Happy Monday or Nah, Hurricane Florence, Dallas Police Officer, Emmy Awards, Paul Manafort, Are You Smarter Than Tommy, Steve VS Junior, NFL Talk Pimpin, When Pimps Cry, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Sep 17, 2018, 2:45 PM

The show opens and still we bring it back to The Cleveland Browns. Hurricane Florence has left a lot of destruction and we have a way to help. The Dallas PD is taking a controversial stance in the death of Botham Jean. The Primetime Emmy Awards will air on NBC. Paul Manfort has flipped to say the least. Are You Smarter Than Tommy? Steve VS Junior. NFL week 2 talks with Pimpin'. We get a new song "When Pimps Cry" introduced to The Steve Harvey Nation. In Closing Remarks, Big Dog talks about how God sometimes removes an infection. Get the rest right here. Enjoy! 

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Why y'all know what time is? Y'all don't know, y'all bag had all suit looking back to back down, giving a mom just like the mozing buck bus things and it's tub y'all true. Good to Steve hu Yeah, listening to me together for still barn to listen. Honey, don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, well join me? Said you got to turn hur go yeah you you you gotta turn won't the turn at the time? He got to turn out to turn the water the water go? Comey, come on your back at it? Uh, I shall will come onnding everybody y'all listening to the voice, come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. Oh man, ain't god good? Yeah? He yes? Hey, you know I want to remind everybody today, uh that you got to keep pressing forward. Man. I know it gets difficult out there sometimes, but you got to keep pressing forward. There's nothing else for you to do. The option of quitting, turning back, giving up it cannot be there. The thoughts can pop into your head, but when they do, you got to pray about it. But you got to keep pressing forward. You got to keep it moving, man. I don't care how dark and dirty it get for you. You You got to somehow summon it up within you to keep it moving, to keep pressing forward, because the only way you're gonna get it is you got to stay in the race. You know, you've heard it said a thousand times. The race isn't given to the swift, but to him didn't do it to the end. You got to stay with it whatever it is. But I don't know what it is for you. But whatever it is, you got to stay with it. Because Quentin, Quentin, don't Quentin. Don't let you see the end result, give it up. Don't let you see the end results, turning back, don't let you see the end. The only way to see the end results is you got to finish the race. You got to stay in the race because the victory may be nearer than it seems. There's a poem I learned in college. Under some stressful situations, I just said like that. There is a stanza in this poem called don't Quit. The says, often the goal is nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man, and often the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, and he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. Now that's just answer in it. The poem is much longer than that. I know the whole thing because I learned it. But I've always remembered that poem that the goal is often nearer than it seems to a faint and a faltering man. And oftentimes the struggler has given up when he might have captured the victor's cup, but then he learns too late, when the night came down, how close he was to the golden crown. And there's the last stands of the poem says, it may be near when it seems a far, so stick to the fight when your hardest hit. It's when things seem worse that you mustn't quit. That that poem is really doesn't It's an unknown author to the poem, so if you want to look it up, it's called don't Quit. The author is unknown. They never knew who it was. But you know I'm talking to you today from this and point of encouragement. I want I want to show you an analogy that I tripped on this morning when I was thinking about something I wanted and I was thinking. You know, okay, if you have a job, the way you have to do your job, your job forces you to do this, so you can't just randomly do this on your job. A job forces you to plan ahead a little bit. You know. A job requires that you go through the procedures in order for something to happen that you want to happen. Example, you want a vacation, you have to put in for that vacation, and that's what it's called on your job, just put in. You may dress it up some other way, but the common sense you have to put in. You gotta do that because the job requires that. You got to put in for your vacation. If you want a promotion and you see it post it somewhere that we are now have a position opening, you got to put in in for that. You just can't sit back and hope they pick you, because they're probably going to pick the person who wants it, who shows the initiative to go get it. So you have to put in for a promotion on a lot of jobs. If you want some days off, a couple of days here, a couple of days there, you got to put in for that. But all of these are things that you want. You want vacations, you want a day off here, and now you want some promotions. If you want to raise, you have to go in and request a raise. It requires an action on your part on your job. And guess what, we've all accepted this as this is the way it's done. You want to raise, you have to put in for a raise. You want to raise, you gotta go in and have a meeting and take a request so you can show your value to get to raise. You want a vacation, time, you got to put in for that, and then they got to they could tell you your name. You want a promotion, same thing you want some day is all same thing. Okay, that's to deal with your job. Well, that's to deal with your life too. That exact picture that I painted for you that you're all so very much aware of that you're very crystal clear on the rules and regulations that you have no problem following them, the same rules for your life. What you mean by that, Steve, you got to put in with God. You got to put in for what you want with God all you and it's as simple as that you put in. See you know you want some more of this, some more that you got to put in with God. You put in with your job. You go down and asked that man what you want? And you ain't got no problem following the rules. Well, put in with God what you want or your list? What's your request? What? What? What? What? What do you really want? How much money are you really trying to make? What are you really trying to live? What kind of career and job would you really like to have? What kind of person would you really like to be? What type of family are you hoping and wishing for? Who is the person you want in your life? What type of person do you wants? The relationship you're looking for? What you want, you got to put in for that. You got to put in. You got to go to God and put in for that. See, we'll follow the rules set to us up, set ups up and set up by us in a system. But we are simple rules of putting in for your life. Man, we don't even do that. I wish I would put in for a job and not put in for God. You gotta be kidding me. You think this man that has this company has more to offer to you in terms of vacation promos and raisors than God, God for you for your life. Man, you keep putting too much faith in Man. That's what's wrong with us. I show hope, he give me this rais, I'll show home. I don't even go to people with that. I go to God about it. Then God touched them people's hearts. Then when I walk in there, it's already done. That's how you capture this thing, folks. It's not a magic trick. It's just a real simple understanding. Why would you not put it in with God? If you're gonna put in on your job, that don't make no sense. Where you get the job from? What your job? Where your boss get his position from? Where did this company come from? So when you peel back to but now, they all make a lot of sense, don't it. It really does. And I'm just a common sense guy. You know. Look, I don't have the education that a lot of people have, but I gotta show show enough bunch of life experience. Though. Oh I've been I've been getting smacked and knocked down the majority of my life. Oh I may look good to you now there look like he got a shine going on. And I am grateful to God for my life that I got now, because this show ain't the one I had, but I got news for you. It ain't the one I thought I was gonnahead until I put it in for. I ain't seen none of this until I put in for And you know, after as I saw it shaping informing, and I said, God, could that really be happening? I wonder if you could make me this, Lord, I was wondering, Men, could I really have a syndicate radio show? Lord, I make it happen. If it's in your wee are put in for? Put in for now. I'm working my tail off now because that's a part of it. See. But then God tells you that too. He says, faith without works is dead. I'm working my behind off. But the big thing is I put in for it. So I got a bunch of more stuff that I didn't put in for God. I can't tell y'all what it is, but oh, Lord, have mercy. I'm in line. I'm putting in for all the blessings that's due me. If if there's a ray, if God's plassing out of raising blessings, I'm lined up. He passing out of promotion he's gonna promote some more blessings. I'm lined up. He want to send me on a bigger vacation. I'm lined up. He passing out extra checks down at the job. I'm lined up because I'm putting in. Why don't you put into? Come on, y'all, talk to God. He loved dear from you. You're listening to show, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. The Steve Harvey Morning Show is on your radio right now. Morning everybody. Good morning, morning Shirley, Good morning Steve, Happy Monday calling for real. Good morning Steve and the crew. What up? What happ Junior boy? Hey morning they clean again? Close? Not close, though, I feel I feel worse for you than I do, Cleveland, because you're rooting. You are this is the year you're really rooting. Yeah, you're in it, man, You're there, You're there. I got an argument on my talk show this week. Yeah, Carmo Curves motorcycle Club is appearing on my show. So one of the board friends was in the state. He with my dude two boys bore me and he was talking trash our show. And then I said, well, hey man, you know I've been had a good time with you. But you know we're gonna be enemies this Sunday. You know I'm gonna be one, Steve, I got a lord for you. I said, knowledge Brown's against the Saint. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah he dog, he knew right the way whatever he is? Who he said? Who that baby said? And Brown's and Brown's Brown's defense is playing some football. Man. We was there, man, we was there. I was there. Yeah, everybody playing. Who who is the kicker? Need kicked? That's a great sign, like, man, just dude, just two games in the road. Yeah yeah, dog here, but he missed extra points and field goals. There ain't nothing else for him to do. Yeah, extra points and field goals. That's just yo, y'all. Hen you ain't gotta come tackle drills. You ain't gotta run with us. And it was it was wide to the left too, I mean, like why why, Well, the only thing about it is Houston, y'all. Y'all ought to be depressed. No, no, but but can I see this up? Did you hear? Did you hear with Lebron James said about Cleveland? Kid? No, I didn't. He might need his asspool that that that fro saying come on. How about we let Jr. Project he might need his he wasand y'all safe, yea, I'm safe. Wow, Lebron. You know what, it ain't funny, but then it's fun very funny. It is hilarious, hilarious. Al Right, listen, Uh, coming up at thirty two after the hour, we're gonna find out what the crew did over the weekend, and we got to talk about Hurricane Florence. Of course we'll be back at thirty two after the hour. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, So, Steve, the aftermath of Hurricane Florence is just unbelievable. Oh my goodness. Catastrophic flooding could bring some of the worst destruction. Yet it is not over. Waters have breached, levies, rivers are crusting, power outages. Uh. The slow moving storm Florence battered the Carolinas simply battered it. Uh. If you want to help those affected by Florence, please donate what you can to the Red Cross. Okay, you can text Red Cross to nine zero nine, text Red Cross to nine zero. Every bit helps. Whatever you have can help, and your help is needed right now. And of course thank you for that. But yeah, and and we're sending our prayers still to the Carolinas as well. And you know, even with all the warnings, Yeah, the water is more than they anticipated. Yeah, it's more than they anticipated. And even even in areas who didn't have the evacuation, the mandatory evacuation, it's out to that those parts and it's very all. So man, y'all hanging there. Man, I know a lot of the power lines is down and probably a lot of you all don't have electricity or whatever. Howbey you've been listening, but you know, we're praying for you, and we pull it for you, you know, the best for our brothers and sisters, all of them down Virginia and the Carolinas and Georgia, all of that. But man, just so man, be smart out there. Yeah, and wait, just because it's not raining. That's the thing that people make mistakes with to Steve, if they think the storm is cleared and it's downgraded, then you can go out. No, you still have to listen to instructions from city officials. Because of the floodwaters. You don't know where the roads are blocked. Now you're trapped. They can't get to you to rescue you, So stay at home, stay safe until they say the roads are clear. And there's so many people heavy yeah, way would pick up trucks and boats. I mean, man just going, hey man, we're gonna go help some people. That's really really a cool thing. Oh yeah, we're still here. Yeah. Well, anyway, again, you can text Red Cross to nine zero if you want to help something. Have we heard from the president. The investigations can't talk about this, and he's still talking about Puerto Rico too, he still talking about Manaford played guilty, he got no, he wasn't a guilty plea. He was a brave man from not breaking But now he didn't started cooperating. He got church because he thought the President could possibly partner him, which he which I still can. But you know that hasn't been talked about for a while. He got pardon, as they say back in the day, drop a damn you know, damn. Yeah, but see if he pardoned him now, yeah, dog, it's crazy, but I think they got him on some eight charges in Virginia. You can't get pardon from state charged. And he trying to figure out how he gonna snipe Giuliani because Juliana, keep talking. You know what, man, Juliano. So I think really he just old. Yeah, he just don't as old as being old. Don't don't put that. It's so crazy because they he looked, he looked old Jack all the old. What's other old? But when your mouth started receding, you know your hairline has already gone back and far as he can go back behind. But wash your mouth stars when your words get real juicy juicy. But you know they say he's one of the most brilliant lawyers. Let me show you a Reis statement. It's a bi statement right here. Yeah, he knew about the payment. Handedy tried to go to commercial bread Handedy was looking around for paperwork he could and he said, yeah, yeah, that's no big deal. He knew about the page. Yeah, he knew about it. Handedy said, you're saying he knew about the payments, gave a chance to bang. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, That's what I'm saying. When Fox, thank you stupid, you stupid. When Fox got to go to commercial something stupid? Really, but is stupid? You know? Um? Stormy Daniel's lawyer, Michael Avanadi is that his name? He's thinking about doing a presidential bid in I like him. Yeah he dies, yeah, but I mean, come on, we might need that right now. No aggressive, he's very aggressive. Those are President Trump. That Trumps ain't nobody ahead in a long time. In a black woman, boy, are you crazy? You can't dreaming that man? You dreaming too hard? Problems right now? A black walk like a porn o flick. Done it? It really doo? Yes, it's it's just utterly it is. I mean, what's happening right now? You can't even I mean I haven't heard from him on this, on this flood, but he tweeted yeah, because he's talking about FEMA and help. Yeah, he's been denying the deaths in Puerto Rico, and he said the last thing I think he said, or the thing the last thing I saw, he said, only five dead in the Carolinas. At that moment, it was like eleven already right here. Doesn't understand that. You can't say it's only five when you the five belong to somebody. See, there ain't just five, it's five somebody's to somebody. You're just saying it's not statistics and not numbers. These are people. But his lie count has gone up anyway, it was four thousand, Steve, he told five that week. Yeah, yeah, all right, well listen. Coming up next, um wow, we're gonna talk about this situation going on in Dallas. The family of both of them, John says Dallas p D uh is trying to smear his good name. We'll talk about that right after this. You're listening to morning show. Coming up at the top of the hour, guys, Mrs Anne will be here. She's going to give us an update on Hurricane Florence is after math. But first, Steve, last week, you remember we had our friend and family member on, attorney Benjamin Crump. Uh. He was our special guest. He came on to talk about the investigation of the murder of year old both of John. He's a black man who was fatally shot in his own apartment by Dallas police officer Amber Geiger. The family of both of John says, Dallas p D is trying to smear Jean's good name. You know, I read something about this. They're saying that they found uh weed in his house. You know what, I don't look, man, I don't know why you in the investigating him anyway. He's not a criminal. He didn't commit a crime. Having weed in your house is not a death sentence. Begud. I don't give it. I don't care if he came to the door with the joint in his mouth to get shot died. No, man, you know how many times police officers have caught somebody smoking with smoking the car. It's so crazy. You know. I watched him book her that's that deaths on social media. Her booking video. Ambergeiger, ya going in, you know, um, But you know, man, I mean so far. You know, she's at least been arrested, charged, charged with manslaughters. So I mean, I mean, you know we got something here. Well now, Officer Amber Geiger, as we all know, we're just talking about it, killed both of Joan when she walked into his apartment allegedly thinking it was her own. She says she thought John was a burglar. His relatives were outraged when police said a search of Jean's um apartment, he's a twenty six year old accountant. Now they searched his apartment. Police did turned up about a third of an ounce of marijuana, a third of an ounce of marijuana and other items a third of announce and the family's attorney says that has little or no connection to the investigation of Jehan's death. Now there it is. What does that have to do with her killing? Yeah? Nothing, Jay got that and it won't get you through the weekend. Eid Man. John's family says police are trying to a pizza You out done, man? Are you quite done? Are you done? And you are done? Son? Nothing. The family says that police are trying to paint him as a criminal. They're also angry. This is a part that angered me as well. Uh, they're angry that this information got released the day that they funeralized both of John the day of his funeral role. Yeah, yeah, that was by design. You cannot tell me that was a mistake. The family's attorneys would like Officer Amber Geiger fired from the Dallas Police Department and for her toxicology report to be released. All right, where's her? Yeah you ain't got the fire, but she got to go to jail for this time. Yeah, same thing would happen if a black police officer went up to a white woman's house knocked on the door. She came to the door, and he went, I'm be damn, I thought there was my place. Pal Pal pal and kills this woman. What would happen to him? This is what she had happened to her? A question? Yes? Is that a question? Steve Harvey really would? Yeah? Yeah, and both on John's life matters. And you know, for the police to have released this information on the day of his funeral, you agree with the family. It's like they are trying to smear his reputation. And it's just there's no doubt about it. That's exactly what they're doing. It is what she did, Okay, trying And it's crazy because this is not her saying this. This is her counterparts in the department who are trying to set as much as they can in place for her. And and that's that's just crazy. Man. This is open and shut. What's so crazy? Man's when we don't when it's it's open and shut period and become the victims, right, just doesn't make sense. But if that happens to all of us, that's how we recognize it. Like it's not it's not a pat it's tray Von, same thing, Mike Brown, same thing. They smear their name. This dude, Zimmerman is at all you know where they had a little rallies for white Supremacis they be having Confederate flags? He signs all Confederate flags. He they have a thing where he signed skittles. Now, yeah, and I saw that. Wait a minute, what he signs He signs boxes of skittles. Yeah, that's oh my god, some nice tea and some skins. You have to ignorant people to people who wanted to sign him signing it. Man, I'm more mad at the people who actually wanted signed Oh man. But you know it's it's them though. All You got to look at the photos and see who it is. It's them. Yeah, we know the hate mongers. It's not all of them, but it's a lot of them. And all of this. You're saying, this is why Colin Kaepernick, this is why all of these cases has consisted. Right. But see, and here's the sad part. I was listening to Shannon and he made a great point. He said, people can beat the wives, come back in the NFL. People can kill dogs and come back to the NFL, But he kneel, he can't come back to the interving. I don't believe, right, yeah, man, I'm telling you that it's but it's a reflection of who we have running this country, right, but hats off to Nike. Yeah, absolutely, Steve, All right, coming up in an entertainment news weekend Box Office, The Predator is the number one movie and again, what are you talking about? She was great? A Primetime Emmys are tonight on NBC. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. The seventie Annual Primetime Emmys are set to air on NBC with Saturday Night Lives, Colin Jost, Colin Just and Michael she hosting. Game of Thrones, one of our favorite shows of all times, leads the pack with twenty two nominations two thousand nineteen. Just let me know, did I say, Michael Michael Shayer power power? Um? You know what? Not yet that's what he says. Is always mad about that? Absolutely is um? Anyway, Game of Thrones leads the pack with two nominations, and they will be back next year Stephen two thousand nineteen. All right, y'all let me know we will. But I want to know, is Oval the last year? Yeah? Next year to last year? For Yeah, I probably gonna be to watch it until like gold Vacation. And it's one of the best shows on TV. It's as good as the Chatman. You're absolutely right. I agree, promote jam, sir. I have nothing to say that one of the words, why do you think see because of the writing or the acting or both. I think all of it combined. Oh gosh, alright. West World and Saturday Night Live each have twenty one nominations. And here's some of the other nomination's. Best Lead Actor in a Comedy Series, Anthony Anderson of course for for Blackish, Donald Glover, um, Childish Gambino for Atlanta. You know he starts in that, you haven't. I mean, like, um, I don't know, John Legend does John Johnson? No? Not no, you mean Donald Glover? No? No? Um. Best Lead Actress Comedy Series, It's Ray for Insecure, Tracy Ellis Ross for Blackish. Best Lead Drama, Yeah, congratulations, Sterling Kay Brown for This is Us and this is Tommy's guy right here. Jeffrey Wright for Westworld. Um, but he's such a good acts, so good. Yeah, he's so good. Yeah. Best Comedy Series Blackish and Atlanta. Best Drama, Game of Thrones This is Us and West World. That's a that's a tough category right there. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. And then the creative Emmy's Uh, don't forget I told you, Steve Keenan Thompson one for Saturday Night Live because I'm all he got ain't got another nobody he can imitate, got nobody. It's just me and what I don't understand. There is a thin black guy on the show, but they let him do it. I don't. I don't get it. You ain't never been that fat h H partners used to be on the on your TV show. Not really? Yes, you are all right. Another entertainment the weekend you are. That's funny though. The weekend box office report. You get to hear me calls with me. You won't send that on over here, tweet, don't say anything j After I say this, do not say anything. And I mean it. She did a good jobs that The Predator is the number one movie. Okay if the number one movie brought in twenty four million, White Boy Rick the movie, Yeah you saw that one about the drug informant that came in fourth making eight point eight million. Alright, Steve, it is time to get the latest. Yeah, time to get the latest on Hurricane Florence and the rest of today's headline. These and gentlemen miss and Trip, Thank you very much everybody, and good morning. This is and Trip with the news. The death toll as a result of Hurricane Florence has now risen, with now eighteen people confirmed dead, and the rising waters due to what is now tropical depression Florence has been downgraded uh soaking nevertheless, wide swaths of southeastern and central North Carolina. In fact, authorities say they've actually had to close some shelters and move the storm victims to other shelters further inland. It's still raining, so the flooding is expected to persist until midweek. So it's a very very bad situation. They're still raining. Meanwhile, the head of the fur Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA, is refusing to step down despite a probe underway into his handling of government resources. I have a very critical and important role to make sure that this government works on the nation's worst day through continuity of government, and Brocca Long tells NBC's Meet the Press that he has not been asked to step down by the head of Homeland Security and he's not going anywhere. The woman who's accusing asident Trump Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of trying to force himself on her when they were in high school, has come forward. Her name is Christine Ford. She is a professor at a college, and she tells The Washington Post that Kavanaugh allegedly pinned her to a bed and tried to remove her clothing. Kavanaugh denies it. The chairman of the sent Judiciary Committee, Republican Chuck Grassley, says he wants to talk separately with both Kavanaugh and his accuser, miss Ford ahead of this Thursday's schedule vote on Kavanaugh's nomination. Meanwhile, the ranking Democrat on the panel, Dyeing Finstein, says she liked the FBI to investigate the allegations before any vote is taken. Employees at McDonald's have announced that lunchtime strike today at franchises in at least ten cities around the country. It's a protest against sexual harrassment on the job at how it's handled by management. Workers are calling for annie harrassment training and a lot of other things in line with that, but officially that McDonald's say it already has policies in place to deal with sexual harassment, but they say they'll work harder to make those policies better. US census figures show that there are more foreign born people in the United States than ever before. Now officials say the largest group of newcomers is from Asia, not South America. The figures show that thirteen point seven percent of all residents here we're not born here. That's forty four and a half million people, the highest number since the census of nineteen ten. And the data show that these new immigrants are better educated than previous newcomers, and again they mostly come from Asia and Asian countries, not South America. Tops to the box office this weekend, the reboot of the movie Predators That's the thing that killed my men. Alien, Yeah, Alien Predator brought in twenty four million bucks. The none was number two. Here's up Steve Harvey Nation, We're back to find out the uncle Steve smart than his nephew. Back in twenty minutes after the hour on the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to coming up in ten men, that's we will tell you how to help and give back to those in the Carolina's affected by Hurricane Florence. But first in political news, Steve, Now, you remember when President Trump praised his former campaign manager Paul Manafort for not flipping or for not snitching on him. Remember that, Well a metaphort just flipped. Okay that that. Yeah, he pleaded guilty and will now cooperate with special counsel Robert Muller. Uh so there you go, and another trial set to start next week Manafort. They now it's jacked up because Manafort has admitted to laundring money being at the meeting that everybody else was at concerning the Russian bank accounts, fraud, tax evasion. Amen, all all this is jail time, All this jail time. Do he I ain't said nothing to you where they give you probation? You know all these charges you damn there, ain't got everything, sail of treason stuck on it. So what what he's What happens though, is mother is going to give him some considerations before sentencing based on what he said. Now, his lawyers would have had to have said to the Molar team and look, I know we're gonna sentence him, but you might want to hear he might have some information very healthful to what's he got? Well, we got something, but we need a deal. Well, when you cooperate now that he still don't know how much time you're gonna get. But what they ain't gonna do. They're gonna find out what you can tell them and what you'll testify to. Because once you start telling them, you have to agree to yea, because after the big y then they give you your sent damn making a deal with Yeah, they want Donald J. Trump Jr. That's who they trump. That's who they want. Something tell me, tell me, hey, hey, yea, I got a second of me. I just want to say something. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Manaford is facing seven counts of foreign lobbying violations and witness tampering and Federal court in Washington witness tampering and tamport. Why up there with kidnapping part witnessed affecting the judicial system? Coming up, We're gonna play Are you smarter than Junior? Yeah? Right after this you're listening to the Residents in North Carolina have major river flooding and possible tornadoes from Hurricane Florence. Florence has caused historic floor flooding. Some of the heavier bands of rain have now shifted towards Fayetteville, Charlotte, and Raleigh. We're praying for our friends and neighbors on the southeast coast of the country. And you can help people that are affected by the hurricane by donating what you can. You can text red Cross to nine zero. That's text red Cross to nine zero. Please know that every bit helps. Your help is needed right now, right, Yeah, and and thank you. Yeah, we love you. We're praying for you, Carolina. Yes, all right, So do we have time now, Steve for a quick ound of are you smarter than Well? We'll do Junior today, Stephen Um. No, it's gonna be Stephen Jr. Yeah. We like it when you play against Tommy Jay. Yeah, you don't care. Tommy was so happy he hadn't one in a month. Yeah, President CEO of Team Tommy. You came through, baby, you came. You guys ready said what you're saying? Oh oh all right, you're ready? Here we go? All right? Where on your body would you place AirPods? What? Us City has a famous street known as the Strip Vegas, which Breakfast Cereal uses their magically Delicious as their slogan. In the movie Friday, which comedian started as Big which comedian started as Big Worm, who is the female DJ for the legendary rap group Salt Pepper, which comedian was Which comedian was the original host of death comedy Jam, Which iconic author wrote the novel Roots. Alex Haley Whitney Gilbert was a character on what nineties sitcom Different World, Which legendary king of comedy is from St. Louis, Which animated Disney movie is about a fish that was lost? What is the sombrero? I hate him? Quick Italian? He did? You just gave it to me to to But I was it was so fast, he answered, he did. But for real, I'm gonna bite you, you know whatever. I'm from Cleveland, just gonna be too too big, big, big, big, trying to I know, I know, but I know what you was gonna. All right, Let me get through these answers quickly, please, and I'll tell you who won officially. Steve Okay, where in your body would you place AirPods? Ears? What US city has a famous street known as the Strip Las Vegas. Steve Um which Breakfast Cereal uses their magically delicious as their slogan. Lucky Charms. Steve, you were right in the movie Day, which comedian start as Big Worm that would be phased on Love Jr. Who is a female DJ for the legendary rap group Salt and Pepper Spinderella. Steve was right again? Which comedian was the original host of deaf comedy Jam. That would be Martin Lawrence Steve, Which iconic author wrote the novel Roots Alex Haley, Steve Whitney Gilbert was a character in what nineties sitcom A Different World? Junior? Uh? Which legendary king of comedy is from St. Louis Cedric The entertainer Steve You better a gun? That one right, which animated Disney movie is about a fish that was lost finding nemo about Yeah, he knew that, and uh, I did ask the question, but we ran out of time. What is the simple I didn't get it out with the fact alright, the story of Steve one seven to three easily? Yeah, we knew we were right. He Nevo. Coming up next, we do a prank for today with Junior filling in for the nephew. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Morning Show. All right, Well, uh, we just played another round of are you smarter? This time it was Junior the nephews out today. Steve one seven to three. He crushed crushed me today? Which was your most surprising one Junior he knew finding Nemo. Oh yeah, I asked the question, which which animated Disney movie is about a crush that was lost? And the fact I didn't you didn't know it? He spit it out. It was no hisotation which fish? What? Wait? I ain't even seen the movie comedian Chris talking Chris. Then you slowed it down and said big worm. I wanted to go Chris talk. Hold on? Was he at his table? All right? Here we go, come here. I really like Junior's losing styles. I really do, man, because it's all right, let's move on. Guys. Coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after, it's my strawberry letter for today, the subject four years later, I'm still his girlfriend, all right? But right now Junior is in for the nephew with the frank for today. What's your what? You guys know what it is? Running your best impression? I want to represent him. Well, Hello, Marvin, I'm trying to breathe mussa Marvin. Ye, hey you you you the guy to do the training up it all at the gym? Yeah, what's up? Trying to get one of my classes or something? Okay, what kind of classes you got. Well, let's see, I got a robes martial arts, and I got by the building classes or it's really by whatever you want to do you uh, you teach martial loss too. Yeah, I'm third degree black built. Man. You know I've been doing martial loss before I started to body building or whatever. Okay, Okay, now I ain't. I ain't trying to Okay, listen, uh my, my my wife actually been coming to that gym for at least two or three years now. Okay. Now, the problem that I'm having, man, is that I wanted to call and just be a man and call and specifically talk to you. But my wife is telling me that when she comes to the gym that Mussa Marvin is always asking Hug about personal training, trying to get Hug to pay for personal training and being one of your boot camp class. Whoa whoa whoa Hold up home and a and take this out. Man. I don't ask people to train them. People ask me to train them. I three classes and each thing that I do, bro, I got too many folks already. Man, I spend most of my time trying to get a break. Man, what are you talking about I'm asking somebody to train. My life is telling me, man, when she come up to the gym, it's hard for her to work out. Called mussa Marvin is you know, always hounding up, you know, flexing you you're taking your shirt off. People ain't supposed be taking their shirt off in the gym. You got your your chef yo yo yo, just jumping from side to side. You know, I don't know what all this about. You know what I'm saying, But I'm calling you as a man to tell you this right here, right here, right here in the stop man. Oh hold on, man, watch the way you're talking to me. Bro, I have not already told you man, I don't be asking nobody to train. And it's matter fact, man, who is your wife? Just staying there's a gym and women come through here every day. Bro, Bro, I don't know who your who is your wife? Specifically? My wife is Corey? Corey? All right? And I told you earlier I'm tasting were the okay And the problem is that you running up all my wife. Man. Now, I don't know. I don't know if you ain't. I don't know what the deal is you're attracted to or what but you keep running up on arm about you know, taking personal training, getting personal training from you. She don't need all that, but she can't come up there with man flexing all the day. You're tripping man out and told you I don't know who your wife is, but you're starting to run me hot. Listen, man, I don't know who your wife is. I don't know no, Corey, I don't even know you corn see all I n corn man Corin, you're telling me, you're calling me like a man. If you want to be a man, bring you up here the way I met make all you gotta do is come up here and you could talk to me in my face since you're a man, because only cowards talk over the phone. Imagine I'm not the coward. I'm gonna tell you that he him. Mr Mussel Marvin, don't know where I'm missing your wife training up here. I ain't ask your wife to do nothing now even know show man, Hey check this that bro, bro. Watch the way you handle me. No, no, you are where you're handling me and the way you're running up on my wife. I'll tell you what here go here go your warning Mussel marks, Let my wife come on one more time telling me you got your jumping all in the middle, got your shirt off, instead of running up on you. I'm coming up to the gym and I'm whipping you. I don't give a damn how many muscles you got. You're coming to Wall State Design. I'm right now. Bring your tide. It's up here. Any wife, and anything you got to do with me, we could do right now what you got to wait to the next time for when you can bring your leg up here, your two dollars five, it's up here right now, and we can take care of this. Gets you right now, bro, because I don't run from that. Ain't starting them. But Jesus so whatever you tell them about parting sleithy crack, and then you ain't got a way to the mark for what you can do today. I don't care nothing about your martial arts, man. I don't care nothing about no Bruce Lee. I don't care nothing by none of that. I don't give a damn by no marking Lenthy. We're gonna go to the hood with this. We're gonna take it today there whatever we gotta take it. But you wife's gonna be running up on my wife. That about your damn by the building man out and told you for the ladd times that I don't know who your wife is. I deal with women all they loan this, Jim. I don't walk around here with my shirt off. I got on a damn T shirt. So why does my wife telling me you're the one running up on her sexting you with all your muscles and all this? Man? Why musser muscle Marvin? Because I flexed when I finished lifting. If you would know what a muscle really look a feel like, you would understand the process of that. But obviously says, I don't never see yo lift twenty two pounds up here. They don't know that area. Don't you tell me about muscles? I got muscles too, Muscle Marvin. Now I might not be in the gym flecting them every day when I got muscles too. You got muscles. You don't know what you're dinner. When I'm benching one ain't five. You hear me, you've been to one eighty five. I'm bening one ain't five. I got muscles too, Mr Muscle Marvin. You're gonna quit disrespect and when I'm not at the gym run up on my wife man, you hear me. I disrespect people who disrespect me. You called me with this man. I told you in the Virginia I didn't know who your wife was. Now you said, they're trying to make me know somebody I don't know, Brook. I don't have time for the I'm on up your slow talking. If you run upon my wife again, I'm gonna down far with your ignorant because it's obviously a power j ain't no man, because you just took the outful when I told you to bring your little up to here and we could have figured this here hiding person you want to talk, fly over the phone, Get up off you and come down here and we could take care of this right now. You ain't gonna make no threats over the phone, Broth, bring your little up here the where I'm at. You're hitting it. I don't feel like that. I got too much of you. Do get off the phone. Hey, man, I got something else I need to say to you. What you're listening to me, bro don't do your stuff like that. It's gonna be a misunderstanding and you ain't prepare to handle it. I got one more thing I need to say to you. It's your listening. I'm hell yeah, I'm listening. I'm listening for you to say if you got your hunting eighty five pounds on your way down here to so we could take care of this here. Listen, Nephew, Tommy from the Steve Harbin Morning Show. You just got pranked by your home board. But you said, what Hello? Man? What did you say? Massa Marvid? All right? Man? Oh man, you're good. You're good. You're good, Massa Marvin. I got man, I'm gonna slap out there on one of these sartifi pound dump bills when I see it. Man, I mean, y'all tripping. Man, You're all right, Yeah, I'm good, man, I'm good. I got one more thing I gotta ask you, man, what is what is the baddest I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the land, man, the Steve Harvey More on this show, bad boy come bore you the greatest to them yet? Man? Do it? Oh? So what I do? I do? Hold on? What is Zionist com nephew coming to town, ignorant? Come, We'll see you all right, junior. Thank you up. Next, it is Today's Strawberry Letter again, the subject four years later, I'm still his girlfriend. Right after this, you're listening to the show. The aftermath of Hurricane Florence is catastrophic. You can help people that were affected by the disaster, big or small, and by donating to the Red Cross. You can text red Cross to nine zero. Every bit helps. We've been saying that all morning. If you have anything that you can donate financially, please do text again, it's Red Cross to nine zero. Your help is needed. Uh, and thank you for that. And right it's the word red Cross so people won't get confused. We actually text the word red Cross r E D C R O s S red Cross R E D c R O S s R. Did y'all see our shops in spelling respect? Oh yeah, kind of yeah. Messed it up a little bit. J Anthony Brown text me about that only year with up in it ri s the s q E element of B. All right, right now, it's time for today's Strawberry Letter. If you need advice on relationships, on dating, on work, on sex, on parenting, and more, that would be m O R E j U submit your straw r letters To submit your Strawberry Letter to Steve Harvey FM dot com. And click submit Strawberry letter. Alright, alright here it is. It's that time, Shirley Strawberry when a Strawberry subject four years later, I'm still his girlfriend. Yeah, Juniors on one today, Dear Stephen, Shirley, I'm stuck. I've read your book, Steve, and I've been with my boyfriend for four years. In the four years, we've bought a home and had lots of beautiful vacations together. Were under thirty years old, and we have a solid relationship. He provides, protects and professes his love for me. So why after four years I still don't have an engagement ring. I haven't given him my all yet because there are certain benefits that only a wife can give to her husband. He's not my husband. I never feel ad for reminding him when he complains about me holding back. When I drop hints about us moving to the next step in our relationship, he says that I'm going to have to be patient and pressuring him is not good. I was furious this summer when he went out and bought a jet ski for over two thousand dollars. That was money he could have used on my diamond ring. I get with my girlfriends and they make me feel even worse and put even more pressure on me for not having a ring yet. Our wedding colors are picked out, we have a church and reception place in mind, we have talked about who we'd want in our bridal power party, and we picked out a beautiful honeymoon location. Am I overthinking this and stressing myself for no reason? Should I just give it time and or or leave him now and stop putting my life on hold? He should know by now what he wants. Please help me? Well, I mean apparently he doesn't know right now, or he's not ready right now, or if he was ready right now, he would have done it. I mean, you guys lived together. You've made purchases together, major purchases like a house. That's what married people do. Uh. You guys go on vacation together. You all may as well be married. I mean, you do all the things that that that married people do, um without the benefits meaning the ring and the mrs and all of that that you desperately want. What I'm saying is, uh, why are you doing all this and you're not his wife? Why? I mean, where is his incentive to marry you? Right? Now he's still young. You guys are both still under thirty years old. You're saying, you say you have a solid relationship, but you're not getting what you want. You say, he provides, he professes and protects, like Steve says in the book. But you guys have bought a home together. So you're feeling like the next step is marriage. You're already like a wife to him. Um, you're gonna have to pull up a little bit um or or maybe in his case, put out a little bit. I don't know. You're saying you're holding back. You didn't, you weren't specific. But by holding back, do you mean you're not having sex with him? But you guys have bought a house together. This this, this is not making sense to me. I was just gonna say that, Steve, this is not making sense to me. Uh, he's definitely not ready. You guys are young, under thirty. He still has some more fun to have, uh with his over two thousand dollar jet ski. You know he wants to play on that some more. You didn't say it, but the holding back part that that is a big puzzle in here. You've left a lot out. So so if you're ready now, and he's not. Um. You guys, you are stuck because you bought a major purchase with him, so you know, to get him to marry you is going to be a struggle now. I mean, you know, take your equity out and and move on. You know, that's one option that you have. But I don't think you want to do that. I think you want what you want, but the timing is just not right. Steve. If you've been with a man for four year year is and you live with him, and you all theen bought a house, there's a thing called common law marriage, so you're entitled to everything that a wife is entitled to. At this point, now you're asking this letter. In four years, we bought a home, had lots of beautiful vacations together, were under thirty years old. I got a celeb relation. He provides, protects and professes his love with me. So why after four years do I still not have an engagement ring? You're missing He hasn't professed it fully. He protects for you, he provides for you. But the professing part is you thought in the book I said he that that That means that a man says he loves you. No, I explain to you how we lay claim to women, how we claim you all as ours, not in terms of property. But I'm just saying how we make you mind we we we make you my hours with titles. Now you don't have the title you want. Now you want to know, if you want to know, if you're overthinking this. No, you're overthinking this. But you all, ladies, you keep making the same mistake over and over and over. See, y'all keep doing married duties without having the man purchased them or pay for them. You're doing all the wifely duties, but he ain't got to do nothing to get them. All he gotta do is move in with you, sleep with you. It's it's gotta be more to that. See, here's why you all keep stuck. Why after four years don't I have engagement rings? I haven't given him all yet because there are certain benefits that only a wife can give to her husband. He's not my husband. I don't even know why you put that in there. You all in, y'all sleeping together all right, when we come back, I'm gonna tell you what's wrong Yet I have the answer, and we'll be back at after you're listening to show. All right, let's recap today's strawberry letter, Steve uh subject, four years later, I'm still his girlfriend. Let's get part two of your response. All right, four years later, this girl is mad because she's still the dude's boyfriend and they've been together four years. They don't bought a house together. Excuse me, girlfriend bought a house together. Beautiful vacations day under thirty. She says, he provides, protect and professes his love for me. When a man professes his love with you is not just I love you. It comes with titles. It's like promotions. So why after four years don't I still have an engagement ring? Because you haven't required one yet. You have not required an engagement for these actions to occur. Now see the mistake. Like I told you that, y'all keep doing this. Y'all keep doing all these married duties without him having to purchase the married duties. Now, whatever it is you're talking about you holding back in this letter, it obviously it ain't enough to make him marry you. So whatever you're holding back, he good. I just thought i'd bring that up. That's a great. Yeah, he's not my husband. I never feel bad for reminding him when he complains, and then she talked my head so and then she says, I haven't given him my all yet because there are certain benefits that only a wife can give to her husband. He's not my husband, m Like I said, I don't know what you're holding back. Obviously, whatever you're holding back ain't enough for him to say, Hey, man, so I can get the rest of it. You're already giving plenty. So why don't I have an engagement ring yet? You're ready? Because he has everything he wants all ready. He don't need to give you a ring. He has what he wants. Can we be okay with that? I mean, this is an open and shut case to me. Now, your your problem is when I drop hints about moving to the next step in our relationship, he says that I'm gonna have to be patient, and pressure in him is not good. It's not good for him, So don't pressure him. See, ladies, you can get a lot more of what you want by just pressuring yourself. You don't have to pressure man. If a man ain't good with it, just say, hey, look, let me step to the side until you decide what you really want to do. Because I'm not playing house with you anymore. So now I ain't pressuring you. You can you can stay here in this house I'm gonna need. I'm not paying the more money on this thing. I'm uh and I won't and i want to sell it because I want my hat back out. And you're not sleeping with me no more in that bed right there, and I'm not cooking no more food. It ain't no problem. I'm not pressuring you. You don't have to ask me to marry you. But I'm gonna stop sitting up in here acting like we're married, and then you never give me what I want. I'm going to my mama's house. Call me when you want to go to the next level now that most women are not gonna do because they're afraid of losing them. Man, but you ain't. You don't have them one. You won't right now. And it's so terrible because they have this major purchase together, they have a house together. Yeah, right, but you can get out of that. No, that's yours. I'm telling you the woman gonna win and that you ain't cheated on the dude, nothing like that, or he's gonna lose. He gotta get the house up, not your house and he'll be paying. Oh my god, preaching. Yeah, you woke up, Jake, He preached one one one. What do you know about this, Jack? I've lost some houses, stopped the small community with the houses I've locked. She mad because this food and went out bought a jet ski for over two thousand dollars, and she talked about that money he could have used on my diamond ring. I get with my girlfriends. They make me feel even worse, putting more pressure on me for not having a ring. Our wedding colors are picked out. He didn't done at all. He let you pick out the wedding colors. He let you talk about the church reception place in Man. You don't talking about brider party. You haven't picked out a honeymoon location. You're talking about this all you want? Quit pressure me. You want to plane it planet where you want to go? We're going you her girlfriends to tell them you play bad? So baby, what you're gonna do about flowers? Though? He's gonna have nice Just a reenactment your role it would be doing and we reenacting this. You want to get married? Hey, baby, are you doing? What's going on? You got some wedding books. I need you to look at like, yeah, what about this color here? I love future? You like yeah, yeah, yeah, that's cool future cool. Yeah. And how about how about we're gonna work on our dance because you know my daddy at the reception, me and my daddy gonna do it love dance and then you and I do a first dance, So you want to work on that later on the night to dance? I could you know how only you you know your daddy might not. Now that was about the dance lessons. What's happening? What? Oh your daddy? Damn? Yeah, you better straighten that up because if you don't, I can call it wedding off. Now what don't make me? Don't make me call off these plans because I do your daddy, Yeah yeah, your whole as daddy. This is upsetting my spirit. Really, Tom, you're gonna call it wedding off? Well, if that's what you want to do, then I guess it's just off the Oh my god, that was quick that you know what I'm do with this? Cool? All right, guys, we gotta get out of here. Thank you for that re enactment. Email us or Instagram. That's your thoughts on today's strawberry letter at Steve Harvey f M or at My Girls Shirley now coming up in ten minutes. Guys, people who overdo their job? Man, yes, we do all that. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, before we got to today's fun comedy segment, People who overdo their Jobs, written of course by Jay Anthony Brown. Uh, we got to give a huge high five and thank you to the people who are doing their jobs, especially in the Carolinas this year. The meteorologists, the first responders, the city officials, power and rescue workers, carrying volunteers and more, and just people who sent a prayer us and send money to them. We also hear the Army National Guard has activated nearly three thousand soldiers to aid and search and rescue, distribute food and water, and clear storm debris. And thank you for doing your jobs. Also, if you want to help those in need in the Carolinas, please donate whatever you can by texting the word Red Cross to nine zero nine nine nine, all right, nine zero, and your help is needed, of course much appreciate it. Alright, So uh yeah, now we want to make you laugh. We want to make you guys smile. Tell us about this. This been him before we did a bit. I'm gonna tell you one be it this weekend. I'll be an Uptown Comedy Club, Atlanta, Georgia. Two showed Friday two shows Saturday two, and I'll be him Mondy. I got to report it alright. The Biddest called people people who overdo their jobs. They just put a little bit too much in this damn job. We think you do a great job, but you over crossing guards. It don't take all that, dude, Yeah, but the baby safe, James, I understand it. But sometimes they put you hey, hey, hey, hey, the cub back on the cub, Hey back up, back up on the get up on the cubs on the cub. It don't take all that. They don't overdo it. I'll tell you what. Anybody with a yellow jacket that's say events staff, don't I know where I'm sitting. It's the same game I was at last week. Can I have some of that? They just gave it a jacket. Can I just have just a little bit that any net role with a hip board way I like it. That key word was need broke, need rolling. Let me see let me see how there you see how man I live never show you know how I watched everything on the mall cop outside the mall that today, then decided, ain't no front do drop off? Why are you all out? Dog? Hey dog my mama hip went out. I'm not mom dropping my mama right, keeping moving, keeping the first guy you see at the car wash stuff, that first guy that trying to sell you that detail. You don't want you just want to quick wash in out. Let me read down. I don't I don't want that. Yeah, and then there's a supreme want to supreme or the supreme selection. I don't want that. I just want to quit. I don't want that. I'm gonna tell you somebody now, I'm still out here. I'm young and everything. But when I go to the club and I go to the bathroom attended in that, hey, you're doing too much. No, I can turn on the wall, I can grab the PA. But what I don't need you to do? Hos it going out there to night? What they ended, what they look like, who they're doing. You've seen anything? You're like, Hey, doc, I'm in here for two seconds. I'm not here the bun church, Oh my god, that keep tightening up your road. Just cuming back, lady, lady, we got to be packed in here like this. There's plenty of space on this other road. That's room for another scoot over. Jesus, you're tired of standing up man, people who overdo their jobs, overdoing it to drive through a tendant. Okay, those ain't your ketchups, those ain't your napkin. Those they don't belong to you. Your job is to pass them out. Okay. If I want nine, damn it, give me nine. Okay one? Na, yeah, hell I'm supposed to do with it. I'm saying another person over do their job. Whoever sang in a restaurant, over doing your damn job. We are in here for the oysters, specs for you. You ain't got the olver seen that they have. Everybody. We don't even know he was gonna be. Come on, you know who really be doing doing it? Now? These pastors on Sunday that act like the damn game. I tell you, didn't o dog. You know it's football season. You know it's Sunday. You know this damn game. So like my you're steal up here talking about at going to heaven? Know how come on, close it out. People who overdo their job. All right, letting let me tell you something. You hit me with the cologne. One more damn time will be righting up in here, all right, spread something else? Spread over here? Spread? All right? Thanks guys. Coming up at the top of the hour, the guys are gonna talk about Week two of the NFL already. Pretty soon it'll be the super Bowl. Okay, right after this, I won't share. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, guys, it is time to talk football. This is week two winners and losers. Charlie. We can't talk football without Pimper. Where is he? I don't know. I see him coming his cologne? Sound? What's up? What's up? What's up? What's up? Very funny? Junior? What's that movie? What's going on? You doing? Friendly? Oh? You got divorce? You dare you? Damn j Solf pipping Man made you a job to date. Tell you something. My countess and him, my cousin made this. Oh yeah, what is that fac What is that material? If the collar is wolf, it's yeah, Siberian wolf. Yeah. The coat, the white firm coat, this polar bell and the cuffs, the cuffs is raccoon here. I'm loving them boots pimping. I'm loving the man all the way. What I'm saying, you know what I'm saying. It's all good, baby. Someone's happening, y'all. What's going on? He pimping? Week two in hold, I ain't speaking to the labels up, Hey, Pemper the whole reason I'm here with something. How you're in the Mexican doing We're doing fine. He's not back. It's cool. He shouldn't got a Mexican name, and nothing wrong with it. Ain't nothing wrong with it, man, Julio, men Wholio last night were jail? Ain't up? Chunky? What's up? Pipper? Nothing but you? What's up? You know? Chilling? Yeah? Ticked off right now. I'm hurting, So her go ahead, Junior A Wind's Tommy? What was that? Come on, tam Um, he's us celebrating this birthday? Oh he was at the concert last night. Yeah, yeah, so he couldn't make it to Worrington day. Took his daughter, right, I ain't think we don't Yeah, took his white point. Yeah. Okay, let's get to the game, Pepper. Let's just don't talk foot about Okay, I thought you all gonna ask me about the movie White Boy time. Alright, man, I don't know. Man Peppers versus the Falcons Atlanta one man, I picked the Panthers to you know what I'm saying, because I'm a cam cam do go ahead? And I lost that. He lost that, all right? What about the charges in the bills? You know you got that one charges? Yeah, you go ahead, go ahead. Now hear another piple? That's a trip. Minnesota green Bait they taped. Ain't that nothing? I picked Minnesota Green Bay had a big lead and lonesome they did, damn And then you don't I don't know, only happening and run. No they don't pile. But let me ask you this. So many like the whole thing though Cleveland, New Orleans. How that feel? Junior? Junior, junior? I'm so right here, you know, I'm damn Cleveland. This coat was made in Cleveland. Oh no, yeah, this ain't no polar bear. This polar bear ain't from the North Pole and nothing. This one was in the lake. We found this one in the lake Lake Erie man swimming from Canada, moving on and put him down? What you do on this? I'm here man, I picked the brown Miami New York Junior cannot cannot jump in ahead, call I know how you want to get Pip and be careful, not just tweeting me and your husband. No, no, no, no no. Someone tweeted d m W. He just said, tell pimper who that for? Tell d m W you ain't nothing but some damn initials. I ain't even to tell Steve nothing. Steve, don't talk to j initials a m W. He loved the second hipp who that I got the Dolphins and the Jets. Many did, all right, here we go Kansas City, Pittsburgh. I picked Kansas City and go ahead to the third and seven. They did, all right, how are you doing this? Philly? I couldn't believe it. Man, that a little white boy. He did you see your head on? After the game? Fish Gerald, Oh he was straight pimped up. He got all my votes. I lost Stoke because I had picked Philly over How they't let this white boy come up in here? Man with this He looked just like Conor McGregor at the press comp with that. Yeah, the bid in the cold change and I said, this one right here got pimped on the kid, right here, pimp in Indianapolis first Washington? What happened right there? I don't know, man, I picked up? Who did I pick? You? Pick Washington? Sean did just I only did that cause we owned in Washing pig love, I lost another. Now I'm down finding too on it. Well, you already picked this when you got this on Arizona first, Los Angeles? That was Detroit first, saying France, I told you, saying did and they did. I just need one more to get me tied up. Once you got Oakland first, silver, I said Denver and den for one pimping by the fun already sad because coming with New England first, Jacksonville. Pick Jacksonville over the last, when that least, pick the Giants, rust the Cowboys. I'll be there. I picked the Giants, Cowboys got it? Then down pipp And what happened? You went low? You know what? Non? I think I tired. I was fifty fifty Damn Browns hurt me? Man. All right, guys, we'll be back with mar Who Morning Show right after this Who that you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, guys, uh, do we have one more game to talk about? NFL one more game? What is it was the night Monday night football game? Tonight Pippers see Chicago? Who you got? Oh? Man, I'm gonna go with Chican con that that the ain't got the number fifty three on defense? Oh yeah, yeah, you're talk about cle Max. You know one ain't Nobody told him he on defense. I actually think he ain't he on off because he's scoring at everything me on the damn mall you say, and I send this dude right here, man Oakland and him doing let him go? Man, I'm so hurt. Man, what's wrong? Damn Brown? Surely because you were so happy last week? Is this is what it sounds like with pimps cry? Man, this is sad. Man. Hey, I'm gonna tell you what. That's when Prince came to me. I told him, I said, hey, man, you want to do this song called when Pimps Cry? He said, write no song about no pep. I said, what you want to make it about? He said, duves. I said, Damn, that don't Soundn't think you really? I said, it don't sound like no hit mand crying. You heard Damn Dumn cry cry. Pimps cry? Maybe I'm just like you. Maybe I just like your mom said, it's fine. Why do we play with each other? This is what it sounds like when pimps cry. What is tween tips cry? Let's see when they don't know if they're laughing or cry. You don't know. No, That's why I said, pimps cry, don't really be laughing. But when pimps cry, it's really laugh because pimps don't hurt a man. I know you should have to do it on your show, made Roscoe. I wrote a lot of hits, man, I just know. I know coll ain't gonna leave and not one. You don't have to. But you know when pimps cry, but they pivot. Why do we scream at each other? This is what it sounds like, Queen, pimps cry. I don't know why he didn't keep that man, because that devil press, even though he just steal, ain't made no sense to me. The whole time I was going to him, he told my whole dels crying se No damn pigeons cry, nothing like that bathphones I ain't got access to no do that's the cold pa. Most black people and even got access to do. Cry us on out of here. We gotta Queen pimps CLA. He's really hurting though because of Cleveland. But anyway, thank you Pimpen, Thank you Pimpen. We'll be back with more of the Tea Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up in ten minutes. We will tell you how to help and give back to those in the Carolina's affected by Hurricane Florence. But first in political news, Steve, Now, you remember when President Trump praised his former campaign manager Paul Manafort for not flipping or for not snitching on him. Remember that, Well, Manafort just flipped. Okay, yea that yeah, he pleaded guilty and will now cooperate with special counsel Robert Muller. Uh So, there you go, and another trial set to start next week Maniport. They now it's jacked up because Manifurt has admitted to laundring money being at the meeting that everybody else was at concerning the Russian bank accounts, fraud, tax evasion. Amen, all all this is jail time, All this jail time. Do he I ain't said nothing to you? What they give you? Probation charge, all these charges, don't you damn there ain't got everything say of treason stuck on you? So what what he's What happens though, is mother is going to give him some considerations before sentencing based on what he said. Now, his lawyers would have had to have said to the Molar team and look, I know we're gonna sentence him, but you might want to hear he might have some information very healthful to you. What's he got, Well, we got something, but we need a deal. Well, when you cooperate now that he still don't know how much time you're gonna get. But what they ain't gonna do. They're gonna find out what you can tell them and what you'll testify to. Because once you start telling them, you have to agree to testify because right then they give you your sentence. Damning a deal, that's what they want. Something tell me, tell me hey, hey, y'all got a second of me. I just want to say so, yeah, yeah yeah. Manaford is facing seven counts of foreign lobbying violations and witnessed tampering in federal court in Washington. Witness tamper tamport that's why up there with kidnapping partner, witness tempering affecting the judicial system. All right, thank you. We will be back with closing remarks from the one and only Steve Harvey right after this at forty nine after you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, before we get out of here, Before we got to Steve's closing remarks, we want to remind people to please keep praying for our neighbors and friends along the southern East Coast uh Florence, torrential rainfall, damaging winds, flooding, and power outages. Because of all of that. You can help people affected by a disaster, big or small by donating to the Red Cross. Please give what you can by texting the word Red Cross to nine zero nine. That's texting the word Red Cross to nine zero nine nine. As we know, every little bit helps, and please keep praying. Now, Carla, you had an interesting weekend. You did a walk in your hometown of Houston. Yes, for breast cancer. Is Sister strut Are three k walk that we do is sponsored by Cracker Bear or one of our favorite restaurants, Steve Harvey, Cracker Barrel giving Back. But it was a fantastic walk. It was in Memorial Park Jr. You're familiar with that. Yes, thank you this weekend. Oh wow, did no, she didn't come to she she ain't like that. She just wanted to say, just tailed me. He saw you. That's sweet. Well, thank you to your grandmother for coming out. Plenty of Houstonlians came out supported breast cancer Sister Struck three k walk. We walked to raise awareness to fight to end breast cancer. So thank you to all of our listeners in Houston and our home station one or four or five kids at FM Steve Shirley Crew. Next stop, Shirley and I are going to Chicagos. Shirley is going with me. Yep, October thirte on my birthday, my fiftiet walking. You know, Carling, you know why Junior grandma man come say nothing? Why because old people don't like to get played. No, but but but it ain't that you would. It's that they take everything brong. Oh see this? How to go? Hey Carlin? How are you doing? Hey? How are you? Who are you? I'm Junior's grandmother. Juniors who oh, okay, right there, right okay, trying to be sweet hot You called that sweet and now you're gonna act like you don't know Jr. Then it just went ugly for you right away. Hey, let me give you this for closing with Mark day Uh. I want to try to put people's mind at ease because on your way to success, you're gonna find out that some decisions are gonna get made about you that you have no say so win. Listen to me carefully on your way to success. On the road to success, some decisions gonna be made about you that you have no idea that being made about you. I'm gonna tell you what I mean by that. The more successful you become, the more people talk about you. And what's crazy about this is the people that's talking about you, most of them don't even know you. On the way to success, let me tell you about hate. Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you. Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you. And that's really true. Man. Some people just see people keeping praise on the person. Now, all of a sudden, they got problem with that person. You see a person getting the credit that you ain't getting, all of a sudden, you get the problem with your credit. You get somebody up. You're talking about, man, how great a person is? All of a sudden, now here comes somebody want to find something wrong with them. Some people only hate you because of the way other people love you. But I want to share this with you here. This is really important. These people that are making these decisions about you that you know nothing about. It's okay, It's okay, and I'm gonna give you what I learned. Somebody sent this to me today and I said, man, I'm gonna share that. Somebody sent this to me a slogan. He said, all of a sudden, they stopped talking to you. I'm gonna repeat it. All of a sudden, they stopped talking to you. Don't trip because God will sometimes cut off an infection to keep it from spread. Did you hear me? This is really good man, All of a sudden they stopped talking to you. Don't trip because God will sometimes cut off in affection to keep it from spreading. See a lot of people as walking out your life. Don't trip about that. Sometimes God just do you a favor. Sometimes God will just sometimes cut off and infection just to keep it from spread it. I can't tell you how many times I've appreciated God doing something like that for me, when at first I didn't quite get it. Oh, Man, Why they tripped? Man? I thought they was cool. Man. Why they do this to me? Man? Why did this happen to me? Man? Why did they take that for me? Man? Why did they go over there and say that about me? It? Don't trip? Sometimes God gets rid of the infection so it don't spread. Ain't that good news? If you look at it that way? It's so helpful. Man. Don't be blown away with people who somehow you find have worked their way out your life. You probably needed that to happen, and sometimes that's a good thing. So they quit talking to you all of a sudden. Don't trip. It was probably God, because sometimes he'll cut out the infection to keep it from spread it. Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord. Not all my amen? Amen again, you know even if I like them. Well, have a great weekend for all. Steve Every contests no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.