Happy Halloween The Train is Here, Pittsburgh, Trump, Toni Braxton Interview, Kanye West, President Obama, Whitey Bulger, Website, Closing Remarks and more.

Published Oct 31, 2018, 2:45 PM

The train is in the depot and you must get on! Pittsburgh stands behind the families of the victims. Trump and rhetoric is something else. Toni Braxton stops by to talk about her upcoming tour plus more. Kanye West feels used. President Obama will lend his support in Georgia on Friday. Infamous mobster Whitey Bulger dies in prison. Today, Closing Remarks talks about the importance of hanging in there and much more!

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Y'all know what time to y'all don't know y'all back all, suit all looking back to back down, giving the move like themaking buck bus things and it's touble, y'all true good at the hardy guy. Want to move to other for Stu Barn Hobby. Don't you join? Yeah? Yeah, Hobby joining me? Honey said do go U turn love go? Yeah, very close. You gotta turn. Won't the turn turn to lovely? Got to turn out to turn turn water? Want come come on your back? Uh huh, I sure will. A good morning everybody. You're listening to the voice, come on dig me NW one and only. Steve Harvey got a radio show, Yeah, I got one. I got a message for you today to something I was thinking about that might help you along the way. Um. The thing I appreciate about so many U people that I learned from Bishop Jake's, Kenneth Omer, Donnie McClerkin, Kirk Franklin, Um, Joel Oldstein. I can't tell you and and and and many more than that. I mean, you know, I mean I'm naming you know, famous people because because I know you know these names. But my father, who you never met, was so great in my development as a man. But my mother thought him said, My mother was um. She taught me about faith. She gave me the things I needed to know about. What I speak about every day, that basis was given to me by her. So there's so many great people. But here's here's here's the thing that I've had to learn, and that is that if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. See, I can't tell you how many people don't really pay attention to that close enough. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. How many times have we as people allowed God to get us through something, get us beyond something, get us over something, get us through something, and then even after its completion, we sit there and we dwell on it, and we dwell on it to the point where it becomes an anchor around our neck and we can't move on. We can't move on because we just won't let it go. It's done. If God got you through it, it's done. Move on. Stop harboring on the past. Stop hanging on to every time you fail, Stop hanging onto every time you slipped up and messed up. Stop hanging onto every time you didn't get it right. So what Everybody makes mistakes, everybody messes up. Everybody don't get it right. Everybody is struggling with something. You ain't the only one, but my God. Man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You're hanging on to it, for that's why he got it, got you through it, so you can move on from it. See a lot of things that happened to us that we think are negative or bad experience. These are lessons and what and what not to do. This is a this uh, this is a this is a way to have a now or bearing on. Lookout for it the next time. You know you you you you you. You got me once, you can't get me again. I'm telling you, man, if God got you through it, it's done. Move on. You have got to move on. I use this analogy all the time. I'm gonna add a little bit to it. Bishop Jake's told me you cannot drive your car looking in the rear view mirror. I was talking to a young singer yesterday who I ran up into and man, let me tell you something. This this this analogy or I told of him. We had about twenty minute conversational. See you know what your rear view mirror is actually for in your car. I was just tripping on this one day. Actually, your rear view mirror is designed and this is what I use it for. After I pass a car and I want to emerge into that lane or I want to make another move, I look up in the rear view mirror, and all I use it for it shows me that I've gotten past it. I've gotten past the vehicle I was passing, and I got enough room not clear, to make my next move. That's what I used my rear view mirror for. I used my rear view mirror to just glance up every now and then to see what's coming up on me. That's all I use it for. The rear view mirror when you're passing through something. Listen to me real close now. Your rear view mirror on your car is after you're passing something or you're passing by something, you can look up in the rear view mirror and it lets you know you're past it, You're beyond it. It's clear. Now it's in the past. You no longer have to deal with it as the car that was in front of you blocking your way. You have passed it. You look up in the mirror. You've cleared it. Now if you want to switch lanes, you could slide on over. You got room. But that rear view mirror also lets you see if anything is coming up on you, and you just need to glance, because if you're moving forward, ain't a whole lot can come up on you. You just glancing every now and then, and it reminds you that you got through something and you got beyond something. That's what the rear view mirror for. Now. Let's talk about that windshield while you think that when you're so big on your car, that's the biggest window on your car. You know why the wind shield so big because it's where you're going. Because even the automobile makers want you to have a wide view of where you're going so you can see what's up ahead. They put lights on the car night so you can have night vision and see what's up ahead. But you can, oh, man, uh see not? Why is that? Look? Think about that now? For I move forward with this one. Think about that wind shield, man, why is that wind shields so big so you can see where you're going. It's way more important where you're going than where you're being, don't you see that. That's why the rear view mirror is so small, because it is nowhere. There's important as it is as to where you're going, why you're being. Just allows you to take a glance so you can make sure you clear it, so you can see if it's room enough for you to make your next move, so you can know that you've gone through it and go head on about your business. But that windshield, that windshield is for vision a man without a dream of visions your parish. That windshield is for somebody going somewhere. That windshielding for somebody else there trying to make another move. I'm gonna go right, I'm on left. I'm gonna get off on this exit. I'm gonna take this d too. I'm gonna handle it signed as a new route. There's only so many miles left to go. That's what the wind shield got. Let me tell you something, man, when you see a mile signed, you're driving on the freeway, you're on the interstate, and you let's say you're driving to a particular city and you see a sign that says that city is thirty eight hunting thirty eight miles away. That lets you know where you're going and you're on the right path now. If you keep looking in the rear view mirror, you'll never know how close you are. You'll never know because you're driving your car. Look in the reverview mirror. You all on the shoulder. You hear them rocks up under your car. You have scared yourself to death because you know why, because you keep looking in the rear view mirror. Get out the rear view mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Move on, So what he so what? He don't love you know more? And man, let's move on. If God got you through, it is done. Move on. God got something for you. If you get out your rear view mirror and get up in that windshield. God's got something for your upp ahead. But you can't see what's up ahead because you in that rear view mirror. If God got you through, it is done. Let's move on. Come on, y'all, don't let the past beat you up. That's the ingredients in the cake. You made that already, that's done. Let's go God. Look in the windshield. See what God Mother got something new for you. If you get out the rear view mirror and look, open up your eyes and see all right, let's go today morning show all the blood shot that comes from playing by yourself a lot, got that kind of energy. Yeah, dog, I was trained or conductor. Everybody. I'm just saying, well, you know, somebody had to see the train coming you at the headlights. Anyway, I might have been the train, but you was that big light men with them bug eyes. Oh lord, who come to train must be trying to star. Hey, good morning, Steve. I got it for you. Calling for happy Halloween, every bob here boy today my Halloween costool, I'm gonna be out. It's gonna be one or saw it last Yeah, it's gonna be one day pimping. It's gonna be at the Halloween Paul, Yeah, Pemper coming out. Oh you gotta get some pimping pitchers tonight then I need Yeah, we can't wait. Don't worry. I'm take them all during the day. I'm doing it for the grand kids, Tommy, and it on for about two hours. Hold up your what what did you just say? What what did you just say? Your pimpings coming out and working for the grandkids Halloween party today. Okay, nothing about that statement sounds strange to you. Nothing about that statement bothering me. Am I the only one could be possible. No one has anything to say he's going to be a pimp in front of his grand Listen to me. It was Marjorie's ideal for them to call me papa. I said from the very beginning, I ain't want to be called papa. She no, No, I ain't wanna be Papa. I wanted to be big pimper for your grandkids to call you. Well, she fought me on that. She won't. She didn't want the girls to call me that. Now I understand that, but I don't see why the boys be j and Noah couldn't. I can't be big pimper. So Marjorie's with me on this idea. Okay, so now she is, Yeah she was, so, now you're gonna be pimping for the grandkids. Now, yeah, they got to meet pimper. The only one. Okay, you dot ain't been around. Were stunned. This is around. We ain't from Cleveland. That's got something to do with it. Neither grow up, educate yourself. They was all at my mom and funeral. They can't come to the Halloween, Paul, I don't think that wrong. Man, you're comfort about with your decision. Man, I'm talking about what you have pictures. I'm gonna take all the kids, gonna be on my lap. Two. I'm talking about he fly to boys. All right, Well, listen, we have a lot of news to discuss today. We got more Halloween stuff to talk about, and we'll do all that right after this. Uh. Coming up at thirty two after the hour you're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Coming up at the top of the hour, Miss Anne will be here. She's gonna discuss, of course, today's national news. Yesterday, residents protested President Trump's visit to Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh Steelers Ben Rothenburger head coach Mike Tomlin, along with several other Steelers players, attended funeral services as the entire city of Pittsburgh seems to be rallying around the victims and their families, the victor of that horrendous um shooting uh at the at the synagogue on Saturday. You know, you know, when they don't want you to come to the funeral, that's not a good sign. But that was talking the White House about him not attending because it was too early. They're burying people and they didn't want him there, Why do you? Because he doesn't have any sensibility as a human being. He doesn't understand sensibility. He has done what he's wanted to do his entire life, and nobody could stop him. I'm telling you, some people told him you can't go down there. I'm going down There's defiant. Yeah, because he don't see he don't see nothing wrong with what he does, no compassion, and no time. He often doubles, doubles down on everything. Well, you need to do what I did yesterday. I've voted, baby, That's what I do. That makes all of us were all show has fulfilled the obligation and duty as citizens. We are committed to bringing about effective change in this country. And if you are not, don't think that something has to change. Is something wrong with you? It really really is. Even if you're a Republican, which I have no problem with. You can be a Republican. But oh my goodness, man, can you just openly admit that this guy is probably the most non presidential president we've ever had, and that you should say, I'm really embed haris by some of the things he said or done. And if you can't find it in your heart if you think everything he said it is a okay, I have bad news for you. There's something wrong with you too, because I don't care who you are. You you have to know that this type of rhetoric is wrong for the country. It's divisive. I god that you picked the economy up. I've got you bought jobs back. If that's what you want to get credit for, let's give him that credit. But you're also gonna have to take the credit for the other stuff. And this divisiveness. These neo Nazis and clans and the skin heads being able to walk bravely like they got somebody who reflects their thought process. You got white nationalists walking around coming out like they've never come out before because they think they have a person that speaks to them. And it's starting to sound like the base. And when I and when I watch a Trump rally, you know, man, look, I got this is your guy. But you cannot be in agreement with everything he says. If that's the case, we're in trouble. Yeah, And none of none other, none of the other Republicans are speaking out when they see something wrong or when they don't agree with him. They're they're remaining silent. They accompany him yesterday to Pittsburgh. Some of them they said it was at the right time. No, they know, Paul, thank god, thank god they did. They're burying people. This ain't the time for the president and they're angry with his rhetoric and for you to turn around and turn this into the media's fault. The fake news is bringing this about. Man. That's an ugly thing to say. And if you think that that's a okay, I'm telling you, man, there's something wrong with you. You gotta check yourself. Now. Look, I'm like this. He's the forty the president. We can't do anything about that, except on November six, we have a chance to make a statement and send a clear message to the White House that we will not sit by and idly allow you to run your policies and your rhetoric down our throat like this is indicative of how all of us feel, because it's not man, it's just not. I'm sorry, man, I can't believe that this country has so turned away from electing Barack Obama to turn it around to accepting the rhetoric that you're putting out to turn from a man who did nothing but try to reach across the island unify the country and did a good job of it. That you all are so hateful that you're gonna refuse all of those advancements to go back to making America great again. I'm sorry. If you to just said let's make America great, I'm okay with it. But when you say make America great again, that concerns me with what time period you're trying to take us back to, because I don't remember no time in my past I want to go back to now. Nope, I was a kid in six I was. I was twelve years old and six simness mm hmm, teenager, teenager, college student. No, so I didn't want that. Well, like Steve says, eighties homeless, Oh, I really don't want to come back there, nineties, second marriage, what they got to do with time and all the stuff up now talking about movement? All right, So, like Steve said, if you're sick of the hate and the division in this country, please get out and vote This Tuesday, November six, that is election day. We need you to show up and vote. Yes, all right, switching gears. Today is Halloween. Happy Halloween, everyone, Yeah, Happy HALLOWEENA coming coming up next, It is the Nephew and he'll run that brank back. Right after this, you're listening to The Steven Show. Coming up in about thirty minutes. Tony Braxton, the One and Only, will be our special guests. She's going to talk about her upcoming tour and we'll also talk to her about Beyonce channeling Tony Braxton's album cover for Halloween. Also, Yeah, that was really cute, wasn't it? It was so cute? Also, get ready for this top story in entertainment news, Kanye West says he has been used and he's breaking away from the president and distancing distancing himself from politics altogether. But the boy got his medication back. Look at your boy first. The host are ready to love. It is the Nephew here with run that breakback? What you got, nep Host? You in my house? You in my house? No? Now, this one ain't scary. You in my house running scary? Hello? Hey, this is uh this Presston? What y'all? Where did y'all lead a kid at? I'm about two hours out? You got throng on bro? Call him back? Yeah? Is this is this Troy? Yeah? They this is this I'm Preston. Man. Listen, I'm on my way to the house. I'm about two hours out. Where did y'all lead a kid at? Man? Oh? Wait? You let me get up on your way to what how I'm on my way there? Are you you at the house? I'm at my house? Yeah? What you what do you say? Your name was? This is Preston? Uh? Okay, okay, hold on, man, I don't understand. Okay, I'm on my way to the house. Uh. What do my question? What has you come out? Okay? You are us six and Woods Drive? Yeah, that's my house. Okay, okay, I understand that. All right, So listen, I'm about two hours out. Man. I got two U haul trucks. We're in route there. We'll be there about two hours. But but I thought y'all went out of the house by now I'm I'm kind of see where the key at? How the hot I don't what one? What? What? Not? Hold on? What? What? What do you say? You want? You got two U hauld trucks? What what you got? What you got was? It was that? Now I'm moving into the house. I bought the house. You're you're moving in the white? Okay? How do you don't know I bought the house. Man, Wait what the house you talking about? You want woods drive? That's I bought this hog from Tids there yeah yeah, Ti, yeah, yeah yeah, Till that's that's what that's what we that's where we got the house from. When you say you about the house, okay, wait a minute, you leased the house from Kidsdale, right, yeah, yeah, we're right right. We we still out about another year lesson, I least we we we at this house for another year. I mean, and we're supposed to renew that. Okay, Okay, we got a problem. Let me let me try to Okay, I'm let me get my wife phones. I need to get my wife on the phone. Well, hold on, hold, hold on, hold on a minute. Okay, So now Tills, they'll tell me that y'all supposed to be at the house, and I'm calling because he said y'all gonna leave the key in a certain place. It's not like Till ain't told you know, like I need get kicked there on the phone such because because how we how do you hear he ain't man, We don't hear nothing about no selling to no house or no nothing like that. Okay, Well, I didn't. I didn't bough the house from Tiarsdale. And I'm I'm like I said, I'm I'm two hours out. I'm to get there a little quicker. How soon do you think y'all gonna get the stuff? Get 'all stuff out the house? Yeah, what stuff out? Want the house? Y'all going happy to get you'll stuff out the house? Get what study a lot of that you think we're gonna get We we we we look like I said, man, we we need to get tis there on the phone and get this cleared up. You're a sink. I'll tell you what you bring up. You all trucks as you want to. Y'all bet to take you back where you come from. I tell you that after you that. But listen, man, listen the mistake. First of all, okay, you you're arguing with me by my house. That's my house. No, no, no, now see you now I'm at to see now you in the houbum. I'm gon tell you. I'm gonna tell you like I like like like, I'm gonna tell till there ain't none of this ain't going down the way you think it's gonna go down. You understanding we're not to leave being this house for a year. I mean, that's what we're gonna do. We're gonna be in this house for a hope. Yeah, you ain't over. Yes, so you might gonna go get yourself. Don't own the house no more I own the house. You got to get your stop. Man, I'm two hours out here. Man, man, we we look. Listen to me. Listen. We haven't been in this house five years. Okay, we got one year nothing this house. Okay. Look, ain't gonna be no moving in to day. We can I can't move my man, I got wife, I got kids, and man, I look i'm teeth. I'm it's like it's slave said, you got you. We gotta talk tis there. But I'm telling you, man, you pull up today and you haul I swear so a little I'm gonna I'm gonna whoop your you. You you don't call me with all this, ain't got no notice or nothing, because that's what I'm saying. You ain't never We ain't talk. They ain't got me at one time. Agree with me? Well that swing you and kids there. But right now I'm on my way to my house and you got to get your no. No, you're on your way to my house. If you if you know, no you talk to my house, you're gonna get your hands the teeth. Let me let me say that is your kids, your if your wife been killed there right now they at church? Well me to be okay, okay, it's in the room. And what's in the garage in the room in the garage, can you move up your stuff garage? You're raggedy, like I just told you, you pull up to my house, I'll be something fun that you're moving in this man, get you getting your black blue look. And I ain't going to say when you come, make me do it? Do come, make me do it? Move out of my house today? What's in my garage? Then? What's in yoga? Ride? Do you tell me that what's in yoga? I'm allow I'm gonna allow you to do this. Move all your stuff into the garage. I'm gonna allow you to get your saying what I'm saying. So, so I see, I see now, I see now you want your in front of your wife and kids. I see. So you're gonna with my that what you're gonna do, I'll tell you what if you bring them you halls, you bring your wife, your kids, your dogs and you bring it about it. I won't call your right here in front of it's not your house, It's not I bought. I bought the house from I'm telling a look, I tell you what you need me right in front of y'all. I'll be right out here, staid in like I'm ann whoop your too my roade and my house shoes. How about that? Kim me to move out my house? And I tell you what you better call kids? He didn't because you don't. He told me to tell you what you mean? What you say? Do you know what these tears they are told me to tell you. See you want that, you're gonna tell me whatever kids they're told me. But I tell you one, they ain't moving out my now today. I'm telling you that right now ain't gonna be no moving out here, he said, with tears there told you to say. I'm gonna tell you to hear what tiars there told me to tell you. Tear then told me to tell you that this is next you time me from the Steve Harvard Morning Show. Troy your wife and tears there got me to break phone call you so this one book some some book, yes, And then I didn't put my pains on boot song. I'm waiting. I'm sitting right here like living room, looking at the waiting for this. You all to pull up because I don't gonna tell five from your man. I can't go back to sweep now. You don't got me fired up? They're sure. I gotta ask you for I go, man, what is the baddest and I'm talking about the baddest radio show in the lane? Steve Harvest? How y'all feel about that? Right there? You're in my house. You played too much telling that anybody anybody want concerned, just feels about you, not concerned. Just feel stupid, just feel you know, let's just stupid bone. Let's just stupid bone. Breathe every daw stupid bone. Yeah, your brain, your bone, your back, see what you're talking about? It like it's a damn bone. But we get that bone took out. Remove man, it's just as important as your vertebrate. No, no, I can't wait till they jump on your saying he just got that show. All right, Well listen, thank you. NEV. Coming up at the top of the hour, Kanye says he's been used and he's breaking away from Donald Trump. Our president. Right after this, you're listening to Steve Show. Coming up in twenty minutes, Tony Braxton will be our very special guest. She's going to talk about her tour and how cool it is that Beyonce the Queen uh is channeling her another love song, that epic album cover, remember that look for it Halloween? Okay, that's today, But first in entertainment, make sure I'll say nothing when Tony to come on here. Please please Michell say that? And how do you propose that we do that muzzle on you? What? Okay, you just cut the mike just in it? Can you tell us which bone is stupid? Well? You just said from head to toast? All right, Well, Kanye is in the news. He says, Wow, this is big from Kanye. He says he's been used by people to spread political messages and he's now done with it. Kanye fired off a series of tweets, apparently distancing himself from Donald Trump and the mega movement that make Make America Great movement. Kanye says, my eyes are now wide open, and I now realize I've been used to spread messages I don't believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative. Well he was, he would being used in that's what he just said. Yes, well she One of the reasons is this woman who's got this movement called blacks, wants all these blacks to denounce the Democratic Party and move on to the Republican Party. Here's the problem. What can you tell me that the conservative movement offers to black people, Latinos, and any anybody of color. Show me what, show me really what it offers anybody that serves their value. Because what I'm hearing from them right now, it's build a wall, stop the dreamers, a Muslim band. This is what I'm hearing. You know, there's good people on both sides. This is what I'm hearing. What is good for black people in that party right now? Just show me. Now, if you're rich, I see it. But if you're not rich, which is a majority of my people, what do they do? I don't see it. Man, you're talking about the blacks. It for what? Go and be a Republican or a conservative for what? Help me? Well, you remember when he was running president and then Canada, Trump said what do you have to lose? When he talked to the black people he said, what do you have to lose? No, that's not the question. The question is what do you gain? See this ain't about to know what I got to lose? Hell my dignity. Yeah, we'd already lost. We ain't trying to lose. What do we win? When do we get to win something? Quit saying what do you have to lose? We've lost our young men to police violence out here. We've lost our right to vote out here. We've lost the right to eat at lunch counters, ride on buses, our right to walk down the street. We've lost or everything you can lose, our dignity, ability to go to the school of our choice, we've lost all that, to live where you want to live, to work where we want to work. We've done enough losing. What do we win? Great question by voting for you? What do we win? We're talking to us about lawsuit? Came Nobody talked to us about losses. That's your better question, were the King of Queens of lawsues? We got the record, and we don't how to hanging there better than anybody. You can't hanging there? Better that you got that? What's hanging were hanging there? Got it? Yeah? All right? Steve. Let's move on to the headlines. Pleaslaies and gentlemen, missa and trip. Thank you everybody. This is a trip with the news. Well. Vigils continue and cities across the country this week and the wake of the massacre of eleven worshippers in the Pittsburgh synagogue, there were four funerals in steel Town yesterday, with seven expected in the coming days. You let shooting mean while has been charged with eleven counts of murder as well as some other charges of the President of his family were in Pittsburgh yesterday meeting with some victims families. Some other victims families did not want to be around him, and they were about a thousand or so protesters out there screaming at him and saying that he was the pun who was responsible for this kind of racist action against Jews and against this and against blacks, as evidence in the shooting and knduct in Kentucky. Also because of his divisive atone, President Trump, by the way, now wants to put an end to US birthright law, which gives automatic citizenship to any person born on US soil. The birth right provision constitutes the Fourteenth Amendment and was meant to apply to Black Americans who up till then were born here but not considered citizens. However, Trump claims that illegal immigrants have been taken advantage of the law for years, having babies here just to gain citizenship, and he told Axios News on HBO he wants something done about it through an executive order. The only country in the world where a person comes in has a baby and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for eighty five years, with all of those benefits. It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous, and it has to end. Actually, this is another example of Trump having his facts wrong. The majority of countries around the world do not allow for automatic birthright citizenship, that is true, but thirty countries do, among them Canada, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and of course the US. Meanwhile, legal experts are questioning Trump's legal authority to limit what is a constitutional guarantee without the consent of Congress. But with the mid term elections only a week away, that may not be a problem, with now South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham saying he's ready to sponsor just such a birthright elimination built in the Congress and what he hopes to remain a GOP controlled House of Representatives and Senate. The Office of the man investigating Russia's possible ties of Donald Trump's presidential campaign, Robert Miller investigating allegations that women have been offered money to falsely accuse him of sexual harassment. President Trump has repeatedly maligned and threatened to fire Mueller. Upon learning of the alleged plot, Muller's team readily referred to Math to the FBI. The infamous mob boss Whitey Bulger found dead in to Sell yesterday, just one day after he was transferred to a West Virginia lock up. I thought he said was homicide. They say he was beaten to death and a guy Rish gangster was on the land for sixteen years following up on the tip was captured in California, inn. He was eighty nine years old. And finally, it's not only Halloween, but it's also appropriately enough, I would say National doorbell Day tick a dry Stevie Harvey Nation find out if Uncle Steve Smart and his nephew back in twenty minutes after the hour of Steve Harvey Morning Show, You're listening Steve Harvey Morning Show. Hey y'all, as promise our special guests. Multi platinum Grammy Award winning single. She stars in The Braxton Family Values and her super Talented sisters. Her new album, Sex and Cigarettes is available now. She's joining us today to talk about an upcoming tool and all some other great products she's working on. I just found out about Lord her messing. Please welcome to the show. The One and only. Yes, Lord Tony Braxt Long he first, Yes, Really, what's up? Tony? Hey? Good? Yeah, Hey, let's talk about this. Tell us about this Sex and Cigarettes too. You've got stub opening and tickets gone sale today. Who else on tour? Would you? What? Tell us about it? Again? That's some girl mothers the movie and I think just girls did together a girl's power, girl requirement. I'm the Parliament, you know what I mean? That's really really good man. So how long have y'all been playing in this tool? How long? How how did you get together with that s w V? What was the conversation that lady y'all coming together when we did the same UM awards and we work for a garage and the idea chain in our heads bailis this year and we made it happen. I mean it took a took a couple of months or six months to make it happen, thinking minutes, but here we are. I'm looking forward to, you know, just just a little five six free tour is going to go to ufn ort to come back. But I'm looking forward to a victory is my favorite things. But I loved you, you know, performance, my audience, and I could be that's my name, and I'm looking forward to it. Yeah, you're You're great and concept Tony. You know, we love you wherever we can get you. We love you on stage, on record, wherever. But I gotta ask you this, um. You know, you've been an inspiration to so many people, and uh it was evidenced today by Beyonce. She paid homage to you by dressing like you. Tony Braxton h for Halloween yesterday. Yeah, yeah, that was the Hope the first album. The first inside of the photo shoot, I was I was proud of the big sisters of the girls and a baby sisters agent doing her thing. I'm so proud of her imp so I thought it was a shout out and she looks just like you. Though you had a. You ain't got to say that right now. I'll tell you right now now, you ain't got to say that, and nothing wrong with you, Yeah Beyonce, Fine, but please understand laying it. I got the first album, so we Hey, Tony, hang on one second, we're gonna come back, y'all. We got more with Tony Braxton. We got a surprise for y'all, something Tony doing I bet y'all don't know about. We'll be right back with more Tony Braxton right after this. You're listening to show, y'all, we're back. We're back with the one and only Tony Braxon. We've been talking about the Sex and Cigarette tour. It's gonna be about a five or six week tour, then it goes over to Europe for a while. It's gonna be hot. She's got s w V with them and some of the date's baby Face gonna join in, so we're looking forward to that. Um, Hey, how do how do people get ticket information about this tour? Tony? I can go online, you can go to um the ticket master. Just look to as long as I live, and that this morning an hour ago. So I'm proudly I'm excited about that that's because they've been waiting. Yeah, yeah, yeah, all right, here's here's what I want to talk to you about. You're gonna be starring in an upcoming movie on the Lifetime network. Every Day is Christmas. It premiers November twenty four. The movie also stars Gloria Ruben, your Sister, Tawanda Braxton, and Michael Jah White. Tell us about the move, there's a lot of from Michell in Canada's but it's schools to be like at my manager. So, you know, Michael played a kind of a love interest. I don't want to get the story away, you know. I never had to do a real, you know, kind of kissing scene. That was a little weird because Michael God kind of like my cousin. He's like this cont relatives for real. So my Mom's like, I just find it just kissing curtains, Like, just don't feel right, Mama. Yeah, he's just a relative of ours and talks Carolina. So it was weird just in my cousins who knew that. Yeah, now, what was Harvey about to say that? What would you finish it? Just say it was yeah, you hettle eyes. Cousins was low down the line. But still when you hear the words your lady, yeah kind of way, you know. Yeah, See, Tommy, that's like you. My nephew is not the same not the same thing. Okay, right there, Tony said, Tony, you got this movie? How how did the movie come about? I got a three deal with Lifetime and that was one of the first projects we did. I was really proud of the game One to Me Queen the Teeth, So we got three picture deal. So that was the first project I thought would be fun to introduce Christie congratulations. Yeah, that's awesome. Than Yeah. They wanted me to play the part of Michael jack White, but I was too did I was too old. And when I took my shirt off, we didn't looked at say true took our shirt off. We were standing the out going down. Don't put your shirt on, man, give a brother shot. You don't know what to say to that dude. I have nothing, she has no words. I got all right though. Right after I lost the role, I went on on to the bank. I feel a little better about myself. Bank. Hey, girl, So listen to me, Tony. We are looking forward to the Sex and Cigarettes tool U s w V is opening us about six weeks out here, baby Face is gonna join on a couple of dates. Then it's going over to Europe. You all want more information, you can go to a ticket master. You can go to Tony Braxton dot com. You just punching and Tony Braxton tickets and to show you everything they got going. She got the movie coming on November twenty fourth on Lifetime. It's called every Day Is Christmas. You want to check it out. Tony Braxton is owned and cracking. Yes, yes, you know where your fans girls, Tony Braxton. We appreciate you so much, dolly, lady and gentlemen. Tony Brax. Yeah, yeah, like saying like sexon chocolate, say what you hurts? All right, thank you, Tony. We'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show coming up at the top of the hour. Right about four minutes after. It's my strawberry letter for today. The subject maybe I was not good enough for him, But right now it is the nephew here with today's praying phone call. What do you have for us today? Surely this hasn't happened to well, it has This happened to one person on this show. The title is Garnish your wages, Garnish your wages? Who we all? If you throw a rock? Look what happens here? You know his way? He's just been hit. Dog holler? Yes, you talking my long time ago? Yeah? Do you think it hurt then? Though? Didn't he? That's one of my favorites right there. A week got my check. God got through it better days. I was thinking about killing the credits called allegedly you better use my word. That's what I just did. A here it is, God is your way. I'm trying to reach a y'all. My name is Uh from the District Attorney's office. Hi. How are you giving you a call today? Man? I'm trying to get some updates from you. Your husband, Mr? Is he uh still not working at this point? Okay? How long has he been out of work so far? Ma'am? Could you could you give me an update on this? Okay? All right, here's what we're having the problems that we're having. You have a son, Um I think it's his name is as well, fourteen years old? Am I right? Okay? The child support is not being paid from Mr. For the for Mr. Young, and we're trying to get this thing rectified. Now. The problem that we're gonna have, and the reason why we're giving you a call is considering that your your husband hasn't worked since the first of the year. And I haven't done the research yet. I'm just I'm just now pulling up your file. I haven't done the research to see how many months in the rears he is on child support. But he lost his child, Okay, Well, the problem that we're we're going to have is they're gonna start taking uh child support actually, and I hate to give you this news out of your check until I don't understand how that self, because I have my own kids. I understand, but they're gonna be garnishing your check, ma'am until this until your husband can get this thing back on its feet and get it rectified and get him up to parts for of all the payments that are hurt and when taking place, because if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working because that's not gonna happen. I have my own children, so I don't understand how that's. So I don't don't have anything to do with child for it or anything like that. And if that's the case, I'm not gonna be working as right now. The garnishing of the check is gonna come from you and you are at the hospital. Correct, No, that's not it's not where you work. I don't. I'm not gonna be working as of right now. That's what I just teld you. So y'all do whatever you got to do, and I'll do whatever I have to do on my inn. Okay, well, hold on it. You're willing to quit your job, I'm not understanding this. If you're sure, why, because I'm not gonna be taking care of someone else's kids and not have my own. So how that's right? So somebody else can take care of mines then, because I'm not gonna be doing it, You're so right? All right? Well, I mean, I'm just you know, don't I don't want you to be upset with you. I don't want you to be upset with me. I can be able to contact you, Okay, you know I'm gonna I'm gonna let you know this. It's a bit of information. You're still gonna if you're quitting your job, man, you guys are still going to be liable for the child's support. Okay, well that's fine, not you guys, because it's not my children, sir. Okay, it's not you guys. He will be liable, okay, because I mean, can I step one moment because I need to step outside, that's okay, or there's a number I can contact you back. Okay, are you able to step outside right now? Um? Yes, but I'm gonna get on the elevator and it's gonna kind of okay, let's do this. Why don't you step outside and I'll wait for you to call give me about forty five seconds, but I'm gonna give a call on my manager on this situation. Okay, please do all right? Thank you? Hello, okay, Mr y hi again from the District Attorney's office. Okay, you can hear me now, Yes I can't. Can you hear man? Yes, ma'am, I sure can. Now, let's get to the bottom of everything. I couldn't get my manager on the phone, but I'll keep trying. I just want to know. I mean, that's I'm just mention. I know you are, and I hate to be so short with you, but I don't understand because we're not even getting enough income coming in as of right now and you're speaking of I have three children that I'm struggling to take care of all my owners. But and you're speaking of that, you're going to be deducted money from gonna share my check for his child worth? What's your something? What's your name? Man? Who is there someone else I need to speak with? No, we're on the phone. I have. That's my sister taken care of me. We're part of the District Attorney County. Ma'am. Yeah, she office, the child support service. She works with the child support Okay, man, speak with you. Let me speak with your sister. Man, So what do you I mean, how is this going to be done? Because that's not gonna leave me the cast to be able to support my own kids, I mean in my own home. I understand that. You know, maybe this is a problem with having a person hanging around person has raised the seat his kids all their life. This is a jealous mother that decided off the eighteen years that she wanted to around because that's history, that's our quart orders. What in the hell is going on with those people in the background this nephew times it didn't hit the fan. No, I couldn't get to go out with her sister was there. Don't say nothing to him. Made to get off the phones. I need you to call on three ways. They was calling somebody probably calling downtown. Gonna get theirself in motrole. Okay, what's wrong? I called you back. I tell you about it on know you want You're gonna talk to her right now? And I told you you're gonna pay this child support, not me get the best way. You can't me called me. I'm gonna pay this half. You're gonna make me. You gotta make me whip your behind this money. You will find out who he is. You want to You want to talk to my law Yeah? I want to. Where is your You don't have a lawyer? You know you don't have one because I know who don't jo Who happen? Hor You got my nove behind? They have to for your job. You have to go to Who is this nephew? Timing from the Steve Harvey Morning. Yo, Yo, just gotta drank Bob Baby, don't pay for this food? Well, you just give me a black mouth all out. I gotta ask. I gotta ask all y'all something. What is the baddest radio show in the land? All right, that's the prank y'all. Let me put this out there a pine Bluff, Arkansas. The Nephew is coming to town at the Pine Bluff Convention Center. That's Friday, Friday night, November the second. This is coming Friday, along with the one and Only d C. Young Fly will be on the show end the legendary Don D C. Curry and the one and Only Nephew Timmy at the home coming Friday night. You do not want to miss it. Takeing sale right now. I bet you do. I'm telling you what's your DC Young fled and he's gonna fitty old Tommy and Stevy Alright, coming up to the top of the hour, letter the subject maybe I was not good enough Generation gap. DC gonna be out there with some Tim's on when it's grow showing and no shirt. I'm gonna be out there and one of them a little bit of suits. DC gonna come out with a pimp outfit on a toxino. Three different generations. Alright, Strawberry Letter coming up. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. It's time now for today's Strawberry Letter. And if you need advice on relationships, on dating, work, sex, parenting, and more. Please submit your strawberry letter to Steve Harvey f M and click submit Strawberry letter. Please tell them Steve, they love hearing you. You better submit these letter. Yes, lets somebody read about your business. Right, we could be reading your letter live on the air just like this. You hold on, We got it for you, all right, Nephew, Here we go subject. Maybe I was not good enough for him? Dear Stephen Shirley, I have just wasted three months of my life with a guy. When we met, he was my supervisor at work. Shortly after we met, I got a new job, so we decided to hook up and see if we could be more than friends. The first time we went out, we had sex in his car. After that night, he called and texted me daily and he wanted to see me as much as he could. I was really falling for him, and he told me that I was not his type, but he just couldn't help how he felt about me. I liked him so much that when he asked me to change my appearance for him, I did it. I treat him to my nails down, started wearing list makeup, and I stopped wearing weaves and fake eyelashes. I also changed the way I dressed, so then he told me I was ready to meet his family. He took me to a family cookout and I met his mom and dad. When he introduced me to his two brothers, he joked about how I had given him an oral treat in his car on our first date. I was so ashamed, but I never brought it back up to him. I thought I was special to him because I met his family. Well. Fast forward to a week ago when he finally asked me to spend the night at his house. We ordered dinner, watch TV, and then had the best night of intimacy we ever had. The next morning, I left his house to head to work. By the time I got to work, I got a text from him stating that he deleted all of our text, social media messages and everything. He told me that I should do the same and just forget about him. He wouldn't respond when I asked him why I have not heard from him since then. I can't figure it out. I'm heartbroken. Was I not good enough for him? First of all? I just I just hate the fact that, um, you think that that you're not good enough for someone? Okay, because you are you're enough, but you don't believe that you you don't know, um that about yourself, that your self esteem is low or maybe even non existent. I don't I'm not quite sure why which one it is. And that's really the problem. The first time you guys went out, you had sex in the car, I mean, come on. Uh. Then he asked you to change and change for him your nails, your lashes, your makeup so you can meet his family, and you did that. A more confident woman, you know, would have asked him some questions about you know, about that statement that he made to you, or that question that he asked you to change. She would have asked him more questions if she changed for him at all. Okay, And then the disrespect he showed when he told his brothers um, just out in the open at the party about the oral treats you gave him on the first date. So so you gotta stop this, I mean, where's your confidence? Your your self love? You know you you can't let any man treat you like this. You have to stand up for yourself. That's why your heart broken, because you know he got what he wanted for as long as he wanted it. And then he dropped you. So I gotta tell you. The takeaway for you from this is just to know that you are worth much more, that you have value, and you can't let yourself be put in these kinds of situations and taking advantage of like this. You can't do that to yourself. And why he deleted it and all that. You know, maybe he lives with someone and she's coming back, uh to the house, you know, maybe she's been on vacation or something. Steve, Wow, very cute the way you phrased issue. Let's stop being cute here, you already okay, come on subject. Maybe I wasn't good enough for it? You what you know Shellley talking about I'm saying you feel like what you wasn't you wasn't good enough for him. You know why, because you acted like you weren't good enough for him. You say, you just wasted three months of your life with a guy. I haven't told you all about the ninety day rule, but now you jammed all this up in ninety days. What none of the air posts happened to after the damn ninety days? Old but old Steve old as Steve don't know what the hell he talked about? Okay, so let's go down to the letter. We met. He was my supervisor work. Shortly after we met, I got a new job. We decided to hook up if we could be more than friends. First time we went out, we had sex in his car. Maybe I wasn't good enough fun It wasn't you're grown woman. You're having sex in the car for you've grown this teenage mess. I ain't saying just teenagers have it. But you want to be treated like mo, you gotta act like more. After that night, he called me and text me day he wanted to see me as much as he could. I was falling for him. He told me I was not his type. What you hadn't been with the girl all up in the car, but now all of a sudden, you tell her. You got the audacity to tell this woman you're not my type. I guess I wasn't good enough for him. You ain't his type. But he just couldn't help how he felt about me. I liked you so much. When he asked me to change my opinions for him, I did it. I trilled the nails down, started wearing let's makeup, I stopped wearing weave and fake our lashes. I changed the way I dressed. You know why you did all that because you wasn't his type, because you wasn't good enough for him. Then you changed all that stuff again. You know why, because you wasn't good enough for him. He ain't changed a damn thing, nothing at all. So he told me I was ready to meet his family, took me to the cookout man his mom and dad didn't introduce me to his brother and joked about it. I had given him an all treat in his car on our first date. You didn't wann't to come. Oh you're just in that clowning. Maybe I wasn't good enough for him. Well, you did everything you could and you still wasn't good enough because even after that he told you he wasn't his type. Then after that you got all fixed up. He going there and started talking about what you did to him before you was his type. I was so ashamed. I never bought it back up to him. You know why you didn't bring it back up to him because you felt like you wasn't good enough. So you've allowed this man to treat you the way he wanted to, and you know how he treated you just like you wasn't good enough, just like you wasn't good. This is a sad letter that's only gonna is sad. Ain't no uplift no one. I have some uplift for her. I'm gonna pick up and dust all. She deserves better, Chris gonna show up. How all right, Steve, hang onto that. We'll have part two of your response coming up at twenty three after the hour, Today's Strawberry Letters subject maybe I was not good enough for him. We'll be back right after this. You're listening show, all right, Steve, Come on, let's recap today's Strawberry Letters subject maybe I wasn't good enough for him. This lady found out she wasn't good enough for She just wasted three months of her life. You could have saved yourself a lot of this had you not started none of this mess and two three months. I keep telling women, man, y'all, don't listen, okay, cool, keep doing what you've been doing. I'm telling you how me and all. Now if you don't want to listen, Uncle Steve, I'm okay with that. But I told y'all you need ninety days to figure dudes out. First night you go out, you have sex in the car. What are he supposed to think? Then after that he told you you wasn't his tight. Now you quit win the weave the eyelashes, should cut your nails down, change the way you dressed all this. Then he said, you're ready to meet my family. Now take you to the family cookout. He produced me to his two brothers. Then he jumped about her and giving an oil treating his car on the first date. So you're just in there doing it all. You did it, all of it, first night out, everything, let's go. We ain't gonna look forward to nothing. All you gotta do it. Look he had come forward doing everything. You just met the man. Damn Now you shame you thought you were especial to him because you met his family. Fast forward a week ago. Now all this is in thirty ninety days. He finally asked me to spend the night at his house. Y'all been sleeping around everywhere. He finally asked you to spend the night at his house. We ordered dinner, we watched TV, and then at the best night of intimacy we ever had. That's probably caused y'all wasn't in the car this the first time you stretched out. You can stretch up. That's all that was. That's all that was. This the best night of intimacy ever had because your asked wasn't balled up in that damn car. All up in here got to stay. We will print on your butt when you get home BMW, just on your button like a damn brand. Next morning, I left his house head to work. By the time I got to work, I got a text from him stating that he deleted all of our texts, social media messages and everything. He told me I should do the same and just forget about him. He wouldn't respond when I asked him why. I have not heard from him since then. I can't figure it out. I'm heart broken. Was I not good enough for him? No, you wasn't. But let me tell you what happened that night at that house that did it right there? What did you do in that room that night when y'all got all stretched out? What did you do that make this man go? Hey? I got delete all the damn texts, take me off social media, lose my number, don't ever call me no more. What did you do? I can't imagine because the first night you had sex and gave him a trip. Now when you got in that house, oh, show time at the Apollo youture, I'm in that clown. I can't imagine. Let me just try to thank for sad girl. Could you have done that was different in that car? Oh? I know what you do. I know exactly what you do. What you beat your own brawl off from the shoulders traps, just been on east side just popping snaps. You don't set up there and just bit your brawl that threw him in there something. Then your army crawled from the bed, from the bathroom all the way up the foot of the bed. Your army crawled. Now you just took your weave out and you ain't got no eyelashes on, and you got their nails down looking like my hand. M So now he won't recognize m hmm. And when you got up in there, what was all the noises? You ain't had to do back that right there? That throw a person into something that right there? I know what you did. Yeah, oh yeah, that cocka do noises? Yes in here crazy the bit of hole in his head board, it's all kind of stuff. Tow the corners up off the mattress, prus the springs, just's in that clouding man set up here, probably hurt the man. You was too rough? Yeah, just in there, just asking questions the whole time. What you won't how do you like hit? Body? Won't all that? Yeah, lose my number? Don't call me? No damn more. I can't do that no more. Put your leg over here and hold your toe up, hold your foot back. I'm gonna chop you in it. You choking up, choke me, put a pillow over my face and choked me. What lady? This murder? Uh? Do it? I cut the TV on. I want to watch some monkeys a planet. Yeah, Alexa, how you like it? I don't know what you're talking about? You at heck, that's what happened, okay, Alexa? Too far? I went from was I not good enough for him? I was too damn much for him? Man? Take me all right? Listen, we gotta go email us or instagram as your thoughts on today's Strawberry Letter at Steve Harvey, f M coming up and you tried to run out the bed. You tackled it. We'll talk about Halloween. We'll be back right after this. Run your posts back in him. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright, happy Halloween everyone, This is you know what I get scared? Yeah, I only get scared when I see scary movies. Those horror movie trailers and things like that come on at night. That's when I get scared. I don't like that. But I mean, like back in the day, though, were you scared? You know? Love Halloween? Yeah? As a kid? Oh no, I love Halloween. I couldn't wait so y'all, y'all could go through the haunted house? Got one afraid of that? I was afraid it, but I was afraid. I was afraid. Yeah, nowhere, what did I say? Go down and see if you can walk through this page's house and bag back with that bag open? Yeah? I love Halloween. What was your favorite costume? Steve? I was just saying it that you. Oh what were you? What? Brown T shirt? On that box? What is the butt? O? What can brown do for you? Did you have on shorts or lung pad? Okay, you had a brown T shirt? Did you brown T shirt? T shirt wasn't really brown? Or dan? Did you have to explain to people what your costume was? What did you little board delivery man? What did you bringing something? Just here to pick up trick or tree. Yeah, lady, come on, you know what this is. Come on, Wow, So Tasha wants to be something scary this year. Wow, she's growing up, Carla, that's the first time, that's the first What does she want to be? The Texas chainsaws? Do that? We're not having a little serial killers in this spamily, now what your little lass has nothing to do? Ta it's be the damn seal killer. Baby, you're not feeling to be that, not up being here, she taught my mommy, can you order me? No? Can you get me a chainsaw? I said, it is? It doesn't have to be real. I said, no, no, stuff, We're not having to change saw in here. What the white kids are doing down there? Your little black ants want to be a nurse or what? You want to be something wholesome around here? Know that means she's gotta have blood on her in the whole bit. Huh. She got all that, She got the change. I gotta that. Okay, I need your picture of your daughter, and I needed no sea. I'm gonna put pimping later on Instagram. Okay, he read it. Man, So Jor, I gotta ask you, what's your favorite cock still because I know you don't care for Halloween. I really don't care for But one year I was Michael Jackson. One year I was Michael Jackson. Then another year little Michael. Michael would wait issue. But my curl was natural, so it was already curl. Yeah, I had the curl activit. Yeah man an eighty five boy, yeah curl yeah that my money tied around the neck and everything. You were the one with the red jacket or have a good jacket on cheap one. It was not all this episodes. Only where'd you get it from? Where your I don't know where she got it from where she walked into That was not the one in the video that come from. Yeah, like you know, like it had like fold to on left time too on the right. It wasn't the same jacket, but it was. It was. It served his purchase. It was read Wow, let's see. I went as a fat man one time. Fat man. I had pillows. Remember that I saw you one year? What was that? You have to do? Nothing in your eyes? Huh? Came around that corte. I said, Jesus, who that good? The fly? I was the fly? Tommy, what's gonna be? I'm gonna be a parent. I'm gonna be a dad. What are the kid? He ain't being nothing, didn't he? Yeah, Jordan is a is a skeleton. Oh okay, it lights up, It lights up. I had a good one. Don't you telling what you did to me? One year? Don't you do that? Oh? Well, one year I had my wagon. You know, I had a wagon that you made money with your pop models and yeah, And I took a little like a like a garbage can, and I put it across the wagon. But I had two planks of wood on it. And I made time to get inside the wagon and face forward. And when I pulled up to people's house, they asked me what it was. I said, that's a hemp stop. I'm the real I made him ride with all the candy. Y'all think that's cool, hilarious, that's creative, that's creative. Over that they see that, what is that? In one year? He's gonna dress me up like a leper? Come? Yeah, I got to get candy. And he talking about that's your pot of gold. You just come on, I'm gonna take you around the cony. We're gonna get you some candy. You dressed like that now still with the buckles on it. Oh yeah, and lou reed Beard on it. All the black people thought it were real to man when you get that lever com. Yeah, and then one year I was grand I add only kept flying over his eye. Coming up at the top of the hour, Steve Harvey, Farrell is not happy. Normally he's happy, but he's not happy. A President Trump using his song and President Obama will be in Georgia this Friday. Get ready, we'll be back right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show and Election News. Now. This is according to essence dot com. Guy's former President Obama will be headed out to Georgia on Friday to do some campaigning for Georgia's Democratic candidate Stacy a Um Let's stay Abrams, come on Georgia, come on Atlanta, listen, Florida, Mississippi, Georgia. We have candidates that can speak on your behalf. You have got to get your voice involved in this government. If you don't, this this rhetoric that's being spewed will go unchecked. It will go unchecked. This is a very very serious election. When you see former presidents coming back out to go on the campaign trail. Something's wrong, and listen to me. We have enough people to put these people in office, but you have to vote. Stacy Abrams is beyond qualified in Georgia. What's the man's name, Gilliam In Florida, it's more than qualified. Texas has a tight race. Mississippi has a tight Racesippi. It's time to change this. It's ridiculous for us to sit it home and look at what's going on. And here's here's what I really want you to understand. They don't care about you. They do everything to suppress your vote. They come up with voter suppression. They come up in here, man talking about these rappers trying to get involved. Just stick to rapper. They won't. They don't even want Taylor Swift. Just stick stay out of politics. Why does she have to stay out of politics? You let a man in the White House that has never ever been in politics of any kind. He hasn't been an alderman, a councilman, he ain't been in the damn p t ain't meet. But you put this man in the white House. But you look at an entertainer and you are to stay out of politics. That's crazy. Who should have stayed out of politics. Was that entertainer that we have that goes in Dell sets in front of his base. The sad part of it is is that this base is so committed to him that they think that we don't exist. We can prove to them all that we exist by getting to the polls in Georgia for Stacey, Ators, for Gilliam down in Florida, Gillium in Florida, Mike ep sp SP, Mike SP Mike sp in Mississippi. There are women running who can get in there and make a voice a change, stop some of this old man rhetoric that's been going down for years. See if you expect Donald Trump to be different, you're sad mistaken. And let me tell you why. Bus he's an old rich man. He's an old rich man, and they don't change the way they think because they're thinking got them where they are. This man is so unpresidential that we're acting like it's the norm now and it's not the norm. Why are you tweeting about the manager's decision in a damn World Series baseball game and degrading the man's decision. This is a sporting event, This isn't life changing. It's a sporting event. When you want them to shut up and dribble, don't you that's the other lady, shut up and dribble. Wise, he knows nothing about politics. Lady, what do you know all? You are a commentator. You just make comments. You don't set policy. You're not in charge of You don't write bills. You you don't You're not in the government. You're Fox commentator. You got the same vote I got. So now Lebron and nobody else got to shut up and dribble. You talking? Why can't he talk? He's very qualified to talk about what he's done. He's talking about educating the underprivilege, caring about somebody who other people have forgotten about and have written off and will never care for. So that's way more than you will ever do for anybody. Did you see the picture of your woman? Have never done anything for anybody who needed anything without some expecting in return. Um Lebron was wearing a cap he supports in Texas against against Ted Cruise. Steve is one of the biggest cowards, you know, Ted Cruise, If you said the way he talked about your wife and your dad, you would never support a man like that. Now he doned that beautiful Ted Cruise. Y'all just beat lyon man Texas, fake hypocritical people. You talk about my wife and my daddy. I ain't got nothing for you from now the blank own I mean and so so. I don't understand that one right. Ted Cruise is a coward. He just wants to win. Steve, It's just about winning of your father and your wife. No man, to you apologize to my wife publicly. I got nothing for you, and you apologize to the same way you bashed her. Now you publicly apologize and me and you can be all right. If you don't do that, partner, I'm sorry. Well, if the people get out and vote uh in Texas and vote for better instead of Ted Cruz, then he he won't have to worry about that. Listen, man, it's enough people intexatible. This is not the presidential election. This is not about electorial There's enough of us in Waco, in Houston, in Austin, in Dallas, Corpus Christie. I don't know how the Latino population in Texas ain't voting against this guy. You've got to be kitty, especially the southern who you think in that wall is fun come on, man, Brownsville, Victoria, Corpus, Christie, Padre Island, all of those people, and he keep talking about build the wall. Can I tell y'all something. They're not building the wall. They haven't even started. It ain't even on the table. It's two years now. Say none but some rhetoric. Man, he ain't building Alright, coming up, we'll have more of the Steve Harvey Morning Show right after this. You're listening to Steve Harvey Morning Show. Alright. According to TMZ, legendary mobster Whitey Bulger, one of America's most notorious mobsters out of Boston. Uh yeah, yeah, he was out of Boston, Steve. He was found dead Tuesday in a federal prison where he had just been transferred. Bulger was just moved to the new facility US Penitentiary Hazelton in West Virginia. It's a maximum security prison. Prison officials having released details but say his body was found sometime after he was moved to the prison. Bulger um has been serving out his life sentence in a federal pen in Florida until last week, when he was transferred to one in Oklahoma City and then recently arrived in Hazelton, He was convicted in two thousand thirteen for a slew of crimes, including being linked to at least eleven murders. The ex crime boss was on the run for years and was one of the FBI's most wanted before being captured in Santa Monica in two thousand and eleven. Bulger's life story, if he Recalled, was documented in the two thousand fifteen film Black mass where Johnny Depp, Yeah, I saw that movie to Steve. Johnny Depp played his route, played him. Yeah, who he was in the movie. Yeah in the movie. Yeah, Daylight didn't care man. FBI protected him a long time. The FBI protected him a long time. He was a paid informant and he was allowed to exist doing a lot of stuff. And that wasn't just movie. That was real. Talk was your mentor when you hear about damn not White. Yeah, Yeah, I mean it's sad anybody gets killed, but you know, he was responsible for a lot of murders. Yeah. You can't live the most wanted list. You can't live like that and expect something. You live by it, you die by it. Yeah, I'm sure they're gonna do another movie. Yeah, we gotta do another one, well, we got we got the end of down, Jim got well. I mean Black Mask was pretty good. I want to watch that again. That's a good movie. Hey, I watched on Netflix Drug Lords. All you watch that too? Yeah? I watched a series of This Week. Man, they've be in that house talking with that mask on don't and I'd be so quiet? Man? Why are you so quiet that drill cartail ain't way? You can't put enough color in all in black head shutters. They can still see what your features. No can do no side viewing me, and all you can show is my maybe maybe my left button. I don't think none of them seeing that my left butt cheek while I'm talking, and it's gotta be my voice right here. They talk about they will go to killing, and I said, well, I'll tell you what. You won't be killing nobody to bab You're funny voice. Chase dark yet watching it because it got Yeah, I gotta he got on your snow from me and I stopped watching it gets heavy show we're killing that what we're doing? And he had the people in their wayhouse. I was good, When do I want to see your family moving in and all this here? I didn't like the you know, the or that guy in trouble with the little boy on the boat now on this man whatever, and this little white girl gonna threaten my whole family? Girl? What are you talking about? It? You scared me? Yours? All right, we'll be back with more of this crazy show right after this. You're listening to morning show? All right? Steve, you have some good news about your website. Huh yeah, my new web site, Steve Harvey dot com. I want everybody to go to it because I've been working really hard on changing it and making it something new and refreshing. Uh. It just went up about a month ago. I've got all new material on it. I got videos, clips that you've never seen before. It's totally been revamped. Man. I just want everybody to start checking it out. Man. I wanted to, Uh. I wanted to have a site where people can go and see everything that I'm involved in, everything that interests me. I got some stuff on that, y'all, really, articles and and and and and and and and things of interests of mind that you didn't even know about, you know. I I I get a chance to teach and share what I've learned on there. Uh, you're gonna see some of my favorite clips from my shows. Uh that you don't get to see. I gotta I got a segment called steal Rolling, where they keep the cameras rolling when I'm on break Lord. I saw a couple change some of these here. Uh Uh. You can read a lot of inspirting, inspiring articles I got about success relationships. I got a lot of wellness tips on there. I got style tips on there. I got articles and videos added every week. All you gotta do is sign up for my news letter and you know everything that's going on now. I know, I had a lot of people that used to be on Steve Harvey dot com and that news letter got old. It ain't old no more Steve Harvey dot com. And just sign up for the news letter is free, it's easy, it's free. I want you all to enjoyment. There's comments sections throughout the site. Let me know what you like, what you what you like to see more of. I'm listening. I appreciate you all doing this. I love that, man. I just want y'all to do that. And the next thing I want you all to do is listen to me. It's absolutely free. It's on the apples old in its own Google go and download Harvey's Hundreds. It's a free app. Girl playing. I haven't either, man, man, I struggle. I can't do the hard level and it's my game. Oh that's my jam though not the jam, though not the beginning of the game, the beginning of the games like that. Who in hell? Okay? Yeah, I love playing it. To him, huh, though I get stuck. Get on what get to a certain level? Let me hit my app. You talking about Journey or Classic. I had to play the Class. I got stuck on the Journey. I just couldn't go. No, you can't play the Classic. Oh no, no, no. I did that one time. I did Classic on a hard one time. You got thirty seconds to get ten matches that I did it once. Scared the hell out myself. But you gotta be lucky though you got on two of them. You gotta just look up and they pop up right back to back. But I played Medium a lot. I played the Medium on Harvey's Hundreds a lot. It's free, man, y'all ought to do it. Tell him one more time, Steve Harvey dot com dot com, you know what. It's some new language I need to be taught, y'all, teach me that tomorrow all you need to do and learn how to do them. Damn w that would be you. We gotta break right here and get ready for Steve's closing remarks and we will do that right after this. We'll be back at after you're listening to Steve show. Here we go, last break of the day with the man of the hour, the last four hours to be exact, the one and only Steve Harvey. Step on up to the mic for you know what, U. I just want to talk to you all about something about other people as well as yourself. I want you to realize something that you gotta just hanging that. Folks. You just gotta hang in there because where you are it's so very temporary. It matters not where you are, It only matters where you're heading. You're going somewhere. Remember that everything you're going through is God preparing you for what you ask for. But you're in the process. You are in the midst of being processed. All of us are. If you are trying to get to the next level, you have to be processed into that next level. You can't just go to the next level. You can't go to the tinth grade without finishing the ninth grade. You can't go to college without being there with a high school diploma. You you can't, you you you You're just you gotta go through the process, you know. So what I'm what I'm getting at is this, don't get down on yourself because you're going through a period in your life, and this period is kind of challenging for you, Like it is right now. There are a lot of people right now going through some challenging moments in their life, and it's getting to be a little bit daunting at times. And you're starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed by it all because you're sitting there and you're thinking, mad, I didn't had enough of this, Lord, where you act? I don't got to learn this lesson? Noomo, If you could just come on, I got it, fix me, rescue me, deliver me, give me the blessing that I've been praying for. You keep asking, and then you start to get a little defeated because it ain't happening in your time. That happens to you, Well, it happens to other people too, and you gotta be careful how you treat other people because they may not always be in that position for long. Do you know how many people I know who just did me wrong when I was on the way coming up. You have any idea the number of people who were discouraging to me on my way up. They had no idea. You're not any people bad mouth me, bad mouth you on your way up. They don't have any idea who you really are. Do you know how many people throwing dirt on you thinking they're bringing you harm? They don't even realize what they're doing. They don't know, because you know what they do. It they judging you. They're judging you based on a season. They judging you based on a period that you're in. Now, you gotta be careful when you're judging people because of a period they're going through, because that period it's just the season. This down moment that you have, it, it's just the season. And just like the seasons change, this two shall change. Just like seasons passed, this two shall pass. Somebody sent me something one day that said, never judge somebody based on the season, and I started thinking about it, and they went on, and so I kept reading what they said and they were just talking about it. Man, it was so true. They said, one season David was a shepherd, but the next season he was a king. But you know how they played David on the way up. Oh, they wouldn't they. They wouldn't volunteer David for nothing. They wouldn't suggest David for nothing. He was just a little shepherd boy. David can't be the one to go down there and get that gihnt ween and't gonna bring David up. David went from a shepherd to a king. One see, Sason Ruth was working in the field. The next season she was owning the same field. It's just where the guy sitting. It is just biblical. Uh. You know stories that's out there that that really if you're a person of faith, it matters to you. If you're not a person of faith, this is not for you. But it's okay. I didn't know you was list. One season, Mordecaile was sitting outside the king's palace. The next season he was inside the palace. We serve a god that turns things around, and he is the god of unmerited favor. We are all privy to his unmerited favor because he passes it out to no particular person. We have all been privy to this unmerited favor. You know how many of us can tell you something that happened to us that we just can't explain. That was favor. You know, When it looked like the verdict was going one way and it turned around and win another way. That was favor. When it looked like you wasn't gonna make it, but here you are now, that was favor. When they wrote you off and said you was never gonna be nothing, but you turned out to be something anyhow. That was favor. When they laughed at you with your decision, and now they're looking at you at that same decision they laughed at and they're shaking their head. That was favor. When they tried to destroy you, when your enemies came for you and they couldn't do nothing with you all about you, that was favor, God's unmerited favor. Quit tripping about the season you d because you never know your season could turn around tomorrow. But if you with you'll never find out hanging to everybody. Those are my closing from Drop the mic, Drop It. That's a great one for Halloween. I'm going and put this Halloween costume more for these kids, grandkids, mine. Yeah. Pimping on the radio comes to life today in my backyard. For all Steve Harvey contests, no purchase necessary, void where prohibited. Participants must be legal US residents at least eighteen years old, unless otherwise stated. For complete contest rules, visit Steve Harvey FM dot com. You're listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show.