you know, a huge kitchen. Yeah, about twenty people. Everybody go around and say what they think, yes, okay, naw, I ain't like this here because there's too many people. And I didn't know half the people that was in the circle. So and I really don't care what you're grateful for because dinner is ready. And it got around to everybody, and this one lady took a long time, but hers what's the best. So I I broke from the circle and started clapping because I wanted to try to end it with applause. Right, And I'm holding this dude's hand. Now, I don't know nothing wrong with him until it got to him and he started telling about what he was grateful fault. He said, I'm grateful for the weather and that we had the jacket's home, and that the fact that you know, everything at the grocery store is fresh, and that we can go go by there. And I think I thank him for my cars too, that come on in the morning and take her safe. Now I'm sitting now, I'm looking upside his head, but my whole body trimming because everybody got their head down except Winting, which is looking up getting full blown hollow motive at me face to k I'm over here, my whole body shaking. I'm laughing so hard, trying not to blurt it out. He gives my mother in law. She holding my hand on the other side. She squeezes my hand to try to help me through it. That ain't stopping nothing I got. Who is this man? Then my other son, Steve, he opens his eyes and he starts snickering my sons, Me and my sons is in hollow mode. Harvey boys, this to us, yil, and I've given him full permission that laughing stuff like that. So I looked over to the left of the circle and my wife is glaring at me too, a little green eyes. I'm talking about glaring. You don't squitt if you don't pull it together like when she said that. And then I thank the Lord. I gotta tune up the other day, right, Steve coming up closing remarks right after this. You're listening, Steve. Here we are last break of the day. Guys. It's been a pretty fun, crazy, crazy ignorant day on this Crazy Ignorant show. A lot of fun today. But Steve, now it's time to get a little serious. And I just want to encourage people to do something really really simple today. And I think this is something that most people would agree to want. It's really this simple. Everybody should want more for your life. I'm talking about your life right there, the one that you have. You should want more for your life. You should never allow yourself to become complacent. Now, I want you to understand something. Some people get complacency confuse with they don't want to seem ungrateful. Once again, some people get complacent and see confused with not wanting to appear ungrateful. Well, I don't want to keep asking God for nothing because I don't want him to think I ain't grateful for what I have. Well thanking for it. Then that's really simple. Simply thank God for what you have. That's the gratitude. But then it's still okay to want more for your life. Here's the good news. God actually wants you to have more for your life. God is really looking for people to show off. He really is. I happen to raise my hand all the time in volunteer I do. I just say God, pick me, come on, do me, use me show me. Now, that doesn't mean I'm perfect. I'm far from it. But I do want God's blessings to be able to flow through me. So I keep an open channel in my life for that stuff to flow through. First of all, I want more, that's the beginning of getting it. Then I have the good sense to ask Him for more. You have not because you ask not. Well, I happen to be a big asker of stuff. So now I want more, I ask for more. Now here's the trick to asking for more and wanting more. You have got to be willing to do more. Oh, now you gotta do more. Now, that's the one thing that stops so many people from having and wanting more for their life. If God will give you blessings and God will increase your measure in life, if God comes to give you life and give you life more abundantly, if He's promised to do that for you, and what you have to do in return is you have to be willing to do more. See you, you can't get more without doing more. Convenience is built through inconvenience. You can stop warning what you see everybody else with and you ain't willing to do what everybody else did to get it? Quick look at it Oprah's pile over there. If you ain't willing to do what Oprah did, which Tom an average person is not because the average person wants to be comfortable, and you can't be successful and stay comfortable. I was interviewing the wrestler on my show yesterday day. But teach a great story man. This camp was really out of it, really really fascinating story he had. And we were talking and he was talking about living outside your comfort zone. And I told him one of the things that I've had to learn how to do in order to become successful is I've had to become comfortable with being uncomfortable. He said, wow, Wow, that's a great way to put us. Do I have learned how to be comfortable while I'm uncomfortable, Because in order to get successful, you have to be uncomfortable. You have to do things that you don't feel like doing all the time. You have to show up when you don't want to show up. You have to be there when you feel like being somewhere else. You have to say yes a lot of times when you really want to just say no. That's where you're at, man, that's how you become successful. But you can't keep asking God for more and you ain't willing to do more. It doesn't make any sense. It cannot happen that way, folks. So come on, I want you to want more for your life. But there's a scripture that that bags that up too. It said to whom much is given, much is required. Now, if you don't want the requirements, then he gonna have to pull up on a given. But if you want the given, know that here come the requirements. So one more time, if you don't want the requirements, he gonna have to pull up on a given. Do not be the one who blocks your own blessings. Want more for your life and be willing to do the things to accept and receive more. It's just discipline. It's just some more work. But if you just cut out some of the bs, man, Man, just cut out some of the happy hours, just cut out some of the drinking. You can't smoke one every day though, you can't go to all the clubs. So man, you're just gonna run all the women that that's that's that's, that's what you're gonna do all of them. I got news for you, Man, can't be successful that way. You can't drop it now. For all Steve every contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete content US rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.