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When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. TLC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens for all children of teen mothers themselves, parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series Unexpected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC. Go download the free app. Now, I'm to hand to listen. Honey, I want joy. Yeah, yeah, well Joy, go with me. Say you gotta do turn he love? Yeah, you're going to do. You gotta turn. You won't got to turn out? Come? Come on? Uh huh, I sure will. Good morning everybody you're listening to the voice? Come on dig me now one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show. Yeah, I'll do. Then. God is good. Hey today, I just want to get right to it because this has really been oppressing me. I woke up and this was on my mind, and I wanted to share it with you because I know this for a fact. See I I've lived this for a fact. Uh. And you know the majority of things I talked about in the morning before we get started with the regular show. It's something that I've experienced. I can only tell you what I know. And so I've really really understood why God has had my life go the way that is gone, Because if I didn't have all these tests in my life, I didn't have all these tests that I passed, all these tests that I failed. If I didn't have all of those the good and the bad, what could I share with you in the morning? What could I tell you about hanging What could I tell you about failing and then winning? What could I tell you about hanging in now when all hope was gone? How could I share that with you unless I've had those moments myself. And so I've really come to the realization that I am, just like all of you, the somem total of my past, just as you are the sum total of your past. It is these bumps and bruises, the ups and downs, the peaks and valleys that create us who we are today. All you got to do is be grateful for the fact that you survived at all, and somehow you still sitting here, you still stand it. So with that in mind, I want to share something with you. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what you're going through. Don't you dare dare give up? Under no circumstances. I don't care who told you know. I don't care who told you you never make it. I don't care who who has shown you no faith. I don't care who ain't believed in you. I don't care what you heard about him saying behind your back. Don't you dare dare ever give up? It is the biggest trick that the enemy has is making us think we ain't gonna make it. The biggest trick that enemy has is filling our minds with hopelessness, to water down the illusion that there as a possibility that you might still have a chance to get over. The biggest trick he uses is when you make a mistake and you fall. He gets you to start to thinking it's final, that there is no resurrection, there is no redemption, there is no recovery. He just makes you think it's final. He is the master deceiver. Don't you dare dare ever give up? I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what besets you, befalls you, trips you up, What circumstantial situations may arise. Don't you dare dare ever give up? Because listen to me, these are tests that you are going through. And these tests, whether you pass the test or it appears that you've failed the test, the test accomplishes the mission if you're smart about it. If you pass the test. Let's say you're going through a situation and you get over and it goes the way you wanted to do, then what you've learned is if you hang in there, there's a light at the end of the tunnel. Okay, mission accomplished. If you fail the test and it doesn't go the way you want it, and it goes the opposite, and it turns out to a negative result, and and response you were looking for is a no. That's not final. That doesn't mean it's over. That doesn't mean it's time to turn back. It simply means that now you have learned a valuable experience, you have learned a valuable lesson. You now know what not to do. You are now because you know what not to do, another step closer to getting it right. Listen to me, it has to happen this way. You have to have the rain in your life. To get the flowers in your life, you got to have the darkness in your life to appreciate the sunshine in your life. You got to have woes and worries to appreciate the joys. It is merely a test. So when you get through failing, and you get through stumbling, and you get through messing it up, all that's getting you one step closer to getting it right. On my relationship ended, I'll never be able to find another person like that. Not only will you not be able will not only will you be able to find a person like that, you can find a person that far better than that if you don't give up. But see, sometimes you've got to go through the bad ones to get to the good ones, don't you, Dare? Dare, never give up. I don't care what happens to you if you lose a love one. And Lord knows, I've lost some people I've loved dearly with every itch in me. I've lost my mother, my father, my brother, and my best friend. I don't know. I know people who have lost their children. Goodness, man, I can't even imagine that, but they kept on going. What you're giving up for? Oh? I got you? Miss him and I got you grieving, but I got news for you. Don't you let the devil make you think it's over for you because somebody else ain't still here. It was their time. Now. I'm not trying to lessen to blow for you, but I'm trying to get you up on your feet so you can stop all this old woe is me because the things is happening to you. You're not the first person that has happened to Come on, now, let's get a grip. Let's wrap your mind around this thing. You have got to move forward, if it's just in memory of those people. I was on one of the commercial breaks on Family Feud the other day and somebody asked me, uh something, and I forgot the question, but my answer was, I always wanted my mother and father to be proud of me, and in the absence, in their demise, I'm hoping just somehow man, that they're watching me, that they see their boy, that I'm down here, that I'm doing better, that I'm making something out myself, that I'm loving my wife, that I'm taking care of my kids. To him old man, to see that about me. You know, I want my mother to see I'm trying to get my life together over here. You know, say, I'm trying to be a better person. My mama was a Sunday school teacher for forty years. She's been praying for me for a long time. I just hope, man, and that's all I'm doing. It's just hoping that they see me so they can't be proud of me. See you, you, you, you you. You got to understand that when you make these mistakes, that when you fall and stumble and you get it oh so wrong, it ain't over for you. Don't you Dad, Dad, Dad? Ever give up? Don't stop thinking, man, because it ain't happening just the way you wanted to that it ain't meant to be devil. He got so many tricks to deceive you. You know why you're being tested right now, because there is no testimony without the test. You got to go through something. It's all good man telling you. I just wanted to share that with you. Don't you give up out there. I don't care what's happening. Don't don't, don't don't get deceived. The victories coming, but you ain't gonna get it if you quit. Hang on, y'all, you're listening to ladies and gentlemen. Now have your attention, Boys and girls. Can I have your attention? Fruit flies and that I need your attention all animals involved in the wild Kingdom? Can I have your attention in anybody from out of space? Please let me have your undivided attention. You're listening to the baddest morning show in the universe period barnon, thank your third. Ladies and gentlemen, Shirley Strawberry, Good morning, Steve. Ladies and gentlemen calling for real. Hello Darling, Hello Steve. Ladies and gentlemen killed better known that junior ladies and gentlemen, Prime time, unadulterating but escalated food nephew terms top of the mountain, nets and fruit flat and of course tis eye top of the food, filled with ignorance dog in a heartbeat, gear to your dad in your face, lie without Shirley asked me a question, watch watch me laughing. Just asked me a question. You're feeling today, Steve? Oh, my hip went out last week. I had got a replacement. And you know about your hip going out, but you know, but it's just it's that good, not over two weeks ago. Good thing you ain't asked me, because I was in full surgery hip replacement. What kind of shoes are those you have on today? What you're rocking? These? Is Sawadski, Crystal House, She God, Yeah, for no reason? Who's on? Who's on the show today? Oh? Man, we have it? Of course you're not even gonna believe it? Are you are? You're talking about a radio show. On the radio show today, Luther van Dross is Curlson, it's coming on. What's his name, Ricky vannyingout Cutha Cutha van Cutha van Dross is coming on the show and do two songs Luther never did, yeah, really never too much, none of that. We won't even hear that. No, no, no, no bad doing it too that he didn't do a bad girl and not enough enough. You're a bad girl and not enough. What can we expect from the show today? A lot of news and a lot of Trump information. You know, we're gonna talk about North Korea and you know, get into a couple of things that we think the government could be. We're gonna we're gonna discuss what the administration is doing. Right, I got something gonna help wow, right, wrong right, A wrong is coming up to that is it? Back is because you know the last copying But I'm back now. Okay, alright, alright, okay, alright. Coming up something funny now, Steve. This is a story about a ninety eight year old woman who moved into a nursing home to look after her eighty year old son. What. Yeah, ninety eight year old woman moved into a nursing home to look after her eighty year old son. That's coming up next, Yeah, at thirty two after the hour you're listening to Steve had Show. All right, Steve, here we go something funny. Uh. This nine year old woman in England now has moved into a retirement home to look after her eighty year old son. Her name is miss Ada. She became a resident at Moss View Care Home in about a year after her son Tom moved there. Miss Aida is a former nurse, and she said she decided to move into the same assistant living home because you never stopped being a mom. Uh that's right, she said, And I know, she said, if anybody know how to change his dapple, According to staff, I'll tell you one thing. His ankles ain't gonna fit between your fingers no more. I can tell you that when you cock him up, just know that it's gonna be different while we're cocking him though. And another thing, miss Ada, you must prepare yourself for a different sent This ain't baby food. There's ain't no apple sauce. This is all. This is medication. Now river soon mixed in with penicilla, slash with Hennessy. It's gonna be different because she had him when she was eighteen. Okay, well I had him when he was eighteen. But I tell you what now, the boys smell like a gorilla. Man. I'm just gonna let you know that. If you think any year old smell the same as an eight month old, you seriously mistaken. That's two different smells here. Yeah, according to staff, Ada and Tom aer and separable. They love spending I'm together playing a game or watching TV. And then Messada says she says good night to Tom in his room every night. He's a mama's boy. And yeah, hinding me have a mama's boy, and my mom will come up and I'll tell you right now, I have a little fun, little semi year old thing. I'm making my rounds up in there, and you say good night to both of us. You can tell us both you and mama but just met. That's sweet. Yeah, you never stopped being a mom. I think that's true. Wow, I think I think it's amazing that they still both living. That's a blessing. If I'm hitting everybody in there, yea, what I can't hear everybody in there? Are you? Are you in the same studio? Okay, I'm just checking what we're doing today. I'm making my right. Last week we got cut out the usual. Yeah, it depends you don't do your joke for me. I do well, I do what I want. Okay, now we're now we just hitting everybody in there. At eight, I get a pass. Yeah, all right, absolutely absolutely. I know she wrote her last reenacted. Yeah, that would be cute. Re enact me. Who am I? You know? You know? You the baby, your mom, the mom, You're always the girl. Okay, we do reenact me and I'll be his mom. Oh you're really okay? All right? So you're eighty year old, Messe. I only got one old woman, so his mama is old. Yeah, I don't have I ain't gonna be okay. So you're ninety eight year old Messada, Tommy, you're eight year old Tom appropriate name, Okay, all right, let's go. Yeah, excuse me, I'm gonna ha ha sweetie, I'm here. Oh I'm Tom's mama, oh Tom, Yeah, and I want to get a room close to him and check myself into assisted living. Oh yes, hold on and your name please? Oh Dale? Oh miss Ada? And miss Ada. If i'm white, old Dale, okay, you'll be white today. How about that? Um? That would be refreshing up. All right, Mrs Ada, Well just hang on one second if you have time. I know you're but let me just check the schedule. Let's see where his room is. Oh it's right down the hall, two doors down on your left, and you could see your son there. Now, I just said I needed a rooms. Okay, what's what's what numbers here? And he's in four oh five right down the room full seven of foid. Okay, walk no further than well I think four. Someone just moved out of four or eight and we're cleaning up that room right now. Well, that's can I have that? I'd like to check that in. Here's my credit card. They ain't moved that as long as it's free time. Just shut your mouth. Al just trying to get in the room. We didn't need to play by play. Hang on as we moved the body out, and we'll move you right in. Yes, okay, all right there, just cleaning up. They just finished going into room four oh eight. Would you need some assistance? Be needing some assistance, miss Ada? No, I don't, sweetie, I just said I needed a room. Don't touch me. Yes, yes, I wouldn't be touching you. But okay, going down to four oh eight, and thank you. You're welcome. You know what your show sound like? That bug a girl on this mother morning show. I listened to the show all the time, so thank you. That's a compliment. It is she it is, she's a She's got a beautiful boy. Mama. Hey, hey, Dad, I mean Tom, I can't keep all these people together. I'm not here, no, no, not. I have a diaper rash, can't you It's something I'm breaking out around up. You need calling start, you need a boxer all go corn, start and just pat it round your ass. I need you to do that. I just got here, sweet out. On't look, I just got here to him. Okay, let me hold my legs. Can you see you see the rash? Look at that? Look at that. Mama, boy a baby, look at you, and that's that's small. No, I'm big or not. Wait a minute, mama, Now you're not gonna just look like a little piece shooting the same as it was when you was a baby. Wow. When we come back on commercial break, we'll google part two. Yes, man, and bring your teeth because that they misplaced. Man, I have told you you can't wear my teeth now they're really close close. Part two coming up. You're listening st show coming up at the top of the hour. Mrs Anne will be here with today's headlines and our our national news, of course, but right now Part two of Mrs Ada who's ninety eight and her son Tom, who's eighty in the nursing home. Mama, yes, yes, baby, is it possible you to going in and cook me something to eat? Because I don't like what they're cooking in it. I know, sweet at meat, but you know it's not mama's kitchen. So we have to take what the white folks just share. But they've been serving soup all the time. I don't want no soup. I want something. Well that's caused a lot of people's in here ain't got good teeth m hm, and they don't want your biting in enough cracking it off on spoons and stuff. But the mass potato then got old and hello, I don't want to listen. Use the one that signed up to come in here. Now I had to follow you down here to help take care of you. Now, if you want to come into the white facility, you shouldn't have signed up for the white facility. You should have took your black ass down to Cromwell with all the rest of the black folks. I'm black. I can't stay white if it don't fit my curmity. This is a black woman old and that can't complain. But that's white too. Now, I don't want to be Tom time us are time here, But I don't want to be Tom. Oh yeah, well that's the man's name in the story. Sweet, but you change your name in the story. I'm I'm old Dale Adam. Then I'm and I'm that, I'm Tim and Tom and I'm yeah, I'm using Tom all right now that you're gonna watch me today, let's get baby. You would think that eighty you learn how to pronounce a word with ones. Washing is not a word. But I need to be watched. Well, the nurses is here for that. Have you met anybody since you've been here? Yeah? Feelis she lives in uh down in a four nineteen. That's well up the hole. Hey, you gotta turn the corner to get down. We walked together half where where y'all walk to? Outside in the garden? Okay, So tell me a little bit about Peelis Phelis is. Uh, he's ninety one. He's say that, and um, you know she likes to play shuffle boy. I'm gonna had to go down here and talk to this half about pressing up on my baby. She knows, she owed well, she's ninety one, and you ate it what she won't with you? It ain't working. We're thinking about having relations, huh me and miss Phyllis is thinking about having relations real close to your mom. You ain't married to her. What is you want to go to hell for? And you eighty because you're close to something? You do know that, don't you? Yeah? What does she do before before she come to this home? Tom? That's time and time when it's time when I'm man, so just time and see your mama answering me, don't get back hands at eight? You don't hit me, n sweater, God knock your airs right over there. Walker. Okay, she was a stivil rights leader. And what was her name? Because I know every linger one on Phillis sojourn join that what's her name? Is her name? Jo? You're talking about philis, sweetly, cousin, I think stop, Wait a minute, they're there. You're talking about fast feelers, not no move? Are you ninety one? Now you're not gonna call out no mama. You're not gonna call out her name. Lord, Lord, Lord, my baby then took up with a hole. Now you're not gonna call Phillis no help. What is she thinking? She? Mom? I love Philips. Boy, you ain't been in love a day in your life. We got a future to take out. Has you got a future together? She ninety one? For future? Future? Be all way tomorrow week we end up. You don't get futures with ninety old people. You just yes time remaining. I'm going out laid on this evening and by philis a ring? What what I'm gonna ask her for her hand? What you want with hold? And we're thinking about settling down and starting the family. You start you know this fool, and start family? You just dumb. You never was good in your health class back in school. They ain't got no kids, and you can't be either. Trying to get the boy you you're blowing saw dust if it blow it out, says she's fertile. Boy, she didn't say she was fertile. What does she says? She said she was fruitful? Well, it ain't that the same thing that Martha plies down there? Fruitful is in the Lord. Well, we want to have a child together and raise it, raise it? How long you think you'd take the raise of baby God? How long is you thinking you and Phyllis is gonna have a hand and raised child and go out? Now what are y'all gonna make it a keen? I can't tell you that right now, especially huh. Sarah in the Bible had a baby at ninety. But we ain't in the Bible. We're in a nursing home. We're nothing. If you read about me, I don't think. I don't believe it's nothing in there about the nihing home. Moses was nine hunted because he was out there with the Lord mathusm or whatever his name was. We don't do that in the here, No more, God did all that back then he ain't doing it now. How I want to know is where you walk me down the aisle and give me away? That's your father is supposed to walk a tide down the aisle. But she ain't gotten on that it cause he did. And why would I walk you down the hole when you're stupid as post already be standing up there? Mommy? Why do you have to talk like this in front of our friend? But listen to me, We'll listen. What is you saying? Why is you walking down? Are you supposed to be up there as the bride that walks down the out Now she's gonna come down there, the whole wedding party in a hub round you know the films that's gonna be in this church. I'm we're gonna have nine operated vehicles in there. And why we're gonna park all the old hell? Do you want me to be happy or not? Mama? I want you to be happy, Tommy. That's time at Tom. I'm not calling your time at Tom. Now if you keep on, you feel to be time at dud Tom. But you ain't feeling to be nothing. Uncle Wow, Well this is remind me so much of your uncle Tom. Just used to tell everything that we're not gonna do that. Now, that's where the term came from, just sitting down there with white folks just running head man, have you picked out the ring yet? I picked out the ring that I won't. I just need to get down How much did you? How much was it? The ring is two thousand dollars? What what is wrong with that? Where did you get two thousand dollars from? I don't have two thousand. I was gonna ask you for it. Okay, well, well, oh we're good. Then safe in the arms of Jesus is where that two thousand is? Because it won't be on that old helper's hand. But have you met her? Miss Ada? It's three thirty. Man, I got to go down here and brush philix teeth. I'll be back in a minute. See right there. How long you think that's gonna last? Because you're not good as a kid giver. You're gonna brush your teeth two times? Coming up, Miss Sam will be here with why don't you Jeff had a nurse bring her teeth down here to us, yester. Ms Sam will be here with yesterday's election day results. Right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, Uh, this horrible story. The Texas gunman's domestic assault conviction wasn't sent to the national FBI database. And this is really sad. This is terrible. Yeah, twenty six people in the Texas church shooting on Sunday, many of them were children, about half of them which were children. Uh. The U. S. Air Force says the Texas church shooter's name was never put into the FBI's National Criminal Information Center the n c i S database after he was court martialed for domestic violence. Now, I had that happened as it was supposed to, shooter David Patrick Kelly would never have been allowed to buy a weapon in the first place. According to federal law, Kelly's conviction for a domestic assault on his wife and young stepson. He cracked the skull of the young stepson. He was violent, this man, Yeah, he should it should have been made impossible. Should have made it impossible for him to legally purchase the military type. Two things are correct here. What's that, Steve? This is a mental mental health issue. But with that, we still refuse to address the gun law problem. We keep overlooking it, and it's and it's and it's so right down the middle of party lines. No Republican is saying this is a gun law problem. All the Democrats are saying, we got to do something about gun laws. So when President Trump said it's a mental health issue, then they heavily went over here and started spinning it in to if it's if he wasn't mentally ill. You can't stop a person who's mentally ill from doing evil stuff, but if he didn't have access to that gun, And then the extra spin was somebody, another law abiding citizen had a gun was able to chase him down in that well, he didn't get apprehended. He's dead, which I don't have a problem with myself personally. Well, I think Steve, what the President is saying that part is irrelevant. The issue is that this man, if he had mental health issues, he should have been input into the database and they would not have sold him these weapons. They refused to talk about the gun control in the database. Is getting all of this together that when is it going to be enough? How many people have to die before they do something right? And the only time we talked about this is during times like this all too often now because it happens so frequently, you know, but um, yeah, this is the only time we even bring up. It's clear to me mm hmm that money comes in front of life to a lot of these politicians and country and it's just obvious to me. Let me because this Second Amendment, man, y'all can stop faking with this American right to carry a gun. That ain't what we talk that. We're talking about the types of guns that you can buy in this country. That's what I'm asking and your ability to purchase what's this thing they're trying to take off the thought rifle that they think, but what is that? It's something that you can buy to put on a rifle that gives it the capability to be repeat you over and over in Vegas did. Yeah, that's gonna help. Why we just can't remove the whole gun period. Good question that we've asked, how losing Yes, answer to that question. Yeah, But they're not gonna do it because it would affect sales. See, you gotta this is just guns sales, y'allah. This is gun sales. It's a huge business, alright, Steve. We we gotta move on here and uh go to mssan Ladies and gentlemen, our very own voice of fact MS and trip. Thanks Steve. Good morning everybody out there. This is a trip with the news. President Trump met with both US and South Korean forces yesterday on a new base in The new base is named Camp Humphreys. It's going to reportedly ultimately house many of the twenty thousand of the U. S servicemen stationed on the Korean peninsula. Authorities say it's located forty miles south of the capital of Seoul, so the Camp Humphreys is beyond the reach of North Korea's conventional artillery. The President also issued a warning, by the way to the North, this is a very different administration then the United States has had in the past. Do not underestimate us, and do not try us. It appears that President Trump may have been snubbed, but he may not care about this one. Hundreds of world leaders have reportedly been invited to a climate summit next month in Paris, but Trump has not. French officials say that an invite will be sent to the US, but only on the diplomatic level. French President Manuel Clong Emmanuel mcclon is hosting the gathering, which he's calling make our planet great again. That's an obvious ripped one Trump's campaign slogan, the president's vow to pull the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord early this year unless the deal that he liked better could be set up, which is probably why he's not invited. Okay. According to the l A Times, get this, u c l A recooperating with Chinese law enforcement following report the rest of three of its basketball players on Tuesday. They're all freshmen and one of them is lavarre Ball's son, li Angelo Ball. Dayton Hills another one, and Cody Riley is the third. They were taken into custody in China for allegedly stealing from a high end retail store next to the team's hotel. By the way, the laws in China are so strict that one one was sentenced to ten years in prison for stealing a cell phone. They don't play over there. In Virginia yesterday, the Democrat Ralph Northam won the governorship over the Republican Ed Gilesbie by about fifty three percent over fort pent Gleespie. They say ran a very Trumpish type campaign. By the way, Virginia was the only southern state that Donald Trump did not win last November. New Jersey's incoming governor is a Democrat, Phil Murphy, a former Goldman Sachs banker and US Ambassador Germany, promising to bring a number of progressive policies to the Garden State. For instance, Murphy says he wants to tax millionaires, legalized marijuana, and raise the minimum wage. Looks like Republican Kim Guardano, who served as Governor Chris Christie's lieutenant governor, couldn't get out from under Christie's very very unpopulous shadow. Finally, Today's National Cappuccino Day and National dunstaye and this is san trip Whop be back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour. Stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve come on, introduced the Butterfly. He is here, ladies and gentlemen. Eugene, Good morning everyone, Stephen Um Charlie College Jr. Timy, Good morning to everyone in the building. Morning. But I am needed some good morning good morning. I mean a desperate need of help today. I am really going through some issues. Man. What you need. Man. For the last two days, I have been having a huge nightmare. Is this a man that keeps chasing me in my dreams? And I'm just really really going through It's a big pile, man. But I don't even know why he's chasing me. It's just I'm I'm not getting any sleep and I'm staying up late at night pacing the floor. Which man, is it because everybody taller? So who you calling? I don't know. And Stephen, but he's really he's just a scary look at man, and he's just chasing me. So I just wanted to get what did you all do when you have nightmares? Because I don't know what to do. I'm afraid to close my eyes at night, and it's just bothered me. But I'm being chased and he's tasted me off with two cliffs and I've fallen and it's just it's just too much. It's way too much. I mean, I very rarely. I can't even tell you the last time I've had a nightmare. Nightmare, Yeah, something scary, but I'm the only one to have nightmares. I've had dreams, but nothing like what you're talking about. I got somebody it's chasing me and continually do you have a high butt? Well do you think timmy chasing me? Here? Now? You said tall, Yeah, I'm not in your dream. You ain't tall. Listen. I just want some help from friends, but as kind of workers. What can I do to to stop the nightmares? I'm coming? Does anyone have a dream book? I mean, I know they have dream books. Let's do with that. Yeah, do what you're dreaming about. I just told you this man is chasing me and I don't know what he wants, but I just it's I think he's gonna I think he's trying to do some harm to me. Why don't you slow down and see that's that stipid right there? When what then you have to have a dream? No? Most Yeah, but get caught and then we can go get the dream over. You realize that it is only a dream. Stop real, stop and let him beat the hell out of me and then wake up, that's what you're saying. But you can fight in the dreams bad. It's just a dream, butterfly, So tonight when I lay down, get ready for the big fight. Is that what you're saying, Junior? When you got with me? Yeah, I'm gonna meet you over there now. I'm just thinking if we lay down together, we could go into the No. I just need somebody to go with me. I'm thinking, where do you want them to come. I'm just thinking if we lay down and take a nap together, he'll go into my dream with me. Is that you say your prayers before you go to say I didn't the last two nights. Maybe that's the problem. That's why right there, right, I think that's what you need to do. Yeah, absolutely, all right. When we come back from the break at thirty, back to the hour. Thanksgiving isn't about two weeks, guys, believe it or not. So yeah, So which house guest is coming that drives you nuts? We'll talk about that when we come back at thirty or four after. I'm sure you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve, uh, who is the house guest or a person coming by for Thanksgiving? Which surprisingly isn't about two weeks? Man, this year went fast that that you're not looking forward to sing? Who is it? My mother in law's sister's husband? What? Who was that? Though? I don't even know? Thank yous for Ernest? Why what's yeah, your mother as a dream. I love her, love her man, My mother law, my father in law is the best. Mom and daddy. I got the best. I never had a complaint. Man, we're happy. We enjoy each other. They don't stay in my house as long as they were her sister husband. I don't know, that's what that's what's wrong. I don't know. No, they come to dinner and they do what we was having a prayer. One my mom in law said, that's all whole hands, you know, huge kitchen, about twenty people. Everybody go around and say what they think. Okay, now I ain't like this here because there's too many people, and I didn't know half the people that was in the circle. So and then I really don't care what you're grateful fault because dinner is ready and we can talk about this why we eat, you know? But what is all this beforehand? And it got around to everybody. This one lady took a long time, but her is what's the best. So I I broke from the circle and started clapping because I wanted to try to end it with applause, and you're not supposed a clap doing prayer. But I just tried to wrap it up and it kept going. And I'm holding this dude's hand now. I don't know nothing wrong with him until it got to him and he started talking about what he was grateful folks. He said. He said, I'm grateful for the weather and that we had these jackets home, and that the fact that you know, everything at the grocery store is fresh, and that we can go go by there. And I think, I thank him for my cards to that come on in the morning and take us safe. And then I want to thank him for the freshness or the potato chips in the bag sometime me. I'm sitting now, I'm looking outside his head, but my whole body trimming because everybody got their head down and sept Winting is looking up in full blown hollow mode up at me, face toalk. I'm over here. My whole body is shaking. I'm laughing so hard, trying not to blurt it out. My mother law she holding my hand on the other side. She squeezes my hand to try to help me through it. That ain't stopping nothing. I got. Who is this man? Then my other son, Steve, he opens his eyes and he starts snickering. My son's me and my sons is in hollow mode. This to us, yil, and I've given him full permission that laughing stuff like that. So I looked over to the left the circle, and my wife is glaring at me with a little green eyes. I'm talking about glaring if you don't squid, if you don't pull it together like when she said that. And then I thank the Lord. I gotta tune up. The other day I had. I had to let everybody head and go and leave the circle. I got a tune up. Yeah, thank god, I got a tune up. The other day I went in my office. I'm holly, I'm holling. Next thing, I look up winting in the office with me because he couldn't handle it. I love it. That was it. I love it. So you don't want him to come by this year? Man, Please don't please don't let him speak right? What's yours? And my wife got a cousin and a never on time with her part of the US. But one year, bro, I was ready for this peach cop her ass put some damn blueberries in it with it. I was so mad about that, man, I walked we don't mess that up like that, right, hang on, we'll let you finish that. Coming up next is the nephews frank phone call. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, coming up at the top of the hour, right about four minutes after today's Strawberry letter. But first the nephew has to finish your Thanksgiving story. Then we'll do the prank phone call. She brings the peace coblok and it is the worst because you know, I'm a ice cream cobbler, man. That's that's how I has to go together. You know what was uncle Ernest? I need a name? Yes, her name Joscelyn. Do you know it? You know Houston listening right now? You know, damn will she brought that cobler with him. I'm being resented, man, don't mess up, don't try nothing new on the factor, do that, don't do that? Alright, alright, so thank you for that? All right? Come on, what I didn't brought my wife to work with me today? So this is a great plank for this. Here. This is w c S Wife Correction Service. Yeah, yeah, you sent them down in their correct wife correct service, didn't I tell y'all, wasn't gonna laugh. Just he got about two more weeks, just the beginning of it right here. Hello, I am trying to reach George Police. My name is Marcus with w c S. UH calling and see if we can actually try to lend you our services. We understand that you're having a few problems and want to see if maybe w c S can bring um a better life to you and you can have a uh an exciting life better than the one you have. Now. Who is it? We are with Wife Correctional Services, sir, w CS. What it is is, we take your wife's for a couple of weeks and we reprogram them so that it's of course you have to sign a waiver contract, but we take your wife and we reprogrammed them so that they will act in a fashion of what you want them to act. Okay, okay, whatever, See sir. What it is that we've gotten some we've gotten some reports that you've been having some problems with with your particular wife. And we're here in St. Louis, sir, And don't worry, We're totally confidential. This is not anything that's gonna get out um. And and your your names are never submitted. First of all, here's here's something we can do. I can ask you questions because we've been notified that this is probably a service that you would probably want. Now, Um, has your wife ever snapped on you in public? And snapped on me? I mean what I mean? She My wife ain't crazy, So I don't just snap on me. She might, you know, try to check me, U say something. You know what I'm saying. She's just gonna snap on me. So your wife you so your wife has tried to check you. It's what you're saying. May not check me per se? I mean she might. She might not like some mom doing it, might say something about it, but don't just snap on So basically your wife is not in her place where she needs to be. I mean what you mean? Another plan? I mean she might say something, you know. I mean I might be doing something or you know, it might be with my boys and might get out of control a little bit. She might just say something at the time, but she don't just try to all out check nobody. You know what I'm saying. Okay, Okay, I'll tell you what. Let me ask you this one. Have you ever just had some plans with your guys? We're gonna go out and had to change your plans because, um, your wife. Well, I mean if if like I'm just comb hanging out and I ain't let her know or something, she might you know, be like, well, baby already had plans, you know, can you stay home with the boys or something. But I mean nothing, I mean nothing on the regular. You know, you we do what I want to do. It seems like denial. Okay, here's another one, sir. Well, no, just listen, hear me out. Now, let me ask you this. Um has your wife. Let's say, back when Michael Jordan was playing basketball, did you ever miss a playoff game on television because your wife wanted to watch something else? Now, men, we got two TVs in my house. Man, I wish No. I don't even get down. I mean I might have to watch the little TV, okay, but I mean I usually watch it on the big Yeah. But but you doing You've been pushed to watching the smaller television. No, I wouldn't push to do nothing. Man. What I'm trying to tell you is, I mean we compromise. We do in my house. I mean she might get the big TV to watch her stories or something, and I just had to go watch the TV. Let's TV do go out of here? Wants to see? We got so cool with that. I'm cool with that. So you're you're actually the one that's programmed. And ain't nothing wrong with my wife? Ain't nothing wrong with my family? I understand. Well, let me the reason why I'm asking you these particular questions is because someone has actually let me know the problems that are at hand in your household. Let me ask you. I got one question for you. Here's what I want to ask you. Has your wife ever cussed you out at a family cookout? Man? Hold on, man, you know what you're getting a little personal? Man? Is this even legal? Man? I'm here, I'm here, I man, I've never heard. This is something new. Is definitely saying something new. I mean, what, don't make me be your guinea pig. Don't don't start. I'll calling me trying to get you know, referrals, the clientele or whatever it is you're trying to do. Man, don't call me with this nonsense. Partner, And I completely understand that WCS, Sir, is here to benefit you, benefit to men. Look at my personal business one and what's going on in mind? As old? Okay, well, last thing I want to ask you, and this is the last question I have for you. Make straight up? Okay? Have you do you do? Do you buy your own clothes or does she buy the clothes? You know? Man? This man? You whatever company? This is? Dog? Don't call house no more? And whatever put you up to this? Whoever gave you my number talking about my wife? Checked me, got me under control, got me on lock man. You tell him too, don't call me no more? What are you are? You? Are you in denying? No dog? Don't call house no more. I'm gonna tell you what George Foreman or whatever it's Marcus MS, Marcus podcast, whoever you are, George Foreman, Marcus Hey, I'm gonna tell you right now. I'm gonna find no one. Yea, I'll located dog. I'm coming down there and I'm gonna brush you as you in my personal So you're ready, you're ready to retaliate on me, but you don't want to retaliate on the problems you have with your wife. Retaliation. Man, what I'm saying, you're calling my house, I'm minding my home. And as you're worried about who you're watching what TV in my house? And my wife checking me in public. I want man, Hey, don look, I'm telling you. Don't you want to watch the big television? Big TV? Man? I'm comfortable with the TV I got. You know what I'm saying. It's in my room. I came across the bed. Watch whatever I want, you whatever I want. Don't you want to be able to go out with when you went with my partner's dollar? Not a fact? You don't need to get partners. You call it what you wanna do to me and your wife has already done to you. I see you got to Damn. I'm gonna block what's your phone number? Man? Give me something? Tell me where to find you. Why are you in denial? Denial? I'm gonna tell you what. You need to get your wife checked in to wife correctional services so that you can live a better life. Uh, whoever? Man? Need to get a life? Man? Can I get the life? Man? Stop calling me doll? For real? I understand it. Can I say one more thing that you say you can't say? Man? Straight up? Listen to me, sir? Yeah? What what? This's his nephew? Timing from the Steve Harvard The Morning Show. You just got crank by your board. Justinn't know what Hey, okay, y'all got me mine? What is the baddest radio show in the land? Wish you see Harvey doing in the morning on the Steve Harvey Mornings. Your partner? All right, what y'all think? No, no, no, I think. Yeah. Sometimes you just gotta get some things off your chick. We're gonna be all right, We're gonna be Just notice I don't make eye contact. You're looking down. He looking down, and she's looking at you. Side likes better be good. How's the play going? Play going good? They're hitting June. You up about it too? A lot of time days, man, Oh, they say time out the killing you now, didn't they tear you though on the reel? Then when I come out there, I gotta wait by two or three minutes for I started talking. They said that, they said it was it was. It was about a minute a half. And they did they say how long Johnny's was? Said Johnny was five minutes. They say Johnny was out. Now, that'sunbelievable right there. But you didn't get a minute. I got a minute. Hey, okay, I'm a home. So are you all competing to see who has the longest applause and Johnny Me and Johnny time about teaming up doing New Year's with you together, Johnny and time for five minutes, forty five minutes of time and doing stand up and forty five minutes with Johnny singing the lights all right. Coming up next, strippers are on strike in New York City and the Strawberry Letter is on deck. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. When a teenager gets pregnant, it becomes a family affair. TLC's new series Unexpected explores the ups and downs of three pregnant teens who are all children of teen mothers themselves. Parents and grandparents must step in to help them through this huge life change. Don't miss the revealing new series, expected Sunday, November twelve at ten nine Central on t LC. Can't wait Watch the early premiere now on TLC. Go download the free app now. Coming up next, it's Today's Crazy Strawberry Letter. You do not want to miss it. But before we get to the letter, La La or girl La La, We love La La Anthony, she shared some words of wisdom for strippers. All right, we'll work out. Yeah, if you haven't heard strippers are currently on strike in New York City. Now. According to the dancers, the sexy dressed bartenders and the bottle girls steal their tips. They what they do is sweep the cash off the stages and onto the bar floors when the customers make it rain. Uh huh la La, who claims she knows that scene very well. She weighed in on the situation when asked who she tips more, uh La La said she tries to be equal to the strippers and the bartender, but no matter what, her limit is a thousand dollars, whoever she's tipping, her limit is one grand. That's it. Yeah, and that's a lot. And she right now, you're not getting a thousand dollars, man, I tell you right nothing to the strip club since Joe Tory took me the Magic City in the eighties. I'm gonna tell you right now, thousand dollars we were in that backwards Pence, thousand dollars. Thousand dollars that where we were in the back were the back ain't Kurt and I want to go to the rock. You're really transparent saying a thousand dollars. The bouncer can't being here in them. Come on, come on, I can't say what I want thousand dollars. We we were a little bit pass v I p we nike it on the way to the back of put your trains four thousand. Yeah, you're not gonna put that back on them, all right? But should name Marge Shirley? Should they march since they strike? Oh the stripper? Oh like we're unpaid. But they should do this in scrip or clothes. Well, but one thing about it though, if they don't come to work, some bottle girls and waitresses, they gotta do a whole lot of mode and sparkles. So what you're saying, everybody, you know sparkles and the bottle girls. They had sparkles for years. This is this is this guy started. We'd back when I was out there. This ain't nothing new. It's just younger people are getting involved in it. So just everybody. They are sparkless when I was a little boy, we're not talking about yeah that we had sparkless when I was a little boy. That right. I kept them over there on my dress, right next to my captain. All right, you'll be interested, you'll be interested in what else? Lala said. She added that the cutoff age because you'll be interested in this stay for stripping should be round. What do you think I think stripping you You gotta end your stripping career at thirty thirty, Lala says, around forty forty a career. Yeah, well, I mean there's some women who are fine now who can be out there, but you lose a lot of points in your life department. You can't be farty and come off the pole and want to be wife. No, you can't. Not that it's just a job. They look at it as a job. Not because the Fortio stripper in New York is not the same Fortio stripper in Birmingham. I'm two different forty it's not the same one. Atlanta. Pull up to me? Are you crazy? Magic city? It's magic? So I'll just continue. Lala says, right the way as long as you can. Okay, okay, l line is wrong, La. It ain't no future in it. It ain't no future in this. I think we should go down. Ain't nobody taking you making? You know? Wife? After this, let's go talk to him, all right. We gotta get to the letter. Call hold on tight, we got it. Strawberry letter, subject stop sneaking I know what you're doing. Good morning, Steve and Carla. I listened to your show every day on my way to work and was wondering if you could give me some advice. I'm a thirty one year old mother of two and I've been married for over seven years. I've noticed that our relations, meaning my husband and I have decreased to almost nothing. I have to almost coax him into having relations both times while I was pregnant. It was like pulling teeth. My aunt was amazed as to how I even got pregnant, not once, but twice. Anyway, I remember Steve saying a while ago that even when men are sick, they still want to have sex. Here's a problem. My husband, in my mind, is addicted to porn. It's all on the computer. He tries to have a password on this computer, but I know it, so I check every now and then to make sure it's only females he's looking at. Thank God, because that was question number one. There are you? They are usually wider Latino girls, occasionally black girls. Needless to say, I am African American. Anyway, I noticed that in the middle of the night he makes a trip to the hall. Lenen closet to obtain a wash cloth. I mean, I am not stupid. I know what he's doing. I once found over a hundred tapes and DVDs in the basement. My question to you all is what can I do to change his interests from the computer to me? Steve, don't tear me up too bad. But I have to mention I am a very attractive young lady and have the opportunity at any time to have my needs met outside the home. But he is the father of my children, and I love him and would not do that even though we average three times a year. I want to have relations with him and only him. Stop using all my washcloth. Okay. Contrary to what's contrary, you know what, Contrary to what some people think pornography is harmful, it is not harmless. Okay. It could be very destructive in a marriage and a relationship because what happens is the more you see, the more you need to keep you or or to get you stimulated regular or just like normal stuff doesn't hold your interests anymore. And it makes your wife feel betrayed. It can make her feel helpless. You know, she may not. She may feel responsible and unattractive but she says, she's an attractive mother of two whose husband is addicted to porn has plenty pretty much lost his interest in being intimate with her. That's why, to me, porn is dangerous. You know, if I could say anything to your husband, it would be that anything that takes you away from or captures your mind in such a way that you put it over your wife in marriage, that's wrong. You know, your wife and her needs should come first, and any kind of addiction and be detrimental to your relationship, be a drugs, food, shopping, gambling, et cetera. Whatever it is. But you, as his wife, are gonna have to stop, you know, just step up, speak to him, Talk to him, tell him what you told us, that you love him, you want only him, and that uh, you know, the both of you are going to have to work out this problem. Tell him how you feel about it, Tell him that you need intimacy in your marriage, and suggest that he get help for his porn addiction because it is taking a toll on your marriage. Uh. And if all else sails, you know, go on his computer. You've got the past where delete everything, Steve Yep, that's it. And they're married seven years. I am too. What was he yesterday? The code cracker? Most take consideration before I answer this, and hell, while y'all on a commercial break, I'm gonna be in prol Okay, come back, she'll response, you're listening, all right. Come on, Steve with your response to part two of today's Strawberry Letter. I want to just say, shut your damn line, but I have come on. Good morning, Steve, Sherlett, Tommy and Carl. I listen to you every day on my way to work and was wondering if you could give me some advice. I'm a thirty one year old mother too and have been married over seven years. I've noticed that our relations, meaning my husband and I have deceased to almost nothing. I have to almost coaxed in and having relations. Both times while I was pregnant, it was like pulling teeth. Mine was amazed. As a high I even got pregnant, not once but twice. Anyway, I remember Steve saying a while ago that even when me and are sick, they still want to have sex. Here's the problem. My husband, in my mind, is addicted to point it's all on the computer. He tries to have a password on his computer, but I know it, so I checked every now and then to make sure it's only females he's looking at. Thank god, that was question number one. They are usually white or Latino girls, occasionally black girls. Needless to say, I'm African American. Anyway, I noticed that in the middle of the night he makes a trip to the hall linen closet to obtain a wash cloth. I mean, I am not stupid. I know what he is doing. I once found over one hundred tapes and DVDs in the basement. My question to you all is what cannot you to change his interest from the computer to me? Steve, don't tell me I'm too bad, but I have to mention that I am a very attractive young lady and had the opportunity in any time to have my knees mat outside the home. But he is the father of my children. I love him and would not do that, even though we average three times a year. I want to have relations with him and only him stop using my wash cloth. Well. After praying about this so that I wouldn't turn this into something vulcan in case we didn't lose the show, because that's what the letter is, I decided that today's sermon should be on the subject stop using all of my wash club, take your time. Now, I ventured to say, let's break the letter down line by line, bit by bit. Come on here now, your aunt was amazed how you even got pregnant, not once, but twice. If you're only loving somebody three times a year and you wind up pregnant two times, I want to commend your husband for being virile, full of villain in life. He it's qualified to be a far Go to verse three now I didn't. As we move on, I remember Steve saying a while ago that even when me and are sick, they still won't have sex. Or you don't have to print that back to me. That's a norm sack to every man living. Come on, we'll have sex whether we're sick. We can get a goal bladder operation and want to have sex that even we can get our tools tied. You can get your tools, you want to have sex. Right after that, I had a case of here rods one time, screaming and blind swoll so big when I sat on the toilet they hung in the cool I was flush to get relief, and right after that I still wanted to have sex just you get my gut true. Come on, you don't understand where we act with sex. It's important, it is. But now your man is having sex on the comprooter. That's your on the it's on the comprooter. Okay, Now I ventured to say that it is always white girls and latinos. Well, let me say this to you, black girl. Maybe when he went to Louis Sen you read off, he get it just high wanted high wanted it hurt away from. Now you're thinking just because you find an attractive and you could get yours outside the house. Yeah, well, let me tell you something my Deacon Boomerang's grandmother wants saying. What is it that no matter how fine a woman he is, there's a man somewhere sick and tired of her. Know, you asked me not to cut you up too bad, But let's just talk about really how stupid you are you letting your man get up every night in the middle of the night, stand with down to the linen closet and get a watch clothes to go do what you know what he's doing. But guess what what if you ain't had a meeting with him? Body, come on, you ain't pulled him into the pastor's office for confrontation. If you just keep letting him get the watch cloth and go meet with little senior reader and send it bubblicious and and and sting it ain't oh oh and little amen, and he pulling blood, hell, slap it on latin on, got the planting nose and hell all over the bed. And now you are upset because all you can think of stop using my wash cloth. Stop using my wash Come on, hip hop staff. Why don't you quit saying stop and start saying start? Why don't you cut to comprove on yourself? Sign down what they're doing on the comprove that's the duplicate it in your bed, because if you don't ain't stop using to watch clause, maybe you're gonna need to get with your friends and tell them for Christmas and tell them for your birthday guilt what you wanted to gift call down in bed. Yes, so you ain't got to keep using gihim same washcloth. That's right, that's right. I will want to know what your address is, yes, so I can know that if I'm ever visited, to make sure I don't drive my hands as wash I didn't want to know who you are, what city you live in. That's right. So when I come to your house, I'll bring a roll of paper tie. Yes, I want to know what's one of the wash proofs he ben use. That's right. I can make it sure. I don't mess around and dab the myth one of them wash cloths. Come on, I don't want We're thinking be at your house one day, yea, and think it is okay? And I'm in that trying to get clean. And I got that nash all up from the mom. Yes, I don't want to wash no dog cracks or crevices, taking hold watch clothing. He been in there with little senior read up, ye getting his little half. Don't stopt know we got to go to great we do here And in closing, I'll say, that's right, that's right. Check your wash clon. Look at him close beyond if you have to pull him apart. Don't you watch cloth learning and things? You're listening to the Steve Ry Morning Show. Well, it may not be romantic having a work spouse, that the office can be essential. Okay, al right, it may not be romantic, but your work spouse can be important to you. Okay. Many people have colleagues at the office. They are so close to boy, it's going in his man call is my work pou we do our way to vote us the world. Many people of colleagues at the office there so close close to that they can be characterized as a quote work spouse, such as work spouses. Um. Such workspouses offer support and mentorship and also give advice and guidance. Okay, so that's pretty cool, as well as friendship and championship. We're not going there, Steve, I know, so, so what other benefits do such work spouses offer. Well, they tend to be the person in the office that always has your back and you can always count on. Plus, they give you a standing lunch partner okay if you go to lunch with them. Yeah. They're also the person who will keep a watchful eye out for you at the office events or Christmas parties if you start embarrassing yourself. If you have one question, so do my work spouse? Yes? What is it? Are you wonder lover? Steve? Okay, well come, I want to love what is it? Can your work wife be fun? Yeah? Dahn, Were you asking us that or were you asking the marriage his wife, your husband. You know what well? I mean, yeah, yeah, you show I'm fine, but as in health, yeah, I want to tell you right now and he has nothing to do with Jackie as in health answers good, Okay, Well I don't get that. Why why another man can't say that another man is an attractive man or he's a nicetive? What the love is not a I better see? I know that we don't have to me in and our family. Why won't your ass buying to it? You got a mirror last time somebody told my girl he cute. We're not cute people. We are. Stop saying that are not You are not acute person, timing. I'm not gonna tell you that no more. We don't have acute men in our family. Damn. So you telling my wife right here that an u person. I'm not telling your wife anything. I'm telling you you're not acute person. You don't think she know that information? She got to bring up? She she know that that had to be one of the reasons she married you. No, it's not she in love with him. He has earning potentially, Okay, that's not people that you're attracted to us. Yeah, but that don't make you fine. You hang around an ugly person long enough, you'll fall in love. He might be only something. Your ass could have been a real nice ass rebundy it sometimes man like you haven't seen a basketball game. Sometimes you can just get a good a rebody have won snax one after and just started running up to flow with it. She felt sorry for him. Is that what you're saying? I know good will lemonated parties and answer you're how time he's laun that's been saying. She saw the earning potential. Use in school, use only black to get a degree in theater Arts of Texas and them show a lot of promise you a little pretty as capital right there, right there as capital had nothing to do with attractive. It's y'all's damn attitude. Sexy that's right there, right there, just to you. Well, Steve, you're sexy places to girl. Let me explain, I have mastered of how to handle the way I look and stack it up next to who I ain't okay, okay, which brings me back to something I love. What did the girl tell you in high school? Because I don't think she told me. I'm not going to the problem with because I don't like your facial features. And she didn't say in your nephew too, see I got nice feature, Tommy, you don't have good facial features. What's wrong with my face? You heard it with that one. What's wrong with face? My face is on Facebook? What's wrong with my face? You look? You look like a turtle? Baby? Do I look like? Yeah? She know? Oh that was so sweet, baby baby, She don't look like she didn't forgot how turtle looks. Show a picture of a turtle. I don't think the band for you to be saying that in front of his wife. I'm not said that she's supposed to be on here with these yar. I can't stop telling the truth because listening, he's taking her to Bruno Mars tonight. They're gonna also, you guys are gonna have date night. Yes, yeah, the turtle taking her Mars. That's what I like. She fell out that one. I won't be winning Green tonight. That the rest of them Ninja turtles to show up. Dona tell them we've been looking for you. Where have you been? Alrighty we done? I've been done. Mr. It's wonder love, that's what it's. Somebody else, shut up, with them ugly facial features. Okay, hold on, Carla, Monica and Shirley. I just sent you all the texts. Okay, saying it to me? What is he saying? Uh? Okay, do me a real close jess on him. Okay, we gotta go, do me a real cloth. Stop laughing call coming up at the top of the hour. One of our favorite turtle to you, coming up at the top of the hour. You don't look like he ought to be selling let White. Let me see he don't look like he could be selling Tommy along with Junior. Steve, you'll be the judge. Right or Wrong is next? Oh you're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show, Tommy and Junior. It is time. You know. I love this feature. Right or Wrong? Steve wonder love you are the judge. Will be right about though? What you a turtle? Shut up? We right about that. Let's get to it, you all. It's right around. Me and Junior always have a conversation the night before right a wrong? I bounced it off of him and then you know, of course he hang up on me because old. Now y'all here we go. Tell me what you think. Uncle, Please do me a favor be fair today. Okay, just be fat If a deaf person go to court. Yeah, tell Junior, it's not called a hearing. It's a scene. You know what I'm saying. It's a scene. He's back. It's not a hearing. It's a scene. But death person is in court. What they're not hearing? It's not a hearing. It's a scene. Right, a wrong? Come on, not be fair? He's back. Huh give it to love, Junior. Now you go. Still not right because you said I may write it. They gotta go by the law like they're going. Who has seen Junior mumbling he didn't want to give it to you. I know it all right? Here we go. Just the next tell Junior, Dutch people don't pay for each other's bill when they go out to eat. It's Dutch. You know. Everybody pay for their own stuff in the Netherlands. So he's been telling me. Nobody in Dutch, nobody food, Holland Dutch, whatever it is, they pay for their own food. Yeah, nobody ever bought nobody else. They don't. They buy it on this Dutch boy. You go American, they go Dutch. You're stupid. Okay, here there, he's stupid. If a criminal. Watch me on. If a criminal turns himself in, shouldn't he get the reward money? Cry stoppers? Baby? Ya gonna put it all on his books. He's back. All right, Here we go, Here we go. If you get addicted to counseling. Uh, how do you treat that one? If you get addicted to counseling? You going back? How do you treat that? How somebody gonna get addicted to counsel Yeah, if you get addicted to it, to counseling, how do you fix that? You don't go to counseling? You know what I'm saying. Yeah, y'all, that's over, y'all. Here's one look. Think that if a pig is sold to a pawn shot, ain't that a ham hock? Yeah? Yeah, that's a good one. I like that one for pig is sold too, ain't that I That's all I'm saying. All right, I'm gonna give y'all one moment. Tell Junior that a cemetery can raise their prices and blame it on the coast to live it, baby, cemetery can raise their prices and blame it on the coast. Living right a row? Hey, right, okay, right, you're back, all right. I'm not answering the phone next week. I'm just telling you are good what you're talking about. You know, it's not because you don't have to take the phone. Coster. I like the way you want to about it. Out to the phone, say you say, this is what you're here. Hello, hey June. If a man sell a pig to a punch that I'm telling your pat man you want to nothing to No, No, we're good. We're good to the next week. You don't like, you don't like. I don't know if a pig gets sold to a paun shop, ain't that a him? All right? That's good, alright, that's a good point. Right. If I write about Dutch people don't pay for other people when they go out. If a deaf person go to court, it is no longer a hearing. It's a thing. You gotta understand that, all right, go along. Okay, we got a little bit of time though. I'm gonna send you one to do. Okay, you created one writing last it was Remember he was talking about a German chocolate cake. I told him here for German, make the cake. It's a German chocolate cake. If he make it that's a Negro chocolate cake. You know what I'm saying? What what call? He ain't German? Well, it's the recipe from what the cake. But it has nothing to do with the person's race. It was a German that made it. Carla, he got black chocolate cake. I don't understand that he has an African American cake. Me am? I right wrong about this time? Go ahead? If a turtle, see Tommy, Ain't that consented? Family? Can I say this here? Ain't that consent? Can I say this? Yeah? Yes, you just say, all right, here we go, Here we go, Me and my wife and kids. We got we got a dog? Name right? You got dog? I want to ask you if your dog got stuff? To say you ain't that a flea market? I mean it is a yeah, yeah, if your dog got something today? All right, more foolishness on the way. It never stops on this show you're listening to show. Going home for the holidays can be a nightmare for some people. Dealing with bickering family can ruin anyone holiday, but the real horror comes when it's time to go to sleep. Being forced to crash in either your childhood home or a relative place over Thanksgiving, your Christmas, and why they staying it can definitely get awkward, which is why it shouldn't surprise us that a new survey finds at fifty two per cent of adults say they've made up some sort of excuse specifically to avoid uncomfortable sleeping arrangements over the holidays. Overhap, so you should. Yeah, if I can't walk to my kitchen Friday, I have to thank you in my draft. There's a problem. Hey, listen to me. Why does holidays have to be for all family? What do you what do you mean? You know, ain't no law say all family got to come over? All family got to be together. Most of these people in your family that you don't like any more, I'm married and have their own family. Don't you invite together? The family is coming together. Don't you invite who you want to invite over your house? But you don't like them, and you're gonna have them over. You're trying to tolerate them. But that's the problem for the occasion, for the holiday. I don't do that, and my wife honors that request of me. Don't have nobody in my house on my limited time off that I don't like. Just do that for me? Is that at about people that go over their mom's house, right, or they go over their parents house and they gotta stay and put up with people that they don't like for the sake of their parents. You know what I'm saying, that's on your I don't go no where I ain't liked. I think here's the biggest problem. Not you, but you may not like who's coming, but you dealing when they get down. I'm going like, I'm cool with the family. It's who the family brain with them. Once again, my wife got a cousin always gonna bring somebody. We don't know who the hell he got. You can't relax, I don't. I need to get him to have two spoons and keep clicking them to gel so I know where you're at. Well, when you invite them, do you say plus one? Or you just invite them and they bring someone? They don't let you know. She just come over with somebody new every yea or they are already en route. It's kind of bring huh my my grandmother sister. When she come over, I leave because I ain't nobody telling me about her condition. Ain'tbody told me? She h her memory going Yeah, see. I don't like. See, I don't like that because she's surprised by everything. She don't remember nobody and nothing. Ever time you speak to her, hey and she said, who who is that? Who is that? Who is that? Right there? Yeah, you don't want to do that? Five hours of that? Your plate? What's this on this plate? What is that? That's turkey and dressing that you don't know? To this the reason we're here today. You don't know that, and then you gotta mash it up for you know what. I'm like, she go to the restroom, did come back and say, Hi, get to the back froom? You just left out of there. No, I'm not gonna do it for five hours. I'm sorry, I'm not doing that. I'll leave. You ain't got to come over. That's the reason where turkey how you don't know turkey and dressing when you see it? Man? You know who else I don't like. I don't like the people that come over to the house and take more food with them than they come on. I'm telling you, man, Like, are you for real? Man? You're just gonna cut out half a pan of dressing? You got a spatchlor? You taking so much dressing? Out using a Spaci dog. But you in that three fold time. But do they bring their own aluminum foil in their bad You know what they got these new ziplock bangs just bigger than a gallon. More of the show right after these jams. You're listening to the Steve Show, all right, Steve, Uh, this horrible story. The Texas gunman's domestic assault conviction wasn't sent to the national FBI database. And this is really sad. This is terrible. Yeah, twenty six people in the Texas church shooting on Sunday, many of them were children, about half of them which were children. Uh. The U. S. Air Force says the Texas church shooter's name was never put into the FBI's National Criminal Information Center the n c i S database after he was court martialed for domestic violence. Now, had that happened as it was supposed to, shooter David Patrick Kelly would never have been allowed to buy a weapon in the first place. According to federal law, Kelly's conviction for domestic assault on his wife and young stepson. He cracked the skull of a young stepson. He was violent, this man, Yeah, he should it should have been made impossible, should have made it impossible for him to legally purchase the military type. Two things are correct here. What's that, Steve, This is a mental mental health issue. But with that, we still refuse to address the gun law problem. We keep overlooking it, and it's and it's and it's so right down the middle of party lines. No Republican is saying this is a gun law problem. All the Democrats are saying, we got to do something about gun laws. So when President Trump said it's a mental health issue, then they heavily went over here and started spinning it into if it's if he wasn't mentally ill. You can't stop a person who's mentally ill from doing stock, but if he didn't have access to that gun, And then the extra spin was somebody, another law abiding citizen, had a gun, was able to chase him down in that day. Well he didn't get apprehendive, he's dead, which I don't have a problem with myself personally. I think, Steve, what the President is saying that part is irrelevant. The issue is that this man, if he had mental health issues, he should have been input into the database and they would not have sold him these weapons. They refused to talk about the gun control in the database is getting all of this together that when is it going to be enough? How many people have to die before they do something? And you're right, And the only time we talked about this is during times like this all too often now because it's it happened so frequently, you know, But um, yeah, this is the only time we even bring up the gun laws. It's clear to me that money comes in front of life to a lot of these politicians and country and it's just obvious to me. Let me because this Second Amendment, man, y'all can stop faking with this American right to carry a gun. That ain't what we talk We're talking about the types of guns that you can buy in this country. That's what I'm asking and your ability to purchase what's this thing they're trying to take off the thought rifle that they think, but what is that? It's something that you can buy to put on a rifle that gives it the capability to be a repeat you over and over in Vegas did Yeah, that's gonna help. Why we just can't remove the whole gun period? The question answer to that question. But they're not gonna do it because it would affect sales. See, you gotta this is just guns sales, y'all. It's a huge business. Yeah, you're listening to the Steve Steve. I don't know if you heard about this story, but I think you're gonna like it. A Virginia woman who was photographed last month flipping off Donald Trump's motorcade as it drove by her. You heard about this. I mean I hated, Yeah, I hate the way it ended up. But she flipped off President Trump's motorcade as it drove by her while she was riding her bike. Well, the sad news is she's lost her job. Yeah. It was just after three pm on October. Fifty year old Julie B was riding her bike when the President's motorcade, leaving his Trump National Golf Course and Sterling, Virginia, rolled past her. Although she considered cutting between the cards, Julie instead flipped the bird at the vehicles. The spontaneous gesture was caught by news cameras and went viral. The woman said, hey, I just got angry. I lifted my arm and started flipping him off. I started thinking, you're golfing again when there's so much going on, right, now when Julie b Yeah, when Julie be enjoyed her newfound fame for a bit, she did enjoy it for a bit. Uh. It soon came back to haunt her when executives at her job, which oversees government contractors, decided to relieve her of her job. They fired her, pointing out the company social media No, no, the company social media policy bans I've seen content. So she put it on her Facebook and all of that they saw it. Can we flip here at the space? A lot of flip It depends on the company's uh policy answer this, No, you're not. We was working with We can flip people are a matter of fact. I don't I like saying it better though, Sammy come of feeling, I really really hate that she lost her job. Yeah, that's job, I hope. So she deserves a second chance and another. Yeah. But that's that stuff now, it really is because she it was she was in the moment, you know, his motorcade drove by, and she's like, you're golfing when all this other stuff is going on in this country and in the world. That's what you're doing. She wasn't at work when she did it. Yeah, but she put it on her social media page. Did I just say it wasn't that's not because it went viral. Yeah, that's not cool though, that's not you. That's not you. Can you flip the little finger? Was that a little better? Well, that's not an obscene gesture. But if I flipped a bird, I like for mine to be trembling. Why are you shaking your hand that hard? Yeah? I wanted that firm. I wanted a firm to wear. It's a slight tremble to it. It's pretty firm. Hey, the text is thinking about Kaepernick, many thinking about Browns. Don't get and don't let us get both of the quarterback. Y'all should have got you already got the man we we have right the Cleveland Browns the dumbest sports organization. Is it ego or they're just dumb? I just think it's some stupidity. No, no, no, it's dune. When you don't get your paperwork in attack that j Carron used to might get Kaepernick, that's a good yeah talk, I mean they change their mind. Well, you know, we just lost the quarterback. We need the quarterback. He's hurt, he's out for the year. Oh yeah, we got if we get back to back black black what if they sign him on time Junior, if they signed him, see it right now, he's gonna have surgery today actually Jacksonville. But you know what, Bimore, I think that I think the owners up under so much scrutiny right now. He needs to do something like that. They the Texas owner Texas, Yeah, they need to do so some winds talking about YO owner need to do something. When I asked, it's oh and nothing nothing from nothing leaves nothing. Well, I mean Spike Lee said it best. He said that the football team or the owners need the same nerve, the same whatever it took, bravado whatever back in the day when they hired Jackie Robinson to be you know, in the baseball league. They need that same kind of nerve to do that, to hire Colin Kaepernett. Yeah, that was to make him the first one. This is far less, takes far less nerve than what Jackie Robinson did. This requires this, Oh no, this is far less. Jackie Robinson's move was way bigger for everything. All we got to do is stop the hypocrisy that is the NFL, like they this righteous choir boyd organization and you're not. And people can stop. The white football players always be in trouble because it's the largest team. It's the largest team. It's fifty three players on the squad, not to mention travel practice players and stuff like that. So it's fifty three players. So you've got more opportunities. And they're not the best paid sports if you're not starting. Man, if you're on the special special teams and all this here and the practice squad, the guys not making the money you think they making. It's just more players. Man. The man deserves to play football. There's no reason why he shouldn't be playing football because he made a statement and it's collusion and they all got together and said we're not gonna do this now as a subpoena. These phone records and Texas and all like this here. Oh it's been to come out. Oh yeah yeah, lacies and gentlemen, we've had a great morning today, Yes, yes we have. Buckle up your seatbelts, have yourself a wonderful time because this is the Steve Harvey Morning Show and it's over today and ladies and gentlemen, have yourself a great weekend because Wednesday, hump Day up well, I don't know why I keep saying it because I'm working all day on weekend, but I'm gonna have a good weekend because I'm act like he's a weekend. Have a good day. Even if you got ugly facial features, he's got dimples. No, no, she doesn't like my facial feat and you and I have very sympathy, so you're ugly as you. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics of Harvey dot Com. You're listening to the Stay of Harvey Morning showm