Happy Humpday Office Affairs and a little scandal on the side - 04.05.17

Published Apr 5, 2017, 5:25 PM

The crew talks about Bill O'Reilly's latest scandal and Tommy's shopping choices. Plus, a very interesting caller who has made a series of questionable decisions in reference to his love life.

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all all soon looking back to black dog giving them just like theming buck things and it's cubs, y'all to me through good to tea, the horty listening to toach other for stolen hobby. Why don't you joy? Yeah? Yeah, by joint being men said you gotta turn. Yeah, you're going to do you go, you gotta turn. You can't turn out turn you love, you got to turn out to turn? Want to go? Come come, uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody, you'all listening to the boys, come on dig me now wanted only Steve Harvey got a radio show man. I got something I want to share with you today. I was, I was in the gym this morning and my trainer, Lee haney Son sent him a text, and he sent him a text this morning of him, dude in the gym lifting up huge weights, dumb bails doing a bench press like you know, you're just huge dumbbells. You know stuff I ain't doing you no hunted sometimes and that really she was huge. I've never seen dumbells this big. And the man was pressing him and Lee's son took a picture of him and he sent this to his father's morning. His father shared it with me. I want to share with y'all because, man, I can't tell you highs explain so much of your life. And when he showed the man lifting this successive weight in the gym, he said, wow, probably look at this dude right here, and he says. The caption he put under it was, don't pray forward to be easier, pray to be stronger. Don't pray for it to be easier, Pray for it to be strong, for you to be stronger. Ain't that cold? See? And I was thinking about that as soon as he said it, I said, man, I gotta go on radio. I gotta tell everybody what what I what I see now, don't pray for it to be easier, pray for you to be stronger. Okay, let me tell you how important that is now. I just heard it that way today, and I'm sharing what you immediate because you know what that has it. It's gonna help me a lot, because oftentimes I've done it indirectly, and then sometimes I've done it all the wrong. I've sometimes I've actually prayed for it to be stronger. But I've also prayed sometimes for it to be easier. I have done that and been guilty of it myself. But from now on, after hearing that, I'm changing my prayer because, See, you can't have it both ways. You can't be strong and weak at the same time. You're either gonna be strong or you're gonna be weak. Now, if you keep asking God to make it easier, what you are not asking for is for you to be able to handle whatever happens. So the next thing that comes along that you ain't worked your muscles on to prepare you for, that's gonna thank you too. So what I what I learned by that is sometimes I even I got to change my prayer too. Now I do most of the time, but I'm a human being and sometimes I just wanted to go away. But now what I really need to pray for is the strength all the time to deal with whatever besets me, whatever comes in my way. Because to become successful, and we've talked about this how many times, it's hard. So since knowing is gonna be hard, why not ask for the strength to handle that. See, stopped praying for weaker moments, stop praying for it to be easier. Stop asking God to make your way plain and easy. Okay, now what now? You ain't worked your muscles out to learn how to handle nothing. I was at it this morning. I put a little more weight on at least said wow, man, you up any of this morning because I know in order to change. Man, I got to in order to grow, I got to change. And you can't change if you're gonna stay the same. You can't keep picking up the same for the pound dumbbails and you want some more results, you're gonna keep getting it. If you keep doing what you've been doing, you're gonna keep getting what you've been getting. You cannot grow without the change. So when we're talking to God and we're asking God to make it easy for us, why the growth at? Why to change at? No, you got to ask God to make you stronger, not to make the situation weaker. I'm changing my prayers. Man, I'm going at him now with just just make me strong enough to handle whatever happened, whatever come my way. Give me the strip to handle it. And now whatever I see in front of me that I'm trying to go after, that's gonna require more. Give me the stripp to do that too. Help me be a stronger man, Help me be a stronger person. Help me be a stronger woman, a stronger boy, a stronger girl, a stronger student, a stronger boss, a stronger employee, a stronger leader, a stronger follower. Give me that, give me stripped to do that. Stop asking for it to be simple and easy and paved the way what you want, man, The road to success is always under construction. Always. It ain't ever paved and smooth and easy. Look here, man, go out there and go out there to days try to be successful. See what you're gonna run into, man, As orange barrels is workers is detools, It's got craters in the road with no warning signs on it. That's how hard it is to be successful. The road to success is always under construction. It ain't fin to smooth out for you. You got to ask gold for strip be what you're supposed to be. Now, let's look at him. When you make a mistake, and you're gonna make them, we all do. We fall down, but we it up. A saint is just a sinner who failed down, but he didn't stay there. That's all a saint is. All these Christians running their mouth with you about how how fired up and save there on all this it got all that but them people. Then people make mistakes all the time, all the time. And see the moment we as Christian people start telling telling people the truth about being a Christian, more people can get interest interested in it. But if you're gonna tell everybody this lie that you're over here living this perfect life and everything and ever since you came to God, your life being smooth, and you don't have no and he didn't took all your pains? And wait what what? What? Who are you? Where that? Where that life at? You're talking about having night? Ain't you? But I heard you had to die to go there? So what you're really talking about? Come on, man, I'm talking to the cat that's in some real pain right now, that's in some real trouble right now to do this at the crossroad right now. The dude has been struggling and dealing with it for a long time. I'm talking to the captives out there, been trying to figure out what's wrong, man, Why I can't seem to get it right. That's who I'm talking to. I'm saying, come over here and give God to try come over here with your imperfect self, with your imperfect ways, and watch him change some things about you. Watch him give you the strength. See what he did for me. Let me okay, see, best of all I can do is just tell you what happened to me. See what it did for me? Was It ain't so much. He just he just took me and took how I war was and made me better with it. I'm still an aggressive man. I'm probably not gonna ever stop being aggressive. But he took that aggression and he started shaping it. Now for the first twelve minutes and the morning, be aggressive about me. Be aggressive about the feelings you got towards me. Your your father, you'll leader, your God, your savior. Be aggressive, man. Tell people how you made it, Steve aggressively, since you want to, since you're aggressive, and I and I and you've been aggressive. I made you be aggressive with that. Now, since you like to tell it like it is, Steve, then tell the truth or how it really is. How I do for you, what I've done for you. Tell everybody you know what I've done for you in a plain, simple way so they can feel you. See, he ain't changed me. He just made me better with it when you get loud. Hey man, every now, I didn't get liued for me. You know you want to tell some jokes, you're real funny, tell something funny, but let it be so more people can hear. See, that's that's what he did for me. So for all you casts out there that's scared to come on over here because you're scared it's gonna change you, turn you into some little punk or you got to get sisted up or something like that. And please, before you start emailing me, that's not an anti gay remark. I'm talking about. It's a lot of dudes out there that just don't want to punk up and sisty up because they're scared that what it's gonna do. Now, you got to come over here and beat this little meek lamb laid off the slaughter every Sunday. That ain't what it is over here. God looking for me, God looking for for for real soldiers out here. See, everybody I talked to don't want to hear about Christianity, So I ain't got nothing for him. Then how about that? How about that? I'm cool with that. See, every Christian ain't turning the other cheek. I ain't there you slap me? Man a mad I'm sorry. I don't. I don't know. I ain't there yet. But see I'm a work in progress. He ain't do with me yet. I might get to the point where the term other chief. I doubt it. I ain't. I ain't looking for I ain't praying for that one. I'm I don't real, but I'll be praying for most. So when I when you do slap me, when I come background, I've come back. Nice, Oh slap me. You won't slap me twice? I'm com Where am I gonna? Huh? I'm sorry? Remember what I told you? You're listening? Steve eighteen minutes after the album Walking to the Ride Josh Steve Harvey Morning Show. In the Business, yeail, yeah, in the happy business. Oh yeah, I like that happy business. Yeah yeah, a lot of things going on, man, you know everything everything, do what it do. Tony Romo, the quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys, is leaving to go into broadcasting, and everybody is talking about it and tripping. I've met Tony Romo. I say, congratulations, homie, do what you gotta do. Because he can go into control booth make just as much money as he can play in football and ain't got to go to practice. What are they doing? Yeah? And you can talk way long, then you could play football. Get it started, yeah man, Yeah, and why go from the Cowboys and winning the organization because we'll take you into Cleveland Browns. I just want you to name it because we need anybody that can throw it anyway. If he changes mind, Steve, can you throw? That's our only requirement. Damn running plays? Can you throat? We'll take Tony Rome on Cleveland. But he ain't gonna go up there because then he showed up, gonna get hurt there because we ain't blocking. No, damn, that's why you say he retired. He said, if he can't stay healthy behind the best in the line in the NFL, going anywhere else is gonna get him hurt anything. That's right man, that he hurting his neck. Yeah, and uh, you know, I think it's a wise decision. So I say congratulations. Man. At one point in time, you got to reinvent yourself. Yep, you can't play football. Fair broadcast going out there, man, getting that booth, get yourself a nice fat check. Yeah, you've probably got a nice little bank roll. Saved up, and then you know he can go. He'd be a star in Dallas from now on. They're gonna give him car dealerships, commercials, Jerry Jones, let him work up there in the front office. Anything. All you got to do is just not talk about them on your way out and you'll have a career. Scottie Peppers still with the Bulls. Yeah, he's still I saw him at the game. You wanted Scotti. Pepper got sense man Scotti up. They're still getting them. Check coming in my dude down there. Or Ward Dunne, he's still in with the football team. He was with the Falcons. He was with man Warred Dunn doing good stuff in the community with them kids. Then programs. He got the Cats take care of walk done because he's smart. He got a hair cut and he's smart. I'm just trying to tell you, if you want them endorsement dollars, I'll tell you another dude to do to play for San Antonio. The Star wars saying Lennard, what's his name? Ka Kawhi Lennard, That boy is a superstar in the league. If he quit corn rolling his hair, he's in line for endorsements. If he take them corn rolls out his head. He is a superstar, and his endorsement value changes. That's the game of Madison Avenue. Man, it's it's it's it's the way they play. Why give them a reason not to pick you when you're trying to give him every reason to pick because you can't play basketball? Fair? Tim Duncan can make money in San Antonio till he lead his Earth. Yeah, but can we get Kevin Durant to brush heap boy Russia? They had the thing on the internet about them interviewing the brush. That's brush I never paid. Wait do you see you'll see it? He can ball? Oh, yes, he can. I love when you do that. I like that. And when he gets excited, don't don't he gets into it. Man. So you know, lot going on? Just to want throw some sports out there side she Oh, it's okay, Darling, it's okay, so Sheley, what would you like to talk about? H Well, that's important. I mean, Sureley, I like sports, but I love the shop to okay, I'm so to Steve. So to the guys. They love shoes. Tommy loves shoes. Tommy likes to shop. It does yeah, yeah, shoes Oh my goodness, shop. Yeah, Tommy loves to shop and Tommy loves shoes. Come on, really, I mean, like, what what how did y'all come to that conclusion? Because I've been shopping with us with them. Yeah what, Yes, you made shop? Yeah why are you so surprised about that? We're gonna love it. We might go to the mall or whatever. What's what's the shock about? Really? Yeah? This, and I know y'all go to lunch. This is the first time in all these years y'all ever said y'all go shopping with tough. I didn't know that kill Have you heard that? Never heard? But I mean it never came up. It doesn't mean that it didn't happen or it doesn't happen. It has I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm this first time. It did never come up, So don't ask me why I'm shocked. Yeah, well he did embarrass Remember that time. It was very embarrassing. No, no, I think we need to remember. We went to the Jimmy Choo store and Tommy asked a sales lady, where are the where are those red bottom shoes? Let me see some of those red bottoms? I was like, oh why why gas. Yeah, They're like, we don't say it's so embarrassed. What is Let me ask you something like, this is a shoe question, so you'll be able to get into this. Name your top three, Shirley and Carla, name your top three brands of shoes that you liked about. Okay, Um, I love Luvitan's. I think they're beautiful shoes. They do hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt, but I love those because they're so beautiful. On the foot, of course, beauty is pain, baby, Beauty is pain. We come back thirty something funny. We're gonna talk about Tommy's top line of shoes, and I promise you just gonna be. It's gonna be the same thing designers, ain't they not be? I'm talking about for him. Steve Hardy Morning Show, we're back coming up right after this song Tommy's favorite shoe lines. Right after this all right here we go. All right, Tommy, your top three getting boy shoes? How you getting? You go shopping with him? That the crime, Steve, is that you look like something's wrong with that. That's what I'm getting. I don't know about you, guys, but that's what I'm getting he shouldn't go shoot you with us. It's your attitude. It's the way you're Yeah, it's something about It's something about the way you're saying. It's everybody got out of it. Was that's the first I ever heard of it. All these years we've been on the add together, I ain't never heard y'all say y'all go shopping together. I'm just surprised. Don't don't, don't, don't, don't, don't block the answer to this question. Shop. No, I'm not. It's just your tone is it's kind of aggressive, Shirley. I'm talking about Tommy. I ain't talking you. I'm talking aggressive to Tommy. Asked you you and calling the real nice baby? I said, what's your favorite brother shoe? Was I aggressive with y'all? Color? No? But you are like why are you so shocked? Though? So it's like headlines to you that Tommy likes the shop with y'all. Okay, look at it, Mad, Now I see that's your attitude, Steve, Tommy got a wife. They are you talking about? Y'all said just on there like it ain't nothing, Wow, Timmy, Mad? Now he's still going shopping with you, stupid had better quit saying this, my wife, no them, Yeah, he doesn't buy us the stop he's just like sticking on. Stop stop going to this. It's too much damage. But I never knew that you put all that on it, though, Steve. But okay, come on, Tommy, answer, I don't know all I put on it until just now. I just fil'd out today. Stop trying to dress this up and let the boy answer this question, Tommy. Okay, hold, let me let me self So, Tommy, what's your top three favorite brands and shoes that you like? Jimmy Chown, Yeah, I got some cold m louivertone. Really my favorite is the Fair Gama I love. Can't you what is so hard to don't understand? I don't understand me. It's rich. I cannot believe it. Where's the Johnson Murphy's there? I still wear Nikes Junior. Where, No, you don't you gotta pass shoes? Remember the other shoes you got, the racing shoes you got? I had never heard of what's them call when you drive your sports call? What's what's the call? Is Tindy Tykes? I know? Yeah, yeah, they'm tiny types. They come with the tiny types. Yeah, all right, I don't know what we learned right here, right when we were just learning people's top three shoes, Tommy's Jimmy choose Christian Lubert and uh before we see a tiny types forms fair Gamo, what's your Stevens? We go out tom Ford, Stefano, ricci h and custom l vs oh l V. They make you for we gotta ask. I don't want to. I can tell you what Junior's is going out as we come out like our force ones, Yeah, converse and under armed. That's it. You're listening, all right, y'all coming up at the top of the our advertisers are pulling out from the Riley Factor. I didn't know that. I didn't know that. Surely got some stories about that. Plus MS ain't gonna be here with the latest from the White House. But up next, the King of pranks is in the building. He's gonna run that prank back force fool. What you got? Wedding and a fuel Steve, You ain't never You ain't never had one at the same time, same same church. You ain't you ain't ever seen that. But at the same time, I have had a weird Really it was your death right. As soon as I said, I do. I started done. I was a dead man standing up there. They could just push your casket right on over that too much. I do climbing, I do. I just went on and we got the crawled up in that white setting and just pulled it up over me and shut the lead down. My damn sick. I just want to be happy. Hello, ry all, I'm trying to got Ryan, Ryan, how are you doing? Hey, I'm good. On my second, This is Josh Josh over at se. I want to be officials at the church where you guys are getting married tomorrow. Yeah, yeah, how you doing? Man? They want to thank you all for that too. Man, Well, we'll appreciate it. Well, we definitely hope to make you remember here soon or later since you guys are getting married. You know, hey, man, you know I'm trying to get this work schedule changed up. You know what I'm saying. They got me working on Sundays now, man, So son it I tweaked at the mood that around a little bit. I'll be there, Okay. Listen, we have a bit of a situation has come up. We had some problems and and miscommunication and it's definitely been on the outside Uh. They had your name Ryan down here with your phone number as well as you're you're a soon to be wife, Sonya. They had her name here, but we didn't want to call her with this. We wanted to just reach out and talk to you and see if it just makes you aware of what's going on. Okay, Well, what's what's going on? Man? There's been a mix up on on scheduling. I don't know if you know such the Older make she passed away a week ago and you're not. You're not a member of the church, so you wouldn't know it. But she's one of the one of the oldest members here at the church. Such the Older maybe passed away. And what's going on? Is you all's wedding is tomorrow at twelve o'clock, right, but the actual funeral is at three o'clock here at the church. Okay, Uh, shame again, brother, who Josh, Josh, Okay, look your brother, Josh, um hey man, we we we already got this thing emotion, man, we didn't stand now there have been a two hundred differentations, man, I mean blessed and and and I understand that, but what I mean, you know, she's there's no way we could have moved it around. Now to figure solum, the funeral home is bringing the casket first thing in the morning. So what I want what I wanted to make you aware of, and I didn't want you to tell your wife this, but the actual casket will be in the Saint Rare, but we will have it. Hold hold on, man, are you serious? Now? Look at y'all need the moodest round. I don't know what y'all gonna do. Y'all have a fellowship all in the back or something like that. Uh, Ryan. The only place we can actually put the casket, and if we didn't put it there, is in the actual room that you're assumed to be wife would be changing it. That's the only place in changing the room when no dead body. But you can't. And you know what, I understood that that's the first thing I thought of, thought, I said, And that's still put the casket where it goes for the people, and we're gonna cover it up and see, basically, you actually gett't But I can't even believe you call on me with this man looking and excuse my French man. Yeah, I know I need to get back in the church. I really do. But right now, Dock, this ain't going down like this, man, we didn't already pay the money first First, first of all, first of all, you know she did. I don't even feel like she man had to pay, you know, to hold no wedding over at hut Hirt to where she paid times at. That's that's the first thing. You know. I ain't like that from the jumping. But I wouldn't here to when women because she want her pasta to marry us. And now you got to nerd to tell me that y'all will arrange something that for funeral gonna happen the same day as my wedding and my wife got to get dressed in the room with a dead body. Well, no, we're not gonna put it in there, bro. I was like I said, I'm putting that body the first thing in the morning. I'm gonna put that body in the right there in front of the fullpit, and we're gonna cover it. Now, what you're getting out of is you get more flowers, because there's gonna be flowers from the funeral. So I'm thinking that's probably gonna be a little bit of a perfect point. I just wanted you to be on it's probably gonna be more people than you think because some of the people that's gonna be a still wed and it's really for the funeral. A hold of man, are you serious? Right? And now? I mean, look at doctor, I've been paid for this when that happened at this church, man, okay, ain't and no disrespect to the lady that has past called blessed her family. I ain't planning to not putting no dead body, having no funeral at my wedding. Man, that's crazy. That church too, she's a member of the church too. I don't. I don't give it. I don't be no member of the church. Man. I have paid for this wed and it's gonna happen tomorrow. Man, you're my six and of putting the dead body, it's my wedding, right, I mean, no disrespect, but the woman has pass she's not gonna get up. I mean, what does the problem is? You called me with this man the day before my win and we didn't schedule there six months ago, five thirty thousand dollars on this wid okay, and I do want to tell me that we got to share. I will win with a funeral. Put the Hillers one with you, man, do you want to have you're winning at this church? I'll pay for them, and which meant I'm having the wind. Okay, I'll tell you what't live there about the bit in the mart I wrote right out to the street playing. Y'all got things the front and and and and throw flowers like throwing rice. But we're gonna have a win. It's at the same tier tomorrow. I promise you that I care. I care not assure you that there won't be. I have no other place to put the body. Okay, well, I'll bet you find someone to put it if I get that a march. It's about it in there. It's gonna be a couple of bouties in the name. Got two choices to move that funeral or to reimburse me back this thirty thousand dollars out an hour to spend those only two choices, I want to hear about it. Meet me at the front door to night with a thirty thousand dollar cash your check always said to have his winning up in that to morrow, marning. You heard me. I ain't playing. I ain't playing at all, No jokes. That's wrong with y'all. Man. You can do something else understand that nothing I don't want to get from you. Man, All I'm saying is it's gonna be a winning at this church tomorrow without saying about it. That's all I'm saying. Push it to the bad man. There's there's one more, a bit of an issue that I need to tell you. Also, what can be worse than a dead about it? What issue can be worse than dead? By that way, the man the issue, sir, that it is worse than the dead body. Gals this deal A few timings from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Your best man, Jeff got me the prank phone call you what you know? The way made the bench man about to get the best when he can possibly get man playing this then God leads that you just uh beat down possible Bay and I'll tell you alright, one more question. What's the baddest radio show in the land? Ryan? Steve? Good morning show? Babe. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show alright. According to the Washington Post, Mercedes Benz and Hyundai have a pull ads from Fox News host Bill Riley after a New York Times report reveal that uh O'Reilly and his employer had paid five five women thirteen million dollars to settle allegations of sexual harassment and verbal abuse. Okay. In a statement to CNN on Monday, a spokesperson for Mercedes ben said they're advertising on the O'Reilly Factor, Fox's new Fox News most popular show had been reassigned in the midst of the controversy. The allegations are disturbing, and given the importance of women in every aspect of our business, we don't feel this is a good environment in which to advertise our products right now. That's according to Donna Bowland, corporate communications manager at Mercedes Benz. Meanwhile, the cable network faces another legal dispute. That's Fox Now. In a season of turmoil, Former Fox News and contributor Julie Roginsky filed a lawsuit alleging she was sexually harassed by the cable networks former chairman Roger Ales. The Wall Street Journal reports She says she rejected his unwanted advances and claims he and other executives retaliated by denying her a promotion. Wow, pretty serious, Yeah, isn't this what Congresswoman Maxine Waters was talking about last week when Bill came out as a story. Yeah, Bill O'Reilly was talking about her hair. Yeah, so well, you know, you gotta be careful, man, You gotta be careful when you're talking about people. Of course, messing you be one to three tag you it. Yeah, yeah, he said he was a target, you know, I mean sometimes that's true. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Thirteen million though, Yeah, you got to come up with some pictures or something. Now, yeah, I need pictures and tapes. Maybe a million. Let me hear what I see it, Let me see it, yeah, let me see it, all right, get hunting fifty? You say that, Yeah, I see that. I got fifty. That he ain't working. But I mean I hear what you're saying to Steve. A person in your position would be a target. You're rich, you're famous, you know things like that. Well, I am a target. I mean, you know, I thank God that he protects me from my enemies. I'm Isaiah seventeen all date, but no weapon formed against me. I've come to a time but praise God that I haven't had to suffer that, uh, that type of thing. But I've had, like when I won my federal case this year. This had been going on twenty years of someone who was extorting me for money for twenty years, and I finally finally got into federal court after six different lawyers picked up the case and find out they didn't have nothing. And then all of a sudden he gets they get a lawyer and they take me the federal court and I'm in there man for a week. I'm in front of a jury and everything, and by the grace of God, he just protected me. But the sad part of it is when these people come against you to try to get up on this absorbed amount of money and then find out they was wrong and they was lying. Then they it's this Mr Case, You're free to go. Mr Harvey, You're absolutely innocent. But then that person right there, they get to skip their ass to the house, and I'm trying to be going, damn dog, I'd have took off work, damn never missed Miss Universe in the Philippines. And then someone gets to just go home. What we should have ten years ago when this first off, it was this whatever happened to decades? Yeah, we don't let this go. Two decades, we couldn't. This man with have been go. We whooped his head. Two or fifteen years ago, we got a whopping over. We've been your uncle. Just can't go around, you know, just starting fights with people. He's a brand. You don't never let me with nobody. Let me whip somebody hands sometimes second and we all we got to go through court. I all eat legal fiends start whooping people hands. Whatever happened to ride down there? Dot com? Oh man not hes taking the high road because he famous? Somebody? Why are we famous? Why are we famous? I love you, Tommy, No, That's what I'd be wanting. But you can't, I really do, man, because you know what, man, it's just so crazy. Man, because just as a man, yeah, just as a man, you know, man likes It's just it's this dude I'm looking for right now, right now, because just as a man, he crossed the line with me. Introduced before you get more even more riled up. Okay, maybe we got three times. But when I see you don't something with your half famous, when I see you introduced her, please missing the lovely and talented one, come in here, talented, miss Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Good morning, everybody. SANDERP with the news. Okay, let's get into some big stories. Former national security advisors Susan Rice is rejecting accusations coming out of the right wing media that she supposedly sought for political purposes to unmask the identities of Trump transition team members who were casually caught talking to Russians during the legal surveillance of some foreign officials. Now, Rice, speaking on MSNBC, readily admits that as National Security Advisor, she had the right and did, in fact ask intelligence agencies to identify the U S officials whose names had been masked in their report. It was not uncommon. In fact, it was necessary at times to make those requests to find out the identity of the U S officials on every topic under the sun, when it seemed relevant. I don't have a particular recollection of doing that more frequently after the election, for example, than doing so before. And Rice said she did not seek to identify the names of people working on Trump's transition team for political purposes. She insists she leaked nothing to nobody, never has, and never would. The U S. Senates debating Neil Gore Reusuch's nomination to the Supreme Court, with a GOP lacking the sixty votes necessary to confirm him under current Senate rules, Republicans could get the rules and change them, change that could permanently alter both Senate and the Court. Democratic Senate Charles Schumer says President Trump should just simply nominate somebody else. We lost one, they lost one. We should now get in the room and come up with a compromise to avoid the nuclear option that so many Republicans are reluctant to take. Of course, Santa Schumer referring to President Obama's pick for the seat, Merrick Garland, who Republicans refused to even give a courtesy interview to for almost a year, holding off until Mr Obama had to leave office. The v IF GOP lawmakers changed the rules, then from now on, the Chamber will only need a bear majority to end debate on any future nominee. So anybody who's in the majority, any party who's in the majority, could just simply push whoever they like. Through Fox TV host A Bill Riley, who recently made a disrespectful crack about Congressman Maxine waters Hairstyle losing tons of advertisers for his show about twenty one of them. Yesterday, Mercedes Ben's Hundad said that they were pulling their ads off the Oriley factor because the report about five settlements with women who allegedly said that O'Riley subjected them to sexual harassment verbal boo. I don't know what kind of car or Wiley likes, but if his tastes way towards the German, he might want to start singing, Oh lord, won't you a Mercedies bends? So, oh lord, won't you by me a Mersedies? Yeah, because they're not going to give him one san trip on a Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, thank you, miss Sanne. Coming up at eighteen after the hour. The Butterfly. Well, let's see, it's it's Wednesday, so I guess it'll be open. It's the Butterfly's turn. Okay, okay, it's the Butterfly's here. We think he's up next with the blog. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Eighteen minutes after that, we're back up. I get today's confused. I think it's oatmeal oatmeal today. It was two on a Thursday oatmeal, and it was supposed to be Monday, Wednesday Friday to gene. Because stay, it's Wednesday. Okay, ladies and gentlemen, it's time for the blog. Ladies and gentlemen, here it is the bling bling blog. Already oatmeal ge get money, good money to everyone. Stephen Time Sharley College Jr. Money of you? It is not helped me up and Twine Perkinson this morning, Good morning. Pause, what's wrong? You're out of breath? You're pausing. We're live. Let's go and are you telling about my God? Because I bring them to you? How my block today? It's walk to work day today. That's the that's the block to day. People need to get out and you need to You need to try and walk to work today and get a little bit of exercise in and see your environment and see what you Hello a minute, you didn't walk the whole way, did you? You do? I got away from my house, yes, he said, he looks like a couple of blocks down. Hello, Hello, Steve, I got a cramp? How is he this winded from just walking? Hello? Are you power walking? Yeah? But now I was just working because I don't get it. I don't get this. It sounds like you've been being chased. You're just okay, you won't do realize this is crazy? What's up? I need you to rub my right foot, my heell is just out listen. Today is National Walk to Work Day Today get out and walk to work. And I came up with this blog last night, but I didn't realize how far we were from the studio. So that is the blog, get out and walk to work. Explore your surroundings. A lot of people you're getting your cards and you just you ride and you never see really what's going on in your neighborhood, your surroundings and things on the way to work. Then you need to check it out. You need to be able to see what's going on around you. Your neighborhood is so imparted. Okay, suppose you aren't work in your neighborhood. It I didn't think about that because I don't either, So that's the problems. You may want to ride a little while and didn't and didn't get out of a while, But that's the blog is national What Yeah, you did? You use a step counter? You know how people measure their steps when they're walking. My fit bit down fit my reason now, but it's I'm getting it back to where it's fitting. What the last loop that I had was, it wasn't stretching it. But I'm gonna get it there. I'm just working on my weight and just it was too much. You're gonna walk to work my foot. You're just sitting there looking at me breathe and not doing that my foot. So I'm not touching your crusty grown ass man foot. I'm not doing it, dude. I did this right now. My foot is sorry. I've been walking. We are friends, yes, yes, but that's beside the case. Were not friends. I don't. I ain't got you. You look at it? Can I just jump in your right wig? Yeah? I know that he jumped into man yesterday? But who enjoy did? Right there? And to walk the words sweaty out when you get to work? Who fit to do the I'm not right there. I don't saying I want to know who call it? You're gonna walk to work like sir? Anybody anybody else here feeling this blow? Walk to work? Who feeling? It's some place? It's snow where it's place with it raining? You know what I'm saying. It's places where the seated uh stretched way? Who the hell walk into work? Now? The bridge out in the Lantak. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up next we're gonna go to the phones. According to a survey by vault dot com, of all workers have had an office romance, seven of those say they think dating a coworkers really cool, even if that coworkers their boss. Have you ever dated a coworker? Have you ever dated your boss? Did you keep it a secret? It did? Everyone? No? Eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve call us, we'll be back our question of the week. Have you ever dated a co worker? Call us? Eight seven seven nine, Steve, Yeah, what what the day? Well, you guys didn't know me? Oh, shirltad. No, you didn't know me? Oh yeah, I did. Well, anyway, you didn't know me. I didn't well, I didn't know you. I'll put it like that. Yeah, No, I didn't know you. Here you mean you ain't know me? I didn't know you. What is so hard to know about that? I mean I didn't know you like I know you. Now, that's what you mean. I knew who you were, That's what you're talking about. You knew of you? Yeah, I knew you. Worried about talking you, Tom. It's a time to marriage to your question. You have a dated of co work? Yeah, it's safe to say everybody on the show. Dude, Yeah, fu people at work. Yeah, Junior, I dated two at the same time at the jail right from needed Too. I was working at GM won't work in painting body and won't worked in trimp. I was going down this seat up, have you sir? Yeah? He said, yeah, I love you work. We thought it was for the check. What to work for my check and to find somebody to spend it out. I'm not gonna be coming down here for eight hours and ain't nothing happening I work. Well, you can't have a work wife, Tommy, once you're married. She's just gonna keep walking past him. When Steve Kitchen nephew, do you hear him? No, go ahead, I didn't have work life time, and go ahead and say it. What's wrong with having to work life if you're married, you can't have one. You can't do that once you're married. Ye to this, Tommy, it definitely rules to this. Yeah, I said a single person on the showf you know, work wife, it leads a divorce in real life, thank you? And what does that really mean? It's just the person your friend at work, person you hang out with, you go to lunch. Yeah, but it could lead to stuff. It's overdoing. Watch this right here, This one's gonna be good. Tommy. Yeah, Now I ask you. I know this crazy asked question, but I'm asking you because you crazy and so are you. So Tommy, you had to sleep with somebody m that you work with, who would it be? Answer you? And I think I think based on the Bill Rolly thing, we should probably not use that question some sense than you because of Bill don't if he wouldn't in trouble. We have to answer this question, right, Junior, My goodness, listen, let's put it out there like this though. If I all of us was on the island the morning show and is it we can't come back. We ship wrecked. We're there, We're like get again there we can We're not leave. Who y'all gonna peak for the rest of your time on the Oh, I'm not answering between me, you and JR. I'm picking calling. I'm both of them. That's where I'm gonna be. What did you say? You ain't You're back to your co plan so you ain't a sexy as you? Thank you? He y'all. When we come back after the break at four day after hour, the fool is here the king of pranks in the building. You're listening, Steve. All right, y'all for that minutes after that hour, coming up at the top of the hour. You know what we got strawberry later all right, now it's a good one, but food right now? What you got? Uh? Us? Your bow? I see it, luss your boat board? Same thing. But you know when you you really went to church? Is plus your boat? Oh? Us your board? That's your boat gone, that's your boat. Well we put up with it all less. Hello, hello, we put up with it and hello Hello. Yes, sir, I'm trying to reach your sus sister Regina. This is okay, Supina? You one of the ushers at the church, right, yes, I am okay the first of all, do you do you have a minute? I have a minute. I'm at work right now. To me, let me get over here someone where I could talk. Huh yes, who am I speaking with? This? Brother? Corrupted brother? Cause Robert, how you doing today? Brother? Happy new year? Faik god? You know whatever? Whatever? Let me let me say this right here. Here's here's what reason why I'm calling you. Because this year we're not putting up with it all last year, we put up with it, and we're not putting up with it this year. And the problem I got. The problem, my God, is what you ushers. You ushers are are sitting people up front because they you're all friends and so. And when somebody else coming there and don't really y'all ain't friends with y'all sitting them in the back, I won't give them if this room up front on them pills. We ought to be able to sit up there, brother, Cause brothers, we are not doing that. Brother, that's not what we're doing. We are at church of love, and us ushers we believe in love, or we sit everybody accordingly. Now let me tell you something. Quit all that trying to be nice and churchy and churchified with me, because you know what y'all doing. You usher's been doing that. Y'all did it all last year. You sit all your friends up front close to path else, and everybody else sit in the back. And I'm calling. I'll let y'all know I'm not putting up with it this year. Y'all. If I get there in this room on the front view or the second pew, then that's why I expect to be seen. Because y'all. Y'all been doing that crap for the last two years. Y'all been doing that. Well, I tell you what, brother Corrovers, I'm seeing a spirit of pride coming from you. And Privers thirteen and ten said tried only breathes quarrels, but wisdom is found in those who take advice. Now, I told you I'm at work, and I really don't know why you're calling me with this right now while I'm at work doing work. Times the time to talk about this is doing the church meeting. Now you welcome to come to the usher board meeting. Who is the president of the usher boy? Since the valry is over to us, your boyd Okay? So so this is what you do? Okay, Sister Virginia, you tell Sister Valerie you go when when when do y'all havell y'all meet every Tuesday and Thursday night? Okay? So this is what I want. So maybe this needs to be brought up at the meet because I'm day this right now because see, I don't want to blow up and be something bigger that that that that we can't him. But in twenty four things, y'all not sitting people. Well, y'all want to sittle y'all not doing it. Let me tell you something, Okay, brother Cruthers, I told you now, I'm at work, and what you're gonna do is you're gonna come over to this usher boy and meet No either Tuesday night or Thursday night, and you're gonna address this to the meeting and you're gonna bring this up the sister Valeri and all of us as they're accordingly not the way you're doing it right now. I'm not the person who you're supposed to be calling with this, Okay. Now, I really would like to know how you got my phone number anyway, because I'm unlisted in the church directory. One of the deacons gave me your number, told me you'll be able to wanted. I don't know the deacon now. He told me I could call you and you will be the one who could take all my complaint down. Okay, well I heard you complainting. I told you what you're supposed to do. Now, I'm gonna tell you this right now. Blessed them which persecute you, blessed and curse not but right now so you're about to make me curse. I ain't about caring about about you curse. You're up here telling me, oh, what scripture? This isn't that is all I need your But I told you to stop calling me at my job. I got people around there looking at me. I worked in the cubicle. Don't call me on my job with this book, with this mess. Okay, now, right now again, I wouldn't be calling you. Wouldn't, no mass, if you sit people where they want to sit. See y'all trying to sit what he wants to be sitting that I didn't do that. We don't there that that this church. That's not the way we asked. We asked her kindly. You ain't asking accordingly. And beyond them seems to be opened up front. Y'all don't live about dogs. I was on for the mothers of the church, and there's are for the dickens. I don't care if the mother got to sit in the back of the church if I get there before her. Shoot, y'all ain't got no season seatment Lord, He's just ain't no football girl helping Lord. The Lord is slow. The anger and greater power in the Lord were by no means clear the guilty help will no I hold my mouth, hold my mouse Okay, I heard what you're saying. Brother, Hold yo, my mouse. I tell you what. I'll tell you what you better. You're gonna hold your hand in the right direction. Point me to the right pew, come sunday, that's what you better be holding. Hold your hand in the right direction. Point me to about to make me lose my religion up here. And I've been a Christian whoma for Dirk to yell. Now, brother, come up, I'm gonna tell you for the last time, come on down to the usher board next TuS are you can come on your time to be coming on me and no no tools. You just do what I tell you to do. You what you're saying. What you're saying, God is a good and gracious God, is what I said. God is a good and gracious God. That's all I'm gonna saying. Okay, is you gonna do what I told you? I told you to take take my information down to that user for and come sunday, y'all better be letting people sit where they want to sit. Not Do you have that understood? Do you hear what I'm telling you? Okay, let me check down your information. What you say your name is again? My name is Alton Carruthers at Carruthers. Yeah, okay, brother Carrucas. Okay, all right then, and what's your phone number? You don't mean my number. You just gonna get in contact with, don't you know more. I ain't gonna tell you do what you do what I tell you to do. You take that information to that usher board. You know what, you can just kiss my and you know what I don't give us in the hell you sit at in the church the way you're talking to me, you don't call my job. I have gone every way I could to appease you this early in the morning, but you're no way. You didn't want that. So kiss my natural brown all male color. And I've seen now you didn't got out of line. Now you didn't got out of line. I'm saying you heard what I said. I heard what you said. Okay, well let me let me let me say this to you. Was you listening to me? I'm listening loud and clear. I got my hero a a fact a lot all right there? Since you got it up extra line, then you automated. Hear me tell you that this is next you Tommy from the Steve Harvey more than his show. Your husband, Darrel gotta be the prey phone call you. Well, I get that rascal. Lord. Lord, this ain't gonna in the radio, is it? Oh? No, I has to go here this uh oh Lord, we go here? Oh? You know what you people to do that? You farce people to do that. See, I never did take that was doing the least. Hey, let me ask you something, baby, One more thing. What is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the lane? Steve Harvey in the morning show, and all you ushers out there, they're standing there at that dough and look out there, uh into the little uh way, dear you and whole people stop, get to work on get to church on time. Yeah, you get everywhere else on time. Be on time for the Lord. Amen, Shirley, we're speaking for the us. Look back into the window. You can see him looking at it. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's a time. Buckle up, hold on tight strawberry letter three subjects. I finally told him about the baby. Hello, Shirley and Steve. My engagement has been broken off for three months now because my fiance married another woman while we were engaged anyway. After he left for basic training last year, I found out I was pregnant with his baby. I lost the baby at eight and a half weeks. I never told him because I knew it would hurt him. Now that he is married, he keeps texting me telling me he loves me, and it's just checking on me. So I found the guts to tell him about the baby. He still asked me questions like do I still love him, and serious stuff that he shouldn't be considering that he cheated on me, got her pregnant, then married her while we were still together. I'm not over him, but I can't go back to him because the way he handled it. I uh, he lied and I had to find out the truth I wanted to answer, so I got them. Now, my heart won't let him go. He's always texting me, not checking on me because he cares about me. It's probably because I opened my big mouth about the baby. I still love him, but I can't go back. Somebody, please, I need some light on this situation, all right? You know simple, just leave this man alone. You know you're just so much better than this. He made his choice, Now why is he back over here? Bothering you. You know, have you asked yourself that why is he back? You know it's more than just the baby. I mean, you know you can let him think that if you want to, about the baby that you lost, But it's more than that. I think he's got his cake and I think he wants to eat it too. But don't let him play you, you know. And I understand that it might be taking you a minute to get over the pain, but believe me, you can move on and get over this. You know, get busy, fill up your life with things and activities that will take your mind off your ex. And please just stop engaging him, stop entertaining him. Don't take his calls, don't answer his text messages. You know he can only do what you allow him to do. You know you say you can't go back. You said that a couple of times in your letters. So stay away, stay away from him, and your heart will find hello. It'll take a minute, but your heart will follow you, not him. Steve wow Um this letter right here, ladies, I gotta ask you, so how bad do you want to be beat? I mean, are you volunteering for these beatings? I mean, I'm not talking about a physical beating. This is a mental beating. This woman is taken. I can't imagine. I can't imagine doing this to a woman, but I really can't imagine a woman having this done. You engaged to your fiance and while you're engaged, he marries another woman. That. Wow, man, you talk about some doggish mess. There is no way he can explain this to you. This is doggishness at his highest level. I mean, outside of physical abut you, I mean, man, this this is pretty ugly right here. This is pretty pretty ugly to lead a woman down the path thinking she has a fiance, saying she's getting married, and while you engage, he marries another woman. Okay, anyway, Then she says, anyway, after he left for basic training last year, I found out I was pregnant with his baby. I lost the baby at eight and a half weeks. Never told him because I knew it would hurt him. Wow, that's why you didn't tell him, because you knew it would hurt him. You're awfully considerate of a person who ain't considerate of you at all. You are really really a nice person? Or are you this naive? I mean, okay, you knew it would hurt him. So I can't stop you from being a nice person. Now that he's married, he keeps texting me telling me he loves me, and it's just checking on me. Why are you even entertaining this guy? Why? What? What? What did he say to you? Now? Why? Ladies, stop entertaining these men who mean you absolutely no good that this guy he's playing on. Oh man, So then you found the guts to tell him about the baby. He still asked me questions like do I still love him? And serious stuff that he shouldn't be considering. He cheated on me, got her pregnant, then married her while we were still together. Two people pregnant at the same time by the same guy. He picks up her and marries her and leaves you and yours to just deal with it. Why are you still talking to this man? I'm not over him, but I can't go back to him because of the way he handled it. No, no, no, this isn't the way he handled it. This is the way he did you. He handled it the way he wanted to handle me. He did not care how you felt or thought about it at all. He lied and I had to find out the truth. What he done a dirty then he put it on the internet. I'm lost. Who is this guy? Who? Who is this guy? He's pretty ignorant and pretty bold at the same time. Now my heart won't let him go. He's always texting me, not checking on me, because he cares about me. It's probably because I opened up my big mouth about the baby. The baby's gone, lady, the baby is gone. He ain't texting you about the baby. He keeps texting thing you, telling you that he loves you, and he's telling you stuff and discussing important stuff that you're not supposed to be discussing. Considered, you don't understand what's happening. He's trying to get you back. If you go for this, you got coming whatever he gonna bring to you, because he fit to bring some more grief. Run as fast as you can. Will be wrong, all right? I got part to it. Why would we be right back? And you know the subject of her letter is I finally told him about the baby. That has nothing to do with this letter. This, This is so so the wrong way to look at this, young lady. Uh. My engagement has been broken off at three months now because my fiance married another woman. While we were engaged anyway, he left the basic training. Last year, I found out I was pregnant with his baby. I lost the baby at eight and a half weeks. Never told him because I knew it would hurt him. Now that he's married, he keeps texting me telling me he loves me. It's just checking on me. So I found the guts to tell him about the baby. He still asked me questions like do I still love him, and serious stuff that he shouldn't be considering that he's cheated on me, got her pregnant, then married her while we were still together. I'm not over him, but I can't go back to him because of the way he handled it. He lied. I wanted answer, so I got them. Now my heart won't let it go. He always texting me, not cheating on me, because he cares about it. He's always texting me, not checking on me, because he cares about me. It's probably because I opened my big mouth about the baby. I still love him, but I can't go back. Somebody, please, I need some light on this situation. The only light you need on this situation. Get your mind cleared up. First of all, it ain't got nothing to do with this baby. He ain't calling you because the baby gone. He calling you back because he's he's a trip. Listen to me, this man marry someone while he was engaged to you. You had no idea that he was seeing anyone else. I find it very difficult to believe. Ladies, you always know, you all always know. It's just what you don't want is the truth. So you ignore the signs. You had to ignore the signs. Come on, now, he ain't that busy. See, busy men have busy money to show forward. Please know that about us. Secondly, um, you say he went off to basic training. The problem is, and I'm gonna share that with you in a minute, but you're dealing with a man who has not come of age, and it's gonna bring you down while he figures it out. See, he still ain't figured it out. After getting another woman pregnant marrying her, he's now trying to cheat back with you. He's learned nothing from the incident of cheating on you. So now until he comes of age, you're gonna mess around and keep talking with this man. He gonna bring you down till he figured it out. And when he figured it out, guess what he's gonna be with somebody else, and you're gonna be looking stupid for a second time. See, your your man went off to basic training, but he still does not have the basic training of manhood and ladies. No matter how hard you try, you can bring out the best in a man, or what you cannot do is make a man and be a man. Okay, that's a difference. You can bring out the best in a man, but you cannot make a man be a man. Today's Strawberry Letter is posted on Steve Harvey dot com. You can tweet or instagram me your thoughts at my girl. Surely now coming up after the break at thirty four after the hour, miss Anne will be here with today's national news. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, coming up next, y'all, miss and be here. Well, if you want to take a selfie with your election ballot and posted online, you could do it now without penalty. There, they won't penalize you at all. Now. Yeah, the Supreme Court kept a federal appeals court ruling in place that struck down the band back in September on free speech grounds. New Hampshire officials who brought the suit argued that by posting ballots online was a way to buy votes in the technological age uh. The appeals court rejected that argument, saying their concerns were too broad. In its opinion, the court offered, the ballot selfie prohibition is like burning down the house to roast a pig. Wow, that's the example. So now when you vote, you can take a picture. Okay, remember justin Timberlake got in trouble. When he got in trouble. Yeah, okay, yeah, but one thing, So we got to get this pig roasted if we have to burn down the house to do it. She is here with this. I was headline plank you Joe hands go come on, no for the one only miss a okay, gives me a little bit. This is there. Good morning, okay, all right, here is the news. Are a lot of stuff going on a lot of places for small the United Nations. This morning, the Security councilor scheduled AHOLD an emergency meeting on the suspected chemical attack in northwestern Syria. Anti government activists say forces local president Sad attacked a town called con shake Koun with chemical weapons and killed at least fifty eight people at least eleven children with chemicals. Very very horrible, horrible story. Un Security Council announcing today's emergency session in response to request from Britain and France. Farmer National Security Advisor Susan Rice says she did nothing wrong when she unmasked the identities of Trump associates caught on legal surveillance talking to Russians. She says she was simply doing her job and that unmasking is not the same as leaking someone's name, something she says she never has and never would do. By the way, going to a new CBS poll, half the American public believes that Russia did medal in the last presidential election. Send a majority. Leader Mitch McConnell preparing to cut off and expect the filibuster by Democrats against Neil Gorser's denomination to the Supreme Court. M'connor, who held up President of Alma's nominee to the High Court for almost a year, is claiming that the Democrats are merely acting partisan in a partisan manner, and that that's why there's going to be a role change yeah that allow for a simple majority to confirm High Court justices from now on. However, Minority Leader Child Schumer says this is really all about the Republicans who won't negotiate and who only want their way. Period won't be because Democrats won't confirm any President Trump nominated justice, because that's not true. It will be because they choose to do so, and they will have to bear the unfortunate consequences, and Schumer says Republicans should simply come up with another nominee that both parties can kind of get with. National Weather Service says that the southeastern United States and for another day of severe weather. In fact, strong thunderstorms expected today from Alabama all the way to South Carolina. Fox TV host Bill O'Reilly, who recently made a disrespectful crack about kongs and mountain lasting waters hairstyle, losing tons of advertisers for his show At last count, about twenty one of them Mercedes Been hun Day just yesterday. Fox says they're moving some of those advertisers to other shows and today is a cl Awareness among Women Day, National Bell Bottoms Day, I still have some I think, and National Golfer Prompt Day. You know what I mean. But I am with you and it's nantip on the Steve Harvey Body Show. Bump bump, bump, Thank you, miss Anne. When we come back from the break at forty eight after the hour, our question of the week, have you ever dated a co worker? Call us eight seven seven twenty nine, Steve. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Our question of the week continues. According to a survey by vault dot com, fifty percent, that's half of all workers have had an office romance. Of those surveys said they think dating a co worker is cool, even if that co worker is a boss. Have you ever dated a co worker or your boss? Did you keep this relationship a sacred or did other people at the office? Now give us a call eight seven seven, because I thought I was a secret, but they come on, man, we know God. Let's go to line one and talk to Raymond. How to Nevada? Steve, Yeah, good morning, nothing much. How are you guys doing this morning? Now? We're good. You have a you have had an affair with somebody at your office? I wanted to Yeah, that's that's the reason why I called. I had where I was a store manager at Verizon wil I met this wonderful lady at a meeting in Arizona that we had come and at the time, I didn't know that she was together with anybody. We talked and exchanged the numbers, good conversation to come to find out, I fly around here to Las Vegas and we got to know each other, not knowing that she was the boss is my bosses lady, So yeah, I didn't. I didn't know this until we went to UH because Verizon always has these dinners and so on and so forth. So we went to a dinner on Christmas and I've seen her there and after we've been you know, she's been kind of hot, and now I knew there was something going on. But you know, a man doesn't pay too much attention when he gets what he wants. So it's when it came down to it, I've seen her with this man, and I was I was shocked. I couldn't believe it. And then I asked him, I said, who mask, Who's this to you? And he told me this is my wife. So I end up going into a different situation. UH. Once we, you know, left to dinner, I end up calling her a couple of days later and I asked her what the hell was going on. She said, I didn't know how to explain it to you. I said, well that was the worst way. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, because you'd walked up at the dinner and patted him. Hey what's up girl? Yeah, exactly. So, to make a long story very short, we actually continued our venture together. So we end up taking a trip to San Diego where he was gonna be there, and it was another meeting, and when I walked up to him, I literally went up to him and explained everything that has been going on. Right, Raymond, you went up to your boss to tell him what was going on. Yes, I was going to lose my job. But but framor right, man? Possibly your life? What when you fall in love with somebody? Wait a minute, we love. I'm a very stupid man. Let me ask one question. What's your nationality? I'm Puerto Rican a Dominican. No, he'll know him? No, he no? Better, that ain't. I just wanted I don't know what nationality. He could have said what it is, would have made no damn. I'm like, yeah, what difference does it make? Well? Unfortunately I didn't end up losing my job. Of course, um and me and her have been together for six years and have a child now together. So what you guys married? Stop? Stop stop stop stop? Yeah, okay, what are you laughing at? Good to be on the phone with your hey man, this is ignorantance. Mess. Ye. I don't, I don't. I haven't done the marriage thing yet. We were waiting because I want to get married in the manical republic um with my whole family there. So it takes a lot of money to fly at. See when you went and told the man you were sleeping with his wife, he didn't whoop your ass. I don't know, not at all. Let's let's hold him over. Let's let's come back. Okay, hold on man, Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, you can't hold on you right back. I'm trying to figure out. I don't know just who you told us to come to my face with that and just said you've sleeping with my wife. You right there? If I pointed to the woman, you say, yes on start whooping your all right, We'll be right back. All right, now, you stayed there, You stay there, you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, alright, we're back, We're back. Robert Raymond Raymond ry oh oh oh, that's the stupidest thing in this conversation. Raymond. You mess us up with this story. I just want you to know that you really messed up. Do you still do you still work for love? I would let go it. Yeah. Where were you at when you told this man you sleep with his wife? Well, we were downstairs in the meeting. There's a I don't know if you ever been in to the San Diego the w hotel. Downstairs, there's a little conventional dinner hall where you get to eat some one tell forth where everybody gets together. So obviously he didn't want to do anything in that point in time because I thought it was the best time to do it. Listen to me, No, hell no. How many people was around when you told this man you would sleeping with his wife? Oh, I would say about a hundred hundred and fifty people. Can't do now, that's enough people to see if you running the company though, I don't give a damn what I'm reading. I've been in surprize fights before, I've been at MGM sold out. I was a hold of Field or Tyson fight when he is there. While my ass would have been the same thing you told me. You see my wife party in front of how hell yeah, okay, So then you told him that, and so then what did he say? What was his response when you said, tell me exactly what you said to him, just real quick? What was the line you used? What was the line you used to tell him you sleeping with it wife? You tell me the line you said? Well, the bad part about it is is that we were actually really good friends. Who was so? Who was good? It was explaining to him because he gave me a lot of opportunity in the company, and uh so what he just he looked at me. I told him, I said, listen, um, his name is John, I said, John, I just would like to let you know that I've been actually having uh sex relations with your wife and uh for quite time. This just can't be true. You know, you said that for usself quite some time. It's been quite some time. And he looked at me with disgust and walked away. Didn't save much. And when I came back to Las Vegas, obviously I would have to I had to pick up my stuff because this is the work to right to work state where they could fire you for anything. So they have all the fights out in Vegas time but that's what they did. And I understand that, but I just knew that it was the right thing to do. Um. She was scared to tell him, so I decided to you know what, don't y'all killed me when y'all do something wrong and then decide what's the right thing to do. Yeah, that's the problem that sometimes there's not a writer or wrong on way to do this. But it was the right thing to do. And Brandy, Brandy listen to me, was that now we had read Okay, but can I say something? Yeah, go ahead to stumped your ass that damn table. I to god, I wouldn't. You're not telling me that. I don't give it down. Who you tell it to me in front of even if it's true he said you walked away. The husband walked away. I ain't walking away. I'm gonna walk away because you under the table locking my legs. Don't get under that normal. Well, he's he's a big person in the company. Obviously, I wouldn't. I still with me. Yeah, show you will be the smallest person. But damn who you can you think as you big? You can't get your ass on. Know how big are you? Raymond? How tall are you, Raymond, how tall like I'm five? What did you talk? The same way? By this? All y'all? Shout asked me. Thank you something? You five? You've been five four? How about you? Weight rabond? I waited about you just look like a little artament. Yell a lamb over there looking like a console TV. Remember them TV? You sit on the float, the flash and flow model over there, A little little little you're just a little deep freezing looking a little something. He walked up to. I didn't even know how he got quite some time out of his mouth. And I'm gonna tell you so it's all day, all right, Raymond stomped all for you. Thank you Raymond? Um wow, what a story. Huh. We'll be back back. You're listening to Save Hardy Morning Show. I'm coming up next pastor Motown Tack and death jam in the building so late. So I'm right a hun and I am Deacon Deaf Jams and to gavel here and I being he mean Hills. It's leading co stitious or the j P. That's the jack pot Joint of Jerusalem, chinge chese back real at your boys today we are taking a look at Horris School. Let us begin with start to tarry star read e Sagittarius passed. It says, pay close attention to your dreams. Right now, they are giving you a map to follow. Stop right there. You don't know what the way you're going because you ain't following your dreams no more. It's better to lay down and go to sleep, have a dream and continue with. And if you're dreaming about it, why don't you make a move at us, say something to hide that's going to be effective, so you can follow your map. Yeah, baby, you can get a lay down on them. Now. Why don't you just draw the map on her backside? Why don't you re route your way into Hell? Yeah, I tend straight on up now. Oh but you hook around the foe swinging up around two eighty five. Look at you now, Yeah, get it going seventy one offense out or you can just take ninety five and go across the country. Lord, but if you get on the turnpike, love your side, make an exit right off her hill and you know you're wanted. All you got to do is pay your tool. That's all you gotta do, because that's going to be I told, Yeah, but then there ain't nothing like when you get off, yes, lord, on the exit right, come on here, now, when you rung up in the something that says danger calves approach, pull over on the should your side and check out the b here you get up in there at that railroad crossing, you got the little both way. Just don't run out of gas. Don't do that. Not on the bridge, oh lord, not on the because the bridge ain't got no show. Yeah, ain't nothing like a little overpack, yes, indeed, yes, or even sometimes you just got the stuff and get off at the way station and when it all out, yeah, well you pick up something you can. But if it's too tin, I mean hell yeah. But but I tell you right now, I like when the truck stop. Just get off at the truck stop, boy to do some things at the rest air put the tile up in the window. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hit it time for the back to back jail. Come on, get it playing, Come on cut hey, y'all coming up. We got time for just one more thing. Mike EPs is sorry, Oh yeah, wait till you hear this story. Hold up, just my dude, let me see what I got. What's happening? You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up. We got time for just one more thing. Uh, Mike EPs is sorry, I want to hear this story. Yeah, all right, Steve, this is crazy. I mean, we all love Mike ups right. Um, he's been dealing with backlash in the wake of incorporating um something into his act. Um. At his Detroit show last Friday, Mike invited zoo owner and exotic animal handler Javon Stacks on stage, and he came on stage with a kangaroo. Okay. A video shows Mike and the handler with the kangaroo, which is held upright. Mike tugs on the kangaroo's harness before the animal appears to throw his paw back toward Mike. Then Mike runs off the stage. Video of the incident went viral on social media over the weekend, with some accusing Mike of animal cruelty. Mike has apologized, I mean, he apologized profusely. He insisted that he loves animals. He says he's donating money to a kangaroo humane foundation. I mean, Mike was on I think it was on TMZ. He was talking about how he'sa how yeah, how he's loved animals since he was a kid. It was not he was not being cruel to the animal. What was actually supposed to happen, Um, the handler was just supposed to run the kangaroo across the stage while Mike's back was turned, and then Mike was supposed to turn around and say, hey, what just happened, and the audience would be laughing because they saw the kangaroo. That's not exactly what happened. The handler brought him up there and then Mike tugged on him and you know a lot of people saw that and just started sending him all kinds of hate mail and you know, just really dogging him out. And he he was so apologetic, Mike Epps was. He was like, I love animals. He said, I've been to Australia, I've fed kangaroos. You know, Um, I mean just he he was very sincerely apologetic from the heart and he was. It was a really heart felt what he said. Because they were upset, you know how people get upset about these animals and the boy or boy they took him to task. Yeah, they said, good guy, let let me see if I can reach out to him. No, let me look at the video first. Ohh yeah, you want to comment while watching? Yeah, I mean he really I felt his apology to I don't think he meant to harm that animal. And yeah, and then a lot of people that that um has something bad to say, weren't even his fans. They were just about Yeah, they weren't even his fans. They thought he was a rapper. They thought my caps was a rapper. So they don't even know him. Yeah, exactly, that's what I mean. They weren't his fans. They don't know him like that. Now. I just saw it. Your thoughts. I understand where you're coming from. It didn't look like anything malicious to me. But but I can't understand why animal lovers don't want anything. But I mean, I don't even know what the kangaroos doing out there. But you know, if he apologized, you see it, it's not anything malicious he did. He was holding the harness while somebody is on stage rapping. He was bobbing up and down, and then the kangaroo reach back like and swung at him. I guess kangaroo said, hey, man, you're gonna be dancing holding my damn haunt. I don't want to dance and reach back to and then Mike ran a stage. That's all I saw, so yeah, I mean he apologized. We got to give him that. Yeah, I don't think you got to give him that. You know, I didn't see anything vicious. And Mike said, he's going to donate, and he has donated. He's, like I said, he's been over to Australia. He's he's fed kangaroos, he loves, He's an animal lover for real. He said that people apologize. I mean it's like these days, it's just it means nothing. Yeah, it means nothing when they do well. Dr Field told me, he said, Steve, in this politically correct climate, everybody is looking for a way to get they feel in turn. And I said, and then like Jerry Seinfeld said, political correctness is killing comedy. I mean, what can you tell a joke about that doesn't someone doesn't get offended? What what what is the joke you can tell? You know? But then we sit up here and we allow social media to do and say anything they want to do. And Sae, it ain't no penalty for none of these folks. But you got a piece of a career. You tell a joke, now, all of a sudden. You ain't this and you ain't that. It's a bunch of bullcrap to me, man, it's just to me, it's just a bunch of hypocrites. Man, No, that ain't Wy retired. But I'm so glad I did hell I get ate up anyway. I can't do nothing on my radio show, my talk show Family Feld, I say anything humorous, man done in the vein of comedy, not even to be mean spitted. Somebody just wanna that hurt my feelings? Didn't get foe more of them now, the whole damn community. Man, But ever before y'all. Now it's breaking news, man, you know seeing then call want me to make a statement. Now, I'm not making no statement it man, I apologize on Twitter. You know what you want me to do. I think that helps to steve when you don't respond or react and add more fuel to the fire. That don't African proverbs that said, the lion don't turn around when small dogs bark. You know, he got his eye on buffalo, gazelle, zebral elephants. You know he on the mission. You're back that baking. He turned around and address you. Now he can snap you up. But if he turned around to address you, and then the buffalo in the big game, see you back your scuffling. Now they get away. Anybody got time for that. That's why I want to address him in social media. Say what you want to say. When you get through saying that, all you can do is watch me because you're on Facebook Live hoping you got a show. I got five. I think that's the smartest thing you can do. Not address it, not react. Facebook line gotta everybody thinking they got a TV show. How many years? Facebook Live gotta everybody thinking they got a TV show. It's true that statement. Fame is the new drug. Everybody was famous. Now everybody got a show. They I'm eleven o'clock every day. Here they come. They could dress up, do hand makeup. I'm old, y'all. Have a good weekend. Man, Love y'all. I'll see y'all. Money. Hey, y'all go make a TV show for all. Steve Harvey contests no purchase necessary void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show