Happy Monday I Love Being Black - 09.25.17

Published Sep 26, 2017, 10:07 PM

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know y'all bags all so long, looking back to back down, giving them just like the Milan buck bus things. And it's to y'all to me, true good, to the hearty listening to me, toach other for stoar hand, little quick hobby. Why don't you join ye hobby, join me into being me? Honey said, you got to turn Yeah, you gotta turn. Won't the townhow at the time You've got to turn out to turn the water? The water go? Comey, come on your back, Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, you'll listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only. Steve Hardy got a radio show man. I got something I want to share with you today. I was I was in the gym this morning and trainer Lee haney Son sent him a text, and he sent him a text this morning of m dude in the gym lifting up huge weights, dumb bails, doing a bench press like you know, you're just huge dumbbells. You know stuff I ain't doing. No hunted some pounds and not really. She was huge. I've never seen dumbbells this big. And the man was pressing him, and Lee's son took a picture of him and he sent this to his father. This morning's father shared it with me. I want to share with y'all because, man, I can't tell you highs explain so much of your life. And when he showed the man lifting this successive weight in the gym, he said, wow, Paul, look at this dude right here, and he says. The caption he put under it was, don't pray for it to be easier, pray to be stronger. Don't pray for it to be easier. Pray for you to be stronger. Ain't that cold? See? I was thinking about that. As soon as he said it, I said, man, I gotta go on radio. I gotta tell everybody what I see now. Don't pray for it to be easier, pray for you to be stronger. Okay, let me tell you how important that is now. I just heard it that way today, and I'm sharing what you immediately because you know what that has. It's gonna help me a lot, because oftentimes I've done it indirectly, and then sometimes I've done it all the wrong. Sometimes I've actually prayed for it to be stronger. But I've also prayed sometimes for it to be easier. I have done that and been guilty of it myself. But from now on, after hearing that, I'm changing my prayer because, see, you can't have it both ways. You can't be strong and weak at the same time. You're either gonna be strong or you're gonna be weak. Now, if you keep asking God to make it easier, what you are not asking for is for you to be able to handle whatever happens. So the next thing that comes along that you ain't worked your muscles on to prepare you for, that's gonna thank you two. So what I learned by that is sometimes I even I got to change my prayer too. Now I do most of the time, but I'm a human being and sometimes I just wanted to go away. But now what I really need to pray for is the strength all the time to deal with whatever besets me, whatever comes in my way. Because to become successful, and we've talked about this how many times, it's hard. So since no one is gonna be hard, why not asked for the strength to handle that. See, stop praying for weaker moments, stop praying for it to be easier. Stop asking God to make your way playing and easy. Okay, now what now? You ain't worked your muscles out to learn how to handle nothing? I was at it this morning. I put a little more weight on at least said, why man, you up any of this morning? In order to grow? I got to change. And you can't change if you're gonna stay the same. You can't keep picking up the same for the pound. Dumbbails. And you want some more results, you're gonna keep getting it. If you keep doing what you've been doing. You're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. You cannot grow without the change. So when we're talking to God and we're asking God to make it easy for us, why the growth at? Why to change at? No, you got to ask God to make you stronger, not to make the situation weaker. I'm changing my prayers. Man, I'm going at him now with just just make me strong enough to handle whatever happened, whatever come my way. Give me the strip to handle it. And now whatever I see in front of me that I'm trying to go after, that's gonna require more. Give me the strip to do that too. Help me be a stronger man, Help me be a strong longer person. Help me be a stronger woman, a stronger boy, a stronger girl, a stronger student, a stronger boss, a stronger employee, a stronger leader, a stronger follower. Give me that, give me stripped to do that. Stop asking for it to be simple and easy and paved the way what you want, man, The road to success is always under construction. Always. It ain't ever paved and smooth and easy. Look here, man, go out there to days, try to be successful. See what you're gonna run into? Man, As orange barrels is workers is detools. It's got craters in the road with no warning signs on it. That's how hard it is to be successful. The road to success is always under construction. It ain't fit to smooth out for you. You got to ask God for stripp be what you're supposed to be. Not. Let's look at him when you make a mistake and you're gonna make them. We all do. We fall down, but we get up. A saint is just a sinner who failed down, but he didn't stay there. That's all A saint is. All these Christians running their mouth with you about how how fired up and save their are on all this. It got all that but them people. Then people make mistakes all the time, all the time. And see the moment we as Christian people start telling people the truth about being a Christian, more people can get interest interested in it. But if you're gonna tell everybody this lie that you're over here living this perfect life and everything and ever since you came to God, your life being smooth, and you don't have no and he didn't took all your pains? And wait, what what? What? Who are you? Where? That? Where that life at you're talking about having? Now? Ain't you? But I heard you had to die to go there? So what you're really talking about? Come on, man, I'm talking to the cat that's in some real pain right now, that's in some real trouble right now. The dude is at the cross road right now. The dude has been struggling and dealing with it for a long time. I'm talking to the captors out there, been trying to figure out what's wrong, man, Why I can't seem to get it right. That's who I'm talking to. I'm saying, come over here and give God to try. Come over here with your imperfect self, with your imperfect ways, and watch him change some things about you. Watch him give you the strength. See what he did for me. Let me okay, see best of well I can do is just tell you what happened to me. See what it did for me? Was it ain't so much. He just he just took me and took how I wars and made me better with it. I'm still an aggressive man. I'm probably not gonna ever stop being aggressive. But he took that aggression and he started shaping it. Now for the first twentilve minutes and the morning, to be aggressive about me. Be aggressive about the feelings you got towards me, your your father, your leader, your God, your savior. Be aggressive, man. Tell people how you made it, Steve aggressively since you want to, since you're aggressive and I and I and you've been aggressive. I made you be aggressive with that. Now, since you like to tell it like it is, Steve, then tell the truth or how it really is. How I do for you, what I've done for you. Tell everybody you know what I've done for you in a plain, simple way so they can feel you. See, he ain't changed me. He just made me better with it. When you get loud, hey, man, every now I didn't get liued for me. You know, you want to tell some jokes, you're real funny, tell something funny, but let it be so more people can hear. See, that's that's what he did for me. So for all you casts out there, they're scared to come on over here because you're scared it's gonna change you, turn you into some little punk or you got to get sisted up or something like that. And please, before you start emailing me, that's not an anti gay remark. I'm talking about. It's a lot of dudes out there that just don't want to punk up and sisty up because they're scared that what it's gonna do. Now, you got to come over here and beat this little meek lamb laid off the slaughter every Sunday. That ain't what it is over here. God looking for me, God looking for for for real soldiers out here. See, everybody I talked to don't want to hear about Christianity, So I ain't got nothing for him. Then how about that? How about that? I'm cool with that. See every Christian ain't turning the other cheek. I ain't there you slap me, man, hey, madam, Sorry, I don't. I don't know. I ain't there yet. But see I'm a work in progress. He ain't through with me yet. I might get to the point where I in turn other cheek. I doubt it. I ain't. I ain't looking for I ain't praying for that one. I'm I don't for real about you, man, I'll be praying for most tramps. So when I when you do slap me, when I come back around, I'll come back nice. Oh slap me. You won't slap me twice. I can promise you that. Where am I going with this? Dve? Huh? I'm sorry? Just remember what I told you. You're listening, ladies and gentlemen, boards and girls, people from all around the world. You are listening to the bad morning show in the world. This is the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. This show today is dedicated to everybody out there to shake them up on crap tables and gamble. This show is dedicated to call it for real, how hard music? We set the girls out there. She's the only one gambling, Old Christian Shelly, what I want. I was the first one to win. Thank you very much. Shirley, you gamble, yes that she won, Yes, tell them how much? I don't know. I just dollars, thank you, thank you very much. Where's the applause? Now? Where's the applause? Now? Yeah, I might just spending. That's not important. Jay was talking about what I want? What would she pay? Dollar? I think it was the dollar slots, Steve, dollar slot? What what? Well? You know she wants a hit? But excuse you. Actually, let's get it right. I actually won twenty seven dollars, thank you. Seven dollars. That's a lot of money. I think it was. It was a quarter reporters. Yeah, okay, now gambling, so am I made no sense what you had seen it? Don't have to make on the dollar slot? Baby? That black seventeen hit three times? Baby, I was that discreaming yes, Steve three times, three times, the same dealers spinning that ball, baby? Three? How many? About how many spins did you see it? In? It? Three times? Let me see? Maybe about fourteen spins? Yeah it was nice, baby. I was in that, screaming yes, and I'm up all up any more. She just want to tell us how much she wants I want? Okay, seven, come on now, we're talking about good what j get that lightbeil money baby? How much? How? I don't know, he's not I'm not. Just don't worry. Let me ask my own damn questions. But like the bulls of the wind, you are damn dry. Now just sounds you to return. That's what I'm doing. Yeah, I spent a hundred dollars. If you was on that same black seven people, Yes, and you had hit for seven honey, Yes, I'll be off to day. Yes, it was going down. What we got for thirty something? Funny? Three comedians in the house. I'm sure you guys will come up with something. Sure, we'll be back at thirty two after. That's what I haven't been saying much. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, here we go. Time for weekend review. This is Monday. Let's just go over what we did this weekend. You guys heard the ladies are in Vegas living it up real big. We were, Yeah, we were in Vegas. I want I won? Yeah, glette all relative seven tosses. If you're not a gambler, okay't nobody at the house. I ain't doing damn that. I was at the house child, You have been home by yourself days in front of mirror. Hey, neighbors, time I turned that down. They're going white man, get your ass. I pay radio too. It's good to have a weekend after Yeah, it was, man, it was it was good. It was okay. I went shopping. I went to buy I don't know what's happening, Steve, And then ladies, don't you don't want to hear this. I'm not trying to gross you out, but my draws is disappearing. I don't know where they're going. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know what. I don't know if they're walking out or what's going on. Maybe my house cleaning is stealing them. I don't know, but I get you know. I go down there to get drunks. I'm I'm one down. I'm like one. They're drowns left. I like, all nobody in here win draws. But me, I go. I go to buy me some rongs. Right now, they got the draw store. I go to the draws sex draws, the draw section of the store. Now they got they got the real expensive draw Let me just how to buy draws. First of all, if the draws are hanging up on the wall. They're very expensive, all right, Yeah they got them displayed on the wall. If they're on the wall, all fancy them draws. I went over there, touch and I flipped it over and saw the present like whoa, whoa, that's way too much and paid for drogs. My drawers should come something something to the pack. Okay, that's why am I right? Something to the path boat to the pack. Now to the pack, well to the back, sticks to the back. But about large drough can't even get in large drop. Didn't take them back. You can't take row back. But you know, I just thought of men don't have Victoria's secrets like we had. Women have Victorious stores and all that. Yeah, yeah, men don't don't have you guys don't have that uber drones that's yeah, well under t shirts under Yeah, yeah. I bought a bunch of two small damn drones that you wear. Man. I asked, I need two, I need to it. Would you say, Steve Pack, if I can buy on the wall on the wall. I've never heard of underwear on the wall, ye in the wall? Yeah. The expensive stores they have on the one they like six this seven of dollars. That's comes in a box. Why are you mumbling? We can't? Yeah, speak ups. I don't even want to talk about how much your cost? Help us understand? But okay, let me preface. You can if you put the draws on, you wear them and they don't rise up on you. I wear bossip for short draws. They don't even feel like they own you. They're very d comfortable. They don't they you can't get a wedge in them. You. They don't change positions, they don't even they feel like skinn Okay, at least three times a day, I got to get mad. How much your pack of draws? A pack of draws? Uh? That was a special all? So what I'm trying to say? Money? What? That's good? No? Yeah, so about about twenty five for the pack of three? Yeah that's about right. Yeah, But these are not weggie provestein. These are not what you gotta get these like junior. Three times a day, you gotta get these out. Hello, it's too far, too far, guys. And that's not too fash y. It is a wedgie. It's not too fash three times a day it's too much. I don't want to hear that. You don't want to hear that, I understand with profit, sure, go back to bed. I don't want to hear how much. It's just tall. We can talk about that's why you mad stract stupid. Theybody's draws, man, you won't have that? How much? How much? How much we need? How much? Come? Let you put the build up on it. Steve and I would just tell them about the draws. I didn't want to get a yall gonna buy on while we talking about it depends? Oh, for one, what do you know how long wedding drugs all week? Run all week? I don't care what I'm doing. And they watched himself, right, I don't. I can wear this out the public. That's a different outfit for us. No bad dollars for drunk one believe that's before he gives us the prof exactly why right there, that's outfit for me. And you got a lot of and you've got a lot of these, and they're coming to box in the box. They're coming to box a box, but not somebody need to bring me draw a little to my house. Help me? He said he would only wear that put some going out. What's happening to everybody? Y'all see my ninety dollars. You can't believe the pose that I'm doing. Oh sorry, I didn't know your game, your drug game, like you got a strong drug game? How much of yours? J three? And that's what it all? What if I That's what I say on right, that's what we at. All Right, it's Monday running bow Town is in the building. We have church complaints coming up right after this. You're listening to the Steve Hardy Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, ms Am will be here. She's gonna data's on today's national news and their headlines. But of course it is monthy, y'all, and uh that means it's time for Reverend Motown and Deacon Deaf Jam with today's church complaints. Yeah, m hm m hmmm, m hm m hm m hm. We we gravel on this monthy moment. Yeah, grateful, thankful and regretful for today is today that the members ship showed a lack of gratitude for the Institute shal building at airport that I have built. Yeah, the day is called church complete? How is it where every Monday they find something to be ungrateful? Let's agive deacon and hell, what in the world it rolled? Love pastor Brother Um, Brother James will Before, who wears depends, Uh, seems to be going to the bathroom in the middle of conversation and song. Yesterday while singing it in the choir, he um when we thought he got caught up in the song when he said, but that wasn't the case. He was actually going and the choir members are trying to put him out of the choir. He's going in the middle of conversation and sound. Well there, I want to or recommend the brother Willberfolds excuse me. I was up late last night trying to save souls at the strip club. Feathers in my mouth. Oh, Brother Willberfolks was when depends and using the bath froom. That is what depends is fold. There's a new product that Brother Rayport introduced to me. It's clip on tidy bowl air fresheno clip on kind of bow a fresh Now you clip it on to your depend when if you have an accident, it automatically sprayed. And so I'm gonna ask Brother will Before to try that product for us because we can't lose another quad member. We only have seven or they don't want him because he's going in the middle of that. You tell all them. I said, brother will forces a fine tide pill and he gonna stand there. They're gonna deal with it. We lose any more quad members, we're gonna have a quotet, all right. I don't listen your cow past I just bring you the complainy okay uh. Sister Rachel gil Royd says she um came to church the last two Sundays and she was late and they gave her seat away. She normally sits second row. Far Now Sister Darris Dixon has gotten her seat to past two weeks. Now. The problem is yesterday passed the church. After church, Sister Rachel took the entire chair home with her in her car. Now, you can't take a chairs from the church. She took the chair from the second row, and that you're gonna have to deal with that. But she took the chill. We we're not gonna deal with that. That is what you get around here. First of all, we don't have a sign seating at the jackpot joint or ruder and the all the reason she can fold the chair, Oh, it's because y'all cheap man won't give enough money for us to buy pews. That we had pews. You can't put one of them in the truck of your car. So now until we start giving a little bit moret of purchase pews, is gonna be chasting, right, Okay, she one problem creates another problem, and until we saw that problem, the problem ain't gonna get solved. The church, say man, man man again. The next complaint Sister Benny Jeane Marshall's her seeing a dog is in the heat and has been leading her to strange places to pass this man. Sound of the dog was locked up in the middle of the street with another doll and somebody poured hot water on him to break him up the eye and her dog ran off with the other dog. She's asking that the church by her a new dog and get the dog. You know, Spade, I knew that whatever you know, so the dog won't get any heat. So, but that's after you passed, if you want to get her another dog, she's been a member for you. We're not gonna do that with sister what is her name again, Sister Bernie Jean Ben to Jean Marsha, what she gonna have to do is start paying closure to the dog is leading you the strange place. But she's blind. You're hearing should be impellible. You got got it out in the middle of the street and you don't low your ashes in the middle of the street. Asked me to do that. The dog and drugged you in alle. You didn't hear the alley. The dog was doing it with another dog and you don't hear that. Well, I don't hear that. And I can hear that in my head. And ain't that good? Amen? Amen? You can hear that. That that that that's a that's a very distewished. That's a very distinguisher. Both sound yeah that together. It's a dog. It's a dog. But like I said, what is she doing? I still would like to hear one more time here. It wasn't passed. We have a real situation. Brother, Hispanic member, brother Javier Hernandez, has been asking to build a wall around our church to keep us safe from home and danger, and that he wants to start this week since the glad is fighting there says there is no gate to the wall. Howavier says he's building a tunnel. He wants to be completely safe. The call is up to you on getting the wall started around the church. Obviously, I don't know what the purpose of Xavier won. The wall around the church we'll do. We're not building no wall hill at the jackpot. We unlike the President, understanding that to have people freely coming join us or else we wouldn't be a church. Now. We're not building the wall on this church all Cross Arizona. I don't give a damn horny he say, cause you're gonna take a whole lot, You're gonna have a hobby and everybody he knows, and they're trying to build the wall, and I don't think they're going right. Black people not gonna build a walk. Queen staying in the sun. That loan is all right, Thank you, pastor, and thank you Deacon. Coming up at the top of the hour, National News. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, Steve. President Trump tweeted on Saturday morning that the Golden State Warriors are not welcome at the White House to celebrate their two thousand, seventeen NBA championship. Uh, this is going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team Stefan Curry is hesitating. Therefore, the invitation is withdraw on now. On Friday, UH Stefan Curry confirmed that he announced he did not want to go to the White House. Take a listen the things that he said and the things that that he hasn't said, UM in the right times, that we won't stand for it, and by acting or and not going, hopefully that will UM inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country and what is accepted and what is what we turn a blind eye to. UM. I mean, it's not just the act of not going. There are things that you have to do on the back end to actually push that message into motion. UM. You can talk about all the different personalities that have said things and done things, from Kaepernier to UM, what happened to my telist Benet to all sorts of you know, examples of of what has going on in our country that we need to kind of change, UM, And we all are trying to do what we can. We're using our platforms, using our opportunities to to shed light on that. So that's kind of where I stand on it. I mean, he has the right to say that. The the crazy thing is is that this president has the time to hear it and then tweet about it and resend the invitation for the entire team, because quite exactly was Trump's tweet. Somebody read that. To me, going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stefan Curry is hesitating. Therefore the invitation is withdrawn right there, Right there. You can't get any more petty from the presidential office. It doesn't make any sense. If stefarn't carry is hesitant, you resend the offer for the entire team. Yeah, you can't invite me if I didn't want to go, though, But I didn't want because he doesn't agree with the President's policies. He does not agree with them. See, and that's what it's not. It's only because you disagree with what he said or done. Do you know how many presidents have had teams up there filled with members who didn't vote for that particular president. They went up there for Bush and a lot of them guys didn't vote for Bush, but Bush invited him to the White House. It was being presidential. There's people up there it didn't vote for Barack Obama for the Barack Obama invites all championships teams because it's the presidential thing to do, right, this guy is not presidential at all. Did you hear what he's said when he was speaking in Alabama about the football players we come back. I'm gonna talk about that because that right there is really really huge, and I have something to say about that. It's just it's it's just this, It's just I mean, man, I'm this president is beyond divisive. I mean, he takes one step forward and two steps back. Make America hate. That's what he's doing. Make America hate. All right, Steve, she's here introduced miss Anne. Please, ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ann trip. Thank you, thank you, Steve, thanks everybody. This is andreed with the news and let's get to it. But first I gotta tell you about Tennessee. A woman was shot to death yesterday by a masked guvernman who opened fire in the parking lot outside of church in Antioch, Tennessee. That's right outside Nashville, a little before noon, and seven other people were injured. Even though the shooter turned the gun on himself, he survived. He is under arrest that no ideas out here, but the shooter is said to be a twenty five year old immigrant from the su Dan that was in Tennessee yesterday. Also yesterday, some two NFL players demonstrate their defiance of the remark President Trump Baden Alabama on Friday about players who feel a need to protest injustice and team owners. You love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of up, chop the field right now out he's fired. The protests began overseas in London, with more than a dozen in Baltimore Ravens and Jacksonville Jaguars going down on one knee as the Star Spangled banner was played. In Boston, about twenty Patriots knelt, while Trump friend Tom Brady locked arms with teammates in Chicago the Pittsburgh Steel Estate in the locker room during the playing of the anthem. Demonstrations also went beyond the NFL. Oakland Athletics catcher Bruce Maxwell's become the first Major League baseball player to take a knee during the national anthem. Maxwell's protest took place before Saturday night's game against the Texas Rangers. Meanwhile, in the NBA, Steph Curry's having his say after first saying he didn't think he'd attend the traditional White House dinner given for each year's NBA champs anyway, and then seeing President Trump resend his invitation to the star player via Twitter, not going hopefully that will inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country and what is accepted and what we turn a blind eye too. And now Curry's whole teams decided to skip the White House dinner, Golden State Warriors saying they'll go to washing in d C. But they're not going to the White House. They'll go to the neighborhoods and talk to children and all that kind of stuff. Also, at this past weekend's Global Citizens Concert on the Great Lawn in Central Park in New York City, Stevie Wonder not only performed, but he also took a knee in solidarity with Colin Kaepernick. Another issue on the agenda here the issue of head injuries to the National Football League players. President Trump appears to be critical of the NFL for trying to prevent such injuries. He tweets about that that quote penalties for hard hits are ruining the game. That's according to him. For A thousand Army reservist now in Puerto Rico joined the island's recovery effort from her Came Maria. Advisories are up before the waters off North Carolina thanks to her Came Maria, which is still a Category two storm there again, it's not expect to hit land North. A line of spectrum, bring a lot of rain, a lot of wind, and another earthquake has shaken Mexico, this time in the southern state of Ohaka. They say that this latest quake was felt in Mexico City, registering six point one the Richter scale, sending folks running into the streets. Of course, this follows Tuesday's quake, which is so far killed more than two hundred and eighty people. Talk to the box office this weekend, Kingsman, and it was the seconded and that's about it, which brought another thirty million dollars. Back to twenty minutes after the hour, eugenea Butterfly to Steve Harvey Morning Show. In effect, you're listening to the show um Steve introduced Ja so Jay Can introduced the butterfly please what today? Because I do? Oh that's it. That's how we get one more times that. Good morning everyone? I know the photo? Okay, whistling wait in Germany's he's running out of time for a segment. Guys. Oh yeah that's true. Sure is correct? Okay are butterfly? Yes, good morning Shirley in Turkey. We don't know Turkey. You don't even speak urt Turkey being disrespectful. Do we let me do this because it's it's starting to happen a lot. Do we need to have a meeting about my second You know, I wanted to instrut from j Anthony Brown and I got it. But it's just just y'all drag and dragon and it's just it's too much. You know, y'all gonna make me take a knee on this now, I'm serious. I would take a knee on this, but it's gone too far. They're gonna make me take a knee on this. I'm really I will protest this our issue. I'm seeing to let you know, I'm seeing, I take two knees. I need it. I know that's right. Do you know the butter fly? Because I do. I'm serious, Stephen, I wouldn't take a knee. If you don't the bank, I'm off of me. And don't you know, I mean almost over butterfly. I'm just saying I can't do. I'm taking because what it is that I can't It's almost almost go, butterfly, I'm taking a knee. God, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, steven Sunday was Week three of the NFL season, and some of the NFL players were very upset at President Trump. On Friday, at a rally for Alabama Republican Senator Senate candidate I should say Luther Strange, Donald Trump said he thought NFL team owners should fire players who were test standing for the national anthem by taking a knee or sitting down. Take a listen. Wouldn't you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a drop the field right now out. He's fired. He's fired. Really, President, really, Mr President. First of all, this is the one I've been waiting on because I paid very close attentions. First of all, the term s ob coming out of the mouth of the President. I don't know what we just do to man. I just don't know why why we don't have any level of accountability for the president A nothing. And I'm so sick of this bipartisan country we live in where all the Republicans are a okay with everything he says, and then all the Democrats hate everything. How is it that you can be a Republican and not see what's wrong here? You've got to think something is wrong when the president of your country talks like this as an example to your kids. So that's where we then came down to. Next he says, wouldn't you like to see and then the fire them, get those s obs out of there, and the crowd goes wild. Did you hear that? That's wants that's the applau. He lives for that applause. Let me point out you the genius of the state he said this in Alabama, who got an NFL team. Make the statement in the state of Alabama that you're gonna get rid of some players off a roll tide and players off a war eagle, and see how many cheers you get it. Get Church Mouse quiet over there. You try to take their beloved college football programs from them in any capacity, and watch what happened to your ass. But see he said about the NFL in a state that don't have an NFL team, all divisive. Even owners of football teams came out and spoke against this, even Roger Goodell out which stunned me something. And I just watched this guy in these crowds this. You did this in Alabama, man, See, go to New York and say let's get rid of the players. Go anywhere where they have an NFL team. Now, the people in Alabama are some great football fans, but go down there and say you're gonna take players off of Crimson Tide or War Eagles, and see what happened because they don't play that about their football. Why would you say that, man, that disrespects our flag. You're not even listening to what the players are saying. This is not to disrespect the flag. It is to draw attention to say, hey, we as a country have got to be more inclusive and we want your attention. They're doing it in the form of peaceful protests. Now, if we start setting fires and looting, then what you know what we got dead. They're doing in a peaceful form of protests, and you have no respect for the people's right to protest. That's what's file about this, dude, man, It's just not Yeah. As we mentioned, Roger Goodell, NFL commissioners, slammed the President for his remarks. He released this statement, The NFL and our players are at our best when we helped create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month. Divisive comments like these demonstrate uh and unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, are great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities. Numerous NFL players address the president via social media, stating, uh so the players are s o b s for protesting social and racial injustices in this country. But the but. At the rally in August after the violent white supremacist rally that left a woman dead in Charlottesville, Trump praised the very fine people on both sides. What that's yes, it is, you know what, man, that's that's a great point for them cats to make, these cats of athletes. But they're thinking people will be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, all right, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after. You don't want to miss today's strawberry letter. Right now, it's time for the next few and the brank phone call. Yo, trash stink period, trash though your trash stink? Okay, smell good you you don't smell some trash stink stink louder than the rest of them, your trash stink. You know what I'm talking about. Hello, Hello, Hey, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach swerve. Yeah, this man, Well, how you doing? Man, I'm on it. I'm one of your neighbors, but I'm I'm one street over from you. You over there your Yeah, that's light a little bit this rico. Man, how you doing. I'm I'm one of your neighbors on the next street though. How are you doing? Okay, I'm doing good? But how you how you get my Another? One of the neighbors on your block gave me the number. Man, we was we were having a little situation. Wanted to reach out to tell you, uh, some stuff going on here in the neighborhood. Man and wanted to try to make you aware of it. Well, what's going on? Uh? It seemed like, um, well you know the trash man run on on two of the okay and sad then right now, the problem is that that that that a lot of people I guess since the holiday just pass, you know a lot of people got their stuff out on the curve already. Right right now. The problem is that that that they're saying, man, is that yo, yo, trash is actually really really fouled. It's smelling and smelling pretty bad. And we wanted to call you man and see if you do hold on, hold on, hold on. You say you calling me because you spill my trash? Well yeah, they say, yours is the one that's really speaking man. If you could actually maybe put it in, put it back in the in the in the garage and tip tuesday, you know, trash and no gage. That's why I put it outside. I didn't have enough room in the garage. Okay, what's doing and who is everybody saying my trashing? Hey listen, I'm not saying you know what I want to tell you. If everybody in the hood got a fire with my trash, thank you tell Okay, what what what? What? We we we've discussed that too, but listen, listen, we don't want no trouble. Man. If we could just get you to put your trays back and I'm not moving over Chad, I paid rent over here, my brother, Hey, we're not gonna go back, and I'm not gonna go back. Don't give what you're gonna do. I'm telling you what I paid. Man that don't tell me to just over here. Okay, well listen, man, aren't you concerned that your trash is thinking and reading through the whole neighborhood. I don't give a damn who smell my chance? And they got a problem with it, tell them come take it out still the end and saying out there, okay, what that's the problem. The problem is is that you took it out, and you took it out too early. You shouldn't have put this out till Tuesday morning. And now who money side? If I put it out there and saying that yesterday, come get it. I'm not gonna go back and forth with you. Man. Okay, damn, what you're gonna do. You ain't gonna call me telling me take my I pay rent over here, okay, how if everybody's smelling my chad out of everybody on the I don't know for my understanding, it's just a couple of holes in it and some some food or something must have got out. I don't know if one of the roads or dog got into what the case may be. But you know, we need to try to get your trash in the backyard. My trash ain't going down well, And how come you the one? How come I next name ain't called? How come you around the corner and you called? Well, put you up to this where everybody smelling it. I was just fortunate enough to get your phone number. I said, well, look, I just gone and call it myself. I tell you you and he you my phone. I'm thinking that going. Okay, well, listen, let's swerve this way. We decide on the case. We got to this situation with you, I touch that. I just come over there and put the trash in your backyard, and just Tuesday morning and tunesday morning, I'll come back over there and take it out that way. All the smell of being in your backyard in the you said, you go, I'm gonna come over there and put the trash in your backyard. So the so the smell that fu I mean, that's that Let me let me it just said if you come over here, you might well call plies that that's who you're gonna need. You come over here, bring all of them. They had a problem saying my chance, see to come over here and take it out. Man. You I mean you, you're trying. You're trying to you're trying to act like it don't smell. Man, you don't give them if it's man, I'll tell you what I do. I go out of poke. So right, So when that when that when they helped you out to look okay, But see, that's not what the people in the neighborhood want. We want you to give a damn what take won't I'm telling you what I'm gonna do? And how do did you get my phone over any down? I'd already told you, man, I got your number for one of the neighbors on your street that said they don't want to get should have left one to the right. Which one? Listen? Listen, listen, swear won't you get to the meet of the problem. The problem is your trash think, don't how is my chance? How to hell y'all pippoint my saying, how to everybody else trade on the block, and how the hell you smell like? I don't know, man, I don't know what it is. I don't know if you're trans busted, otpen up what the deal is. But everybody's saying. Everybody's saying this word trash. That's that's streak, that's too much. Pads of needs be going do time and see what I think. It's that chance out there, and it's gonna say out there I said it ain't come get it and you ain't coming over there. Okay, now, let's see that's where you're wrong. Swarm out. I ain't roming over there. I'm coming over there, and I'm gonna take that trance and put it in the backyard to too. Now if you're gonna try to get in my way, whatever, but I got to come on and get the chance. And if I tell you what, bring y'all over here right now, I'll put on my tooth. I'm standing on the point right now. Bring at the call. Come on, we call over whatever you were, you go on re go on one street over and I'm smelling your man trash. Take your chans out my make smell, but you ain't there to come take it out and set you that a Listen, swords, I'm gonna say this word. I call them like, excuse me, tell call about it? Who in the house sold? You called me swerved? Called me back that? Okay, what that's what they call you? What's wrong? Me called what's wrong? We called you? You don't call me that. Now you're saying my chance thing, I'm over head and take chances out. Hey, man, I ain't. I ain't nobody sitting the scatter you sweat. I'm trying to get to get the name and not just say you talk about of my name and where. Come over here. I'm gonna show you what I'm gonna do. Okay, way and then then it is what it is bottom Land. I'm on my way over at the mood that damn trash. Come over, Come over here, come over here, moving. I'm on the fort right now, come on over and meet me about the mask. Thank you trash. You guys, I'm standing right and doing now. Okay, Well I tell you what. I'm on my way, nah, and guess what I'm gonna do when I get over there. You ain't gonna do you're gonna do. I'm gonna tell you my damn name when I get over there. My name is Niphe You time me from the Steve Harvey Lorny Show. You just got franked by your cousin or reef h than out of ya? Hey man, I gotta ask you something, dog, what is What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the land? Was that pretty funky? Right down? What y'all think? Pretty funky? Oh my god, it's my time. I just had to tell it's my time. As my grandmama said, I have coming to my own. What happens when you walk out on the stage, nephews, I ain't gonna lie to you to walk out on stage and get them applause. As soon as you walk out there and ain't saying nothing yet it feels good anyway. Yeah, that's love. Uh huh. So you have to wait before you speak because of remember Michael Jackson used to do that. So you and Michael Jackson, Now I ain't Mike. You remember Michael Jackson used to just walk out on stage and not open his mouth, not utter a word, and the crowd would go crazy. It sounds like that's what nephews saying. Happened to him. So you're up there with them now, right up there, man, Yeah, and they started going next before you anything and there he says, I'm lit. And if he said it, he means it's happening. I'm with it. The man is not gonna come on here and a lot he's saying when he walks out there, it's crazy. Right back, we gotta go. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, up next, we have the Strawberry Letter, of course. But first, what is going on with the war of words between President Trump and North Korea? Is Kim Jong un? Recently, President Trump praised China's Central Bank for ordering other Chinese banks to see his business with North Korea. He also warned that North Korea will be destroyed if it attacks the u US or its allies. Kim John Oong answered that threat by calling Trump mentally deranged. Yeah, it's getting crazy right. This past Friday, the President told a crowd of supporters in Huntsville, Alabama that rocket Man, that's what he calls won Um. Rocket Man should have been handled a long time ago, and Trump went on to say he will handle a little rocket. Man. Yeah, really, and you can't stop it. This is what this is. This is a fight that's going I certainly and we involved in the fight. We're gonna be involved in. Let's see, his son won't have to go, None of his sons will have to go, his daughter will have to go. You know who's gonna have to pay for this war? Words are people in the military. And it's not necessary. Look, man, this just dude, this rhetoric, this it's just non presidential. Man, it's just not how to be president. That's not a ligal. No, it's not a good And I don't know how to be president, but I do have a clear picture of how not to be picture of how not to do. Yeah, and this guy's doing it, man, I mean man, I think he's doing this to keep this investigation off our minds. And oh absolutely agree with that. The Russia pro Russia pro right and anything you can do to keep this investigation off our minds and keep us unfocused from what he really did, all of him and his little cronies did and that and still are doing in the White House is helping him because we're not especially with his base. It's helping him, especially with his basic man he is he looks so presidential when he was down there in Florida. Yeah, he looks like this is what. Yeah, when he when he was when he passed the bill against the Republicans wishes for the hurricane relief because they wanted to tie it to building over the wall US I may not be another wall, but to something else. Then when he passed when he said he would go stick with DOCO, they got mad because they wanted to tie that to board a security. Then, you know, I was thinking, wow, man, this guy's making a couple of steps towards the light. But he takes one step forward, which ain't often and twelve, baby, take a whole budget back about this NBA team not coming to White House, Look, man, you got to be bigger than that. If you've got to be the president, you just gotta be bigger. Man. There were people that didn't want to come to the White House when President Barack Obama was there. That's right. He kept on Tommy Tommy. Tom Brady didn't even go. I don't think his wife wants to be in the White House. I'm talking about the way she's slapping and bank. He is really mad at Obama that more people, even though he's the president, more people still like Barack Obama than him, and he can't take it. He just approval rating that Obama my head at President Obama's lowest approval. He'll never reach that. And after let me let me tell you something. Over the weekend. The first major League baseball player neil, the first major League baseball players year and a lot of NFL neil yesterday to go yes Stevie Wonder was at a concert. He kneeled, he took a knee, and then he took two knees because he says he's praying for the country. You know, when you're on you both knees. Yeah, a lot of them. A lot of the strippers are supporting the football players and they're taking a knee. So they decided, all right, we gotta let's get to the letter. Nephew Strawberry supporting this one right here subject. Our coworker has a problem with body odor, Dear Stephen Shirley. For quite some time now, I and some of my female black coworkers have been discussing a very delicate problem. We're all women in our fifties who thought we could deal with just about anything. However, a little over a year ago, we got a new coworker, also a black female, has a severe problem with personal hygiene. She wears unkept clothes that cling to her in the most unflattering way, dirty sneakers, and stretched out slouch socks. Her hair needs to be at the very least washed and combed. We've given up on her using a straightening comb or getting a perm or well maintained natural hairstyle in parentheses. Last, but not least, and to add insult to injury, she has unpleasant body odors. Some days it smells like urine and some days it smells like an unbathed woman uh at certain times of the month. We have discussed over and over various possible ways to talk to her about this. We feel embarrassed for her and want to approach her before one of our white coworkers decides to do so. We feel strongly that this should come from one of us. This woman is in her forties, is quite intelligent as a wonderfully pleasant personality, speaks articulately, and she possesses an obvious natural beauty under all of that negative stuff. Please help with Stephen Shirley we don't know how to proceed in a kind and gentle way. I would even be willing to take her shopping for several decent outfit suitable for working in our professional, high profile office. Sincerely, concerned coworkers. Uh, well, dear concerned coworkers. UM, you're right, this is a tough call, you know, especially if you want to be gentle and delicate about it. Um. You know, I feel bad that you have to both smell her and tell her, but you gotta do it. I mean, you absolutely have to do it. Why should you have to come to work and be subjected to this. Uh. Sometimes you know, if people don't know, they just don't know. I mean everybody just wasn't taught these things, Okay, they just were not. Um, I suggest you and your group of ladies at work maybe take her to lunch and then just talk to her. Just get it out, I mean, tell her you don't want to hurt her feelings, but it's it's a problem. It's a problem all through the office, and actually tell her that she needs uh to wash and you know suggested you take her shopping that you would, but you know, just tell you're not trying to hurt the feelings it is. It is hard, but you gotta do it. Twelve minutes after, we'll be ain't what I see. I'm going going a whole another way, right, No, no shutter, I'll just responding St. Steven Sherley. For quite some time now, some of my female black coworkers have been discussing a very delicate problem. We are all women in our fifties who thought we could deal with just about anything have A little over a year ago we got a new coworker, also a black female, who has a severe problem with personal hygiene. She wears unkept clothes and cling to her in the most unflattering way, dirty sneakers, stretched out slout socks, and hair needs to be at the very least Washington come. We've given up on her using a straightening home and getting a perm or will maintain natural hairstyle. Last but not least, and to add in so to injury, she has unpleasant body over. Some days it smells like yurine, and some days it smells like unbathed women do at a certain time of the month. We have discussed over and over various possible ways to talk to her about this. We feel embarrassed for her and want to approach her before one of our white coworkers decides to do so. We feel strongly that this should come from one of us. This woman is in her forties, is quite intelligent, has a wonderfully pleasant personalities, beats articulately, and she possesses an obvious natural beauty under all that negative stuff. Please help with Steve and Shirley. We don't know how to proceed in a kind and gentle way. I would be willing to take her shopping for several decent outfits suitable for working in our professional, high profile office. Sincerely, concerned coworker, go for it, Well, concerned coworker, I appreciate your concern. And you women up there in your fifties obviously are dignified ladies and very proud of yourself. And but you are dealing with an issue here that has fallen several people. I'll tell you what the main issue is. You, as African American women, feel responsible for the other African American and that's a good thing. But you're concerned about her because you also knows, as we all do, that for some reason, there's a rule where this woman cast a bad light on the rest of you. You don't want this woman to cast a bad light on the rest of you because you consider her one of us. That's a noble way to look at it, and that's beautiful in everything. But you have a problem though, because home girl coming in here looking straight crazy, how all over her head, ain't got a perm won't get a beautiful natural style, won't lock it, do nothing, she won't nothing. Corn row it's something, just get it in some order. Pick that dirt out your hair. Something. Now she got close clinging to her in an unseemilar way. That means her clothes is laying in places and ain't got no bills its places And you can see body prints that you uncomfortable see it. Don't nobody want to see your drawls under your chest. Don't nobody want to see this big imprint in the front and front of you. And now we can see the design, size, shape and all this is. Don't nobody want to see that? Now? To top it off, she got an unpleasant body over rest showing half bumps around the breath rings on you don't you don't need it, But now she gotta some days it smells like you well pen on what kind of yarn it is. And if his baby earing is okay from a three month old, but if it's grown, man, you dult earin. Now we got a problem. Well, I'm just playing something. Let me help you out, Steve Harveys down. I hope you listen to sherilly answer be cause I ain't got none of that for you. Here's the letter that I found. We feel embarrassed for her and want to approach her before one of our white co workers decided to do so. M I say, let the white people handle it. See now here we go see because you gotta let white people do some things for you, because I like the approach. Sometimes. I actually like to see them go off because they voice elevates and they have phrases that make you think something's really wrong here because you let them keep passing by big girl over there smelling all that gerrilla you're in, and that and and and that that and that rhino that smell like you down at the zoo. Why did the white folk smell? And it's with father God. They have phrases that they used and let you know, something really wrong crying out loud peach sake, holy fuch? What why like an eagle, She war, what is gonna Lady, I gotta tell you my blue eyes are crying. Somebody gonna walk president and ship me. They crickets, I'm telling you. I love to hear they phrases. Man. Yeah, I'm having in Elvis Presley moment. You ain't nothing but a hound dog got their white folks something I've got. I've seen fire and I've seen rain. All right, guys gotta go get out of here. If you can, email us or instagram us your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at My Girls, Shirley, don't forget to join me this Thursday at one thirty pm for my after show Strawberry Letter Live on Facebook and Switching Gears Now. Steve, a California family man gets a letter from their neighborhood homeowners association telling them that their kids shouldn't play in front of their own house. Yeah front, not in front of your house, but in front of our house. Right. The letters stated, we have received several reports from homeowners who have almost hit your children while they have been playing in the streets. Please have your children play in your backyard or in the park. Uh house, wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait, if the homeowners Association is telling you that people are almost hitting your kids because they out in the street, play it. I mean, come on, man, while your kids in the street though, and they're giving you a warning. Man, your kids are in the street, and several people are complaining industry, there were no cars. Nobody had a car. Whatever. Al Right, guys, we talked about him. This is the story, Steve, you've been waiting on. President Trump said the NFL should fire players who don't stand during the national anthem. We'll talk about that at forty one after the hour you're listening to the Steve Steve. Sunday was week three of the NFL season, and some of the NFL players were very upset at President Trump. On Friday, at a rally for Alabama Republican Senator Senate candidate I should say Luther Strange, Donald Trump said he thought NFL team owners should fire players who protest standing for the national anthem by taking a knee or sitting down. Take a listen. Would you love to see one of these NFL owners when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, get that son of a drop the field right now out. He's fired. He's fired. President, really, Mr President of all, this is the one I've been waiting on because I paid very close attention. Is first of all, the term s ob coming out of the mouth of the president. I don't know what we just do to man. I just don't know why, why we don't have any level of accountability for the president or nothing. And I'm so sick of this bipartisan country we live in where all the Republicans are a okay with everything he says, and then all the Democrats hate everything. How is it that you can be a Republican and not see what's wrong here? You've got to think something is wrong when the president of your country talks like as an example to your kids. So that's where we then came down to. Okay, look, I got social media saying what they want to say, but the president is different. Next he says, wouldn't you like to see? And then the fire them, get those s obs out of there, and the crowd goes wild. Did you hear that? That's what he wants? That's the applau he lives. Let me point out you the genius of this statement. He said this in Alabama, who ain't got an NFL team, So yeah, oh yeah, let's get him out. I'll tell you what. Make the statement in the state of Alabama that you're gonna get rid of some players off a roll Tide and players off a War Eagle, and see how many cheers you get to get Church Mouse quiet over there. You try to take their beloved college football programs from them in any capacity, and watch what happened to your ass. But see he said about the NFL in a state that don't have an NFL team. But what you're talking about is all divisive. Even owners, even owners of football teams, came out and spoke against this. Even Roger Goodell, which stunned me. He said something, and I just watched this guy in these crowds this. You did this in Alabama, man, go down to New Orleans and say that. See go to New York and say let's get rid of the players. Go anywhere where they have an NFL team. Now, the people in Alabama are some great football fans, But go down there and say you're gonna take players off of Crimson Tide or War Eagles, and see what happened. I bet it you're real quiet down that in because they don't play that about their football, but they ain't got no ProTeam. Why would you say that? Man? That disrespects how flat You're not even listening to what the players are saying. This is not to disrespect the flag. It is to draw attention to say, hey, we as a country have got to be more inclusive and we want your attention. They're doing it in the form of peaceful protests. Now, if we start setting fires and looting, then what you know what we got dead? They're doing in a peaceful form of protests, and you have no respect for the people's right to protest. That's what's file about this, dude. Man, it's yeah. As we mentioned, Roger Goodell, NFL commissioner, slammed the president for his remarks. He released this statement, the NFL and our players are at our best when we helped create a sense of unity in our country and our culture. There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month. The vice of comments like these demonstrate uh and unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, are great game, and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good. Our clubs and players represent in our communities. Numerous NFL players addressed the president via social media stating, uh so the players are s O b s for protesting social and racial injustices in this country. But the but At the rally in August after the violent white supremacist rally that left a woman dead in Charlottesville, Trump praised the very fine people on both sides. That's yes, it is, you know, a man, that's that's a great point for them cats to make these cats of athletes men. But they're thinking people. But man, we've got a guy in the White House. Man that's not getting it. He's just not getting his role as the president to try to unify the country. But any time you tell the other person to do something against another person from the White House, that's the wrong message to seeing. Man. Clearly, it's the wrong message to see. But I'm uh and and and the fear with this is he's not gonna get better because he's old. He said no, and when he says crazy stuff, he never apologizes. All he does is just double down. It's almost like in your face, yeah I said it. Now what I'm the president, you know. That's the attitude that's horrible coming from him as our president. I hate that. You can be wrong. He keeps calling for people to get fired. Yeah, yeah, you can be wrong. This ain't the Apprentice partner man reality. For him to get fired, can we call for that? Well, I'm telling you, man, they're working on that. I'm telling you right now, they're working on that. I don't I don't know how they're gonna get it, but they're working on it. This whole Russian thing, they're working on it. They're trying to come up with a way. And I don't think it's gonna happen because I just don't. But we've got to find a way to stay afloat and ride this guy out before we get in a nuclear war with North Korea. That, oh god, Steve, and you don't understand how this fool over here in North Korea is talking about detonating the hydrogen bomb in the specific Pacific Ocean. Do you know what that would do? Do you know the tidal wave that would create? Man? Listen? Coming up next, former FBI Director James Comey spoke at Howard University, and boy, oh boy, it did not go well. What you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All Right, Steve. Our home station in Washington, d C. Of course, is w h u R FM on the campus of Howard University, and things were pretty heated. On this past Friday, former FBI director James Comey delivered a convocation address, and it did not go well for him. Uh. Standing before a packed auditorium, Comey stood silently for over fifteen minutes as the students yelled, get James Comey, You're not our homie, take a listen. Thank you, President Frederick. I love yeah, yeah, wow, okay. Protesters also chick added black lives matter here, according to MSN dot com. According to the university press release, Comey is slated to give a number of speeches during the following year. His role at Howard will include engaging the Howard community through a lecture series designed to foster fruitful discussion and spur meaningful interaction. Now, Steve. Some of the students agreed with the protest, and others said they just wanted to hear Comey out. One young student said, check this out. I love being black, but I also love being black and educated, and in order to do that is to choose intellect over ignorance. You have to keep an open mind and hear all parties out. The former FBI director has stayed, mostly, of course, out of the spotlight since his dramatic testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee back in June. I agree with what the students said about that, but I allo to agree with protests because protest is real and people want to be heard, and they choose different ways to do it. They do this out at Berkeley, you understand them kids over there started fires and all kinds of stuff at Berkeley. So when you have a protest at HBCU, let's not be so hard on the kids protests. Now, to invite him for whatever reason how it did, which I think is okay to invite him, but then not to let him speak, I don't understand that. But it's their right to protests. I understand that part of it. I understand, and I get it. I would have loved to have heard what he had to say, especially fired from the White House by this president. He was already in place before Donald Trump took office. He was moved by Donald Trump, so I would love to hear what he has to say. So in that regard, I agree with the students who wanted to be educated to what he may say. Yeah, yeah, he did get a chance to speak. He just let the students do their protesting, and he did finally get to say his speech. And I mean, yeah, he kind of understood what was going on. You don't blame him for Hillary's loss. Yeah, and and some issues with Ferguson to Missouri, with the FBI and the handling of the Michael got all that. That's why I'm cool with the protests. Yes, but I have to speak on both sides of it. I don't know exactly how the young people will feel it, but I do know how they feel it because I've been in a lot of protests in my life. So I agree wholeheartedly repote protests and then young people up at the Howard that's some intelligent people up there. Yes, yes, so yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm all with him on that. You want to stand and you know how you feel through protests, I think you should. I also admire the fact that, like you said, I didn't know this, but he stood there. Let him have they say, and then he gave his speech. Okay, that right there. That that's that's quality. Quality moves because what you don't want to do is deny the students and the people who invited you an opportunity to hear what you had to say. So that regard was cool. I think everybody got what they wanted out of the deal. I think the protesters were correct in what they did because that's the form of protest. Y'all gonna hear us cool. I'm with that, y'all. Well, it's not gonna end there. He's there for a lecture series. He's gonna be there for for for a minute, designer, I'm going to the house at the day. Well, you know what to see if I was watching the video on the next speech, both asked. Now, yeah, it wasn't easy for him to deliver the speech because they still were, you know, chanting and hissing through some of the students who were still doing that. So that speech delivery was not easy. But I mean, you know, he's a smart man. He understood and he did it. Yeah, he went through it. Yeah, I got my check, and you're booing. I'm I'm back at the room. I don't mean you don't want anybody and check. I'm just gonna go back to my room. But they rhymed, homie, call me with homie that why wouldn't I wouldn't have been there, I would never heard it. Once they study was all right, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, Steve Carlos said we should discuss this subject, but I vehemently disagree. But whatever, charlet if I'm in protest right and wrong, yeah, you're taking a jay, but you already know why the subject is cooking. Yeah, absolutely, so listen to this, so Steve, guys. Okay, one of the judges from Top Chef recently shared some tips to help folks step their game up in the kitchen, and I thought this would be a good idea for you guys to hear some of these tips, discuss it with Shirley, and maybe you guys can give us some pointers and things like that and to it. Okay, so here we go. You're ready, you guys on board with this? Okay? The first tip, you're not cooking enough, so practice makes perfect, all right? That ain't gonna no. I don't even know why Shirley has a kitchen that could be an extra living room closet. A partlem in Shirley had, and she was in it for over a year, and then we finally convinced that. And she opened up her refrigerator and it was new, I mean, opened up her oven and it was new. In their head cardboard direction, you know, you still had the direction open the oven. That's really true. Okay, Shirley, practice makes perfect. Let's come on, boo, let's get the kitchen. Let's start, let's start. You know you're married, now, come on now, yeah, that's right, Jr. Right. Here's the second tip. Basic tools. You don't need a food processor and all the blenders and all that fancy stuff. Just a knife. Get in there, cut up your vegetables, your sides, your onions. Just do you think she's got why you think she's gonna cut an onion and crying And that's gonna be crying something. You can't do that. Come on, Steve, come on now, you gotta give us some motivation with that. It's too late. It's too late. It's never too late. Is a lost cars what you're talking about? Trump ain't changing of Trump being a good president. And we gotta hubby and oh boy, all right, well, Shirley, Okay, one of the tips. The chef said that you can start like with the recipe. You can start with the basic part of the recipe, and then you can add your own twists and make it your own. Like that time, nothing follow him damn directions. Don't Trump deviate or improvince. Do what the damn books say. First, I like peanut butter. I think I'll put some peanut butter in this dressing. Oh gosh, well what about the time need butter dressing? That's disgusting. Whatever, This is a lost cause he's quiet. I thought this would be good, A lost call. Cook. You can't cook. You on water, cook you on how to cook, and she shouldn't cook. I like all that. I like that, get her husband, But I'm like nest though, sending this man through all this trial and there a mess. She shouldn't go in here and make want the first time making brilliant? What's what you don't want? Nobody? First time making corn bread? It's never good, You're right, never good? All right, nice try car. Corn bread is never good bye, And they always invite you to get you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, President Trump tweeted on Saturday morning, that the Golden State Warriors are not welcome at the White House to celebrate their two thousand seventeen NBA championship. Uh. This is going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stefan Curry is hesitating. Therefore, the invitation is withdrawn now. On Friday, UH, Stefan Curry confirmed that he announced he did not want to go to the White House. Take a listen the things that he said and the things that he hasn't said, UM in the right times that we won't stand for and by acting or and not going, hopefully that will um inspire some change when it comes to what we tolerate in this country and what is accepted and what is what we turn a blind eye to. UM. I mean, it's not just the act of not going. There are things that you have to do on the back end to actually push that mess the gentle motion. UM. You can talk about all the different personalities that have said things and done things, from Kaepernick to UM, what happened to my Tellus Bennet to all sorts of you know, examples of of what has gone on in our country that we need to kind of change um, and we all are trying to do what we can. We're using our platforms, using our opportunities to to shed light on that. So that's kind of where I stand on it. I mean, he has the right to say that. The just the crazy thing is is that this president has the time to hear it and then tweet about it and resend the invitation for the entire team because what exactly was Trump's tweet? Somebody read that. To me, going to the White House is considered a great honor for a championship team. Stefan Curry is hesitating. Therefore the invitation is withdrawn right there, Right there. You can't get any more petty from the presidential office. It doesn't make any sense. If Stefarn Kerry is hesitant, you re send the offer for the entire team. Yeah, you can't even invite me if I didn't want to go, though, I didn't want to go because he doesn't agree with the President's policies. He does not agree with them. See, and that's what it's not. It's only because you disagree with what he said or done. Do you know how many presidents have had teams up there filled with members who didn't vote for that particular president. They went up there for Bush and a lot of them guys didn't vote for Bush, but Bush invited him to the White House. He was being presidential. There's people up there it didn't vote for Barack Obama, but Barack Obama invites all champs ship's team because it's the presidential thing to do. Right. This guy is not presidential at all. We'll be back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Make sure you add a refreshing ice cold cold to your five dollar real big deal. Hits your five dollar real big deal now at churches. Here we go with just one more thing, our last break of the day. It's been a good day while lots of things going on in the world. Pay attention please. Yeah. Google is has just come out with a list of the top ten most googled sex questions. I'll look at the guy's broke up on this one. Number one question searched. Interesting. Where is the G spot? Okay, you need address anyone wants chest appnue what any one's not just happening? Go to the website see what's happening. That's the J spot. Most people want to know where the G spot is that that depends on the person. Okay, well this is coming from years of experience. Okay, we keep mumbling. There, you say this here, I'm just gonna go. Let that one go. What else? Okay? Can I just say something real quick? I've heard the phrase that ain't it? Damn it? I've heard that a lot right down right, you've heard that. Here's some of the other questions. How to make a woman orgasm? Um? Not easily? Can I ask? Because I got time ahead, Tommy, if you if she starts before me, I can help her with the last thirty second. I need her to get herself there first. You understand what I'm saying. But the last thirty second, I'm gonna take it only. But you go here and start this thing thirty I'm gonna take care of the next six months mortgage boom. That's it. That's a spot. That's the g N of the day. Spot that six months? Thank you? Another one. How long does sex last? People? Look, it's a little over thirty second. You know, I'll gif you want to stretch it out eight minutes? You know what I'm saying. If you want to really stretch that thing eight eight and a half minute other than that. Come on, would you be in there doing to get to the point? Get to the point. You're good, You're good, Yeah, you're good, I'm good. What a remote control? Get to the point sandwich? All right, here's another questions, crazy, How old do you have to be to buy condom? Oh, let me tell you about that. I can go ahead, anybody else, No, go ahead. It ain't easy buying condom. They got him locked up. That is the most embarrassing thing, because you gotta go back by the condom section. A man. Anybody's looking at you. Yeah, pretty all, guy. I don't know why he would n him, but he's a condom. A hat on? Okay, wait they lock him up now, Yeah, the same way they do the razors, the razors and the condoms. You no, no jo joke, no joke, no joke. You got to go look for the person with the key. Yeah, yeah, and then then who whoa saying this? I didn't know that. I'm gonna be honest with you, I really didn't know. Well, you're not supposed to know. He's fun lambwhere so what are the other people in this story doing? J wall? You would come the focal point? Yeah? Yeah, you are the attention is on you? Are they mumbling? Elderly man on? That's when you're supposed to really give it up. There need an extra large and magnums? Well I can't wear those time and they pinch they tight. That's ignorant. Oh my god, are you quite done? The magnum don't fit? They so do you? Guys? Is there are there any questions you guys have if you're gonna google? Are these pretty much it that you guys would have? Okay, we did the G spot? What do we do? We did spotsm how long? How old do you have to beat a viscond? The G spot? For sure? No more questions. I'm done. I don't I'm just so happy to beat it. It's like getting the wall. Oh my god. Monday Footballer Cobo and Steve's talk show today, Aisha Tyler gust Man. Y'all have a good week. Here's day moving forward to it and I'm really looking forward to this. I got this one baby coming in. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules visits Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.