Happy Holiday's It's Humpday - 11.22.17

Published Nov 25, 2017, 5:01 AM

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back a suit on, looking back to back down, giving them just like amazing buck bus things and it's tough y'all to be true. Good it the ho guy one to move to other for stoo bar. Listen, hobby, why don't you join? Yea, Yeah, I'm joining me. Said you got to use that turn. Yeah you go. You gotta turn to turn love turn lobby, got to turn out to turn the wan. Come, come on your things, got it? Uh huh, I shure will Good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, Come on, dig me out wanting on it. Steve Harvey got a radio show man, Yeah, I do. Man. God been good to me. Man, he's been so good to me. Wow. You know why I say it like that. What makes it amazing is because it's been in spite of myself. I mean you know what I mean by that. I mean I mean that he's been good to me in spite of all the craziness I've done, all the foolishness I've got myself involved with, and not only got but knowingly got myself involved with all of the stupid decisions I've made put all that to the side, and he's still been good to me. Bring it all and put it on the plate, and he's still been good of me. Man. That's amazing, man. And I'm sure there's a lot of people that can say the exact same thing. I mean, come on, man, I got you, ain't famous, I got anybody, got no microphone in your face, I got nobody, ain't got no spotlight on you. I got nobody, ain't got no came in your face. I got nobody problem. Ain't your body blogging about you. But let me tell you so if you break it down and be real about it, Oh, you haven't done something outside the box. You haven't done something ladies included. You've done something out the box. You woke up and went what did I do that for? Oh? We've all done it. So with all that said and done, God still loves you, man, God still loves you, still wants you the best for you, still considers you his child. And it's and it's willing is willing man to show you your future. He is willing to show you your life. He is willing to let you take a peek at the blueprint. Man, that's an amazing God right there, because I know, I know I couldn't do it. I couldn't do it. I'm glad it's him, you know. Today Man, I want to encourage brothers out there. And when I say brothers, I'm talking to everybody that's of the male species. I don't care about your color. I really really don't. I don't even have time for that in my day a matter a matter of fact. Sometimes when you get to discussing race, and I just get tired of it sometimes, so I just wish, you know, some some days I just want to wake up just do me. You know, I I got what what what the skin tone is? I got that. But I just want to wake up some days and just going by my business and do me. I don't want to have to deal with something. I get tired of talking about the issues. Ain't gonna make them go away. But sometimes I get tired, so to damn talking to brothers, all the brothers of the male species. I'm talking about men today. Man, If if you ain't doing it all, if you're feeling empty, man, start today completing your your process and your journey. And you know what I'm saying by that, if there's a part of you're just missing as a man. And and and now, man, I'm talking to you so you know some ladies listening, But you know what I'm talking about. It's it's some part of you that's missing as a man, if you ain't really been in touch with your kids like you're supposed to now, for whatever the reason is. And please no, I do understand how sometimes women can use children as pawns. It happens all the time. I've been through it. I've been through it, man, I know what it feels like, man to want to do something. But because you ain't got this or you ain't doing this thing, I ain't gonna let you have this. You gotta fight through, Fellas, you got to fight through. You got to fulfill your end of the deal. And I got how difficult they're making it. I got how man, it's gonna come with some drama, but you gotta fight through it. Because man, we need fathers to be fathers. That's really what we need. If you're a man out there and you are a father of a child, we need you to do your job. We I'm talking about the our community, our situation, us as a people, all of us. We need you to be a father period. Hey man, I ain't coming down on you. I'm just your boy. I'm your man. And I've been in the same predicament, in the same hole myself. Why I couldn't get to them, where they were used as pawns, where they were told things about me that wasn't even true. I've been through it. You can't see him, you don't come on, okay, okay, I got all that. You ain't sent this. You ain't okay, Hey, hey, got all that? If if, if you can call them sometimes, tell them you're thinking about them, Tell him you love them. If you can get a letter to them, if you can get a message to your children through one of your relatives, start the process today. Be a father. It's your job now. Because you're ignoring. Are you acting like they ain't over there? Or you to back them out of your mind because the situation got too difficult. I got that, I got that. But you got to step up and be fatherless. You got to write a letter. You gotta send the money. If she talking about If you don't send all the money, you ain't gonna see Send what you got if she if taking it over there is too much drama. Send it through a relative, give it to her mama, give it to her sister, ask her to take it over there and do something for the baby. Because okay, okay, you can't deal with the drama. I got that, and I know it's much to pay when you have to deal with that, because clearly I know hell have no fury like a woman's scorn. Please know I know that. Please no, And that's a real statement. That ain't no saying, Steve got That's that's the truth. But do what you gotta do. Sometimes you have to apologize. Sometimes an apology goes a long way to your children. Just hey, look, because I've made this apology before. Hey man, look, I'm sorry. I wasn't there for you. I was out grinding and hustling, and I wasn't paying attention to you, and I should have been. And I apologize. And I imagine, man, there's days where you was telling people I was your father up at the school and they wasn't believing you. I apologize for sending you through that. But now, ma'am, I tell you what. I made some mistakes, and I got it together. I want me and you to move forward as father and son. I want me and you to move forward as father and daughter. I want to be in your life. I ain't got a lot, but guess what, I know a lot, Because if you're a man and you're a father, please know you know something that child don't know. You have information, you have experience. That's all they need. Sometimes they have somebody to talk to. That daughter yours just needs to know from her daddy, how should a man treat me? Dad? What should I look for in a man? See, they'll take that information from you because they know it's coming from the right place. And then you know that your son needs you because you know how difficult it is if you're trying to be a man without your daddy. You already know how funky that is right there. So come on, man and met your mistakes and move forward. Call your kids, write a letter, get a phone number on them, send a text, drop a message, send a note up to the school. Do something, man, Get your thinking caps on, fellas, but stand up and be fathers. Man, make the step to be fathers. Do you know that if every man that was a father would just stand up and be a father's that would be no need for half the mentoring programs we're trying to start out here. But we have mintoring programs because there's such a lack of fathers out there. But guess what, it really ain't no lack of fathers out there because y'all have made these babies and you got these kids, and it was you and it's your seed. So it's your job. It ain't my job. It ain't my job to raise your kids. It's your job. Now, Fellas, like I say, I ain't coming down on you, but I'm telling you the truth. Now, why is it that I'm lying in this hill. You made a baby, that's your baby, that's you'll see. They look just like you. That's your job. If those of us that are fathers would just be fathers, I could shut the mentory and camp down. Now. I will say I apologize because I don't want you to think I'm coming down on you. But I've been through this myself. I ain't really coming down. I'm just reminding you this is our job. These are our children, this is our responsibility. We all men. There is no excuses. You you don't get, you don't get. Cut a break on that one. Happy Thanksgiving from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to Harvey Morning Show. Ladies, gentlemen, girls, boys, thanks than animals, aliens, everybody talk to one of them? You talked to? Who does a lien? You don't have no a lien? Friends? Go ahead, man here, let me see you get out of this right here. So what y'all talking about? What y'all talking about? I'm open, I'm open. It's a good way to start. She'll go ahead, Tom. Okay, he's from Mars. He's my friend, and he's been talking about how they having mars quakes. You know, we have earthquakes, they have Mars quakes. So it's not going on this similarity to what's happening up? Then what's happening down? Yeah? I mean it's how you don't have no friends? I'm not, No, don't worry about that. Where'd you see boy come out of the house sometime? Boy? Come on, Steve, How does he get to happen? You don't remember the friend I used to play with when out with a little Oh, I remember him? Marvin. He but Marvin the marsh he exists make me so angry. I love the Disney car Jake. I don't he got friends? Is anybody inside I am? Are? Is that a question. Carlos seriously looking around the room like he's got Martian friends. That yeah, when they show up, When they show up, you're gonna need me. See, You're gonna need me because you ain't had nobody to know how to talk to him. That's your problem. You need you need to get You need somebody like me in your life. Hell yeah, yeah yeah. They show up nothing but a helmet with some sneaker sho helmet. So now that explains it. Okay, surely be sting. That's goppopa be my friend. I'm done with her. You got these shout at marshes. How do they look? Stick? Just to help me with it, conver sneaker sticking up on the and seid efially crazy because I got was right now he don't want to laugh that now he looked in his football uniform. Okay, we was little Tommy got it football uniform and that's how he looked. Marsh. But who's taller, you think though, guys, But he just got quiet. You you here, just wake up with the Steve Harvey Morning Show with yours truly. Hi. This is Frankie B of Maze. Hey, this is Motown recording artist Kim. This is your girl, Angie Stone. Hi, I'm Philip Bailey, and I'm Ralph Johnson. I'm for Dean White and we're Earth Winning Fire. And you're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Thanks for spending your Thanksgiving with the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, this time for something funny, Junior. Of course you're up first with the truth. Uh then, I know, ladies, we promise you tips will do that a little later in the show. We have something even better from Steve coming up. Go ahead, all right, listen. I have a date this weekend. Sure, yeah, it's the first date to so this is your truth be told? Yes, sir, and yeah, I have a first date this weekend and it's the first date. I just want you to know, first date with a girl. Yeah, I thought stand up the first time. No, No, it's the date, the first date, and this could go either way. But you know, it could go like the date. I don't know, you know, if I'm gonna like her, if she's gonna like me, I don't know what you know, well, you know, we just you know, somebody said it up it's a blind Yeah, well, we see you talking. We're gonna gonna try this, but I don't know if it's really gonna work because I litt choose the spot. She's chose a steakhouse. Now, truth be told. I'm just don't tell you right that truth be told. First days don't start with with steak, they start with chicken. Yeah, I'll tell you right now. First date starts with chicken. You'll start with steak because of all. Yeah, that's that's putting too much in on. Now, what if I don't like you? Okay, you don't like me, then you haven't got a steak off of meletus. They ain't nobody man. When you eat chicken restaurants, family packs of chicken. I've seen knocked down, dragout arguments have fallen out over chicken and ain't nobody man. But when you get a steak, okay, it's an issue. If we don't, we'll see because a lot more than Hey, why should you have eighty of my doughts? I ain't gonna see you no more. You ain't gonna call me no more. Go ahead, let's go down here to churches and let's sit around and talk. What happened to this right here. When a man meets a woman, he puts his best foot, and chicken is the best foot. I'm putting my foot right out here. Let's get this tin piece. Let's talk about this. You mean like fried Chickenyi? What chicken? You want? Long as this chicken? Baked grill? Bobby qu I don't care. But what we came through was had your steak. Now you got eighty of my dollars, and then you're talking about all then you go bad talking to your friend already. Well, Junior, why didn't you pick the restaurant? Why didn't you set up to I didn't know what she liked, and she said, well this is real place. I looked it up on land and find out this is a steakhouse, and a very nice steakhouse at that. Now, furst of all together? Wait? Wait, what what you all miss something? First of all, I saw when I first saw all them toes ain't together right there. I don't even know why you go, yeah, well yeah, why are you going to ain't nice? Yeah? But they just set up I agreed today Eddie Murphy and Boomerang. I just wanted to put that out. Now, go ahead, you can look at me different if you want you. I'm telling you you make a lot of money. Man, about eight dollars. Hey, uh this but if my mother dollar steaks, that should you fix her feet instead? We need to okay, well, okay to the Nelson, I would think of a dietry reflect sis. I saw all them that pinky toel little damage to it. I want you to know now, I think that's the start with chicken. That's all I'm saying. I like, how we get to know you, junior through your truth. Yeah, they're all honest. They're all about your life. Honey does okay? All right? You Steve? You have to tell us the story. Uh you were talking about at the mentoring camp with mother. I was, you know, we was at men in camp this last year down at the Chick fil a place. It's a great facility to have it this year close to Atlanta, and the mothers were in town at this church facility having one of their sessions. So I drove from the ranch down to the church facility not get in there, and they've been waiting on man. I saw him up and I'm talking to the mothers now, one of the mothers or two. I was not sure one or two of them. I couldn't hear and talk. They couldn't talk, or I don't talk. I'm not whatever they where They be saying, that's I don't really you know, keep up. So I'm in here talking. So the lady up there standing off to the side is saying it ain't nobody told me nothing. So I'm talking and she just over that sun. So I looked on there, ain't saying nothing at first, then she kept on. I turned around to excuse me, what is you doing? So now instead of talking, she keeps saying. So I said, ma'am, I don't know what you're doing, but sit down because I don't like all that talking around. You know, I don't know what you're over there doing all that moving, but just come on, sit down with everybody else. So she smiled and kept on sign it. Now I noticed just laid it down foot it's just standing up. So I still ain't. Ain't did the math on this ship. So the women in the audience is covering their mouth like no, this fool hill. And then I said, hey, look I don't like all that. Just come on, sit down. So this woman was waving at me with both hands like Steve, you know, waving like two months and trying to get my attention. I said, see you, what did you do? I said, high everybody that I came to hand, what is your double? Hand? Hid for the ladies, and that was holland laughing. But they had their hand over their mouth because they was all sitting down this lady. And so finally this lady said, keep Steve, look over here and me. When I said, looking at you for what she said she signed it. I said, wait a minute, let me stay something y'all. What we've seen all the paperwork, you came here, all sign it, you need to do all up for you come in here, your uncle Tom Man, you're gonna sit yours. So the lady was up there looking at me, signed and she laughing. Man, we'll be back with the nephew and run that prank back. What's going on? This is Kevin hard and I want to thank everybody for listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy Turkey Day, Happy feast, Happy fat. I can't because you can't play that jokes. You're listening Steve Show right now. It's the nephew and it's prank phone call. As you're not last year. Yes, Church bought me. There's glove so that I may how healing power. I just had to say that. My tribute to Richard Prye right here? Which way is up? All right? The title is go b Yeah the go beags. Y'all don't even know where I'm going with h Do we need to be concerned? Well? If your kids is yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm glad you asked. Kids is in the car? Your kids is in the car. Tell them the Holy Head out the window. I don't want you to miss the prank here out to win for five minutes you can hit his prank. Hello, I'm trying to reach it. Darnell, Darnell. See do I know how you doing? This? Is Scott sharing with Bigger, Bigger and better, where we make you larger in charge? How you doing today? Scott? Whom Scott? So when I'm with Bigger and better where we make you larger in charge? I'm good Scott. Look what's up? We were actually, uh given a phone call by your wife? Your wife is is that correct? Yeah? Okay, well um you know your wife's um. Your wife's birthday is coming up pretty soon? Is that right? Yeah? Yeah, So a couple of weeks. Yeah, it's coming up. Okay, have you have you decided on getting or anything or have you purchased anything yet? No? No, I not a couple of days in mine. Um well, actually, uh, we got a call from from I think we've got something that's gonna that's gonna really help you guys, and and something I think that she wanted to recommend that something that you probably wouldn't wouldn't think about getting racking my brain. So is actually gave us the call. She's actually had an idea, you know, what she would really really like for her birthday present? So what's her name? You're coming Bigger and Better? Um, Like I said, she calls you. I'm sorry, she called you to give me ideal on what I should get her for her birthday. Uh. Yeah, well this is this is something that's a little a little different than something that you probably would never in a million years think of. But here at Bigger and Better, where we make you large and in charge, we actually do some things that we definitely know you wouldn't have thought of. So I definitely understand her giving man what's your name? Against Sam Scott Scott Scott get to the point what you're selling. Actually let us know that there are some things that that are really really lacking between you guys, and she would very much like for her birthday where you can be a lot more well endowed. So you know that's what we do here, a bigger and that we actually hello, what I could be more wet doubt, sir, So I think really what's going on is Bianca is really not satisfied right now. She called you to tell you that I'm not when you meet willing doubt my junk. So you're you're you're you're you're you're inadequate. You know what I mean? You're you're Are you kidding me? What's what's your name of this companying in bigger and better where we make you larger in charge? And right now you know you're not You're not larger in charge, and we want to get you to that way you're able to come in for a consultation, good consultation. I'll tell you what. I'm gonna call her right now because right now, okay, I'm gonna call her and we're trying to do do you not do you not think you need to come in? I don't even think I need be talking to you, Mr Scott, about whatever is going on in my bedroom. I'm king so I'm not even I'm not even I don't even know. I know. This is the first sign of denial, right, I don't have no no, I don't have no problems in the bed. Well well you know, I don't even Why am I even still on the phone with you? Okay, but sir, I mean, and you don't have to worry about here from me. She's gotta something to kind of a count with you. Then you you ain't go ahead and close that out because Mr, let me say this, you have a you have a very big ego, sir, you know, but you're not You're not as big as your ego. I want to get you to that point. This is some crazy I've heard some crazy things people staying online. But you're gonna call me talk about my wife called you saying that I'm in act within the bedroom, sir, you know what? And and and once again, I'm trying. I know you you're just doing your job, Scott, but I'm gonna have to call her right now. Okay. When you don't work my number, you're in denial. I'm in denial. You Hello, sir, I really want to help you as much as I can. Listen, man, listen, I'm trying to get my wife on the phone right now. Okay, I know you you've got a job to do, but what I need you to do right now? And stop calling me? All right? I'm trying. I'm trying to be nice to you because I'm sure whatever it is she she called you and you're just doing your job. They're trying to get you in here to get a consultation so we can get you further along on where you are. Consultation. I don't need no consultation. I don't even no assistance from you. You call me no more. Man, Hey, you're small and I don't want to make you bigger? What what what is this seeming like? Huh? What kind of job is that? How do you even get a job like that? You apply for this job? An when you're in high school? Job. I'm trying to me you stop calling me, man, Mr Darnell. I'm still trying to help you get through the situation. Okay, are you willing to come in for a consultation. At least we're coming in for a compltation. We can get you where you are are you listening to me? The only consultation we're gonna have is my sist in your place as you call me again to tell you what I will come in for a confultation. Give me give me your address and everything like that, your information, and I will come down for a conversation. You're gonna be there. I'm here, I'm here, I'm here the first eight hours of the day. Sir. What I want to do is get you lined up and get your let me call my wife. I don't need no damn procedures. Give me your info, and you got to work by hear from us. No more. Okay, right now, I know you to get up for me. I don't want to hang up on you and understand. You're trying to do your job. You're small, You're small, and I'm trying to make you bigger. You. Hey, sir, you know what I'm trying to a little small guy. I'm trying to help you with your problem. Now. If you're not gonna be appreciative of it, then I don't even understand why. Your wife knows you're having your address? Why and we can have this conversation face to face. You don't know what why you. It doesn't matter. If I can get on the line, I can figure out why she calls you because you're coming in adequate. Man, sir, here's the problem. You're tiny and you don't want to admit it. I ain't let me get you know me, man, you never see me. You don't know anything about me. I can't even leave my wife's even call you. But just this is just how you do business. Call me and call me. I'm tiny, sir, I'm playing something to you. I'm not only the president, but I'm also a client. Sir. I don't give up what you are Okay, okay, And there are some other things that let us know as well, what the what that means. She also wanted me to tell you that this is nephew Tommy from Steve Harvey more than this show your wife just played. Phone calls you bad man, funny man. I'm on here over here looking at in the mirror. It's kind of I thought I was good, but I nervous. Man. What is the baddest radio show in the land? Come on, now, you know it's just ste your Harvey radio show. Man on get to me. No, you'll just give me Temmy tell us about that play Baby, Johnny Gil Robins giving his nephew Tommy Jack a Harry Little g from Still Oh, the Beautiful Shirley Murdoch. The list goes on. You do not want to miss the hit stage play Mama's Boy Detroit. Get ready Baby, I'm coming to Motown Wednesday, Friday, decided this Sunday. The nephew is telling this thing up. Okay, and you Eugene does. He does a good job too, but nevertheless it's nephew holding it down. All right, Thank you nephew. We'll make sure we keep letting the people know about it. Okay. Hey, Hey, if I wanted you are called to be a Sarah good mama. What what y'all do? Y'all can care a baby for me? Daniel again? San cockare wake up? This is Charny last name. Wilson's joined the ride. It's to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Happy Thanksgiving from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right? Uh, Steven Carlos said we should discuss this subject, but I vehemently disagree. Why sure if I'm in protest and wrong? Yeah to Jay, but you already know why the subject is cooking. Yeah, absolutely, so listen to this, so Steve guys. Okay, one of the judges from Top Chef recently shared some tips to help folks step their game up in the kitchen, and I thought this would be a good idea for you guys to hear some of these tips, discuss it with Shirley, and maybe you guys can give us some pointers and things like that and to it. Okay, so here we go. You're ready, you guys on board with this? Okay? The first tip, you're not cooking enough. So practice makes perfect? All right? That ain't gonna no. I don't even know why Shirley has a kitchen that could be an extra living room. That apartment Shirley had and she was in it for over a year, and then we finally convinced that and she opened up her refrigerator and it was new, I mean, opened up her oven and it was new. In their head cardboard direction, you know, you still had the directions not open. That's really true, Okay, Shirley, practice makes perfect. Let's come on, boo, let's get me kitchen. Let's start. Let's start. You know you're married now, Yeah, that's right. Jor right. Here's the second tip, basic tools. You don't need a food processor and all the blenders and all that fancy stuff. Just a knife. Get in there, cut up your vegetables, your sides, your onions. Just you think she's gonna fight. I think she's gonna cut an onion and crying and gonna something. You can't do that. Come on, Steve, come on now, you gotta give us some motivation with that. It's too late. It's too late. It's never too late. Is a lost cars what you're talking about. Trump ain't changing at Trump being a good president. And we gotta hubby and oh boy, all right, well Shirley, Okay. One of the tips the chef said that you can start like with the recipe. You can start with the basic part of the recipe, and then you can add your own twists and make it your own. Like that time nothing follow them damn directions. Don't try to deviate or being a improvid dude. What the damn books say? First, I like being a don't think I'll put some peanut butter in this dressing? Oh god, well what about the time butter dressing? That's disgusting. Whatever, This is a lost cause. He's quiet. I thought this would be good. You ever lost call cooking. You can't coach you on water, coach you on the hotter cook, and she shouldn't cook. I like all. I like that you're her husband, But I'm like nest though. He send this man through all this trial and there a mess. She couldn't go in here and make the first time making what's the what's you don't want? Nobody? First time making corn bread? It's never good, You're right, never all right? Nice try carling. Corn bread is never good bye. They always invite to ladies and gentlemen. She's here a voice of fact, reason and authority are very old. Miss a trip, Thank you very much. Good morning everybody here we go. Okay, this is a and trip and uh, we've got the news. President Trump now seems to be openly supporting Alabama Judge Roy Moore and zephyort to win the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he became U S Attorney General, and the President is doing it without mentioning his name, but rather focusing on the Democrat running against him, a guy named Doug Jones. I can tell you for a fact, we do not need somebody that's gonna be bad on crime, bad on boarders, bad with the military, bad for the Second Amendment, by the way, everybody. Doug Jones was the prosecutor on the case against those clan members who blew up the church in Alabama that they killed four little black girls. He was the prosecutor on that case. Doug Jones. He's a Democrat running in the race. Meanwhile, the President mentioned several times that Judge Moore totally denies the allegations against him, but the President never said whether he believes the GOP candidates denials about seducing and sexually abusing teenage girls or the women's accusations against him. Trump does say that he's going to decide next week whether he's going to go to Alabama to campaign for Roy Moore in person, so we'll see. Longest serving Michigan Congressman John Conyers is reportedly under investigation over the twenty seven thousand dollars he paid to a former staffer who accused him of sexual harassment. Representative Kanya said that the money yes was paid, but that it never involved any claim of guilt. In a statement, the Ethics Committee says it is investigating. They were celebrating the streets of Zimbabwe yesterday after hearing that the ninety three year old President Robert mcgabey had decided to comply with the army's demands and resigned the office he held but thirty seven years. A landmarks preservation group wants to see Emma till Chicago home given landmark status. It's a red brick a two story building that the haze allied youngster and his mother living in a nineteen fifty five when the teenager, who was only four teen, traveled to Mississippi visit relatives and of course, was brutally tortured and murdered by two white men. Sad News actors, singer and one time Partridge Family Tina Idol David Cassidy has died of multiple organ failure. Cassidy was only sixties seven years old and from the world of entertainment. More sad News actor Earl Himan has died at age. Earl him is perhaps best remembered from The Cosby Show as Dr Huxtable's father. He had a long acting career and was also the voice of Pantro from the animated TV series ThunderCats. This has been a trip back with Eugene the Butterfly twenty minutes after the hour, so stay tuned to the Steve Harvey Morning. Joe, you're listening to the Steve Show. I Steve please introduced the Butterfly. Please, Ladies and gentlemen, Eugene, good morning, Everywine, Good morning, Stephens, Shirley, Carla Jr. And Tommy. Good morning to all of you all um. Today is our second day of anger management. Dr castle Berry is on the phone, so we're resuming. You know, last week we had our first session Steve and I of anger management of two people that are trying to get along at work. Dr castle Berry, Yes, hello, since I mounted, since we left, Yes, Dr Castleberry, good morning. Yes, things have not gotten any better between Steve and and I and I don't know. Is there any kind of exercise we can do to work on this relationship? Yes? Are you guys actually there in person to get looking at each other? I'm looking at him right now. Okay, So what I want you guys to do is to face each other. Okay. Can you guys link hands? That means we need to interlock our fingers come out step Okay, So just face each other. Link hands, and on account of three, we're going to breathe in for three and out for three. Here we go three to one inhale one two three exhale inhale to three exhale three release. Can't open your eyes and you can see each other. Born anew that his hand? Where were you out in my hand? See too? He just asked me to that's all. Oh no, sorry, my hands is so much bigger than yours. It wouldn't have been fair. Is there a non touching exercise we can do? Because yes, Actually, if you have a sheet of paper, okay, okay, I want you guys to write down three things that you respect about one another. Hey, keep it private, and then what we're going to do is to read it aloud. I like this exercise. We respect you, Dr Castle Area, thank you so much. And what it does is it re establishes the reason why you guys connected in the first place. You know, all relationships get lost somewhere along the way. All right, I'm ready, you're ready, go ahead. Okay, this is what I respect about him, his work, ethics, his fame, and even his money, and those are the things I respect. So I want to hear what he respect about in Come Out Stephen. I respect the fact that he lives alone and that his segment ends in four minutes. And then third thing I respect about him that he has a highest and can steal wall. You see how you see how disrespectful that I respect about you? That's disrespectful. I'll say that it's unique, very unique qualities. But it's you know, something that you'd appreciate. Nonetheless, we will continue to work with you. Guys. Okay, we want to thank you, and well, thanks for the dot. I feel like that. Yeah, you're listening, Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, we have a couple of questions for you. As promised, This segment is called how old were you? Win? How old were you when you had your first kiss? Let's say Gwen did that to me. I didn't want it. What do you mean? You were traumatized? She made me do it. She snatched me off my bike, she stayed across the street. She was a big girl. She pulled me down off the bike and threw me up against the tree and kissed me real hard. And then what No, I just felt violent. I didn't I didn't cry number, it was just traumatized and she was big she was actually on my TV show. Yeah, I remember. I remember they found her and they found Gwyen Harris and then she came on TV timeout. You I didn't make you. You wanted it. I'm looking at it now. I'm going just a damn line though that. Man, I ain't seen Gwen Harris. Man. I think last time I saw Gwen Hass I was at a mama's funeral. Man. It might have been nineteen and you had no idea she was going to be on the stand, had no idea. And my first kiss was on my talk show and it was not a kiss. It was not memored with it, very forceful. She was stronger than she was handling my laugh. But were you in the in the were you at that age where you liked girls you started to start I never went in the phase where I didn't like girls. I like girls in kindergart Yeah, I had the girl on my show. But the first girl I ever walked home. I walked home in the sixth grade and carried her book for to Reach the Shepherd. You remember their name everything, Michelle Hawkins. Michelle Hawkers was in high school with me when I was walking and playing I want to go outside in the rain and the for tier and she wouldn't give me a date, and that song was on And that's why that song go Outside means so much to me. She was on my show too, And when they all came out, I named every last one of Wow. That really threw them all. I'm sure they remembered you excuse me his name? What? What did you just say? Don't try to help him? Junior? He just definitely said, you don't never learn. He was voting. He was voted most difficult in high school. Let's just move on. Yes, Yes, How old were you? How old were you when you heard your first Earth Wind and Fire song? I know that's your favorite group? Might have been sixteen sixteen when I heard the first Winning Five songs, seventeen when I bought my first Winning Five album, Wow, and what was the song? The first song I heard was Head to the Sky. That was off the Head to the Sky. But my favorite song on that album was Masquerade. Can this is what you're gonna sing? Bell? Masquerade? I want to know all we what we really see, all the outside and hiding what we really are old the inside feat when you think he's finished Deed, Yeah, I just you're something you're really not. Old world is a masquerade. Yeah, I don't give a dad with them doults trying to figure out. I'm figured it out, all right, y'all want to ask me some more? Dum, I'm like, okay, you like that? Okay, we'll be back with more and the nephews pring phone call coming up. You're listening Steve Morning Show. What you got paper clips? Okay, don't say no more, don't do it. You don't want him to speak? Boys? Do you know what the paper clips? Don't? Yes? Clip? But in a prank? Yes, I just thought it was a outbursts. I don't know. Yeah, you go too, fasso travel. I'm trying to reach for ronic could how you doing? My name is Philip, I'm from How you doing? I'm good? Thank you? How can I help you today? You were with the company here UMU see you just left about what six months ago? That's correct? Okay? And you left with a severance, am I right? That's right? I'm sorry? Who a monthy, Philip? My name is Philip, Philip. I'm actually calling on some security questions and wanted to reach out to you. Now you you own your own travel agency now that's correct. Okay. Um, Now you actually left with the severance when you when you left the company at that right, that's right? Okay? And how long were you actually with UH? I was there for eight years? I'm sorry whom my things again? My name is Philip. I'm with security and what can I do for you? Philip? Uh? Well, we got we have you. You you started this business? Now? Did you started before you left? Philip? I'm started this stigmas after I left there? You let you started it after you left there, that's correct, one month, one month after you left there. Okay. So the reason why I'm giving you a call, and I've been you know, we've gone through some security tapes and things of that nature. We're missing so many rims of paper, We're missing thousands of paper clips, We're missing so many office supplies, and it's been brought to the securities attention that it's targeting that you are the person that has taken all of this this UH office. I'm sorry, let me let me get this right. Silver. You are calling my place of business asking me if I have used paper clips and paper. I have customers in my establishment right now. I can't talk to you about this Okay, ma'am, listen. I know that I'm sorry for calling your place to business, but I want to say that we're at the of the point of actually picking you up behind items that have been taken from the company. So I wanted to call and see if we could get it taken care of over the phone. Now you gotta go, then I'm gonna have to actually come out to your business, and that's something that I'm trying not to do. You know what? Hold hold on? What that? Can you hold that? Who is this on my phone talking about from damn paper clips? I have been gone from there for six months. Are you calling me now about some paper and somewhere paper clips? Man? We're missing at least five thousand paper clips. You I'm gonna tell you what you can do. I have been out of that company for six months. I worked for y'all for eight years, and you won't let me go. I didn't take anything from you, Okay. Have you ever used any paper or any paper clips outside of Have you done that? Of course? I use paper every day I run a business, okay, But you're using our paper for your own personal business, your travel agent or whatever it is that you have you're using office supplies, that right there is against the law. No, I will go and buy you some damn paper clips. Okay, well we don't want paper clips. Man. Now we've given you a severance play and for my understanding, it's been a substantial amount. And right now it's gonna be filing charges and taking you to court over these paper clips and paper I'm gonna tell you what you can do with the five thousand paper clips, paper clips them together and hang you out for buy ya. I didn't see them the damn paper clips. You're gonna call me six months later talk about some paper and paper clips. Man, I don't want to go back to Bill. I'm sorry. This is some fill up. So are you wanting to return all the merchandise because it looks like I didn't take no merchandise. I don't have to steal nothing from y'all. I work for you for eight years, somebody for eight years. You stole paper, paper clips, you stole off the supplies, scissors, masking tape. You have taken markers, pins. We got it down to know what video tape you got. Pill up. I ain't steal nothing from y'all. I was employee of the year you wont gave me at Severn package? How there? You call me six months? Lady? You can take the paper clips and shove them up. You're behind excuse me? Are we done here? No, we're not done here. So take your video tape and your paper clips and your scissors, and you know what to do with them. No, no, I don't. Man. Now listen, what we're gonna have to do is you're gonna get served right there at your travel agency. Where are you locating? We're missing over five thousand paper clips and we need those. Now, what's your address? I'm gonna bring your damn paper and paper clips to you? How about that? So, so you are you are guilty of using the paper aren't you all used paper fillips? I don't feel, which means guess what. It's against the law, which means you help your law something. If you have taken one paper clip, it's against the law. And you got pens in your car? Feller that corporation? I bet you do. I work for the company. I'm trying to run a business. So you're stealing too. Give me your voice's number. You're calling my damn phone talking about some pens and paper clips. Here. Watch your mine, give me your address. I'll bring the pens and paper clips. You ain't got what you do thinking so many pens and so many paper clips, but I was business. Don't call my phone within talking about something. I'm gonna play this to you now. I'm gonna go ahead and order. I'm ordering the police to come and pick you up, okay, because I'm trying to get the problem. Taking care about the phone. Bring the police and you come with them. Come get it. I got something for you when you get here and bring up. You're calling me about some paper and paper clips. I've been going from there for six months. Damn you have stolen paper clips from the company and we want our player clips back. Bring you over here. You want to get some damn paper clips, and I'm gonna call my man. We can kick your over here if you want to. You want to address, you want to address to up. Come on, I'm a professional, I'm trying to run a business. I gotta walk away from my customers. And it was about from pens and papers and paper clip ups because you stole over five thousand player your faith and then you also you better be ready because you're stowing some stuff for Tommy and he's been over here. Wait a minute, won't wait time? Tommy says, you're stowing a bunch of here stuff. Listen, I don't know nobody name, no dad. You don't know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Morning Show. You don't know him? What's the day? I say? Do you know nephew Tommy from the Steve Harvey Moys? Y'all? Do you know him? You gotta be kicking me. Your girlfriend dorthe got me to pray folk call you. I'm gonna kick. I'm going to get her right now. I'm you made me step in the back room on you. Hey, let me ask you something, baby, what is the baddest I mean, the baddest radio show in the lad Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey, what up your boy? Chris Brandon? Right now, y'all listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Steve, you have to tell us the story, uh you were talking about at the mentoring camp well with your mother jus Now, one of the mothers or two. I was not sure one or two of them. I couldn't hear and talk. They couldn't talk. I don't talk. I'm not whatever they be saying that's death. Not sure. I don't really you don't keep up. So I'm in here talking. So the lady up there standing off to the side and sign it. Ain't nobody told me nothing, So I'm talking and she just over the sun. So I looked over there and now ain't saying nothing at first, then she kept on. I turned around and to excuse me, what is you doing? So now instead of talking, she keeps sign So I said, ma'am, I don't know what you're doing, but sit down because I don't like all that. I'm talking around. You know, I don't know what you're over there doing all that moving, but just come on, sit down with everybody else. So she smiled and kept on sign it. Now I know that just laid it down front. It's just standing up. So I still ain't. Ain't did the math on this ship. The women in the audience is covering their mouth like no, this food here, and then I said, look, I don't like all that. Just come over. Shut This woman was waving at me with both hands like Steve, you know, waving like two. I said, I said, I don't care about it. When I came to what is your double hand high. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up next Today's Strawberry Letter, and this one is crazy as always, When are they not? Is the question? But but first, nephew, this one is for you, because you on this show are the resident germophobe. When you blow out the candles on your next birthday cake, you might want to wish for not getting sick. Really, I just did that, just like a few days ago last because according to a new study, all the huffing and puffing we do to get the candles out can increase the bacteria on a cake by fourteen hundred per cent. I said, fourteen hundred percents. What am I sick? It turns out the blowing raises the amount of bacteria on the frosting and average of fifteen times. But professor and researchers say one person saliva increased it by one hundred and twenty times. And as nasty as that sounds, and it does sound very, very nasty, the researchers don't think most birthday cake eaters will actually get sick from all those germs. Okay, so that's a relief. That's a relief. You don't mean when people be blowing all that show love birthday cake, Love birthday cake. Why because you don't like birthday cake or because they blow on? I love the cake. But when you see blow like my son, he'll jump and let me blow it out for your dad. I'm not eating that. Yeah, your son his birthday. But in a lightning storm you had under the gash board in front of your family. Birthday just am cake. Birthday cake is delicious. Remember that time they was taking my blood at the studio, Tell me, oh my god, I can't see this blood. I'd be going, dug what you're gonna do when you bleed? A lot of people can't see blood. They pass out. I got all that you'll give him now, I got sherlot. I can't understand the time is grown ass man with all these issues. I can't believe he don't eat birthday cake after somebody got son, you know many birthday cakes. Yeah, look at his stomach. Can't see me? Shut up man, the stomach. Yeah. I gained at a minimum nine pounds. Well I stepped on the scale. Yeah, about eleven pounds from vacation. Yeah to forty one because you're about thirty two. But my goal I gotta train. I gotta tell y'all, I'm gonna bring the train on the show. I've been taking pictures on my food to pass few days my meal playing, and I just feel a little bit of the workout because I'm going to encourage the baby boomer population to get their self in shape, and I'm gonna show you how it is done. Well, Okay, that's cool. I actually get together, man, Because I said I was out there eating, I had no dietary tract ice cream every day. But you're supposed to do that on vacation. Right, Where are you saying you went overboard? I mean, you're supposed to have a good time, and well, I'm supposed to go overboard this vacation. That's where my wife kept saying, Steve, you're on vacation. Yeah, you can't. You can't die, yeah, because then it's not much of a Steve Harvey fish sandwich. What is that now? Fried fish, filet, tomatoes, tartar sauce, cheese on a toasted uh weet weet weet your chef on the on the yacht. Yo, that's not bad. How many times did you have that? Okay with a bowl of ice cream? She said, I'm gonna tell you with potato, with every day fresh cut. The only thing about overseas what's different here. There's no preservative to white food. There's nowhere near is bad. We learned that in Paris. All right, let's get to the letter. Guys, buggle up, hold on tight. We gotta fight you Strow Barry letter. Alright. Another disclaimer. If you got your kids in the car, kids, kids around you, you probably don't want them to hear this. We're here, what are we reading. Well, it's not for kids home. I'm just saying, well, MoMA nearm at work, the radio hold at the house. That's my disclaimer, Steve, I'm reading it. Video subject try ingle. Okay. I was at a gathering and was introduced to this couple that has kids the same age as mine. We had good conversation, set up play dates, and our kids play very well together. Then, while hanging out one night playing games, the woman of the couple asked me a woman if I have ever been with a woman. Being shocked, I said, I've been with women all my life, but she clarified what I feared. Her husband joined the conversation and encouraged it. Thus the reason for the disclaimer. Steve Weeks went by without mentioning, mentioning of it, mention of it, and again I was asked if I decided if I wanted to be involved. I agreed, and it happened more than once and has been going on for over three years now. The husband has issues with it and no longer wants his kids to play with my kids. The end, that is it. So it's no, I'm just saying, there's no what should I do. I'm just saying, yeah, okay, alright. Let let me just let me just say to the husband, though, even though you did not write the letter, be careful of what you asked for. This is a perfect example because you just may get it and uh, you know, then you will get kicked to the curb. Uh. Husband, You know, at first you were pushing it, trying to get her involved in all of that. Now you see what happened just sounds like, lady, you're perfectly fine with this whole situation, with your affair with this woman. You're just mad about the play date arrangement. So you know, I guess if you guys can figure out a way to you know, get rid of the husband or whatever, then it'll just be you and her. I don't know, Steve, that's crazy. First of all, this ain't a triangle? What is it? Steve? This octagon triangle got three sids? This got eight sids? Is you the other lady who husband all your kids and all their kids? That's b ain't people. Let's stop signs. You should have cut this off a long time ago. But here you go. Here is why is this letter in the strong bend? What? Nothing? She'd asked for, no help or nothing. The only problems you won't know is problem how to get her husband quit? Hav an issue? Because it's been going on three years. You ain't fitting to stop, and you ain't saying you had a problem a minute ago. You were shot. Can't leave? She asked me that, well, do you want to? All right? That's how did it go? Steve? What do you want to ask me? I'm telling problems. It is my biggest film. Three weeks later, do you want to? All right? Okay? I ain't doing that. You downstairs playing anything? Three years later, we might as well go upstairs and play too. I come back. You're really gonna like all right? Steve's gonna have Part two of Today's Strawberry letter coming up at twenty three after the hour, So don't go anywhere. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show right now. Steve is here with part two of his response to the strawberry subject tri angle to the octagon what should be octagon? Triangle at three people? It's more than three involved here the kids. This lady was at a gather that got introduced to this couple kids same age as heard. We're a goop of conversations, set up play dates, and our kids played very well all together. You probably need to start going in that room and just see what them kids is really playing so very well together because the mama's and daddy's just tripping. I'm thinking like father, like son, like mama like daughter. So you probably need to go in that room and see what your kids is doing because the parents. The example y'all setting is crazy kids ain't stupid? Are you crazy? Crazy kids? You need to go in this room and see what your kids is playing because the kids ain't stupid because you keep putting them in the backyard while y'all upstairs. You don't think kids be thinking stuff? Okay, I think we got way more. While hanging out one night playing games, the woman asked me a woman, I've ever been with a woman? Being shocked, I said, I've been women all my life, but she clarified what I feeled. Her husband joined the conversation and the courage. Yeah, y'all, all right? Yeah. Weeks went by without mention of it, and then all of a sudden asked me if I want to get involved? I agree, That's all I did. I just agree. Do you ever been with a woman? I kept this a shocking of public. I can't believe this. Do you want to get together? Okay? Now it's been going on three years and the husband got issues with it. Now the husband is in now and then found out he ain't wanted no more. My only question in this whole letter ship she ain't looking for answer here? What the hell is you doing in that back room with that woman for three years that her husband can't do? Could you please email me and Timmy a description of what you in't that doing this is amazing? Or just invite us over the next time you invite Timmy over, I can't go. I can't go, but I will see in a very strong representative. All right, thank you, Steve. Yeah, you know, we gotta go email or Instagram. What's your thoughts on today's Strawberry letter at my girl Shirley. Uh, now, Steve, let's switch gears for a minute here, because check this story out. A foot doctor podiatrist who works for the Washington Wizards recently suggested that a whopping nine of all NBA players get regular pedicures. This is his recommendation. Okay. He says, these guys make their living using their feet far more than the average man, and if their feet and toes are messed up, then their performance suffers. Al right, So in the worst cases, they actually suffer with foot paint. So they try to stay ahead of things with regular pedicures. So, Steve, you're on your feet a lot, your feet are out a lot in the summertime. Do you get regular pedicures? Yeah? You do. Yeah, so that's a good thing, right, you recommended You are in agreement with the doctor. Do I agree with about the NBA players in their feet? Well? Uh, you've seen Shack Foot. Yeah. I love you to death, Shack absolutely. Yeah. I have to. Yeah. Why do you say you have to? Because I don't like tann up my own sheet. What you're working with? Doctor? Getting man? I keep I can't keep going out of bed, bath and beyond. Yeah, y'all got another set of a thousand thousand count Yeah, I got to. Well that's good girl. Yeah you get pedicuris too, right, nephew. Sounds good because you know not only girl. Y'all go to the salon. That's so cute. That's cute. I like that father and daughter time together, you know that. And then of course after that we have to go to the mall because we're gonna buy something. Well yeah, yeah, yeah, you know you keep acting like you have another purpose, you know, like he's supposed to be doing something else. You know that wax in your car. You're supposed to take your baby to the mall. Do you know Tommy wack women in your life? Tommy waxes his road for. Aren't you supposed to supposed to? Right? Your damn dog got through me. I'm trying to gout who I know. You gotta rode that wax their own rod Roy, You don't watch your own Rosy. You go get in detail that they come to you, they come to your home. Go ahead, you will say that it's too much are who you are. They come to the house. Okay, guy about okay, what Oh, don't say it. We're running out of time here. They take care of the place. I love it. I love it so much. Did you go out to the car wash? Right now? That's the funny boy. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Thanksgiving? Wow did it come fast this year? It's here. We're all gathering around the Thanksgiving table. In our conversations it can be a little tent, you know. So we just want you, guys to prepare with some phrases that you should avoid at holiday dinners so we can just, you know, all have a good time with our family and friends. Okay, like for instance, yeah, okay, for instance, Steve Um, when you start a sentence with you should have you should have? You know, the words should you know can make a person feel judged or disappointed. You see where I'm going with that. You should have let somebody else get a yeah, yeah, that's hurtful. Yeah, yeah, you should have. You should have left the marshmallows acting yam. That's like that. I'm with you. I'm with you on that. Are not hurt over? How about this? I know it's pot Look, but you should have just came. Ain't no luck in your yeah, stuff like that, Steve, you got it? Or you know, avoid saying that. Yeah, avoid saying this, you know, because this is definitely this could start one right here. Um, can you believe what your president just did? You can start yeah, yeah, it can lead to an argument and a fight, you know, politics. Everybody in agreement on my family? My family all good with that. That's gonna get the party popping right now. Okay, alright, you're not gonna avoid saying that. Oh no, no, no, you can talk politics in my house. Everybody at my house in the same political mindset you don't have. You if you are Republican at the table, you need to keep it you Okay, you won't be Okay, let's get back to my dad. Uh huh, let's get back to the food for a minute. How about this one. You know, the best turkey I ever had was again, the best turkey I ever had was my mom. Say that, Yeah, that'll set it off. You don't have to always tell the truth though, No, no, no, no, Sherley wants again. Y'all need to make up, y'all, man, you all want us to be trump or you won't ease last were good? Were lying on Thanksgiving? It's a good time to ask that question. Yeah, you know, like, uh, if you start a sentence with when are you going to learn how to cook? Don't do that? When you're gonna finally let him go? Okay, that's the one, because you don't want to make anyone feel defensive or put anyone on the spot or anything like that. Is when is you gonna stop using drugs? Really? Question? Yeah, what's gonna come out? I don't know why we see a bag like ain't I don't know what's wrong with you. I want to go to your house, but just come out there fifteen minutes you'll be able to take you're lying if it starts off with that. Yeah, I believe you walking the dough? When is you gonna stop using? You show up every you're looking like this? How about this? How about this? Right here? Says somewhere where I could see you going, Yeah, bathroom ain't that way? Ain't no bathroom that way? And you know, trying not to open up a conversation or start a sentence with when are you going to? Don't do that one? Or remember the time you know my uncle Everett, thanks Having used to go he was drunk and time geol ain't nobody won't dear bus I'll laughing, everybody laughing. But wait a minute, Wait a minute. Up, did you hear about Don't start it with that one, because that could mean, yeah, you're gossiping about you know, somebody eat what What did you hear about your husband? Oh that's gonna get it started right there in the back room with Coral Cora. Not Cora Cora. Yeah, those are just conversation starters. You don't do that. Yeah, Oh that's gonna happen Thanksgiving, that's gonna happen. Well, I'll admit this. None of that happens at my house because I have no one at my house on Thanksgiving. As big as you create, nobody create no drama, not at my house. Okay, I thought you were saying you had no one at your house. I was like, as big as your family is, Steve, Oh, the house gonna be packed. Yeah. I don't do drama. Yeah, not at the house. Everybody know. Don't ask me to play. I don't do that. You know, the game night, I might come in there for a couple of minutes, but that's it. Y'all know what I'm doing. I'm gonna eat and I'm sitting in front of this TV. I'm staring at it. And sometimes you're gonna come in there and the TV gonna be staying at me. Just walk back out, don't come in here. Just in the heat. I want it. This won't keep leeping five places on. Don't cut it off, so you don't mind them being in your house. A lot of people just don't bother you. Let you have your space. Yeah. Marjorie is really good at that too, because she tells him to Steve that Steve, all, don't bring your friends, and your friends won't pitch us. Yeah, that ain't happen. Meanwhile, at our house, all they want to talk about is you. Yes, Steve, come on. Yeah. I just hate when they want me to tell Steve something for they tell him give them. Can you just give us to Steve for me? Just the best seller? Right, we just get it to Steve. I'm not going to get your book the one kill me. Okay, I got this book of man I want you to read. I didn't read before I wrote. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, it's time for something funny, of course, and we're gonna go junior. First, truth be told, Truth be told. I can't help you, but let me take a phone call. I got this week. You know, I love I love Pete. People in neighborhood being going to the doctor. Got some bad news. But I've got the person to call. When when you get some bad news, you get me bad news. I get you right off of me, right back on to you. That's what I do. I get bad Tommy Pete calling man. He's like man dog got a bad heart, he said, Doctor say, I'm gonna have to have a heart transplant right there. And I said, hey, Pete, breathe slow. Hey, hey, you got the information for the bad heart. We can't upset you no kind of way. Your heart not good right now, so you need to take your time, make the last as long as you can't breathe slow. You got a bad got got a big yeah. Look at they got to bet me. I got taking a step, I having big lips kill you. We didn't make it that whether he died or we didn't make it that far. But I understand bad heart and hard tramp because I think you won't mind right now I just want to let you know. It's a matter of fact, Pete, you don't find nothing else funny, because if you get rammed up, you're taking time off that heart. As a matter of fact, the next relationship you get into got to work because you can't afford no heartache. You can't have none of that. Matter of fact, feet when you go to sleep, sleep light because of deep sleep might be too much work on that. I just want you to understand. I understand where you're coming from. I just ain't one to help you. Got a bad you got a bad heart. Ain't my phone? No, you got it off the line with no. I'm sorry to hear that not. Have you seen a doctor if you knew it is his heart rate? Don't even read your bills. You can't get wrapped up. No kind of weight are you on any medication? None of that came from mind. No, sure that is. You can't have this. That's all I thought about. If you knew what Pete did to get the man, that's why he was calling you in the first place. He's looking for hardy ten man. A people doing a lot of bad things. Now you talk my dog man, they talking about I need new heart. They beat breeze slope. Breeze slope. You ain't getting it over here, hate you in your life? Truth be told, all right, Steve, this is uh. Don't you hate going over other people's houses and they don't have the stuff that you're used to, like, for instance, maybe air conditions, and that's very important, very important. And they got all the doors open and the windows open and it's not as hell. That's that right away. I can just go home because I got right nothing like that. I just like a little agg you know, and I don't look something else. Don't give me a one room air conditioning with you everybody extending this room right here, because there ain't no air condition you know, the one window. Hey, I can go home. All through the damn house. Cool everywhere. Cool that I'm just saying, trying to be funny. Why am I here somewhere to sit? You know what I'm saying, somewhere to sit? Everybody on the floe. It looks like you ain't moved in yet. That that right there kind of puzzles me. They got a flat screen on the wall. Why we did? Why we got this out of order? Right now? It's not care about it. It's not a being chill, but you know down being chill. Get my back in the day, I had to beat your body. You actually become the bean shape. I can't do it. I'll tell you nothing. You gotta have some plates. Okay, you need some plate, but I plate because I can't stay eating people house. They mate you for dinner and they put on your food on that phone plate, paper plate. That being now the being juice dripping on your pay. No, I can't staying gold. Nobody's house ain't got too bad. But I need I need nothing. You dog, you mean to tell me you want somebody going there? We out, we we we out, and they're not coming right out. Oh pardoner. We ain't got a little side bad half back batesment of something that's a sink out of that. We're looking give me something. What I can't do is go to that door and turn it. And that's just sometimes you go to people house, you got to put in some work. Sometimes work got to be put in and you need that that through weight. Wait, wait, I'll tell you something else. I cain't staying going over nobody house. Ain't got no damn snack, got nothing, you got no net stuff. You ain't got no gotten nothing. Hold me. You ain't got a solda, it's no cloth. Fact. I can't go to people house that just got one TV. But I don't forget that which we all in here watching this children, all the kid kids in one room. Hey, let me tell you something. I can't go to nobody house. Ain't got no front steps. How come I got the long jump into the man. You're gonna need some steps. I'll tell you one more thing for we get out of here. Look, man, I ain't trying to be bullsh but can you call it exterminator? Don't get your friends, don't don't get some type of service in here. I see him Sea be doing it, just stomping in Patton whole time. Somethingbody break up. You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show, just saying mate, it's the nephew with side pieces. This is what it is. Hey, just come on, man, I'm gonna ask questions that side pieces will ask, and I'm gonna let timey respond. So, Tommy, if your side piece ask you, when can I call you? You can't? You If I don't call you, we don't talk. That's all that you don't. You don't call me I do call it. Okay, I asked you. Here's another. When can I text you? Same answer as your phone? If I don't text you, we don't text you? Wait, I start everything? Yeah, when we when we hang up the phone. Okay, let me tell you something when we when we hang up the phone. If you forgot to say something and you got to wait till I call you back? Okay? Here next question. Can we spend the night together? Yeah? Oh god, but my night in a sick for the to get my hands forty five my night. We can lay up on each other from three hug Oh, but come sick fortifive? I got to go. This is p M. I am. Yeah, we get. We're gonna watch the six o'clock news, right, I'm gonna right. Can you give her a nickname? Yeah? Baby, same thing I called my wife. But I ain't gonna do what I ain't been doing. Say the wrong everybody, baby, everybody baby. Okay. Let me ask you a question. Will you buy a gift for your side piece, like cologne? Yeah? Yeah, cologne and night. You can get that, but it's gonna be the same day, am cologne my wife? Well, I'm not going to come home smelling like no other woman. Smell my wife. Smile, You're gonna smell like her. Okay, Okay, here's another. Can she introduce you to her friend? Hey? Do know? They don't need to know I existed? What? What? What? What? What? Why is we wild? I'm meeting them people? I'm not ben doing nothing with them people? Why is you talking about me different? Breaking up that? People shouldn't even know I exist at all? You shouldn't be over that running in your mind about me to nobody? Okay, okay, tom here going next? Can she meet your friend? Okay, now that's a good quurt. That's a good question. Yes you can't, but only on side p's night. You can. You got me some most safe. What you ain't gonna do is be meeting them and if white Knight, that's not it ain't your night? You side? Now you know other side pieces? Okay, Tommins, Yeah, because I read that just got to be a common Can't she have a picture of you? You just got to have one. You go on my Facebook green shot a picture of me and my family. Crowd down, crap that down? Where you got only me? Now you got Yeah? If she asked you this, if she says I love you? Do you love me? What's your ass? Did Oh? I'm not I'm not gonna say that. A bunch of didos all that? Don't. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show. All right, Steve Carlos said we should discuss this subject, but I vehemently disagree. But whatever, if I'm in protest, yea to Jay. But you already know why the subject is cooking. Yeah, absolutely, so listen to this, so Steve, guys. Okay, one of the judges from Top Chef recently shared some tips to help folks step their game up in the kitchen, and I thought this would be a good idea for you guys to hear some of these tips, discuss it with Shirley, and maybe you guys can give us some pointers and things like that and to it. Okay, so here we go. You're ready, you guys on board with this? Okay? The first tip, you're not cooking enough, so practice makes perfect, all right? That ain't gonna have No. I don't even know why Shirley has a kitchen that could be an extra living room. Remember that the problem in Shirley had and she was in it for over a year and then we finally convinced that. And she opened up her refrigerator and it was new, I mean, opened up her oven and it was new. In their head, cardboard direction you know, still has the directions. That's really true. Okay, Shirley, practice makes perfect. Let's come on, boo, let's get the kitchen. Let's start. Let's start. You know you're married, now, come on, yeah, that's right, Jr. Right, here's the second tip. Basic tools. You don't need a food processor and all the blenders and all that fancy stuff. Just a knife. Get in there, cut up your vegetables, your sides, your onions. Just you think she's why you think she's gonna cut an onion and frying and let's gonna be crab. You can't do that. Come on, Steve, you come on now. You gotta give us some motivation with that. It's too late. It's too late. It's never too late. Is a lost cars what you're talking about. Trump ain't changing, Trump being a good president and we gotta hubby and oh boy. All right, well, Charley, Okay. One of the tips the chef said that you can start, like with the recipe, you can start with the basic part of the recipe and then you can add your own twist and make it your own. Like that time nothing follow him damn directions. Don't try to deviate or being a improvident, dude, what the damn books say? First, I like peanut butter. I think I'll put some peanut butter in this dressing. Oh god, well what about the time butter dressing? That's disgusting. Whatever, So this is a lost cause, he's quiet. I thought this would be good. A lost call. Cooking. You can't cook, you on water, cook you on hot to cook, and she shouldn't cook. I like all. I like that, get her husband, but I like nest though. He send this man through all this trial and there amiss. She tuldn't go in here and make the first time making. You're listening to Steve Harping Warning Show. Okay, it's time for something funny, Steve. Now, it's normal for people, you know, to get nostalgic about things from their past. A lot of us do that. Like the Slinky, remember that toy, the Walkman, remember the Walkman, Arkad games and even suits and hats for men, remember pac Man and all that? And yeah, I still play pac Man. I can't play the new games. They too complicated. I can't play none of the sports games like NBA Live Mad and football. I don't know what the A B they jump, the A D they roll or or you know what about being nostalgic about how you raise your kids, you know, with discipline and all that, things like common courtesy, like manners, things like that. To come back, Yeah, you're gonna get to whooping? Yeah did you? I'm telling you're gonna get a whooping with your kids growing up? What I'm asking still? Yeah? Why do you think they ain't in jail? You saved him. I tried to beat him worse than my mama beating me. Ah that's pretty bad. Ain't none of my kids got it like I got it. I ain't. No, but our parents before us really got it too. But we got it. I think we were the last of the kids that got serious beat down. My kids well some more. I really, I really pledged my son, YEA pledged. So what fright is here? They ain't cused, but they could. They could go ahead and get it there they could take technically they should actually be in But I do wish manners we're more prominent like they used to be. I mean, you know what I'm really proud of though I think all of my kids are very very man manners are important. Anything used. Yeah, she's so sweet. Brand daddy, you know you have great kids brand being on your as you know she got a clap back going on, and you ain't heard nobody come up to you. I can't talk to your daughter talking to be so crazy a man, never Brandy, I ain't seen it either. Good you've just heard. I just happy for coming over. Can I talk to you for I just can't do it. No, I'm serious about her business, this stuff ya brand. She runs your foundations, so she's serious about what do you What else do you guys wish would come back? Like products because they said iPad But I mean, you know I wish Carol Free mooisterizing would come back. Act purl for yellow bottle red right, Yeah, Kings, Ye, chess Kings, Marry go around. Yeah. I want them to come back. But I don't want to have to have the money I had back then. Don't I want to come back? Yeah? I have no design for that to come back. What were the famous what was the famous advice your dad gave you about being for the best thing you could do for po people's son is not be one of that advice. I listened to that real close, especially coming out of home. People gonna talk about, man, why are you work so hard because I'm running running for what. I ain't running for nothing, I'm running from. I'm not gonna be back in that position no more so. Now what I did was if I become homeless and have to live in a car, and now have cars you can live in, Yeah, you go like it like wine, Yeah you can put bottle, you got shelter, air conditioning, TV. You know you got computers in it. Yeah, WiFi all that. Do you know that They had a little card you can buy and you put it in your system and you can have your own WiFi in your car. Yeah, it's it's Limos that have that. Not Limos, but cars car service. How do you get it though? It's just a little program that you buy, you put it in your car, and then you have your own password to your own WiFi. So you go way out. You know you're still have wife. I need there for my son. You don't have that in the pren You don't have to say, you don't have to say for you but wait, wait, what what Carlin do not have to say? She said, you don't have that in the PA. You could have just said you don't have that in your car. That's all you have to do, Tommy, don't worry about that a ghost. But it's pre I'm just asking when you get when I got to they have concierge service in cars? Do you have out of yards and one day I don't know, pressed the button and you have concierge service. That are people who will make flight reservations for you. Did the reservations? Excuse me, Steve, excuse me? Do you have that, Tommy in your you? That ain't what you want to say? The old owner got it with you, he got the subscription. I tried to figure out why he looks so surprised, and Steve to say, but they have they have everything available. You could these programs you could purchase now. The concierge is free in a certain car, in a certain car, like what car? Like? Okay? Like a roll? Want to say it? You just want I just want to tell you what some Alright, alright, we gotta go. Happy Thanksgiving From the Steve Harvey Morning Show. Love for All Steve Harvey Contests. No purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US sdents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, Physics Steave Harvey dot com. You're listening to the STA Harvey Morning Show h