Happy Monday Seasons Greetings - 12.04.17

Published Dec 6, 2017, 8:40 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know, y'all bag all too long, looking back to back down, giving them more, just like theming buck things. And it's touble y'all to ful good to the hearty guy listening to me. When you have to each other for sto bary, why don't you join yeah by joining me? Honey, Sat said, don't turn Yeah, you got you gotta turn't to turn turn love. It got to turn out to turn to turn the water the water go. Comey, come on your back. Uh huh, I show will good morning everybody you are listening to the voice? Come on dig me now to one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show? Yeah, man, I get I get so many emails almost daily. Why do you say every day you got a radio show? Some people still don't get it. Well, here it is. I'm not bragging. I'm really not. It's just my odd way of saying thanks to my Heaven and Father. It's my odd way of strange as it might seem to you, can't you understand? You know, everybody do it a different way. It's just a reminder to myself and to anybody that hears me that God is in the blessed business that God is in to get your life together business. And I say it every day because people need to know, because see what, what some people don't understand is just yesterday, something could have happened traumatic in somebody's life, a turning point could have occurred in somebody's life, and they could be sitting up there listening, trying to make a decision, and it could be the wrong decision if you don't remind yourself every day that God is in the blessing business that he's in, that he's in to get your life together business. If you're not talking to the right people when you have a mishap in your life, you'll suddenly start thinking the wrong way. Oh man, he don't he don't care about me no more art and blew. It is over now. Sometimes you need to hear the truth that, hey man, that there's gonna be some rain in your life. Sometimes sometimes it's just perchance of life. Sometimes it's a test. You never know what it is. Sometimes, Uh, you know you're gonna get your faith tested from time to time, is what I'm trying to say. Sometimes some things are gonna happen to see if you really mean what you say, do you really want your dreams to come true? Or when you give up as soon as something bad happen. So that's what happened to so many people along the way. They just they look at the test the wrong way. They keep thinking because this mishap has occurred, that is over, that is finique, that it's a finale in their life. It ain't ever that it ain't ever. That you got to go through some things. So when you finally get to your goal, you have a level of appreciation for it. Man. You know, when you've really earned something, you know you take care of it better. You know, Uh, there's a you know that this is not true in every case. But I was listening to a guy in his real estate class I was trying to take one time years ago, and he said that owners take better care of their property than do runners. Now, once again, I will say through life experience that that's not always the case. But what the man was trying to say in the point he was trying to make in this real estate class was it's when you pay for something, when you've earned it, when you've gone through the paperwork, and if you've ever brought a house, you know, man on man on man, they take you through it. They want to know everything about you. And right when you think you've answered all the questions and fulfill all the requirements before closing, there's always some more. There's always some mode you got to do. Everybody didn't bought a house and been through this. You know, well, we need to look at this. This didn't come out clean. I thought, we what does this be? All over here? You got to go pay that off, take care of that, get a letter from this creditor. Everybody is going through it. Right when you think you that, and when you think you've done all of it, when you get the closing, here comes some more. It's more money than they said. You're just sitting there going why. But when you get the house and you walk in it, and you known went through all of that, and you came up with the down payments, and you know, fulfill all the criments, and you've been saving for years and you've been dreaming about this house, and here it is. What the man was trying to say is you have a level of appreciation for and that's what happens in life. That's why you got to go through some things to accomplish your dreams. So when you fulfill those dreams with God's help, with with God's help, you have uh uh, you have an appreciation for it, meant something to it. You take care of it better. Like I said, don't mean that runners don't because I know some great runners out there who take care of property, like because they're just good people. They're just not in a position to own yet. I've seen that happen more times than not. But you go through things, so you have a level of appreciation. So why you are there going through stuff? Understand, it's just because you've got to come up through something. You got to have some dirt on you in order to grow. And a lot of people look at the dirt the wrong way. You're not buried. You planted when you got dirt on you. You're not buried. You planted. That's the thing. You know. Every everything you see beautiful, every tree, every bush, every plant, every flower, every mountain had dirt on it. They had to come up through some dirt to be what they are. You you you you can't eat nothing a vegetable of any kind or fruit of any kind that ain't come about the ground. But it's got to come through the earth, the dirt in order to be what they're gonna be. So when you're going through some stuff, just know you're gonna get some dirt on you. And everything changes. Everything changes, But the key to everything changes is you have to say so. In some of it. It's like old age. Everything must change. The young are going if you keep living the young or are going to become the old. It's inevitable the young become the old. But you have a choice. You don't have to be fifty and sit there and just let old age come set in you. On you. You're gonna get older. But do you have to look at though? Do you have to walk like it? You know if you exercise and hate right, do you know that you can change the way that is? You have to say so In some of it, man, everything changes, but you can do some things about it. Do what you can do today, Make a chance, have a relationship with God. Get your life on track. Man. God would love to hear from you today. It doesn't matter if he ain't heard from you in a while. That has absolutely nothing to do with it. God ain't like everybody else. He's a forgiving god. He's a God of chances. All you got to do is take will take one chance, Take a chance on God. That's all you got to do. He would give you many, many, many chances to come about. Your words painful, graveful, so grave wi you to raise you ah sho scape this time. I want you to help us cure it. Lift your hands and it's a it is things and I am wrateful that you have. Don't look at him and tell him, yes, I'm grateful victim and wanted tell him. I could go on and on. You could do the best you can. You could strive to be the absolute best you can. But when you make a mistake, and you are going to make the mistakes, it's okay. God has already put that into the equation. He already knows you're going to make them. That's why he's there for forgiveness, mercy and grace. It's available to everybody. All you got to do is want it. Okay. Cool. You're listening to Steve hard Morning Show. Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people from all around the world. This is the Steve Harpe Morning Show. The voice you're listening to right now, this Steve. The next voice, This Shirley get after that. This killed everybody? Then, Jay Anthony, this means then this here the food you noticed? Mean these just divorces of this radio show? That? Yeah, how you doing, Steve Morning? Everybody just you know, living blessed Holly favorite had a weekend off like like, I don't even know what that is. That's like amazing to me. Who had a weekend? No, we weren't. That's right, a little bit. We don't forgot Steve forgot? When are you coming it? Just one job? Surely it don't matter to that's all. Ye, that's all. One job. One job is all. That's what your eyes. You gotta be working so much you don't even know where you're at or where you're going next. You gotta be like that. I'm sure he's grateful to you for reminding him. Yeah, I damn they forgot about this show. How does one do that nineteen job? You know what? I think it's mentor shell. I think where your body is just going, hey man, we need a break, we need we need to rest from it all man. And that's it. That's what I always say. And and we're gonna get one where you want to or not? Huh, that's where the cold is God's way of saying, you need to take some time off and sleep. Yeah, just rest a big dog, yo. Tiger look good this weekend. Yeah, she looked healthy. At least he did. He played well. He played well. Malfe everything, he don't even know. He don't even played golf. He stop telling them, man, you everything? Did you say him? He looked good? Yeah, I'm in the sand trap. They don't have sand out there for no vis Is that trick up? No, it's not an illusion, and it's and it's put in. Golf designers put sand traps in very strategic places. They saying the average ball could go here, the average ball when hit would be here. And that's enough about that because Shirley doesn't care. So no, but let me say this, Steve though, I did see him over the weekend, just watching the news and clips, and he did look good. I knew he was coming back, and Tigre looked good. I hope he can. You know, it's not how you begin, it's how you finish. So I hope he can finish strong in life. The Stars The Stars was tweeting though, Yeah, yeah, did you say, I didn't say? I mean this, dude, right, here. If it wasn't for Tiger Woods, I don't even play golf. He did change again, and he changed the way the golf courses. He really did. All right, we'll be back with something funny at thirty two after the hour, we'll find out what happened over the weekend. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it is time for something funny. Uh, did you guys want to continue this crazy? Because I'm the hateful, mean all the time though every day, well it is kind of always you. I mean, we all we were all in agreement about Tiger. He looked good. We were happy he's back. And then he said, yes, Steve, he don't like his own gran. Oh, how can you be a grinch on everything? Christmas? I hate Christmas? What's so happy about the four I know, you know, we always send each other greetings on the holidays and stuff. So for Thanksgiving we all send each other Happy Thanksgiving. Blah blah blah. I send it to Jay, he said, I hate the holidays. That was his response. What thankful for Thanksgiving? Though? You know, the kindest holiday in the world. No one speaks to the lonely dad. That's my turn that's what I do. Speak to the hateful people don't hate Christmas. I got that group with small group, but we're effective. Okay, hey, man, can't tell you something I saw this weekend. I watched on se and Lisa len was in a little rock or in somewhere at all, so I think it's a little rock. They put the Ten Commandments up on a plaque. Well it's Satanic group wants this monument of their Satanic god put up there. Also what and so I mean, man, it was crazy, man, watching people who practice Satanism. Uh, it's really amazing how they got this. They worked out a lot of the people say they practiced Satanism because of what it stands for civil rights and you know, rights of people and you know, or right to a woman's right to abort or not. It was so amazing watching this. And so they got this one time statue made and they were having it delivered. But it was in Detroit, and so a lot of preachers came out to boycott, you know, with the churches, you know, and it was it was mostly black. Uh that was protesting up in Detroit because they don't want that in Detroit. So they came and they finally found the location, so they gave out a fake location because the boycotters came to boycott the location, so they gave out a fake location. So the Black ministers and stuff, we're at the wrong location where they actually sent it was another one. Then you had to check, I DA and get checked. And they hanged a cross upside down, you know. Man. They got the statue and they unveiled and people come dressed, some in Satanic guard most of them, and uh, it's pretty crazy, man, it is. You know, we should have our right to worship how we want to. We don't interfere with Christians. And don't you feel some kind of way even watching it? But I'm trying to I'm trying to think. So if they Church won't Satan do it, we won't Satan do it. I mean, you got to get them right to learning. Hell, that's the way I said, Satan stepped down. I mean, man, it was it was really alarming the way they choose to do as the first time I really looked at anything like that. It was just it was just people out there are looking for stuff. Like one woman was in it because her son was gay and he came out and he took his boyfriend to an event with some family members and they joked about him and laughed at him, and the next day he overdosed, you know, on drugs. So she blamed the family and Christianity, and so she became a Satanist because they are all into you know, open lifestyle, whether you're gay or not, which is you know, like, I think it's cool because you got to accept people the way they are. But that was her reasoning for joining Satanism. No good, you're a good concerning you'll be off this ship. We know you're a Christian. Will you bring me over here. You're gonna be off this ship. Let us catch you with some eyeline on with a cross upside there. You're gonna be off this ship. You're what nobody I was that bad? Okay, I'm not that bad. He was some black finger nail. You're bitter. You're not evil, You're just a bitter Christian, which really, which is in every church? Dude, that's something like a hospital playing little bit of Christian. You know what's crazy, you really? You know what alarms me is how many people do twist the Bible verses? Yes, they do. People take God's word and twisted. Not surely you're Pastor Kenneth Olmer. Yes, he taught me something that I really needed to know because you know how people come up to you know, you know, the Lord wanted me to share this with you. You know, I'm so glad I met you because the Lord just put this on my heart. Ever everybody help people come up to him like that, and then when they say it, you go or man, don't seem like God would have told me that. Here's what he taught me that cleared it up all from Bishop Bishop Omer. God's voice has no sin in it. I'm going down here and tell them off because the Lord told me to go tell them off. No, he didn't know, he didn't. He never told you to go down that big confrontation. He never told you to give some and so old piece of your mind. He never told you to cuss nobody out. He never told you to go down that jump on nobody. He never told you don't go down there and get somebody fired. He never told you to go report somebody. God's voice has no sin in it. Right that stuff you do on your own. I don't want a body walking up to me telling about you know, Satan put it on my heart to tell you something. Right, what is Satan's ignorant? He says, Yeah, I know what the worshipers, the people who worship. Yeah, now, don't do that. That's why you have to know it for yourself. That's why it's up to you to study and read and know the Word for yourself. So people can't come up to you and say things like that because you already know, because you're in the Word and you know. It was It was actually hard to watch because I actually felt sorry for the people I knew. I knew it would be hard to watch. Yeah, well, anyway, it is Monday, speaking of church, Reben Motown, Deacon death Jam, who will be in the building with church complaints right after this, you're listening to the Steve Morning Show. Coming up. At the top of the hour, miss Anne will be here. She's going to update us on today's national news. But first, Yeah, it is Monday, in time for church complaints with Reverend Motown and Deacon death Jam. Yes, church, we we all, hell, yes we are on this blessed day at the beginning of the week called Monday's right, that's right, as blessed as a day. It is it is also a day of bitterness. Well not debaucher man, okay, ungratefulness. Now that right there, I go in he's acknoledgees, but that he the ungrateful congregation at the Jack Part Joint of Jerusalem passed complaints and the one that us she just do me in for to you is my damn deacon, Yeah, introduced me like that, just so sick of it all. Lady Jim d D death jail. Thank you. We had several body want to know what d D. I thought you were gonna tell us what does it mean that damn? Oh my goodness, I accepted for no path because I need to get these complaints to you. There's a lot going on in the congregation at the heaven Set. Sister that sits on the third round, Sister Luonia Wilberforce is entering into her fifth marriage. Her last four husbands died of the same things. He accidentally smothered them after rolling in her sleep. Really, the the fifth husband, brother Bernard Dollar, right, is asking the church um uh long money so he can live in the house next daughter her instead of living with her pasting. We were not going to do that. He doesn't want to live in that same house, and he's afraid, and it says for better all for worse. M Now he's gonna have to sleep in this bid with this the last I said, he's gonna have to sleep in his bid. She want to do everything else with the woman when she when she rolls right, well, then you're gonna have to know when the role is coming. Get on your toys, brother, get on your tool called the role is coming. We're not praying for that, ducon, go ahead, all right past the eye. Our retired stripper sister Jamika glitter Down Jones got the spirit during Servants. She climbed up the Vacation Bible School flagpole yesterday and wouldn't come down. You're gonna have to talk to her. What were not? Lord? We go through this so much with sister Mka glitter Down Jown. Jamika glitter Down and still has glitter on her from for days. Got it down, glitter down. Oh that's glitter so hard to get off. One time I was saving souls at the Pink Pony and literally in my bid and ill health almost year and a half to get out. I'm just gonna say this. What we're gonna do is decongest between you and I. We're gonna have to greeze down that pole, all right, so you just can't get up there no more. If she do, she's gonna slide back then alright. If he gets to the tap and won't come down, I don't know what that is what makes her do that? Hither? But if we greased the pole, put baby oil on it, baby all on the pole, alright, So it's gonna be hard to get up the pole with the baby oil on it. I don't care how good you are, alright, baby on the I'm just taking notes. All right. We have a sensitive subject had passed that brother Cedric Murphy lost his right thumb on a fishing trip accident. He got his thumb caught in the fishing line and it got torn out. Now here's the problem. The baptized the Baptist bowling brothers, you know, with the church's bowling team, is asking him to leave the bowling team since his thumb is gone. He won't step down. The big tournament is this coming Saturday. He wants the bowl, but he don't have a thumb to get into the bowl. Well, that's all right, I've seen this before with other people, poll people. You can move your head around, put your index fringer in the thumb hole, put your third the finger next to the baby finger, the second your ring ring franger on the right hand, and then the baby frainger in the old hole and you can bowl that on we or if that don't work, everybody back there on the bench that's watching need to look out because he cold out all right, past uh Man, Sister lilad Pop Linda has had a baby and doesn't know who the father is. She's going on the Mari Pold Show. All the men of the church have been asked to take a blood test and come to the show you tube pastor and Mary said he will find out who the father is this week. I'm not going on more reprover show for no damn body. Well, first of all, I have not been involved with her. You you then you get back to the only one you don't know since the line of Poper Linda, is that what you're saying not in that away, So you're trying to say you are not the fother. I can't be the father because I have just been on the I'm jeff, I'm understand what he called for lollapas. But that's it. You can't get pregnant better way next story, that wouldn't be Yeah, next complaints. Alright, The Bad Breath Association is having a huge high of Toastin's Eye convention in February. Yea brother Myron go read to go because of his horrific breath. His breath has put four members of the church in the hospital with three degree burns and blinded to members for light. Can the church actually pay for this trip? Pass? Absolutely, We're gonna pay for that because I want a free Sunday while I'm not smelling this scumpful. We're gonna send brother man to this and anything to win hes gonna win it. I'll tell your own trophy something a freshness sticks for years. Supply he gonna win something. Because this boy's breath is don meloscious locious. I don't know what that means, but it sounds serious. Break that down die, smells like something died. More is more death now than you can account for. Don A Looshes, A lot of us has been a private to this. So Loshes is something died in his mouth mode and normal, and a lot of us has been on the receiving You know that's lost. All right, listen, thank you guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, the Senate passes the tax bill. Plus Miss Anne will be here. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Well, I'm sure you guys have heard by now. The US Senate voted just before to a m Eastern time on Saturday. I'm talking late in the midnight hour. Okay. They voted to pass the sweeping tax overhaul worth roughly one point four not million, not billion trillion with the t AA trillion one point for trillion dollars, putting the Trump White House a big step closer to its first major legislative victory, and it will be the first one for this year in his first year of the presidency. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, of course, also responded, calling the legislation a betrayal of the American middle class. The bill is not yet finalized. Saturday's vote means the Senate and the House have passed similar tax reform plans now, but negotiators from both sides will meet today to agree on a single piece of legislation before it is sent to the president. Also, uh, if you guys recall, on this past Friday, as a part of Robert Mueller's investigation into connections between Russia and President Trump, former National security advisor Michael Flynn was officially charged with a single count of lying to the FBI. Yeah, Flynn pleaded guilty and has con firm that he is now cooperating with Mueller. There he's probably he's probably copy complete to not do to yeah, exactly, to serve up a certain amount of information. So, but we don't really know. Look y'all, can this is just my opinion, So don't you don't have to think this way? This stuff right here, when it comes to this government, we don't have any say. So we are just people watching foreign policy and this stuff with this investigation. We're just watching it go down. We can complain all we want, but at the end of the day, we're watching it go down because we don't even know what's really going on. And yeah, and if we don't like it when it comes time for voting, if you don't like what's going on, that's when you exactly right, you know, because it's it's like this tax plan. I don't even know what to think about it, because I know that we're being lied to on a few levels here, and it's the way they did it. They save everything undercover. There's one thing, to cut the taxes for the rich. And I can understand that if you're rich, you want to pay less taxes. Who wants to pay more taxes? But the cuts that they put in it in terms of Medicare and and school you know, subsidies and stuff like that, educated and Obamacare, to connect all of that with it is hurtful for poor people in the ordinary man. There we can do about it. That part I don't agree with. You know, Look, in order to make the tax cut be okay, they're taking from programs that people need to offset the money. Now do they have a valid point in that if you make corporate taxes easier on corporations with less of them leave the United States? I believe so. If you also put heavy taxes on companies who have left the United States to bring their goods back into the States to sell, would that cut that down? Yes, it would. So in order for these corporate corporations to stay here, they gotta get some type of tax and centives. That's why people go to certain States, and that's why rich people moved to Florida, get residents in Florida or Las Vegas. But don't sell it ism middle class Christmas, No, no, listen to me. The lie is no. They're telling the truth. But what they're not giving you is the definition of middle class. They've yes, that's true. We got to take it on over to miss Anne anyway, Steve, please introduce Lady Jennery here who might be able to give us a little bit more insight with real facts, not just opinion, as do I, ladies and gentlemen. Miss Anne Tripp, Thank you, Steve. Good morning everybody. This is a trip with the news. While President Trump continues to tweet about his former National security advisor Michael Flynn, who has now pled guilty line to the FBI about his contacts with the Russians, and now Trump is insisting that despite what former FBI Director James Comey said, that he never asked Comey to drop his agency's investigation of Flynn. Comey still differs with that and says that the president did. Trump also is claiming now that it was not his voice on that Access Hollywood tape talking about grabbing women's privates However, the man who lost his job behind that tape, Billy Bush, says there was no dubbing. It was Trump. Meanwhile, the Capitol Hill, House and Senate leaders now set the conference on a compromise tax over held bill to overhaul bill to eventually sent to the President for his signature. House and Senate bills are similar, but then down exactly the same, and they have to be exactly the same. The Senate passed its tax version as that you heard just a few minutes earlier. Early Saturday, sent GOP leader Mitch McConnell says on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopolis that he's feeling private, rather upbeat about the whole thing. We'll be able to get in the conference. I'm very optimistic about and we think those will make a big difference and getting our economy moving again and providing jobs and opportunity for the American people. Of course, critics differ. They say that giving the tax breaks to corporations doesn't necessarily mean they're going to invest it in the American people, because they haven't in the past. The boat went along party lines. Democrats complained that Republicans in the eleventh hour of debate pushed hundreds of pages of legislation through the next thing up. House and Senate leaders preparing to focus on government spending. A top of GOP. Legislative leaders say they're working on a plan to avert a government shutdown when a temporary spending bill expires at midnight this Friday, so they gotta get that going. Secretary State Rex Tillson is on his way to Europe today after a week in which his job was rumored to be on the line. Tilson schedule for stops in Belgium, Austria, and France for a five day trip where used to meet with NATO allies and spend a lot of time talking about security issues. President Trump but Tilson have been appeared out to be out of sync a lot of times, with the report that said Tilson referred to Trump as a moron, the rum when Mill had a that Trump was ready to replace him with CIA director Mike Pompeo, but hasn't happened yet anyway, And tops to the weekend box office the animated film Coco. I know I'm not supposed to love music, but my great grandma Goco's father was the greatest musician of all time it missed Vila Cruz. One day he left with his guitar and never returned. My family thinks music because occurs great great grandfather. None of them understand me. Oh anyway, he goes to the land of the dead looking for his great great grandfather. Coco brought in twenty six million dollars Eugene in the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve please introduced Jay Anthony Brown. J Anthony Brown, will you please introduce the said, do you know? Do you know? He flies in flight? He comes and put his stuff together. I said, this is do you know? I know? Do you know? Steve? I know it? Man the butterfly, Get Marty, get Marny. He did good, you did very good. Thank you, j Anthony Brown. I'm Stephen Shirley kier Ring, very very very good and good morning Stephen. Then just go ahead and crash the bit. Go ahead. Why don't you think I'm gonna crash the bit right now? Jingle Baby Ginger, way to sit ride And I went on, it's like today, it's all about Christmas songs, Stephen, getting your songs up to day till you'll know how to do all of the Christmas songs because we're gonna go caroling all of the people on this show. I would like for us to get together, sing some songs and then send them out on video, you know, sorer space, so everybody will get it be a video. How do you all feel about my selection? Jingle bells? Well, just jingle bells and then we'll do you know, I think Christmas will do that one, and then we'll do we'll do about five different and sounds, but it will be all of eyes, not time me but me, you, Carla Junior, Daisy Brown, and Steve Harvey. So I like it, I'll do it. I like, why do you not want to be a part of it? I thought we were friends? So you you always murder in that here? Why you can't sing with me? I don't like Christmas soungs, don't like happy Christmas sungs. My christung is sad. Love Christmas. If you're gone, do please be gone by Christmas? Please me going Christmas? That Christmas something New Year's Day, didn't go fill go to hell, Chris. That's stuff like that that's that's not what I want to do. Now. Now I'm just not caroling video all my sunk go to hell, go to hell? Man, what is wrong with him? And I'm not I'm not caroling with him. We've never spent Christmas with Can you care? I'm asking you out to carol with me. I surely said she would carol with me. Ja said he ain't gonna do it Christmas. So you're not doing it because Anthony Brown wants it. I've never caroled in my life and I'm not fit to start at sixty. It's just one side. You're just saying several songs and I'm not gonna do it the video. I'm not gonna do it. Do it by yourself. I can't be on video, which I want my friends asking me questions. Yeah, so now when y'all started singing together, all right, we will thank you Butterfly? All right. J Anthony Brown's here. As you've heard, he's coming up to murder another hit at thirty with thirty four after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, He's here, Please introduced Jay so he can murder another hit. J Anthony Brown, what did I say it's nothing happy for me around Christmas. First of all, Nick my announcement, it's all going down this Tusie at the Jay's Body Comedy Cub, Los Angeles, California with my arch enemy George Walls. Oh yeah you're good friend slash whatever. Yeah, he'll be there Tuesday night, Atlanta Taco Tusia. Before you say that, Jah Grambling basketball team, Yeah, beat Georgia Tech this weekend. Unbelievable. They had a point one percent chance of winning. Grambling came in there and whipped Georgia Tech over the weekend. I saw it. I just wanted to go and Gramlin doesn't get any airplay. But that's great for them. Behind up alright, well congratulate, that's awesome. Okay, back to the song. Okay, here's a Christmas song dedicated to all the men who are in the friend zone, who've been in the friend zone, who will probably never get out of the friend zone. This is saying what you want. He said, please give it up on christ He will watch your kids, even by them, gifts, by them in the car and take them to the mom. But you'd call him and Beard, he buys your daddy. Beard. There's a gift. He will a dog. You can't buy it from a store. Why don't shoot give it up on Chris must De Yeah, oh, make your friends being like a king. Come on, girl, get over that bank and get it up on Christmas State. I don't want no time, just getting it up now. I'm mis saw your don't I took you to the stone. I was there for you when you were unemployed. Stupid stuff. I do like feet another man's kids. Nothing left for me to say, girl, I feel like getting played. Why don't you get it up on Gris smile stay make a man. They're like a king. Come on, girl, get out on that Thank Kenny some on ris My Day. I don't want no socks. Just getting it up, Ralph Hawkin, Julie, thank you so much. Man, give it up, Give it up on love, give it up. That's the Johnny Girl song. You make a man. They're like the king. Come on girl, get all by that thang. And he massaged her, took her to the stone here, massaged her toe and took her to the in the hard words the rhyme right there. I don't want no tie. Let's give it. How about that? That's gonna be a Dutio Christmas Kitty every Year day Spot, Tuesday night Headlina tackled Tuesday My good friend George Wallace hell on listening, Wow, Los Angeles, California. Who was listening? How you turn that? And to give love and to get up off of that, to feel messed up behind that? Alright? Uh? Coming up next, it's the nephews turn. He's gonna murder and I mean he's gonna do a prank phone calling right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's strawberry letter. Put up next the nephew with today's prank phone call. What you got the job offer? Yeah, you've had jobs offered to you before this job. The people on the phone that they don't hang up. They just He's He's the king. Keep it, keep it, keeping something, keep passionate and stupid. Right there there you go. Hello, Hello, I'm trying to reach a William William Please. Yeah, this is William I will you My name is Daniel Done with Fluman Agency. Oh yes, how's it going? Okay, I'm pretty good. You you actually came in a couple of weeks and filled out some forms. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I did. I did. You're you're seeking plumber, right, yes, sir? I am. Okay, Okay, well listen, I got a few things here i'd like to go over if you don't, if you have the time, I'd like to get a couple of questions from you. I think I actually have something I could send you out on on Monday if you actually fit the criterias. Okay, okay, hold on, let me grab a pin ref fan. Okay, all right, go ahead, I'm ready. All right. Are you used to physical labor at all? Yes? Yes, okay, so that's the problem health wise or physical You're you're you're able to handle that kind of stuff? Yes, Okay. About how tall are you? Will you? Um? About five eight? Eight? Okay? And um how much do you? Okay? All right, let's do this now. Um. Have you done any singing at all? Uh? Not? Not? I can sing a little bit, not and I'm not a singer. Singer, but you know I could. I could, I could blow a little bit, but not not not professionally. But you know, refer you're pretty good at holding a note at least though, right, Yeah, I can Okay, not bad, not bad at all. Are you good working out in the heat? Is that okay? Yeah? Yeah? At this point, man, I'm I'm willing to take anything. Yeah, I'm I'm cool with that. Okay. How long you've been out of work? Ah, man for about a good about a year and a half. Now, okay, well, then we're gonna try to fix that for you. I know, uh, the way economy is, you know, I know how people can be out of work and not be able to find what they're looking for. But I think we've got something upro alley. Now let me ask you this question. Are you good working barefooted? Barefooted? Yeah? Without without shoes on it? All? Right? Well, I mean I get it the job in quieted, and I mean yeah, I can do that. Okay. Now we're gonna start Monday morning, right at sunrise, so we're talking about five thirty six o'clock here. We're gonna need you, uh to report to the field to actually get ready. Okay, what kind of job? I mean, what you're gonna be doing, William, is you gonna what you're gonna be doing is actually picking cotton, and we want you to do it barefooted, and we we'd like for you to actually sing while you're doing it. Well, you got a weekend and then, are you serious? I'm that serious to John pays? Uh ten bucks an hour. You know we're gonna get you some good hours out there. I know, A mean man, I mean without the respect man, I mean that. I mean you're talking about picking cotton and dare feet and in ten an hour. Man, I don't, don't forget. I do need your singing. It's gonna be a Do you know any Negro spirituals? No, I don't and I don't. I don't. I don't think. Uh, who's this again? Uh? Like I said, I'm Daniel. I wanted the employees here. I work at employment agency. You know, I pulled up your file and saw how long you've been out of work, and you know, I've got something that I think you'll be perfect for. Okay, but what I mean, what is this job really about? I mean you're talking, you're talking about picking cotton. Well, you know, basically it's kind of like you're getting paid. You know, the ten bucks an hour, you're probably gonna get about ten hours in a day, so so you know you're gonna make a hunter bucks a day. It's it's it's a it's it's kind of like slavery, but it's not. It's hold on, hold on, hold up, uh, Man, I didn't sign on for nothing like this, man. I mean, I'm I'm thinking you guys are supposed to be helping me with the up to date job. I mean, slavery don't even exist no more, man. I mean, I mean we are going to pay you, you understand, but we do want you barefoot and telling me I gotta I gotta sing and walk barefooted picking cotton, singing some slavery songs. Bro, I don't do don'thing like that. Man, I'm voting Tuesday. Man, this this that slavery is with Man, what then are you talking about? I can't what What did your say? Man? I'm thinking that you guys are gonna be finding me a job, a job job that's regardless of how you like it. It's a job. Now. I need you to report the morning all in the field with no shoes and ready to sing it. Man, I am not reporting, no damn where at five o'clock in the morning, at no damn field. Brother, I mean, I don't know a lot of Why are you even calling me with this matter of fact, matter of fact, you know what, go ahead and send my dog because I go over there and talk to these people in the beginning, because y'all need to be reported, like I said, five o'clock in the morning. Report you know, if you can wear your shoes. Man, listen, buck, buck, listen to no not my name is a matter of fact. What's your name? Because you know what. I will be at this tomorrow just to meet you. Because this don't make no sense. Man, you calling my phone talking about some slavery work. Man, you must be out of your mind talking to Are you looking for work or you're not looking for work? Now, I'm not looking for that kind of work, dude. I mean you're calling my phone telling me about some flame works work. You must you're a matter of fact. What what is your name? What is your name? You can kiss my? Okay, kiss my. I don't want to go back and I'm not doing no type like that matter. He can lose all my information. You're gonna get your pluck. I mean, hang on, you're gonna get your butt out there and you're gonna do with you get my black well, you know what, I will be there and put down. Can I can I say one more thing? What? What the else you gotta say? Man? You didn't say the monthful already? I gotta say this. This is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your wife Katrina gotten me to prank phone call you? What the who will you? This is nephew Tommy Man from the Steve Harvey Morning I believe she didn't this and like that, man, and and she know I'm looking for Yeah, Man, I bet you won't be saying that when the bills come in next month. He man, I'm five for it. Ain't I hunted and shifty times. But when I'm ready to getting your get all up in your I mean, and she know that that, I mean I would get hot. Oh man, I got one more thing I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land, oh man, the Steve Harvey Morning Show. I'm thinking about opening up a prank school. What y'all? And that's the prank right there? You take the money. There is no school. I mean, you know Trump did yo Trump University. That was a big prank. Prank university, prank you people was showing up your university. How's the play? What's happening in the play? Was done? It was a wrap last night was the last finished up in Columbus, Ohio. Ya. It's a rap great show. Last year rap party. We did, we did and I still made it to work. How y'all? How y'all feel about that? Who was the star of the party? Party with the star? I don't know who to start the party was? I don't think at that that long? Oh it wasn't you. I'm not I'm not the star of the party? Show right? Party? All right? Coming up at the top of the hour, the White House has a pest problem. Do you guys hear about this? Plus we'll have today's Strawberry Letter all coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, the Strawberry Letter is up next. It is unbelievable. Of course you don't want to miss it. But first, have you guys heard about this? Steve? A list of White House work orders obtained by NBC Washington reveals that six hundred Pennsylvania Avenue is over run with vermin. That includes mice in the situation room and a mess hall ants in the White House Chief of Staff John Kelly's office, and at least four reported cockroach infesta infestations on the premises and and uh ants that's just in the Senate. But there's nothing new though, they're nothing new, So yeah, it's so they say. Rodents and insects have plagued the White House for decades, not just the White House. D C is different over Wow, this is according to the Huffington's post. Uh. They noted that former president way back in the day. Uh. Former President Jimmy Carter complained about a mouse problem back in the seventies when he wrote wrote in his diary, this is crazy, especially when you got digit Terry's coming up with state nothing. Don't worry Abo, nothing changes the conversation like a red going across the floor. Did you act like you don't not doing do big week for me? But wait a minute, did did I hear I? Did I hear that Trump tried to blame the son President Obonnadent. Trump tried to you know, he's the one eating dropping crumbs on the floor ice cream ants. Just I do know you blame that. Bringa McDonald's. McDonald's is good, all right, it's that time. Y'all buckle up and hold on tight. We got it you here. It is a strawberry letter. Here we go. Subject Yes, years and years of cheating Steve, Shirley and Tommy. I'm a wife of fourteen years. I've been with my husband for eighteen years. We were together as young teenagers. He doesn't know that I've been seeing someone else since before we got married. I love this other man simply for the man that he is when we're together. His focus is on me. He is he has unlimited he has limitless sex drive is what she meant to say, and pleases me every time. About a year ago, I began a sexual relationship with another man who I care very much for. I love his company, I love the sex, and I feel safe when we are together. My husband and I spend our time arguing, screaming, yelling, and slinging insults. I know everyone will say that it's because of my cheating, but my husband has no idea, never busted me. It's more about his shortcomings. He hardly works. I pay mostly everything, and I don't respect him for that. I love him, but I don't like who he has become. Sometimes I pray that he comes home after I am asleep so I don't have to hear his voice. He failed me. I believed in him, but in all these years he has failed to deliver. His only true passion is smoking weed. Am I wrong for running to the arms of two very successful men? Well? Morally, yeah, I know, take that all in right. Morally, yes, of course you're wrong. I mean, you know as well as I do that this is adultery and that cheating is wrong. You know that, But I mean, why did you write the letters? The question? Is this like a true confession sort of thing that you just wanted to get this off your chest? What is really going on with you? And I'm quite frankly, I'm not surprised that, um, your husband never caught you, because usually women are just way smarter than men at cheating. But but having said that, you are miserable in your marriage and something else is going on. You're cheating with not one, but two different men. I don't get that. Why just haven't you filed for divorce? You're some sort of serial cheater? I inc um, I think you're sort of some sort of really uh, you know, I think you enjoy the thrill of cheating, you know, of possibly getting caught maybe or something. You need that excitement in your life, because, honestly, I don't think you ever gave your marriage a fighting chance because you admit that you were cheating with this man before you even married him. Now you're cheating not only on your husband, but you're cheating on the man you started cheating with. So you're just a serial cheater to me, Steve um years and years of cheating. Let's start at the bottom of the letter. Am I wrong for running to the arms of two very successful men? Uh? You're asking us this? Am I wrong? You already know the thing is? You don't care though. Okay, then, now let's go back up to the top. Shirley, Steve, and Tommy. You're the first person to ever put Tommy in the Strawberry Letter, and I'm or why because he's been talking a lot during the Strawberry Letters, and we offer you are humblest apology of that. Now let's get to the letter. You've been with your You've been a wife of fourteen years, you've been with your husband for eighteen. You got together as teenagers. He doesn't know that I've been seeing someone else since before we got married. Okay, right there, right there, you would never ever committed to this man or to the marriage. Now you got the nerves in your letter. After you state your case as to why you with these two men, you say in the nerve of you to say he failed me. I believed in him, but in all these years he has failed to deliver. He has failed you. Right, You've never really been in a man's wife. You've never been true to him, you've never been committed to him. And then you got the audacity to turn around and say that this man has failed you, failed you. You're getting out of him what you deserve, which is nothing. You ain't putting nothing in you. You've been getting a lot put in you, but you ain't nothing. Oh you are true, you man. Because he's smoking weed. You ain't here. Oh my god, watching cartoons in seilers. You ain't here. We'll be back with more of a Steve's response coming up at twenty three after the hour. By his I mean him him right there, I means coming back. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, come on, let's get to part two of your response Steve to today's Strawberry letter. He just sucked to Steve. You know, uh, this woman right here, Sureley says she's just a chronic cheater, and that's what she is. I don't care. See, she's been seeing this man since before they got married. She says, I love this man simply for the man that he is. When we're together, his focus is on me. He has unlimitless sex drive and pleases me every time. Okay. Then the question was, well, why didn't she marry him? Then guess what if she didn't married him, she would still be seeing someone else. Let's explain something to you. If you have a husband and you're cheating on him with someone since you were married, and your description of this other man is that when we're together, his focus is on me. He has unlimitless sex drive and pleases me every time. Okay, that you would think was the ultimate. Right after that, she goes, about a year, I began a sexual relationship with another man for what you just say. He was a man who is unlimitless and pleases you every time you turn around and go get another man. You're not just a Cheatah, you're freaking away? You just what's wrong with you? Why don't you sit your hot trash tail down from somewhere. Just thirsty, Steve bad. It's nothing worse than an old thirsty chick. You're just thirsty. You see, you got to drink her just sits your tail down. So well? Do you have children? She didn't say that, but does she? She probably does after fourteen years of marriage. Now there's other man who I care for very much, love his company. She would love the sex and I feel safe when he together. Oh he just great, big old man dingo, big old slave lovel If she did have children, who would the daddy be? It ain't the dope smoker. You got a freak show, you got, you got a man dingo. Man, You got a weed smoking here? He is smoking weed all day. All right, Steve, you know we gotta get out of here. You can email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at my girls surely okay? Now switching gears. This is a big one. The royal wedding will be televised, unlike the Revolution will be televised. Yes, you can definitely say that Prince Harry is very much like his mother, the son of Princess Diana and his fiance Megan Marco want the people involved in their wedding. Uh. It will be in May of next year. And I also like to throwout the fend that Megan Marco's mother is black. Yeah. Absolutely, How does that sit with the Queen? Well, it's got has gotta sit okay with the Queen. It knocks off a second thing on my Bucketness, I never thought we'd get into white house. That damn care God for the come out a little different. She's gonna hang out with the queen because you do do me a big favor. Clean. Wasn't that purse tightly watching her person? Yes, her name is Megan Marcos and they want the people to be involved in their wedding. Like I said, it's going to be May of next year, so it will be televised worldwide and I'm sure the world will be all right. Now it's time to let fly? How does it down now? The roof the roof, the roof is on fire. Why don't we need water? And why would we let it burn? Megan Marco will embark upon my transition from the US. She's going to be you know, I mean she already is a US actress right now, she's an actress. Uh. To British Royal. Okay, by getting baptized in the Church of England. She'll do that before she actually marries Prince Harry, who said that he knew she was the one when they first met. Why when you know you know? When you know you know, you have to do something about the fried chicken smell? Is that kicklings I smell? Anyway? She's going? Am I doing it right? On? Everything? At the door with a big old hat on. We have an uncle Earl at the door, and I thought, want up, Earl go to the castle. Let me head man. He rolled up in there an old doll. What up doe? So queen, Queen, I see, I'm happy with you. I've been looking at you for years. I'm just going to be over there the top of the morning to y'all. Is not just nice right here? Hey, I always want to ask y'all show them dudes out front with them big hat with the beaver hat on, David, So j just ain't gonna blank or nothing? What your one wanter had? Queen? You want me to player ball? And if I shot one of the hats? Man, Hey, y'all heat this big gass plate. But now you know the turn it to y'all got totally album all right? Coming up at forty one after the hour, jay Z finally admits that he cheated on Beyonce. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Jay Z has admitted to cheating on Beyonce. Well, a lot of people suspected this and recent albums hit It at It, but jay has finally admitted to changing on Beyonce. Jay Z has finally admitted to cheating on Beyonce. In an interview with The New York Times, jay Z said his painful childhood has affected who he is today, including how he behaves with women. He said, the hardest thing is seeing pain on someone else's face, someone's face that you caused, and then having to deal with herself because you've caused that pain. Yeah, that was Yeah. Beyonce also hit it in her album of Course Lemonade, that he had cheated on her. So well, they both got hit albums out of this whole thing. So I mean, what do you say. I'm not saying that. I'm not going I said it. The cheating worked out. It gained you know, good money for both sides, right, God you too? All right, Tommy, and thank you please clarify the boys. Yeah, like the cheating didn't help the bank acting. Let make Yeah, that's one thing we don't have to do on this show. It's clear voice. Yeah they Yeah. Well, I just want to make sure it wouldn't you. So, Steve, Now your nephew has an update on Psyche. Don't ask me none bout jay Z No. No, no, no, I'm just telling you no, no, when he got mad, I know he did, Damnata. No, I'm just telling you no. I know you don't and we we know we are your friends and we love them. No. I was just gonna tell you, you know, the follow up to this story is your nephew. He got that off of him quick, didn't he. Hey, don't ask me? Yeah, So go on, nephew with your little segment. Well, you know, it's just it's that time of the year, surely, and it's good for some people, and then some people have to make adjustments. You understand what I'm saying. Side pieces have to make adjustments. You understand that. And I want to talk to all of y'all. Here's when I just listen. Don't find at what mall I'm going to. I don't need you at that mall. You understand what? Thank you? No, it's a free country. Don't you know wherever she wants to go. No, I can't be shopping with my family with Dona free and see and then see you hes gonna concentrate on getting getting cookies for the kids and look up the same and that affects our relationship later when you see me shopping with just don't go to the ma ally at all. Don't go to them all at all. I'm good with that every store. And don't drive by my house to see the lights and stuff. Don't don't do that. Don't decorating that all my little rain? Why you passing? Don't you put the lights up for the people to see? Don't put yourself Are you putting yourself through that? It affects our relationships? And you see silhouettes of me and my family and there. You don't need to see that because you don't want to be that. Yeah, you see shattles of us walking around. Don't send me a video of yourself at home by yourself. I know you at home. I know you like okay, I know you that. Don't you think I know where you're at? Now, here's a deal. Christmas Eve. I'm coming by the noon, okay, Christmas. It's from noon to two thirty on Christmas. That's when Christmas. Right there, I'm gonna bring three folks gifts for you, the gifts you got for me. I can't take them with me, right, can't take home? What is wrong with you? Man? I cain't coming here with no boxing. Put under the tree. That's from I can't take the boxes you got for me and put them up on the you want, I'm throwing it on the highway. I never see that night. Hamm's going out the window. Make it, make it, don't buy that. Watch guys, watch gonna be on SADEA. Don't don't don't call me, send me music to my phone? What do they do? Lonely Christmas? Don't don't do that? What doing lonely? They don't call. That's what they don't do. That's what they don't do. They don't call. This all is texting. All is texting, sending Christmas pictures and no when do you hook up with? Christmas Eve? And new after that? After Christmas? This goes on to the second bar. Tell the New Year, New Year, Christmas Years Eve. It's the same two and a half, New Year's and Christmas on it in together two and a half. So so we're gonna yes, and we're gonna eat chiplins right there on the twenty four and two and a half hours. I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but see even suspiciously quiet right now. Will you have anything to say to your nephew? What this boy right here? I have four warn you this boyd murge and so much trouble. I'm not I'm not gonna be in this laughing with him. I'm not gonna be I'm not gonna be the Billy Bush to down truck just sitting on the bus laugh I'm a spit. Everyone be the sorry this time. I'm not gonna be the Billy Bush to Donald Trumka, the only one out of work right now. It's really made into the White House. It's really gone. That's really wrong with this picture from Billy were just giving out the donce. That's how we're doing I none of this, Thank you, Facebook Dot looking at the family Christmas pitcher. Why are you doing that to you? Why do you do that? Alright, it's Monday morning. A lot of football games played yesterday. What you got J stuff people say when their team is losing. Okay, well we'll do that when we come back. All right, Hang on, are you upset? Because I am. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, this Monday morning. A lot of football games were played yesterday. So what you got J something? This is it. This is football season and the worst thing is to be around the loser. Loses. Loses have stuff. They say, we got one, we got one on this, Hey, Tommy, damn, we're losing to what you're talking about. I don't know. I don't even have a team. I'm just hate I got a world WARLD weird it together because I have a team and here for Hey, this is just stuff that loses say when their team, when their team is losing. Just things they say. At least they got championship ring. What's your team got? What he had to do with a D? No? They said that if you literally can't say you got one, hey, just one word without damn. That's it. That's one word, Tommy, you got to beat all right? Come on, Steve, I know he doesn't really want to play. I'm an alumni member, dash rat. I'm with them when they win or lose. You know, damn with all them kids of age, I got don't go to at nine. Some people say when their team is losing, come on, let's go turning on the old tibat Mittens just just turned it to bat mitten. I didn't get into that on the reluctant one. I can't believe it's Sunday. I tell you what they loses stuff people say when the team and looking because they got that white board quarterback. And this is what they say when they say when they lose him. You don't even know how to play. So lot E know while you're talking, I don't know a lot. Just stop watching tear into the hockey game. Let's just watch that. Uh, anybody told the Browns we supposed to be playing Wait what anybody told the Browns were supposed to be playing town? He can't to keep letting him run? Get real man on flag football. It don't matter to me. I ain't got no money on the game. No damn rationalize that thing people say when the team is losing, you, I'm about to burn this jersey. Don't talk make me do. I'm gonna set your damn jersey. Keep playing Hi. Last week I don't know why that's gonna see the damn team. Come, what's Steve, I'm really from Philip Deal, not even from whole another. Yeah, keep on running your mouth. You're about to piss me off. I'll tell you what only why they're winning. They got a lot of Pro Bowl players, got a lot of people in Pro Bowl on their team. That's why we ain't got for two here here this one. Somebody really got upset. And I'm gonna tell you right now. You're gonna mess around and let them cowboys help you get your tell you right now. They say that for really, some people say when their teeth. Mr Steve Harvey, all right, I'm gonna say this and get on that. This when you really don't have a logical explanation as to why your team keep losing, Sunday out the sun, you're ready. Count the white people on the team, Steve, No sharing got to do exact. Get the whole rule. White people one one, that's it. That's that's true. They got seven white people. Tea, don't you can't win with seven white people? But the whole good que you talking about so confused, always so racist? The white people on team. Yeah, that's when your team you when all else fails. Racial you know, listen, they don't play good on the road. That's what it is. Yeah, alright, stuff people say when their team is losing. Count the white people out of I have to play with a lot of white people. I know what that means. Yeah, is so true. A minute. Yeah, that's when you really done with your team. You giving up when you try to throw that out. Yeah, they're always losing it with man. Stuff people say when their team is losing. I knew it. I knew it. I knew it when I woke up. That's why I ain't got no money. All right, guys, this is stuff people say when their team is losing. You guys, you know that thing. I'm gonna get it, go getting another piece of pack. That always always help y'all want all y'all game right, Yeah, I'm going ahead and give it for work in the night. I think they have any watching what happened? All right? Come on close enough, stee one more time. You know lebron Ne game winners, see if Colombo. Alright, more craziness coming up at twenty after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. Alright, so guys, let's talk about job increases. Now. Huh. The medical field is seeing the biggest increases in job raises. Didn't know that. While jobs in the medical industry have rising incomes, most require an advanced degree that comes with high debt, shrinking job wages and positions due to automation like computers and robots taking them over. So I gotta ask you, well, I'm gonna tell you, guys, uh, and then I'll ask you a question. Which jobs made the list for best salary increases. Here we go, Steve, These are just for regular people, now, okay, regular people with regular paining jobs. Okay, okay. Number one, Family and general practitioners. Okay, all right, they made the best salary increases. Compensation and benefits managers that's two. Surgeons came in number three, Number four, psychiatrists interesting, Yeah, five, Airline pilots, co pilots and flight engineers that's five that saw an increased personal financial advisors number six, and estesiologists number seven. Yeah, they make money, they make good money. And number eight orthodonis. I can't. There's none of that exactly. I said. These are regular people, now, not you. I could do that in a studiology. I can put your put your butt under. Now, I can do that. Really, you can't. You're just hold that man's cup on the monk and they dog dog. That's a hard job like that the most important job because you have to be precise. You you can't have given the amount you got all of that. You gotta know exactly what you're doing. Yeah, you gotta know what you're doing. You still think you can do it, You can do it. You have been put under. Yeah, I've been put on. Man, it's the most amazing thing. You wake up like you feel like you've been going like five minutes, could be twelve. I know. I went in to get all four of my wisdom teeth out and you wake up, wake up. They were like, well you're done. Did you do it? Nothing? I got put under because I had four wisdom teeth taken out one time and to screw implants in my jaw all in one operation. Because I told you us to look and I'm not coming back in here. Yeah, to take too much for me. He put me out, he said during the surgery. He said, first time in his life. He said, you came to Mr Harvey and said I'm gonna need some more drugs. You know what, feel it? I wish there was a way I could my head and leave it at the Dinners's office and come back and pick it up. So what, Steve, you couldn't You said you couldn't feel it? No, the dentist told me that's what I did. Wow, I told you said the first time I've ever in my career heard a person wake up out of under anesthesia and then request more, like just to doc. And I just said, man, I gotta get this guy more because he's conscious. And then you went right back and then woke up, and you were fun first I've ever seen it. I had an anesthegias one time. I was having a surge be done, a procedure done, and they'd be so happy though they're the happiest people in the room. He came in blasted, I know you won't to leave me, but you'll go if I have to. Man, it was so funny, and they know I was gone. You got and they talked to you like where would you like to go on vacation and stuff like that. You never Yeah, you drift off and you wake up and it's all over. Yeah, it is it's a very RESTful sleep, it is. Yeah, all right, Well, coming up next, the Senate passed the House bill. We'll tell you about it right after this. You're listening to the Steven Show. All right. Well, I'm sure you guys have heard by now. The US Senate vote it just before to a m. Eastern time on Saturday. I'm talking late in the midnight hour. Okay. They voted to pass the sweeping tax overhaul worth roughly one point four not million, not billion, trillion with the t AA trillion one point for trillion dollars, putting the Trump White House a big step closer to its first major legislative victory, and it will be the first one for this year in his first year of the presidency. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Democrat from California, of course, also responded, calling the legislation a betrayal of the American middle class. The bill is not yet finalized. Saturday's vote means the Senate and the House have passed similar tax reform plans now, but negotiators from both sides will meet today to agree on a single piece of legislation before it is sent to the president. Also, uh, if you guys, recall, on this past Friday, as a part of Robert Mueller's investigation into connections between Russia and President Trump, former National security advisor Michael Flynn was officially charged with a single count of lying to the FBI. Yeah. Flynn pleaded guilty and has confirmed that he is now cooperating with Mueller. There. Well, he's probably so he's probably copying a plea to not do to yeah, exactly, to serve up a certain amount of information. So, but we don't really know. Look y'all, this is just my opinion. So don't you don't have to think this way? This stuff right here when it comes to this government, we don't have any say. So we are just people watching foreign policy and this stuff with this investigation. We're just watching it go down because we don't even know what's really going on. And if we don't like it when it comes time for voting, if you don't like what's going on, that's going yeah, exactly right, you know, because it's it's like this tax player. I don't even know what to think about it because I know that we're being lied to on a few levels here, and it's the way they did it. They save everything undercover. There's one thing, to cut taxes for the rich. And I can understand that if you're rich, you want to pay less taxes. Who wants to pay more taxes? But the cuts that they put in in terms of Medicare and and school you know, subsidies and stuff like that, educated and Obamacare, to connect all of that with it is hurtful for poor people in the ordinary man. There's nothing we can do about it. That part I don't agree with. You know, Look, in order to make the tax cut be okay, they're taking from programs that people need to offset the money. Now do they have a valid point in that if you make corporate taxes easier on corporations with less of them leave the United States? I believe so. If you also put heavy taxes on companies who have left the United States to bring their goods back into the States to sell, would that cut that down? Yes, it would. So in order for these corporations to stay here, they gotta get some type of tax and centives. That's why people go to certain states, and that's why rich people moved to Florida, get residents in Florida or Las Vegas. But don't sell it asm middle class Christmas. Listen to me. They're telling the truth. But what they're not giving you is the definition of middle class. Coming up at forty nine after the hour, our last break of the day with just one more thing you're listening to st all right, this is our last break of the day, guys, just one more thing. Our first Lady. We don't see her that much, we don't hear about her that much, but she is there, and she is she is our first Lady. Yes, that's why I standing my words. Milani and Trump was at the helm of the ninety annual National Christmas tree Lighting ceremony, flipping the switch after the President led the crowd in a countdown from ten. The Colorado Bruce Bruce lit up behind President and First Lady, covered almost entirely by thousands of lights. Uh so, Steve, this is perfect. Uh do you want to give us an update now, because you know you've been doing that daily? An update on your tree lighting with Earl the Georgia Guy Christmas tree delivery guy dog. We gotta see it, man, I mean it's it's now. So what happened? Well, you know, get get in Earl out of Georgia boys, bought the tree and set it up and they flocked it, you know, put the snow on it, and they put the lights they put but you know they know the other dudes had to put the lights on after they flocked it. But then the Georgia wanted to bring it in by theirself, but the l A crew wanted to help. That's where the conflicts started. Now I got up. So the last conversation was we're gonna bring it in. We don't need no help. We just really don't Mr Harvy. We don't like these fellas getting in the way, you know what we're doing. And then the l A boys, well, you know what, we wanted not to, you know, damage the walls and the doors, and we want to protect the flooring and everything and possibly hitting the chandeliers because the tree is so large, so we want to be here to protect that side of it. We don't need that. We can see walls, we know where the floors is at, we see the shadowier. We just got to get in here and get it up. We don't need all that, just black white. So that was a little bit. So finally they got the tree stood up and about two ft too tall, so we had to cut the top off a little bit. You okay, so you went for the top. Yeah, so we had to cut the top off a little bit. And no, that was a that was a dilemma, you know. So anyway, what what what what we end up doing was we got the tree in and this hot this hot ended well, Nurse Harvey got it. It's all up perfectly place. You know. We you know, we done our think thank you want to have it. So then the l A crew said, well, now that you've done that, uh, you're dismissed and we're gonna put the lights on the tree. Who the hell is you? Are? You just missing folks out of house that ain't chosen? That's cool that I'm I'm stuck on the alphabet of W right now. Who and what are you talking to me for? Because I'm put this trip up and Mr Harvey is the only one, or Miss Harvey, queen the hell is the only one? Get us up out of here. You can't just get nobody. Why is you talking to me a little lightweight about what you want? Excuse me, it's not gonna be any more discussions about lightweight. Now. The decorating portion of it belongs to well that's fine. We don't do that. We we treat people. I ain't gonna tell you that no more. We don't think that. Damn about you. Who's gonna do the Decoray, we only got one with balls and ornaments and tell, so we don't do that. We look, we're looking at us. We try. People were braying, we haven't work we made. We gotta know that. We ain't got a hook in the truck. We ain't got one damn ball hook in the truck. And he said, these aren't just any size ornaments. He's a very very large, expensive ornaments like hillbili. So he said, what's your talking about? And then the dude reached out and pull out about four the balls and they were huge. He would, God, that's that's amazing right there, y'all shore, y'all don't need no help lifting the big heavy balls because y'all don't look like y'all. Y'all, y'all look like y'all do big ball work. Don't seem like you do big ball work. And so it got a little ugly right there. And the tree is up in this finish, just done. It's the most beautiful tree we've ever had. Oh really, and I got to get it l a boys credit. They came and did it. And the last year it was the best tree we ever had. This year tops that tree. Oh wow, what about the presence underneath? Man? Once you get the billion dollars? What you're saying, it ain't no underneath, It ain't no underneath, well probably for time, but other than that, it ain't skirted with a nice you know, swede of velvet skirt. And you can't see it. You can't see the basis. That's what you mean when you said there there is no underneath or whatever. You ain't no underneath you made just so you couldn't put president for us. Wow, you getting nothing nowhere? Why would you give somebody a gift that don't like Christian I sound like that doesn't make any sense. But he likes gifts. Though he said he didn't like Christmas, he didn't hated like gifts. All right, Steve, take us on home with your beautiful tree with no room for gifts underneath? Ah yeah for all Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, physics, Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.