Happy Hump Day Uncle Steve is Riding Front Seat - 04.19.17

Published May 1, 2017, 11:34 AM

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Y'all know what time is. Y'all don't know. Y'all have a suit all looking back to back down, giving them ball just like the American buck bus things and it's cubs. Do me true good to Steve? How guy listening to me together for Steve? Quick? Honey, why don't you joy yeah? Yeah, by joining me? Honey? Do U turn yeah? You go to y'all you gotta turn you to turn out, turn lovey got to turn out to turn water the water y'all, comey, come on your thing dad, uh huh, I shall well a good morning everybody. You are listening to the voice, Come on dig me now, one and only Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah man, got one. Hey. You know, um, I thought I think of my life in terms of blessings, you know, I think of it and in terms of I take mostly a positive approach and a positive spin to my life. I I hardly ever dweil on. Uh you know the what's well. I can't say that I don't think about the what's wrong in it because I have to, because I have to address problems as they arise. But I don't. I don't, I don't. I try not to. I try not to let them consume me. I let the consumption part be about the blessings, the positive things that has occurred in my life, the good things that God has done for me, the power that he's uh uh displayed in my life, the protection he's given me over the years, to being tucked under his wings. I focus on the things that He promises me. I think of all all the goodness that I that I perceived to come my way, and I think that has a lot to do with me learning more and more about the law of attraction in terms of you know, what you think and what you put out in it in the in the space, and what you pray about is what you receive, you know, and so I've I've become better and better at that. It's not to say that I'm I'm not human and I don't have moments where I think a little bit too long about what's going wrong and and and and and and and what and what enemy is is about to attack and what they're gonna do and say and and all of is his. That's not to con say that I'm not concerned about it. But I try to duel mostly on the positive. And one of the things that I learned. You can have an incredible life, all of you, all of us. We can have incredible lives if we just let God drive. See. The problem that I had years ago was I was the driver of my life, and I was taking myself in the directions that I thought would be best for me, and I aimed at things that I thought I could accomplish, and I set goals that I saw myself being able to attain. I was driving. When I gave up and I let God drive, I then opened up my mind and my spirit to what God had for me, for what God could see for me, for what God could do in my life. Well, for what God wanted for me now he wanted for me, and he on it of me. See. That's that's that That's the that's the connection that you got to try to make. Well, not try, that's the connection that you gotta make to really get it. To really get it, y'all, not listen to me. What I don't want you to do is do like me. Don't be afraid of the what for of the what he wants you to do part see, because that ain't gonna be nearly as demanding and and as offsetting as you think it's gonna be. See, I thought that if I did God's will, that if I let God tell me what to do, that it would cause me to not to be able to do a certain some things I wanted to do well, which is true. But the stuff I wanted to do was all detrimental to my well being and my future and my am I and my m I am I, and my growth and development as a man. It I was stopping my own growth as a man because see, I was doing what I thought I should do as a man. But when you give it over to God, to God has a much better plan for you to you can ever have for yourself. And God knows a better way, far better than the one you know. I want you to believe that. Man, you gotta understand that part of it. And and that's the part that I finally got through my head to let God do it his way and to show me a better way and to teach me a better way and exposed to me a better way. And when I opened up my mind to what God was talking about, if I began to see things totally differently, and things started coming to me totally differently. If you've been of of of a friend of mine or a fan of mine. Over the years. I mean, you've had to see it, the change. You've had to see the difference. I mean, and I and I acknowledge that every chance I get, because I promised God I would, and I hope that I'm not falling short in that category. But then again, if I told it all day long, would he done for me? I still wouldn't have enough time to really explain thoroughly what He's done for me, because it's such a continuous growth in me. But now that's not to say that I'm finished or I'm done or I'm complete, because I'm still short. And that's the cold thing about it. Man. See, no matter how good you get at it, you ain't gonna ever be the best you can be. You just not, because you're gonna fall short. You can't be him. You can strive for perfection. I hear people saying it all the time. I applaud you for saying you want to be perfect, but you ain't and you can't and you're not and you aren't and you won't and you can't and you will not. And so you quit saying it. You quit saying it to me. Quit saying it to other people. I'm seeking a life of perfection, but it's something that you cannot have because he said you can't do it. But that's what he'd asked for. He'd ask for the moments when you stumble and you fall, and you go stumble and fall. So you gotta get that part right. Man to stumbling falling part is coming. But see you get out in your life and it helps you so that you don't stumble, fall, wallow roll over, laid their languish. That's what God is for. So when you're stumbling, fall, you get back up because you're going to make mistakes. You're going to get it wrong. You're going to come under attack, you're going to be lied about, you are going to be falsely accused. That's going to happen to you the moment you make a decision to do better, the moment you try to be more, the moment you try to get it right. The devil got to send his attackers man, and he controls certain people. He just got people as on his side. Seven You know him too. You you've all met one or two of me in your life. They're just busy with the business of nothingness. They're just busy about to do about the destruction of others. You said, I know him, you know him. They coming. But here's what you gotta hold fast too. They can't take way nothing from you that God gave you. They didn't make you. See, people who claim to have made you, if they're so in to make you business, why don't they make theirselves? Or if they ain't with you no more? And they're so busy in them, I made you business, why don't they make somebody else? Since just since you want to get credit from making somebody, make yourself, if if, if you, if, if you're responsible for someone else's success, then you should easily be able to take claim and be responsible for your own success. See, be careful of that. And don't and and don't don't don't, don't, don't, don't, don't. Don't change your course because somebody is attacking you with that. You keep doing what you're doing. I just hope, man, that I'm giving it to God the way I said I would give it to him, That I would unload every chance I got that I was supposed to without being you know, or here he come again? You know. I try not to be that, but man, I don't know what else to be for the first twelve minutes of my show. What else you want me to say? I got four hours. I can't give God twelve twelve minutes, man, I mean for real, Steve, come on, man, I mean, let's look at this right here. It's like, oh, it's like somebody else's it's okay. For example, it's like detox in your body, which is one of the most healthy things you can do for your body, is to detox your system and clean out the pipes and the liver and the blood and get it all together, give your kidneys a break in all like this, okay, right, okay, But to detox it properly, it takes twenty one days, right. And I hear a lot of people tell about twenty one days. I ain't got but see hold up, man, if the twenty one days out of three hundred sixty days a year, you ain't got twenty one to straighten yourself out. You ain't got twenty one days to give yourself a better shot at health. I mean that that's that's that's crazy to me, once you wrap your mind around it, see, and so like if if if you're giving honor to God, just twelve minutes out the day. Dog, he gave you twenty four hours of luxury in life and breath and hope and promise that you ain't got twelve minutes to give him out the day. That don't make no sense. What an exchange, What a wonderful life God has given me in exchange for so small of effort that I put forth. Don't let the effort you gotta put forth to God seems so dawning that you don't attempt to do it, because man, it seems like a lot. It ain't nothing to compared to what he'd be given us for real. So if you want a real life, you want a real shot at what you can be, what you can have, what you can own, what you can become who you really are, go to God. Let him fix you. Man, that's all you're listening to. Eighteen eighteen minutes after you all, Welcome to the ride. It is the Steve Harvard Morning and Show live in full effect. And uh, it's the nephew, of course, always here, always holding it down. Oh God, what would they do without me? I have no earthly idea, but yes I'm here once again being the trooper that I am and holding things together. My uncle is having technical difficulties whatever that means. But yes, every day, dude, every always something he needs some fly or chriss and ranch or fix your equipment? Man, what's wrong with your stuff? Get you? I'm tried, not tried, nota it's the cooperator and what is it? But the ladies, of course are here, always holding it down, always here, always trupers, always here. There's never nothing anything wrong with them. They got it together fairly Strawberry and Colin Farrell. It's always here doing that thing. Good morning, good morning, morning more equipment. Hey, I'm cool on this right now. It's working. Yeah, huh, stop on the gap. Take thee jump Okay, we'll take thee right here and put them on there alright now. Try not ain't it that? Ain't it? That? Ain't it that? Ain't hold hold up? Hold up, that's too much now. Put that mechanic though, with that cigarette, boy, you got to have it hanging out the side of your mom. Got to take that whole thing off there. You don't even need that that whole Take that all all right now to hold your finger right here until I go in and when I get in there I'm gonna tell you one minute, but just hold your finger right there, hold your finger on the spark plug. That's gonna shock me. How old your finger out there until I get there? Did you feel anything? Though they're underneath the car with you know, they're on that roller thing they can board. Yes, yeah, I love that thing. I love when they come from under that. They got bad news. You don't look. Let me tell yourself now, I can fix it. I can fix it. That's it, that's fit for you. I can fix it. But I can fix but I need it for about phot eight at what I'm gonna. I'm gonna fix it in two. But I got to take my mama somewhere on that thing. I'm gonna. But it never occurred to them though they should not have a cigarette under a car with gas. They don't care ever, and they yes, they never help a car that actually works though the actual mechanic don't. All those cars in that shop, something's wrong with them. And two of them are always for sale. Yeah, one has no tires at all. You want to buy that Manverick. I can get you that maverick if you want that manvery that manvery running. I'm telling a Maverick. Though now the only thing is just sticks you up a little loosen. Now there ain't no seat on the driver side. But they're running good. It's running good right as they tell me. It's better than Mike and Ike. You walk in and that muffler is loud? Are we talking about young people have no idea? But back in the day, our parents in their cars, I can't tell you used to go down to stop when you knew exactly what's wrong with wouldn't stop. You jump out pikes a little bit and you're back on the road. Maybe you used to have some water for the water in your what was it radiator? Radio kept the water, You kept some oil, you kept some break fluid that was in the trunk for show back down memory Lane. What was your first car? What was your first car? Tom? Shirley was a first car. My car was a Ford something Brandy Ford. Continue. I told you to pick up when I came out of high school. Yeah, it was to college to pick up sky blue. No, that was dark blue, but it was blue. Mine was sky blue. What did you have a Dodge? I think it was remember the Plymouth, Yeah, al Rison Plymouth, Alison's cord m but it had no the gear that's extra. That was just that was extra. Did the gear panel? You know? I had to stick shift all that was open? So was the heat? Didn't you help? Didn't you have two windows? Yeah? I had to roll them down right there? Yeah, that was it. When those remember the when did you have to roll down? Physically roll down? That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, I had to do that. But look, it was so much heat coming from the gear shift panel. I put a Teddy bear around the gear shift to kind of that teddy bear was burnt. Boy, let me get in the car, my friends, what is going on? And say, hey, you want to ride criticize what's happening in the Are you smoking? The bear was burned? To Christ Smokey the bear. I worked for that car to five hundred dollars. I had had buying a car back in the day for five hundred dollars. My best friend had at a Volkswagen. Nowhere did a little white Volkswagen. Who it was raggedy, But we were in there though, girl rolling to the mall to the movies. Yes, my my fraternity brother had a car that only made left turns when you had to go right to turn right, so we'd be I'm not lying to you, we'd be in Texas, and if we make the wrong turn in the morning going to school, we're gonna be late for class. You got to know exactly what left to make to get there. It was the craziest thing. Boy couldn't go right for Paula. How would Robertson? My worst was in Chicago growing up, when it would snow outside and we did not have a garage. My car was not in the garage, so you had to go out, and you know, I was always dressed, go out, scrape the car off that scrape the snow off the windshield. I mean you had a little device that you would scrap windshield, wiper scraper. Then you know, meantime you had to start the car up so you know, the windshield could be heated. But you had to get that ice off of there, that that snow. Yeah, that was crazy. That was crazy. We had a pinto Chicago because Orange tried. Nowt now it got to be that manifold. When it got to be it must be that manifold. You're gonna have to leave it with me, all right. We got a great show plan for you today. Strawberry letter of course coming up later in the hour. Passion will be here, ms An, We'll be here to talk about the results in Georgia. Came close. Came close. Yeah, runoff in June because it came so close. We'll be back tell you all about it. At thirty four after the hour. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Uh, that was Junior on the line. You just heard him. I understand he and uh Steve are en route and where you're from them? Shortly I'll here you are right now? What are you doing? What's wrong? Hey? You're supposed to be here? Where y'all at? Junior driving? You? Hey to talk to the front seat with me? No unusual and Junior drive like you? The price? What does that mean? Slow fast, all of you. We don't stop it stabing talking, don't have to get something the right quick out? No, no do y'all need to get to work many studio? Hey, y'all, Hey, hey man, something happened at the studio and now we gotta go to an alternative studio. And what it always something with My driver dropped me off because he had to go out to the airport to pick up my wife. I'm I'm in the Chocolate Junior the way down, and why do you keep going with other drivers? Ya Um, we're on the way, We're coming me on the way now. I ain't been in the front season it's so long. Is you cold? Because it's your side over here? You can throw your kip over. He can't be cold. Don't make him cold. Yeah, don't riding the jury struck talk about you cold because he wrote juniors, rolling his window down, telling people he's got Steve in the car. There's a lot of medicine. Are you talking? If I don't cut you off? You when you prush the cars, I couldn't have happened to you. He's run like empty something this really? I think me and other Steve more closer than you and him because he got whatever. Because I've been through far more than you've been through. He in the car with me. You want to hear some music? You like? You can. I just won't go to the studio. So he's not a very good passenger. You need to get in the bast It's hard to please any medicine. It's medicine, and then probably in the arm f you see it. No, he no, he ain't got no medicine, but she hide hever sid on sitting it sick man on eighty two? It for me? You know I got ghett that okay, okay, just side on eight two. You'll say none of that. He coming over here there, arguing it's junior. Hurry up. Rush was traffic. You know we're sitting in rush hour, which stay hard in the front day. I was looking him, Okay, I'm driving them too close to the car. How do you know that time you drunk over? But I know we drew there clothes. Okay, un are you in walking distance? Get on the freeway now and get on sooner. Let me in. I hope not that you went or the eighty five. It ain't eighty five. Hey hey, hey, let me tell you so there's so a like turn yo. If she see it, she slamm on the foot. Hold on, people think I'm playing who was re man? Like? Now? Did I see? Yeah? What y'all need? What I get off? He's stunting now, he's stunting. You know I'm going. I gotta stuff right now. I got If you don't get my uncle, he'll work right now and quit holland at everybody out your wonder hey, time to see if it was your uncle? Why you ain't crooky m hm? Hi knew he was having technically difficult Hey man, can I'll tell y'all something. It's a nice truck, but what is it? Though? Good calling? Don't paint a badly? But you know all that stuff, we don't need all that in this. You don't know what kind of call you in. You don't even know. I mean, it's not just I'm just trying to ask me what kind of worlds? Yeah, you got a lot of water? You don't that one year first? Yeah, I keep I keep watering him. I keep everything in here. I got, you know, I got uh standlight radio and you know, you know stuff you don't really listen to sound like radio. Here they got to navigation. Do I listened to stand radio? Are you doing okay? I ain't water colors as much? Station? Oh? I love that's something el Hello, Hello, hello radio? How about this radio station? Show at the radio? Because we're coming in, we're coming into the radio. Do y'all know y'all he didn't hit thet I don't know if this but trashy. I want to see how he gonna atractic can y'all go to Starbucks? Yeah, I won't take it that he don't want to go though, he's too famous. Okay, where I got to? You know you went to? I think he never get here to row run that break back with the nephew. Coming up, we'll be back. You're listening to show, all right? Coming up at the top of the hour, miss Ann, we'll be here with our national news. We're gonna have the results of the sixth Congressional District election and uh breaking news. Uh Aaron Hernandez committed suicide in prison. We'll talk about all that this morning. Yeah. Wow, Yeah, we're gonna run that prank back. You know that, don't you. We gotta do that. And we're gonna dedicate this to somebody that's on their way to work. We're gonna dedicate this to Uncle Steve. This is the I R S Check, the I R S Kick. That's why you wasn't here yesterday. But that's all right. Come on and play up and jor Julie, you beout not hurt my uncle. Hello. Hello, I'm trying to reach Regina. Please. This is Regina. How you doing. My name is Mark. I'm actually calling you from the Income Tax office. Did you actually did you receive your income tax check yet? No? I haven't received on waiting on it now. Okay, Now, there was a check man that was sent out for fifteen dollars that was probably about two weeks ago. You never received that check. No, I haven't received it. I'm waiting on it. Okay, Wow, okay, Uh, what what address did you send it to? We're looking at let's see fifteen on one Avenue. No, that that's not my that's not my address. I don't live there. That's my mom's address. That's where it was actually sent to. Man, was I guess to your mother's address the address that I put down? I'm not. I'm not. That's not my mistake right now, I understand that. I'm not sure what the complicated. Now. The problem I'm looking at, maam, is that it's it's showing that our records here that this this check has been cash. How has the check been cast? I haven't received the check. Just let me look a little further here. Um, let's see, are you familiar with a a project. Yeah, that's my brother, but he's not he's that that money is not going to him. That's actually have my name on it, not no project okay. It was actually cash by a project two days after it was delivered to uh this fifteen one no Uka. So we need to find out how you can send me that money back and get that money back and send me a check because like I said, I didn't put that address down. That is not you know you that just the checks you be coming to me. That's not my problem. So you guys need to rectify the problem and get me my money. Okay. Now he evidently does a problem. Your your brother, I guess, is evidently cash your check. You know what this cratch heads even that's why I did. I've moved out of that place and y'all y'all should be sending me money to my house, not over there. Okay. Now, the reason man, that I was actually calling initially was to let you know, uh, we sent you a check for fift eighty dollars, okay, And the problem is that it was a mis calculation on this whole thing and when actually they needed you need you actually to send four fifty dollars back to us because we sent you too much. Oh you got me? I'm sorry, but no, I work off all through the year I went and may and and did find my taxes, and I did everything correctly. Now, if y'all send me too much money, that's your problem. I ain't send it. No money back to y'all. Man, we're gonna have to get you. Well, you're gonna have to find it somewhere else because you're not gonna get it from me. I don't want to. You will. LETNNA tell you what you need to do. Okay, you need to send me another check. That's what you need to do because I never received it. We're not gonna be able to send another check, ma'am until we get first of all, before you you don't understand you you're you're not listening, You're not understanding. Where is your supervisor? I need to sup. I need to speak to a supervisor because obviously you're not doing your job right. I'm actually the supervisor, ma'am. And what I'm going to explain to you is that I need to come in and tell you how to do your job. Ecause his name was not on the check you're sending to Sence there in the first place. Well, uh, you know, I don't understand who your brother is, but the project cash this check. I don't know what's going on with crackhead. I don't just he shouldn't be cashing. You shouldn't be send it over there? Man, might do apologize for these problems? I do is not expected that? What? What was gonna make me happy? If you send me a check to the corrected draft? Where can we expect to check from you for four fifty ma'am? No? Well, I'm sorry, but I haven't even received how much? Send you some money and I haven't received my money yet. Okay, Man, if we don't receive the four fifty within a week, we're gonna have to put a freeze on your account. How do you don't put freezing till I haven't received my check and you don't send it over to that crackhead? You know you need to send in my check. That's what you need to do, trying to freeze my money. I don't even get no money. What are you talking about? You need to get my money. That's what you need to do. Understand if if you crack had brother this cash can check and run off with it. We can't do anything about that. You know what? No, No, that's what you you. I don't care your your mistake that y'all made is that you say it to the wrong house and then you want to try and sleeve my camp. You got me stuff. Okay, that's what you need to do. You need to send me my money. You're sending to the wrong place. That's not my mistake, that's your mistake. I got listening, man, I don't want to time to go back and forth. I got a one more thing I need to say. You listen on. The thing you need to be telling me is that you're sending my check. Are you listening to me? Now? Y'all made that mistake? This is enough. You tell me from the Steve Harvey and Martin's Yo. You just gotta break by your cousin Reggie. Oh my God gave me Reggylmo kicks. Hither a baby, where my money at? Your money probably on the way, baby, But I hope they got to write that drip because you're you're gonna lose your mind. Oh well, I'm shaking right now. Oh bilet, Hey, hey, I got one more one more saying nasty baby. What is the baddest radio show in the land, Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning show. They made it? Yeah, they made it. Did y'all get the picture? Y'all posted on y'all you look scared? Steve in the car with JR. Scared. I was just concerned. Why is he talking there about it? Once in a lifetime opportunity may never get that shot again. You know what I'm saying? Sor Rick on the way as it? Rick, what's up? You know what I'm saying? Hey, man, is your mic too low? Or do it sound like you crossed the street? I don't know, dude, Yeah, you sound like Milo the mic? Okay you don't. Yeah, we'll get it. Yeah we are. Well, we're here a background music we do now? Oh we're hip hop station. What bobos have thought of that? Huh? Yeah? Boy, Miss Anna's here, by the way. What's her name? Bon Jovi? Bobo, baby Joe? Are you telling baby Joe? Yeah, baby Joe? That is his real name, Baby Joe. Yeah, people's name been Studio. I walked in a people who excuse me? Excuse you? Can I help you? I'm sorry, Mr Harvey, I'm so sorry, ladies and gentlemen, she's here, Miss Ann. Trip, thanks Steve morning, everybody out there, and Trip or morning Shirley call the Timy Jr. This is a trip with the news. I'm starting out with some startling news. According to The Boston Globe, former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez discovered hanged in his cell this morning by corrections officers at the correctional facility in Massachusetts where he was staying Susa Baranowski at approximately three oh five this morning. The Massachusetts Department of Correction says in a press release that life saving techniques were attempted on her Nandez. He was transported to the hospital where he was pronounced dead at four oh seven this morning. To repeat. According to The Boston Globe, former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez discovered hanged in his cell by correction officers this morning in Massachusetts. He was pronounced dead. He was in a single cell, apparently in a general population unit. Now they say he hanged himself utilizing a bet sheet that he attached to his cell window, and according to the officials and nana Is, also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming the door with various items. Now what Adam Hernandez was an NFL standout? He was a tight end. He was drafted by the New England Patriots. On May fifteen, Hernandez was also indicted for the double murder double homicide of two other people, besides the initial conviction that he got for killing Odin Lloyd, who was going out with his girlfriend's sister. Anyway, after that, he was also uh indicted on a double homicide of a man named Daniel de Abreu and south Fire for Toado. He was found not guilty for the double homicide, but continued serving a life sentence for the murder of Odin Lloyd. So he he's as as as sad man because what was just an incredible waste man of everybody's life, you know, I mean, I mean when you take another person's life for what, man for what? You know that that that man is gone now he gone for life. You had a career, he threw it out, the one that you want to play gangster. Now you're gone. Now you didn't hung yourself because you can't take it no more. Oh man, that's just too many times wasted. And it started when he killed that man, Oden, that right there, that right there, m anyway, the nation manhunt was Cleveland so called Facebook killers over. It turns out thirty seven year old Steve Stevens was in Pennsylvania. After all, schools will lock down in Philly on Monday, and I reported that after some reported sightings of this guy yesterday, Cleveland Police Chief Calvin Williams said they got a tip that Stevens was at a McDonald's the Erie, Pennsylvania. Those officers responded, the vehicle fled from that area. There was a short pursuit in which the vehicle was stopped. As the officers approached that vehicle, Steve Stevens took his own life. Apparently. The person to McDonald's they he had ordered some chicken McNuggets or something like that, and they delayed giving him the chicken McNuggets while they called the police. They said, oh, we had to get fresh ones and all the kind of stuff. Chiefs also says no indications right now that Steve Steele Stevens killed those twelve or thirteen other people that he bragged to have murdered. They said, they have no one. You don't know what that was about. They're still looking, but they don't think that was true. And now three people in downtown Fresno, California, have been killed as part of an apparent random murder spree. There. Police say the suspect already wanted connection with a separate murder investigation. They say, thirty nine, you Cory Ali Muhammad Aleslie just approached and murdered three people on the street. He'd also, they say, murdered a security guard. All the victims were white men, and they say on his Facebook page he had mentioned that he hated white people. It goes on and it goes on. Okay, okay, So don't nobody think we need gun control laws. We we we we we we still sitting over here thinking you could walk in the store with I D and buy gun. Everybody cool with that. M So make no damn sense man, for a country this eyes to have the incarceration rate that we have. We got more people incarcerated than any nation anywhere. We ain't got by the fourth of the people China guy and the fourth of the people into your guy. But we need the world in incarceration. There's something wrong, man, We're so damn free, were over free? Hm letting these buttholes have guns? Ain't nobody you know you you ain't get you just go get it. You need to sell a gun at a gun show. You just set up with gun on the table, assault rifle. You come up with the money you can buy you gotta be killing. Yeah, yeah, you can go to Walmart and getting Yeah, men to go to Walmart. Why are you picking up your chips? You can get the gun. That's crazy, man, that's crazy. And they don't think we need it. And the reason they think that we don't need it because they created the Second Amendment in the Constitution. Everybody always bragging about this constitution. The constitution needs a men think from time to time. This is the same constitution that said women couldn't vote. Remember that this is the same constitution that said the negro was three fifths of a human being. Remember that this is the same constitution man. You know that where where we had to get a voting right and act so black people could vote. This the same constitution. So we need to change some things. The Second Amendment is archaic and outdated for these times. But our problem is Smith and Wesson, Barretta and all of them making billions of dollars on guns. So guess what we'll need no gun control laws. Scool, We're selling them, making them and selling now until something happened to one of them, the only time something happening one of every like if they go hunting with Dick Cheney or something, then thank you miss I don't know, yeah, but he's administration. Yeah, all right, thank you. Ms dan As always coming up the is it the butterfly Day? Butterfly or Oatmeal. We'll get it together and let you know exactly who it is one of these days you're listening to that Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, butterfly slash Eugene butterfly slash Oatmeal waiting in the wings with their either the Butterfly Blog or the Morning Grill one of them. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. It is a beautiful, beautiful Wednesday, Um Steven, Tommy, Shirley Carle Jr. And good morning, out Meal. We decided to try and do something together today because today is National hang Out Day, That's what it is. So that National hangout, Yes, Stephen, national what hang out? You know, just hang out, hang out with a free and hang out with a coworker. It's National hang out Day. April nineteenth is National Hangout Day, So it's hang out with um whom over you look at who the first of all, I want to say, it's like it's like, you know, I really wanted to do with it. You're trying to you know, be uh you know, work with to tell you what whatever stage serially, color Joe and you a good moon time and the morning hear about it? Yo, yo you so hey, let me first about your my definition. She really good morning. It's National hangout Day. Let me interrupt you. It's a National hangout day. So get with someone and hang out with someone to day. This is where you get some tea, um, sit in the park, you know what I mean, and just have conversation. That's that's what it's all about. Hold. Look, look, hold everybody to drink no tea. Look if you hanging in, get you a shot of hend, get with your boy, get a cigar. That what I'm talking about right there, That right deal. You would hang at me, get you something in a suit, signal your lad. We ain't in no poke now we probably on the front pool playing some dominos or whatever. Dead right deal is just straight up hanging up. Yah, Yeah, that's better. Well, if you don't want to play diamond nows, you don't have to do that. You if you want to go shopping, Go buy some scarves. Got to the mall. That is a good hangout that get in the mall, getting a scoop of ice creaming and looking at the stories, even if you're just window shopping. Held, look, I tell you we should have done it to go look at I even to go to know my look a do no windows though something I came back. I ain't fisted back. I don't want no skulls the other from the see no OpenAL with nose skulls around, even to buy no scar You know what, you bastard, that right there, that's that? That ain't that? Ain't that ain't hanging out to buy no scarf. Okay, first of all, the summer hill wise we weighing scars that they have summer scarves. They have scars that are for this summer. You can go to um a little bit. Time has very good scarves. Gucci has very good scarves. These are just things that you can buy while you're at them. All you can get some shoes, some new sneakers or something right there, alright now, you didn't see yourself, so sneakel right there, all right, give me a pail or deedles, white shill toe right there. Now we're talking about something. But I ain't even to put on no no scar if we don't look like y'all gonna have a lot of fun hanging out. Always say that this ain't know no good idea. But he wanted to go. Only dude trying to work well with other That what I'm trying to do show um with b or whatever. But I don't Whills goes. I don't Steve Junior tam do anyone of y'all want to score? Yeah? Man, I really don't. Never thought about it though. We gotta go. It's National Hangout Day, April the nineteenth, Wednesday, Um, Shirley Carly, if you I would like to hang out, I would love to because it seems like none of the guys want to. I was trying to do stuff. You know. We gotta go. You're listening ste Harvey Morning Show. All right? Today is the day after that dretted tax day yesterday. Our fear leader, Mr Steve Harvey missed yesterday. He didn't come to work yesterday. But we're going to find out what happened and how is his day yesterday? And all those questions We wanted to ask him yesterday, how we talk about that phone? Why not? That's your big day. I gotta learn you. I thought you fled the country. I thought you now we were worried about you. He's mad. Must have been crazy to think that you love me. Uh huh yeah, yeah. You can't hurt love can't something. You hurt me here, come a hit hurt me here, and that's rights me. You're know Mary when she's going through put back at you. Yeah, you know who you're talking about. Jam You know you want a hundred thousand a month? Mm hmm, I can dude, Yeah, how to thousand a month for what? What about? We took that story yesterday when she said she was a victim of hacking. You weren't here, Steve yesterday. But uh, this was terrible on social media on Mary's side. It came in a tweet read blank you can do Isaac's I blanking hate him and his whole family. I followed him on I g and all of my fans need to hashtag strength of a woman, hashtag do dead day. But Mary took to Twitter. She cleared up the hate ration, insisting she didn't write the message and as she tweeted, Hey, guys, I was hacked with that message about Ken do I don't hate him and his family, nor do I wish death on him. I just want this to be over. Yeah, so she was hacked. I believe Mary on this one. She don't do that. She don't. She don't do tweets she made hit Yeah her field you just heard. Yeah, so, Steve, you don't want to tell us anything about your day yesterday? I wrote a song about it. Hit. Yeah. It's kind of like, you know, marry j Blige, just taking that marriage a blast. You know, when I'm hurt, I'll come out with hits. Man, Let's hear it on the way out. Come on tax Day? Hell, love a day tax Day. I really didn't want to pay tax Day. I don't give the damn what they said tax Day. I never ever ever want to pay tax Day. I'll be damned. Why they do it to your tax day? I don't ever want to give it to your tax day? What the hell is going on? The whole damn system is wrong. Steve Harvey Morning Show, the top of the hour, Strawberry letter, subject I can't trust my girlfriend. That is the subject we'll be dealing with that a little but um after the top of the hour. But coming up next it's the nephew with the prank phone call. Nephew, what do you a wedding? Wedding with Butcher? What wedding with Butcher? I thought you said, don't think don't you see it? We all thought that I didn't tell him you have a cousin. Thank you? Oh this sale. Hello, I'm trying to uh, I'm trying to reach Alan. Hey all, how you doing this? Butcher? Man? But yeah, you was you was at the cook out the other day with the family. I'm I'm christians couse Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, y'all was that you was at the cook out of the day. I wanted to reach out to you. I know the winding is in the next two weeks, right, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, you you're ready for that? Yeah? Okay, Well, hey man, I got a little bit of a problem that you know that we kind of wanted to call you about, you know, because the family got together and he had a little meeting, like and what the deal is is this Hill? I know, I know you're excited to want to marry my cousin, and she kind of excited too. About the old thing. But you know, like the family members we got together and decided that, uh for right nine, I mean right now we're feel like we've been to call the wed now for right now what you're talking what you're talking about calling the wind off? We'll see you know, everybody, thank you cool and now and uh, you know we're really real passionate man about you know, people marrying into our family or whatever, like you know that the gathering of them that you know that was the potluck thing. Everybody brains something right Hold on, Christian ain't never told me like that about what about something about not getting no married? Okay, we'll see right here, like I said, this is what the family don't decided on? What the family decided on. Okay, see this one I'm trying to tell you see we're really closing their family and it's like this here. See further of all, let me get you to understand this. Here you're talking to Butcher right now. All right, here's a deal. You know, we didn't decided that the weird name in the album in two weeks until like when we had we had the potluck barbecue. Everybody brains something. Why you ain't brained that what you're talking about I'm paying for. Oh oh, that's what you've been to throw up in our face that you're paying for the way. Hell yeah, I was supposed to bring. Hey man, everybody brains someone we have a pot. Look, you know, everybody brains something contribute to to to the function or the event that's going on. You know, if you to walk up in there and I have none, that let us know what kind of person you're gonna be in the family. We can't have it. Who is this again? This butcher right here? I don't know, no butcher. Look, I came to the family gathering picnic. I came there and showed up, loving on all y'all, telling y'all great this is gonna be. And now you're telling me I can't married Christal. Is that what telling me? Amen? The family that already voted and win the family vote down, that's it. I ain't marrying the family, you man, You're married my cousin Christian. That's what you're trying to do. And then you ain't been the man. Huh. Look let me calling up to my job talking like this. I'm already on hot from the day with some books. My supervise them pools. Do not come calling me with no books. Hey man, let me tell you this here until we can decide that you're good for christ. It until we can decide that you know you can handle being marritha hu and you come correct as a family member, And if you're gonna come to pod luck, then you bring a pot. You ain't bringining nothing. I ain't gotta fear, ain't nothing I'm paying for this way, and I don't get what's you up there? All that money out, don't drop for this? How about two bottles of wine to it you when you I ain't seen no wine. I don't care if you've got that wine or not. I saw her mamma drinking it. Okay, well, I ain't getting no wine. I don't remember nobody bringing no wine. See Butcher, no, only see everything that go on. I got class. I don't know what he's talking about, butche whatever. I brought some wine. My mama was drinking it. And I ain't playing that this way and going down. I don't spend over twenty three dollars on that. Man. I haven't already told you that the family didn't voted on that. The win I don't give up what the family voted on. How don't paid for this? I ain't heard nothing from Christian about this. Christian might not know what we didn't voted on. We've made the season sometimes for everybody. You understand that don't include me. We'll live. Christian know that we've spen to stop the wind. Well, I'm just calling to let you know before I tell her what's up. You're trying to tell me Christin don't even know. Now we ain't telling hood and we don't agree with you yet, and then we're gonna stop the wind. We ain't told of it. Man out of here. I'm paid all this money for this. Man you ain't stopping. Hey, man, I haven't already told you what we're doing. All right, I'm nothing to continue to go back and forth, which you better get off my all raising your voice at me. I don't know. I'll tell you what. Let me say this to you. I don't care if I got to bust up in that church and stop this way because you don't win against what we just said. Whatever I got to do, I don't know who you with. I wish y'all try to stop this wedding. Look, we can handle it right now. I can get off of work. I'm already going through some books and I'm already on fire. I will come there and bust yo right now. You know what see see see see what she was going with Nigel, See Nigel ain act like this? Oh what what? I don't know? You didn't bring that me and that already. Don't even bring that same up in me. Hey man, hey man, I'm just keeping it real with you. Nigel A act like this hill that we gonna have words. And if that want to come and bust up in there too, he get dealt with up like that, man all. I'm just trying to say, it's a harme family, a hunt. I want to hear nothing about this no more. Tell me where to beat and we can deal with this right now. I'm just letting you know the family, the voted the family and already voting. Now what we will do we'll push the wind back and and then give us time to reevaluate you and we evaluate me. I don't even know evaluate you from y'all. And then Christy getting married and I put some money on this. All I know is the wed ain't happening. That the weds happened now. I thought I'm paying pall it. He's got some bulls you the family. We're gonna get married in two and a half weeks. And if y'all don't come in, if y'all come up in that, y'all gonna get dealt with it straight. And I'm drinking that I'm trying to say alone, a man, I'm trying to tell you, man right now, the family don't want you in the family right now. I don't give about you. Ain't in love with y'all. I'm here and Christina not canna give up if I see all ever again. I'm gonna tell you this here. The family voted on one more thing. You need to go on. Know that while we at it, this ain't no damn democracy. We're getting married between h and I and if y'all I don't want to be there, jump off and at this. Yeah, it's one more thing. We didn't vote it on what you don't vote it on. We voted on this. This is nephew Tommy from the Steve Hobby Morning Show. Christians and Todd family got me the prank phone call. You still come to the wedding, Tommy. I don't put all that money out like that. I was like, no sign. I got one more thing. I got to ask you, dog, what is what is the baddest and I mean the baddest radio show in the late Steve R. Morning Show, Babby Tommy. I'm being real with you, man, somebody gonna you up. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Oh all right, buckle up and hold on. Type we got it for you. Draw letter subject I can't trust my girlfriend. Dear Stephen Shirley. I'm a twenty seven year old man and I've been in a relationship for over a year. In the beginning, everything was great and we were in love. I accepted her son like he was my own. I love that kid and I would always spend my last dollar on them both. But now everything has fallen apart since I went snooping in her phone and I saw that she was texting to other guys and calling them baby. She also texted a guy and said she had fun with him last the night before. When I confronted her about it, she said that she was just flirting and it was anhing. More than that. She got mad at me for looking through her phone. A couple of weeks ago, I was at her apartment and all of a sudden, a guy walked in the house like he owned it. Apparently he knew who I was because he did not ask. I was furious, but I did not start anything with him because I wasn't mad at him. Now she's telling me that he was nobody. Then why does this nobody have a key? She keeps crying and telling me that she wants another chance. I know that if I leave her, she will fall apart and I will feel bad. Please help me because I simply can't not trust her. Man to man? What should I do? Please help another man to man? Part was for you, Steve, But here we go. The trust is broken here. I mean, come on, Uh, how are you going to get that back? I honestly don't think you can. Uh. This is a simple case. If you've been really good to her, you've treated her son like your own, and she abused your kindness. She disrespected you. She did it in your face. I mean, listen, another man has a key to her apartment and then he walks in like he owns it and looks at you like, what are you doing there? Come on now, Uh, this is supposed to be your girlfriend. Okay. It's just unacceptable for her to have another man just roaming through the house like that. It just really is. I mean, uh, I don't think you should give her another chance, even though she's asking you to and and all of that. I mean, because she knows exactly what she's doing. If you didn't go through her phone, you suspected something. Obviously you would never have known this, So she she knew what she was doing. I just think you should just chalk this up as a loss and and and just keep it moving. I really do. Steve ah Keith did. His whole letter is in the middle of it. I've never started a letter from the middle. I was furious, but I did not start anything with him because I was not mad at him. So the opposite of what you would have done, Mr Harvey, this is the whole crux or this letter for me. Once again, I was furious, but I did not start anything with him because I was not mad at him. Now let's go to the letter. Accepted this woman's son like he was your own. Mhmm. One day you spend your last dollar on them, your last dollar. You were snooping through her phone. Mhm. She was texting two other guys mhm, calling them baby right. She told one guy had fun with you mm hmmm the night before. H. When you confronted her about it, she says she was just flirting. I bet you was flirting the night before. M She got mad at me for looking through her phone as she shooting, as or any man would do when a woman is snooping through her phone. The best defense is always a good offense. They find something in your phone, get off to They tell you in the phone phone, you don't be looking at my phone. You don't know what this is going in. Okay, the trip of that. You don't know me like that, I'd be just talking like that because I'm on office. You know, you got to get over Amy. A couple of weeks ago, I was at her apartment. A guy walked in the house like he owned it. Stop right there. Yeah, I'm sitting in the hill and the dope he walked in like he owned it. Mm hm. Apparently then what this boy? This twenty seven you old dudes. Apparently he knew who I was because he didn't ask m She right now, you wouldn't have to ask who I was if you walk in and I'm sitting here all it ain't nothing to ask your question? You, Why is you in my face? Would be the first thing you want to know? Why is this man luncheon at me? Why is this man in the air coming towards me? Why is this man's fistball up? Why is this man so damn angry? You ain't gonna have to ask who I am, because you gotta answer all of them questions first. That's the start. Now you're sitting up here, Yeah, because obviously he knew who I was. Well, you're gonna know a whole lot more about me, like what type of speed I'm working with, my agility factor, You're gonna know a lot about my intensity level. You're gonna understand whether you like the way my breath smell or not. You're gonna find out about you know, do I fight with my tongue in out my mouth? You're gonna find out a lot of stuff. Man, Dude, I scratch when I fight. Man, he beat me all in the hall. Yeah, you've been to find out a whole lot about me, because once she walked in that house, I got to get busy protecting myself. I have ran from a man at a girl's house before I ran from a man at a girl's I rode a bike over her house I was I was seventeen, she was twenty four. She lived with a dude. Didn't tell me I rode my bike over there. He stuck a key in the dough whin the back. They had an argument. I figured this argument at seven team must be about me. I figured since he lived him. Most black dudes I knew back at the time had guns where they stayed. So it was time for me to get in the wind. I jumped down six flights of steps, never touched a step. Landers all landers. I just wish this to that's fifth floor to third floor. Got outside and got time to unchained and unlock this bike. I ran across a Zaia's park a lot, came back that night and got my damn bike. We'll be back with you're listening to all right? Yeah, thank you Jr. We're in Hey, everybody, we're in the middle of the Strawberry letter subject I can't trust my girlfriend. Part two of Steve's response coming up. I can't trust my girlfriend, y'all. I know what's happen. He's sitting in there. Dude walked in all of a sudden, a guy walked in the house like he owned it. Now here the line that kind of started my angle. Apparently he knew who I was because he did not ask. Well, I bet you'd asked about me? See see see that right now? Apparently he knew who I was because he did not ask, So he didn't got some type of consolates in this. Yeah, he knew who I was because he didn't ask. Don't out of respect, I mean when he what I mean? The reason me and him got to do something is because of the emotions that's gonna be running through me when they don't open. First of all, I must start to wonder, wonder, mint has to set in. What what? Then curiosity hold? Uh, see what's happening? See wondering what what? What's happening? The curiosity hold up hold, and then uh, the inquisitive nature kicks in. Were you see? I uncovered the basic who? What? Well? Whether a man? Why? Blame any? Blame you? Going right? Then the last emotion has to kick in. Now everybody in here scared. All us is scared. Yeah, I'm scared. He's scared with the kid in his head. She scared Phil. It's gonna rush through this rule because the big lift dude on the damn couch is not playing his part correctly. I'm not in your damn letter. I was not. I didn't started anything with him. I've been started it because I'm not mad at him. I'm trying to kill him. She telling me that he was nobody. I have nobody to get a kick, Yeah right, well, do nobody to get keys? Hey, man, you know him? No, he ain't nobody, but he gotta key. Yeah somebody. Now she crying and telling me she want another chance. I'll know that if I leave her, she will fall apart. Now I feel bad. We'll let you get the feelings. Well, see, we go all just fing get the feeling right here, because I'm not fit to be the sapsucker sitting up in here on this count blank and blank and walked up in there with a damn key like he's staying here. But he ain't out of courtesy to say nothing to me. Oh you're gonna say something to me because my asses in the air on the way over there. You have to say something to me, And I look scared when I'm in the air. I'm trying to kill somebody you're listening show, okay, who you're still on that little how coming? Is a crazy letter? Hold the blank? What the blank? And how come to blank? So you gotta ask them three questions as soon does he come in? Who the first? Because you don't know what happened? Yeah, then hold the blank? You gotta know you know who? Then you need a why how come to blank? Well, Mr Anna's coming up with our national news and our headlines. After that, everybody in the damn wolds to be scared because it's only crackers right now. Feels are part of fighting. If you ain't afraid when you're fighting, you ain't probably ain't gonna win. I've been I've been nervous, need knee buckle scaring. That's how scared I got to be. That's when I'd give my best fighting. This is how everybody. Thanks Anne, before you get from out, Thank you, thank you, thank you. Steve. Okay, everybody, this is answered with the news again, everybody, if you're just waking up, joining us startling news. According to the Boston Globe, former New England Patriots player Aaron Hernandez discovered hanged in his cell early this morning by correction officers at the Correctional Center in Massachusetts where he's been hell. It was about three am in the morning. They took him to the hospital, but they could not revive him. He was pronounced dead. They say her Nandez hanged himself by utilizing a bed sheet that he attached to his cell window, and according to corrections officials, he also attempted to block his door from the inside by jamming it with the various items. Okay, three people in downtown Fresno, California, have been killed as part of an apparent random murder spree out there. Police say the suspect already wanted in connection with a fourth separate murder investigation. He say thirty nine year old Corey Alan Mohammad alleglie approached and murdered three people on the street. Chief Jeffrey Dyer says that Mohammed's Facebook page contained a number of anti government posts and claims of hating white people. Made a decision to himself that he was not going to go to jail for shooting a security guard, that he was going to kill as many people as he could, and that's what he set out to do. We believe it is a hate climb. All his victims are white men. Meanwhile, a Cleveland Facebook killer is dead. Thirty seven year old Steve Stevens cornered yesterday near Erie, Pennsylvania, near McDonald's. He killed himself before he could be taken into custody, and now Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is apologizing to the family of Steven's victim, seventy four year old Robert Godwin Senior, for the way the video of the hainous crime was so easily viewed. Our hearts go out to the family and friends of Robert Godwin Sr. And we have a lot of work and we will keep doing all we can to prevent tragedy. Is like that's from happening. Facebook says it removed the chilling video about twenty three minutes after finding out about it, but by that time it had been poorly been accessible to everybody on the Internet for hours. So they said they're going to revamp their process for reporting harmful content yesterday. But see help, he apologized, But it's nothing he can do. Is you're going to try to do something sept maybe put more people monitoring everybody that's on you. It would it would probably involve hiring many more people Steve to monitor. I mean, Facebook is so large, you're right, I mean, how you're going to do it? But maybe they'll put more people on it or something. I mean, the whole thing is to make Facebook Live available. And if it's Facebook live, how you gonna stop it? But we need to do is get some damn gun laws man and get these people some help that need help instead of letting anybody that's a damn idiot walk into damn stolen by a gun man. You're listen at Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, coming up a trending topics. Charles Barkley is in the news. O Riley is in the news. Yeah. Yeah, I'm praying for Bill Okay, got people. You know it's tough, ye yeah, y'all, Chris, y'all supposed to pray for y'all, supposed to pray for Christians, y'all. See. That's why I don't be saying all that I ain't praying for y'all. Let you know, I just say, I just say, no, no, no, I ain't gonna be no fake Christian. I don't pray for everybody. I ain't say, let yourself get out. If you may this mess, you get out. I don't pray for everybody, and it's hard me to pray for people I don't like anyway, it really is. That's the test. Well I don't that's not on my I'm sure, all right, here we go. Um, this is really sad. The twenty two year old sister of Celtics guard Isaiah Thomas China died Saturday in a car crash. Our condolence is of course. Then, the next day, and understandably emotional, Thomas suited up to play Game one in the NBA Playoffs against the Chicago Bulls. Well. The game aired on t n T and as a network presented footage of Thomas bring consoled by teammate Avery Bradley. Charles Barkley, who is an analyst, of course, offered his thoughts on the heartbreaking scene in Boston. Those comments, though, were taken out of context, I say, I guess you can say they were misunderstood. As Charles said he was uncomfortable because Thomas's tears told him he wasn't in shape to play well on Tuesday night, bark He was furious that the words he said became a story. He opened the inside the NBA broadcast with a blistering response to Sunday's comments. Take a listen. I want to address what I was saying about Isaiah Thomas the other night. I'm uncomfortable talking about his pain and then going to basketball to try to make that a story because y'all don't have ratings and use my name to draw ratings. Don't do that. Let me be me. I've talked to Isaiah. He didn't take any offense to that, but I was talking about I wish hell men his family nothing but the best. To try to make a big dealize something, it just me off, what's comfortable about a young man having a tragic death? And yeah, see, and you know what, I understand the comment. You know, And I'm gonna tell you something to man um. It's amazing how people take people thirty second sound bites and try to twist it because, like he said, so they can get range. That's all they do on social media. They takes something you said that and they just started dressing it. The sad part in our society is we have a cesspool of people who sit around waiting on some tragic news to comment. It's some people that don't comment unless something wrong. They're making no real contribution to the world of any kind. But then let you try to do something now all of a sudden, you gotta be all listen all that. I agree with Charles Barkley Gonna under said, that's another thing. Anyway, Once I'm your friend, can I tell you this. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. I don't give a damn what you do. I'm your friend. I'm your friend. I have never I was talking to Junior and cat off Air. I have never ever turned my back on a friend of mine. I don't care what he did. He could have been dead wrong, but I going down and I stand with him. I said, hey, man, what you need me to do? Man? You know, use out on this one. But I'm with you, though, yeah, and unlike, but you know, the whole thing with the Trump visit, I learned a lot. I learned a lot about my so called friends, you know, who was just so willing and ready to jump on the bandwagon haters to go on and just throw me up under the bus because day life ain't about deadly debt. So I learned too. So once I'm your friend, because I didn't both of the ball hit you must have been talking about me that way I do it. That's that's the way I do it. Big. We like golf, and we ball headed, and we talked behind mike. You must have been talking about me Country Alabama. I was just talking about you know, I turned it on it I unlike those you know who they is. You can't bring up nobody. I'm still touching. We still have the Bill O'Riley story too. We'll get to that hour. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show, and that's where you know, Shirley, you don't don't bring up the story and then don't and then ask me not not to be in it. Yeah. I don't appreciate you. Yeah, I don't know how it was. Yeah, we're talking about my friend. He ball headed, he played golf and talked behind the mic. You was leading up to me, You was staying here. Steve felt it all right. Let me see what you have to say about this one. Bill o'riley's tenure at News became more imperiled yesterday. Okay, Now let me say this, me and him, we are not free. So here I'll go all right to stand by your boy by Charles Mill unlike they did me. Oh see if this was me. What's happening to build this? What happened to me? All the rest of them so called hey doesn't come out to Jamaal rold Tom Oh yeah, yeah, oh y'all y'all, Freddie Sill did Jamal rolling Tom All y'all, d all, y'all. Oh yeah, oh I remember, Oh I got your number. It's cool though, go ahead, Shirley. Alright, Well, Bill Bill is in trouble. Bill O'Reilly is in trouble at Fox up with the lodging of a new harrassment allegation against the O'Reilly Factor host, that is Bill O'Reilly. Of course, no apparent end in sight to the advertiser boycott that has undermined his program. The board of Fox, his newsparent company, twenty one century Fox, is going to meet tomorrow. Uh, and that's when they, you know, can decide if whether or not they're going to let Bill o'reiley go. They just decide because he got all these such harassment charges on him, and all the sponsors is pulling off, and there was once spons to come off in a bunch of the stock coming off, and then that's the money. Now, all of a sudden, you ain't the money maker? You was you the money taker? Yeah? And the board, let me just say this, the board has no direct vote over whether over Bill O'Reilly's employment status, Okay, whether he goes or stays. Now, that's true. It's members can be influential though with the Rupert Murdoch. Yes, that's what they well, I mean, the board can't just directly say, Okay, Bill Riley, you're fired. They can they can say I'm fired and go to the Rupert Murdoch and say shut him. What do you think to be talking about him? Is that what you're saying. I hear what you're saying. Yeah, But it's just a technicality that they can't go. The board can't go directly to Bill and say, hey, you're fired. What they're gonna tell Bill's gonna be totally different. Now now now, CNN reported that exit talks are underway between Bill and Fox, but Bill Riley's camp said such discussions have not taken place. Of all of them Fox dudes over there, I like all the best. Yeah, I like him the best. You know, you had to pick one because Hannity is just straight. He almost can't hide his bigoted thoughts. He can't even disguise them. He's probably jumping at the bit right now. Oh he think he next in line. But but he's not the talent that Bill O'Reilly is either. He's not a likable guy. Hannity is just not a likable guy. He looks like a twirk guy. He looks like that, you know, the little punk as boy used to get jumped on this school. Now he got a job, and now you know that little punk as bore now here policeman. Now, now see that that's what hand it is. Hand it is not. He's not He's not a likable guy, you know. And then I heard him on that one day him but I'm a Christian though, right, look at me, I am a Christian? Okay? Cool? And then you follow it up with some hatred m and I don't care what black people do. He don't like it. He just like it. I don't care what. I don't care what the victim did. He on the policeman's side. He was on Joe Zimmerman's side. He was on the choked out, the brother with the cigarettes, the officer that shot the man in the back, all up. And he was with the cop that shot Philip the brother still. Yeah, he on everybody's side. Way back to Michael Jackson. He was on the police side, you know when they were talking talking about what Michael Jackson did, you know, all that kind of stuff. Yeah, he's he has, he really really had. I didn't know him for Rodney King, but you better be believing he was taking champagne. Yeah, yeah, we set it on fire. I love what's going on. Sometimes moments extra tired, and then yesterday you know what it is, you know, has no filter, right, It's just some days, man, the hood and me is bigger in me. You have been shooting shows and everything and a little big shots forever, young out here all the canna show. Okay, yeah, mess around. Let me say something then you all right? You are right about this one thing though. This day at the taxes though, yeah, this day at the taxes that's so called friends of mine stabbed me all in the back when I went up there to see the president elect that time, after I got asked to come up there though. See, that's because I bought it up up. Ain't no transition. We're just talking about it. Let me change. Let me change something, cap change something, drum roll, please change something. Ain't change something. Yeah, right, okay, yesterday Walker, were trying to pay the damn tax? And then what happened after after I was sick pay them and got sick throwed up I had I didn't get two checks because I threw up on the first one. I'm just I'm just gonna change the subject completely. Sure. I don't want you to though, What are you going with this? I was trying to give you a break? Want no break? Oh? So right now you're upset because I'm using names. See that's what you don't You don't want actual names going up. You don't want me to say Freddy. No, So you don't want me to say a name. But I didn't got to the point, dammit, where names it is? Because because they all out there saying my damn name? Now, how about how are you liking when your damn name just said? No, no, no, I ain't ignoring nothing when they go low, can't you go? That's what Shelle Obama? I don't do that. I'm telling you right now. If you say you're a man Fred, then be a man Fred. If if you down with him, didn't be down with him. If you think he made a mistake, then you be down with him if he your friend. If you don't understand friendship, then it's time your black ass love ex Steve. All right, yo h man, what what they're here? They're here and go to church. Pastors is here today? Oh ya come out here past quiet? Please thank you? We oh oh here to day. Yes, we are to talk about the term friendship. Friendship is be turned. Oh there is the same that friendship. Is it sent a wire to the soul? Yes it is. Everybody don't know that dough now everybody don't know. Or what it is about a friends through thicking things, yeah, friends, Or when the water getting muddy, yeah, friends, when the slope get slipped bread and you start slide friends. Or when you're at the edge or the cliff and you're holding come on now, friends, Or when you need help up ther mountain friends, when you're climbing Jacob's ladder and Dad's stories in the Bible where people couldn't find a friend, David, I couldn't find a friend. Or when it wentout to meet the giant go live, but it went out there anyway. Jonah didn't have a friend when he was wallowed up in the bed or the well, dang Yell couldn't find nobody to get down in that den with them lines with him a shad rocking be goal. I couldn't find shad racking bea goal. When they got a fold off in the fire refurness, he ain't nobody standing for John when he was getting their head cut off. They was all stand around looking talking about Oh, I'm glad that ain't me. I can take you through the Bible where somebody couldn't find a friend nobody. Go with our Lord and save you up on that cross, I ain't seen nobody time out. I go with you up there. Let me help you carry it. Give me that phone of crown off your head. Ain't nobody to say, Dr Jesus. But oh all all of a sudden, Steve, you think you're gonna have a friend, or when you get in a dark situation, all your friends are gone. I want to thank the Lord for bigger Wig. I want to thank the Lord for Snake Cry. I want to thank the Lord for for Ronnie Flood, thank the Lord for Marvel and Marvet. I want take the Lord for onion Off. I want to thank the Lord for Butch to Clutch. I want to thank the Lord for hell mail. I want to thank the Lord for friend had been with me through this all the rest of y'all. You're listening to Steve Hardy Morning Show. Well, well let me play the song. No no, no, but nobody ever wants you to play music. Hey, man, look just due planks, Eugene and oatmeal. You man, you're good at that. Man, We appreciate that. Do what you do really really well with franks and voices. To leave everything else to the professional because you show wouldn't have played this because you don't even know what the name of this is. What's his name of this? There's evidence champagne, keenan. Oh, that's boys to me. And I'm sorry. Hey, y'all coming up, we're gonna close it out. We got time for just one more thing. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. I don't know, man, you know, I'm just so. I'm alright today, man, did he you got a lot off your child? Yeah? What? Yesterday? Today? Today? Oh? Yeah, today, just when we're using text year, you can even make it again. Yesterday tramatized because I kept I kept looking at them returns. I was thinking to find the mistake damn the accountant. Let me read it all right, we have to say congratulations to our girl. I'm guess what our audience likes most about the herb's full body clean Shirley. What is that, Steve? I gotta tell you. It's losing weight. It's losing weight. We've all got those problem areas, and the clans helps you lose weight safely and effectively. I've done it before, folks. It does work. That's right. If you want to look better, if you want to feel better and release that excess weight that's dragging you down, go to de rbs dot com right now, de rbs dot com. Now, what is the excess weight? Wait? Impacted crystallized lactatified waste. You're on your own right here. That's just this. Ain't got nothing do with the commercial. I don't read that. This is you just up in now and it's just happened one more time. What if you need let me let me tell you something. If you ain't with the bathroom ssion, God, you need DearS. If a day or two go by and you ain't been in there, you got to go. You need to cleanse because your stuff is long. Jem, it's traffic. You're backed up. Your colon look like a crackhead bridge five. Your colding looked like at five and four hundred at the over Sencion when the crackhead was smoking under the bridge and caught it on fire. That's how I backed up you. You look like Atlanta traffic at five three on the inc on the just cause ah you see. You ever get on the freeway and you look over that way you're about to get on, you don't see no but the red lights, and you go, damn, me's there another way? Because I really take sign streets to stop it lights and just be sitting there, you know, man, just let me drive, but that inch and along. It's tough, ain't it? Bag though? Yeah, okay, you're saying, surely trying to congratulate everybody hurt. Okay, go ahead, I can tell you how bad well you own one to day man today and get it man. I'll tell you this quickly and you can go back. I tell you how bad you could be hurting. I'm good. I know about DearS, the full body cleans. You ever been the bath room and it hurt so bad? You take the toilet tissue off the roll and try to eat it, just bit into it. You have took me, yes, tile and ran it underwater and just put it in your mouth and clinch down on it, trying to bring some type of relief. Yeah, you ever been hurting so bad? Told J C. Penny catalog in half. I'm talking about that. Just told this catalog in half. You think it's a phoe because you have griller strip where you constipated. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you can stripped out of nowhere. I don't open my legs while I was constipated before my pants down around mind and told my damn pants I'm talking about couldn't even away. I told him, damn paying half legs, open up two legs, Yeah, I just had two legs. You got griller stripped when you constipated. I reached over and told the guest tile rack after day. Yeah, I kicked a hole in the hamper one time and then I couldn't get it off my foot. Yeah. You got a lot in your bathroom? Yeah yeah, yeah, man, Yeah, constipate kick the side of brown tub and crack? Yeah wait what what Steve Will been constipated and kicked the side of your bath tub and cracked. It's that goller strip you have. Yeah, you ever you ever reached up to make the water run, because you're not making so much, knowing you trying to turn the water on. You just go straight up and now thriller strip when you're constipated. Y'all have a great weekend. Man. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey dot com. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show.